
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 13/08 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 233 - Juli 2008 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Wie versprochen gibt es mit der vorliegen- den Ausgabe einen Sonder-Newsletter mit ausschließlich amerikanischen Neuan- kündigungen. Und die sind gleich so zahl- reich, dass es wieder einmal den gewohnten Rahmen von maximal 50 Seiten sprengt. Um Sie jedoch umfassend informieren zu können, war dies unabdingbar. Nicht etwa, dass das ein Problem wäre. Schon gar nicht bei der digitalen Version. Doch die Print- Ausgabe macht jetzt leider Handarbeit erforderlich. Denn unser Kopierer kann nicht mehr als 30 Blatt Papier (das sind genau 60 Seiten) automatisch heften. Nun ja, wir sehen das locker. Ein bisschen kör- perliche Arbeit hat noch niemandem ge- schadet. Um die Auslieferung des Newsletters nicht noch weiter zu verzö- gern und damit die Seitenzahl nicht astro- nomisch hoch wird, haben wir bewusst auf sämtliche Grafiken verzichtet. Dadurch wirkt die neue Ausgabe zwar gestalterisch etwas langweilig, aber der Informations- gehalt ist das was tatsächlich zählt. Und davon ist jede Menge vorhanden. Zu den Highlights gehören Filme wie SHUTTER, PROM NIGHT, THE RUINS, NIM’S ISLAND, LEATHERHEADS, 21, SHINE A LIGHT, MARRIED LIFE, OSS 117, MADE OF HONOR, WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, DEAL, REST STOP 2, ROGUE, NEVER BACK DOWN und STREET KINGS. Aber sehen Sie selbst auf Seiten 5 bis 71...

Satte 66 Seiten also mit US-DVDs. Da kommt es gerade recht, dass “Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog” dieses Mal nur eine einzige Seite in Anspruch nimmt. Aber Phantastisches Kino aus Israel! seit dem letzten Mal ist ja auch nur gerade mal eine Woche vergangen. Gekürzt wurde DIE BAND VON NEBENAN in dieser Rubrik also nichts. Das nur mal so präventiv gesagt. Denn angesichts der Ein Film von Eran Kolirin scharfen Zensurschere, die sich augenblick- lich gnadenlos durch die Republik schnei- det, könnte man schon auf den Gedanken kommen, dass auch unser Newsletter nicht Ab 29. Juli 2008 als US-DVD verschont bleibt. erhältlich Nochmals der Hinweis darauf, dass wir in der Zeit vom 16. bis 20. Juli 2008 auf dem Bollywood-Filmfestival in Stuttgart sein werden. Daher bleibt während dieser Zeit Bereits als deutsche DVD unser Büro geschlossen und wir werden auch telefonisch nicht erreichbar sein. lieferbar (inkl. Wenn nichts unvorhergesehenes passiert, sind wir ab Montag, den 21. Juli, wieder Originalsprachfassung sowie wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar. deutscher Synchronisation) Ihr Laser Hotline Team

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008

Die LaserDisc: ein Nachruf ”If you’re a film fan, collecting video is sort of like sere Laserdiscs nur von dort kämen. Bis heute erinnere marijuana. Laserdiscs, they’re definitely cocaine. Film ich mich an den kleinen, versteckten, elegant grau-blau- prints are heroin, alright?” – Quentin Tarantino en Laden in der Nähe der Promenade des Anglais, in Sie ist von uns gegangen, still und würdevoll, schon vor dem wir stets Nachschub holten, wenn wir meine Groß- zehn Jahren. Dennoch: kommt es Ihnen nicht auch wie eltern in Cannes besuchten. gestern vor, als wir zum ersten Mal von diesem filmi- schen Kokain Gebrauch machten? Natürlich möchte Eines Tages, als ich dachte, nichts könne meine heiß- man als Filmfan am liebsten Filmkopien sammeln, doch geliebten Star-Wars-Filme auf LD (in letterbox!) übertref- nur selten hat man dafür genug Geld und Platz. Also fen, überraschte mich das Kokain doch noch. Mein Va- nahmen wir die nächstbeste Droge: Laserdiscs. ter hatte, wohl um meiner Mutter eine besondere Freude zu machen, “Die Entführung aus dem Serail” gekauft. Ich weiß noch ganz genau wie es war, als die Laserdisc Die milchige Hülle knisterte und raschelte und plötzlich bei uns Einzug erhielt. Die erste LD, die mein Vater zog mein Vater eine LD heraus, wie ich sie noch nie kaufte, war “Blade Runner”. Die Kinoversion, die einzige gesehen hatte. Sie war golden! Bis heute habe ich keine Version, die die Welt bis dahin kannte. Damals gab es Ahnung, was der Unterschied (wenn es überhaupt einen noch nicht die Manie, einen Film in mindestens fünf an- gab) zwischen den silbernen und den goldenen LDs war, deren Fassungen herauszubringen als der Kinoversion. aber diese Farbe trug erheblich dazu bei, mich noch Nein, solche Dekadenz gab es bei der LD nicht. Sie war mehr für die Oper zu begeistern, als ich es ohnehin zu kostbar, als dass man es sich hätte leisten können, schon tat. die Filme auf unterschiedlichste Arten zu verhunzen, frei nach dem Motto: “Schauen wir mal was passiert, wenn Doch mit Ankunft der DVD musste die Laserdisc ihr wir die paar Szenen herausschneiden und die da, ja, die Schwanenlied singen. Für mich waren LDs so selbstver- auf dem Boden, wieder reinnehmen.” Mein Vater brachte ständlich geworden, dass ich nicht verstand, was die also dieses Juwel nach Hause und vor meinen neugieri- Menschen an der DVD finden konnten. Zum einen war gen Augen nahm er die Laserdisc heraus. Sie glänzte es in meinen Augen unvorstellbar, den Qualitätsstandard silbern und regenbogenfarben. Um sie zu halten brauch- der LDs zu überbieten. Zum anderen war ich überzeugt te ich beide Hände, so jung war ich damals noch. Es davon, keiner würde mickrige, kleine Hüllen mit noch würde einige Jahre dauern, bis es mir erlaubt war, eigen- mickrigeren kleinen CD-Faksimiles erstehen wollen. So ständig eine LD in den Player zu legen und auch dann viel, wie auf eine Laserdisc-Hülle passte – teilweise wa- musste ich Daumen und kleinen Finger spreizen, bis die ren diese regelrechte Kunstwerke – war auf einer DVD- Hand fast schmerzte. Hülle nicht unterzubringen. Sicherlich würde keiner die- sen Schund wollen! Natürlich irrte ich mich. Heute sind Ich war stolz auf die Laserdisc. Ich präsentierte sie mei- Laserdiscs Reliquien einer verlorenen und geheimen nen Freunden, die nicht verstanden, was das für ein Ob- Zeit, von der die meisten Menschen wohl nie erfahren jekt sein sollte. Es sah aus wie eine Mischung aus werden, dass es sie überhaupt gegeben hat. Vinylplatte und CD, und damit könne man tatsächlich Filme sehen? Wieso benutzten wir dazu nicht unseren Die letzten Laserdiscs, die wir kauften, waren die Videorecorder, wir hatten doch einen! Sobald aber Ihre Special-Edition-Star-Wars-Filme (noch ohne das Gesicht Majestät die Laserdisc im Player verschwunden war und Hayden Christensens… na, merken Sie was?) in einer das erste Bild den Schirm erhellte, sahen alle, wieso. großen schwarzen Box. Ein metaphorischer Sarg, für Die Schärfe und der Ton waren unübertroffen. alle Laserdiscs unserer Sammlung, die schon bald Schon bald vergrößerte sich unsere Sammlung merk- durch Hunderte von DVDs ersetzt wurde. Wie sagte lich. Es war, als ob ein Rückschritt Richtung Video uns schon Cristal Connors in der “Showgirls” Laserdisc? zuwider geworden wäre. In Deutschland war es zu- ”There’s always someone younger and hungrier coming nächst nicht einfach, LDs zu bekommen. So bestellte down the stairs after you.” mein Vater in den USA und kaufte in Frankreich. Ach, Anna Rudschies Nizza … es gab eine Zeit, da schien es mir, als ob un-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog

Montag, 07. Juli 2008 jetzt allerdings ein richtig erfreuli- Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008 Der dicke Grüne und der lange ches Stück Kino. Hier halten sich Rambo(w) kehrt zurück Schwarze Klamauk und Gefühl richtig schön Der heutige Film war ein Fest für Montag war ganz offensichtlich die Waage. Und John Debneys Fans... Mainstream-Tag.... ;-) Musik ist eine wahre Fülle von Filmmusikzitaten und passt SON OF RAMBOW (DER THE INCREDIBLE HULK hervorragend zu dieser vergnügli- SOHN VON RAMBOW) (DER UNGLAUBLICHE chen SciFi-Geschichte. 90 Minu- (1:2.35, DD 5.1) HULK) (1:2.35, Digital Cinema, ten perfekte Unterhaltung ist Zwei Teenager, einer in strengem PCM 5.1) garantiert. Ab 28. August in den Glauben erzogen, der andere mit Sozusagen als direkter Kinos. krimineller Energie, machen sich Fortsetzungsfilm von Ang Lees daran, selbst einen RAMBO-Film HULK-Verfilmung zu verstehen, zu drehen. In diesem rettet der präsentiert uns Regisseur Louis Dienstag, 08. Juli 2008 kleine Rambow seinen Vater, den Leterrier dieses rasante Action- Schwimmendes Restaurant großen Rambo. Wie die beiden Spektakel. Edward Norton als Beim heutigen Film konnte ich das machen, ist absolut köstlich gebeutelter Hulk und Liv Tyler nicht anders und habe Hunger be- und macht Lust aufs Filmemachen. (endlich wieder auf der Leinwand!) kommen... Doch SON OF RAMBOW ist als dessen Freundin kämpfen ge- nicht nur ein Film über das Filme- gen ein , erschaffen von LA GRAINE ET LE MULET machen, sondern auch über eine Bad Guy William Hurt. Letzterer (COUSCOUS MIT FISCH) Freundschaft, die sich bewähren allerdings wird seiner Rolle kaum (1:1.85, DD 5.1) muss. Ein empfehlenswerter Film, gerecht. Auch sonst hat der Film Der Film des Tunersiers Abdellatif der ein gutes Double Feature zu- nicht viel zu bieten: die üblichen Kechiche hat dokumentarischen sammen mit BE KIND visuellen Effekte, die das Bild Charakter. Alle Szenen wirken REWIND machen würde. mehr als überladen. Das tut auch echt und nicht gestellt bzw. ge- Ab 21. August im Kino. Craig Armstrongs Score, der zu spielt. Erzählt wird die Geschichte vollem Tutti bläst. Warnung an alle eines einfachen Hafenarbeiters, Kinobesucher: hier muss Popcorn dessen großer Traum es ist, aus in der XXL-Packung in den Kino- einem schrottreifen Kahn ein saal geschleppt werden ;-) . Übri- schwimmendes Restaurant zu ma- gens: auch Robert Downey Jr. chen. Die vielen Behördengänge Fans kommen beim HULK auf ihre und weitere Unwägbarkeiten geht Kosten.... Bundesstart ist der 10. er mit Beharrlichkeit an und es Juli 2008. Der Film wird dann in kommt tatsächlich zum Eröffnungs- zwei Fassungen zu sehen sein: eine abend. Als Hauptgang soll gekürzte 35mm-Version (FSK 12) Couscous mit Fisch serviert und eine ungeschnittene Digital- werden....aber es kommt anders version (FSK 16). als erwartet. Nie hätte ich es für möglich gehalten, dass ein in MEET DAVE (MENSCH, Doku-Soap-Manier angelegter DAVE!) (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Film in der letzten halben Stunde Mit ziemlich gemischten Gefühlen eine derart große Spannung auf- bin ich in diesen Film gegangen, bauen kann! Und dass uns der Re- zumal ich vor ein paar Wochen den gisseur dann sogar mit dieser Trailer für diesen Eddie Murphy Spannung aus seinem Film entlässt, Film gesehen hatte und der mich ist eine echte Leistung. Sehens- nun alles andere als ansprach. Zu wert. Kinostart: 28. August 2008 meiner Überraschung erlebte ich

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

firepower. Fortunately, he knows where to find it... and his cartoons, it’s perfect for Halloween or any time of the year. friends will soon learn there is much more to him than meets 1999 S 45min. the eye! Packed with action and drama, Armored Trooper Animation Votoms is an epic animated saga, a science-fiction Sony masterwork in for over 15 years. Created by producer 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078230 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s Lon- Rysosuke Takahashi () this series debuted on Japanese television in 1983 and its powerful impac don Adventure - Special Edition , , Foreign, Ben 10: Alien Force - Season One Jason Alexander, Barry Bostwick Japanese, Science Fiction, Action 1983 FF - Volume One Puppies, puppies and more puppies are packed into this S 100min. Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, entertaining and exciting sequel to Disney’s classic, 101 Dalmatians. And now, the 101 Dalmatians II Special Edition Digital Disc Ent. 2008 min. DVD includes even more fun and adventure, with an all-new 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078100 Warner Bros. 21.10.2008 „Patch’s Twilight Adventure“ game, music videos, a behind- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078417 the-scenes „dog-umentary,“ and more! The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita’s pup, Patch, who is not satisfied Avatar: The Last Airbender - The being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Complete Book 3 DVD Box Set Ben 10: The Complete Seasons 1 Thunderbolt, the „One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog.“ When Thunderbolt’s trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts, - 3 show’s producers are on the lookout for a new star, 2007 FF S 521min. Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, Thunderbolt - with Patch in tow - struts out into the real world to perform true acts of heroism. And when puppy-obsessed Nickelodeon 16.09.2008 Fantasy min. Cruella De Vil returns, it’s Patch and Thunderbolt’s teamwork 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077801 Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 and friendship that will save the day. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078011 Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Baby Genius: Things That Go Animals, Animated Feature Films 2003 The Berenstain Bears: Family 71min. Counting Disney / Buena Vista 16.09.2008 Preschool min. And Friendship 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077509 Morningstar Entertainment 29.07.2008 Animated Animals 82min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077511 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Alvin And The Chipmunks Go To 12.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077839 The Movies: Daytona Jones And Baby Jamz Presents: Daily The Pearl Of Wisdom Lessons And Jamz Sessions Music min. The Second Bar- Comedy, Adventure, Animated Animals Fontana DVD 05.08.2008 rage: Volume 1 66min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077483 Filled with scenes of heroic bloodshed, Black Lagoon is Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 Action Incarnate! A recent string of murders is the talk of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077794 town. Not that murder is anything unusual, but the twin killers The Backyardigans: Escape From are targeting Hotel ! The delicate balance of power held by the mafia leaders crumbles as the sickening slaughter Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Fairytale Village escalates into a full-blown war of attrition. No quarter is ALVINNN!!! Edition Computer Animation, Fairy Tales, Nickel- given and none asked for as Balalaika and her soldiers are odeon, Animated Animals 2008 98min. forced to recall a time when their deadliest enemies were Comedy, Adventure, Animated Animals children. Nickelodeon 07.10.2008 165min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077433 Paramount Pictures 16.09.2008 19.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077475 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078478 Barbie In A Christmas Carol Angelic Layer: Complete Christmas, Fantasy, Holidays min. Black Lagoon The Second Bar- Universal Studios 04.11.2008 Collection rage: Volume 1 - Limited Edition 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077349 Filled with scenes of heroic bloodshed, Black Lagoon is Action, Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Inter- Action Incarnate! A recent string of murders is the talk of the national TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids Barbie Princess Collection town. Not that murder is anything unusual, but the twin killers 650min. are targeting Hotel Moscow! The delicate balance of power Boxed Sets, Fantasy min. A. D. Vision 12.08.2008 held by the mafia leaders crumbles as the sickening slaughter Universal Studios 09.09.2008 escalates into a full-blown war of attrition. No quarter is 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078051 given and none asked for as Balalaika and her soldiers are 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078424 forced to recall a time when their deadliest enemies were children. Aquarian Age: Complete : The - Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min. Collection (Repackaged) The Legend Begins / Batman: Ta- Funimation 19.08.2008 Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Interna- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078479 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction 2002 les Of The Dark Knight (2 Pack) 325min. Based On Comic Book, Superheroes, 2 Black Lagoon The Second Bar- Packs, Action, Adventure min. A. D. Vision 09.09.2008 rage: Volume 2 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078495 Warner Bros. 05.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077291 Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min. Funimation 16.09.2008 Arc The Lad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078480 125min. BeastMaster: Season One - A. D. Vision Volume Four Black Lagoon: Volume 1 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078226 200min. Rokuro Okajima is meek, mundane and metropolitan. His A. D. Vision business trip to South East Asia turns from pleasure cruise to : Stage 1 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078229 festival of pain when modern day pirates board the ship and take him hostage. Revy, Dutch and Benny are merciless, - Uoodo City V.3 maniacal and mean. Together, they make up the crew of the BeastMaster: Season One - Black Lagoon. They are the exact opposite of Rokuro in every Dir. Ryosuke Takahashi way but one? A mercenary group out has targeted them to Fight or Flight!. Fugitive soldier Chirico Cuvie has not only Volume Three steal the data disc that Rokuro had, and with it, classified an agenda, but also the power to carry it out after stealing 200min. information that threatens the peace and security of the entire priceless Jijirium from the Secret Society! Chirico wants to world! Amen. Hallelujah. Peanut Butter!! 1. The Black Lagoon draw the mysterious Phantom Lady out into the open. This A. D. Vision 2. Mangrove Heaven 3. Ring-Ding Ship Chase 4. Die Ruck- works, but only to a point - she’s as deadly a robot pilot as 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078228 kehr des Adlers he, and when their Armored Troopers meet in combat, the outcome is far from predictable! Now on the run again, Chirico Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min. and his companions have to make a choice: get out of Uoodo Beavis & Butt-Head:Butt-O-Ween Funimation 19.08.2008 City and never look back, or return fire. Chirico is determined 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078475 to learn the truth behind the conspiracy that has made him a Beavis, Butthead renegade. But the Secret Society controls Uoodo’s corrupt Butt-O-Ween is an Evergreen Title, highlighted by a special police department, and Chirico will need some serious Halloween episode. Packed with 7 devilishly classic B&B Black Lagoon: Volume 1 - Limited

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 5 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078503 Caillou’s Winter Wonders Rokuro Okajima is meek, mundane and metropolitan. His PBS, Preschool 2008 78min. business trip to South East Asia turns from pleasure cruise to : Season 2 Box Set festival of pain when modern day pirates board the ship and PBS Home Video 23.09.2008 take him hostage. Revy, Dutch and Benny are merciless, Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077964 maniacal and mean. Together, they make up the crew of the Action min. Black Lagoon. They are the exact opposite of Rokuro in every way but one? A mercenary group out has targeted them to Viz Entertainment 19.08.2008 Cardcaptors 3: Misdirections steal the data disc that Rokuro had, and with it, classified 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077667 Sakura’s reputation and her friends are in jeopardy!. Sakura’s information that threatens the peace and security of the entire double mysteriously disappears and begins doing cruel things world! Amen. Hallelujah. Peanut Butter!! 1. The Black Lagoon to Sakura’s friends. Sakura learns more about the Clow cards 2. Mangrove Heaven 3. Ring-Ding Ship Chase 4. Die Ruck- Bleach: Season 2 Box Set (With from Kero, but is it enough to save Tori? Then, trapped in a kehr des Adlers Limited Collector’s Figurine) maze, Sakura receives help from her beautiful substitute Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min. teacher, Layla Mackenzie, but for some reason Li seems Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese, Funimation 19.08.2008 suspicious of Ms. Mackenzie. Why? No time to answer, Action min. Sakura must hurry to catch the Dash ! Yet, when the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078472 Dash card begins helping Sakura’s friend Jessie, will Sakura Viz Entertainment 19.08.2008 show too much mercy? Double Take No Way Out The Race 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077666 Black Lagoon: Volume 2 Anime, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, The Lagoon Company gets into a brutal head to head battle Japanese 2000 FF S 75min. with a bunch of neo-Nazi freaks after the same sunken booty. Bleach: Volume 12 Pioneer Studios Revy and Dutch blaze a trail full of blood and bullets in an Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078120 attempt to get back their bounty and make an exit in style. The tension between Rock and Revy builds up to such extreme Viz Entertainment 23.09.2008 levels that an easy day of running errands has almost fatal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078492 Cardcaptors 4: New Lessons consequences! Will they kiss and make up or will Rock get a Big Changes!. Giant cats and fire-breathing dragons add life bullet in the head? Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan to Li and Sakura’s rivalry, but the real lessons are about to Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action 2006 start. First, the Change Card forces Li and Kero to spend a min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese 2007 180min. day inside each other’s body. Then, a trip to the ice rink for Funimation 19.08.2008 Media Blasters 30.09.2008 skating lessons turns into a crash course thanks to The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078369 Freeze Card! Dragon Slayer The Switch Ice Breaker 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078476 Anime, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, Japanese 2000 FF S 75min. Black Lagoon: Volume 2 - Limited Blue Dragon: Volume 1 Pioneer Studios Edition Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078121 The Lagoon Company gets into a brutal head to head battle Viz Entertainment 16.09.2008 with a bunch of neo-Nazi freaks after the same sunken booty. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078471 Cardcaptors 5: Firestorm Revy and Dutch blaze a trail full of blood and bullets in an attempt to get back their bounty and make an exit in style. The Fire & Ice!. The Firey Card interrupts Sakura’s trip to the tension between Rock and Revy builds up to such extreme Bob The Builder On Site: Houses winter carnival and proves to be Sakura’s biggest challenge levels that an easy day of running errands has almost fatal & Playgrounds yet! Meanwhile, „magical cards“ that look jst like The Clow consequences! Will they kiss and make up or will Rock get a Cards have become the rage at school, but when Sakura goes bullet in the head? Get ready to rev-up and get dirty as Bob mixes his lovable to buy one, she senses a real Clow card in the store - the animation with footage from real-life construction sites. See Shot Card. Then, the new school term starts and Sakura is Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action 2006 diggers, trucks, mixers work together to build your dream elated to meet her new teacher. However, before she can min. house. From demolition to finishing touches, you’ll learn settle in, the Snow Card buries the town in snow; will Sakura Funimation 19.08.2008 everything you need to know to get the job done and have fun. lose her precious from Julian in the snow? 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078473 Top it off with your fantasy playground, and you’re On-Site Element Buyer Beware Stormy Weather with Bob the Builder! Anime, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, Stop Motion Animation 60min. Japanese 2000 FF S 75min. Black Lagoon: Volume 3 Hit Entertainment 26.08.2008 Pioneer Studios Make a move, Senorita. Or are you scared?“ - Revy. Dirty 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077903 jobs are a part of life for the Black Lagoon but things seem to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078129 be getting worse by the minute. Their latest problem is a maid from Columbia. She’s a killing machine out to rescue Garcia Bolek & Lolek 2 Cardcaptors 6: The Best Of from the clutches of the Black Lagoon and will kill anyone who Language Options. The follow-up to the hit Bolek gets in her way. As if that wasn’t enough, international & Lolek 1, Bolek & Lolek 2 tracks two youngsters on their Friends terrorists make their move and set the scene for a showdown journeys across the world. They participate in the Olympics, The Key Elements!. Sakura faces off with two of the most with the Hong Kong Triad, the C.I.A. and the Black Lagoon race cars, and even climb mountains! This fully interactive powerful Clow Cards - The Watery Card and The Earthy smack dab in the middle. Can Rock count on his new family to DVD includes numerous adventures, all in beautiful, lush Card! Yet despite this adversity and the sad news that Meilin pull him out of a pinch or will he be left to rot? 9 Maid to Kill animation. is returning to Hong Kong, Sakura will have to work hard if 10 The Unstoppable Chambermaid 11 Lock’n Load Revolution she wants to capture the last card! Can she do it? Allies 12 Guerillas in the Jungle European, Family, Foreign, Polish 2001 FF M 50min. Meilin’s Story The Last Card (Part One) Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action 2006 Anime, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, Facets Video min. Japanese 2000 FF S 75min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078184 Funimation 19.08.2008 Pioneer Studios 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078477 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078154 Bratz: Girlz Really Rock Black Lagoon: Volume 3 - Limited The Bratz Girlz star in their first movie musical - featuring 8 new songs! Lights, Camera, Action! The Bratz Girlz take the Cartoon Crazies: Sci/Fi Edition spotlight as they head to Camp Starshine, where acting and A collection of classic cartoons with science fiction theme in Make a move, Senorita. Or are you scared?“ - Revy. Dirty dancing get your name up in lights. When they discover that the new exclusive Audio Galaxy „feel the sound’ process. jobs are a part of life for the Black Lagoon but things seem to campers put practice before fun, Yasmin Sasha and the rest of Many of your favorites from Bugs Bunny to Casper the Ghost be getting worse by the minute. Their latest problem is a maid the gang try to liven up the party. Even the most serious are on hand. from Columbia. She’s a killing machine out to rescue Garcia ballerina, Anna, finds that hanging out with the Bratz Girlz 100min. from the clutches of the Black Lagoon and will kill anyone who really rocks! But things get shaky when they learn that the Wellspring gets in her way. As if that wasn’t enough, international winner of the camp showcase gets to star in a Hollywood terrorists make their move and set the scene for a showdown movie. Each goes solo hoping to win the starlight for herself. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078193 with the Hong Kong Triad, the C.I.A. and the Black Lagoon Only when the evil Madame Demidov tries to sabotage the smack dab in the middle. Can Rock count on his new family to show do the Bratz Girlz rejoin to show that competition can Choose Your Own Nightmare IV: pull him out of a pinch or will he be left to rot? 9 Maid to Kill never outshine real friends. No one is going to mess with 10 The Unstoppable Chambermaid 11 Lock’n Load Revolution their BFFs! Come spend the summer at a camp where the How I Became A Freak music, dance, and fun really rock! 12 Guerillas in the Jungle „Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the freakiest of them all?“ Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action min. Musical, Family 82min. Imagine waking to find a horrible, twisted mess of gnarled Funimation 19.08.2008 Lionsgate 02.09.2008 monster flesh staring back at you from the bedroom mirror! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077226 That’s what happened to young Tim Merrick, and now its up to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078474 you to help him find oout why! Family, Horror FF DD 5.1 45min. Bleach: Movie 1 Buso Renkin: Box Set - Volume 2 Slingshot Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. tba BestellNr.: 40078250 Japanese min. Viz Entertainment 07.10.2008 Viz Entertainment 14.10.2008 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078508 Choose Your Own Nightmare: Evil

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 6 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Pen Pal may finally realize his goal of bringing down Britannia from : Volume 1 within! Family, Horror min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese S min. Mystery, Adventure, Foreign, Horror, Slingshot Entertainment 05.08.2008 Japanese min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078165 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077247 Viz Entertainment 16.09.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078470 The Chosen One Lelouch Of The Re- Comedy, Animated Feature Films 2008 bellion: Volume 2 Death Note: Volume 6 79min. Using the power of the Geass, Lelouch has taken his first Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. Indican Pictures 26.08.2008 steps towards against the Holy Empire of Viz Entertainment 26.08.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078379 Britannia. He has crafted for himself the alter ego Zero, to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077669 destroy the perceptions of his enemies and protect those close to him. Yet still he finds his efforts lacking. One young Click & Clack’s As The Wrench prince does not a revolution make. Carrying with him this hard Death Note: Volume 6 - With learned lesson Lelouch takes the next step in his . Turns Gathering a small group of willing Elevens about him, Zero Limited Edition Figurine Comedy, PBS 2008 300min. founds the Order of the Black Knights, a faction dedicated to Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. the fight for justice. On the battlefield Lelouch encounters a PBS Home Video 30.09.2008 man he once called friend seven years before standing on the Viz Entertainment 26.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077963 opposing side: Suzaku Kururugi, the Eleven pilot of the white 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077668 Knightmare known as Lancelot. With Zero unable to convince Suzaku to fight along side him and unwilling to use the power Clifford: A Big Help of Geass, are the two destined to destroy one another? Death Note: Volume 7 Family, Animated Animals 55min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese 100min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. Lionsgate 09.09.2008 Bandai Entertainment 05.08.2008 Viz Entertainment 28.10.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077342 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077248 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078511

Code Geass Lelouch Of The Re- Code Monkeys: Season 1 Death Note: Volume 7 - With bellion: Part 1 Based On , Comedy 2007 min. Limited Edition Figurine On August 10th of the year 2010 the Holy Empire of Britannia Shout Factory 05.08.2008 Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. began a campaign of conquest, its sights set on Japan. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077814 Operations were completed in one month thanks to Britannia’s Viz Entertainment 28.10.2008 deployment of new mobile humanoid armor vehicles dubbed 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078510 Knightmare Frames. Japan’s rights and identity were stripped Corduroy...And More Stories away, the once proud nation now referred to as Area 11. Its citizens, Elevens, are forced to scratch out a living while the About Caring Devil Hunter Yohko: Complete Britannian aristocracy lives comfortably within their Family, Fantasy 60min. Collection settlements. Pockets of resistance appear throughout Area 11, working towards independence for Japan. Lelouch, an exiled Scholastic 29.07.2008 Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Devils And Imperial Prince of Britannia posing as a student, finds himself 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077663 Demons, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, in the heart of the ongoing conflict for the island nation. Through a chance meeting with a mysterious girl named C.C., Japanese 225min. Lelouch gains his Geass, the power of the king. Now Curious George Sails With The A. D. Vision 26.08.2008 endowed with absolute dominance over any person, Lelouch Pirates And Other Curious Capers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078057 may finally realize his goal of bringing down Britannia from within! Animated Animals 108min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese S 225min. Universal Studios 26.08.2008 DNAngel: Complete Collection Bandai Entertainment 05.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077946 Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077249 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Dante’s Inferno Romance, Science Fiction 650min. Code Geass Lelouch Of The Re- James Cromwell, Dermot Mulroney - Dir. A. D. Vision 12.08.2008 bellion: Part 1 - Limited Edition Sean Meredith 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078052 On August 10th of the year 2010 the Holy Empire of Britannia Hell goes animated as apocalyptic graphic novel artwork and began a campaign of conquest, its sights set on Japan. eerie Victorian toy theater converge in this subversively Dora The Explorer: Dora Operations were completed in one month thanks to Britannia’s satiric update of a literary classic. Reinterpreted with the use deployment of new mobile humanoid armor vehicles dubbed of intricately hand-drawn puppets and stunning miniature sets, Celebrates Three Kings Day! Knightmare Frames. Japan’s rights and identity were stripped this bizarre travelogue narrated by Dante, a hard-living Nickelodeon 2008 98min. away, the once proud nation now referred to as Area 11. Its hoodie-clad twenty-something, will take you on a gritty, citizens, Elevens, are forced to scratch out a living while the violent tour of hell that bears a disturbing resemblance to our Nickelodeon 07.10.2008 Britannian aristocracy lives comfortably within their own world. Featuring the dark, mood-drenched voice of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077434 settlements. Pockets of resistance appear throughout Area 11, Dermot Mulroney (Zodiac, My Best Friend’s Wedding) as working towards independence for Japan. Lelouch, an exiled Dante, and the wizened pipes of James Cromwell (L.A. Imperial Prince of Britannia posing as a student, finds himself Confidential, Six Feet Under) as his ghostly guide, Dante’s Dragon Ball: Fortune Teller Baba in the heart of the ongoing conflict for the island nation. Inferno is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. - Goku’s Journey (Edited) Through a chance meeting with a mysterious girl named C.C., Comedy 78min. Lelouch gains his Geass, the power of the king. Now TLA Releasing 26.08.2008 Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, endowed with absolute dominance over any person, Lelouch Action 60min. may finally realize his goal of bringing down Britannia from 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077242 within! Funimation Anime, Foreign, Japanese 225min. Dead Fury 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078180 Bandai Entertainment 05.08.2008 Dir. Fsudol 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077250 From the director of the hugely successful animated zombie Dragon Ball: Fortune Teller Baba film City Of Rott comes his long awaited follow-up feature - Goku’s Journey (Uncut) Dead Fury, an eighty-two minute animated parody of such Code Geass Lelouch Of The Re- horror classics as Evil Dead and The Hills Have Eyes. Led Action, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Martial bellion: Volume 1 by the wisecracking Max, a group of hunters accidentally Arts 62min. stumbles into the forested realm of a family of demonic freaks. On August 10th of the year 2010 the Holy Empire of Britannia The freaks are hungry to possess anyone who trespasses on Funimation began a campaign of conquest, its sights set on Japan. their sacred land, so Max and his friends must fend off the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078179 Operations were completed in one month thanks to Britannia’s evil enemy with whatever weapons they have at hand. deployment of new mobile humanoid armor vehicles dubbed Shotguns, pick-axes, knives, rotary saws, weapons of every Knightmare Frames. Japan’s rights and identity were stripped description are enlisted to dice, slice and sever. Dead Fury Dragon Ball: Tien Shinhan - away, the once proud nation now referred to as Area 11. Its is a fun-filled world of gut-crunching blood and violence! Tournament Day (Edited) citizens, Elevens, are forced to scratch out a living while , Comedy, Dark Comedy, Devils Britannian aristocracy lives comfortably within their Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, And Demons, Horror, Animated Feature settlements. Pockets of resistance appear throughout Area 11, Action 60min. working towards independence for Japan. Lelouch, an exiled Films 82min. Funimation Imperial Prince of Britannia posing as a student, finds himself Unearthed Films 05.08.2008 in the heart of the ongoing conflict for the island nation. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078182 Through a chance meeting with a mysterious girl named C.C., 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077328 Lelouch gains his Geass, the power of the king. Now endowed with absolute dominance over any person, Lelouch Dragon Ball: Tien Shinhan -

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Tournament Day (Uncut) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077254 Disney / Buena Vista 05.08.2008 Action, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Martial 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077704 Arts 62min. Gantz: The Complete Series Funimation Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Horror, Inter- He-Man And The Masters Of The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078181 national TV, Japanese, Mystery 650min. Universe: Volume 3 A. D. Vision Fantasy, Adventure 2003 Ltbx 16x9 S : Seasons One & Two tba BestellNr.: 40078498 286min. Jason Alexander, Nancy Travis, E.G. Daily BCI 05.08.2008 Comedy, Detectives, Animated Animals, Go Diego Go!: It’s A Bug’s World 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077950 USA Network 1994 FF S 480min. Bugs, Nickelodeon 2008 98min. Paramount Pictures 16.09.2008 Nickelodeon 07.10.2008 Holly Hobbie & Friends: Fabulous 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077799 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077435 Fashion Show Family FF 44min. Eden’s Bowy : Complete Collection Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Anime, Foreign, Japanese 125min. Anime, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Foreign, Giant 12.08.2008 A. D. Vision Robots, Japanese, Robots / Androids, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077841 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078227 Romance, Science Fiction 650min. A. D. Vision 05.08.2008 Holly Hobbie & Friends: Hey 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078049 Edgar & Ellen: Season One - Girls! Fun Pack Volume One Gun Crazy: Collection Boxed Sets, Family min. Meet the masters of mischief, the prince and princess of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment practical jokers! In the first 13 episodes of their ghoulishly Vigilante Justice, Boxed Sets, Foreign, 12.08.2008 great series, twisted twins Edgar and Ellen use their Japanese, Killer Beauties 140min. fiendishly funny skills to create chaos for the residents of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077842 quaint town of Nod’s Limbs - and no one is safe from their A. D. Vision 12.08.2008 hilarious hijinks! From their booby-trapped 13-story mansion, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078053 Edgar and Ellen seek to cure their perpetual boredom by Immortal (Steelbook) inventing a robot who’s a cleaning freak, playing „Hide, Seek City, year 2095. A floating pyramid has emerged in and Subdue“ with their neighbors, entering Pet in a dog show, Gurren Lagann: Volume 2 the skies above, inhabited by ancient Egyptian Gods. They making Ellen’s nemesis Stephanie look ridiculous, and staging In their battle against the armies of Lordgenome, Team Dai- have cast judgment down upon Horus (a falcon-headed god), an alien invasion! And when the clever twins try to out-prank Gurren has suffered a crippling blow with the death of one of their own. With only seven days to preserve his each other, that’s when life really gets kooky! Kamina. Simon must now pull himself together and emerge from immortality, he must find a human host body to inhabit, and Comedy 2007 286min. the depths of depression in which he finds himself wallowing. search for a mate. In the city below, a beautiful young woman, Lionsgate 09.09.2008 Will a chance meeting with a beautiful Nia, found inside a Jill, with blue hair, blue tears, and a power unknown even to discarded crate, be the key to getting Simon back on his feet? her, wanders the city in search for her identity aided by a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077338 And who is the mysterious girl and what is her connection to doctor who is fascinated by this mystery of nature. Reality in Lordgenome? Get ready for the final battle of the human race this world has a whole new meaning as bodies, voices and Elemental Gelade Starter Set against the beastmen and prepare to glimpse into the future memories converge with Gods, mutants, mortals and that Team Dai-Gurren is creating for mankind. terrestrials. Stunning visual effects meld with poetic Dir. Shigeru Ueda Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction, surrealism of comic-book creator Enki Bilal’s fantastic epic Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action S 225min. story. A ground-breaking step into the future of film-making. Science Fiction, Fantasy 102min. Adventure min. Bandai Entertainment 05.08.2008 First Look Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 Funimation 19.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077251 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078536 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077625 Haibane-Renmei: New Feathers - Jane And The Dragon: A Eon Kid: Season One - Volume 1 Volume 1 (With Collector’s Box) In a future world, Marty, an enterprising 11 year old who Dragon’s Tale deals in scrap robot parts, stumbles upon an ancient iron Fist. Dir. Tomokazu Tokoro Unexpectedly, the Fist comes to life and attaches itself to Yoshitoshi Abe’s latest masterpiece. In a long-forgotten Adventure, Computer Animation, Family, Marty’s arm, endowing him with unknown fighting powers and walled town, humans coexist with the Haibane, angelic-like Fantasy, Medieval Times 2005 120min. at the same time putting him at the heart of a centuries-old begins of unknown origin. Rakka becomes the newest Shout Factory 19.08.2008 struggle between good and evil. Haibane, after she awakens from a strange dream and finds 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077945 110min. herself hatching from a massive cocoon. With no memories of Starz / Anchor Bay 12.08.2008 her previous life, Rakka struggles to adjust to her new surroundings, however burning questions remain in the back Justice League: Secret Origins / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078063 of her mind. What is Haibane and what is their purpose? What lies beyond the huge, forbidden town walls? Thus Rakka Justice League: Paradise Lost (2 begins her wistful journey of self-discovery and wonderment. The Flintstones: The Complete Science Fiction, Anime, Boxed Sets, Pack) Series The greatest superheroes of all time team up to battle for Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 2003 Ltbx truth, justice and freedom in the first Justice League movie, ABC, Classics, Family, Prehistoric Times 16x9 S 100min. Secret Origins. Martian Manhunter comes to to warn of min. Geneon Entertainment USA an impending alien invasion. With the help of and Batman, he enlists the world’s greatest heroes including Warner Bros. 28.10.2008 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078209 Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern and Hawkgirl to 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078442 fend off the unstoppable invading armada. From the creative Hakugei: Legend Of The Moby team behind the Emmy Award-winning The New Batman/ Superman Adventures, watch for the Justice League on Frightfully Funny Dick: Complete Collection Cartoon Network. The galaxy’s ultimate crime-fighting strike Adventure, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family, squad, Justice League, continues its ongoing battle against Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, enemies on the Earth and beyond! In Paradise Lost, sorcerer Ghosts, Monsters 458min. International TV, Japanese, Science Felix Faust turns Wonder Woman’s Amazon sisters to statues BCI 12.08.2008 Fiction, Space 650min. of stone! Then, Superman is captured by the warlord Mongul 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078373 and plunged into a gladiator-style fight to the finish on an A. D. Vision 19.08.2008 alien planet. Now, only Green Lantern and Hawkgirl can save 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078054 their caped friend from the battle zone known as War World. AA: Anime Legends Based On Comic Book, Superheroes, 2 Complete Collection Halloween Spooktacular Packs, Action, Adventure min. The wacky adventures of the Angel Brigade continue as they Holidays, Stop Motion Animation 57min. Warner Bros. 05.08.2008 spread mayhem and mischief across the galaxy. As always, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077304 Milfeulle is so scatter-brained that she rarely has a clue to Hit Entertainment 09.09.2008 what’s going on but her infinitely good luck gets her out of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077341 trouble. She’s accompanied by her teammates, the gun-crazy The Land Before Time: Magical Forte, man-hunting Ranpha, cosplay-obsessed Mint, ever so pious Vanilla and her AI companion Normad. Handy Manny: Manny’s Pet Discoveries Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Japanese S Roundup Adventure, Animated Animals, Cartoon 325min. Computer Animation 69min. Network, Dinosaurs min. Bandai Entertainment 19.08.2008 Universal Studios 26.08.2008

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077350 Adventure min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077867 Viz Entertainment 14.10.2008 Lil’ Bush: Resident Of The United 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078504 The Nightmare Before Christmas: States - Season Two Ultimate Collector’s Set Comedy, , Politics, : Volume 10 - Special Editi- Dir. Henry Selick Presidents 2008 220min. on Box Set Now digitally restored and remastered with state-of-the-art technology, The Nightmare Before Christmas is deeper, Comedy Central 14.10.2008 Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese min. darker and more brilliant than ever - just as Tim Burton 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077442 Viz Entertainment 14.10.2008 originally envisioned it. Can Christmas be saved? Bored with 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078506 the same old scare-and-scream routine, Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, longs to spread the joy of The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Christmas. But his merry mission puts Santa in jeopardy and Beginning Naruto: Volume 27 creates a nightmare for good little boys and girls everywhere! Stop Motion Animation, Animated Feature Animated Feature Films, Disney, Family, Anime, Foreign, Japanese min. Films, Boxed Sets, Christmas, Comedy, Fantasy 2008 min. Viz Entertainment 02.09.2008 Dark Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Holidays Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078447 1993 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077571 Naruto: Volume 28 Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2008 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077907 Mama Mirabelle’s Home Movies: Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, It’s Movie Time! Adventure min. Viz Entertainment 30.09.2008 Overman King Gainer: Anime National Geographic, Animated Animals 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078493 Legends Complete Collection 2007 min. In the distant future, mankind is forced to live in domed cities National Geographic 23.09.2008 called Domepolis after an environmental cataclysm. These 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077481 Naruto: Volume 9 - Box Set cities are maintained and supplied by private corporations, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, but at what cost to the inhabitants living within them? In a Adventure min. Siberian Domepolis, virtual game champion Gainer Sanga is Maria Watches Over Us: Season 1 arrested on suspicion of Exodus, an unauthorized venture When Yumi Fukuzawa entered the Lillian Girls’ Academy, a Viz Entertainment 12.08.2008 beyond the dome walls and strictly prohibited by the prestigious all-girls Catholic school in Tokyo, she never 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077649 government. In prison, he meets Gain Bijou, a mercenary bent imagined she would catch the eye of beautiful and demure on escaping and together the two will steal a mysterious Sachiko Ogasawara, one of the school’s most popular Overman out of Duke Medaiyu’s mansion. Fighting back the students. Naruto: Volume 9 - Special Editi- Siberian Railway Patrol forces, they both lead a massive Exodus out of the city to the east land Yapan, where their Anime, Foreign 325min. on Box Set ancestors are originally from. Bayview Entertainment 29.07.2008 Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese min. Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077773 Viz Entertainment 12.08.2008 Action min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077650 Bandai Entertainment 19.08.2008 Max & Ruby: A Very Merry 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077256 Christmas Collection New Fist of the North Star / Neo Animated Animals, Christmas, Holidays, Tokyo (Double Pack) Phineas And Ferb: The Fast And Nickelodeon min. 2 Packs, Action, Anime, Apocalyptic Future, The Phineas Nickelodeon 07.10.2008 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Martial Disney Channel 2007 112min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077436 Arts, Science Fiction 225min. Disney / Buena Vista 29.07.2008 A. D. Vision 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077641 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: tba BestellNr.: 40078499 Mickey’s Storybook Surprises Piano: The Melody Of A Young Computer Animation, Disney, Family, Next Avengers: Heroes Of Girl’s Heart - Volume 1 Animated Animals min. Tomorrow Unlock the music within your heart! Miu Nomura once loved to Disney / Buena Vista 02.09.2008 Whenever the forces of evil threatened mankind, the Avengers play the piano. As a little girl, the music made her heart soar, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077921 were always earth’s unstoppable heroes - until they fell to the and she eagerly shared her songs with all of those around malevolent robot Ultron, and all hope seemed lost. But, kept her. Now an introverted teenager, Miu has become too shy to secret by Tony Stark (Iron Man), the world’s future lay in the express her feelings — even through her music. Her playing Mobile Suit SEED: hands of four amazing teenagers. James (Son of Captain has suffered, and her piano teacher, the moody Mr. and Black Widow), Torunn (Daughter of Thor), Azari Shirakawa, has become impatient with her inability to reach Destiny - TV Movie 2 (Son of the ), and Pym (Son of Wasp and Giant the next level. When Miu develops a crush on upperclassman The Minerva docks at a ZAFT base, where they are met by Man) must now fight a battle that even their super parents Takahashi, her best friend Yuuki is the first to notice. Chairman Durandal. Over a quiet dinner, he talks with Athrun, could not win. The odds are stacked against them, but joined Unfortunately, Yuuki’s too distracted with her own emotional Shinn and other members of the crew. This conversation leads by the arrow-slinging son of Hawkeye, they just might have a troubles: She’s fallen hard for third-year track star Takizawa! Shinn to reflect on the past, and the events that brought them chance, if they can find the missing Hulk and come together as However, Mr. Shirakawa has also noticed something... a to where they are now. But understanding does not bring the heroes of tomorrow, to defeat Ultron and become...the sudden and remarkable change in Miu’s playing. Can he help peace, and after another argument with some of his shipmates, Next Avengers! her rediscover the joy of the piano and find the courage to Shinn heads ashore to clear his head. There he meets a Superheroes, Based On Comic Book, share her heart and music once more? Contains episodes 1-3. Anime, Drama, Foreign 72min. beautiful girl, and watches her fall into the ocean. He dives in Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, to rescue her, and in turn then must wait to be rescued. Bayview Entertainment 01.07.2008 Animated Feature Films 2008 DD 5.1 78min. Meanwhile, the Alliance Forces gather, along with their Orb 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077811 Allies, to launch an attack on ZAFT. The Minerva scrambles Lionsgate 02.09.2008 and prepares for battle. But unknown to either side, far 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077966 beneath the waves, another group is going to try to put an end Piano: The Melody Of A Young to the fighting. Anime, Foreign, Giant Robots, Japanese, The Nightmare Before Christmas: Girl’s Heart - Volume 2 Action S 90min. 2-Disc Collector’s Edition Summer vacation is here, and that means it’s almost time for Bandai Entertainment 19.08.2008 Yuuki’s birthday! Since it’s over summer break, her birthday Dir. Henry Selick is usually a nonevent. But this year, Yuuki has decided that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077255 Now digitally restored and remastered with state-of-the-art things are going to be different: She’s going to confess her technology, The Nightmare Before Christmas is deeper, love to Takizawa! But will the handsome and popular third- My Friends Tigger And Pooh: darker and more brilliant than ever - just as Tim Burton year track star reject her? The very thought has Yuuki in originally envisioned it. Can Christmas be saved? Bored with turmoil. Her best friend, Miu, is doing all she can to support Hundred Acre Wood Haunt the same old scare-and-scream routine, Jack Skellington, the her, but watching Yuuki struggle only reminds Miu of how Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, longs to spread the joy of troubled her own heart is. Meanwhile, Mr. Shirakawa is Disney, Family, Animated Animals 72min. Christmas. But his merry mission puts Santa in jeopardy and frustrated at the lack of growth in Miu’s playing. Trying to Disney / Buena Vista 02.09.2008 creates a nightmare for good little boys and girls everywhere! inspire her, he nominates her to be his sole representative at the Spring Piano Recital. Not only that, but she’ll also be the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077920 Stop Motion Animation, Christmas, Comedy, only student who will have to compose and play her own Dark Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, original piece! If she refuses, Mr. Shirakawa won’t even have Naruto: Volume 10 - Box Set Animated Feature Films 1993 76min. a single student participating. Should she play in the recital, even though her heart really isn’t in it? Contains episodes 4- Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2008 7.

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Anime, Drama, Foreign 96min. Warner Bros. 30.09.2008 Seasons 1 - 4 Bayview Entertainment 01.07.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078029 Action, Cartoon Network, Martial Arts, Sa- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077812 murai min. Popeye The Sailor: 1941-1943 - Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 Piano: The Melody Of A Young Volume Three 163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078034 Girl’s Heart - Volume 3 Classics, Comedy, Family, Musical min. New Year’s has arrived, but the seasonal festivities don’t Warner Bros. 30.09.2008 Scooby-Doo And The Monster Of seem to be lifting Miu’s spirits at all. With the spring recital fast approaching, Miu is under a lot of pressure to complete 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078030 Mexico / What’s New Scooby- her piano composition in time, but she’s having trouble finding Doo?: Space Ape At The Cape (2 any inspiration. To make matters worse, when she returns to Popeye: The Rescue school, Miu learns that Takahashi has pushed himself too Pack) The evil Sea Hag uses her magic spells to kidnap the hard studying over the break and has become very ill. Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc gang are in for a creepy Distracted by everything that’s going on and lacking any innocent Swee’pea and Wimpy. Now she holds them for ransom! You must help Popeye, Olive, and Brutus rescue them encounter with a monstrous monster from Mexico in this motivation to finish the song, Miu is dreading having to face mucho spooky, all-new Scooby-Doo movie! The gang heads Mr. Shirakawa with the piece still not completed. Meanwhile, before it’s too late. With every click your decisions will seal their fate. Unless you find the task is too great.. south of the border for some well-earned rest and relaxation, Mr. Shirakawa continues to push Miu toward the spring but there’s trouble in the town of Veracruz, where tourists are recital. Will his unrelenting drive finally cause her to give up Family, Superheroes FF DD 5.1 45min. being frightened away by a terrifying creature who is ten feet the piano altogether? Contains episodes 8-10. Slingshot tall, with huge, green-glowing eyes! When Scooby-Doo and Anime, Drama, Foreign 72min. tba BestellNr.: 40078248 the gang discover that their friend may have to sell his hotel Bayview Entertainment 01.07.2008 because of the creature, things get even more mysterious. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077813 Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the gang must then tangle with Popeye: The Wooly Mammoth everything from giant feathered serpents to ghoulish ghosts, Our Sea-faring, spinach-munching hero sets sail on an epic as they race to solve this Mexican mystery before the Pokemon All-Stars: Volume 11 adventure to find the Woolly Mammoth and to win the creature of Veracruz can strike again! Have a blast with $1,000,000 prize. Your click decides who wins the race Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo and the world’s most famous Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, against time and who walks away with the ! Now join meddling kids launch their crime-busting, spook-chasing Japanese min. Popeye, Olive Oyl and the others to decide who beats the exploits into the 21st century in these four fun-filled mystery clock and who laughs all the way to the bank! adventures! When the contestants at a way-cool Viz Entertainment 19.08.2008 snowboarding contest are suspiciously sidelined, Scooby- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077664 Family, Superheroes FF DD 5.1 45min. Doo and the kids investigate-and discover the chilling fact Slingshot that There’s No Creature L Pokemon All-Stars: Volume 12 tba BestellNr.: 40078249 Family, 2 Packs, Animated Animals min. Warner Bros. 05.08.2008 Anime, Based On Video Game min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077302 Viz Entertainment 19.08.2008 Terry Pratchett’s Discworld 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077665 Collection: Wyrd Sisters & Scooby-Doo DVD Game: Funland Pokemon All-Stars: Volume 13 British, Fantasy, Science Fiction 322min. Of Freaky Frights Grab the remote and get a clue, Scooby-Doo fans! There’s a Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Acorn Media 26.08.2008 big mystery to solve and lots of spooktacular fun to share with Japanese min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078331 Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma and the rest of the Mystery Inc. Viz Entertainment 28.10.2008 gang. Help the crimesolvers find clues as they investigate strange goings-on at fascinating (and freaky!) Funland theme 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078500 Pretear: Complete Collection park. Match images. Identify sounds. Select the right paths for Adventure, Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, the investigation. Think. Click. Play. Collect clues from all 6 Pokemon All-Stars: Volume 14 Funland zones and advance to the Bonus Round to capture Foreign, International TV, Japanese, the villain and become an honorary Mystery Inc. member. Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Romance, Science Fiction 325min. Scooby-Doo and friends can’t solve this by themselves. Japanese min. A. D. Vision 19.08.2008 They’re relying on you! Based on Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? franchise All you need is a DVD player and remote to Viz Entertainment 28.10.2008 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078055 play. No game board required. 1-4 players 7 activities 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078501 Family, Animated Animals min. RahXephon: Grand Canon Warner Bros. 11.11.2008 Pokemon Battle Frontier: Box 2 Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078405 Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Action, Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Giant Japanese min. Robots, International TV, Japanese, Robots Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?: Viz Entertainment 16.09.2008 / Androids, Science Fiction 770min. The Complete Seasons 1 - 3 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078488 A. D. Vision 02.09.2008 Family, Mystery min. 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078494 Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: Box 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078035 1 - Volumes 1 & 2 Red Garden: To Die Forever - Anime, Based On Comic Book, Foreign, Volume 6 SeaTales: Volume 3 - The Ugly Japanese min. Thrillers, Anime, Foreign, Horror, Internatio- Ducking / The Selfish Giant Viz Entertainment 16.09.2008 nal TV, Japanese 100min. SeaTales. The Ugly Duckling. The Selfish Giant. More than 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078491 A. D. Vision 26.08.2008 just a humongous splash of fun, each SeaTale conveys the importance of things in life such as friendship, family, hope 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078010 and telling the truth, making it a perfect addition to any Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: children’s library. Volume 1 Robot Chicken: Season Three Family, Animated Animals FF 45min. Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Stop Motion Animati- First Look Home Entertainment Japanese min. on, Adult Swim 2007 221min. tba BestellNr.: 40077555 Viz Entertainment 16.09.2008 Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078489 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077294 Shattered Angels: Volume 3 Adventure, Anime, Drama, Fantasy, Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: Rune Soldier: Complete Japanese, Robots / Androids, Romance Volume 2 Collection 100min. A. D. Vision 15.07.2008 Anime, Based On Video Game, Foreign, Anime, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Fantasy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077968 Japanese min. Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic, Viz Entertainment 16.09.2008 Action, Adventure 600min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078490 A. D. Vision 19.08.2008 Silverhawks: Season 1 - Volume 1 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078056 Family, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure Popeye & Friends: Volume Two 1986 min. Warner Bros. 14.10.2008 Comedy, Family, Musical min. : The Complete 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077295

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077347 eternity, a menace that threatens not only the survival of the Transformers, but the very existence of Cybertron and the South Park: The Complete universe itself. Cybertron, the Transformers home planet is on Eleventh Season Tide-Line Blue: Anime Legends the brink of destruction as an ominous Black Hole looms. In order to save their world, the Transformers embark upon an Trey Parker, Matt Stone Complete Collection intergalactic scavenger hunt across the universe searching Comedy, Comedy Central 2007 FF S After the catastrophe known as the ‘Hammer of Eden’ struck, for the lost Cyber Planet Keys. The evil Decepticons, villains 90% of the Earth’s surface was flooded, killing over 6 billion unlike any you have seen before, are in a race against the 308min. people in the process. 14 years later, despite this tragedy, Heroic Autobots to recover these lost Cyber Planet Keys - Comedy Central 12.08.2008 mankind perseveres. With the vast majority of land now keys that have the power to unlock the Cybertron planet 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077634 submerged, groups of survivors soon band together amongst itself, creating the greatest Transformer the universe has ever the world’s scarcely available land masses and establish seen! The battle will span the galaxy in a race to wield the all independent political states, slowly moving forward the powerful Planet Keys and to save their home world of The Spectacular Spider-Man: machinations of society. As these island politicians gather to Cybertron from certain doom!! establish a new United Nations, man’s fangs are once again Action, Family, Giant Robots, Science Attack Of The Lizard brought to bear upon his brothers. The U.S.S. Ulysses, one of Witness the original web-slinger’s mythology from the the few remaining nuclear submarines in service has gone Fiction, Superheroes FF S 1144min. beginning! Peter Parker is a not so typical high school junior, rogue, attacking the coalition and declaring war on the world. Paramount Pictures 22.07.2008 fresh off an exciting summer engaging common criminals with In the ensuing pandemonium, Keel, a 14 year old gambler and 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077632 his new found powers. But now he must conceal his secret his secret love, Isla, a local girl who has just given birth to a identity as „Spider-Man“, while engaging a new level of new baby, end up on board this monstrous submarine. Under terror: the multi-leveled pressures of teenage life at home/ the command of the battle hardened Captain Gould, this de- Tweeny Witches: The Adventures school with combating bigger, badder super-villains in the sperate young family is benignly accepted into the crew. real world! Movie comprised of 3 episodes tied seemlessly. Meanwhile, the UN naval fleet begins its vengeful hunt, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 2004 Superheroes, Action, Adventure, Animated chasing the Ulysses with formidable fire power. 138min. Feature Films, Based On Comic Book, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action S Media Blasters 30.09.2008 Family, Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 70min. 325min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078371 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Bandai Entertainment 19.08.2008 09.09.2008 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077253 Ultraman Vol. 1 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078313 The action-packed adventures of the powerful superhero Tinker Bell Ultraman are offered for fans in an exciting 30th Anniversary collection. This special edition contains episodes 1 through 4 SpongeBob Squarepants: Who Animated Feature Films, Disney, Family, of the original television series, uncut and remastered. Thrill Bob What Pants Fantasy 2008 70min. to the exploits of Ultraman, as he defends the Earth from Disney / Buena Vista 28.10.2008 deadly monsters and alien invaders Comedy, Nickelodeon 2008 74min. Anime 1966 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077570 Nickelodeon 14.10.2008 Image Ent. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077449 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078070 : DVD Collection Spookley The Square Pumpkin Anime, Drama, Foreign, Friendships, Voltron: Defender Of The Uni- Japanese, Romance 325min. In a world where „The only good pumpkins are round verse - Collection Six pumpkins!“ Spookley The Square Pumpkin is often teased by Right Stuf 26.08.2008 the other pumpkins because of his odd shape. Soon, Spookley 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078318 Family, Giant Robots, Science Fiction 1981 is befriended by Edgar, Allan and Poe, three hilarious 450min. spiders, who convince Spookley that square or not, he has a Media Blasters 30.09.2008 right to be the „Pick of the Patch“ on Halloween. „A square Tokyo Majin: Volume 4 pumpkin the Pick of the Patch?“ Not if mean round pumpkins 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078372 Big Tom and Little Tom can help it. These two bullies tease Action, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese and taunt Spookley because of his square roots. Encouraged 125min. to continue to become the „Pick of the Patch“ by kindly Jack A. D. Vision 08.07.2008 The Wanderers 2: The Ultimate the Scarecrow and his bat sidekicks, Boris and Bella, Weapon Spookley isn’t sure he has what it takes until a mighty storm 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077974 threatens to destroy the entire patch. As the storm rolls the Dir. Katsuhito Akiyama round pumpkins uncontrollably across the patch towards a Tom And Jerry: The Magic Ring / Wild Schemes Abound!. Nanami, Jinnai’s sister converts the raging river, Spookley realizes „it’s fine to be round while the „Sacred Palace“ of Water into a leisure resort, while Jinnai weather is fair, but there are times it’s better to be a square!“ : Volume 1 (2 plots to conquer El Hazard in an attempt to humiliate Makoto. Stop Motion Animation 45min. While most plots implode for Jinnai, his ambitions may be Pack) realized when he awakens the dreadful entity of destruction Lionsgate 09.09.2008 The world’s favorite cat-and-mouse team bounds back into — Ifurita! Or not... 8. Reunion 9. House Of Thieves 10. The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077346 action in an all-new animated adventure certain to cast its Jungle Beast 11. A Child’s Heart 12. Tomb of the Demon God spell over the entire family! Left in charge of a priceless 13. Pure Evil Genius The Spooktacular New magical ring by his young wizard master, Tom is horrified Anime, Drama, English Dubbed, Fantasy, when the ring gets stuck on Jerry’s head - and the little Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction 1995 Adventures Of Casper: Volume mouse takes off into the city! Before you can say „abracadabra,“ the entire town is hot on our heroes’ tails, the FF S 150min. Two sorcerer’s ring is spouting a torrent of mischievous magic, Pioneer Studios and Tom and Jerry are up to their animated ears in the most Family 106min. supernaturally hilarious escapade of their cartoon career! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078157 Universal Studios 09.09.2008 They’re back on TV with their first animated series in 30 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078047 years - and their chase capers are as nutty and neverending The Wanderers 3: The Winds Of as ever. With Tom and Jerry Tales Vol. 1, you can enjoy their most catfighting, roughmousing new adventures over and over War Strawberry Panic: Volume 4 again on DVD! Through 12 cartoon capers full of fur-flying, fun-packing chases and calamities, Tom and Jerry are still Dir. Katsuhito Akiyama Anime, Foreign, Japanese 125min. ever-determined to beat each other to the punch...no matter Princess In Peril!. Jinnai continues to scheme, but the secrets Media Blasters 02.09.2008 what it takes! And you’ll laugh just as long and loud at their of the legendary snow remain beyond his reach, and the outrageous antics as legions of fans have for decade legendary rivalry between the priestesses of Fire and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078365 only seem to cause him more pain! Meanwhile, Jinnai’s Family, 2 Packs, Animated Animals min. absolute command of Ifurita continues to have unreliable This Ugly Yet Beautiful World: Tin Warner Bros. 05.08.2008 results as her good nature and bumbling control over her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077303 power sabotage plan after plan. How will Makoto’s discovery Perfect Collection of the Eye of God and Rune’s kidnapping complicate the Action, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, situation? 14. The Legendary Snowfields 15. Tale Of The Transformers Animated: Season Priestesses 16. Whirlwind 17. The Eye Of God 18. Operation: Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Abduction 19. Hive Of Darkness 20. Jinnai: Sister vs. Brother Science Fiction 300min. One Anime, Drama, English Dubbed, Fantasy, A. D. Vision Action, Giant Robots, Science Fiction 2008 Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction 1995 tba BestellNr.: 40078497 FF 286min. FF S 175min. Paramount Pictures 19.08.2008 Pioneer Studios Thomas & Friends: The Great 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077792 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078160 Discovery Movie Transformers Cybertron: The Transportation, Family, Stop Motion Animati- The Wanderers 4: The Final on min. Ultimate Collection Adventures Hit Entertainment 09.09.2008 Optimus Prime and the Autobots face the greatest danger in all Dir. Katsuhito Akiyama

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 11 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Makoto To The Rescue. Makoto leads the priestess and Mr. attack by an alien force. In the grand tradition of Giant Robot with fake IDs, intelligence and a complicated system of Fujisawa in a raid against the Bugrom to rescue Princess anime, the mysterious giant robot Z-Mind (and its component counting cards, Ben and his friends succeed in breaking the Rune and Nanami, but when they get there, they discover a robots Z-1, Z-2, and Z-3) is all that stands between Earth and impenetrable casinos. Now, his challenge is keeping the kingdom in turmoil and the hostages escape on their own! total devastation. And the pilots? Of course, they’re the three numbers straight and staying one step ahead of the casinos Jinnai becomes enraged and unleashes the power of the Eye older sisters. Untrained and uncertain, the three sisters will before it all spirals out of control. of God, which awakens an ancient evil - will anyone survive have to make it up as they go along, but they soon find Drama, Gambling 2008 Ltbx 16x9 123min. her rage? 21. A Love In Peril 22. A Death-Defying Rescue 23. themselves making battle plans and shouting attacking Escape 24. Destiny 25. The End Of The World 26. The slogans like most seasoned anime pilots. But will it be Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Eternal Dream enough? Z-Formation! 22.07.2008 Anime, Drama, English Dubbed, Fantasy, Anime, English Dubbed, Foreign, Japanese, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077779 Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction 1995 Action 2001 FF S 150min. FF S 150min. Bandai Entertainment 30 Days: The Complete Second Pioneer Studios 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078174 Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078161 Morgan Spurlock Documentary, FX, Reality 2006 288min. Watership Down: Deluxe Edition Arts Alliance America 01.07.2008 John Hurt, Richard Briers - Dir. Martin Ro- Film 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077568 sen British, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Fantasy, 10 Peliculas Que Comedia : Season 2 Foreign, Animated Animals, Animated Fea- Boxed Sets, Comedy, Foreign, Mexican Tracy Morgan, Tina Fey, Jane Krakowski, ture Films 1978 min. 877min. Alec Baldwin, Judah Friedlander, Scott Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 BCI 26.08.2008 Adsit, Jack McBrayer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077463 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078377 Comedy, NBC, On The Job 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 321min. What’s New Scooby-Doo?: 10 Peliculas Que Drama Universal Studios 07.10.2008 Complete Seasons 1 - 3 Boxed Sets, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078414 Animated Animals, Comedy, Ghosts, 888min. Mystery 875min. BCI 26.08.2008 48 Hrs. (I Love The 80’s) Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078378 Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Frank McRae, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078043 James Remar - Dir. Walter Hill 100 Million BC Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy make one of the most unusual Wonder Pets: Save The Bengal and entertaining teams ever in Walter Hill’s roller-coaster Michael Gross, Christopher Atkins, Greg thriller, 48 HRS. Nolte is a rough-edged cop after two vicious Tiger Evigan cop-killers. He can’t do it without the help of smooth and Nickelodeon, Animated Animals 2007 min. Scientists discover time travel with horrible consequences dapper Murphy, who is serving time for a half-million dollar when they inadvertently bring a giant carnivorous dinosaur robbery. This unlikely partnership trades laughs as often as Nickelodeon 09.09.2008 back to modern Los Angeles. punches as both pursue their separate goals: Nolte wants the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077800 villains; Murphy wants his money and some much-needed Science Fiction, Action, Dinosaurs 2007 female companionship. Watch for Murphy’s hilarious scene in 85min. a redneck country-western bar-you’ll want to see it again and Wonder Pets: Save The Nut- Asylum Home Entertainment 29.07.2008 again. cracker 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077580 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops 96min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Christmas, Holidays, Nickelodeon, Animated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077687 Animals 2008 98min. 101 Dalmatians Nickelodeon 07.10.2008 Joan Plowright, Joely Richardson, Glenn 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077438 Close, Jeff Daniels - Dir. Stephen Herek The 6th Day (with Digital Copy) Adventure, Comedy, Disney, Family 1996 Robert Duvall, Michael Rooker, Michael WordWorld: Sheep’s A Star 103min. Rapaport, Tony Goldwyn, Sarah Wynter - Disney / Buena Vista 16.09.2008 Dir. Roger Spottiswoode Computer Animation, Animated Animals Superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger is Adam, an ace pilot in the 60min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078360 very near future who is having a serious identity crisis. An NCircle Entertainment 19.08.2008 evil corporation illegally cloned him, and now they’re trying to 102 Dalmatians kill him to hide the evidence. Torn from his beloved family and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077844 faced with a shocking exact duplicate of himself, Adam races Gerard Depardieu, Alice Evans, Tim against time to reclaim his life and save the world from the Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - The McInnerny - Dir. Kevin Lima underground cloning movement. From the director of Tomorrow Adventure, Comedy, Disney, Family 2000 Never Dies, The 6th Day also stars powerhouse actors Complete First Season Robert Duvall (Gone In 60 Seconds, Deep Impact) and Micha- 100min. Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, el Rapaport (Deep Blue Sea, Cop Land). Prepare for a high Disney / Buena Vista 16.09.2008 tech sci-fi blast with twice the Arnold and twice the action! Japanese 650min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077510 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Clones, Funimation 08.07.2008 Killer Technology 2000 Ltbx 16x9 124min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077819 2001: A Space Odyssey Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 05.08.2008 Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood - Dir. Stanley ZegaPain: Volume 6 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077848 The Oceanus is now committed to the final operation, and Kubrick untold dangers await them on the moon in the enemy’s base. Stanley Kubrick’s science fiction masterpiece which tracks Seemingly outnumbered and outmatched, Kyo and the others man’s history and his contact with new life on a subliminal 7 Virgins encounter both the sinister Naga and the Gardsorm traitor level. Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood are astronauts on a 7 Virgins. By the end of his 48-hour pass, however, Tano who created Shima. The question now is how can they get off voyage to Jupiter. witnesses the collapse of all things he has taken for granted the moon with the Maihama server and the resurrection National Film Registry, Science Fiction, in his life: his neighborhood, his family, his friends and his system? In the end, Kyo is going to have to make the most Classics, Drama 1968 Ltbx DD 5.1 139min. loved-ones. More than just two days of freedom, Tano’s leave difficult choice of all. Can he become a physical human and be MGM / UA turns out to be a journey into maturity. truly alive again if it means leaving everyone he cares about Spanish, Drama, Foreign 2005 86min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078105 behind in the server? Picture This Home Video 30.09.2008 Anime, Foreign, Japanese S 100min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077282 Bandai Entertainment 05.08.2008 21: Deluxe Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077252 Laurence Fishburne, Kate Bosworth, Kevin 80 Minutes Spacey, Jacob Pitts, Jim Sturgess, Sam Alex North is waiting excitedly for his beautiful girlfriend Z-Mind Golzari, Aaron Yoo - Dir. Robert Luketic Mona to celebrate the night of his birthday. But instead of Dir. Yasuhiro Matsumura Inspired by the true story of MIT students who mastered the Mona his old friend Walter shows up - what a surprise! But Sisters Saving The World…. It’s the 1970s, and Ayame, art of card counting and took Vegas casinos for millions in Walter is fed up with Alex and wants his money back... Now! Renge, Sumire, and Satsuki are doing their best to grow up winnings. Looking for a way to pay for tuition, Ben Campbell No joke, he grabs Alex, ties him up and injects him a deadly amidst roller skating, disco dancing, and life in Asakusa, (Jim Sturgess) finds himself quietly recruited by MIT’s most poison. Alex can’t believe it. If he doesn’t do as told, he is a Japan. But if that weren’t hard enough, the Earth comes under gifted students in a daring plot to break Vegas. With the help dead man. Alex has exactly 80 Minutesleft - to come up with of a brilliant statistics professor (Kevin Spacey) and armed $15,000 and save his life. Only then will Walter give him the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 12 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) antidote. A hell of a real time ride through Berlin begins. Love, come to Los Angeles with hopes of breaking into show Bridges, Raymond Burr, Chuck Connors, betrayal, car crashes and a contemptuous murder all business. Robert Hays, John Dehner, Sonny Bono, inclusive. The clock is ticking... Drama, Film About Film 1999 FF S 89min. Kent McCord, Chad Everett, Stepher Thrillers, Action, Foreign, German 2008 Leo Films Stucker, Ken Finkleman, Howard W. Koch, 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078144 Well Go USA 02.09.2008 Ken Finkleman - Dir. Ken Finkleman 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077327 There’s a mad bomber on board, the first lunar shuttle is about The Adventures Of Hood to self-destruct, the engines are not working, and - worst of all - the flight crew discovers they are completely out of 88 Minutes (Blu-) coffee! It’s the high flying lunacy of Airplane! all over again as Eugene Pallette, Basil Rathbone, Claude Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty fly totally out of the ozone to Al Pacino, Leelee Sobieski, Amy Rains, Alan Hale - Dir. Michael Curtiz recreate their hilarious original roles. The crew of crazies Brenneman, Alicia Witt, Deborah Kara include Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges, William Shatner, Chad Dashing Errol Flynn triumphs in this lavish, fast-paced Everett, Sonny Bono, Raymond Burr and many others. Can Unger , Neal McDonough, Ben McKenzie - version of the Robin Hood legend, a winner of three Academy Hays save the day again - without caffeine? Fasten you Dir. Jon Avnet Awards in ravishing Technicolor. Doing many stunts himself, seatbelts for a ride you’ll never forget - Airplane II: The A college professor (Al Pacino), who moonlights as a forensic Flynn is at his athletic, romantic best in a role originally Sequel. psychiatrist for the FBI, receives a death threat that says he intended for James Cagney. Olivia de Havilland (as Maid Comedy, Cult Film / TV 84min. has only 88 minutes to live. To save his life, he must use all Marian), consummate screen villains Basil Rathbone and his skills and training to narrow down the possible suspects, Claude Rains and a boisterous who’s who of character actors Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 which include a disgruntled student, a jilted former lover and co-star. Welcome to Sherwood! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077689 a serial killer on death row. Classics, Historical / Period Piece, Medieval Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Drama Times, Action, Adventure, National Film Airplane! (I Love The 80’s) 2007 Ltbx 107min. Registry, Swashbucklers 1938 FF M Peter Graves, Julie Hagerty, Leslie Nielsen, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 101min. Lloyd Bridges, Robert Stack, Robert Hays, 16.09.2008 Warner Bros. 26.08.2008 Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078451 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078407 Jon Davison, Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, Jim Abrahams - Dir. Jerry Zucker 88 Minutes (Blu-ray) The Adventures Of Teddy Ruxpin: The persons and events in this film are fictitious - fortunately! Al Pacino, Leelee Sobieski, Amy Return To Rillonia A masterpiece of off-the-wall comedy, Airplane! features Robert Hays as an ex-fighter pilot forced to take over the Brenneman, Alicia Witt, Deborah Kara Family min. controls of an airliner when the flight crew succumbs to food Unger , Neal McDonough, Ben McKenzie - Mill Creek Entertainment 22.07.2008 poisoning; Julie Hagerty as his girlfriend/stewardess/co- Dir. Jon Avnet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077790 pilot; and a cast of all-stars including Robert Stack, Lloyd A college professor (Al Pacino), who moonlights as a forensic Bridges, Peter Graves, Leslie Nielsen, Kareem Abdul- psychiatrist for the FBI, receives a death threat that says he Jabbar... and more. Their hilarious high jinks spoof airplane has only 88 minutes to live. To save his life, he must use all Adventures Of The Wilderness disaster flicks, religious zealots, television commercials, his skills and training to narrow down the possible suspects, romantic love... the list whirls by in rapid succession. And the which include a disgruntled student, a jilted former lover and Family story races from one moment of zany fun to the next. a serial killer on death row. A variation on the Swiss Family Robinson story. A family Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 87min. Drama, Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers moves to the Rocky Mountains to escape the frustrations and Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 congestion of life in Los Angeles. They’re sick of smog, 2007 Ltbx 107min. hassles, and crime. They build a cabin and brave the dangers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077688 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment of the wild. 16.09.2008 Adventure, Family min. Alice Upside Down: The Movie 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078483 To Be Determined Adventure, Family 2008 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077562 Starz / Anchor Bay 29.07.2008 Abe’s Tomb 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077972 Lisa Adore, Amanda Fire, Sherri Foxx, Adventures Of Young Brave Kikky Irene, Marisa Karoutsos, Stacey Barbara Carrera, Ashkey Peldon, Dirk Alien: 20th Anniversary / Invasion Sparks, Danielle Webster, Manda Webster, Benedict, Raoul Trujillo, Zachary Browne / Lifeforce (Triple Feature) Ray Basham, Timothy Herron - Dir. Carl R. The Magical Legend Soars!. The search is on for a fortune in Triple Feature, Aliens, Horror 427min. Merritt buried gold. When two kids go on the trail to solve the mystery, they receive help from an unexpected visitor from the 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 Moore’s Lake . . . a small town plagued by feral vampires. It’s past - the mischievous spirit of Horton Laughing Feather. only chance for continued existence rests solely upon mere Horton comes back to life to wreak havoc and mayhem, but 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077393 mortals and an all-powerful ghoul that has vowed to seek only young Amelia and her friends can see him. After vengeance upon the town. Under such circumstances, can discovering the treasure, Amelia finds out that Horton wants All She Wants For Christmas humanity survive? The Captain of the Moore’s Lake Police to join the spirit world but needs one last brave deed to join Force has to make a choice - die a horrible death now and his relatives in the happy hunting ground in the sky! Monica Keena, Steve Bacic, Tobias Mehler destroy the vampire threat for good, or die an even worse death after Earth has become a Vampire Nation! Action, Family 1997 FF S 90min. Romance, TV Movies, Christmas, Comedy, Action, Horror, Vampires FF S 94min. Image Ent. Drama, Holidays 2006 94min. Brain Damage Films 05.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078238 Starz / Anchor Bay 07.10.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077714 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077861 Air Crew According To Jim: Season 1 Alexandra Yakovleva, Leonid Filatov, Alligator People / Lake Placid / Jim Belushi, Larry Joe Campbell Anatoly Vassiliev, Georgy Zhzhyonov - Dir. Swamp Thing (Triple Feature) ABC, Comedy, Family 2001 500min. Alexander Mitta Triple Feature, Horror, Monsters 156min. The first Soviet „disaster“ film. The airport where the plane Lionsgate 09.09.2008 landed is in the throes of an earthquake. The fiery lava is 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077263 erupting, the ground is giving in under one’s feet, everything 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077392 around is burning and falling apart, the people are in terror and panic. Just after the plane’s arrival, a new shock of Action Starter Pack (Blu-ray) terrible violence occurs. The runway is damaged. Only due to Allo ‘Allo!: The Complete Vice: Unrated U-571 the experience of the daring crew, the plane manages to take Collection Spies/Secret Agents, Thrillers, War, World off the ground. It seems that the people are safe now, that the BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign min. War II, Boxed Sets, Cops, Detectives, most terrible danger is over. However, it turns out that on takeoff the plane suffered numerous damages, one of them BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 Devils And Demons, Drama, Action, Based being too serious to count on a safe landing... 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077220 On TV Show, Biblical Armageddon min. Russian, Action, Disasters, European, Universal Studios 26.08.2008 Foreign, French 1980 FF DD 5.1 144min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078281 Image Ent. Allo ‘Allo!: The Complete Series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078195 Nine Actress Meet René, the most wanted man in Occupied France. Women want his body. The Resistance want his brain. And the Nazis Tangi Miller, Millicent Ally, Tassa Hampton, Airplane II: The Sequel (I Love want his sausage! In a small café in Nouvion, the harassed Rosslyn Taylor, N.D. Brown, Ishtar Uhvana The 80’s) proprietor is having a trying war. With the German army in residence in the bar, René is risking his neck to aid the - Dir. Daniel Yost Rip Torn, Peter Graves, John Vernon, Julie Resistance by hiding two British airmen and a radio The true story of six African American actresses who have Hagerty, Al White, William Shatner, Lloyd transmitter upstairs in his mother-in-laws bedroom. He is also

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 13 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) involved in hiding the priceless painting of the Fallen Madon- 30.09.2008 na with the Big Boobies in a large sausage which even now is being sniffed out by the Gestapo. But Rene’s real problem is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078550 Artifacts his wife, Edith, and what she will do to him when she finds out Kate Warner (Mary Stockley) is a woman in her late twenties. about the affairs he is having with his two sexy waitresses. Annie Oakley (Collectable Tin She’s running her own startup, is a workaholic and has BBC, British, Comedy, European, Foreign recently left her boyfriend Mike (Felix Scott) to focus fully on With Handle) work. Out of nowhere, each of her friends is individually 1992 FF 180min. murdered...by what seems to be themselves (a duplicate of BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 Annie Oakley V.1 Annie Oakley V.2 Annie Oakley V.3 Action, Adventure, Classics, Western themselves that is). Even more frightening, Kate soon finds 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077219 out that all the victims had a metallic „artifact“ implanted in 370min. their chest. Knowing that she is the next target along with her Echo Home Entertainment ex-boyfriend, Mike, the two will have to reunite in an attempt American Gigolo (I Love The 08.07.2008 to join forces and stay alive. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Belgian, Foreign 80’s) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077600 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 75min. Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton - Dir. Paul Lionsgate 26.08.2008 Schrader Another Cinderella Story Julian Kay (Richard Gere) is a master at the art of seduction. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077864 He is an intelligent, charismatic man who knows what women Musical, Romance, Comedy, Family 2008 want. Him. As a lover-for-hire, he’s a man that privileged min. Asi Se Quiere En Jalisco / women are compelled to pay for. His life of luxury capsizes Warner Bros. 16.09.2008 when he embarks on a torrid affair with a Senator’s wife Historia De Un Gran Amor (Doub- (Lauren Hutton) and when one of his high-profile clients is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077284 murdered. Julian goes from American Gigolo to prime suspect. le Feature) As the police being to tighten the noose, he finds himself Another Cinderella Story (Blu- Asi Se Quiere En Jalisco: Maria Elena Marques stars as alone, unable to vindicate himself, and unwilling to ruin the Lupe, who is strong-armed by her family into marrying wealthy life of the only woman who hasn’t abandoned him. In a film ray) ranch owner Don Luis. Instead, she offers to work off her directed by Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver), Richard Gere family’s debts by taking a job as Don Luis’ housemaid. sizzles in the role that made him a star. Comedy, Family, Musical, Romance 2008 Despite the lecherous advances of her employer, Lupe Murder Mysteries, Romance, Thrillers, Dra- min. remains faithful to her true love, poor-but-honest Juan Ramon. Warner Bros. 16.09.2008 / Historia De Un Gran Amor: Jorge Ingrate plays Manuel, a ma 116min. poor boy of indeterminate lineage, who falls in love with a Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078290 wealthy senorita. Told by the girl’s father that he isn’t a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077690 worthy suitor, Manuel vows to make something of himself and Apache Rose return for his love. Years later, a much-richer Manuel rides back into town, only to discover that his sweetheart has An American In Paris: Special Roy Rogers, Dale Evans married another. But their love is too strong to be impeded by Join Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Trigger the Smartest Horse matrimonial bonds, and hero and heroine declare undying Edition in the World for the rollicking western adventure Apache devotion to one another. Alas, their romance is foredoomed, Leslie Caron, Nina Foch, Oscar Levant, Rose! This time around, Roy comes across a gang of no-good thanks to the girl’s jealous, short-tempered husband. riverboat gamblers trying to stake their claim on a stretch of Romance, Drama, Foreign, Mexican FF S Georges Guetary - Dir. Vincente Minnelli oil rich land owned by the lovely and strong frontier woman Musical, National Film Registry, Romance, Billie Colby (Evans). When these crooked card sharks try to 283min. Academy Award Winners, Classics 1951 fold Billie’s hand for good, only Roy and Trigger can save the Lionsgate 02.09.2008 day! Filled with all the wild western fun that was a trademark 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077227 min. of Roy’s films, Apache Rose is a lost classic fully restored Warner Bros. 16.09.2008 and digitally remastered by the Roan Archival Group! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077400 Western 1947 75min. An Autumn Afternoon: The Roan Group 26.08.2008 Criterion Collection American Outlaws / Young Guns 2 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077486 Shima Iwashita, Kyoko Kishida, Chishu Ryu (Double Feature) - Dir. Yasujiro Ozu Action, Double Features, Western min. The Apocalypse Collection Yasujiro Ozu’s final film is also his final masterpiece, the In the ground-breaking Apocalypse, a war in the Valley of gently heartbreaking story of a man’s dignified resignation to Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 Armageddon leads to a global confrontation. But as nuclear both life’s ever-shifting currents and society’s gradual 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077221 holocaust looms, millions of people suddenly vanish! Chaos modernization. Though widower Shuhei Hirayama (Ozu’s reigns as two news anchors try to discover what happened. frequent leading man Chishu Ryu) has been living comfortably Revelation picks up 3 months later as a desperate government for years with his grown daughter, a series of events leads The Amityville Horror (2005) / The agent searches for his family but instead uncovers a terrifying him to accept and encourage her marriage and departure. As Legend Of Hell House / Polter- global conspiracy. In Tribulation, a detective wakes up from a elegantly composed and achingly tender as any of the coma and finds himself in the middle of the prophesied Japanese master’s films, An Autumn Afternoon (Sanma no aji) geist II / Poltergeist III tribulation period and a battle for the souls of all mankind. is one of cinema’s fondest farewells. Judgment finds the world leader and antichrist putting one of Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, (Quadruple Feature) God’s most faithful champions, and ultimately God Himself, on Foreign, Japanese 1962 FF M 113min. Thrillers, Triple Feature, Ghosts, Haunted trial on a world stage. Criterion 30.09.2008 Religion/Spirituality, Action, Adventure, Houses, Horror 373min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077424 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 Apocalyptic Future, Boxed Sets 400min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078327 Cloud Ten Pictures 02.09.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077322 Avanim (Stones) Foreign, Israeli 109min. Amor Mio: Vol. 1 Art Of Travel SISU Entertainment 30.09.2008 Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078384 Romance 2006 1200min. Drama min. First Look Home Entertainment 02.09.2008 Xenon Entertainment 26.08.2008 The Aviator’s Wife 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077862 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077710 Mathieu Carriere, Philippe Marlaud - Dir. The Art Of War II: Betrayal Eric Rohmer Angel In The Family (Blu-ray) The first in Rohmer’s Comedies and Proverbs series tells the Duane Poole, Albert T. Dickerson III, Wesley Snipes delightful story of a young man’s obsession with a slightly Wesley Snipes reprises his role in The Art Of War II: older woman. When he spies another man leaving her Stephen Bridgewater, Georg Stanford Betrayal - the exhilarating high-action sequel to the $40MM apartment one morning, he enlists the help of a young girl he Brown - Dir. Georg Stanford Brown worldwide box office hit Art Of War - as Agent Neil Shaw meets in the park to spy on him. What follows is a hilarious Sarah Bishop (Tracey Needham, TV’s Jag) and her estranged who is called out of retirement as a Hollywood film consultant comedy o romantic hopes, disappointments and the sister Beth (Natasha Gregson Wagner, High Fidelity) are by the murder of his long-time martial arts mentor, „Mother.“ complications of love. reunited after their father Buddy (Ronny Cox, Total Recall) But Shaw soon finds himself in the midst of Washington European, Foreign, French 1981 FF S suffers a mild stroke. Buddy, who’s never accepted the loss of intrigue as he uncovers a plot to assassinate several leading his wife Lorraine (Meredith Baxter, TV’s Family Ties), wants Senators and then finds himself set-up to take the wrap of a 104min. only one thing?to return home for Christmas. With sweet recent killing. With the help of „Mother’s“ daughter Shaw Wellspring memories of a life gone by, Sarah makes as impossible wish goes deep undercover to save himself and to find out who is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078212 that her mother could be there, too. By morning, it is as if a behind the plot, only to learn that there’s more to this story winter prayer has been answered. Bearing a message of than meets the eye. hope, healing, and everlasting love, a miracle has arrived... Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 103min. Baby Blues Christmas, Drama, Holidays, TV Movies Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Thrillers, Horror 2008 85min. 2004 min. 12.08.2008 Allumination FilmWorks 05.08.2008 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077838 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077853

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Center. When they take the wrong bus, the band members find Koch Releasing 02.09.2008 themselves in a desolate Israeli village. With no other option Baby Girl than to spend the night with the local townspeople, the two 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077323 A young black woman growing up in the projects finds her distinctly different cultures realize the universal bonds of way into the gang life when she is asked to murder another love, music and life. Set against a breathtaking desert Be Strong, Geum-soon: Volume 2 gang member. Soon she is running her own gang with a landscape, this cross-cultural comedy proves that getting lost ruthless hand. is sometimes the best way to find yourself. Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Gangs FF S min. Art House, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Israeli Korean 1230min. Leo Films 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 87min. Mountain Apple Company 29.07.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078151 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077307 29.07.2008 Baby It’s You 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077724 The Beast Must Die Rosanna Arquette, Vincent Spano - Dir. Anton Diffring, Marlene Clark, Ciaran John Sayles Bangkok Love Story Madden, Michael Gambon, Charles Gray, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Historical / Steamy Thai nights provide the backdrop for unbridled Tom Chadbon - Dir. Paul Annett Period Piece 1983 105min. romance, crime and action as two men unexpectedly brave In this thrilling tale of terror and suspense, it is up to you, the forbidden love. Maek, a cold assassin-for-hire, is sent to viewer, to follow in a monster’s footsteps, piece together the Legend Films 01.07.2008 knock off Iht, a police informant, when in a twist of fate the clues and solve the mystery... Wealthy sportsman Tom 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077990 killer is shot for refusing to pull the trigger. After making their Newcliffe has bagged every sort of big game trophy...all escape, an indelible bond is forged when the vulnerable except one...a werewolf! Newcliffe has summoned six guests assassin is nursed back to health by handsome, married Iht. to his isolated country estate for the weekend. Once they Bachelor Party In The Bungalow But as taboo feelings of desire swell between the swarthy have arrived, he announces that one of them is a werewolf Of The Damned new lovers, their relationship is discovered. Now there’s no and that they are all part of a deadly game he has devised. turning back as enemies, friends and lovers are pitted against The game will end when the moon is full and the cursed soul Monique Dupree, Trina Analee, Zoe Hunter, each other. is hunted down and killed. Each guest has led a suspicious Joe Testa, Gregg Aaron Greenber, Sean Romance, Thai, Drama, Foreign, Gay 2007 life, each leaving a trail of dead bodies, but which one is a 90min. ravenous beast? Horror superstar Peter Cushing leads the Parker, Jospeh Riker - Dir. Brian Thomson cast in this edge-of-your-seat chiller that will keep you Sammy’s got access to a genuine bungalow in the Hamptons! TLA Releasing 26.08.2008 guessing right up to the last blood-curdling scream — a must- He decides to throw the ultimate bachelor party for his best 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078062 see for fans of mystery and the macabre. friend, Chuck. The only stipulation is that he must invite the house’s caretaker, the prude yet sexually ambiguous Gordon, Horror, Monsters 1972 Ltbx M 92min. to the festivities. A trio of gorgeous arrives to give The Bank Job: Special Edition Image Ent. Chuck a taste of the lascivious delights he will soon forego. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078113 But just who will taste who and what will happen when Saffron Burrows, Jason Statham - Dir. Ro- Chuck’s fiancé arrives at the doorstep of the damned? The ger Donaldson Bungalow may have been free but that doesn’t mean Sammy is A small-time crook takes on a bank heist when an old friend Beastmaster: Complete getting it for nothing! offers him an inside track to the vault. Along with his hastily Horror Ltbx S 90min. assembled team of low-rung criminals, Terry (Statham) finds Collection himself deep into this real-life heist and quite suddenly the Action, Boxed Sets, Science Fiction Brain Damage Films 02.09.2008 target of ruthless mobsters, the police, government officials at 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078009 the highest level, and even the royal family. 3300min. Thieves, Thrillers, British, Caper, Foreign A. D. Vision 05.08.2008 Back Roads (I Love The 80’s) 2008 Ltbx 110min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078048 David Keith, , Nell Carter, Miriam Lionsgate 15.07.2008 Colon, Tommy Lee Jones, M. Emmet Walsh, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077686 Beauty And The Beast: Essential Dan Shor, Michael Gazzo - Dir. Martin Ritt Art House A reluctant prostitute and a has-been boxer hitchhike and Barracuda / Island Fury (Drive In Dir. Jean Cocteau squabble throughout the American South and come to realize Double Feature) Jean Cocteau reinvented the fairy tale for the cinema with this they love and need each other. enchanting, exquisitely realized version of Mme. Leprince de Romance, Comedy 94min. The quaint seaside town of Palm Cove is home to upstanding Beaumont’s fantasy romance. With all manner of unparalleled Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 citizens, good ol’ fashioned southern hospitality . and a visual effects and photographic tricks, Cocteau makes the deadly rash of barracuda attacks. The town sheriff (William spellbinding tale of transformative love both ethereal and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077691 Kerwin, Blood Feast, Scum of the Earth) and a young marine tangible, and his indelible images still haunt the cinema like biologist (Wayne Crawford, God’s Bloody Acre) join forces to no other. discover that the culprits are none other than the local Bad Girls Dormitory chemical plant and its odious managers. but little do they Romance, Art House, Classics, Drama, Grindhouse 1986 95min. know that the scheme runs much, much deeper. Produced in Fantasy, Foreign, French 1946 93min. the wake of Jaws, this homegrown „regional“ film is equal Janus Films 09.09.2008 Shriek Show 30.09.2008 parts horror and suspense, with industrial-government 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078368 conspiracy themes predating those of The -Files and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078457 Halloween III. While visiting a remote island with friends, two young girls discover a cache of mob money. as well as a clan Beauty And The Beast: The Bad Guy of bloodthirsty cannibals who pick off the vacationers one by Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean, one. The girls manage to escape but are kidnapped years Complete Series later by wiseguys hell-bent on getting back their loot. Forced Romance, Soap 990min. back to the island to find the treasure, the girls and their Ron Perlman, Linda Hamilton, Roy Dotrice Mountain Apple Company 01.07.2008 captors instead find nothing but trouble. Also more notoriously Cult Film / TV, Drama, Fantasy, Romance 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077285 known as Please Don’t Eat The Babies, this strange sh 1987 FF S 2654min. Action, Cannibalism, Cult Film / TV, Double Paramount Pictures 30.09.2008 Bait Shop Features, Grindhouse, Horror, Killer 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077959 Animals 183min. Bill Engvall, Billy Ray Cyrus - Dir. C.B. MPI 30.09.2008 Harding Beer League / Fifty Pills (Double 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077817 Something fishy is happening at Bill’s Bait Shop. Forced to Feature) come up with $15,000 or else witness his small-town bait shop become the one that got away, Bill (Bill Engvall) must Bartolo Sports, Substance Abuse, College Life, rely on a comedic cast of friends and family to hook the „the Comedy, Double Features 170min. Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Mexican big one.“ Putting his reel skill to the test, Bill enters the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment annual Tournament against rival bait shop owner Hot 234min. 01.07.2008 Rod Johnson (Billy Ray Cyrus), who’s determined to put his Xenon Entertainment 08.07.2008 money where his large mouth is. It’s Bill’s last chance to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077980 prove that in this pond called life, he’s still the big fish. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077615 Sports, Comedy, Fishing 2008 85min. Lionsgate 02.09.2008 Bavarian Sex Comedy Collection Beethoven 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077262 This 2 DVD set is a must-have for collectors of vintage Jean Debucourt, Jean Louis Barrault, Annie erotica. The Bavarian Sex Comedy Collection contains the Ducaux, Jany Holt, Yolande Laffon, Jane The Band’s Visit most hilarious examples of German adult comedy including the Marken, Marcel Dalio, Harry Baur, Lucas never-before released on DVD, Bottom’s Up. The films Gridoux, Roger Blin, Paul Pauley - Dir. Abel Dir. Eran Kolirin included in this set are; Run, Virgin Run, Inn Of 1000 Sins, This heartwarming and poignant winner of the Cannes Film Bottoms Up and I Like The Girls Who Do. Gance Festival Un Certain Regard prize is the mesmerizing and Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Erotica, Foreign, Un Grand Amour De Beethoven. France’s master of the silent witty story of strangers in a strange land. A fading Egyptian German 336min. epic and international cinema legend Abel Gance is most police band arrives in Israel to play at the Arab Cultural celebrated for this sweeping and pioneering biography

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 15 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) masterpiece Napoleonand his anti-war classic J’accuse. But Comedy 202min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 this touching and tortured document of the legendary Beethoven’s creative genius deserves equal tribute and Arts Alliance America 26.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077700 attention. Like Napoleon, Beethoven is Gance’s portrait of a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077739 great mind, a giant of history, here crafted as a Romantic Beyond The Clouds vision of the artist. The film chronicles the years of Beethoven’s greatest successes and his struggles against The Best Of The Crow Jean Reno, Peter Weller, Vincent Perez, overwhelming adversity — poverty, the onset of deafness and Mark Dacascos Irene Jacob, Jeanne Moreau, Fanny Ardant, his unrequited passion for his „Immortal Beloved.“ Writer/ director Gance conducts a symphony of images set to an Thrillers, Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sophie Marceau, Ines Sastre, Chiara Expressionistic score, depicting not only the events but the Superheroes 220min. Caselli, John Malkovich, Marcello spirit of the composer’s life. The sequence where the afflicted Arts Alliance America 26.08.2008 Mastroianni - Dir. Antonioni maestro first recognizes his deafness if one of the most 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077737 …a shimmeringly beautiful and wise reverie on love and brilliant and visually daring in film history. Hail as one of the desire…“ -Kevin Thomas, LA Times. Lovingly directed by one greatest character actors of his generation, French screen of ’s greatest filmmakers, Michelangelo Antonioni’s great Harry Baur is masterful in his touchingly human Better Off Dead (I Love The 80’s) award-winning Beyond the Clouds opened to great popular portrayal of and critical acclaim in Europe, eclipsing its success when European, Foreign, French 1936 FF M , David Ogden Stiers, Diane recently brought to American theaters. The film is the latest in 117min. Franklin, Amanda Wyss - Dir. Steve Holland Antonioni’s long and distinguished film career, recognized in After his girlfriend (Amanda Wyss) ditches him for a boorish 1994 with an Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement. Told Image Ent. ski jock, Lane (John Cusack) decides that is the only from the perspective of a wandering film director, this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077573 answer. However, his increasingly inept attempts bring him exquisitely photographed, lyrical film, set in such beautiful only more agony and embarrassment. Filled with the wildest European locales as Portofino and Paris, draws from teen nightmares, a family you can’t help but identify with and a Antonioni’s own writing, weaving four stories of love and lust Before The Rains host of wonderful comic characters, Savage Steve Holland’s in several perplexing, unrequited or unresolved relationships. Jennifer Ehle, Rahul Bose, Nandita Das, writing/directorial debut is a masterful look at those painfully Co-directed by Wim Wenders, the film boasts an outstanding funny teen years. international cast, including John Malkovich as the Director, Linus Roache - Dir. Santosh Sivan Sophie Marceau, Irene Jacob, Jean Reno, V Set in exotic southern India in the late 1930s, this provocative Comedy 97min. tale traces the story of three people caught in an inexorable Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Spanish, European, Foreign, French, Italian web of forbidden romance and dangerous secrets. After a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077698 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 109min. British spice planter (Linus Roache) falls in love with his Image Ent. alluring servant (Nandita Das), an idealistic young man 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078068 (Rahul Bose) finds himself torn between his ambitions and his Between The Covers / Swinging family, his village and his past. Loyalties are tested and destinies decided as two worlds collide in this powerful and Wives (Double Feature) Beyond The Door unforgettable drama. Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Double Features, Dir. Ovidio G. Assonitis Romance, Art House, British, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, German, Grindhouse Possession, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1974 Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 2007 154min. min. 98min. Code Red 12.08.2008 Code Red 16.09.2008 Lionsgate 16.09.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077514 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077415 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078527 The Beverly Hillbillies: The Se- Big Fish In Middlesex The Bells cond Season Silent Film, Drama, Horror 1926 68min. Drama 113min. Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, Nancy Kulp, Alpha Video 24.06.2008 Sub Rosa Studios 12.08.2008 Harriet MacGibbon, Buddy Ebsen, Raymond 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077480 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077712 Bailey, Max Baer Jr. CBS, Comedy, Family 1963 918min. The Big Lebowski: 10th Benji 2-Pack: Benji/ For The Love Paramount Pictures 07.10.2008 Of Benji 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077439 Anniversary Limited Edition One is just not enough - Get the two feature films that made Peter Stormare, David Huddleston, Tara the expressive canine Benji a doggy superstar for one low Beverly Hills Cop (I Love The Reid, Jack Kehler, Mark Pellegrino - Dir. Joel price. Benji started it all, the simple yet gripping story of a Coen vagabond dog who happens upon some information that certain 80’s) humans need to know. For The Love Of Benji begins as an Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Film innocent family vacation to Greece, but it turns into an Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold, Bronson Noir, Kidnapping 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 exciting suspense thriller with the canine superstar pursued Pinchot, Paul Reiser, John Ashton - Dir. by spies and secret agents down ancient stone streets, 118min. through colorful harbors and across the beauty of the Greek Martin Brest Universal Studios 09.09.2008 islands. The heat is on in this fast paced action-comedy starring Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley, a street smart cop tracking 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077783 2 Packs, Boxed Sets 90min. down his best friend’s killer in Beverly Hills. Axel quickly First Look Home Entertainment learns that his wild style doesn’t fit in with the Beverly Hills Big Red One/ Bright Shining Lie 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078145 Police Department, which assigns two officers (Judge Rein- hold & John Ashton) to make sure things don’t get out of hand. (2-Pack) Dragging the stuffy detectives along for the ride, Axel 2 Packs, Boxed Sets min. Best Laid Plans / The Deep End / smashes through a huge culture clash in his hilarious, high- speed pursuit of justice. Featuring cameos by Paul Reiser, Warner Bros. Misery (Triple Feature) Bronson Pinchot and Damon Wayans, Beverly Hills Cop is an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078163 , Thrillers, Triple Feature, exhilarating, sidesplitting adventure. Murder Mysteries, Action, AFI Top 100, Academy Award Winners, Horror 410min. Big Top Pee-Wee (I Love The 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 Classics, Comedy, Cops 105min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077402 Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 80’s) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077699 Valeria Golino, Susan Tyrrell, Kris The Best Of B.L. Stryker Kristofferson, Paul Reubens - Dir. Randal Beverly Hills Cop II (I Love The Kleiser Burt Reynolds In Big Top Pee-Wee, I live on a country farm where I feed my Detectives, Drama, Mystery 189min. 80’s) barnyard animals pancake breakfasts and work on top-secret Arts Alliance America 26.08.2008 Eddie Murphy, Jurgen Prochnow, Judge botanical experiments with my pet pig, Vance. One day a storm blows an entire circus into my yard! There’s wild 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077740 Reinhold, Brigitte Nielsen, Ronny Cox, Paul animals and all kinds of cool circus stuff - especially the Reiser, John Ashton, Allen Garfield - Dir. trapeze artist, Gina. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever The Best Of Banacek Tony Scott seen! She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever kissed, too!! The heat’s back on! And Eddie Murphy is cool as ever in this That’s probably why my fiancée, Winnie, gets so angry. Let George Peppard sizzling, smash-hit sequel to Beverly Hills Cop. Axel Foley me tell you, one torrid love triangle in a lifetime is plenty for Detectives, Drama, Mystery 288min. (Murphy) is back-back where he doesn’t belong! He’s going anyone! It all works out great, eventually, and I even get to be Arts Alliance America 26.08.2008 „deep, deep, deep undercover“ into the chic wilds of Southern in the circus! Sawdust, glitter and excitement - I hope you like , unleashing his arsenal of blazing gunfire and it!! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077738 rapid-fire gags against a gang of international munitions Comedy 85min. smugglers. Back, too, are Judge Reinhold and John Ashton as Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 The Best Of Charles In Charge Murphy’s crime-busting sidekicks. And Top Gun’s director Tony Scott keeps the pace fast, furious and funny. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077702 Scott Baio, Willie Aames Action, Classics, Comedy, Cops 103min.

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Birds Of America Madacy 05.08.2008 Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.08.2008 Comedy min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077354 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077459 First Look Home Entertainment 21.10.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077891 Bloodmoon The Bodyguard / The Bodyguard Gary Daniels, Leigh Jones, Jen Sung 2 (Double Feature) Black Ribbon Outergridge, Brandie Rocci, Frank Gorshin, Tony Jaa Joe Franklin, Jacki Vogel, Debbie D, Tony Chuck Jeffreys, Jeff Pillars, Darren Thai, Action, Bodyguards, Comedy, Double Rugnetta - Dir. John Orrichio Shahlavi, Joe Hess - Dir. Tony Leung Siu Features, Foreign Ltbx 16x9 200min. Famous writer Kenneth Richardson (Tony Rugnetta) gets a Hung Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.08.2008 strange inclination to write his next work on an authentic You get one shot before he kills you.. A red moon - a typewriter. After purchasing the antique writing device, he bloodmoon - is rising and someone is going to die. Ken 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077458 begins to write feverishly. Little does he know, this typewriter O’Hara (Gary Daniels) is a mindhunter - a serial killer was once owned by Jeffrey Blackwood; a sadist and Satan specialist enlisted to find the mass murderer intent on killing Boston Legal: Season Four worshiper who abducted women and brutally tortured them the strongest fighters in . Trying to catch this during satanic rituals. With each stroke of the key, the gates cunning and clever killer is the hardest assignment Ken has Candice Bergen, William Shatner, James of hell open up more and more while Kenneth becomes ever had. Now, the moon is rising again and he must use all of Spader, Rene Auberjonois, John possessed by the soul of Jeffrey Blackwood. With the aid of a his resources to hunt down the murderer...or he may be the mentally challenged man (Rudy Altenor), the demonic Kenneth next to die. Larroquette, Mark Valley Richardson abducts Emily Harrison (Debbie D) and tortures Music, Thrillers, Detectives 1996 FF S ABC, Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal her in his basement, preparing for the „Black Mass“ which 102min. Issues 2007 Ltbx 926min. will bring Satan back into the world of men! 20th Century Fox 23.09.2008 Thrillers, Devils And Demons, Horror FF S Wellspring 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077278 107min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078272 Brain Damage Films 05.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077716 Bloodsucking Pharaohs In Pitts- The Boston Strangler / The burgh Silence Of The Lambs / The Black Samurai Beverly Penberthy, Susann Fletcher, Jane Vanishing (Triple Feature) Marilyn Joi, Bill Roy - Dir. Al Adamson Esther Hamilton, Shawn Elliott, Jake Den- Thrillers, Triple Feature, Academy Award The Original Full-Length Feature Film. When the daughter of gel, Pat Logan, Joe Sharkey - Dir. Dean Winners, AFI Top 100, Cannibalism, Horror a royal family is held hostage, Jim Kelly, agent for D.R.A.G.O.N., will stop at nothing to destroy the evil Tschetter 452min. organization that abducted her. This film is martial arts Laugh Your Head Off!. Will a secret Egyptian ritual lead 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 „“ at its finest. Jim Kelly is best known for his detectives Joe Blocker and Sweeney Birdwell to the serial 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077404 role in Bruce Lee’s Enter The Dragon in 1973. He went on to killer terrorizing the city? Probably not. Our two inept buddy make a number of fight-oriented black films, including the cult cops will bicker, stumble, and clown their way through Pitts- features Black Belt Jones and Hot Potato. burgh, until dryly-hilarious Deedee Taylor drops in. The trio Boxboarders! guesses their way into major trouble, descending into the very Action, Blaxploitation 1976 FF M 84min. pit of danger and depravity. Suspects creep out of the Comedy 2006 90min. BCI shadows-Ninjas, humpbacks, slave girls, suave shysters and Peace Arch Entertainment 29.07.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078088 chainsaw-wielding weirdos! It’s all a putdown on those silly big-studio cop-buddy movies and ridiculous no-budget 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077872 chainsaw horror flicks! But in the process of burying once BlackWater and for all those tired filmmaking clichés, genius writer- The Boys In Company C What began as a girl’s adventure weekend becomes a director Dean Tschetter and a gifted cast of comic character terrifying nightmare. Falling prey to ruthless back-woodsmen talents (including Jake Dengel, Joe Sharkey, Susann Andrew Stevens, R. Lee Ermey, Stan Shaw in the remote Everglades they are forced to retreat Fletcher, Beverly Penberthy and Jane Hamilton) weave a - Dir. Sidney J. Furie deep into the swamp in a desperate fight for their lives. hysterical satire any film buff will treasure! Set in 1967, The Boys In Company C follows the lives of five Pushed to the edge, the girls confront just how far they have Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1990 FF S Marine inductees from their training in boot camp through a to go...a place where rules are a thing of the past and survival 152min. tour of duty in Vietnam that quickly devolves into a hellish is the key to their future. Koch Releasing 01.07.2008 nightmare. Disheartened by futile combat, appalled by the Thrillers, Action 88min. corruption of their South Vietnamese ally, and constantly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078142 endangered by the incompetence of their own company Passion River 05.08.2008 commander, the young men discover a possible way out of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078307 war. They are told that if they can defeat a rival soccer team Bloody Nightmares they may spend the rest of their tour playing exhibition games Blood Simple: Director’s Cut Collections, Horror 6489min. safely behind the lines. But, as might be expected, nothing in Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 Vietnam is as simple as it seems. Andrew Stevens was M. Emmet Walsh, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, nominated for a Golden Globe award for his performance as 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078395 Ethan Coen, Joel Coen - Dir. Joel Coen Private Billy Ray Pike. Soccer, Sports, Vietnam War, War, Drama Romance, Thrillers, Affairs/Love Triangles, 1978 126min. Drama, Film Noir, Love Gone Bad 1983 Ltbx Blue Velvet Hen’s Tooth 02.09.2008 96min. Dennis Hopper, Dean Stockwell, Isabella 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077289 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan, Laura Dern, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078002 Hope Lange - Dir. David Lynch A man returns to his home town and discovers a severed The Theater human ear in a field. Not satisfied with the police’s pace, he The Blood Splattered Bride and the police detective’s daughter carry out their own (Collectable Tin) investigation. The object of his investigation turns out to be a Science Fiction 1571min. Maribel Martin, Alexandra Bastedo, Simon beautiful and mysterious woman involved with a violent and Andreu, Dean Selmier - Dir. Vicente Aranda perversely evil man. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment A beautiful young bride marries into a family with a dark AFI Top 100, Art House, Classics 1986 08.07.2008 secret and quickly becomes haunted by dreams of a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077590 mysterious woman. When her visions become flesh, the 121min. newlywed finds herself drawn into a nightmare of unholy PolyGram Entertainment communion, violent murder and forbidden sexual desires. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078148 Breathing Room Written and directed by Vicente Aranda (Lovers) and starring Thrown naked into a desolate room with thirteen strangers, Simon Andreu (Beyond Re-Animator, The Chronicles Of Tonya discovers that she is the final contestant in a deadly Narnia: Prince Caspian), Maribel Martin (A Bell From Hell), The Bodyguard 2 game. Restrained by lethal electronic collars, the players and Alexandra Bastedo (The Ghoul), this haunting of Tony Jaa must utilize hints and tools from a box marked „pieces“ to find lesbianism and reincarnation is based upon Le Fanu’s both an exit and the reason for their abduction. One by one immortal vampire tale Carmila. The Blood Splattered Bride has Thai, Action, Bodyguards, Comedy, Foreign the players are eliminated. With each dead body comes been restored from the original negative materials and is 2007 Ltbx 16x9 95min. another clue, which they use to discover that one of them is presented completely uncut and uncensored. Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.08.2008 the killer. The question is...which one? Spanish, Foreign, Horror, Vampires 1972 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077460 Thrillers, Canadian, Foreign, Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 M 101min. min. Blue Underground 30.09.2008 The Bodyguard Starz / Anchor Bay 23.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077470 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078430 Tony Jaa Bloodfest: Rest In Pieces Thai, Action, Bodyguards, Comedy, Foreign 2004 Ltbx 16x9 105min. The Breed (Blu-ray) Collections, Horror, Zombies min. Michelle Rodriguez, Taryn Manning, Hill

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Harper, Oliver Hudson - Dir. Nick Mast- Drama, War 1996 FF S 106min. Spies/Secret Agents, Spoofs, Action, andrea Wellspring Adventure, Comedy, James Bond 1967 Ltbx A group of friends (Michelle Rodriguez, Oliver Hudson, Taryn tba BestellNr.: 40077530 DD 5.1 130min. Manning, Eric Lively and Hill Harper) fly away to a deserted island for a weekend excursion. They soon realize that this MGM / UA 13.10.2008 beautiful getaway was once controlled by a special canine The Busy Body 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077553 research unit and will soon become their biggest nightmare. Inspired by the horror classics, Cujo and The Birds, The Richard Pryor, Anne Baxter, Arlene Breed takes you into the jaws of a flesh eating pack of wild Golonka, Jan Murray, Robert Ryan, Sid Cat on a Hot Tin Roof dogs, genetically engineered to hunt and kill. Outnumbered Caesar - Dir. William Castle Elizabeth Taylor, Larry Gates, Madeleine and trapped they struggle to outsmart and outrun this terrifying species. Comedy 1967 101min. Sherwood, Judith Anderson, Paul Newman, Horror, Killer Animals, Thrillers 87min. Legend Films 01.07.2008 Jack Carson, Burl Ives - Dir. Richard First Look Home Entertainment 21.10.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077978 Brooks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078291 Drama, Family Relationships 1958 min. Caesar and Cleopatra Image Ent. The Breed (Steelbook) tba BestellNr.: 40078104 A group of friends (Michelle Rodriguez, Taryn Manning, Hill Claude Rains and Vivien Leigh star in the film adaptation of Harper and Oliver Hudson) fly away to a deserted island for ’s play. Based on Roman history, Cae- Catacomb Of Creepshows the weekend, an island once controlled by a special canine sar and Cleopatra follows the treachery and deceit as the research unit. They soon realize that this beautiful getaway Roman conqueror and his queen attempt to take and hold the Collections, Horror 3622min. will become their biggest nightmare. Inspired by the horror Egyptian throne. Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 classics, Cujo and The Birds. The Breed takes you into the Ancient Greece / Rome 1946 128min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078393 jaws of a flesh eating pack of wild dogs, genetically Image Ent. engineered to hunt and kill. Outnumbered and trapped they 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078137 struggle to outsmart and outrun this terrifying species. Celine Thrillers, Horror 2006 87min. Music, TV Movies, Unauthorized First Look Home Entertainment 16.09.2008 Cannibal! The Musical: The 13th Biographies, Biography, Biopics, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078021 Anniversary Edition Easy Listening 2008 90min. Matt Stone, Dian Bachar, Jason McHugh, Monarch Home Video 29.07.2008 A Broken Life Ian Hardin, Jon Hegel, Ted Henwood, Andy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077654 Ving Rhames, , Tom Sizemore, Kemler, Robert Muratore, Juan Schwartz, Corey Sevier Toddy Walters - Dir. Trey Parker Cemetery Girls / Vampire Hookers Tom Sizemore delivers a powerhouse performance as Max Before there was South Park, there was Trey Parker and Matt Walker, an empty, bitter man who has decided to commit Stone’s macbre musical comedy masterpiece Cannibal! The (Exploitation Cinema Double Fea- suicide. Instead of a leaving a note, he hires struggling young Musical. Based on the legend of Colorado Cannibal Alferd ture) film student Bud (Corey Sevier) to document the last day of Packer, Cannibal! The Musical tells Packer’s version of what his life. As Bud and his camera follow, Max roams the city really happened when he and a group of gold diggers Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Double Features, sharing confessions, realizations and rants, confronting his embarked on their fateful trip into the Rocky Mountains. Grindhouse, Horror min. former boss and ex-wife, and committing acts of insanity, Gruesomely gory, savagely satirical and painfully funny, heroism and possibly murder. But before the last bullet can be Cannibal! The Musical stands as a predecessor to what BCI 16.09.2008 fired, will a final shocking revelation change both their lives would come next for Parker and Stone, and features several 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078542 forever? in-jokes that would become part of the South Park legacy! Drama 2007 97min. Further, Cannibal! The Musical has become a worldwide cult sensation to rival The Rocky Horror Picture Show, inspiring Charlie Chan Collection: Volume Starz / Anchor Bay 23.09.2008 stage revivals and sing-along screenings all over the world! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078505 5 Musical, Cannibalism, Comedy, Cult Film / Murder Over New York Dead Men Tell Charlie Chan In Rio TV, Dark Comedy, Horror 1996 97min. Charlie Chan In Panama Charlie Chan’s Murder Cruise Brothers & Sisters: The Complete Troma Team Video 26.08.2008 Castle In The Desert Charlie Chan: The Fox Years Second Season 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077484 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Detectives min. Balthazar Getty, Patricia Wettig, Sally Field, 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 , Calista Flockhart, Sarah Caroline In The City: The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077884 Jane Morris, Rob Lowe, Dave Annable Complete First Season ABC, Drama, Family Relationships 2007 Lea Thompson, Amy Pietz, Eric Lutes, : The Complete Series Ltbx min. Malcolm Gets Disney / Buena Vista 23.09.2008 Caroline Duffy (Lea Thompson) is a successful cartoonist Rose McGowan, Alyssa Milano, Shannen 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077640 living in whose comic strip „Caroline in the City“ Doherty, Holly Marie Combs has become a huge hit. The strip is based on her own life, and The WB, Boxed Sets, Drama 7664min. the people in it - her occasional boyfriend Del, her best friend Paramount Pictures 21.10.2008 Bryan Loves You Annie, and her employee Richard who all add chaos to her life True 1993 story of an Arizona cult. Jonathan, a small town as she looks for love in the Big Apple. 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077451 therapist, becomes interested in the inner workings of a local Comedy, NBC 1995 FF S 534min. cult that blindly worships a mythological figure who was Paramount Pictures 12.08.2008 Charmed: The Complete Series - savagely murdered. Will Jonathan become yet another 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077633 in an ever-growing army, or can he escape with his beliefs Limited Deluxe Edition and his life intact? Rose McGowan, Alyssa Milano, Shannen Horror 2008 min. Carrie: 25th Anniversary Edition / Doherty, Holly Marie Combs Starz / Anchor Bay 23.09.2008 Swimfan / Hello Mary Lou (Triple The WB, Boxed Sets, Drama 7664min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078432 Feature) Paramount Pictures 21.10.2008 426,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077452 The Brylcreem Boys Slasher, Stalkers, Thrillers, Triple Feature, Cult Film / TV, Femme Fatales, Horror, Love Oliver Tobias, Angus Macfadyen, Peter Gone Bad 365min. The Charterhouse Of Parme Woodward, Marek Vasut, Hal Fowler, Joe 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 Tullio Carminati, Albert Remy, Maria McGann, John Gordon Sinclair, Marc 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077401 Casares, Lucien Coedel, Renee Faure, Sinden, Rupert Wickham - Dir. Terence Louis Seigner, Gerard Philipe, Louis Salou Ryan Casino Royale: 40th Anniversary A lethal of church and flesh!. This classic of French They Were Enemies In War And Rivals In Love.. In an effort literature tells the tale of Fabrice Del Dongo (Gerard to remain neutral, Ireland made a deal to intern any soldier, Edition Philipe), a young archbishop, who gives his heart and soul to German or Allied, captured on Irish soil. During a dogfight, romance rather than to the Church, creating complications for Allied pilot Miles Keogh (Bill Campbell) and German pilot John Huston, David Niven, , everyone involved. The Countess of Sanseverine (Maria Rudolph von Stegenbek (Angus MacFadyen) shoot each other Daliah Lavi, Deborah Kerr, Ursula Andress, Casares), is but one of the many women who love him. In turn, down and are captured. The camp commandant (Gabriel , Woody Allen, Orson Welles, she incurs jealous retributions from those in high places who Byrne) tries to keep the peace between these sworn enemies. want and desire her. From his prison window, Fabrice falls in But, when both men fall in love with Mattie (Jean Butler of William Holden, Charles Boyer, George love with the jailer’s daughter who takes a vow to the Virgin Riverdance), a fiery Irish beauty, their hatred becomes Raft, Wolf Makowitz, John Law, Michael Mary to never see him again even if his daring escape personal. Now, these soldiers must fight each other on two succeeds. battlefields — love and war. Sayers, Jerry Bresler, Charles K. Feldman, John Huston - Dir. John Huston Affairs/Love Triangles, Drama, Foreign,

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French 1948 FF S 170min. (Emmy® and Golden Globe® nominee William Devane, ), mother Carol (Emmy® nominee Meredith Baxter, Vanguard Family Ties), and their daughter, Jean (Reagan Pasternak, Club Dread / Killer Klowns From 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078186 Jailbait), have lost the desire to celebrate. Immersed in grief Outer Space / Killer Tomatoes since the death of their son on Christmas Eve 1991, in the Cheers: The Tenth Season Persian Gulf War, George and Carol have forgone the familial Strike Back (Triple Feature) comfort and pleasures of the holidays. But this year, George’s Triple Feature, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Hor- Woody Harrelson, Bebe Neuwirth, Ted annual visit to his son’s grave has renewed faith in a ror, Monsters 301min. Danson, George Wendt, Rhea Perlman, heartsick father. Splitting logs for a Yule fire and retrieving old ornaments from the attic, George is determined to bring his 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 Kirstie Alley, , John family together. His wish comes true in ways none of them 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077399 Ratzenberger could have anticipated. It begins when George picks up a Classics, Comedy, NBC 1991 FF S 602min. young man named Matthew (Dean McDermott, Brian’s Song), a hitchhiker presumably without a place to stay. Accepting the The Code Paramount Pictures 02.09.2008 generous invitation to spend the night at George’s house, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077685 Matthew also agrees to a well-intentioned charade: to Action min. pretend, for Carol’s sake, that he knew their beloved son in First Look Home Entertainment the tba BestellNr.: 40077889 Children Of A Lesser God (I Love Christmas, Drama, Holidays 2002 min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The 80’s) La Coleccion Ranchera William Hurt, Piper Laurie, Marlee Matlin, 30.09.2008 Mexican, Western min. Philip Bosco - Dir. Randa Haines 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078551 One of the most critically-acclaimed films of the 80s, Children Mill Creek Entertainment 08.07.2008 of a Lesser God garnered four Academy Award nominations CJ7 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077787 and a Best Actress Oscar for Marlee Matlin. Based on the hit Broadway play, it’s the uplifting love story of John Leeds Stephen Chow - Dir. Stephen Chow (William Hurt), an idealistic special education teacher, and a Acclaimed director Stephen Chow (Kung Fu Hustle) is back Comedia Tesoros headstrong deaf girl named Sarah (Marlee Matlin). At first, to direct and star in this funny and touching film about a poor Comedy, Mexican min. Leeds sees Sarah as a teaching challenge. But soon their father who can’t afford a toy for his son. When he decides to teacher/student relationship blossoms into a love so pick one up from the garbage, it turns out to be a magical toy Mill Creek Entertainment 08.07.2008 passionate it shatters the barrier of silence that keeps them from outer space. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077786 apart. Science Fiction, Chinese, Comedy, Family, Academy Award Winners, Drama 118min. Fantasy, Foreign Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 88min. Comedy Classics: 100 Movie Pack Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Collections, Comedy 7474min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077703 12.08.2008 Mill Creek Entertainment 22.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077233 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077793 CHiPs: The Complete Seasons 1 - 2 CJ7 (Blu-ray) Constantine’s Sword Cops, Drama min. Stephen Chow - Dir. Stephen Chow This astonishing exploration of the dark side of Christianity Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 Acclaimed director Stephen Chow (Kung Fu Hustle) is back follows former priest James Carroll on a journey of to direct and star in this funny and touching film about a poor remembrance and reckoning. Carroll, a National Book Award 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078012 father who can’t afford a toy for his son. When he decides to winner, is a practicing Catholic whose search for the truth pick one up from the garbage, it turns out to be a magical toy leads him to confront persecution and violence in the name of A Chorus Line from outer space. God - today and in the Church’s past. He discovers a terrible Science Fiction, Chinese, Comedy, Family, legacy that reverberates across the centuries: from the Alyson Reed, Vicki Frederick, Michael Foreign Ltbx DD 5.1 88min. Emperor Constantine’s vision of the cross as a sword and Douglas, Terrence Mann, Cameron English - symbol of power, to the rise of genocidal antisemitism, to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dir. Richard Attenborough modern day wars sparked by religious extremism. At its heart, 12.08.2008 Constantine’s Sword is a detective story, as Carroll journeys The movie version of the long-running smash Broadway show into his own past (his father was a U.S. Air Force General about what goes on during auditions for parts in the chorus 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078276 who helped prepare for nuclear war) and into the wider for a Broadway musical. world, where he uncovers evidence of church-sanctioned Comedy, Drama, Musical 1985 118min. Class Of 1999 violence against non-Christians. At the Air Force Academy, PolyGram Entertainment he and director Oren Jacoby expose how some evangelicals Malcolm McDowell, Pam Grier, Traci Lin, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078149 are proselytizing inside our country’s armed forces and Stacy Keach, John P. Ryan, Bradley Gregg, reveal the dangerous consequences of religious influence on Joshua Miller - Dir. Mark L. Lester American foreign policy. Warning of what happens when Chris & John To The Rescue: military powe The time is the future and youth gang violence is so high that Detectives, Drama 2008 95min. Season Two the areas around some schools have become „free fire zones,“ into which not even the police will venture. When Miles First Run Features 16.09.2008 Adventure, Canadian, Comedy, Foreign, Langford (Malcolm McDowell), the principal of Kennedy High 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078361 Gay / Lesbian Interest, International TV, School, decides to take his school back from the gangs, Reality 2007 min. Robotics Specialist Dr. Robert Forrest (Stacy Keach) provides „tactical education units.“ These human-like The Contact Alluvial 14.10.2008 androids have been programmed to teach and are supplied Korean superstars Han Seok Kyu (SHIRI, Christmas In 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077608 with weapons to discipline problems. These kids will get a August) and Cannes Best Actress Award winner Jeon Do lesson in staying alive!!! Yeon (Secret Sunshine, Happy End, Harmonium In Memory) Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, star in this absorbing drama inspired by the /Meg Christmas Caper Troubled Youth, Action, High School 1990 Ryan film You’ve Got Mail. Dong-Hyan (Han) is a radio Christmas, Family, Holidays min. producer still depressed over the breakup with his girlfriend 99min. years ago. He receives a record album in the mail by mistake First Look Home Entertainment 28.10.2008 Lionsgate 16.09.2008 and tracks down the sender, Su-hyun (Jeon), via her e-mail 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077893 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077418 address. They begin chatting online using pseudonyms, until they decide to finally meet each other. Winner of six Korean film awards including Best Picture and Best New Actress, A Christmas Story: Ultimate Classic Matinee Serials The Contact is a classic romance tale of taking chances and Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) making decisions that will change one’s life forever. (Collectable Tin) Romance, Drama, Foreign 1997 97min. Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, Peter Adventure Classics V.7: The Hurricane Express Adventure Tai Seng 29.07.2008 Billingsley - Dir. Bob Clark Classics V.8: The Three Musketeers Zorro Rides Again 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077807 Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Family, Zorro’s Black Whip Robin Hood V.1 Action, Adventure, Classics 955min. Holidays 1983 min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Warner Bros. 04.11.2008 Coons! Night Of The Bandits Of 08.07.2008 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078547 The Night 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077595 The blood flows and the fur flies in Coons! Night Of The Bandits Of The Night from director Travis Irvine and Overbite A Christmas Visitor (Blu-ray) The Closer: The Complete Productions! In this hilarious horror spoof, a group of wild Meredith Baxter Birney, Reagan Pasternak, college kids arrive at Raccoon Creek Campgrounds with Seasons 1 - 3 hopes for a summer full of good times, ample booze and hot William Devane, Dean McDermott - Dir. Chri- pre-marital sex! But a pack of hungry raccoons, no longer stopher Leitch Cops, Detectives, Drama min. content to scavenge through the garbage for their food, arrive In the small American town of New Chatham, Christmas is Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 to put a stop to the debauchery with their vicious dispositions approaching for the Boyajian family. But father George 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078013 and ravenous appetite for human flesh! As the bodies pile up,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 19 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) only two young lovers, with the help of a crusty hippie hermit Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077706 and a bumbling park ranger, can stand up to the murderous masked menace and save the summer for drunken teenagers 05.08.2008 everywhere! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078296 Crossfire Trail Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Killer Western, Drama 95min. Animals 2005 80min. Country Stars Film Collection Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 Troma Team Video 26.08.2008 (Collectable Tin) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077485 Painted Hero Hank Williams Jr. Full Access Still Holding On: The Legend of Cadillac Jack Once Upon a Texas Train The Crucible: Cliffs Notes Edition Music, Country Music, Drama, Western Copycat Jeffrey Jones, Joan Allen, Bruce Davison, 375min. Mark Hengst, Andreas Beckett - Dir. Andy Paul Scofield, Rob Campbell - Dir. Nicholas Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Hurst Hytner 08.07.2008 Tormented by the serial killer who took her Mother’s life, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1996 Ltbx Journalist Laura Nelson investigates the only clue he ever 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077594 leaves behind at this crime scenes; his diary pages. 124min. References in the blood soaked pages to Richard Ramirez, 20th Century Fox 05.08.2008 Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein lead Laura to learn more than she Crash Landing / 10.5 Apocalypse ever wanted to know about the sick minds of these monsters 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077655 and how this killer is paralleling his mentors. The closer she (Double Feature) gets to finding him, the closer he gets to finding her. It’s a cat Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Aerial Action, CSI: Miami - The Complete and mouse game to the finish. Disasters, Double Features, End Of The Serial Killers, Horror 84min. Seasons 1 - 6 World, Hostage Crisis 257min. Lionsgate 23.09.2008 Khandi Alexander, Emily Procter, David Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078349 Caruso, Adam Rodriguez 01.07.2008 Thrillers, Action, CBS, Cops, Detectives, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077977 A Couch In New York Drama, Mystery min. Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 Chantal Akerman, Regine Konckier, Chantal Criminal Minds: The Complete Akerman - Dir. Chantal Akerman 485,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077429 A man…a woman…a dog…the perfect combination for Seasons 1 - 3 romance.. New York psychoanalyst Henry (Academy Award Joe Mantegna, Mandy Patinkin, Paget CSI: Miami - The Sixth Season winner William Hurt) decides to spice up his life by swapping apartments with Beatrice, a wild and carefree dancer Brewster, Kirsten Vangsness, Thomas Khandi Alexander, Emily Procter, David (Academy Award and Golden Globe nominee Juliette Gibson, Shemar Moore, A.J. Cook, Matthew Caruso, Adam Rodriguez Binoche), in Paris. The two are different in every way. But Gray Gubler through a hilarious series of situations of mistaken identity, Thrillers, Action, CBS, Cops, Detectives, encounters with neurotic patients, threats from jilted lovers, Thrillers, CBS, Drama, FBI, Mystery min. Drama, Mystery 2007 Ltbx min. and love from a golden retriever, A Couch In New York is a Paramount Pictures 16.09.2008 Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 romantic comedy that proves opposites can attract. 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077803 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077428 Romance, Comedy 1997 Ltbx S 104min. Wellspring Criminal Minds: The Third 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077548 CSI: NY - The Complete Seasons Season 1 - 4 The Counterfeiters Joe Mantegna, Paget Brewster, Kirsten Gary Sinise, Carmine Giovinazzo, Melina Vangsness, Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moo- August Diehl, Devid Striesow, Karl Kanakaredes, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill re, A.J. Cook, Matthew Gray Gubler Markovics - Dir. Stefan Ruzowitzky Thrillers, CBS, Cops, Detectives, Drama, Winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Thrillers, CBS, Drama, FBI, Mystery 2007 Murder Mysteries, Mystery min. Film, The Counterfeiters tells the true story of Salomon Ltbx DD 5.1 min. Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), a swindler who made a name Paramount Pictures 16.09.2008 for himself as Berlin’s „King of the Counterfeiters.“ However, 360,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077431 his life of women and easy money is cut short when he’s 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077802 arrested and placed in a Nazi concentration camp. With the CSI: NY - The Fourth Season German army on the verge of bankruptcy, Sorowitsch makes a Crocodile Dundee (I Love The sobering deal with his captors: in exchange for a comfortable Gary Sinise, Carmine Giovinazzo, Melina bed, good food and fair treatment, Sorowitsch, along with the 80’s) Kanakaredes, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill other hand-picked specialists, must counterfeit bank notes to fund the Nazi War effort. If he does as they say, he lives Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan, David Gulpilil, Thrillers, CBS, Cops, Detectives, Drama, another day. If he rebels, he faces the same fate as the rest of John Meillon, Mark Blum, Michael Lombard - Murder Mysteries, Mystery 2007 Ltbx min. the camp’s prisoners. But if he lives, will he be able to live Dir. Peter Faiman Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 with himself? Paul Hogan’s hilarious, endearing performance made 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077430 War, World War II, Academy Award Crocodile Dundee the biggest box-office comedy smash of Winners, Art House, Drama, Foreign, 1986! Michael J. „Crocodile“ Dundee (Hogan) is a free spirited Australian who hunts crocodiles with his bare hands, Curb Your Enthusiasm: The German, Holocaust 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 stares down giant water buffaloes, and drinks mere mortals 99min. under the table. But he’s about to face the ultimate torture Complete Seasons 1 - 6 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment test—a trip to New York City. Beautiful and tenacious Cheryl Hines, Larry David, Jeff Garlin reporter Sue Charlton (Linda Kozlowski) gets more than just 05.08.2008 a story as the „wonder from Down Under“ rocks the Big Apple Comedy, HBO min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077414 to its core. HBO Home Video 22.07.2008 Classics, Comedy 97min. 352,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078015 The Counterfeiters (Blu-ray) Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 August Diehl, Devid Striesow, Karl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077705 Curse Of The Vampires Markovics - Dir. Stefan Ruzowitzky Kent Taylor, Cathy Downs, Michael Whalen Winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Crocodile Dundee II (I Love The Mind Boggling Horror!. From the creators of Mad Doctor Of Film, The Counterfeiters tells the true story of Salomon Blood Island. It’s Filipino blood-shed at it’s most incestuous Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), a swindler who made a name 80’s) as a bunch of kids try to keep their vampire mom in chains! for himself as Berlin’s „King of the Counterfeiters.“ However, Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan, John Meillon Horror, Vampires 1970 Ltbx M 85min. his life of women and easy money is cut short when he’s arrested and placed in a Nazi concentration camp. With the - Dir. John Cornell POP Cinema German army on the verge of bankruptcy, Sorowitsch makes a Paul Hogan is definitely the funniest character who ever took 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078138 sobering deal with his captors: in exchange for a comfortable a bite out of The Big Apple in Crocodile Dundee II. Just as the bed, good food and fair treatment, Sorowitsch, along with the eccentric Australian is starting to adjust to life in New York other hand-picked specialists, must counterfeit bank notes to City. Dundee and his beautiful girlfriend (Linda Kozlowski) Soldier fund the Nazi War effort. If he does as they say, he lives are targeted for death by a gang of ruthless drug dealers. Action min. another day. If he rebels, he faces the same fate as the rest of Dundee evens the odds by leading the big-city hoods into the the camp’s prisoners. But if he lives, will he be able to live treacherous Australian outback. And before long, the bad First Look Home Entertainment 07.10.2008 with himself? guys find out that Down Under could mean six feet down 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077886 under! If you liked Crocodile Dundee you’re going to love Drama, Foreign, German, Holocaust, Crocodile Dundee II! Academy Award Winners, Art House, War, Action, Comedy 111min. Cyxork 7 World War II 2007 Ltbx 99min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Paget Brewster, Sonya Smith, Ray Wise,

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Greg Proops - Dir. John Huff Creature (Triple Feature) evil. They are able to make money hand over fist! This was all Ray Wise (Twin Peaks, Reaper), Sonya Smith (Cara Sucia, going according to plan until they actually awoke some real Univision’s Olvidarte Jamas) and Beata Pozniak (JFK, Triple Feature, Vampires, Werewolves, demons. These demigods of a forgotten realm are viciously Freedom From Despair) head up an all-star cast in John Horror 273min. wreaking havoc on the world and are tearing and raping their Huff’s Cyxork 7 ! Ray Wise stars as a washed-up movie star 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 way to victory. Now, with no skills other than conning, these who heads out to the desert with a young director (Smith) and unwilling heroes will be forced to conquer their wrong doings her independent film crew to resurrect his career with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077394 and prove that even the shadiest of characters can shine from „Cyxork 7“, a new sequel to the film franchise that put him on time to time. the map years before. Braving seismic earthquakes and Daughters Of Darkness (Single Devils And Demons, Horror FF S 103min. seismic egos, the crew races against time to finish the film Brain Damage Films 02.09.2008 before the earthquakes finish them for good! Co-starring Greg Disc) Proops (Who’s Line is it Anyway?), Paget Brewster 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078008 (Showtime’s Huff), and Joseph Culp (Fantastic Four), Cyxork John Karlen, Delphine Seyrig, Danielle 7 is a laugh-out-loud sci-fi spoof you won’t want to miss! Ouimet, Andrea Rau - Dir. Harry Kumel Delicatessen: Special Edition Science Fiction, Comedy, Film About Film International screen icon Delphine Seyrig (of Last Year At Howard Vernon, Ticky Holgado, Dominique 2006 93min. Marienbad fame) stars as Elizabeth Bathory, an ageless Countess with a beautiful young ‘companion’ (Goth goddess Pinon, Karin Viard, Sylvie Laguna, Jacques Troma Team Video 29.07.2008 Andrea Rau) and a legendary legacy of perversion. But when Mathou, Rufus, Chick Ortega, Marc Caro, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077761 the seduce a troubled newlywed couple (French beauty Danielle Ouimet and John Karlen of Dark Shadows and Gilles Adrien, Claudie Ossard, Marc Caro Cagney & Lacey), they unleash a frenzy of sudden violence From the director of Amelie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet) comes a D.A.R.Y.L. (I Love The 80’s) and depraved desire that shocked both art house audiences post-apocalyptic comedy that’s both bitingly hilarious and and grindhouse crowds worldwide. Co-written and directed absolutely one-of-a-kind. When meat becomes so rare that it Michael McKean, Colleen Camp, Mary Beth by Harry Kümel, Daughters Of Darkness remains one of the is used as currency, residents living above a delicatessen Hurt, Kathryn Walker, Josef Sommer, Barret most exquisitely mesmerizing adult horror films ever made. must depend on a menacingly strange butcher (Jean-Claude Oliver - Dir. Simon Wincer Blue Underground is proud to present the Director’s Cut of Dreyfus) for their supply. But when a new tenant (Dominique Everyone in town is in awe of young Daryl’s extraordinary this classic psychosexual shocker newly remastered in High Pinon) arrives and takes a job as the building’s handyman, he talents and abilities, and so are his foster parents. He can Definition and packed with Extras, including brand new unknowingly steps into the butcher’s trap...to serve him as the perform advanced mathematics, master complex video games interviews with Harry Kümel, Danielle Ouimet, and Co- next meal! at first try, and hit home runs in his very first baseball game. Writer/Co-Producer Pierre Drouot. Art House, Cannibalism, Comedy, Cult Film / Add to that his genuinely charismatic appeal and you have a Belgian, Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Foreign, TV, Dark Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, special child. Very special... A child in jeopardy, too, because Horror, Vampires 1971 Ltbx 16x9 M 100min. the military has a Top Secret interest in Daryl that threatens French, Horror 1991 100min. his very existence. The most sophisticated computers and Blue Underground 30.09.2008 Lionsgate 26.08.2008 scientists are pitted against Daryl’s incredible gifts in an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077472 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077866 adventure that will determine whether human spirit can triumph over cold science. Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, A Day At The Beach Delicious Proposal Technology, Family 100min. Eva Dahlbeck, Fiona Lewis, Mark Burns, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean, Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Maurice Roeves, Graham Stark, Jack Romance, 960min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077707 McGowan - Dir. Simon Hesera Mountain Apple Company 29.07.2008 British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign 1970 min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077306 Dallas: The Complete Seasons 1 - Code Red 09.09.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078520 8 Demob James Faulkner, Samantha Janus, Amanda CBS, Drama, Soap Opera min. Deadly Duo Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 Redman, Barbara Ashcroft, Tilly Foreign, Martial Arts 1971 78min. 398,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078016 Blackwood, Martin Clunes, Jeremy Child, Tokyo Shock 30.09.2008 Griff Rhys Jones, Don Gilet, Dennis Blanch, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078370 Damnation Alley Harry Burton, Les Dawson, Luke Marcel - Dir. Robert Knights George Peppard - Dir. Jack Smight Deal Comedy for Civilians!. Four years fighting Rommel in the After a nuclear apocalypse, a small band of survivors travel desert is a piece of cake compared to their return to civilian across the country looking for other survivors. Along the way Burt Reynolds, Shannon Elizabeth, Bret life! Griff Rhys Jones (Porterhouse Blue, Not the Nine they do battle with giant scorpions, freak weather, and man- Harrison O’Clock News) and Martin Clunes (Saving Grace, Shake- eating killer cockroaches. A hot-shot college kid finds himself pulled into the world speare in Love) star in this hit comedy drama as two English Science Fiction, End Of The World 1977 series of poker, where his mentor is his toughest competition. war buddies determined to hang on to their battlefield min. Poker, Comedy, Drama, Gambling 2008 camaraderie- and the dream of show business they concocted in the trenches. The war was sometimes terrifying, sometimes Starz / Anchor Bay 86min. boring, but they got through it by entertaining their buddies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078232 MGM / UA 19.08.2008 with a homemade stage routine of songs, jokes and banter. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077281 Now, travel papers in hand and resplendent in their ill fitting „demob“ suits, they part ways and return home to their old Daniel lives. However, the lure of the footlights is too much to resist Timothy Hutton, Lindsay Crouse, Ellen Deception and invites them to resurrect their old stage act at a local nightclub. When the act becomes a surprise hit, their lives Barkin, Mandy Patinkin, Edward Asner - Dir. Ewan McGregor, Michelle Williams, Hugh head off in a dramatic new direction. Sidney Lumet Jackman - Dir. Marcel Langenegger Boxed Sets, Classics 1993 FF S 300min. Thrillers, Drama 1983 130min. Romance, Thrillers, Drama, Erotica 2008 BFS Legend Films 01.07.2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 107min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078098 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077994 20th Century Fox 23.09.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078397 Desperate Characters Daredevil: Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) Shirley MacLaine, Kenneth Mars, Sada David Keith, Jon Favreau, Michael Clarke Deception (Blu-ray) Thompson, Jack Somack Duncan, Joe Pantoliano, Colin Farrell, Ewan McGregor, Michelle Williams, Hugh Drama 1971 88min. Coolio Jackman - Dir. Marcel Langenegger Legend Films 01.07.2008 Take the dare as never before with this all-new Director’s Drama, Erotica, Romance, Thrillers 2008 Cut version of Daredevil. Grittier and edgier than the original 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077996 theatrical release, Daredevil Director’s Cut is packed with Ltbx DTS 107min. never-before-available scenes, including a devilish subplot in 20th Century Fox 23.09.2008 Dexter: The Second Season which Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck) agrees to defend a not-so- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078410 innocent man (Coolio) framed for murder. This is the definitive JoBeth Williams, Julie Benz, Lauren Velez, Daredevil - more thrilling, more amazing, and more daring than Jennifer Carpenter, Keith Carradine, James ever! Deceptors Remar, Michael C. Hall, David Zayas, Erik Superheroes, Vigilante Justice, Action, Elizabeth Domin, John Johnson, Lincoln King Based On Comic Book 2003 DD 5.1 124min. Lilley, David Simmons III, Russell Fenton - Cops, Drama, Serial Killers, Showtime 2007 20th Century Fox 30.09.2008 Dir. John Johnson 636min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078413 In the mysterious town of Nilbog you find great eateries, fantastic landscapes, and lots and lots of extraterrestrial Paramount Pictures 19.08.2008 demons hell bent on destroying the world! A team of conmen 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077635 Darkwolf / Howling / Perfect are running a scam on the humble town of Nilbog by creating fictitious monsters and saving the locals from their designed

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The Diamond Arm Don Camillo And The Return Of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077973 Nonna Mordyukova, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Don Camillo Nina Grebeshkova, Andrei Fait, Anatoly Internationally beloved actor Fernandel stars as Don Camillo, Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Papanov, Stanislav Chekan, Alexander a Catholic priest trying to protect his poor village from the Theatre: The Complete Series desires of its Communist Mayor (Gino Cervi) in these two Khvylia, Andrey Mironov, Yury Nikulin - Dir. charmingly reconstructed features based on the popular Originally broadcast on Showtime, Faerie Tale Theatre, the Leonid Gaiday works of Giovanni Guareschi. award-winning series produced by Shelley Duvall, brings to The plot of this eccentric comedy is based on a newspaper Comedy, Foreign, Italian 207min. life twenty-six of the most magical, classic fairy tales. This article, found by script co-writer Yakov Kostykovsky, about star-powered, critically acclaimed collection is an the arrest on the Italian border of a criminal who had hidden Koch Releasing 22.07.2008 unparalleled treasury of every child’s best-loved tales of „gold and diamonds“ in the plaster cast. The movie became the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077638 enchantment, adventure and wonder. Includes the fairy tales: absolute box-office leader of 1969 in the . The Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Boy Who Left Home to Find thrilling adventures of Semyon Gorbunkov, a modest Out About the Shivers, Cinderella, Dancing Princesses, economist, accompanied by a swindler named Count, have Doodlebops: We Love Our Emperor’s New Clothes, Goldilocks, Hansel and Gretel, Jack captivated several generations of moviegoers. The smugglers’ Friends and the Beanstalk, Little Mermaid, Little Red Riding Hood, comic dialogues were picked up for quotations and Nightingale, Pied Piper of Hamlin, Pinocchio, Princess and catchwords. Disney Channel 2008 min. the Pea, Princess Who Had Never Laughed, Puss in Boots, Rapunzel, Rip Van Winkle, Rumpelstiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, Russian, European, Foreign 1968 Ltbx Lionsgate 09.09.2008 Snow Queen, Snow White, Tale of the Frog Prince, Three 16x9 DD 5.1 100min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077339 Little Pigs, Thumbelina. Image Ent. Boxed Sets, Fairy Tales, Fantasy 1326min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078169 Dororo Koch Releasing 02.09.2008 Action, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Japanese 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077319 Disaster Film Collection 2007 139min. (Collectable Tin) Universal Studios 23.09.2008 Dynasty: The Complete Seasons 1 Action, Adventure, Disasters 602min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078044 - 3 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Heather Locklear, , Linda 08.07.2008 Drillbit Taylor Evans, Pamela Sue Martin, John Forsythe, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077586 Leslie Mann, Owen Wilson, David Dorfman, Jack Coleman, Al Corley, John James Danny McBride, Alex Frost, Troy Gentile, ABC, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Soap Dr. Shock’s Grindhouse of Horrors Nate Hartley - Dir. Steven Brill Opera min. Owen Wilson is hilarious in this laugh out loud comedy as Paramount Pictures 21.10.2008 Ainslee Bartles, Sean Burres, Joelle Green, Drillbit Taylor, a down on his luck soldier of fortune and self- Dennis Staples, Vanessa Barlow, Kim professed martial arts expert. Three nerdy high school kids, 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077454 Lewinski, Douglas G. Agosti, David Agosti, desperate for a way to exact revenge on their nemeses - two school bullies - end up hiring Drillbit’s budget bodyguard Dynasty: The Third Season - Karl D. Beatty, Eric Burres, Bill Delaney, services and they get what they pay for. Drillbit takes this Mark Newman Jr., Rich Sirko, Seth Trim - bumbling band of misfits under his wing and, with his zany and Volume Two Dir. Lance Otto Smith oddball training methods, leads them as they turn the tables on Heather Locklear, Joan Collins, Linda First on the menu is Wilbur’s Dead & Breakfast. A pair of twin their and take back their school! brothers are making millions selling their beef jerky and Bodyguards, Comedy, High School 2008 Evans, Pamela Sue Martin, John Forsythe, automotive parts over the internet. When a gang of rogue Ltbx DD 5.1 101min. Jack Coleman, Al Corley, John James bikers stumble across Wilber’s Bed & Breakfast, they soon ABC, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Soap discover the twins bloody secret to success. Bloodsucking Paramount Pictures 01.07.2008 Hillbillies. The third tale, The Black Rose, follows a reporter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077644 Opera 1983 576min. for „The World Examiner“ as he struggles to find the perfect Paramount Pictures 21.10.2008 cover story. He hires four college students to get pictures of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077453 Carl Carlson, an acquitted axe murderer known for his award Drive-In Cult Classics: 8 Movie winning rose bushes. When the kids trespass on Carl’s Collection - Vol. 2 property, all hell breaks loose. The Earrings Of Madame De: The Cult Film / TV, Grindhouse, Horror 647min. Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror, Vampires Criterion Collection Ltbx S 103min. BCI 12.08.2008 Danielle Darrieux, Charles Boyer - Dir. Max Brain Damage Films 05.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077952 Ophuls 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077727 French master Max Ophuls’s most cherished work, The Drunks Earrings of Madame de... is an emotionally profound, Doctor Who: The Brain Of Amanda Plummer, Spalding Gray, Faye cinematographically adventurous tale of false opulence and Dunaway, , Richard B. Lewis tragic romance. When the aristocratic woman known only as Morbius Madame de... (the extraordinary Danielle Darrieux) sells her - Dir. Peter Cohn earrings, unbeknownst to her husband(Charles Boyer), in Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Would You Reveal Your Most Personal Secrets…To A Group order to pay personal debts, she sets off a chain reaction, the Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction Of Total Strangers?. Actor-comedian Richard Lewis and financial and carnal consequences of which can only end in 100min. Academy Award winners Faye Dunaway and Dianne Wiest despair. Ophuls adapts Louise de Vilmorin’s incisive fin de lead an all-star cast that includes Amanda Plummer, Parker siecle novella with virtuosic camera work so elegant and BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 Posey, Spalding Gray and Calista Flockhart in this poignant precise it’s been called the equal to that of Orson Welles. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078390 story of friendship, survival and redemption. The first film to Art House, Classics, Criterion Collection, take an in-depth look at the inner workings of a twelve-step program, Drunks is a probing journey into the lives of a Drama, Foreign, French 1953 FF M 100min. Doctor Who: The Trial Of A Time diverse group of recovering alchoholics who gather in a Criterion 16.09.2008 Lord Times Square church basement for an AA meeting. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077426 Collectively they share their hopes, fears, triumphs and Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, frailties — keeping their faith even as a dramatic upheaval Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction threatens the life of a man they all admire. Edge Of Darkness: The Complete 350min. Substance Abuse, Biopics, Drama 1995 Series Ltbx S 88min. BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 Joanne Whalley, Joe Don Baker, Bob Peck - Wellspring 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078392 Dir. Martin Campbell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077525 Thrillers, BBC, British, Drama, European, Dollar International TV 1985 min. What Good Is It For A Hustler To Gain The Whole World If The Duchess Of Duke Street: The BBC Home Video He Forfeits His Soul?. MC Breed stars as Dollar, a young Complete Collection man out of jail and back on the streets. His hustle takes him 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077572 back to his old blocks in Flint, and when things get too hot, BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Drama, Foreign, he’s on to a fresh start in Atlanta. Dollar is steady chasing International TV 1620min. The Edwardians paper in his new town, with on exception, Iris. Everything that’s done in the dark eventually comes to light, and Dollar’s Acorn Media 26.08.2008 The turning points in the careers of nine Edwardian figures right back in the line of fire just when his career and life are 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078334 are explored in this 8-part series. Mr. Rolls and Mr. Royce going right. looks at the relationship between Mr. Henry Royce (Michael 1999 91min. Jayston), the electical engineer who had just made his first Duck car, and Mr. Charles Rolls (Robert Powell), a motor dealer Simitar Drama 98min. looking for a reliable model to sell. Horatio Bottomly - Timothy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078225 West plays the financier, founder of John Bull, fraud and Westlake Media 22.07.2008 swindler. E. Nesbitt - Judy Parfitt stars as the author of The

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Railway Children who lived in a menage a trois with her Entourage: The Complete Fourth their way through Japan’s underworld. The Executioner husband and his mistress. Conan Doyle - Nigel Davenport (Japanese Title:HELL FIST) is a non-stop action stars as the author of Sherlock Holmes, who starts behaving Season extravaganza that showcases Sonny Chiba at his finest. Also like his character. Baden Powell - Is our image of the heroic starring Yasuaki (Fists Of Legend) Kurata as martial arts Boer War General correct? This closer look at the founder of Kevin Dillon, Kevin Connolly, Adrian expert and Henry (Roaring Fire) Sanada as a young Sonny the scout movement stars Robert Moody. The Reluctant Grenier, Jeremy Piven, Jerry Ferrara Chiba. Be warned that this filled with extreme martial arts Juggler - A look at music hall performer Marie Lloyd (Georgia Comedy, HBO 2007 Ltbx 16x9 360min. violence, gore, and nudity and is only recommended to Brown) and her role in the 1907 Music Hall strike. Daisy - HBO Home Video 26.08.2008 audiences who love kick ass action films. Virginia McKenna stars as the mistress of Edward VII, who Ninjas, Action, Martial Arts 1978 FF S became a convert to socialism. Lloyd George - The paradox of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077865 a government politician (Anthony Hopkins) who w 85min. Crash Entertainment BBC, Biography, British, Drama, Foreign, Entourage: The Complete Historical / Period Piece, International TV 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078189 1972 635min. Seasons 1 - 3 BBC Home Video 14.10.2008 Comedy, HBO min. Explorers (I Love The 80’s) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078386 HBO Home Video 22.07.2008 , River , Jason 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078017 Presson - Dir. Joe Dante Eli Stone: The Complete First The visionary dreams of three curious and adventuresome The Escape Artist (I Love The young boys become an exciting reality in Explorers, the Season action-fantasy from acclaimed director Joe Dante 80’s) (>Gremlins), who combines keen humor, warmth and fantasy Jonny Lee Miller, Loretta Devine, Natasha with unexpected twists. In their makeshift laboratory, the boys Henstridge, Victor Garber, Matt Letscher, Teri Garr, Raul Julia, Joan Hackett, Desi use an amazing discovery and their ingenuity to build their Sam Jaeger, James Saito Arnaz, Gabriel Dell, Melissa Mathison, Doug own spaceship and launch themselves on a fantastic Follow Eli Stone (Jonny Miller) on his quirky quest for Claybourne, Buck Houghton, Stephen Zito, interplanetary journey. A galaxy of adventure for the whole answers in this exciting and upbeat comedic drama. When Eli family, starring young River Phoenix (Stand By Me) and Ethan Caleb Deschanel - Dir. Caleb Deschanel Hawke (Gattaca). Includes 2 deleted scenes! awakens to an unending George Michael soundtrack that only He can get away with anything... that’s why they call him The he can hear, gets dive-bombed by a WWI bi-plane on a busy Escape Artist. Griffin O’Neal - the son of Ryan O’Neal and Science Fiction, Space, Adventure 106min. San Francisco street, and faces a fire-breathing dragon the brother of Tatum - makes his film debut as Danny Masters, Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 outside his office window, there are two possible the teenage son of the late Harry Masters. Harry was known 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077709 explanations: delusions caused by a potentially fatal brain as „the greatest escape artist, second only to Houdini,“ and aneurysm or the chance that something greater is at work. He Danny plans to achieve similar fame by attempting to follow in might just be a prophet sent to change the world. Victor his father’s footsteps. After leaving home to join his uncle The Fall Garber and Loretta Devine lead an acclaimed supporting cast (Gabriel Dell) and aunt (Joan Hackett) in their magic act, in this wonderfully wacky new series, Eli Stone: The Danny finds himself in a world of trouble when he Dir. Tarsem Singh Complete First Season. Complete with every Season One nonchalantly picks the pocket of Stu Quinones (Raul Julia), From the director of The Cell comes a visually stunning epic episode, exclusive bloopers and behind-the-scenes footage, the wild, troublesome son of the town’s corrupt mayor (Desi fantasy about a bedridden man who entertains a curious little this four-disc box set will surprise, inspire and leave you Arnaz). While attempting to extract himself from his harrowing girl by telling her a fantastical story of exotic heroes and far feeling like you gotta have faith. predicament, Danny gradually discovers the previously off places which reflects his state of mind. The central story ABC, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Lawyers / unknown circumstances surrounding his father’s death, the takes place in a remote 1920’s hospital where a small girl extent of the legacy he left behind - as well as the delicate, named Alexandria (Catinca Untaru) is recovering from a Legal Issues 2008 Ltbx 16x9 min. severe looking shoulder injury incurred in a fall while trying Disney / Buena Vista 02.09.2008 oftentimes fragile bond between fathers and sons. Drama 93min. to pick oranges. One day she happens to meet Roy (Lee 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077277 Pace) - a stunt or „gag“ man for the „flickers“ or moving Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 pictures - who seems to have injured himself out of a future in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077708 a particularly reckless stunt, even for those times. He is a Emily Of New Moon: Season One clearly unhappy man who - through his own carelessness - John Neville, Peter Donaldson, Susan Clark, unwittingly leads Alexandria to believe that he intends to Essential Art House: Volume I entertain her with a lavish, epic story of exotic heroes and far Sheila McCarthy, Stephen McHattie, Richard Dir. Jean Renoir off places. As the stuntman’s health reaches to the point of Donat peril - so does the story he is telling her...with potentially Jean Renoir’s pacifist masterpiece stars Jean Gabin as a fatal consequences. Based on L. M. Montgomery’s novel, Emily of New Moon is French World War I POW held by Erich Von Stroheim’s the brilliant story of a free-spirited, orphaned girl, whose German captain. One of the greatest antiwar films ever made, Adventure, Art House, Drama, Fantasy vivid imagination, passion to write, and romantic nature clash as well as a rousing prison-escape adventure, Grand Illusion 2006 Ltbx 16x9 117min. with her strict adoptive family. Season one features thirteen is an exemplar of the 1930s poetic realist movement. Jean Sony Pictures Home Entertainment episodes. Starring Martha MacIsaac. Cocteau reinvented the fairy tale for the cinema with this Boxed Sets, Drama, Family min. enchanting, exquisitely realized vision of Mme Le Prince de 09.09.2008 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Beaumont’s fantasy romance. With all manner of unparalleled 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078309 visual effects and photographic tricks, Cocteau makes the 09.09.2008 spellbinding tale of transformative love both ethereal and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078512 tangible, and his indelible images haunt the cinema like no The Fall (Blu-ray) others. Under the direction of Peter Brook, William Golding’s Dir. Tarsem Singh Empire Records Remix!: Special classic fable, about a swarm of young boys who, without adult From the director of The Cell comes a visually stunning epic supervision, devolve into chaos after crash-landing on a fantasy about a bedridden man who entertains a curious little Fan Edition / Singles (Double remote island during wartime, becomes an unforgettable work girl by telling her a fantastical story of exotic heroes and far of cinematic horror. Shot with almost verite camera work, Lord off places which reflects his state of mind. The central story Feature) Of The Flies takes a radical approach to Golding’s metaphor, takes place in a remote 1920’s hospital where a small girl Music, On The Job, Romance, Comedy, Cult grounding it in a terrifying reality. Weaving a tapestry of named Alexandria (Catinca Untaru) is recovering from a memory and dreams, Ingmar Bergman delves into the severe looking shoulder injury incurred in a fall while trying Film / TV, Double Feature 202min. Mystery, Polish, Romance, Swedish, Thril- to pick oranges. One day she happens to meet Roy (Lee Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 lers, War, World War I, Adventure, Art Pace) - a stunt or „gag“ man for the „flickers“ or moving 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077222 pictures - who seems to have injured himself out of a future in House, Boxed Sets, British, Classics, Dra- a particularly reckless stunt, even for those times. He is a ma, Fantasy, Feudal Japan, Foreign, clearly unhappy man who - through his own carelessness - End Of Days (Blu-ray) French, Japanese 570min. unwittingly leads Alexandria to believe that he intends to entertain her with a lavish, epic story of exotic heroes and far Rod Steiger, Robin Tunney, Gabriel Byrne, Janus Films 09.09.2008 off places. As the stuntman’s health reaches to the point of Kevin Pollak - Dir. Peter Hyams 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078458 peril - so does the story he is telling her...with potentially All hell breaks loose when Arnold Schwarzenegger battles fatal consequences. the ultimate evil in this chilling supernatural action thriller. Drama, Fantasy, Adventure, Art House When a burned-out former New York City cop named Jericho Evil (Schwarzenegger) is assigned to security detail for a Based on the classic legend of a cynical journalist who 2006 Ltbx 117min. mysterious and foreboding stranger (Gabriel Byrne), Jericho discovers that the power of faith can defeat the forces of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment thwarts an incredible assassination attempt. During the unspeakable darkness. 09.09.2008 ensuing investigation, he and his partner (Kevin Pollak) save Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers 2006 90min. the life of the beautiful and terrified Christine York (Robin 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078341 Tunney), whose destiny involves death, the devil and the fate Asylum Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 of mankind. Now it’s up to Jericho to save the girl, the world 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077929 Falling In Love (I Love The 80’s) and his own soul as he comes face to face with his most powerful enemy ever! Meryl Streep, Dianne Wiest, Jane Cops, Devils And Demons, Action, Biblical The Executioner Kaczmarek, , Harvey Keitel, Armageddon 1999 DTS 123min. Sonny Chiba, Yasuaki Kurata, Henry David Clennon, George Martin - Dir. Ulu Universal Studios 26.08.2008 Sanada - Dir. Teruo Ishii Grosbard When regular police procedures fail, an ex-police captain Falling In Love. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078278 recruits a ragtag group of convicts to take down a deadly group of drug smugglers. Led by martial arts and Ninja export Romance, Drama 106min. Sonny „The Streetfighter“ Chiba, they kick, punch and shoot Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077715 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078299 2007 Ltbx 16x9 S 87min. Screen Media Films 26.08.2008 Fantasy Films Collection Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (I Love 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077971 (Collectable Tin) The 80’s) Voyage of the Unicorn Merlin’s Apprentice Canterville Ghost, Jeffrey Jones, Jennifer Grey, Mia Sara, Fist Of The Vampire The The Infinite Worlds of H.G. Wells Cindy Pickett, Matthew Broderick, Alan JC Nickles, Stevie Vaneck, Darian Caine, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Ruck - Dir. John Hughes Cheyenne King, Deanna Visalle, Brian Comedy, Fantasy 687min. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Anthony, Brian Heffron, Brian S. Arrington, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Comedy, High School 102min. Dave Campbell, Victor Kuehn, Leon South - 08.07.2008 Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Dir. Len Kabasinski 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077591 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077719 In 1977, an innocent family was brutally murdered in cold blood and the case was never solved. Now, some thirty years later, detective Lee Southward (Brian Anthony) is sent on A Farewell To Arms: Cliffs Notes Fighting With Anger assignment to infiltrate an illegal underground fighting Edition tournament and bring in the organizers. As Lee battles his Willie Nelson way to the top of the tournaments, he begins to piece together Elaine Stritch, Mercedes McCambridge - Dir. Action 2007 90min. clues that lead him to the decades ago. However Charles Vidor Peace Arch Entertainment 19.08.2008 there is a problem: The organizers (led by superstar Blue Meanie & erotic cinema icon Darian Romance, Classics, Drama, War, World 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078538 Caine) are undead and crave human blood! Lee must fight his War I 1957 Ltbx 152min. way through all the sex, drugs, and violence of the 20th Century Fox 05.08.2008 The Final Countdown (Blu-ray) underworld while trying to piece together evidence with the help of an undercover officer (Cheyenne King) and find a way 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077656 Martin Sheen, Kirk Douglas, Charles to stop the undead! Durning, James Farentino, Katherine Ross, Thrillers, Horror, Vampires, Wrestling/ Fatal Attraction (I Love The 80’s) David Ambrose, Thomas Hunter, Gerry Da- Fighting 2007 Ltbx S 95min. , Anne Archer, Michael Douglas vis, Peter Powell, Richard R. St. Johns, Brain Damage Films 01.07.2008 - Dir. Adrian Lyne Peter Vincent Douglas, Don Taylor - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077623 Stylish and sexy, Fatal Attraction took audiences to terrifying Don Taylor new heights with its thrilling story of a casual encounter gone The time is now. The place is aboard the U.S.S. Nimitz, A Five Minute Walk terribly awry. This box-office smash was nominated for six America’s mightiest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier on , including Best Picture and Best Director maneuvers in the Pacific Ocean. Suddenly, a freak electrical Drama, Foreign, Israeli 2001 85min. (Adrian Lyne - Indecent Proposal, Flashdance). Michael storm engulfs the ship and triggers the impossible: The Nimitz SISU Entertainment 16.09.2008 Douglas plays Dan Gallagher, a New York attorney who has is hurtled back in time to December 6, 1941, mere hours a tryst with seductive Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) while his before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. As the enemy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077301 wife (Anne Archer) is away. Dan later shrugs off the affair as fleet speeds towards Hawaii, the warship’s Captain (Kirk a mistake and considers it over. But Alex won’t be ignored. Douglas), a Defense Department expert (Martin Sheen), a Fletch Not now, not tomorrow, not ever - even if it means destroying maverick Air Wing Commander (James Farentino) and a Dan’s family to keep him. desperate Senator in the Roosevelt administration (Charles , Richard Libertini, Chevy Thrillers, Drama 119min. Durning) must choose between the unthinkable. Do they allow Chase, Joe Don Baker, Dana Wheeler - Dir. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 the Japanese to complete their murderous invasion or launch a massive counter-strike that will forever change the course Michael Ritchie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077717 of history? Katharine Ross and Ron O’Neal co-star in this Meet the only guy who changes his identity more often than spellbinding sci-fi action hit filmed on location aboard the his underwear.. Fletch (Chase), is an investigative reporter Felon U.S.S. Nimitz with the full participation of the U.S. Navy and who’s constantly changing his identity. While working on a the ship’s crew. Blue Underground is proud to present The drug expose, Fletch attracts the attention of a strange Sam Shepard, Anne Archer, Val Kilmer, Final Countdown in stunning High Definition with remixed 7.1 businessman (Tim Matheson) who wants to be killed so his Stephen Dorff, Harold Perrineau Jr. DTS-HD and 7.1 Dolby TrueHD soundtracks for the ultimate wife will inherit more insurance. The wily Fletch senses a in explo scam, and soon he’s up to his byline in frame-ups, murder, Stephen Dorff (Black Water Transit, World Trade Center), police corruption and forbidden romance. It’ll be the story of Val Kilmer (Columbus Day, Conspiracy), Harold Perrineau, Cult Film / TV, High Seas, Military, the year, if he can stay alive to meet his deadline! Jr. (The Matrix Revolutions, TV’s Lost) and Sam Shepard Adventure, Science Fiction, Special (The Accidental Husband, Stealth) star in the high-action and Comedy 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 98min. edge-of-your-seat prison film, Felon, the story of a family man Editions, Time Travel 1980 Ltbx 102min. Universal Studios who is convicted of murder for killing an intruder who enters Blue Underground 28.10.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078099 his home, threatening the lives of his wife and son. As he 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078444 struggles to survive the violent penal system in a maximum- security state prison where a corrupt lieutenant tries to Errol Flynn Westerns maintain power and order, even if it means crossing the line. Final Exam Also starring Anne Archer (End Game, Man of the House), Errol Flynn Gregg Serano (Conspiracy, TV’s Wildfire), Nick Chinlund Thrillers, Horror 1981 min. Rocky Mountain San Antonio Virginia City (Ball Don’t Lie, Ultraviolet), Johnny Lewis (AVPR: Alien vs. BCI 23.09.2008 Western, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Predator Requiem, TV’s The O.C.), Marisol Nichols (Big 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078540 Sets, Hollywood Legends min. Momma’s House 2, TV’s 24) and Nate Parker (The Great Debaters, Pride). Warner Bros. 26.08.2008 Prison, Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 102min. Finn’s Girl 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077639 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment A smart, sexy, and suspenseful look into the lives of Dr. Finn Jeffries and her daughter, Zelly. Finn’s life would be busy Footloose (I Love The 80’s) 12.08.2008 even without a child - she’s a doctor running a clinic and a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077840 single lesbian reentering the dating scene. Meanwhile, 11- John Lithgow, Lori Singer, Dianne Wiest, year old Zelly’s testing her preteen limits and Finn’s patience Kevin Bacon, Chris Penn - Dir. Herbert daily. But when controversy erupts over the clinic and Finn’s Felon (Blu-ray) life is threatened, „family“ takes on a whole new meaning. Ross Sam Shepard, Anne Archer, Val Kilmer, Romance, Canadian, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Footloose. Drama 107min. Stephen Dorff, Harold Perrineau Jr. Lesbian Interest 2007 88min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Stephen Dorff (Black Water Transit, World Trade Center), Wolfe Video 05.08.2008 Val Kilmer (Columbus Day, Conspiracy), Harold Perrineau, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077720 Jr. (The Matrix Revolutions, TV’s Lost) and Sam Shepard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077729 (The Accidental Husband, Stealth) star in the high-action and edge-of-your-seat prison film, Felon, the story of a family man The First Olympics: Athens 1896 The Forbidden Kingdom who is convicted of murder for killing an intruder who enters Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Michael Angarano, TV Movies, Olympics, Sports, Drama 1984 his home, threatening the lives of his wife and son. As he Collin Chou - Dir. Rob Minkoff struggles to survive the violent penal system in a maximum- 248min. security state prison where a corrupt lieutenant tries to Individually, they’ve starred in the most adrenaline-pumping maintain power and order, even if it means crossing the line. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment martial-arts adventures ever. Together for the first time, Jet Li Also starring Anne Archer (End Game, Man of the House), 05.08.2008 and Jackie Chan join forces to create the greatest epic of Gregg Serano (Conspiracy, TV’s Wildfire), Nick Chinlund 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077780 them all - The Forbidden Kingdom. As ancient Chinese (Ball Don’t Lie, Ultraviolet), Johnny Lewis (AVPR: Alien vs. warriors, they must train and mentor a 21st century kung-fu Predator Requiem, TV’s The O.C.), Marisol Nichols (Big fanatic who’s been summoned to fight a centuries-old battle Momma’s House 2, TV’s 24) and Nate Parker (The Great Fishtales and free the imprisoned Monkey King. If you’re a fi ghting fan, the wait is over. The team is ready. The Kingdom has arrived. Debaters, Pride). Billy Zane, Alki David, Kelly Brook - Dir. Alki Drama, Prison 2008 Ltbx 104min. Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts David Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2008 Ltbx 104min. Romance, British, Family, Fantasy, Foreign 12.08.2008 Lionsgate 09.09.2008

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077260 Boxed Sets, Classics, Fantasy min. 112min. 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 Lionsgate 16.09.2008 The Forbidden Kingdom: Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077883 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077419 Edition Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Michael Angarano, Fraulein Furcio A story of the friendship among three women from Yugoslavia. Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Mexican Collin Chou - Dir. Rob Minkoff Reza left Belgrade more than 30 years ago to seek a new life Individually, they’ve starred in the most adrenaline-pumping in Zurich. Now in her fifties, she has completely detached 2000 180min. martial-arts adventures ever. Together for the first time, Jet Li herself from the past. She owns a cafeteria and maintains an Xenon Entertainment 12.08.2008 and Jackie Chan join forces to create the greatest epic of orderly, joyless existence. Mila, a waitress there, is a good- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077730 them all - The Forbidden Kingdom. As ancient Chinese humored Croatian woman who also emigrated decades ago. warriors, they must train and mentor a 21st century kung-fu But unlike Reza, Mila dreams of returning to a house on the fanatic who’s been summoned to fight a centuries-old battle Croatian coast. Both of them receive a jolt when Ana, a young, GateKeepers: Volume 7 - The and free the imprisoned Monkey King. If you’re a fi ghting fan, itinerant woman who has fled Sarajevo, breezes into the the wait is over. The team is ready. The Kingdom has arrived. cafeteria looking for work. Reza hires her but is annoyed by Shadow! Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts Ana’s impulsive and spirited efforts to inject life into the Dir. Kouichi Chigira 2008 Ltbx 104min. cafeteria. But the acrimony dissipates as Ana begins to thaw The Dark Plan. Reiji Kageyama revealed his radical political Lionsgate 09.09.2008 Reza’s chill. theories on national TV, but an Invader attack forces AEGIS to Drama, European, Foreign, German 2006 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077261 jam the rest of the broadcast to prevent widespread panic. 81min. Christmas and New Year’s pass relatively uneventfully, but Passion River 02.09.2008 the Shadow’s plots weaken the AEGIS team. To further The Forbidden Kingdom: Special complicate the situation, the return of Kaiser Kikai (Kikai 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077585 Shogun) and Count (Akuma Hakushaku) coincides with Edition (Blu-ray) a threat against Ruriko’s father — will the GateKeepers be able to deal with the threat? Will they realize the true enemy Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Michael Angarano, French Postcards before it’s too late? Episode 19 - The Opinions Of Youths! Collin Chou - Dir. Rob Minkoff Debra Winger, Jean Rochefort, Blanche Episode 20 - Leap Forward Into A New Year! Episode 21 - Individually, they’ve starred in the most adrenaline-pumping Baker, Valerie Quennessen, David Marshall Protect The Festival Of Progress And Harmony For Mankind! martial-arts adventures ever. Together for the first time, Jet Li 2000 FF S 80min. Grant, Miles Chapin - Dir. Willard Huyck and Jackie Chan join forces to create the greatest epic of Pioneer Studios them all - The Forbidden Kingdom. As ancient Chinese Comedy, Drama 1979 95min. warriors, they must train and mentor a 21st century kung-fu 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078097 fanatic who’s been summoned to fight a centuries-old battle Legend Films 01.07.2008 and free the imprisoned Monkey King. If you’re a fi ghting fan, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077991 the wait is over. The team is ready. The Kingdom has arrived. Gattaca: Special Edition (with Fantasy, Martial Arts, Action, Adventure The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air: The Digital Copy) 2008 Ltbx 104min. Complete Seasons 1 - 4 Loren Dean, - Dir. Andrew Niccol Lionsgate 09.09.2008 As one of the last „natural“ beings born into a genetically 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078284 Comedy, NBC min. engineered world, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has none Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 of the „pre-ordered“ DNA that will guarantee him success. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078019 Desperate to realize his dream of exploring space, Vincent Foreign Exchange assumes the identity of a genetically superior athlete (Jude Comedy, High School 2008 85min. Law). Avoiding detection using the athlete’s genetic markers, Freshman Orientation Vincent becomes a rising star at Gattaca Aerospace, Screen Media Films 09.09.2008 attracting the attention of a stunning co-worker (Uma 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078336 Heather Matarazzo, Marla Sokoloff, Mike Thurman). But when a flight director is brutally murdered, a Erwin, Sam Huntington - Dir. Ryan Shiraki clue left at the crime scene threatens to shatter Vincent’s College Life, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian plans in this Special Edition of the riveting sci-fi classic. Foreign Exchange (Conservative Science Fiction, Thrillers, Clones, Killer Interest 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 91min. Technology 1997 Ltbx 16x9 106min. Art) Screen Media Films 19.08.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Comedy, High School 2008 85min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077856 Screen Media Films 09.09.2008 05.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077849 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078337 Friday The 13th: The Series - The Foreign Exchange (with Unrated First Season Geek Mythology Louise Robey, Chris Wiggins, John D. Two friends, Tim and Steve couldn’t be more different. Tim is Bonus) LeMay a lonely but ambitious inventor while Steve is a suave Comedy, High School 2008 85min. musician with a beautiful girlfriend Renee. After getting Horror 1987 FF M 1179min. dumped by his trashy ex-girlfriend, Tim is thrust into a despe- Screen Media Films 09.09.2008 Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 rate quest to make more of his life. Inspired by the sexual 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078338 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077954 prowess of his upstairs neighbor Wallace, Tim adopts a simple and demented approach to serenity - having sex with beautiful women. He doesn’t take into account one major The Forsaken Land Frontier Film Collection setback - women think he’s a bumbling idiot. When Tim Sri Lanka, Art House, Drama, Foreign 2005 discovers that the secret to success with women lies in the (Collectable Tin) possession of a mystical statue, his luck changes...for the 108min. The Ranger, The Cook, and A Hole In The Sky Follow the worse. It seems the statue is attracting Renee and he realizes New Yorker 26.08.2008 River True Women Buffalo Girls his secret lust for her. Now Tim is really caught in a mess. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077890 Action, Adventure, Western 551min. Laughs abound as Tim sorts out his predicament and finds success by looking in the one place he never expected to find Echo Bridge Home Entertainment it...in himself. A Four Letter Word 08.07.2008 Comedy 2008 81min. A Four Letter Word is an endearing romantic comedy filled 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077588 Starlight Film Group 28.10.2008 with razor-sharp one-liners and plenty of eye candy. The film’s sparkly centerpiece is Luke (Jesse Archer), a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077290 promiscuous „gay cliche“ who works in a Chelsea sex shop. F-Troop: The Complete Seasons 1 While Luke chases sexual oblivion his coworker Zeke & 2 George Wallace engages in social activism and a running commentary on Luke’s moral shortcomings. Then Luke falls hard for macho Western, Comedy min. Gary Sinise, Mare Winningham - Dir. John man Stephen (Charlie David) and considers giving monogamy Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 Frankenheimer a chance. But everything is not as it may seem - and being true to oneself may be the best way to deal with the many 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078018 TV Movies, Biography, Biopics, Drama 1997 complications of A Four Letter Word. 178min. Romance, Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest Fuera Del Cielo Warner Bros. 21.10.2008 87min. In the devastated urban landscape of Mexico City, in the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077476 TLA Releasing 19.08.2008 course of a day, the lives of a handful of characters intertwine. Malboro just got out of jail and goes looking for 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078064 his brother, Cucu, who perhaps was the reason for his Get Smart: Season 1 imprisonment. Over the course of 24 hours, they will have time Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Edward Platt Fox Horror Classics: Volume 2 to be reunited and forgive one another, but also to commit a Maxwell Smart is back...And Loving it! And so is Agent 99, robbery which leads them to mix with people of other social Dr. Renault’s Secret Dragonwyck The Chief, Fang and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. spheres. Here is the legendary, Emmy Award-Winning spy-spoof series Science Fiction, Thrillers, Adventure, Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2006 inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 25 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) digitally restored, remastered and brought to you by HBO Hamilton, Richard Conte, John Cazale, Lee Drama 1990 Ltbx DD 5.1 170min. Video. Now its easier than ever to out-smart the world’s least secret...secret agent, in this cunningly funny 4-DVD Strasberg, Richard S. Castellano - Dir. Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 collection, featuring all 30 episodes of Get Smart’s first hit Francis Ford Coppola 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078333 season, including the hilarious pilot, „Mr. Big,“ and the The Godfather Trilogy is the benchmark for all cinematic award-winning classic double-episode, „Ship of Spies.“ So if storytelling. Francis Ford Coppola’s masterful adaptation of the object of your mission is timeless family comedy...grab Mario Puzo’s novel chronicles the rise and fall of the The Godfather: The Coppola your shoe phone and get ready...for Get Smart! Corleone family in this celebrated epic. Collectively Restoration Comedy, Spies/Secret Agents 1965 750min. nominated for a staggering twenty-eight Academy Awards, the Robert Duvall, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, HBO Home Video 05.08.2008 films are the winner of nine, including two for Best Picture for The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II. Sterling Hayden, Talia Shire, John Marley, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077924 National Film Registry, Academy Award James Caan, , Richard Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Boxed Sets, Conte, Richard Castellano - Dir. Francis Ghost Hunters: Season 4 - Part 1 Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Ford Coppola Ghosts, Science Fiction 500min. Epics Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 549min. Francis Ford Coppola’s epic masterpiece features Marlon First Look Home Entertainment 07.10.2008 Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 Brando in his Oscar-winning role as the patriarch of the Corleone family. Director Coppola paints a chilling portrait of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078028 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078328 the Sicilian clan’s rise and near fall from power in America, masterfully balancing the story between the Corleone’s family Ghostboat The Godfather Collection: The life and the ugly crime business in which they are engaged. Based on Mario Puzo’s best-selling novel and featuring David Jason Coppola Restoration (Blu-ray) career-making performances by Al Pacino, James Caan and Jack Hardy (Jason David, A Touch of Frost) is the sole Robert Duvall, this searing and brilliant film garnered ten survivor of a mysterious submarine disaster in World War II. Robert Duvall, Andy Garcia, Joe Mantegna, Academy Award nominations, and won three including Best Now, in 1981, the ill-fated submarine has resurfaced, Diane Keaton, Bridget Fonda, Sterling Picture of 1972. miraculously intact, but what’s waiting for the new crew under Hayden, Talia Shire, John Marley, Mariana Music, National Film Registry, Academy the grey waters of the Baltic Sea turns out to be much worse than the Russian submarines they were expecting. Hardy Hill, Sofia Coppola, Morgana King, Robert Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, fights for his life as the forgotten events of 1943 start to have De Niro, James Caan, Eli Wallach, George Drama 1972 Ltbx DD 5.1 177min. deadly consequences for the modern day crew of the submari- Hamilton, Richard Conte, John Cazale, Lee Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 ne. Wherever this submarine has been all this time, it’s brought some bad luck back with it. Strasberg, Richard S. Castellano - Dir. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078330 Mystery, Thrillers, TV Movies, British, Dra- Francis Ford Coppola The Godfather Trilogy is the benchmark for all cinematic God’s Little Acre ma, Foreign, High Seas, International TV storytelling. Francis Ford Coppola’s masterful adaptation of 2006 145min. Mario Puzo’s novel chronicles the rise and fall of the Fay Spain, Vic Morrow, Jack Lord, Aldo MPI 30.09.2008 Corleone family in this celebrated epic. Collectively Ray - Dir. Anthony Mann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077815 nominated for a staggering twenty-eight Academy Awards, the This rollicking look inside the rural Deep South brings to life films are the winner of nine, including two for Best Picture for the primitive, ribald rustics of Erskine Caldwell’s steamy The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II. bestselling novel. Both humorous and heartrending, this Gigi: Special Edition Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama, critically acclaimed film reveals the hidden passions heating Dysfunctional Families, Epics, Academy up beneath the hot Southern sun, as well as the warmth and Eva Gabor, Hermoine Gingold, Leslie Caron, humor of everyday life. A poor sharecropper’s family Isabel Jeans, Maurice Chevalier, Louis Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Natio- struggling to survive is nearly torn apart as the patriarch Jourdan - Dir. Vincente Minnelli nal Film Registry Ltbx M 549min. stubbornly pursues his belief that gold is buried somewhere Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 on his land. Nothing will stop him as he goes to outrageous Music, Musical, National Film Registry, lengths in his efforts to find the treasure. Directed by Anthony Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078345 Mann (Cimarron, El Cid), Robert Ryan (The Wild Bunch) Top 100, Classics 1958 92min. gives a stunning performance as the rugged family patriarch. The Godfather: Part II - The The star-packed cast also includes Tina Louise before being Warner Bros. 16.09.2008 marooned as Ginger on „Gilligan’s Island“ as the sultry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077403 Coppola Restoration Griselda; „Bonanza’s Little Joe, Michael Landon, playing the albino farmhand Dave Lawson; Jack Lord before „Hawaii 5-0“ Robert Duvall, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, and funnyman Buddy Hackett. Full of hope and courage Girl On The Bridge Talia Shire, Mariana Hill, Morgana King, despite the most dire circumstances, God’s Little Acre „is a Vanessa Paradis, Daniel Auteuil - Dir. Robert De Niro, John Cazale, Lee Strasberg rustic revel with the kick of a Georgia mule“ (Varie Patrice Leconte - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Classics, Drama 1958 Ltbx M 229min. Romance, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French This brilliant companion piece to the original The Godfather Image Ent. continues the saga of two generations of successive power 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078158 1999 91min. within the Corleone family. Director Francis Ford Coppola Legend Films 01.07.2008 tells two stories in Part II: the roots and rise of a young Don 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077993 Vito, played with uncanny ability by Robert De Niro, and the Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan ascension of Michael (Al Pacino) as the new Don. Reassembling many of the talents who helped make The Adventure Girls Behaving Badly: Chelsea Godfather, Coppola has produced a movie of staggering Alyssa Milano, Bruce Campbell Handler Exposed magnitude and vision, and undeniably the best sequel ever She Came. She Saw. She Conquered.. Alyssa Milano stars as made. Robert De Niro won an Oscar; the film received six a young socialite determined to strike it rich in the Alaskan Chelsea Handler Academy Awards, including Best Picture of 1974. wilderness! Chelsea Handler will keep you in stitches as you watch the Music, National Film Registry, Academy S 89min. very BEST of Chelsea’s outrageous hidden pranks. Tag along Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, with Chelsea Handler and the other girls of the Oxygen Disney / Buena Vista Network’s Girls Behaving Badly, as they shock their victems Drama 1974 Ltbx DD 5.1 202min. tba BestellNr.: 40077516 into hilarity. This accomplished stand-up comic, late night talk Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 show host, and celebrity author entertains us with 35 of her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078332 most popular and mischievous practical jokes! The Good Boy Comedy, Reality 150min. The story follows Angel, twenty years old and barely The Godfather: Part III - The employed, a guy of few friends and a not-too-promising boxing Starlight Film Group 19.08.2008 career. Angel and his mother scrape out a living in Madrid. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077781 Coppola Restoration Enter Vidal, a professional bank robber and a real charmer, Al Pacino, Andy Garcia, Diane Keaton, just back from Argentina. A former boxer with past ties to Angel’s mother and Angel’s deceased father, he offers Angel a The Gleam Bridget Fonda, Talia Shire, Sofia Coppola, way out of his dead-end life. Along the way, Angel will have to Thrillers, Horror 2006 min. Eli Wallach, George Hamilton - Dir. Francis decide who he truly wants to be and, more importantly, what BCI 02.09.2008 Ford Coppola he’s willing to give up. Starring Alex Gonzalez, who was One of the greatest sagas in movie history continues. In this nominated for a Goya Award (Spanish equivalent of the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078541 third film in the epic Corleone trilogy, Al Pacino reprises the Oscar) for Best New Actor for his portrayal of Angel, as well role of powerful family leader Michael Corleone. Now in his as Dario Grandinetti of Pedro Almodovar’s Talk To Her, the The Godfather Collection: The 60’s, Michael is dominated by two passions: freeing his family film also won the award for Best Director at the prestigious from crime and finding a suitable successor. That successor Vallodolid (Spain) International Film Festival. Coppola Restoration could be fiery Vincent (Andy Garcia)...but he may also be the Spanish, Drama, Foreign, Gay 2005 108min. spark that turns Michael’s hope of business legitimacy into an Picture This Home Video 16.09.2008 Robert Duvall, Andy Garcia, Joe Mantegna, inferno of mob violence. Francis Ford Coppola directs Diane Keaton, Bridget Fonda, Sterling Pacino, Garcia, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, Eli Wallach, Sofia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077494 Hayden, Talia Shire, John Marley, Mariana Coppola, Joe Mantegna and others in this exciting, long- awaited film that masterfully explores the themes of power, Goosebumps: A Night In Terror Hill, Sofia Coppola, Morgana King, Robert tradition, revenge and love. Seven Academy Award De Niro, James Caan, Eli Wallach, George nominations for 1990 were the result, including Best Picture. Tower

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 26 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Thrillers, Family, Horror 1996 88min. Marcel Dalio, Eric von Stroheim - Dir. Jean Randal Kleiser 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Renoir Grease. Go back to high school with Pink Lady Sandy (Olivia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077310 Jean Renoir’s pacifist masterpiece stars Jean Gabin as a Newton-John), leader of the bad-boy T-birds, Danny (John French World War I POW held by Erich Von Stroheim’s Travolta), and a rockin’ and rollin’ all-star. Available for the German captain. One of the greatest antiwar films ever made, first as a remastered Special Edition and featuring all-new Goosebumps: Cry Of The Cat / as well as a rousing prison-escape adventure, Grand Illusion bonus materials, Grease: Rockin’ Rydell Edition is the word! is an exemplar of the 1930s poetic realist movement. Musical, Romance, High School 1978 Ltbx Say Cheese And Die (Double Fea- Art House, Classics, Drama, Foreign, 16x9 DD 5.1 110min. ture) French, War, World War I 1937 M 114min. Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 Thrillers, Double Features, Family, Horror Janus Films 09.09.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077956 132min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078465 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Great African Films, Vol. 3: The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077314 The Grapes Of Wrath: Cliffs Notes Desert Ark / Daratt Edition Algerian, Foreign 185min. Goosebumps: Ghost Next Door / John Qualen, Joe Sawyer, Darryl Hickman, Facets Video 26.08.2008 Shocker (Double Feature) Jane Darwell, John Carradine, Ward Bond, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077755 Thrillers, Double Features, Family, Horror Charles Middleton, Eddie Quillan, Grant 87min. Mitchell, Frank Faylen, Frank Sully, Frank The Great Escape: Special Editi- 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Darien, Russell Simpson - Dir. John Ford on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077315 One of the most influential directors in the history of cinema, John Ford helmed more than 140 films and received countless Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Richard awards for his extensive craftsmanship, including four Best Attenborough, James Garner, James Do- Goosebumps: It Came From Deep Director Academy Awards. Setting the standard for excellent filmmaking in every genre he touched, Ford remains an icon, a nald - Dir. John Sturges Beneath The Sink / Deep Trouble legend and an inspiration to anyone who’s ever made a film... In 1943, the Germans opened Stalag Luft North, a maximum- (Double Feature) or watched one. This remarkable film version of John security prisoner-of-war camp, designed to hold even the Steinbeck’s novel was nominated for seven Academy Awards craftiest escape artists. In doing so, however, the Nazis Thrillers, Double Features, Family, Horror and won two. Following a prison term he served for unwittingly assembled the finest escape team in military 132min. manslaughter, Tom Joad returns to find his family homestead history brilliantly portrayed here by Steve McQueen, James overwhelmed by weather and the greed of the banking Garner, Charles Bronson and James Coburn who worked on 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 industry. With little work potential on the horizon of the what became the largest prison breakout ever attempted. One 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077316 Oklahoma dust bowls, the entire family packs up and heads of the most ingenious and suspenseful adventure films of all for the promised land - California. but the arduous trip and time, The Great Escape is a masterful collaboration between harsh living conditions they encounter offer little hope, and director John Sturges (The Magnificent Seven), Goosebumps: Monster Blood family unity proves as daunting a challenge as any other the screenwriters James Clavell (Shogun) and W.R. Burnett Joads face in this acclaimed classic. (Little Caesar), and composer Elmer Bernstein. Based on a Thrillers, Family, Horror 1996 87min. true story, The Great Escape is epic entertainment that 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 National Film Registry, Academy Award „entertains, captivates, thrills and stirs“ (Variety). 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077312 Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Drama War, World War II, Action, Adventure 1963 1940 128min. 168min. Goosebumps: Night Of The Living 20th Century Fox 05.08.2008 MGM / UA 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077657 Dummy / How I Got My Shrunken tba BestellNr.: 40077535 Head (Double Feature) Grease 2 (I Love The 80’s) Grindhouse Experience Presents: Thrillers, Double Features, Family, Horror Dody Goodman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Eve Mercs Soldiers Of Fortune - 10 132min. Arden, Didi Conn, Adrian Zmed, Connie 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Stevens, Lorna Luft, Sid Caesar, Tab Film Feature Collection 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077317 Hunter, Maxwell Caulfield - Dir. Patricia Action, Collections, Grindhouse min. Birch Video Asia 21.10.2008 Goosebumps: One Day At Return to rockin’ Rydell High for a whole new term! It’s 1961, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078041 two years after the original Grease gang graduated, and HorrorLand there’s a new crop of seniors — and new members of the Thrillers, Family, Horror 1997 86min. coolest cliques on campus, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. Grindhouse Experience Presents: Michael Carrington (Maxwell Caulfield) is the new kid in Spaghetti Western Bible 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 school — but he’s been branded a brainiac. Can he fix up an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077311 old motorcycle, don a leather jacket, avoid a rumble with the Spaghetti Westerns, Action, Boxed Sets, leader of the T-Birds (Adrian Zmed), and win the heart of Pink Western min. Lady Stephanie Zinone (Michelle Pfeiffer)? He’s surely going Goosebumps: Perfect School / My to try! Video Asia 23.09.2008 Best Friend Is Invisible (Double Musical, Romance, Comedy 114min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077899 Feature) Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077733 H2O Thrillers, Double Features, Family, Horror Politics, Thrillers, TV Movies, Canadian, 86min. Drama, Foreign, International TV 2004 min. 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Grease: Rockin’ Rydell Edition Morningstar Entertainment 15.07.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077318 (Leather Jacket Package) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077478 Joan Blondell, , Eve Arden, Didi Conn, Sid Caesar, Frankie Goosebumps: Scary House / Halfway Decent Chillogy (Double Feature) Avalon, Jeff Conaway, Edd Byrnes - Dir. Randal Kleiser Comedy 2005 79min. Thrillers, Double Features, Family, Horror Grease. Go back to high school with Pink Lady Sandy (Olivia Westlake Media 22.07.2008 110min. Newton-John), leader of the bad-boy T-birds, Danny (John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078324 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 Travolta), and a rockin’ and rollin’ all-star. Available for the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077320 first as a remastered Special Edition and featuring all-new bonus materials, Grease: Rockin’ Rydell Edition is the word! Hammer Films: Icons Of Horror Musical, Romance, High School 1978 Ltbx Boxed Sets, British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Grace Under Fire: Season 1 DD 5.1 110min. Hammer House Of Horror, Horror 333min. Brett Butler Paramount Pictures 23.09.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ABC, Comedy min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077955 14.10.2008 First Look Home Entertainment 07.10.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077508 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077888 Grease: Rockin’ Rydell Edition (Letterman’s Sweater Package) Hard Gore: Sinistre / House of Grand Illusion: Essential Art Joan Blondell, Stockard Channing, Eve Carnage (Grindhouse Double House Arden, Didi Conn, Sid Caesar, Frankie Feature) Pierre Fresnay, Dita Parlo, Jean Gabin, Avalon, Jeff Conaway, Edd Byrnes - Dir. Director/writer/editor Ronnie Sortor (Ravage) presents this

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) film about three criminals whose bid to pull off the perfect Ray Harryhausen Giftset 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077684 heist goes horribly wrong. First, one of the three is shot during the robbery, leaving the young couple, Simon and Lisa, It Came From Beneath The Sea Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers to fend for themselves. The two decide to separate and Science Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Her Best Move rendezvous in a deserted house. Simon arrives first, and Boxed Sets, Classics, Monsters 489min. proceeds to spend the night there, waiting for Lisa. During the Romance, Soccer, Sports, Comedy, Family night, Simon comes face to face with the dark presences of an Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2007 min. axe murderer and his victims, who attempt to claim him as one tba BestellNr.: 40077560 MGM / UA 19.08.2008 of their own. An ultra low budget gore film, Sinistre is an entertaining and inventive combination of the crime/slasher/ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077885 zombie film. This is the bizarre and tragically gruesome Haunted Histories Collection: account of what happened to two young friends one summer Volume 2 Heroes: Season 2 afternoon in the rural areas of Pennsylvania. Here in these woods, they were stalked by a menacing ax welding manic Boxed Sets, Haunted Houses, History Hayden Panettiere, Ali Larter, Kristen Bell, and his demented family... a bizarre cannibalistic clan with Channel min. Milo Ventimiglia, Greg Grunberg, Adrian blood on their mind and mission to bring demon babies into the world. Their only chance to live is to escape from the House A&E 26.08.2008 Pasdar, Masi Oka, Santiago Cabrera, Of Carnage. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077257 Zachary Quinto, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Thrillers, Zombies, Double Features, Grind- Leonard Roberts house, Horror 144min. Heartbeat Detector Drama, Fantasy, NBC, Superheroes 2007 Sub Rosa Studios 26.08.2008 Mathieu Amalric - Dir. Nicolas Klotz Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077870 Art House, Drama, Foreign, French 2007 Universal Studios 26.08.2008 141min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078058 Hardcase And Fist New Yorker 22.07.2008 Tony Zarindast, Maureen LaVette, Christina 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077636 High School Musical 2: 2 Disc Lunde, Carter Wong, Ted Prior, Vincent Deluxe Dance Edition Barbi, Beano, Tony Bova, Victor Von Heavy Metal (with Digital Copy) Vanessa Hudgens, Kaycee Stroh, Ashley Wright - Dir. Tony Zarindast Harold Ramis, John Candy - Dir. Gerald Tisdale, Monique Coleman, Alyson Reed, They Escaped From Folsom Prison. Now They Must Prove Their Innocence.. Bud McCall is a dedicated, honest cop Potterton Olesya Rulin, Tanya Chisholm, Jessica framed on a drug charge after the FBI orders him to testify Louder and Nastier Than Ever!. Based on the fantastical Tuck, Zac Efron, Corbin Bleu, Lucas against his former partner turned ruthless crime lord. illustrated magazine Heavy Metal, producer Ivan Reitman Grabeel, , Ryne Sanborn, Imprisoned and targeted to be killed, McCall must find a way enlists the world’s greatest comic book artists to create the to prove his innocence and stay alive. In Bud’s desperate otherworldly tale of a glowing green orb from outer space that Mark L. Taylor, Robert Curtis Brown, Chri- fight for justice, he must kill in self-defense, endure a pulse- spreads destruction throughout the galaxy. Only when stopher Warren Jr. - Dir. Kenny Ortega pounding bus hijacking and face off in a final deadly encountered by its one true enemy - to whom it is inexplicably Musical, Romance, Affairs/Love Triangles, confrontation! Revenge is brutally sweet in this nonstop, drawn - will goodness prevail throughout the universe. edge-of-your-seat pursuit that’s full of flying fists and Lavishly drawn, the vignettes of the orb’s dark victories Comedy, Disney Channel, Family, High unexpected curves, including an appearance by Hollywood’s include the character voices of John Candy and Harold Ramis School, TV Movies 2007 DD 5.1 111min. billboard bombshell Angelyne! plus a pounding soundtrack by Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Cheap Trick, Devo, Donald Fagen, Don Felder, Grand Disney / Buena Vista 23.09.2008 Music, Prison, Action 1988 Ltbx M 93min. Funk Railroad, Sammy Hagar, Journey, Nazareth, Stevie 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077493 Image Ent. Nicks, Riggs, and Trust. Highly imaginative and full of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078114 suprising special contemporary animation. An intoxicating experience not to be missed. Holiday TV Classics Science Fiction, Space, Based On Comic Collections, Holidays 1260min. Harold Book, Cult Film / TV 1981 90min. Mill Creek Entertainment 22.07.2008 Ally Sheedy, Rachel Dratch, Nikki Blonsky, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077789 Cuba Gooding Jr., Fred Willard, Spencer 05.08.2008 Breslin, Colin Quinn - Dir. T. Sean Shannon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077852 Holocaust Of Blood: Crash Test / Comedy 2008 100min. Ravage (Grindhouse Double Fea- City Lights 16.09.2008 Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078459 ture) Nick Broomfield, Nick Broomfield - Dir. Nick Introducing Crash Test, a surreal automotive nightmare. A Broomfield struggling writer is kidnapped and surgically transformed into Harold & Kumar Escape From Hollywood was the whore. She was just the madam.. From human crash test dummy 171096. Captive to Motorkore, a Guantanamo Bay award-winning director Nick Broomfield comes a voyeuristic corporation seeking car nirvana, 171096 must learn the tricks expose of Heidi Fleiss’ multi-million dollar call girl operation, of survival in an industry where any day could be your last. Neil Patrick Harris, Danneel Harris, Kal and the scandalous underbelly of Hollywood that was her But there’s one thing Motorkore hasn’t counted on. With the Penn, John Cho, Roger Bart, Rob Corddry - playground. Exclusive interviews with Heidi, Ivan Nagy, guidance of his cell-mate, a veteran dummy, 171096 prepares Madam Alex and Former L.A. Police Chief Daryl Gates, to beat the system by mastering the perfect crash. For the first Dir. Jon Hurwitz combine with brilliant investigative filmmaking to make Heidi time in Motorkore history, one employee will not die quietly. Stoners, Buddy Pictures, Comedy 2008 min. Fleiss-Hollywood Madam „The one movie everyone should Strap yourself in place and get ready to burn, because one New Line Home Entertainment 29.07.2008 see,“ according to Janet Maslin of . crash test dummy will fight back. After witnessing the brutal Biopics, Documentary, Drama 1995 FF S slaughter of his family by a vicious serial killer, criminal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077292 psychologist, Gregory Burroughs, is engulfed in an obsession 106min. for revenge. He follows a trail of carnage and destruction to a Harold & Kumar Go To White Wellspring violent underworld and becomes entangled in a web of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078273 brutality surrounded by an army of cold-blooded assassins. Castle: Extreme Unrated (Blu-ray) The resulting explosion of action and violence propels Neil Patrick Harris, Carolyn Choa, Fred Gregory to the ultimate chance to attain vengeance. „Ronnie Hellboy (Single Disc) Sortor’s brutal action set-pieces put ma Willard, Anthony Anderson - Dir. Danny Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, John Hurt, Thrillers, Double Features, Grindhouse Leiner 166min. If you like your comedy extreme and your action twisted, Jeffrey Tambor, Karel Roden, Rupert Evans buckle up for this epic story of deep inhaling and sizzling hot - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro Sub Rosa Studios 02.09.2008 buns! Straitlaced, hard-working Harold (John Cho, the As dark forces gather to hasten the Apocalypse, Hellboy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077234 American Pie movies) and his roommate, the rebellious, party- fights fire with fire in this mind-blasting supernatural action- loving Kumar (Kal Penn, National Lampoon’s Van Wilder) adventure from the visionary director of Blade 2. Based on the have only one thing in common - a serious case of the celebrated Dark Horse comic book. Hometown Legend munchies. As they set out on a quest to satisfy their craving, Superheroes, Action, Based On Comic Lacey Chabert, Ian Bohen, Shawn Harold and Kumar’s simple road trip turns into a hilarious all- night adventure filled with outrageous obstacles, sick Book, Fantasy, Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 Hoffman, Michael Patwin, Dallas Jenkins, characters and dangerous, sexy curves! With a hysterically 122min. Jerry B. Jenkins, James Anderson - Dir. funny supporting cast including Neil Patrick Harris and Fred Sony Pictures Home Entertainment James Anderson Willard, Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle will take you on 08.07.2008 Jerry B. Jenkins, author of the popular „Left Behind“ book a rollercoaster comedy ride.. series, delivers a rousing , stand-up-on-the-bleachers-and- Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Road Trips, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077343 cheer story of a small town’s desperate fight for survival. Stoners 2004 Ltbx DTS 90min. Athens is a little town on its last legs. The town’s high school Help Me Eros is about to be closed down and their once mighty football team New Line Home Entertainment 29.07.2008 hasn’t had a winning season in twelve years since a tragedy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078277 Taiwanese, Art House, Drama, Erotica, struck and the coach retired. But when that same legendary Foreign 2007 103min. football coach returns for one final season, he brings a Strand Releasing 22.07.2008 glimmer of hope to the Crusaders. Now, as the team rekindles

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 28 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) its will to win, a rebellious young player and the girl he loves 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077734 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077992 will discover the power of faith, and an entire town will get one last chance at redemption as the action races to its breathtaking, down-to-the wire finish! House Of The Dead: Director’s Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte / Sports, Drama, Football, Friendships 2001 Cut - Funny Version Don’t Say A Word / Unspeakable 106min. Jurgen Prochnow, Clint Howard, Ellie Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 (Triple Feature) Cornell, Ona Grauer, Jonathan Cherry, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077293 Thrillers, Triple Feature, Horror 133min. Tyron Leitso - Dir. Uwe Boll 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 It’s spring break and these college kids just want to party. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077395 Hoosiers When they charter a boat to take them to a rave on a nearby Dennis Hopper, Barbara Hershey, Chelcie island, they find it completely deserted, except for the bloodthirsty zombies that have taken it over. A frantic search I Dream Of Jeannie: The Ross, Sheb Wooley, Fern Persons, Gene begins for weapons to use against the encroaching killers Hackman - Dir. David Anspaugh because, as nighttime falls, they realize that their only hope Complete Fifth And Final Season It’ll go straight to your heart.. It’s 1951 in Hickory, Indiana - a for survival is to win the final battle...in the House Of The (Color) place that takes its basketball as seriously as its religion. Dead. Into this tiny town strolls Norman Dale (Hackman), a college Based On Video Game, Comedy, Horror, Larry Hagman, Barbara Eden coach, taking up the unenviable task of coaching Hickory Zombies 2003 DD 5.1 90min. Comedy, Family, Fantasy 1969 FF M High’s eight-man hoop squad. Dale has been down on his luck for the last ten years and hopes this could be a fresh start. Lionsgate 09.09.2008 628min. But several people have something to say about his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077331 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment suspicious training methods and unorthodox bench 08.07.2008 manner...the school’s vice-principal (Hershey), who is keeping his best player in the classroom, the town drunk House: Seasons 1 - 4 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077627 (Hopper), who is ruffling Midwestern feathers as the new Hugh Laurie assistant coach, and Dale’s team, who are short on both iCarly: Season 1 - Volume 1 height and discipline. The school and the town want him fired. Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, Mystery But Coach Dale believes in two things - himself and his team. Ltbx 16x9 min. Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 2007 FF S Amazingly, kids become captains...players become a Universal Studios 19.08.2008 311min. team...losers become winners...has-beens become once- agains. Together they make history in Hoosiers. 281,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077935 Nickelodeon 23.09.2008 National Film Registry, Sports, Basketball, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077957 Drama, Family, High School 1986 Ltbx DD The Houseboy 2.0 114min. From director Spencer Schilly (Summer Thunder), The Idiot Box Houseboy is fearlessly raw yet surprisingly tender. Aimless Artisan and barely in his twenties, disarmingly cute Ricky is content Graeme Blundell, Deborah Kennedy, John 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078199 to play boy toy to a pair of hot thirty-something lovers. That is Polson, Ben Mendelsohn, Jeremy Sims - until he overhears them whisper about „a new toy for Dir. David Caesar Hopalong Cassidy (Collectable Christmas.“ Crushed and totally alone while his couple The Darkly Comic Tale Of The Young And Useless. Gritty and vacations, Ricky binges on internet hookups, random tricks, hard-hitting, Idiot Box follows two unemployed friends who Tin With Handle) and hardcore drugs. Unable to kill the pain, Ricky spend their days drinking beer and watching violent shows on contemplates the end. But a chance meeting with Blake, a TV. Kev’s (Ben Mendelsohn) hobby is being angry while Mick Hopalong Cassidy V.1 Hopalong Cassidy V. 2 Hopalong sweetheart college kid with a thousand watt smile, makes Cassidy V.3 (Jeremy Sims) is the more romantic of the two, writing poems Ricky wonder if there’s something to live for after all. about being unemployed. Looking for some excitement and Shooter, Western, Classics 939min. Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2007 81min. finally fed up with being broke, they decide to rob a bank. As Echo Bridge Home Entertainment TLA Releasing 29.07.2008 the day draws closer, Kev begins to spiral out of control 08.07.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077670 hurtling them towards a dramatic and tragic conclusion. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077599 Music, Substance Abuse, Drama 1996 Ltbx S 83min. How I Met Your Mother: Season 3 Horatio Hornblower: Collector’s Wellspring Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulders, Alyson tba BestellNr.: 40078128 Edition Hannigan, Jason Segel, Josh Radnor Drama 800min. CBS, Comedy, Romance 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 La Ilusion Viaja En Tranvia / A&E 23.09.2008 440min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077245 20th Century Fox 07.10.2008 Nazarin (Double Feature) Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078401 streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Horror Movie Classics: Collector’s Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to „take ‘er How The Garcia Girls Spent Their for one last spin,“ as it were. Unfortunately, the „one last Edition spin“ ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay Collections, Ghosts, Horror, Vampires min. Summer out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning Madacy 05.08.2008 Elizabeth Pena, America Ferrera the „borrowed“ streetcar! Cannes Film Award Winner for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077353 Comedy, Drama 2005 min. Excellence in the Foreign Film Market. This story follows the Maya Entertainment 12.08.2008 life of a priest who is forced to leave the priesthood due to his womanizing. In his travels, he acquires an odd assortment of Horse Lovers Film Collection 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077477 followers including a homicidal prostitute, a failed suicide, (Collectable Tin) and a lascivious dwarf. After a streak of extremely bad luck, The Hulk the priest lands in prison, where another chain of events The Derby Stallion Thicker Than Water A Horse for Danny restores his faith in the kindness of humankind. My Old Man Nick Nolte, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Double Features, Drama, Foreign, Mexican Drama, Family, Horses 380min. Josh Lucas, Eric Bana - Dir. Ang Lee FF S 184min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The larger-than-life Marvel Super Hero the Hulk explodes Lionsgate 02.09.2008 08.07.2008 onto the big screen! After a freak lab accident unleashes a genetically enhanced, impossibly strong creature, a terrifed 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077225 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077593 world must marshal its forces to stop a being with abilities beyond imagination. Hot Pursuit (I Love The 80’s) Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action, Impact Point Linden Ashby, Melissa Keller, Brian Austin John Cusack, Robert Loggia, Wendy Gazel- Based On Comic Book 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 138min. Green - Dir. Hayley Cloake le, Jerry Stiller - Dir. Steven Lisberger The only thing that Kelly Reyes (Melissa Keller) has ever Dan Bartlett (John Cusack) is a lovestruck teen who misses Universal Studios 16.09.2008 thought about was playing beach volleyball. Until one day his plane to the Caribbean in this engaging comedy. He was to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078539 when a mysterious reporter named Holden, played by Brian join sweetheart Lori (Wendy Gazelle) and her father Bill Austin Green, comes into her life and strange events start to (Monte Markham) in the tropical paradise. Determined to get happen to her, as well as the people around her. As Kelly to the island, his efforts are stalled by three natives with a Hurricane becomes skeptical of Holden, she must maintain focus on what penchant for marijuana. After he shakes the stoners, Dan is Max Von Sydow, Mia Farrow, Jason has always been essential to her and play beach volleyball at captured by the pirate Mac MacClaren (Robert Loggia). He her highest level. Is she being paranoid, or is there something escapes the scurvy buccaneer only to land in jail on bogus Robards, Trevor Howard, James Keach, darker to this mystery man? This sexy and obsessive thriller charges. Dan later follows his sweetheart to a yacht where Timothy Bottoms, Manu Tupou - Dir. Jan will keep you hoping for more. her family is being hijacked by another crook. Veteran funnyman Jerry Stiller provides comedy relief. Troell Sports, Thrillers 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Road Trips, Romance, Comedy 92min. Adventure, Drama 1979 120min. 85min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Legend Films 01.07.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

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08.07.2008 Mayron - and, as they say, drama ensues. With Carly , don 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077628 Daniela Sea, Guinevere Turner, Deak Evgenikos, Jenny Based on Jules Verne’s classic science fiction novel, Shimizu and Lauren Mollica. Journey to the Center of the Earth is a fantastical trip into the Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2007 realms of the unknown. In a desperate search for her In The Arms Of My Enemy 87min. husband, Casper (Bryan Brown, Along Came Polly), Alice Hastings hires guide Jonas Lytton (Jeremy London, Gods and Action, Epics, Foreign, French, Gay / Wolfe Video 02.09.2008 Generals) to help track his last whereabouts. What they Lesbian Interest, Historical / Period Piece 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077444 discover on their expedition is spellbinding: an undiscovered 2007 87min. world flourishing with exotic creatures and strange plant life deep within the center of the planet. There, evidence of Picture This Home Video 26.08.2008 Jagoda In The Supermarket Casper’s presence is unmistakable, but he’s nowhere to be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077831 Srdjan Todorovic, Branka Katic - Dir. Dusan found, and danger lurks at every turn. Milic Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, In The Shadows Looking for „Mr. Right,“ spunky checkout girl Jagoda is Disasters, Fantasy, Monsters 187min. frustrated with love, begrudgingly carrying out her work Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Kevin Phillip - Dir. Meg Richman duties in a new supermarket. When a more aggressive co- Beautiful…Ravishing…Remarkably Powerful!“ - Seattle worker steals a potential date, Jagoda refuses to sell a kind 08.07.2008 Weekly. Cynthia and her slacker boyfriend, Buck, are on the old lady strawberries for her grandson’s birthdays cake and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077279 road to nowhere. After trying to make it in a world of unceremoniously throws her out of the market. When the struggling musicians and seedy clubs, Cynthia takes a job as grandson — a war veteran and former member of an elite unit caretaker of the beautiful, wealthy, but terminally ill Eleanor — finds out about the insult perpetrated on dear granny, he Journey To The Center Of The Dunston (Joely Richardson). Eleanor’s rich world seduces enters the store armed to the teeth, seeking revenge on her Earth Cynthia and Buck until the two scheme to romance Eleanor behalf. Plans quickly go awry, however, and as the S.W.A.T. into marrying Buck and bequeathing her fortune. But the team readies, crowds gather outside the supermarket in A hi-tech drilling rig must rescue a research team trapped strange triangle develops into something no one expected support of the gunman. deep below the Earth’s surface. There they discover an when each falls deeply in love. An unforgettably beautiful and exotic world — rich with spectacular flora and fantastical surprisingly sensual film that you’ll never forget. Romance, Action, Comedy, Foreign 2003 FF creatures. 1999 FF DD 2.0 112min. S 92min. Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 2008 Image Ent. Cinequest Entertainment 12.08.2008 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078239 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077809 Asylum Home Entertainment 01.07.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077613 Insanitarium Jerry Maguire (Blu-ray) Thrillers, Cannibalism, Horror 2008 Ltbx Renee Zellweger, Jay Mohr, Jonathan Juiced 16x9 89min. Lipnicki, Regina King, Bonnie Hunt, Cuba O.J. Simpson Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Gooding Jr., Todd Louiso, Mark Pellington - Comedy, Reality, Shockumentary 2006 min. 15.07.2008 Dir. Cameron Crowe BCI 16.09.2008 Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a sports agent who is long on 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077652 ambition but short on scruples. After he suddenly and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078535 ceremoniously loses his job and his girlfriend (Kelly The Invincible Killer Preston), both his personal and professional careers hit an Juncture all-time low. But when a single mother (Renee Zellweger) Lui Ya Ying, Lui Wei Yu, Tang Ching, Chen enters his life and his heart, he finds himself negotiating the What if you only had three months to live? For Anna Carter, biggest deal of his life... for the heart and the hand of the it’s a nightmare come true. Diagnosed with a terminal illness, Hui Min - Dir. Liang Shen Anna’s highflying lifestyle has come crashing down. Now On The Trail Of A Killer Who Can’t Be Stopped.. Desperate to woman that he loves. Cuba Gooding, Jr. (in an Academy Award®-winning performance), Regina King and Bonnie Hunt seeing the world through different eyes and a colder heart, put his triad days behind him, Wang Chun, (Michael Chan Anna, dispensing her style of brutal retribution, embarks on a Wai-man) decides to leave the gang and lead a normal life. costar in writer/ director Cameron Crowe’s „sweetheart of a romantic comedy“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). Nominated personal quest to hunt down various miscreants who have But gang leader Lo sees Wang’s action as an act of betrayal slipped through cracks in the justice system. But with the and soon frames him for a series of violent murders committed for five Academy Awards® including Best Picture and Best Actor - Tom Cruise. police closing in - and death knocking at her door - will she by Lo himself. Wang vows to clear his name and stops Lo from be able to complete her plan before time runs out? Only death more bloodshed. With fierce fighting and outbursts of Comedy, Drama, Football, Academy Award will stop her. violence, The Invincible Killer is a turbo-charged action thrill Winners, Romance, Sports 1996 Ltbx Thrillers 2007 106min. ride! 138min. 1988 FF S 91min. MTI Home Video 12.08.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Tai Seng 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078425 09.09.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077550 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078342 Kabluey Lisa Kudrow, Teri Garr, Christine Taylor, Irina Palm Jewel Of The Nile (Blu-ray) Drama, Foreign 2007 103min. Conchata Ferrell, Chris Parnell, Jeffrey Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny Strand Releasing 12.08.2008 Dean Morgan, Scott Prendergrast - Dir. DeVito, Spiros Focas - Dir. Lewis Teague 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078065 Scott Prendergrast Comedy, Adventure, Romance 1985 Ltbx In this offbeat, hilarious comedy that proves life can always DTS 106min. get a little worse, Lisa Kudrow stars as Leslie, a struggling It’s Raining On Santiago army wife trying to balance work, two out-of-control kids, and 20th Century Fox 14.10.2008 a never-ending pile of bills on her own. At her wit’s end, she Bibi Andersson, Andre Dussollier, Bernard 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078411 begrudgingly asks her out-of-work brother-in-law, Salman Fresson - Dir. Helvio Soto (Scott Prendergast), to move in and lend a hand until her It’s September of 1973, and Santiago, the capital city of Chile, husband comes home. But if dealing with his two rowdy is about to witness a bloody war. Soon, army tanks, directed Johnny Sunshine nephews isn’t hard enough, Salman also takes a part-time job by General Augustin Pinochet, will invade the peaceful city Shey Bland, Eric Halsell, John Patrick as the faceless blue corporate mascot for a dying Internet streets, setting the stage for a brutal coup d’etat, company. Between the boredom, the sweltering heat of his masterminded by America’s C.I.A. Shot in a gritty, realistic McCauley - Dir. Matt Yeager post, and the unique challenges of his „uniform,“ life for style with a talented ensemble cast headed by Jean-Louis In the year 2012, three years after the rise of zombies, a Salman is a constant struggle to maintain his sanity. Trintignant, Andre Dussollier and Annie Girardot, It’s Raining seedy underworld of exploitation and violence exists in a Comedy 2007 Ltbx 16x9 86min. On Santiago is a moving and gripping account of a country’s maze of alleyways and speakeasies just outside the city struggle for survival against the dark forces of fascism. walls; where life is cheap and the drugs are cheaper. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Surviving to a ripe old age has become an urban myth. At the 16.09.2008 Politics, Spanish, Drama, European, Foreign center of it all is Johnny Sunshine, a porn-snuff star and 1974 Ltbx M 113min. killer for hire. She stalks the night like a tempest of sex and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078452 Image Ent. violence, much to the pleasure and profit of her producer, Max, and his entertainment empire. As the body count rises, Aki Kaurismaki’s Proletariat 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078106 Johnny becomes a victim of her own success. A secret plot is hatched to orchestrate her downfall and capture it all on Trilogy: Eclipse From The Itty Bitty Titty Committee camera to create the greatest snuff film ever made. Erotica, Horror, Killer Beauties, Zombies Criterion Collection Guinevere Turner, Carly Pope, Melanie Ltbx S 80min. Dir. Aki Kaurismaki Mayron, Melonie Diaz, Daniela Sea, Jenny Brain Damage Films 05.08.2008 The poignant, deadpan films of Aki Kaurismaki are pitched Shimizu, Nicole Vicius - Dir. Jamie Babbit somewhere in the wintry nether lands between comedy and This latest fabulous movie from Jamie Babbit (But I’m A 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077718 tragedy. And rarely in his body of work has the line Cheerleader) is a dynamic, romantic, funny and politically separating those genres seemed thinner than in what is often astute movie with a smart script, rockin’ soundtrack and Journey To The Center Of The identified as his „Proletariat Trilogy,“ Shadows In Paradise, terrific ensemble cast that includes sexy young Melonie Diaz Ariel, and The Match Factory Girl. In these three films, as the new grrrl on the block who falls in with a gang of feisty Earth something like social-realist farces, Kaurismaki surveys the feminists and then falls in love with leader of the pack, Nicole working-class outcasts of his native Finland with detached Vicius. Unfortunately, Nicole has a girlfriend - Melanie Treat Williams, Bryan Brown, Jeremy Lon- yet disarming amusement. Featuring commanding, off-key

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) visual compositions and delightfully dour performances, the ve action and outrageous humor, it’s a must-see motion picture Janus Films 09.09.2008 films in this triptych exemplify the talents of a unique and that has critics everywhere raving! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078466 highly influential film artist. Cult Film / TV, Action, Revenge 2003 Ltbx Romance, Art House, Boxed Sets, Comedy, 111min. Criterion Collection, Director / Writer Box Miramax 09.09.2008 Knight Rider Sets, Drama, Finnish, Foreign M 215min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078282 TV Movies, NBC, Science Fiction, Action Criterion 23.09.2008 2008 81min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077427 Kill Bill: Volume 2 (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 09.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078045 Daryl Hannah, Bo Svenson, Michael Buster Keaton Vol. 1 & 2 Madsen, Gordon Liu - Dir. Quentin Tarantino Buster Keaton With this thrilling, must-see movie event, writer and director Kurosawa Box Set Explore the endless talents of silent movie star Buster Keaton Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction) completes the action-packed Dir. in this amazing 2-tape collection of movies! See 6 short films quest for revenge begun by The Bride (Uma Thurman) in Kill Contains three American-style film noir films from legendary that showcase his extreme acting and acrobatic abilities. Bill Vol. 1! Having already crossed two names from her Death director Akira Kurasawa: High and Low, The Bad Sleep Well Known for his „Stoneface,“ Keaton will amaze you with his List, The Bride is back with a vengeance and taking aim at and Stray Dog. astonishing stunts and hilarious skits! In The Playhouse Budd (Michael Madsen) and Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah), the you’ll see Keaton, a pioneer of special effects simultaneously only survivors from the squad of assassins who betrayed her Special Editions, Classics min. appearing on stage 9 times and dancing with himself! Tape 1: four years earlier. It’s all leading up to the ultimate Criterion The Electric House, The Boat, The Paleface Tape 2: The confrontation with Bill (David Carradine), The Bride’s former 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078109 Frozen North, The Playhouse, Cops master and the man who ordered her execution! As the 125min. acclaimed follow-up to the instant classic Vol. 1 - you know Simitar all about the unlimited action and humor, but until you’ve seen The L Word: Five Season Pack Kill Bill Vol. 2 you only know half the story! Pam Grier, Mia Kirshner, Jennifer Beals, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078130 Femme Fatales, Killer Beauties, Martial Marlee Matlin, Laurel Holloman, Leisha Arts, Action, Revenge 2004 Ltbx 137min. Hailey, Katherine Moennig, Rachel Shelley, Kenny Miramax 09.09.2008 Daniela Sea From the biggest festival to the smallest church social, Kenny 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078283 Smyth delivers porta-potties to them all. A true unsung hero, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Romance, Kenny is a knight in shining overalls doing one of society’s Showtime min. dirtiest jobs. This engaging mockumentary lifts the lid on one Kill Switch of Australia’s roughest diamonds as he juggles family Showtime Entertainment 21.10.2008 tensions, fatherhood and sewage with charm, humor and Action min. 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077474 unflinching dignity. Part philosopher, part comedian and all First Look Home Entertainment 07.10.2008 heart, Kenny is living proof that is sewage, like life, the best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077887 will always rise to the top! The L Word: The Complete Fifth Australian, Comedy, Foreign, King David (I Love The 80’s) Season Mockumentary 2006 93min. Pam Grier, Mia Kirshner, Jennifer Beals, Richard Gere, Edward Woodward - Dir. Lionsgate 30.09.2008 Marlee Matlin, Laurel Holloman, Leisha 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078455 Bruce Beresford King David, starring Richard Gere, follows the real-life story Hailey, Katherine Moennig, Rachel Shelley, of the lowly shepherd boy whose shrewdness and bravery Daniela Sea Kidnapping Caucassian Style helped him ascend to the throne of ancient Israel. But this film Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Romance, is much more than just another Biblical epic. Richard Gere Nina Grebeshkova, Natalya Varley, Alexan- and a fine supporting cast present a fresh new look at the Showtime 2008 Ltbx 658min. der Demyanenko, Vladimir Etush, Ruslan people who actually lived the events that have become le- Showtime Entertainment 21.10.2008 Akhmetov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Frunzik gend-from David’s battle with Goliath to his self-destructive 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077473 Mkrtchan, Yevgeny Morgunov, Yury Nikulin, yearning for Bathsheba. Drama, Historical / Period Piece 113min. Georgy Vitsin - Dir. Leonid Gaidai The Last Englishman or New Shurik’s Adventures.. Studying the Caucasian rites Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 and traditions Shurik, a kind and naive student, falls in love 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077735 Cheryl Hall, Tony Haygarth, Matthew with Nina, „a Komsomol member, an athlete, an activist, and Ashford - Dir. John Henderson just a beauty“, who is „kidnapped Caucasian style“ with a bit A True Life Story Of Real Heroes & Villains. Jim Broadbent of his help to be forced to marry a senior local official. But as King’s Highway (The Avengers, Bullets Over Broadway) immerses himself in soon as Shurik finds out what is actually going on, he bravely Lori Heuring, Ryan Alosio, Geoff Stults, the role of the eccentric and moralistic British hero, Colonel rushes to rescue the captive... John Diresta Alfred Wintle, renowned for single-handedly capturing an Russian, European, Foreign 1971 FF DD 5.1 entire French village during World War I. After the war, while A young man in his early 20’s discovers his first love is serving in British Intelligence, a quarrel with his superiors 82min. getting married so he drops everything to travel across ended with confinement in the Tower of London. A maverick Image Ent. California and stop her, with no money and no car, where he figure with a brilliant mind and intense convictions, Wintle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078177 discovers life, love and secrets from his past. was regarded by many as slightly batty, but not to himself. Comedy, Drama 2002 112min. Inflexible, outspoken and chauvinistic to the end, he Triumph Marketing 01.07.2008 proclaimed to all who would listen that he thanked God every The Kidnapping Of The President night for making him English. A fascinating tale of pride, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077581 strength and the ultimate cost of personal conviction. / Deathrow Gameshow (Double Drama, War 1995 FF S 53min. Feature) Kitaro BFS Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078136 Double Features min. Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 2007 103min. BCI 09.09.2008 BCI 26.08.2008 Last Man on Earth / Panic in Year 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078526 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077951 Zero Vincent Price, Ray Milland Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Blu-ray) Kitchen Privileges Vincent Price and Ray Milliand star in two science fiction Daryl Hannah, Vivica A. Fox, Uma Thurman, Thrillers 2000 89min. classics making their debut on laserdisc. Many years, many months and many days systematically x-ed off his calendar Michael Parks, Akaji Maro, Chiaki Kuriyama, Lionsgate 26.08.2008 find scientist Robert Morgan (Price) Barricaded in his Lucy Liu, Julie Dreyfus, Michael Madsen, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077869 wrecked home in an unnamed American city, the sole survivor David Carradine, Sonny Chiba, Gordon Liu, of some strange plague, bomb or germ, which has devastated Michael Bowen, Jun Kunimura - Dir. the world. Knife In The Water: Essential Art 1962 Ltbx 178min. Quentin Tarantino House The acclaimed fourth film from groundbreaking writer and Image Ent. director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown) Kill Dir. Roman Polanski 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077520 Bill Volume 1 stars Uma Thurman (Pulp Fiction), Lucy Liu A husband, a wife, a stranger, a knife: Roman Polanski sets (Charlie’s Angels, Chicago) and Vivica A. Fox (Two Can them all adrift on a weekend filled with simmering resentments Play That Game) in an astonishing, action-packed thriller and gut-churning suspense in his seminal psychological & Friends about brutal betrayal and an epic vendetta! Four years ater thriller, still one of the greatest feature debuts in film history. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy taking a bullet in the head at her own wedding, The Bride With Knife In The Water, Polanski revealed his delight in This hilarious collection of shorts includes Laurel and (Thurman) emerges from a coma and decides it’s time for exploring sexual and class boundaries with ruthless Hardy’s „Be Big!“ (1931, 28 min.), the Little Rascals/Our payback...with a vengeance! Having been gunned down by her precision. Gang comedies „School’s Out“ (1930, 20 min.), „Bear former boss (David Carradine) and his deadly squad of Polish, Thrillers, Art House, Classics, Dra- Shooters“ (1930, 20 min.), and „ Follies of 1938“ intenational assassins, it’s a kill-or-be killed fights she (1937, 21 min.), Charley Chase and Thelma Todd in doesn’t start but is determined to fishish! Loaded with explosi- ma, Foreign 1962 M 94min.

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„Whispering Whoopee“ (1930, 20 min.) and an all-star cast Thrillers, Horror 2008 93min. when their parents marry. Derek - along with his brother headed by Edward G. Robinson, Buster Keaton and Norma Edwin and sister Marti - soon finds „interesting“ ways to Shearer in „The Stolen Jools“ (1931, 20 min.). Lionsgate 16.09.2008 welcome Casey and her sister Lizzie into their new house- Buddy Pictures, Classics, Comedy 1930 FF 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077420 hold, proving that life with Derek will never be dull! M 129min. Disney Channel, Family 2005 290min. Image Ent. The Legend Of Hero Koch Releasing 14.10.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078187 Wah Ying Hung is the son of a blacksmith whose family 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078514 possesses the mighty Red Sword. When his entire family is slain by racist foreigners, Wah killed the murderers and fled The Leading Man to the , where he learned kung fu and became a Light And The Sufferer martial arts master. Based on the popular, long-running comic Paul Dano - Dir. Christopher Peditto Thandie Newton, Harriet Walter, Patricia book classic A Man Called Hero, The Legend Of Hero is an Hodge, Diana Quick, Anna Galiena, David amazing adaptation of a comic fable filled with eye popping Science Fiction, Drama 2004 min. Warner, Lambert Wilson, Barry Humphries - fights. Warner Bros. 09.09.2008 Dir. John Dugan Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, Martial 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077406 As opening night approaches, the theater world holds its Arts 200min. breath. Now life begins to imitate art, and the lethal violence Tai Seng 29.07.2008 Linda Lovelace For President scripted to end the play may become all too real. A brash young American, Robin Grange (Jon Bon Jovi), comes to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077806 Linda Lovelace - Dir. Claudio Guzman London to star in a major new production - and becomes the With America in a united state of chaos as it approaches the central character in a mystery fueled by intrigue and passion. The Legend Of Red Dragon 1976 presidential elections, a desperate electorate turns to its Celebrated playwright Felix Webb (Lambert Wilson) asks the only hope for salvation, sanity and satisfaction in the White charismatic leading man to seduce his wife, Helena (Anna Action, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts House...ex-porn star Linda Lovelace! As the chosen candidate Galiena), freeing Felix to carry on his illicit romance with 2006 77min. of the newly christened Upright party, Linda sets off on a beautiful actress Hilary Rule (Thandie Newton). But Robin cross country trip to lay her campaign strategy, arouse the soon reveals an ominous dark side, a fondness for firearms, Westlake Media 23.09.2008 national spirit, get the pollsters behind her and go down in and a taste for other men’s women. Now playwright and actor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078326 history as the First Woman to occupy the Oval Office. are locked in a bitterly personal two-man show, which Politics, Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Cult Film threatens to explode in a deadly climax. / TV 1975 95min. Drama 1996 FF S 96min. The Legend Of The Lone Ranger MPI 26.08.2008 Wellspring Jason Robards, Christopher Lloyd, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077614 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078267 Horse, Klinton Spilsbury - Dir. William A. Fraker Leatherheads (Blu-ray) In the Old West, legends loomed larger than life. And none The Little Rascals: In Color more so than the Lone Ranger. Orphaned as a child, John Comedy, Family, Short Film Collections Renee Zellweger, , John Reid befriends Tonto, an Indian boy. Years later, Reid returns 167min. Krasinski - Dir. George Clooney to the West as a lawyer devoted to bringing justice to the lawless land. However, the murderous Cavendish gang who Legend Films 01.07.2008 Comedy, Football, Romance, Screwball, killed his parents wounds him in an ambush that leaves his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077999 Sports 2008 Ltbx min. Texas Ranger brother dead. After being nurtured back to Universal Studios 23.09.2008 health by Tonto, Reid dons the now-famous mask to pursue justice anonymously. So when the Cavendish gang kidnaps Living With Ed: Season 2 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078481 President Ulysses S. Grant, it leads to a reckoning between them and the „Lone Ranger.“ Rachelle Carson, Ed Begley Jr. Leatherheads (Fullscreen) Family, Western 1981 98min. Environmental, Reality 2007 390min. Lionsgate 26.08.2008 Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 Renee Zellweger, George Clooney, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077901 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077617 Krasinski - Dir. George Clooney Romance, Screwball, Sports, Comedy, Football 2008 FF min. Legends Of Horror - 50 Movie A Lobster Tale Universal Studios 23.09.2008 Pack Colm Meaney, Graham Greene, Jack Knight 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078446 Collections, Horror 3604min. Drama, Family 2006 95min. Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 Peace Arch Entertainment 05.08.2008 Leatherheads (Widescreen) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078387 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077348 Renee Zellweger, George Clooney, John Krasinski - Dir. George Clooney The Life Before Her Eyes Lola Montes Romance, Screwball, Sports, Comedy, Uma Thurman, Evan Rachel Wood, Eva Oskar Werner, Martine Carol, Peter Ustinov, Football 2008 Ltbx 16x9 min. Amurri - Dir. Vadim Perelman Anton Walbrook - Dir. Max Ophuls Universal Studios 23.09.2008 Imaginative, impetuous and wild Diana (Evan Rachel Wood) Tell eht highly controversial yet disturbing true story of the can’t wait for her adult life to begin. Diana tests her limits as infamous dancer-courtesan. Set at a 19th century circus in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078445 her more conservative friend Maureen (Eva Amurri) watches Vienna, Lola is forced by the merciless ring master, to tell the with concern. But Diana’s aura of invincibility is shattered story of her life. Through the flashbacks the crowd learns The Legend of 7 Golden when a moment of life and death decision-making forever everything of her exotic past, including her stints as mistress changes the lives of the two best friends. to both the Bavarian King and Franz Liszt. Vampires Thrillers, Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Biopics, Classics, Drama 1955 Ltbx S Peter Cushing, David Chiang, Julie Edge, 90min. 110min. Robin Stewart, Don Houghton, Don Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 Wellspring Houghton, Vee King Shaw, Roy Ward Baker 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077456 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078162 - Dir. Roy Ward Baker Hammer’s original uncut version.. Professor Van Helsing The Life Before Her Eyes (Blu- Lord Of The Flies: Essential Art (Peter Cushing) and Count Dracula (John Forbes-Robinson) meet again in this kung fu horror spectacular set in the village ray) House of Ping Kuei. After learning about the Seven Golden Vampires James Aubrey, Tom Chapin, Hugh Edwards, of the village, Hsi Ching, Vanessa Beren and Mai Kwei offer Uma Thurman, Evan Rachel Wood, Eva to guide Van Helsing and his son to Ping Kuei to free it from Amurri - Dir. Vadim Perelman Roger Elwin, Tom Gaman - Dir. Peter Brook the curse of Count Dracula. Imaginative, impetuous and wild Diana (Evan Rachel Wood) Under the direction of Peter Brook, William Golding’s classic British, Hammer House Of Horror, Horror can’t wait for her adult life to begin. Diana tests her limits as fable, about a swarm of young boys who devolve into chaos her more conservative friend Maureen (Eva Amurri) watches without adult supervision after crash-landing on a remote 1974 Ltbx M 164min. with concern. But Diana’s aura of invincibility is shattered island during wartime, becomes an unforgettable work of Starz / Anchor Bay when a moment of life and death decision-making forever cinematic horror. Shot with almost verite camera work, Lord 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078112 changes the lives of the two best friends. Of The Flies takes a radical approach to Brook’s metaphor, Drama, Thrillers 2007 Ltbx 90min. grounding it in a terrifying reality. Thrillers, Adventure, Art House, British, Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 The Legend Of Bloody Mary Classics, Drama, Foreign 1963 M 90min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078300 Ryan has been plagued with nightmares for a decade since Janus Films 09.09.2008 his sister’s abstruse disappearance following a seemingly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078467 harmless game of Bloody Mary. After years of sleepless Life With Derek: The Complete nights and guilt resulting from his inability to make sense of the situation or get her back, he reaches an emotional First Season Lords Of The Street breaking point. Ryan’s loved ones intervene and entrust Derek (Michael Seater) and Casey (Ashley Leggat) are Father O’Neal to break the deathly curse of The Legend of typical teenagers who suddenly become brother and sister DMX, Kris Kristofferson Bloody Mary before it takes them too.

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Action 2008 82min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077523 Peace Arch Entertainment 26.08.2008 El Luchador Implacable 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078423 Lost Films of Laurel & Hardy #6 Action, Foreign, Mexican, Wrestling/ Charlie Chase, Jimmy Finlayson, Glenn Fighting 88min. Lost Boys: The Tribe Tryon BCI 12.08.2008 Corey Feldman, Autumn Reeser, Tad Stan is hilarious in drag as Babe’s estranged wife. The Boys 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078375 are cave men competing for the same girl. Cousin Babe is Hilgenbrinck, Angus Sutherland - Dir. P.J. determined to get visiting Scot Stan out of kilts and into parts Pesce — and away from girls. This was the first-ever Hal Roack Lucky Break Risking everything in search of the ultimate rush is fun when film in which both Laurel and Hardy appeared. Charley you know you can’t die. Angus Sutherland, taking up where pretends to be nuts to escape a prearranged marriage. Christopher Plummer, Olivia Williams, brother Kiefer left off in the original cult favorite, is the lead Famous Laurel parody of thye Yukon tale, „The Spoilers“. Timothy Spall, James Nesbitt, Lennie James vampire in this modern reimagining of The Lost Boys. The Classics, Comedy 1929 FF M 113min. - Dir. Peter Cattaneo seaside village of Luna Bay is rife with outcasts and plagued Image Ent. An escapist comedy form the director of „The Full Monty“. by an outbreak of missing persons. AS the sun sets, the Tribe Small-time crook Jimmy Hands (James Nesbitt) fears his luck rises: a group of adrenalin-fueled, thrill-crazed vampires 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077526 may have run out. After a botched bank robbery, Jimmy finds tears up the surf and the streets with nonstop action. But himself in prison with a 12 year sentence. But Jimmy’s when a champion surfer (Tad Hilgenbrinck) and his sister Lost Films Of Laurel & Hardy #8 fortunes turn when the warden (Christopher Plummer), an (Autumn Reeser) move in, dark secrets erupt into hot-blooded amateur playwright, asks Jimmy to recruit prisoners to act in passion and full-blooded fear. Helping fight the forces of hell: Anita Garvin, Mae Laurel, Jimmy Finlayson a musical that he’s written and plans to stage in the prison’s Corey Feldman in his signature role of vampire hunter Edgar Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. Classic retribution comedy set in a chapel. Realizing that the chapel offers the perfect escape Frog. Once you join the Tribe, there’s no turning back. rural Model-T jam. (M-G-M, 1928) 22 Minutes, route, Jimmy throws himself into the job. But Jimmy’s plan is Thrillers, Vampires, Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 Vitaphone Music and Effects. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, threatened when the warden casts Jimmy as the leading man DD 5.1 92min. James Finlayson. The Boys are determined to escape from opposite the prison’s beautiful psychologist (Olivia Williams, prison. (M-G-M, 1927) 23 Minutes. Stan Laurel, Oliver The Sixth Sense). Now Jimmy and the cast run the risk of Warner Bros. 29.07.2008 Hardy. Early short finds Stan playing a masher; Hardy the being caught in both the stage’s spotlights and the prison’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077850 protective butler. (Pathe, 1927) 23 Minutes, Music & Effects. searchlights. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Anita Garvin. Early triumph finds 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 108min. The Boys as servants. (M-G-M, 1928) 18 Minutes, Vitaphone Lost Boys: The Tribe - Uncut Ver- Music & Effects. Stan Laurel, Mae Laurel. Early Laurel solo Paramount Pictures sion finds Stan spoofing desert adventure flicks. (Pathe, 1923) 15 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078166 Minutes, Music and Effects. Stan Laurel, James Finlayson. Corey Feldman, Autumn Reeser, Tad Beautiful tinted original print of Stan’s final solo outing finds Hilgenbrinck, Angus Sutherland - Dir. P.J. him on a ranch with a troublesome mule. (Pathe, 1927) 20 Mad Dawg Pesce Minutes, Vitaphone Music & Effects. Action min. Risking everything in search of the ultimate rush is fun when Classics, Comedy 1928 FF M 130min. Leo Films you know you can’t die. Angus Sutherland, taking up where Image Ent. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077544 brother Kiefer left off in the original cult favorite, is the lead 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077577 vampire in this modern reimagining of The Lost Boys. The seaside village of Luna Bay is rife with outcasts and plagued Made Of Honor by an outbreak of missing persons. AS the sun sets, the Tribe Lost For Words rises: a group of adrenalin-fueled, thrill-crazed vampires Sydney Pollack, Kathleen Quinlan, Kevin tears up the surf and the streets with nonstop action. But Thora Hird, Pete Postlethwaite McKidd, Michelle Monaghan, Patrick when a champion surfer (Tad Hilgenbrinck) and his sister Mobil Masterpiece Theatre. Dame Thora Hird and Pete Postlethwaite star in this heartwarming, autobiographical Dempsey - Dir. Paul Weiland (Autumn Reeser) move in, dark secrets erupt into hot-blooded Platonic friends since college have never entertained the passion and full-blooded fear. Helping fight the forces of hell: story by Deric Longden about an endearing relationship between a mother an a son. Elderly Mrs. Longden is never prospect of romance - he’s a womanizer who never wanted to Corey Feldman in his signature role of vampire hunter Edgar commit; she wants marriage but has never found the right man. Frog. Once you join the Tribe, there’s no turning back. short of an eccentric opinion, whether it’s choosing her own Mother’s Day card of the best way to wash a cat. Even when Just as he begins to think he’s ready to settle, she gets Thrillers, Vampires, Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 she suffers a stroke and becomes literally lost for words, her engaged to a handsome Scotsman - and asks her longtime DD 5.1 89min. son Deric remains devoted to his dotty mum. male pal to be her „maid“ of honor. He agrees, but only so he Warner Bros. 29.07.2008 FF 90min. can sabotage the wedding and woo her before it’s too late. Romance, Comedy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 101min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077820 Starz / Anchor Bay Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077521 16.09.2008 Lost Films Of Laurel & Hardy #3 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078450 Charlie Chase Love And Mary Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Mastered from original 35mm Gabriel Mann, Lauren German Made Of Honor (Blu-ray) material, „The Lost Films of Laurel & Hardy #3“ includes six With her bakery on the verge of going under and a fiance who more of the great comedy team’s hilarious shorts. Included in is allergic to her desserts and commitment, Mary fears life is Sydney Pollack, Kathleen Quinlan, Kevin Volume 3 are 1. „Liberty“ (1929), 2. „We Faw Down“ (1928), going from sweet to sour. Mix in her fiance’s just-out-of-jail McKidd, Michelle Monaghan, Patrick 3. „A Lucky Dog“ (1922, silent), 4. „Love ‘Em and Weep“ twin brother and an overdue visit to the family, and Mary’s got (1927, silent), 5. the Oliver Hardy solo short „Along Came a recipe for disaster - and quite possibly, true love! Dempsey - Dir. Paul Weiland Auntie“ (1926, silent), 6. plus the Charley Chase short „Bromo Platonic friends since college have never entertained the and Juliet“ (1926, silent). Romance, Comedy 2007 104min. prospect of romance - he’s a womanizer who never wanted to Classics, Comedy 1928 FF M 135min. MTI Home Video 19.08.2008 commit; she wants marriage but has never found the right man. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078426 Just as he begins to think he’s ready to settle, she gets Image Ent. engaged to a handsome Scotsman - and asks her longtime 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078213 male pal to be her „maid“ of honor. He agrees, but only so he Love For Sale can sabotage the wedding and woo her before it’s too late. Lost Films Of Laurel & Hardy #5 Portuguese, Drama, Foreign 90min. Comedy, Romance 2008 Ltbx 101min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Charley Chase, Madeleine Hurlock, Martha Strand Releasing 26.08.2008 16.09.2008 Sleeper, Edgar Kennedy, Richard Carle, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078066 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078482 Jimmy Finlayson, Mickey Daniels, Del Henderson Love Songs Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. The Boys confuse a lost painting Lynn Whitfield, Andre Braugher, Robert Major League (I Love The 80’s) with a plug horse. (M-G-M, 1929) 20 minutes, Vitaphone Charlie Sheen, James Gammon, Rene Music and Effects. Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. A mad scientist Townsend hires The Boys to steal a corpse from the graveyard. (This is Sometimes love is all you have.. Robert Townsend (The Russo, Margaret Whitton, Tom Berenger, the first release of the incredible 1929 original sound-on-disc Meteor Man) stars as a promising young boxer with Corbin Bernsen, Bob Uecker - Dir. David S. Vitaphone soundtrack!) (M-G-M, 1929) 21 minutes. Stan overwhelming money problems who gets a chance to make quick cash with a catch. Lynn Whitfield (Eve’s Bayou) and Ward Laurel, Oliver Hardy. The Boys hide out in a mansion and She’s beautiful, smart, goal-oriented, and she just inherited pretend to be the owner - and his maid. Long thought lost until Andre Braugher (City of Angels) play an unlikely couple, a beautiful woman and an unsophisticated fruit vendor, who the Cleveland Indians. Unfortunately, she wants to move the discovered in a Belgian archive in the 1980’s. (Panthe’, 1927) franchise to Miami, and a losing season is her only ticket to 20 minutes, Vitaphone Soundtrack. Charley Chase, Oliver come to realize that sometimes there’s more to love than meets the eye. And Louis Gossett, Jr. (An Officer and a Gentleman) Florida. So she signs the wildest gang of screwballs that ever Hardy. Hysterical comedy finds Charley outwitting drunken spit tobacco. They’re handsome, but they’re hopeless! Her Babe. (Pathe’ Exchange, 1927) 22 minutes, Music. Stan plays Reuben who struggles to teach his son that violence is not the answer to his problems. Directed by Andre Braugher, catcher (Tom Berenger) is a washed-up womanizer who Laurel, Oliver Hardy. Babe takes Stan to the dentist - but they struck out in life. Her ace pitcher (Charlie Sheen) is a both get the gas. (M-G-M, 1928) 19 minutes, Vitaphone Louis Gossett, Jr. and Robert Townsend, Love Songs is an uplifting film you won’t soon forget. punked-out crazy who struck out with the law. And her third Music. Stan Laurel, James Finlayson. Story of a Scot in love - baseman (L.A. Law’s Corbin Bernsen) is more concerned and loaded with „cheap“ jokes! (Pathe’, 1924) 21 minutes, Odd Couples, Romance, Drama 2001 FF S fielding endorsements than grounders. Throw in a busload of Music and Effects. 101min. other misfits and you’ve got yourself a hilarious line-up that’s Classics, Comedy 1929 FF M 124min. Showtime Entertainment destined for disaster! Or is it? Image Ent. tba BestellNr.: 40078126 Sports, Baseball, Comedy 106min.

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Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 go Del Olmo hasn’t long to live and, knowing that his fortune Martin: The Complete Seasons 1- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077741 will end up in the hands of his evil, avaricious sister-in-law Malvina, offers to make Maria Mercedes his wife and sole 4 heir. Comedy, Fox min. Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: The HBO Home Video 22.07.2008 Romance, Soap Opera 1992 720min. Complete Series 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078022 Xenon Entertainment 22.07.2008 , David McCallum, Leo G. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077631 Carroll Masters Of Horror - 100 Movie Action, Adventure, NBC, Spies/Secret Pack Agents 1964 min. Marigold Collections, Horror 7224min. Warner Bros. 21.10.2008 In a „bouncy Bollywood meets Hollywood romantic comedy,“ (BBC Films) Ali Larter stars as feisty B-list actress Marigold Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077464 Lexton, who falls for famed choreographer Prem Rajput (Salman Khan)...until she learns he holds a powerful, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078391 inescapable past and a future that holds no place for her. The Man Who Saved Christmas Romance, Comedy min. Masters Of Horror: Season 2 Box Jason Alexander, Kelly Rowan, Jayne Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Set Eastwood, Edward Asner, 29.07.2008 Boxed Sets, Horror, Horror Series, A heartwarming drama, The Man Who Saved Christmas is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077648 based on the life of toy maker A.C. Gilbert, who, during the Showtime 791min. rationed times of WWI, convinced the U.S. Congress to save Starz / Anchor Bay 29.07.2008 his factory and keep Christmas spirit alive. Starring Jason Married Life Alexander, Kelly Rowan, and Edward Asner. 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077859 Christmas, Drama, Holidays min. Patricia Clarkson, Rachel McAdams, Pierce Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Brosnan, Chris Cooper, David Richmond Masters Of Science Fiction: The Peck - Dir. Ira Sachs 30.09.2008 Complete Series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078507 Affairs/Love Triangles, Art House, Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Marriage Anthologies, Science Fiction 2007 264min. Starz / Anchor Bay 05.08.2008 The Man Who Saved Christmas Woes 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077947 (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 40077621 Jason Alexander, Kelly Rowan, Jayne Matrimony Eastwood, Edward Asner, Kenneth Welsh Married Life (Blu-ray) Romance, Thrillers, Chinese, Drama, A heartwarming drama, The Man Who Saved Christmas is based on the life of toy maker A.C. Gilbert, who, during the Patricia Clarkson, Rachel McAdams, Pierce Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Horror rationed times of WWI, convinced the U.S. Congress to save Brosnan, Chris Cooper, David Richmond 2007 DD 5.1 87min. his factory and keep Christmas spirit alive. Starring Jason Tartan Video Alexander, Kelly Rowan, and Edward Asner. Peck - Dir. Ira Sachs A strong blend of suspense, star-crossed romance and wry tba BestellNr.: 40077574 Christmas, Drama, Holidays min. comedy of manners, Married Life is an unconventional human Echo Bridge Home Entertainment drama about the irresistible power and utter madness of love. 30.09.2008 Harry (Chris Cooper) decides he must kill his wife Pat Me Gustan Valentones / El Padre (Patricia Clarkson) because he loves her too much to let her Pistoals (Double Feature) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078548 suffer when he leaves her. Harry and his much younger girlfiend Kay (Rachel McAdams) are head over heels in love A history in which the real men of the region will try convince The Man With The X-Ray Eyes but his best friend Richard (Pierce Brosnan) wants to win the heroin of the story that their the best choice to Kay for himself. As Harry implements his awkward plan for administrate her properties and she’ll have to decide once and Dr. James Xavier (Ray Milland, 1945 Best Actor Oscar - murdering his wife, the other characters are occupied with for all who will be the lucky one in gaining her trust and love Winner For The Lost Weekend) is a world renowned scientist their own deceptions. Like Harry, they are overwhelmed by as well. The most looked after bandit escapes with the experimenting with human eyesight. He devises a drug, that their passions, but still struggle to avoid hurting others. suitcase of a priest, after assaulting a stage coach, along with when applied to the eyes, enables the user to see beyond the Married Life is an uncommonly adult film that surprises and his pal Catarino. Tired of living on the other side of the law, normal realm of our sight. It also gives the user the power to confounds expectations. While it plays with mystery and Eulalio and Catarino decide to retired of wrong doing for a see through objects. Xavier tests this drug on himself, when intrigue, its ultimate concern is: What is Married Life? In its while. They get to a town dominated by the thug Luis and his his funding is cut off he takes refuge in a small carnival run sly way, Married Life poses perceptive questions about the fiancEe Ann Maria. Eulalio disguises himself as a priest and by Crane (Don Rickles). As he continues to test the drug on seasonal discontents and unforeseen joys of of all long-term takes possession of the town’s church to help the people of himself, Xavier begins to see, not only through walls and relationships. the town. clothes, but through the very fabric of reality! Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Action, Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Science Fiction 79min. Marriage Woes, Affairs/Love Triangles, Art Foreign, Mexican 185min. Music Video Distribution 29.07.2008 House 2007 Ltbx 90min. Lionsgate 02.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078496 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077229 02.09.2008 Man Woman And Child 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078344 Medium: The Complete Seasons Martin Sheen, , Craig T. Nel- 1 - 4 son, David Hemmings - Dir. Dick Richards Married With Children: The , Sofia Vassilieva, Maria Drama 1983 100min. Lark, Jake Weber, Miguel Sandoval, David Legend Films 01.07.2008 Complete Ninth Season Cubitt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077995 , Christina Applegate, Amanda Bearse, David Faustino, Ted McGinley Thrillers, Drama, Murder Mysteries, The dysFUNction continues with another season of Bundy Mystery, NBC Ltbx min. Man, Woman And The Wall misadventures! Bud becomes Al’s driving instructor when Al Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 When Ryo, a young magazine reporter, moves into a new needs to renew his license. Bad skin ruins Kelly’s beer apartment he is greeted by the passionate sounds of his commercial. Peggy and her pals crash the men’s trip to a 281,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077796 astonishingly beautiful neighbor Satsuki. Realizing the wall nudie bar. Kelly agrees to be a prom date for a 12-year-old. dividing their apartments is paper thin, the captivated This season also includes a 200th episode special plus a best Medium: The Fourth Season journalist begins to eavesdrop on every detail of the girl next of the Bundys episode! door’s life: her conversations, her bubble baths... her Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox 1994 Patricia Arquette, Sofia Vassilieva, Maria breathless cries. While Ryo’s escalate into Lark, Jake Weber, Miguel Sandoval, David something bordering on love and obsession, Satsuki becomes FF 627min. increasingly hysterical over the bizarre and dirty phone calls Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Cubitt terrorizing her every night. When their lives finally converge, 19.08.2008 Thrillers, Drama, Murder Mysteries, delusions and reality blur forcing the unthinkable to happen. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077942 Mystery, NBC 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 672min. Stalkers, Thrillers, Erotica, Foreign, Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 Japanese 84min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077795 TLA Releasing 29.07.2008 Martial Arts Essentials: The Films 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077701 Of Yuen Wo Ping - Series 2 Message In A Bottle / A Walk To Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts min. Maria Mercedes Video Asia 21.10.2008 Remember (2 Pack) Poor, innocent Maria Mercedes, abandoned by her mother and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078033 Romance, Tearjerkers, 2 Packs, Drama raised by her drunken father, provides the only support to her 231min. ungrateful family by selling lottery tickets. Millionaire Santia-

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Warner Bros. 23.09.2008 Midnight: 2000 Seen By... nings, Al Mancini, Neil French - Dir. Peter M. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078404 Matheus Nachtergaele, Nelson Sargento, Mackenzie The seamy, crime-ridden backstreets of Manila have just Carlos Vereza - Dir. Daniela Thomas gotten more deadly. Ex-CIA agent Web (Larry Wilcox of TV’s Metro / The Holy Man (Double Two Disparate Lives. One Common Destiny. Refusing to „CHiPs“) is on a desperate life-or-death manhunt. His brot- Feature) spend the last day of the 20th century in prison, Joao (Luis her, Tony, has disappeared with a suitcase holding a million Carlos Vasconcellos) agrees to murder his best friend in dollars worth of heroin, with both underworld kingpins and Comedy, Cops, Double Features, Film About return for his freedom. Out of desperation, Maria (Fernanda corrupt CIA agents gunning for him. Web has to carve his way Torres), a beautiful young speech therapist looks to end her through a maze of intrigue and betrayal where lives are Film min. life after being abandoned by the man she loves. The two meet Disney / Buena Vista 16.09.2008 bought and sold and death waits around every corner. on the rooftop of a building overlooking Rio de Janeiro’s Revenge, Action 1987 FF S 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077782 Copacabana beach. As the new millennium approaches and fireworks ignite around them, Joao and Maria make a Image Ent. commitment to reclaim their hope and begin a new life. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078123 : Unrated (Blu-ray) Music, Prison, Drama 1998 Ltbx S 72min. Gong Li, Naomie Harris, Ciaran Hinds, Wellspring Mission: Impossible - The Justin Theroux, Luis Tosar, Barry Shabaka 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078084 Henley - Dir. Complete TV Seasons 1 - 4 Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell go deep undercover in the A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Martin Landau, Peter Graves, Lesley Ann explosive, action-packed Miami Vice Unrated Director’s Warren, Steven Hill, , Peter Edition! When detectives Ricardo Tubbs (Foxx) and Sonny Cliffs Notes Edition Crockett (Farrell) are asked to investigate the brutal murders Lupus, Greg Morris of two federal agents, they find themselves pulled into the Stanley Tucci, Kevin Kline, Rupert Everett, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Drama, Spies/ lethal world of drug traffickers. From the acclaimed director of Colin Friels, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sophie Secret Agents min. Heat and Collateral comes an exclusive motion picture Marceau, Calista Flockhart, David Paramount Pictures 07.10.2008 experience you won’t want to miss! Strathairn, Christian Bale - Dir. Michael Cops, Detectives, Action, Based On TV 360,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077441 Hoffman Show 2006 DTS 140min. A stellar cast, headed by Michelle Pfeiffer and Kevin Kline, Universal Studios 26.08.2008 bring Shakespeare’s most romantic comedy to life. When two Mission: Impossible - The Fifth TV 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078279 pairs of star-crossed lovers, a troop of inept amateur actors, Season a feuding pair of supernatural sprites and a love potion gone awry all come together in an enchanted moonlit forest, the Peter Graves, , Leonard Micawber result is an unequalled mixture of merriment and magic. Also Nimoy, Peter Lupus, Greg Morris Annabelle Apsion, David Jason, Jamie starring Calista Flockhart, Stanley Tucci and Rupert Everett. Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Drama, Spies/ Romance, Shakespeare, Comedy, Fantasy Foreman, Mark Benton - Dir. Adrian Secret Agents 1970 FF DD 5.1 1155min. 1999 120min. Shergold Paramount Pictures 07.10.2008 20th Century Fox 05.08.2008 All new adventures of Dickens’ beloved character!. The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077440 optimistic Mr. Wilkins Micawber is a man fond of large words 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077658 and never uses one when several will do. Set in Victorian England, this delightful comic , starring David The Mighty Celt Mr. Cinema Jason (The Darling Buds Of May) is inspired by the Drama 110min. character from Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield. Set in Ken Stott, , Robert Carlyle, Tai Seng 26.08.2008 the years before his encounter with Copperfield, we meet Tyrone McKenna - Dir. Pearse Elliott Micawber and his ever-increasingly family as he struggles to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078380 keep up appearances. Even with the creditors banging on the Ties that bind kids and dogs, men and women.. Starring door, the ever-cheerful man of the house fully expects Gillian Anderson (The X-Files, The Last King of Scotland) „something to turn up“ in the way of employment. Despite and Robert Carlyle (The Full Monty). The Mighty Celt uplifts Mojave Phone Booth threats from the local moneylender, disapproving in-laws, and charms. Young Donal, growing up alone with his mother, less-than-honest employers and his own astoundingly bad Kate, works after school for Good Joe, a local greyhound Drama min. timing, Micawber will not be discouraged. He enthusiastically trainer. As Donal’s talent with dogs becomes apparent, he Westlake Media hurls himself into any opportunity that presents itself, whether strikes a deal with Good Joe to own a promising greyhound, tba BestellNr.: 40077554 stage-managing (badly) a theatrical melodrama or serving as The Mighty Celt, if he can train it to win three successive a butler to eccentric aristocrats. Filmed on location in the races. Meanwhile, each of their lives is profoundly affected English countryside and featuring an array of colourful by the reappearance of 0, an enigmatic figure from the past. Money From Home Dickens-like characters, Micawber is an imaginative lark Good Joe clearly dislikes 0, hating all that he represents, and through the resents the growing closeness of Donal and 0—a friendship Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Pat Crowley, that worries Kate. When Good Joe reacts to the growing Sheldon Leonard, Richard Haydn, Robert 2001 FF S 197min. relationship between 0 and Donal by reneging on his deal, BFS Donal is forced to learn some harsh lessons about life. Strauss, Gerald Mohr - Dir. George Marshall 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078167 Drama, Foreign, Irish 2005 Ltbx 16x9 S Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1953 100min. 82min. Legend Films 01.07.2008 Midnight 2: Sex, Death & Video- Cinequest Entertainment 15.07.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077985 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077626 tape Monte Walsh Dir. John A. Russo No on will ever be able to forget the unspeakable atrocities Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters Isabella Rossellini, Tom Selleck committed one dark midnight at the Barnes farmhouse. Now, - The Criterion Collection TV Movies, Western, Drama 2003 min. years later, Abraham (Matthew Jason Walsh), the last Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 surviving member of the crazed family, has taken up residence - Dir. Paul Schrader in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. Armed with a video camera and Paul Schrader’s visually stunning, structurally audacious 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078025 his various implements of death, he stalks the streets of the collage-like portrait of acclaimed Japanese author and city to satisfy his bloodlust... searching the psyches of his playwright Yuko Mishima (played by Ken Ogata) investigates Moontide victims for his perfect mate. Enter Rebecca (Jo Norcia), a the inner turmoil and contradictions of a man who attempted an beautiful young bank teller who has unwittingly come under impossible harmony between self, art, and society. Taking Ida Lupino, Claude Rains, Thomas Mitchell, Abraham’s deadly camera lens. With the help of a hard-boiled place on Mishima’s last day, when he famously committed Jean Gabin - Dir. Archie Mayo police detective (Chuck Pierce), she may be able to solve the public seppuku (ritual suicide), the film is punctuated by murder of her best friend...or become the ultimate in extended flashbacks to the writer’s life as well as gloriously Drama, Film Noir 1942 94min. a deadly game of cat-and-mouse. From writer/director John A. stylized evocations of his fictional works. With its rich 20th Century Fox 02.09.2008 Russo (Heartstopper, Night Of The Living Dead) comes a cinematography by John Bailey, exquisite sets and costumes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078398 suspense-filled, nightmarish voyage through the mind of a by Eiko Ishioka, and unforgettable, highly influential score by serial killer...a voyage that leads straight into the heart of Philip Glass, Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters is a sincere Midnight 2: Sex, Death & Videotape! tribute to its subject and a bold, investigative work of art in The Morgue Murder Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror 1993 its own right. Heather Donahue, Bill Cobbs - Dir. Halder Art House, Biography, Biopics, Criterion 72min. Gomes Sub Rosa Studios 05.08.2008 Collection, Drama 1985 Ltbx 16x9 S Trapped between the physical world and the afterlife, between 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077680 120min. dusk and dawn; six strangers, brought together through a Criterion 01.07.2008 series of unusual events, are an enigma to themselves and go 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077601 mysteriously unnoticed by others. In their futile attempt for Midnight Eagle survival, they latch on to each other at a desolate mortuary in Action, Foreign, Japanese 2007 min. hopes of making it through the night. There is an astonishing Mission Manila twist in this intense psychological thriller...more is happening Universal Studios 23.09.2008 at the Morgue than meets the eye. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078046 James Wainwright, Tetchie Agbayani, Robin Thrillers, Horror Ltbx DD 5.1 84min. Eisenman, Maria Isabel Lopez, Sam Hen- Lionsgate 02.09.2008

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077224 Djimon Hounsou, Amber Heard, Sean Faris, in this fun, „exhilarating and enchanting family picture“ (San Francisco Chronicle) based on Wendy Orr’s beloved novel. Cam Gigandet - Dir. Jeff Wadlow Nim Rusoe (Breslin) lives on a deserted island with her Mortuary / Bloody Mary (Double Jake (Sean Faris) is the new kid in school. When a beautiful scientist father Jack (Butler) and her best friends: Selkie, a girl (Amber Heard) befriends him, Jake thinks he’s set. But sea lion; Fred, a bearded dragon lizard; and Galileo, a plucky Feature) instead, her fight-club boyfriend, Ryan (Cam Gigandet), pelican. But when Jack goes missing at sea and the island is Thrillers, Double Features, Haunted smacks Jake a bloody, black-eyed welcome. Humiliated, Jake „invaded,“ Nim reaches out via e-mail to the adventurous then turns to a mixed martial arts (MMA) master (Djimon author (Foster) of her favorite books, and together, each Houses, Horror 186min. Hounsou), who teaches him how to fight...and how to walk discovers what it takes to truly become the hero of your own Echo Bridge Home Entertainment away. But it becomes obvious that a brutal re-match is life story. inevitable if Jake wants to stop Ryan and his bullying, once 01.07.2008 and for all. Adventure, Comedy, Family 2008 Ltbx DD 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077982 Sports, Action, Drama, Mixed Martial Arts 5.1 96min. 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 113min. 20th Century Fox 05.08.2008 Mortuary Of Madness Summit Entertainment 29.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077876 Collections, Horror 2176min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077679 Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 Ninja Cheerleaders 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078394 Never Back Down: Special Editi- Michael Pare, Trishelle Cannatella, George on Takei Ninjas, Sexy Comedies, Action, Mushrooms Djimon Hounsou, Amber Heard, Sean Faris, Cheerleaders, Comedy, Martial Arts 2008 , Lynette Curran Cam Gigandet - Dir. Jeff Wadlow Australian, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Foreign Jake (Sean Faris) is the new kid in school. When a beautiful 81min. 1995 90min. girl (Amber Heard) befriends him, Jake thinks he’s set. But Peace Arch Entertainment 12.08.2008 instead, her fight-club boyfriend, Ryan (Cam Gigandet), 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077330 BFS 22.07.2008 smacks Jake a bloody, black-eyed welcome. Humiliated, Jake 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077851 then turns to a mixed martial arts (MMA) master (Djimon Hounsou), who teaches him how to fight...and how to walk Noise away. But it becomes obvious that a brutal re-match is My Brother Is An Only Child inevitable if Jake wants to stop Ryan and his bullying, once William Hurt, Tim Robbins, Bridget Elio Germano, Angela Finocchiaro, and for all. Moynahan, Margarita Levieva, William Riccardo Scamarcio - Dir. Daniele Luchetti Sports, Action, Drama, Mixed Martial Arts Baldwin - Dir. Henry Bean The violent political unrest of 1960s Italy brings simmering 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 113min. Academy Award winner Tim Robbins stars as David Owen, a tensions between two feuding brothers to the boiling point in Summit Entertainment 29.07.2008 Manhattan husband and father so unhinged by the noise this critically acclaimed film. Eager to distance themselves outside his window that he declares a one-man war on car from each other, Accio (Elio Germano, Do You Like 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077721 alarms. But when David goes over the edge and becomes a Hitchock?, Respiro: Grazia’s Island) and older brother, citywide noise-vigilante known as ‘The Rectifier’, he incurs Manrico (Riccardo Scamarcio, Romanzo Criminale, Three The New World: The Extended the wrath of New York’s sleazy blowhard Mayor (a hilarious Steps Over Heaven), join opposing political parties but are performance by Oscar winner William Hurt) who vows to stop tied together by their dysfunctional working-class family...and Cut him. How much damage will one guy inflict for a little peace a beautiful girl named Francesca. As the turbulent decade and quiet? comes to a close, the brothers slowly discover they’re more Wes Studi, - Dir. Vigilante Justice, Art House, Comedy, Dra- alike than they thought, but that realization might come too Terrence Malick ma 2007 88min. late. Romance, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2008 Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian 2007 Ltbx Piece 2005 171min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078456 16x9 DD 5.1 104min. New Line Home Entertainment 14.10.2008 ThinkFilm 05.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077455 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078420 Normal Kevin Zegers, The Nickel Children My Name Is Earl: Season Three Drama 2007 100min. Tamara Hope, Tom Sizemore, Jeremy Sisto, Porchlight Home Entertainment 07.10.2008 Jason Lee, Jamie Pressly, Nadine Velaz- Reiley McClendon - Dir. Glenn Klinker 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077843 quez, Ethan Suplee, Eddie Steeples Each year in the United States more than one million children Comedy, NBC 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 556min. run away from home. A third of these boys and girls will end up working as teen prostitutes to survive. The Nickel Numb3rs: The Complete Fourth 20th Century Fox 30.09.2008 Children is a narrative drama that explores this world from 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078400 the point of view of two such children. On the streets, Cat and Season Nolan struggle each day in a world of sex, drugs and violence Diane Farr, Navi Rawat, Judd Hirsch, Rob with little hope of escape. Morrow, Peter MacNicol, David Krumholtz, My Three Sons: Season One - Drama 2005 95min. Alimi Ballard Volume One Triumph Marketing Thrillers, CBS, Drama, FBI, Mystery 2007 Fred MacMurray, William Frawley, Tim tba BestellNr.: 40077582 Ltbx DD 5.1 774min. Considine, Stanley Livingston, Don Grady Paramount Pictures 30.09.2008 ABC, Comedy, Family 1960 FF M 450min. Nim’s Island (Fullscreen) 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077960 Paramount Pictures 30.09.2008 Jodie Foster, Breslin, Gerard Butler 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077432 - Dir. Jennifer Flackett Numb3rs: The Complete Seasons Welcome to Nim’s Island, a tropical paradise where The Naked Brothers Band: imagination runs wild and adventure rules! Abigail Breslin 1 - 4 (Little Miss Sunshine), Jodie Foster and Gerard Butler shine Diane Farr, Sabrina Lloyd, Judd Hirsch, Rob Season 2 in this fun, „exhilarating and enchanting family picture“ (San Morrow, Peter MacNicol, David Krumholtz, Allie DiMeco, , Jesse Draper, Mi- Francisco Chronicle) based on Wendy Orr’s beloved novel. Nim Rusoe (Breslin) lives on a deserted island with her Alimi Ballard chael Wolff, Thomas Batuello, David Levi, scientist father Jack (Butler) and her best friends: Selkie, a Thrillers, CBS, Drama, FBI, Mystery Ltbx Qaasim Middleton, Alex Wolff sea lion; Fred, a bearded dragon lizard; and Galileo, a plucky min. Comedy, Mockumentary, Music, Nickel- pelican. But when Jack goes missing at sea and the island is „invaded,“ Nim reaches out via e-mail to the adventurous Paramount Pictures 30.09.2008 odeon 2008 300min. author (Foster) of her favorite books, and together, each 281,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077961 Nickelodeon 07.10.2008 discovers what it takes to truly become the hero of your own 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077437 life story. Adventure, Comedy, Family 2008 FF DD 5.1 Nympha 96min. Nash Bridges: The First Season Shepis 20th Century Fox 05.08.2008 Foreign, Horror, Italian 2007 90min. Cheech Marin, James Gammon, Don 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077875 MTI Home Video 09.09.2008 Johnson, Jeff Perry 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078427 Action, CBS, Cops, Mystery 1996 374min. Nim’s Island (Widescreen) Paramount Pictures 14.10.2008 Jodie Foster, Abigail Breslin, Gerard Butler 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077448 Ocean’s Eleven / Ocean’s Twelve - Dir. Jennifer Flackett (Double Feature) Welcome to Nim’s Island, a tropical paradise where Never Back Down imagination runs wild and adventure rules! Abigail Breslin Thieves, Caper, Comedy, Double Features, (Little Miss Sunshine), Jodie Foster and Gerard Butler shine Drama min.

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Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 jobs! So, when a Christmas Eve talent contest is announced, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077928 Emmet joins a jug band and Ma decides to sing a song. But 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078026 Emmet will have to put a hole in Ma’s washtub to make a bass! And Ma will have to hock Emmet’s tool chest to buy herself a Papa’s Delicate Condition The Office: Season 1 - 4 (Ameri- costume! Should Emmet and Ma risk all they have to make each other’s dreams come true? Narrated by Kermit and based Jackie Gleason, Glynis Johns, Laurel can Series) on the book by Russell and Lillian Hoban, Emmet Otter’s Jug- Goodwin, Charlie Ruggles - Dir. George Jenna Fischer, Steve Carell, John Band Christmas will put a song in your heart! Marshall Chanukah, Christmas, Holidays 1993 FF DD Krasinski, Rainn Wilson Comedy 1963 98min. 5.1 50min. Work Sucks, Comedy, NBC, On The Job Legend Films 01.07.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Ltbx 16x9 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077981 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078152 Universal Studios 02.09.2008 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077223 Partners The Outlaw Josey Wales Robyn Douglass, John Hurt, Kenneth On The Edge Clint Eastwood, John Vernon, Sondra Lok- McMillan - Dir. James Burrows ke, Bill McKinney, Chief Dan George - Dir. Action 97min. Comedy, Cops 1982 93min. Clint Eastwood Legend Films 01.07.2008 First Look Home Entertainment 01.07.2008 As The Outlaw Josey Wales, Clint Eastwood is ideal as a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077597 wary, fast drawing loner, akin to the „Man With No Name“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077984 from his European Westerns. But unlike that other mythic outlaw, Josey Wales has a name - and a heart. The heart Pathology One False Step opens up as the action unfolds. After avenging his family’s Drama min. brutal murder, Wales is pursued by a pack of killers. He Alyssa Milano, Lauren Lee Smith, Milo prefers to travel alone, but ragtag outcasts are drawn to him - Ventimiglia, Michael Weston, Johnny Leo Films and Wales can’t bring himself to leave them unprotected. Time 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077545 called it one of 1976’s best movies. Over time, The Outlaw Whitworth Josey Wales has secured a placed as one of the top We- Thrillers, Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 min. One Hundred And One Nights sterns ever. MGM / UA 23.09.2008 National Film Registry, Classics, Western 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078403 Julie Gayet, Marcello Mastroianni, Henri 1976 135min. Garcin, Emmanuel Salinger, Mathieu Demy - Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 Phantasm IV: Oblivion Dir. Agnes Varda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077298 A Film Buff’s Delight.“ - Kevin Thomas, LA Times. Agnes Dir. Don Coscarelli Varda’s One Hundred and One Nights (Les Cent et Une Science Fiction, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1998 Nuits) is a magical cinematic tour. Michel Piccoli plays Simon Outside Sales Cinema, a 100-year old producer/director whose memory is 90min. failing. He hires Camille (Julie Gayet), a beautiful young film Romance, Comedy min. Starz / Anchor Bay 26.08.2008 student, to give his memory a daily aerobic workout and hash Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077497 over pieces of his illustrious career. An array of dazzling 12.08.2008 movie stars pop in to visit and chat. His best friend is Italian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077986 (Marcello Mastroianni), his favorite ghosts are the Lumiere The Picture Of Dorian Gray Brothers. While Camille brings joy in Monsieur Cinema’s life, , Peter Lawford, Donna she also hatches a plan to con him out of his fortune. Her The Outsiders aspiring director boyfriend could use the money... Reed, Hurd Hatfield, George Sanders, Ri- European, Foreign, French 1994 Ltbx S Matt Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Ralph Macchio, chard Fraser, Lowell Gilmore - Dir. Albert 101min. Thomas Howell, Diane Lane, Tom Cruise, Lewin Wellspring Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Leif Garrett - Years change, handsome Dorian Gray does not. He remains 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078271 Dir. Francis Ford Coppola youthful- looking. But a portrait of him tells another story. It They grew up on the outside of society. They weren’t looking changes with the years, revealing the horrific effects of for a fight. They were looking to belong.. In 1966 Tulsa, Gray’s life of debauchery and evil. From Oscar Wilde’s novel The Orange Thief teenagers come two ways. If you’re a „soc,“ you’ve got money, and filmed in a rapturous, deep-focus style that earned a Best cars, a future. But if you’re a „greaser,“ you’re an outsider Cinematography Academy Award, this chilling tale remains Comedy 2007 min. with only your friends...and a dream that someday you’ll unchanging in its power to entertain. Hurd Hatfield plays the Warner Bros. 12.08.2008 finally belong. Francis Coppola’s powerful film of S.E. rakish title character in this morality tale, also featuring 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077677 Hinton’s classic novel captures how it feels to be caught George Sanders as a Wilde-like dandy who leads Gray to between childhood’s innocence and adulthood’s perdition, Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominee Angela disillusionment. The ensemble is a Who’s Who of young Lansbury as a music-hall thrush victimized by Gray, plus The Order: From Matthew talents of the past two decades: Matt Dillion, Tom Cruise, Donna Reed and Peter Lawford. Every picture tells a story. Emilio Estevez, C. Thomas Howell, Diane Lane, Patrick But none tells as haunting a tale of terror like The Picture Of Barney’s Cremaster Cycle 3 Swayze, Rob Lowe and Ralph Macchio. Movingly and in an Dorian Gray. Dir. Matthew Barney intesely visual style, Coppola has made these street rats and Romance, Academy Award Winners, Art House, Drama min. their struggle heroic - and unforgettable. Classics, Drama, Fantasy, Horror 110min. Troubled Youth, Drama, Historical / Period Palm Pictures 08.07.2008 Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 Piece 1983 91min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077352 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078027 Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077297 OSS 117 The Pied Piper A box-office sensation in France, comic star Jean Dujardin Jack Wild, John Hurt, Donald Pleasence, stars as secret agent Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, a.k.a. The Pacific & Eddy Donovan - Dir. Jacques Demy OSS 117 who in the tradition of Maxwell Smart and Inspector Matthew Nourse, Matthew Nourse, Clouseau somehow succeeds in spite of his ineptitude. After a Drama, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy 1972 fellow agent and close friend is murdered, Hubert is ordered Matthew Nourse - Dir. Matthew Nourse 90min. to take his place at the head of a poultry firm in Cairo. This is In the wake of a sudden loss, Eddy skips town leaving his Legend Films 01.07.2008 to be his cover while he investigates Jack’s death, monitors friends to mourn for him. A vagabond musician, Eddy runs until the Suez Canal, checks up on the Brits and Soviets, there is nowhere left to run to but home. The Pacific and Eddy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077997 burnishes France’s reputation, quells a fundamentalist captures the uncertainty of a time when identities begin to rebellion and brokers peace in the Middle East. A blithe and reveal themselves. Some self-destruct, others surge in this Pirate Camp witty send-up not only of spy films of that era and the suave story that follows four characters as they each find their own secret agent figure but also neo-colonialism, ethnocentrism way to deal with the loss of a close friend. Eddy, brash, yet Corbin Bernsen, Seth Adkins and the very idea of Western covert action in the Middle East. exceedingly self-aware, has not changed since the incident. It becomes apparent that his remaining friends are in much Pirates, Adventure, Family 2007 90min. Spies/Secret Agents, Spoofs, Action, different places than when he left them. Barron, a guitar Gaiam Americas 26.08.2008 Comedy, Foreign, French 2006 95min. maker, harbors bitterness toward Eddy and has become 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077919 MPI 30.09.2008 dissatisfied with his seemingly ideal life. Growing weary of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077818 her relationship with Barron, Farah, striking and tempestuous, is unable to dance like she once could. And Chelsea a gifted Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy painter, seeks to move on with her life and is set to leave Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band town to pursue a career. Eddy, seeking comfort and support (Blu-ray) from his friends, finds them lacking the sympathy and fondness Bill Nighy, Jonathan Pryce, Stellan Christmas they once had for him. Finding refuge in the swells of the Skarsgard, Jack Davenport - Dir. Gore It’s a Toe-Tapping Christmas in Frogtown Hollow!. As Pacific, Eddy must look in Christmas approaches Frogtown Hollow, Emmet Otter and his Drama 2007 87min. Verbinski Ma can only dream of buying each other gifts with the little Westlake Media 19.08.2008 Boxed Sets, Comedy, Fantasy, High Seas, money they make - Ma doing laundry and Emmet doing odd Historical / Period Piece, Action, Adventure,

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Pirates, Swordfighting 2007 min. 113min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077333 Disney / Buena Vista 04.12.2007 Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 127,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078305 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077743 Pretty In Pink (I Love The 80’s) Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, Annie Plain Jane Portrait of an Assassin Potts, Harry Dean Stanton, James Spader, Celia Imrie, Corin Redgrave, Emma Arletty, Maria Montez, Eric von Stroheim, Jon Cryer - Dir. Howard Deutch Cunniffe, Keith Barron, Lesley Manville, Pierre Brasseur - Dir. Bernard Roland Teen sensations Molly Ringwald (Sixteen Candles, The Jason Hughes - Dir. John Woods Carnival daredevil Fabius (Pierre Brasseur) is tired of his Breakfast Club) and Andrew McCarthy (St. Elmo’s Fire) drew dangerous job and his nagging wife (Arletty), whom he raves for their starring performances in this hit love story by The Father. The Son. The Maid.A Love Triangle That Can John Hughes (The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off). Only Lead To Tragedy.. 1911 London is the setting for this jealously suspects of having an affair. A botched attempt to kill her accidentally wounds the seductive carnival owner, She’s a high school girl from the wrong side of town. He’s the dark drama of sexual obsession and murder. Kevin Whately wealthy heart-throb who asks her to the prom. But as fast as (Inspector Morse, Peak Practice) stars as David Bruce, a Catherine, (Maria Montez), a woman turned on by reckless men. When he falls for Catherine, Fabius decides to stay with their romance builds, it’s threatened by the painful reality of newly prosperous gas inspector who moves to London with peer pressure. A bittersweet story with an upbeat ending and his new wife and their infant daughter. Their new station in the carnival. But he still must deal with his troublesome wife, as well as Eric (the incomparable Erich von Stroheim), one of a phenomenal rock score, Pretty in Pink also stars Harry life affords them the luxury of a life-in maid named Jane. Dean Stanton, Jon Cryer, James Spader and Annie Potts. Penned by award-winning writer, Lucy Gannon (Peak Catherine’s former lovers, now hopelessly paralyzed. This Practice, Hope and Glory, Soldier Soldier), the turbulent international cast of film greats will keep you riveted to the Drama min. story follows the collapse of David’s mental health as the last suspenseful scene of this murderous melodrama. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 pressures of his new job take a terrible toll. As David’s work Classics, Drama, European, Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077744 creates more and more stress, he forces his attentions on his French 1949 FF M 86min. new maid, unaware that his adult son from a previous Image Ent. marriage is wooing the same woman. The façade of Pretty Village Pretty Flame respectability begins to erode and what follows is a tale of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077527 secret love, addiction, lies, violence, murder and madness. Zoran Cvijanovic, Dragan Bjelogrlic, Nikola The only hope of redemption exists in the character of a poor Kojo, Dragan Maksimovic, Milorad Mandic, servant girl, Plain Jane! The Poseidon Adventure/Green Dragan Petrovic, Velimir Bata Zivojinovic - 2001 FF S 155min. Sails (Double Feature) Dir. Srdjan Dragojevic BFS Action, Disasters, Double Features, Drama Based on an incident that happened in the first winter of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078124 war in Bosnia in 1992. Two young boys, Halil, a Muslim, and 267min. Milan, a Serb, watch the inauguration of the new Brotherhood Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and Unity Tunnel in their neighborhood in 1980. Twelve years Le Plaisir: The Criterion 01.07.2008 later, Milan lies in a hospital bed, badly injured. Wounded Serbs and Muslims recover in the same hospital. Recalling Collection 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077976 the events that brought him there, Milan finds it hard to Danielle Darrieux, Simone Simon, Jean believe that he is again that close to his recent enemies. He Possession remembers the vicious firefight where their Muslim enemies Gabin - Dir. Max Ophuls trapped him and a group of Serb soldiers in the very same Roving with his dazzlingly mobile camera around the decadent Heinz Bennent - Dir. Andrej Zulawski tunnel in a ten-day siege. And now Halil and Milan are on ballrooms, bucolic countryside retreats, urban bordellos, and In this controversial epic of obsessive love and sexual opposing sides, their friendship tattered and in ruins. painter’s studios of late nineteenth-century Parisian society, psychosis, Isabelle Adjani (Queen Margot, The European, Foreign 1996 Ltbx S 125min. Max Ophuls brings his astonishing visual dexterity and Vampyre) and Sam Neill (My Brilliant Career, Jurassic Park) storytelling bravura to this triptych of tales by Guy de Mau- star as a married couple torn by emotional instability and Wellspring passant about the limits of spiritual and physical pleasure. carnal infidelity. As their madness grows, their world becomes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078094 Featuring a stunning cast of French stars (including Danielle a nightmare of savage murder...and climaxes in a monstrous Darrieux, Jean Gabin, and Simone Simon), Le plaisir manifestation of sexual evil. Written and directed by pinpoints the cruel ironies and happy compromises of life with acclaimed international director Andrzej Zulawski and The Prince & Me 2: Royal a charming and sophisticated breeziness. featuring shocking creature effects by Carlo Rambaldi (Alien, Wedding (Blu-ray) Art House, Comedy, Criterion Collection, E.T.), Possession is an experience like no other - part Drama, Foreign, French 1952 FF M 97min. masterful art film, part bizarre horror thriller. Cut by nearly 45 Clemency Burton Hill, Jonathan Firth, Kam Criterion 16.09.2008 minutes for its U.S. release, this controversial film is now Heskin - Dir. Catherine Cyran presented here completely uncut and uncensored. With just weeks before their royal wedding, Paige (Kam 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077423 Cult Film / TV, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Heskin) and Edvard (Luke Mably) find their relationship-and French, Horror 1981 Ltbx 16x9 M 123min. the Danish monarchy-in jeopardy when an old law is brought Planes, Trains And Automobiles (I to light, stating that an unmarried heir to the throne can only Blue Underground 30.09.2008 marry a woman of noble blood, or else he must relinquish his Love The 80’s) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077471 crown. Steve Martin, John Candy - Dir. John Comedy, Romance 2005 92min. Hughes Postal First Look Home Entertainment 28.10.2008 Neal Page is an advertising executive who just wants to fly Verne Troyer, Dave Foley, J.K. Simmons, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078292 home to Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with his family. But all Neal Page gets is misery. Misery named Del Griffith - a loud Zack Ward, Chris Coppola - Dir. Uwe Boll mouthed, but nevertheless loveable, salesman who leads Neal Terrorism, Thrillers, Action, Based On Vi- The Prince & Me 3: A Royal on a cross-country, wild goose chase that keeps Neal from deo Game, Comedy, Dark Comedy 2007 Honeymoon tasting his turkey. Steve Martin (Neal) and John Candy (Del) are absolutely wonderful as two guys with a knack for making min. Comedy min. the worst of a bad situation. If it’s painful, funny, or just plain Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.08.2008 First Look Home Entertainment 28.10.2008 crazy, it happens to Neal and Del in Planes, Trains and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077726 Automobiles. Every traveler’s nightmare in a comedy-come- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077894 true! Road Trips, Comedy, Holidays 92min. Postal: Unrated The Prince & Me 3: A Royal Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Verne Troyer, Dave Foley, J.K. Simmons, Honeymoon (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077742 Zack Ward, Chris Coppola - Dir. Uwe Boll Romance, Comedy 92min. Terrorism, Thrillers, Action, Based On Vi- First Look Home Entertainment 28.10.2008 deo Game, Comedy, Dark Comedy 2007 The Plans Of Man 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078293 Romance, Drama min. min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.08.2008 Cinequest Entertainment 09.09.2008 Privilege 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078449 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077725 Dir. Peter Watkins Music, Science Fiction, Art House, British, Popeye (I Love The 80’s) Power Rangers Black Ranger: Happy Birthday Zach / Putty on the Brain. Happy Birthday Drama, Foreign 1967 103min. Shelley Duvall, Robin Williams Zach / Putty on the Brain. New Yorker 29.07.2008 The legendary, beloved, anvil-armed sailor of the seven seas comes magically to life in this delightful musical, starring Action, Family 42min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077645 Oscar-winner Robin Williams as Popeye, who meets all 20th Century Fox challenges with the unshakable philosophy, „I yam what I yam 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077519 Prodigal Boxer and that’s all that I yam.“ Shelley Duvall is Popeye’s devote long-limbed sweetie, Olive Oyl, one of the familiar and Pa Hung, Ming Fei, Chaiyang Min - Dir. loveable characters who joins Popeye in his adventures in El Premio Mayor Chaiyang Min the harbor town of Sweethaven. Meet Wimpy and Bluto and all Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Shaolin Boxer Collection 1. Ming Fei stars as Fong Siu Yee, the other cartoon favorites in this happy, tuneful, fun-for-the- a wrongfully accused murderer in this HK actionner. The whole-family movie! Mexican, Romance 1995 840min. Prodigal Boxer, 2 vicious masters of the local kung fu school Based On A Comic Strip, Comedy, Family Xenon Entertainment 09.09.2008 seeking revenge against Fong Siu Yee, attack his home and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) kill his father while Fong is away. Left fatherless, Fong trains Tears / Guns & Talks (Triple Pack) Mackenzie. at the hands of his mother and a bloody trail of revenge is set 1977 FF S 356min. Thrillers, Triple Feature, Detectives, in motion. Can a year’s worth of training prepare Fong Sui BFS Yee for his deadly confrontation with the vicious masters? Foreign, Japanese, Korean 260min. Non stop action and dramatic fight scenes punctuate this Old 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078170 School classic. A. D. Vision 05.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078050 1979 FF S 90min. Raffles 2 Crash Entertainment Anthony Valentine, Christopher Strauli - Dir. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078264 Puppet Show Alan Gibson Erica Slider, Nina Tepes, Andrew Rosen, To catch a thief. England at the turn of the century...the golden Prom Night Tom Wooler - Dir. Jay Gowey era of moneyed aristocracy, champagne parties and long Ringmaster Rick rose to success with his children’s show, summer weekends in the country. A.J. Raffles, a gentleman by Brittany Snow, Jessica Stroup, Johnathon Circus Town, by making a deal with a demon to bring his every definition, is in constant demand as a houseguest at Schaech, Scott Porter - Dir. Nelson marionette, Charlie Chowderhead, to life! As tends to happen some of the grandest country estates and as the darling of the McCormick when people make a deal with an evil specter, Rick cricket fraternity. Little do his high-class friends know that Three years ago, Donna (Brittany Snow, John Tucker Must mysteriously turns up dead. The doll gets passed down to his the debonair, top-hatted man-about-town cracks safes and Die) watched in horror as an obsessed predator (Johnathon granddaughter, Casey, who has no idea the doll is alive, let burgles ladies’ bedrooms. Behind the public image of this Schaech, That Thing You Do!) murdered her family. Tonight is alone a killer. The show may be over, but Charlie’s not done well-bread bachelor is a master thief. He steals stealthily her senior prom and although she’s anxious about the past, with his murderous performance and he’s dead set on pulling through the immaculate shrubbery of stately houses, scales she’s excited to celebrate her future with her friends. What the strings in his final act of killer entertainment! the ivy-clad walls and clambers cat-like across rooftops with Donna doesn’t know is that the deranged psychopath has Puppets, Thrillers, Horror FF S 65min. the same panache that he takes onto the dance floor. Whether escaped from the asylum. He’s returned to hunt her down, Brain Damage Films 01.07.2008 he is teaching an unscrupulous moneylender a lesson or intent on killing anyone who gets in his way. As the night avenging the honor of Her Majesty, the Queen, Raffles, races towards its heart-pounding conclusion, the question 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077618 together with schoolmate, Bunny, sets forth on his most becomes not who will be prom queen, but who will survive the extraordinary adventures to date. From Members of killer’s rampage. Puzzle Parliament to the rich and beautiful, the game is afoot as Slasher, Thrillers, High School, Horror 2008 Raffles battles his nemesis, Inspector Mackenzie and f Thrillers, Foreign, Korean 2006 92min. 1977 FF S 308min. Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 88min. Genius Products 29.07.2008 BFS Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077868 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078171 19.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077940 Queen Sized Rareflix: Volume 1 (Triple Fea- Prom Night: Unrated Annie Potts, Nikki Blonsky ture) TV Movies, Comedy, Drama 2008 120min. Brittany Snow, Jessica Stroup, Johnathon Triple Feature, Horror 251min. Starz / Anchor Bay 05.08.2008 Schaech, Scott Porter - Dir. Nelson Media Blasters 23.09.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077857 McCormick 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078366 Three years ago, Donna (Brittany Snow, John Tucker Must Die) watched in horror as an obsessed predator (Johnathon Quid Pro Quo : Essential Art House Schaech, That Thing You Do!) murdered her family. Tonight is her senior prom and although she’s anxious about the past, Vera Farmiga, Nick Stahl - Dir. Carlos Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Daisuke she’s excited to celebrate her future with her friends. What Brooks Kato, Minoru Chiaki, Masayuki Mori, Donna doesn’t know is that the deranged psychopath has When a man walked into a hospital and offered a doctor escaped from the asylum. He’s returned to hunt her down, $250,000 to amputate a perfectly healthy leg - reporter Isaac Machiko Kyo, Fumiko Honma, Kichijiro Ueda intent on killing anyone who gets in his way. As the night Knott (Stahl) becomes intrigued. Knott, who lost the use of his - Dir. Akira Kurosawa races towards its heart-pounding conclusion, the question legs in a childhood car accident, finds his professional The murder of a man and the rape of his wife in a forest grove becomes not who will be prom queen, but who will survive the business. Fiona (Farmiga), a mysterious and sexy informant - seen from four different perspectives. Toshiro Mifune killer’s rampage. offers him an odd exclusive: She’ll introduce him to the explodes as the feral bandit who may or may not be guilty of Slasher, Thrillers, High School, Horror 2008 disturbing sub-culture of paraplegic „wannabes.“ these crimes in Akira Kurosawa’s meditation on the nature of Thrillers, Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 „truth“ - a classic, humane allegory that transformed narrative Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 89min. cinema as we know it and turned its director into an interna- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 82min. tional sensation. 19.08.2008 Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 Mystery, Art House, Classics, Drama, Feu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077941 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077457 dal Japan, Foreign, Japanese 1950 M 88min. The Proposition (Steelbook) Racing With The Moon (I Love Janus Films 09.09.2008 Nick Cave, Chiara Menage, Cat Villiers, The 80’s) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078468 John Hillcoat - Dir. John Hillcoat Sean Penn, Elizabeth McGovern, Nicolas The Proposition. In the harsh, unforgiving landscape of the Cage - Dir. Richard Benjamin Rear Window: Universal Legacy Outback, Charlie Burns is presented with an impossible Artfully directed by Richard Benjamin, Racing with the Moon Series proposition by local law enforcer Captain Stanley; the only is a film so tender, so insightful, so full of heart that you’ll way to save his younger brother Mikey from the gallows is to never quite forget it. This is the story of Henry „Hopper“ Grace Kelly, Thelma Ritter, Raymond Burr, track down and kill Arthur, his psychotic older brother. Nash (Sean Penn) and his buddy Nicky (Nicolas Cage) Wendell Corey - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Meanwhile, Captain Stanley has other problems to contend enjoying their last boyish exploits before they enter the with. Having given up their comfortable life, he is desperate to Marines. Elizabeth McGovern portrays Penn’s mysterious Murder Mysteries, Mystery, National Film shield his innocent wife Martha from the brutalities of their girlfriend. What ensues is a tender, bittersweet tale of lost Registry, Thrillers, Voyeurism, Classics, new surroundings. He also faces mounting pressure from innocence and the trauma of growing up too fast. The result is Drama 1954 Ltbx 16x9 M 115min. renegade natives and his superior Eden Fletcher to bring a magic moment, brilliantly captured within the emotional order to the region. An uneasy sense of foreboding grows as crosscurrent of America’s most dramatic time. Universal Studios 07.10.2008 events close in and each character faces a punishing moral 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078461 dilemma that leads to a murderous climax. Drama 108min. Thrillers, Action, Art House, Australian, Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077745 Recount Western 2005 104min. Denis Leary, Laura Dern, John Hurt, Kevin First Look Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 Raffles 1 Spacey, Tom Wilkinson, Bob Balaban, Ed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077624 Anthony Valentine, Christopher Strauli - Dir. Begley Jr. - Dir. Jay Roach Alan Gibson Politics, Drama, HBO, TV Movies 2008 Psycho: Universal Legacy Series The first step. Based on the character created by E.W. Hor- 116min. nung, Anthony Valentine stars as the gentleman burglar, A.J. HBO Home Video 19.08.2008 Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Raffles. Raffles is a gentleman by every definition: a man of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077836 John McIntire, John Gavin, Martin Balsam - good social position, of wealth and leisure. He is young, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock popular with the ladies and moves in the best social circles, but behind the gallant facade of this well-bread bachelor is a Recuerde A Rancheras National Film Registry, Thrillers, Classics, more ominous side. This perfect gentleman is equally at home Horror 1960 Ltbx 16x9 M 109min. lurking in the fog and creeping through the gas-lit shadows of Collections, Mexican, Western 362min. London’s maze of tiny streets and alleys or breaking into some Mill Creek Entertainment 22.07.2008 Universal Studios 07.10.2008 rich dowager’s bedroom and ‘lifting’ priceless jewellery by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078460 torchlight. Whether he is showing up a braggart or defending 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077791 England’s honor, nothing is safe from the irrepressible Raffles. From the Italian Embassy to the British Museum, the Re-Cycle Public Enemy / No Blood, No game begins as Raffles reunites with his old schoolmate, Bunny and plays cat and mouse with his nemesis, Inspector Dir. Oxide Pang Chun

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

When a bestselling novelist decides to write a horror novel, Jerzy Kosinski - Dir. Resting Place / The Terror (Doub- she opens up the door to a terrifying realm of the supernatural Warren Beatty’s award winning epic mixes drama and guided by one of her book’s phantasmagorical creations now interviews with major social radicals of the period. Reds tells le Feature) come to life. Trapped in a land consumed by everything the story of the love affair between activists Louise Bryant Thrillers, Double Features, Ghosts, forgotten and hidden, including the dead, she must now and John Reed. Set against the backdrop of the tumultuous confront a secret from her past to return home. Filled with start of the twentieth century, the two journalists’ on-again Haunted Houses, Horror 181min. spectacular visual effects and spine-tingling twists, this off-again romance is punctuated by the outbreak of WWI and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment chilling descent into the supernatural from the creators and the Bolshevik Revolution. Louise’s assignment in France at 01.07.2008 star of The Eye is the next groundbreaking step in visionary the outbreak of the war puts an end to their affair. John filmmaking. Reed’s subsequent trip to , and his involvement with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077979 Mystery, Thai, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror the Communist party, rekindles their relationship. When 2006 min. Louise arrives in Petrograd, she finds herself swept up in the Resurrection Mary euphoria of the Revolution. Reed, however, eventually Image Ent. 23.09.2008 becomes disillusioned with Communism when he sees his Romance, Thrillers 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077722 words and intentions augmented and controlled by the growing 91min. Soviet propaganda machine. Entertainment Studios 26.08.2008 Academy Award Winners, Drama 195min. Re-Cycle (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077230 Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Dir. Oxide Pang Chun 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077747 When a bestselling novelist decides to write a horror novel, Rhapsody she opens up the door to a terrifying realm of the supernatural guided by one of her book’s phantasmagorical creations now Reno 911: Miami - More Busted Action 95min. come to life. Trapped in a land consumed by everything First Look Home Entertainment 01.07.2008 forgotten and hidden, including the dead, she must now Than Ever Edition (with Digital confront a secret from her past to return home. Filled with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077596 spectacular visual effects and spine-tingling twists, this Copy) chilling descent into the supernatural from the creators and Kerri Kenney, Niecy Nash, Mary Birdsong, Rhubarb star of The Eye is the next groundbreaking step in visionary filmmaking. Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, Cedric Ray Milland, Jan Sterling, Gene Lockhart, Mystery, Thai, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror Yarbrough, Carlos Alazraqui - Dir. Robert William Frawley - Dir. Arthur Lubin 2006 min. Ben Garant Sports, Baseball, Comedy, Family 1951 Image Ent. 23.09.2008 Action, Based On TV Show, Comedy, Cops, 94min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078306 Mockumentary 2007 DD 5.1 83min. Legend Films 01.07.2008 20th Century Fox 09.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077989 Redbelt 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077495 Joe Mantegna, David Paymer, Rebecca Rise: Blood Hunter - Unrated Pidgeon, Ricky Jay, Emily Mortimer, Tim Rest Stop: Don’t Look Back - (with Digital Copy) Allen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Randy Couture, Uncut Carla Gugino, Cameron Richardson, Robert Rodrigo Santoro - Dir. David Mamet No rest for the wicked! One year ago, the mysterious Rest Forester, Allan Rich - Dir. Sebastian Set on the westside of the Los Angeles fight world, a scene Stop killer drilled, ripped and splattered young road trippers inhabited by bouncers, cagefighters, cops and special forces Jesse and Nicole. Now three more unsuspecting travelers Gutierrez types, Redbelt is the story of Mike Terry (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a come looking for the missing duo. And that means the killer Seduce. Trap. Feast.. Female reporter Sadie Blake (Lucy Liu) Jiu-jitsu master who has avoided the prize fighting circuit, gets to sharpen his horrific torture skills all over again ? only wakes up in a morgue to find herself a member of the undead, choosing to instead pursue a life of honor and education by bloodier and scarier than before. He’s not alone, either. The the victim of a brutal vampire ritual. Trying desperately to fight operating a self-defense studio with a samurai’s code. Terry Winnebago full of creepy living corpses is also back, roaming off her thirst. Sadie prowls the dark city streets, armed with a and his wife Sondra (Sonia Braga) struggle to keep the the old highway. And Jesse and Nicole’s brutalized ghosts crossbow and hell-bent on slaying the twisted vampires that business running to make ends meet. An accident on a dark, seek revenge, determined to give as gory as they got. Watch made her this way. With an all-star cast featuring Carla rainy night, between an off duty officer (Max Martini) and a if you dare. But whatever you do, Don’t Look Back! Gugino, Michael Chiklis and James D’Arcy, prepare for a distraught laywer (Emily Mortimer) puts in motion a series of Thrillers, Grindhouse, Horror 2008 min. bloody descent into a terrifying underworld. events that will change Terry’s life dramatically introducing Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 Revenge, Thrillers, Horror, Vampires 2007 him to a world of promoters (Ricky Jay, Joe Mantegna) and Ltbx 16x9 122min. movie star Chet Frank (Tim Allen). In order to pay off his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077283 debts and regain his honor, Terry must step into the ring for Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the first time in his life. Rest Stop: Don’t Look Back - 29.07.2008 Sports, Action, Drama, Mixed Martial Arts 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077846 2008 Ltbx 99min. Uncut (Blu-ray) No rest for the wicked! One year ago, the mysterious Rest Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Stop killer drilled, ripped and splattered young road trippers Risky Business: 25th Anniversary 26.08.2008 Jesse and Nicole. Now three more unsuspecting travelers Bronson Pinchot, Nicholas Pryor, Rebecca 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078454 come looking for the missing duo. And that means the killer gets to sharpen his horrific torture skills all over again ? only De Mornay, Janet Carroll, Joe Pantoliano, bloodier and scarier than before. He’s not alone, either. The Curtis Armstrong - Dir. Paul Brickman Redbelt (Blu-ray) Winnebago full of creepy living corpses is also back, roaming Sexy Comedies, Thrillers, Comedy 1983 the old highway. And Jesse and Nicole’s brutalized ghosts Joe Mantegna, David Paymer, Rebecca seek revenge, determined to give as gory as they got. Watch min. Pidgeon, Ricky Jay, Emily Mortimer, Tim if you dare. But whatever you do, Don’t Look Back! Warner Bros. 16.09.2008 Allen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Randy Couture, Thrillers, Grindhouse, Horror 2008 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078383 Rodrigo Santoro - Dir. David Mamet Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 Set on the westside of the Los Angeles fight world, a scene 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078289 Risky Business: 25th Anniversary inhabited by bouncers, cagefighters, cops and special forces types, Redbelt is the story of Mike Terry (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a (Blu-ray) Jiu-jitsu master who has avoided the prize fighting circuit, Rest Stop: Unrated (Blu-ray) choosing to instead pursue a life of honor and education by Bronson Pinchot, Nicholas Pryor, Rebecca operating a self-defense studio with a samurai’s code. Terry Jaimie Alexander, Joey Lawrence, Joey De Mornay, Janet Carroll, Joe Pantoliano, and his wife Sondra (Sonia Braga) struggle to keep the Mendicino - Dir. John Shiban Curtis Armstrong - Dir. Paul Brickman business running to make ends meet. An accident on a dark, Dead Ahead.. Jess is at the wheel. Nicole rides shotgun. And rainy night, between an off duty officer (Max Martini) and a at the end of the road stretching before them is glittering, Comedy, Sexy Comedies, Thrillers 1983 distraught laywer (Emily Mortimer) puts in motion a series of glamorous Hollywood. They’re on a road trip, all min. events that will change Terry’s life dramatically introducing right...straight to hell. When the runaway lovers pause at an Warner Bros. 16.09.2008 him to a world of promoters (Ricky Jay, Joe Mantegna) and abandoned rest stop, Jess disappears. And someone else movie star Chet Frank (Tim Allen). In order to pay off his appears - someone with his own demented sense of fun. With 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078408 debts and regain his honor, Terry must step into the ring for drills. Staple guns. Box cutters. All the tearing, grinding, the first time in his life. ripping tools you need to hew wood. Or metal. Or people. Road House Drama, Mixed Martial Arts, Action, Sports Especially young, pretty people just like Nicole. Raw fear Richard Widmark, Ida Lupino, Cornel Wilde, 2008 Ltbx 99min. rules in Rest Stop, the first film from Raw Feed, the newest brand name in horror, sci-fi and thrillers. Director John Celeste Holm - Dir. Jean Negulesco Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Shiban, writer and executive producer of The X-Files and Thrillers, Drama, Film Noir 1948 95min. 26.08.2008 Supernatural, keeps the terrors and twists coming, each out- 20th Century Fox 02.09.2008 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078484 shocking the last. Stop. Stay awhile. But don’t expect to rest. Grindhouse, Horror, Thrillers 2006 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078399 Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 Reds (I Love The 80’s) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078288 Robin Hood: Seasons 1 & 2 Diane Keaton, Maureen Stapleton, Jack Anjali Jay, Keith Allen, Michael Elwyn, Har- Nicholson, Warren Beatty, Paul Sorvino,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) ry Lloyd, Sam Troughton, Joe Armstrong, brutalize the poor sheep ranchers. After setting things straight in each identical town as he goes, Rex is beginning Jonas Armstrong, William , Lucy Rudy (Blu-ray) to feel like a re-run junky when he saunters into a town that is Griffiths, Gordon Kennedy Lili Taylor, Sean Astin, Ned Beatty, Charles slightly different — and the parodies continue. Adventure, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, S. Dutton, Robert Prosky - Dir. David Comedy 88min. Historical / Period Piece, Romance min. Anspaugh Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 BBC Home Video 05.08.2008 All his life, people have told Rudy he’s not good enough, not 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077748 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077488 smart enough, not big enough. But nothing can stop his impossible dream of playing football for Notre Dame. From the time he’s a young boy, Rudy (Sean Astin) is determined to join Sagrado Corazon (Sacred Heart) Rock, Rock, Rock! the Fighting Irish. But his blue-collar family only laughs at his Action, Foreign, Mexican 88min. ambitions - they know Rudy will follow his father and brother Tuesday Weld, Valerie Harper, , to the local steel mill. And, for four long years after high BCI 12.08.2008 Teddy Randazzo school, he does just that. But some dreams won’t die, as Rudy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078376 Alan Freed, the famed DJ known as „The King of Rock ‘n’ proves when he goes to heroic, occasionally hilarious, Roll,“ stars in one of the first rock ‘n’ roll movies. „Rock, lengths to win admission to Notre Dame. Once there, he Rock, Rock!“ captures all the excitement and energy of rock’s becomes a walk-on player, serving as little more than a human Salem Witch Trials early days with classic performances by 2. Frankie Lymon tackling dummy against the startling players. Bloodied but Shirley MacLaine, Kirstie Alley, Rebecca De and the Teenagers 3. LaVern Baker 4. The Moonglows 5. The unbeaten, Rudy wins the respect of legendary coach Ara Flamingos 6. And other rock ‘n’ roll pioneers in this music Parseghian and the other Irish players, who give him one shot Mornay, Kristin Booth, Alan Bates filled movie Tuesday Weld (with Connie Francis’ voice at gridiron glory. An incredible, true story from the creators of With an all-star cast, Salem Witch Trials tells the haunting dubbed for the songs) makes her film debut as Dori, a Hoosiers, Rudy is an unforgettable testament to the power of story of one of America’s darkest chapters in history: the teenager who’s left in desperate straits after her father closes dreams and the triumph of the common man. ruthless 1692 witch hunt that swept through Salem, Massa- her charge account. Poor Dori is forced to cook up a Drama, Football, Sports 1993 Ltbx 114min. chusetts, brutally ending the lives of nineteen innocent cockeyed scheme to raise enough money for a strapless prom civilians. Starring Kirstie Alley, Rebecca De Mornay, Kristin dress. Freed, who plays himself, kicks the action into high Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Booth, Shirley MacLaine, Peter Ustinov and Alan Bates. gear when he announces a rock ‘n’ roll talent quest with the 09.09.2008 Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece winners to appear on his television program! Don’t miss a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078343 min. young Valerie Harper playing one of the teenagers. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Music, Musical, Classics 1957 FF M 83min. 30.09.2008 Image Ent. The Ruins 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078509 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077528 Jena Malone, Laura Ramsey, Jonathan Tucker, Shawn Ashmore, Joe Anderson - Rogue Dir. Carter Smith Salem Witch Trials (Blu-ray) Based on the terrifying best-seller by Scott Smith, The Ruins Shirley MacLaine, Kirstie Alley, Rebecca De Radha Mitchell, Michael Vartan, Sam Wort- follows a group of friends who become entangled in a brutal Mornay, Kristin Booth, Alan Bates hington - Dir. Greg McLean struggle for survival after visiting a remote archaeological dig in the Mexican jungle where they discover something deadly With an all-star cast, Salem Witch Trials tells the haunting Australian, Foreign, Horror, Killer Animals living among the ruins. The Ruins stars Jonathan Tucker story of one of America’s darkest chapters in history: the 2007 98min. (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Black Donnellys), Jena ruthless 1692 witch hunt that swept through Salem, Massa- Dimension Extreme 05.08.2008 Malone (Pride and Prejudice, Donnie Darko), Shawn chusetts, brutally ending the lives of nineteen innocent Ashmore (X-Men: The Last Stand), Laura Ramsey (She’s the civilians. Starring Kirstie Alley, Rebecca De Mornay, Kristin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077390 Man) and Joe Anderson (Across the Universe). Booth, Shirley MacLaine, Peter Ustinov and Alan Bates. Thrillers, Horror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 90min. Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Romancing The Stone (Blu-ray) DreamWorks Home Ent. 08.07.2008 min. Danny DeVito, Kathleen Turner, Michael 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077672 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Douglas - Dir. Robert Zemeckis 30.09.2008 Romance novelist Joan Wilder (Turner) lives for - and in - a The Ruins: Unrated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078549 fantasy world. But when her sister is kidnapped in Colombia and the only chance to save her is to bring a treasure map to Jena Malone, Laura Ramsey, Jonathan her captors, reality quickly becomes stranger then fiction. Tucker, Shawn Ashmore, Joe Anderson - Santa Claus: The Movie Thrown into a jungle full of gunfire, mud slides and poisonous Burgess Meredith, David Huddleston, Judy snakes, Joan’s only hope lies with Jack Colton (Douglas), a Dir. Carter Smith rugged wanderer straight out of her novels. Together, they’ll Unspeakable. Unstoppable. Unrated.. When a group of tight- Cornwell - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc have to outwit the bandits and survive the jungle if they’re to knit college friends visit the site of an undisturbed Mayan Christmas, Family, Holidays 1985 108min. save her sister and find the secret of „El Corazon!“ ruin, they stumble into an ancient trap. An unspoken evil waiting to drag its victims into an endless nightmare. As fear Starz / Anchor Bay 21.10.2008 Comedy, Kidnapping, Action, Adventure, and paranoia eat away at their sanity, their only chance at 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077860 Romance 1984 Ltbx DTS 105min. escape is to commit the unthinkable. Experience The Ruins, 20th Century Fox 14.10.2008 Unrated with shocking new scenes too intense for theaters, Sarah Landon And The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078412 and a disturbing climax you will never forget. Thrillers, Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Paranormal Hour 93min. Far away from home, in the small town of Pine Valley, Sarah La Ronde: The Criterion DreamWorks Home Ent. 08.07.2008 Landon (newcomer Rissa Walters) finds hersef all alone, Collection staying in the guesthouse of her late friend’s grandmother. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077673 When she promised to visit, she didn’t realize she wouldn’t be Simone Signoret, Anton Walbrook - Dir. Max staying in the main house, and she didn’t realize that the Ophuls Rush Hour / Rush Hour 2 (Double guesthouse was haunted. Or at least it seems that way with Simone Signoret, Anton Walbrook, and Simone Simon lead a all the strange things that are going on in there. But that soon roundelay of French stars in Max Ophuls’s delightful, acerbic Feature) becomes the least of the 17-year-ld’s worries. When she adaptation of Arthur Schnitzler’s controversial turn-of- Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan - Dir. Brett learns of the town’s dark secret, she finds herself in the thecentury play La Ronde. Soldiers, chambermaids, poets, middle of a haunting mystery that involves two brothers, the andaristocrats, all are on equal footing in this Ratner local psychic, and an evil spirit. The big question soon multicharactermerry-go-round of love and infidelity, directed Action, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops, becomes, what will happen between midnight and 1 A.M.? with asweeping gaiety as knowingly frivolous as it is Double Feature, Martial Arts min. Mystery, Thrillers, Family, Haunted Houses, enchantingand shot with Ophuls’s trademark intricate New Line Home Entertainment 02.09.2008 Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 80min. cinematography. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078031 09.09.2008 Foreign, French, Historical / Period Piece 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078311 1950 FF M 93min. Rustlers’ Rhapsody (I Love The Criterion 16.09.2008 80’s) Sci-Fi (Collectable Tin With 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077425 Andy Griffith, Marilu Henner, Tom Berenger, Fernando Rey, G.W. Bailey - Dir. Hugh Handle) Roxy Hunter And The Secret Of Wilson Future Force Star Knight Final Days of Planet Earth Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, End Of The Shaman An amusing spoof of the good ‘ole westerns back in the halcyon days when all the cliches were held up as icons, this The World, Fantasy 341min. Wallace - Dir. Eleanor Lindo parody by Hugh Wilson works best for savvy audiences. Rex Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Mystery, Nickelodeon, Family, TV Movies O’Herlihan (Tom Berenger) is a singing cowboy with a wardrobe straight out of the Hollywood westerns of the ’40s 08.07.2008 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min. — he worships his horse, and has a trusty sidekick too. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077598 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Every town he wanders into has a sheriff on the dole, a shady 15.07.2008 cattle rancher, a prostitute with a heart of gold, an innocent young damsel, a town drunk, and the standard bad guys in Sci-Fi Film Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077653 black hats and long coats (Spaghetti-western style) who

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(Collectable Tin) Andrew’s life is spiraling out of control, his descent into thriller that explores courage, conviction, and the timeless drugs and violence rapidly gaining momentum in what Variety struggle of good and evil. Future Force Star Knight Final Days of Planet Earth The Last calls „an especially blistering performance by Monty Lapica.“ Thrillers, Fantasy 96min. Sentinel His mother (Golden Globe nominee Diane Venora) is helpless Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 435min. to control her son and fighting an addiction of her own, but Passion River 05.08.2008 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment she refuses to watch her only child destroy himself. In a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077930 desperate last resort, she hires a private company to kidnap 08.07.2008 and confine him in a locked-down and corrupt psychiatric 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077587 hospital. As Andrew is subjected to the secret physical and The Sherlock Holmes Collection emotional abuses of the program, he realizes he must do The world’s most popular sleuth takes on four of his most whatever it takes to get free. But first he must face his own baffling and thrilling cases in these classic whodunits Scorpion demons head-on. starring the incomparable team of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Sports, Action, Mixed Martial Arts 2007 Substance Abuse, Drama 2005 104min. Bruce! 98min. MTI Home Video 23.09.2008 Sherlock Holmes 1942 262min. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078428 Image Ent. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077504 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078211 Senso The Scorpion King 2: Rise Of A Farley Granger, Allda Valli, Massimo Girotti She’s Having A Baby (I Love The Warrior (Fullscreen) - Dir. Luchino Visconti 80’s) A lush, melodramatic portrait of seduction and betrayal, Elizabeth McGovern, Kevin Bacon, Paul Randy Couture decadence and deceit in the midst of Italy’s resistance to Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Fantasy Austrian occupation in the mid-19th century. Gleason, William Windom - Dir. John 2008 FF DD 5.1 109min. 1954 117min. Hughes An aspiring writer faces up to the responsibilities of marriage Universal Studios 19.08.2008 Wellspring and family in this romantic comedy from writer, director, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077932 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078150 producer John Hughes. Romance, Comedy 105min. The Scorpion King 2: Rise Of A Seoul Raiders Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Warrior (Widescreen) Tony Leung - Dir. Jingle Ma 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077749 Randy Couture Action, Chinese, Comedy, Foreign 2005 Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Fantasy 99min. The Shield: Season 6 Arts Alliance America 23.09.2008 Continuing directly after season 5, Vic and the Strike Team 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 109min. are distraught over Lem’s death. Shane has been overcome by Universal Studios 19.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077965 guilt and becomes reckless and suicidal. Kavanaugh refuses 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077931 to let the case die and resorts to planting evidence and Serial coercing witnesses to lie about the Strike Team. Dutch and Claudette begin to suspect his integrity. Vic learns from The Scorpion King Warrior Pack Bill Macy, Sally Kellerman, Tuesday Weld, Claudette that the Chief plans to force him into early Christopher Lee, Martin Mull, Peter Bonerz, retirement and vows to wreak bloody vengeance on Lem’s Randy Couture killer before losing his badge. Claudette learns that the Barn The Scorpion King. The Scorpion King 2: Rise Of A Warrior. Tommy Smothers - Dir. Bill Persky could be shut down if no improvements are made by the time 2 Packs, Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Comedy 1980 90min. quarterly crime statistics are released. Fantasy min. Legend Films 01.07.2008 Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crooked Cops, Universal Studios 19.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077983 Detectives, Drama, FX Ltbx 16x9 S 498min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077933 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Sex And Death 101 26.08.2008 Scream Gems V.II Patton Oswalt, Sophie Monk, Winona 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077231 Peter Graves, Yoko Tani, Oldrich Lukes, Ryder, Leslie Bibb, Julie Bowen, Mindy Sumiko Ogimura - Dir. W. Lee Wilder Cohn, Simon Baker, Neil Flynn - Dir. Daniel Shine A Light Cult, campy drive-in favorites!. Waters Dir. Martin Scorsese 1953 FF M 300min. Less than two weeks before his wedding, good-guy Roderick Academy Award-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese and the Slingshot Blank (Simon Baker of The Devil Wears Prada) receives a world’s greatest rock n’ roll band, The Rolling Stones, unite mysterious email listing every girl he’s ever had sex to bring audiences the year’s most extraordinary film event, tba BestellNr.: 40078257 with...and the 70+ names of everyone he ever will have sex Shine A Light. With special appearances by Christina with. But as Roderick begins enjoying all the strippers, porn Aguilera, Jack White and Buddy Guy, and four Rolling Stones The Search For John Gissing stars, stewardesses and celebrity lesbians on the list, he performances not seen in theaters, Shine A Light is a must- discovers that his ultimate date with destiny may lay with the own for rock n’ roll fans across generations. Comedy 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 91min. serial killer known as ‘Death Nell’ (Oscar nominee Winona Concerts, Documentary, Music 2008 Ltbx Entertainment Studios 12.08.2008 Ryder). Is the luckiest man in the world now doomed to face the final position of the Karma Sutra? Leslie Bibb (Talladega DD 5.1 122min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077232 Nights), Patton Oswalt (Ratatouille), Neil Flynn (Scrubs), Paramount Pictures 29.07.2008 Julie Bowen (BOSTON LEGAL), Sophie Monk (Date Movie) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077805 The Secret and Mindy Cohn (The Facts Of Life) co-star in this sexy black comedy written and directed by Daniel Waters, creator David Duchovny, Lili Taylor, Olivia Thirlby, of the legendary cult classic Heathers. Shoeshine Vincent Perez - Dir. Vincent Perez Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 2007 Ltbx 16x9 Maria Campi, Franco Interlenghi, Rinaldo In the spirit of Ghost and Birth, Hannah and Benjamin (Lili DD 5.1 117min. Taylor, Six Feet Under and David Duchovny, The X-Files) Smordoni - Dir. are a happily married couple whose love is tested in ways Starz / Anchor Bay 01.07.2008 Two best friends find their bond tested by the trials of postwar they never could have imagined in this touching supernatural 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077728 Italy, street crime and prison in this neorealist classic from drama. But when Hannah is killed in a car accident, the legendary director Vittorio De Sica (The Bicycle Thief). couple’s strong bond may be responsible for an unusual twist While shining shoes for a living and dreaming of buying a of fate that keeps their love alive - at the expense of their Shadow Conspiracy horse of their very own, young Guiseppe and Pasquale are daughter (Olivia Thirlby, Juno). Bobby Bishop is a special assistant to the President of the confronted by harsh reality when they are embroiled in a Thrillers, Foreign, French 2007 92min. United States. His mentor, Jacob Conrad sees great things smuggling ring, quickly learning that innocence and childish for him, but when a government hit man kills several people dreams can only last for so long in a world in turmoil. Winner ThinkFilm 12.08.2008 and targets Bishop, he has no time for praise. He finds himself of a special 1947 Academy Award ( a first for a foreign film ), 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077723 on the run with no one to trust other than former girlfriend, this groundbreaking look at children coming of age against the turned adversial newspaper reporter, Amanda Givens. As steepest odds remains a moving, unforgettable experience in they uncover even more conspiracy, danger lurks everywhere world cinema. Seinfeld: Season 1 and they must do what they can to expose it and save their European, Foreign, Italian 1946 FF M 91min. Jason Alexander, Jerry Seinfeld, Michael own lives. Image Ent. Richards 103min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078173 Comedy, NBC 1990 FF 115min. Disney / Buena Vista Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078192 Shotgun Stories 16.09.2008 Michael Shannon - Dir. Jeff Nichols 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078448 Shadows Light Shotgun Stories tracks a blood feud between two sets of half Unusual Killings, a young woman in mortal danger, and a brothers in the cotton-fielded back roads of Southeast Arkan- powerful supernatural evil compel a world-weary priest to sas. This auspicious directorial debut by Jeff Nichols Self Medicated risk everything, including his very soul. Enter a world of features a strong lead performance by Michael Shannon (Bug. Based on true events. On the edges of Las Vegas, 17-year-old Angels, Demons, and Djinn, in this compelling supernatural

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Thrillers, Art House, Drama 2007 91min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077902 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077760 Genius Products 01.07.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077713 : The Complete Species Collection Seasons 1 - 6 Species II Species III Species IV: The Awakening Science Fiction, Aliens, Boxed Sets, Hor- Shutter Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, ror, Killer Beauties min. Rachael Taylor , Joshua Jackson, James Drama, Fantasy, Superheroes min. MGM / UA 09.09.2008 Kyson Lee, David Denman - Dir. Masayuki Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077287 Ochiai 529,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078036 A young photographer and his girlfriend discover mysterious shadows in their photographs after a tragic accident. They Stalingrad / Pretty Village Pretty soon learn that you can never escape the past as a ghost Smart People continuously haunts them! Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ellen Flame Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Hor- Page, Thomas Haden Church - Dir. Noam Dominique Horwitz, Zoran Cvijanovic, Jo- ror 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 86min. Murro chen Nickel, Sebastian Rudolph, Dragan 20th Century Fox 15.07.2008 Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama, Bjelogrlic, Nikola Kojo, Dragan Maksimovic, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077736 Dysfunctional Families, Family Milorad Mandic, Dragan Petrovic, Velimir Relationships 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Bata Zivojinovic, Dana Varova, Thomas Shutter And Scream 95min. Kretschmann, David Groh, Abraham A photographer believes that his camera may be possessed by Miramax 12.08.2008 Benrubi - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier an evil spirit, when his models are killed one by one. European War 2 Pack. From the same production team as the min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077934 critically acclaimed Das Goot, this film brings the bloodiest Leo Films battle in the history of warefare to the screen - the legendary Some Kind Of Wonderful (I Love battle of Stalingrad. With German forces following Hitler’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078156 orders to neither retreat or surrender, over 2 million The 80’s) Russians and Germans lost their lives in what came to be a The Sarah Silverman Program: turning point in the defeat of Germany in the Second World Mary Stuart Masterson, Lea Thompson, Eric War. Pulling no punches in revealing the gritty reality of Season Two - Volume One Stoltz, Craig Sheffer - Dir. Howard Deutch combat, the viewer is put in the trenches with the young A young tomboy, Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson), finds her soldiers as they face the harsh elements and brutal fighting Laura Silverman, Brian Posehn, Steve feelings for her best friend, Keith (Eric Stoltz), run deeper conditions. Considered in the company of such anti-war Agee, Jay Johnston than just friendship when he gets a date with the most popular classics as Pubs of Glory, Platoon, and Apocalypse Now, Comedy, Comedy Central 2008 132min. girl in school, Amanda, (Lea Thompson). Unfortunately, the Stalingrad stands alone in its searing unforgettable imagery... girl’s old boyfriend, Hardy (Craig Scheffer), who is from the Two young boys, Halil, a Muslim, and Milan, a Serb, watch Comedy Central 14.10.2008 rich section of town, is unable to let go of her, and plans to the inauguration of the new Brotherhood and Unity Tunnel in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077443 get back at Keith. their neighborhood in 1980. Twelve years later, Milan lies in 94min. a hospital bed, badly injured. Wounded Serbs and Muslims recover in the same hospital. Recalling the events that Simone Barbes Ou La Vertu Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 brought him there. Milan finds it hard to believe t Ingrid Borgoin, Michel Delahaye, Martine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077750 War, Boxed Sets, Drama, European, Simone Foreign 1993 Ltbx S 275min. A walk on the wild side of Paris between sensation and Son Of Sam Wellspring survival. Where Eyes Wide Shut explored sexual themes on a bizarre journey through New York City, Simone Barbes ou la Dir. Ulli Lommel 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078237 Vertu blazes its own risqué path on a fascinating tour through This chilling tale recounts the late ’70s in New York City, the seamier side of Paris. Simone is a quirky usherette who when a serial killer on the loose dubbed „Son of Sam“ creates Stalker works at a Paris porno theater where she and a jaded, wise- havoc. When arrested, „Son of Sam“ tells police he was cracking friend pass the time making fun of the theater’s influenced by a satanic cult. New York would never be the Alissa Freindlikh, Nikolai Grinko, Alexander embarrassed clientele. When Simone isn’t working, she same. Kaidanovsky, Anatoly Solonitsya - Dir. An- Serial Killers, Horror 2008 81min. watches her lesbian lover perform an elaborate burlesque drei Tarkovsky parody at a seedy nightclub where intimacy is a commodity to Lionsgate 09.09.2008 be bargained for. But when Simone embarks on an erotic 2 Discs!. The film is based on the science-fiction novel „ A adventure of her own, her cynical urban façade is stripped 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077337 Picnic on the Roadside“ by Russian sci-fi writers, the away, revealing a vulnerable young woman adrift in an emotio- brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Quoted in the film are nal wasteland where sex is a dangerous game strictly for The : The Complete the verses by poet Fyodor Tyutchev and Arseny Tarkovsky, kicks. the director’s father. European, Foreign, French 1979 Ltbx 16x9 Series Russian, Science Fiction, European, M 76min. James Gandolfini, Michael Imperioli, Foreign 1979 FF DD 5.1 163min. Image Ent. Lorraine Bracco, , Tony Sirico, Image Ent. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078092 , Robert Iler, Steven Van 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078168 Zandt Skeleton Key 2 For six seasons, fans have devotedly watched Tony Sopranos : Alternate Realities deal with the difficulties of balancing his home life with the Syn DeVil, Monique Dupree, John Johnson, criminal organization he leads. Audiences everywhere tuned Collective Conrad Brooks, Liam Smith, David Simmons in to see the mob, the food, the family, and who was next to be Available for the first time on DVD is a collection featuring whacked. Celebrate the show that Vanity Fair called, „the the bizarre and strange of episodes of Star Trek! See your III, Jay F. Barber - Dir. John Johnson greatest show in TV history“, in the ultimate Sopranos favorite characters behaving contrary to type in familiar but Come back to Nilbog with Howard and Nicopernicus. Come collector’s edition. odd circumstances in Star Trek: Alternate Realities, a 5-disc back to the clutches of zombies, vampires and their lord, Dr. collection that includes 20 episodes selected from all five Star Nochas! Or don’t. But if you dare take this trip across that Boxed Sets, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, HBO Ltbx 16x9 min. Trek television series plus exclusive special features. bridge and into the town of nightmares be prepared for what Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Star Trek awaits you! Blood! Boobs! And music numbers! Oh yes, songs HBO Home Video 11.11.2008 917min. about soiling yourself and being left for dead will haunt your 587,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078406 very dreams. Do not wait, buy this film and see if you can Paramount Pictures 16.09.2008 stand the horror! Feel the terror - for this film is presented in 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077804 shocking 2-D! But know this; as you descend into chaos....We Special Needs warned you! Reality TV hits a new low in Isaak James’ outrageous Comedy, Horror Ltbx S 122min. mockumentary Special Needs! Flamboyant producer Warren Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Brain Damage Films 02.09.2008 Piece and his bullying production crew are on a quest to Casper Van Dien, Jolene Blalock - Dir. Ed- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078007 produce „Handicaps“, a startling new reality show about the physically and mentally disabled. Crossing every line of ward Neumeier political correctness, Warren and his cronies pull together Casper Van Dien is back as Johnny Rico in this action- Skinned Alive the wildest cast of handicapables ever assembled, including a packed continuation of the Starship Troopers franchise! In the latest installment of the Starship Trooper franchise Colonel In the heart of New York City, a prostitute is killing men in a break dancing schizophrenic, a wheelchair bound pop singer, a foul-mouthed midget and a paraplegic gangsta! An official Johnny Rico (Casper Van Dien), hero of Planet P, finds gruesome manner - first dismembering them, and then eating himself battling bugs, new and old, on the federation frontier them. Caught in the web of murder are three people: a sad and selection of the Westwood International Film Festival, Calgary International Film Festival, Global Arts International planet known as Roku San. When Roku San falls to the lonely man named Jeffrey, a call girl with a dark secret, and a arachnid scourge in a high pitched, action packed battle lunatic who wants her dead. Jeffrey is about to discover that Film Festival and the BUT International Film Festival, Special Needs is a painfully funny media satire that will keep you Colonel Rico finds himself sentenced to death for acts of true love can have a very bloody price. insubordination. But with the future of the federation and the Cannibalism, Hookers, Horror, Killer laughing in spite of yourself! Comedy, Mockumentary 2006 90min. life of his good friend (Jolene Blalock) lying in the balance Beauties 2007 min. Col. Rico is freed from jail and charged with taking the fight Troma Team Video 29.07.2008 to the bugs using the highly advanced weapons system known Lionsgate 26.08.2008 as Marauder. Using the new technology Rico and his crack

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) squad defeat the arachnids on the distant planet know only as DD 5.1 100min. Showtime Entertainment OM-1 and, in turn, help save his fellow soldiers from death at the hands a treasonous element operating within Federation 20th Century Fox 19.08.2008 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078072 itself. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077461 Science Fiction, Space, War, Action, Bugs, Sundown: The Vampire In Intergalactic War 2008 Ltbx 16x9 105min. Street Kings: Special Edition Retreat - Special Edition Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Hugh Morgan Brittany, David Carradine, Bruce 05.08.2008 Laurie, Chris Evans - Dir. David Ayer Campbell, Jim Metzler 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077784 Thrillers, Action, Cops, Drama 2008 Ltbx Bruce Campbell co-stars with David Carradine in a terrifying DD 5.1 100min. tale of bloodthirsty horror. The townsfolk of Purgatory are Steve’s Journey mean and ornery for one very good reason - they’re vampires! 20th Century Fox 19.08.2008 Hidden away in their secret community, the come out at night Adventure min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077462 and feast with gusto! Now the Harrisons, an unsuspecting Laguna Productions Inc. family from „outside“ have ventured into purgatory. Count Margulak, the rules of the vampires, has ended their tradition tba BestellNr.: 40077583 Street Kings: Special Edition of human bloodletting. Now the vampire get their fix from (Blu-ray) synthetic bottled blood, a drink so distasteful its making the Stonewall natives crave the „real thing.“ Rebel leader Shane and his Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Hugh army plan to overthrow the count - but it wont happen without Guillermo Diaz, Frederick Weller, Duane Laurie, Chris Evans - Dir. David Ayer a fight! The battle for the „right to bite“ - begins at Sundown! Boutte, Bruce MacVittie, Brendan Corbalis - Cops, Drama, Action, Thrillers 2008 Ltbx Comedy, Horror, Vampires, Western 1990 Dir. Nigel Finch DTS 100min. 104min. In 1969, Some marched for peace. Some marched for equality. Lionsgate 23.09.2008 They marched for love.. From Nigel Finch, executive producer 20th Century Fox 19.08.2008 of Paris is Burning, comes a new film with love in its heart, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078301 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078340 respect on its mind, and pumps on its feet. With a great soundtrack featuring the music of The shangri-Las , Patti Superhero Movie and , Stonewall mixes a lip-syncing The Suicide Song chorus with a „Midnight Cowboy“ sensibility. Its story Foreign, Horror 2007 128min. Christopher McDonald, Brent Spiner, Drake folllows Matty Dean, a self-made hustler who moves to New Bell, Marion Ross, Sara Paxton, Leslie York’s Greenwich Village to find himself. Instead, he finds Tokyo Shock 23.09.2008 love with a transvestite named La Miranda, rage with the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078367 Nielsen, Kevin Hart, Tracey Morgan - Dir. attitudes of the local police, and an absolute belief that one Craig Mazin man can make a difference. The Summer Of The Massacre Spoofs, Superheroes, Comedy 2008 Ltbx Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Gay Cine- min. Amanda Formon, Emma Horsley, Jeannette ma 1996 FF S 99min. Weinstein Company 08.07.2008 James, Michael Baughan, Chris Jarratt, Wellspring 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077768 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078260 Jack Wilkie - Dir. Bryn Hammond What four teenagers thought would be a quick shortcut across the English countryside led them to a strange place called Sweeney Todd: The Demon Stop-Loss Black Wood. Instead of finding a quick route home they Barber Of Fleet Street (Blu-ray) Channing Tatum, Abbie Cornish, Ryan Phil- encountered Ed Craven; a legendary serial killer known as Hammer Head by the locals. His weapon of choice: A hammer! Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, lippe, Alex Frost, Rob Brown - Dir. Kimberly With the smell of fresh meat in the air, Hammer Head goes on Timothy Spall, Sacha Baron Cohen - Dir. Tim Peirce a murderous rampage which includes hunting, killing and Decorated Iraq war hero Sgt. Brandon King (Ryan Phillippe) eating humans. The group discovers that some legends do Burton makes a celebrated return to his small Texas hometown exist but will anyone be left alive to tell the tale? Johnny Depp and Tim Burton join forces again in a big-screen following his tour of duty. He tries to resume the life he left Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2008 FF S adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s award-winning musical behind with the help and support of his family and his best 79min. thriller. Dark Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, friend, Steve Shriver (Channing Tatum), who served with him Brain Damage Films 01.07.2008 in Iraq. Along with their other war buddies, Brandon and Horror, Academy Award Winners, Musical, Steve try to make peace with civilian life. Then, against 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077616 Brandon’s will, the Army orders him back to duty in Iraq, Revenge, Thrillers 2007 Ltbx 116min. which upends his world. The conflict tests everything he DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.10.2008 believes in: the bond of family, the loyalty of friendship, the Summer School (I Love The 80’s) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078297 limits of love and the value of honor. Kirstie Alley, Mark Harmon - Dir. Carl Reiner War, War In The Middle East, Drama, Milita- School’s out, and Ocean Front High gym teacher Freddy ry 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 111min. Shoop (Mark Harmon) has big plans: summer in Hawaii. But Sword Masters: Journey Of The the school’s vice-principal has plans for Freddy, too: teaching Doomed Paramount Pictures 08.07.2008 remedial English. Aloha paradise - hello, Summer School. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077671 Director Carl Reiner (All Of Me, The Jerk) delighted fans Action, Foreign, Martial Arts 95min. and critics alike with this warm, perceptive comedy about a Well Go USA 16.09.2008 laid-back teacher (Harmon) relegated to teaching a class of The Strangers likeable misfits, including a slasher-flick addict (Dean 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077336 Matt Martin, J.J. Denton, Joe Durrenberger, Cameron), his wacky sidekick (Gary Riley), and a sexy female surfer (Courtney Thorne-Smith) of TV’s Ally McBeal Sword Masters: The Heroic Ones Jimmy Lord - Dir. Charles Solomon Jr. and ). Kirstie Alley (TV’s Cheers and Only the Innocent Survive!. Trent and Jade. The perfect Veronica’s Closet) is the no-nonsense history professor Helmed by Chang Cheh, this 1970 Shaw Brothers studio film couple. Beautiful, passionate...cursed. But, when Trent down the hall who’s keeping an eye on all the shenanigans - The Heroic Ones is about the 13th fierce fighting sons of discovers her dark secret the marriage ends in a bloody battle and on the handsome, irresistible Freddy. The road to barbarian chieftain Li Ke-yung (Ku Feng) who in the last to the death...her body(or so it seems) - and his immortal soul. academic success has never been bumpier, but to earn years of the Tang Dynasty (around 900AD) has been For nearly a year Trent hid himself in remote towns all across straight „A’s“ in laughter.. take Summer School. requested by the Chinese Emperor to recapture his capital the country in a desperate attempt to spare innocent lives from city which is being ruled over by a rebel leader (the 13th his violent tranformations into a werewolf. He naively thought Romance, Comedy, High School 97min. Warriors is the film’s Chinese name). Chief among this band he had succeeded until he arrived in the small mountain Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 of heroes are Li Shih-szu (Ti Lung) and Li Tsun-hsiao (David community of PineFork. For the first time since his demise he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077751 Keung) the youngest son, the most able and smartest of the struggles out of his self-imposed solitude onto the bunch as well as his fathers favorite. treacherous limb of humanity - only to find fimself falling in Action, Foreign, Martial Arts 121min. love with young Pearl and the unwitting object of her step- Summer’s End sister Ruby’s lustful schemes. Can he share his love for Well Go USA 16.09.2008 Pearl and still spare her from the curse? Not if Jade has her Wendy Crewson, Brendan Fletcher, Al 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077335 way. When Jade and her new lover show up looking for Waxman, Jake LeDoux - Dir. Helen Shaver revenge (and fresh meat) the mayhem commences as the full Beneath The Calm Surface Lurks A Secret Past.. Beneath the moon ignites across the mountain sky. A tale of deceit, calm surface of this serene lakeside community lies a secret. Taking 5 revenge, lust, love - and an ancient curse. Wil It’s something no one wants to remember and no one ever Two geeky teens kidnap the world’s most famous rock band in Thrillers, Love Gone Bad 1998 FF S 90min. talks about. All his life, Dr. Blakely dreamed of going back to an attempt to make them play at their high school and thus Vista Street the place where he grew up. But as he uncovers his feeling, boost the girls’ popularity. he struggles with brutal memories of childhood and whether Comedy, Family 2007 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078262 he’s made the right choice in returning. He finds his life filled with unexpected challenges and vengeful acts against him. It Sony Pictures Home Entertainment seems his hometown cannot escape its past. Surprisingly, he 09.09.2008 Street Kings strikes up a friendship with a young boy that might point to a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078315 Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker, Hugh new beginning for the town and himself. James Earl Jones Laurie, Chris Evans - Dir. David Ayer (Field Of Dreams) stars in this touching film about overcoming tragedy and the immense power of the truth. Tales Of Blood Thrillers, Action, Cops, Drama 2008 Ltbx 1998 FF S 101min. Collections, Horror 3279min.

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Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 Temptation Of Eve DD 5.1 100min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078388 In this sexy and provocative drama based partially on Roman ThinkFilm 09.09.2008 Polanski’s Bitter Moon, film director Jin Young meets an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077446 attractive woman and spends the night with her. When he Tales Of Horror - 100 Movie Pack agrees to help a wheelchair-bound film producer to prove his Collections, Horror 7847min. wife’s infidelity by catching her affairs on camera, Jin Young Then She Found Me (Blu-ray) is shocked to discover that the wife turns out to be the same Mill Creek Entertainment 19.08.2008 woman. He must now decide whether to expose the truth or Colin Firth, Bette Midler, Helen Hunt, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078389 conceal his own involvement. Matthew Broderick - Dir. Helen Hunt Affairs/Love Triangles, Drama, Foreign An all-star cast with memorable performances by Helen Hunt, Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler and Colin Firth powers this Tales of Terror Film Collection 2007 90min. smart, funny drama about love and destiny. Desperate to start (Collectable Tin) Tai Seng 29.07.2008 a family, schoolteacher April Epner (Hunt) is thrown into 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077808 confusion when she is unexpectedly abandoned by her Mortuary Skeleton Man Roman Prom Night husband (Broderick). She gets another shock when she meets Thrillers, Horror 363min. her unusual birth mother (Midler), a self-centered Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ten Benny host who’s not exactly the ideal mom. At first she rejects her, along with the attentions of a divorced dad (Firth), but then 08.07.2008 Frank Vincent, Sybil Temchen, Lisa Ro- she begins to find her life opening up in ways she had never 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077589 berts, Michael Gallagher, Tony Gillan, imagined. James E. Moriarty - Dir. Eric Bross Comedy, Drama, Romance 2007 Ltbx DTS Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of „Adrien Brody in a knock-out performance.“- The Village 100min. Voice.. Ray, Jr. (Adrien Brody) has big dreams, big ideas, and ThinkFilm 09.09.2008 Ricky Bobby - Unrated a big plan to have it all. He’s not going to end up like his old man- broke and in jail. All he needs is $10,000 to bet on a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078298 (Widescreen with Digital Copy) horse- a sure thing- and everything he ever wanted will be Amy Adams, Jane Lynch, Leslie Bibb, John his. Ray will marry his sweet heart, buy a house with a white Through The Valley C. Reilly, Michael Clarke Duncan, Gary picket fence, and start a business so he can be his own boss. At least that’s the plan- but he still needs that 10 grand. What Spanish, Gangs, Mexican 2007 89min. Cole, David Koechner, Sacha Baron Cohen he may get instead is a big dose of reality. Triumph Marketing 09.09.2008 - Dir. Adam McKay Drama, Gamblers 1997 Ltbx S 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078060 The fastest man on four wheels, Ricky Bobby (Will Ferrell) is Wellspring one of the greatest drivers in NASCAR history. A big, hairy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078261 American winning machine, Ricky has everything a dimwitted Tieira De Pasiones daredevil could want, a luxurious mansion, a smokin’ hot wife (Leslie Bibb) and all the fast food he can eat. But Ricky’s Terms Of Endearment (I Love The A beautiful valley dotted with wineries and vineyards serves turbo-charged lifestyle hits an unexpected speed bump when as the backdrop for this tale of love, hate, passion and he’s bested by flamboyant Euro-idiot Jean Girard (Sacha 80’s) intrigue. Valeria San Roman (Gabriela Spanic) is strong, Baron Cohen, TV’s Da Ali G Show) and reduced to a fear- rebellious, and a constant thorn in the side of her father, Don ridden wreck. Losing his wife and job to best bud and fellow Danny DeVito, John Lithgow, Shirley Chema (Hector Suarez), an ambitious man who acquired his fool, Cal Naughton, Jr. (John C. Reilly), Ricky must kick MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jack Nicholson, wealth through treachery. Soon after leaving her fortune- some serious asphalt if he’s to get his career back on the hunting fiancee at the altar, she meets Francisco Contreras Jeff Daniels - Dir. James L. Brooks (Saul Lisazo), recent heir to his bankrupt father’s winery. track, beat Girard and reclaim his fame and fortune. ‘Cause as Terms of Endearment. Ricky Bobby always says, IF YOU AIN’T FIRST, YOU’RE They decide to form a business partnership, which would not LAST! Academy Award Winners, Drama 131min. only save the Contreras family business, but also make Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Valeria independent of her unloving father. Initially, their NASCAR, Racing, Sports, Auto Racing, strong personalities clash, but as they get to know and Comedy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 121min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077762 respect each other, a love develops between them that must Sony Pictures Home Entertainment withstand the forces that are trying to tear them apart. Among Terror / Satan’s Slave them are Don Chema and Francisco’s young stepmother, 29.07.2008 Marcia (Catherine Siachoque), who become both lovers and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077847 (Exploitation Cinema Double Fea- allies as they conspire to take control of the Contreras ranch; also Roberto (Arap Bethke), Francisco’s troubled son, and ture) Belinda (Geraldine Bazan), Valeria’s spoiled, capricious The Tavern Cult Film / TV, Devils And Demons, Double daug Kym Austin, Nancy Ticotin, Carlo Alban, Features, Grindhouse, Horror min. Foreign, International TV, Mexican, Steven Marcus, Gary Perez, Greg Zittel - BCI 16.09.2008 Romance, Soap Opera 2006 min. Dir. Walter Foote 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078543 Xenon Entertainment 29.07.2008 Sometimes a dream is only the beginning.. When best friends 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077651 Ronnie and Dave decide to open a new Manhattan restaurant together, neither of them really know what they’re getting into. That ’70s Show: The Complete Soon Dave loses his day job and Ronnie loses all his free Series Time After Time time. Problems develop in their friendship as the two Malcolm McDowell, Mary Steenburgen, entrepreneurs try to grapple with the new responsibilities Kurtwood Smith, Wilmer Valderrama, Laura they’ve taken on. The boys soon have a business crisis on David Warner - Dir. Nicholas Meyer their hands, and the survival of the tavern becomes a test of Prepon, Debra Jo Rupp, , H.G. Wells Races Through Time To Catch Jack The Ripper!. their wits, character and of the loyalty and faith of their family Topher Grace, Danny Masterson, Mila London 1893 is home to a killer with a macabre nickname... and friends. Kunis, Don Stark and also to a visionary genius who would write The Time 1999 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min. Machine. But what if H.G. Wells’ invention wasn’t fiction? Comedy, Fox, Nostalgia 3960min. And what if Jack the Ripper escaped capture fleeing his own Wellspring 20th Century Fox 14.10.2008 time to take refuge in ours - with Wells himself in pursuit? tba BestellNr.: 40078131 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078402 From writer/director Nicholas Meyer, Time After Time is a of shivery suspense and sly social comment. In modern-day San Francisco, the Ripper (David Tearful Sword: TV Series That Girl: Season 4 Warner) finds our violent age to his liking. Wells (Malcolm Foreign, Martial Arts 2007 1500min. McDowell) dislikes the brave new world of fast food and Marlo Thomas television, far from the utopia he envisioned. But he is Tai Seng 26.08.2008 Comedy, Independent Women 1969 660min. cheered by the emancipation of women, particularly one 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078381 Shout Factory 12.08.2008 irresistible banker (Mary Steenburgen). For mystery, romance 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077936 and excitement, Time After Time is time well spent. Temptation of a Monk Science Fiction, Serial Killers, Time Travel, Fantasy 1979 112min. Zhang Fengyi, Lisa Lu, Joan Chen - Dir. Then She Found Me Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 Clara Law Colin Firth, Bette Midler, Helen Hunt, Set in 7th century China, Temptation of a Monk stars Joan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077296 Chen as both a beautiful princess and destructive temptress Matthew Broderick - Dir. Helen Hunt who wreaks havoc in a young general’s life. It tells the epic An all-star cast with memorable performances by Helen Hunt, Tito Guizar: 3 Peliculas story of a disgraced man’s journey in to self-discovery. When Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler and Colin Firth powers this General Shi is betrayed by rival General Hno, he is forced to smart, funny drama about love and destiny. Desperate to start Tito Guizar take refuge in a Buddhist temple in order to confront his a family, schoolteacher April Epner (Hunt) is thrown into De Ranchero A Empresario Sindicato De Telemirones mistakes. Hno relentlessly pursues Shi by destroying all confusion when she is unexpectedly abandoned by her Musical, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Comedy, those close to him including his mother and lover leading to husband (Broderick). She gets another shock when she meets the ultimate showdown between the two generals. her unusual birth mother (Midler), a self-centered talk show Drama, Foreign, Mexican 294min. host who’s not exactly the ideal mom. At first she rejects her, BCI 29.07.2008 Chinese, Foreign 1993 FF S 118min. along with the attentions of a divorced dad (Firth), but then Wellspring she begins to find her life opening up in ways she had never 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077922 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078275 imagined. Romance, Comedy, Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 To The Manor Born: Silver

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Anniversary Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078222 BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Union City TV, Romance 2007 min. TV Sets: Holiday Treats Deborah Harry, Everett McGill, Pat Benatar, BBC Home Video 09.09.2008 Holiday episodes from 8 of your favorite TV shows: I Love Dennis Lipscomb 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078037 Lucy, , The Andy Griffith Show, The Brady A modern film noir tale of murder and paranoia about a Bunch, Taxi, Family Ties, , Wings. neurotic business man who beats a vagrant to death. Based on Chanukah, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays a book by Cornell Woolrich (Rear Window). Dennis To The Manor Born: The 198min. Lipscomb plays Harlan, an accountant who lives a repressed life with his sexually unfulfilled wife Lillian, Deborah Harry, Complete Series - Silver Paramount Pictures 07.10.2008 who has her eye on the building’s superintendent Larry, Anniversary Edition 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077469 Everett McGill. Harlan’s obsession with catching the thief who steals sips of milk from his morning delivery ends in an BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International act of irrational violence. In the aftermath, while Lillian and TV, Romance 650min. U-571 (Blu-ray) Larry make their secret plans, Harlan is over-whelmed by BBC Home Video 09.09.2008 David Keith, Harvey Keitel, Bill Paxton, guilty paranoia—with bizarre consequences. 1980 FF S 87min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078039 Matthew McConaughey, Jake Weber, Jon Bon Jovi, Matthew Settle - Dir. Jonathan Wellspring 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078141 Top Gun (I Love The 80’s) Mostow A U.S. Navy Captain and his crew are just beginning to enjoy Tom Skerritt, Meg Ryan, Anthony Edwards, 48 hours of leave when they receive word to immediately The Unseen Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, John return to duty. On a top secret assignment, they must disguise Sydney Lassick, Barbara Bach, Stephen Stockwell, Barry Tubb - Dir. Tony Scott themselves as Nazis and infiltrate a severely damaged Nazi U-boat. Once on board, they are to steal the Nazi’s top secret Furst, Doug Barr - Dir. Danny Steinmann Top Gun. decoding device and sink the sub before the Germans catch Action, Aerial Action, Military 109min. on to what’s really happening. Their mission is more Thrillers, Horror 1981 89min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 dangerous and frightening than anything they could have ever Code Red 19.08.2008 imagined, but one which has the power to turn the tide of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077513 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077763 battle. U-571 is exciting!“ says Newsweek. Drama, Action, Spies/Secret Agents, Thril- Tortured lers, War, World War II 2000 DTS 117min. Urban Cowboy (I Love The 80’s) Laurence Fishburne, James Cromwell, Universal Studios 26.08.2008 John Travolta, Scott Glenn, Debra Winger - Emmanuelle Chriqui, Kevin Pollak, Cole 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078280 Dir. James Bridges John Travolta is the Urban Cowboy, breakin’ hearts and Hauser, Jon Cryer, James Denton bustin’ mechanical bulls in one of his most electrifying film Jimmy Vaughn (Cole Hauser) is hired by a mysterious and Ultraviolet (with Digital Copy) roles. By day, Bud Davis (Travolta) toils at a Texas oil unseen crime lord named Ziggy, to torture a confession out of refinery; at night, he trades his hard had for a Stetson and his accountant (Laurence Fishburne). We learn that to gain William Fichtner, Milla Jovovich, Nick heads to Gilley’s, ’s most popular night club. There, entry into Ziggy’s crime syndicate, Jimmy himself had to Chinlund, Cameron Bright - Dir. Kurt he meets a pretty two-stepper named Sissy (Debra Winger) undergo a brutal initiation process that is fresh in his mind Wimmer who thinks Bud is a „real cowboy.“ But Bud’s got to prove it while he is inflicting his own type of torture on this poor when a dangerous ex-con (Scott Glenn) schemes to rob accountant. Jimmy is not who he appears to be as he is Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil, The Fifth Element), Cameron Bright (X-Men 3), Nick Chinlund (The Legend of Zorro) and Gilley’s and steal Sissy’s heart. Tavolta and Winger make an actually an undercover FBI agent with ties to the top of the unforgettable screen couple in this compelling, Texas-sized agency. His job is to infiltrate the crime syndicate and learn William Fichtner (The Longest Yard) star in this story of a woman caught in a futuristic civil war between the government look at a country-western way of life. Featuring a hit the true identity of Ziggy, before Ziggy can get inside the FBI soundtrack and musical appearances by Mickey Gilley, and take down the people he has unfinished business with. and a subculture of disease-modified humans in whom speed, strength, and intelligence are magnified. To protect a young Johnny Lee, Bonnie Raitt and The Charlie Daniels Band. Thrillers, Torture, FBI 2008 Ltbx 16x9 boy who has been marked for death she must fend off the Romance, Drama 134min. 107min. human government. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077765 16.09.2008 Apocalyptic Future, Killer Beauties 2006 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078453 Ltbx 16x9 87min. Vampire Diary Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Vampires, British, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror 05.08.2008 Touch Of Evil: 50th Anniversary 2007 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077855 Edition Monarch Home Video 26.08.2008 Akim Tamiroff, Marlene Dietrich, Zsa Zsa 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077949 Gabor, Joseph Calleia - Dir. Orson Welles Unborn Sins National Film Registry, Thrillers, Classics, Michelle L. Harris, Jim Barbour, Sean Vanguard Film Noir 1958 Ltbx 16x9 M 111min. Contrearas, Paul Peneloza - Dir. Elliott 2015 - The world is in chaos - the last known oil fields have Universal Studios 07.10.2008 Eddie been vanquished, overpopulation has reached critical levels Thousands of abortions are committed around the world every and mankind is about to become a thing of the past. It’s a fight 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078462 day. But when Theresa schedules her procedure, she has no for survival among humans and a new race of genetically idea that she has become the target of an assassin more engineered mutants that just won’t die. Transformers: 2 Disc Special Edi- terrifying than she could ever imagine... the very child she Action, British, Foreign, Horror 2008 89min. aborts! With the help of Stone and Damon, the three try to Starz / Anchor Bay 23.09.2008 tion (Transforming Megatron reverse a demonic spell that gave flesh and blood to a twisted, murderous version of the child she once carried. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078429 Package) Thrillers, Horror 2007 FF S 120min. Jon Voight, John Turturro, Rachael Taylor , Brain Damage Films 01.07.2008 Vantage Point Megan Fox, Anthony Anderson, Bernie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077622 Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, William Mac, Tyrese Gibson, Josh Duhamel - Dir. Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Matthew Fox, Under The Pavement Lies The From director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Edgar Ramirez Spielberg comes a thrilling battle between the Autobots and Strand During an historic counter-terrorism summit in Spain, the the Decepticons. When their epic struggle comes to Earth, all President of the United States is struck down by an that stands between the evil Decepticons and ultimate power Drama, Foreign, German 1974 106min. assassin’s bullet. Eight strangers have a perfect view of the is a clue held by Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf). Join the fight Facets Video 26.08.2008 kill, but what did they really see? As the minutes leading up to for mankind in the extraordinary adventure that „features some 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077752 the fatal shot are replayed through the eyes of each of the most spectacular action and effects sequences of any eyewitness, the reality of the assassination takes shape. But movie of its kind will appeal to the kid in all of us.“ (Claudia just when you think you know the answer, the shattering final Puig, US Today). Unemployed truth is revealed. Vantage Point is a mindbending political action-thriller starring Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Academy Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Jamal and Dex, out of work actors, come to terms with reality Award Winner Forest Whitaker (Best Actor 2006, The Last Adventure, Giant Robots 2007 Ltbx 16x9 when they realize they’ve been pursuing their dreams for over King Of Scotland), with Sigourney Weaver and Academy ten years and still haven’t booked a single speaking role. Award winner William Hurt (Best Actor 1985, Kiss Of The DD 5.1 143min. When the two run out of cash and face eviction they hit the DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.09.2008 Spider Woman). pavement in search of a job. With no experience, no skill set Thrillers, Action, Conspiracies, Drama 2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077837 and little ambition, the audience gets a front row seat to this hilarious journey in which theses two characters can’t seem Ltbx 90min. to catch a break. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Le Trou Comedy 2007 95min. 01.07.2008 min. Lionsgate 23.09.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077630 Home Vision 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078339

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Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Enemies: The Golden Age Of The Gangster Film. Times were . They were tougher. A fascinating new look at the Vantage Point: Deluxe Edition 2007 97min. mobsters, the movies and the studio that ruled the gangster Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, William Starz / Anchor Bay 26.08.2008 genre. Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Matthew Fox, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078061 Sports, Boxed Sets, Boxing, Classics, Edgar Ramirez - Dir. Pete Travis Comedy, Drama min. 8 Strangers. 8 Points of View. 1 Truth.. During an historic : The Complete Warner Bros. 20.10.2008 counter-terrorism summit in Spain, the President of the United 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077905 States is struck down by an assassin’s bullet. Eight strangers Seasons 1 - 7 have a perfect view of the kill, but what did they really see? Drama, Family, Family Relationships min. As the minutes leading up to the fatal shot are replayed Watch Me through the eyes of each witness, the reality of the Warner Bros. 22.07.2008 assassination takes shape. But just when you think you know 324,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078042 Frances Marrington, Tanya McHenry, Sam the answer, the shattering final truth is revealed. Vantage Voutas, Glen Hancox - Dir. Melanie Ansley Point is a mindbending politics action-thriller starring Dennis Every day, millions of people receive spam email messages Quaid, Matthew Fox, Academy Award winner Forest Whitaker War And Peace (5-Disc Set) flowing through their inboxes. Amongst these messages is one (Best Actor 2006, The Last King of Scotland), with Sigourney Anastasiya Vertinskaya, Liudmila attachment that no one will live to delete. It is called Watch Weaver and Academy Award winner William Hurt (Best Actor Me. Tess Hooper is a diligent and earnest cinema studies 1985, Kiss of the Spider Woman). Savelieva, Irina Skobtseva, Sergey student and one by one her friends are turning up brutally Thrillers, Action, Conspiracies, Drama 2008 Bondarchuk, Oleg Efremov, Vassily murdered after opening the „Watch Me“ email. As Tess Lanovoy, Vyacheslav Tikhonov - Dir. becomes the next target in line, she finds herself seeking Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min. answers from an underground pornography dealer. The clock Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Sergey Bondarchuk is ticking and the body count is mounting while the awkward 01.07.2008 Based on the novel by . Screen adaptation of the pair struggles to untangle the puzzle to stop Watch Me from novel by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Sergei its poisonous, viral rampage. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077629 Bondarchuk’s film epic stuns you by the scope of battle and crowd scenes and its historical authenticity. Winner of a 1968 Thrillers, Horror FF S 78min. Oscar. Includes: Andrei Bolkonsky. Natasha Rostova. 1812. Brain Damage Films 02.09.2008 Vecinos Pierre Bezukhov. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078006 Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Mexican Russian, War, Boxed Sets, Drama, 2005 min. European, Foreign 1965 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Water Lilies Lionsgate 09.09.2008 431min. During a summer in Paris, a love triangle develops between 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077340 Image Ent. three girls in this provocative and perceptive portrait of teen tba BestellNr.: 40078176 angst and nascent sexuality. The awkward Anne, the bad girl Floriane and the gawky Marie play an intense game of emotio- Velvet Vampire nal chess as they wrestle with love, friendship and their Horror 80min. War Live desire for one another. Music Video Distribution 29.07.2008 Based on true characters and events. A producer named Romance, Art House, Drama, Foreign, Sergei and his crew are in a desperate situation. Money for French 2007 86min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078524 the project has run out, the accounts are frozen and Yugoslavia is expecting a NATO air raid. On top of that, Koch Releasing 02.09.2008 Vengeance Mileta, a member of the state secret service, shows up at the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077321 studio looking for co-producer Harvey. In an effort to salvage Thai, Thrillers, Action, Foreign, Horror 2006 things as best he can, Sergei calls a press conference to 90min. announce that the best retort to the falling bombs would be a Webs new patriotic film with his American friend Harvey acting the Kate Greenhouse, Richard Grieco, Colin BCI 29.07.2008 lead. The state takes over sponsorship of the film and Mileta 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077584 naturally becomes the filmmakers’ right hand man. He soon Fox - Dir. David Wu realizes that ‘his filmmakers’ are not concerned about the fate When a group of electrical workers investigates a bizarre of the country and that most of them aren’t too thrilled with power source in an abandoned Chicago building, they Vengeance Slobodan Milosevich’s regime. The shooting is in jeopardy inadvertently discover a deserted laboratory. Inside appears Sheyla Rosin, Alan Collins, Claudio and the crew looks for a solution to finishing the film. Only to be a defunct nuclear power core, but its accidental now does Sergei finally begin to realise that it simply isn’t activation suddenly opens a portal to a parallel universe. Camaso, Freddy Unger - Dir. Anthony possible to compromise with a totalitarian power. Suddenly they are trapped in a maddening mirrorworld where Dawson War, Comedy, Drama, European, Film About savage, cannibalistic beings with spider appendages stalk There Is No Escape From His Fury!. Even thieves live by a and swarm. Desperate and terrified, the dwindling band of code. For the right amount of gold there is betrayal. But the Film, Foreign 2000 99min. survivors must fight back with primitive weapons against the price for betrayal is Vengeance... It was the biggest gold heist WPOE Entertainment growing storm of spider-people and their monstrous queen! the West had ever seen, but it didn’t go as the gang planned. tba BestellNr.: 40077543 Science Fiction, Bugs, Horror, TV Movies Now one of the thieves is dead, torn limb from limb by a band 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 87min. of five desperadoes. His partner, Rocco, arrives too late; the Image Ent. 05.08.2008 murderers are gone, and on five pieces of bloodstained rope Warm Texas Rain Rocco swears revenge! Blazing a bloody trail, Rocco tracks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078422 the desperadoes and one by one returns each piece of rope to Frankie Thorn, Brenda Bakke, Steven Bau- its owner, along with hot lead and a shallow grave. A fateful er, Jim Metzler, Louis Mandylor, Fred Dryer clue leads Rocco to the last murderer, a deadly surprise and - Dir. Daniel Rogosin Orson Welles Double Feature the fight of his life. When a Texas marine steps in to protect a beautiful stranger, Directed by and starring Orson Welles, The Trial is restored Western, Classics 1968 Ltbx 16x9 M his reward is a manslaughter charge and two years in prison. from the 35mm elements. This retelling of Kafka’s brilliant 100min. During his days behind bars, the memory of Lisa was the only novel is stunning, reveting and gripping, as a man in a thing that kept Rush going, and it isn’t long before they meet nameless country is arrested for a crime he knows nothing Image Ent. again. Married now, Lisa and her husband put Rush on the about. The Stranger also offers the directing and acting 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078095 payroll, but it’s not long before he’s doing dirty work for the powers of Orson Welles as he is tracked down by Edward G. company and deeply in love with Lisa. Has she really fallen Robinson while posing as a teacher in Connecticut - tension for him or is he being used to steal her husband’s millions? mounts as his secret is revealed: he’s a Nazi war criminal. Vertigo: Universal Legacy Series This twisted game of greed and desire keeps Rush guessing Taut action, drama and intrigue in this Orson Welles Kim Novak, Tom Helmore, Henry Jones, right up until the final shot is fired. collection! Double Features 1963 FF M 213min. - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Playboy, Erotica 1998 FF S 95min. Slingshot Mystery, National Film Registry, Romance, Playboy 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078256 Thrillers, Classics, Drama 1958 Ltbx 16x9 tba BestellNr.: 40078172 DD 5.1 130min. Universal Studios 07.10.2008 Warner Gangsters Collection: We’re No Angels (I Love The 80’s) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078463 Volume 4 Sean Penn, Demi Moore, Bruno Kirby, Ro- The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse. Takes one to know one! Doctor bert De Niro, James Russo, Hoyt Axton - Virgin Territory Edward G. Robinson infiltrates a gang to study the ways of Dir. Neil Jordan hoodlum Humphrey Bogart. Little Giant. He got class, see? There’s something funny about those two new priests. In fact, , Tim Roth, Hayden Christen- His bootleg beer biz is tapped out, so Robinson aims to join there’s something downright hilarious. Because Robert sen Santa Barbara’s polo set. Larceny, Inc.. Bag the swag! Ex- DeNiro and Sean Penn aren’t clergymen at all. They’re As sickness and death ravage 14th century , the jailbirds run a luggage shop while attempting to tunnel into the escaped cons whose only prayer is to pass themselves off as city’s lusty young men and chaste maidens flee to the bank next door. Robinson, Broderick Crawford, men of the cloth — and pass right by a police blockade at the countryside for a bit of ravaging of their own. But for charming and Anthony Quinn star. Invisible Stripes. Once a con always border and into the safety of Canada. Demi Moore joins scoundrel Lorenzo di Lamberti, the only woman that sets his a criminal? Ex-yard mates Bogart and George Raft return to DeNiro and Penn in the clever romp scripted by David Mamet. heart ablaze is the orphaned beauty Pampinea who is also the life. With William Holden. Kid Galahad „Best of the ’30s The cons are loose and the comedy is on. It’ll be a sin to miss being pursued by an obsessed Russian count and a wicked boxing movies*“ stars Bogart, Robinson, Bette Davis and it! nobleman who has vowed to take her virtue. Wayne Morris (*David Shipman, The Story of Cinema. Bonus Comedy 96min. Romance, Sexy Comedies, Adventure, Disc: All-New WHV Feature-Length Documentary! Public Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077766 Wizards Of Waverly Place: Wild Strawberries: Essential Art Wizard School What Happens In Vegas House Comedy, Disney Channel, Family, Fantasy, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Farina, Treat Victor Sjostrom - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Magic 2007 90min. Williams, Lake Bell, Ashton Kutcher, Rob Weaving a tapestry of memory and dreams, Ingmar Bergman Disney / Buena Vista 29.07.2008 Corddry, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis delves into the past of aged professor Isak Borg, en route to receive an award from his alma mater for a life he no longer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077642 - Dir. Tom Vaughan understands. Following directly on the heels of his internatio- Romance, Comedy, Marriage Woes 2008 nal breakthrough The Seventh Seal, the alternately warm and Woman Times Seven Ltbx DD 5.1 99min. nightmarish Wild Strawberries cemented Bergman as the Shirley MacLaine, Peter Sellers, Vittorio 20th Century Fox 26.08.2008 leading art-house visionary of his era. Swedish, Art House, Classics, Drama, Gassman, , , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078415 Foreign 1957 M 91min. Alan Arkin, Robert Morley, Rossano Brazzi, Janus Films 09.09.2008 Philippe Noiret, Lex Barker - Dir. Vittorio De What Happens In Vegas: Exten- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078469 Sica ded Jackpot Special Edition Widow, seductress, model wife or passionate lover, Shirley MacLaine stars in the seven roles of a woman’s life in seven Cameron Diaz, Dennis Farina, Treat Will & Grace: Season Eight sketches - a tour de force performance that earned her a Williams, Lake Bell, Ashton Kutcher, Rob Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Golden Globe nomination for Best Motion Picture Actress in a Corddry, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis Hayes, Eric Mccormack Musical/Comedy. - Dir. Tom Vaughan The eighth and final season of Will & Grace on DVD, Comedy, Drama 1967 100min. Romance, Comedy, Marriage Woes 2008 including all new themed Featurettes, a Season 8 Outtake Lionsgate 16.09.2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 101min. Reel and newly recorded audio commentatries. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077467 Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, NBC 2005 20th Century Fox 26.08.2008 515min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078416 Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Lionsgate 16.09.2008 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077421 Saved Hollywood What Happens In Vegas: Exten- Bruce Dern, Teri Garr, Madeline Kahn, Art ded Jackpot Special Edition (Blu- Will & Grace: The Complete Carney, Phil Silvers - Dir. Michael Winner ray) Comedy, Family 1976 92min. Series Legend Films 01.07.2008 Cameron Diaz, Dennis Farina, Treat Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077998 Williams, Lake Bell, Ashton Kutcher, Rob Hayes, Eric Mccormack Corddry, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis A must-have for Will & Grace fans! Includes all 8 seasons of - Dir. Tom Vaughan the much-loved comedy along with an exclusive episode Donnie Yen Collection: Volume 2 booklet and bonus disc with brand new extra features Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts min. Comedy, Marriage Woes, Romance 2008 including newly recorded commentaries with cast and crew on Ltbx DTS 101min. the pilot episode and personal favorite episodes, a photo Video Asia 21.10.2008 20th Century Fox 26.08.2008 gallery, themed Featurettes, a Will & Grace quiz and much 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078038 more! Featuring collectable packaging in a fun cube-shaped 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078443 display box, the collection features 33 discs with almost 70 hours of programming, a perfect gift for any fan! Yi San: Vol. 2 What Were They Thinking? Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, NBC min. Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Short Film Collections, Comedy 80min. Lionsgate 16.09.2008 International TV, Korean, Royalty 1290min. Music Video Distribution 29.07.2008 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077422 Mountain Apple Company 22.07.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078521 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077305 Wings: The Complete Seasons 1 - The Whistler 7 Yo Gabba Gabba: The Dancey Horror, Monsters 2006 min. Steven Weber, George Wendt, Amy Dance Bunch Leo Films Yasbeck, David Schramm, Megan Mullally, Nickelodeon 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077538 Crystal Bernard, Rebecca Schull, Barbara Paramount Pictures 14.10.2008 Babcock, Farrah Forke, Tony Shalhoub, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077450 White Fang Complete Series Thomas Haden Church, John Ratzenberger, (Collectable Tin) Craig Bierko, Timothy Daly The Young Avenger Comedy, NBC FF min. Action, Adventure, Family 625min. Wang Yue, Huang Hsing Shou, Normal Tsui Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment - Dir. Tong Wai Shing 347,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077798 His only mission is vengeance.. Wang Yue, star of many 08.07.2008 Shaw Brothers kung fu classics, is the title character in this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077592 electrifying film. Follow the mischievous and sometimes Wings: The Seventh Season dangerous escapades of Fu Yua (Wang), a young funeral Who’s Next Steven Weber, Amy Yasbeck, David parlor worker who is also a martial arts wonder boy. The Schramm, Crystal Bernard, Rebecca Young Avenger is a high octane kung fu action, from the great Drama 2007 97min. opening credits sequence to the awesome final fight! Schull, Tony Shalhoub, Tim Daly Tai Seng 26.08.2008 1983 FF S 92min. Comedy, NBC 1995 FF S 582min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078382 Tai Seng Paramount Pictures 09.09.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078067 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077797 The Wife Young Tiger Wallace Shawn, Julie Hagerty, Tom Witness (I Love The 80’s) Noonan, Karen Young - Dir. Tom Noonan Meng Fei, Lin Chi, Tci Thian - Dir. Wo Ma A Penetrating an witty meditation on the age of therapy and Kelly McGillis, Harrison Ford - Dir. Peter Shaolin Boxer Collection 6. A conceited kung fu student the traumas of modern relationships. Noonan and Julie Weir challenges Shen Sin, the Young Tiger to a martial arts Hagerty star as Jack and Rita, a couple trapped in a fragile When a young Amish woman and her son get caught up in the contest. After the contest Shen is found beside the marriage who share their lives and professions as murder of an undercover narcotics agent, their savior turns challenger’s body. Now he must use all of his combined skills psychotherapists in a remote Vermont farm house. As the out to be hardened Philadelphia detective John Book. in karate, western and Chinese boxing to ward off this threat couple settles down in their New Age paradise for an intimate Harrison Ford is sensational as Book, the cop who runs to his freedom and honor. Meng Fei stars in this action dinner, Jack’s Patient, Cosmo drops in for an unexpected visit head-on into the non-violent world of a Pennsylvania Amish packed tale. with his quasi-trashy and outrageously candid wife, Arlie. community. The end result is an action packed struggle of life Foreign, Japanese, Action 1979 FF S What results is a night of shattering revelations in and death, interwoven with a sensitive undercurrent of caring 92min. this perfectly scripted comedy with stand-out performances and forbidden love. Central Park from an impressive ensemble cast. Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078265 Romance, Affairs/Love Triangles, Drama Top 100, Drama 112min. 1994 FF S 101min. Paramount Pictures 05.08.2008 Wellspring 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077767 Zombies Zombies Zombies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078196 When a drug experiment gone wrong produces a league of blood-thirsty, flesh eating zombies, it’s up to a small band of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) exotic dancers to fight back. Trapped in the local strip club, manifestation of the composer’s spirit. Completing and Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1988 they must rely on their wits and skills to survive the night. perfecting the Mass preoccupied him till virtually his dying This tongue cheeked horror/comedy, in the vein of Shaun of breath. The performance of the work was recorded in the FF S 86min. the Dead, chronicles the epic battle between good and evil magnificent setting of the Wieskirche, the pilgrimage church Image Ent. through the most unlikely characters. Strippers, pimps, and of Steingaden Abbey in Bavaria. Conductor Enoch zu 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078191 hookers fight for their lives in this gore-filled new age Guttenberg and the Neubeuern Choral Society have won zomedy. widespread acclaim for their interpretations of Bach’s great Comedy, Horror 83min. choral woks. They perform with soloists Anna Korondi Berlioz: To Deum/ Wagner - (), Iris Vermillion (), Deon van der Walt Passion River 09.09.2008 (), Dietrich Henschel (), Albert Dohmen (bass) To Die Meisterninger 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077237 and the Orcherster der Klangverwaltung. Claudio Abbado, Martin Haselbock - Dir. Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1998 Rodney Greenberg 21 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 106min. Claudio Abbado conducts the award-winning Vienna Image Ent. Philharmonic in a gala concert recorded live from the Alte Laurence Fishburne, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Oper, Frankfurt. Renowned soloist Jose Carreras lends his Spacey, Jacob Pitts, Jim Sturgess, Sam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078116 magical tenor to Berlioz’ „Te Deum,“ featuring organist Martin Golzari, Aaron Yoo - Dir. Robert Luketic Haselbock, the Vienna State Opera Chorus, the Prague Inspired by the true story of MIT students who mastered the Daniel Barenboim And The Chi- Philharmonic , the Tolzer Boys Choir, and the Aurelius art of card counting and took Vegas casinos for millions in Boys Choir. Also included is Richard Wagner’s overture to winnings. Looking for a way to pay for tuition, Ben Campbell cago Symphony Orchestra: De- „Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg.“ (Jim Sturgess) finds himself quietly recruited by MIT’s most bussy/ Boulez/ De Falla Choral Music, Classical Music, Music, gifted students in a daring plot to break Vegas. With the help Science Fiction, Space 1992 FF DD 5.1 Elisabete Matos, Daniel Barenboim, Pierre of a brilliant statistics professor (Kevin Spacey) and armed 66min. with fake IDs, intelligence and a complicated system of Boulez counting cards, Ben and his friends succeed in breaking the The outstanding Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the Image Ent. impenetrable casinos. Now, his challenge is keeping the masterful direction of Daniel Barenboim, performs at the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078076 numbers straight and staying one step ahead of the casinos Musik Triennale Cologne, the world’s most important festival before it all spirals out of control. for music of the 20th century. With great success, this truly Drama, Gambling 2008 Ltbx 16x9 123min. visionary international event, held in Germany, set out to The Best Of The Andy Williams Sony Pictures Home Entertainment capture the great wealth and diversity of modern classical Show music. : Notations I-IV : La Mer 22.07.2008 Manuel de Falla: El Sombrero de Tres Picos (Elisabete , Judy Garland, John Lewis, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077778 Matos, soprano). Julie Andrews, , Pearl Bailey, Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 Tony Bennett, Bobby Darin, Eddie Fisher, 1942 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 89min. Antonio Carlos Jobim, Henry Mancini War, World War II, Foreign, Horror, Image Ent. There is no denying that Andy Williams is one of the greatest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078159 entertainers of our time. During its nine year run on NBC, Japanese 85min. „The Andy Williams Show“ was enjoyed by millions of people Tartan Video around the world and won three Emmys for „Best Variety tba BestellNr.: 40077575 Be Like A Pop Star With Demi Series.“ Take center stage with Andy as he and these entertainment legends perform some of the most memorable Lovato duets ever seen on television. Sit back and relax; it’s time to Dance like, sing like, be like a pop star. Starring Disney’s raise the curtain on The Best Of The Andy Williams Show. newest starlet, Demi Lovato from Camp Rock. Adult Contemporary, Concerts, Music 1999 Music Instructional Dance, Music 2004 50min. FF M 58min. Well Go USA 26.08.2008 Image Ent. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077325 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078085 Alceste: Gluck - Theater Musical De Paris Maurice Bejart’s The Nutcracker The Blues: The Soul Of A Man Anne Sofie Von Otter, Paul Groves - Dir. Dir. Ross MacGibbon Dir. Wim Wenders Brian Large A little boy sits by a feeble Christmas tree from which A Film By Wim Wenders. In The Soul Of A Man, director Wim Robert Wilson’s production of Gluck’s 1776 French version salvaged garlands sadly hang. Suddenly, in a dream or by Wenders looks at the dramatic tension in the blues between of „Alceste“ is striking with theatrical symbols. The intriguing magic, his dead mother appears and places a small gift at the the sacred and the profane by exploring the music and lives of visual arena is complemented by the fact that the piece is foot of the tree. An enchanted night begins in which a three of his favorite blues artists: Skip James, Blind Willie conducted for the first time with a period instrument ensemble, miraculous icon, friends, angels and light fill the room along Johnson and J.B. Lenoir. Part history, part personal the English Baroque Soloists. The excellent Monteverdi Choir with laughter and awe-inspiring dance. Is it a dream or is it pilgrimage, the film tells the story of these lives in music provides the chorus, with dancers taking their place on stage. reality? Maurice Bejart’s version of the well-loved Christmas through an extended fictional film sequence, rare archival Together, they give a magnificently persuasive expression to is magical. His staging transforms the piece into an footage, present-day documentary scenes and covers of their the horror and compassion demanded by Christoph Willibald enchanting autobiography and a loving homage to the songs by contemporary musicians such as Shemekia Gluck’s most elevated and sublime works choreographer’s mother and his creative hero, Marius Petipa. Copeland, Alvin Youngblood Hart, Garland Jeffreys, Bonnie Music, Opera 2000 Ltbx 16x9 S 133min. The stage is flooded with allusions to Bejart’s actual and Raitt, Marc Ribot, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Lucinda imaginary history, including both real and symbolic characters Williams and T Bone Burnett. Says Wenders: „These songs Image Ent. mixed with childhood memories to create a universe of feeling meant the world to me. I felt there was more truth in them than 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078108 that reaches its peak in a faithful recreation of the original in any book I had read about America, or in any movie I had Pas de Deux — a true declaration of love. ever seen. I’ve tried to describe, more like a poem than in a Sports, Ballet, Chanukah, Christmas, ‘documentary,’ what moved me so much in their songs and American Music Legends: Box Holidays, Music 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 voices.“ Set 103min. Blues, Concerts, Music 2003 FF DD 5.1 Performances By: Johnny Cash Elvis Presley Tony Bennett Image Ent. 127min. Boxed Sets, Music, Pop Music 196min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078081 Sony Music Video Well Go USA 16.09.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078214 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077334 Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique/ Bruckner: Sym. #8 in C Minor: Martha Argerich: Evening Talks Nuits D’Ete Classical music was forever changed with the premiere of Zubin Mehta Biography, Documentary, Music 62min. SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE on December 5, 1830, Zubin Mehta - Dir. Barrie Gavin Naxos 29.07.2008 introducing audiences to the exhilarating sounds of a modern A live recording from the Alte Oper Frankfurt.. The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077268 orchestra. Exciting and innovative, the work influenced every internationally acclaimed conductor Zubin Mehta has had a subsequent composer because of the power and novelty of the close association with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra melody, its form, harmony and orchestration. Under composer since the late sixties and was appointed Music Director in Baby Boost Nursery Rhymes ’s direction, the orchestra ventured places 1977. In this live recording, from the Alte Oper Frankfurt, musically that had never been explored, soaring with the Mehta conducts the orchestra in a superb performance of Family, Music min. freedom, fantasy and originality that were the hallmarks of the Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Romantics. MONTPELLIER PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA The Montpellier Philharmonic Orchestra has emerged in a Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1987 09.09.2008 brief period of time as one of the outstanding French musical S 87min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078518 ensembles. Galvanized by the eminently successful Cyril Image Ent. Diederich, who holds the title of conductor and musical director, this group is now being recognized outside of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077515 Bach’s Mass In B Minor: region and beyond the borders of France for the quality of its Neubeuern Choral Society performances. CYRIL DIEDERICH, Conductor First playing Cannibal Corpse: Centuries Of the piano, the horn and percussion, Cyril Diederich finally The inspired fusion of both vocal and sacred music makes conducted at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Torment - The First 20 Years Bach’s monumental Mass in B Minor the most sublime Musique de Paris. He obtained f

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Black Metal, Concerts, Death Metal, Heavy country music stars from the capital of country music, BWV31 - Johann Sebastain Bach 2. Adeste Fideles - Branson, Missouri. Enjoy the holiday spirit with your host, Traditional 3. Panis Angelicus - Johann Sebastain Bach 4. Metal, Music min. Jim Stafford and all of his country music friends as they Lulayze yezuniu - Traditional 5. Arrivo della Regina di Saba - Red 08.07.2008 perform classic songs in and around Branson. The 15 holiday George Friedrich Handel 6. Panis Angelicus - Cesar-Auguste 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077858 favorites include John Davidson singing O Holy Night, The Franck 7. Tu scendi dalle stelle - De Liguori 8. Mille Presleys’ Jubilee singing Joy to the World and Tony Orlando cherubini in coro - Franz Schubert 9. Judex - Charles performing It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. Gounod 10. Pregaria - F.M. Alvarez 11. The little drummer boy Cavalieri: La Rappresentazione Chanukah, Christmas, Concerts, Country - Simeone & Onorati 12. La Virgen lava panales - Traditional Music, Holidays, Music 2001 FF S 54min. 13. Ave Maria - Franz Schubert 14. Encore Di Anima E Di Corpo Music, Choral Music, Classical Music, Wellspring Cecilia Gasdia, Massimo Rossetti, Lucilla European, Foreign, Italian 1999 FF DD 2.0 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078140 Tumino, Furio Zanasi, Stefano Cucci, 80min. Roberto Staccioli Image Ent. Representation Of Body And Soul. This performance of The Cologne Music Triennale: Cavalieri’s La Rappresentazione Di Anima E Di Corpo was 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078259 taken from the notes and instructions of Cavalieri himself from Britten/ Debussy/ Ravel/ Rihm a published version dated September 1600. This particular Dir. Claus Viller Coppelia: Lyon National Opera performance includes the talents of Cecilia Gasdia (soprano), The Sound of the 20th Century. One of music’s most Furio Zanasi (baritone), Roberto Staccioli, Massimo accomplished conductors, Claudio Abbado conducts the Ballet Rossetti, Stefano Cucci and Lucilla Tumino, along with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in a concert recorded live from Dir. Thomas Grimm Roma Barocca Ensemble and the Symphonic Opera Choir of the Cologne Philharmonie during the Music Triennale. Abbado Rome under the direction of Lorenzo Tozzi. Filmed live in The story of Coppelia explores a young man’s passion for a has been music director of the Berlin Philharmonic for more beautiful girl who actually is a mechanical doll, exploring Rome, Italy, at the Basilica San Paolo Fuori Le Mura. A rare than ten years and has greatly widened the repertoire of this and interesting performance available for the first time. mythological theme of creating a being who is more beautiful, preeminent orchestra. This program includes Ravel’s La more perfect and more tantalizing than any human counterpart. Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 Valse, Rihm’s In doppelter Tiefe with soloists Stella Doufexis From start to finish, Maguy Marin’s Coppelia is a hugely FF DD 5.1 120min. (mezzo soprano) and Anna Larsson (), extracts from entertaining and constantly surprising piece of dance theater. Image Ent. Debussy’s Nocturnes - Nuages and Fetes, and Britten’s Marin transposes the piece from its original rustic setting to a Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Orchestra featuring Philip modern run-down urban environment and adds an edgy new 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078091 Langridge. twist to the story. Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 Sports, Ballet, Music 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD Cecilia & Bryn At Glyndebourne Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.0 79min. 5.1 61min. (Blu-ray) Image Ent. Image Ent. Features: Le nozze di figaro. Overture Cinque...dieci... Si a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078143 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078133 casa madonna La Clemenza di Tito. Parto, parto Il Barbiere di Siviglia. Overture Dunque io son Don Cologne Music Triennale: Giovanni. Madamina, il catalogo e questo L’anima del filosofo. Cornerstone Festival: Twenty Al tuo seno fortunato L’elisir d’Amore. Quanto amore! Don Prokofiev/ Rautavaara Years And Counting Giovanni. La ci darem la mano Juda Maccabeus. Arm, arm ye brave Semiramide. Bel raggio lusinghier Die Zauberflote. Pa- Sakari Oramo - Dir. Barrie Gavin Documentary, Gospel, Music, Religion/ pa-pa-pa The Sound of the 20th Century. This concert was recorded live from the Cologne Philharmonic during the Music Spirituality min. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 87min. Triennale. Within the space of just six years, Finnish WEA Opus Arte 29.07.2008 musician Sakari Oramo has established a worldwide tba BestellNr.: 40078221 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078286 reputation as one of the most exciting conductors on the international concert platform. He succeeded as Music Director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orche- Roger Daltrey: A Celebration Cecilia & Bryn At Glyndebourne: stra in 1999. The repertoire for this concert features Rautavaara’s „Isle of Bliss,“ Prokofiev’s „Piano Concerto No. Roger Daltrey & Duets 3 in C Op. 26“ with Olli Mustonen as the soloist, Sibelius’ With Pete Townshend And The Music Of the Who. The irony World-renowned mezzo soprano Cecilia Bartoli is joined on „Symphony No. 5 in E flat Op. 82“ and also, as an encore, the of celebrating his 50th birthday with an electrical musical this release by the award-winning bass-baritone Bryn Terfel. composer’s „Valse Triste Op. 44.“ extravaganza at New York City’s was not lost Arias & Duets features the immensely talented duo performing 2000 Ltbx DD 5.1 95min. on Roger Daltrey, the extraordinary voice of rock’s most several extracts from opera classics including DON powerful band, the Who. Daltrey, the angry young man who GIOVANNI, MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, L’ELISIR D’AMORE, Image Ent. once sang, „Hope I die before I get old,“ is in exceptional form and LA CLEMENZA DI TITO. Recorded live in Glyndebourne 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078139 throughout this special evening of music featuring , Sussex in April 1999. performances by fellow Who members Pete Townshend and Classical Music, Concerts, Foreign, Music, John Entwistle, as well as special guest appearances by the Colosus: Dade Fire TV Presents - Chieftans and saxophonist David Sanborn. The DVD Opera, Orchestral 90min. presentation of A Celebration also includes songs not Kultur 29.07.2008 The Best Of Miami released on the earlier compact disc version, among them Includes videos from the artist Colosus, coverage of all the „You Better You Bet,“ „I Can See For Miles,“ „Love Reign 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077659 entertainment, sporting events and media events in and around O’er Me,“ „Behind Blue Eyes,“ Amazing Journey,“ „I’m Free,“ Miami, backstage at all the hot South Florida concerts, the and „See Me, Feel Me.“ Cenacolo Concert: The Last Super Bowl and many other events and happenings in and Concerts, Music FF S 107min. around Miami. This release showcases an in depth look into Intersound Supper: Jubilaeum the Miami nightlife, women and car shows. Also includes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078115 Cecilia Gasdia, Pietro Ballo - Dir. Enrico interviews with local and national celebrities. Music, Rap 2007 120min. Castiglione The Cenacolo (Last Supper) Concert was rightfully performed Koch Releasing Dance Theatre Of Harlem and filmed live at the Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazia in tba BestellNr.: 40077566 The Dance Theatre of Harlem, America’s first outstanding Milan, Italy, location of ’s masterpiece, „The classical ballet company of black dancers, started out as a Last Supper.“ A wonderful selection of classical works by ghetto experiment that quickly reached world-class level. It composers such as Mozart, Vivaldi, Haydn, Handel, and Concert At Saint-Severin was created by Arthur Mitchell, a School of American Ballet Shubert, are performed by Cecilia Gasdia and Pietro Ballo, Mass In C Major K 317 „Coronation Mass“ Mozart. Stabat student who had broken through ballet’s color barrier by along with the Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali. 1. Franz Mater Pergolese. Created in 1986 by conductor Bernard Le becoming the first black dancer to join an internationally Joseph Haydn Le sette parole di Cristo sulla Croce Orche- Monnier, this group performs both as a chamber orchestra renowned company, the New York City Ballet. In 1968, stra 2. Ave Verum Cecilia Gasdia with 17 instruments and as a full orchestral ensemble with 30 Mitchell opened a school: its first location was a disused 3. Charles Gounod Pietro Ballo 4. George Fredrich Handel to 40 instruments, which gives it wide latitude in terms of garage in the heart of Harlem; the doors were kept open to Cecilia Gasdia 5. Georges Bizet Pietro Ballo 6. Antonio repertoire, running from the baroque period to contemporary admit air and anyone who looked in was invited to enroll. Vivaldi Cecilia Gasdia 7. Franz Schubert Pietro Ballo 8. works. All of the musicians have won honors from the Natio- Within a year the first class of thirty students had grown to Antonio Vivaldi Sinfonia n. 40 Orchestra 9. Alessandro nal Conservatory of Paris or from national conservatories in over four hundred. Their training embraced modern and ethnic Stradella Pietro Ballo 10. Giuseppe Verdi Cecilia Gasdia 11. France’s provinces. The ensemble has performed in the as well as classical dance. Today the almost exclusively Cesar-Auguste Franck Pietro Ballo & Cecilia Gasdia prestigious concert halls in Europe and has won an black company is known for its warmth and vitality. Mitchell Choral Music, Classical Music, European, enthusiastic following, thanks to its dynamism, unity of tone, consistently tries to foster black choreographic creativity, and Foreign, Italian, Music 2000 FF DD 2.0 and the quality of its musical resonance. the company has proven itself equally able to handle jazz- Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1997 oriented and ethnic pieces as well as the classics. In this 70min. FF S 69min. special studio production, the Dance Theatre Of Harlem Image Ent. performs a selection of its most popular works: Troy Image Ent. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077576 Sports, Ballet, Music 1989 FF S 59min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078208 Image Ent. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078074 A Christmas Card From Branson Concerto Di Natale with Jose Connie Tillis, John Davidson, Mickey Gilley, Jim Stafford, Boxcar Willie - Dir. Chris Carreras Decapitated: Human’s Dust Donovan Jose Carreras Death Metal, Music 120min. Have yourself a merry Christmas with some of your favorite Jubilaeum Collection 2000 A.D. Christmas Concert. 1. Allegro Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077610 three-dimensionality with respect to the basic soundstage and sensitive use of rear speakers creates a wonderful atm Gazzaniga: Don Giovanni O Sia Il Music, Atmosphere DVDs 2008 72min. Dido & Aeneas: A Choreographic Convitato Di Pietra Starlight Film Group 30.09.2008 Opera Classical Music, Music min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078285 Classical Music, Music, Opera 98min. Qualiton Imports Naxos 29.07.2008 tba BestellNr.: 40077537 Gypsy Caravan: When The Road 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077264 Bends Gilbert And Sullivan: The Mikado Concerts, Documentary, Music 111min. Dueling Guitars 1: Paul The Australian Opera’s colorful production of The Mikado is an experience designed to seduce the eye, charm the ear and Docurama 26.08.2008 Bollenback & John Hart tickle the rib. The sets are breathtakingly oriental, full of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077258 Concerts, Jazz, Music 78min. surprises and the beautiful costumes are a masterpiece of Arkadia 15.07.2008 eccentricity. Australian, Foreign, Music, Opera 150min. Hansel and Gretel: Humperdinck - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077491 Kultur 26.08.2008 Opera Australia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078004 Elizabeth Campbell, Christine Douglas, Duomo Monza Concerto: Cecilia Suzanne Johnston, Margaret Haggart, Gasdia - Jubilaeum Gilbert And Sullivan: The Pirates Kathryn McCusker, Gail Robertson, Malcolm Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi, Of Penzance Donnelly Felix Mendelssohn, Charles Gounod, Pietro Hansel and Gretel, based on the story by the Brothers Grimm, Lock up your daughters, the pirates are coming to town! is an opera which successfully bridges the generation gap. Mascagni, Samuel Barber, Alessandro Peppered with unforgettable melodies and tongue-twisting Elijah Moshinsky’s critically acclaimed, wittily updated Stradella songs, The Pirates of Penzance is one of the most popular English production for the Australian Opera is truly theatrical Filmed in Duomo Manza in Italy. A splendid addition to the ever written. Opera Australia’s new production is blend of the once-upon-a-time and the here-and-now. Mark Jubilaeum Collection, this concert was filmed live at the an effervescent smash hit. In spite of being apprenticed to a Thompson’s ingenious designs take the familiar homely Duomo in Monza, Italy. A beautiful performance by world- Pirate King as a child, Frederic has led a very sheltered life. objects which furnish Hansel and Gretel’s impoverished home renowned soprano Cecilia Gasdia and the Orchestra I So, when he arrives in Penzance with his boisterous and magnify, distort and reorder them in the surreal world in Virtuosi Italiani. Includes classical by Mozart, shipmates, there are a few surprises in store for him! It all which the children get lost. Irreverent and refreshingly Stradella, Franck, Gounod, Mendelssohn, and Vivaldi. Adagio ends happily, but not before he’s dodged the Old Bill, fallen in original, this production is an absolute delight with its rare for string - S. Barber Pieta, Signori - A. Stradella Ave Verum love and made some rather inconvenient discoveries. blend of charm and style Corpus - W.A. Mozart Panis Angeliscus - C. Franck Sancta Australian, Comedy, Music, Opera, Pirates Music, Opera 1992 FF DD 5.1 113min. Maria - P. Mascagni Sinfonia n. 10 in B- F. Mendelsshon 112min. Longe mala umbrae terrores - Antonio Vivaldi Ave Maria - C. Image Ent. Gounod Longe mala - Antonio Vivaldi Kultur 26.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078135 Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078005 FF DD 2.0 54min. Hip Hop For Kids: School House Image Ent. Giselle Hop 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078071 The internationally acclaimed Itaian prima ballerina Alesandra Ferri stars in the La Scala’s gloriously traditional new Hey kids, check it out! Join Hip Hop great Roger G. in his production of this much-loved classic, the most celebrated latest Hip Hop for Kids fitness DVD. Dance, groove, stretch The Dvorak Cycle: Volume 4 ballet of the Romantic era. Massimo Murru takes the role of and have fun while learning all the latest moves like the Albrecht, whose duplicity drives Giselle to madness and Chicken Noodle Soup, The Snap, Walk It Out, and more. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 87min. causes her to die of a broken heart. Choreographed by Watch Gaby, Amanda, Mckenna, „D“, Tiff, Tremell, Tyree, „G“, Naxos 29.07.2008 Patrice Bart of the Paris Opera Ballet, this production Vikki and Ikeem freestyle, break and spin as Roger G. leads 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077266 recreates in Angelo Sala’s sets and costumes the designs of them through a totally phat hip hop workout. This easy to the great Alexexandre Benois, famous for his work with follow 45 minute fitness DVD includes exciting live Diaghilev and the Russes. Recorded Live In HDTV performances and will have kids from ages 5-14 up having fun Europafest: Jazz Highlights from La Scala Milan. and dancing in no time. Instructional Dance, Music 45min. Concerts, Jazz, Music 60min. Sports, Ballet, Music 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD Bayview Entertainment 15.07.2008 Arkadia 15.07.2008 5.1 110min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077678 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077492 Image Ent. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078090 Experience Hendrix History Of The Organ: Volume 1 - Experience Hendrix. Gorgoroth: Black Mass Krakow Latin Origins Concerts, Music 2008 Ltbx 16x9 99min. 2004 Documentary, Music, Organ 55min. Image Ent. 05.08.2008 Death Metal, Music 60min. Naxos 29.07.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078419 Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077265 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077611 La Fille Mal Gardee Marilyn Horne: A Reminiscence Ballet, Classical Music, Dancing, Music Gorgoroth: Black Mass Krakow Dir. Nigel Wattis 112min. 2004 (Limited Star Metalpack) Marilyn Horne is acclaimed as the finest mezzo soprano of Opus Arte 29.07.2008 the Twentieth century, with a voice known for its brilliant Death Metal, Music 60min. sound and its extraordinary range. Honored as the greatest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077275 singer in the world, she was the first non-Italian to win the Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 coveted Rossini Medal. Her career has spanned a wide range 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077612 of genres, everything from pop to . In the year of Game 101 Magazine: Chingo her sixtieth birthday, this program looks back over Marilyn Bling & SPM - Free SPM Horne’s long and remarkable life, celebrating her formidable Grieg: Piano Concerto / achievements and giving insight into her unique talent. From the streets of H-Town (Houston), Texas Game 101 DVD rap magazine has been representing the bottom for a decade Symphonic Dances / In Autumn Music, Opera 1994 Ltbx S 52min. delivering raw and uncut footage of your favorite rappers, (Blu-ray) Image Ent. hottest clubs, sexiest ladies, and ass-whoopins. In his own words, Grieg aspired to paint Norwegian nature, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078089 Music, Rap 2006 90min. Norwegian folk-life, Norwegian history and Norwegian folk- Koch Releasing poetry in music. In Autumn sees Grieg take inspiration from In Rehearsal: Esa-Pekka Salonen tba BestellNr.: 40077565 the forces of nature, both life-giving and destructive, whether it be from the farmers harvest celebrations or the ensuing With The Los Angeles death and decay, while the Symphonic dances make extensive Game 101 Magazine: J Kapone - use of Norwegian folk-melodies. Indeed it has often been said Philharmonic that the famous Piano Concerto has an element of untamed Claude Debussy, Colin Wilson, Peter ATX Hustler Strikes First wildness in its opening timpani roll followed by the cascading From the streets of H-Town (Houston), Texas Game 101 DVD chimes of the piano. Whatever its inspiration, this Berggren - Dir. Peter Berggren rap magazine has been representing the bottom for a decade cornerstone of the piano repertoire remains one of the most This program gives music lovers the rare opportunity to watch delivering raw and uncut footage of your favorite rappers, enduringly-popular of all concertos on account of its the creation of great music as the internationally acclaimed hottest clubs, sexiest ladies, and ass-whoopins. profusion of inspired melodies, noble eloquence and poetic composer and conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen rehearses Music, Rap 2006 90min. vitality. Grieg’s spectacular music appears in the Blu-ray Debussy’s La Mer with the Losa Angeles Philharmonic DTS-HD Master Audio lossless multichannel format. Watch Orchestra, renowned as one of the world’s most outstanding Koch Releasing photographs of lakes, rivers, mountains and forests enhanced orchestras. As demonstrated in this rehearsal at the Dorothy tba BestellNr.: 40077564 with the superb high definition and surround sound music. The Chandler Pavilion, the conductor’s lucidity, efficiency and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) lack of pretension have promoted a relaxed cooperation S 55min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078127 between the orchestra and himself. The program provides fascinating insight into Salonen’s rapport with his musicians Lil’ Joe Records, Inc. and also into Debussy’s masterpiece. Filmed at his L.A. home, tba BestellNr.: 40078200 Mefistofele the conductor talks about the esteemed composer and the challenge his composition presents. Classical Music, Music, Opera 164min. Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1997 Gustav Mahler: Das Lied Von Der Qualiton Imports 08.07.2008 FF S 55min. Erde/Kindertotenli 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078357 Image Ent. Mahler began to compose DAS LIED BON DER ERDE (The Song Of The Earth) at Schluderbach in the Tyrol in the Zubin Mehta Conducts: Bayeri- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078147 summer of 1907. His elder daughter had just died at the age of 4, and a specialist had diagnosed the seriousness of his own sche Staatsoper The Jubilee Concerto: Jubilaeum heart condition. A friend had earlier given him Han Bethge’s The Chinese Flute for holiday reading, and this collection of Zubin Mehta Collection German Translations and adaptations of Chinese poetry now This live concert recording comes from the National Theater suited his state of mind. BASS NORMANDY ORCHESTRAL in Munich, Germany. Maestro Zubin Mehta conducts the Jose Carreras, Lorenzo Bavaj ENSEMBLE Over the past 10 years, the Bass Normandy Orchestra and Chorus of the Bayerische Staatsoper in a Filmed in the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome. The Orchestral Ensemble has strived to achieve its reputation as stunning program of sacred music comprising Giovanni Jubilee Concerto with Jose Carreras and Lorenzo Bavaj is a an innovative musical group. Its composition is ample proof of Gabrieli’s „Sacrae symphoniae,“ Hayden’s „Missa in tempore wonderful addition to any classical music collection. Jose its originality: 12 string instruments, five wind instruments belli,“ and Verdi’s final work, the „Quattro pezzi sacri.“ The Carreras performs alone with pianist Lorenzo Bavaj at the and two keyboard instruments. An unusual combination. Its soloists are Angela-Maria Blasi (soprano), Silvia Fichtl beautiful and historic basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, originality also comes from the diversity of its repertoire, (alto), Claes-Hakon Ahnsjo (tenor) and Martin Gantner Italy. This rare performance includes works from Alvarez, which covers a wide range of music in a spirit of open- (bass). Piazzola, Mascagni, Shubert and others. Filmed in December, mindedness. DOMINIQUE DEBART After directing the Lyon Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1998 this piece also includes traditional favorites such as „The Opera , participating in numerous performances as a FF DD 5.1 93min. Little Drummer Boy“ and „Adeste Fidelis“. 1. Adeste Fidelis 2. conductor and the greatest international conductors at the O cessate di piagarmi 3. Pieta Signore 4. Mille cherubini in Aix-en-Provence Festival, Dominique Debart in 1984 was Image Ent. coro 5. La Pregaria 6. Milonga del Angel 7. Romance de F. appointed director of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078122 Lucia 8. La Virgin lava pagnales 9. Ave Maria 10. Muerte del Angel 11. Tu scendi dalle stelle 12. The Little Drummer Boy Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1997 13. Panis Angelicus 14. White Christmas Ltbx S 98min. Merry Christmas From Rome: Music, Choral Music, Classical Music, Image Ent. Jubilaeum European, Foreign, Italian 2000 FF DD 5.1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078194 Cecilia Gasdia, Renato Bruson, Mstislav 60min. Rostropovich, Pietro Ballo, Pablo Colino - Image Ent. Manilow Live! (Blu-ray) Dir. Enrico Castiglione 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078155 Mitzie Welch, Barry Manilow, Ken Welch, J.S. Bach Magnigicat C. Ground Ave Maria G. Verdi Ave Larry Amoros, Mark Angotti, Lawrence Maria (Dante) W.A. Mozart Ave Verum A. Teofano Cristo e The Last Days Of Left Eye nato G. Bizet Agnus Dei P. Masegani Ave Maria P. Masegani Jordan - Dir. Lawrence Jordan Messa di Gloria „Benedictus“ P. Chesnokov Santo e Dio F. Biography, Documentary, Music 2007 Barry Manilow is a master showman who makes each lyrical Schubert Ave Maria F. Gruger Stille Nacht C. Franck Panis passage an intimate gift to his fans. His sold-out performance Angelicus A. Zinoview Dio e con noi Christmas Traditional A. 88min. in the heart of Nashville proves why this performer’s lengthy Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 Ch. Adam Minuit chretiens career has been so exceptional. From the first standing Chanukah, Christmas, Holidays, Music 2000 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077923 ovation to the last, Barry Manilow’s diverse style will enchant any music enthusiast. Could It Be Magic? Somewhere FF DD 2.0 90min. In The Night Tryin’ To Get The Feeling Can’t Smile Without Image Ent. Last Night Of The Proms You Bandstand Boogie Mandy Even Now Daybreak Flight Of The Bumblebee All The Time New York City Rhythm Every 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078086 (Includes Bonus CD) Single Day I Am Your Child This One’s For You Sinatra The Last Night of the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in Overture Chicago (My Kind Of Town) That’s Life When The Miserly Knight London, is one of the world’s most popular classical music October Goes Weekend In New England Copacabana I Made concerts. In this DVD presentation of the Last Night. It Through The Rain One Voice/ I Write The Songs Stars In (Glyndebourne) Classical Music, Concerts, Music 111min. The Night A performance of Rachmaninov’s opera based on Alexander Kultur 26.08.2008 Concerts, Easy Listening, Music, Adult Pushkin’s tragedy. The London Philharmonic Orchestra is 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077877 Contemporary 2000 Ltbx DTS 115min. conducted by Vladimir Jurowski. Filmed live at the Image Ent. 09.09.2008 Glydebourne Opera House in July 2004. Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Opera, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078485 Lehar: Die Lustige Witwe Orchestral 95min. Classical Music, Music, Opera 145min. Kultur 29.07.2008 Naxos 29.07.2008 Martian Space Party/ The Yokes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077661 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077267 Of Oxnard (Double Feature) Originally filmed in 1972, Martian Space Party is a live Moodtapes: Autumn performance by the FST’s Phil Austin, Phil Proctor, David Barrington Levy: Wanted - Live In Ossman, Peter Bergman plus family and friends, breaking Whispers...Winter Dreams San Francisco news coverage of presidential candidate George Papoon and his trip to Monster Island plus Richard Nixon meeting Dir. Ron Roy 2-Disc Set Full Length DVD & CD. Wanted. 1. Intro 2. Teach Glutomoto, the cheese monster. A video precursor to the Experience the breathtaking beauty...of yellow, gold, and red The Youths 3. Mandela Free 4. Under Mi Sensi 5. She’s Mine Firesign’s 1973 Columbia album „Not Insane“, this was live, Aspen leaves tingling in the frosty wind...cascading mountain 6. Be Strong 7. Too Experienced 8. Murderer 9. Love Of Jah prime Firesign Theatre at its zenith and most hilarious. The waterfalls and rushing crystalline streams...towering 10. Work 11. Prison Oval Rock 12. Vice Versa Love 13. Black second half of this double bill is the brilliant Yokes Of evergreens swaying against snowy mountain peaks...and Roses 14. Here I Come 15. Loving You Oxnard, originally released in 1983. Multiple story lines plus crystal blue mountain streams etching their way through Concerts, Music, Photography/Art FF S soap opera and commercial parodies abound. Follow private Winter’s gentle blanket of white! Recorded entirely in the min. investigator Nick Danger-Third Eye, the Yoke family and that majestic Colorado Rockies and accompanied by a deeply sleazy weasel Rocky Roccoco as they all come together to soothing original musical soundtrack that features the actual Music Video Distribution solve the mystery. sounds of nature’s rushing mountain streams! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078241 Double Features 290min. Health, Meditation, Music 1989 FF S 51min. Ryko Distribution Image Ent. Lost Concerts Series: Original 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078153 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078075 Divas Live music performances from Tina Turner, Dionne Warwick, Ricky Martin: Europa Moodtapes: Contemporary Gladys Knight, Chaka Khan and more... Performances in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Christmas Concerts, Music 2008 53min. Belgium…. See Ricky Martin as you have never seen him Dir. Ron Roy Well Go USA 09.09.2008 before: and personal. Travel with him on his sold-out European concert tour. Feel like you’re a part of the Whether trimming your tree or hosting the perfect holiday get- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077332 exuberant crowds that dance and sway to his mesmerizing together, Contemporary Christmas will fill your home with the rhythms and gyrations as he performs his songs in different fresh, cheerful, and uplifting sights and sounds of the season! Luke’s Hall Of Fame venues across Europe. Swoon to his sultry songs and Enjoy twelve of your favorite holiday classics (including sensual charisma in this exhilarating production featuring „Jingle Bells,“ „Deck The Halls,“ „Silent Night,“ „Joy To The Do Wah Diddy Pop That P*ssy Banned In the eight great performances and a bonus video clip. A must have World“ and more) performed in an exciting new upbeat USA C’mon Babe Move Somethin’ Shake A Lil’ Somethin’ I collector’s video! contemporary style, while enchanting visuals of gentle Wanna Rock Work It Out Breakdown It’s Your Birthday snowflakes, roaring fireplaces, cozy winter sleighs and the (Special Edit) Shake Watcha Mama Gave Ya’ Dance All Night Concerts, Latin Music, Music 2001 FF S glitter and sparkle of the yuletide season dance across your Put Shxt Past No Ho 70min. monitor. Digitally mastered and recorded for crystal clear Concerts, Music, Photography/Art 2002 FF Image Ent. audio reproduction and visually edited in perfect harmony with the music to create a festive holiday mood, Moodtapes:

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Contemporary Christmas will become a cherished holiday 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078236 Marie-Claire Alain. Bach traveled little during his lifetime, but keepsake that can be enjoyed for years to come! director Bruno Monsaingeon extends the geographical scope Chanukah, Christmas, Holidays, Music 1991 of Bach’s activities by including organs best suited to his A Musical Journey: Austria - A music. The instruments featured here, at venues including FF S 40min. Haarlem, Groningen, Rotha and Dresden are ones which Image Ent. Musical Tour Of The Country’s Bach himself would have played, or which were built to his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078073 Past And Present specifications. Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Organ Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music 52min. 60min. Gary Moore: Live At Montreux - Naxos 29.07.2008 Kultur 26.08.2008 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077271 The Definitive Montreux 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077874 Collection Blues, Concerts, Music 258min. A Musical Journey: England - A The Parsons Dance Company Eagle Rock Musical Tour Of Blenheim Thomas Grimm, Thomas Grimm - Dir. Tho- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077563 Palace, Leeds Castle And Castle mas Grimm Howard David Parsons is one of the golden boys of American dance. A Sam Moore: The Original Soul witty terseness and probing intelligence mark his Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music 65min. choreography, which conceals its difficulty behind silky Man Naxos 29.07.2008 casualness. In his program, seven of Parsons’ works are Sam Moore, one half of the famous R&B duo Sam and Dave, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077270 featured, demonstrating the diversity of his influences and has earned seven gold and platinum records and a 1967 mastery of a wide scope of styles. The music he chooses Grammy Award. One of Stax Record’s most successful ranges from Mozart and Rossini to King Crimson’s Robert groups, Sam and Dave were known for their trademark call A Musical Journey: Finland - A Fripp and specially-commissioned scores. Parson introduces and response style and emotional intensity, which echoed each piece and it is easy to see why his charm, energy and Sam’s early years as a gospel singer. Supported by the Musical Tour Of Helsinki And The integrity have won him a considerable following. songwriting talents of David Porter and Isaac Hayes, and Finnish Landscape Dancing, Music 1992 FF S 116min. with tracks punctuated by Stax Record’s Memphis Horns they Image Ent. Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music 63min. produced a string of hits starting with „You Don’t Know Like I 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078117 Know“ in 1964, and followed by such classics as „Hold On, Naxos 29.07.2008 I’m Coming“ „Soul Man“ „Soul Sister, Brown Sugar“ and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077269 „When Something Is Wrong With My Baby“. Since the early Party At The Palace: The Queen’s 1980’s Sam Moore has won new acclaim as a solo artist, appearing in concert or on recordings with such fans as Phil A Musical Journey: Germany - A Golden Jubilee Collins, Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics, Elvis Costello, Buckingham Palace hosts the party of a lifetime with a Bonnie Raitt and Lou Reed. Musical Tour Of Bach’s Homeland spectacular fireworks display and live performances by Annie Concerts, Funk, Music, Soul FF S 75min. Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music 60min. Lennox, Bryan Adams, Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, Music Video Distribution Naxos 29.07.2008 Eric Clapton, Ozzy Osbourne, Rod Stewart, Phil Collins, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077539 Ricky Martin and many more! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077272 British, Concerts, Hard Rock, International, Music, Pop Music 180min. Mozart: Don Giovanni A Musical Journey: Uzbekistan - Kultur 29.07.2008 Wit and astute theatrical awareness are the hallmarks of this exceptional vision of Mozart’s and Da Ponte’s famous A Musical Tour Of The Country’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077660 masterpiece, directed by the duo Jossi Wieler and Sergio Past And Present Morabito. Don Giovanni is a breathtaking, sinister game of Pastor Gregg Patrick & The Brid- voyeuristic intimacy and brutal violence. Ingo Metzmacher Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music 57min. and a sparkling ensemble and cast underscore this unique Naxos 29.07.2008 ge Project: Crossover vision of a kaleidoscope of human emotions with commitment and vitality. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077273 Concerts, Gospel, Music, Religion/ Foreign, Music, Opera 180min. Spirituality min. Kultur 26.08.2008 New York Mass Choir: Show Tyscot 15.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078003 Yourself Mighty 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077507 Concerts, Music min. MP All Stars Concert Koch Releasing Pennywise: Reason To Believe live performances. Includes: Que pena me da Mil gracias Si tba BestellNr.: 40077559 Concerts, Hardcore/Punk, Music, Punk Supieras Asi es el amor Beso a beso Solo pienso en ti 2008 min. Juguete de nadie Amor eterno To te seguire queriendo Nunca Fontana DVD 05.08.2008 te falle Amigo si amante no Te amo Sabrosa Fiera collada Nickelback: Live From Sturgis Donde haigan faldas Anuncio clasificado Nadie es eterno Filmed during the band’s triumphant „All The Right Reasons“ 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077482 Condename tu amor Jibarito como somos Buenas noches tour, this deluxe 2 DVD set features Nickelback’s full-length Medley ritmos tropicales Que Guille Dejala Descarga gunda performance (shot in High Definition) at the Rock ‘N The William Pleeth: A Life In Music - Music, World Music 2003 FF S 32min. Rally festival during the world famous 2006 Sturgis Bike Musical Productions Inc. Week in South Dakota in front of over 40,000 screaming fans. Volume 7 Tracks include: Animals Woke Up This Morning Photograph 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078201 Because of You Far Away Curb Medley Never Again Savin’ Cello, Classical Music, Music min. Me Someday Side of a Bullet Drum Solo How You Remind Me Qualiton Imports 29.07.2008 Anne Murray 2 Pack Too Bad Figured You Out 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078355 Concerts, DTS Audio, Music 2007 180min. Ann Murray - Dir. David Storey Koch Releasing Classic Christmas and An Intimate Evening With Anne William Pleeth: A Life In Music - Murray. Anne Murray has performed to and delighted millions tba BestellNr.: 40077556 of fans around the world. Now, An Intimate Evening With Anne Volume 8 Murray brings her classic hits and the warmth and humor of Cello, Classical Music, Music 60min. her live show into your home. Captured for the first time on Opeth: The Roundhouse Tapes film, Anne’s live concert features some of her most popular Since their formation in 1990, Opeth has risen to the forefront Qualiton Imports 29.07.2008 songs. Along with performances of „Snowbird,“ „You Needed of the metal world; bringing many aspects of progressive rock/ 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078356 Me“ and the show-stopping „Croonin’“ medley, Anne is joined metal to a whole new audience by combining soft acoustic on stage by very special guests Jann Arden, Bryan Adams ambience with complex, melodic & heavy guitars, perfectly and Celine Dion. Exclusive to video, these live performances concocted into a completely peerless sound. This 2 DVD set Pulcinella Ballet, Arlecchino and bonus never-before-seen interview footage make this contains a captivating Opeth performance from the Camden Opera evening truly unforgettable! World superstar Anne Murray Roundhouse, London in 2006. It shows the band in stars in this warm and entertaining holiday special, Anne scintillating form playing a selection of classics from their Ballet, Classical Music, Music, Opera min. Murray’s Classic Christmas. Taped at the famous illustrious career. The Roundhouse Tapes was filmed during Qualiton Imports 29.07.2008 landmark, The Old Mill, Anne’s guests include: international the band’s Ghost Reveries tour. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078358 sensation Roch Voisine; World Figure Skating Champion and Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2008 183min. Olympic Silver Medalist Elvis Stojko; and pop rock group Koch Releasing 30.09.2008 Barenaked Ladies. Anne performs a selection of Yuletide Rock Masters: The Cure favorites 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077313 With a moody, eclectic sound all its own, The Cure has 2 Packs, Boxed Sets, Chanukah, established itself as the most enduring rock band of the post- Christmas, Concerts, Country Music, Organs, Toccatas & Fantasias punk era, having sold over 27 million albums worldwide. Holidays, Music 1999 FF S 113min. This program can best be described as a journey across Filmed at Glasgow’s Barrowlands in 1984, the band perform Wellspring Baroque Europe in the company of Johann Sebastian Bach and some of their greatest hits in their own distinct, unforgettable one of the leading personalities of the world of organ music, style.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

1977 42min. Complete Musical Works Of The Pilgrimage. The Sistine Jubilaeum Collection Chapel Choir: Complete Musical Works of the Pilgrimage was Image Ent. filmed live at the basilica of St. John Lateran. This sacred Katia Ricciarelli 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078185 collection of music includes Gregoriano chants with A wonderful addition to the Jubilaeum Collection, this concert incredible arrangements by Perosi, Liberto, Bartolucci, and filmed on location in Rome, Italy features world-renowned Palestrina. A wonderful and interesting concert that is sure to Soprano Katia Ricciarelli and the Benedetto Marcello Orche- Rock Masters: Thin Lizzy be a unique addition to any classical collection. stra on the Good Friday performance of Giovanni Pergolesi’s World class headbangers Thin Lizzy rip it up on stage in this Music, Choral Music, Classical Music, Stabat Mater. Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater is the fifth concert in dynamic as the hell raising party boys the Jubilaeum Collection commissioned by Pope John Paul II tear through their classic favorites. Filmed at Britain’s Regal European, Foreign, Italian 2000 FF DD 2.0 and the Vatican in celebration of the Jubilee 2000. Cuius Theatre three years before Phil Lynott’s death, this 52min. animam Quae moerebat Quis est homo Pro peccatis Eja mater performance captures the band at its peak. Image Ent. Tui nati Virgo virginum Fac ut portem Fac me plagis Quando 1983 42min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078078 corpus Image Ent. Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078183 FF DD 2.0 70min. Sounds Magnificent: Berlioz - Image Ent. Rockapella: Live In Concert Symphonie Fantastique - Andre 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077533 Dir. Milton Lage Previn …Pure Magical Talent“ -N.Y. Post. Contains Songs We All Andre Previn - Dir. Herbert Chappell Stabat Mater: Rossini - Jubilaeum Know And Love Including: Long Cool Woman In A Black In this series of films, Andre Previn conducts the Royal Collection Dress, Up On the Roof, Dancin’ In The Streets, People Philharmonic Orchestra in some of the most popular works Change, This Isn’t love, That’s The Way and The Lion Sleeps from the concert repertoire — symphonies by Mozart, Gioacchino Rossini’s „Stabat Mater“ is the fourth concert in Tonight Featuring a five-and-a-half octave range and a unique Hayden, Beethoven, Brahmas, Berlioz, Tchaikovsky and the renowned Jubilaeum Concert Series commissioned by version of rock-influenced, blue-eyed soul, Rockapella is the Shostakovich. Each program is introduced by Andre Previn, Pope John Paul II and the Vatican. Filmed by Carlo Di Palma ultimate naturally unplugged vocal group. Their astonishing who discusses the piece to be performed and the lives of the at the Basilica di San Pancrazio Fuori le Mura in Rome. collective voice is everywhere, from its current national composers who created these masterpieces by giving Rossini’s „Stabat Mater“ has long been considered the most television and radio commercials for Folgers to five seasons illustrations of aspects of their music with a variety of orche- beautiful of this classic work. Conducted by on the nationally acclaimed PBS series, „Where In The World stral excerpts. In Paris, on September 11, 1827, the composer Corrado Giuffredi. Cuius animam Quae moerebat Quis est Is Carmen Sandiego?“ Performing with major stars of the rock Hector Berlioz fell madly in love with an Irish actress, Harriet homo Pro peccatis Eja mater Tui Nati Virgo virginum Fac ut world including Billy Joel, and Don Henley, from the Smithson. The intensity of his infatuation became inextricably potem Fac me plagis Quando corpus United States to Japan, Rockapella takes the spotlight in this tangled with a symphony he was to compose, a composition Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 spectacular video! that broke new ground with the lavish virtuosity of its FF DD 2.0 60min. Adult Contemporary, Concerts, Music 2001 orchestration. Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique is acclaimed as one of the most extraordinary and truly original works ever Image Ent. FF S 70min. written. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077532 Wellspring Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1984 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078110 FF S 86min. Straight Outta Puerto Rico Image Ent. Documentary, Music, Reggaeton 2008 Tito Rojas: Live - Autenticamente 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078079 71min. En Vivo Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.08.2008 Spend an intimate evening with „ Salsero“ live at San Stabat Mater Box Set: Jubilaeum 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077937 Juan’s famous Pier 10. Features: Quiereme tal como soy Dime si eres feliz Llorare Bienvenida y buenas noches Tormenta de Collection amor Ella se hizo deseo Doble Porque este amor Mi mama Es Katia Ricciarelli, Maria Dragoni, Corrado Stuff: Live At Montreux 1976 mi mujer La gente dice Por mujeres como tu Me tienes que Giuffredi Founded in 1967, the Montreux Jazz Festival has established recordar Nadie es eterno El amor que tu me das Ran-kan-kan itself as one of the most prestigious annual music events in Rompe set America This Stabat Mater Box Set is a collection of the sacred musical works of Rossini, Pergolesi and Boccherini. The the world. The extraordinary list of artists who have played 2002 FF S 84min. Stabat Mater, or „sorrowful mother,“ is represented in three there is drawn from across the musical spectrum and from Musical Productions Inc. distinctly different styles, beautifully performed by Maria around the world. Now, with the consent of the festival and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078190 Dragoni, Katia Ricciarelli and the Philharmonic di Busseto. the artists, Eagle Vision is making these concerts available These three separate works were filmed live in Rome, Italy. on DVD for the first time. Stuff caught here in their only Gioacchino Rossini’s „Stabat Mater“ is the fourth concert in performance at Montreux, combined the talents of five amazing Gioacchino Rossini: Il Barbiere Di the renowned Jubilaeum Concert Series commissioned by musicians: Cornell Dupree on guitar, Gordon Edwards on Pope John Paul II and the Vatican. Filmed by Carlo Di Palma bass, Steve Gadd on drums, Eric Gale on guitar and Richard Siviglia - at the Basilica di San Pancrazio Fuori le Mura in Rome. Tee on keyboards. Individually they were among the most Jennifer Larmore, Richard Croft, Simone Rossini’s „Stabat Mater“ has long been considered the most sought after session players of their day but together as Stuff. Concerts, Funk, Music 1976 FF DD 5.1 Alaimo, David Malis, Renato Capecchi beautiful arrangement of this classic work. Conducted by Corrado Giuffredi. A wonderful addition to the Jubilaeum 62min. The Netherlands Opera. For his first opera production, Dario Collection, this concert filmed on location in Rome, Italy Fo, the theater director known for his brilliant wit, chose to features world-renowned Soprano Katia Ricciarelli and the Eagle Rock 15.07.2008 stage Rossini’s comedy The Barber of Seville as a joyful Benedetto Marcello Orchestra on the Good Friday 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077396 carnival for the Netherlands Opera. First mounted in 1987, it performance of Giovanni Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. was a huge success, and a live recording of its revival in Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater is the fifth concert in the Jubilaeum May 1992, the 200th anniversary of Rossini’s birth, has been Collection commissioned by Pope John Paul II and the Vatican Swing With The Duke and King made. Fo has said that „Rossini is the musician of eating and in celebration of love. He composes music rich in herbs and aromas, in which Cole you find olives, tomatoes, fish, grapes, roses and , Boxed Sets, Choral Music, Classical Music, The Best of Swing, Big Bands, and Jazz feature film and rare, sheets and tablecloths, dry wine and the laughter of girls.“ Music 2000 FF DD 5.1 180min. short subjects, many of them considered lost. The collection His Barbiere is a joyful carnival. During the overture, he fills Image Ent. that has swing, big band and jazz classics waiting for you! the stage with carnival revellers, and immediately the Rock „n“ Roll Revue - Filmed at the famous Apollo Theater. commedia dell’arte origins of are restored. Visual 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078093 Starring: Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington. St. Lois Blues - theatrics abound, never at the expense of the music, but high- Bessie Smith in this classic. Black and Tan - Duke Ellington lighting it, engaging the eye as well as the ear. Fo addresses Stabat Mater: Boccherini - at his finest. Second Chorus - Big Band, dancing and the heart more than the intellect, and Rossini’s comedy comes swinging all rolled into one. Starring: Fred Astaire, Burgess up dazzling and vital. Jubilaeum Collection Meredith, Artie Shaw. Boogie Woogie Dream: Starring: Lena Music, Opera, Classical Music, European, Maria Dragoni - Dir. Enrico Castiglione Horne. Foreign, Italian 1992 FF S 153min. Filmed in Rome, Italy at the Palazzo Della Cancelleria Aula FF M 223min. Image Ent. Magna. Luigi Boccherini’s Stabat Mater is the original Slingshot version first performed in 1781. This concert is part of the tba BestellNr.: 40078255 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078243 renowned Jubileaum Concert Collection. A beautiful performance by soprano Maria Dragoni with the Quartetto Saxon: Live Legends Meridein. This rare and wonderful concert was filmed by System Of A Down: Falling Ccarlo di Palma at the Palazzo Della Cencelleria „Aula At the leading edge of the new wave of British Heavy Metal Magna“ in Italy. 1. Cuius animam 2. Quae moerebat 3. Quis est Between The Cracks were Saxon. Join Biff Byford and the boys as they power their homo 4. Pro peccatis 5. Eja Mater 6. Tui nati 7. Virgo virginum Since forming in 1995, Los Angeles foursome System Of A way through a set of classic moments to produce a unique film 8. Fac ut portem 9. Fac me plagis 10. Quando corpus Down have built a huge following through their hybrid of of the best of Saxon live. FEATURING: Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 2000 explosive rap-metal, punk, funk and incendiary lyrics. This Concerts, Music 2004 FF DD 5.1 78min. FF DD 2.0 60min. DVD is the first ever biographical film about this pioneering Classic Rock Legends band. It features band interviews and in-depth discussions Image Ent. tba BestellNr.: 40078219 with those closest to them to tell the complete story behind the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078069 music. Alternative, Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Sistine Chapel Choir: Jubilaeum Stabat Mater: Pergolesi - Metal, Music 2008 62min. Collection Koch Releasing 05.08.2008

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077863 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077879

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake (Blu-ray) Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelun- Special Interest Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music, Ballet gen 10 Minute Solution: Dance Off Fat 145min. This stunning production of The Ring from Het Muziektheater Opus Arte 29.07.2008 Amsterdam blends the lyrical, mythical and philosophical Fast qualities of Wagner’s work into a profound unity. Pierre 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078287 Audi’s stage direction is inspired and amazing sets by George Fitness 54min. Tsypin and wonderful costumes by Oscar-winning Eiko Starz / Anchor Bay 05.08.2008 The Edgar G. Ulmer Collection #2 Ishioka complement singing and playing of great intensity from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077506 the cast and the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra under Marsha Hunt, Frank McHugh, William Hartmut Haenchen’s visionary musical direction. This is a Prince, Joseph Buloff, Hans Yaray Ring to remember. 10 Minute Solution: Hot Body Carnegie Hall. In the tradition of Fantasia, Amadeus, and Boxed Sets, Music, Opera 1020min. Boot Camp Shine, Edgar G. Ulmer’s Carnegie Hall is an epic-length Kultur 26.08.2008 Fitness 55min. cinematic love letter to classical music. This was the first film 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077892 ever permitted to be shot at Carnegie Hall, which was Starz / Anchor Bay 05.08.2008 painstakingly restored to its original 1891 opening might 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077505 splendor for the production Actress Marsha Hunt said that Wagner: Die Walkure Carnegie Hall was „probably the most exciting film experience I’ve ever had.“ Although Hunt receives top billing, the real Die Walkure is the second part of Richard Wagner’s 10 Minute Solution: Pilates stars of the picture are the musicians: 2. Rise Stevens 3. Lily gargantuan tetralogy, Der Ring des Nibelungen. Pons 4. Ezio Pinza 5. Gregor Piatigorsky 6. Arthur Rubin- Music, Opera 259min. Perfect Body stein 7. Jan Peerce 8. the Vatican Choir 9. Harry James 10. Kultur 26.08.2008 and others conducted by , Bruno Walter Fitness, Pilates 56min. and Arthur Rodzinski! It took the filmmakers three years of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077880 Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 delicate scheduling to bring these luminaries together on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077502 screen. When Carnegie Hall was Later shown on TV, its 134 Wagner: Gotterdammerung minutes length had to be trimmed to accommodate commercials, so broadcasters cut out many of the dazzling musical In the fourth and final part of the epic cycle, Der Ring des 10 Minute Solution: Quick Tummy sequences. All Day Entertainment is proud to present the Nibelungen, the treachery and betrayal which leads to original, uncut edition of Carnegie Hall exclusively on DVD Siegfried’s death also heralds the downfall of the gods and Toners Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- the return of the gold to the Rhine. Fitness 56min. Music, Opera 268min. stral 1946 FF M 134min. Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 Kultur 26.08.2008 AllDay 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077503 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077882 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077518 14 Women Unwritten Law: Live And Lawless Wagner: Siegfried In the third part of the epic cycle, Der Ring des Nibelungen, Dir. Mary Lambert Unwritten Law’s Live And Lawless was filmed at the Key Club Siegfried pursues his path to manhood. As parental love Documentary, Independent Women, Politics in Los Angeles and features a set list packed with all of UL’s dissipates and is replaced by romantic love and desire, 2007 70min. greatest hits. Filmed by Devin Dehaven (Busta Ryhmes, Wagner reflects on the experience of human life and the fact Kingspade, Xibit, Papa Roach) used his unique approach of mortality. Screen Media Films 09.09.2008 which combines color and black and white footage along with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077445 a 5 camera crew. Classical Music, Music, Opera min. Music 2008 90min. Kultur 26.08.2008 Koch Releasing 08.07.2008 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077881 3 Little Wonders This trio of award-winning, age appropriate videos combines 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077647 lush, live-action visual imagery with beautiful music that Wagner: Tristan Und Isolde (Bar- enthralls and entertains young children while instilling an Giuseppe Verdi: La Traviata celona Opera House) appreciation for the world around us. For babies and toddlers 12 months and up- set to classical and original music, the Classical Music, DTS Audio, Music, Opera John Treleaven and Deborah Polaski lead an outstanding cast beauty and wonder of the natural world unfold in this live- 204min. in Wagner’s operatic tour de force based on the medieval action music video for the youngest viewers. Wheel Time voyager legend of Sir Tristan and Isolde, Princess of Ireland, Express 18 months and up- Combining fantasy with real-life TDK 29.07.2008 who unknowingly offers the knight a love potion in place of musical instruments, the Piccadilly Street Players create an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077274 the poison she had intended should kill them both. Bertrand de atmosphere of fun, excitement and wonder that will instill a Billy conducts the Symphony Orchestra and Chorus of the life-long love and enjoyment of music! Gran Teatre del Liceu in an acclaimed production, recorded in 52min. Der Vogelhander (The Bird sumptuous surround sound. Passion River 26.08.2008 Seller) Classical Music, Foreign, Opera, Russian 257min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077241 Classical Music, Music, Opera 132min. Kultur 29.07.2008 Qualiton Imports 29.07.2008 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077662 6 To 9: Peach Award Winners 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078359 Series Christoph Von Dohnanyi: In Who Own The Dance Floor: Rachel Elizabeth, Tylene Buck, Felicia Tang, Linda Tran, Christine Vinson, Lance Vance Rehearsal - Philharmonia Orche- Volume 2 Hosted by Platinum Kidz and features John Hype, Boyzie, - Dir. Jim Monroe stra Shelly Belly, Coppa, Atomic Dancers, Timeless, Belvue Kids Payback’s a bitch!. Meet Harry Ballcock, a man who has it Franz Joseph Haydn, Colin Wilson, Barrie and more. all. Money, power, prestige...and a bevy of beautiful female Music 60min. employees who would love nothing more than to see him dead. Gavin - Dir. Barrie Gavin Seems old Harry has built his vast empire on their sweat, Christoph Von Dohnanyi joins one of the world’s great Music Video Distribution hard work, and massive cleavage. And after years of lies and orchestras, the Philharmonia, for a performance of Haydn’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077546 sexual harassment, it’s time to get even. Join the sultry ladies „Symphony No. 88 in G“. This „In Rehearsal“ program allows of Ballcock Realty as they turn the tables on their lecherous cameras to witness the process of development of a new boss in a fun filled erotic chase through slimy swamps and relationship between an orchestra and its director. Dohnanyi Ralph Vaughan William’s: Riders deserted ghost towns. Watch as Harry encounters side- discusses his approach to rehearsals and his thoughts on To The Sea splitting situations, flying bullets, hostile vixens and sees his communicating with an orchestra. He also explores the most outrageous sexual fantasies come to life. Some lessons inexplicable chemistry that plays an essential part in the Riders to the Sea is Vaughan Williams’ most successful can only be learned the hard way and Harry is about to find relationship between a conductor and his musicians. operatic achievement. It is short, but musically and out... PAYBACK’S A BITCH! emotionally on a grand scale. The setting is the rugged and Choral Music, Classical Music, Music 1998 stormy west coast of Ireland, where Irish dramatist J.M. Peach DVD 2005 min. FF S 58min. Synge spent several summers, and where the primitive life of Red Dragon Releasing 15.07.2008 Image Ent. the inhabitants, whose existence depended almost entirely on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078437 the sea, provided him with the material for his great tragic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078164 play Riders to the Sea. Classical Music, Foreign, Music, Opera 8 Wheels And Some Soul Brotha’ Wagner: Das Rheingold 44min. Music Das Rheingold is the opening of this extraordinary production Kultur 26.08.2008 Documentary 2003 75min. of The Ring. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077878 Foreign, Music, Opera, Orchestral 205min. Indican Pictures 15.07.2008 Kultur 26.08.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077835

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078569 Family, Photography/Art min. Vito Acconci In Conversation At Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Acconci Studio, New York ActivityTV: Halloween - Volume 2 09.09.2008 Vito Acconci in Conversation at Acconci Studio, New York. Educational, Family, Holidays min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078560 Vito Acconci (born 1940) currently lives and works in New Echo Bridge Home Entertainment York. His early work took the form of fiction and poetry; his All Roads Film Festival: 5th last poems reduced words to indices of the writer’s and 30.09.2008 reader’s travel across the page. In the late 1960’s and the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078566 Anniversary Collection early 1970’s, his artworks used performance, photos, film and There are so many great stories that haven’t yet been told and video as instruments of self-analysis and person-to-person ActivityTV: Halloween - Volume 2 the All Roads Film Festival each year showcases the very relationships. His audio and video installations of the mid- best of these remarkable, little-known stories. Now in its 5th 1970’s turned exhibition-spaces into community meeting- (2-Pack) year, National Geographic continues its tradition to provide a places, and his architectural games of the early 1980’s made forum for breakthrough films from underrepresented minority performative spaces for viewers. In the mid 1980’s, his work 2 Packs, Educational, Family, Holidays min. cultures from around the world. This compelling new crossed over into architecture, landscape, and industrial Echo Bridge Home Entertainment collection takes the best of this year’s pictures which design, and in 1988 he started Acconci Studio, a 30.09.2008 interweave powerful, personal storytelling with unique theoretically-oriented design workshop. The studio treats cinematic perspectives. This 2-disc DVD release will architecture as an occasion for activity, making spaces fluid, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078570 coincide with the beginning of the festival’s tour in three changeable, and portable. major U.S. cities beginning in September. Documentary, Interview 2007 74min. ActivityTV: Halloween - Volume 3 Documentary, National Geographic min. Microcinema DVD 26.08.2008 Educational, Family, Holidays min. National Geographic 30.09.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078545 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077487 30.09.2008 ActivityTV: Be A Cheerleader - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078567 Amazing Cardio Combos With Volume 1 Rob Glick Sports, Family min. ActivityTV: Halloween - Volume 4 What’s amazing about these cardio combos from renowned Echo Bridge Home Entertainment instructor Rob Glick? You get to choose from a complete Educational, Family, Holidays min. dance-inspired hi/lo workout - the kind that has earned Rob 09.09.2008 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment his international reputation as a creative force in the fitness 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078553 30.09.2008 industry - or a complete step workout packed with exhilarating choreography just like you find in Rob’s live 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078568 classes. Along with his cast of inspiring fitness ActivityTV: Cartooning - Volume 1 professionals, Rob’s welcoming approach will encourage you Family, Photography/Art min. ActivityTV: Halloween - Complete to embrace your own unique movement style and get the most Echo Bridge Home Entertainment out of every minute. Both of these workouts make burning Collection calories easy and fun. An innovative warm up kicks you off, 09.09.2008 Boxed Sets, Educational, Family, Holidays and then you can choose which workout to do: Hi/Lo one day 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078555 and Step the next. Or perform both workouts back-to-back for min. a true cardio blast! A wonderful cool-down follows to wrap it Echo Bridge Home Entertainment all up. ActivityTV: Cooking Fun Snacks - 30.09.2008 Fitness, Health 84min. Volume 1 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078571 Bayview Entertainment 02.09.2008 Cooking, Educational, Family min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078322 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment ActivityTV: Juggling - Volume 1 09.09.2008 Family min. Ambient Flowers 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078564 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Collections 121min. 09.09.2008 Madacy 12.08.2008 ActivityTV: Family Crafts & Gifts - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078561 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078347 Volume 1 Family min. ActivityTV: Let’s Make Jewelry! - American Biker Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Volume 1 Documentary 160min. Passion River 05.08.2008 09.09.2008 Educational, Family, Jewelry min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077695 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078554 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 09.09.2008 ActivityTV: Fun With Puppets - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078562 American Dream, American Volume 1 Nightmare Family, Puppets min. ActivityTV: Magic Tricks - Volume Documentary, Politics min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 1 A&E 26.08.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077386 09.09.2008 Magic, Family min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078557 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 09.09.2008 American Slapstick: Vol. 2 ActivityTV: Fun With Science - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078556 Comedy, Short Film Collections, Slapstick Volume 1 440min. Facets Video 22.07.2008 Educational, Family, Science min. ActivityTV: Making & Flying Pa- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077711 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment per Airplanes! - Volume 1 09.09.2008 Transportation, Educational, Family min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078558 America’s Railroads Box Set Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Relive the thrill of journeying aboard old-time passenger cars 09.09.2008 and watching the changing American landscape as you trace ActivityTV: Halloween - Volume 1 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078563 the colorful histories and the actual operation of our nation’s great rail lines. Step aboard the New York, New Haven & Educational, Family, Holidays min. Hartford’s famous „Yankee Clipper,“ and a New York Central Echo Bridge Home Entertainment ActivityTV: My Own Room! - Steam train pulled by a mighty Hudson locomotive. Witness 30.09.2008 Volume 1 the Pennsy’s world-class trains that set new operating 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078565 standards, and the elegance and service of early rail travel Family, Home Improvement min. on the Baltimore & Ohio. Then head westward behind the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment powerful locos of the Southern Pacific, and learn how the ActivityTV: Halloween - Volume 1 steam engine and four Sacromento merchants created a major 09.09.2008 transportation empire after a golden spike united East and (2-Pack) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078559 West in an epic rairoading achievement. 2 Packs, Educational, Family, Holidays min. Documentary 2000 FF S 420min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment ActivityTV: Origami, Fun With Pa- Image Ent. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078118 30.09.2008 per! - Volume 1

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

America’s Wildest Bachelor Par- Balthus: Through The Looking Church Street Station Opening Ain’t Nothing Like A Woman - Dottie West A Lesson in Leavin’ - Dottie West Hottest „Ex“ In ties Glass Texas - Becky Hobbs Oklahoma Heart - Becky Hobbs Stan- Do you think you know what goes on at bachelor parties? Foreign, French 72min. dard Lie Number One - Stella Parton The Danger Of A Stran- Wrong!. Americas Wildest Bachelor Parties. America’s ger - Stella Parton Total Woman - Jeannie C. Riley Harper Wildest Bachelor Parties. Facets Video 26.08.2008 Valley P.T.A. - Jeannie C. Riley Wall Of Tears - Gus Hardin Erotica 2002 FF S 58min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077754 All Tangled Up In Love - Gus Hardin Nobody - Sylvia min. First Look Home Entertainment K-Tel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078175 Georg Baselitz 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078233 Foreign, German 97min. Facets Video 26.08.2008 Ancient Altered States Big Sean Allen: Superhuman Bo- Documentary, Religion/Spirituality min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077753 A&E 26.08.2008 dybuilding Beauty In A Jar This dynamic documentary look at NPC North American 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077384 finalist Big Sean Allan began filming in January 2007 during Documentary min. his off-season training when Sean’s body weight was 300 Ancient Mysteries: Reincarnation A&E 26.08.2008 pounds. Filming resumed in August 2007, just three weeks before the 2007 Mr. Olympia competition and you will witness Documentary, History Channel, Religion/ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077387 Big Sean’s transformation and colossal strength as he Spirituality min. performs 500-pound bench presses with strict form. Without a Best Motoring: Super Collection II doubt, Big Sean has built an incredible physique that many A&E 26.08.2008 bodybuilders dream of as he prepares to become a major force 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077383 min. in the PRO and IFBB scene. Image Ent. Documentary, Fitness 65min. Arctic Mission: The Great tba BestellNr.: 40078240 Bayview Entertainment 12.08.2008 Adventure 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078310 Collections min. The Best Of Barney Madacy 29.07.2008 Dinosaurs, Preschool 2008 59min. Binge & Purge 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077359 Hit Entertainment 09.09.2008 Super-Model Cannibals!. Coming Soon! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077276 min. Sub Rosa Studios Art Of Bellydance For Beginners: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078206 Arabian Sands With Paulina The Best Of Kent Hrbek: Season 1 Instructional Dance, Bellydance, Dancing - Volume 1 Biography: Barack Obama Fishing min. 97min. Biography, Documentary 47min. Madacy 08.07.2008 Bayview Entertainment 26.08.2008 A&E 05.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077826 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078320 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077243

Art Of Bellydance For Beginners: The Best Of Too Much For TV: Biography: John McCain Desert Dreams With Paulina Sexiest Scenes Biography, Documentary 47min. This past season on Too Much For TV, we learned a lot: #1: Instructional Dance, Bellydance, Dancing People like to talk dirty, #2: Girls like to play dirty! We’re A&E 05.08.2008 97min. paying homage to all the people who helped us rise to the top! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077244 Bayview Entertainment 26.08.2008 It’s a retrospective, a tribute...OK...it’s just a brilliant excuse to check out all those hot babes one more time. In this edition 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078319 of Too Much For TV, our outrageous awards include Breast Black Coffee Supporting Role, Best Solo, Duo and Ensemble Cast. There’s Canadian, Documentary, Foreign 2005 Art Of Exotic Dancing: Ultimate also a revealing Best Dressed list and our favorite, Best Original Scream-Play. It’s real, raw and extremely 174min. Striptease uncensored. It’s The Best of Too Much For TV: Sexiest BFS 22.07.2008 If you dream of becoming a professional dancer, want to tone Scenes, hosted by sexpert Scott Potasnik, featuring the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077925 and shape your body, or just want to spice up your love life, hottest moments from the sexiest Pay-Per-View shows. With the Ultimate Striptease 3 DVD set is the definitive way to 11 shows, 33 girls and 77 sex-a-licious scenes behind us, achieve your goals. If you are already a professional dancer deciding who’s the best wasn’t easy - but as you will see, Lewis Black’s Root Of All Evil and are looking to take your show to the next level, this we’re committed to trying! Lewis Black Reality min. program will help you to create that knockout performance! Comedy, Comedy Central 2008 176min. Created and hosted by Fawnia Mondey, Canada’s award- Mantra Films 12.08.2008 Comedy Central 30.09.2008 winning exotic dancer, The Ultimate Striptease 3 DVD Set 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077970 provides you with all of the step-by-step instruction you’ll 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077962 need to spice up your performance and enhance your love life! These DVDs will provide the exotic dancer with the ability to The Best Of Tromadance Film Fe- give everyone the dance they came for and provide all others Boats Out Of Watermelon Rinds with the secrets to treating your lover right and seduce them stival: Volume 5 Foreign, Turkish 101min. over and over again! You’ll flow with the music that will help Tromadance is the first film festival wholeheartedly devoted to to fuel your „Inner Sexual Goddess“, which they will learn to filmmakers and film fans. Unlike every other film festival, Facets Video 26.08.2008 worship. The Ultimate Striptease 3 DVD set is a video series Tromadance does not charge filmmakers to submit their films, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077758 designed to help you enhance your performance with visual nor charges an entry fee for public screenings or has special electric energy. VIP reservations or preferential treatement regarding films, Instructional Dance, Dancing, Erotic Dan- panels or parties of any kind given. Taking place at the same Bombs Away cing 145min. time as Sundance in Park City, Utah, Tromadance has Sound the air raid sirens and head for the fallout shelters! established itself as the truly independent alternative that Peach DVD is about stage a full on attack. An unrelenting Bayview Entertainment 19.08.2008 gives art back to the people! Tromadance features a range of assault of the most gorgeous and voluptuous female forms you 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078314 films made independently, usually without big stars and big are likely to ever see. Prepare to be bombarded by luscious money, and far away from the Hollywood studio system. double Ds, cleavage for miles and boobalicious wonders. This Tromadance selections have been made with passion, DVD is jam packed with everything a true breast man could ATL Unplugged: Part 3 courage, integrity and raw talent. ever ask for and so much more. Look out below!...it’s Bombs 60min. Cult Film / TV, Short Film Collections Away!! Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 120min. Peach DVD min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077619 Troma Team Video 26.08.2008 Red Dragon Releasing 12.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077529 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078434 Backyard Wrestling Super Bonus 3 Pack Beyond Tomorrow (Woodhaven) Booty 101: The Forbidden Dances Includes: Me So Horny-The C’Mon Babe „Doo Sports, Backyard Wrestling, Boxed Sets, 118min. Doo Brown version“-The 2 Live Crew I Wanna Rock „Doo Shockumentary, Wrestling/Fighting min. Woodhaven Doo Brown version“-Luke Dance All Night-Poison Clan 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078220 Shake Whatcha’ Mama Gave Ya’-Poison Clan Wiggle Wiggle- BCI 26.08.2008 Disco Rock & the Wolf Pack The Hop-Luke Move Somethin’- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077512 The 2 Live Crew Do the Bart-The 2 Live Crew Pop that Big Hair Country Pxssy-The 2 Live Crew Do the Damn Thing-The 2 Live Crew

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Work It Out-Luke Mega Mix-The 2 Live Crew Mega Mix-Luke Russian Sexy Fitness Models 1996 FF S 60min. Fitness 30min. Chicago 10 Lil’ Joe Records, Inc. Bayview Entertainment 19.08.2008 Dir. Brett Morgen tba BestellNr.: 40078204 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078317 From Brett Morgen, director of The Kid Stays In The Picture, comes a highly-stylized and wildly original documentary film, Booty Summer Party 2003 chronicling the real-life events surrounding the anti-war Bubba Raw: Vol. 1 protest of the 1968 Democratic National Convention held in Includes: Do Wah Diddy-The 2 Live Crew Breakdown Rave Chicago and the charismatic protest organizers brought to Mix-Luke It’s Your Birthday-Luke Banned In the USA-The 2 Comedy, Shockumentary 2008 min. trial by the city. Told through a visually-arresting animation Live Crew The Real One-The 2 Live Crew & Ice Action- Triumph Marketing 29.07.2008 style and a bold use of archival footage and music, Chicago Poison Clan Everybody Say Yeah-Lejuan Love Pick It Up- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078441 10 channels yesterday’s voices for peace in a manner that Home Team You Go Girl-The New 2 Live Crew Mama Juanita- speaks peace for today. The 2 Live Crew Hxll Yeah-The New 2 Live Crew Put Shxt Documentary, Politics 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 Past No Ho’-Poison Clan 2 Live Party-The 2 Live Crew Bump!: Australia featuring KC from KC and the Sunshine Band & Freak Nasty 90min. Where Them Ho’s At-Luke Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Gay / Paramount Pictures 26.08.2008 1996 FF S 60min. Lesbian Interest, International TV min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077953 Lil’ Joe Records, Inc. Alluvial 08.07.2008 tba BestellNr.: 40078205 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077602 Cirque Du Soleil: Corteo (Blu-ray) Cirque du Soleil? presents Corteo. Juxtaposing the ridiculous Anthony Bourdain: No Reservat- Bump!: Canada with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, Corteo reveals the strength and fragility of a ions - Collection 3 Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Gay / clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the Anthony Bourdain Lesbian Interest, International TV min. portion of humanity that is within each of us. Corteo. In a food-obsessed world, best-selling author Anthony Alluvial 14.10.2008 Comedy, Dancing, Fantasy, Performing Arts Bourdain stands apart as the consummate culinary adventurer. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077605 2005 Ltbx 101min. This globe-trotting hedonist known as the „gastronomic Indiana Jones“ scrupulously explores a locale’s cuisine like Sony Pictures Home Entertainment no other TV traveler - in this all-new, complete Season 3 Bump!: Eastern Europe 02.09.2008 collection, he nibbles caviar and goes clubbing in Moscow, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078295 samples the finest Thai Town noodles in Los Angeles, Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Gay / investigates rumors of cannibalism and tests hangover Lesbian Interest, International TV min. antidotes in French Polynesia and so much more. Russia: Alluvial 02.09.2008 Civilization Tony and his guide, Zamir, enjoy some shopping and a hearty 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077604 „Mankinds journey from cave to computer“. With sound’s and meal of shashlyk, (a cousin of the kabob), stop to take in the visions drawn from the world’s enormous library, Civilization grandeur of the Red Square and meet a former spy who was releases their eagerly-awaited second opus. This self-titled known to infiltrate the enemy lines and is now infamous Bump!: Massachusetts effort ushers the arrival of a new voice, with ten new tracks throughout Russia. Los Angeles: Anthony cruises the city’s fueled by a throbbing millennial pulse. The first DVD single fringes in a vintage Royale, visits L.A. institution Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Gay / from Civilization is Save Our Souls, an energized slice of Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles for fried chicken, waffles, Lesbian Interest, International TV min. hard-hitting dance beats cross-pollinated with the undeniable grits and chicken livers; rolls with the punches in a private Alluvial 08.07.2008 bulls-eye of a Fenix vocal effort, and the tribal memories of lesson with the L.A. Derby Dolls; and enjoys fresh goat tacos ancient dreams. All in all, a classic example of global soul. in historic Boyle Heights. New York: After a traditional 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077603 Russian Music FF DD 5.1 45min. Slingshot Cooking 2007 Ltbx 16x9 S 538min. Bump!: Roman/Greek Holiday Discovery Channel 05.08.2008 tba BestellNr.: 40078254 Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Gay / 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078418 Lesbian Interest, International TV min. Scott Cole: Best Abs On Earth Alluvial 06.01.2009 Breaking The Maya Code Join Scott Cole and Tom Seabourne in an action-packed full- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077606 body core workout that burns fat, defines your muscles and For almost 2000 years, the ancient Maya of Central America redefines abdominal training through martial arts drills, cardio recorded their history and ideas in an intricate and beautiful interval training, yoga poses and gymnastic strength and hieroglyphic script, carved on stone monuments and painted Bump!: Spain flexibility exercises. Featured in the Wall Street Journal for on pottery and bark-paper books. Then, in the 16th century, Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Gay / his unique blend of martial and healing arts, Scott Cole brings Spanish invaders burned their books and ruthlessly fitness and wellness to all audiences. You may know Scott extinguished hieroglyphic literacy. By the 18th century, when Lesbian Interest, International TV min. from his guest appearances on The View, LIVE with Regis & stone inscriptions were discovered buried in the jungles of Alluvial 11.11.2008 Kelly, , CNN Headline News, Soap Talk, E!, Central America, no one on earth could read them. Breaking 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077607 The Food Network, and HGTV. Named one of the Top 5 The Maya Code is the story of the 200-year struggle to Fitness Instructors in the world by IDEA, Scott is the creator unlock the secrets of the hieroglyphs. Based on archaeologist of the Discover Tai Chi, Millennium Stretch, and Get Fit Michael Coe’s book, called by The New York Times „one of Busty Bombshells: Volume 1 America for Kids series. Traveling to over 30 countries the great stories of twentieth century scientific discovery,“ If you like busty hotties, then you have hit the tit jackpot! Here worldwide as a top speaker, presenter, motivator and and filmed in nine countries, this amazing detective story is choreographer, Scott’s goal is to „increase wellness literacy.“ filled with false leads, rivalries and colliding personalities. It are some of the best tits in the biz for this wild girl-on-girl takes us from the jungles of Guatemala to the bitter cold of action! Kandi Cook and Echo Valley star. This title carries a Fitness, Health 60min. Russia, from ancient Maya temples to the dusty libraries of parental advisory. Bayview Entertainment 05.08.2008 Dresden and Madrid. The heroes of the story are an 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077943 extraordinary and diverse group of men and women: linguists Shami Production 22.07.2008 and mathematicians, artists and adventurers, arche 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077828 Documentary 2007 116min. Scott Cole: Tai Chi Training First Run Features 16.09.2008 Tai Chi, Fitness, Martial Arts 60min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078364 Busty Bombshells: Volume 2 Bayview Entertainment 02.09.2008 If you like busty hotties, then you have hit the tit jackpot! Here are some of the best tits in the biz for this wild girl-on-girl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078321 Breathtaking Erotic: Volume 1 - action! Kayla Quinn and Misty Knights star. This title carries a parental advisory. Chris Cormier: Real Deal Body- Russian Sexy Fitness Models 108min. Introducing sexy, wild Russian babes in never seen before Shami Production 22.07.2008 building erotic action - the Breathtaking Erotic Series Volume 1 is Four-time Iron Man Pro Invitational winner Chris Cormier - something you’ll never forget. Witness six extraordinary 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077829 with 20 years of competitive bodybuilding experience - ignites fitness goddesses in this amazing footage as they pose for the a masterpiece of muscle-packed action in this incredible camera almost as if they’re posing just for you! Just the sight The Case For Faith documentary. Chris Cormier (a.k.a. the Real Deal) is one of of these gorgeous beauties wearing sexy lingerie will get you the most popular bodybuilders of our time and takes you inside sweating, your pulse will go up and you don’t have to move a Religion/Spirituality, Documentary Ltbx S his ultimate bodybuilding lifestyle before and after the 2004 muscle. Their toned bodies will have you begging for more 79min. Mr. Olympia competition. You’ll observe the hardcore from the very beginning and all you have to do is watch from workouts at the Mecca of Bodybuilding - Gold’s Gym in your favorite couch. Get ready... you’re in for the adventure of Lionsgate 02.09.2008 Venice, California - just days before the most anticipated your life. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077228 bodybuilding show of the year. Take a sneak peek with Chris Fitness 60min. at the chiropractor’s office and join him for shopping on Bayview Entertainment 19.08.2008 Cavallo In Jail Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078316 Documentary, Fitness 70min. Foreign, Mexican 50min. Bayview Entertainment 12.08.2008 Facets Video 26.08.2008 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078312 Breathtaking Erotic: Volume 2 - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077757

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Cream Pies: Home Alone (Juicy flash of light. In less than a few seconds, a massive mountain And that’s just what we did when we sat down with the award top slips from its perch of a thousand years. Within a minute winning Peach directors Jim Monroe (Crusin’ Jennaville, Plum) the mountain’s snowy blanket has unwrapped itself and Hotel Decadence, Alley Dogs) and The Dirty Partnership Have you ever wondered what girls do if you leave them obliterated everything in it’s path. Never before has the true (Lesbionage, Look of Passion, Roller Booty). We asked them alone??? Stop wondering and experience all of the pleasures fury and power of the avalanche been captured on film. In for their choices for a directors cut edition DVD and also to with them! This title carries a parental advisory. Deadly Beauty: Snow’s Secret Life, filmmakers risked life and give us a little commentary on the scenes they selected. The limb to photograph the most awesome display of icy result is some of the most scintillating and bulge inducing 98min. devastation. This spectacular 90-minute documentary includes scenes Peach has ever released. This is the best of the best, Shami Production 22.07.2008 interviews with scientists and never-before-seen footage to stunning sets, lush locations, and of course, some of the most 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077827 provide an incomparable visceral and educational experience gorgeous women in the world. Peach is proud to present The contrasting the destructive chaos of the avalanche with the Director’s Cut. geometric precision and brilliance of the snowflake. Deadly Peach DVD min. Cream Pies: Schoolgirls (Juicy Beauty: Snow’s Secret Life explores snow’s multitude of formations as scientists explain the recklessly random events Red Dragon Releasing 22.07.2008 Plum) that must occur to create each of these apparitions of deadly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078440 13 of the hottest baddest schoolgirls are here to show you beauty known as the avalanche. what they do if no one’s watching. Cherry Poppens and Amber 2001 FF DD 5.1 90min. The Directors: John McTiernan Peach star. This title carries a parental advisory. Image Ent. 105min. Dir. Robert J. Emery 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078107 Shami Production 22.07.2008 Profiles Of Today’s Most Acclaimed Hollywood Directors. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077824 John McTiernan has directed only a handful of feature films, Declassified: Human yet those films have established him as one of the industry’s foremost directors of action/adventure movies. His work has Sidney Crosby: On The Ice And Experimentation gained him a worldwide following, significant critical acclaim Documentary, History Channel min. and has set the standard for an entire genre of films. His work Beyond includes Predator, Last Action Hero, The Hunt for Red A&E 26.08.2008 Sidney Crosby October, Die Hard, Die Hard With A Vengeance and The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077373 Thomas Crown Affair. Actors and collaborators that have Sports, Biography, Hockey, NHL 2008 min. worked with McTiernan and are interviewed here include Warner Bros. (TM) 07.10.2008 Alec Baldwin, James Earl Jones, Carl Weathers, Bruce 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077904 : In Search Of Willis and many more. The Real Frankenstein Documentary, Pop Culture 1997 FF S 55min. Wellspring Documentary, History Channel, Mystery Crusade In The Pacific 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078268 From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima, witness the entire dramatic min. saga of WWII in the Pacific in never before seen detail on A&E 26.08.2008 this unforgettable collection of the horrors and the triumphs of The Directors: Rob Reiner the most brutal war in history. A wealth of footage has been 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077374 compiled on five DVDs detailing every devastating combat Dir. Robert J. Emery from Manchuria to the Philippines. Get a soldier’s eye view of Democracy And Disappointment: Profiles Of Today’s Most Acclaimed Hollywood Directors. the battles through spectacular footage taken at sea, in the air Rob Reiner has carved out a brilliant career as top Holly- and in the unforgiving jungles of the Pacific Rim. Follow the On The Politics Of Resistance - wood director and before that as a succesful actor. He grew rise of the Japanese empire; the day America was spurned up in show business and his movies show it. His movies into war by the attack on Pearl Harbor, the devastation of the Alain Badiou And Simon include Ghosts OF Mississippi, A Few Good Men, The atom bomb and the trill of VJ Day. The entire conflict is Critchley In Converstation Princees Bride, This Is Spinal Tap, Stand By Me and The covered in over 10 memorable hours of stirring footage. Story Of Us. Actors and collaborators who have worked with Accompanied by a stunning booklet further detailing the Democracy and Disappointment. Alain Badiou (1937) taught Reiner that are interviewed here include , Billy brutality of the battles, complete with rare photos, Crusade in philosophy at the University of Paris VIII from 1969 until 1999, Crystal, John Cusack, Micheal J. Fox, Meg Ryan, James the Pacific is a must for any WWII enthusiast. and then at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS). Much of Woods and many more. Badiou’s life has been shaped by his dedication to the Documentary, Pop Culture 1997 FF S 55min. War, World War II, Boxed Sets, consequences of events of May 1968. Long a leading member Documentary 2005 FF S 600min. of Union des jeunesses communistes de France (marxistes- Wellspring Madacy 24.06.2008 léninistes), he remains with Sylvain Lazarus and Natacha 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078242 Michel at the center of L’Organisation Politique, a post-party 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077413 organization concerned with direct popular intervention in a wide range of issues (including immigration, labor, and The Directors: Ron Howard Dali In New York housing). He is the author of several successful novels and Dir. Robert J. Emery plays as well as more than a dozen philosophical works. In Profiles Of Today’s Most Acclaimed Hollywood Directors. Salvador Dali - Dir. Jack Bond the 1980s, Badiou published a series of technical and abstract Mention the name Ron Howard and most people think of „Opie Filmmaker Jack Bond and Salvador Dali got together at philosophical works such as Théorie du sujet (1982), and his Taylor“ or „Richie Cunningham.“ As proud as Ron Howard Christmas 1965 to make Dali In New York, a highly magnum opus, Being and Event (1988). In the last decade, an has a right to be about his popular acting achievements, he entertaining film. Dali devoted two weeks of his life to increasing number of Badiou’s works have been translated has gone on to even greater fame as a first-rate feature film creating extraordinary scenes for the film, performing into English, such as Ethics, Deleuze, Manifesto for director of such hits as Ransom, Apollo 13, Edtv, Parenthood, „manifestations“ with a plaster cast. A thousand ants and one Philosophy, and Metapolitics. Simon Critchley (1960) is Backdraft, Splash, and Night Shift. Actors, family and million dollars in cash. When he confronts the feminist writer, Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social collaborators that have worked with Howard and are Jane Arden, sparks fly. „You are my Slave! I am not your Research, New interviewed here include Kevin Bacon, Brian Grazer, Tom slave. Everybody is my slave.“ Dali recalls his meeting with Documentary, Interview, Politics 2007 Hanks, Clint Howard, Daryl Hannah, Michael Keaton and Freud, „The last human relationship ever“ About his wife, ‘But many more. for Gala I would be lying in a gutter somewhere covered with 105min. lice“ Jim Desmond’s dazzling cinematography captures the Microcinema DVD 26.08.2008 Documentary, Pop Culture 1997 FF S 55min. great artist painting as Flamenco virtuoso Manitas de Plata 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078546 Wellspring performs. Dali in New York is a rare treat for anyone who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078269 loves film and the living theatre of Dali’s surreal universe. Documentary, Photography/Art 1966 57min. Denise’s Best Belly Fat-Blasters Microcinema DVD 26.08.2008 Denise Austin The Directors: 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077906 Fitness min. Liam Neeson, Jeff Goldblum, Roy Scheider, Lionsgate 16.09.2008 Laura Dern, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Dancing With The Stars: Latin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077417 Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley Profiles Of Today’s Most Acclaimed Hollywood Directors. A Cardio Dance man whose films have almost single-handedly revolutionized ABC’s Dancing With The Stars continues to dazzle audiences Dick: The Devil Dared Me To the motion picture industry, Steven Spielberg is perhaps as well as trim waistlines with the power of dance. Join pro Comedy 2007 77min. Hollywood’s most celebrated director of the modern era. His dancers Cheryl and Maks and dance yourself slim with four name, when associated with any film, automatically signifies sizzling and sexy Latin dance routines that feature some of Vivendi Visual Entertainment 12.08.2008 the highest level of quality and entertainment value. A two- the best fat-burning moves from the show. And because these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077938 time Academy Award winner for „Best Director,“ Spielberg hot Latin dances share many signature steps, you will find it has directed such contemporary classics as Jaws, Close easier to follow along. You’ll also get a specialized toning Encounters of the Third Kind, The Indiana Jones Trilogy, E.T. workout that dancers use to sculpt and lengthen their Diplomats For The Damned the Extra-Terrestrial, The Color Purple, Jurassic Park, muscles. So get dancing and get in the best shape of your life! Schindler’s List, Amistad and Saving Private Ryan. Actors War, World War II, Documentary, History who discuss Spielberg’s mastery of his craft include Laura Dancing, Fitness, Latin 60min. Channel, Politics min. Dern, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Jeff Lionsgate 16.09.2008 A&E 26.08.2008 Goldblum, Ben Kingsley, Liam Neeson and Roy Scheider. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077416 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077375 Documentary, Pop Culture 1999 FF S 60min. Wellspring Deadly Beauty: Snow’s Secret Director’s Cut 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077579 Life Where do you go if you are searching for the hottest, sexiest A Documentary By Steve Kroschel. A low rolling thunder. A Peach DVD scenes ever put on film? You go to the source. The Directors: Sydney Pollack

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Robert J. Emery, Robert J. Emery, Robert J. Yoga, Fitness 64min. 60min. Emery - Dir. Robert J. Emery Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 Music Video Distribution 11.12.2008 Profiles Of Today’s Most Acclaimed Hollywood Directors. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077501 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077569 Sydney Pollack’s films have received 46 Academy award nominations, including four for Best Picture. Pollack himself has been nominated three times and was awarded an Oscar Element: Pilates Weight Loss For Future By Design for his direction of Out Of Africa. He began his directing Beginners Future By Design. The film explores Fresco’s world of the career in 1965 and has gone on to direct such blockbusters future, where scientific method, not politics, rules world as They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, The Way We Were, The Fitness, Pilates 51min. operations, and all human activities and efforts are directed Electric Horseman, Tootsie and many more. Actors and Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 towards achieving dynamic equilibrium between man and collaborators who have worked with him and reminisce about nature. Future By Design. Jacque Fresco is an outspoken and Pollack include Paul Newman, Cliff Robertson, Meryl Streep, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077500 immediately likable character who’s radical and sometimes Sally Field, Harrison Ford, and others. irreverent ideas are sure to draw both praise and Documentary, Pop Culture 1997 FF S 55min. Oleg Emelyanov: Russian controversy. Wellspring Documentary 2006 90min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078244 Predator Bodybuilding Microcinema DVD 29.07.2008 An inspiring story of Russian national bodybuilding champion Oleg Emelyanov, who lost his motivation for training and was 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077675 The Directors: William Friedkin brought by his friend to a freezing Cold War underground gym in the middle of Siberia, Russia. Watch Oleg’s Herculean Game Breakers: The Stars Of Ma- Robert J. Emery, Robert J. Emery, Robert J. physique struggle under mind blowing weights, exhausting Emery - Dir. Robert J. Emery jogs in the snow and learning to survive in the frozen jor League Soccer Profiles Of Today’s Most Acclaimed Hollywood Directors. wilderness. Discover the secrets to his incredible training William Friedkin has directed seventeen feature films, all of routine and nutritional regimen. Also included is bonus Sports, Documentary, Soccer 68min. which have inspired audiences in one way or another. footage of Oleg in various stages of pumping up before posing A&E 26.08.2008 Friedkin has never been one to shy away from controversial at the top of the icy slopes of a mountain. Watch one of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077259 material as evidenced by films such as The Exorcist, The today’s greatest Russian physiques in breathtaking close-ups French Connection, Cruising, Jade, Blue Chips and Rules of and full body posing! Engagement. Actors and collaborators that reminisce about Weight Lifting, Fitness, Health 80min. Game Show Moments Gone working with this Academy Award winning director include David Caruso, Michael Biehn, Linda Fiorentino and Chazz Bayview Entertainment 22.07.2008 Bananas! Palminteri. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077772 Variety / Game Shows, Comedy min. Documentary, Pop Culture 1995 FF S 60min. BCI 23.09.2008 Wellspring The Extraordinary Voyages Of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078523 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077531 Jules Verne Biography, Documentary min. Gate Basics: How To Build & Discover Alaska: The Great Repnet 15.07.2008 Install A Gate Outdoors 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077479 Home Improvement 97min. Collections min. CAV 19.08.2008 Madacy 29.07.2008 Fan Of The Dead 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077646 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077358 Documentary, Film About Film 60min. Music Video Distribution 29.07.2008 Ghetto Brawls: Queen Of The Dr. Wildlust & The Factory Of Sins 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078522 Hood 2 Far off in a secret laboratory, a „mad“ scientist has perfected the ability to construct the perfect female form, aka: the hottest Fighting, Shockumentary 70min. babes on the planet! This genius of creation has given life to The Fight For The White House: BCI 19.08.2008 some of the most seductive sex kittens a man could ever Special Edition dream of. And with this DVD, you can be the next lucky visitor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077412 to her Factory of Sins. A place where every mans greatest Documentary, Politics, Special Editions fantasies come to life! The doctor will create a special woman 164min. Ghost Hunters: Best Of Volume 1 just for you, but YOU will be the one who dictates her St. Clair Entertainment 01.07.2008 personality. Choose wisely and your girl will provide you with And Volume 2 the utmost in sensual pleasures. But choose unwisely, and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077746 well...let’s just say you may regret it. It’s an experience not Ghosts, Reality min. for the faint of heart, but one you won’t want to miss. First Look Home Entertainment 16.09.2008 Peach DVD min. The Firm: 5 lb. Kettlebell Kit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077898 Red Dragon Releasing 15.07.2008 Boxed Sets, Fitness min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078438 Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 Ghost Hunters: Live From The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077914 Waverley Sanitorium : The First Modern The Firm: Dangerous Curves Ghosts, Reality min. Sculptor First Look Home Entertainment 02.09.2008 Donatello was one of Europe’s greatest sculptors. His strong Ahead 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077897 portrayal of human character and expressive style make his Fitness min. work as appealing today as it was revolutionary in his Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 lifetime. Shot on location in Florence, Siena, Venice, Padua Ghost Stories: Volume 1 and London, this program reveals the artist’s inventive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077916 techniques. Modern sculptors Elisabeth Frink, Peter Thrillers, Documentary, Ghosts, Science Rockwell and Henry Moore comment on the superb effects, Fiction min. brilliance and detail of Donatello’s work. The Firm: Power Ball Kit Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 1986 FF M 85min. Boxed Sets, Fitness min. 02.09.2008 Image Ent. Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078513 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078134 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077915 Girls Gone Wild: Girls On Girls 2 Easter In Bunnyland The Firm: Pump, ‘N Jab If you thought the all-girl action couldn’t get any hotter, Guess min. Fitness min. Again! The most hands-on ladies in the world are back and looking to up the ante in Girls Gone Wild: Girls On Girls 2! Delta Entertainment Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 And this time around, anything goes! Check out the hot action 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078202 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077917 as a duo of blonde cheerleaders openly share their first time together. Of course, if for some reason the cheer squad doesn’t make your personal cut, then feast your eyes on an Ebony Beauties The Firm: Sculpt-ilates orgasmic all-nude romp 20 stories up with two girls who min. Fitness, Pilates min. certainly aren’t afraid of heights...or anything else for that matter! And remember, you can always count on a friend, BCI 09.09.2008 Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 especially when three girlfriends come together in a wild orgy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078533 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077918 that could only be contained by the Girls Gone Wild Bus! Given the way they go at it, this is one bus ride that ain’t stopping anytime soon! If all that’s not enough, there are Element: AM & PM Yoga For French Wrestling 2 plenty of bikini babes and D-Cup cuties to take care of you, Beginners Semi-nude matches feature Sana vs. Angy, Nadege vs. though not before taking care of each other first! It’s a second Laetitia, Nadege vs. Angy, and Xana vs. Laetitia. heaping helping of the ultimate male fantasy, in Girls Gone

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Wild: Girls On Girls 2! The universe’s biggest corporate conglomerate deploys a Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Girls Gone Wild 2008 FF S min. wicked warship with the menacing mission of destroying all forms of life on Ganymede. The fate of the universe lies in 30.09.2008 Mantra Films 08.07.2008 your heroic hands - you choose our heroes’ path to deathly 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078516 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077833 destruction or to safety! FF DD 5.1 45min. The Heart Of Steel Girls Gone Wild: Sex In Sin City Slingshot The internationally acclaimed documentary about everyday Las Vegas seems innocent during the day, but when the lights tba BestellNr.: 40078252 people taking on the extraordinary task to volunteer in the go down, the sins of Sin City are exposed and so much more! aftermath of September 11th. On America’s worst day, After all, „The Strip“ got its name for a reason, and in Girls America’s best responded. Ordinary people dedicated Gone Wild: Sex In Sin City, you’ll find out why! Come and Great Chefs, Great Cities themselves to the largest rescue and recovery mission ever take a chance with a sexy game of brunette roulette and see Cookbook mounted on U.S. soil. Hear their stories, feel their courage for yourself just where the ball drops. And if table games and understand that these volunteers shaped the course of aren’t your style, there are plenty of other ways to go wild in Watch America’s Great Chefs In Action!. Feast your eyes on history and wrote a new chapter in the story of 9/11. the entertainment capital of the world, evident by the tall dishes that are both delicious and beautifully presented. Terrorism, 9/11, Documentary 54min. blonde hottie streaking through her hotel hallways. Even the Whether you prefer the exotic or the simply sumptuous, Great taxis can’t escape the sin, as one luscious cab-cutie puts on Chefs, Great Cities offers a unique opportunity to sample a Passion River 26.08.2008 her poker face and doubles down downstairs, that is! What cooking cross-section from some of the most talented chefs in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078572 happens in Las Vegas always used to stay in Las Vegas. the country. Start your next dinner party serving Stone-Crab Fortunately for you, Girls Gone Wild changed that and Salad with Baby Tomato Confit as prepared by Chef Marc brought some cameras along to record the adventure. See the Lippman of Miami Beach’s Raleigh Hotel or delve into Chef Heckler sexy sins for yourself, in Girls Gone Wild: Sex In Sin City! Jacques Torres’ Gateau Chocolat Fondant as featured in New York’s famed Le Cirque 2000 restaurant. Whatever you Dir. Michael Addis Girls Gone Wild 2008 FF S min. create, you are sure to impress with a dish as elegant as it is Heckler, a comedy-documentary that explores the Mantra Films 08.07.2008 delicious. increasingly critical world we live in, follows Jamie Kennedy as he investigates hecklers and the entertainers who endure 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077832 1998 FF S min. them. A fast-moving, „hilarious.....claws-out look at the often Image Ent. brutal relationship between performers and their most vocal Girls Gone Wild: Sex Starved 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077547 critics“ (Variety), Heckler. Comedy, Documentary 73min. Panty Raid Great White Death Echo Bridge Home Entertainment They’re real...they’re horny...they’re Sex Starved and ready 09.09.2008 to do some exploring. Lucky for you, the first thing they min. explore is each other! Girls Gone Wild has traveled from 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077816 campus-to-campus and coast-to-coast to find out what gets Image Ent. young coeds hot and what makes them wanna hook up! On Sex 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077567 Starved Panty Raid, you’ll meet 19-year-old masturbator Werner Herzog In Conversation Rachel who shows us just how flexible she is. Next there’s With Karen Beckman gorgeous, young Kimberly who pulls aside her panties for her Edvard Grieg: What Price friend, Britney. And our best discovery yet is Sex Starved Immortality? Werner Herzog Panty Raid host, Stephanie. The 19-year-old beauty spreads On the Ecstasy of Ski-Flying features a public conversation across the bed and pleasures herself until she screams in Dir. Thomas Olofsson with filmmaker Werner Herzog and Karen Beckman about ecstasy. Girls Gone Wild: Sex Starved Panty Raid - It’s real, Narrated by Derek Jacobi. Renowned Norwegian composer aliens as a fixture of our imagination, the fundamental raw and uncensored! Edvard Grieg was a restless, complex character forever on achievement of the human race, and the ecstasy of ski-flying. min. the move, constantly searching for peace, happiness and, Includes a booklet with selected writings by Werner Herzog, above all, perfection. In a series of flashbacks, Grieg as an and photographs from Fitzcarraldo and Verde by Beat Mantra Films 12.08.2008 older man returns home and summons up the essential stuff of Presser. During the 2007-2008 academic year, students in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077969 his life—relationships, school, loneliness, death and the RBSL Bergman Foundation Curatorial Seminar at the achievement of fame. Pianist Staffan Scheja takes the role of University of Pennsylvania collaboratively engaged in Grieg in this fully dramatized film about his life. The only research spanning disciplines such as literature, visual Girls Gone Wild: The Perfect Pair narrative is voice-over monologues by Grieg, spoken in the culture, urbanism, geo-politics, and technology. One residue It’s been said that perfection comes in pairs. No one really English version by the acclaimed classical actor Derek of these endeavors was this publication that attempts to knows where that phrase came from, but regardless of its Jacobi. In a series of flashbacks, Grieg as an older man construct an archive of the temporal-in particular, this site- origin, one thing is apparent: it applies best to a hot set of returns home and summons up the essential stuff of his life - specific conversation on October 25, 2007 at Slought breasts! Double up with Girls Gone Wild: Perfect Pair! relationships, school, loneliness, death and the achievement Foundation in Philadelphia. Born in Munich, director, Prepare for a suspension of belief as we throw more sets of of fame. The Auryn Quartet is featured and full performances screenwriter, producer, and actor Werner Herzog grew up in „twins“ out there than most eyes will see in an entire lifetime! of Grieg’s Ballade in G Minor Op. 24 and String Quartet No. 1 a remote mountain village in Bavaria and never saw films, Whether you fall for the „bountiful“ babe flashing away her tan in G Minor Op. 27 are central to director Thomas Olofsson’s television, or telephones as a child. He started traveling on topside for the first time, the trio of gal pals showing off their film about the elusive genius. foot from the age of 14 and made his first phone call at the age ample „blessings,“ the buxom brunette breaking out of her bra 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 71min. of 17. During hig and into the Girls Gone Wild record books, or even the perky Documentary, Interview 2007 63min. blonde taking her twins out for a dip in an icy , there’s Image Ent. one fact you won’t be able to deny: you’ve never seen so 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078101 Microcinema DVD 26.08.2008 many perfect pairs in all your life! It’s Real, Raw, and Totally 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078544 Uncensored! It’s Girls Gone Wild: The Perfect Pair! Girls Gone Wild min. Gulf Stream And The Next Ice Age Hessians MC Mantra Films 12.08.2008 On March 7th, 1968, the Hessians Motorcycle Club was 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077967 Documentary, Environmental 142min. founded in Southern California. The violent legacy of this BFS 22.07.2008 hard-riding, hard-fighting, and hard-partying outlaw motorcycle club has endured nearly four decades. The Glory Road 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077926 Hessians share their personal stories, anecdotes and history The African- American biker has been an active participant of a club that has been revered and reviled in the annals of and contributor to the sport of American motorcycling since its Haunted House the motorcycle lore. These hard-core members have survived inception yet has remained an invisible icon throughout its the biker wars, the lifestyle, law enforcement and the day-to- 100 year history. From Daytona Beach to the National Bikers Documentary, Haunted Houses min. day dangers of life on the road. Roundup, motor-cyclists of every breed share their passions, A&E 26.08.2008 Documentary 75min. experiences and stories of life on the road. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077388 Passion River 08.07.2008 Documentary 59min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077693 Passion River 19.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077697 A Haunting in Connecticut Based on true events, A Haunting in Connecticut follows Hi-5: Hits Karen and Ed Parker as they desperately fight to rid their The Hi-5 TV series is one of the highest rating children’s Gravity Angels Part II: The house of the evil spirits that haunt it. programs on Discovery Kids and TLC. Hi-5 Hits is a Betrayal Documentary, Ghosts min. compilation of their best songs including Robot #1, Some Kind of Wonderful, Heroes, Ready or Not and Underwater Millions of lives may depend on what you do right now. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 30.09.2008 Discovery. DVD comes with Growth Chart and Stickers. Ganymede has become a hero’s death trap, as Earth’s biggest Educational, Preschool 2008 45min. corporate conglomerate has begun killing anyone who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078517 threatens to reveal their dark, dangerous secret! Your Well Go USA 09.09.2008 choices can save the Earth if you act now! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077329 FF DD 5.1 45min. A Haunting in Georgia Slingshot Based on true events, A Haunting in Georgia is the chilling Hip Hop Handbook: Volume 1 - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078251 story of four-year-old Heidi and her imaginary friends Mr. Gordy and Con. As Heidi reveals mysterious details about the Breakdance For Beginners two, her parents become concerned....could her playmates be Gravity Angels Part IV: Death more than make-believe? The Hip Hop Handbook is proud to present the first Documentary, Ghosts min. installment in the Hip Hop Handbook DVD Series: The B-Boy Force Edition, designed for the beginning dancer. World Champion

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B-Boy, Jeromeskee, teaches you all you need to get started Tricks With Marty Pollio dancing to the breaks. Jeromeskee guides you to greatness with a unique set of Conditioning Exercises, the basics of 63min. Inside The Actors Studio: Robin Toprock, the fundamentals of Footwork, classic and original View Video 15.07.2008 Williams Freezes and a whole slew of foundational Power Moves including: Headspins, Windmills, Flares, Backspins, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077490 Robin Williams, James Lipton Handglides, Broncos and many, many more. Comedy, Interview min. Instructional Dance, Dancing 40min. IMAX In Space Collection Shout Factory 16.09.2008 Bayview Entertainment 22.07.2008 Space Station. Mission To Mir. Blue Planet. Destiny In 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077489 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077769 Space. Cosmic Voyage. L-5: First City In Space. The Dream Is Alive. Hail Columbia!. Boxed Sets, Documentary, IMAX, Science, Internet: No-Brainers History’s Mysteries: Mysteries Of Space min. Obtain the tools and know-how to launch your computer into Devil’s Triangles cyberspace. This video will teach you how the internet came Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 about, what you need to get connected, and how to send and Devils And Demons, Documentary, History 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077552 receive e-mail. You’ll also learn how to navigate the World Channel, Mystery min. Wide Web and use search engines to find the information you A&E 26.08.2008 need. There’s even a section on privacy and security online. IMAX Into The Wild Collection 1999 45min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077376 Deep Sea. Into The Deep. Survival Island. Galapagos. The Hidden Dimension. The Secret Of Life On Earth. China: The Cerebellum Panda Adventure. Mountain Gorilla. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078231 Hitler’s Lost Plan Boxed Sets, Documentary, IMAX min. War, World War II, Documentary, History Warner Bros. 02.09.2008 Investigative Reports: Generation Channel min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077551 A&E 26.08.2008 Rx - Reading, Writing And Ritalin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077377 Documentary min. IMAX: Cosmic Voyage / Destiny In A&E 26.08.2008 Holiday Family Favorites Space (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077379 Dir. Bayley Silleck Collections, Family, Holidays 1260min. Documentary, IMAX, Science, Space 40min. Mill Creek Entertainment 22.07.2008 Investigative Reports: Newt Warner Bros. 14.10.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077788 Gingrich And The Republican Re- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078303 volution Hollywood’s Greatest Villains IMAX: Fighter Pilot - Operation Documentary, Politics min. Documentary, Film About Film, History A&E 26.08.2008 Channel min. Red Flag (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077380 A state-of-the-art, edge-of-your-seat experience! Get in the A&E 26.08.2008 cockpit with the world’s best pilots to witness the most 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077378 challenging flying of their careers! Follow a young American The Irish Empire pilot as he makes his way through Red Flag - the world’s most intense, simulated air war, training event - where U.S. Dir. Dearbhla Walsh Holocaust: As It Happened and international pilots, ground crews, mechanics and rescue A 5-Part Documentary Series About The Irish Abroad. From Featuring Three Programs... Adolf Hitler - Offers a view of personnel are taken to the limits of their endurance. Fighter the origins of the „scattering“ of the Irish over the centuries, the hypnotic monster at close range, including rare scenes of Pilot: Operation Red Flag delivers speeds of up to 800 miles to the dreams of a mythical home nurtured by so many Irish his personal life. The Battle of Russia - Lets us relive, blow- per hour with thundering, roaring, screaming sound and migrants today, The Irish Empire is a lively exploration of the by-blow, the greatest land onslaught ever fought as the last stunning aerobatics that will blow you away! Filmed over the ups and downs of the Irish experience abroad - as seen by portion of continental Europe hung in the balance. Acadamy Nevada desert with unprecedented access to military themselves, and as they are perceived by others. Award Winner-Best Documentary. The Spreading Holocaust - procedures, the film features an enormous armada of aircraft Boxed Sets, Documentary 1999 FF S Fanatical extermination and dehumanization as it took place including four American squadrons of F-15C Eagles and F- 250min. and accelerated. Remembrance of the horrors and atrocities 15E Strike Eagles, F-16 Aggressors, Stealth F-117s, B-1B of Final Solution genocide. Nazi madmen plumbing the depths Lancers, B-2 Stealth bomber, C-17 Globemaster III, a U-2R Wellspring of evil. and more... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078103 Holocaust 1920 FF M 240min. Aerial Action, Documentary, IMAX, Military Slingshot 2005 Ltbx DTS 48min. Jack Smith And The Destruction 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078246 Image Ent. 09.09.2008 Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078487 Documentary, Photography/Art 2006 95min. Horror Effects: Hosted By Tom Arts Alliance America 05.08.2008 Savini IMAX: Space Station / Mission To 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077351 Hosted by fright-master Tom Savini, creator of the gut- MIR (Blu-ray) wrenching special effects in Dawn Of The Dead, Creepshow and Friday The 13th. Tom Savini not only makes dreams real - Documentary, IMAX, Science, Space 47min. Junior G-Men Of The Air he brings nightmare to life. His effects range from walking Warner Bros. 14.10.2008 Collections, Science Fiction min. corpses to exploding zombies. He has also created some 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078304 wonderful monsters, like Creepshow’s „Fluffy“ and Friday Madacy 12.08.2008 The 13th’s „Jason“. In this video, he gives you step-by-step 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078348 demonstrations of how some of his most shattering effects are IMAX: The Alps - Climb Of Your achieved. If you are a film fan or a budding effects artist, you will gain a firsthand look at how cinematic illusions are Life (Blu-ray) Keanoshow: A Collection Of created - and you’ll be able to do many of them yourself! In the air above , on the sheer rock-and-ice wall Short Films by Dave McKean Horror 40min. known as the Eiger, an American climber is about to embark Dir. Dave McKean Sub Rosa Studios 23.09.2008 on the most perilous and meaningful ascent he has ever undertaken: an attempt to scale the legendary mountain that Art House, Short Film Collections 215min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078350 took his renowned father’s life. Against a backdrop of overwhelming natural beauty, The Alps is a true-life story of New Video DVD 29.07.2008 extrodinary courage. It’s the intensely personal journey of a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077542 Hot & Wild man who has every reason not to climb the deadly Eiger North Lauren Hays, Valerie Bird - Dir. Gary Orona Face, yet climb it he must. Featuring some of the most Keepin’ The Faith: Lookin’ For 4 Full Hours Of Interactive Fun!. Lauren Hays, host of the spectacular giantscreen imagery yet seen, the film celebrates popular Babe Watch television series, and girlfriends Linda the unsurpassed beauty of the Alps and the indomitable spirit Mr. Right O’Neil and Valerie Bird, get naked and nasty in strange of the people who live there. places. So, if you like hot girls wicked and wanton then get Documentary, DTS Audio, IMAX, Mountain Religion/Spirituality, Romance min. ready for wild action. Or, just hot and wild. But that’s not all Climbing 2007 Ltbx DTS 45min. Warner Bros. 19.08.2008 that awaits you inside! This disk is filled with some of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077939 most advanced features to date. 4 hours of fun and excitement! Image Ent. 09.09.2008 Peach DVD, Erotica 2000 FF S 240min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078486 Red Dragon Releasing King Of The Cage: Combat 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077549 Impressions Of The Holy Land Collection - Volume 2 Religion/Spirituality min. Sports, Collections, Fighting, Mixed Martial How To Juggle & Other Cheap Madacy 12.08.2008 Arts 877min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078346 BCI 26.08.2008

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077411 illustrious career of famed photographer - Annie Leibovitz. concern. Each lesson will help you discover the answers to Annie Leibovitz: Life Through A Lens traces the arc of her the most common makeup application challenges, teaching you photographic life, her aspirations to artistry and the trajectory the ABCs of makeup artistry: How to Apply, Blend, and Create The Korean War: The Big Picture of her career. The film depicts the various phases that shaped for a beautiful look that will last all day long. With practice, her life including childhood, the tumultuous sixties, her you will be breezing through your daily routine and laughing - Volume One transition from Rolling Stone to Vanity Fair magazine and at the thought of their old makeup habits in no time. War, Boxed Sets, Documentary, Korean later her most significant personal relationships including 47min. motherhood. The films highlights center around interviews War 810min. with her most famous subjects, mentors and colleagues along Bayview Entertainment 02.09.2008 BCI 05.08.2008 with personal insight from Leibovitz herself to reveal the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078323 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078374 evolution of inarguably one of todays most influential visual artists. Biography, Documentary, PBS, Mandela: Man of Vision Larry Flynt: The Right To Be Left Photography/Art 90min. min. Alone Warner Bros. 28.10.2008 Slingshot Biography, Documentary, Politics 2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078396 tba BestellNr.: 40078245 74min. Starz / Anchor Bay 30.09.2008 Let’s Break With Legacy Marine Aquarium: Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077496 Instructional Breakdancing for Legacy, the lead dancer for Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Gwen Stefani Atmosphere DVDs min. Instructional Dance 2008 30min. The Last Great Adventure BCI 02.09.2008 Well Go USA 26.08.2008 Dir. Garfield Kennedy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078552 Achieving the Impossible: Aviation’s ultimate challenge to fly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077326 nonstop around the world by balloon!. As they float across oceans and smash into the ground, steer around hostile Little Hercules: Hollywood Maximum MMA Presents: Fight territories and barely survive killer storms, the daredevils Fest who stake their claim to be the first to circumnavigate the Workout Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Earth in a hot air balloon persistently cheat death. This Fitness, Health 90min. thrilling documentary of the gripping voyage behind The Last Fighting min. Woodhaven Great Adventure of the 20th century includes special behind- First Look Home Entertainment 14.10.2008 the-scenes footage of the substantial failures and constant tba BestellNr.: 40077541 disappointments the brave challengers experience in order to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077308 achieve this nearly impossible record. Enjoy exclusive interviews and an intimate look into every attempt made by the The Long Ride Home Mike Mentzer’s Hit Exercise Bo- three main challengers, Steve Fossett, an American Every May, hundreds of motorcyclists depart , Cali. businessman, Bertrand Piccard, Swiss psychiatrist and For a ten day journey across the heartland of America. These dybuilding grandson of the first man to enter the stratosp veterans, their families, friends, and supporters travel to Witness history in the making as Mike Mentzer’s HIT - High Documentary 2000 FF S 160min. Washington, DC to participate in the Rolling Thunder Intensity Training - exercise DVD shows you the real thing BFS Motorcycle Rally where half a million people gather at the with the world’s leading HIT authority (the only man to win 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078087 Pentagon parking lot to honor the memory of America’s POW/ Mr. Universe with a perfect score) and who single-handedly MIAs. From the first bike to roll out of Ontario to the first tear perfected HIT Theory. Mike guides muscular phenomenon shed at the wall, The Long Ride Home chronicles the day-to- Markus Reinhardt through three different high-intensity Latin Beauties day journey of a Run for the Wall, a yearly event founded by workouts as Markus is captured just a couple of weeks away Vietnam veterans who ride for those who cant. This 5 hour from one of the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions min. documentary features intimate and compelling interviews with held in Miami, Florida. You’ll see Markus’ Herculean BCI 09.09.2008 veterans from WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm physique struggling under mind blowing weights, while Mike 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078534 and Iraq. advises him on proper exercise performance, keeps him Documentary 300min. motivated, and discusses relevant points of interest to millions Passion River 12.08.2008 of bodybuilders around the world. Also included is rare Latina Pole Queens 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077696 historic footage of Mike in various stages of pumping up in Here are some of the finest Latinas doin’ their best moves to preparation for posing on the beach in Marina Del Ray, some of the hottest hip hop music. These ladies are feature California. Here you have the opportunity to watch one of performers at some of the hottest clubs in America. Love Forgives All history’s greatest physiques in breathtaking close-ups and full body posing. Mike Mentzer has packed 25 years of 60min. Foreign, Polish 108min. bodybuilding experience, training, study and contemplative Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 Facets Video 26.08.2008 thought into this incre 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077683 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077756 Weight Lifting, Fitness, Health 112min. Bayview Entertainment 22.07.2008 Martin Lawrence Presents 1st Lust In The City: Peach Award 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077770 Amendment Stand Up: Season 2 Winners Series Mike Mentzer’s Underground Se- Comedy 318min. Charlie Laine, Celeste Star, Melissa Jacobs Starz / Anchor Bay 12.08.2008 - Dir. Jim Monroe minar Bodybuilding 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077927 What do you get when you combine four of the hottest, sexiest Mike Mentzer is a former world-class bodybuilder - he won and most eligible femme fatales you’ve ever seen with the the 1978 Mr. Universe with the first perfect score in history. bright lights and fast pace of the big city? An endless parade But Mike’s greatest achievements were to be his intellectual Annie Leibovitz of crazy nights, sexual extremes and wild fantasies come to pursuits and teaching skills. This DVD is the only recording Dir. Rebecca Frayn life. At least that’s how it is for Sherry and her three best of one of Mike’s legendary Underground Seminars: nearly two friends Rhonda, Veronica and Sandy. Tag along with these full hours of Mike discussing exercise fundamentals, their Annie Leibovitz’s works stand as some of the most vivid and relationships, and stories of past clients. You’ll hear Mike memorable documents of our time.“ -The Los Angeles Daily luscious ladies as they give you full access to all of their best kept secrets, sensual indulgences and tales of lust and discuss exercise theory, applying that theory to bodybuilding News. For the past twenty year Annie Leibovitz has been one and answering audience questions. He even explains the of the world’s highest-profile and most sought-after romance. You see it’s Sherry’s job to observe, write and fantasize about the sultry details of their lives in the fast lane. mistakes made by nearly everyone who picks up a weight, and photographers. This documentary focuses on her life and much more. This DVD is a must for any fan of Mike Mentzer. career, ranging from Rolling Stone and a drug addiction that And she wants YOU to come along for the ride. So hop in, the began on tour with the Rolling Stones to a new career at meters running and it’s time for Lust In The City. Weight Lifting, Fitness, Health 110min. Vanity Fair and Leibovitz’s current status as one of the Peach DVD 2007 min. Bayview Entertainment 22.07.2008 highest-paid photographers working today. Join her in Hawaii Red Dragon Releasing 05.08.2008 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077771 and Los Angeles as she follows up her infamous cover portrait of a naked, pregnant Demi Moore with another photo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078435 shoot of the actress clad only in body paint. In a frank Meteors: Graveyard Stomp interview, Leibovitz shares how she became a photographer Makeup Assignment: Apply, and reveals the deep passion that drives her work. min. Celebrated writer Hunter S. Thompson and Rolling Stone Blend, Create - Make Up A New Music Video Distribution editor Jann Wenner also contribute to the program. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078223 Documentary 1993 FF S 51min. You Image Ent. Makeup artist Monique Powers presents Makeup Assignment, an instructional makeover lesson DVD that is both practical Mississippi Son 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078132 and enjoyable for teenagers and women of all ages who want or missed the opportunity to learn useful makeover tips such Documentary 93min. as how to: 1. Conceal blemishes and dark circles; 2. Passion River 26.08.2008 Annie Leibovitz: Life Through A Correctly apply eye shadow and eyeliner; 3. Create full lips; 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077240 Lens 4. Apply false eyelashes and get it right every time! The DVD has the option to be viewed from the beginning or directly PBS award-winning series American Masters presents the choosing a lesson from the menu that covers a specific beauty : 80’s Tech

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Technology, Documentary, History Channel Degrees Could Change The Browns min. World (Blu-ray) Sports, Football, NFL min. A&E 26.08.2008 By the year 2100, many scientists believe that the Earth’s Warner Bros. (TM) 14.10.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077366 average temperature could rise by as much as six degrees 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077300 Celsius. In a compelling investigation, National Geographic leads a degree-by-degree journey to explore what each rising Modern Marvels: Digi-Tech - and critical - degree could mean for the future of our people NFL History Of The Washington Technology, History Channel min. and planet. Through powerful filmmaking and intimate profiles, Redskins A&E 26.08.2008 this special illustrates how global warming has already affected the reefs of Australia, the ice fields of Greenland, Sports, Football, NFL min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077367 and the Amazonian rain forest. With a sobering look at the effects of our world’s insatiable appetite for energy, Six Warner Bros. (TM) 07.10.2008 Degrees Could Change the World explains what’s real, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077465 Modern Marvels: Environmental what’s still controversial, and how existing technologies and Tech remedies could help dial back the global thermometer. Documentary, Environmental, National Oceans Alive: Kingdom Of The Technology, Documentary, History Channel Geographic 2008 min. Coral Reef min. National Geographic 30.09.2008 Collections min. A&E 26.08.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078302 Madacy 29.07.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077368 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077355 Natural Splendors #1: Nature Modern Marvels: Gas Tech Old Rococo: The Life Of Technology, Documentary, History Channel Scenes from the American West min. and Southwest Gioacchino Rossini A&E 26.08.2008 Sit back, relax and enjoy the magnificent images and beautiful Shot on location in Italy, this fascinating documentary tells the music found in every Natural Splendors disc. Digitally story of the greatest composer of his day, author 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077369 mastered to deliver exceptional video and audio quality, each of the most popular of all comic , The Barber of Seville, disc in the Natural Splendors series is perfect for relaxation, a wealthy, successful, prolific composer, who, at the age of Modern Marvels: Renewable meditation, and background ambiance. 37, suddenly gave up writing for the stage. This program Atmosphere DVDs 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 traces his life, set against the backdrop of the historical Energy events taking place in Italy and through extensive 78min. performance excerpts from all his best-known operas as well Technology, Documentary, History Channel, DVD International as less famous works. Science min. tba BestellNr.: 40078197 Biography, Classical Music, Foreign, Italian, A&E 26.08.2008 Music, Opera 84min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077370 Natural Splendors #2: Nature Kultur 26.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077873 More Haunted House: Tortured Scenes From The American Souls & Restless Spirits South & East Out Of The Poison Tree Sit back, relax and enjoy the magnificent images and beautiful On the eve of the long-awaited Khmer Rouge trial, an Ameri- Documentary, Haunted Houses min. music found in every Natural Splendors disc. Digitally can survivor of the genocide returns to Cambodia hoping to A&E 26.08.2008 mastered to deliver exceptional video and audio quality, each unlock the mystery of her father’s disapperance in 1975. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077389 disc in the Natural Splendors series is perfect for relaxation, Thida Buth Mam’s quest intersects with many silent voices: meditation, and background ambiance. Natural Splendors widows, survivors from remote villages, monks and even Volume 2 features photography from Mundy Hackett, and former perpetrators. Her search for the truth stirs up the My Little Pink Secret: Volume 1 music from Mediatone Music. With over 72 minutes of fractured pieces of one family’s nightmare, unearths an spectacular video and beautiful music, Natural Splendors unimaginable heartbreak and ultimately shines light on a Who knows a woman better than another woman? Watch these Volume 2 will quickly become a favorite in your DVD gorgeous hotties fulfill their fantasies with each other! Kat people’s broken silence. collection. Documentary 56min. and Courtney star. This title carries a parental advisory. Atmosphere DVDs 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 87min. Passion River 22.07.2008 72min. Shami Production 22.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077692 DVD International 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077821 tba BestellNr.: 40078198 The Michael Palin Collection My Little Pink Secret: Volume 2 Naughty Sex Kittens Totally X- Michael Palin Real cute amateur sweethearts do all your favorite tricks and BBC, Documentary, Foreign, International more! This title carries a parental advisory. Posed TV min. 84min. Hey there alley cat, you’re invited to come into the sex kittens BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 Shami Production 22.07.2008 boudoir. If you think These pussycats are tame, then you’re mistaken. They’re as wild as any seductive cat can be. if you 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078023 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077822 know what I mean. They’re playful, erotic, bewitching, and naughty to the core. These beautiful frisky felines are ready My Little Pink Secret: Volume 3 to play. Are you? Featuring Sunny Leone (Penthouse Pet of Michael Palin: Full Circle Year, Vivid Girl), Erika Bognar (Hungarian Playboy Michael Palin It takes a woman to know what a woman likes, and these Playmate), Erica Campbell (Penthouse Pet, Playboy Model of hotties have read the manual! Brooke Haven stars. This title Year), Mia Zotolli (former NFL cheerleader),Linda O’Neil BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign 487min. carries a parental advisory. (Vonage commercials, Tonight Show), Chantal Vachon (Top BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 83min. Canadian commercial model), Nissa Hall, Krystal Tamburino, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078020 Shami Production 22.07.2008 Ali Dupri, more. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077823 56min. Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 Michael Palin: Hemingway National Geographic: 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077620 Adventure with Great Railway Atmospheres - Earth Air Water Journeys NFL Greatest Games Series: 1982 BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- Documentary, National Geographic 102min. national TV 306min. National Geographic 21.10.2008 Washington Redskins BBC Home Video 07.10.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078385 Sports, Football, NFL 1982 min. Warner Bros. (TM) 28.10.2008 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078024 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077466 National Geographic: Partner Dancing 101: Party & Atmospheres - Earth Air Water NFL Greatest Games Series: Pitts- Wedding Ready (Blu-ray) burgh Steelers Super Bowls Instructional Dance, Dancing 98min. Documentary, National Geographic 102min. Sports, Football, NFL min. Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 National Geographic 21.10.2008 Warner Bros. (TM) 07.10.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077911 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078409 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077299 Partner Dancing 101: Salsa And National Geographic: Six NFL History Of The Cleveland Samba

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Instructional Dance, Salsa, Samba, Dancing Uniform 110min. 61min. Julia Ann, Janine, Gina LaMarca, Tiffany Playboy Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 Burlingame, Natalie Smith - Dir. Chris tba BestellNr.: 40077536 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077913 Hutson Every guy has secret fantasies, daydreams, and a wild Playboy: Great American Partner Dancing 101: The Latin assortment of erotic visions. Well, leave it to Penthouse Video to bring them to life. We’ve taken some of the hottest Cybergirl Search Dances Penthouse models and put them in a series of sexy scenes Do you ever wonder how Playboy selects their gorgeous that are guaranteed to excite. Police officers, nurses, girls? Our scouts traveled across this great nation all the Instructional Dance, Dancing 81min. astronauts — you’ve never seen them like this, and you’ll way from San Diego to Boston in search of America’s hottest, Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 never forget them! freshest talent. It didn’t take long to find what we’re looking 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077912 Penthouse 1995 51min. for. Join us as we take a look at these sexy young girls who Penthouse Classics come out for our Great American Cybergirl Search. Playboy 2008 84min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077534 A Passion For Sustainability Playboy 08.07.2008 Fourteen Portland, Oregon business leaders explore how the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077896 Natural Step Network has helped their businesses become Pitbull’s La Esquina more sustainable and more profitable. Pitbull, the star and creator of mun2’s wildly popular Pitbull’s Documentary 81min. La Esquina, brings his truly original real-life persona to DVD Power Strength Yoga/ Flexibility Passion River 12.08.2008 for the first time. With a camera crew in tow and his best Yoga 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077235 friend and barber Fademaster by his side, Miami’s most famous Latino rapper shows us real Latinos in very real and These energizing 20-minute workouts will give you a renewed very comical situations! sense of power. Paul Soldner: Playing With Fire Comedy, Reality 240min. Fitness, Health, Yoga 65min. Documentary 60min. Xenon Entertainment 19.08.2008 Gaiam Americas Passion River 26.08.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077810 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078178 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077239 Plan 9 From Syracuse Predators From The Deep: The Penthouse: 30 Pets, 60 Minutes How far are you willing to go for a dream? On August 15th, Ocean’s Silent Killers Penthouse has reached a very special anniversary... 30 2006, filmmaker Ryan Dacko set out to get a 30-minute Collections min. years. That’s 30 years of the most tantalizing and exotic meeting with a major Hollywood producer by running on foot models ever presented in the pages of a magazine. To kick off from Syracuse, New York to Hollywood, California. Plan 9 Madacy 29.07.2008 the celebration of this milestone, Penthouse Video has put from Syracuse documents all the events surrounding Dacko’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077356 together a pulsating collection of the best of the best. Thirty historical trek across the United States of America. In an loving looks at 30 gorgeous Penthouse Pets, featuring ultimate example of reality filmmaking, every piece of footage favorites Julie Strain, Amy Lynn, Brandy, Janine Lindemulder, is placed in chronological order as the events of Plan 9 from Pride FC 32: The Real Deal Raquel Darien, and Gina LaMaca. You could never find a Syracuse are shown exactly as they happened. Watch as one man fights, with pure heart and determination, through Sports, Mixed Martial Arts, Pride FC, better way to spend 60 minutes than with 30 Penthouse Pets! Wrestling/Fighting 2006 min. Penthouse 1999 FF S 60min. blizzards, sandstorms, injuries, and an uncertain outcome. Plan 9 from Syracuse „presents a stunning portrait of bravery BCI 02.09.2008 Penthouse Classics and dedication“ (Phil Hall, Film Threat Magazine). The result 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078530 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078102 is a truly inspirational, and in-your-face look into the reality of independent filmmaking in the 21st century. Through intense video footage, brilliant still photography, and a haunting Pride FC: Bushido Volume 13 Penthouse: Island Girls soundtrack by the acclaimed band, The Lost Patrol, another UFC, Mixed Martial Arts, Pride FC 2006 Lene Hefner, Natalie Bach, Necole chapter is written in history as one man continues the classic pursuit of the American Dream: Plan 9 from 140min. Velasques, Bobbi French, Sarah Documentary 99min. BCI 05.08.2008 Hutchinson, Lauren Reynolds, Abbe Vogel - Sub Rosa Studios 26.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077410 Dir. James Hoffer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077871 Take a wild trip to the tropics with those ultimate tour guides, the Penthouse Island Girls. This sensuous program is a lush Primo Levi’s Journey and exotic journey through the Caribbean with a few of the Planet B-Boy most gorgeous models around. The steamy tropics provide the Documentary, Foreign, Holocaust, Italian perfect backdrop for some very hot women, including interna- Dancing, Documentary 2007 95min. 2006 92min. tional beauties Abbe Vogel, Bobbi French, Sarah Hutchinson Arts Alliance America 28.10.2008 New Yorker 19.08.2008 and Natalie Bach. You’ll never need another vacation once 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078502 you’ve been swept away with the Penthouse Island Girls. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077900 Penthouse 1997 59min. Penthouse Classics Planet Earth: Africa/Middle East Pro Wrestling’s Ultimate Insiders: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077578 min. Last Call With & Sandman DVD International Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078215 Penthouse: Lingerie Party Fighting min. Aimee Sweet, Angelica Costello First Look Home Entertainment 28.10.2008 Join us for a lingerie party like you’ve never seen before. Be Planet Earth: Asia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077309 a fly on the wall as our gorgeous Pets get ready to rock all min. your senses. Have you ever wondered how these beauties DVD International manage to dazzle you with their charms? Here’s your chance Proteus to take an intimate peek at exactly what happens at these all- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078217 girl nights. From bath to bedroom and beyond, you’ll see the Documentary, Science 2004 60min. world’s most sexy women in and out of their most seductive First Run Features 16.09.2008 outfits. It’s Penthouse Pets at their best! Planet Earth: Europe 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078363 Penthouse 1999 FF S 57min. min. Penthouse Classics DVD International Quest For Sunken Warships 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078274 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078216 Hidden deep beneath the sea lies the wreckage of mighty war machines, each with untold stories of battles, glory and Penthouse: Ready to Ride Playboy Exposed 2-Pack: demise. Join us on the hunt for these antiques of the deep, and unlock the mysteries and the history waiting on the ocean Fifteen beautiful women take you for a ride on the wild side! Naughty & Exotic floor. Each episode of Quest For Sunken Warships features The brute power of roaring bikes meets the raw passsion of It’s the bare facts about L.A.’s sexy scene, revealed! From the authentic historical footage, CGI illustrations and archival beautiful in high-speed encounters. It’s a hot trip down an materials of the battles being investigated, along with hi- erotic road! If you can handle these dangerous curves, hottest clubs to the wildest hot tub parties, from an all-sex radio station to sexy shopping on Melrose, these naughty resolution underwater images and live-action, on-site „Ready to Ride“ is guarunteed to „kick start“ you into your explorations of the sunken wrecks by our team of courageous highest gear. girls definitely have an attitude. It’s misbehaving all day and partying all night. It’s the City of Angels exposed! The divers. In 1942 German U-boats turned the waters off Cape Penthouse 1992 62min. competition really heats up when two teams of sexy girls Hatteras, North Carolina, into a sea of death. For six months Penthouse Classics battle it out in a scavenger hunt like not other! You won’t the marauding U-boats patrolled the area unchallenged, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077524 believe what these girls are willing to do just to score points. sinking countless ships and littering the ocean and beaches From the local car wash to a busy fast food restaurant, these with oil, cargo and bodies. Through the eye of an underwater girls play an erotic game that reveals all — in public. You’ll camera we embark on an epic journey into shark-infested Penthouse: Women In And Out Of have to see it, to believe it! waters to reveal the evidence of war and the battle that took place right at our doorstep. As World War II raged in the Naughty, Playboy, 2 Packs 2006 FF S South Pacific, Allied Forces faced one of the most formidable

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 65 Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Juli 2008 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) of all Japanese strongholds: Truk - a self-contained „f A&E 26.08.2008 104min. Documentary, High Seas, Military 2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077371 Image Ent. 163min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078077 Discovery Channel 05.08.2008 Sacred Feast - Gaudamus (DTS) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078421 min. Semper Fidelis: U.S. Marines Pioneer Studios 2001 FF S 150min. The Racing Sailor 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078263 Image Ent. Sports 73min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078119 Madacy 08.07.2008 Samurai: Behind The Blade 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077825 In a rare, behind-the-scenes documentary, the lives of Samu- Sex Kittens rai warlords are revealed: their private thoughts, their Sexy blondes, brunettes with curves, legs for miles and Raise The Song: The History Of obsession with death, their mastery of the fine arts, and their cleavage for days...Each Peach Girl is uniquely beautiful, but gruesome truths about the high price of honor. these girls all have one thing in common: they’re all sex Penn State Samurai, Documentary, Foreign, Historical / kittens. They’ll make you purr and yearn for more as they This 60-minute documentary produced by Penn State Public Period Piece min. tantalize and tease you with their sultry sex appeal. You’ll Broadcasting (WPSU-TV) examines the people and events Echo Bridge Home Entertainment want to spend nine lives with these vivacious sex kittens. that have taken the Commonwealth’s land-grant university Peach DVD min. 30.09.2008 from its humble roots as the Farmers’ High School to an Red Dragon Releasing 26.08.2008 internationally recognized place of learning. Since the charter 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078515 of the Farmers’ High School was adopted in 1855, America 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078436 has seen 30 presidents, a civil war, the women’s suffrage movement, the , two world wars, the civil Leslie Sansone: Walk At Home - 5 rights movement, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, and the The Sex Thief September 11 terrorist attacks, but through it all, Penn State Day Slim Down Heather Vandeven and Lana Lopez are a pair of sexy cat has become one of the world’s foremost teaching and research Leslie Sansone burglars undertaking their biggest job ever: breaking into a institutions, touching nearly every important era and event in credit card processing center in order to steal valuable data. American history. Fitness 97min. Their scheme, however, takes a scandalous turn when they Documentary 60min. Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 discover a laptop filled with some very sexy secrets. And just 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077499 when they think they’ve gotten away with their heist, the Inecom 09.09.2008 beautiful owner of the computer shows up with some kinky 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078059 plans of her own. This is a who-done-it where everybody gets Sculpture By The Sea done. Gabrielle Reece: The Complete For three weeks in November every year, an extraordinary Peach DVD min. outdoor sculpture exhibition takes place along a two kilometer Red Dragon Releasing 15.07.2008 Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Workout stretch of the sublime Australian coastal landscape. Sculpture By The Sea is a 40-minute documentary film following the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078439 Gabrielle Reece journey of curator David Handley and his team over the past Fitness, Health 258min. decade to show how and why this has become one of the most She Got A...Stupid Booty Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2008 popular arts events in the world. This is a beautiful and lively film, showcasing both the range of artworks and the This one’s for the real BIG Booty lovers!!! Have you ever 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077498 extraordinary scenery that the works become an integral and seen a girl that made you say „damn“ when you seen her living part of each year. booty. Well every chick in this movie will do just that. Watch as these super thick southern dancers show that „Stupid Resort Tales Documentary 39min. Booty“ to you. Get ready for some major Azz Overload in this While vacationing at the secluded resort, Villa Mariposa, Passion River 26.08.2008 movie!!! Shot live from the strip club capitol of Atlanta, GA. Heather discovers a journal filled with erotic entries made by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078537 60min. a previous guest. The journal unlocks her naughty imagination and she soon finds herself fantasizing about the resort’s sexy Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 guests. After her sexual awakening, Heather begins to write The Search For Mengele 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077830 some intimate journal entries of her own. Resort Tales...some Josef Mengele, the ‘Angel of Death,’ was the most notorious erotic stories write themselves. SS doctor at Auschwitz. He sent hundreds of thousands of Shipwrecks: Graveyards Of The Peach DVD min. Jews to their deaths and performed appalling experiments on Red Dragon Releasing 19.08.2008 adults and children. After the end of World War II, Mengele Deep was one of the world’s most wanted war criminals - yet for the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078433 next forty years he escaped justice. Narrated and co-written Collections min. by world-famous TV legend David Frost, The Search For Madacy 29.07.2008 Road To Berlin: March To Victory Mengele traces Mengele’s escape through Germany to Italy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077357 then to Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, where he finally met Collections, War min. his end. It examines Mengele’s life through the eyes of those Madacy 29.07.2008 who knew him, revealing how the infamous Nazi doctor lived Shooting Henry Hill 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077361 out his last years, hiding out (in perverse irony) in a multi- Shooting Henry Hill is a documentary film focused on the life racial society. And it confronts the fact that to simply dismiss of mafia turncoat Henry Hill. Henry Hill’s life of crime was Mengele as a solitary monster may be too convenient. Was forever immortalized in the 1990 film Goodfellas. But Henry’s Road To Rome: March To Victory Mengele alone responsible, or was he the product of a life continues on as he finds himself in the small Nebraska warped system of values? Can this dark moment in human town of North Platte. For the first time, Shooting Henry Hill Collections, War min. history be repeated in the future? Why was he never caught? goes beyond romantasized mob tales. Henry’s life has been Madacy 29.07.2008 Filmed in ten countries including Germany, Israel, and anything but boring. He is the same guy portrayed by Ray 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077363 Brazil and featuring numerous interviews and photo Liota; but now, 62 years old. A lot has happened in the 25 War, World War II, Documentary, Politics years since testifying against the mob. He has been in and out 1985 80min. of jail and still struggles with his addiction. This is a one of a Road To Tokyo: March To Victory kind glimpse into the life of the best known real mobster ever First Run Features 16.09.2008 to be portrayed in American film. Ron Silver and the rest of Collections, War min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078362 the film crew are in for far more than they ever expected. This Madacy 29.07.2008 documentary is about more than telling Henry’s story. It’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077362 about the experience of shooting Henry Hill. Secrets Of War: WWII Battle Set Documentary 53min. Narrated by Charlton Heston. Discover the most daring Passion River 23.09.2008 Rockstars Of Comedy covert operations, ingenious spy gadgets and cunning military Rockstars Of Comedy brings together the hottest, most cutting deceptions that forever changed the course of history... 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077236 edge comedians in the country, together on one stage for huge Painstakingly researched with previously classified footage night of comedy. These comics have performed on Comedy from private sources and government archives all over the Show DVD: Volume 3 Central, HBO, Mad TV, E! Entertainment, MTV, Jay Leno, world, Secrets Of War exposes the real stories of the 20th David Letterman, , , Vince century’s greatest conflicts! The struggle for the Atlantic 60min. Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Tour, BET, Entourage, Weeds, pitted Germany’s lethal U-boat fleet against every weapon the Music Video Distribution 08.07.2008 Chappelle’s Show. Like the high energy of a rock concert, Allies could muster to protect their vital supply routes to these comedy mega stars get the crowd going and keep the Great Britain. The story of naval intelligence, code breaking 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077682 laughs coming with their over-the-top performances. and code stealing in the Battle of the Atlantic. June 1940, England stands alone against brutal aggression. The Germans Comedy 103min. have yet to be stopped in their lightning thrust across Europe. Russell Simmons Presents: Def WPOE Entertainment 16.09.2008 The British are outnumbered, but they have a secret weapon Poetry - Seasons 1 - 6 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078335 four years in the making. There were only 500 RAF fighter pilots in the Battle of Britain, but behind them, deep in the HBO, Performing Arts, Spoken Word min. shadows of war, over 10,000 special men and women fought HBO Home Video 22.07.2008 Rwanda: Do Scars Ever Fade? the battle of „Ultra,“ which helped mak 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078032 Documentary, History Channel min. Documentary, War, World War II 1998 FF S

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Singin & Swingin Gems identifying our true, unique selves — what he calls our „Soul Prints.“ According to Gafni, each person has a unique Soul Collection Print, which, like a fingerprint, marks their individuality. Once Sportskool Streetball With Main you come to know your Soul Print, you will be able to connect Event Laverne Andrews, Maxene Andrews, Patty on a far deeper level with yourself, others and the world Andrews, Larry Fine, Moe Howard, Shemp around you. In this insightful program, Marc Gafni explains Sports, Basketball min. Howard, Dick Foran, Edward F. Cline, Jules how to find your Soul Print, how to receive the Soul Print of Genius Products another, and how to share your Soul Print with those you White - Dir. Dick Foran know. These life-enriching tools will empower you to tba BestellNr.: 40077558 Private Buckaroos Big bands and swing at its toe- overcome loneliness and enjoy life to its fullest. tappingbest! A gem from the 40’s Private Buckaroos gives us everyone’s favorite sisters trio, the Andrew Sisters, Fitness, Health 2000 FF S 75min. Star Wars vs. Star Trek: The accompanied by Harry James & his Orchestra. Sing a Song of Wellspring Rivalry Continues Six Pants The Three Stooges come together in combining tba BestellNr.: 40078111 improvisational music and comedy For years, Star Wars fans have squared off against Star Trek PC friendly internet access fans over which space fantasy is the better choice. As a Spaceship result, both franchises have been embroiled in a continuing 1952 FF DD 1.0 85min. battle for merchandise sales, publicity and box-office Slingshot 80min. receipts. The science-fiction genre has never seen anything tba BestellNr.: 40078258 Empire Pictures like it and, as these fictional universes continue to expand, the competition seems to be never ending. Star Wars vs. Star tba BestellNr.: 40078235 Trek: The Rivalry Continues compares the space opera Kathy Smith: Lift Weights To Lose worlds of George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry for a one-of- Special Forces: Untold Stories a-kind intergalactic documentary. It traces the origin and Weight development of Star Trek from conception to the spinoffs and Kathy Smith’s Lift Weights To Lose Weight includes 2 DVDs, V.1 film series. It also takes an in-depth look at Star Wars from each with 20-minute upper body and lower body workouts it’s sci-fi influences in the past to its continuing box-office plus core strengthening routines that sculpt long, lean Action, Documentary, Drama min. clout. Interviews with such stars as William Shatner, George muscles and boost metabolism to burn more calories all day Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Lucas, Leonard Nimoy, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, long. And in addition to sculpting a trim physique, using 12.08.2008 Carrie Fisher, James Doohan and many more help to explain weights increases bone density helping to improve posture the amazing phenomenon. Whether you’re a Trekkie or a Jedi and prevent osteoporosis. Disc one starts with the basics, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077987 Knight, this is one show you won’t want to miss! Collectors’ and disc 2 adds a „twist“ for great-looking body! Also bonus! Enjoy the comprehensive coverage o includes a bonus stability ball workout and Kathy’s tips for Special Forces: Untold Stories Science Fiction, Space 2001 FF S 80min. looking thinner with great posture. Catcom Home Video Fitness 120min. V.2 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078210 Lionsgate 16.09.2008 Action, Documentary, Drama min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077468 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 12.08.2008 Stillwell Road Produced by the Army Signal Corps, this film chronicles some Snow Blind 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077988 of the most vicious fighting of World War II as American Sports, Extreme Sports 2006 100min. General „Vinegar“ Joe Stilwell and his ragtag army opposed Speed Gone Wild: Maximum the Japanese in the jungles of Burma and southern China. Fontana DVD Narrated by Ronald Reagan, Stilwell Road provides a great tba BestellNr.: 40077540 Impact pictorial history of this forgotten theater of war. One race tragedy after another in this riveting video. Learn 1945 51min. Snuff what goes wrong and what the drivers experience as they Delta Entertainment crash in a 200+mph fireball. Witness some of the world’s most A Documentary About Killing on Camera is a feature film horrifying motor sports mishaps and relive the crash 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078203 examining the existence of films in which people are murdered experience through the eyes of everyone involved. on camera and the culture surrounding them. Through interviews with former FBI Profilers, Cultural Academics, and 1999 FF M 40min. Storm Stories: Every Survivor Has Film Historians the documentary delves into the disturbing Image Ent. A Story history and myth of Snuff Films. The FBI claims there is no 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078096 evidence to prove the existence of Snuff and, therefore, Snuff Collections min. Films are a myth. This documentary analyzes the Madacy 29.07.2008 relationships between war, cult films, serial killers and Sports Yoga: Ski With Billy Asad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077360 pornography to prove whether or not this pervasive myth is, in A unique exercise DVD that delivers a total body conditioning fact, reality. program to improve skiing fitness and performance via three Documentary 2008 76min. separate routines, do them all or just the one you want. 1. The Story Of Top Gun Westlake Media 26.08.2008 Power Workout: Warm-up & Core work, Lower Body Stamina, The True Story Of The Elite Fighter Pilot School. In 1968, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078325 Abs & Back Strengthening, and Release Poses. 2. Après Ski American Air Force and Navy fighter pilots found themselves Stretching: complete body stretches for daily flexibility or to losing the air battle over the skies over North Vietnam. Even rejuvenate and release your muscles after a day of skiing. 3. with their superior equipment, U.S. pilots were gunning down So Much So Fast Before-the-Slopes Warm-Up: upper and lower body loosening enemy jets at a meager two-to-one ratio, which was up exercises before you head out to the mountain. The DVD From the Oscar-nominated directors of Troublesome Creek unacceptable. The Navy called on nine of its best fighter also includes an introduction by Billy Asad and terrific skiing pilots to form a special graduate school to teach advanced air comes a black-humored cliffhanger of romance, guerilla footage montages from Warren Miller Entertainment. science and the meaning of time. What would you do if you combat maneuvers to a select class of pilots. This was the were 29 and found you may only have a few years to live? So Yoga, Fitness, Health 60min. beginning of the Top Gun school in Miramar, California. The Much So Fast is about the remarkable events set in motion Bayview Entertainment 05.08.2008 inspiration for the major motion picture, the Top Gun school when Stephen Heywood discovers he has ALS (Lou Gehrig’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077944 has been an elite training and testing ground for our nation’s disease) and his brother Jamie becomes obsessed with upper echelon of fighter pilots. It is a story of life and death — finding a cure. a story of a group of men who on sheer guts alone rebuilt the Documentary 87min. Sports Yoga: Tennis With Billy United States’ approach to air-to-air combat. War, Documentary 1997 FF S 50min. Passion River 30.09.2008 Asad Wellspring 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077238 This unique workout DVD presents a total-body conditioning program to improve your tennis fitness and performance via 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078266 three separate routines. 1. Power Workout: Warm up-Total Soldier Ink: The Newest & The Body Heat; Getting game - Core strengthening; Serve it up - Stott Pilates: Pilates For Breast Strongest shoulders, chest, lower body, Ad-in - abdominals. 2. Stretc- hing: a total body stretching routine to increase flexibility and Cancer Rehab min. movement. 3. On the court warm-up: Upper and lower body Fitness, Health, Pilates 84min. Universal - Music pre-game stretches with tennis pro Adam Brewer. The DVD Stott Pilates 22.07.2008 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078270 also includes an introduction by Billy Asad and „Tips with the Pro“. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078351 Yoga, Fitness, Health 60min. Soul Prints: Your Path To Bayview Entertainment 05.08.2009 Stott Pilates: Pilates Weight Loss 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077948 Fulfillment Boost Elaine Werner, Sven Nebelung, Bob Marty - Fitness, Health, Pilates 118min. Dir. Bob Marty Sportskool Soccer With Mia Stott Pilates 22.07.2008 Using the power of ancient and modern myth along with the Hamm wisdom of his own personal experiences, inspirational 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078352 religious leader and philosopher Marc Gafni reveals an Sports, Soccer min. extraordinary approach to living happier, fuller lives. Genius Products Stott Pilates: Pilates With Props - Addressing the age-old desire to feel „connected,“ Gafni tba BestellNr.: 40077557 offers advice on how to form bonds based in truth and love by Volume 1

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Fitness, Health, Pilates 67min. Documentary, Showtime 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 Stott Pilates 22.07.2008 Tap Dogs 168min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078353 Dein Perry, Kevin Coyne, Darren Disney, Showtime Entertainment 23.09.2008 Drew Kaluski, Ben Mayne, Ben Read, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077958 Stott Pilates: Prenatal Pilates On Nathan Sheens, Gerry Symonds - Dir. The Mat Aubrey Powell Johnny Thunders: Kawasaki Spectacular! Triumphant! Amazing Achievement!“ -The Los Pipeline - Live In Japan Fitness, Health, Pilates 66min. Angeles Times. Dein Perry has created a dance experience Stott Pilates 22.07.2008 like none other — crackling with blue-collar energy, these six min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078354 young men from Australia steal tap forever from the world of Navarre black ties and tails, and carry it body and soul into the nineties. Cleverly staged and danced as though their lives 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078146 Street Poetry depended on it, Tap Dogs is winning the hearts of audiences min. around the world. ‘Til Death Do Us Part 1996 Ltbx S 73min. Indican Pictures Documentary, Prison 2008 min. Image Ent. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077517 Pathfinder Home Entertainment 01.07.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078080 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077643 Street Stars: The Karlton Hines Taxi To The Dark Side To’: Day Of Days - White Knuckle Story Dir. Alex Gibney Karlton Hines - Dir. Carey Moore Oscar-nominated director Alex Gibney (Enron: The Smartest Extreme Ever since anyone in his ‘hood could remember, Karlton Guys In The Room) investigates the torture and killing of an From letting go of the tow rope to rocketing into the channel in „Dunkin’“ Hines was destined for basketball stardom. Top innocent Afghani taxi driver in this gripping probe into a gale of compressed air and spray, the apex of one man’s life Division coaches swarmed the projects, vying for his reckless abuses of government power. Disturbing and all came together in a mere ten seconds which shook the attention. But shortly after graduation, with a scholarship in incisive, the Academy Award-winner Taxi To The Dark Side surfing world. In August of 2000, Hawaiian big wave hand, Hines abruptly quit basketball to answer the call of the incorporates rare and never-before-seen images from inside waterman Laird Hamilton, one of the creators of tow surfing, street. With the same talent and discipline he exhibited on the the Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan and Abu Ghraib was pulled into the largest wave of the day by jet ski in the court, Hines became the flashiest, richest drug dealer in mid- and Guantanamo Bay prisons into its exposure of the Bush sleepy town of Teahupo’o. Broadcast internationally by CNN, ’90s New York, a dangerous role in a cutthroat game that administration’s „global war on terror.“ This stunningly Reuters and AAP news feeds, Hamilton’s feat including being eventually cost him his life. crafted narrative demonstrates how this one man’s life and sling shot over a thick ledge where the wave hit the reef and Biography, Documentary 2006 FF S 56min. death symbolizes the erosion of our civil rights and how what almost tripled in size, which would have ended in severe Warner Bros. 12.08.2008 it means to be an American has changed forever. injury or death if not successfully executed. The entire story Torture, Academy Award Winners, of this amazing trip to Tahiti is documented a film The Surfers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077561 Journal hails as „the greatest combination of soul surfing and Documentary, Politics 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD cutting edge futuristic surfing like never before seen!“ 5.1 106min. Superbike World Championship 2002 50min. ThinkFilm 30.09.2008 Image Ent. 2002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077447 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078188 The Official Superbike World Championship Review 2002. Some of the best riders, the fastest bikes and most prestigious tracks on the planet all add up to one thing: The World Elizabeth Taylor: England’s Other Too Much For TV Presents: Sex- Superbike Championship. In 2002, Troy Bayliss and Colin Elizabeth Edwards put on a show of epic proportions in an all-out battle Hungry MILFs for one of the most sought-after titles in motorcycle racing. Elizabeth Taylor - Dir. Chris Bould Reality min. The first half of the season belonged to Bayliss. Six straight Narrated by Nigel Hawthorne. Elizabeth Taylor is possibly victories put the Australian firmly in the lead and he was the most famous woman in the world, remembered for her eight Mantra Films 08.07.2008 beginning to look invincible. The chasing pack, including marriages, vast jewelry, multiple illnesses and flamboyant 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077681 impressive Brit, Neil Hodgson, could only stand back and lifestyle. Born in London but raised in the old Hollywood admire as the reigning champion dominated proceedings. studio system, the actress remains an icon, practically the Edwards came out of nowhere to win six in a row and edge last of Hollywood’s royalty. It is a role she discusses openly, Too Much For TV Presents: Young into a single point lead after Bayliss had let it slip. The final charmingly and with great good will in this authorized Blonde And Naked round at Imola saw a top-class encounter of technique and biography. Highlighted by interviews with Shirley MacLaine, bravery worthy of the legendary circuit. Both riders gave Rod Steiger and Angela Lansbury, the ever-glamorous star It’s time to get to the root of that age old question...Do blondes everything in a frantic tussle to decide who was the true shares reminiscences about Richard Burton, Montgomery really have more fun? We’re having more than a few blonde champion of 2002. Great on-bike and trackside footage from Clift, Rock Hudson, James Dean, and Paul Newman, the moments, and for these bombshells, their hair is not the only every race, plus post-race interviews with the biggest names, pleasure of three Oscars® (two for Best Actress and one thing bouncing, but it’s definitely the only thing behaving! make this official review the only way to see the acti Humanitarian), and her dawning sense of responsibility at the Does the carpet match the drapes? Who cares! It’s real, raw Sports, Cult Film / TV, Extreme Sports 2002 onset of the AIDS crisis. Also featured are extended and extremely uncensored. It’s Too Much For TV, hosted by sequences from a number of her most famous films, including sexpert Scott Potasnik. Don’t get us wrong, we’ve got nothing FF S 220min. Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? and against brunettes or redheads, but if you want to have more Kultur A Place In The Sun. Tantalizing archival footage includes fun, all you non-blondes out there should hit the bottle and all 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078207 Taylor’s home movies and a delightfully naughty outtake from a you blonde lovers should not miss this episode of Too Much star- For TV: Young, Blonde & Naked Documentary 2001 FF S 60min. Reality min. Switchblade Symphony: Sweet Kultur Mantra Films 08.07.2008 Little Witches 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078125 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077834 min. Cleopatra Temptress Video Magazine: Top Dog tba BestellNr.: 40078218 Slingshot Entertainment is tossing it’s frisbee into the ring Volume 1 with full production, tell-all, film dogumentaries..for „dog music min. lovers“ everywhere. We’re talking special Howliday music Tae Bo: Freestyle Funk adaptions from SlingShots „singing K-9“ CD sensation Top Music Video Distribution 29.07.2008 Dog: Howliday Favorites in Dog! Interactive Dogtown games Tae Bo, Fitness 45min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078519 join Hanukkah’s „Howlin’ Nagila, „ and New Year’s „Old Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 Fang’s Whine“. Salivate over Morphing Mutts. Join the 30 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077910 million dog lovers who enjoy these dog-gone bone-a-fido That Old Time Rock & Roll treats. Pets are demanding their own copies too! Believe you Rock’n’Roll Palace Opening With Wolfman Jack Old Time me, this dog will hunt. You won’t be barking up the wrong tree Tae Bo: Funk Rock & Roll - Wolfman Jack Everybody - Tommy Roe Poison with this Star-Spangled Patriotic salute from our growling and Tae Bo, Fitness 46min. Ivy - The Coasters Two Faces, Have I - Lou Christie Corrina, crooning petriotics. Corrina - Ray Peterson One Track Mind - Bobby Lewis You FF DD 5.1 60min. Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 Can’t Sit Down - The Dovells He’s Mine - The Platters The Slingshot 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077909 Way I Walk - Jack Scott See You Later, Alligator - The Comets Sea Cruise - Frankie Ford With The Dixie Cups and tba BestellNr.: 40078253 Ace Cannon Tae Bo: Total Transformation min. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: K-Tel Training Best Of The Bloodiest Brawls - Billy Blanks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078234 Tae Bo, Boxed Sets, Fitness min. Scars And Stitches Gaiam Americas 02.09.2008 This American Life: Season One Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077908 Ira Glass Fighting 2008 210min.

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BCI 05.08.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077382 situations that could lead to sexual assault. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077408 Martial Arts 44min. Unforgotten: Twenty-Five Years Bayview Entertainment 29.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077777 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: After Willowbrook 2008 Dir. Jack Fisher Warrior Queen Boudica Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Documentary 1996 56min. Biography, Documentary min. Fighting 2008 210min. City Lights 30.09.2008 A&E 26.08.2008 BCI 19.08.2008 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078464 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077372 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077409 Vlado: Thirty Years Later Andrew Weil M.D.: 8 Weeks To U.S. Presidents: 1929 - 2008 This documentary tells the story of journalist Vladimir Her- zog, nicknamed Vlado, who was tortured and murdered during Optimum Health/ Spontaneous Collections, Presidents 245min. the repression years of Brazilian military dictatorship. Madacy 29.07.2008 Vladimir Herzog is called to present himself at a police station Healing 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077365 in Sao Paulo on October 25, 1975. Vlado, with the firm belief Patricia Friedman, Tony Greco - Dir. Tony he had nothing to hide, goes to the DOI-CODI police station. A few hours after arriving at the police station, the news of Greco UFC 86: Rampage Jackson Vs. his death becomes public and announced as suicide. Director How to Discover and Enhance Your Body’s Natural Ability to Joao Batista now attempts to uncover the events that took Maintain and Heal Itself. Bestselling author, Dr. Andrew Forrest Griffin place at that time. Weil, one of the most important leaders in the field of health and healing now reveals an eight week program for a Sports, UFC, Martial Arts min. Documentary 2005 82min. healthier life. Drawing on a wealth of healing and medical First Look Home Entertainment 28.10.2008 Koch Releasing 08.07.2008 techniques from around the world, Dr. Weil reveals an easy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077895 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077637 to follow program of exercise, diet, vitamins and meditation that will maximize the potential of your mind and body. Fitness, Health 1996 FF S 144min. UFC Classics: Volume 10 Hildegard Von Bingen: In Portrait Wellspring Sports, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts 119min. Ordo Virtutum 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078083 Lionsgate 02.09.2008 This stunningly beautiful DVD collection explores the life and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078001 works of the 12th-century saint, Hildegard Von Bingen, poet, prophet, activist, musician, artist and mystic; starring Patricia Wheels Of Soul Routledge. Wheels of Soul is the only racially mixed 1% outlaw club in UFC Classics: Volume 9 Classical Music, Documentary, Music America. These bikers do not push drugs, terrorize small towns or lie in wait for little old ladies. Instead, they terrorize Sports, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts 118min. 250min. pushers, pimps and gang members who plague their inner city Lionsgate 02.09.2008 Kultur 29.07.2008 neighborhoods. The Wheels of Soul. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078000 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077674 Documentary 53min. Passion River 22.07.2008 UFC: The Ultimate Fighter - Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Per- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077694 Season 1 sonal Protection: Crime Survival Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell Personal protection goes beyond the proverbial bar fight. It’s When We Left Earth: The NASA Uncut, Untamed and Uncensored!. 16 of the best unsigned about surviving modern criminal conflicts such as strong-arm Missions martial artists compete for the Ultimate prize - a six figure and armed robbery, carjacking, gang violence, assault and battery, caustic chemical attacks and other assaults. Crime Since the dawn of mankind, we have stared up at the lights in contract with the Ultimate Fighting Championship® the sky and wondered...Now join the heroic men and women organization. During the show, the competitors will take their Survival includes step-by-step instructions for protecting other people the way bodyguards do. Learn about police who have dared the impossible on some of the greatest training to a higher level. They will be brought to Las Vegas adventures ever undertaken - the quest to reach out beyond where the UFC® brand has its National Training Center. For contact, courtroom survival, the Jim Wagner gun-disarm rule and ways to survive multiple-assailant attacks. Earth and into the great unknown of space! To celebrate 50 the next seven weeks the competitors will be under the strict years of incredible achievements, the Discovery Channel has supervision of two of the most successful and famous UFC® Martial Arts 46min. partnered with NASA to reveal the epic struggles, tragedies fighters and trainers on the planet, Light Heavyweight Cham- Bayview Entertainment 29.07.2008 and triumphs in a bold chapter of human history. Along with pion Randy Couture and UFC Light Heavyweight #1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077775 the candid interviews of the people who made it happen, Contender Chuck Liddell. The competitors will endure the hundreds of hours of never-before-seen film footage from the most grueling training and intense pressure of their lives. NASA archives - including sequences on board the actual They will train together, live together, and fight against each Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Per- spacecraft in flight - have been carefully restored, edited and other inside and outside of the storied UFC Octagon?. The compiled for this landmark collection. men are split into two teams. Team Liddell and Team Couture. sonal Protection: Handgun The two squads compete with each other within their weight Discovery Channel, Documentary, Science, classes to avoid elimination. At the end of each week, one Survival Space 2008 Ltbx 16x9 258min. fighter from each team must fight in the Octagon to avoid be Martial Arts 45min. Discovery Channel 30.09.2008 Sports, Mixed Martial Arts, UFC 2005 min. Bayview Entertainment 29.07.2008 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077405 BCI 29.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077774 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078529 When We Left Earth: The NASA Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Per- UFC: The Ultimate Fighter - The Missions (Blu-ray) sonal Protection: Terrorism Since the dawn of mankind, we have stared up at the lights in Tuffest 25 Moments the sky and wondered...Now join the heroic men and women Survival who have dared the impossible on some of the greatest Sports, Mixed Martial Arts, UFC min. What would you do if you were caught in the middle of a adventures ever undertaken - the quest to reach out beyond BCI 16.09.2008 grenade attack or if a co-worker went on a shooting spree? Earth and into the great unknown of space! To celebrate 50 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078528 Terrorism Survival is not just a lecture about these things; it years of incredible achievements, the Discovery Channel has is a detailed, step-by-step prescription for dealing with such partnered with NASA to reveal the epic struggles, tragedies incidents. Jim Wagner, a former counter terrorist agent with and triumphs in a bold chapter of human history. Along with Under Pressure: Diary Of A Cage the U.S. government, brings you his tips for public- the candid interviews of the people who made it happen, transportation survival and pre-conflict positioning, as well hundreds of hours of never-before-seen film footage from the Fighter as advice for dealing with bomb threats and other high-risk NASA archives - including sequences on board the actual Documentary, Mixed Martial Arts 104min. incidents. spacecraft in flight - have been carefully restored, edited and Bayview Entertainment 12.08.2008 Martial Arts 42min. compiled for this landmark collection. Discovery Channel, Documentary, Science, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078308 Bayview Entertainment 29.07.2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077776 Space 2008 Ltbx DTS 258min. Discovery Channel 30.09.2008 The Unexplained: VooDoo Rituals 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078294 Documentary, Religion/Spirituality min. Jim Wagner’s Reality-Based Per- A&E 26.08.2008 sonal Protection: Women’s Where The Wild Things Are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077381 Survival ...And 5 More Stories By Maurice As our society grows increasingly violent, so do attacks on The Unexplained: Zombies women. Women’s Survival is the most comprehensive Sendak personal-protection system available to women today. Zombies, Documentary, Mystery min. Detective Joanna Clark will demonstrate police- and military- Family, Fantasy 54min. A&E 26.08.2008 based hit-and-escape tactics, ground escapes, basic Scholastic 26.08.2008 weapons training and how to diffuse potentially dangerous

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077246 The Terror Tears Triumph Collections, War min. The Wiggles: Sing A Song Of Madacy 29.07.2008 Wiggles 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077364 Unsere Öffnungszeiten: The Wiggles Family, Music, Preschool min. Xena Episode 2: Death In Chains Ladenverkauf: Warner Bros. 07.10.2008 Join Xena on a thrilling quest - you are right beside her in the excitement and action! In „Death in Chains“ you must decide Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077407 where the trail takes Xena and Gabrielle in their barefisted Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr battle to free the Goddess Celesta from King Sisyphus. Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr FF DD 5.1 45min. Wild West Tech: Disaster Tech Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Technology, History Channel min. Slingshot tba BestellNr.: 40078247 A&E 26.08.2008 Telefonische 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077344 Bestellannahme: XPW TV: The Complete Third Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Wild West Tech: Western Towns Season Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Technology, History Channel min. Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/Fighting Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr A&E 26.08.2008 min. Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077345 First Look Home Entertainment 19.08.2008 Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077609 The Witman Boys Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Foreign, Hungarian 95min. Yoga By The Dozen und Feiertags (Baden- Facets Video 26.08.2008 Yoga By The Dozen. Württemberg) bleibt unser 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077759 Fitness, Health, Yoga 2008 30min. Verkauf geschlossen. Well Go USA 19.08.2008 Women’s Extreme Wrestling: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077324 Volumes 1 - 4 Yoga For Beginners With Desi Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Fighting min. Bartlett BCI 16.09.2008 Desi Bartlett 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078531 Fitness, Health, Yoga 50min. Newsletter 13/08 (Nr. 233) Acorn Media 26.08.2008 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078329 ISSN 1610-2606 Women’s Extreme Wrestling: Credits Volumes 29 - 31 Young @ Heart Redaktion: Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Dir. Stephen Walker Wolfram Hannemann Fighting min. Get ready to rock out with the most entertaining „golden Design & Layout: BCI 16.09.2008 oldies“ you will ever meet, a fun-loving senior citizen’s choir Wolfram Hannemann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40078532 called Young@Heart. To prepare for a show in their hometown that is only weeks away, the lovable seniors must Assisstenz: learn a slate of new songs, ranging from James Brown to Beate Hannemann WWE: Summerslam - The Coldplay. The chorus’ tireless musical director leads the group through a series of hilariously chaotic rehearsals, Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Complete Anthology 1988 - 2007 proving that hard rock can be hard work - especially when Anna Rudschies Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ you’re hard of hearing! Climaxing in a triumphant performance that will leave you cheering, their inspiring story celebrates © (2008) by Fighting, WWE, Boxed Sets 3600min. the bonds of friendship and the life-affirming WWE Home Video 05.08.2008 power of music! LASER HOTLINE 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077385 Documentary, Music, Senior Interest 2007 ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Ltbx DD 5.1 108min. nur in Verbindung mit einem The WWII: Battle For Europe - 20th Century Fox 16.09.2008 „Persönlichen Import- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40077280 service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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