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The fauna of the Alfred S. Romer, 1960, pp. 48-54 in: Rio Chama Country, Beaumont, E. C.; Read, C. B.; [eds.], New Mexico Geological Society 11th Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebook, 129 p.

This is one of many related papers that were included in the 1960 NMGS Fall Field Conference Guidebook.

Annual NMGS Fall Field Conference Guidebooks Every fall since 1950, the New Mexico Geological Society (NMGS) has held an annual Fall Field Conference that explores some region of New Mexico (or surrounding states). Always well attended, these conferences provide a guidebook to participants. Besides detailed road logs, the guidebooks contain many well written, edited, and peer-reviewed geoscience papers. These books have set the national standard for geologic guidebooks and are an essential geologic reference for anyone working in or around New Mexico.

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THE VERTEBRATE FAUNA OF THE NEW MEXICO PERMIAN By ALFRED SHERWOOD ROMER Museum of Comparative , Harvard University The only vertebrate assemblage of New published in 1907-1911. About this time, Mexico worthy of note is that of the early Permian Abo however, Williston of the University of Chicago, then the and Cutler formations, mainly known from two areas in the leading student of , visited New Haven. The Chama River drainage in Rio Arriba County. This is a Baldwin collection was opened up, prepared, and studied fauna of reptiles, and (rarely) broadly by him. Its contents proved to be of remarkable interest, similar to that of the redbeds of the early including, for example, the fine skeleton of a hitherto Permian of North Central , but differing to some unkown large primitive , , as well as degree in composition. numerous remains of the carnivorous Sphena- HISTORY codon. Williston determined to relocate Baldwins sites. Few The fauna is of interest as one of the first to be noted decipherable labels were found with the materials. The spe- in the history of New Mexican geology and, incidentally, cimens had been shipped by narrow gauge from Durango, as one of the factors in initiating the famous feud between and for a time it was thought that part had come from the Cope and Marsh, the two greatest figures in American Cutler redbeds of the Animas Valley. But it seemed clear that vertebrate in the last century. most of the material, at any rate, came from Rio Arriba In the 1870s Marsh, then a rising (and well-to-do) County, and one or two localities were named on the labels, young Yale paleontologist, had hired the services of David although these were not to be found on maps then avail- Baldwin, a prospector who roamed northwestern New able. In 1911 Williston organized an exploratory trip Mexico with his faithful burro, to search the country for to this region, accompanied by the veteran collector Paul vertebrate . In 1877 Baldwin discovered bones in Miller, Prof. Case of Michigan, and Prof. von Huene of the red sediments of the Chama Valley, both near Arroyo Tubingen, then visiting in this country. They outfitted de Agua and, farther north, at El Cobre Canyon, and ship- at Santa Fe and set forth up the Chama Valley. This ped a considerable quantity of material to New trip has become legendary, with many stories told of it Haven. Marsh, however, did not immediately realize later by Miller and Case: of Willistons mixed brown and its value ( most of it was not even unpacked for decades), black shoes, due to exchange on the sleeper to Santa Fe; and presently becoming dissatisfied with Baldwin, dispensed the purchase of a chicken, its pursuit through a pepper field, with his services. This he was to regret in future years, by big Huene and little Case and its eventual slaughter for Baldwin was promptly hired by Marshs alert rival, Cope by Williston; the near-drowning of the party by a flash of Philadelphia. Baldwin made a small Permian collection flood in the El Cobre arroyo; Huenes phenomonal appetite for Cope, but his major service to science was the discovery (hes a large man) and the consequent depletion of sup- of the Paleocene beds of the San Juan basin; the description plies and shortening of the trip. Roads were then almost of this important fauna was a major item in Copes rise non-existant and much of the travel was along the river to scientific fame. beds. The bonebed whence much of Baldwins material In the spring of 1878, at a meeting in Philadelphia, had come was identified, northwest of the village of Arroyo Cope announced the discovery of an important series of de Agua, and material collected along the bluff from this vertebrate fossils of Permian age in Texas. Marsh was point down the north bank of Salitral Creek; the El Cobre present and, remembering the unstudied Baldwin material, Canyon site visited by Baldwin was relocated. The fossils left the meeting early (so runs the legend 1, took the first collected were described in a 1913 volume by Williston and train back to New Haven, unwrapped a few packages, and Case. Miller soon revisited the Arroyo de Agua region and wrote a hasty four-page article describing several new Williston described further materials collected by him. genera and from the New Mexican Permian. So Later collecting in this region has mainly been by superficial was the work that of two species which he des- the writer, and field workers under his direction, and by cribed as belonging to a single , one was the pely- University of parties directed by C. L. Camp. cosaurian reptile , the other an of I have briefly visited the region, working both the Salitral the genus ! He rushed this paper to press in the Creek exposures and El Cobre Canyon, in 1926, 1931, American Journal of Science (which he controlled) and 1946 and 1952, and other Harvard workers went there this "beat" Cope to publication on the first discovery on three other occasions. Most important, however, has of Permian vertebrates in . The latter was, been the work of the University of California parties, who quite naturally, aggrieved at this unethical conduct and discovered and worked a new series of bone pockets east (it is said) pre-dated the separates of his own paper on and south of Arroyo de Agua in 1928, 1934 and 1935. the Texas material in an attempt to recover priority on the Langston collected for the University of California on discovery! several later occasions. Almost no attention was paid to the New Mexican Of fossil materials derived from this area, the types of fossils for the next thirty years and so little was known Baldwins material are in Peabody Museum, Yale Univer- of the New Mexican fauna that it is scarcely mentioned sity; nearly all the material collected by Williston, Case in Casess three-volume revision of Permo- and Miller is in the Chicago Natural History Museum, as are small collections made by me; in New York is a limited In honor of which I have named one of the New Mexican amount collected by Baldwin for Cope; at Harvard most Permian vertebrates Baldwinonus trux. of the Baldwin finds except the types and smaller collect- ( Fig. lo.f ihVe f ertebrate collecting area near Arroyo de Agua. A, Anderson quarry of University of California; B, Baldwin bonebed; CC, California quarries south- Off(/(,,/,\ east of Arroyode Agua; M, Miller bonebed. Except the California excava- tions most fossils have been obtained along the north bluff from B to about k‘\,0p ift the Point P. (Partly after Langston).

/). -,/ / .4e9 -4 ( ,, MESA SALITRAL ..-7--4----■- C? / z / /4PI,7:11, , ,P a, //fitiN i k V---- \1!! 50 NEW MEXICO GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ELEVENTH FIELD CONFERENCE

ions made by various Harvard parties; at Berkeley the into the Chama about 1 3/4 miles west of that village. valuable materials collected by the University of California This was one of the original Baldwin localities, but has parties. been seldom visited, for the water supply was difficult THE ARROYO DE AGUA LOCALITIES and until advent of the jeep and improved trails in recent The Rio Puerco of Rio Arriba County (not to be con- years, it could be reached only by a difficult journey of fused with several other streams of the same name) is a several miles up the sandy bed of the arroyo. Williston, small southern tributary of the Chama. Well up toward Case and Miller visited the canyon in 1911, and brief its head near the village of Arroyo de Agua there enters visits have been made by the writer and other Harvard it from the northwest a major tributary, termed (in its upper parties on four occasions. Fossils are rare and, as far course, at least) Salitral Creek.2 as I can learn, have nearly all been obtained from the Excellent Permian exposures are present in the face lower part of the exposures near the southern end of the of a bluff extending up the north side of the creek to a canyon. Splendid specimens of Limnoscelis were found point about 1 1/4 miles northwest of the village. The by Baldwin; later visitors have found but small amounts Baldwin bonebed lies near the far end of these exposures; of material. The fauna from this locality has appeared the excavation made by Baldwin and later enlarged by to me to be somewhat more primitive and earlier than that Miller, is readily seen in a small "pocket" at the of from the typical Arroyo de Agua localities (Romer and the bluff about 1/4 mile above the mouth of Agua Sarca. Price, 1940, p. 30), but Langston (1953, p. 412) ques- Specimens in this bonebed are usually disarticulated but tions this conclusion. None of the eight reptiles found in very numerous. If the horizon of the bonebed is followed El Cobre Canyon are as yet surely identified in the typical to the southeast along the face of the bluff, bone fragments Arroyo de Agua localities except Sphenacodon ferox, which can be found at frequent intervals for the better part of is stated to have come from a high horizon in the canyon a mile, to a prominent point opposite the mouth of Poleo walls. Creek, where the bone horizon lies on a terrace some dis- OTHER PERMIAN VERTEBRATE LOCALITIES tance above the foot of the bluff. The matrix shows that Abo-Cutler sediments are present over vast areas of certain of Baldwins specimens were collected along this New Mexico, and one would, hence, expect that finds of stretch, and except for those of the University of California, fossil vertebrates would be numerous and widespread. This nearly all materials collected by later workers in the Arroyo is far from the case. I spent a month with a companion, de Agua region were obtained from these exposures. some years ago, sampling Abo exposures up and down the Beyond the prominent point mentioned, the bluff turns to state, with almost completely negative results, and I am told the northeast, down the Valley of the Puerco. Permian ex- that similar prospecting by University of California parties posures continue down the Puerco Valley to the Chama, met with a like lack of success. Were fossils comman, one but they have so far proved to be nearly barren. would expect they would be reported incidental to geologi- A second series of fossiliferous exposures in the Arroyo cal work but as far as I know, this has occurred in only de Agua region are those developed by California parties one instance. Only in three other areas are Permian ver- southeast and south of the village. About I/3 mile east of tebrates known. the bridge over the Rio Puerco, the road to crosses a (1) Jemez Springs. Darton mapped Abo deposits in small arroyo running north in the Puerco. Four quarries up- Canyon San Diego, Sandoval County, from Jemez Springs stream from this crossing were worked by California expe- southward. Since this area is not far removed from the dition. One locality lies about 300 yards SSE of the crossing, "classic" Arroyo de Agua Area, it was not unreasonable the other three, close together, about 1/4 mile to the SSW. to hope that conditions of deposition would have been The faunas found in these quarries are similar to that of the similar there and that vertebrates might be present. This bluff along the Salitral, and it is believed that they lie at es- is the case. In 1931 I spent a short time in this area and sentially the same horizon in the Cutler. A fifth California found fairly numerous fragments of reptiles and amphibians quarry — the "Anderson quarry" — is, however distinctive. in the canyon walls — particularly on the east side — for This lies about 3/4 mile up the Poleo Valley SSW from the some four miles south of Jemez Springs, and in one in- road bridge. As noted below, its fauna appears to be more stance found a small bone pocket with good remains of advanced in character, and it is estimated to be two to three a new species of Sphenacodon, S. ferocior. Some years hundred feet higher in the section than the other California later a University of California party, ignorant of my work, quarries. Langston (1953, fig. 3) has published a map of the 2 The nomenclature of this stream is variable and confusing. Arroyo de Agua region showing the location of the various In its lower course there enters it, from the slopes of quarries and the figure given here is partly derived from Poleo Mesa to the south, Poleo Creek and, above this, his.3 For those who consult the older literature, it may Agua Sarca. Since the main creek bed is generally dry be noted that the course of the road from Arroyo de Agua except in the rainy season, and such water as is found in its to Gallina (now state highway 96) has been changed lower course is mainly that supplied by Poleo Creek and since the earlier years of the century. After crossing to Agua Sarca, sections of the lower parts of the main channel the north side of Salitral Creek a short distance west of below the mouths of each tributary are sometimes called the village, it formerly followed the north bank to a point by their names. above Agua Sarca; currently it recrosses the creek within 3/8 of a mile from its first crossing and continues west 3The "Miller Bonebed," however, is incorrectly placed by well up the south slopes of the creek valley. Langston at the east end of the Salitral Creek bluff. This EL COBRE CANYON locality, from which came, among other specimens, a fine This is a long narrow box canyon, extending north, skeleton of Ophiacodon, lies farther to the west, above the narrowing along its course, from a point about three miles mouth of Agu6 Sarca and not far downstream from the northwest of Abiquiu. The arroyo draining it empties Baldwin bonebed. NEW MEXICO GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ELEVENTH FIELD CONFERENCE 51

prospected this same area and found a limited amount of with a similar to, if not identical with that of Zatrachys. material of Sphenacodon, diadectids and amphibians. Langston, however, has found that neural spines of a normal (2) Upper Pecos Valley. From Glorieta Pass south- type — short and unsculptured — can be definitely as- eastward to Doretta, the Santa Fe Railroad and U. S. sociated with Zatrachys and hence Platyhystrix remains a Highway 85 parallel the right bank of the Pecos. For problematical form as regards the rest of its . much of this distance there are good exposures of the Abo, Chenoprosopus is a long-snouted rhachitomous am- mainly in bluffs above the railroad grade. These exposures phibian peculiar to New Mexico. Two were known are sparsely fossiliferous. I visited this area briefly in 1931, from the collections of Williston and Case and two further Harvard parties stopped equally briefly on two later oc- skulls and some fragments were collected by the Califor- casions, and a California party also prospected in this nia parties. region. Finds, as fas as I know, include (a) fragmentary Of reptiles, both "stem reptiles" — the cotylosaurs — remains of pleuracanth skulls and of and pelycosaurs are well represented in the Rio Arriba near Glorieta Station, (b) remains of Sphenacodon, a County Permian. Of cotylosaurs, most specimens are those diadectid and a pleuracanth shark 3/4 mile north of of diadectids — large, clumsy with a peculiar the Pecos pueblo ruins and (c) Sphenacodon vertebrae seemingly adapted to a vegetarian diet. New and pleuracanth teeth near Doretta. Mexican specimens have been described under several (3) Socorro County. Case in 1916 reported frag- names, but all are close to if not members of the typical mentary specimens of Eryops, Sphenacodon, Ophiacodon Texas genus . There is no representation of the and a diadectid 10 miles northeast of Socorro, west of seymouriamorphs (of interest as essentially bridging the Arroyo de la Parida. I later collected Eryops fragments gap between amphibians and reptiles). Of the important from the same area, and Camp found similarly fragmentary progressive captorhinomorphs, there are rare remains at- Eryops and Sphenacodon remains five miles further east. tributed to and the poorly known genus Puer- cosaurus. Important, however, is Limnoscelis from El Cobre, THE FAUNA a large and archaic captorhinomorph unknown elsewhere. In its broad aspects the Abo-Cutler fauna is compar- In quantity, reptilian remains from New Mexico over- able to the better known Texas vertebrate assemblage but, whelmingly pertain to the Order Pelycosauria, distant an- as noted below, differs in detail in relation to the - cestors of the , and of these the vast majority geographic situation and to possible climatic differences. belong to the genus Sphenacodon. This form is closely remains are rare. None were present in the older related to the well-known of Texas, but lacks collections, but the California quarries turned up remains of the long slender spines that give the latter its spectacular the pleuracanth shark Xenacanthus and one specimen of appearance and has instead relatively short and flattened a palaeoniscoid "minnow", compared to Progyrolepis of neural spines. In every other respect, however, the two are Texas, from the Arroyo de Agua region and pleuracanths indistinguishable. 5 There are two described species of have also been found in the Abo of the Upper Pecos. Sphenacodon. S. ferox, the commoner, is of modest size; Of amphibians, there are no remains in Rio Arriba S. ferocior an of considerable proportions, with a County of embolomecous forms comparable to length (including a long ) of about nine foot. The of the lower Texas beds (one such is noted for the Jemez dentition was that appropriate to a predator, with large Springs area) and no remains of microsaurs excer` a sharp "" and powerful "canine" tusks. As in all referred with doubt to Pantylus. Rhachitomous older reptiles, the limbs were sprawled out at the sides amphibians are, however, not uncommon. Eryops, the of the body, the trackway broad and the gait a slow one. large, sturdy-legged animal well known from Texas speci- But the limbs are rather slenderly built and the animal mens has been found from time to time, but is not common. was obviously relatively speedy and agile as compared with Of the dissorophids — small but equally sturdy forms, with any of his contemporaries. Sphenacodon was without armor-plating down the back — there are several skulls question the monarch of the New Mexico Permian. and partial skeletons of Broiliellus, and Langston refers Less common, but present in most localities was Ophia- with some doubt to Aspidosaurus some plates described by codon, a pelycosaur whose structure suggests that it was Cope as "Zactrachys" apicalis. somewhat amphibious in , with fish as a major A fortunate find by the California parties was a quarry article of diet. Present, although rare, was a small species containing numerous remains of Zatrachys, a curious of , of bizarre appearance with long spines rhachitome with a flattened spinescent skull; the genus bearing cross-bars; we are here dealing with a side-branch had been previously known only from a few rather poor of the pelycosaurs which had ( like the diadectids) taken specimens from both Texas and New Mexico, and this up a herbivorous habit. Four further pelycosaurs of small material enabled Langston (1953, pp. 383-400) to give size are known from sparse materials — Baldwinonus, pos- an excellent account of the skull and certain associated sibly an aberrant ophiacodontoid; , a primitive postcranial materials. The genus Platyhystrix was founded member of the sphenacodontoid group; Scoliomus, possibly by Williston on a few long sculptured neural spines of rhachitomous amphibians found in both New Mexico and The late once seriously considered Texas. It was long believed that these were associated the possibility that Spenacodon and Dimetrodon were iden- tical, the difference in spine development being a 4 Langston (1953, p. 363) says: "Doretta. Reports that feature. When he asked me whether I had considered this a man named Wheeler from Chicago collected plants and possibility, I answered casually (not realizing the thought a fish in Permian rocks near here have not been confirmed." he had devoted to the matter) that this might have been This appears to be a combined rumor of my 1931 visit responsible for the of these animals, since all the (I was then at Chicago) and one in 1936 by Robert V. males lived in Texas, the females across the in New Witter (then with me at Harvard). Mexico! 52 NEW MEXICO GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ELEVENTH FIELD CONFERENCE

of the same character; and Nitosaurus, apparantly a of the Xenacanthus type are present in both, as is primitive edaphosauroid. one, at least, of Texas palaeoniscoids (?Progyrolepis). COMPARISON WITH TEXAS VERTEBRATES Despite the general scarcity of purely aquatic amphibians A general resemblance is readily apparent on com- in New Mexico, Zatrachys is present here as well as in paring the New Mexico fauna with those long familiar to Texas, and so is the problematical Platyhystrix. Of am- us from the Wichita and Clear Fork groups of North Cen- phibians with robust limbs, Eryops and Broiliellus are com- tral Texas. Closer examination, however, reveals numerous mon to the two areas. Diadectes is the common larger differences. Almost no species appear to be common to the cotylosaur of both areas; Ophiacodon and Edaphosaurus two areas; a number of common as well as numerous rare are two familiar pelycosaur genera present in both areas. genera found in the one fauna are absent in the other; Generic contrasts between New Mexico, apart from there are striking contrasts in the relative abundance of those attributed above to climatic differences are, however, various groups. numerous. Characteristic New Mexican forms absent from Certain of these contrasts are seemingly due to dif- Texas include the long-headed rhachitome Chenoprosopus6 ferences in the climatic conditions under which deposition and the large primitive reptile Limnoscelis. Rare or poorly took place. As discussed below, the New Mexican local- known New Mexican reptiles not known from Texas include ities appear to be correlated with the lower beds of Texas the captorhinomorph cotylosaur Puercosaurus and the pely- the Wichita Group, rather than the higher, Clear Fork, cosaur Baldwinonus, Scoliomus, Aerosaurus and Nitosaurus; formations. The Abo-Cutler sediments are of the typical the last two, however, have close Texas relatives (, "redbeds" type which (despite some theoretical argument ) and Scoliomus is so poorly known as to to the contrary) appear, where associated with vertebrate be indeterminate. and plant remains, to be indicative of conditions of at The most interesting contrast between the two regions least seasonal aridity. The fossiliferous Texas beds are is, of course, the difference between the commonest and as a whole termed "redbeds". But while the Clear Fork most dominant animal types of the two areas, the sphena- deposits are almost all of a typical red type, this is not true codont pelycosaurs. Dimetrodon is the most abundant of the Wichita deposits, with the faunas of which our vertebrate form in every Texas horizon; specimens of Sphen- New Mexican material is to be compared. Some redbeds acodon, definitely distinct generically but indistinguishable do occur in the Wichita; but these are generally barren, and except for spine development, make up the bulk of all the fossils occur mainly in series of variegated clays — collected New Mexican material. blue, yellow, white — with occasional carbonaceous layers In addition to Dimetrodon, the list of Wichita verte- indicative of bog deposits. Quite surely Wichita conditions brates includes a considerable number of forms unknown were less arid than those of the Abo-Cutler, and this is in New Mexico. The absence of a number of these, as reflected in the relative composition of the fauna, the New noted above, may well be due to relative aridity in New Mexican beds being conspicuously poor in their representa- Mexico; the absences of certain others, such as the amphi- tion of aquatic forms. bian Edops and the pelycosaurs Lupeosaurus and Stereo- Xenacanth (pleuracanth) freshwater sharks are ex- phallodon may be due to the fact that their remains are tremely common in many Texas Wichita localities; they are mainly from the very lowest beds of the Wichita, which may rare in New Mexico. There are a number of small pala- well antedate the time of deposition of the typical fossilifer- eoniscoid fishes in the Wichita; in New Mexico only one ous Abo-Cutler. There remains, however, a considerable specimen plus a few scales. The lungfish Sagenodus is number of Texas Wichita forms which are not found in New common in the Wichita, the typical crossopterygian Ectos- Mexico. These include the amphibians Acheloma, Parioxys teorhachis ("Megalichlhys") is known from a dozen or so and Alegeinosaurus; ; the cotylosaurs Diadect- localities, and the crossopterygian Spermatodus oides and Helodectes; the protorosaur (Ophio- is abundantly represented by scrap in several places. Not deirus); the problematical reptile Bolosaurus; the pelyco- saurs Eothyris, Secodontosaurus and Ctenospondylus. But a single specimen of these three types is known from New although this list has an imposing appearance, its signi- Mexico. ficance is not actually great. Of the eleven forms just Of amphibians, New Mexico is equally poorly re- listed, six are known from single specimens. Seymouria, presented among the more purely water-dwelling types. although common in the Clear Fork has been found but Notable is the absence of or any similar form. Trimerorhachis was a small flatheaded rhachitome once in the Wichita. Secodontosaurus is difficult to dis- with tiny limbs, which obviously was purely aquatic. It is tinguish unless a good skull or jaw is found. As far as one of the commonest of Texas vertebrates, and while its I am aware, the remaining four (Acheloma, Parioxys, Araeoscelis and Bolosaurus) are known from but two each absence may be due, as Langston suggests, to geographic of the great variety of collecting localities discovered in the reasons, it is more probably attributable to climatic ones. Texas Wichita by a long series of workers over close to a The archaic aquatic embolomere Archeria ("") is century. present in almost every known Wichita locality; it is un- In sum, Texas Wichita and New Mexico faunas differ known in the Rio Arriba County sites (Langston reports one in part in the rarity or absence in the latter of many water- fragmentary specimen of this general type from Jemez dwelling types; each has a few characteristic forms absent Springs). In the Texas Wichita there are a number of lepid- in the other area; both share a number of common and ospondylous amphibians which appear to have been purely familiar genera, although it is probable that the species aquatic, such as , Gymnarthus, and Pantylus. Of these only the last is present in New Mexico, and it is 6 Many years ago I collected, in Texas, fragmentary remains rare there. Apart from this dearth of purely aquatic forms in of a long-snouted amphibian which I thought to be possibly related to Chenoprosopus. Better material, however, New Mexico there are many similarities in the two faunas. shows it to be a new genus of trimerorhachid. We have already noted that, as expected, freshwater NEW MEXICO GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY <> ELEVENTH FIELD CONFERENCE 53

are different; differences in the case of a number of rare very close to the size of the Putnam form. (2) Again, types may be due to accidents of collecting. The general in Edaphosaurus, there is a steady increase in size as we picture is one of two essentially contemporaneous faunas, go up the sequences of Texas formations. A typical Admiral evolving along similar lines but differing in a fashion to formation skull is estimated to be about 140 mm. long; be expected of continental assemblages separated from the mean of two skulls from the lower Clear Fork (Arroyo one another by such a broad water barrier as is known to formation)) is 191 mm. No complete skull is known from have been present in eastern New Mexico and western the Putnam, but an incomplete specimen suggests a length Texas in early Permian times. on the order of 120 mm. — the same length as the single AGE OF THE CUTLER-ABO VERTEBRATES known New Mexico specimen. (3) The "main line" of There is currently little evidence by which the age of Dimetrodon in Texas runs through D. milleri of the Cutler-Abo vertebrates can be determined through direct the Putnam, D. limbatus of the Admiral and Belle Plains correlation with marine horizons. By indirection, however, and D. grandis of the Clear Fork. Skull lengths are as they can be dated with reasonable accuracy, for Texas follows: D. milleri, 223 mm.; D. limbatus, mean of foux continental equivalents of the New Mexican faunas can be specimens 393 mm., D. grandis, 413-482 mm. The paral- correlated with horizons in the established marine series lel form in the typical Arroyo de Agua localities is Sphena- of trans-Pecos Texas. codon ferox, of which the one described skull is 297 mm. In the discussion above, it is assumed that it is the long — e., intermediate in size between Putnam and lower, Wichita, group of Texas formations, rather than the Admiral-Belle Plains , but somewhat closer to overlying Clear Fork group, with which the New Mexican the former. fauna should be compared. Any worker familiar with the Thus available evidence suggests comparison of the materials will agree without hestitation that this is the typical Abo-Cutler fauna with that of the Putnam forma- case. Typical of the Clear Fork is the prominent presence tion. But it is very probable that further work may sort of a series of advanced forms totally absent from either the out the New Mexican beds into a series of successive faunal Wichita or the Abo-Cutler. These include, for example, horizons. I have already pointed out that there is some the caseids and the giant ; advanced slight indication that the El Cobre deposits are somewhat captorhinomorphs such as Labidosaurs and Labidosauril


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