Capital Projects' Status and Closing Report As of September 30Th, 2010 (FCS10073(A)) (City Wide)
CITY OF HAMILTON CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Financial Planning & Policy Division TO: Mayor and Members WARD(S) AFFECTED: CITY WIDE General Issues Committee COMMITTEE DATE: February 14th, 2011 SUBJECT/REPORT NO: Capital Projects’ Status and Closing Report as of September 30th, 2010 (FCS10073(a)) (City Wide) SUBMITTED BY: PREPARED BY: Roberto Rossini, General Manager, John Dibattista 905-546-2424 x 4371 Finance & Corporate Services SIGNATURE: RECOMMENDATION: (a) That the September 30th, 2010, Capital Projects’ Status and Projects’ Closing Report and the attached Appendices A, B, C, D, and E to report FCS10073(a) for the tax levy and the rate supported capital projects be received for information; (b) That the General Manager of Finance & Corporate Services be directed to close the completed capital projects listed in Appendix B to report FCS10073(a) in accordance with the Capital Closing Policy and that the net transfers be applied as listed below and as detailed by project in Appendix B to report FCS10073(a): Summary of Transfers: Transfers to/(from) Reserves From the Unallocated Capital Levy -108020 (221,217) Vision: To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens and provide diverse economic opportunities. Values: Honesty, Accountability, Innovation, Leadership, Respect, Excellence, Teamwork SUBJECT: Capital Projects’ Status and Closing Report as of September 30th, 2010 FCS10073(a) (City Wide) - Page 2 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the capital projects’ status for both the tax and the rate supported capital budgets, as submitted by operating departments, and is based on forecasted and committed expenditures to September 30th, 2010.
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