בס"ד שבת פרשת Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham מטות ע"ש ר„ יונה אברהם בן ר„ שמואל ז"ל Nachal Refaim 34A

כא‘ תמוז, התשע“א HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav Steven Glanz, President אבות פרק א‘

Lifecycles Nedivim

תזכו לגדלו לתורה, לחופה ולמעשים טובים!! A donation to Torah programming has been made by ,to R’ Eliezer and Aviva Friedman on the birth of Rav Malinowitz, in honor of the diligence, perseverance מזל טוב a baby boy on Wednesday. quickness, vigor, and cheerfulness which Me'ira Padowitz applied to her voluntary work on behalf of נחל will be at the Friedman home at שלום זכר The starting at about 8:45 PM. Torah Programming in general, and the Shev Shmattsa 8/8 אכזיב in particular. May the zechus of this mitzva FYI brighten her future endeavors! ,שבת The Rav and Rebbetzin will not be with us this shiurim will not be taking place. Shoah Experiences שבת thus their regular The Shul is proud to present Mrs. Livia Shacter, a 94- משמר year-old holocaust survivor, who made to RBS :this week was sponsored by משמר last year. The Lindner family She will be speaking principally about her personal Shoah experience, iyh, downstairs in Ulam Shabsai, on לעילוי נשמת R’ Yitzchak Dov ben R’ Yosef Monday night, the night following Rosh Chodesh Av at 8:30 PM sharp! No admission fee. Aliya: Does It Require A Shehechiyanu? Prior to her aliyah, Mrs. Shacter was a regular speaker That was the topic of the Mishmar chaburah, given at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. In this week by R’ Dani Greenfeld. addition, she has spoken at the Holocaust Museum in ,Washington, D.C. and to large audiences at universities לוח שבת Shabbos Schedule high schools, government agencies and at a military ערב שבת Erev Shabbos base with an audience of 47,000 United States מנחה ”מוקדם“ Early‖ Mincha 5:58― 6:16 - Marines. Recently she spoke at Yad Vashem here in הדלקת נרות ”מוקדם“ Early‖ Candle Lighting― 6:31 Israel. Mrs. Shacter also appears in the Academy Award הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 7:07 winning documentary, ―The Long Way Home.‖ This is a מנחה Mincha 7:27 compelling documentary of the time period from 1945 יש לקבל שבת לפני One should be mekabel 7:47 It depicts the struggle of the survivors after .1948 – שקיעה Shabbos before Sh’kia .liberation and the birth of the State of Israel יום השבת Shabbos Day After Mrs. Shacter speaks, she will gladly answer שחרית כותיקין Shacharis - Vasikin 5:19 .questions נץ החמה Netz HaChama 6:04:15 Mrs. Shacter will be speaking principally to the ברכות וקרבנות B’rachos and Korbanos 7:55 women. Men who want to hear her are invited, too, and פסוקי דזמרה Pesukei D’Zimrah 8:05 .(!will be sitting behind a mechitza (take that, guys נשמת Nishmas 8:25 סוף זמן ק"ש לגר"א Latest Shema – G’ra 9:18 The Rav urges all to attend. תפילת מנחה גדולה Tefillas Mincha Gedola 1:21 Healthy...Help BTYA פרחי Pirchei 4:00 Jo’s Club has pledged 10% of the proceeds from the אבות ובנים Avos U’Banim 5:00 ‖,large auction items in its ―Liquidation Auction/Sale תפילת מנחה קטנה Tefillas Mincha Ketana 6:00 taking place on Sunday from 8-10:30 PM. So, if you’re שקיעה Sh’kia 7:46 in the market for a piece of professional equipment that מעריב Ma’ariv 8:26 ,will encourage you to get healthy, check out the details שבת הבאה Next Shabbos !and choose BTYA to get your share הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 6:13, 7:02 http://luzguestsuite.com/josclubequipment.html מנחה Mincha 5:55, 7:22

.שבת Not women’s shiur. Not This - מלכים ב‘ פרק א - shiur–7:25 AM נ“ך  The Rav’s . The Rav’s shiur in Ayn Yaakov, Aggados HaShas– 4:15 PM .שבת This .שבת afternoon, with R’ Not This שבת at 4:00 PM on — דף יומי  Sefer Derech HaChaim - פרקי אבות Zabrowsky.  The Rav’s shiur in  The women’s shiur in English will be given by Rabbi of the Maharal - after the 6:00 PM Mincha Not This .שבת Dovid Genish, IY"H at 4:45 PM at the home of Minna

Shabbos Shiurim Levinson, Nachal Ayalon 13/6. .שבת with the Rav. Not This סעודה שלישית after the - הלכות שבת  Rebbetzin Malinowitz’s Shiur in בס"ד Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham AND THE WEEK TO ע"ש ר„ יונה אברהם בן ר„ שמואל, ז"ל

מסעי HoRav Chaim Malinowitz, Sh’lita, Rav 054-914-6311 or [email protected] Steven Glanz, President, 054-817-8599

BTYA Sweepstakes Chinese Auction/Carnival Magen Avot Girls day camp will be hosting the 8th annual Chinese Auction/Carnival for "Darchei Ruchama Rivka." Darchei Ruchama Rivka, started by the Resnick family in memory of their daughter, is a transportation fund that ,ע“ה Ruchama Rivka helps families who have a child with cancer. Place: Magen Avot girls school, Ramat Bet, Nahar Hayarden Date: Monday July 25 Time: 10 AM - 1 PM Tickets range from 3-15 shekels Lots of items!! Snacks for sale too! All kinds of activity booths! Women and girls are invited to attend. Yarchei Kalla

BTYA presents

Yarchei Kallah VI Pix from last year’s YK Sugyos in Meseches Kiddushin The mitzvah and essence of kiddushin and nissuin

The American Friends of Beis Tefillah $10,000 OofIn depth analysis Sweepstakes - your opportunity to make it with R' Saffer

BIG TIME ! Grand Finale with Your chance to change your life! You can be the one to the Rav cash in! No, no, not by winning $10,000, silly (which would also be nice), but by selling tickets and helping Intense Kol Torah, the shul with this crucial fundraiser. Did we mention this Great Oichlim, New is crucial? We REALLY mean crucial folks. Olim So, PLEASE start contacting friends, family and anyone th else you want to give a chance to win $10,000! (Av/August 14 – th Chances are 1-in-500 or better! Suggested donation is Av/August 25 $100 or 350 NIS. As a bonus, for every 5 tickets you solicit at the full suggested donation price, you get an Shul Set-Up extra ticket in the sweepstakes (only one ticket per ערב שבת מסעי person, so you'll have to find people you like a lot to give all those extra tickets to). Barak Schechter, Yossi Schneiderman, and Zev So, start selling and give all those people a great Schonberg chance at $10,000 (and help the shul while you're at it). All entries and questions should be sent to [email protected].

שחרית כוותיקין שחרית )ימי א, ג, שחרית )ימי תפלת מנחה תפלת מנחה מעריב זמנים מיום א„ עד שבת )ימי א-ו( ד, ו( ב, ה( גדולה קטנה פר„ מסעי 8:40, 10:15 51:7 12:1 6:50, 8:00 6:55, 8:00 5:40 - 5:43

Comments? Suggestions? Contact [email protected]. A service of BTYA Communications, 5771