[jw] H-Diplo JOURNAL WATCH, A to I H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review www.h-net.org/~diplo/journals/ Third Quarter 2013 1 August 2013 Compiled by Erin Black, University of Toronto African Affairs, Vol.112, No. 448 (July 2013) http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol112/issue448/ . “The roots of resilience: Exploring popular support for African traditional authorities,” by Carolyn Logan, 353- . “Fighting gender-based violence: The women's movement and the enforcement of rape law in Liberia,” by Peace A. Medie, 377- . “Democratic revolutionaries or pocketbook protesters? The roots of the 2009–2010 uprisings in Niger,” by Lisa Mueller, 398- . “From warlords to freedom fighters: Political violence and state formation in Umbumbulu, South Africa,” by Sarah M. Mathis, 421- . “Songs of a new era: Popular music and political expression in the Ivorian crisis,” by Anne Schumann, 440- Response/Reply . “The theory and practice of Meles Zenawi: A response to Alex de Waal,” by René Lefort, 460- . “The theory and practice of Meles Zenawi: A reply to to René Lefort,” by Alex de Waal, 471- Briefings . “ Mali: Politics of a crisis,” by Susanna D. Wing, 476- Copyright © 2013 H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online. H-Net permits the redistribution and reprinting of this work for non-profit, educational purposes, with full and accurate attribution to the author(s), web location, date of publication, H-Diplo, and H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online. For other uses, contact the H-Diplo editorial staff at h-diplo@h- net.msu.edu. H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 . “Military (mis)adventures in Mali,” by Roland Marchal, 486- . “The myth of global Islamic terrorism and local conflict in Mali and the Sahel,” by Caitriona Dowd and Clionadh Raleigh,” 498- African Historical Review, Vol. 45, No.1 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rahr20/45/1 . “Amy Biehl and the ANC: A Scholar-Activist in South Africa, 1992-93,” by Steven Gish, 1- . “Lords of All They Surveyed? The Royal Engineers, Surveying, Mapping and Development in South Africa's Eastern Cape,” by Denver A. Webb, 22- . “Pathways out of Poverty: Women – the ‘forgotten gender’ – and the Artisanal Fisheries Sector of Sierra Leone,” by Andy Thorpe, David Whitmarsh, Ranita Sandi, Andrew Baio, Ndomahina Lebbie, Thomas Lebbie & Roberta Curiazi, 46- American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.35, No.2 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uafp20/35/2 . “Al Qaeda in Africa: The Creeping Menace to Sub-Sahara's 500 Million Muslims,” by Herman J. Cohen, 63- . “Women's Role in Syria Uprising Obscured by War and Islamists, but Still Crucial,” by Eva Sohlman, 70- . “Ten Challenges for China's New Leader,” by P. H. Yu, 75- . “Maritime Governance as an Instrument of National Security: A New Perspective for DHS and the U.S. Coast Guard,” by Peter J. Hatch, 82- . “Strategic Competition in South Asia: Gwadar, Chabahar, and the Risks of Infrastructure Development,” by Rorry Daniels, 83- . “Common Interests of the United States and Russia: A Reflection,” by Michael Rywkin, 101- . “The Great Triangle Drama: The Euro Zone Debt Crisis, the U.S. Fiscal Cliff, and Chinese Growth Prospects,” by Dan Steinbock, 108- For the Record . “Africa Policy in President Obama's Second Administration,” 119- American Foreign Policy Interests, Vol.35, No.3 (April 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uafp20/35/3 2 | Page H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 Special Issue: Perspective on East Asian Security Issues . “Introduction to Perspective on East Asian Security Issues,” by Donald S. Zagoria, 127- . “Forging a New Type of Great Power Relations in the Global Commons,” by Abraham M. Denmark, 129- . “Getting Back on Track: China, the United States, and Asia-Pacific Security,” by Roger Irvine, 137- . “Rebalancing or De-Balancing: U.S. Pivot and East Asian Order,” by Wei Ling, 148- . “Delivering on the Promise of Trustpolitik: Park Geun-hye's Daunting Challenge on the Korean Peninsula,” by John Delury, 155- . “Strategic Choices: Why Europe Still Matters,” by Blaine D. Holt, 160- For the Record . “Policy Recommendations for the DPRK,” 169- American Historical Review, Vol.118, No.2 (April 2013) http://ahr.oxfordjournals.org/content/118/2.toc . “Unleashing the Beast: Animals, Energy, and the Economy of Labor in Ottoman Egypt,” by Alan Mikhail, 317- . “Running into Whales: The History of the North Pacific from below the Waves,” by Ryan Tucker Jones, 349- . “Interfaith Encounters between Jews and Christians in the Early Modern Period and Beyond: Toward a Framework,” by Daniel Jütte, 378- . “Spacetime and the Muslim Journey West: Industrial Communications in the Making of the ‘Muslim World,’” by Nile Green, 401- . “Seeing Subjectivity: Erotic Photography and the Optics of Desire,” by Jennifer V. Evans, 430- Featured Reviews . “Adrian Johns, Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates,” by Clare Pettitt, 463- . “John Tutino, Making a New World: Founding Capitalism in the Bajío and Spanish North America,” by Margaret Chowning, 456- 3 | Page H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 . “Emmanuelle Saada, Empire's Children: Race, Filiation, and Citizenship in the French Colonies,” by Gary Wilder, 468- . “Mary Fulbrook, Dissonant Lives: Generations and Violence through the German Dictatorships,” by Charles B. Lansing, 470- American Historical Review, Vol.118, No.3 (June 2013) http://ahr.oxfordjournals.org/content/118/3.toc Articles . “‘Is It a Book That You Would Even Wish Your Wife or Your Servants to Read?’ Obscenity Law and the Politics of Reading in Modern England,” by Christopher Hilliard, 653- . “Sudden Nationhood: The Microdynamics of Intercommunal Relations in Bosnia- Herzegovina after World War II,” by Max Bergholz, 679- AHR Forum: Investigating the History in Prehistories . “History and the ‘Pre,’” by Daniel Lord Smail and Shryock Andrew, 709- . “Women, Men, and Cycles of Evangelism in the Southwest Borderlands, a.d. 750 to 1750,” by James F. Brooks, 738- . “Contested Conjunctures: Brahman Communities and ‘Early Modernity’ in India,” by Rosalind O'Hanlon, 765- . “The End of Prehistory? An Africanist Comment,” by Akinwumi Ogundiran, 788- Featured Reviews . “Carl H. Nightingale, Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities,” by Alex Lichtenstein, 802- . “Ronald G. Witt, The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy,” by Robert Black, 804- . “Andrew Pettegree, The Book in the Renaissance,” by Ann Blair, 806- . “Stephen Tuck, We Ain't What We Ought to Be: The Black Freedom Struggle from Emancipation to Obama,” by Robert J. Norrell, 809- . “Sheldon Garon, Beyond Our Means: Why America Spends While the World Saves,” by Kenneth Lipartito, 811- American Political Science Review, Vol. 101, No. 2 (May 2013) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=PSR&volumeId=107&seriesId=0&issueId=02 4 | Page H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 . “Technology and Collective Action: The Effect of Cell Phone Coverage on Political Violence in Africa,” by Jan H. Pierskalla and Florian M. Hollenbach, 207- . “Capitol Mobility: Madisonian Representation and the Location and Relocation of Capitals in the United States,” by Erik J. Engstrom, Jesse R. Hammond and John T. Scott, 225- . “Cold Case File: Indictable Acts and Officer Accountability in Marbury v. Madison,” by Karen Orren and Christopher Walker, 241- . “Representation and Rights: The Impact of LGBT Legislators in Comparative Perspective,” by Andrew Reynolds, 259- . “Politics in the Mind's Eye: Imagination as a Link between Social and Political Cognition,” by Michael Bang Petersen and Lene Aarøe, 275- . “Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict,” by Nicholas Sambanis and Moses Shayo, 294- . “How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression,” by Gary King, Jennifer Pan and Margaret E. Roberts, 326- . “Crossing the Line: Local Ethnic Geography and Voting in Ghana,” by Nahomi Ichino And Noah L. Nathan, 344- Forum: The Debate Over Genopolitics . “In Defense of Genopolitics,” by James H. Fowler and Christopher T. Dawes, 362- . “Candidate Genes and Voter Turnout: Further Evidence on the Role of 5-HTTLPR,” by Kristen Diane Deppe, Scott F. Stoltenberg, Kevin B. Smith and John R. Hibbing, 375- . “Genopolitics and the Science of Genetics,” by Evan Charney and William English, 382- American Quarterly, Vol.65, No.2 (June 2013) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_quarterly/ ASA Presidential Address . “Where We Stand: US Empire at Street Level and in the Archive,” by Matthew Frye Jacobson, 265- . “Epistemologies of Empire: Sexuality and Knowledge within the Neoliberal Academy,” by Meg Wesling, 291- . “Notes from Antigua Naval Base,” by Laura Briggs, 303- Essays . “Where in the World Is Juan—and What Color Is He?: The Geography of Latina/o Racial 5 | Page H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 Identity in Southern California,” by Laura Pulido and Manuel Pastor, 309- . “The Balcony and the Street: Gender, Virtue, and Politics in George Caleb Bingham's Antebellum America,” by Wynne Walker Moskop, 343- . “‘Crazy for This Democracy”: Postwar Psychoanalysis, African American Blues Narratives, and the Lafargue Clinic,” by Catherine A. Stewart, 371- Event Review . “Ballad of an Untimely Man: Bob Dylan at the Hollywood Bowl,” by Taylor Black, 397- Reviews . “How History Happens and Why Culture Counts: Twenty Years after Becoming Mexican American,” by George Lipsitz, 405- . “Punkademia,” by Maria Elena Buszek, 413- . “New Cosmopolitanisms of Forgotten Diasporas,” by J. Daniel Elam, 425- . “The Flesh of Amalgamation: Reconsidering the Position (and the Labors) of Blackness,” by Tryon P. Woods, 437- . “MP3s and Other Evil Media: American Pathologies in Critical Information Studies,” by Aaron Trammell, 447- American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol. 43, No. 2 (June 2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rarc20/43/2 Special Issue: Québec Cinema in the 21st Century . “Special Issue of the American Review of Canadian Studies on Québec Cinema,” by Miléna Santoro, Denis Bachand, Vincent Desroches & André Loiselle, 157- Miscellany .
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