Modern Organ Stops
Modern Organ Stops MODERN ORGAN STOPS A practical Guide to their Nomenclature, Construction, Voicing and Artistic use W ITH A GL OSSARY OF TE CHNICAL TE RMS relating to the Science of Tone-Production from Organ Pipes B Y T H E R E V E R E N D N O E L A . B O N A V IA -H U N T , M.A. PEMBROK E COLLEGE, OX FORD (Author of ≈Studies in Organ Tone,∆ ≈The Church Organ,∆ & c.) ≈Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci.∆ƒ HORACE: ≈Ars Poetica.∆ BARDON ENTERPRISES PORTSMOU TH First published by Musical Opinion, 1923. Copyright, © 1923 by Musical Opinion Copyright, this edition © 1998 by Bardon Enterprises This edition published in 1998 by Bardon Enterprises, reproduced by permission All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. ISBN: 1-902222-04-0 Typeset and printed in England by Bardon Enterprises. Bound in England by Ronarteuro. Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. Preface HE issue of this book is due wholly to the desire to place before the student a guide, sufficiently concise, and withal adequately Tcomprehensive, to the clearer understanding of the science of or- gan tone-production. To the casual observer the alphabetical ar- rangement of stop-names would seem doubtless to convey the impres- sion that yet a third dictionary of organ stops has been offered to the public. A closer scrutiny, however, should convince the reader that these pages do not seek to cover the same ground occupied by the ex- cellent treatises of W edgwood and of Audsley, but will, it is hoped, reveal the true aim and scope of the author.
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