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Review Evolution of : A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with before


Department of Molecular and Microbiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA article info abstract

Article history: Sexual reproduction is conserved throughout each supergroup within the eukaryotic tree Received 16 February 2015 of life, and therefore thought to have evolved once and to have been present in the last eu- Received in revised form karyotic common ancestor (LECA). Given the antiquity of sex, there are features of sexual 10 June 2015 reproduction that are ancient and ancestral, and thus shared in diverse extant organisms. Accepted 17 August 2015 On the other hand, the vast evolutionary distance that separates any given extant species from the LECA necessarily implies that other features of sex will be derived. While most Keywords: types of sex we are familiar with involve two opposite sexes or mating types, recent studies Evolution in the fungal kingdom have revealed novel and unusual patterns of sexual reproduction, Heterothallic including unisexual reproduction. In this mode of reproduction a single mating type can Homothallic on its own undergo self-fertile/homothallic reproduction, either with itself or with other Inbreeding members of the population of the same mating type. Unisexual reproduction has arisen MAT independently as a derived feature in several different lineages. That a myriad of different Mating type types of sex determination and sex determinants abound in animals, plants, protists, and fungi suggests that sex specification itself may not be ancestral and instead may be a Outcrossing derived trait. If so, then the original form of sexual reproduction may have been unisexual, Selfing onto which sexes were superimposed as a later feature. In this model, unisexual reproduc- Sex tion is both an ancestral and a derived trait. In this review, we consider what is new and Sex determination what is old about sexual reproduction from the unique vantage point of the fungal Sexual reproduction kingdom. ª 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction nucleus, mitochondria, secretory apparatus, RNAi, and repro- ducing both asexually and sexually. Thus, when we think of No one knows the exact nature of the LECA, but we think that where sex first evolved, it was in the water, involving swim- this ancestor was a unicellular, aquatic, motile creature with ming cells (Levin and King, 2013; Umen and Heitman, 2013). one or two flagella. Thus, in some respects the LECA was sim- And when we think of how sex first evolved, this involved ple. But in other ways, it was already quite complex, with a changes in and the process of meiosis, given their

* Tel.: þ1 919 684 2824; fax: þ1 919 684 5458. E-mail address: [email protected] 1749-4613/ ª 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), 2 J. Heitman

conserved nature throughout eukaryotes. And while cellecell humans and in mice. But in other plants and animals, there and nuclearenuclear fusion play prominent roles in sexual are different mechanisms of sex determination. Some species, reproduction today, there may have been an era in which such as the plant Papaya and the fish Medaka, have sex chro- endoreplication cycles followed by meiosis drove the pro- mosomes in which the sex specific region is small and the two cesses of ploidy change during ancestral modes of sexual sex chromosomes are the same size, so called homomorphic reproduction. In this view, cellecell fusion may be ancient, sex chromosomes (Kondo et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2004; Myosho but perhaps not as ancient as other features of sexual et al., 2012). Chickens and other birds have a completely reproduction. different type of sex , called Z and W, and in Why sex is so pervasive is thought to result from potential these lineages it is the heterogametic ZW pattern that spec- benefits conferred by sexual reproduction. These include ifies and the homogametic ZZ the male (Zhou et al., purging the genome of deleterious mutations and shuffling 2014). In some animals, including turtles and crocodiles, the the genome via independent chromosomal assortment and temperature at which an egg hatches determines sexual iden- recombination to give rise to a diverse repertoire of meiotic tity and this is called Environmental Sex Determination (ESD) progeny. Sex may also enable organisms to keep pace with to distinguish it from Chromosomal Sex Determination (CSD) or outrun pathogens, including those both external and those (Barske and Capel, 2008). Yet other species appear to be hy- internal (such as transposons). There is sound experimental brids of the two with features of both environmental and evidence from studies in Caenorhabditis elegans and in natu- chromosomal sex determination. Finally in some lines of the rally occurring snails in New Zealand for this last hypothesis zebra fish Danio rerio sex appears to be a quantitative trait, in in which sex allows species to keep pace with their pathogens which genes on multiple different chromosomes come (King et al., 2009, 2011; Morran et al., 2011; Vergara et al., 2013). together in allelic combinations that favor either female or However, these potential benefits of sex are pitted against male fate (Anderson et al., 2012; Bradley et al., 2011; Liew well-known costs of sexual reproduction: that only 50 % of a et al., 2012; Liew and Orban, 2014). This quantitative sex deter- parental genome is transmitted to any given progeny, the mining system has been termed polygenic sex determination time and energy required to locate mates, and the breaking (PSD). Recent studies of wild D. rerio reveal a sex determining apart of well adapted genomic configurations. region on one end of chromosome 4 that may be consistent The core features of sexual reproduction are conserved in with a WZ/ZZ system, suggesting loss of a organisms as diverse as the model budding yeast Saccharo- sex determinant or recent origin of a novel one during domes- myces cerevisiae and humans, despite a billion years or more tication (Wilson et al., 2014). To summarize, in simple terms of evolution separating us from our last common shared the ways in which sex is determined are plastic and diverse. ancestor. These conserved features include: 1) ploidy changes What about fungi? Relatively few fungi have large size from haploid to diploid to haploid (or diploid to haploid to dimorphic sex chromosomes, but there are a few well studied diploid), 2) the process of meiosis that enables meiotic recom- examples such as Neurospora tetrasperma, Podospora, and Micro- bination and halves the ploidy of the genome, and 3) cellecell botryum (Ellison et al., 2011; Fraser et al., 2004; Fraser and fusion between mating partners (a and a cells) or (the Heitman, 2004; Grognet et al., 2014; Hood et al., 2013; Menkis sperm and the egg). This ubiquity of the conserved features of et al., 2008; Whittle et al., 2015). Most fungi have relatively sex again speaks to the antiquity of the process. smaller regions of their genome, called mating-type loci, or Beyond the commonalities in the mechanisms of sex, there MAT for short, that dictate their mating type (Fraser and are also shared features to the modes of sexual reproduction. Heitman, 2003). The paradigmatic example is S. cerevisiae in This includes outbreeding between genetically divergent which a relatively small region of the genome, less than a members of the population, but also types of inbreeding that thousand base pairs, expresses in the alternate mating types can involve the ability of the yeast S. cerevisiae to undergo mat- one or two key cell fate determinants, all of which are tran- ing type switching that allows mother cells to mate with their scription factors responsible for orchestrating both haploid daughter cells. And in humans there are the examples of cell type specificity (a or a) and the diploid zygote fate (a/a). consanguineous marriages, resulting for example from cous- Two are homeodomain proteins of the HD1 and HD2 class inecousin pairings, which lead to considerable inbreeding that form a heterodimer, a1/a2, which is necessary for the with the risk of exposure of recessive alleles in a homozygous diploid zygote fate. The other factor, a1 from MATa, encodes configuration. We will return to this theme of the balance be- an alpha domain necessary for turning tween outbreeding and inbreeding. on genes required for the a cell fate, while a2 represses a genes to further enforce the a cell haploid fate. The a haploid cell type is the default, and is not actively specified by the MAT lo- 2. Mechanisms of sex determination cus. This type of mating-type system is called bipolar to reflect the two mating types, a and a. When the two mating types are Sex in humans and many other animals is determined by the in balance in the population, bipolar mating systems enable X and Y sex chromosomes, in which individuals with XX kar- 50 % outcrossing and 50 % inbreeding. yotype are female and those with XY are male. The two sex But other fungi have much more exotic sex lives, and have chromosomes are dramatically different in size, and are a more complex mating-type determining system in which referred to as heteromorphic sex chromosomes. A single there are literally thousands and thousands and thousands gene resident on the , SRY, is sufficient to of different mating types (Brown and Casselton, 2001; direct male fate and transferring this single gene from the Y Casselton, 2002, 2008; Heitman et al., 2007; Raper, 1966). In to the suffices to cause sex reversal in both these species there are two loci that lie unlinked on different

Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), Evolution of sexual reproduction 3

chromosomes that specify mating type. These are called the A Interestingly, there are examples of species with bipolar and B MAT loci, and one encodes the homeodomain factors, mating type within the Basidiomycota phylum. Are these and the other encodes pheromones and pheromone receptors remnants of the bipolar ancestral state, like the microwave (which locus encodes which genes depends on the species, echoes of the Big Bang that formed our universe, or rather because these loci were named historically as they were derived from the tetrapolar configuration? This question has discovered genetically long before their molecular basis was been addressed in some detail in the Cryptococcus pathogenic elucidated). In many species, both loci are multiallelic, and species complex (Heitman et al., 2011). All of the pathogenic as a result there are many different mating types. Both loci species and lineages, including Cryptococcus neoformans var. must differ for productive mating and thus an isolate of grubii (serotype A), C. neoformans var. neoformans (serotype D), A1B1 mating type can mate with an isolate of A2B2 mating and Cryptococcus gattii (VGI, VGII, VGIII, and VGIV) have just type, but not with isolates that are A1B2 or A2B1. Because two mating types and are bipolar species. Analysis of a series there are thousands of different mating types, most encoun- of closely aligned and related species reveals that multiple ters between isolates in nature will be fertile, and this drives outgroup species have tetrapolar mating systems. This in- the frequency of outbreeding to >99 %. On the other hand, cludes Cryptococcus amylolentus and Cryptococcus heveanensis, from any given cross, say A1B1 by A2B2, because two MAT for which our group discovered extant sexual cycles, cloned loci segregate independently four different types of progeny and characterized their mating-type loci, and showed defini- are produced (A1B1, A2B2, A1B2, and A2B1) and these systems tively that both are tetrapolar (Findley et al., 2012; Metin are therefore called tetrapolar mating systems. Because any et al., 2010). Related studies for Kwoniella mangrovensis charac- given progeny is only interfertile with 25 % of its siblings terized its mating type locus and clarified that it is tetrapolar (A1B2 can mate with A2B1 but not with A1B1 or A2B2), the tet- (Guerreiro et al., 2013), in contrast to a previous report from rapolar configuration not only promotes outcrossing but also others that had concluded it was bipolar (Statzell-Tallman leads to inbreeding depression. It is thought to be these differ- et al., 2008). Taken from this vantage point of multiple tetrapo- ences in the frequency of outcrossing and inbreeding that pro- lar outgroup closely aligned species, we can conclude that the vided the evolutionary pressure for transitions between bipolar configuration of the pathogenic species complex is a bipolar and tetrapolar mating systems. derived state and has a monophyletic origin. E pluribus duo! Phylogenetic reconstructions across the fungal kingdom The longer evolutionary pathway was thus bipolar to tetrapo- support the conclusion that bipolar mating type is an ances- lar and then a return to bipolar. In this view then the bipolar tral state and the tetrapolar configuration is a derived state. state is both an ancestral state and a derived one. If we examine species in the and Zygomycota/ The transition from tetrapolar to bipolar has occurred Mucorales, all species with known mating type systems are bi- several times independently in the Basidiomycota, and other polar. This includes a myriad of species throughout the Asco- examples include Ustilago hordei and Malassezia species mycota including S. cerevisiae (a and a), Schizosaccharomyces (Bakkeren et al., 2006; Bakkeren and Kronstad, 1994; Gioti pombe (P and M), (a/a and a/a), Neurospora et al., 2013; Hsueh and Heitman, 2008; Lee et al., 1999). That crassa (A and a), and fumigatus (MAT1-1 and the cases that are known involve pathogens of either humans MAT1-2) just to name a few (Glass et al., 1988; Hull et al., or plants suggests there may be a causal association between 2000; Magee and Magee, 2000; O’Gorman et al., 2009). In the restricted outbreeding and enhanced inbreeding and patho- Mucorales, we again find just two mating types, typically genesis. Perhaps as microbial pathogens become well adapted called P and M for plus (þ) and minus (), in Phycomyces blake- to their hosts, less rather than more genetic exchange is adap- sleeanus, Mucor circinelloides, and Rhizopus oryzae (Gryganskyi tive. They clearly do conserve the ability to undergo sex, and et al., 2010; Idnurm et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2008). This is in thus this may ensure their longer term evolutionary success, marked contrast to the Basidiomycota branch of the dikarya but restricting genetic exchange may allow them to vary just in which a majority of species have the tetrapolar mating sys- enough to keep pace with their hosts. tem configuration. But thus far, no species with the tetrapolar We return then to a more general consideration of MAT loci mating system have been found outside of the Basidiomycota. and several recent poignant examples prove illuminating. Thus, we can root the phylogenetic tree with multiple out- Recent studies have defined the MAT loci for two ciliates in groups that are all bipolar, and conclude that the tetrapolar the Alveolate supergroup (Tetrahymena and Paramecium), for system is a derived state, possibly with a single origin at the two representative algae in the Planta supergroup (Chlamydo- base of the Basidiomycota. In essence, an ancestral system monas and Volvox), and for the slime mold Dictyostelium in with just one MAT locus encoding homeodomain factors the Amoebozoa supergroup (Bloomfield et al., 2010; evolved into a system with a second sex determinant on Cervantes et al., 2013; Ferris et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2014). another chromosome encoding pheromones and pheromone While there are fascinating features, such as the three mating receptors. How such a transition might have occurred could types of the slime mold, and the dramatic expansion of MAT have first involved an auto-stimulated pheromone, phero- loci into true sex chromosomes from Chlamydomonas to mone receptor gene pair, which underwent genetic drift to Volvox, and the roulette type mating-type switching of Tetra- form more than one self-activating allele, followed by recom- hymena which has seven mating types (one for each day of bination between the two to generate two self-sterile/cross- the week, or seven brides for seven brothers), there is essen- fertile gene combinations that became a second MAT locus. tially no underlying conserved feature. Taken from the Some aspects of this have been modeled, conceptualizing perspective of diverse and plastic sex chromosomes and how such an event might have transpired (Fraser et al., 2007). mating-type loci from at least 5 of the 8 supergroups of the

Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), 4 J. Heitman

eukaryotes, there seems to be nothing ancestral or static features associated with bisexual reproduction, with the about sex determination. exception that it dispenses with the obligate need for a part- These considerations lead us to conclude that mating type ner of opposite mating type. There are situations, so called and sex determination are not ancestral, but rather derived menage a trois matings, in which three partners are present features. If so, then what was the ancestral pattern of sexual (two a and one a) and a small number of limiting a cells serve reproduction? Put another way, we know that the LECA was as pheromone donors to stimulate the fusion and unisexual sexy but how sexuality was manifested is the central ques- reproduction of two a partners present as the majority in the tion. As we will consider in the section that follows, our cen- population. In fact in mixed populations, both a-a bisexual tral premise is that LECA was unisexual (Fig. 1). and aea unisexual reproduction can occur concomitantly and the balance depends upon the ratio of the mating types and who encounters whom. 3. Modes of sexual reproduction While early reports focused on unisexual reproduction/ monokaryotic fruiting of isolates of a mating type (Wickes We now turn our considerations from mechanisms of sexual et al., 1996), we now appreciate that isolates of a mating type reproduction to modes of sexual reproduction. Consideration can also undergo unisexual reproduction (Hull and Heitman, of the sexual nature of the Cryptococcus pathogenic species 2002; Tscharke et al., 2003). Subsequently, by detailed genetic complex provides further illumination. We have discussed analysis of progeny from a cross of a more and a less fertile how they have undergone a transition from an enhanced out- parental strain, it was found that unisexual reproduction is crossing/restricted inbreeding ancestral tetrapolar state with a quantitative trait, to which multiple quantitative trait loci thousands of mating types to a derived bipolar state with (QTL) scattered around the genome contribute (Lin et al., just two mating types with enhanced inbreeding and 2006). The MAT locus was found to be the most significant of restricted outbreeding. We will now consider how they have the QTLs mapped, with the a allele promoting unisexual hy- taken this transition one step further from a bipolar to a uni- phal development to a greater extent than the a allele (Lin polar sexual state with just one mating type that reproduces et al., 2006). To put this another way, isolates with the a allele unisexually, dispensing with the need for a partner of oppo- are skewed towards being of higher fecundity compared to site mating type. E pluribus unum! isolates with the a allele, but if the other QTLs are those that A central conundrum in the field was that while there was promote unisexual reproduction they can elicit development a defined bipolar mating-type system with two mating types in an a mating type background. Why a isolates predominate that could occur under lab conditions (Kwon-Chung, 1976a), in nature is not known, and could result from a bottleneck the vast majority of clinical and environmental isolates were when C. neoformans emerged from Africa to become global- all of just one mating type, a. In many populations no isolates ized, or may result from enhanced fitness under conditions of a mating type could be identified. This led to the conclusion that have not yet been found. that the organism might be largely clonal and asexual. Similar Population genetic evidence also supports that unisexual reasoning was applied to the vast majority of fungal patho- reproduction may be a predominant mode of sexual reproduc- gens and eukaryotic parasite pathogens of humans, and as tion in nature. This includes detailed analyses of aADa hybrids recently as a decade ago it was thought that the majority produced via unisex (Lin et al., 2007), and also aAAa diploids were asexual and clonal. We now appreciate that they are sex- that may be intermediates or products of the unisexual cycle ual, but in unusual ways, including unisexual and parasexual (Lin et al., 2009). Finally a series of studies have revealed evi- (Heitman, 2006, 2010). dence of recombination, even in populations that are exclu- The discovery of unisexual reproduction of Cryptococcus sively of one mating type (Bui et al., 2008; Hiremath et al., came from revisiting older observations (Erke, 1976; Wickes 2008; Saul et al., 2008). et al., 1996) about the production of hyphae, basidia, and The analysis of aAAa diploids reveals two distinct types. spores by certain isolates cultured solo on a variety of media One class is clearly the progeny of two genetically different that support mating (V8, MS, SLAD, FA). Several lines of evi- parents, and thus appears to have been generated via aea dence converged to show that this developmental process, cellecell fusion. The second class has two seemingly identical which had been called haploid or monokaryotic fruiting and genomes, and thus may have arisen from either endoreplica- was thought to be strictly asexual, is in fact an unusual form tion or cellecell fusion between a mother and her daughter. of self-fertile homothallic sexual reproduction (Feretzaki and Our group is currently identifying and studying genes Heitman, 2013a, b; Lin et al., 2005). The process involves ploidy involved in cellecell fusion and nuclear fusion to test these changes which, in some cases, can involve cellecell fusion, and other models. but likely also occur via endoreplication. Key meiotic genes, The fact that some unisexual reproduction appears to including SPO11 and DMC1, which encode the proteins that involve two genetically identical genomes or isolates chal- make and repair the DSB DNA breaks that provoke meiotic lenges conventional models for the evolution and impact of recombination, are required for this developmental sexual sexual reproduction. Put another way, if there is no pre- process. Our group has recently reported a detailed analysis existing genetic diversity to admix, why go to the trouble of of meiotic recombination features occurring during bisexual expending so much energy undergoing sexual reproduction? and unisexual reproduction, further underscoring that core Are these just teenagers spinning their wheels in a parking features of sexual reproduction occur during both modes of lot, or is there some potential benefit? It is important to sexual reproduction (Sun et al., 2014). Thus, under laboratory consider that the null hypothesis may be that this mode of conditions unisexual reproduction has all of the hallmark sexual reproduction is not of benefit, rather that it may have

Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), Evolution of sexual reproduction 5

Fig. 1 e Unisexual reproduction as an ancestral and derived trait. A phylogenetic depiction of the major supergroups of the Eukaryotic tree of life depicting the LECA as sexual/unisexual in the ancestral state, with a diverse pattern of derived sexual states including predominantly bisexual extant species but also those that are unisexual, trisexual, septasexual, and mul- tisexual. Modified from Baldauf (2003) with permission of the author.

little cost and therefore is just tolerated (Lynch, 2007). But this C. albicans has the capacity to undergo both bisexual mating said, our group has been exploring experimentally if and how and unisexual mating as a prelude to its parasexual cycle it might confer some type of evolutionary benefit, and have was an important advance (Alby et al., 2009). Thus, we now published three studies thus far supporting the contention know that two of the most common systemic human fungal that it may. pathogens have extant sexual/parasexual cycles and the ca- First, our group has presented evidence that unisexual pacity for unisexual reproduction. Interestingly, there are a reproduction allows a transition from yeast to hyphae and group of four Neurospora species that have extant homothallic thereby promotes more efficient foraging for nutrients and (self-fertile) sexual cycles but only one mating type, and thus also the generation of spores that can be disseminated to likely another independent origin and example of unisexual more distant locales by wind currents (Phadke et al., 2013). reproduction (Gioti et al., 2012; Glass et al., 1990; Glass and Second, our research has shown that unisexual reproduction Smith, 1994). Similarly, a group of Stemphylium isolates repre- can generate genetic diversity de novo, and that much of this senting a novel self-fertile group of isolates with only the diversity results from as a consequence of MAT1-1 mating type information at the MAT locus and no iso- meiosis, and that this occurs during both unisexual and lates with the MAT1-2 information represents another inde- bisexual reproduction (Ni et al., 2013). Third, our studies pendent example and origin of unisexual reproduction recently reported indicate that unisex has the capacity to (Inderbitzin et al., 2005). A very recent study reports that Pneu- turn back the hands of time and reverse Muller’s ratchet and mocystis species, which are obligate fungal pathogens that prevent the otherwise inexorable accumulation of deleterious infect and only live in animal lungs, have a fusion of the two mutations (Roach and Heitman, 2014), the process that is opposite mating types related to the S. pombe MAT loci, sug- thought to be that which dooms asexual species to inevitable gesting that Pneumocystis is homothallic/self-fertile and may extinction. There are a variety of possible benefits that are in be undergoing its sexual cycle in the lungs of infected animals the process of being tested experimentally, some of which (Almeida et al., 2015). This is not strictly a case of unisexual have been reviewed (Roach et al., 2014). reproduction because both MAT loci are present in a fused Things that are found once in biology are interesting, but configuration rather than just one MAT locus, but it does serve those that are found more than once are more interesting to further illustrate how commonly pathogenic microbes have because they may be generalizable. Thus, the discovery that undergone the transition from outcrossing heterothallic

Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), 6 J. Heitman

sexual reproduction to homothallic self-fertile inbreeding. It is for recombination in the population. Despite prodigious effort, important to note that these types of fused mating-type loci no extant sexual cycle has as yet been found, but it seems leading to self-fertile homothallic fungal species had been likely that some clever genetic trick, or specific environmental described more than a decade earlier by Gillian Turgeon and condition, or combination of fertile strains, remains to be colleagues in now classic studies of plant fungal pathogens, discovered. including Cochliobolus sp. and Gibberella sp., illustrating If a were asexual, how would we recognize it? It is convergent evolution to homothallism in diverse fungal line- often posited that when a pathway is lost that the genes asso- ages (Yun et al., 2000, 1999). ciated with it rapidly decay into pseudogenes and then are This review is dedicated to considering sexual reproduc- lost. And yet recent studies from Greg Lang and David Botstein tion in the fungal kingdom, so we will just note in passing reveal that sterile variants of S. cerevisiae rapidly arise during that it is also the case that multiple eukaryotic parasitic path- asexual vegetative growth (Lang et al., 2011, 2009). They ogens including Toxoplasma, Giardia, Trypanosoma, and Leish- discovered that 23 genes activated by the mating pheromone mania appear to undergo selfing forms of sexual response pathway are expressed at some level even during reproduction (Heitman, 2010; Poxleitner et al., 2008; Wendte asexual growth. Mutants that inactivate any step in the pher- et al., 2010). Nothing is as yet known about whether they omone response pathway grow w2 % faster than their compa- have mating types and if so how these are configured, but it triots because they no longer express these 23 messages and does serve to illustrate common features shared between the encoded proteins. And relieved of this gene expression fungal and parasite eukaryotic pathogens. deadweight, they are more fit as asexual competitors. I wish to return then to our question of what the sexuality Sequence of their genomes reveals a variety of simple muta- of the LECA ancestor of all eukaryotes looked like and propose tions in many steps in the pheromone response pathway. that there was an evolutionary epoch in which there was sex But the pathway has not yet had time to decay away, and before sexes and in which unisexual reproduction was the once the first mutation has occurred to relieve the burden of mode of sexual reproduction. In this view, sexes and mating futile gene expression, there is very little additional benefit types were then added later, superimposed on an earlier conferred by loss of other genes in the pathway. Thus after a ancestral system that was unisexual. In this model, the uni- very quick coup de grace,^ the decline of the rest of the sexual state is then both an ancestral state and a derived pathway is likely to be anything but swift. Put another way, one. And in this view, the pathogenic microbes have not the rate of decay of the pathway is not constant, and there invented an entirely new mode of sexual reproduction out of is a very rapid first step followed by a series of much slower whole cloth. Rather they have returned to an ancestral model steps. This is interesting for several reasons. First, it appears of reproduction in an evolutionary pathway involving transi- to be very easy and even beneficial to evolve asexuality, at tions from unisexual to bisexual and back again to unisexual. least for some clones in a population. Second, genome inspec- It seems fitting to close this section with a quote: tion of an unknown species may lull us into complacency when we find the mating and meiotic genes seem to be largely “We shall not cease from exploration intact; it seems likely that a single nucleotide variant (SNV) in one gene in either pathway might be easily missed. Finally, And the end of all our exploring evolutionary paths are often thought to be unidirectional. Losing sex and becoming asexual is thought to be irreversible. Will be to arrive where we started But if the loss of sex is due to one SNV in one gene, this is likely to be fully reversible given sufficient selective pressure for And know the place for the first time.” mating or recombination. T.S. Eliot, from “Little Gidding”, Four Quartets Other ways in which an asexual fungal species might man- ifest could involve gross rearrangements of the genome. Reg- ular repeated rounds of meiosis serve to cull from the 4. What questions remain to be addressed by population those members whose genomes have strayed studies of fungal sex? from the canonical karyotype. But if a species were to be asexual, one might find a highly variable karyotype from I Asexuality? isolate to isolate in the population. And examples of just this pattern have been observed in Verticillium species and sug- Given that there are an estimated 5 million species of fungi, gested to reflect asexuality (de Jonge et al., 2013). and maybe more, much remains to be learned about their sex- What other asexual hallmarks might we search for? It has ual nature (Blackwell 2011). Many fungi are currently classified been hypothesized that to survive a transition to asexuality, as asexual, and yet many fungi long thought to be asexual species might need to have shed their entire transposon have been subsequently found to be sexual, or in some cases load in order to survive. So searching for fungal species whose at least parasexual (i.e. C. albicans). Are there any truly asexual genomes lack transposons might be a starting place. fungi? Candida glabrata is one potential candidate, but also a Alternatively, we might explore for fungi that lack one or mystery in that all known isolates are haploids of one or the more key meiotic genes, such as SPO11 or other genes in the other of two opposite mating types and much of the machin- meiotic toolkit (Schurko and Logsdon, 2008). Thus far, the ery associated with mating and meiosis are present in the only known examples of eukaryotes lacking SPO11 are the Dic- genome (Muller et al., 2008; Ramirez-Zavaleta et al., 2010; Sri- tyostelium species. In those cases, meiosis and meiotic recom- kantha et al., 2003; Wong et al., 2003). There is even evidence bination are known to occur and it seems plausible and even

Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), Evolution of sexual reproduction 7

likely that some other enzyme has stepped into the shoes of may have been a need to outrun pathogens, either exogenous SPO11 and serves to produce the lesions that provoke meiotic (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, prions) or endogenous ones recombination (Goodenough and Heitman, 2014). (transposons). Another way to frame this key evolutionary transition and II Why two sexes? question about the facultative to obligately sexual state is to consider a simple question? Are there any fungi who are obli- Why are there most commonly two sexes? We do not gately sexual? One might make the case that some fungi such know the answer to this seemingly simple question, but hy- as basidiomycetous mushrooms spend a significant fraction potheses abound (Haag, 2007; Schaffer 2007). 1) It may be to of their lifecycle as a dikaryotic mycelium and fruiting bodies, increase the efficiency of mate recognition and fusion. 2) It and these might be examples of either very frequently sexual may serve to restrict outbreeding compared to populations or even obligately sexual fungi. or species in which there is one universal mating type that One interesting species that our group has been studying can mate with anyone. 3) Having two sexes may be also to as one of the outgroups to the Cryptococcus pathogenic species restrict inbreeding compared to one universal mater that complex is Filobasidiella depauperata (Rodriguez-Carres et al., can mate with itself as well as with anyone else. 4) Having 2010). It is one of three species that are most closely aligned two mating types or sexes may have evolved as a response with the pathogenic species (Findley et al., 2009), but it itself to conflicts between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, or is not a pathogen of animals, but it may be a mycoparasite between mitochondrial genomes, and thereby given rise to (a parasite of other fungi). This is a particularly fascinating uniparental inheritance of mitochondria and chloroplasts. species. It grows remarkably slowly, is easily contaminated, 5) Having two defined mating types or sexes may have and is quite heat intolerant and must be cultured at tempera- enabled specialization of gametes and differential contribu- tures of 24 C or lower. But what is fascinating is that this spe- tion of resources, giving rise to certain development out- cies has no yeast form, and it is strictly hyphal. Microscopic comes that we observe such as the transition from examination of its hyphae reveals that it shares features isogametic species to anisogametic ones. 6) Two sexes might with the hyphae produced during the sexual cycle of Crypto- have served to enable the development of sex specific and coccus, and the hyphae are decorated with basidia and abun- sex antagonistic traits. 7) Finally, having two mating types dant, long, glorious chains of spores. Thus, it appears that F. or sexes may serve to enable organisms to know when they depauperata may be a close relative of Cryptococcus that has are diploid, as they will be heterozygous rather than homozy- become locked in a permanent sexual state. If so, it may be gous for sex determinants contributed by each haploid a case of an obligately sexual fungus. That there are only parent. These possible functions are also not mutually exclu- two isolates known, and their growth is limited and restricted sive, either with each other or with other possible functions under lab conditions, does not provide a ready explanation for not considered here. why an obligate sexual state would be more beneficial than a In the context of considering why there are most facultative one, but given further study, explanations may commonly two sexes, it is worth remembering that there are emerge. It is at least one vantage point from which to begin examples in which there are more than two mating types or to address this question. sexes. These include the basidiomycete fungi we have dis- Coda Some things are new, and others old, and sometimes cussed that have literally thousands and thousands and thou- what is new is also old. sands of different mating types (multisexual) including Coprinopsis cinerea, the slime mold Dictyostelium with its three mating types (trisexual), and the ciliate Tetrahymena with seven (septasexual) (see Fig. 1). These may seem exceptions, Acknowledgments but considering what is shared and what is distinct between closely aligned species with two sexes vs. those with more, Our research on fungal mating-type loci is supported by NIH/ or those with only one (unisexual, to mean “uni” as in one NIAID R01 grant AI50113-11, and our studies on fungal unisex- sex, or “universal” as in pansexual and capable of mating ual reproduction are supported by NIH/NIAID R37 MERIT with any other member of the population as well as itself), award AI39115-18. I thank Soo Chan Lee, Ci Fu, Kevin Roach, may prove enlightening. and Sheng Sun for comments and suggestions. This review is dedicated to Lorna Casselton for inspiration and for always III Why obligate sexuality? asking questions that forced one to think, and to think deeply and with clarity and conviction. Many animals are obligately sexual. Why? This is in marked and striking contrast to the vast majority of microbial references eukaryotes which are facultatively sexual, and happily capable of vegetative mitotic clonal reproduction interspersed with bouts of sexual reproduction. Why this is not so for humans, mice, rabbits, is an interesting conundrum. At the Alby, K., Schaefer, D., Bennett, R.J., 2009. Homothallic and het- erothallic mating in the opportunistic pathogen Candida albi- root it suggests that recombinant progeny may be always bet- cans. Nature 460, 890e893. ter than the parental. If so, what selective force might have Almeida, J.M., Cisse, O.H., Fonseca, A., Pagni, M., Hauser, P.M., driven the transition from a facultatively sexual last common 2015. Comparative genomics suggests primary homothallism ancestor to a derived obligately sexual state? One driving force of pneumocystis species. mBio 6 e02250e02214.

Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015), 8 J. Heitman

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Please cite this article in press as: Heitman, J., Evolution of sexual reproduction: A view from the fungal kingdom supports an evolutionary epoch with sex before sexes, Fungal Biology Reviews (2015),