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[email protected] Guide to the Donald J. Grout, 1902- Papers , 1929-1980. A. Klejment, 1976 Revised and Updated: M. Warren, 1982 E. Engst, 1982 1) NYCV84-A1217 TJ:: Froutr Donald Jarr 1902- agr Parersr 1929-1980. 23.3 cubic ft. - gz 4 Professor of Musicolosr, Cornell Universitr, 1945-1970. 0 Summary: Includes rrofessional correspondence uith William W. Austinr Andpea della Corte, Archibald Davisonr D. Keith Falkner. Scott Goldthuaiter Otto 5 Kinkelder, Rer Longrear, Arthur Hendelr A. Tillman Merrittr Rohert U. Nelsosr Nino Pirrottar Eduard Reeser, Walter Rubsamen, Leo Schrade, Denis Steven;? m Oliver Strunkr Peter Gram Swin9r Robert Tangemanr Frederic Tillotson, Herlrgan Woodwardr GI Wallace Wooduorthr and Columbia Universitr Press; and arrlicatgonz and recomser~dationsfor grants and university ~ositions. Alsor Personal corresronderlce with his Parents while studrins in Europe and tcachinsl at MiAl.5 College (1933-1936) and with a friend and former student, Jonathan Schiller (194371963); worksheets, rhotosrarhs and saller proofs for HISTORY OF WESTE~N MUSIC and hoth editions of A SHORT HISTORY OF THE OPERA; notes and notebook on 'Early Or'era Cominue' (ca.1936-1941)~ 'Moli'ere's Con,-edie-Ballets' (ca.19 7- 19421, 'Gherardi's Music' (1939)~and 'Parodies in Op'era Comioue' (1939); i+,is dissertation manuscript (1939); a manuscript on West Indian Music (1942); 4 lecture notes; musical tares; and annotated Prodrams.