

JOURNAL WATCH, A to I H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review www.h-net.org/~diplo/journals/ Third Quarter 2013 1 August 2013

Compiled by Erin Black, University of Toronto

African Affairs, Vol.112, No. 448 (July 2013) http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol112/issue448/

. “The roots of resilience: Exploring popular support for African traditional authorities,” by Carolyn Logan, 353-

. “Fighting gender-based violence: The women's movement and the enforcement of rape law in Liberia,” by Peace A. Medie, 377-

. “Democratic revolutionaries or pocketbook protesters? The roots of the 2009–2010 uprisings in Niger,” by Lisa Mueller, 398-

. “From warlords to freedom fighters: Political violence and state formation in Umbumbulu, South Africa,” by Sarah M. Mathis, 421-

. “Songs of a new era: Popular music and political expression in the Ivorian crisis,” by Anne Schumann, 440-

Response/Reply . “The theory and practice of Meles Zenawi: A response to Alex de Waal,” by René Lefort, 460-

. “The theory and practice of Meles Zenawi: A reply to to René Lefort,” by Alex de Waal, 471-

Briefings . “ Mali: Politics of a crisis,” by Susanna D. Wing, 476-

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. “Military (mis)adventures in Mali,” by Roland Marchal, 486-

. “The myth of global Islamic terrorism and local conflict in Mali and the Sahel,” by Caitriona Dowd and Clionadh Raleigh,” 498-

African Historical Review, Vol. 45, No.1 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rahr20/45/1

. “Amy Biehl and the ANC: A Scholar-Activist in South Africa, 1992-93,” by Steven Gish, 1-

. “Lords of All They Surveyed? The Royal Engineers, Surveying, Mapping and Development in South Africa's Eastern Cape,” by Denver A. Webb, 22-

. “Pathways out of Poverty: Women – the ‘forgotten gender’ – and the Artisanal Fisheries Sector of Sierra Leone,” by Andy Thorpe, David Whitmarsh, Ranita Sandi, Andrew Baio, Ndomahina Lebbie, Thomas Lebbie & Roberta Curiazi, 46-

American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.35, No.2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uafp20/35/2

. “Al Qaeda in Africa: The Creeping Menace to Sub-Sahara's 500 Million Muslims,” by Herman J. Cohen, 63-

. “Women's Role in Syria Uprising Obscured by War and Islamists, but Still Crucial,” by Eva Sohlman, 70-

. “Ten Challenges for China's New Leader,” by P. H. Yu, 75-

. “Maritime Governance as an Instrument of National Security: A New Perspective for DHS and the U.S. Coast Guard,” by Peter J. Hatch, 82-

. “Strategic Competition in South Asia: Gwadar, Chabahar, and the Risks of Infrastructure Development,” by Rorry Daniels, 83-

. “Common Interests of the United States and Russia: A Reflection,” by Michael Rywkin, 101-

. “The Great Triangle Drama: The Euro Zone Debt Crisis, the U.S. Fiscal Cliff, and Chinese Growth Prospects,” by Dan Steinbock, 108-

For the Record . “Africa Policy in President Obama's Second Administration,” 119-

American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.35, No.3 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uafp20/35/3

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Special Issue: Perspective on East Asian Security Issues

. “Introduction to Perspective on East Asian Security Issues,” by Donald S. Zagoria, 127-

. “Forging a New Type of Great Power Relations in the Global Commons,” by Abraham M. Denmark, 129-

. “Getting Back on Track: China, the United States, and Asia-Pacific Security,” by Roger Irvine, 137-

. “Rebalancing or De-Balancing: U.S. Pivot and East Asian Order,” by Wei Ling, 148-

. “Delivering on the Promise of Trustpolitik: Park Geun-hye's Daunting Challenge on the Korean Peninsula,” by John Delury, 155-

. “Strategic Choices: Why Europe Still Matters,” by Blaine D. Holt, 160-

For the Record . “Policy Recommendations for the DPRK,” 169-

American Historical Review, Vol.118, No.2 (April 2013) http://ahr.oxfordjournals.org/content/118/2.toc

. “Unleashing the Beast: Animals, Energy, and the Economy of Labor in Ottoman Egypt,” by Alan Mikhail, 317-

. “Running into Whales: The History of the North Pacific from below the Waves,” by Ryan Tucker Jones, 349-

. “Interfaith Encounters between Jews and Christians in the Early Modern Period and Beyond: Toward a Framework,” by Daniel Jütte, 378-

. “Spacetime and the Muslim Journey West: Industrial Communications in the Making of the ‘Muslim World,’” by Nile Green, 401-

. “Seeing Subjectivity: Erotic Photography and the Optics of Desire,” by Jennifer V. Evans, 430-

Featured Reviews . “Adrian Johns, Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates,” by Clare Pettitt, 463-

. “John Tutino, Making a New World: Founding Capitalism in the Bajío and Spanish North America,” by Margaret Chowning, 456-

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. “Emmanuelle Saada, Empire's Children: Race, Filiation, and Citizenship in the French Colonies,” by Gary Wilder, 468-

. “Mary Fulbrook, Dissonant Lives: Generations and Violence through the German Dictatorships,” by Charles B. Lansing, 470-

American Historical Review, Vol.118, No.3 (June 2013) http://ahr.oxfordjournals.org/content/118/3.toc

Articles . “‘Is It a Book That You Would Even Wish Your Wife or Your Servants to Read?’ Obscenity Law and the Politics of Reading in Modern England,” by Christopher Hilliard, 653-

. “Sudden Nationhood: The Microdynamics of Intercommunal Relations in Bosnia- Herzegovina after World War II,” by Max Bergholz, 679-

AHR Forum: Investigating the History in Prehistories . “History and the ‘Pre,’” by Daniel Lord Smail and Shryock Andrew, 709-

. “Women, Men, and Cycles of Evangelism in the Southwest Borderlands, a.d. 750 to 1750,” by James F. Brooks, 738-

. “Contested Conjunctures: Brahman Communities and ‘Early Modernity’ in India,” by Rosalind O'Hanlon, 765-

. “The End of Prehistory? An Africanist Comment,” by Akinwumi Ogundiran, 788-

Featured Reviews . “Carl H. Nightingale, Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities,” by Alex Lichtenstein, 802-

. “Ronald G. Witt, The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy,” by Robert Black, 804-

. “Andrew Pettegree, The Book in the Renaissance,” by Ann Blair, 806-

. “Stephen Tuck, We Ain't What We Ought to Be: The Black Freedom Struggle from Emancipation to Obama,” by Robert J. Norrell, 809-

. “Sheldon Garon, Beyond Our Means: Why America Spends While the World Saves,” by Kenneth Lipartito, 811-

American Political Science Review, Vol. 101, No. 2 (May 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=PSR&volumeId=107&seriesId=0&issueId=02

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. “Technology and Collective Action: The Effect of Cell Phone Coverage on Political Violence in Africa,” by Jan H. Pierskalla and Florian M. Hollenbach, 207-

. “Capitol Mobility: Madisonian Representation and the Location and Relocation of Capitals in the United States,” by Erik J. Engstrom, Jesse R. Hammond and John T. Scott, 225-

. “Cold Case File: Indictable Acts and Officer Accountability in Marbury v. Madison,” by Karen Orren and Christopher Walker, 241-

. “Representation and Rights: The Impact of LGBT Legislators in Comparative Perspective,” by Andrew Reynolds, 259-

. “Politics in the Mind's Eye: Imagination as a Link between Social and Political Cognition,” by Michael Bang Petersen and Lene Aarøe, 275-

. “Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict,” by Nicholas Sambanis and Moses Shayo, 294-

. “How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression,” by Gary King, Jennifer Pan and Margaret E. Roberts, 326-

. “Crossing the Line: Local Ethnic Geography and Voting in Ghana,” by Nahomi Ichino And Noah L. Nathan, 344-

Forum: The Debate Over Genopolitics . “In Defense of Genopolitics,” by James H. Fowler and Christopher T. Dawes, 362-

. “Candidate Genes and Voter Turnout: Further Evidence on the Role of 5-HTTLPR,” by Kristen Diane Deppe, Scott F. Stoltenberg, Kevin B. Smith and John R. Hibbing, 375-

. “Genopolitics and the Science of Genetics,” by Evan Charney and William English, 382-

American Quarterly, Vol.65, No.2 (June 2013) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_quarterly/

ASA Presidential Address . “Where We Stand: US Empire at Street Level and in the Archive,” by Matthew Frye Jacobson, 265-

. “Epistemologies of Empire: Sexuality and Knowledge within the Neoliberal Academy,” by Meg Wesling, 291-

. “Notes from Antigua Naval Base,” by Laura Briggs, 303- Essays . “Where in the World Is Juan—and What Color Is He?: The Geography of Latina/o Racial

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Identity in Southern California,” by Laura Pulido and Manuel Pastor, 309-

. “The Balcony and the Street: Gender, Virtue, and Politics in George Caleb Bingham's Antebellum America,” by Wynne Walker Moskop, 343-

. “‘Crazy for This Democracy”: Postwar Psychoanalysis, African American Blues Narratives, and the Lafargue Clinic,” by Catherine A. Stewart, 371-

Event Review . “Ballad of an Untimely Man: Bob Dylan at the Hollywood Bowl,” by Taylor Black, 397-

Reviews . “How History Happens and Why Culture Counts: Twenty Years after Becoming Mexican American,” by George Lipsitz, 405-

. “Punkademia,” by Maria Elena Buszek, 413-

. “New Cosmopolitanisms of Forgotten Diasporas,” by J. Daniel Elam, 425-

. “The Flesh of Amalgamation: Reconsidering the Position (and the Labors) of Blackness,” by Tryon P. Woods, 437-

. “MP3s and Other Evil Media: American Pathologies in Critical Information Studies,” by Aaron Trammell, 447-

American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol. 43, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rarc20/43/2

Special Issue: Québec Cinema in the 21st Century

. “Special Issue of the American Review of Canadian Studies on Québec Cinema,” by Miléna Santoro, Denis Bachand, Vincent Desroches & André Loiselle, 157-

Miscellany . “An interview with Carolle Brabant Executive Director of Telefilm Canada,” by Miléna Santoro, Denis Bachand, Vincent Desroches & André Loiselle, 163-

. “An Interview with François Macerola, President and CEO of la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC),’’ by Miléna Santoro, Denis Bachand, Vincent Desroches & André Loiselle, 170-

Original Articles . “Deterritorialization and the Crisis of Recognition in Turn of the Millennium Québec Film,” by Amy J. Ransom, 176-

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. “Tales of Terror in Québec Popular Cinema: The Rise of the French Language Horror Film since 2000,” by Gina Freitag & André Loiselle, 190-

. “Recovering Québec Culture: The Feature Films of Bernard Émond,” By Jerry White, 204-

. “Cultural Encounters in Québec Cinema. Identity and Otherness in Denis Chouinard's Tar Angel,” by Denis Bachand, 218-

. “Suspicions and Castrations: Robert Morin's Que Dieu Benisse l'Amérique,’’ by Vincent Desroches, 231-

. ‘‘Benoît Pilon: Dwelling in Québec: A Young Filmmaker's Gaze,” by Alessandra M. Pires, 241-

. “Patrimonialization and Filiation at the National Film Board of Canada: Cinema as a Heritage,” by Marion Froger, 253-

. “The Rise of First Nations’ Fiction Films: Shelley Niro, Jeff Barnaby, and Yves Sioui Durand,” by Miléna Santoro, 267-

. “The Wapikoni Mobile and the Birth of a New Indigenous Cinema in Québec,” by Karine Bertrand, 283-

The Americas, Vol.70, No.1 (July 2013) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_americas/toc/tam.70.1.html

2013 CLAH Luncheon Address . “Life, Luck, and How I Became a Historian,” by Susan M. Socolow, 1-

Articles . “Militão and the Guerreiros: Local Feuds, Long Memories, and Brazil's Struggle to Control the São Francisco River,” by Elizabeth W. Kiddy, 9-

. “Educating a City's Children: British Immigrants and Primary Education in Buenos Aires (1820-1880),” by Alina Silveira, 33-

. “The Calles Government and Catholic Dissidents: Mexico's Transnational Projects of Repression, 1926-1929,” by Julia G. Young, 63-

Archivaria, Number 75 (Spring 2013) http://journals.sfu.ca/archivar/index.php/archivaria/issue/current

. “Past Imperfect? Reflections on the Evolution of Canadian Federal Government Records Appraisal,” by Catherine A. Bailey

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. “A PIM Perspective: Leveraging Personal Information Management Research in the Archiving of Personal Digital Records,” by Jordan Bass

. “Reaching Out, Reaching In: A Preliminary Investigation into Archives’ Use of Social Media in Canada,” by Wendy M. Duff, Catherine A. Johnson, and Joan M. Cherry

. “A System of Their Own: Records Creation and Recordkeeping in Canada’s Department of External Affairs in the 1920s,” by Anna Shumilak

. “Lester J. Cappon and the Creation of Records: The Diary and the Diarist,” by Richard J. Cox

. “Improving Access to the Records of Landed Estates: Balancing Archival and User Perspectives,” by Julie Mathias

Study in Documents . “Indian Department Headquarters Records, 1844–1861: A Case Study in Recordkeeping and Archival Custody,” by Bill Russell

Asian Security, Vol.9, No. 1 (March 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fasi20/9/1

. “The Struggle for Soft Power in Asia: Public Diplomacy and Regional Competition,” by Ian Hall & Frank Smith, 1-

. “Waves of Change: Evolution in the US Navy's Strategic Approach to Disaster Relief Operations between the 2004 and 2011 Asian Tsunamis,” by John Bradford, 19-

. “Taking Disaster Seriously: East Asian Military Involvement in International Disaster Relief Operations and the Implications for Force Projection,” by Jeffrey Engstrom, 38-

Research Note . “Operation Lal Dora: India's Aborted Military Intervention in Mauritius,” by David Brewster & Ranjit Rai, 62-

Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 67, No.2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/caji20/67/2

. “Australia and the challenges of order-building in the Indian Ocean region,” by Andrew Phillips, 125-

. “A delicate balance: Australia's ‘tilt’ to Pakistan and its impact on Australia–India relations,” by Meg Gurry, 141-

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. “Pakistan, militancy and identity: parallel struggles,” by Samina Yasmeen, 157-

. “China, India and Pakistan: models for an intermediate stage towards disarmament?” by Rajesh Basrur, 176-

. “How to promote human rights in the world's most repressive states: lessons from Myanmar,” by Morten B. Pedersen, 190-

. “‘General interests’ as a rationale for the US–Republic of Korea alliance between 1998 and 2008,” by Jae Jeok Park, 203-

. “The 2012 TRIP survey of international relations in Australia: one problem to rule us all,” by Lee Morgenbesser, 218-

The final word . “Rejoinder to ‘Menzies’ Asia Policy and the Anachronistic Fallacy,’” by James Cotton, 235-

. “Anachronism refuted or irrefutable? A reply to James Cotton,” by David Jones & Andrea Benve, 243-

Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 67, No.3 (May 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/caji20/67/3

Special Issue: Post-coup societies and processes of redemocratization in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

. “Coups, military consolidation and redemocratisation in South-East Asia and the Pacific,” by Marcus Mietzner & Nicholas Farrelly, 259-

. “Coups and post-coup politics in South-East Asia and the Pacific: conceptual and comparative perspectives,” by Aurel Croissant, 264-

. “Why democracy struggles: Thailand's elite coup culture,” by Nicholas Farrelly, 281-

. “Praetorian rule and redemocratisation in South-East Asia and the Pacific Islands: the case of Indonesia,” by Marcus Mietzner, 297-

. “Discipline without democracy: military dominance in post-colonial Burma,” by Nicholas Farrelly, 312-

. “The origins of military autonomy in Fiji: a tale of three coups,” by Jon Fraenkel, 327-

. “Mutinies, coups and military interventionism: Papua New Guinea and South-East Asia in comparison,” by Marcus Mietzner & Nicholas Farrelly, 342-

. “Australia's policy towards coup-prone and military regimes in the Asia-Pacific: Thailand, Fiji and Burma,” by Stewart Firth, 357- 9 | Page

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British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.40, No.2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cbjm20/40/2

. “A Shi‘a Debate on Arabism: The Emergence of a Multiple Communal Membership,” by Elisheva Machlis, 95-

. “Sectarian Relations in Arab Iraq: Contextualising the Civil War of 2006–2007,” by Fanar Haddad, 115-

. “Conflicting Accounts of Early Zionist Settlement: A Note on the Encounter between the Colony of Re ovot and the Bedouins of Khirbat Duran,” by Yuval Ben-Bassat, 139-

. “Inventing Egypt for the Emerging British Travel Class: Amelia Edwards' A Thousand Miles up the Nile,” by Nicholas Lanoie, 149-

. “Re-confessionalising the Shi‘ites and the Druzes: The Failure of Secularism in Lebanon,” by Yusri Hazran, 162-

. “The ‘Forgot Emre Balikçi, 183- ten’ People: Turkey's Artisans in the 1950s,” by M. Asim Karaömerlioğlu &

The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.15, No.3 (August 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjpi.2013.15.issue-3/issuetoc

. “Where There is Discord, Can They Bring Harmony? Managing Intra-party Dissent on European Integration in the Conservative Party,” by Philip Lynch and Richard Whitaker, 317-

. “Cameron and Liberal Conservatism: Attitudes within the Parliamentary Conservative Party and Conservative Ministers,” by Timothy Heppell, 340-

. “The Think Tanks behind ‘Cameronism,’” by Hartwig Pautz, 362-

. “How to Read Paddington Bear: Liberalism and the Foreign Subject in A Bear Called Paddington,” by Kyle Grayson, 378-

. “Counter-Terrorism and the Counterfactual: Producing the ‘Radicalisation’ Discourse and the UK PREVENT Strategy,” by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, 394- . “Paramilitaries, Peace Processes and the Dilemma of Protection: The Ulster Defence Association's Role in ‘Keeping a Lid on Loyalism,’” by Audra Mitchell & Sara Templer, 416-

. “Was Labour Penalised where it Stood All Women Shortlist Candidates? An Analysis of the

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2010 UK General Election,” by David Cutts and Paul Widdop, 435-

. “Electoral Competition, Issue Salience and Public Policy for Older People: The Case of the Westminster and Regional UK Elections 1945–2011,” by Paul Chaney, 456-

Policy Matters . “UK Debt in Comparative Perspective: The Pernicious Legacy of Financial Sector Debt,” by Helen Thompson, 476-

Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 32, No.3 (July 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1470-9856

. “Cut Loose in the Caribbean: Neoliberalism and the Demise of the Commonwealth Sugar Trade,” by Ben Richardson and Pamela Richardson Ngwenya, 263-

. “Nationalism and the Rise of Peru's General Velasco,” by George Philip, 279-

. “Racialisation of Immigrants at Work: Labour Mobility and Segmentation of Peruvian Migrants in Chile,” by Claudia Mora and Eduardo A. Undurraga, 294-

. “Exile and Diaspora in an Atypical Context: Chileans and Argentineans in the United States (1973–2005),” by Benedetta Calandra, 311-

. “On the Ruins of the Democratic Transition: Human Rights as an Agenda Item in Abeyance for the Brazilian Democracy,” by Alfredo Alejandro Gugliano And Carlos Artur Gallo, 325-

. “The Death of the Author through False Translation in Mario Bellatin's Orientalised Japan,” by Ignacio López-Calvo, 339-

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 26, No.2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ccam20/26/2

Humanitarian Intervention . “Introduction,” by Oliver Daddow & Pauline Schnapper, 285-

. “Humanitarian intervention and post-conflict reconstruction in the post-Cold War era: a provisional balance-sheet,” by Jolyon Howorth, 288-

. “France, Britain and the intervention in Libya: an integrated analysis,” by Jason W Davidson, 310-

. “Liberal intervention in the foreign policy thinking of Tony Blair and David Cameron,” by Oliver Daddow & Pauline Schnapper, 330-

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Afghanistan . “Introduction,” by Lori Maguire, 350-

. “The UK response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan: proposals for a neutral and non- aligned Afghanistan, 1980–1981,” by Richard Smith, 355-

. “Afghan refugees in Indo-Afghan relations,” by Anne-Sophie Bentz, 374-

. “Sixty years of Sino-Afghan relations,” by Jonathan Z. Ludwig, 392-

. “British and American military operations in the Battle of Helmand, 2006–2011,” by Christopher Griffin, 411-

. “The US Congress and the politics of Afghanistan: an analysis of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees during George W Bush's second term,” by Lori Maguire, 430-

. “Insurgents, accidental guerrillas and valley-ism: an oral history of oppositional US soldiers' attitudes toward the enemy in Afghanistan,” by Carl Mirra, 453-

Canadian Journal of History, Vol.47, No. 1 (Spring-Summer 2012) http://www.usask.ca/history/cjh/e/iss/toc/12spring.shtml

. “Sacred People, Sacred Spaces: Evidence of Parish Respect and Contempt toward the Pre- Reformation Clergy,” by Sara M. Butler, 1-

. “La rédemption par l’histoire: le cas de Pierre Matthieu (1563-1621),’’ par Michel De Waele et Félix Lafrance, 29-

. ‘‘Entre monde atlantique et jeune république: Charles Mame et la librairie française à New York au début du 19ème siècle,’’ par Tangi Villerbu, 59-

. “The American Civil War and British Intervention: the Threat of Anglo-American Conflict,” by Francis M. Carroll, 87-

Canadian Journal of History, Vol.47, No. 2 (Autumn 2012) http://www.usask.ca/history/cjh/e/iss/toc/12autumn.shtml

. “‘God’s Hat’ and the Highwayman’s Shoes: Gestural and Sartorial History of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century English Trial and Execution,” by Andrea McKenzie, 231-

. “Voltaire on Mazepa and Early Eighteenth-Century Ukraine,” by Thomas M. Prymak, 259-

. “Jeu de Tarot et jeux corporels ‘fin de siècle’ : Les bambochades civilisées des cartes

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d’atout du Tarot Grimaud,’’ par Christian Vivier et Jean-Yves Guillain, 285-

. ‘‘Le contrôle des Tsiganes en Europe de la fin du XIXe siècle aux années trente,’’ par Emmanuel Filhol, 317-

. “June 1940: The Italian Army and the Battle of the Alps,” by Emanuele Sica, 355-

Canadian Journal of History, Vol.47, No. 3 (Winter 2012) http://www.usask.ca/history/cjh/e/iss/toc/index.shtml

. “Vinland and Wishful Thinking: Medieval and Modern Fantasies,” by Sverrir Jakobsson, 493-

. “The Sensitivities of ‘Small, backward nations’: Austria-Hungary, Serbia, and the Regulation of the Danube 1870-71,” by Ian D. Armour, 515-

. “Black Nurses in the Great War: Fighting for and with the American Military in the Struggle for Civil Rights,” by Andrea Patterson, 545-

. “Imperial Networks, Imperial Defence, and Perceptions of American Influence on the British Empire in the Interwar Period: The Case of the 27th Earl of Crawford and Balcarres,” by Greg Kennedy, 567-

. “Economics, Diplomacy, and War: Britain and Bulgaria, 1936-38,” by Glenn Leonard, 597-

Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45, No.4 (December 2012) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=CJP

. “Beyond Parochialism and Domestic Preoccupation: The Current State of Comparative Politics in Canada - Presidential Address to the Canadian Political Science Association, Edmonton, June 14, 2012,” by Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay, 741-

. “Policy Work in Multi-Level States: Institutional Autonomy and Task Allocation among Canadian Policy Analysts,” by Michael Howlett and Adam M. Wellstead, 757-

. “Mixing Politics and Business in the Canadian Arctic: Inuit Corporate Governance in Nunavik and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region,” by Gary N. Wilson and Christopher Alcantara, 781-

. “Autism, Neurodiversity and the Welfare State: The Challenges of Accommodating Neurological Difference,” by Michael Orsini, 805-

. “Regions, Regionalism and Regional Differences in Canada,” by Christopher Cochrane and Andrea Perrella, 829-

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. “The Domestic Politics of the International Dollar Standard: A Statistical Analysis of Support for the Reserve Currency, 2000–2008,” by Victor Shih and David A. Steinberg, 855-

. “La course vers le milieu des régions. Compétition et politiques régionales d'éducation en France et en Allemagne,” by Claire Dupuy, 881-

Research Note/Note de recherche . ‘‘L'abstention sélective, ou pourquoi certains jeunes qui votent au fédéral boudent les élections municipales,’’ by Eugénie Dostie-Goulet, André Blais, Patrick Fournier and Elizabeth Gidengil, 909-

. ‘‘Homegrown Islamist Radicalization in Canada: Process Insights from an Attitudinal Survey,” by David B. Skillicorn, Christian Leuprecht and Conrad Winn, 929-

Central European History, Vol.46, No.1 (March 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=CCC&volumeId=46&seriesId=0&issueId=01

. “Authorship in Transition: Enthusiasts and Malcontents on Press Freedoms, an Expanding Literary Market, and Vienna's Reading Public,” by Heather Morrison, 1-

. “Art from the Gutter: Heinrich Zille's Berlin,” by Amanda M. Brian, 28-

. “Global Politics and Germany's Destiny “from an East Asian Perspective”: Alfred von Tirpitz and the Making of Wilhelmine Navalism,” by Dirk Bönker, 61-

. “Nazi Germany as a Christian State: The ‘Protestant Experience’ of 1933 in Württemberg,” by Samuel Koehne, 97-

. “A Jewish ‘Nature Preserve’: League of Nations Minority Protections in Nazi Upper Silesia, 1933–1937,” by Brendan Karch, 124-

The China Quarterly, Vol.214 (June 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?iid=8944055

Special Section on Dying for Development . “Introduction; Dying for Development: Pollution, Illness and the Limits of Citizens' Agency in China,” by Anna Lora-Wainwright, 243-

. “Environment and Health Research in China: The State of the Field,” by Jennifer Holdaway, 255-

. “Industrial Pollution and Environmental Health in Rural China: Risk, Uncertainty and Individualization,” by Bryan Tilt, 283-

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. “The Inadequate Life: Rural Industrial Pollution and Lay Epidemiology in China,” by Anna Lora-Wainwright, 302-

. “Pollution and Protest in China: Environmental Mobilization in Context,” by Yanhua Deng and Guobin Yang, 321-

. “Contesting Food Safety in the Chinese Media: Between Hegemony and Counter- Hegemony,” by Guobin Yang, 337-

. “The Health Factor in Anti-Waste Incinerator Campaigns in Beijing and Guangzhou,” by Thomas Johnson, 356-

. “Everyday Approaches to Food Safety in Kunming,” by Jakob A. Klein, 376-

Articles . “Secret Codes of Political Propaganda: The Unknown System of Writing Teams,” by Wen- Hsuan Tsai and Peng-Hsiang Kao, 394-

. “Leadership in China's Urban Middle Class Protest: The Movement to Protect Homeowners' Rights in Beijing,” by Zhengxu Wang, Long Sun, Liuqing Xu and Dragan , 411-

. “China'sPavlićević Defence Industrial Base in 1985,” by David Bachman, 432-

Research Report . “College is a Rich, Han, Urban, Male Club: Research Notes from a Census Survey of Four Tier One Colleges in China,” by Xiaobing Wang, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi and Scott Rozelle, 456-

Chinese Historical Review, Vol.20, No.1 (May 2013) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/tcr

. “Symposium on Christianity and China. Introduction: A New Journey in the Study of Christianity in China,” by Lian Xi, 1-

. “Reflections on Protestantism and Modern China: Problems of Periodization,” by Daniel H. Bays, 5-

. “Chinese Christian Virgins and Catholic Communities of Women on Northeast China,” by Ji Li, 16-

. “The Church as a Protector: Anti-Christian Cases and Resource Conflicts in Post-Boxer Chaozhou,” by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, 33-

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. “‘Wants Learn Cut, Finish People’: American Missionary Medical Education for Chinese Women and Cultural Imperialism in the Missionary Enterprise, 1890s-1920,” by Connie Shemo, 54-

. “‘Cultural Christians’ and the Search for Civil Society in Contemporary China,” by Lian Xi, 70-

Forum . “From Texas to Zhejiang: The Intellectual Journey of a China Scholar - An Interview aith R. Keith Schoppa,” by Alan Baumler and R. Keith Schoppa, 88-

Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Summer 2013) http://cjip.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol6/issue2/index.dtl?etoc

. Editor's Choice: “China and the US: Comparable Cases of ‘Peaceful Rise’”? by Barry Buzan and Michael Cox, 109-

. “Measuring Political Barriers in US Exports to China,” by Li Bin and Yang Xiao, 133-

. “Enhancing Climate Change Mitigation Efforts through Sino-American Collaboration,” by Scott Victor Valentine, 159-

. “Images of the United States: Explaining the Attitudes of Chinese Scholars and Students in the United States,” by Han Donglin, Chen Dingding, and Fang Changping, 183-

Cold War History, Vol.13, No.2 (May 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcwh20/13/2

Special Issue: Radio Wars: Broadcasting during the Cold War

. “Radio Wars: Broadcasting in the Cold War,” by Linda Risso, 145-

. “‘A hideously difficult country’: British propaganda to France in the early Cold War,” by Hilary Footitt, 153-

. “Did the RAI buy it? The role and limits of American broadcasting in Italy in the Cold War,” by Simona Tobia, 171-

. “Voices, letters, and literature through the Iron Curtain: exiles and the (trans)mission of radio in the Cold War,” by Friederike Kind-Kovács, 193-

. “Cold War radio and the Hungarian Uprising, 1956,” by Alban Webb, 221-

. “Captive audience? GDR radio in the mirror of listeners' mail,” by Christoph Classen, 293-

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. “Listening behind the curtain: BBC broadcasting to East Germany and its Cold War echo,” by Patrick Major, 255-

Colonial Latin American Review, Vol.22, No.1 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ccla20/22/1

. “Art and Evangelization: Creating A New Art in 16th-Century Mexican Missions,” by Eloise Quiñones Keber, 2-

. “The Discovery of the Caja de Agua of Tlatelolco: Mural Painting from the Dawn of New Spain,” by Salvador Guilliem Arroyo, 19-

. “Transculturation in Art: Sculpture in the Posa Chapels at the Monastery of Calpan, Mexico,” by Manuel Aguilar-Moreno, 39-

. “The Convento of Yanhuitlan and its Altarpiece: Patronage and the Making of a Colonial Iconography in 16th-Century Mixteca Alta,” by Alessia Frassani, 67-

. “Modalities of Representation: Symbol and Narrative in 16th-Century Murals at the Convent of Izamal, Yucatán,” by Linda K. Williams, 98-

. “Los murales del Convento de Ixmiquilpan, México, y la imagen de guerra occidental,’’ by José Luis Pérez Flores & Sergio González Varela, 126-

(The Round Table) The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Vol.102, No.2 (March 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctrt20/102/2

Special Issue: The Invasion of Grenada 30 Years On: A Retrospective

. “Editorial: The Invasion of Grenada 30 Years on—A Retrospective,” by Peter Clegg & Gary Williams, 121-

. “Commonwealth Update,” by Oren Gruenbaum, 127-

. “Ferrets in the Caribbean: Britain, Grenada and the Curious Case of the Armoured Cars,” by Gary Williams, 135-

. “The Revolution and its Discontents: Grenadian Newspapers and Attempts to Shape Public Opinion during Political Transition,” by Laurie R. Lambert, 143-

. “Coming in from the Cold: Grenada and Cuba since 1983,” by John Walton Cotman, 155-

. “Party Politics and Governance in Grenada: An Analysis of the New National Party (1984–

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2012),” by Wendy C. Grenade, 167-

. “Grenada’s Fractured Years: Some Reflections,” by Peter Gay, 177-

. “Crisis in Grenada—The View from 14 Church Street,” by John Kelly, 181-

. “The Days before the US Intervention: An American Diplomat’s Diary,” by Kenneth Kurze, 185-

. “The ‘Grenada Diaries,’” by Richard Hart, 187-

Review Articles . “Islands Matter,” by Godfrey Baldacchino, 195-

. “Nigeria: Fragile, Failed or Fizzling with Energy?” by Richard Bourne, 199-

(The Round Table) The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Vol.102, No.3 (May 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctrt20/102/3

. “Editorial: Mrs Thatcher and the Commonwealth,” by Sir Shridath Ramphal, 215-

. “Commonwealth Update,” by Oren Gruenbaum, 217-

. “The Commonwealth and China: Upholding Values, Containing the Dragon?” by Sir Ronald Sanders KCMG AM, 223-

. “Religious Extremism in Northern Nigeria Past and Present: Parallels between the Pseudo- Tijanis and Boko Haram,” by J. N. C. Hill, 235-

. “Size and Personalistic Politics: Characteristics of Political Competition in Four Microstates,” by Wouter Veenendaal, 245-

. The Developmental State Experiment in Africa: the Experiences of Ghana and South Africa,” by Joseph R. A. Ayee, 259-

. “The Grenada Invasion, International Law and the Scoon Invitation: A 30-year Retrospective,” by Robert J. Beck, 281-

Opinion . “Britain and Europe: Conceding Sovereignty,” by Malcolm Rifkind, 291-

. “The United Kingdom Overseas Territories: Reform and Renewal?” Peter Clegg, 295-

. “New Directions for the Commonwealth Foundation: Implications for the Commonwealth ,” by Vijay Krishnarayan, 297-

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. “The Commonwealth should do more to Promote Democratic Local Government,” by Carl Wright, 301-

. “Malaysia: This is No Election,” by Zaid Ibrahim, 303-

Review Article . “In the Ring: A Commonwealth Memoir,” by Stuart Mole, 305-

Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol.46, No.2 (June 2013) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0967067X

. “Political instability and economic growth: Evidence from two decades of transition in -

. “ExternalCEE,” bydebt Henryk of post Gurgul-communist and Łukasz countries,” Lach, 189by Viachaslau Yarashevich, 203-

. “Problem of early elections and dissolution power in the Czech Republic,” by Milos Brunclik, 217-

. “Distributive justice attitudes in Ukraine: Need, desert or social minimum?” by Kseniia Gatskova, 227-

. “Electoral breakthroughs in Croatia and Serbia: Women's organizing and international assistance,” by Jill A. Irvine, 243-

. “Problems of corruption and distrust in political and administrative institutions in Slovenia,” by Miro Hacek, Simona Kukovic, Marjan Brezovsek, 255-

. “Economic reasons for the break-up of Yugoslavia,” by Viachaslau Yarashevich and Yuliya Karneyeva, 263-

. “The new great game in Central Asia post 2014: The US ‘New Silk Road’ strategy and Sino- Russian rivalry,” by Younkyoo Kim and Fabio Indeo, 275-

. “The determinants of foreign direct investment inflows in the Central and Eastern European Countries: The importance of institutions,” by Cem Tintin, 287- ______

Contemporary British History, Vol.27, No.2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcbh20/27/2

. “‘Waving the Banners of a Bygone Age’, Nostalgia and Labour's Clause IV Controversy, 1959–60,” by Richard Jobson, 123- . “Bad Strategy and Bomber Dreams: A New View of the Blue Streak Cancellation,” by Richard Moore, 145-

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. “Translating the Transnational: American ‘Science’ and the British Regional Problem, 1962–1965,” by James Hopkins, 167-

. “‘A Reputation for Parsimony to Uphold’: Harold Wilson, Richard Nixon and the Re-Valued ‘Special Relationship’ 1969–1970,” by Alex Spelling, 192-

. “Street Gangs in the Interwar Gorbals: The Jewish Experience,” by Avram George Taylor, 214-

Contemporary European History, Vol.22, No.3 (August 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=CEH&volumeId=22&issueId=03

Special Issue: Recycling and Reuse in the Twentieth Century

. “Introduction: Reconsidering Recycling,” by Ruth Oldenziel & Heike Weber, 347-

Times of War and Crisis . “Towards ‘Total’ Recycling: Women, Waste and Food Waste Recovery in Germany, 1914– 1939,” by Heike Weber, 371-

. “‘Récupérez!’ The German Origins of French Wartime Salvage Drives, 1939–1945,” by Chad Denton, 399-

. “Salvage and Destruction: The Recycling of Books and Manuscripts in Great Britain during the Second World War,” by Peter Thorsheim, 431-

The Ecological Turn . “The Glass Recycling Container in the Netherlands: Symbol in Times of Scarcity and Abundance, 1939–1978,” by Ruth Oldenziel & Milena Veenis, 453-

. “When Consumer Citizens Spoke Up: West Germany's Early Dealings with Plastic Waste,” by Andrea Westermann, 477-

. “Green Citizenship at the Recycling Junction: Consumers and Infrastructures for the Recycling of Packaging in Twentieth-Century Norway,” by Finn Arne Jørgensen, 499-

Conclusion . “Complications and Complexities: Reflections on Twentieth-Century European Recycling,” by Susan Strasser, 517-

Review Articles . “History Meets Social Science,” by Thomas Fetzer, 527- . “Spatial Legacies of the Welfare State: Housing and Beyond,” by Cristina Renzoni, 537-

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Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 48, No.2 (June 2013) http://cac.sagepub.com/content/vol48/issue2.toc

Special Issue on Normative Power Europe

. “Introduction,” by Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Richard G Whitman, 167-

. “The neo-normative turn in theorising the EU’s international presence,” by Richard G Whitman, 171-

. “Normative power as hegemony,” by Thomas Diez, 194-

. “EU normative power and regionalism: Ideational diffusion and its limits,” by Tobias Lenz, 211-

. “‘Normative power Europe’ meets economic liberalism: Complicating cosmopolitanism inside/outside the EU,” by Owen Parker and Ben Rosamond, 229-

. “The struggle for recognition of normative powers: Normative power Europe and normative power China in context,” by Emilian Kavalski, 247-

. “The naming of powers,” by Edward Keene, 268-

. “The Decentring Agenda: Europe as a post-colonial power,” by Nora Fisher Onar and Kalypso Nicolaïdis, 283-

. “Assessing the decennial, reassessing the global: Understanding European Union normative power in global politics,” by Ian Manners, 304-

Diplomacy & Statecraft, Vol.24, No.2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fdps20/24/2

. “(O)n the side of justice and peace”: Canada on the League of Nations Council 1927–1930,” by Lorna Lloyd, 171-

. “Avant-garde or Supplement? Advisory Bodies of Transnational Associations as Alternatives to the League's Minority Protection System, 1919–1939,” by Stefan Dyroff, 192-

. “Conceptualising the Role and Responsibility of Great Power: China's Participation in Negotiations toward a Post-Second World War Order,” by Beverley Loke, 209-

. “The Rise and Fall of the United States Trusteeship Plan for Korea as a Peace-maintenance Scheme,” by Seung-Young Kim, 227-

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. “A Rebirth of Diplomacy: The Foreign Policy of Communist Romania between Subordination and Autonomy, 1948–1962,” by Cezar Stanciu, 253-

. “Britain and Kashmir, 1948: ‘The Arena of the UN,’” by Rakesh Ankit, 273-

. “‘A Very Careful Balance:’ The 1961 Triangular Agreement and the Conduct of Canadian– American Relations,” by Michael D. Stevenson, 291-

. “Diplomacy of Estrangement: The Dealings of the United States with Pakistan before 9/11,” by Juergen Kleiner, 312-

Diplomatic History, Vol.37, No.3 (June 2013) http://dh.oxfordjournals.org/content/by/year

. “A Convergence of Crises: The Expansion of Slavery, Geopolitical Realignment, and Economic Depression in the Post-Napoleonic World,” by Martin Öhman, 419-

. “The American Press, Public, and the Reaction to the Outbreak of the First World War,” by Phillips Payson O’Brien, 446-

. “Abandoning Democracy: Woodrow Wilson and Promoting German Democracy, 1918– 1919,” by Daniel Larsen, 476-

. “Purging the Forces of Darkness: The United States, Monetary Stabilization, and the Containment of the Bolivian Revolution,” by Kevin Young, 509-

. “Uptight in Babylon: Eldridge Cleaver’s Cold War,” by Sean L. Malloy, 538-

. “The United States, the World Bank, and the Challenges of International Development in the 1970s,” by Patrick Sharma, 572-

East European Politics (Formally the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics), Vol. 29, No. 1 (February 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjcs21/29/1

. Identifying key players in the government-formation process: strong and dominant parties in Central and Eastern Europe,” by Lee Michael Savage, 1-

. “Europeanisation and conflict networks: private sector development in post-conflict Bosnia–Herzegovina,” by Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic & Denisa Kostovicova, 19-

. “Russia and multipolarity since the end of the Cold War,” by Martin A. Smith, 36-

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. “Representative claims and expected gains. Minority council elections and intra-ethnic competition in Serbia,” by Christina Isabel Zuber & -

. “The diffusion of public interest mobilisation: a historicalJan sociology Jakub Muś, perspective 52 on advocates without members in the post- 69- communist Czech Republic,” by Ondřej Císař, . “The politics of pension reform reversal: a comparative analysis of Hungary and Argentina,” by Giselle Datz & Katalin Dancsi, 83-

East European Politics (Formally the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics), Vol. 29, No. 2 (May 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjcs21/29/2

. Two decades of semi-presidentialism: issues of intra-executive conflict in Central and Eastern Europe 1991–2011,” by Thomas Sedelius & Olga Mashtaler, 109-

. “Making a connection in the provinces? Russia's tweeting governors,” by Bettina Renz & Jonathan Sullivan, 131-

. “Candidate quality across different orders of elections: the cases of the Czech Republic and -

. “‘FromSlovakia,” words byto deeds’:Jan Kovář European & Kamil Union Kovář, democracy 152 promotion in Armenia,” by M. R. Freire & L. Simão, 175-

. “Democratic performance in post-communist Bulgaria: election pledges and levels of fulfillment, 1997–2005,” by Petia Kostadinova, 190-

. “Why do parties fail? Cleavages, government fatigue and electoral failure in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary 1992–2012,” by Elisabeth Bakke & Nick Sitter, 208-

. “The Europeanisation of regional policy in Poland: did political parties make a difference?” by Anna Gwiazda, 226-

English Historical Review, Vol. 128, No. 532 (June 2013) http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/content/by/year

. “An Early Private Indenture of Retainer: The Agreement Between Hugh Despenser the Younger and Sir Robert De Shirland,” by Nigel Sau, 519-

. “The Return of the ‘Deade Alive’: The Earl of Bristol and Dr Eglisham in the Parliament of 1626 and in Caroline Political Culture,” by Thomas Cogswell, 535-

. “William Froude, John Henry Newman and Scientific Practice in the Culture of Victorian

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Doubt,” by Don Leggett, 571-

. “Counting the Cost of Intelligence: The Treasury, National Service and GCHQ,” by Richard J. Aldrich, 596-

Review-Article . “In Search of the Industrial Revolution,” by David Meredith, 628- ______

European History Quarterly, Vol.43, No.2 (April 2013) http://ehq.sagepub.com/content/vol43/issue2/

. “Images and Meaning-Making in a World of Resemblance: The Bavarian-Saxon Kidney Stone Affair of 1580,” by Claudia Stein, 205-

. “A Great Family of Sovereign Men: Democratic Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Spain,” by Florencia Peyrou, 235-

. “Resentment and the Right: A Twentieth-Century Cycle of Reaction, Revaluation, and Retreat by the French Extreme Right,” by Sarah E Shurts, 257-

. “‘Jammin’ with Karlik’: The German-Polish ‘Radio War’ and the Gleiwitz ‘Provocation’, 1925–1939,” by Peter Polak-Springer, 279-

. “Science, Politics, and Prejudice: The Dynamics and Significance of British Anthropology’s Failure to Confront Nazi Racial Ideology,” by Bradley W Hart, 301-

Review Article . “Ethnic Cleansing and Its Legacies in Twentieth-Century East Central Europe,” by Andrew Demshuk, 326-

European Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1 (June 2012) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/eeas

. “Introduction to the First Four Articles: Governance, Decentralisation and Democratisation in Southeast Asia,” by Jürgen Rüland, 5-

. “Striking the Right Balance. Economic Concentration and Local Government Performance in Indonesia and the Philippines,” by Christian von Lübke, 17-

. “Environmental Governance in Democratic and Decentralised Indonesia: Between State, Family and Conservation, Paruedee Nguitragool, 45-

. “Decentralisation in Thailand and the Limits of The Functionalist Perspective of

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Institutional Reform, Chaiwatt Mansrisuk, 71-

. “Gifts and Promises: Patronage Democracy in a Decentralised Indonesia,” by Deasy Simandjuntak, 99-

. “A Review of Thailand's Foreign Policy in Mainland Southeast Asia: Exploring an Ideational Approach, Pongphisoot Busbarat, 127-

. “The Role of Hallyu in the Construction of East Asian Regional Identity in Vienna,” by Sang- Yeon Loise Sung, 155-

European Journal of International Relations, Vol.19, No.2 (June 2013) http://ejt.sagepub.com/content/vol19/issue2/

. “International hierarchies and contemporary imperial governance: A tale of three kingdoms,” by J.C. Sharman, 189-

. “Market imperative meets normative power: Human rights and European arms transfer policy,” by Jennifer L. Erickson, 209-

. “The future of critical security studies: Ethics and the politics of security,” by Christopher S. Browning and Matt McDonald, 235-

. “(Un)Natural and contractual international society: A conceptual inquiry,” by Evgeny Roshchin, 257-

. “Republican continuities in the Vienna Order and the German Confederation (1815–66),” by Peter Haldén, 281-

. “The rise of Chinese exceptionalism in international relations,” by Feng Zhang, 305-

. “Global norms and major state behaviour: The cases of China and the United States,” by Rosemary Foot and Andrew Walter, 329-

. “Redeeming the universal: Postcolonialism and the inner life of Eurocentrism,” by Kamran Matin, 353-

. “Analysing discourse as a causal mechanism,” by Benjamin Banta, 379-

The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, Vol.18, No.2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cele20/18/2

. “Ferdinand Tönnies and Enlightenment: A Friend or Foe of Reason?” by Niall Bond, 127- . “‘Poisons Disguised with Honey’: European Expansion and the Sacred Trust of

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Civilization,” by Brett Bowden, 151-

. “Why the World Matters: Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy of New Beginnings,” by Siobhan Kattago, 170-

. “‘For the Honor and Glory of the Jewish People‘: Arendt’s Ambivalent Jewish Nationhood,” by Ruth Starkman, 185-

. “Pleasure: ‘The Choice of Hercules,’” by Lorraine Marie Arangno, 197-

Reviews . “Theology and the Deconstruction of Derrida,” by Brayton Polka, 209-

. “History of Generalship 101, or ‘The More Things Change . . .’” by Victor Castellani, 216-

. “Time, Guilt, and Philosophy,” by Brendan Moran, 221-

The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, Vol.18, No.3 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cele20/18/3

. “Hobbes and the Rationality of Self-Preservation: Grounding Morality on the Desires We Should Have,” by C. D. Meyers, 269-

. D. Venkat Rao, 287-

. “Tanūnapāt:“Hegel and the Kalos, Paradox Philos, of Democraticand the Vestiges Education,” of Trace,” by Joshuaby D. Goldstein, 308-

. “Italian Jews: From Social Integration to the Construction of a New European Identity,” by Cristina M. Bettin, 327-

Reviews . “Where’s the Joy in Secularism?” by Steven Cassedy, 345-

. “Kierkegaard and Theology,” by Brayton Polka, 358-

. “Memory and Media,” by Irving Louis Horowitz (deceased), 367-

European Review of History: Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, Vol.20, No.2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cerh20/20/2

Special Issue: History of the Workplace: Environment and Health at Stake

. “History of the workplace: Environment and health at stake – An introduction,” by Judith Rainhorn & Lars Bluma, 171- . “The hygienic movement and German mining 1890–1914,” by Lars Bluma, 177-

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. “The banning of white lead: French and American experiences in a comparative perspective (early twentieth century),” by Judith Rainhorn, 197-

. “Aluminium in health and food: a gradual global approach,” by Florence Hachez-Leroy, 217-

. “Fiddling, drinking and stealing: moral code in the Soviet Estonian mining industry,” by Eeva Kesküla, 237-

. “Hygienists, workers' bodies and machines in nineteenth-century France,” by Thomas Le Roux, 255-

. “The factory as environment: social engineering and the ecology of industrial workplaces in inter-war Germany,” by Timo Luks, 271-

. “The ideal of Lebensraum and the spatial order of power at German factories, 1900–45,” by Karsten Uhl, 287-

European Review of History: Revue Europeenne d'Histoire, Vol.20, No.3 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cerh20/20/3

. “(De)slaving history: Mostafa al-Azemmouri, the sixteenth-century Moroccan captive in the tale of conquest,” by Lhoussain Simour, 345-

. “Crusade narratives in French and German history textbooks, 1871–1914,” by Ines Anna Guhe, 367-

. “Culture, structure and reciprocity: histoire croisée and its uses for the conceptualization of the rise and spread of national movements in Europe and the Atlantic World during the Age of Revolutions,” by Dean Kostantaras, 383-

. “Anton Dumitriu, the ‘Axiomatic Culture’ and the ‘Crisis of the West,’” by Diana Stanciu, 407-

. “‘The labour market under the iron fist of the state’: the Franco dictatorship in the mirror of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin,” by Margarita Vilar- -

. “Communist regimes and historical legitimacy: polemicsRodríguez, regarding 427 the role of the Red Army in Romania at the end of the Second World War,” by Cezar Stanciu, 445-

. “Indigènes after Indigènes: post-war France and its North African troops,” by K. H Adler, 463-

. “Caricatures of clergymen in nineteenth-century Sweden,” by Jakob Evertsson, 479-

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Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.65, No.3 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ceas20/65/3

Special Issue: Transition Economies after the Crisis of 2008: Actors and Policies

. “Transition Economies after the Crisis of 2008: Actors and Policies,” by Martin Myant & Jan Drahokoupil, 373-

Policy Paradigms and Forms of Development in and after the Crisis . “The Political Economy of Crisis Management in East–Central European Countries,” by Martin Myant, Jan Drahokoupil & Ivan Lesay, 383-

. “Avoiding the Economic Crisis: Pragmatic Liberalism and Divisions over Economic Policy in Poland,” by Gavin Rae, 411-

. “The Baltic Republics and the Crisis of 2008–2011,” by Rainer Kattel & Ringa Raudla, 426-

. “Russia's Response to Crisis: The Paradox of Success,” by Neil Robinson, 450-

. “Belarus' Anti-Crisis Management: Success Story of Delayed Recession?” by Dzmitry Kruk, 473-

Continuity and change in the enterprise sector . “Crisis and Upgrading: The Case of the Hungarian Automotive and Electronics Sectors,” by Magdolna Sass & Andrea Szalavetz, 489-

. “Actions and Reactions of Russian Manufacturing Companies to the Crisis Shocks from 2008–2009: Evidence from the Empirical Survey,” by Ksenia Gonchar, 508-

Banks – the Role of Ownership and Regulation . “Central and East European Bank Responses to the Financial ‘Crisis’: Do Domestic Banks Perform Better in a Crisis than their Foreign-Owned Counterparts?” by Rachel A. Epstein, 528-

. “The Return of Political Risk: Foreign-Owned Banks in Emerging Europe,” by Zdenek Kudrna & Daniela Gabor, 548-

Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.65, No.4 (May 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ceas20/65/4

Special Issue: Explaining Policy Change in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood

. “Introduction: Explaining Policy Change in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood,’ by Julia langbein & Tanja A. Börzel, 571-

. “Migration, Energy and Good Governance in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood,” by Esther 28 | Page

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Ademmer & Tanja A. Börzel, 581-

. “Selective of EU Environmental Norms in Ukraine. Convergence á la Carte,” by Aron Buzogány, 609-

. “Unpacking the Russian and EU Impact on Policy Change in the Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Ukraine's Telecommunications and Food Safety,” by Julia Langbein, 631-

. “Shaping Convergence with the EU in Foreign Policy and State Aid in Post-Orange Ukraine: Weak External Incentives, Powerful Veto Players,” by Antoaneta Dimitrova & Rilka Dragneva, 658-

Regular Articles . “Differing Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on the Central Asian Countries: Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan,” by Kobil Ruziev & Toshtemir Majidov, 682-

. “The Preponderance and Effects of Sectoral Ties in the State Duma,” by Paul Chaisty, 717-

. “Sub-National Elections in Russia: Variations in United Russia's Domination of Regional Assemblies,” by Petr Panov & Cameron Ross, 737-

. “Spark of Revolution? Railway Disorganisation, Freight Traffic and Tsarist Russia's War Effort, July 1914–March 1917,” by Anthony Heywood, 753-

Foreign Affairs, Vol. 92, No.3 (May/June 2013) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/issues/2013/92/3

Comments . “Regulatory Moneyball,” by Cass R. Sunstein

. “India's Feeble Foreign Policy,” by Manjari Chatterjee Miller

. “The Real Story Behind Executive Pay,” by Steven N. Kaplan Essays . “The Rise of Big Data,” by Kenneth Neil Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger

. “The Austerity Delusion,” by Mark Blyth

. “The Irony of American Strategy,” by Richard N. Haass

. “Africa's Economic Boom,” by Shantayanan Devarajan and Wolfgang Fengler

. “The Clinton Legacy,” by Michael Hirsh

. “America's Energy Opportunity,” by Michael Levi 29 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Why American Education Fails,” by Jal Mehta

. “The Church Undivided,” by Victor Gaetan

. “Why the U.S. Army Needs Armor,” by Chris McKinney, Mark Elfendahl, and H. R. McMaster

. “Why the U.S. Army Needs Missiles,” by Jim Thomas

Interview . “The Polish Model”: Poland's minister of foreign affairs speaks with Foreign Affairs about his country's history, its future, and its place in Europe

Reviews & Responses . “The Persistence of Arab Anti-Americanism,” by Marc Lynch


. “Bolívar'sResponse: Botched “How to Bequest,”Fix America,” by Ilan by EdwardStavans Conard and Fareed Zakar

Foreign Affairs, Vol. 92, No.4 (July/August 2013) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/issues/2013/92/4

Comments . “Mutual Assured Production,” by Richard Katz

. “Fake It Till You Make It,” by Kal Raustiala and Christopher Sprigman Essays . “Why Drones Work,” by Daniel Byman

. “Why Drones Fail,” by Audrey Kurth Cronin

. “The Road to D-Day,” by Rick Atkinson

. “The Coming Arctic Boom,” by Scott G. Borgerson

. “Syria's Collapse,” by Andrew J. Tabler

. “Cuba After Communism,” by Julia E. Sweig and Michael J. Bustamante

. “The War of Law,” by Jon Kyl, Douglas J. Feith, and John Fonte

. “In Defense of Citizens United,” by R. Glenn Hubbard and Tim Kane

. “The Next Europe,” by Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels

. “The Rise of Mexico’s Self-Defense Forces,” by Patricio Asfura-Heim and Ralph H. Espach Interview 30 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Japan Is Back,” by Shinzo Abe

. “Beijing's Brand Ambassador,” by Cui Tiankai Reviews & Responses . “Lesser Israel,” by Jeffrey Goldberg

. “The Second Great Depression,” by J. Bradford DeLong

. “The Myth of the Omnipotent Central Banker,” by Adam S. Posen

. “The Frankfurt School at War,” by William E. Scheuerman

. “Pyongyang Perseveres,” by John Delury

. Letter to the Editor: “Against Activism,” by Benjamin H. Friedman and Justin Logan

Foreign Policy, Issue 198 (May/June) 2013) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/

The Power Issue

. “Minister No: Sergei Lavrov and the blunt logic of Russian power,” by Susan B. Glasser, PLUS: A conversation with Sergei Lavrov

. “The Driver: An exclusive look inside the mysterious death and life of the world's most dangerous terrorist not named Osama bin Laden,” by Mark Perry

. “Xi's War Drums,” by John Garnaut

. “Soft (Drink) Power: The head of the world's most global beverage company on climate change, power in the post-crisis era, and how Coke's secret formula stays safe from hackers,” Interview By Ian Bremmer

. “The End of the Gandhis,” by James Traub

. “The 0.000007 Percent,” FP's list of the 500 most powerful people on the planet

Features . “The Balance of Power: Why the underrepresentation of women in positions of power is proof of the most destructive pattern of human rights abuses in the history of civilization,” by David Rothkopf

. “Think Again: European Decline,” by Mark Leonard and Hans Kundnani


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. “Opening Gambit: In Defense of Leading from Behind,” by Leslie H. Gelb

. “11 BuzzFeed Lists That Explain the World,” by Ben Smith

. “The Optimist: Give Sam Walton the Nobel Prize,” by Charles Kenny

. “Anthropology of an Idea: Hacktivism,” by Ty Mccormick

. “Ideas: Gun Runner No. 1,” by Joshua E. Keating

. “Ideas: Empire of the Sons (and Daughters),” by Joshua E. Keating

. Ideas: How Much Is It Worth to Know Dick?” by Joshua E. Keating

. “Epiphanies from Chris Anderson,” Interview by Benjamin Pauker

. “The New New Normal: Into Africa,” by Mohamed A. El-Erian

. “The Things They Carried: The Doctor Without Borders,” Interview by Eric Pape

. “Dispatch: You Can't Go Home Again,” by Min Zin

. “Pictured: Museum of War,” by Tammam Azzam In other words . “The Singularity of Fools” A special report from the utopian future,” by David Rieff

. “Cities on a Hill” Today's most intriguing utopias,” by Margaret Slattery

Foreign Policy, Issue 199 (July/August 2013) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/issues/current

The Failed States Issue

. “The 2013 Failed States Index: Our annual ranking of the world's most fragile states,” by Foreign Policy and the Fund for Peace

. “Postcards from Hell: Living on the edge in the world's worst places”

. “Can Silicon Valley Save the World? Defeating global poverty is the latest start-up trend. But is there really an app for that?” by Charles Kenny and Justin Sandefur

. “The Invisible State: It's time we admit the Democratic Republic of Congo does not exist,” by Jeffrey Herbst and Greg Mills

. “‘You Can't Eat Sharia’: Egypt is on the brink -- not of something better than the old Mubarak dictatorship, but of something even worse,” by Mohamed ElBaradei

. “Europe's Basket Case: Has Greece's dysfunction reached the point of permanent crisis?”

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by Joanna Kakissis

. “‘There's No Such Thing as a Failed State’: The father of emerging markets says we shouldn't give up on the world's Somalias and Zimbabwes,” Interview by Blake Hounshell

. “Does It Take a Village?” Jeffrey Sachs dazzled the development world with his plan to end poverty. But now critics say there's no way to prove whether it work,” by Paul Starobin

. “The FP Survey: Africa Rising,” more than 60 experts weigh in on whether the ‘African century’ is for real

. “Mad Libs: Africa Rising?” Experts fill in the blanks on the state of politics in Africa and whether its much-touted economic rise is for real.

Features . “Leaning Away: Maybe the real failed states are the ones that have the means to help other nations -- but choose to retreat inward,” by David Rothkopf

. “Think Again: Working Women: Why American women are better off than the lean-inners and have-it-allers realize,” by Kay Hymowitz

Inbox . “Opening Gambit: Oh, Canada,” by Andrew Nikiforuk

. “Anthropology of an Idea: Gamification,” by Ty Mccormick

. “Ideas: First World Climate Change Problems,” by Joshua E. Keating

. “Ideas: Reach Out and Kill Someone,” by Joshua E. Keating

. “Ideas: The Great Divider: Immigration?” by Joshua E. Keating

. Epiphanies from Frank Gehry,” Interview by Benjamin Pauker

. “The New New Normal: After Bernanke,” by Mohamed A. El-Erian

. “The Things They Carried: The North Korean Defector,” Interview By Chico Harlan

. “Dispatch: In Search of Mickey Li's,” by Paul French

. “Fast-Food Nations,” by Joshua E. Keating

. “The Great App Firewall,” by Isaac Stone Fish

. “Pictured: Before They Pass Away,” Photographs By Jimmy Nelson

In Other Words 33 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “The Cookbook Theory of Economics: Why Chinese and Mexican dominate the market,” by Tyler Cowen

. “Recipe for Living: Add Rice. Stir,” by Anna Badkhen

. “Austerity Lentils: What a country cooks when it's collapsing,” by Joanna Kakissis

. “Market Revolution: How Poland learned to its own cuisine,” by Anne Applebaum

Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol.9, No.2 (April 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291743-8594

. “Divine Direction: How Providential Religious Beliefs Shape Foreign Policy Attitudes,” by Rebecca A. Glazier, 127-

. “Culture Clash or Democratic Peace?: Results of a Survey Experiment on the Effect of Religious Culture and Regime Type on Foreign Policy Opinion Formation,” by Bethany Lacina and Charlotte Lee, 143-

. “Turkish Foreign Policy and Public Opinion in the AKP Era,” by Ryan Kennedy and Matt Dickenson, 171-

. “Cool Hand Nuke: Lessons From the Quiet Diplomacy of the Cienfuegos Non-Crisis,” by Dennis A. Crall and Thomas M. Martin, 189-

. “Simple vs. Complex Learning Revisited: Israeli Prime Ministers and the Question of a Palestinian State,” by Guy Ziv, 203-

. “Trade Relationships and Asymmetric Crisis Perception,” by Timothy M. Peterson and Jerome F. Venteicher II, 223-

Foreign Policy Bulletin, Vol. 22, Issue No.4 (December 2012) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=FPB&volumeId=22&seriesId=0&issue Id=04

Note: This Journal Ceased Publication as of this issue

. “U.S. Outraged by Assad's Use of Violence, Authorizes $130 Million in Humanitarian Aid,” 3

. “State Department Indicates Freedom of Religion is a Diplomatic Priority for President Obama,” 16-

. “Obama Pledges to Use Technology to Target Human Trafficking, Simplify Visas for Trafficking Victims,” 26-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Clinton Praises Success of President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on African Tour,” 46-

. “U.S. Supports UN Special Envoy to Address Unrest in Mali,” 62-

. “U.S. Commits $600 Million to Promote Childhood Health, Transparency and Clean Energy in Indonesia,” 80-

. “U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Highlights Support for Continued Cooperation in Balkan Region,” 102-

. “Obama Administration Prepared to Support Democratic Transition in Egypt with $1 Billion in Debt Relief,” 114-

. “Obama Designates Afghanistan as Major Non-NATO Ally,” 138-

. “State Department Urges Senate to Pass Law of the Sea Convention,” 158-

. “U.S. Trade Representative Champions New Presidential Policy Directive for Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa,” 168- ______

French Historical Studies, Vol.36, No.2 (Spring 2013) http://fhs.dukejournals.org/content/vol36/issue2.toc

Disaster in French History

. “Introduction,” by Elinor Accampo and Jeffrey H. Jackson, 165-

. ‘‘La Fronde et ses lendemains autour de Paris : Conséquences environnementales, économiques et sociales en vallée de Montmorency au XVIIe siècle,’’ by Florent Mérot, 175-

. ‘‘Les effondrements de carrières de Paris : La grande réforme des années 1770,’’ by Thomas Le Roux, 205-

. ‘‘Concilier sécurité et exploitation ? Distance de réserve, périmètre d’interdiction et opposition des populations aux carrières à plâtre de Montmartre (1830-1840),’’ by Frédéric Graber, 239-

. “Paris’s 1900 Universal Exposition and the Politics of Urban Disaster,” by Peter Soppelsa, 271-

. “Place Matters: Mortality, Space, and Urban Form in the 2003 Paris Heat Wave Disaster,” by Richard C. Keller, 299-

French History, Vol.27, No.2 (June 2013) 35 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 http://fh.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol27/issue2

. “French and Flemish urban festive networks: archery and crossbow competitions attended and hosted by Tournai in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,” by Laura Crombie, 157- . “Between monarch and monarchy: the education of the dauphin and revolutionary politics, 1790–91,” by Adrian O’Connor, 176-

. “‘Only what is pure and exquisite’: girls’ reading at school in France, 1800–70,” by Christina de Bellaigue, 202-

. “The impossible gouvernement représentatif: constitutional culture in restoration France, 1814–30,’’ by Fabian Rausch

. “Are plebiscites constitutional? A disputed question in the plebiscite campaign of 1870,” by Neil Rogachevsky, 249-

French Politics, Culture & Society, Vol. 31, No.1 (Spring 2013) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/fpcs/2013/00000031/00 000001

. “Negotiating Intimacy in the Shadow of War (France, 1914-1920s): New Perspectives in the Cultural History of World War I,” by Bruno Cabanes, 1-

. “The Rise of the Anglo-Saxon: French Perceptions of the Anglo-American World in the Long Twentieth Century,” by Emile Chabal, 24-

. “Between Venus and Mercury: The 1920s Beauty Contest in France and America,” by Holly Grout, 47-

. “La Mémoire Officielle Française et la Réunification Allemande,’’ by Geneviève Giroux, 69-

. “Independent Filmmakers and the Invention of the Paris Suburbs,” by Rosemary Wakeman, 84-

Review Essays . “A Forgotten Murder, a Neglected French Fascism,” by Joel Blatt, 96-

. “The Trials and Triumphs of ‘Egocentric Buffalo,’” by George Ross, 10

German History, Vol.31, No.2 (June 2013) http://gh.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol31/issue2/

. “The Emotional Bond of Brotherliness: Protestant Masculinity and the Local and Global

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Networks among Religious in the Nineteenth Century,” by Alexandra Przyrembel, 157-

. “Johanna Haarer and Frederic Truby King: When is a Babycare Manual an Instrument of National Socialism?” by Katharina Rowold, 181-

. “The Borders of the Rechtsstaat in the Arab Autumn: Deportation and Law in West Germany, 1972/73,” by Quinn Slobodian, 204-

Forum . “Habsburg History,” 225-

Discussion . “Is There a Continuity in Modern German History? If Yes, How Many?” by Siegfried Weichlein, 239-

German Politics, Vol. 22, No.1-2 (June 2012) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fgrp20/22/1-2

Special Issue: Mapping the Transformation: The CDU in Flux

. “Introduction: Understanding the Transformation of the CDU,” by Ed Turner, Simon Green & William Paterson, 1-

. “Down but Not Out: A Comparison of Germany's CDU/CSU with Christian Democratic Parties in Austria, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands,” by Tim Bale & André Krouwel, 16-

. “Societal Transformation and Programmatic Change in the CDU,” by Simon Green, 46-

. “Christian Democracy is Dead; Long Live the Union Parties: Explaining CDU/CSU Dominance within the German Party System,” by Charles Lees, 64-

. “The Genetic Origin of the CDU and its Developmental Path to a Catch-All Party,” by Eike- Christian Hornig, 82-

. “Is the CSU Still a Volkspartei?” by Udo Zolleis & Carina Wertheimer, 97-

. “The CDU and Party Organisational Change,” by Ed Turner, 114-

. “The Federal Character of the CDU,” by Arijana Neumann, 134-

. “The Programmatic Development of CDU and CSU since Reunification: Incentives and Constraints for Changing Policy Positions in the German Multi-Level System,” by Marc Debus & Jochen Müller, 151-

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. “Gender as a Modernising Force in the German CDU,” by Sarah Elise Wiliarty, 172-

. “Beyond Christian Democracy? Welfare State Politics and Policy in a Changing CDU,” by Clayton Marc Clemens, 191-

. “Concluding Remarks: The CDU – Revisiting the Elephant,” by Josef Schmid, 212-

German Politics & Society, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring 2013) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/gerpol/2013/00000031/0000000 1

The Élysée Treaty at Fifty

. “Introduction: France and Germany Fifty Years after the Élysée Treaty,” by Francesca Vassallo, iv-

. “Economic and Industrial Cooperation Between France and Germany: Assessment and Future Prospects,” by Jean-Marc Trouille, 1-

. “Leadership in Hard Times: Germany, France, and the Management of the Eurozone Crisis,” by Joachim Schild, 24-

. “The Élysée Treaty and European Integration Theory,” by Yannis Karagiannis, 48-

. “The Élysée Treaty in the Context of Franco-German Socio-cultural Relations,” by Corine Defrance, 70-

. “Sarkozy and Merkel: The Undeniable Relevance of the Franco-German Bilateral Relationship in Europe,” by Francesca Vassallo, 92-

. “Changing Partners at Fifty? French Security Policy after Libya in Light of the Élysée Treaty,” by Colette Mazzucelli, 116-

German Studies Review, Vol.36, No.2 (May 2013) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/german_studies_review/

. “‘In diesem Sinne hat jede Zeit, hat jedes Volk die Führer, die sie verdienen’” Zum Politik- und Politikerbild des republikanischen Bürgertums in der Weimarer Republik,” by Carolin Dorothée Lange, 237-

. “Fritz Lang’s Radio Aesthetic: M. Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder,” by Michael P. Ryan, 259-

. “Ernst Barlach and the Conservative Revolution,” by James van Dyke, 281-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Between ‘Unity of Action’ and ‘Lackeys of Imperialism’: The Contradictory Attitudes of the East German Communists Toward the West German Social Democrats, 1959–1989,” by Dietrich Orlow, 307-

. “An Apology for Public Apologies?: Transitional Justice and Respect in Germany,” by Juan Espindola, 327-

. “Remembering What Remained: German Studies Association 2012 Presidential Address,” by Stephen Brockmann, 347-

Remembering Christa Wolf . “Introduction: Remembering Christa Wolf,” by Patricia Herminghouse, 363-

. “Fremdheitserfahrungen als Konstante,” by Daniela Colombo, 365-

. “To Be Recognized Again: Christa Wolf’s Paradigm of Sincerity,” by Christine Kanz, 373-

Roundtable on Günter Grass’s “Was gesagt werden muss” (What Must Be Said) . “Roundtable on Günter Grass’s “Was gesagt werden muss” (What Must Be Said),” by Russell A. Berman, 381-

. “Gunter Grass’s ‘What Must Be Said: Blood Libel for Our Times,” by Jeffrey Herf, 384-

. “Acting Out,” by Agnes C. Mueller, 389-

. “‘Was gesagt werden muss’: Concerning Grass’s Schweigen (with an Epistolary Coda),” by Richard E. Schade, 393-

. “Grass’s Poem ‘Was gesagt werden muss,’ or, the Last Hurrah of the Aging Author,” by Stuart Taberner, 399-

Histoire Politique: Politique, Culture, Société, Revue électronique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po., No.20 (Mai-Août 2013) http://www.histoire-politique.fr/

Le dossier . 68/86 : un grand retournement ? Cerisy dans la vie intellectuelle française - ‘‘1968-1986 : la ‘révolution conservatrice’ de la pensée française à l’épreuve des rencontres de Cerisy,’’ par Laurent Jeanpierre & Laurent Martin

- ‘‘Les colloques littéraires à Cerisy, 1968-1986. Entre nostalgie et avant-gardes,’’ par Laurent Martin

- ‘‘Théorie et politique à Cerisy (1968-1986),’’ par François Cusset

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

- ‘‘Le retour du sujet ? La sociologie d’Alain Touraine entre deux colloques de Cerisy,’’ par Jean-François Bert

- ‘‘Présences et absences de la psychanalyse à Cerisy,’’ par Maïa Fansten

- ‘‘ Les colloques scientifiques à Cerisy : un laboratoire pour de nouveaux paradigmes (1970-1984),’’ par Mathieu Triclot

- ‘‘Les réseaux de pensée prospective à Cerisy,’’ par Philippe Durance

- ‘‘Les colloques ‘fantômes’ à Cerisy (années 1970 - fin des années 1980) : contraintes et affirmations dans le choix de programmation au sein d’une grande institution culturelle,’’ par François Chaubet

- ‘‘Adieux aux structures et à la dialectique. La pensée des sciences sociales aux colloques de Cerisy après Mai 1968,’’ par Laurent Jeanpierre Vari@rticles . ‘‘Philippe Ariès sous le regard de Joseph Czapski et de Pierre Vidal-Naquet pendant la guerre d’Algérie,’’ par Guillaume Gros

. ‘‘Hollywood au 21e siècle : les défis d’une industrie culturelle mondialisée,’’ par Nolwenn Mingant

Pistes & débats . “Faut-il une loi contre le négationnisme du génocide des Arméniens ? Un raisonnement historien sur le tournant de 2012,’’ par Vincent Duclert

. Partie I : ‘‘Vie et mort de la loi Boyer’’

Sources . ‘‘‘Témoignages sur la guerre d’Algérie’, histoire d’une enquête,’’ par Dominique Parcollet & Marie Scot

Portraits & témoignages . ‘‘Entretien avec Jean-Claude Paye,’’ par Anne Dulph & Christine Manigand

The Historian, Vol.75, No.2 (Summer 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291540-6563

. “Revolutionary Connection: ‘The Incorruptible’ Maximilian Robespierre and the ‘Schoolmaster of Chartism’ Bronterre O’Brien,” by Michael J. Turner, 237-

. “On the Preparation and Conduct of the Repression of Koreans in the 1930s Soviet Union,” by Alexander Kim, 262-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Imagining the Midwest in Latin America: US Advisors and the Envisioning of an Agricultural Middle Class in Colombia's Cauca Valley, 1943–1946,” by Timothy W. Lorek, 283-

. “Piranhas, Whales, and Guppies: Transforming the History Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1965–1985,” by William Palmer, 306-

The Historical Journal, Vol.56, No.2 (June 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=HIS&volumeId=56&seriesId=0&issue Id=02

. “Royalism, Print, and the Clergy in Britain, 1639–1640 and 1642,” by Lloyd Bowen, 297-

. “Political Arithmetic and the English Land Tax in the Reign of William III,” by Philip Loft, 321-

. “The Attempts to Transfer the Genevan Academy to Ireland and to America, 1782–1795,” by Jennifer Powell Mcnutt and Richard Whatmore, 345-

. “Understanding a Language of ‘Aristocracy’, 1700–1850,” by Amanda Goodrich, 369-

. “The Impact of Sturges Bourne's Poor Law Reforms in Rural England,” by Samantha A. Shave, 399-

. “Infrastructural Globalization: Lighting the China Coast, 1860s–1930s,” by Robert Bickers, 431-

. “William Jennings Bryan's 1905–1906 World Tour,” by Daniel Scroop, 459-

. “British Politics and Cinema's Historical Dramas, 1929–1938,” by Steven Fielding, 487-

. “Citizens For Eisenhower and the Republican Party, 1951–1965,” by Robert Mason, 513-

Historiographical Reviews . “French-Asian Connections: The Compagnies Des Indes, France's Eastern Trade, and New Directions in Historical Scholarship,” by Felicia Gottmann, 537-

. “Consigning Justice to History: Transitional Trials after the Second World War,” by Kim Christian Priemel, 553-

Review Articles . “Life-Writing in Early Modern England,” by Michael Hunter, 583-

. “Socialists and Social Reformers in Late Victorian Aand Edwardian Britain,” by Anna Vaninskaya, 593-

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Historical Reflections Vol.39, No.1 (Spring 2013) http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/hisref/2013/00000039/0 0000001

Claude Langlois's Vision of France: Regional Identity, Royal Imaginary, and Holy Women . “Introduction: Claude Langlois's Vision of France: Regional Identity, Royal Imaginary, and Holy Women,” by Donald Sutherland, 1-

. “The Work of Claude Langlois: An Overview,” by Timothy Tackett, 8-

. ‘‘Sociabilité méridionale et vie religieuse, pour une poursuite de l'étude des confréries du Sud-Est français,’’ by Régis Bertrand, 22-

. ‘‘Claude Langlois's French Revolution,’’ by D.M.G. Sutherland, 40-

. ‘‘Cruci erunt eum inter duos latrones: Passion et mort de Louis XVI,’’ by Annie Duprat, 51-

. “Claude Langlois's Vision of Nineteenth-Century French Catholicism,” by Thomas Kselman, 66-

. “Le Catholicisme au féminin: Thirty Years of Women's History,” by Rebecca Rogers, 82-

. “Claude Langlois, lecteur de Thérèse de Lisieux,’’ by Guillaume Cuchet, 101-

. ‘‘Quarante années de production historiographique (1971-2012): Réflexions sur un parcours atypique,’’ by Claude Langlois, 108-

Historical Research, Vol.86, No.232 (May 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2281

. “Magna Carta 1253: the ambitions of the church and the divisions within the real,” by David A. Carpenter, 179-

. “More light on Henry III's confirmation of Magna Carta in 1253,” by David A. Carpenter, 191-

. “The ‘Boroughbridge roll of arms’ reconsidered,” by Bridget Wells-Furby, 196-

. “Talk, script and print: the making of island books in early modern Venice,” by Anastasia Stouraiti, 207-

. “‘His neighbours land mark’: William Sykes and the campaign for ‘free trade’ in civil war England,” by Thomas L. Leng, 230- 42 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Was there a British Georgian town? A comparison between selected Scottish burghs and English towns,” by Charles McKean, 253- . “‘The potent spirit of the black-browed Jacko’: new light on the impact of John Robinson on high politics in the era of the American Revolution, 1770–84,” by Andrew Connell, 292-

. “Quantifying the language of British politics, 1880–1910,” by Luke Blaxill, 313-

. “Sculpting the nation in early republican Turkey,” by Faik Gur, 342-

. “‘Tolerance means weakness’: the Dachau concentration camp S.S., militarism and masculinity,” by Christopher Dillon, 373-

Historical Research, Vol.86, No.233 (August 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2281

. “Introduction,” by Jenny Benham, 391-

. “Social structures and social change in seventh-century England: the law codes and complementary sources,” by John Hines, 394-

. “How did the authors of the Breviarium Alaricanum work? The example of the laws on Jews,” by Capucine Nemo-Pekelman, 408-

. “Forest laws in England and Normandy in the twelfth century,” by Judith A. Green, 416-

. “The creation of a Scandinavian provincial law: how was it done?” by Stefan Brink, 432-

. “Carolingian kings and the leges barbarorum,” by Thomas Faulkner, 443-

. “Law codes and legal norms in later Anglo-Saxon England,” by Levi Roach, 465-

. “Law or treaty? Defining the edge of legal studies in the early and high medieval periods,” by Jenny Benham, 487-

. “Riht in earlier Anglo-Saxon legislation: a semasiological approach,” by Daniela Fruscione, 498-

. “Creating a Danish legal language: legal terminology in the medieval Law of Scania,” by Ditlev Tamm and Helle Vogt, 505-

. “‘Ge mid wedde ge mid aðe’: the functions of oath and pledge in Anglo-Saxon legal culture,” by Matthias Ammon, 515-

. “The twelfth-century rubrication of Anglo-Saxon legal texts in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS. 383 ,” by Thomas Gobbitt, 536-

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History Vol.98, No.333 (July 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-229X

. “Evidence for Dualism in Inquisitorial Registers of the 1240s: A Contribution to a Debate,” by Claire Taylor, 319-

. “Making Gibraltar British in the Eighteenth Century,” by Geoffrey Plank, 346-

. “The Clinton–Cornwallis Controversy and Responsibility for the British Surrender at Yorktown,” by Richard Middleton, 370-

. “Churchill's Black Dog at the Home Office, 1910–1911: The Evidential Reliability of Psychiatric Inference,” by Wilfred Attenborough, 390-

. “State Expansion and the Criminal Investigation Militia during the Russian Civil War,” by Murray Frame, 406-

History Compass, Vol.11, No.5 (May 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542

Special Issue: Special Issue on The Historiographical Legacies of David Underdown

Britain and Ireland . “Introduction: The Historiographical Legacies of David Underdown,” by Malcolm Smuts, 331-

. “David Underdown, Royalist Conspirators and the Character of English Politics,” by Lloyd Bowen, 341-

. “Parties, Parliament and Pride's Purge: David Underdown as Political Historian,” by Jason Peacey, 352-

. “Politics and Religion, Community and Modernity: David Underdown in the Historiography of English Puritanism,” by Dan Beaver, 363-

. “The ‘Chalk’ and the ‘Cheese’: David Underdown, Regional Cultures and Popular Allegiance in the English Revolution,” by Ann Hughes, 373-

. “Politics and Gender in Crisis in David Underdown's ‘The Taming of the Scold,’” by Rachel Weil, 381-

. “David Underdown and Cricket,” by Richard Cust, 389-

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. “Turning the World Upside Down: Gender and Inversion in the work of David Underdown,” by Susan D. Amussen, 394-

History Compass, Vol.11, No.6 (June 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542

Australasia and the Pacific . “Genocide, Extinction and Aboriginal Self-determination in Tasmanian Historiography,” by Rebe Taylor, 405-

. “The Home Front during World War One and World War Two,” by Gwen Parsons, 419-

Britain and Ireland . “Confrontation and Unification: Approaches to the Political History of Normandy, 911– 1035,” by Dr. Mark Hagger, 429-

Europe . “Shadow Kingdom: Lotharingia and the Frankish World, c.850–c.1050,” by Simon MacLean, 443-

. “Beyond History and Memory: New Perspectives in Memory Studies,” by Marek Tamm, 458-

. “The Late Medieval Countryside: England's Rural Economy and Society, 1275–1500,” by David Routt, 474-

. “Epicurean and Stoic Enlightenments: The Return of Modern Paganism?” by Ben Dew, 486-

History Compass, Vol.11, No.7 (July 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291478-0542

Special Issue: Tracks and Trails: Indian Ocean Worlds as Method

. “Sea Tracks and Trails: Indian Ocean Worlds as Method,” by Antoinette Burton, Madhavi Kale, Isabel Hofmeyr, Clare Anderson, Christopher J. Lee and Nile Green, 497-

. “Subaltern Lives: History, Identity and Memory in the Indian Ocean World,” by Clare Anderson, 503-

. “South Africa's Indian Ocean – Notes from Johannesburg,” by Isabel Hofmeyr, 508-

. “Maritime Worlds and Global History: Comparing the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean through Barcelona and Bombay,” by Nile Green, 513-

. “The Indian Ocean during the Cold War: Thinking through a Critical Geography,” by Christopher J. Lee, 524- 45 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Response to the Forum,” by Madhavi Kale, 531-

History and Theory, Vol.52, No.2 (May 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2303

. “Dwelling Within: The Inhabited Ruins of History,” by Dariusz Gafijczuk, 149-

. “Representation as a Cognitive Instrument,” by Frank Ankersmit, 171-

. -

. “Reoccupying“The Limits of Secularization:Ottoman Pragmatism,” Schmitt andby Murat Koselleck Dağli, on 194 Blumenberg's Challenge,” by Timo Pankakoski, 214-

Review Essays . “Pinker and Progress,” by Ronald Aronson, 246-

. “Possibilities in ‘A Thoroughly Historical World’: Missing Hayden White's Missed Connections,” by David D. Roberts, 265-

. “Historiography: A Field in Search of a Historian?” by Eileen Ka-May Cheng, 278-

. “The Evolution and Development of Culture,” by Yuval Laor and Eva Jablonka, 290-

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 39, No.3 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhei20/39/3

. “La Boétie and the Neo-Roman Conception of Freedom,” by -Alonso, 317-

. “The Changing Moral Justification of Empire: From the RightMarta to Colonise García to the Obligation to Civilise,” by Camilla Boisen, 335-

. “Rethinking the Political Thought of James Harrington: Royalism, Republicanism and Democracy,” by Rachel Hammersley, 354-

. “Who is the Author of the Abstract of Monsieur l'Abbé de Saint-Pierre's ‘Plan for Perpetual Peace’? From Saint-Pierre to Rousseau,” by Céline Spector, 371-

. “Godly Dispositions and Textual Conditions: The Literary Sociology of International Religious Exchanges, c. 1722–1740,” by Tessa Whitehouse, 394-

. “Catharine Macaulay on the Will,” by Karen Green & Shannon Weekes, 409-

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. “Particular Universals—Universal Particulars: Biopolitical Metaphors and the Emergence of Nationalism in Europe (1650-1815),” by Christian P. Weber, 426- . “Liberalism against Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of the Concepts of Totalitarian Democracy and Positive Liberty in Jacob Leib Talmon and Isaiah Berlin,” by Alessandro Mulieri, 449-

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 39, No.4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhei20/39/4

. “The Use and Abuse of the Digital Humanities in the History of Ideas: How to Study the Encyclopédie,” by Marie Leca-Tsiomis, 467-

. “Kant and Vattel in Context: Cosmopolitan Philosophy and Diplomatic Casuistry,” by Ian Hunter, 477-

. “Wollstonecraft in Europe, 1792–1904: A Revisionist Reception History,” by Eileen Hunt Botting, 503-

. “Renan versus Gobineau: Semitism and Antisemitism, Ancient Races and Modern Liberal Nations,” by Paul Lawrence Rose, 528-

. “The Madness of Franz Brentano: Religion, Secularisation and the History of Philosophy,” by Richard Schaefer, 541-

. “Arendt's Denktagebuch, 1950–1973: An Unwritten Ethics for the Human Condition?” by Rodrigo Chacón, 561-

. “The World of Psychiatry and the World of War: Foucault's Use of Metaphors in Le pouvoir psychiatrique,” by Line Joranger, 583-

Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol.27, No.1 (Spring 2013) http://hgs.oxfordjournals.org/archive/

. “Who Killed Lida's Jewish Intelligentsia? A Case Study of Wehrmacht Involvement in the Holocaust's ‘First Hour,’” by David W. Wildermuth, 1-

. “History and Memory: The Orthodox Experience in the Bergen-Belsen Displaced Persons Camp,” by Henri Lustiger Thaler, 30-

. “Raphael Lemkin, Cultural Destruction, and the Armenian Genocide,” by Peter Balakian, 57-

. “Calculated Indifference: The Soviet Union and Requests to Bomb Auschwitz,” by Danny Orbach and Mark Solonin, 90-

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Research Note . “Vapniarka: The Archive of the International Tracing Service and the Holocaust in the East,” by Paul A. Shapiro, 114-

Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 28, No. 2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fint20/28/2

. “Intelligence Accountability and the Role of Public Interest Groups in the United States,” by Damien Van Puyvelde, 139-

. “The Impact of a High-Tech Spy,” by Petter Wulff, 159-

. “The First China Watchers: British Intelligence Officers in China, 1878–1900,” by Eric Setzekorn, 181-

. “‘Have A Go’: British Army/MI5 Agent-running Operations in Northern Ireland, 1970–72,” by David A. Charters, 202-

. “Reforming Egyptian Intelligence: Precedents and Prospects,” by Owen L. Sirrs, 230-

. “Subs and PSYOPs: The 1982 Swedish Submarine Intrusions,” by Ola Tunander, 252-

Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 28, No. 3 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fint20/28/3

Special Issue: A Century of Intelligence (1909-2009): International Perspectives

. “Introduction: A Century of Intelligence (1909–2009): International Perspectives,” by Martin S. Alexander & Huw Dylan, 297-

. “Is there Something Wrong with Intelligence in France? The Birth of the Modern Secret State,” by Sébastien Laurent, 299-

. “Intelligence in Occupied Belgium: The Business of Anglo-Belgian Espionage and Intelligence Cooperation during the Two World Wars (1914–1918, 1940–1944),” by Emmanuel Debruyne, 313-

. “Radio-Intercepts, Reconnaissance and Raids: French Operational Intelligence and Communications in 1940,” by Martin S. Alexander, 337-

. “Intelligence and the Transition to the Algerian Police State: Reassessing French Colonial Security after the Sétif Uprising, 1945,” by Martin Thomas, 377-

. “Franco-German Intelligence Cooperation and the Internationalization of Algeria's War of Independence (1954–62),” by Mathilde von Bülow, 397-

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. “Early Warning of Intentions or of Capabilities? Revisiting the Israeli–Egyptian Rotem Affair, 1960,” by Yigal Sheffy,, 420-

International History Review, Vol.35, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rinh20/35/2

. “‘The Sustenance of Salisbury’ in the era of Decolonization: The Portuguese Politics of Neutrality and the Rhodesian Oil Embargo, 1965–67,” by Christopher R. W. Dietrich, 235-

. “New to the Game: Czechs, Economic Unions, and the Diplomacy of Contested Zones,” by Donald A. Hempson III, 256-

. “How far West?: Lord Curzon's Transcaucasian (Mis)Adventure and the Defence of British India, 1918–23,” by Sean Kelly, 274-

. “‘The Key to India’: Troop Movements, Southern Africa, and Britain's Indian Ocean World, 1795–1820,” by John McAleer, 294-

. “An ‘All-Unifying Church Triumphant’ A Neglected Dimension of Kant's Theory of International Relations,” by Seán Molloy, 317-

. “The Last Assignment: David Atlee Phillips and the Birth of CIA Public Relations,” by Christopher Richard Moran, 337-

. “‘How The Mouse Got His Roar’: The Shift to an ‘Offensive–Defensive’ Military Strategy in Israel in 1953 and its Implications,” by Amiram Oren, Oren Barak & Assaf Shapira, 356-

. “Neville Chamberlain and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–39,” by Glyn Arthur Stone, 377-

. “Psychoanalyzing Iran: Kennedy's Iran Task Force and the Modernization of Orientalism, 1961–63,” by Andrew Warne, 396-

International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, Vol. 39, No. 2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gini20/39/2

. “Going the Distance: The Price of Projecting Power,” by Jonathan N. Markowitz & Christopher J. Fariss, 119-

. “Lost in Translation: The Problem of Perceptual Limitations in Civil War Peace Negotiation,” by Sung Yong Lee, 144-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Democrats, Republicans—or Both? An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of the Composition of State Governments on FDI, 1977–2004,” by Thomas Halvorsen & Jo Jakobsen, 167- . “Global Energy Governance: Trade, Infrastructure, and the Diffusion of International Organizations,” by Leonardo Baccini, Veronica Lenzi & Paul W. Thurner, 192-

. “Economic Sanctions, Poverty, and International Terrorism: An Empirical Analysis,” by Seung-Whan Choi & Shali Luo, 217-

Research Note . “Regime Age and Terrorism: Are New Democracies Prone to Terrorism?” by James A. Piazza, 246-

International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, Vol. 39, No. 3 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gini20/39/3

. “The World Religion Dataset, 1945–2010: Logic, Estimates, and Trends,” by Zeev Maoz & Errol A. Henderson, 265-

. “Conditional on Conditionality: IMF Program Design and Foreign Direct Investment,” by Byungwon Woo, 292-

. “Global Credit Markets, Political Violence, and Politically Sustainable Risk Premia,” by Terrence Chapman & Eric Reinhardt, 316-

. “Military Mobilization and Commitment Problems,” by Ahmer Tarar, 343-

Research Note . “The Post-Coup Military Spending Question Revisited, 1960–2000,” by Hong-Cheol Kim, Hyung Min Kim & Jaechul Lee, 367-

Commentary: New Views on Foreign Aid . “Introduction,” by Matthew S. Winters, 386-

. “Public Opinion and Foreign Aid: A Review Essay,” by Helen V. Milner & Dustin Tingley, 389-

. “New Donors,” by Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs & Peter Nunnenkamp, 402-

. “Reconsidering the Effect of Political Regime Type on Foreign Aid Effectiveness,” by David H. Bearce, 416-

International Journal, Vol. 68, No.1 (Winter 2012-2013)

50 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 http://internationaljournal.ca

The international politics of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

. “The international politics of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter,” by Srdjan Vucetic & Kim Richard Nossal

. “The UK and the Joint Strike Fighter: The trials and tribulations of international collaborative procurement,” by Peter D. Antill & Pete Ito

. “Italy and the F-35: Rationales and costs,” by Alessandro Marrone

. “Noblesse oblige: The transatlantic security community dynamic and Dutch involvement in the Joint Strike Fighter,” by Giles Scott-Smith & Max Smeets

. “The logic of interoperability: Australia’s acquisition of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighterm,” by Adam Lockyer

. “Investing in fighters and alliances: Norway, Denmark, and the bumpy road to the Joint Strike Fighter,” by Jens Ringsmose

. “Turkey’s involvement in the F-35 program: One step forward, two steps backward?” by

. “TheSerhat ‘only Güvençchoice’: &Canadian Lerna K. and Yanık Japanese F-35 decisions compared,” by Atsushi Tago & Srdjan Vucetic

Lessons of History . “Late learners: Canada, the F-35, and lessons from the New Fighter Aircraft program,” by Kim Richard Nossal

Over the transom . “Becoming a regional power while pursuing material gains: The case of Turkish interest in Africa,” by Umut Korkut & Ilke Civelekoglu

. “Human security and its subjects,” by Oliver P. Richmond ______

International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2 (July 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=ASI

. “Insanity and Parricide in Late Imperial China (Eighteenth–Twentieth Centuries)” by Luca Gabbiani, 115-

. “Sexual Healing: Regulating Male Sexuality In Edo-Period Books On ‘Nurturing Life,’” by Angelika Koch, 143-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Constructing Cultural Difference in Manchukuo: Stories of Gu Ding and Ushijima Haruko,” by Junko Agnew, 171-

Review Article . “Domesticating Imperialism: The Fashioning of Political identity in Southeast Asia,” by Simon Philpott, 189-

The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 17, No. 4 (May 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjhr20/17/4

. “The relationship between national and sub-national human rights institutions in federal states,” by Andrew Wolman, 445-

. “The framework of the protection of the human rights of persons with disabilities from non-state entities,” by Nicolas Carrillo, 463-

. “Making human rights meaningful for people with disabilities: advocacy, access to justice and equality before the law,” by Eilionóir Flynn, 491-

. “Is the ECHR ready for global ageing?” by -

. “The Conflict between Women's Rights andBarbara Cultural Mikołajczyk, Practices in 511 Iraq,” by Bnar Ariany, 530-

. “Approaches to gender conflicts on land ownership in the courts of Anglophone Cameroon: human rights implications,” by Patience Munge Sone, 567-

. “Child soldiers as super-privileged combatants,” by G. Alex Sinha, 584-

International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Vol. 26, No. 3 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ujic20/26/3

. “In Pursuit of the Squared Circle: The Nosenko Theories Revisited,” by W. Alan Messer, 427-

. “Cyber-Threats to Critical National Infrastructure: An Intelligence Challenge,” by Martin Rudner, 453-

. “To Render or Intern: Counterterrorism Methods of the FBI SIS and CIA,” by Peter C. Courtney, 482-

. “True or False Warning? The United Nations and Threats to Namibia's Independence, 1989,” by A. Walter Dorn, Robert Pauk & Emily Cope Burton, 507-

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. “Is Everything Personal?: Political Leaders and Intelligence Organizations: A Typology,” by Amit Steinhart & Kiril Avramov, 530-

. “Indications and Warning in an Age of Uncertainty,” by James J. Wirtz, 550-

. “Positivism, Post-Positivism, and Intelligence Analysis,” by Mary Manjikian, 563-

. “Crafting Operational Counterintelligence Strategy: A Guide for Managers,” by Michael D. Stouder & Scott Gallagher, 583-

. “Making “Easy Questions” Easy: The Difficulty of Intelligence Requirements,” by Brian Manning & Kristan J. Wheaton, 597-

International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2 (May 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=MES

Special Issue: Queer Affects

Articles . “Queer Affects: Introduction,” by Hanadi Al-Samman and Tarek El-Ariss, 205-

. “Genus Of Sex Or The Sexing Of Jins,” by Afsaneh Najmabadi, 211-

. “Thinking Past Pride: Queer Arab Shame in Bareed Mista3jil,” by Dina Georgis, 233-

. “Queer Couplings: Formations of Religion and Sexuality on -Aswani's Ya l Allan, 253- ʿalaʾ Al ʿimarat . “Homosexualityʿqubyan,” byand Michae Epistemic Closure in Modern Arabic Literature,” by Khalid Hadeed, 271-

. “Majnun Strikes Back: Crossings of Madness Aand Homosexuality in Contemporary Arabic Literature,” by Tarek El-Ariss, 293-

. “Baudelaire in Baghdad: Modernism, the Body, and Husayn Mardan's Poetics of the Self,” y Haytham Bahoora, 313-

Roundtable: Queer Theory and Middle East Studies . “Introduction: Curiosities of Middle East Studies in Queer Times,” by Paul Amar and Omnia El Shakry, 331-

. “Rethinking Homonationalism,” by Jasbir Puar, 336-

. “Transnational Governmentality and the Politics of Life and Death,” by Sima Shakhsari, 340-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Psychoanalysis and the Postcolonial Genealogy of Queer Theory,” by Dina Al-Kassim, 343-

. “The Middle East: Global, Postcolonial, Regional, and Queer,” by Wilson Chacko Jacob, 347-

. “Queering Citizenship, Queering Middle East Studies,” by Maya Mikdashi, 350-

International Organization, Vol. 67, No.2 (April 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=INO

. “Emotion and Strategy in the Korean War,” by Jonathan Mercer, 221-

. “‘Retribution Must Succeed Rebellion;: The Colonial Origins of Counterinsurgency Failure,” by Paul K. MacDonald, 253-

. “Theorizing Agency in Hobbes's Wake: The Rational Actor, the Self, or the Speaking Subject?” by Charlotte Epstein, 287-

. “Common-sense Constructivism and Hegemony in World Politics,” by Ted Hopf, 317-

. “Delayed Ratification: The Domestic Fate of Bilateral Investment Treaties,” by Yoram Z. Haftel and Alexander Thompson, 355-

. “Transborder Ethnic Kin and Civil War,” by Lars-Erik Cederman, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Idean Salehyan and Julian Wucherpfennig, 389-

. “Sensitivity to Issue Framing on Trade Policy Preferences: Evidence from a Survey Experiment,” by Martin Ardanaz, M. Victoria Murillo and Pablo M. Pinto, 411- ______

International Peacekeeping, Vol. 20, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/finp20/20/2

Special Issue: Frictions in Peacebuilding Interventions: The Unpredictability of Local–Global Interaction

. “Peacebuilding Plans and Local Reconfigurations: Frictions between Imported Processes and Indigenous Practices,” by Gearoid Millar, Jaïr van der Lijn & Willemijn Verkoren, 137-

. “Friction, Good Governance and the Poor: Cases from Cambodia,” by Caroline Hughes, 144-

. “Civil Society in Peacebuilding: Global Discourse, Local Reality,” by Willemijn Verkoren & Mathijs van Leeuwen, 159-

. “Imagi-Nation Building in Illusionstan: Afghanistan, Where Dilemmas Become Dogmas,

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and Models are Perceived to be Reality,” by Jaïr van der Lijn, 173-

. “Expectations and Experiences of Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone: Parallel Peacebuilding Processes and Compound Friction,” by Gearoid Millar, 189-

. “Peacebuilding in Timor-Leste: Finding a Way between External Intervention and Local Dynamics,” by Maria Raquel Freire & Paula Duarte Lopes, 204-

. “The Power of Perceptions: Localizing International Peacebuilding Approaches,” by Sara Hellmüller, 219-

. “‘Where the Rubber Meets the Road’: Friction Sites and Local-level Peacebuilding in Haiti, Liberia and South Sudan,” by Niels Nagelhus Schia & John Karlsrud, 233-

International Politics, Vol. 50, No. 3 (May 2013) http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ip/journal/v50/n3/index.html

. “Global governance in crisis? Fragmentation, risk and world order,” by David Held and Kevin Young, 309-

The West After Its Wars . “No longer special? Britain and the United States after Iraq,” by Jason Ralph, 333-

. “Enduring, but irrelevant? Britain, NATO and the future of the Atlantic alliance,” by Michael John Williams, 360-

Prestige in World Politics . “Prestige in world politics: History, theory, expression,” by Steve Wood, 387-

Liberal Power . “Player, partner and friend: Canada's Africa policy since 1945,” by Grant Dawson, 412-

Turkey in Transition . “Regime change in Turkey,” by Necati Polat, 435-

Survey . “China under stress: The Xinjiang question,” by Christopher B Primiano, 455-

International Politics, Vol. 50, No. 4 (July 2013) http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ip/journal/v50/n4/index.html

. “Reviving global Europe,” by Richard Youngs, 475-

Terrorism and Terrorists

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “Terrorist innovation and international politics: Lessons from an IRA case study?” by Richard English, 496-

. “Terrorism, torture and intelligence,” by Samantha Newbery, 512-

The IMF: Fit For Purpose? . “The IMF and civil society,” by Roberto Belloni and Manuela Moschella, 532-

. “IMF reform after the crisis,” by Dries Lesage, Peter Debaere, Sacha Dierckx and Mattias Vermeiren, 553-

Towards a Theory of Trade . “Two-level games and trade cooperation: What do we now know?” by Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt, 579-

Just Interventions . “The responsibility to protect – An incoherent doctrine?” by Henrik Friberg-Fernros and Douglas Brommesson, 600-

International Relations, Vol. 27, No. 2 (June 2013) http://ire.sagepub.com/content/vol27/issue2/

. “Recognition and the constitution of epochal change,” by Nicholas Onuf, 121-

. “On theology and international relations: World politics beyond the empty sky,” by Nicholas Rengger, 141-

. “Vernacular Securities and Their Study: A Qualitative Analysis and Research Agenda,” by Lee Jarvis and Michael Lister, 158-

. “Fragmentation and diversification of climate change governance in international society,” by Eero Palmujoki, 180-

. “Back to the Drawing Board: A Critique of Offensive Realism,” by Arash Heydarian Pashakhanlou, 202-

Forum: democracy and world order . “Introductory notes,” by Milja Kurki, 226-

. “Promoting polyarchy: 20 years later,” by William I. Robinson, 228-

. “US foreign policy and democracy promotion: in search of purpose,” by Jeff Bridoux, 235-

. “African democracy – still disciplined after all these years?” by Rita Abrahamsen, 241-

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “From transformation to reality: the role of local context in EU democracy promotion,” by Jessica Schmidt, 246-

. “Democracy and world order: reflections on critical scholarship today,” by Milja Kurki, 253- ______

International Relations of the Asia Pacific, Vol.13, No. 2 (May 2013) http://irap.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol13/issue2/

. “Different in Asia? Developmental states, trade, and international conflict onset and escalation,” by Benjamin E. Goldsmith, 175-

. “ASEAN and human rights norms: constructivism, rational choice, and the action-identity gap,” by Mathew Davies, 207-

. “Herding cats: the role of persuasion in political change and continuity in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),” by See Seng Tan, 233-

Research Note . India and South Asia in the world: on the embeddedness of regions in the international system and its consequences for regional powers,” by Miriam Prys, 267-

Articles . “Power and paradox: Indonesia and the ‘English School’ concept of great powers,” by Linda Quayle, 301-

International Security, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Summer 2013) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/isec (forthcoming)

. “In the Eye of the Beholder: How Leaders and Intelligence Communities Assess the Intentions of Adversaries,” by Keren Yarhi-Milo

. “Military Primacy Doesn’t Pay (Nearly As Much As You Think),” by Daniel W. Drezner

. “Why States Won’t Give Nuclear Weapons to Terrorists,” by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press

Reconsidering the Libyan Intervention . “A Model Intervention? Reassessing NATO’s Libya Campaign,” by Alan J. Kuperman

. “The Permanence of Inconsistency: Libya, the Security Council, and the Responsibility to Protect,” by Aidan Hehir

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Correspondence . “Just War Theory and the 2008–09 Invasion of Gaza,” by Davis Brown, Michael L. Gross, Tamar Meisels, Jerome Slater

. “Nuclear Negotiations with Iran,” by Paul R. Pillar, Robert Reardon, James K. Sebenius and Michael K. Singh ______

International Spectator, Vol. 48, No. 1 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rspe20/48/1

Special Issue: Europe and Islam

. “Secularism and Islam: The Theological Predicament,” by Olivier Roy, 5-

. “EU Foreign Policy and Political Islam: Towards a New Entente in the Post-Arab Spring Era?” by Timo Behr, 20-

. “The French Debate on National Identity and the Sarkozy Presidency: A Retrospective,” by Jonathan Laurence & Gabriel Goodliffe, 34-

. “Muslim Organisations and Intergenerational Change in Germany,” by Dirk Halm, 48-

. “Muslims in Italy: The Need for an ‘Intesa’ with the Italian State,” by Karim Mezran, 58-

. “The Netherlands and Islam: In Defence of Liberalism and Progress?” by Saskia van Genugten, 72-

. “Islam and Muslim Communities in the UK: Multiculturalism, Faith and Security,” by Catherine Fieschi & Nick Johnson, 86-

. “Identity, Solidarity, and Islam in Europe,” by Erik Jones, 102-

International Spectator, Vol. 48, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rspe20/48/1

. “The Three Major Earthquakes in the International System and Turkey,” by Ahmet -

. “TheDavutoğlu, Future of 1US–China Relations: From Conflict to Concert,” by Daniel Twining, 12-

. “What Syria has to Teach Neo-Conservatives and Liberals about US Foreign Policy,” by Tom Farer, 17-

. “Russian Support for Assad’s Regime: Is There a Red Line?” by Nikolay Kozhanov, 25-

Strategic Challenges in the Middle East 58 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

. “The Arab Uprisings and the Geopolitics of the Middle East,” by Bassel F. Salloukh, 32-

. “The Arab Spring and the European Response,” by Muriel Asseburg, 47-

. “The Awakened Arab World and its New Landscape,” by Augustus Richard Norton, 63-

. “Israel and the Palestinians in a Changing Neighbourhood,” by Andrea Dessì, 77-

Essays . “The Loneliness of Israel. The Jewish State’s Status in International Relations,” by Arturo Marzano, 96-

. “Can the European Union be a Pole in a Multipolar World?” by Karen E. Smith, 114-

International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 14, No. 2 (May 2013) http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118516737/home

. “Using a Blended Learning Approach to Simulate the Negotiation of a Multilateral Environmental Agreement,” by Matthew A. Schnurr, Elizabeth De Santo and Rachael Craig, 109-

. “Simulating in Cyberspace: Designing and Assessing Simple Role Playing Activities for Online Regional Studies Courses,” by Mary Jane C. Parmentier, 121-

. “Simulations Inside and Outside the IR Classroom: A Comparative Analysis ,” by Kirsten Taylor, 134-

. “Benchmarking International, Transnational, and Private Governance in the Forest Sector,” by Ingo Take, 150-

. “Reversal of Fortune? Strategy Change and Counterinsurgency Success by Foreign Powers in the Twentieth Century,” by Andrew J. Enterline, Emily Stull and Joseph Magagnoli, 176-

. “Disaggregating Torture Allegations: Introducing the Ill-Treatment and Torture (ITT) Country-Year Data,” by Courtenay R. Conrad, Jillienne Haglund and Will H. Moore, 199-

. “Timing is Everything: The Time, Space, and Strategies for Scholarly Analysis in the Making of Foreign Policy,” by Hiski Haukkala, 221-

International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 57, No.2 (June 2013) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-2478

. “Information Politics Versus Organizational Incentives: When Are Amnesty International's 59 | Page

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‘Naming and Shaming’ Reports Biased?” by Daniel W. Hill Jr., Will H. Moore and Bumba Mukherjee, 219-

. “Government Respect for Gendered Rights: The Effect of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on Women’s Rights Outcomes, 1981– 2004,” by Wade M. Cole, 233-

. “Predicting Armed Conflict, 2010–2050,” by Håvard Hegre, Joakim Karlsen, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, Håvard Strand and Henrik Urdal, 250-

. “Choosing Your Neighbors: Networks of Diffusion in International Relations,” by Yuri M. Zhukov and Brandon M. Stewart, 271-

. “Reforming International Institutions: The Domestic Origins and Conditional Logic of Governmental Reform Preferences,” by Daniel Finke, 288-

. “Wallets, Ballots, or Bullets: Does Wealth, Democracy, or Military Capabilities Determine -

. “CreatingWar Outcomes?” Space for Emancipatory by Errol A. Henderson Human Security: and Reşat Liberal Bayer, Obstructions 303 and the Potential of Agonism,” by Jenny H. Peterson, 318-

. “Do Ethnic Dominoes Fall? Evaluating Domino Effects of Granting Territorial Concessions to Separatist Groups,” by Erika Forsberg, 329-

. “States in the Customs House: Institutional Reforms and Structural Change in Mexican Trade Policy,” by Anthony Pezzola, 343-

. “Tertiarization, Industrial Adjustment, and the Domestic Politics of Foreign Aid,” by Johannes Kleibl, 356-

. “Cooperative and Antagonistic Networks: Multidimensional Affinity and Intervention in Ongoing Conflicts, 1946–2001,” by Renato Corbetta, 370-

. “Ties that Bind? Preferential Trade Agreements and Exchange Rate Policy Choice,” by Mark S. Copelovitch and Jon C.W. Pevehouse, 385-

. “Ratification Patterns and the International Criminal Court,” by Terrence L. Chapman and Stephen Chaudoin, 400-

. “Market-Protecting Institutions and the World Trade Organization's Ability to Promote Trade,” by Jesse C. Johnson, Mark Souva and Dale L. Smith, 410-

. “Outsourcing Security: Alliance Portfolio Size, Capability, and Reliability,” by Keith A. Grant, 418-

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International Studies Review, Vol. 15, No. 1 (March 2013) http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/120118378/grouphome/home.html

Special Issue: International Relationships in the Information Age

. “Preface: International Relationships in the Information Age,” by Beth A. Simmons, 1- . “Information Technologies, Meta-power, and Transformations in Global Politics,” by J. P. Singh, 5-

. “Six Models for the Internet + Politics,” by Archon Fung, Hollie Russon Gilman and Jennifer Shkabatur, 30-

. “What Best Explains Successful Protest Cascades? ICTs and the Fuzzy Causes of the Arab Spring,” by Muzammil M. Hussain and Philip N. Howard, 48-

. “Revenge of the ‘Nerds’: Collective Action against Intellectual Property Maximalism in the Global Information Age,” by Susan K. Sell, 67-

. “Internet Security and Networked Governance in International Relations,” by Milton Mueller, Andreas Schmidt and Brenden Kuerbis, 86-

. “From Cyber-Bombs to Political Fallout: Threat Representations with an Impact in the Cyber-Security Discourse,” by Myriam Dunn Cavelty, 105-

. “The Long Road to Public Diplomacy 2.0: The Internet in US Public Diplomacy,” by Nicholas J. Cull, 123-

International Studies Review, Vol. 15, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/120118378/grouphome/home.html

. “Between Statecraft and Humanism: Diplomacy and Its Forms of Knowledge,” by Costas M. Constantinou, 141-

. “Come Together? Different Pathways to International NGO Centralization,” by Sarah S. Stroup and Wendy Wong, 163-

. “Climate Change and Conflict: Avoiding Small Talk about the Weather,” by Emily Meierding, 185-

. “Pacifization: Toward a Theory of the Social Construction of Peace,” by Amir Lupovici, 204-

. “Why Don't You Tell Us About Them Rabbits, George? The Tragedy of Just War,” by Cian O'Driscoll, 229-

. “New Imperialism: Toward a Holistic Approach,” by Steven Kettell and Alex Sutton, 243- 61 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

The Forum . “Reflections and Reassessments on the Early Work and Ideas of J. David Singer,” by Daniel S. Geller and Paul F. Diehl, 259-

Book Review Essay . “Alternative Governance in Spaces and Territories,” by Karen A. Mingst, 285-

Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/riij20/15/2

Special Issue: Indigeneity and Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

. “Indigeneity and Performance,” by Helen Gilbert, 173-

. “Clearing The Path: Contemporary Dance, Indigenous Methodologies and Michelle Olson's Evening in Paris,” by Jacqueline Shea Murphy, 181-

. “Indigeneity, Time and the Cosmopolitics of Postcolonial Belonging in the Atomic Age,” by Helen Gilbert, 195-

. “Indigenous Performance of History, Loss Aand Remembrance in Whispering in Our Hearts: The Story of the Mowla Bluff Massacre,” by Therese Davis & Romaine Moreton, 211-

. “Revisioning the Colonial Record: La relación de Michoacán and Contemporary Mexican Indigenous Film,” by Charlotte Gleghorn, 224-

. “Sonic Images of the Sacred in Sámi Cinema: From Finno-Ugric Rituals to Fanon in an Interpretation of Ofelaš (Pathfinder),” by Tina K. Ramnarine, 239-

. “Songs of Mobility and Belonging: Gender, Spatiality and the Local in Southern Africa's Transfrontier Conservation Development,” by Angela Impey, 255-

. “Objects, Performance and Ethnographic Spectacle: George Catlin in Europe,” by Stephanie Pratt, 272-

. “‘Speaking the Strong Words’: Notes on Performing Indigenous Community Politics in Denendeh,” by Peter Kulchyski, 286-

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