XKT IMtESS KD.\ THE WEATHER A\ ERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD roteeajrt h r V. 8. Weatlcr New Harca ' for the moatb of April, 19S7 Showers and warmer toni|^t; 4,984 Thursday fair and wanner.

VOL. XLL, NO. 201. Classified AdTertlslng on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1927. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE (jENTS

BOOK REVIEWS MORE LEVEES BEST SERMONS REDS’ ENVOYS ! i ‘ A MODES#HERO Preaching is Obsolete Dr. 1 DEPUTIES OF FRANCE CRUMBLE AS Guthrie Tells Men’s Congre­ GET READY TO gational Clubs. FLOWMOVES Stamford, Conn., May 25.— LEAVELONDON Preaching is obsolete. That is ACCLAIM why church attendance every­ where is falling away” . Such Is the message left here by Rev. Fresh Disasters In Louisiana Soviet Officials to Depart As ONLY ONE HORSE Dr. William Norman Guthrie, of New York, who addressed IN BELMONT RACE Scene In Chamber One of Most Moving Since the ArmiS' Adds 10)000 Refugees to the Congregational Men’s Soon As House of Com­ New York. May 25.— Al­ Clubs, though 7,813 racing enthusiasts dee— American Nervous and Confused As Noted the Many Red Cross Dr. Guthrie declared that mons Confirms Cabinet and handlcappers in these Unit-, the average modern day con­ ed States' picked Milliwick to gregation “ does not want to be X win the fourth, race at Bel­ Frenchmen Sing His Praise— Flyer Makes Brief Ad­ Camps. preached to but preached Decision. mont yesterday, they were not over.” He declared ttat the a nickle richer today. Because need of the church nowadays of unfavorable track conditions dress— Herrick Calls Him ''Real Ambassador From is a minister who is “ a wit­ London, May 2 5.—The Soviet Little Rock, Ark., May 25.— every other horse in the race ness bearer and not a preach­ embassy and Russian trade head­ was scratched, and Mljliwick Fresh disaster again interfered er.” Book reviews make the quarters in Soviet House, which the ran around all by himself. the United States ” with Secretary Hoover’s rehabili­ best sermons, he said, and no government describes as a hotbed f f It wag the first one-horse tation program today as reports of talk should last over fifteen race since Exterminator “ won” of Communist propaganda directed <9 the new influx of flood refugees minutes. 1 similar race at Saratoga sev­ Paris, May 25.— The French FORGETS HIS HONORS; against both England and America, TIXAERf. AT AIRPLANE from Pointe Coupee and West Ba­ 7 eral years ago. Chamber of Deputies this afternoon were the scene of feverish activity ton Rouge parish in Louisiana cut 'resounded with strange sounds, as today with officials winding up Bourget Flying Field. France, short a tri-state reconstruction tour PRE-WAR SPLENDOR the dignified president of the May 25.— Captain. Charles Lind­ their affairs and preparing for im­ Chamber led members in giving a bergh got back to his old' time of the Cabinet member’s traveling mediate departure for Moscow. flood relief headquarters. COOLIDGE'S CHOICE series of rousing "Hip, hip, hoo- form today when. he began ov­ The Soviet officials were prepar­ erhauling his airplane: Dis­ More Refugees AT BRITISH COURT ed to depart as soon as the House raya,” Instead o f‘the usual “ vives.*' daining the use of a mechanic, Reports from Louisiana relief of Commons gave .confirm­ The celebration was In honor of ^indbergh began .climbing over headquarters at Baton Rouge to­ ation to the Cabinet’s decision to SETS OFF RUMORS Captain Charles A. Lindbergh, who his machine with the aid of a day said 10,000 refugees would be break off with Moscow,, severing stepladder, Inspecting the appa­ received at the state capital con- Not Very Strict This Year As both diplomatic and commercial re­ stands out today the world’s most ratus with minute care. The rentratiou camps within the next lations. famous aviator, because of his New young American took off his hat few days from the Pointe Coupee Predict Victory Politicians Figuring Why He York to Paris fHght. and was soon in a characteristic and West Baton Rouge area inun­ Many Debutantes Smoked I From present indications the Lindbergh stood in confusion pose with his hair blowing over 1 .government is assured of a sweep- while the dignified French deputies dated from the McCrea crevasse V his eyes. Several French me­ which yesterday broke away from ! ing victory in the Commons tomor- \ Picked South Dakota For became decidedly undignified in chanics who were at work on the defenders of Louisiana’s last Cigarettes. i row when the breach with Russia their acclaim, and he was openly the field looked on with awe dry spot after a desperate sandbag I comes to a vote. aghast when Ambassador Herrick while the American tinkered battle of four days. IAccording to present plans the i ' ’ His Vacation. introduced him as "a real ambassa­ around his plane. Lindbergh Is V dor from the 'United States— this While new territory in half a London, May 25.— While several foreign office will send a note to a hero of heroes to the French, dozen Sugar Bowl parishes of cen­ Russia giving formal notification as boy.” \ and they do not attempt to dis­ hundred nervous women, including The scene, in the Chamber was tral Louisiana went under Oie soon as the Commons confirms the Washington, May 2 5— Capital guise their admiration of him. flood waters of the Atchafalaya eight Americans, practiced curtsies break off in relations. ohe of the most moving since the -9> basin today, parts of Arkansas and and berated dressmakers and hair- This note, it is understood, will politicians were buzzing today with days of the Armistice. Lindbergh, the boy, spoke and Mississippi emerged far enou,gh to .dressers, hundreds of others scram­ notify the Soviet commissary for speculation, over what. If any, con­ first time that I am in France,’ he give the reconstruction machinery foreign affairs that all trade agree­ siderations— other than vacation—r then stood uneasy and shy as Gen­ said. , a foothold in the northern edge of bled for positions on the Mall curb­ eral Girod addressed a great tribute ments between England and the prompted President Coolidge to the lower Mississii^i)! valley. ings today for there is another court Soviet union are terminated and to his feat in uniting the hearts of Railroads Ruined tonight. that diplomatic relations are ended tentatively select the Black Hills of two nations. By HARRY R, FLORY The flood disabled a little more Those fortunate women who at­ between the two powers. The Sov­ South Dakota as the locale for this Ambassador Herrick were over­ than 1,300 miles of railroad in Ar­ iets will be instnicted that the dip­ Before the French Chamber of Deputies today Captain come with emotion at the scene and Paris, May 25.— Any reputation kansas, according to a report sub­ tended last night’s picturesque year’s Summer White House. after a brief speech he was forced the French people may have had for court, slept late today, fatigued by lomatic mission in London is per­ Charles A. Lindbergh stood in confusion, able only to say a few mitted today to Secretary Hoover. sona non grata which is equivalent words. More Or less significantly. It was to return to the embassy and leave fleeting fancies is belled by their About 2,400 square miles of land the strain of the long wait in mo­ recalled that South Dakota is the consistent and persistent adoration tors outside Buckingham Palace to inviting the Moscow government Lindbergh to the care of others. went under water, more than fifty first state in the union to hold of Captain Charles A. Lindbergh. and the hours of waiting within the to recall the members at once. Surmounting his natural shyness per cent of it rich cotton acreage. Jjabor Opposes It pnesidential primaries. The Sun­ and suppressing his dislike for pub­ The American ace was just as Lumber production in the state palace. Women Smoked. The Labor Party, led by former shine State ia the quadrennial “ bell lic speaking, Lindbergh arose to the great a center of attraction today this season will be reduced to about Premier Ramsay MacDonald will cow” o f the states, so far as presi­ occasion as he arose to the difficul­ as he was in the dusk of last Sat­ fifty per cent of last year’s output. This year’s courts are notable for some relaxation in the strict proce­ oppose in the House of Commons a Self Sufficiency Made dential candidacies are concerned. ties of flying across the Atlantic— urday evening, , when he zoomed United States Department of Ag­ complete break with the Soviets. Early next March, weeks before he spoke before the French Cham­ down out of the skies, completing riculture officials estimate that dure and the royal useage demand­ ed by the King and Queen, for last The Laborites will contend that the any other state, and four months ber— an honor extended to but few the greatest solo flight yet record­ the water will have receded suffi­ before the national convention. Americans heretofore. . ed in aerial history. ciently over most of the flooded night many of the> waiting debu­ government acted precipitately New Englander Sturdy tantes were seen calmly smoking without giving the Moscow govern­ South Dakota will afford the first Speaks Briefly. The French masses have contin­ area In Arkansas before June tenth The lad, who a fortnight ago un­ ued to pay their tributes to Lind­ to permit cotton planting on a cigarettes in their limousines. In ment an opportunity to answer all insight Into the trend of the elec­ the past no woman would have the allegations made against it and Founders of Early Settlements Builded toral mind. The South Dakota pro­ known and who still loves the bergh, and French offiolaldom hne scale which will net the inundated grime of the hangars and the paid its respects, and now French region about half of its normal dared approach Queen Mary with that the action taken will render posal primary is, an event that the taint o f tobacco upon her Anglo-Russian trade impossible. For the Generations— Clothed rivets the attention of the politi- whirring of motors tearing through politics will offer its bit of admira­ crop. Railroad losses in Arkansa,s space more than, adulation, arose alone with be'rhjse"tv-'$2;64)0;4>9ftr hcaath, ' . . Criticism of the Cabinet's and Fed Theihselves. - ^ «ians every four 'yddfgr'* tion. Today Lindbergh has a pro­ Amidst the sparkle of thousands methods is expected from a faction and addressed the French Legisla­ gram That is awaited by hundredc Mississippi devastated regions are Splendid System . -r>. ture. and did iU.Tn a mimner that more extensive than those of her of precious jewels, the glittering of the liberals since former Prem­ who have not yet had their chhne« ■ The South Dakota system is high­ ‘would have been^a credit to men to sholiLtheir "vivas!” at him. He cross-river neighbor but the two lights, the marvelous gowns, and ier David Lloyd George was respon­ ly regarded by politicians and by the,rich draperies of Buckingham sible for the 1921 trade agreement of greater experience in public life. i.s to be 'officially welcomed by ths states are closely matched in the This is the second of a series of; Become American. candidates who, like Barkis, “ are Palace, the court last nigkt was up which was enacted while he was In “ About 150 years ago Beni City of Paris, with all of the gilt-, maximum number of flood exiles three articles on “ Our Family; The For one hundred-years, aided By willin’ ” but hesitate at declaring Franklin was asked what use the dependent upon the Red Cross to the standard of brilliancy set last power. Story of New England” written ex­ terlng, clanking, pomp and cere- year, when the courts returned to no- Chinese wall, by no Claudian themselves. The law provides that free balloon^was,” said Lindbergh, nlony that is generally accorded feeding— about 150,000 each. Miss­ Leaders of the Liberals and La­ clusively for International News fortifications, these hardy people a candidate can get his name off the their old pre-war splendor. borites are meeting t.oday to deter­ “ and he replied ‘what use is a new only to royal visitors or high offi- issippi's flood area covers 3,2 46 Service by Ernest \V. Butterfield, faced the forests and held in check ballot only by definite withdrawal square miles. The Gowns. mine upon a policy for tomorrow’s Commissioner of Education for the born babe.’ cial dignitaries. I The gowns this year are marked both savage foes and highly trained and notification that his name “ Less than twenty years agoi * In Open Carriage debate. State of New Hampshire. In the enemies. During this period no fron by* eastern motifs and the absence should not be voted upon. Four i Blerlot, your countryman, flew| The flying mailman Is to be car- It was learned today that ono of fl^st article Mr. Butterfield told of tier, post was safe but back of the of embroidery which has hereto­ the considerations which caused the the creation and settlement of Neiv years ago Mr. Coolidge permitted across the English channel and peo-> ried to fhe City Hall 4n an open LOST SPOUSE’S LOVE fore been a feature of most couri. wide -flung line English settlers his name to stay on; the ballot by pie said ‘what good is this?’. [ carriage, with an escort of French Cabinet to decide upon the break England. “ Of all America, the Cre­ were becoming American people, gowns. was evidence charging that the ator loves New England the best,” the simple expedient of taking no "Today a New York-Paris flight'cavalry clattering by his side, and were, increasing in numbers and action at all. is ao factfonf ando n they q are oalrivwrasking

RADIO COMPLAINTS. Cord P r o d ----- 57% 57% 57% 24% TWENTY-FIVE ENROLL BIG LEGION MEETING HEAR EAST RELIEF Ch M&StP pfd 24% 24% EMERGENCY DOCTORS U W SCHOOL AT Chicago, May 25.— ^The federal Du Pone .... 245 244 245 Local Stocks % radio commission will hold its first Dodge Bro A . .22% 22% 22 Dr. A. B. Moran and Dr. IN THE TRADE SCHOOL ON THURSDAY NIGHT hearing on complaints against the DHtECrOR GUEST HERE E r ie ...... 56% 55% 55% Howard Boyd will be on emer­ new wave length assignments In Gen Elec .... 9 7 % 97% 97% gency call tomorrow. YALE TO COST Washington; May 27, H. A. Bel­ (Furnlsbed by Putnam & Co.) Gen Motor . .. 195 % 194 195% lows, member of the commission, 64% Fifty Candidates to Be Ini­ C. H. Emittmis Tells Kiwanians I ' Bid Asked Int Nickel .... 64% 63% Increased Attendance Antici­ announefed today. 64% Of Work That Is Being Dime Bank Stocks Kenn ...... 64% 64% pated Next Fall— 100 to THREE IL U O N S tiated—Every Ex-Service Mack Truck . .117% 115% 115% mobile and drive from hangar to For 132,000 Orphans. City Bank & T rust.. .630 650 Take Draughting Course. Man Wanted at Meeting. Capitol aNt Bank .. .265 285 Mo pac com .. 54% 53% 53% hangar. “ You get the car and ride W. C. T. U. ASKS AH) N Y Central . .151% 150% 151% along and pick me up later," ans­ Charles H. Emmons, RjSgional Conn River ...... 300 Aware that congested conditions The May meeting of Dllworth- First Bond and Mort . 53 57 N Haven R R . 50% 50% 50% wered Lindbergh, which White did. Cornell Post, of the American Le­ Director for New'England, for tbs North P a c ----- 88% 87% 88% Very Tired in past years have resulted in a Whole City Block to Be Nedr East Rsliet gave an intsrsst* First Natl (Htfd) .. .280 “ waiting list,” many boys who are gion, will be held Thursday night at IN SENDING CLOTHING Hart Natl Bk & Tr. .450 Penn R R .... 63% 62% 63% The young flier admitted that he S o’clock in the 'drill room of the ing talk before the Manchester Pere Mar .... 136 136 138 planhing to take up some line or Kiwanis club at the Hotel Sheridan do r ig h ts ...... 62 has found the constant receptions vocational study at the State Trade Taken Up By Bonding to State Armory. This change in Htid-Conn Trust Co. .630 Pullman .. ..192 191 191% very tiring and he feared that to­ date was necessary in order to ac­ this noon on the 'work America is Pres St Car .. 57 % 57% 57% School here next September are al­ Many Donations Received But doing in .the Near East. At the pres­ Land Mtg & Title . . . 59 day would be an even more tiring ready making reservations. It had commodate thp 'large class of ex- Morris Plan Bank . . . 125 Reading ....117% 117 117% day. Start Soon. servicemen to be initiated. As a Money Is Needed For Par­ ent time. America is caring for Radio Cor . . . 48% 47% 47% been a custom to wait until nearly 132,000 orphan children, not only Park St T ru st...... 470 When the International News time for school to commence in the result otf the April membership cel Post Pa3rments. Phoenix State B’nk Tr 405 R I c o m ...... 107% 105% 105% Service correspondent gave the drive over 100 new members were caring for their ^ d ily wants, hat Sear Robucks ..53 53 53 fall before enrolling. training them mentally to be bette^ Riverside Trust...... 450 flier a message from his mother in Director A. A. Warren said today New Haven, Conn.— An entire secured. Commander Bronke es­ The local Woman’s Christian Bonds S 0 of N Y ... 37% 36% 37 Detroit saying she was not coming timated that at least fifty will re­ Temperance Union co-operating men and women. Sou Pac ..... 113% 113% 113% that 25 eighth grade graduates city block will be required for the Mr. Emmons stressed the. point ■ I Htfd & Conn West 6. 95 to Paris, Lindbergh smiled and have already enrolled for co-opera­ new law school plant of Yale Uni­ ceive their obligations at this meet­ with the National organization has Sou R a i l ----- 127% 126 126% ing. undertaken the collecting and for­ that the work that this coiintfy was In East Conn Power .. 99^^ 102 51% said, “ Thank you, I knew that. tive courses at the Trade school versity. construction of which will doing over there was worth while Hart E L 7 s ...... 355 365 Studebaker .. 51% 51% Please tell her I’ll advise her In As a special attraction the Boy warding of new and old wearing ep- Tob Prod ------97% 97% 97% next fall. This does not include all be started In Ahe present year, ac­ not only from the humanitarian Conn L P 4)4b ...... 98% 100 plenty of time when to go to New who will probably enter but It is an cording to Rooert M. Hutchins, now Scout Troop supported by the legion parel to the refugoea in the flood 120 Union Pac .. . 178% 177 177% will put on special drills and other stricken Mississippi valley. Since point of vie'# but because of the Conn L P 7 s ...... 117% 174 174 York to meet me. I wish I could increase over last year’s figure. The acting dean of the school. The sum good feeling it has created. Mr, Conn L P 5 % s ...... 109 110 United Drug . .175 stunts. This troop has done fine the announcement of . this in The 50% 50% say right now when I’ll go, but I list which follows includes pupils of $3,500,000 is in hand to build Emmons was a New Englander by Brld Hyd 5 s ...... 104 105 U S Rubber .. 50% don’t know.’’ work so far and received special Herald a generous response for a U S St com . .172% 172 172% about to graduate from all the the school, and an additional $1,- birth, but has spent the last 12 Insurance Stocks The official invitation for Lind­ grade schools in town and who will mention in the American Legion large shipment has been made and Westing ...... 75% 75% 75% 000,000 has been placed in reserve Monthly for services rendered the years In California. He is a special Aetna Insurance . . . .614 525 bergh to return home ,by a warship enter the Trade School: Walter An­ as a maintenance fund. T^e money another Is to be sent today. Willys Over . . 20% 20% 20% community in their efforts to stamp The union Is eager to continue friend of G .Elmore Watkins, and Aetna Casual Sdre ..765 780 has not been received yet. derson, George Bantley, Edward comes from the estate of John W. It whs through his influence that Aetna L i f e ...... 550 560 Carini, David Chapman, Russell out the tent caterpillar . this work but realizes that the pos­ Blerlot as Host Sterling, of New York, Yale 1864. Two prizes were won last month the local club heard him. Mr: -Em­ Conn General...... 11S5 1510 Louis Blerlot, who was the first Clough, Clement F.-nton, Earl Gar- The law school has been assigned tal charges owing to the distance is mons attended Tufts College Autom obile...... 205 225 rlty. William Gordon, Kenneth by the local post in the drive for quite a tax on the limited treasaty DEPUTIES OF FRANCE man to fly across the English chan­ a location in the block bounded by new members and these will be about the same time Mr. Watkins Hartford F i r e ...... 520 530 nel entertained Lindbergh at lunch Hudson, Clarence Johnson, Lennart York, Grove, High and Wall streets. If there are those who are willing did and was a member of the col­ Hart Steam Boiler . . .625 635 Johnson, John McBride, Clifford presented by Past State Commander to aid In forwarding a remittance eon today. Among guests Its York street frontage will contin­ Jackson. Sergeant-at-Arms Zim­ lege glee club. Lincoln Nat Life .... 93 100 ACCLAIM UNDBERGH were Minister of War Palsleve and Magnuson, Clarence Mason, Henry ue a solid line of buildings extend­ to the treasurer, Mrs. Mary T. Rich­ Resolutions on the death -of the National Fire,...... 760 Matson, Frank Mordavsky, Eugene merman will also receive an Indi­ mond, it would be gratefully receiv­ and several other members of the ing north from Chapel street. They vidual prize as a result of his work late Edwin P. JUlsoh were read Phoenix ...... 560 570 Cabinet, Ambassador Herrick and Rossi, Emerson Sanderson, Louis will Include the art school, York li­ ed as past contributions have been. and ordered.recorded. The resolu­ T ravelers...... 1170 1190 in getting the largest number of Articles of clothing and also cash (Continued from Page 1) the French avator Captain Pelle­ Schmidt, Chester Sendrowskl, El­ brary dormitory, Harkness Memo­ new members in April. Just what tion included a touching poem iQr PnbUc UtUlty Stocks tier D’Olsy. mer Trombly, Frank Tyler, William contributions may be sent to Mrs. rial, Sterling Library and Sterling these prizes are will not be known Glenn Lewis which was read at the Cenn L P 7% ...... Adolph Zukor, leaving for New Vince, Donald Willis and Joseph law school. Albert Mann of 32 Linden .street last meeting. Charl^ Robbinh was ed offers from mechanics of over­ until Thursday night. Last meet­ and will be forwarded promptly. Conn L P 8 % ...... 120 alls and Jumpers and unmindful of York on the S. S. Majestic today, Frye. English Gothic Style the winner of the attendance prize Green Wat & Gas . . ,106 announced that Lindbergh had defi ings of the post have been well at­ his new clothes started immediate­ Thirteen of these 25 pupils have James Gamble Rogers, of New tended and Commander^ Bronke which was donated by Alfred Hart El Light...... 375 ly climbing over the plane, examin­ nitely rejected his offer of a ?300,- marks averaging better than 80 York, has designed the law school. Qrezel. All the Kiwanians were do r ig h ts ...... 46 46% 000 motion picture contract. “ He asks that every legion member be GRAND JURY PROBING wearing popples. ing damage done by souvenir hunt­ per cent. He originated the plans for the present. Several matters of Im­ Hart Gas oom ...... 85 87 told me definitely that he would While it is impossible at this Harkness Memorial and the Sterl­ 58 ers and making arrangements for portance will be taken up. The Hart Gas p f d ...... 55 materials with which to repair the not accept any theatrical movie of­ time of the year to make close esti­ ing library. The entire group Is of PAYNE WHITNEY De a d 172 176 fer, but he would consider a com­ usual after-meeting “ feed” will be BIG BEER CONSPIRACY So N B Tel C o ...... 172 plane. mates, it is the opinion of Director English Gothic style. Conn Elec Serv pfd 72 74 mercial offer connected with avia­ served. Manhasset, ..N; Y., May 25i— The young flyer made no effort Warren that there will be a big in Low school plans call for a dor­ The chief discussion wilt be In Manufacturln] Stocks to hide his satisfaction at being tion,” said Zukor. crease in enrollment at the Trade mitory for 238 men along York and Payne Whitney, millionaire capital­ American Hardware 80 82 A crowd of more than 500 wait­ completing plans for Memorial Day. Annual Business In Real Li* ist and sportamah, and brother o£ back in the world of motors and School next fall. More than 100 Wall streets offices, seminary rooms The Legion has been asked by the American Silver...... 25 28 ed 1 nfront of the Blerlot apart­ High School students have chosen and a library capable of holding quor Exceeds 10 Million Dol­ Harry Payne Whitney, died sudden­ 15 struts and gasoline and oil. ment where Lindbergh lunched to­ committee in charge to take part Acme W ir e ...... 10 Wants to Fly. the drafting course which 82 stud­ 250,000 volumes on High street; a lars. ly at his home here today following Billings Spencer com. —- 3 day, hoping to see him and de­ and a strong effort will be made to a stroke. Payhe Whitney was a di­ “ I wish I could stay here all day ents now are taking. Then there commons room, dining room and have every ex-serviceman in town Billings Spencer pfd . — 6 manding his appearance on a bal­ rector or oificer In numerous bank­ and I wish I could fly a little, will also be increases in the num kitchen with dormitory rooms, on parade. The Legion asks everyone New York, May 25.— A gigantic Blgelow-Hart com . . . SO 85 cony. The apartment, however, is ber of all-day students and those Grove street; and. In the center a ing and financial- institutions. He Lindbergh told the International on a court and Lindbergh could who served In the late war to 'be beer conspiracy, which the govern­ Bristol B rass...... 7% 8% News Service correspondent as lie taking, the co-operative High small building to provide temporary ment alleges has ramifications all also was a director of tbe West­ 115 125 not hear the cheering demands present. The fact that he is not a chester Racing Association. Collins C o ...... 115 started to work. School-Trade School course. quarters for distinguished visitors. member, makes no difference. Ten tbiough New York aod New Jersey, Colt Firearms...... 28 29 made by his admirers in the “ My only chance of being alone Three large open courts will oc­ years ago the Legion as individuals and whose annual business In illicit Eagle Lock ...... 103103 108 is to go up on a flight, but unfor­ streets. The crowds before the Bleriot cupy the rest of the center of the were doing their part. Now as cit­ :ntoxicants exceeds ten million dol­ Fafnlr Bearing...... 80 88 tunately I can not do that now be­ DE PINEDO ARRIVES block. An auditorium to seat 600 lars Is under Investlgatlo'a by a MAY CARNIVAL 170 180 apartment became so insistent that izens the same debt of bbligatioh Hart & C ooley...... 170 cause I have too many engage­ persons will form the Hlgh^Grove exists. The officers of the post Federal Grand Jury here, it was TONIGHT and TOMORROW Inter Silver com . . . .165165 170 ments commencing at noon.’’ Lindbergh eventually went to an adjoining apartment with M. corner, while a building for dean feel that the town looks to the' Le­ learned today. NIGHT. Int Silver p f d ...... 116116 120 Then Lindbergh outlined his en­ SAFELY AT AZORES and registrar goes on the Hlgh-Wall The alleged participants In the St. James’s Hall, Park Street [ 88 90 Palnleve and M. Bleriot and made gion to be prime supporters of Me­ Land’rs Fray & Clark 88 gagements for the day, which in corner, I mg, the government believes, have Entertainment—iOanclng FfM 18 20 an appearance on the balcony. ' morial Day and at least 500 ex-sol­ Mann & Bow A ...... 18 elude a reception by the Chamber A Small School diers will appear In the line of for many months can led a mam­ Admission 25c. do B ...... 12 14 of Deputies, and there was no doubt Italy Rejoices When It Re­ “ The magnificent gift makes It moth business in real beer— man­ 104 — GETS MASH NOTES march. N Brit Ma pfd A . left that he has found his life of re ceives Word That Daring possible for Yale to introduce the ufactured In breweries operated un­ do com .,...... , 18 20 ceptions and honors during tlie Paris, May 25.— Many mash Law School something of the spirit der “ near beer” permits, the Intox­ 20 Flyer and Crew Are Alive. Niles Bern Pond new. 17 past three days more tiring and notes have been received by Cap­ and atmosphere of the English Inns' KELLY IS GUILTY icating beverage being obtained by DANCE AND DINE do pfd ...... 83 88 more exacting than the thirty-three tain Charles Lindbergh in his of Court,” says Dean Hutchins, of — a process known as de-alcohollza- do c o m ...... 25 hours he spent on his solo flight voluminous mail, but he blushingly London, May 25.— The Italian the new plant. “ Yale Is the first tion of beer containing only the le­ WITH THE SNAPPY THREE J R Mont p f d ...... 6060 75 across the Atlantic. refuses to discuss them- steamship Duilio intercepted a 26% privately endowed University In OF MANSLAUGHTER gal amount of spirits. North & J u d d ...... , 25% As Lindbergh, dragging a step- “ They are secrets between the message from St. Michael, Azores, America to take this step. The operators of the ring, ac­ Pratt, Whitney pfd . . 82 88 ladder with him to enable him to translator and myself,” he said announcing the safe arrival of Com­ 22 “ The 'buildings are planned for a cording to t’m views expressed by Feck, Stow & Wilcox ., 20% reach parts of the plane, worked with a grin. mander Francesco De Pinedo at small school, for faculty is not dis­ i-rohibitlon a’’.thorlties, have occu­ Russell Mfg C o ...... 40 50 , busily upon the giant machine, Asked if there were any pro­ Fayal, according to a message to Movie Actor Faces One to Ten .375 1 posed to have mere than 400 stud­ pied a fiumber or breweries that The .Smj^h Mfg C o ...... 350,350 French mechanics gathered and posals of marriage, Lindbergh re­ Lloyds Marine Agency today. The Years For Killing Raymond. STATE 1^1 , 58 60 ents In the institution. Although we wore abandoned witJi the Inaugura­ .Scoville Mfg CO new stood in their grimy overalls ad plied: “ A gentleman can’ t reply to messages stated that De Pinedo’s are more than a month from the tion of prohibition, sad, under the Stanley Wks com . . 65 67 miring the hero of the hour and machine had been safely towed into 28% that question.” closing date for applications, we Los Angeles, Calif., May 25.— guise of manufacturing non-alco­ Stanley Works pfd . 27% remarking upon his Intimate Paul Kelly, movie juvenile, today TAVERN rlOl 105 port have already had so many we can holic beverages, have turned out Stand S crew ...... 101 knowledge with the mechanical safely say that we shall reject was found guilty of manslaughter large quantities "bf genuine beer, of T orrington...... 70 72 LOTS OF GAS LEFT 26*Bissell Street workings of his machine. Rome. May 25.— Commander more applicants than we admit. We in the death of Ray Raymond, song pre-prohibitlon alcoholic content. Underwood...... 55 57 Le Bpurget Aerodome, France, 115 Several French mechanics had May 25.— Captain Charles Lind­ Francesco De Pinedo today shared shall have, next year, a very highly and dance man whom he was charg­ EACH SATURDAY NIGHT U S Envelope pf .. ..I.111 l l ed with killing with hiS fists. The . 25 30 been assigned to aid Lindbergh, but bergh had forty-four gallons of honors in Italy with Captain Chas. selected group of students.” from 8 to 12 . Union Mfg Co...... 25 their admiration exceeded their A. Lindbergh. News that De Pinedo With money for maintenance conviction carries, a sentence of ^ Whitlock Coll Pipe ____ 25 gasoline left when he arrived in 8 AMERICAN WOMEN energy and for the most part they Paris last Saturday night at the end was safe in the Azores was greeted certain the Law School will use all from one to ten years imprison­ stood by as awe-inspired onlookers of his historic flight from New throughout the entire kingdom funds It may secure in the future to ment while the American boy adjusted York, it was revealed today when with the wildest rejoicing. adding to the faculty, enriching t%e The jury brought in Its verdict : PRESENtID AT COURT and tinkered, apparently tickled to the seals were removed from the Press dispatches that De Pinedo’s library, promoting research and at 10:10 a. m., after deliberating N .Y. Stocks death to do all the work himself. fuel tanks of “ The Spirit of St. plane, Santa Maria II, had been publication, supporting the loan nearly 24 hours. Has Interpreter Louis,” and the contents checked. towed into Fayal harbor after a and fellowship funds, and improv­ They Will Meet King and 50c ing the quality of the education. Marshal Foch’s aide. Captain The fuel that was not, consumed forced landing, were followed by WOMEN'S CLUBS TO MEET Queen of England This Hospital, acted as Interpreter to an official announcement from the Free Parking. We Cater. High Low 1 p. m. would have permitted Lindbergh to Evening. Am Can . . . . . 49% 49% 49% Lindbergh,, but not with a great have flown on for another 395 ministry of aviation that De Pinedo Waterbury, Conn., May 25.— The 106 106 deal of success. Lindbergh knew and his comrades were safe and IN FOREIGN TRADE Connecticut Federation of Women’s Am Car & Fdy 107 miles, it is estimated. Londou, May 25.— Eight Ameri­ Allied Chem .140% 139 Vs 139% only the English mechanical phras V/ell. The delay in getting the air­ Clubs are slated to meet here to­ 114 es and Captain Hospital knew only men and his aids into Fayal was morrow afternoon. Mrs. Franklin can women were waiting, somewhat Am Loco . . .114% 114. REACH HIGH PEAK breathlessly today to make their Am Smelt . . .159 158% 158% the French phrases, and there was due to the fact that they were pick­ D. Roosevelt of New York, will be the principal speaker and Mrs. hows before royalty Tonight at the Am St Fdy . . . 45 45 45 a good deal of laughing expostula­ ed up by a sailing vessel. isecond of the season’s courts, to be . 94% 93% 93% tion and sign language going on be Fanny Dickson of Columbia, will CmCLE Am Sugar . ABOUT TOWN (Continued from Page 1) held tonight by King George and 168% preside. The nominating committee Am T & T . . .169% 169% tween Lindbergh and the French Queen Mary. Am Woolen . . . . 19 18% 19 mechanics, as the American at­ CANINE POPULATION ments of 120,000,000 people under Inriudes Mrs. Florence Thfetcher of This small group, very small TONIGHT Anaconda . . . , 46 45% 46 tempted to indicate his wants. an enlightened industrial -practice New, Haven and Mrs. Vincent Doo­ The Boy Scouts of Troop 5 will when compared to the lists of Amer­ LAST TIMES Atchison . . .182 181 181 With good humor and apparent and a sound policy of government, ley, of East Hampton. ican women presented at some Bald Loco . . , 220% 217%' 219 willingness to undergo any handi­ meet tonight at 7 o’clock at the OF TOWN CROWING should not Inspire the effort of 1,- Swedish Lutheran church. courts of previous years, follows a BEBE DANIELS in I Balt & Ohio .123% 123% 123% caps as long as he could remain 600 other millions of the world In MARRIAGE ANNULLED group of sixteen American women Beth St ----- . . 50% 50 50 with his machine, Lindbergh stumb­ that direction.” who were presented at the first Cons Gas .. .104 103% 103% led over the little groups that had The regular business meeting of Urges Co-operation New York, May 25.— An annul­ «A Kiss In a Taxi” the Epworth League of the North 75 More Dogs Registered In court of the season, last night. To­ gathered about in a desire to help John F. 'Tinsley, vice president ment of marriage was granted to­ Methodist church will be held at Manchester This Year Than night’s candidates for tbe highest him, but who actually Impeded his and general manager of Crompton day to Claire Sugg, of Buffalo, wife A Man, a Miss, a Cab, a | the church tomorrow night . at honor aspired to by American socie­ work. Always courteous whenever In 1926. & Knowles Loom 'Works of Worces­ of George Sylvester Wandllng, Kiss began a feast of tan Uko 7:45. ty women, include: 10 he alighted from a step-ladder upon ter, Mass., urged close co-operation "Adonis” of the New York police Miss Grace Cody, of New York this. .If you want to see the toes of some gaping French There are 75 more registered and understanding between the force. The annulment order was City; Miss. Pauline Day, of New Bebo Daniels at her funniest, | A meeting of the South Manches­ Gay PaMe at Its gayest* see mechanic, Lindbergh apologized dogs In Manchester this year than United States and Canada, pointing signed by Supreme Court Justice York City; Miss Josephine Flood, of ter Lodge of Moose will be held In there were In 1926, according to "A KUs in a Taxi.'* and there was an exchange of cour­ out that Canada Is America's best Richard H. Mitchell. New York City; Mrs. Joseph Tinker hall tonight at 7:30 to act the complete dog license figures, customer. He said that in. 1926 the Sheedy of Randolph, 'Vt.; and Mrs. tesies which would have made the on the death of Frank Novak. which were completed today. This mechanics at Garden City, where value of United States exports to BAN SUNDAY SPORT Myron Taylor of New York City! THURS. and FRI. number does not ^Include dogs Canada amounted to $738,000,000 there is no mlncin|g of language, A marriage license was Issued at which have not yet reached the gasp with surprise? while our Imports from Canada Guilford, Conn., May 25.— Sun­ GAS VICTIM. BILUE .DOVE AND the office of the town clerk this required age when they must be amounted to approximately $476>- Damage done to Lindbergh’s ma­ day baseball Is taboo In Guilford. HUNTLfiY GORPON morning to Henry Hampton, 25, licensed, nor does It include dogs 000,000. In 1925 our Canadian ex­ The newly formed local athletic as­ Middletown, May 25.— Berg chine by souvenir hunters has been which are not licensed. • In and Susan Wabrek, 24, both of this ports were $649,000,000 and Im­ sociation In which Harry L, Dur­ Scbandelmaier, 38, a carpenter, repaired. Mechanics have patched town. Hampton's occupation is that The total number of registered ports $454,000,000 He pointed out up the boles cut in the canvas by ant, state representative; is a lead­ was found unconscious in his room of gardener. dogs here is 1,184 as against 1,109 the growing trade relatione be­ ing light, has voted not to have at 38 Main street, this afternoon, a ^Sensation Seekers’ the crowds of curious that swarmed last year. There are 1,137 male tween the United States and Cana­ 18 Sunday games, according to an­ victim of gas poisoning. The man into the alrdome Saturday night The committee in charge of the and spayed dogs registered and da. nouncement today. 'The association Gripping Intrigue! Thrilling 47 females. Last year there were had hung a cap 'over his g^s jet despite the efforts of the police to Knights of Columbus summer pro­ Is seeklnig a community relcreation when he retired and the jet was Suspense! and Heart Appeal. 19 keep them out. gram will meet on Friday evening 1,058 of the former and 61 fe­ field and will remove all sports males. forced partly open. His condition Is A crowd got within the fenced at 8:30 Instead of Thursday, as DANISH JOBLESS from the green. reported as grave. S u n to n e enclosure containing the machine previously announced. In addition to this there have this morning and started cutting been Issued ten kennel licenses. •shades selected strips of canvas from the wings of Miss Lillian Grabowski and Miss NOW OYER 70,1 ihe plane but they were quickly Margaret Dillon left today for a NEW FLYING PRIZE by vote routed by the guards. two weeks' visit to Pblladelpbla and Vaults Fence Atlantic City. San Francisco, Calif., May 25.— Copenhagen.— Unemployment Is James D, Dole, millionaire Hawai­ r o m 7 different viriitions Llndbergli flnished working on still a serious problem In Denmark, ian "pineapple king” today offered the figure of unemployment reach­ F of white 87% of »Jury of ex' his plane at ll;30 and leaving the a prize of $25,000 to tbe first avia­ 2nd ANNIYERSARY ing the high pitch of over 70,000. pert* on color favored tMi new hangar vaulted a high fence, in­ tor to make a non-stop flight from In the last meeting of tbe parlia­ WEEK Suntone abide. stead of seeking the gate, much to PLAN BIG LAKES the Pacific coast to Hawaii. the enjoyment of the assembled ad­ ment the socialists ’ attacked the 18 Suntonje colon were th*n A prize of $10,000 was also of­ conservative cabinet of Madsen My- GREATEST PROGRAM OF THE SEASON picked in the aaise way. mirers. He then proceeded to visit fered to the second aviator to make other hangars on tho fleld and was gdal very vigorously and accused STATE LAST TIMES FOR SAVING WATERS tbe hop. New Muralo Froceu guann in his glory inspecting commercial tho ministers for doing nothing by SOUTH MANCHESTER tee* unifonsity. The announcement came from H. TWO SHOWS, 7 AND 9 planes and watching mechanics at F. MacConaughey. vice president of pointing to the fact that the social­ TONIGHT Ordinary wall coatingi often work on motors. Captain Richard OF FUTURE FLOODS a pineapple company. Dole, be said, ists had been In powisr for two years nryinihade. Butoowyoueao White, naval attache, suggested to was ehroute east after authorizing and a half short time ago without be lure of getting the very Lindbergh that be get into his auto­ the offer. taking any feasures to combat un­ employment. ■ame abide next week—or even Junction City.— A gigantic plan BIN-TIN-TIN next ;car! for conserving the flood waters-of The socialist motion crltlslng the five or six states will be urged by Will Bobby Jones defend his government was defeated by 73 to -in- If you wane lupreae beauty SUMMER Representative James G. Strong of British title this season?— R, B. 53 votes and the cabinet conse­ and quality without added ooit Kansas on his return to Washing­ quently will continue. aak ua about Suntone. ton for the next session of Con­ Jones announced recently that On account cf the growing unem­ 08 Kentueky gress. be would be unable to defend the ployment Danish, emigration is evfir VIOLIN The problems now confronting title won abroad last year. on the increase, most of the emi­ tbe states in the’ lower Mississippi grants leaving for tht western RIN-TIN-TIN. Tbe Drama of Outcast Dogs Wbo Ran Wild Like Wolveo. Valley would be solved in tbe pro­ provinces of Canada. Tbe emigra­ ject, Representative Strong be­ tion problem li a burnlug one in SCHOOL lieves. tnc country and the government has jiirt appointed a sp ti'a! commission TOMORROW, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY For Beginners “ I have been advised that 76 lakes could bo built in Kansas at a to study Its various phases. I f cost of approximately $9,000,000 FINAL 3 DAYS VIOLINS FURNISHED and that many others could be MRS. CAROLINE JOHNSON A GREAT SHOW built at a much more reasonable OF THE cost," said the reprmntatlve. "If Madison, Conn., May 26.— Mrs. 2ND ANNIVERSARY PICKED BY THE MANAGEMENT FREE therefore, a hundred lakes could be Caroline Johnson, 71, who was one built In each of the five or six of the few local surviving Civil CLASS NOW FORMING states at a cost of about $60,000,- 'War widows, is dead at Guilford 6 ACTS SELECT VAUDEVILLE 6 ACTS 000, I believe it would impound Sanltorium today after a week’s LAST BILL OF VAUDEVILLE OF THE SEASON Irving P. Campbell, APPROVED METHOD water that would cost several hun­ Illness with pneumonia. Mrs. John­ 80 Depot Square, ENROLL NOW dred mllllQns to care tor in tbe son leaves three sons, George of MADGE Mancheater lower Mississippi, and, in addition, Tenafly, N. J., and Charles-and Al­ BELLAMY in would be of great value to tbe ter­ bert of. Madison, besides a slstsr, 'ANKLES PREFERBEO' ritory where such lakes art creat- Mrs, Anna Parlqulst of New Hav­ KEMP’S Lad." en. '7

I Wrt^/.V-N *« ♦? J -.'

^ *ir,J J- MNCHESTER :(C O m ) E\nBNING HfeRALDy W ED^SD AY, MAY 2^ 1>27.,- : a s w > ^ : , i - • KV,.- • r.

C '. : ' T ^V Mrs. Esther Reardon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hlckton SOMB CUHABGBS Remarks r of Lawrence street. STORB CLOSING 2 2 3 GRADE PUPILS - Miss Margaret Crane, state vice The Ladies’ Aid society of the Milford,' Cohn., Mhy, 25>AJGeorge Rockville president First African Baptist'church will Local stores will be open on F. Howser; 2L of 143 Augur! Selection ...... Orchestra hold a barbecue on Monday after­ Friday and Saturday evenings,- street, :Hamden, is .to ftibe trial in TO PLAY IN PAGEANT Toast: “ Our .Charter Members” noon, May 30 to which the public and not on Thursday, as wtm Mllfbrd Town Court on > charges o£j Mrs. Helen Heffron Is invited. stated in a. Herald headline yes­ operating a car while under Influ-i. (Special to The Herald) Remarks Miss Qeorgianna Prescott, daugh­ terday. The stores will be! closed ence of liquor, ^reckless driving,! Ambitious Spectacle In High Rockville; May 25. Rev. John Dowd ter of Mrs. Frank Prescott of all day on Monday, Decoration operating wlO^.ut a ^license, evad­ Schpol Tonight Will Review Pythian Anniversary^ Remarks North Park street, will graduate Day. • - ing responsl^lity and {ksshulting an' The fourthenth anniversary of Miss Elizabeth Bree', state froin Glen Eden school in Stamford officer. He-spent a night in the lock-t 250 Yeatrs Education. lilt’s Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters treasurer on Wednesday. up beside, giettlng baU'today. tras observed- Monday evening in Vocal Solo The Luther League of the First School In the Colonial Days and Evangelical church will hold an LITTIE G. A R. GROUP Hpwser is said to'have collldedl Foresters’ and 3ed Men’s hall. Mrs. Anna Mae Plunder with' Max Hemes; 1568 Chapel “The Little Red Schoolhouse of Lodge colors and American flags Toast: “ Our Officers” important meetin,g at the church 1830” will be compared with the Mrs. Helen' Tracy on Thursday evening. street. New Haven, ‘an^ driven- modem day school in a mg pageant decorated the place. There Vas a away. Pdllcelnan John" Quirk chas­ RANGES Remarks The Young People’s Fellowship TO BE HONORED TONIGHT to be presented by the Eighth Grade large gathering of members and ed him to Walnut Beach where! friends present, also guests from Miss Lillian Patchett, state of St. John’s Episcopal church will Dramatic Club3 of the Ninth School Uaie CoMng tasy secretary entertain the young people, of the Howser battled with the'policeman District at the High School Assem­ Hartford, Soutb Manchester and who used considerable force to sub­ Thompsonvllle. All voted that this Remarks Methodist church in the church Remnant of Boys In Blue bly hall at 8 o’cl.,ck tonight. It Miss lillllan Mahoney, state parlors this evening. A good pro­ due hlm.,Charles A. Reed, 12 View Ib entitled. “ The Children of Old was the biggest and best anniver­ Guests at S. M. E. Church In sary ever observed ' by Damon director gram has been arranged by the .street. Not Haven, Howser’s com­ Glory,” and the dramatic clubs will Lodge. Vocal Solo committee in charge. • Line With Tradition. panion, was arrestbdialso bn charg-, be assisted by the Art club. Glee Do not waste money, John Doherty’s Sunshine Or­ es of breach of peace . and. drunk­ There was an excellent enter­ Miss Caroline Milanese club and orchestra. time and energy by fur­ Toast: “Our Past Presidents” chestra held a rehearsal on Tues­ Only a few members of what enness! . More than two hundred— 223 to ther use of that antiquat­ tainment program which follows: Mrsl. Irene Morin day evening at the home of Maurice was once a flourishing Grand Army Address of Welcome was given be exact— children will take part ed gas stove. With a Remarks Spurllng. The orchestra is work-^ post will carry on tradition tonight in the program. One hundred and Ru st-P roof very 'small. Investment by the Most Excellent Chief Mrs. Mrs. Esther Reardon, honorary Ing hard preparatory to speudiug when they meet at. the South Meth­ Frelda Schenke. two have speaking parts while the you can o-wn the best state president the summer at Block Island. odist church as the guests of. the gleo clubs Include 80, the orchestra there is, a Glenwood, the Selection by the Arcadians. Toast: “ Departed Members” two missionary societies, Drake Oven Linings Vocal selection: “ Absent, Met­ ABOUT TOWN 15 and a special chorus 26. The product of New England’s Mrs. Mary Meyers Post has been'the guest of honor at pageant is being supervised by Miss largest and best icnown calf by Osmar Qraupner. a similar affair In this church an­ One act play: “ Three Dear Little Closing Chorus: Star Spangled 8TH DISTRICT PUPILS Hazel Lutz under the general direc­ stove foundry. They Friends. Cast: Ella Lehrmltt, Banner. nually for the past 25 years but to­ Temple Chapter, O.^E. S., will' tion of Miss Elizabeth M. Bennet, weigh more, are put to­ Peggy Williams, Marlon Kloter, Movie Benefit TO GIVE MUSICAL night there will be only aboyi^ five hold a meeting tonight at 8" o’clock principal of Barnard and Nathan gether better and burn Martha Thuemmler. members of the post present^T^ In Odd Fellows Hall. The rejgular Hale schools. Rehearsals have less gas than moat A benefit picture -will be given A reception will be giventhe bean held for a month. Vocal selection: “ At Dawning” , Thursday evening at the Palace meeting will be followed by a ranges. Cadman, by Osmar Graupner. veterans at 5:30 and the dinner memorial service. The officers will The feature of the opening part All Enamel Oven Lin­ theater for the benefit of the Com­ will be served at 6 o’clrck. The The committee In charge of the munity Orchestra, a new organiza­ Annual Spring Concert at Hol­ meet at 7 o’clock for a rehearsal. of the program will be the' pictur- ings are a feature of most above program was Mrs. Ella Lehr- lister Street School Tomor­ dinner has heretofore been a Grand Paul Packard, high school sen­ Ization of a Colonial school of about Glenwood .Gas Ranges. tion which was formed this winter Army affair exclusively but tonight mitt, Mrs. Esther Weber, Mrs. Mar­ under the direction of Arthur ior, received a bronze medal today- 1693, in which Roger Cheney will They are sanitary and row Night. it will be open to the public. & tha Thuemmler. Stein.. At the evening perform­ for his 'participation In the Hart-' play the part of the schoolmaster. will last throughout tjie During the evening refreshments ance the orchestra will play the Following the dinner the Boy ford County Oratorical contest at, Filteen boys are in this scene, for life of the range. The The annual spring musical of the Scouts of the church troop will put girls did not attend school in those were served. following compositions: Eighth District schools will be held West Hartford recently. The award bottom and side linings of on a series of drills and stunts in was made by The New York Times days. Then following a few musi­ both baking and broiling After the entertainment modern Overture: “ Mignonette” , Baumann in the auditorium of the Hollister Heat the gymnasium. In the chapel, fol­ sponsor, of the national contest, the cal selections, comes “ The Little ovens are removable, se­ and old fashioned dances were March: “ National Emblem” street school tomorrow night at 8 enjoyed. William Dowdlng prompt­ ...... Bagley lowing this, the speech of the even­ subjects being based,on the Consti­ Red Schoolhouse” of 1830. Char­ curely locked but very ed the old fashioned dancing. o’clock! The program this year con­ ing will be made by Rev. Frank W. tution of the United States. lotte Rubino\l»'. Is the “ schoolmarm” o n t r o l easy to take out. “ What’s the Use of Crying” sists of three parts, with the chil­ Gray, pastor of the Burnside MeAb- and there will be opening exercises, C Victory Assembly Ninth Anniver­ ...... Forbsteln sary dren participating. odist church. A quartet composed Bouts scheduled for the 'Velo­ class in syllabiflcation, class in “I Won’t Go Home Tonight” The first will be a group of songs of Sidney Strickland, Harry Arm­ drome, East Hartford, tonight have' arithmetic and preparations for the The ninth anniversary banquet ...... Conrad of Victory Assembly, Catholic and dances by the children of the strong, Fred Bendall and Robert been postponed, according to an. “ last day’! of school. While In the Ladles of Columbus will be held at The picture, shown will be Betty kindergarten. The second will con­ Gordon will sing. a..nouncement from Ed Hurley, colonial school only the mind was "Glenwood the Rockville House on Thursday Bronson in “ Ritzy.” The proceeds sist of exhibitions of the.work done ■ Honored at High School president of the A. A. U.' They will, considered, next the spirit was in­ evening. A most appetizing menu from the entertainment will be us­ in physical training under the di­ The five local members of the be held on Friday night. Cheney cluded and the pageant reveals that Robertshaw:*’ will be served which will be follow­ ed toward the purchase of a new rection of Miss Bernice Miller. The Post, will attend the special Me­ Brothers A. A. bouts, scheduled fOr the schools of today stress the Im­ ed by an after dinner program as piano. final number will be . an operetta morial Day exercises at the high the Stadium have been transferred portance of body instruction as Oven Heat follows: Notes “ The Frog Prince” presented by the school tomorrow afternoon at 2 to Cheney hall with the original well. It wijl include boys’ class in « Selection ...... Orchestra The Rockville Athletic associa­ children under the direction of Mrs. o ’clock. They are George M. Bar­ card holding. citizenship, Studebaker arithmetic Chorus ...... Opening Ode tion wil hlold its regular meeting Willo Suprenant, supervisor of ber, Jared Pearl, Chauncey B. Ells­ drill, relief dirlll and girls’ class in Control Address of Welcome on Thursday evening at 7:30 music. worth, Lucius Pinney and Oscar Manager Jack Sanson of the commercial geography. .President Mrs. Katherine Murphy o’clodk in the R. A. A. rooms. ; The proceeds of these entertain­ W. Prentice. State theater announced today'that, Lastly comes the principal' part Eliminates GuOBs ToastmistresB Miss Esther Mead of Grove street ments go to Open Air school and The Civil War veterans will be names of prospective actors and of the pageant, “ The Children of or features of * Miss Katherine McCarthy has been engaged to start'a pre­ the school .fund- greeted by Superintendent F. A. actresses for his . Kiddies Revue, Old Glory” which Is a symbolical Work in Cooking. » Remarks school nutrition program at the 'V'erplanck. Robert Treat, president are being taken at the theater box- representation of the perpetuation The daughter of the Rev. George T. Sinnott of the Sophomore class will speak office. All parents who desire to Child Welfare House. Lynn, Mass. About 35 friends and relatives of of American patriotism In the manydemvDods home can cook'or bake as Toast: “ Our Clergy” durin,g the summer. She will be- on “ The History of Memorial Day.” have their . children take part in schools of today. All work in this perfectly as mother after Mrs. Katherine Cody Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Toman of Paul Packard will talk on “ What the show should ' telephone Mr. gin’ her new work on June 1. High street pleasantly sur­ pageant is closely correlated with a very little practice. Vocal Solo the Observation of Memorial Day Sanson or leave the names at the regular curricular activities. Viola o t just the largest ranges Foods which were former­ Miss Kathleen Regan Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bowers of prised them last Friday night in Means to Us Now.” There will al­ box office. Chestnut Hill are moving to the Weigold plays the most important but many o f the smaller ly difficult to cook you Toast: “ Our State Officers” honor of their 13th wedding anni­ so be a talk by Miss Florence role— that of Columbia, while the Evans’ homestead on Chestnut N will find are accomplish-' Mrs. Jennie Burke versary. Dancing, games and sing­ Schieldge on “ Memorial Day In Miss Barbara Cheney and Miss Spirit #f '76 will be enacted by Glenwoods are now equipped Hill. ing were enjoyed and a buffet ed with ease when the Remarks 1950.” MarlbeL Cheney, daughters of Mr. Howard Turkington, Austin Krause with Glenwood Robertshaw temperature is “ Qleilwood Mrs. Margaret Dutton, state Mrs. John DeBay and daughter luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. The West Hartford High school and Mrs. Charles Cheney are stop­ and Wilber Brown. Robertshaw” controlled. president o-f Stoney Creek, have returned Thoman received a beautiful table band will also have a part in the ping at the Hotel Roosevelt, New Oven Heat Control and beauti< Toast: “Our Assembly” home after spending several days lamp from the guests. program. York City for a few days. fully enameled inside and out. CONRAN’S SHOPPE Glenwood Black OPENS TOMORROW Gas Ranges

Attractive Light Lunch, Ice Finished, in the best Black Japan, which is Cream and Candy Store baked on, no blackening Much Needed Feature On necessary. Ranges hav­ BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB Square. ing this finish are eqnl)^ ped with white enamel Conran’s Shoppe, a new and door panels and” splasher much needed addition to the rapid­ backs. May be had with ly developing business section on either right or left hand Depot Square, will open tomorrow ovens. night. The new store will feature light-lunches and homeeooked pas­ try. It Is located In the new Cowles Store Will Be Open Friday Evening Until 9 O’dock. Hotel block Just two doors west of \ . the Manchester post office. Tommy Conran, popular local sportsman, and proprietor of Con­ ran’s bowling alleys at the north G. E. Keith Furniture Co., h e . end. Is the owner of the new shoppe. Corner Main and School Sts. South Manchester, Conn. He has had many years experience in the soda shop and confectionery business having first opened the store at the Center now ov/ned by Pritchard and Walsh. The new ad­ dition to the stores on Depot Square will be conducted in connection with the Conran alleys and will sen’e as an entrance to the sporting headquarters on the second floor. Service — Quality — Low Prices The Conran ShOppe is entirely finished In fumed oak. At the right of the entrance from Depot Square is a fully outflted cigar and cigar­ ette case. The handsome new soda fountain runs along the right -wall. F R E S H F I S H A large, beautifully decorated mir­ FANCY FRESH CAUGHT MACKEREL ...... I Z Y i c l h , ror covers the wall behind the fountain. Two men can work at the FRESH BUCK SHAD ...... ?5c lb. same time here since It Is equipped STEAK C O D ...... i..... -15c lb. with two units. Right at the end of the fountain Is the sandwich coun­ FLOUNDERS ...... '•...... 10c lb. ter, Here Mr. Conran has installed FORGES ...... i ...... 20c lb. the latest apparatus for preparing light lunches. A new, improved cof­ FRESH HADDOCK ...... 10c lb. fee boiler Is. placed here as is a new toaster and steamer for preparing FRESH EASTERN HALIBUT all kinds of fancy sandwiches. FILET OF COD , Four large roomy stalls run along the side of the store to the rear of FILET OF HADlioCK the sandwich counter. Here patrons FRESH BAKED MACKEREL, large sise 35c each may enjoy light lunches, Ice cream delicacies and soft drinks in pri­ WHITE LOAF F L O U R ...... $1.18 BAG vacy, The wall on the left is equip ped with a handsome candy case. A PURITAN MALT AND HOPS ...... 59c can large assortment of fresh box and bulk candles will be kept here and a big stock of the popular bar cau­ dles, In addition Mr. Conran has contracted with the manufacturer Manchester Public Markd: of home made candies for the Wooster Shoppe, Hartford, to supply him with a quantity of fancy A. Podrove, Projp. Phone'10 candles fresh every day. One of the features Mr. Conran Is proudest of Is the fact that Mrs. Robert Hastings will cook all his SECOND ANNUAL CONCERT pastry. Mrs. Hastings has a fine steps and new songs. reputation in town for her cooking SIX ACTS SCHEDULED The sixth act has not.yOt bei^ and her pies and cakes will an booked. ' attractive feature of the Conran Shoppe lunch counter. FOR STATE TOMORROW Thursday May 26 8.15 p. m, In the rear of the shoppe will be found a ladles’ and a small VlTTlE JOE kitchen for cooking “ short orders.” The stairs to the bowling alleys an4, Anniversary Bill Lasts IJntil billiard rooihs are to the right and Saturday-Big Feature Pic­ . . . ' ' HIGH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY HALL the gents’ room is on the second ture Also. < 0 . - floor. The alleys and billiard-tables ' are all being reflnished for tomor­ Six vaudeville acts of merit have row’s opening and Mr. Conran is been engaged for the anniversary joOKZ Peofue ASSISTING ARTISTS confident that the Manchester peo­ week bill at the State theater to­ 6 fto v < e .': ple will be appreciative of h'.s new morrow, Friday and Saturday. COPLEY STRING QUARTET ’ VERNE Q. POWELL, Flutist' shoppe. With this program, the vaudeville o r BOSTON season here will close. OF BOSTON Manager Jack Sanson was noti­ DECLARE DtVIDEND fied this morning that his first act CARMELAIPPOLITO, First Violin NICHOLAS SLONOMSKY, . Pianist will be the Marble Sisters, who do OF BOSTON ■ . . ' New York, May’ 2 5.— Directors of everything on the slack wire, also RUTH AUSTEN, Second Violin the Fere Marquette Railroad com­ balancing and tumbling. Second MISS EVA M. JOHNSON, Accompanist pany formally declared a st'oek div­ will be Henry Regia and company, OLIVE DOE, Viola idend of twenty per cent today. The in a comedy sketch, “ Outside the dividend is also subject to the ap­ Circle,” with a sensational finish. 'ALEXANDRA MINNGER, Cello EDWARD TAYLOR, , Tenoc proval of the Interstate Commerce The third act Is Moran and Wer- Commission. ber, a turn with a lot of action. ON SALE AT C. E. HOUSE & SON, INC., AND Billy Gilbert and company will,, fill fourth position. Manager Sanson TICKETS $li 00 WATKINS BROTHERS, INC. says that Gilbert is one of the fun­ niest actors on the vaudeville stage. Thomas and Fredericks Read Herald Advs sing and dance, introducing new ‘JrABBTrUUK • MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING H E R A to, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25,^921^

tfanrl|«atnr' Tony is another matter altogether. I ictbyologists knew nothing,, shoot­ In all this world there is nothing ing the result of his observations to H l f f . ‘ like it— or nothing, at all events, his secretaries while they were still V Ettfttins Brraliii being obtained and depending not I * ■ < like the combination of the hat and FTTBUSBBO BT Tony. at all on memory. | T^B HERALD PRINTINQ C a Tony may be in tatters to his Many hours the naturalist put in FojnAtd. by Blwood ^ Bla heels. His garb may be fustian and at this curious occupation, and as OOV 1. 1881 intended for somebody twice as bfg a consequence the scientific world Krary Evenlnir iskbept Sundaya r.nd Bolldaya. or twice as little; it may consist of is incalculably richejr in knowledge. Barred at tUa Post Offlca at Man* corduroy pants’ fringed at the bot­ About s’uch a performance, how­ «hastar as Second Class Mall Matter. tom and bulging sideways at the ever, there is not. much sporting SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall ■ i J • ' r,./\ V ^ six dollars a year/ sixty cants a knees, a rusty belt and a sweaty appeal, though it required any month tor shorter periods. shirt; it may bear mark of ditch amount of cold nerve. So one news­ By carrier, eighteen cents a week. Single copies, three cents. and stain of homebrew and may be paper gives five pages of Lindbergh HELPING agriculture ^ Finding three boys who showed worth, at replacement value, forty and a few paragraphs to Beebe. This Is the twenty-first of a ser­ 1 marked ability in judging stock, SPECIAL ADVBRTISINO REPRE. ies of articles telling how American BENTATIVE. Hamilton*Oe Llsser. cents. But his hat distinguishes him ■\Vhich is all right enough, only the Sheridan Commercial club de­ Inc.. 285 Madison Avonue. New fork cities have met their problems in cided to finance these boys and and 612 North Michigan Avenue, above other, men like the white that it ■ demonstrates just a little, civic groAvth. Succeeding articles send them to the national sto^k- Chicago. plume of Henry of Navarre. lack of' the sense-of proportion on of the series will appear in this judglng shows. V.-.. - y. i The Manchester Evening Herald Is the part of the reading public. space dally. The team won the Wyoming state on sale In Naw York City' at Sohiilts's A rag of a hat it may be, and News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. likely is, with holes for Tony’s stock judiglng contest; then the ‘itreet and 42nd. Street entrance of By DON E. MOWRY Denver National Western Stock in our Main Strj^t Window i Grand Central Station. black hair to find the breezes that Secretary, the American Conunn- Show contest; then the Midland “ International News Service has the blow; it may be the color of the nity Advertising Association Empire Fair contest at Billings, ■ V'.. . e:^cluslve rights to use tor republloa'> road pi> the colors of six roads in W i S B I N M Too many cities believe that all and finally the International non- tion la any form all news dispatches different, counties; it may be older their problem# lie within the city collegia te contest at Chicago. >■ Miss Ruby Thompson, a represeritative .of credited ta or not otherwise credit­ limits. Their Interests are purely Sheridan’s Commercial club is ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively than Tony by half and have no the Crawford factory; is cooking and baking entitled to use for republlcatlon all L E I T E l metropolitan, and they overlook proud of the part it played in de­ the local or undated news published more shape than a blob, but on his the fact that much of their prosr veloping interest in stock raising. the teiriptitig. dishes on display in our win­ herein." head It sits like, a challenge to cre­ perity depends on the development Fpr years the club has thoroughly dow this week. Miss Thompson does her ation a^d a certificate of Tony’s Washington, May 25—If the of the surrounding countryside. co-operated with agricuirdral and baking and cooking right in the window with WEDNESDAY, MAY 25. 1927. Hon. J. Thomas Heflin, senator The Sheridan, Wyo., Commer­ stock-raising industries. They rec­ bubbling personality— the cockiest, from the state of Alabama, isn’t ad­ cial club has shown one way in ognize that farm and factory must a Crawford 'Gas Rhnge, Watch how easily sasslest, most picturesque head- equately appreciated here in Wash­ which, a city organization can gain team together. Now they are fos­ she prepares these good foods on the Craw­ ON NEW -ENGLAND. piece known to the twentieth cen­ ington, perhaps the country at large the good will of farmers and stock tering co-operative marketing of ford. Come in and sample them! Miss ^raisers. farm products. tury. is making up for it. Thompson will gladly explain the many Craw- In another place in this issue of Ever siilce Congress adjourned. the Herald Is an article on New Nobody on earth but an Italian, Senator Heflin has been giving au­ England, one of a series by Ernest and a Tony.-.type Italian at that, diences a dose'of the golden voice W. Butterfield, commissioner of can put much devil-may-care lilt that they could otherwise never New hear without coming to Washing­ education of the state of , New into a hat. The rest of him may England look like a sad November day but ton. He has been out west and down Hampshire, which seems to us to south and now faces tours through YORK Made be of such unusuaKquality as to de­ his rag hat is a dance of May Pennsylvania and ,,New England. serve perusal by every reader of zephyrs, a joyous thumb at the Terre Haute, Ind- will hear him on New York, May 25.— Straw hats^lng iu the smells, noises and hec- with bright bands...... merry-go- tic asmosphere. this newspaper. nose, a laugh and a jest in the face Memorial Day. Strangely enough, there lies just Generally he speaks . on Mexico rounds wheezing their topical ford features that make cooking and baking Mr. Butterfield, fortunately, is of fate. ', behind all this noise and tinsel- a a pleasurel and Nicaragua and belabors the tunes.. . *coasters coasting. . . big­ addressing himself to a New Eng­ Best let Tony keep his hat, Mis­ Catholic hierarchy in the manner quiet, home town from which thou­ Th'e complete Crawford'line is convenient­ land audience— it is conceivable ter Mussolini. It’s his safety valve. which brought the ringing raspber­ ger and better breathless rid es... sands commute to New York daily. Home life Is not generally asso­ ly arranged so^'you can inspect every model. ry down on his silvery head during garish colors and blaring voices. . that, if he were to appear in per­ flirting maids and flirting sheiks ciated with Coney, yet away from jnenw' , There are sizes and finishes for every need son in the State of California and A COMEBACK. the last session. It is the senator’s its boardwalk, is a pleasant little QMvroRo[ "boast that only eight or ten states . . . .careless crowds, shivering just and means, from the small 3 burner ranges When, a year ago, individual of­ a bit in the sea dampness. town, the residents of which figure utter there the thoughts he express­ haven’t heard him so far and he’ll es in this article, he would be mob­ ficials of the Church Temperance That’s Conynge Hook just now. seldom in the boardwalk life. get to ’em yet. In many of the Coney homes Since Society of tho Proiosiant Ep.*soo: r.l What, you never heard of Conynge bed. But that circumstance does n^t 3 Heflin’s office has compiled some Hook? W ell'it’s our old friend there are seldom sermons to grow­ 1855 alter the tact that his conception of church came out in opposition to of the effusive bursts of praise Coney Island, but its real name ing daughters to keep away from Volstead prohibition, Bishop Man­ which his speeches have occasioned. was given by Dutch colonists and the roistering of Sunday crowds this New England country as the Full -reports aren’t in yet on the with combination ovens an^ Jbroilers to the Ce&i only completed work of the Creator ning of New York managed tc the transition from Conynge to and, when half of New York success of Heflin’s religious speech­ Coney can be understood without seems to be dumping Itself upon big gray and white porcelain models' with squelch the effect of the pronounce­ within the boundaries of the United es, although those few who think explanation. the Coney sands, hundreds of the warming cabinets and metal drawers! ment by pointing out that the oifl as Heflin does about things say States is deserving o f . respectful The' Indians liked It as a play­ good folk of the town proper are Crawford can be purchased on our Plan consideration— in these six states. cials’ opinions represented the that he Is paving his way to the ground, too, arfd called it Nar- preparing for church. White House. The compilation of of Easy Payments, extending your account His idea is highly poetical and thought of no one in the society but rioch. The Dutch colonists pre­ Thisseason the pride of Coney comment on other addresses seems sented it to the town of Grave­ is a new hotel where Gov. Smith over a year’s time. most proetlcally phrased. But' it themselves, that no official action to indicate that those who have re­ send and, eventually, Brooklyn will have a suite of honor for tho contains also a tremendous amount on the question had ever been garded Heflin as a public fiuisance got it. summer and other notables will of truth. We are distinctly glad taken and that the society was must be all wet. be guests. “ It'will be many mOons before that New England has developed a moribund anyhow. In his position Coney has a regular list of Sun­ For all the world goes to Coney; Shelby will forget Tom Heflin, and day callers, winter or summer. Few distinguished visitors to champion gifted with just exactly of authority he was able to more years before they say of another There’s a club— small to be sure America miss it. Authors, artists, Mr. Butterfield’s kind of apprecia­ than undo aay'hmg that the sr,- speaker ‘He’s as good as Heflin,’ ” — that plunges into its icy waters opera singers, movie stars— the tion of the region’s peculiar bless­ ciety’s officials had done in oppo.sl- said the Shelby, N. C., Star. once a week whatever the temper­ whole of Europe seems to have ings. His series ought to prove of tlon to bone dry legislation. "Davidson College may well* ature. heard of it. Many a ship news WATKINS BROTHERS. I n c , boast of having ' one of the few There are girls and boys who reporter has been startled when, the highest value and the Herald Now the board of directors of the treats of a lifetime that comes from have never missed it upon a hot in the midst of an interview with CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS r a n g e s . is hapify in being able to offer it to society have unanimously adopted a the speakers’ platform,” echoes the day and, as the years have sped some internationally known intel­ a clientele as Intelligently fitted to resolution declaring that the eigh­ Davidsonian of Davidson, N. C. and they have grown older, re­ lectual, bis questions are halted relish it as is our Manchester pub­ teenth amendment has blemished “ Senator Heflin is Indeed a mas­ turn to the playground of their suddenly by the request of “ Oh, terful speaker and held his audi­ youth as to a shrine, braving the by the way, where is Coqey Is­ lic. the Constitution and that the Vol­ ence as no other speaker, in Corn­ frantic Sunday crowds and glory- land?” 1■ T ^ stead act has resulted in increased ing, has ever done,” the Corning. drunkenness. The society announces Ark., Times-News is quoted as say­ SACCO-VANZETTI. that It has begun a nationwide cam­ ing. - Governor Fuller of Massachu­ paign to appeal to the clergy and Other quotations include: TEST ANSWERS “ ’riiose-who heard the mastevl;- setts is a good business man but he laity of the Episcopal church in be­ address of J. Thos. H-'-ilin, tho -lls- ">4068 mot appear to be an infallible half of true temperance and to tho tinguished senator from Alaban.a, ? reasoner. In denying the Sacco-Van- law-makers, state and national, to who spoke in ’.ho school audi:.'iri- Here are the answers to the “ Now You .Ask One” questions xettl defense plea for a commis­ speedily adopt moderate Regulatory uui here last Monday e'/eriLrig. could but return to their homes A little work, a little play printed on the comics page. sion to Investigate the murder trial measures to replace "the impracti­ with a feeling of pri.de that the To keep us going— and so, good- 1— Bats live on Insects. in which the two communist# were cal and harmful laws now in force.” south was their hn-.io and birth­ day! 2— Peanuts are produced under­ convicted of a holdup killing he The board of directors of the so­ place.” — The Chairtown News of ground by an herbaceous plant. argues that, since it would be un­ Thoma'sville, N. C. A little warmth, a little light ciety is made up of no less than Of love’s bestowing— and so, good 3— Rabbits should be picked ;ip lawful for him to delegate his par­ “ The lecture was the finest ever forty vicars and rectors .^In and heard in Lincoluton and we are all ; night! by the loose skin, back of / the doning or commuting power to any­ close to New York city. crazy about Senator Heflin.” — J. shoulder blades, and • not by the ears. ■ , one it would be unlawful to appoint It remains to be seen whether W. Mullins, president Lincoluton, A little fun to match the sorrow Of each day’s growing— and so, 4— A ir fish have periods of in­ In this ne'w creatioa (^Hupm o- such a commission as was request­ Bishop Manning will again squelch N. C-,‘ Kiwanis Club. good-morrow !.‘ activity which fulfill the purposes ed' This strikes us as being foggy “The business and professional bile^^e Six BroughaM^s close- the Church Temperance society— or men of this town are to be con.grat- of sleep. ' - ' figuring. attempt to. A little trust that when we die « r ulated for bringing this great man 5— The Mponflower is the fastest coupled beauty—the verve and V-. : V:; We reap our sowing! And so— m Nobody has suggested that the among us.” — The Lonoke, Ark., growing vine. A'. governor delegate any of his exclu­ Democrat. good-bye! dash o f a four-pass^ger coupe BRITAIN AND RUSSIA. — George du Maurier: Trilby. 6— Pilsudski commands the arm- j sive authority to a commission. Ha “ He will go down into history a.s ies of Poland. Whatever of internal politics the greatest story-teller who ever —with ample prtyVision for has been asked to appoint a fact 7— Dawes was a brigadier gener­ there may have been in the sever­ passed through this part of the THE KNOCKER al in the World War. five adult passengers. finding body. After the commis­ ance of relations with the Russian country.” — Raleigh. N. C., Nows I do not care 8— The president’s salary Is $75,------— sion had found the facts it would Soviet Union by Great Britain, it is and Observer. For old man Brown, 000 a year. be up to the governor and up to “ No mere reporter can do justice He thinks we have 9— Californians in the cabinet Special interior features include probable that a step has been taken to the man— his message and mag­ I him alone to decide what use to A rotten town. are Hoover and Wilbur; Pennsyl­ which ■^ill shorten the time that netic personality— they must be He knocks by night remote control door handles; ' make of them,,if any. vania's are Mellon and James J. Da­ must elapse before the present re­ seen, heard and felt to be appreci­ And roasts by day vis. upholstery o f genuine mohair; A commTssion in this case would gime in Russia is displaced in fa­ ated.” — The Barnwell, S. C., Peo­ And yet he doesn’t 10— Brigadier General Smedley ples Sentinel. be no more a delegation of authori­ vor of an honest democracy. Move away. D. Butler is in command in China. attractively patterned hardware ty than it Is delegation for the gov­ Britain was precipitate In the and a new instrumeat panel, ernor to ask q department auditor first place when she hastened to en­ •with! all dials grouped under - to compile the total amount Involv­ ter into a trade agreement with Red Sherlock Holmes—Himself ed in some blind appropriation bill Russia, forcing the recognition of glass and indirectly lightie^. ^ he might be called on to sign. It the communistic state by other na­ .' - . .. *v '* * would be no more a delegation of tions in self protection. She has N ot alone in beauty and equip­ Evety Worth While Feature authority than every executive, in found what the United States has ment, but in sound construc- the M odem Car Should Have government or in business, is called always believed, that It would not on to make, and does make, every work. But in the meantime the Red tiofl, Hupmobilie Six creates a Clear Vision Bodies • Color Options * Mohair Uphol-'| day. oligarchy which calls itself Russia new concepdon of value at a sCe^ * Walnut Finished Instrument Board and W indow - If this excuse bad been made by has been bolstered and aided in Lediges • ContrutingWindow"Reveals"onQosedBodies any person less well and favorably maintaining itself. list price of 113854 ^ ^ Instrument Panel Under Glass, Indirectly Lighted - Vision- known than Governor Fuller it It would have been infinitely bet­ Ventilating Windshield • Automatic Windshield Cleaner, would be generally considered ter if Britain had been content to P rovid in g all that the six<^lM*> Solid Walnut Steering W h ^ - Rear View Mirror« Tilt-'^ stupid. regard the Soviet Union as a tran­ der principle offers at a price ing Beam Headlights - Headlight Control on Steering^| However, the governor has not sitory development certain in the '^^eel -• Both Manifold and Thermostatic Heat Control yet said that he would not do any- course of^time to fall by Its own several hundred dollars less Dash Gasoline Gauge * Gasoline Filter - Force Feed ■* thing to prevent the „executlon of Incapacity, and to await, as Ameri­ than you would expecf to pay, bricadon* Oil Filter* Spedal Vibration Damper - 4-Wheel j the accused men. -He has said, on Brakes < Balloon Tires ;V Snubberk ^ ■ f ca has ^Ijhitei^' for the restoration Hupmobile Six is called /fie the contrary, thaf^he felt entirely In that'^punti^ of a government ’I free to choose his own ipetfiod of founded on gOod faith. \\ four.dooils8!. Broughao,.| Investigation. This may mean noth'i^ Thera is little likelihood that war ing, or it may mean something*. will soon know why when you (iUustrated) W -pw ^ger, tw o-^^ $1385. Coupe, | or anything like war will follow ' ‘ " two^assenget, with rtsowle teat, $1^85. Roadster, with ] A politician’s comprornise in tho on the present rupture. But If it / get l^hii^id the ^hcel o f th^ premises would be .to commute the rumble sett,-^$1385. Tdpnng, five-passenger, $1325. AUl does it will be far better, for that stylish’ Brougham. prices £ o. k Detroit, ptus levenue tax. ; ^ death sentences to Imprisonment blow to fall at once than after two .U for life— and let the future take or three years more of encoirrage- care of Itself. Governor Fuller is, ment of the Soviet rulers by outside I of course, something of a politician. recognition.

TONY’S HAT. A COIHPARISON •' On the grounds of hygiene, in­ Possibly more useful if some­ creased comfort and greater *‘Ro- what less precarious than the filght manlty’’ the masculine hat is to dis­ of young Captain Lindbergh, and sbU lM MlANCHESTBR GARACEi appear from Italy as the next step certainly more bizarre, is the re­ V ; In Fascist Rome’s return to ancient cent exploit of Naturalist William i78 Center Street. A, F. Gus tafson Phone 680 customs. Beebe in walking about the bottom t e Nothing that the indomitable of the ocean in the West Indies and .^Mussolini has done heretofore has dictating through a telephone In his ;been such an artistic sacrilege as diver’s helmet, to a stenographer THE GREAT WAR. this one of separating. the Italian on the deck of a ship, mihute de­ TEN YEARS AGO T O D ^ . of the masses from his hat.' All very tails of description of scores of ■ ' ■ \- '^well, perhaps, to command the dan­ May, 25, 1917— Navs-Depart­ varieties of fish hitherto unknown Feast day Of l^t. Gregory VIII, ment reveals Germany, .knew in dles of Rome or Milan or Florence to science. who led the Christians against the advance of arrival of Anerkan ■'ifi .ito go bar^eaded after the fashion Beebe operated with a thousand Cencl. fleet in English waters and I'iof the Caesars for these folks wear . Birthday anniversary of Ralph shitted a mine fleld to intercept candle pover Ught let down to the W. Emerson. American essayist. liihelr bats like anybody else, and'a It, Indicating the activity o{ the sea bott im and watched the char­ Flitting Day (moving day) in German spy system in this ''taan’s hat, it must be admitted, is acteristics and habits of swarms of Scotland. . > country. / j^Jprdlnarlly a horror. But the hat of naarlne creatures about which St. Patrick’s cathedral in New York, dedicated. 187$.' r.


sor spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Charles H. Dan­ TOLLAND iels. ' Mrs. Cullen of Hartford was a PAUL Commencing next Sunday, May guest Friday of Mrs. Laura Judson ADAMS 29, the morning services at the and her mother, Mrs. Griswold. 6 FRANCE l''. V I A dtrviea Federated church will begin at The annual field day and athlet­ ic contest of the Tolland schools 10:45 da.yllght saving time. was held Thursday morning at Mr. Sherman of Hartford was a Hick’s Memorial school. In the AVAXJV recent guest at the home of Mr. group contest of four boys and and Mrs. Harry Bartlett. four giris activities boys’ broad -tfeAAS D\li lCP'i’'t'60O(56 ALL srte's Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Newman y o o e e - f 0^) jump, running dash, relay race and (5o/a16 -lb have been recent guests of Mr. and sack race,, Cedar Swamp school Plugin D0(?tA)6 "t(AC OOl iftA f'S Mrs. Myron , Sparrow in North t* n d L—< 0(?lrtng. Summer foulard neckwear, $1 and $1.50..' • . tomary poaching is not allowed. attended the thirteenth annual non. Many never touch it. These meeting of the Tolland County As­ In revealing that she probably Smart pullover sweaters, $5 and $5.50. prefer their bread absolutely sociation of Congregational church­ would be married to Beri before the The Terms: $9.98 Down, $3.50 a Month plain. But when those who do in­ TOMORROW: A Doughboy Who es and ministers held at the Con­ end of the year, Rosetta hinted at dulge have finished with their Rests Alone. a romance between her sister and Golf hose, fancy patterns, $1.50 to $3.50. gregational church in Stafford And we include a $6.50 set of Aluminum Cooking Springs Wednesday. Nils Astor, young Scandinavian Fancy lisle half hose, 50c to $1.00. Mrs. Pauline Ewald and son film actor. Utensils made especially for this range. Charles Ewald have returned to “If Nils is to be the Lucky nan, Straw hats, colorful bands, $2 to $6.50. their home in New York City af­ ll’m glad,” she said. Neither Vivian See this range demonstrated in our salesroom. FILMS William Kanehl ter a visit with Emil Ewald. nor Astor would comment. Golf oxfords, $6 to $9. Edward E. Fuller of Hartford Beri is labratory head of the Sen­ Developed and was a visitor in town Sunday. nett studios and formerly lived In Dress Oxfords, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, General Building Lucius Fuller, clerk of tbe Su­ Rochester, N. Y. Printed perior Court in Hartford was in Contractor and Mason town Sunday making arrange­ The Manchester 24 Hour Service ments for tho burial in the North cemetery -of his step-father, Mr. PANSY PLANTS Litchfield who died In Wllliman- 7,000 Alastodou Pansy Plants In 519 Center Street Tel. 1776 tic Sunday morning.' bad and bloom. C^I and select Electric Co. C. E.. House & Son, Inc. KEMP'S Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker of your favorite colors direct from the Hyannis, Mass*, have been recent beds. 861 Main Street. Phone 1700 STORE OPEN TILL 9 J*. M. FRIDAY. Film Deposit Box at 1 Will Finance Your Building guests at the home of William Store Entrance. During Construction. Agard. Anderson Greenhouse Miss Mary Agnes Pratt of Wind­ 153 Eldridge St.- Phone 21 i!4 MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY, MAY 30

W i The Manchester Retail Stores Will Be Closed All Day • • • I 0 To Accommodate The Public The Stores Will O P E N FRIDAY EVENING MAY 27, TILL 9 P. M


- i . N » '. > ■ i A ' l l ' * * ■ '* •="• ’ ??. • h PAGE SIX ' /' r . MAiiicMsmi (conn.) eventing herald, wedi^ sda'^, may 25,1927. -• .t v . • w- ‘ ‘ -£^.- '

Nora Cecil. • I K E iiiX ’S '€ 0 ^ 0 1 ^ 9 U ‘^SENSATION vSEEKERS” Bebe Daniels has crashed through H O S P IM RECEIVES OPEN FORUM to another pictuce.ihat is a 'whiz. • New York, 'May '25.— George Her “ Kiss In a Taxi," which'wlU be Kelly' of the dincinnatl Beds, whq^ A t CIRCll TOMORROW seen for .Ifhe 'last tlmfl at th d ' Circle was operated on for* acute gppen-. $650 MORE IN GIFTS tonight, donvulsed?,^n audience yes­ dieitis here yesterday, was.reportT INFANTS^ PRAISES UNDBERGH terday and 9ras; conoddad'to be Miss ed doing nicely. He will'^not be Daniels’ best so far. < , f,'i able to return to the gaqie for at Billie Dove and Huntley Gor- By DAN THOMAS ; needed by Sarewe for his next - Bebe is the filery'waftreiss id - a least a' month: ' don In Leads-—Bebe Daniels :4.x: A ^ FOR TEMPERANCE Hollywood, Calif., May 25.— production. Parisian restaurant. She' has many £.] Additional Contributions and When Eddie Cantor recently made Tonight. V loVers, but her manner of 'treating a htrried trip to New York, a-sur­ All actors aren’t willing to play them Is unique. She is ' goOd ' at 235323534848485353232348484823535348535389485353532353532323 breaking crockery and none*of her Pledges Bring Total To Editor of The Herald: geon who has been a life-long in westerns. About two months friend, asked the comedian for a ago Lois Wilson left the Para­ , Facing death In a shipwreck, she lovers sticks to her'for any length Thanks for the fine editorial on thought she was doomed to die as of time. . - Lindbergh and for the marvelous souvenir. , . mount because directors insisted $44^64.01. “ Sure,” said Eddie. *T know she should play a western lead. she had lived, in darkness. She had But one kisses her'in' a taxi jand reproduction of the actual scene of Now Warner Baxter has broken done almost everything for a thrill. ttyat ends everything for Bebe. his landing on Le Bourget field at something very personal thaVT can spare and it will be suitable his contract for the same reaspn. But a ray of hope pierced the storm Paris. Do not let us also forget and her heart at last knew love. ‘VI what Lindbergh says, “ I never for a man in your position.' Take Additional contributions , and out my tonsils and you can have One of Hobart 'iosworth’s great­ That is the powerful situation in touch alcohol.” The terrific journey NOTICE! Plenty of clucking hens available now. f. \*- jjledges totaling $650, received by was accomplished on a “ good drink them.” t % ' •' est prides is his collection of mod­ “ Sensation Seekers,” which comes the treasurer ol the Memorial Hos­ of water.” Thank God that-one of And Eddie came back without el ships which always are on dis­ to the Circle theater tomorrow for our bravest young men has sense any tonsils. play in his Beverly Hills home. It a two-day run with Billie Dove and pital drive during the past week, is by far the best collection of Its Notice is hereby given^ the legal Why bother to hatch chicks? enough to let the booze alone. Huntley Gordon the leading char­ have brought the grand total o f the kind in the movie colony. And acters. It is a real story of the voters of the THIRD .SCHOOL lund up to $44,264.01. These Very truly yours, Mexico is rapidly coming to the there’s a reason— when just a boy, DISTRICT of Manchester, Conn., ' JOSEPH COOPER. present generation, the story of 3 weeks time wasted. pledgesjwere mostly unsolicited, as fore as a country in which film Bosworth ran away and went to what happened tp the love-%tarved that the ANNUAL MEETING will the teams which wer^ working on prospects may be found. Slightly sea. He sailed on<; various mer­ daughter of the Idle rich who found" be held at the SCHOOL HOUSE on the drive until last Monday finished more than a year ago Edwin Ca- chant vessels • and fishing smacks her heart by following the dicta­ Porter Street at 7 p. m. Standard up their canvassing at that time. MATHIAS SPIESS OFFERS rew'e brought Dolores Del Rio here for several years before .going on tions of-her Emotions. Time, "VVednesday, June 1st, to It was announced by the commit­ from Mexico City. Today she 1$ the stage. transact the following busihess, to one of the best “ bets” 'ln m'ovie- In “ Sensation Seekers” Huntley wit: — - - tee that the drive would net enough COLLECTION TO SCHOOLS Gordon plays his first heavy role money so that the $9,000 deficit of dom. Some energetic person out at the 1. Choose a moderator. , since he has appeared in the films. 2. Hear reports of officers for the last year cou\d be wiped out and the And now Lupe Velez, has left Lasky studio has just discov­ Supporting Gordon and Miss Dove current expenses be realized. The her home to join the celluloid, col­ ered the perfect motion picture are Raymond Bloomer, Peggy Mont­ paat year. Editor, The Herald: type. The perfect woman should 3. Elect officers for the coming We have a largrsupply of sturdy, healthy chicks of committee was confident that the ony. Although she made her-first gomery, Phillips Smalley, Edith *• -V Will you kindly publish the fol­ year. f ■ . , whole quota would be collected or appearance before a camera less be five feet four inches .all and Yorke, Clarence Thompson and lowing proposition in your esteem­ than two months ago, Douglas weigh 116 1-6 pounds. Men should 4. To see what action the district all popular breeds. ; pledged. ed newspaper for the benefit of the be five feet ten and three-quarters wishes to take in ‘ regards to Following are the contributors; Fairbanks has signed her for his school children of Manchester? leading lady in his next produc­ inches tall and weigh 167 pounds. consolidation. $10U I have a collection of Indian tion. Miss Del Rio was originally These figures were reached by 5. To see If the district will vote Come and get them. ' ’ . ^ Carol Case Dennison. relics, consisting of about 150 ar­ scheduled for the role, but was taking an average of the 60 fea­ to build a new school house. 990. row heads, spear points, flint unable to play it because shells tured players on the Lasky- lot. G. Schreiber & Sons 6. To see what action the district Sage Allen & Co., Inc. knives, scrapers, tomahawks, pes­ will take in regards' to pur­ Alex Bunce. tles and a small string of wampum, For a woman-' driver, one bad chase of land for new build­ Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. R. found in an Indian grave. The col­ ing. ~ ' turn deserves another, > 925. lection also includes a mortar, sev­ 7. To levy taxes to cover cost of Katherine Bell Cheney. < eral Indian baskets and pieces of General (bntractors land and building. ♦ Valvoline Oil Company. minerals, a piece of gold and copper 8. To transact ^ny other business Hose and Ladder Co. No. 1. ore and other things of historic and B A ’TTER Y W O R K that may legally come before Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dimock. educational value. Bonders ot^'*Be(ter linili Homes" said meeting.* I Manchester Grain & Coal Co. I Barnard school. I will present this collection to Authorized “Willard” Service Tele|*tione 1565-2. Dated at Manchester,' Connecti­ Friend. any school within the 'town that Station. cut, this 25th day of May, 1927. 5 Apel Place, Manchester, Phone; 1760 S Aaron Johnson. will establish a children’s museum G. H. "WILCOX. before October 1, 1927, Carhon Burning. Shop: 285 West Center Street District Committee. 920. iiiimii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir,iimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiifiimiiiiu:iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniuii> Fred Hare. The first school that notifies me Auto Electrical Work. of the establishment of a children's 915. museum shall receive the collection Electrical Appliances Repaired* j King David Lodge No. 31, I. 0. free of any charge whatever. Free Crankcase Service. - O. F. Yours truly, 100 Yard Dash \ Second Congregational Church MATHIAS SPIESS. Ladles’ Aid Society. 28 We^t Center Street, or Marathon? i 910. South Manchester. ^JOHN BAUSOLA St. Mary’s Church Guild. For some the race is long, for Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. With Barrett & Rphbins’' others short. But long or John Clark. Benson’s Furniture Company's short, the Life Income Plan Is Interested 913 Main St. Phone 39-2 Rev. David Kelly. store will- be open every evening helps. Adolph Krause. during the reorganization sale so Washington L. 0- Li^No. 117. that you may have,an opportunity If death comes and you drop St. Mary’s Young Men’s Club. to shop at your leisure.— adv. out early, the Plan provides Laura B. Morton. $10,000' for your family. 95. If Dempsey notifies Rickard Whenever you’re disabled, it X Edgar T. Morgan.. many more time that he is set and pays you $100 a month. E. G. L. ^ raring to go, Tex may begin to be­ Carl W. Lindquist. lieve there is something in it.... If you live to old age, it pays 1 - r . ■ ‘ 1 G. Spanknebel. even now he thinks there may be you $100 a month for life. One of the best ways to_telI you of the money saving values here is perhaps best conveyed to you in the words of a prominent Mrs. Henry Morgan. a million dollars in ti. Whatever the future, the Plan Hartford business man who visited us on the-opening of our new store and purchased from our line. “ I've visited a good many fur­ ' George E. Wallace- flts^your needs. Inquire. niture expositions in the West, and the leading furniture houses id’ Conn.' I’ve bought considerable furniture from.one of-the leading Henry Ahern. houses. Now I’ve been looking over the living room sulteb mighty carefully and I want to tell you'that the living room furniture dis­ J. White Sumner.' Callouses Connecticut General played here is as fine as anything they have ever shown me in the leading furniture houses iu Conn, or .anywhere^—in quality, con­ Charles F. Sumner. Quick, safe, sura reliaf from Mary Palmer. painful callouses op the feet. Life Insurance Company struction, design and every other detail. The values here are surprising. This customer’s opinion see^med to be the consensus-, W. C. T. U. Atatt dnigerndthoettoKS among all those who attended bur opening. They examined the, cpnstructlon of the many suites as did the man referred to, and made Samuel Woodward. D X S eb o its FAYETTE B. CLARKE, AGT., the same comparisons. They readily agreed that.the living-room'furniture shown here was built'as rigidly, durably, skillfully and .94. Put one on—As cofum ns 10 Depot Square, Manchester. artistically as the products of “wester n factories or'other sources. They saw furniture exemplifying craftsmanship of the highest qual­ Margaret Adams. Z h t o - p a d s pain is ions 93. ity.' They looked for quality and they found it in every detail. They souglit beauty of design, it was here in fullest measure. Friend. Dorothy Toohy. 92. There Are Only a Few of Our Opening Numbers Left Our Values at Our Low, Prices Open Air School. Riclrard McLagan. Garden Seeds CannotBe Duplicated Elsewhere. . _ - Gustave Ulrich. bill-3 Friend. INSURANCE If these things are clear to you, then"‘^a visit to our sror^ with poiobligaition to bu3f=ah^ no ur#lhg to biiy-will'bb h bl6a9Ure for ydn.""^' Mrs. Edgar Anderson. We like to show people around and if they want something we enjoy helping them choose it. * • ‘ Henry W. Harrison. FERTILIZERS Paul I. Carlson. _ V. W. Bronke. "Vincent Salvatore. GARDDEN TOOLS Michrel Dougherty. The Best Guardian of See These Beautiful Suites and See our Wmdows for Latest Thing

1 . Mrs. John Swanson. Full line of Life and Property Friend. Many Others We Have In Stock in Jacquard Veloiff Coverings C- J. Peterson. N. Johnson. / Spraying Materials From our best grade of upholstered furniture we offer this 3 pieces with tlie same covering on the Outside' back and W. F. Sheridan. three piece suite covered with mohair— wool tapestry on the re­ arms. . Reversible cushions in long wearing tapestry. No ex­ verse of the cushions. We can hardly say more celsior is used in the filling and the suite is ^ 1 O C Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux )f suites for twice the price ...... $225 thoroughly well made . Sold Separately If Desir^. v COVENTRY Mixture, Calcium Arsenate, Insure Your Valuables % K A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT Copper Sulphate, Nicotine Sul- Mr, and Mrs. Eleazer Pomeroy of f IS TH E YOU’LL U K E OUR REPAIR WORK Iwlndsor visited H. B. Pomeroy this phate. Fungicide. -Jvaek and brought him a handsome Let us have that arm ' bouquet of flowers. BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. chair you hive planned (o ' Miss Lizzie Dunham of Stafford have reupholstered for so Was a recent guest at Mr. and Mrs. Paris Green long a time. Select H. B. Pomeroy’s. The Manchester Trust Co. from our stock the mate- • Mr. Cook of Danielson has en­ rial- you prefer and wo U' 'will do thq' work thor­ tered the employ of H. B. Pomeroy. Sprayers, large, small Mahogany hand carved three piece suite in especially fine Mr. aud Mrs. Lawrence J. Rogan oughly and^ artistically. and John Zelshner and daughter, quality mohair all around. Reverae side of cushions In linen When we return the chair Bophle of Ml. Vernon, motored up frieze. Selling elsewhere for $310. you will scarcely recog- • over the week-end to visit their sis­ Garden Hose Our p r ic e ...... $210 ."n izelt. We do a)l kinds ter, Mrs. Fred Gelsecke. John of furniture upholstering. ■Olshner is planning to make this Try US on a piece and be his home in the future, living with convinced.. his daughter, Mrs. Fred Geisetke. tawn Mowers Fire and Liability WE HAVE THE U N B OF MATTRESSES THAT Estimates CheerfaUv All the girls in town around the . YOU BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. 'Furnished.), l«es 9 to 14 years are asked to Buy one now and try It and you will fit every bed with one. Write, Cell or Phone. meet at the chapel this Saturday at 2 p. m. to organize a 4H Clothing THE MANCHESTER club. Mrs. Sarah Dlmmock. home Insurance flemonstratlon agent will bo pres­ GRAIN & COAL CO. ent at this meeting. Apel Place Phone 1760 RICHARD G. RICH Manchester PLACE A PURE Tinker Building, " South Manchester. HOLMES BROTHERS, Proprietors^ f WHITEf MEMORIAL over the resting place of the de­ OUR NEW STORE. CORNER BISSELL ANO SPRUCE STREETS. ' p h o i 4 651-.1 parted one whose memory you honor. Let us design and erect one for you that will be worthy of both the dead and of the living IL who bestow it. We will submit special designs and estimates. THE ROMANCE OF AMERICA: P. T. Barnum (13) 8KETOHES BY BEH8EY % SYNOPSIS BY BRAUCHEB

McGovern Granite Co. . •K - \ 140 Suiiimtt St. Telephone 1021 Represented by v fv. C. \V. H.4RTU.NSTIillN Siiiiiiiiiii

!riiiii{i::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i T ' f ; > YOUTH WILL NOT BE DENIED f They once said ^a man is as old as he feels.” i ■ 1 S Today he is as young as his feet feel. | r '-\- . 'I' ■ ^ V WALK-QVER SHOES KEEP THE FEET in I •* yt THEIR TEENS. |

Barnutn’e success with General Tom Thurhlrwas so Through a letter from Barnum’s success with? the d^arf WasT swifjt a,fter .-S0.1 great In this country that he decided to tour England s ’antic* Horace Greeley «to the court, where he had that.a. After London he toured other'eities on the.thq’ con- with the midget. , Arriving in London, however, he W. H. GARDNER ambassador at the Court. run to keep up with tho - tinent. His return home-wap a triumph. Soon after ..V 1 found that he'could.; hot get a sufficient price to meet of, St. .|arnes, the recep­ procession of lords and arriving In America, in 1848, Barnum was to promote S47 Main Street. Park Buildinsr. | expenses. He determined that he would arranee for tion finally was ar- ladies, were widely wHt^ one of the most famou* curiosities arid shCms-dfvhia-ca^^ ^ e e n VlotorfAJo see his “ General.” . / ranged.0tMT nza m. reer-^'-the waatly horse, (t o ^ MQHiiuuiuiniuiiutui u JghJnJdiejgagjdT^^

W! I \: MANCJ^STJER ( c o m .) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1927/ . ' FAGBSEVENTj ^, .were low and workers were willing, this story is the pose oilliy of his work which is a delight to behold. great accomplishments were possi­ having a fiddle with him for a call ble. of the na^re Indicated. [vaudeville ENDS UP ~ She never allows a scene to drag. In capital, the towns were self- Tno Town Meetings There’s always-something doing.' v W m pufficient. The man of means in­ The town meetings had always AT STATE THIS WEEK Allan Fa)rrest, who played op­ vested his wealth in more acres, in been called with th . time honored posite the little blonde actress in Rev. J. W. Deeter delivered a ' (Contiaued from 1) more cattle and in loans to his formula, “This meeting is called “Summei- Bachelors”, plays oppo­ very interesting discourse on “Con­ neighbors. Having obtained,, a in the name of the King by author­ site her in “Ankles. Preferred,” but, science” Sunday afternoon. Drive Your Car in competence he did not seek a city Beat BiU Yet Scheduled—Six in a different manner. He’s the The topic for the Sunday even­ B6W settlements. It was so dellght- ity'vested in me.’’ No French rev­ Acts and' Madge Bellamy; ing meeting was, “Bible Guide lully easy. The most adventurous or village home but took joy in be­ olution was'needed before these yillian. He gives an excellent per-- ing a leading citizen, a money lend­ Bin Tin Tin Tonight. formance, as usual. Post,” Ps. 119-9-16. A. W. Ellis was needed h^vt an axe, a rifle and a farmer folks could establish their the leader. ^ blanicet; the, most ambitious but a er to his neighbors and ap Investor new form of rule Avhen the regal One of the most beautiful stories for'FREE young wife, a cow, oxen and cart in property which he could see and governor was sent away. The first The climax of the State’s big ever written about the moun­ Several members of the local loaded with 'household goods and could aid to develop. meeting in one town shows the second anniversary celebration this taineers of Old Kentucky is the Christian Endeavor society attend­ farm utensils. Once again, as in the In leadership, the towns were great, natural and American week will come tomorrow, Friday [ theme of the film in tvhich the ed the 'Union meeting at the Bap­ self-sufficient. The wealthy mani tist church in Wlllimantlc Saturday Puritan exodus from England, God change. "This meeting is called and Saturday when six of the best great dog star, Rin Tin Tin, is afternoon and evening. R-as winnowing his wheat. the squire, was the justice and the by us, the subscribers.’’ Never acts of the season will be presented showing at the State tonight. “Hills GENERATOR adviser in matters of law and pru­ more. the,KIng in New England but with “Ankles Preferred,” one of Dr. Whittle of Glastonbury was The Wilderness Broken, dence, He was the banker and of Kentucky” is a story of the called in consultation with Dr. Pen­ Thb single generation which “we, the people,” and this months Madge Bellamy’s successes. The schoolma’am loved by the village often the financial agent of many before the Declaration of Inde­ dleton of Colchester to Hart E. ;losed the eighteenth eentury saw of his neighbors. acts will be brought directly from boy. A dog "gone wolf” is one of Buell’s, Saturday. i territory larger than some Euro­ pendence was published to the New York and have been picked the principal characters in the play V sta r ter and Leading Citizens world nnd five days after the Bat­ Fred Banning was arrested for pean countries turn from a virgin out especially by the management. and Dorothy Dwan is another. The drunkenness and breach of the The doctor of the town was a tle of Lexington. This will wind up the Manches­ wilderness and unbroken forest In- leader, also. He was an abiding leading male parts are taken by peace, Sunday evening, by Sheriff .0 farm land decked with hamlets, In a New Hampshire ^ border ter vaudeville season and it is for Jason Robards, who plays the hero A. L. Frink of Andover and locked IGNITION TESTS tillages and scattered homes. citizen. He never expected to prac­ town, a young man must have a that reason that the management tice in another community. His new coat before he codld march to and Tom Stantschi, who is the vil up for the night. He was brought No poet has caught for us the professional knowledge seems to the gathering for Bunker Hill. His wishes to give the State audiences lain of the piece. before Justice J, Banka Jones Mon­ Our instruments 'locate trouble-’quickly, saving J-ou Sleam of this springtime of the the best show that they have seen day and sentenced to seven days in much tiiuB'and annoyance., , mdkes repaired at a us scanty but his skill was recog­ sister half shared a white sheep jail. lortheast. No historian or novelist nized as was his sympathy and his and a black ■'flUeep, cleaned t ■) during the year. The acts have not reasonable charge. '' jas told the dramatic story of these Interest in the town whose people wool, spun and wove and in forty yet been announced, but it is un­ Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Hutchinson ‘.hrllling years. Let- us for' a mo- he knew most intimately. hours of unremitting work alone derstood that they have been play­ ABOUT TOWN and family of 272 Porter street. nent view the scene. ing the big cities throughout this South Manchester, visited his par­ The minister was a leader. In she sent forth her brother suitably ents Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Hutchin­ In 'ontiphonal chorus the sound many cases he spent his life time in clothed. “I was not tired,” she season. )f the woodman’s axe rang out from said, “nor was I weary. Was it Miss Bellamy plays the role of a A bridge will be held at the home son, Sunday, one church. He owned his farm. Mr. aad Mrs. J. H. Russell of ipposing hills and all day long He reared his family. He guided not for my country?” young working girl who proves a of Mrs. J. F. Pickles of 55 Holl through the months of the year great attraction for men. Too great street Tuesday evening. May 31st Huntington street. South Manches­ his people, not in matters spiritual These people believed that chil­ ter, were visitors in town Sunday. Norton Electrical sounded the crash of the falling and educational alone. He -was the dren were the heritage of the Lord an attraction, in fact, for the con­ for the benefit of Chapman Court, trees, while heavenward rose the stant attention of the opposite sex Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson most highly educated man in the and in 1800 the rule for a school Order of Amaranth. All those wish­ of South Manchester, visited local smoke of destruction as fields and town and had few interests be­ census was so well established that annoys her. She's a very indepen­ ing to attend should notify either pastures were being cleared, paths Mrs. Pickles or Mrs. William T, relatives Saturday. yond Its limits. it might have been Included in the dent soul. She’s also at a loss to ac­ Miss Laura Hills and Hurhert Instrument Co, were being widened into roads, I have read in the, last few days school arithmetic. "Count the num­ count for the attraction, but not for Carr of Wells street as soon as pos­ mighty stone walls were being laid with close Interest, the admirable ber of families, deduct one-fourth long. It’s her ankles! "rhus the fit­ sible. Porter spent Sunday at Giant's HUlard Street. j and age defying stump fences to eliminate the aged and ne-^y Neck. erected. The whetting of the scythe, commemorative address given in ting title. Miss Laura Hills entertained the (Near Manchester Freight Station) 1919 by Mr. Hamilton. The Spirit married couples, multiply the re­ Throughout the production, Mis.s the rhythmic blows of the flail, the mainder by twelve and the result Young Women’s club last Thursday echoed calls of domesticated ani­ of Wakefield breathes through Bellamy supplies a crispness in her Herald Ady& Bring Results afternoon. Rev. J. W. Deeter gave this church story. I was most Im­ Avlll be the number of children in a talk on Child Psychology. mals, the asthmatic gasp of de­ pressed by the list of the renowned the town.” scending saw at the brookslde mill clergy when I noticed that the pas­ where the great factory now toral life of the first seven cover­ (In the third article toiiiorroAV stands: these the sounds of civilized ed one hundred and eighteen years Commissioner Butterfield warns life, new and hesitant, rose from and that these men in succession youth to respect the productive the clearings. never ministered to any other industry of the forefathers, des­ The farmer, who sowed his wheat church.' They came fresh from cribes the "Family Circle’’ and with the aid only of his youn|; wife their studies, they took the vows tells of the "New Ideal of Neiv ind child, at reaping time 'could of ordination and holy hands were England.” Watch for It.) Free eount the smoke from five neigh­ laid upon them. For a life time Store Closed bors’ hearths newly established in they went in and out and they pre­ his valley. Together these hardly sented petitions to God. Then, still Telephone 'acquainted neighbors were building in sacred office, they died and were CARD OP THANKS. Monday bridges, squaring the logs for their gathered to their fathers. Who Swviee from schoolhouse and raising with joy can measure such service; fortu­ We wish to thank our friends Memorial the frame of the first church of nate the church, fortunate the and neighbors for kindness shown Christ in the new town. In town town, which in Its early years can us at the time of the death of our Manchester meeting and in church, they were have such leadership? beloved sister. We would especial­ Day facing their new associates, needing The pleasant stories of this per­ ly thank those who contributed Call 1500 I-t to ask, as did Homer’s childlike iod show well the glad courage of flowers. heroes, “Who are you and from the pioneers. An upland youth, Signed Whence have you come?’’ after an evening spent with the Mrs. John Chartler, Founding the Home. maiden of his ci.olce, at midnight Agnes C. Tammany, ’ These men and their good wives was treed by the wolves as he pas­ Joseph P. Tammany. (abored Indefatlgably to clear tlie sed along the forest trail, and, as lands and to make fertile fields and he had not dropped his fiddle from comfortable homes because they did the treetop he passed the night jf Hartford not regard themselves as tempor­ playing to the wolves who howled ary sojourners In a strange »land. an appropriate accompaniment. IVey believed their establishments The only thing apocryphal about were permanent and that these would be family hon es for niauy generations. They did not count the Imme- A GREAT SALE OF iliate gain but with Joy labored and rndured, seeing that which was in- risible. As these farmers cleared * ■’ the rough fields and built the great Special For This Week roadside walls, they said, “This shall be so well done that ! shall never have to no it again and, mor.’, this Is my gift, my legmy, to iny children and grandchildren.’’ As they built public bridges over Get Ready for Memorial Day the. streams, as they hewed the great timbers for their church, they exulted, “We gladly will give our time;:for this. It will scarcely profit U3 in person but to the third .suti fourth gcner.ation it will aid our children.’’ Seiberling Cord They digged wells, as did Jacob of a Prominent Df old, from which those of their tribe might draw as long as seed time and harvest return and water flows from the hills. They bullded ample and enduring homes for Mail Order House To those of later days who, they be­ lieved, would perpetuate their Cash names, their features and their 30x3 */2 Special Oversize Characters. In many of our coun­ 30x31/2 Portage...... $8.50 Corduroy take 31x4 tu b e ...... $12.50 Sell Below Cost ties, in a half-century, enough 30x3)/2 Seiberling .. $10.5U •tones Avere moved to build a pyra­ 35x5 $eiberling Special, mid equal to Egypt’s greatest and 30x3 5/2 6 ply Seiberling heavy Duty truck were moved by men not in bondage ...... $13.50 presses for sport, street, business, afternoon and but by those who mistakenly be­ C ord...... $41.00 31x4 Seiberling ,. evenings wear. Some models with crepe de chine skirt lieved that these lands would be .$15.60 For extra heavy work. theirs and their descendants for all 32x4 Seiberling .. $16.80 time. We also sell tires on veorgTtte^^ others of flat crepe, crepe de chines and Life Was Difficult 29x4.40 Balloon .. $ 11.00 credit as low as $1.00 per Most interesting was the life and 30x3 Portage Cord . $ Ihe society in our northern rural 8.00 week. Ask about it. fowns during the period from 1800 SIZES! to 1840. The favorable features, Watch The Saturday Evening Post and The Herald of this period have often been con­ fpr announcement of the new Water Cured Seiberling sidered but there is a dark side to 14 to 20—36 to 44 Flat Crepes to 50 the picture. It was a period of Tires. More Cotton, More Rubber than Any Tire Made. bigotry ond infidelity. Drunkenness 25% Stronger Cotton, 20% more rubber, the treads are crepes in navy, blaclc, brown and tans, and gambling were common vices. 20% thicker and 10 to 20% wider will give 30% more and the other materials in the high colors for There was little charity with the mileage. Announcement will be made later of date. „ unfortunate. Homes were, unsan­ spring and summer wear. itary. Correct habits of hygiene were ignored and our humble graveyards tell the story of the de­ plorable toll which childhood paid- Dresses That to ignorance. Perrine Stonge* Batteries I wish to emphasize, hoAvever the merits which this people possessed. We have taken ovor the distribution of PERRINE Sold at $12.75 They dignified productive labor Batteries for Manchester and surrounding towns. and Were in all things self-reliant. They took pride, whether rich or A1 Plate, 1 year guaranteed $10.50 with your old bat- l^ poor, educated or Ignorant, in be- tei*y. In,g strong men and women compe­ tent to perforra all of the'common BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING. tasks of living. Accordingly, all ex­ pected to engage daily in manual labor and with some scorn as scarcely their ' equals they treated those who would seek a livelihood by trading or by other commercial Accessories ind non-productive pursuits. r f . “In. the highlands, in the coun­ $5.00 Sparton H orn s...... S3 00 try places-, where thtr old plain men $17.50 Klaxon Homs ...... ______!. $1 2 *^ have rosy faces, and the young fair $15.00 Klaxon H o m s...... [. ’ ’ S7*00 maids quiet eyes.’’ Self-determination was possible $5.50 Stop L igh t...... $4*00 • In 1800. Many a farm was econom- $1.25 Ford Rear Curtaip L ig h t...... -jse ically sufficient unto Itself and Tar Remover ...... 75c mothers rejoiced as they saw their Atlantic Oil in 1 gallon cans . r ...... 90c men* folks go forth clad from head to foot Avfth their handwork, 33 1-3 off on Raybestos Brake Lining and Ferodo. while fathers"1took pride in panfry and garner, filled only with the food from their acres. In gfeneral PAINT YOUR CAR TODAY .DRIVE IT TOMORROW the towns, too, were socially and sconomlcally sufficient unto them­ WITH STEELCOTE RUBBER AUTO ENAMEL. selves and needed from outside few necessities and few luxuries. Not affected by sun, rhin, snow, gasoline, oils, tar or Self-Sufficient ordinary acids. Self leveling. 1 quart will do a me­ In production the towns were dium size car. $3.00 per quart, $1.65 per pint. »elf-8ufflclent, with food and labor the common currency or medium of exchan,ge. Every citizen culti­ vated the land and the local tan­ VULCANIZING, GREASING, OILING, nery, sawmill, gristmill, distillery ,-and fulling mill, the blacksmith ' FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE. / and cooper shops made directly useful the regular j-aw commodi­ ties. In labor, ’the. tpwna, were self- sufficient. No foreign Importation }f labor was necesaary since famil* PORTERFIELD TIRE WORKS Les were large and boys, and girls !ound ready employment in neigh- Corner Spruce and Peatl Streets. jors’ fields and kitchens. All, rich Phone 1235. m 3r poor, expected to work and to korkjvith tbeJp^ hands. As wages

V .«s ■ w


P A G E E IG H T , m a h ;c h e s t e r (C o n n O’E v ^ N ^ h ^ J ^ ; W e d n e s d a y ,"m a y 25 , i 9z r


annHiin«nmwffliiBiimiwiniiBiiniiHi HMpp imamiiminanniRiMMi^^ m m THAT INEXPENSIVE HOME YOU HA^E .A-.’ V«' BEEN SEARCHING FOR. Lifers Niceties )M I l,V HINTS ON ETIQUET

yOnne Oust in QjSZT tv Siwsslai} ■ ' AILENE miNER. THIS HAS HAPPENED 1. Is it necessary to ac­ BILI.Y WELLS. NYDA LOUAX knowledge all the flowers sent nnd WINNIE SHELTON me chosen by T. Q,. CURTIS from hla to a funeral ? ble,depnrtm ent store to come Into Here’s a funny request in my hla home ns his ^rnrds for one morning mail. “E. R.” writes “Not 2. When a written invitation Tcnr because he irnnts to help to a baby’s christening is sent, them further ambitions encjb has long ago I read of a concert pianist e x p re s s e d . called Faye Ferguson who has in­ is it a gift imperative ? Biller, ambitlotas to be n concert corporated himself in order to get Tlollnlst, Is the onij one that Is T- DO entertainment such In earnest. The others He to /en­ funds to further her career. I am as bridge or music is supplied joy hIs eencroalty for the year. curious to know if you think she Billy becomes Infatuated trith nnd wilL ever b able to find a husband after a. dinner, how long is it secretly eaRneed to DAL BO- MAINE. nephetr of MBS. MEAD­ willing to help her live up to the necessary to stay ? OWS. the hostess. Dal Is also responsibilities she has brought up­ The Answers. "plnylnfr” W innie Shelton. on herself by being so ambitious as Billy loses interest In her mu­ 1. Yes. ^ sic. T, Q.. notices this, npd also to incorporate herself. In other 2. Yes. that Nydn. trho professed nn am­ words; would any man like to kiss bition to become n kinderernrten a corporation? The questions inter­ 3. From one -to two hours after teacher, is not nt all interested In leaving the table. 1 her work. Winnie, trho trants to ests me as I am very ambitious but be a private secretary, seeks to I also hope some day to find a man tvln his favor by olferlni; to do whom I shall love and who can love his stcnocrnphic work in the eve- nlng;a. me, and I wonder if one can have For an appetizing, healthful T. O. discovers hla safe has been e both ambitions and love?” drink try home made root beer. Or­ bobbed by someone on the ‘‘in­ side." Suspicion Is cast on Billy. Same Old? der Williams’ Root Beer Extract She asks CLAY CUBTIS, son of It sounds a little different but I and make the family happy.— adv. her benefactor, to help her. CIny really suppose this query is noth­ has disinherited himself nnd Is Ilvlnff with the Wells family, ing but the old moth-chewed one working In n factory by day nnd about “marria,ge or career.” This writing music nt night. CIny • alconv I despite the fact that we have been forces n confession from EDDIE •b'O'.&'-O B.4NNING, Nydn's old sweetheart, assured these late years that the nnd Nydn, who also admits being preposition “or” is absurd and that married. T. B- docs not prose­ the word “and” should be substi­ c u te th e m . £ Winnie- finds n doenment In T. tuted. Answering you directlj', E. B.'.s desk, showing that Billy is to R., I think that if the young lady be adopted, nnd tricks T. B. Into a proposal of marriage. \TOLA, In question is at all clever she can the maid, whom Winnie paid to very easily succeed in making some witness the scene, gis-es the ruse man kiss her as an attractive girl Bway. T. Q. calls Billy nnd Mrs. Meadows Into the library nnd tells and not as a corporation. A clever them the whole thing. When Billy and attractive friend once revealed Is left alone svith T. Q.. she con­ the secret to me, thus: fesses that the three girls knew of his plan to adopt one of them The Tip nil along and they had not played "May I come in, DalT” she laughed shakily. the game fairly. When he tells • “I learned years ago,” she said, her he wants her to be his daugh­ low,- angry exclamation, “My God! night?” She melted toward him That happy feeling was lost In “that cleverness, capability, brains ter. she refuses, saying She has the- little fool!” did not Interrupt again. are something to be kept under other plans for her life. She plans astonishment when she i opened - the to go nt once to Boniaine and she the steady flow of her recital. “Tonight? That’s rather short door upon Clara, the pretty parlor­ cover rather than flaunted when a telephones him nt his apartment. “So you see, dear, I—I ran away. notice, isn’t it, darling?” he teased maid of the Curtis house. , Clara PORCH woman is angling for male atten­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STOBY I couldn’t stay there after that You her. “What about a license?” was as startled as Billy, but her Z4-0 - a' o tion. They are not amatory bait. The trick is to flaunt all the tradi­ CHAPTER LVII see that, don’t you? It would be “ ^ 3 that all?” Billy grinned at training as a servant stood , her in T>ILLY set her suitcase down In too horrible to be left alone there him. “Nyda and Eddie Banning good stead. tional feminine wiles of coyness, with a stricken old man who- has were married In the middle of the COPL.EY archness, weakness, incapability, the hall of the apartment house “I have a note for Mr. Romalne,” charm, vivacity, sympathy, admira­ Girlish Charm a few paces from Dal’s door before had every reason to lose his faith night, at Chatham, and I’m sure she told Billy, peering over the In human nature.” tion for Him, et al. After a man she pressed the bell below a chaste Eddie didn’t already have the mar­ shorter girl’s shoulder Into tlie is caught by this bait he will ac­ The exquisite daintiness you ad­ ly engraved card—“Dalhart Ro- “So you are breaking your word riage license. Why couldn’t we fol­ room. stop right here, if you’ve been mire in so many women depends as maine." to him—leaving before the year Is low the same program?” Would you guess that it costs but cept and even, perhaps, be a little “Thank you, Clara," Billy smiled searching for a good looking, com­ between $5000 and $6000 to con­ proud of the. brainy and capable much on their hair as their peach- out,” Ej^l said thoughtfully, frown- “Billy, dear, please don’t be as she reached for the note. blow complexion and stylls* “Hello, darling!” He stood before Ingly. fortable, roomy, inexpensive home! struct? Now. calculate how quick­ stuff. But I am convinced that her, immaculate, distinguished, angry, but I think it would be much “I was told to give It to Mr. Ro- This is “The Copley!’’ Look at clothes. You can’t • look good w^*;^ “But dear, only a week remains ly your present rent would aggre- these qualities are things best kept “May I come In, Dal?” she more sensible—and beautiful—if maine himself, and to wait for an that floor plan! Consider the size .gate that price. Think it over! hidden until the more usual femi­ a pretty dress and dull, stringy of the year,” Billy protested, wide- we waited until April as we had answer,” Clara stated positively, as of the living room and dining room hair any more than you would be laughed shakily, as he still held the eyed. “He agreed to let me go. nine grist -has worked.” door almost closed behind him. planned. No, don’t fly out at me,” she pushed past Billy Into the room, downstairs. Visualize those ' three And if you want more details Answered, E. R? neatly dressed it you had on a pair Naturally I did not run away with­ he begged, as she sprang to her meeting Dal, who was striding, tb- big bedrooms upstairs. Study the of shoes with run-over heels. “I’m taking you to dinner, am I out telling him my reasons for leav­ about “The Copley” write the Court Panties! feet with an angry exclamation. ward her, his face darker thitin outside appearance, with its digni­ Standard Homes Company, Colo­ You don’t have to be denied tha not?” he countered. "I had an­ ing. He has been wonderfully kind. A few year# ago w'nen Queen admiration you love, because your other engagement, but I called It “What I want you to do Is to go usual with annoyance. fied columns and spacious porch. rado Building, Washington, D. C. I would not hurt him for the back to Mr. Curtis until the year Billjr watched him tear open the Mary of All the Britons got riled hair isn’t lovely. It Is so easy to off, of course. My car is waiting at world.” Is up—” up about the short skirts the girls keep it soft, bright and silky. But the curb—” thick, expensive envelope—sta­ \yere wearing at court, the girls at­ , “YouV desertion at the time of “Dal Rom^ine, If you say those tionery which Billy recognised c. Temple Garlands . . .Mary Ort don’t expect shampooing to do it. ‘Tve got to talk with you. Dal— his greatest need must hurt him.” d. Pierrot’s Song...... Mary Orr tempted to calm Mary and yet Soap and water only washes out the prlvatelj’. Don’t be afraid of scan­ words one more time I’ll never with B; sudden, sick sinking of her keep in style by wearing catching Dal insisted, drawing his hand speak to you again!” Billy sur­ heart as belonging to Wipnie ^ e l- e. Salome’s Air from “Herodi- dirt, but can not remove dandruff dal," she reassured him. from hers and clenching his flst. Today Best ade” ...... Massenet silk knickers under their court and that oily film on each strand prised herself and stunned Dal Ro- ton. He read the three pages'ojf^the gowns. But the modistes began She wondered why he looked so “Your consideration for Mr. Cur­ maine by stamping her foot at him. letter frownlngly, then cnistiqg Mary Carson Orr, Soprano which keeps hair dull and lifeless. embarrassed as he ihrew the door tis’ feelings rather surprises me,” Laura C. Gaudet, Accomp. gilding the lily. They tacked on Danderine does it, without drying “My dear Mignon!” the sheets In his hand, he tqmed Radio Bet buttons and thises aid thatses un­ wide and stepped aside for her to Billy retorted almost angrily. “Please, we won’t discuss It any to Clara: - 6:30—Dinner Concert continued— out the hair too. enter, but when she was In the “Especially since you two have Hub Restaurant Trio ■ til the once unassuming knickers The next time you fix your hair, more!” Billy tried to wrench her “There Is no answer,. C li^ Here are regular court breeches and the room she understood. It was a never liked each other. Oh, Dal, we bands from his. “I have my bag 6:50—News and Baseball Scores wet your brush with Danderine and mean little place, so utterly differ­ —and thank you." He drew a' dol­ \TCTOR HERBERT CONCERT— 7:00—Bible Study Period—Profes­ dtbs are threatening to drop the draw it through with long, even mustn’t quarrel—now!” she cried outside the door. I’m going to lar bill from his trousers pockpt skirts entirely! Then listen for ent from the setting In which she brokenly. What had happened be­ mother. I’ll get a job at something^ WEAP sor A. J. Wm. Myers— Hymns strokes until each strand is alive and gave It to the maid, wjhp left A Victor Herbert Memorial con­ Mary’s howls! and glowing. It takes just a few had imagined Dal Romalno that tween them? she aaked herself in and—” She tried to keep her voice after, another' long, shrey^d gteisce 7:30—Piano Selections— she was bewildered. a panic. cert will be broa-'.cast from WEAP a. Prelude in E minor minutes each day. There’s no incon­ from breaking on a sob, but failed. about the room, her eyes-lingering and chain stations at 9 p. m. east­ venience of waiting. You can go “Rather poor diggings for a “Of course we mustn’t, darling!" “You blessed, darling little In­ upon the half- packed suitcase on MacDowell gentleman,” Dal confessed. “I am he laughed tenderly. "I’m just be­ ern time, Wednesday, May 25. h. Rhapsodie Dohnanyr right out, and the improvement you fant!” Dal's caressing voice crooned the chair. , ’ Other picks are: will see in the loveliness of your in my apartment so little that it wildered, Billy. Your news is so over her as he took her in his arms. C. Prelude in A minor .. .Debussy never seemed worth while to move. startling. Come, darling, look at He tore Winnie’s letteri ipto^sp^all WOO, 6:30 p. m. eastern time— Juliet Grace Wolfe For hch|n| Torture hair will thrill you so you will want “Nothing matters to me but your bits, with .vicious’ twists o^• his Band concert. to always have Danderine in your But what is the matter, darling? me! Can’t you read in my eyes happiness. Come now, smile pretty 7:45— Talk— Clifton L. Sherman, You frightened me almost out of that 1 love you—utterly?” brown fingers, Then, smiling brief­ KOA, 8:15 p. m. mountain time Editor-in-Chief. Hartford Times Use Healing, Liquid Zemo room along with your other beauty for the gentleman! That’s better! ly into Billy’s; troutiled, doubting —Light opera, “Chimes of Nor­ necessities, so you can make it a my senses when you telephoned. I He lifted the veiling lids slowly, Excuse me now, dear, while I throw 8:00—The Haven “Four” Quartette ^ m o seldom stop Itdiing have never heard your voice so agi­ eyes, he turned away to' resume his mandy.” . with Freddie Kniel, Pianist— daily habit to use it. It will help to gazed Into her eyes deeply, so that some things into a suitcase. You WGL, 9 p. m.. eastern time— Torture and relieve Skin Irritation, it keep in your waves. tated.” gradually she grew limp in his packing, flinging the . rempining a. If You Can’t Land Her on the makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. won’t want to come back here after garments into the case with little Brooklyn Male Choral club in Ne­ Danderine Is so inexpensive too. Without Invitation from him, arms, the old powerful spell drug­ we’re married, will you? I’ll take Old Veranda, Then You Can’t ^ Itch, Pimples, BloUdies, Blackheads, Billy removed her moleskin coat, of the meticulous care which had gro spirituals. Land Her at All The 35c bottle contains enough to ging-her body and her mind. Then along what I’ll need for a few days." KPI,’10 p. m. Pacific time— In­ m most cases quickly give wayto Zemoi. prove to you how wonderful it is. flung It, with her little jungle green suddenly, fiercely, he bent his head marked the beginning of bis pack­ b. Tonight Y'ou Belong to Me FrequOTtly, mmor blemish^ disappear He settled her upon the couch, ing. strumental quartet. c. Crazy Words, Crazy Tune You can get it from your nearest velours hat, across the back of a so that his lips met hers. kissed her lightly on the forehead, WBZ, 10:40 p. m. eastern time overnight. Itching usually stops store. chair, then, aware that his eyes had ‘Now,” he exulted, “you’re going Fifteen. miputes later the cream- d. Rocked in the Cradle of the promptly. Zemo is a safe, healing liquid. then set about packing. She colored . roadster swerved, .,«wpy — City ■ of Springfield anniversary Deep Convenient to use any time. /Ql drug­ been patching her uneasily, she to be a sensible little darling and watched him as he lifted bangers program. went to him and held out her arms. go back to Mr. Curtis until the year from the curb’before the Imposins e. A Little Music in the Moon­ g i s t s - ^ and $1.00. from the closet and arranged his entrance of tke-^appi^ept bopse, light “Aren’t you glad to see me. Dal?” Is up, when you can leave in honor.” clothes with meticulous care In the He kissed her briefly, then led She drew herself entirely out of carrying a rather iprim^tacied bride­ f. If Tears Could Bring You suitcase he had opened upon a groom and a trembling Jittlp hrlde- Back to Me, I’d Cry My Eyes her to the disreputable sofa and the circle of his arms. “I’m not go­ chair. xemo to-be, who looked as it she were of Out for You FOR SKINJ^RITATIONS; drew her down to his side. “Some­ ing back. Dal. If—if you don’t The bag was half packed when a WTIC ¥)reams oj thing rather tremendous has hap­ want me, I’ll ’go home—my real half a mind to leap from the ear 8:15— 118th Medical Regiment shrill clamor from the doorbell In­ and ran as fast as her legs could Band, C. N. G., Philip Azzo- ^ Beautiful Hair Gomelhi^^ pened. I can tell by the hectic home, I mean—my mother’s. She terrupted his labors. light In your eyes and the red dan­ will take me In.” She began to carry her to the dear security of Travelers Insnnince Oo.t lina,* leader “I’ll answer it!’l she told him, her mother’s arms. Hartford, Conn. 9:00— The New Departure Orches­ ger flags in your cheeks. Tell me, sob, in fright and self-pity. springing toward the door. Already dear. I’m pardonably curious.” (To Be CoBttnved)-., -.i-.i ' 467. tra “Darling, darling,” ho remon­ she felt as if she had a right In his 10:00— Gibbs Concert Hour with She lifted his hand and held It strated gently. “Don’t be a baby. ’diggings,” felt like a wife who against her cheek as she to^d him Winnie Shelton .tclephonen'^Clay the Philharmonic Male Quar­ Of course I want you—” takes little duties off her husband’s Cortia, then expoaea the VUlpla'piUi tette what W'lnnie Shelton had done. His ‘Then we can be married—to- shoulders Roualne. who la rannlhc-'-o^ Program for Wednesday Billy. Clay folIoTTS, D. S. T. ll:00-^News and Weather 6:00 p. m.— Dinner Concert— Hub Restaurant Trio 6:15^—Soprano Solos— A Stamford hotel proprietor and proteins usually mentioned oa a. My Mother Bids Me Bind My threatens to name his hotel “The the label. derstand the reasoning behipd such H a ir ...... Haydn Football,” because eyery one of his When sugar -appears in the e.x- unholy joy. b. D a w n ...... Curran, guests is sure to register a kick. creted fluid, the physician realizes 'This crime was particularly abi Good normal, if .any- crimp cam hpcalled that the patient’s ability to assimi­ € i n c i late has been exceeded. It then be­ normal, hut it Is abn.qr^al,j too, tq comes necessary to cause him to an alarmi.ng'degrefi if-y e chrry our fast briefly until the sugar disap­ vindictiveness to _.tlife p6tot of pears, or he may be given insulin, ing glad of the dea^h ni'eted-out iff which aids in causing it to disap­ another. It is particularly abnonm Good al in a twentieth century, civilizap \ pear. tion'. Bedding HOW DIET SHOULD BE REGU­ til the patient ’s receiving an In the past, many patients did LATED IN TREATING DIABETES amount of sugar equivalent to tlirec not do well on the diabetic diets be­ There are those wjio laugh at grams for every 1000 grams of his cause the amount of food taken was Clarence Darrow for’d^laring that By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN body weight’In 2 4 hours. not sufficient to provide proper nu­ it was ridiculous for those two fc go to trial witho .t the'.>id pf alienl Aft^r tl'.e first two or three days trition. As a result there was a Plants lets, and mind speGialists‘to show New Beauty Editor .Tournal of the American marked loss of weight and strength v.-getable.s containing'10 per cent their mental comditlon. "There is Medical Association and of Hygeia, of carboh.vd'rates, such as onions, and the patient could not resist dis­ % ease. The discovery of insulin has too much of it at .murder’trials;':’ Plus the utmost in tooth aids the Health Magazine squash turnips, carrots, b^ets o; they contend. . • ' ' ' . >. ,.j Time to set out plants for Sum­ canned, peas ;iir.y !:o added to the made it possible to feed the patient mer blooming. Here are the best ways men have advised this for dally use on the a more varied diet, to avoid fasting, “ lt*is a really-, important matter; learned to beautify the teeth. You teeth. V A person with diabetes should dirt in order to inaicf- up tii.; in­ this delving into motives and me£- creased amount of sugar. to combat complications and there­ will , be amazed at the new glow it Magnesia neutralizes acids. It is have a scale for weighing food. In by to prolong life. tal conditions. It’is not as super­ See our display of Blooming and Foliage Plants at our order to determine his tolerance for Subsequent to .that, foods con­ brings to your teeth in a day. With alkaline. The acids ^orm, by food ficial as it seems. Every one.is ab^ Branch Store at that it combines the best ways to sugar, he begins with a diet com­ taining 15 per cent, such as canned solutely as much two ppQplmgs l£ . fermentation, between the teeth posed almost e.xclusively of green lima beans or parsnips, or 20 per purify th'e breath, the best ways to and in crevices. Magnesia goes Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde fs combat mouth germs. All the vegetables containing 5 per cent of cent of carbohydrates, such as po­ our emotions—love, hate, jealous^ where those acids form. And those carbohydrates. tatoes, baked beans,. green corn, and all the rest. Dr. Jeckyl is our EAST CENTER ST. ENTRANCE TO best that modern dental science acids are made: harmless at its knows is embodied in this modem touch. ■ • Among these vegetables are let­ boiled rice or macaroni, may be Home Page Editorials character. He holds the whip tuce, spinach, cauliflower, sauer­ added to make up the amount of lash that keeps the other in cheeff. EAST CEMETERY. tooth paste. The results in one When you know the facts, you, kraut, canned string beans, celery, sugar. There, is usually one crisis Or I day will amaze and delight you. will never go to' sleep without mag­ I Nothing you have used can com­ nesia on your teeth. And these asparagus, brussels sprouts, toma­ Fruits have also been classified more in almosUevery'llfe w^ere thm toes, -rhubarb, eggplant, cabbage, evil Mr. Hyde may 'crour£ Dj! Geraniums, Petunias, Heliotrope, Har^y Dwarf pare with it. Some 50 e.xperts other helps in combination with it. ‘ according to the amount of sugar Civilization have combined to' make Phillips' radishes and articliokes. they contain, and many other foods Jeckyl into-a corner’’aDid -wrest hi"^ Roses in bloom. Dusty Miller, Forget-Me-Not, Vinea Please learn what this utmost in Although these vegetables con­ have been listed for this purpose. \ whip from him.’’- Character!'cannijt V5ne, Coleus, Verbenas, etc. Dental Magnesia the ~ a dentrilfbe means to tain but little nutriment, thev have It is possible for a physician who is always overcome emotion even. ^ most efficient and most you and yours. Watch a large bulk and will fill the stom­ By OliVe Roberts Burton the strongest willed! It is only t^ perfect tooth paste in ^ive in One It whiten the teeth, familiar with the amount of ipro.- Don’t forget to have your Urns and Porch Boxes existence. Ita U InxredleBta e'j;i' drates, and this is increased heaven, "Behold, I am holier than' ahd!- civiliisatioitate. .fo'r“- w i ' Bread is seldom included in the they.” instincts ’ remain savage. ^ P h i l l i p s ’ siMll 20 grams of carbohydrate.^ .are 0 0 T r U diet of a diabetic, because it con­ Ridiculous! I.am ashamed! relng taken. tains large amounts of starch. Tube .Then the diet is increasbd by five The aftermath' is this. Almost |Dental Magnesia Special breads are oh the market the whole United States is shouting •r: trams of carbohydrates every other made of gluten or diabetic flours, w ^ S h o p fsy jhe sugar appears^ cr u n -| in ghoulish glee, “Good for them!, Ifrith-Ui.e aiaount-of-carbohydrates lit serves them right!” I cannot un- HeraUt B m llla ,.,v r --

♦ 't. , •‘ - .V -V•'T • -S , , ^ ''-s.

J'- ...... ■ ' • . /'-V, V. -'-•.rr-'ii '■ I:< • !r—?■*■■■, . V I-',' t •' MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING He IrALD, W E pm uS D A t, 'SHAt zS, ISfZT. PAGE

H E E N WILLS MAY Big Balloon Race Monday Local M ET SUZANNE IN ‘CHARITY’ MATCH AMATEUR BILL IN Chatter ON CHENEY HALL CARD TONIGHT Protected from the stubborn weather; man by being safe and U. S. Star Confides In­ If the weather shows any incli­ snug in Cheney Hall, Manchester nation to behave itself tomorrow a;? boxing followers 'wilI have the op­ formation With Jimmy afternoon, a two-ball foursome portunity toilllht to view 'what handicap golf tournament will be should-iirove to be'the best ama­ played over the 18-hole course at teur toumamepts Cheney Brothers’ Powers In Interview. the Country Club. Considerable In- Athletic Association has yet qffer- teret t has been worked up over this ed. Seven three-round bouts are 10 event and it is expected that a large be run off with the chief attraction number of men and women will By JISEVIY POAVERS being a stable .of five Providence compete. A supper and dance will boxers. All of them are slated for fallow the tournament and will he action. Ladies will be-admitted New York, May 25.— There is a held In the clubhouse. free. cat-gut phalanx of six racquets'bar­ ring the path of a certain young -vft. Tonight’s tournament was orig­ poker-faced lady athlete from the inally planned to be the first of a The high school baseball team is series of outdoor. programs to ne international sport headlines this also scheduled to play tomorrow spring. staged at the stadium on McKee afternoon at the stadium. West street during the hot and stuffy Referring, of course, to Helen Hartford, the team that sent Man­ Wills and the world’s singles tennis summer months but the weather of chester down to defeat in the first late has been anyrnlng but that. So title. . gaine of the season, is to be the at7 f ^ 4. •"rhere are three American and This graphic picture shows what sort of see ne is presented • when the big balloons are '■ A-.;.-. • yesterday noon Promoter Jack Jen- three foreign stars whom I fear,” traction and,Co^ch Kelley’s charges ney decided to “ get under cover.” assembled and inflated ready for the stait of a race. It was taken at last year’s race at Little hope to square accounts. Saturday No doubt this move will be a wise the flashing-eyed Californian told Rock, Ark. me at Forest Hills just prior to her afternoon. Manchester High plays ' * ‘ one for all concerned. The first sailing. at Bristol. Wiley will probably Mut this evening will start at 8:15 Different Route pitch the West Hartford game and Walter Vennard will referee. Tne "I have, carefully mapped, out a maybe part of the other. regular judges. Herb Bissell, Wal­ campaign along a definite route,” Fifteen Contestants; Crowd of 100,000 Is Ex­ National League ter Moske and Jack Copeland will she said, listing them in the order Harold Clemson has handed In be in charge. of her personal ranking. The Amer­ pected; Goodyear and Scripps-Howard Lead- his resignation as manager, of the Judging from the list of entries ican aces are Miss R e su lts Community Club baseball team. He -19 in all— It ought to be some­ of California, Mrs. Molla Bjurstedt ingr Entries—^List of Pilots. said today that It was-.a case of what easy for Matchmaker Bill Mallory and Miss of At Cincinnati:— business or sport and ,he-selected Brennan to arrange a card that will Akron, O., May 25.— One o f the<^race, and was one of the 1926 PIRATES 11. REDS 1 New York. The foreign aces are PITTSBURGH the former. Clemson said today that please even the most rabid fan. In Mrs. Kathleen McKane Godfree, greatest airmeets of American his­ American Gordon Bennett cup race AB. R. H. PO. A. he told Community Club.officials.he addition t o . having 5 Providence 2 Mareno Pagnoni Ted Gauthier Mjss Joan Fry and Miss Eileen Ben­ tory wil feature the 1927 national team. He placed in the 1925 De­ L. ■\Vaner, if ...... 6 1’ 5 0 would try out,the job for a week or boxers, 7 from Springfield, 1 from nett. troit News race, and was second in Cuyler, cf ...... 6 2 3 3 0 two and see If he could fit it in with Rockville and 2 from Manchester, lalloon race to start from Akron the Major Thomas Baldwin trophy P. Waner. rf ...... G 0 2 2 0 “ Would I like to play Suzanne? Wright, ss ...... 5 1 2 0 2 his work but found this impossible. PROBABLE PROGRAM Promoter Jenney will have a clas­ Well, I should say so. Why, she’s Memorial Day. race of 1925. Grantham. 2b ... .. 4 0 1 • 2 5 No successor has as yet been ap­ sy group of “ subsjitntea sitting on the finest player In the world!” and A hundred airplanes, two dirigi­ Dane Flies Detroiter Traynor. 3b ...... 5 3 4 0 4 pointed. Clemson Is the second, WATCHING the bench.” In other words, four Svend A- U. Rasmussen, Danish Harris, lb ...... 5 2 3 14 0 Waterbury boxers, Jack Harmon, here our little Helen smiled and bles and 15 huge balloons will take Smith, c ...... 2 1 1 1 Q manager to_ resign this season,* smashed a baseline return that fair­ balloonist, will fly Detroiter III, 1. 108 pounds: Harry .Mc- 110 pounds, Bobby Morrison, 118 part in the program which is sched- Meadows, p ...... 4 1 1 0 2 “ Babe” Oakes having recently quit. THE SCOREBOARD Cavanaugh, Manchester and ly sizzled the net top as it whizzed ulc-.d to begin at Cleveland-Akron and Charles B. "Chuck” Williams, It is not known whether the Com­ Joe Dignal.lSO and Rollo Holland! hy. holder of the Elks’ national trophy 43'’ U 19 27 13 Bobby Elliott, Springfield. J13S, hav'e asked permission to send Speedway. 'CINCINNATI munity Club will play at Hickey’s YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Incidentally, If anyoqe thinks ~ All the thrills of the air are to by virtue of one of the greatest AB. R. H. PO. A, Sunday but It is understood efforts 2. 110 pounds: Ted Gauth-■ in their entries-and take a chance Helen is fat and ungainly, that one be offered to a crowd expected to balloon trips of all time, will be Dressen, 3b ...... 4 0 1 3 2 will be made to book such a game. ier, Springfield and A1 iBedes- on being matched. has another think coming. She is Christensen, If . . . . 3 0 1 3 0 Eastern League sa. Providence. The Providence boxers are com­ exceed 100,000 people, who will in the basket of Detroiter II. Walker, rf ...... daintier than ever, faster afoot, and To see these men and their com­ .. 4 0 . 0 0 0 All games postponed, rain. 3. 118 pounds; Dan Borsel- ing here with a fine reputation hav­ crowd an area 100 square miles in Pipp, lb ...... 4 1 1 12 0 Alex Simpson, Manchester’s crack American League slimmer than before her operation extent set aside by Governor A. V. petitors “ weight off” fur the battle Allen, cf ...... 3 0 0 3 0 li, Springfield and Antonio Ca- ing been selected by J. Frank Far­ Hargrave, c ...... golf pro, will compete in the 18- .Detroit 6, Cleveland 3. last season. Donahey of Ohio as a military above the clouds will come many .. 3 0 0 5 0 j)rio, Providence, ley , Rhode Island amateur boxing Pinelli. ss ...... 3 0 0 0 4 hole open tournament at the Rock- Philadelphia-New York, rain. Confides Plans reservation. of the men whose names stand 4. 126 pounds: .41 Dowd, commissioner. They.,arg said to con­ Critz, 2b ...... 3 0 0 1 2 ledge Country Club in West Hart­ Chlcago-St. Louis, rain. "If you’ll promise not to quote The national balloon race itself, high in the annals of aeronautics. Donohue, p ...... 0 0 0 0 2 Manchester and Joe Zira. Prov­ stitute the cream of the talent from me as saying so definitely, I think Lucas, p ...... ford, Friday. Bud Geoghehan and Others not scheduled. ^»hi.e but a short part of the pro­ “ Aces,” whose records are writ­ . . 1 0 0 0 0 idence. ‘Little Rhody.” Jack Copeland says there is a possibility of my meeting May, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 John P. Cheney are other possible National League he has seen them In action against gram which has been arranged, ten across the pages of war his­ -- - «— --- Miss Lenglen this summer. You Manchester entries. About 150 golf­ Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 5. 5. 138 pounds: A1 Satryck, the Holyoke team with latter being has as its prize for first place the tory, and commanders of both 30 1 3 27 10 see, they are considering an e.xhibi- ers are expected to vie for honors. Pittsburgh 11, Cincinnati 1. Rockville and Joe Pallozzi^ the loser. The Rhoae Island quintet Litchfield trophy, a silver pedestal. army and navy air services. Gen­ Score by Innings; Springfield. tion match for charity. Mr. Tilden, eral BI. M. Patrick and Admiral Pittsbui-gU ...... n o 001 143—li New York-Boston, rain. consists of Ad Bedessa, 110; An­ yo.i know, was permitted for the It is to be the largest balloon race Cincinnati ...... OOO 000 100— 1 There will be no games for the St. Louls-Chicago, rain. 0.. 135 pounds: Antonio tonio Caprio, 118; Joe ZIra, 126; of the 15 American nationals that W. A. Moffett will attend. Two base hits, L. "Waner, Dressen,- Trade school baseball nine this sea­ Bonnano, Providence and MJ- same cause. It was a professional- More than 500 flyers from the Harris 2,. Grantham, Traynor, P, Antonio Bonnano. 135: and Eddie amateur match.” have been held, and has drawn the son but next week two games are reno Pagnoni, Springfield. Roy, 147. army, navy and marine corps are Waner; three base hit, Cuvier, PIpp; THE STANDINGS 7. 147 pounds: Eddie Roy, Of the list of opponent. Miss greatest of American balloon pilots sacrifice, Grantham; triple play, Dres­ on the slate, Klngswood school at Eastern ‘League Henry Jolly, the popular Spring- Ryan has the best record. They met as Its entrants. expected here, as well as the avia­ sen to Critz; left on bases, Pittsburgh West Hartford on Wednesday and Providence and Stanley Saew, tion secretaries of the departments 10, Cincinnati 3; base on balls, eff W. L. PC. Springfield. field manager, is bringing the fol­ twice at Seabright tournaments and Pilots Assemble Middletown Trade here Friday. lowing boxers: Bobby Elliott. 108; of war, navy and commerce. Com­ Meadows 1, Donohue 4; struck out, by Pittsfield ...... 16 10 .615 on both occasions hliss Ryan won. The three whose balloons come Meadows 1, Donohue 3. Lucas 1; bits, Eugene Pepe, 118; Ted Gauthier, mercial pilots from all the coastal Springfield .. . . .18 13 .681 Mrs. Mallory, who preceded and to earth farthest from Akron are off Donohue 12 in 7 innings, (none out Wilfred Bulla has given up his Albany ...... 15 13 .536 110; Dan Borselll, 118; Joe Palloz- succeeded Miss Wills as national to compose the American team in and middle western air stations. in Sth), I c c a s 7 in 1 2-3, oft May 0 in attempt to reorganize the St. zi. 133; Mareno Pagnoni, 135 and The Entries 1-3; losing pitcher, Donohue; um­ "Waterbury .. . . .I': 14 .517 champion, had not been able to de­ the international balloon race, to pires, Pfirman, Jorda and Rlgler; Mary’s baseball team for the sea­ Stanley Saew, 147.,The Bay State The complete list of balloons en­ Bridgeport .. .. .14 14 .500 j Golfers You Have Met feat her for three years, but finally be held from Denver on or about time, 1:45. son, he says. A game was schedul­ New Haven . . . .12 13 .480 group is headed by Pagnoni, who v.'on last season at Rye. N. Y. Labor Day, when American pilots tered is as follows: ed in Windsor for last Sunday but by Kent Straat has met the best in his class. He , “ Scripps- Howard,” Central At Phi(iiilp|phla;— Providence . . .14 17 .452 R EC . U. S. PAT. o »p I\Irs. Godfree, who holds the will compete against Europe’s men It is understood that the local nine Hartford ___ 6 16 .273 has been a conslstant winner and Wimbledon championship, ha.s fac­ of the air in an effort to retain in League of Scripps-Howard News­ DODGERS 0. PHILLIES Z BROOKLYN called off the appointment.- Wheth­ American League only recently gave Ba.ney Youse- ed Helen four times and won twice. America the James Gordon Bennett papers; Jack A. Boettner, pilot. AB. R. H. PO. A. er someone else wil take over the W. PC. man of Hartford a sound thrashing. .Miss Fry gave her a most difficult cup, now held here. Goodyear, Ward T. Van Orman, Carey, cf ...... w . 5 0 2 0. 0 0 L. reins remains to be seen. At thl^ New York . . . ___ 22 11 .667 His work will be. watched with, eag­ battle the last time they met. Miss The pilots who will battle for pilot. Partridge, 2b ...... 4 1 3 2 7 1 er Interest tonight as he has never Henline, rf ...... 4 1 3 1 0 0 time, however. It seems doubtful. Chicago .... ___20 15 .571 Bennett, latest of I’ne newer stars that honor have been assembled “ Davey Tree Expert” , sponsored Herman, lb .. boxed here before although his rep­ ...... 4 0 2 11 1 0 St. Louis ,. . ___ 16 15 .516 to show great promi.se, has yet to from every balloon center in by Congressman Martin L. Davey: Felix, If ...... 5 0 1 3 0 1 The New England qualifying utation is known to many. Ted meet the American girl. America. Robert P.^Lehr, Los Angeles, pilot. Flowers, ss ...... 5 0 0 3 2 0 Philadelphia ___ 17 16 .515 Gauthier, another Springfield boy, Butler, 3b ...... 4 0 1 0 1 0 round for the National Open will be Washington . ___ 15 15 .500 Helen will not reveal to what de­ Among them are Ward T. Van “Franco-American,” H. E. Honey­ Deberry, c .... is expected to give his Providence ...... 3 1 1 6 2 0 held at Providence on June 6. Alex Detroit ...... ___ 15 17 .469 gree she will alter her game to Orman and W. W, Morton, the. well, St. Louis, pilot. Cantrell, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simpson will again compete this opponent, A1 Bedessa, plenty of op­ Doak, p ...... 2 Cleveland . . . ___ 15 19 .441 down her six rivals. Heretcfo"e she Goodyear team, who now are na­ U. S. Army No. 1, Langley 0 1 0 3 0 year. Last season Alex was one of position in the flyweight class. Be­ has relied on her terrific service Field; Lieutenant Paul Everett, Boston ___ 9 ' 21 • 300 dessa won the R. I. title In his class tional and international balloon 38 6 15 27 17 2 the six from this section to qualify National League and paceful driving. race champions. pilot. . I PHILADELPHIA two years ago. and he finished third in the Na­ W. L. PC. “ I rarely vencurod from the base­ Van Orman and Morton last U. S. Army No. 2, Scott Field: AB. R. H. PO. A. B. tional Open. Pouf of the Providence boxers line to engage in voMoying battles,” Sand, ss ...... • 5 1 3 2 4 0 Pittsburgh ,, . . .19 11 .633 year crossed the Baltic Sea to win Lieutenant J. A. Powell, pilot. Spaulding, If . ... will be opposed by Springfield she said, “ and, as a result, I had 0 1 r 0 0 Chicago . . . . ___ 18 12 .600 fighters with A1 Dowd, Manchester the International race. In 1925, U. S. Army No. 3, Scott Field: Williams, rf ...... 0 0 2 0 0 Cheney Brothers baseball, team been made the victim on soverai oc­ Wrightstone, lb . 5 0 New York . . . ___ 19 13 .594 featherweight, getting the other In-' Van Orman was blown out to sea Captain W. E. Kepner, pilot- .. 2 9 0 0 will open Its state league schedule casions of clever cnoppiug and ang­ Leach, cf ...... 3 1 0 2 0 0 St. Louis .... ___17 12 during the international race, and U. S. Army No. 4, Norton Field; .586 ter-state assignment. Dowd, inci­ ling.” Jonnard, c ...... 4 1 2 i 2 0 Saturday when the International Philadelphia ----- 15 15 .500 dentally, Is undefeated. Sprlngflelo after hours in the air, over the Lieutenant Frank McKee, pilot. Thompson, 2b ... .. 4 1 2 6 3 1 All in all, Helen locked mighty Silver Company of Meriden, comes Brooklyn . . . ___ 15 22 .405 boxers are expected to be In every storm-tossed Atlantic,,, came to rest Akron Beacon-Journal, Carl Wol- Friberg. 3b ...... 3 0 1 4 3 0 to the West Side field- sweet. Her service is improved. She lan^, pilot. Carlson, p ...... 2 1 0 0 3 0 Boston ...... 10 16 .385 1 bout but one. Practically all'of the is putting more "stuff” on the ball. aboard the S. S. Vaterland. Scott, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Navy No. 1, Lakehurst; Lieu- Mitchell, zz ...... Cincinnati . . .11 23 .324 Providence entries are veterans of Her backhand is still the best of From the Pacific .. 0 0 0 0 « 0 YESTERDAY’S HOME RUNS former state tournaments In Rhode Lieutenant Robert P. Lehr, who teuart T. G. W. Settle, pilot. W illoughby, p . . . .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 American League any woman pla.ver. Her overhead is Ulrich, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 h e t e l l e y o u h o w it Island. ' better, due to recent practice. Her for sport used to ride an east wind Navy No. 2, Lakehurst; Lieu­ tenant G. V. Whittle, pilot. powers of anticipation have been out of Los Angeles'over the Pacific, 37 5 11 27 15 1 Manush, Tigers, l;-total 2. LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS SHOULD BE PONE " • developed remarkably. Almost in­ and wait for the direction to turn Navy No. 3, Lakehurst: Charles Score by Innings: National League BUT HE CAN'T PO »T. Baus.-h, pilot. Brooklyn ...... loO 040 100—0 variably she is In the right position so he could come safely back to Pliiladelphia ...... 000 220 010— 5 . .None...... I At Portland, Me.— Ted Drew, 10 handle her opponent's returns. land, is one of the entered pilots. Detroiter No. I, Detroit Flying Two base hits, Carey, Herman, The leaders: American— Ruth Biddeford, outpointed Johnu)- Scul­ Herald Advs. Bring Results She is faster and more eager than He will fly for Congressman Mar­ Club; Charles B. Williams, pilot. Jornard; three base hits, Hendrick, 11, Gehrig 10, Simmons 5, Williams ly, Boston, six rounds; Tommy Detroiter No. II, Detroit Flying He'rman-Sand Thompson: sacrifices Partridge, 5; National— Williams 9, Hornsby j O’Toole, Portland outpointed Lew ever before agd la five pounds tin L. Davey, Kent, O., whose com­ double plays. Sand to lighter. pany has entered “ The Davey Tree Club; Svend A.' U. Rasmussen, Thompson to Wrlghtstone, Partridge 7, Wilson 7. 1 Bedell, of Portland; Young Ford- She is especially' keen for a re- Expert.” ■ pilot. to Flowers to Herman, Deberry to League totals:. National 132; I kins, Biddeford, drew with Mike Detroiter No. Ill; Edward J. Flowers: left on phases, Brooklyn 9, American 87. Assaf, Lawrence. ■jewal of her faud with her tradi- Captain H. E. Honeywell, the Pliiladelphia 8; base on balls, off licnal enemy, Suzanne Len.glen. “ dean” of American pilots, v/ho has Hill, pilot. Ehrhardt 1, off Doak 2, Carlson 1; So, for that matter, are all of u.s. flown in every recent American struck out, by Ehrhardt 1, by Doak 3; hits, off Ehrhardt 7 in 4 Innings, balloon race, and who is known as (none out in 5th). Cantrell 2 In 1-3, GAMES TODAY "tjje..,liard-luck balloonist” has en­ Doak 2 in 4 2-3, Carlson 14 in 8, Wil­ Eastern League tered his monster “ Franco-Amerl- loughby 1 In 0 (none out In 9th), U l­ Dempsey*s Price Went Up Springfield at Pittsfield. Green Stockings rich 0 In 1: hit by pitcher by Wil­ can,” a huge varnish balloon. Cap­ loughby, (Hendrick); wild pitches .Waterbury at Albany. tain Honeywell has never been “ out Carlson Ij winning pitcher, Doak; Hartford at Providence. of the money” In a national race losing \ pitcher, Carlson; umplre8^ When Maloney Went Down Bridgeport at New Haven. in which he competed. Moran, Quigley and Hart: tims, 1:03. Help Ladies Win 2—Soott battid for Carlson in Itb. r American League And Jack A. Boettner, who holds Bz—Mltohtll ran for Bdott in Ith. Chicago at St. Louis. the Detroit News trophy, one of the By DAVIS J. WALSH ^tember was not explained nor Is It Detroit at Cleveland. air’s most prized awards, will fly The Ladies of Columbus bowling Philadelphia at New York. team trounced the Men’s A. O. H. I. H. S. Sports Editor likely to be. Perfect this year for the Central Group of Others not scheduled. representation ■ last night at the ' Dempsey’s message contained a Scripps-Howard Newspapers. Boett­ Casino alleys by 62 pins after los­ New York, May 25. -"A great denial that he had said Sharkey National League ner, two years ago, piloted a bal­ American Lea^e ing the first of the three games by thing for the game.” would knock Tunney out, this item New York at Boston. loon through a Lake Erie water­ being mentioned merely in Hue with Brooklyn at Philadelphia. the same number of pins. The win­ At Clerelandi— This was the, comment Jack Shaves spout which tossed him about like ning team made a splendid come­ TIGERS 8, INDIAJIS S the policy of keeping the record Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. a rubber ball In a fountain. He Demsey wired east today from the back in the second and third games. DETROIT straight. 'Within the last year, he St. Loul.s at Chicago. placed in the last year’s national „ AB. R .H . PO. a tB . mountain fastness of his training has denied everything except that The losers claim they were de­ ■Warner, 8b ...... 6 1 8 2 1 0 moralized by the appearance of one Gohrlnger, 2b ...... 6 2 2 1 6 1 camp on the matter of Jack Shar-> Tunney won the last fight. of their teammates, Jerry Sweeney, Manush, cf , ...... 4 1 1 4 0 0 Wants Percentage lu n r« Fothergill, if ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 key’s Impressive knockout of Jim­ in knickers and green stockings and As to his financial program, Wlngo, rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 my Maloney. He didn’t say It was Uade. Bnt only that a jinx followed them from the Blue, lb ...... 4 0 0 10 1 0 which will be transmitted to Ric­ Tavener, ss ----- (..4 1 2 8 8 1 a great thing for himself because kard within a week, Dempsey will minute Jack Tiermey broke his clay Bassler, c . pipe...... 4 1 1 6 0 0 that was unnecessary. Dempsey make no demand that deals In sor­ ooa —the Stoner, p . , , ...... 4 0 1 0 2 0 wants’ $450,000 for meeting the The scores: - __ did dollars. He will ask for a per­ AMATEUR BOXING man who beat the man who didn’t centage and I understand that It Valtt AntoStrop Ladles of Columbus (1405) . 36 6 11 27 13 2 CLEVELAND win. ' will be 37% , the cut usually alloted J. Sheridan ...... 74 82 89 AB. R .H . PO. A. E. Rickard probably Isn’t aware of a champion in title fights. In this RaBor — strep s ------7 BOUTS------Summa, rf ...... 4 M. Von D e c k ...... 79 93 95 the situation but the fact of the way, he will get his $450,000 If the H. Fitzgerald .... 79 81 84 Jamieson, U ...... 4 1 2 2 0 X Its ewa bisdss. Fonseca. 2b, lb .... 4 0 1 7 2 0 matter Is that Dempsey’s price went gate runs up to $1,200,000 ana x A. Murphy ...... 70 80 74 Burns, lb ...... 8 0 0 4 1 0 up as Maloney went down. Miss don’t see how it can miss. up t o Tonight At Cheney Hall E. McCourt ...... 83 87 92 Spurgeon, 2b ...... 1 0 0 1 4 0 Taylor's husband was ready to go Meantime, any belief that Shar­ A. Qulsh ...... 69 93 81 J. Sewell, 8s ...... 4 1 1 8 0 0 Jj. Sewell, c...... 4 0 3 2 0 0 for the Paulino shot for a mere key will start for less than $250,- Auspices C. B. A. A. McNulty, cf ...... 4 0 0 4 0 0 stipend like $300,000 but a Demp- 000 Is open to doubt; so Rickard 454 I 515 Lutzke, 3b ...... 2 0 0 2 1 0 sey-Sharkey bout figures to grbss may have to do a lot of slick city A. O. H. (1433) Hodapp, 3b ...... 2 0 2 0 1 0 Uhle, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0about $1(200,000 and Dempsey will talking. He has Sharkey tied up on FEATURING BOXERS FROM Tierney ...... 77 Karr, p ...... 10 0 0 0 0 have to be declared in rather one of those blanket contracts for C, M ahoney...... 74 Shaute, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 heavily or they will have to get an­ so many fights but it says nothing YSlet Sweeney ...... l o i Myatt, p ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 other first baseman to throw at. Elohrodt, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 *0 about BO many dollars and that is Providence, Springfield, Waterbury, Fogarty ...... lOO A Hard Life, Mates where the boys may become pesti­ P. M ahoney...... 82 • 36 3 8 27 9 1 You see, the boy was born of ferous, now that they are up In the i^itcrStiop Leary ...... 82 Score by Innings; poor but honest parents and Its chip. It may or may not be signifi­ Rockville and Manchester Detroit ...... 200 400 000— 6 Cleveland ...... OOO 000 021— 8 been a hard life. They told him the cant that Sharkey declined to talk 516 437 478 Two base hits, Tavener, Hodapp; first million was the ■ hardest but terms the day after the Maloney lUzor The Providence stable includes boxers in the follow­ three base hits, Gehrlhger, Jamieson; they didn’t say anything about the fight. —Skarptna th a tf GETS DUE REWARD home run Manush; saoriflee, Wlngo; other three. It was this oversight double play, Tavener to Oehringer to All of this, of. course, is taking a ing classes: 110, 118, 135,126, 147. All it took to win a letter was Blue Hodapp to Spurgeon to Fonseca; that has kept hUn a poor man. All lot for granted about Dempsey who persistence, and Iggy MeVey had left on base, Detroit 6, Cleveland 6; he has Is the first million, or at may change his mind a thousand plenty of that In his quest for a base on balls, off Uhle 1; struck,out, least, that is,, the common Impres­ times between now and August. The First Bout at 8 :30 verslty letter at St. Mary’s (Cali­ oy Stontr 8 Uhle 1. Karr 1: h lti off Uhle S In 3 1-3 innings oft Karr 2 in sion, However, the writer has ordinary man doesn’t change his fornia) College. After serving as 4 2-3, eff Shaute 1 in 1: losing pitch­ heard rumors that Dempsey’s an­ collar more often. However, a lot of Admission 50c and 75c a scrub for four years In football, er. Unio; umpires, Evans, Ormsby and nounced comeback Is the result of critical money Is there and one may MeVey has been 'awarded a letter Gclsolr time 1:38. financial stress Duuhow he got that be pardoned fqr suspecting that, In recoignitlon for his long and *—Myett,batted for Karr In Sth. r.s— Eicbrodt batted for Shaute, In way BO quickly after collecting that being the case,, Dempsey will ol faithful service to his school. atk. 1760^000 la PhlUdelnhia last Sen- be there.

N ■Vli'V ,V.'* :^.*-§v'^;J;:f PAGE TEN MANCHESTESr(CONN.) EVENING l ^ A ^ - j-j,* • \ ' .. x '^ '

'^-•••■‘ ' ' ' • • f *• >.' : - ». . •'’ ‘ Watch And Redd Classification 72, Decide NuW ^^&f A Homjs Qmner

Want A.d Information Florista— NuCTerlea IS ,5 ;i ui.iiLi.'SP Apart^ant»—jglata— Loft and Foand Honset tor Sale 7» HonsM fo r Bala 7 1 ' for Rent 03 SUMMER CABBAGE PLANTS, —10 BENTON STREET—New five room Manchester FOUND— red bird dog registration cents per dozen or 70 cents per hun­ bungalow, all Improvements, oak SUMMER ST.—Large six room single. number 8E267. R. F. D. No. 1 Box 125, ON C4^R|DOB! ST., flat of six It has steam beat gas etc. Two 0«r Rockville, Conn. dred. John McConvllle, Homestead rooms,'' all modern Improvements, trim and two car garage. Easy Evening Herald Park. Tel. 1364-13. also t^o garages. Inquire at 16 Cam­ , terms. Telephone 1483-12, garaga 2 poultry bouses, 12 fruit bridge street or telephone 604. trees, lot 76’xl60’—^Sfice' only f66Q0. Classified Advertisements Annoancements A LARGE QUALITY Giant Italian BRAND NEW single, of six rooms, Easy terms. Robert! J. Bmltb; 1009 Pansies, Geraniums, Fuchlas, Agera- ON, (QARDSN .^R E E T—!«lx room well located and built to suit and Malp street ’• Count «lx avora** words to a Una STEAMSHIP TICK;ETS to and from tums. Heliotropes, Martha Washing­ ’tsneraent, vacant June 1st. Inquire the place Is a bargain at $5500-:-$600 Initials numbers and abbrevtatlons, all parts of the world—Cunard ton Geraniums, Coleus, English Ivy, a t 12_ Knox street or phone 792. do-wn. Robert J. Smith, 1009 Main, !^R E B a c r e PLAGb' on^Kfeiy^ each count as a word and compound Anchor, White Star. French, Ameri­ Vinca Vines, Lemon Verbeha, Calla street. ' street seven- rOdm' liouse, 'gMam words as two worda b^lnlmum cost can,. Swedish, North German Lloyd Lillies. Large flowering cannas, FOUR ROOM PLAT—flrst floo r, , neat, city water, electricity,,; oak.- Is price ol three linea and several others. Assistance given Dracaenas. Boston ferns. Giant Ownership a i0o-f,flne thre, room flat, at 170 Oak DELMONT s t r e e t —Beautiful 10 fioovs, a beautiful borne, 2 car gafaga In securing passports. Robert J. Zenlas, Asters, Calendulas, Snap­ street, inquire at 164 Oak street or . room flat, always rented, nice shrubs and poultry house—very low -price,; Line rates pe^ day foi transient Smith, 1009 Main street. Phone. dragon, Delphinium Burning bush. call 616-^ ' and trees, two can garage. Price and RobSrt J. Smith. 1009 Mnjn street ada 750-2. Marigold, Petunias, Salvia, Straw terms of Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main Flowers, Hollyhocks, Sweet Wll- FURNEI4L BLOCK—3 room heated street Telephone 782-2. SIX ROC)M house, all Improvements,' Eflectlre Uarch 17> 1837 ^ rage In oellar, large gardeo, ez- Cash Charge The Manchester Upholstering Co. llams.Hardy Chrysanthemums. Har­ NOW apartment. With^ kitchenette and Is now located at dy Phlox, Ever-blooming roses. bath. Modem Inlprovements. Rea­ DELMONT ST.—New six room single. widow wants to 6 Consecutive Days .. 7 cts 9 ort IIS Spruce street ' Catalpa trees. Barberries, California sonable price. Apply G. E. Keith Just being finished, buy now and sell. Cali 58 Oxford street, after 6 3 Consecutive Days .-. 9 cts 11 cts Most of us possess the ardtjit wish for home' o^nier- o clock Or Saturday afternoons. South Manchester Privet, Grape-vine and Evergreens. ship "sometime” In-the future—-but tvV continugil^: post­ If Furniture Company. * choose your own Interior decora­ 1 Day ...... 11 ots 18 cts Lsttuce, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauli­ tions and light fixtures. Oak floors All orders for IrregularInsertions flower, Egg plants. Peppers and pone plans for ope reason o r-anQthef---and the'years RBNTAD^h^evera^ desirable rents throughout, French doors, fireplace. WASHINGTON STREET — Nice Six will be charged at the one-time rata Aotomobiles for Sale Broccoli. All at low prices. Pinatello pass on without the wish being fulflUed;!;^, ' •with-modem improvements. Inquire One car garage. A home you’d be "team heat, Special rates for long term every Greenhouses. Station 22,- Burnside Why wait? , , Edward J. HolL'.TeL 660. proud to own. Arthur A. Knofla. TeL ^ ° * ® ® home. day advertising given upon request. Bulck 1927 Master "6" Demonstra­ Ave., East Hartford. Phone Laurel 782-2. (Over Quinn’s Drug Store). • Knofla, 875 Main Ads ordered for three or six days tor. • 1610. Today and every day you can find greater "Home”- SIX BOO'!M^ TENEMENT with Im- street. Telephone 782-8. and stopped before the third or fifth Buiok, 1925 Brougham. values in the Manchesters thsiip were oidlnaiily'available. ' provemehts. Inquire at 99 Hemlock GREEN SECTION—Pine home of day will be charged only tor the ac­ Bulck 1925 Standard Sedan. Modem methods of finance has put "hom e' ownership"- ' street. eight rooms, now ready for »ocu- tual number of times the ad appear­ Bulck,'1924 Touring. Millinery— Dressmaking 19 within the means of every family. A small’down pay­ pancy. Never sold before and has ed. charging at the rate earned, but Bulck, 1923 Touring. t h r e e ROOM FLAT all Improve­ been In one family for years, no allowances or refunds can be made Bulck, 1923 Touring "4”. HEMSTITCHING-SHOP. We speclalze ment— you move in immediately— and pay the balance ments on North Main street, next to spacious lawn and beautiful phade on six time ads stopped after the Hupmoblle, 1925 "8” Sedan. on pillow cases, sheets and dress in monthly payments like rent., , PaganI’s. inquire Paganl’s Store. •Robert J. Smith, fifth day. , , ,. - Hupmoblle, 1925 "4’’ Touring. ornament. Our work Is done by the Daily in Herald Want Ads unusuar values in "homes”- 1009 Main street No "till forbids"; display lines not Chevrolet 1922 Sedan. ^ ' latest factory methods. F. X. Dion, are listed for sale. THREE ROOMS—Heated apartments sold. ,., 235 Spruce street. Tel. 1307-12. with bath. App;^ aboemaker, Trot­ MANCHESTER GREEN—6 rooms, The Herald will not be responsible • J. M. SHEARER ter BIocK . : J bath, electric lights, 2 1-2 acres land, Robert J. Donnelly, Jr., of 3(1 for more than one Incorrect Insertion CAPITOL BUICK CO. TEL 1600 READ CLASSIFICATIGN 72 . : easy terms. Consider renting. Tele­ Cooper street was placed under ar­ of any advertisement ordered for Moving—Tmcking—Storage 20 phone 886-2. rest last night by Officer Joseph more than one time. 5 Pass. Davis Sedan, small mileage, iHons^ for- Rent 65 The Inadvertent omission or Incor­ PORTER ST—Desirable location, at­ Prentice charged with reckless perfect condition, new paint, good PERRETT AND GLENNEY—Local driving on. East Genter street; Offi­ rect publlcatloi. of advertising ^111 bo rubber, low price. Call 1750 during and long distance moving and truck­ HOUSE A T '143 Pearl street, 4 rooms, tractive Colonial house. 11 rooms, rectified only by cancellation of the day. ing. Dally express to Hartford. ' quire 141 Pearl street. arranged for ono or two families, cers said he noticefi' fhat the cai charge made for the service render­ Livery car for hire. Telephone 7-2. substantially grood condition*/ water, was going In a zig-zag fashion on ed. FOR SALE—Chevrolet delivery truck, Articles for Sale 45 Apartmento-r-Flats— NEW HOUSE at 117 . 1-2 Prospect gas, electricity, furnace, price and ^rms reasonable. Walter W. Grant the street and. placqd Donnelly un­ good running condition, J50.00. Have -Tenements for Rent 68 street’ four rooms, two on flrst floor, All advertisements must conform bought larger truck. Edward Hess. Painting— Papering 21 aiid two on second floor; all Im­ Realtor, 75 Pearl street, Hartford. der arrest. Edward Lynch of Man­ in style, copy and typography with 855 Main street. So. Manchester. Tel. ANTIQUES provements, except gas. Rent $24. 2-7584 or Manchester 221. chester Green, said .that Donnelly \ regulations enforced by the publlsn- PAINTING—And paperhanging. I Antiques bought, sold, repaired, re­ a p a r t m e n t s —Two, three and' four Telephone 185-2 after five. came up behind him and kept ers, and they reserve the right to also carry Graves high-grade wall- stored. Refinlshing and upholstering room apartments, heat, janitor ser­ SIX ROOM Colonial, Manchester edit, revise or reject any copy con­ JEWETT TOURING, 1922—8200. 1919 napers. Work done neatly and rea­ •of old and modem fumiturA V. vice. gas range, refrigerator. In-a- 6 ROOM SINGLE house on Alton Green location, all modern, oal. crowding him to the right. Mr. sidered objectionable Bulck touring ?50. Telephone 225-4. sonably. Ted LeClalr. Tel. 2377. Hedeen. 37 Hollister street. door bed fumitbed. Call Manchester street, steam heat Inquire 21 Oak floors, new house. Price under $6,000 Lynch said he drove as far to the Construction Company, 2100 or tele* street Tel. 1593. —$o00 cash or will take a building CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads phone 782-2. . ., right as he possibly coiild In order to bo published same day must bo re­ Fuel and Feed 49-A iSE trade. See Stuart J. Wasley, to avoid an accident. ceived by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays 1924 FORD SEDAN Repaiiing 23 827 Main street. 10:30 a. m. Just overhauled—$79.00 DOWN FIVE ROOM, clean tenement, all 6 ROOM HOUSE at 185 Center street, Donnelly has been In the Man­ EXPERT KEY PITTING— lawn mow­ WOOD for sale, soil, sand and gravel, modem improvements, $22.00 per all Improvements. Telephone 244-4. SIX ROOM SINGLE, sun porch,, steam Telephone Your Want Ads 1925 FORD RUNABOUT ers sharpened and repaired; also ■•also light moving and trucking, day month. Inquire C. F. Schultz, 38 garage, on corner lot, chester police court on three previ­ or evening. Telephone 33-2. Clinton street. Ads are accepted over the telephone 1st class condition—$50.00 DOWN scissors, knives and saws sharpened. WARREN ST., 21— 6 room house with 104 by 130, 12 minutes to car line, ous occasions for motor vehicle vio­ at the CHARGE RATE given above Work called for and delivered. apple tr§es and garden, garage If de little cash required. For particulars lations. Judge Johnson found him as a convenience to advertisers, but 1924 TOURING CAR Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm FI'VE ROOM TENEMENT , on- Hojl sl^d. Inquire 136 South Main St. address Box C in care of Herald. Excellent shape—$40.00 DOWN street, all, Improvements. Inquire at guilty this morning and Imposed a the CASH RATES will bo accepted as street. Manchester, Conn. Tel. 462. Household Goods 61 fine of $25 and costs, Donnelly FULL I’AYMENT If paid at the busi­ 111 Holl street, or telephone 1214-4. Apartment Btilldliigs for Sale 69 ness office on or before the seventh MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES CO. LAWN-MOWERS Put In proper order, DINING ROOM SUITE, table, buffet, gave notice of an appeal and Carl 1069 Main street So. Manchester phonographs, clocks, electric clean­ FIVE ROOM FLAT, second floor, Landau furnished a bond for hls d.ay following the first ‘ ns®. Opposite Army and Navy Club ers, irons, etc. repaired. Key making. china, 6 chairs In fumed oak, $75 modern. Rent $26. Inquire 137 West' TEN ROOM FLAT, for sale, excellent GARDEN CLUB TO HOLD each ad, otherwise the CHARGE complete. AVatkins Used Furniture Middle .Turnpike. ’ ' condition, convenient terijis, 1-2 appearance at the June term of the RATE will be collected. No responsi­ Open Eves & Sundays Tel. 740 Braltliwaite, 150 Center street. Store, 17 Oak street. bility for errors In telephoned ads minute rjrom Center street^ Inquire Superior court; One ton Ford truck. Price $150. Can SEWING MACHINES. repairing ofi • Vf owner. Call 812. SPRING FLOWER SHOW will be assumed and their accuracy GAS STOVE. Vulcan, smooth top, FIVE ROOk FI/AT With all" 'modern Charles Elliott of West Hartford cannot be guaranteed. be seen at 117 Birch street. Tele­ all makes, oils, needles and supplies. three burner in excellent condition. phone 1890,- R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street. Improvements. Inquire Wm. Kanehl. Farms and Land for Sale 71 was fined In court this m orni^ Phone 715. Reasonably priced. Call 1877. 519 Center streets' ' $10 and costs for speeding. He was Phone 664 PAIGE TOURING CAR. good running Opens Entry Lists to Non- FARM of 50 acres. Seven room house, arrested Sunday afternoon by Offi­ a s k «'0R WANT AD SERVICE condition, and good tires. Telephone Musical Instruments 53 HUDSON STREET—Six room tene­ Members as Well as Mem­ 2354. Private Instruction 28 ment, near depot $35—garage $5. barn for seven head of stock, run cer Wlrtalla when he 'waa speeding Call at 55'Hudson street. Tel. 981-2. nlng water, a good practical >,n.i bers For Exhibit On June 7. up Center-street at 42 miles an Index of Classifications VICTROLA, beautiful tone, tall cabi­ for only $3500. Robert J. Smith, 100 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given in all net number of records, $75, 5 tube Main str ot hour, Mr. Elliott said he did not Evening Herald Want Ads are now Studebaker 1924 Big 6 Sedan. grammar school subjects by former JOHNSON BLOCK. Main street, 8 In line with Its policy of foster­ Sutdebaker 1924 Big "6” Touring. grammar school principal, for rates Raven Radio set, wet battery, tubes room apartment, all- modern Im­ realize that he was going so fast. grouped according to classifications all complete $75'. No dealers what­ provements, AbPly to Albert Harri­ ing nature-love and a lively interest below and for handy reference will Studebaker 1924 Light 6 Coupe. call 215-5. ever. 58 Oxford street. Booses for Sale 72 appear in the numerical order indi­ 1922 Chevrolet Coupe. son, 33 Myrtle street. Phone 1770, in home beautification the Garden Hudson Coach, 1924 Club of Manchester has planned to cated: . Stutz Roadster, 1924 Help Wanted—Female 35 OfiQce and Store Equipment 54 MODERN six;. ROOM flat, flrst floor, AMERICAN COLONIAL style, single Lost and Found ...... * all newly decorated. Inquire 6 Hud­ house, 6 rooms and bath, good loca- hold a spring flower show at the Announcements ...... • • J tlon# largTd lot, oak floors, combina- Center church parlors on June 7. Herald Adrs. Bring Results Oldsmoblle 1923 Sedan WANTED—Y'oung woman between 23 son street or telephone-226-4. Personals ...... * Bulck 1924 Master Six Coupe FOR SALE—A fifteen foot wall dis­ sink-and sot tubs, French doors, Iris and all varieties of spring Antomobllee Nash 1923 Sedan and 30, to act as local representa­ play case, mahogany, glass upper NEARLY COMPLETE very desirable ^ built in Ironing: board, silver electri- Automobiles for Sale ...... ’ tive for outside concern, preferably section, lower section cabinet style: rent, fqr sm;fll family,' lylth/bath, . car fixtures. This house can be flowers as well as flowering shrubs Automobiles for Exchange ...• » CONKEY AUTO COMPANY one with department store or drug one 8 foot floor show case; 6 ft and electric lights, grained floors, white bought on monthly payments. W. will be shown. Provision has been Auto Accessories—Tires ...... o store experience. Apply to Miss Han­ a 9 ft candy case; two solid mahog­ Harry England, Manchester Green 29 East Center St. Tel. 840 cock, Hotel Sheridan, Thursday, 9 enameled rooms,, cemented cellar, stoire. made for the entry of exhibits by Auto Repairing—Painting ..... 7 any counters. All are Bang’s fixtures. thoroughly renovated, celling' to non-members as well as by mem­ INSURANCE Auto Schools ...... 7-A USED CARS— A. M. Cheap for quick disposal; Edward J. floor, beautiful location $18. Call Autos—Ship by Truck ...... » Murphy's Pharmacy, Depot Square. Monday ' and Wednesday. Seastrand bers. The former class of entries, Autos—For Hire ...... « Overland Sedan 1926. Help Wanted— Male 80 Brothers. ' however, are conditional on the Garages—Service—Storage ...>:• iv Oldsmoblle 1923, 4 cylinder touring. SLICING MACHINE—United States payment of an entry fee of $1, Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... Ji Biiick, Durant and Maxwell tour- slicing machine for sale, used about WAPPING Nearly t-wenty-five '(25) ■Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ... is BECOME AN AUTO MECHANIC: four months, at a bargain price. FIVE ROOMS ^^t 75 SummciT which will entitle the non-member Business and Professional SerrlceB lng,'1322. Earn more money. Study nights at street. Large roems, screened In The regular monthly social of Robert M. Reid. 201 Main street. porch, full screens on all windows, entrants to all privileges of the club Business Services Offered ...... >•“ the Hartford ’ Y. M. C. A. Auto Phone 41. the Federated Sunday school for during the remainder of the club’s years experience in Insurance Household Services .Offered ....13-A CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. School. Actual practice, expert In­ up-to-date In every respect. Short Center & Trotter Sts. Tel. 1174 distance, from m.ills apd convenient May will be held this week Friday flscal year, which expires In Sep­ Building—Contracting ...... 14 struction. Classes on Monday, Wed­ Olfismobile and Marmon Sales and to schools and car line. Call .at 75 evening, May 27. The committee -f ;• > ' Florists—Nurseries ...... IB Service nesday and Friday evenings. Come Wanted— To Buy 68 tember. There will be flrst and Funeral Directors ...... Ij one night as our guest. Pearl and Summer street or phone 182-32. for the games is as follows: Miss second prizes in all the recognized and kindi'ifed lines is at your ser­ Heating—Plu'mbing-Rooflng .. 17 Easy terms—One year to pay. Jewell streets, Hartford. JpSephIne. Congdon, Walden "V. JUNK—I will pay highest prices for O VKLAND ST. 351—Five room flat, class of spring flowers. Insurance ...... 1® all kinds of junk; also buy all kinds all Improvements; Inquire Sam-Yul- Collins, .'Miss Faith M. Collins and The schedule of classes, names of vice through this office,' Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 18 Ante Repairing—Painting 7 yes, 701 Mnln street. .r Albert B .. Stiles. The refreshments Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 20 DESK CLERK wanted. Must live at of chickens. Morris H. Lessnar, tele­ the Judges and the hours during • ( hotel. Apply at Desk, Hotel Sheridan. phone 982-4. * *ir*i^*W*VVVVVV\A/Vruio are in charge of Walter S. Billings’ Painting—Papering ...... * -1 PERSONAL ATTENTION given to all which the show will be open to the Professional Services ...... 22 Sunday school class. public will be announced later. Repairing ...... repair work. Superior brake re-lln- DRIVER for bakery roi3Ute- Inquire RAGS, MAGAZINES—Bundled paper Mrs. Harry P. Files who has Travelers of Hartford Tailoring—Dyaing—Cleaning, .. 24 Ing and greasing service. All vork after 3 p. m. at 56 Cottage street, and junk bought at highest cash 32 AUTO DRIVERS Members and non-members desiring Toilet Goods and Services...... -5 fully guaranteed. Schaller’s Garage. Blue Ribbon Bakery. prices. Ph-re.849-3 and I will calL L been spending some, time In Cana­ tO: make entries or to tnquire.as to Wanted—Business Service . . . . . 26 634 Center street. Tel. 1226-2. . Elsenberg. da, returned to her home here ' on JANITOR for two apartment blocks details may call Mrs. R. K. Ander­ Educational Monday. Her son, Judson G. Files son, 133 Oakland street, secretary Courses and Classes ...... J7 AUTHORIZED SERVICE—Chevrolet, In Hartford, man and his wife pre­ POOL TABLES, two good second LOSE THEIR LICENSES also returned with her from the Life/M rCand: Private Instruction ...... "8 Oakland and Pontiac. Flat rate or ferred, who can live on the premises. hand tables. Call 71 North street or of the club. straight time. Prompt service, three Janitor work will require about 4 telephone 47-2, Manchester, Conn. University of Maine. Dancing ...... service men. All work guaranteed. Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 hours a day. Salary $40 a month, Miss- Etta Ne-vers of Hartford POLOIST LIKE DAD Wanted—Instruction ...... 80 Catlln’s Service Station, 255 Center rent free. Apply F. H. Anderson In Booms Withont Board 60 The 'weekly list of operators spent'the week-end with her sister Financial street. Phone 669. care of J. W. Hale Company. whose licenses to drive automor and fandily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A true chip of the ol’ block Is Casualty Lines Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages 81 biles in Connecticut have been sus Earle W. Hopping. The senior Business Opportunities ...... 32 Garages— Service— Storage 10 Situations Wanted— Female 38 FOSTER ST.—One and 2 cheerful Stead- Hopping ranked as oUe of the Money to Loan ...... 33 sunny rooms, furnished for house* pended forgone year for driving Plans are being made for the keeping, modern conveniences. Call •while under the Influence of liquor greatest polo players of his age, Money Wanted ...... 34 Girl would like to assist with house­ 1545-2. 175th anniversary of the First and young Hopping Is carrying^ on. Help and Sltnatlona GARAGE for rent. Corner of Cooper work, has had experience. Address was given out today at the state (jpngregatlon'al church of East Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 motor vehicle department ' as a hls work in grand style. Young EDWARD J. Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 and Summer streets. Call 2156. Box G, in care of Herald. 1* URNXSHED ROOMS for light house­ Windsor, which will probably be Hopping recently arrived In Ameri­ Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 keeping for rent. With kitchen, bed­ part, o f the effort to reduce this held on September 17 and 18. OAKLAND and PONTIAC room and bath room, all Improve­ highway' menace. There are thlr- ca from England for matches In Tel. 560. 865 Main St. Agents W inted ...... 37-A WANTED—Housework by day or Miss A lice'. Nevers of Hartford this country. Situations Wanted—Female .. . 38 ments. Inquire at 18 Williams street ty-two naffi.es on the list. One case w^s the guest of her parents, Mr. Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 SILK CITY OAKLAND COMPANY hour. Apply 16 Essex street, or telephone 97-2. Employment Agencies ...... 40 195 Center St. So. Manchester was appealed. The department and. Mrs. Walter S. Nevers over Live Stock—Pets—Poultry—Vehicles Poultry and Supplie.s 43 statement advised people.to notify' Sunday. - XXXXXX3tXXXXX3CXXXXXX9gXXXXXX9g^^ Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 Wanted Autos— Motorcycles 12 Boarders Wanted 69-A- the department or the police In The oldest woman of South Give Stock—Vehicles ...... ‘;2 BABY CHICKS—Ducklings. Cert-0- case they should see any of the Windsor is.Miss Martha Jones who Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 AUTOS—Will buy cars for junk. Used FOR GIRL—Room and board, 73 Pine Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 Culd stock; popular breeds; guaran­ street, 3 minutes from mlli. Call suspended drivers operating niotor is now in . her 98th year. Miss ijarts for sale. General auto repair­ teed live delivery; free catalogue. after 5 p. m. vehicles. For Sale—Miscellaneous ing. Abel’s Service Station, Oak St. Clark’s Hatchery, East Hartford, Jones was born in Hartford March Articles for Sale ...... 45 Tel. 789. ^ Conn. Tony Albonlee, Seymour 13, 1830. Her people lived on Com­ Boats and Accessories ...... 46 TWO GENTLEMEN to room and Teofile Banevich, Cos Cob. merce street at the time. Her fath­ H O LLY W 0O D Building Materials ...... 47 board in private family. Inquire Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 Business Services Offered 13 BABY CHICKS. Smith Standard Cert- South Herald Office. Charles Belinsky, Bristoi. er was John P. Jones and her moth­ ' '■ r o-culd thoroughbred from free range er, Lucy Pratt Jones. Pratt stneet Electrical Appliances—rRadio .. 49 stock. Chicks on hand at all times. William Boyer, Hartford. Your best bet either for investment or speculation,' 1 Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A ASHES REMOVED and mowing done. Manchester Grain and Coal Co. Apel Walter F. Gluff, New Haven. in Hartford wps named after her • Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 Robert Creighton, 16 Knighton St. Place. Tel. 1760. Nils Frickson, "Waterbury .mother’s- family who were promi­ Household Goods ...... ;. 51 Telephone 105-5. Seventy per cent, of lots already sold. Machinery and Tools ...... 52 TOWN PLAYERS INVITE Joseph Falasko, New Britain. nent in the city In those days, and Musical Instruments ...... 53 Lacking brooder space, have ap­ Raymond . Felletter, Hartford. o-whed .much’ property In that vici­ Thirty houses built or in course of construction. Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 William; H. Glllett, CromWell.' nity. , Miss Jones was the second Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 55 Florists— N nrseries 15 proximately 300 one week old Specials at the Stores ...... 56 S. C. W. Leghorn baby chicks FRIENDS TO O N E-AaS Edward S. Hickey, Hartford. of eight children. She has one Some of the most desirable lots can still be obtained for sale, fine healthy lot, free Chester A. Hoffman, Hartford. brother,. Nathaniel Jones who lives Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 BARBERRY BUSHES for sale. 3 from white diarrhea and disease. Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 years old $5 per hundred. 36 Gris­ Enoch Johnson, Hartford* In South. Windsor and Is a prosper­ at original prices. Rooms—Hoard—Hotels—Resorts wold street. Telephone 861-4. ous tobacco grower. She attend­ Restaurants FRED MILLER I Robert R. Jones, Jr., 'Waterbury. Rooms Without Board ...... 59 FOR SALE tomato plants, pepper, Coventry Manchester Phone. Friends of the Town Players are Ge&tge KlUonic, Southington. ed school at Miss Stockbridge’s pri­ We also have several houses for sale (Colonial and Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A cabbage, cauliflower, egg plants, Invited to attend the presentation Edward MacKenziq, Hartford. vate school in Hartford and when Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 aster; salvia, zinnias. Sweet Wil­ TURKEY EGGS for setting 40 cents Harry Martlnplll, So. Norwalk.- 17 years old she, with her. two sis­ English type). Modern in every particular. Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 liams, scabiosa, verbena, and straw each. On Wappin; road near Ice­ of two one-act plays which will be Martin McCarthy, Hartford. ters and three brothers, moved to Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 flower .plants, 621 Old Hartford Road given in the auditorium of the Real Estate For Rent Greenhouse. Call 37-3. houses. George Bouchard. Laurel John McGrath, Hartford. South Windsor. Miss Jones, enjoys Apartments. Flats, Tenements.. 63 262-2. School street Rec this evening. The Joseph Montlt, Manchester.,'. .' excellent health, her memory is Our prices are reasonable and terms easy. Business Locations for Ren; ... 64 PLANTS—Cosmos, Marigolds, Calen­ regular monthly meeting of the or­ Anthony Mokulis, Ellington.* perfect and she takes great pleas­ Houses for Rent ...... 65 dula, Daisy, Zinnias. Verbena, Wanted— Pets— Poultry— Stock 44 ganization will be held before the ure in working In her flower gar­ ..r j Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Asters. Cabbage. Tomato, Cauli­ Henry. T. O’Neill, Neiv Britain. Summer Homes for R e n t...... 67 flower. Peter Miller, Tolland Turn­ plays and business for the coming Mike Oslpiik, Hartford. den, and' assisting' in household Wanted to Rent ...... 61 pike. Tel. 364-3. WANTED—A HOME for a fine Air- season will be discussed. Paul, Filler, Burnside. . : duties. ' She also takes much in­ Real Estate For Sale dale dog. Wonderful watch dog. The plays to be given, are "The George Redln, Stamford.'' ' terest In. keeping up with the cur­ Apartment Buildings for S ale..- 69 SPECIAL SALE on flowers and vege- Would like to place him on farm Shoes that Danced,” a fantasy, and rent events of the "world. Business Property for S a le ...... 70 ^ b le plants. Pansy, Sweet William, with good American family, as he is Mike Shawchuky Moosup. I ED WARD J; HOLL Farms and Land foi; Sale ...... 71 Delphinium, Snap Dragon, Calen­ a family pet. Must be sure he has a "Punk,” or “ The Amateur Rehear­ George Skinner, PlalnvlUe. Miss Margaret Clark, daughter Houses for Sale ...... 72 dulas, Zlnlas, Asters, Strawflowers, good home before we let him go. sal,” a ridiculous farce. Frank SpelskL. hlllford. Mass, of Mr. and.Mrs. Warren.Clark of Tel. 560. 865 Main St Lots for Sale ...... '..• i t . . . 73 Marigold, Petunias and Burning Call 58 Oxford street. One of the important Items of Ed.ward J. Stllson, Bast Haven.‘ .thi8„place. and Raymond A. Finn, Resort Property for Sale 74 Bush 26c pqr doz. Vinca Vine 20c Suburban for Sale ...... 75 each. Hollyhocks 50c per doz. Gera­ business tonight will be setting the Dana E.'Sykes, Hartford. son of Mr.' and Mrs. Michael J. Real Estate for Exchange . . . . « 76 niums 25c, $2.75 per doz. Martha date for the annual banquet'■which William M. Wentworth, ■ New F inn'of 224 Charter Oak street. Wanted—Real Estate .. ,...... * 77 Washington Geraniums, 40c each, comes In June. All members of the London.' -...... " . South Manchester, were married Auction-Legal Notices Dracaenas, 30c each. Michael Pina­ Town Players are urged to attend Standlsh Wollock, New Britain. last Saturday afternoon by Rev. Auction Sales ...... 78 tello, 379 Burnside Avenue, Station Read Herald Advs Legal r otices ...... 79 22, East Hartford. the meeting. Frederick M. Wrlgkt. New Hav- Joseph Cooper at the South Metho­ dist, parsonage. GAS BUGGIES—Sh! A Secret By Frank Beck WELL, HEM, NOW W E VE GOT I THOUGHT AS IT (S NOW. W H A T I TAKE ALL THE BLUEFIELDS TH A T you’v e g o t PLENTY TO DO LOOK IT WAS ALL ITHOSE PUMPS ON W HY OONT NEIGHBORS INTO M Y H E Y I YOUR COMPRESSED AMY, WITHOUT FINISHED.. READY ) t h e side t h a t you ASK CONFIDENCE f HAVE otrr.» AIR CAR HOME, WORRYING ABOUT ftU lT Formerly known as the “Proctor Farm” is rapidly de­ TO W EAR.. AS ' a r e g e a r ed to TH E MAN EVERY ONE IN TOWN T H A T ' w h e n w il l you THEM. IN THE THEY SAY ABOUT th e rear wheels NEXT DOOR?, KNOW ALL ABOUT PUSHIMlJ OONT veloping and we are now offering lots for sale in this s t a r t m a k in g FIRST PLACE STORE CLOTHES. .don't generate HIS WIFE OUR SECRET INVENTION CROWD THEM ? I SUPPOSE IVE GOT TO I MIGHT I HAVE ENOUGH AIR CLAIMS HE'S BEFORE I GET MY SO / /'J LEAN most desirable section of Manchester. WHEN YOU DO, IRON OUT A KNOWN , THOUGH,’ PRESSURE TO A WONDER, PATENTS ? r HARD.) ( o n your W E ’LL HAVE ALL FEW WRINKLES TH A T y o u ’d find CARRY IT OVER A T FIXIb^G NO S IR ..1 f t OWN Opportunity to participate in the increased value that THE NEIGHBORS IN TH E BUS SOME EXCUSE A STEEP HILL. THINGS. HE WON'T TELL DINNER! ON OUR NECKS BEFORE i t 's FOR TEARING I’VE GOT TO FJXED THEIR A ____ must come to property owners in this section of our AGAIN. READY TO IT ALL DOWN. DOPE OUT A SWISS CLOCK. ENTER THE SYSTEM FOR IT KEEPS POOR, Town is yours for the asking. MARKET. SPEEDING THE T IM E , BUT PUMPS UP IT RUNS.. There are both business and residential sites in this FASTER. Tract— and our prices are low, and terms easy,

" ' o m “We Cut the Earth to Suit Your Taste.” CO I I f —

Tel. 560. 865 Main St.

; ,.'V ’ .•"t. '■ f-. , .

.'•r I MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, V7EDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1927. PAGBHLEVBN ' SHPPY FLAPPER FA'NNY SATS^: by Percy Croylpr ' 08 SENSE ^ NONSENSE «K$ j^ C O ft 6 Y POHO COM€ (JACK s o n u e o A n * ne s a y x h im StKYS H6 t^er i HC YHeM tuhto o* peopce Mother: "Daughter, I believe you would have been happier If you A m * tuRiGHT ^OUNO SOMC A c o r OHO ts IS i / e n r o iS 6 a r r ^ c / c ^ i n married a man with less money.” UN CHARR60 CANQ. ^ W o o s e co€ Acu/fikYS ^ e r Daughter: “Don’t worry, moth­ H6A 0 HUNT^KS. p — ^ er, he will soon have less.” i n ItoH iSrte Tff^/ S h A M p a c s .

The life insurance companies can tell just what you are worth at the age of 30, but they don’t seem to tell the boss.

Did you folks hear about the / seasick passenger who put glue in his soup to keep it down?

The man looking for trouble nev- ; er needs the aid of glasses.

“ When I came to town, twenty years ago,” said a prosperous man of ample waistcoat, “ all my earth­ ly possesions were wrapped up in a bandanna handkerchief.” hmCUT*. PKtrorr. “ And now you own three hun­ Copyright, P L. Croeby, 1927, Johuion Features, Ine, eisar lY wt* atwvicc wfc.^ dred acres of land and that factory on the edge of town?” High Spots in the Life of Little Stanley By Fontaine Fox AYhen a girl looks her best “ Yes.” WASHINGTON TUBBS H she generallyly ads vrhat she' is “ May I ask what you carried In B y Crane after. the bandanna handkerchief?” “ Six thousand dollars in cash and bonds.” SAYS H£’s 'W R m N C r I'M O' FOSSiN' Th The more powerful the obstacle, A Le t t e r ,. •B0M80MS—TlREO OF TrtiS the more glory we have in over­ u f 6 . i voeeps AOr^ YX3 coming it. FOP. MEW THE RULING PASSION ■ \ A lU O rte “ He is a wooden-headed guy!” FI\ E -\BOUT N.YTL KE Exclaimed old Mr. Staple; The antique dealer shouted, “ My! The first five of the ten questions Mahogany or maple?” given below were prepared by the American Nature .Association. The Father: “ When Abe Lincoln was answers to all the questions are your age he was making his own found on another page. living.” Son: “ Yes, and when he was 1— Why are bats useful? your age he was president.” 2— Do peanuts grow on trees? 3— What is the proper way to What a man stands for isn’t the H^s si'iLu pick up rabbits? whole thing. What he falls for 4— Do goldfish sleep at night? also counts. vVof^KiNG LIKE. MAD 5— What is the fastest growing The value of a dollar depends ON T H A T L E T Y E ^ . vine to plant to cover a house? somewhat on who has the spend­ J 6— Of what countrj’’s army is Jo­ing of It. , seph Pilsudski commander-in-chief? 7— What rank did Vice Presi­ If more women would laugh at dent Dawes hold in the World War? their husband’s jokes at home, 8— What is the salary of the there would be considerably less FGveR,» s’pose ^ Go o d president of the United States? kidding of waitresses uptown. 9— What two states each have vetT vfeu. 'NKMTA 60 plACeS (VH* ^E€:TH1VJC^. two of their citizens in President L-\ST CHANCE KEEP Coolidge’s cabinet? 10— Who is commander of the ^ w W There’s always room at the top United States Marines in China? n r © As the Sages oft remark. When other expedients flop, 21 There’s where we’ll have to park. H o W i-EMME5£E.P OMe PeoPLe A^?E Girl (to druggist): “ Could you ijoT OF a3oRv<- fix me a dose of castor oil so that WMO W IL L %. ^ AAiD Some, to\“TU the oil don't taste?” Druggist: “ Certainly! Won’t yon .gEMD IT To C V0S<^/ have a glass of soda while wait­ ing?” (She drinks the soda.) ? Druggist: “ Something else. Miss?” Girl: “No, just the oil.” _ { Druggist: “ But you have just i drunk it.” Girl: “ Oh! It was for my moth­ er.” Fontaine Fox, 1927. The Bel! Syndicate. Inc) V ei927 BY WEA SEBVICE. INC HEfl. U. S. PAT.~OFr. The Bible promises no loaves to the loafer. Today it’s a wise father who knows as much as his own child. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Tag’s Work Is Done By Blosser There might be fewer petting parties on the roads if there were r~ DIDTWS’ UTTL&BO'/ KEG. U. 8. PAT. OrR 7P.BBS VOOR BoV? AOVM CAM 1 EMEE. S pj^O AEEM^ fSiAjea- -1 more spanking parties at home. 1 D/.IX’^’T 7 ^ ’-^ I BEEEAiS AEEM TD REPAY VOO Fo r FlAiDlAJS ) /oo=-7A££S' LETTT-E PJMD VOU, BoBBy ? \MAAT’5 VJ5 ^ O-OSE A is a a m s a n d \m&R£ y o o , m ad am ! M V LITTLE BOV?? ^ BoV BEEEM6 AEEM To \m SE5 'VtXJ DOeSAEUVE?? U'J&D, BcBBy.' ITt TD OUR c a m p ! VES-AIM A S X UME c A/JD 8REAWE r BET MOMA- TA^ALCWE AIS’ MOM AOMA.' c m Boy.'/ s e & mo/ a a J i s

u?s. PArforr.» e»M7 BY HEA SCTVtCe. INC. I SALESMAN SAM Or Thereabouts By Small

AORRS\ L E S ’ s e e ! OW, 1 6 {4 0 l)L P TW1I4K e e L S ? tAextAX DO TV^eRELL EGOliE, ^ 0 0 ’ D W A f^T F^E>O0r n i •TWO. TWREE “T ezr S(Y OF US’ Two VPiRDS Ahi' // Mo 0^5 Tpketi ou OM .Ttte ((oRses 3AA

FReSH- I Peep FI9H- Covis OUR OWM Pomp


(Head the Story, XbeD C »lor the Picture) JACK LOCKWILL IN THE AIR by Gilbert Patten Old Daffydoo said, “ I’ve a hunch When we arrive you’ll be surprised for something good to have for once more. For just beyond this lunch. Nearby are heaps of cocoa- stream there lies an island of a tiny 1»—'I. nuts that grow on towering trees. size. It’s ruled o’er by a friend of 0 Bo here’s what I suggest to you: mine. His name Is old King Roar.” run right along and pick a few, and They traveled on all afternoon. while you’re gone I’ll try to fix some “ Cheer up, we’ll be there pretty berries that will please.” soon,” said Daffy as he trudged So, oft the Tinymites all ran, for along. And then they saw the they all liked old Daffy’s plan. They stream. It seemed ’bout fifty feet found a tree not far away and shlij- wide. “ Oh, can’t we cross It?” nled up the trunk. The cocoanuts Clow'ny cried. “ To visit old King they soon shook free and Scouty Roar, I think, would be just like a ihouted, “ Mercy me, just listen to dream.” the noise they make upon the Old Daffy thought, and then re­ ground— kerplunk!” plied, “ If you would rbach the other Back to old Daffy’s cave they side, you’ll have to cut a tree down went and 'bout an hour or so was so ’twill reach from shore to shore.” ipent in eatiag up a luscious lunch Then he produced some axes small. _ _ *.v IfeerJ? ’ ..V ^ ’"" w h .t” does « ;hat tasted mighty good. Then, af- They started chopping, one and all. “Great heavenel" erW the old man, ler that, they took a walk and lis- Said Coppy, “ This will make a "Mr. Darmon is ill, here in a hotel,” stated Darling, “ but Lock- "You have been deceived by “ You Arthur Moore!” ex­ mean?" “It means that you have been tricked your •"*"'****.^? lened to old Daffy talk about a very bridge. 'Hiat what we’ll use it will is gone. I can take you.to Darmon.” “ Do so quickly," urged an imposter, sir,” declared the claimed the inventor, rising. are trying to steal your fnvantkm.” a n t w a ^ ^ air P J ^ . wondrous stream beyond a nearby for.” the strange aviator, looking relieved. "I feared ,j wouldn’t find him aviator. “ Who are you?” asked “ Impossible!” "i'll convince sent an topoeter ahead of mo. and— " "Atrf W e ^ th my wood. you at once, sir." said the avia­ Inventloii— and with Jack l-ockwHir groan^ Hwry here.” He followed Willie to Lockwiil's roadster, and they were ; Mr. Darmon. “ I am Lieutenant ire In a had scrape. | “Let’s hike for there,” wee soon knocking at the door of Henry Darmon’s room. Darmon stared Moore!” was the amazing an­ tor, producing letters and docu­ that taeoi’’ Lieutenant Mooro, "Lockwill a In a had scraps (The Tinj-mites bid Daffydoo *** oiesTavsseewvicaaK. ''(To * Be Continued.). £ Parpy said, and Daffy answered, ^ at the sviator when they walked in, s- iv ______' swer. ments. fCom* ahead. I’ll lead the way. ■oodbre in the next story.). y X W f T W f f i ^ 'i. jianr^Mter Ett^ttUtg Ibralli WEn^TODAT, MAY 25/ 1927J "

MODERN DANCING the soloist with the club. - Miss SECOND ANNUAL CONCERT Eva Johnson will he accompanist. BEETHOVEN CLUB’S The program to be presented by Beethoven Glee Club the club consists of numbers which ATTHERJUNBOW range from the negro spiritual and EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY COMPLETE •Hclge E. Pearson, Director FEAT OF MEMORY folk song to difficult classical com­ Assisted By TONIGHT positions by noted artists. In sever­ Admission 50c. al of these the incidental solos will Can Be Found In A Complete Assortment Here COPLEY STRING QUARTET be taken by Mr. T'aylor, and In and Other Boston Artists The Luther League of the Swed­ Commit Entire Program of others the flute obligato will be for the trip you will THURSDAY EVENING, MAY ish Lutheran church will entertain played by Mr. Powell. A male quar­ take one of tlie Luther Leagues from the Bris­ tet composed of members of the High School HaU tol and Forestvillo churches at the Tomorrow's C o n c e r t ; club will sing incidentally to an­ local churdi Friday night. The vis­ other number. these washable want a new AD>nSSIOX 91.00 itors will render tlie entertainment Only Two Years Old Tickets at Watkins’ ami House’s and the local league will serve re­ Organization Succeeds. The Beethoven Glee Club was freshments. Games and a social organized two years ago by Helge hour will also be enjoyed. Pearson, organist and choirmaster -\n unusual arrangement in of the Swedish Lutheran church. It was a combination of young men, Mrs. John Robb of Summit street chorus singing will b« experienced Silk Frocks ABOUTTOWN will entertain the members of the all under 23 years of age, who had Coat jln the second annual concert of the Ladies' Guild and their friends of had little or no previous musical St. ^^ary■s Episcopal church Friday Beethoven Glee Club in High school training. They appeared In their with you over the Harry Slayilcn. who recently evening at her home. hirs. Robb hall tomorrow evening. Every num­ first concert in Manchester last Special! changed from the ManeI.ester will be assisted by the following la­ ber sung by the club and there are a year and created a favorable im­ Green irolltv ear to tlic day ruu on dies: Mrs. Ralph Cone. Mrs. James -cozen or more, has been memoriz­ pression; week-end the Cros.'town, is ill with the .grip Harrison, and Mrs. William Mason. ed word for word so that all atten­ Since that time they have gone and un.thle to work. He is being tion may be given to the dirertor. on concert tours throughout this relieved on his run hy Jack Dwyer. The club will be assisted by the state and Massachusetts, receiving A notice appears in another col- Copley String quartet of Boston, requests for return engagements at I umn of The Herald today nnnounc- Verne Q. Powell, flutist, and Nicho­ every place where tney have sung. One sign of the times was point­ in.g the annual meeting of the Third las Slonomsky, both of Boston. The $1 0 -H 5-75 ed out today by a norili end store School District, to be held at the latter has been solo pianist with the Mrs. Andrew Relchenback of keeper who reported selling titree school house on Porter street on -Boston Symphony orchestra and the Trotter street entertained a party pairs of workmen’s gloves before June 1. at 7 o’clock, standard time. Harvard University Orchestra. He of young people at her home last You can be assured you will be com­ <.’30 this morning. In normal sea­ has also been one of the members night in honor of Miss Mildred Fer­ fortable and well dressed in a wash silk son the gloves are paeked awav in -\11 the members of the Girl Re- of the Chamber Orchestra of Bos­ guson. of Newman street, it being I serve.s are asked to bring their frock Memorial Day. The frocks in mothballs by the first of Mav. ' ton, which is composed of import­ her birthday. Dancing and singing Outstanding smart among the notebooks and pencils to the meet­ ant members of the Boston Sym- were enjoyed and refreshments these groups are made of fine quality ing tomorrow nijeht at t o’clock. phony. were served by the hostess. silk crepe. They are Just what you spring coats Is the poiret sheen coat Following (he meeting of Mian- TIjc work on “Tlte Life of Jesus” tonomoh tribe of Red Men on Edward Taylor Soloist will want to wear this summer at home with its horizontal tucks and fur will begin at that time. Edward Taylor of this town, well Thursday evening there will he a Tomorrow, Ascension Day, there and at the shore. The styles are par­ trimming. Many are straight styles, meeting of Hayloft No. 5S 1-2. tlio known tenor soloist of the Central will be services at the St. Mary's smart for traveling: others are In the Helen Da\ idson Lodge, Daugh­ Baptist church of Hartford, will be Episcopal church at 10 a. m ticularly becoming and quite^varled, so auxiliary or.ganizntion. Wiiliam ters of Scotia, have received an in­ dressy styles for dressy wear. All Schieldgc, deputy over the Hart­ we feel certain you will find your frock ford Red Men, will he accompanied vitation to attend tlie sixth anniver­ among them. silk lined. Coats in the lot that by a number of local braves on his sary of Clan McLean in Tinker Hall formerly sold at $69.50. Iriday night. visitation to that pla.'\^ t’uis week Main Floor and on Friday he will accompan.v Main Floor Walter Gustafson, deputy over Put­ nam, who will visit the lodge in that town. MASON SUPPLIES for tennis, golf, and The Troitbador orchestra of the Tomorrow Only— for sport wear and traveling Center Congregational church will meet for rehearsal tomorrow night LIME spoil: wear—the at 6 o’clock-. CEMENT new. the An open meeting of the Women’s .'lisslonary Society of the churcli of p l a s t e r Black Bottom the Nazarene will be held at the church tomorrow night at 7:30. There will be a special musical pro­ BRICK Felt Hat gram and Mrs. E. T. French will speak on the .general work of the FLUE LINING Sweater missionary societies of the chnn-hes of the Nazarene. DAMPERS $ 3 . 9 5 to The W. B Guard Club will $ 2 . 9 8 hold a meeting Friday night at 8 TILE The felt hat Is Ideal for sport and trar- o’clock at the home of Mrs. Flor­ Something new in sweaters! A good ence Warner of 5 3 Hamlin street. A Full Line. looking rayon striped slip-on sweater in sling. -We have some good looking mod- tan. white or rose with a black border. els in stock with ripple brims, crushed Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. the Give us your ord;r. Square neckline. Just the sweater for Ladies’ Benevolent Society of the High Back Porch Rockers sport wear. crowns and cut cut work. All the wanted shades. Center Congregational church will hold Us last meeting of the season We deliver the goods. Main Floor Main Floor in the parish hou.se. social hour and tea will follow the inectin.g. All the ladies of the parish are invited to attend. GErdEs&SoD $3.98 of course, you’ll want a and, of course, a new silk' The Daughter.s of tlio I'nion Vet-, 2 Main Street couple of pairs of erans of the Civil \t'ar liave been [ Phone 50 invited to attend tlie memorial Scarf services at St. James’ clutrcli next : The first ten people who come to our store Black Bottom Sunday morning at 10:30, meeting' tomorrow morning will have an opportunity at the church at 10:15 sharji. The; to secure these unusual values. The rockers members intending to attend the have high cane backs, as shown, cane seats memorial services to be lieid at tiie I Hosiery $ 2 . 9 8 Bolton cemetery on Sunday after-j and wide arms. Green, brown and natural noon and tliose wlio plan to take! finish. Regular $6.25 value— and low at — bandanas part in the Itlemorlal exercises on ' that price! 1 to a customer. No ’phone Decoration Da.v are :asked to com- ' orders or charges. —georgettes municate with .Mr.i. Paul Carter of! —collar scarfs 40 Parlcor street .at once as it is " Black Bottoms and square black heels necessary to know now many to add to the elegance of these pure silk hose —suit scai’fs plan for. -.-silk from tip-to-toe. They come in white with black heels, nude with tan, Your choice of plain C3l,i. ! -A. cafeteria supper will be se;-ved WATKINS BROTHERS moonlight with dark gray, grain with or hand painted designs. A at the Manchester Country Club to­ black, etc. large assortment to cliooso night between 6 and 8 o’clock. Mrs from. Charles R. Ogsburg is in cham ■ Main Floor Main Floor and reports that the supper will consist of all home cooldng, (donat­ ed by the members. Tlie/e will be bridge and dancing between !) and STORE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9p. 12, with prizes for the bridge. ______Owing to the Change of Cheney Brothers’ Pay Roll The'auxiliary to the Army and AVE by painting Navy Club will meet at the club when painting is house at the corner of Main and , S needed. Save by us­ Forest streets tomorrow- night at S I ! Free Delivery o’clock. ing first class ma­ Free Parking terials, well put on. Daily Anywhere Grand Opening SpaceJn Rear You can tell when In Town. anything needs sur­ of Store. RUBBER face protection. Just SOU TH MRh CH€STER • CONN look at it. We can tell you what sort of Thursday Evening HEELS surface protection it Regular 50c needs. Just ask us. OF THE NEW ATTACHED NOW FOR •JOH.N I. OLbO.N, Painting and A Decoratuig Contractor 099 Main St. CONRAN SHOPPE SAM YULYES South .Manchester DEPOT SQUARE 701 Main St., So. Manchester F. Johnson Block. We wish to announce to the people of Manchester and vicinity the opening of our new Shoppe with a ne^iv -a . ^ n iiiiin iiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,I,|„ ||,11,11,111,1,1,1111,111,1,11,1 ,„ |||,„ |||,,11,„ |, 17 foot Soda Fountain, hot water installed, and Ice Cream Booths to accommodate 20 people. Our Luncheonette Memorial Day to take I fMONtI We have installed a steaming outfit. We cook our sandwiches by steam— no grease used. An electric machine toasts the bread and heats the filler at the same time. All pastry is home made. Flowers and Plants I C E i U GOOD TMINOS TO EAT Candy Department Our stock of Bedding Plants never was more com­ plete. Call and make your selection from the following. spoil food Home made candies of all kinds. Pinehurst Closes at Noon Thursday We fill Cemetery um and porch boxes. FEW cents a day will buy enon^ ice Cigar Department Geraniums Lemon Wall Flowers Impatiens . for a-verage fii^ y use. Food -costs Fresh Fish Fresh Meats | We carry a full line of the leading brands. Vinca Vines Verbena Asparagus Dusty Miller Lean Lamb for stewing. E A im Draecenas Heliotrope Fem Sweet you many times as m u ^ Ac H season Early Thursday >ve will re­ Pork Is exceptionally good E Bowling and Billiards Coleus Petunias Salvia Allysum ceive an e.vpress shipment of and the price Is low. 2 Gannas Calendula you need ice, not only to keep food fresh fish. Pinehurst Quality Corned - Interior of the room has been newly painted. The Ageratum Flowering Fuchla Begonia spoiling but also to retain its foe^, appe- Mackerel Beef. E alleys have been refinished The Billiard Tables have Abutilon Verbena Lobelia Stock Halibut to boll or bake. Lean Canadian Bacon. E been newly covered. tizing flavor and the noudshlngqualides so Sliced Cod. Pinehurst Hamburg 25c lb. E necessary to health. Keeping food down Filet of Sole Bacon in the piece 33c lb. E We will have a good supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. Filet of Haddock Tender Fowl for Fricassee. ~ i X Special Match at 8:30 Special Made-Up Pans of Blooming Plants. cellar or in an entry is not safo at anytime. Dressed Haddock We are prepared to handle last minute orders for Cemetery If you want a tender Pot = ' BOBBIE BRENNAN, Youthful Bowler of Manchester Plantings. I F'resh frojii the ocean to you Boast In time to cook for noon : ^ake ice repilarly—^tbe year *rmmd, . -vs.- —the most delicious sea food. dinner, plea.se call before 7:45 E| NOTICE! Y'our plants will do only as well as the soil in for the 8 o’clock delivery, = 1 HOWARD MURPHY, of South Manchester. which they are planted allows them. Don’t forget to ask for and it will save yen money our Special Fertilizer for Urns, Porch Boxes, Flower Beds, etc. FRESH STRAWBERRIES. Free Souvenirs to all who pay us a visit on our open­ L. T. WOOD CO. Green Peas, 2 quarts 25c. Carrots ing night. FOLLY BROOK ICE Native Asparagus Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Rest Rooms.

Main Ice Station 55 Bissell St. |4' ■ 4 ; . Cabbage Green Peppers This is not a new enterprise for us—10 years’ experi­ ■ Phone 496 Fresh Spinach from Peterson's 17c i>eck. ence. Formerly with the Goodwin Drug Co., Alderman Anderson Greenhouses Pinehurst Tub Butter Thursday o n ly ...... 45^ ib. Drug Co. and Allyn House Drug of Hartford—and for 153 Eldridge Street, South Manchester, Conn. mer owner of the store now occupied by Pritchard & Telephone 2124 ■ Pure Lard 14c. Confectionery Sugar 8 ^ c Walsh. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD, i t PAYS.