Legislation: HB 49.

Status: Referred to committee with some hearings held

Hearing/Vote: None

Points of Contact: Your local Ohio State Representative and Senator, which you can find by visiting: https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislators/find-my-legislators


HB 49 is the Governor’s budget for the fiscal year 2018-2019, and will fund the government for that time period. Buried deep within this bill are two provisions that will significantly impact the practice of nutrition and dietetics in Ohio. The first would dissolve the State Board of Dietetics, and move it under the state medical board. Second, the legislation would empower the Director of the Department of Administrative Services to review and approve, or disapprove, certain board actions that have been referred to the Director by members of the public. Specifically, the Director can take action if the Board is engaging in practices that limit competition, even if authorized by law. This would make it possible for any member of the public to file a complaint about the Board of Dietetics, and potentially have the law invalidated, or more likely, the board frozen and prevented from acting until the law is fixed. This proposal represents our best effort in years to change Ohio for the better.


This is a major development and we should support this bill in the strongest means possible. Even if the Board of Dietetics is not dissolved, the Department of Administrative Services provision creates a realistic opportunity to force greater change later. Please send the action alert below to local state Representatives and Senators, and consider calling by phone to follow up.


March 30, 2017


I noted with interest in the Governor’s budget proposal, HB 49, two very important provisions: The first would be to move the Board of Dietetics under the state medical board. The second would empower the Department of Administrative Services Director to review and approve, or disapprove, certain board or commission actions that have been referred to the Director. Specifically, law or actions that enable the members of the occupation the board regulates to engage in anticompetitive conduct that could be subject to antitrust law if undertaken by private persons.

As your constituent, I support these and ask that you vote to support them as well.

Under current law, only someone who is a dietician may provide any nutrition education, guidance, information, or assessment. This law has done nothing to improve the health for Ohioans, but has furthered a monopoly for dieticians. It’s a one-size-fits-all model that does more harm than good, and has restricted the practice of nutrition to one profession, education, credential and modality. There is absolutely no opportunity for competition.

The Board of Dietetics is composed of a majority of dietitians, and the law and its regulations have been written in such a way as to exclude competition, and give a monopoly to this one group over many others. I disagree with this. Everyone should be allowed to practice up to the level of their education and training, which would provide maximum choice for Ohioans, while also increasing employment, reducing healthcare costs, and improving our states’ healthcare system.

The practice of nutrition has never harmed anyone. Please support and vote for HB 49 and the aforementioned proposals so we can have honest and open competition in nutrition care, create more jobs, and more opportunities for Ohio.


(Your signature here)

Ohio House of Representatives

Scott Wiggam (R) District 1 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1474 Email Representative Wiggam

Mark J. Romanchuk (R) District 2 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5802 Email Representative Romanchuk

Theresa Gavarone (R) District 3 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8104 Email Representative Gavarone

Robert R. Cupp (R) District 4 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9624 Email Representative Cupp

Timothy E. Ginter (R) District 5 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8022 Email Representative Ginter

Marlene Anielski (R) District 6 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6041 Email Representative Anielski

Thomas F. Patton (R) District 7 Majority Whip 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-4895 Email Representative Patton

Kent Smith (D) District 8 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5441 Email Representative Smith, K

Janine R. Boyd (D) District 9 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-5079 Email Representative Boyd

Bill Patmon (D) District 10 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-7954 Email Representative Patmon

Stephanie D. Howse (D) District 11 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1414 Email Representative Howse

John Barnes, Jr. (D) District 12 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1408 Email Representative Barnes

Nickie J. Antonio (D) District 13 Minority Whip 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5921 Email Representative Antonio

Martin J. Sweeney (D) District 14 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3350 Email Representative Sweeney

Nicholas Celebrezze (D) District 15 Assistant Minority Leader 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3485 Email Representative Celebrezze

Dave Greenspan (R) District 16 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-0961 Email Representative Greenspan

Adam C. Miller (D) District 17 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6005 Email Representative Miller

Kristin Boggs (D) District 18 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1896 Email Representative Boggs

Anne Gonzales (R) District 19 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-4847 Email Representative Gonzales

Heather Bishoff (D) District 20 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6002 Email Representative Bishoff

Mike Duffey (R) District 21 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6030 Email Representative Duffey

David Leland (D) District 22 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2473 Email Representative Leland

Laura Lanese (R) District 23 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9690 Email Representative Lanese

Jim Hughes (R) District 24 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614)466-8012 Email Representative Hughes

Bernadine Kennedy Kent (D) District 25 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5343 Email Representative Kent

Hearcel F. Craig (D) District 26 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8010 Email Representative Craig

Thomas E. Brinkman, Jr. (R) District 27 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6886 Email Representative Brinkman

Jonathan Dever (R) District 28 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8120 Email Representative Dever

Louis W. Blessing III (R) District 29 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9091 Email Representative Blessing

Bill Seitz (R) District 30 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8258 Email Representative Seitz

Brigid Kelly (D) District 31 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5786 Email Representative Kelly

Catherine D. Ingram (D) District 32 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1645 Email Representative Ingram

Alicia Reece (D) District 33 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1308 Email Representative Reece

Emilia Strong Sykes (D) District 34 Assistant Minority Whip 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3100 Email Representative Sykes

Vacant District 35

Anthony DeVitis (R) District 36 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1790 Email Representative DeVitis

Kristina Roegner (R) District 37 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1177 Email Representative Roegner

Marilyn Slaby (R) District 38 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-5085 Email Representative Slaby

Fred Strahorn (D) District 39 Minority Leader 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1607 Email Representative Strahorn

Michael Henne (R) District 40 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-8051 Email Representative Henne

Jim Butler (R) District 41 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6008 Email Representative Butler

Niraj J. Antani (R) District 42 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-6504 Email Representative Antani

Jeffery S. Rezabek (R) District 43 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2960 Email Representative Rezabek

Michael Ashford (D) District 44 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1401 Email Representative Ashford

Teresa Fedor (D) District 45 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6017 Email Representative Fedor

Michael Sheehy (D) District 46 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1418 Email Representative Sheehy

Derek Merrin (R) District 47 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1731 Email Representative Merrin

Kirk Schuring (R) District 48 Speaker Pro Tempore 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 752-2438 Email Representative Schuring

Thomas West (D) District 49 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8030 Email Representative West

Christina Hagan (R) District 50 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9078 Email Representative Hagan

Wes Retherford (R) District 51 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6721 Email Representative Retherford

Margaret Conditt (R) District 52 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8550 Email Representative Conditt

Candice Keller (R) District 53 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-5094 Email Representative Keller

Paul Zeltwanger (R) District 54 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6027 Email Representative Zeltwanger

Nathan H. Manning (R) District 55 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-5076 Email Representative Manning

Daniel Ramos (D) District 56 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5141 Email Representative Ramos

Dick Stein (R) District 57 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9628 Email Representative Stein

Michele Lepore-Hagan (D) District 58 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9435 Email Representative Lepore-Hagan

John A. Boccieri (D) District 59 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614)-466-6107 Email Representative Boccieri

John M. Rogers (D) District 60 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-7251 Email Representative Rogers

Ron Young (R) District 61 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6074 Email Representative Young

P. (R) District 62 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6023 Email Representative Lipps

Glenn W. Holmes (D) District 63 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3488 Email Representative Holmes

Michael J. O'Brien (D) District 64 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5358 Email Representative O'Brien

John Becker (R) District 65 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8134 Email Representative Becker

Doug Green (R) District 66 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6034 Email Representative Green

Andrew Brenner (R) District 67 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6711 Email Representative Brenner

Rick Carfagna (R) District 68 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1431 Email Representative Carfagna

Stephen D. Hambley (R) District 69 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8140 Email Representative Hambley

Darrell Kick (R) District 70 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2994 Email Representative Kick

Scott Ryan (R) District 71 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1482 Email Representative Ryan

Larry Householder (R) District 72 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2500 Email Representative Householder

Rick Perales (R) District 73 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6020 Email Representative Perales

Bill Dean (R) District 74 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1470 Email Representative Dean

Kathleen Clyde (D) District 75 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2004 Email Representative Clyde

Sarah LaTourette (R) District 76 Assistant Majority Floor Leader 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-5088 Email Representative LaTourette

Timothy O. Schaffer (R) District 77 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8100 Email Representative Schaffer

Ron Hood (R) District 78 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1464 Email Representative Hood

J. (R) District 79 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2038 Email Representative Koehler

Stephen A. Huffman (R) District 80 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8114 Email Representative Huffman

Robert McColley (R) District 81 Assistant Majority Whip 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3760 Email Representative McColley

Craig S. Riedel (R) District 82 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-5091 Email Representative Riedel

Robert Cole Sprague (R) District 83 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3819 Email Representative Sprague

Keith Faber (R) District 84 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-6344 Email Representative Faber

A. (R) District 85 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1507 Email Representative Vitale

Dorothy Pelanda (R) District 86 Majority Floor Leader 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8147 Email Representative Pelanda

Wesley A. Goodman (R) District 87 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6265 Email Representative Goodman

Bill Reineke (R) District 88 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1374 Email Representative Reineke

Steven M. Arndt (R) District 89 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 614-644-6011 Email Representative Arndt

Terry Johnson (R) District 90 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2124 Email Representative Johnson

Clifford A. Rosenberger (R) District 91 Speaker of the House 77 S. High St 14th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3506 Email Representative Rosenberger

Gary Scherer (R) District 92 77 S. High St 12th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-7928 Email Representative Scherer

Ryan Smith (R) District 93 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1366 Email Representative Smith, R.

Jay Edwards (R) District 94 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2158 Email Representative Edwards

Andy Thompson (R) District 95 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-8728 Email Representative Thompson

Jack Cera (D) District 96 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3735 Email Representative Cera

Brian Hill (R) District 97 77 S. High St 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-6014 Email Representative Hill

Al Landis (R) District 98 77 S. High St 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8035 Email Representative Landis

John Patterson (D) District 99 77 S. High St 10th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-1405 Email Representative Patterson

Ohio State Senate

Senate District 1

Cliff Hite (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8150 Email Senator Hite

Senate District 2

Randy Gardner (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8060 Email Senator Gardner

Senate District 3

Kevin Bacon (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8064 Email Senator Bacon

Senate District 4

William P. Coley, II (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8072 Email Senator Coley

Senate District 5

Bill Beagle (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-6247 Email Senator Beagle

Senate District 6

Peggy Lehner (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-4538 Email Senator Lehner

Senate District 7

Steve Wilson (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9737 Email Senator Wilson

Senate District 8

Lou Terhar (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8068 Email Senator Terhar

Senate District 9

Cecil Thomas (D) Statehouse 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5980 Email Senator Thomas

Senate District 10

Bob D. Hackett (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-3780 Email Senator Hackett

Senate District 11

Edna Brown (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5204 Email Senator Brown

Senate District 12

Matt Huffman (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-7584 Email Senator Huffman

Senate District 13

Gayle Manning (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-7613 Email Senator Manning

Senate District 14

Joe Uecker (R) Statehouse 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8082 Email Senator Uecker

Senate District 15

Charleta B. Tavares (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5131 Email Senator Tavares

Senate District 16

Stephanie Kunze (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5981 Email Senator Kunze

Senate District 17

Bob Peterson (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8156 Email Senator Peterson

Senate District 18

John Eklund (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-7718 Email Senator Eklund

Senate District 19

Kris Jordan (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8086 Email Senator Jordan

Senate District 20

Troy Balderson (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8076 Email Senator Balderson

Senate District 21

Sandra Williams (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-4857 Email Senator Williams

Senate District 22

Larry Obhof (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-7505 Email Senator Obhof

Senate District 23

Michael J. Skindell (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5123 Email Senator Skindell

Senate District 24

Matt Dolan (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8056 Email Senator Dolan

Senate District 25

Kenny Yuko (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-4583 Email Senator Yuko

Senate District 26

Dave Burke (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8049 Email Senator Burke

Senate District 27

Frank LaRose (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-4823 Email Senator LaRose

Senate District 28

Vernon Sykes (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-7041 Email Senator Sykes

Senate District 29

Scott Oelslager (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-0626 Email Senator Oelslager

Senate District 30

Frank Hoagland (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-6508 Email Senator Hoagland

Senate District 31

Jay Hottinger (R) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-5838 Email Senator Hottinger

Senate District 32

Sean O'Brien (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614)466-7182 Email Senator O'Brien

Senate District 33

Joseph Schiavoni (D) Senate Building 1 Capitol Square, 3rd Floor Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-8285 Email Senator Schiavoni