The Text (Command) Mode in Linux Environment
Introduction to Linux Environment Yun-Wen Chen 1 The Text (Command) Mode in Linux Environment 2 The Main Operating Systems We May Meet 1. Windows 2. Mac 3. Linux (Unix) 3 Windows Command Mode and DOS Type “cmd” at here 4 Windows Command Mode and DOS DOS (before 1992) Common command: dir, cd, del, rd, erase, format, fdisk, print, ren, chkdsk Of course, you can run programs, games in it… 5 Like… 6 Mac Command Mode However, I am not a Mac user, I can not introduce you the great details of command mode in Mac. But I know Mac can open a command mode window (terminal) to login into a remove workstation. (usually in linux) 7 Linux Command Mode If you are a Linux user, you will be very familiar with the Linux commands in work station. Many computational scientists install Linux on their PC. However, the library and drivers are much harder to be found for executables than in windows and Mac. Example (Ubuntu) Click here 8 Linux Commands Linus DOS Commands Counterpart ls List directory contents dir cd Change directory cd mkdir Make a new directory md rmdir, rm -r Remove a directory Rd pwd Display directory location chdir rm Remove a file del cp Copy a file Copy mv Rename/move a file rename, move grep Look for a word in files given in command line Find cat Dump contents of a file to users screen type more Pipe output a single page at a time more More you can find on website: 9 How to Login into a Linux System (Workstation) 1.
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