Dialogue on Diversity 5 CLE Credits N by Jeff Lyons Available At

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Dialogue on Diversity 5 CLE Credits N by Jeff Lyons Available At Philadelphia ® The Monthly Newspaper of the Philadelphia Bar Association Vol. 38, No. 10 October 2009 13 Courses, Dialogue on Diversity 5 CLE Credits n By Jeff Lyons Available at A panel of 12 attorneys and judges Bench-Bar discussed the past, present and future of diversity and inclusion in the legal More than 400 attorneys and judges profession at the Association’s Sept. 22 are expected to attend the Association’s Dialogue on Diversity. 2009 Bench-Bar and Annual Conference Chancellor Sayde Ladov moderated at Harrah’s Atlantic City on Oct. 23 and the program and said the summit is 24, where five CLE credits and 13 differ- evidence of the Philadelphia Bar Associa- ent seminars will be available. tion’s continuing commitment to make The Conference kicks off with the this 13,000-member bar an inclusive, October Quarterly Meeting on Oct. 23 welcoming place for all lawyers. with a discussion on the future of Philadel- “We want to help the legal community phia in challenging economic times. The in Philadelphia recognize and maintain presiding judges of the state’s courts will and continue to explore its commitment also present a state of the courts discussion. to diversity. As times change, we must Programs will be available in a number of remain steadfast in our commitment. But different practice areas. the way in which we move the dialogue Join your colleagues, friends and mem- on diversity further must be geared to the bers of the bench for a weekend of educa- realities of the day,” she said. tion, camaraderie and fun that includes Panelists included U.S. District Court Friday night’s Hawaiian-themed Grand Senior Judge Norma Shapiro; Butler Reception and a sports talk program on Buchanan, shareholder, Marshall, Den- Thomas Fitzpatrick (above) answers a question at the Sept. 22 Dialogue Saturday morning. nehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin; on Diversity as Chancellor Sayde Ladov looks on. Other panelists included Full Bench-Bar Guide – Pages 11-14 former Chancellor Andrew A. Chirls; (below, from left) Jamie Ray-Leonetti, Richard Negrin and Nadeem Bezar. Roberta Liebenberg, member, Fine, Kaplan & Black, R.P.C.; Nadeem Bezar, partner, Kolsby, Gordon, Robin, Shore & In This Issue Bezar; Brandi Brice, assistant city solici- 3 Elections Committee continued on page 16 4 Zoning Basics 5 Divorce Challenges WebC h eck 6 Social Media 9 Loan Forgiveness Visit the Diversity web page at www.philadelphiabar.org for our 20 Pro Bono Week Action Plan. Photos by Jeff Lyons LAWYER’S PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE M. BURR KEIM AGENCY Fill in the application form at 2021 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19103 www.mburrkeimagency.com 215-563-8113 or FAX to 215-977-9386 and fax to 215.977.9386 to obtain a quote A trade name of M. BURR KEIM COMPANY QUESTIONS? Serving the legal profession since 1931 Call Robert Worthington at extension 225 or Jacqueline Worthington at extension 233 2 Philadelphia Bar Reporter October 2009 philadelphiabar.org Frontline Editor-in-Chief Sunah Park, Esq. As Tempers Flare, Discourse Editor Emeritus Bruce H. Bikin, Esq. Tranforms into Hate Speech Associate Editors Heather J. Holloway, Esq. What’s happening in rudeness and offensive- provider, calling him a “baby killer.” That Asima Panigrahi, Esq. By Sayde J. Ladov America? ness. And I think it’s a physician, Dr. George Tiller, was later Kathryn C. Harr, Esq. Ria C. Momblanco, Esq. In recent weeks, slippery slope down that murdered while preaching at his Lutheran Regina Parker, Esq. we’ve heard a congress- path because outrageous church. Isn’t this hate speech in its basest Raymond M. Williams, Esq. man shout “You lie” at remarks, fueled by fear form? Thomas Bryan, Esq. our president during a and passion, can often Here is an example closer to home. A Edward P. Kelly, Esq. formal address to Con- turn into hate speech. resolution recognizing October as Do- Sarah K. Lessie, Esq. gress, watched a celebrity Just consider the re- mestic Violence Awareness month was re- rapper rush the stage and cent public dialogue on cently halted by a state representative who Contributing Editor Richard Max Bockol, Esq. grab the microphone health-care reform. declared “it has a homosexual agenda.” from another singer Our president at- On the same day, when the Pennsylvania Advisory Editors accepting an award, and tempts to tackle the House was about to vote on a bill increas- Molly Peckman, Esq. seen a tennis star lose a decades-old issue of ing marriage license fees from $3 to $28 Marc W. Reuben, Esq. key match because she screamed obsceni- health-care reform and proposes some (the increased amount going to a fund Director of Communications ties at the line judge. ideas. What happens? for victims of domestic abuse), this same and Marketing Now, as a Philadelphia lawyer, I’m as Rather than engage in meaningful de- politician opposed the measure, calling it Martha Phan big a proponent of free speech as the next bate over the issues, extremists hurl insults “a slap in the face to family values.” gal or guy. As I often say to new citizens and false charges. Town hall meetings are Just last week, it was reported that dia- Senior Managing Editor, Publications when I attend naturalization ceremonies, filled with angry, yelling protesters. The logue between two lawyers at a deposition Jeff Lyons the right to free speech in America is as president is accused of being a socialist, became so heated that the federal judge fundamental as the air we breathe. and his citizenship, race and right to be hearing the case was caused to say that Executive Director But what happens when free speech president are called into question. Some the lawyers had “ratcheted the acrimony Kenneth Shear turns to something else? When it turns even compare him to Hitler and make higher and the standards down.” The Philadelphia Bar Reporter (ISSN 1098- into incivility? When incivility incites wild accusations, including cries about In the face of all this, what do we do? 5352) is published monthly and available by rage and provokes hate? death panels. Do we ignore the Rush Limbaughs of subscription for $45 per year by the Philadel- I believe we are witnessing a decline In my mind, that’s not free speech. the world? After all, we’re never going to phia Bar Association, 1101 Market St., 11th floor, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107-2911. Periodicals in American civility that is decreasing That’s hate speech. change their minds. The problem is, so postage paid at Philadelphia, Pa. POSTMAS- dialogue and increasing hate. Last June, a security guard was mur- many people listen to what they say as it TER: Send address changes to Philadelphia Let me be clear: I am not talking about dered at Washington D.C.’s Holocaust if were gospel. Bar Reporter, c/o Philadelphia Bar Association, 1101 Market St., 11th floor, Philadelphia, Pa. differences of opinion, passionate debate Memorial Museum. This tragedy hap- Some of you may brush this off saying, 19107-2955. Telephone: (215) 238-6300. As- or vehement disagreements. I am talking pened two years after a popular commen- well, that’s just her political beliefs. sociation Web site: philadelphiabar.org. News- paper e-mail address: [email protected]. about the current spate of incivility and tator publicly said America would better But I don’t think it’s a question of The editorial and other views expressed in the hate talk that is choking our public dis- off if “the Jews” were “perfected” through political affiliation. I think it’s a question Philadelphia Bar Reporter are not necessar- course, fueling fears and diminishing our conversion. The Holocaust Museum of our ability to elevate the conversation ily those of the Association, its officers or its members. Advertising rates and information capacity to engage in civilized discourse killer had similar views, also calling Jews from spewing invectives and downright are available from Howard Hyatt at MediaTwo, with one another. “imperfect.” lies to making well-stated, factually based 1014 W. 36th St., Baltimore, MD, 21211. Tele- Somewhere along the way, we as Another political commentator spent phone: (410) 902-5797. Page 1 skyline photo by Edward Savaria, Jr./PCVB Americans have created a culture of lots of airtime raving about an abortion continued on page 17 Tell Us What You Think! Bar Forms Elections Committee The Philadelphia Bar Reporter The Philadelphia Bar Association solicited are Vice Chancellor, Secretary, at least 35 members who are entitled to welcomes letters to the editors for has formed its Elections Committee, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant vote. For candidates for Vice-Chancellor, publication. Letters should be typed. chaired by Immediate-Past Chancellor A. Treasurer and five seats on the Board nominations shall be signed by at least There is no word limit, but editors Michael Pratt. The Committee consists of Governors. Each Board seat carries a 100 members who are entitled to vote. reserve the right to condense for of Shanese Johnson, Lynn Zeitlin, Mike three-year term. Individuals who wish to run for any of clarity, style and space considerations. Viola, Scott Reid, Richard Harris, Peter Association members may become the above named offices should contact Letters must be signed to verify authorship, but names will be withheld Berson, Ourania Papademetriou, Larry candidates for any of these offices by staff counsel Brian Sims at bsims@phila- upon request. Letters may be mailed, Felzer, Ken Fleischer, and Brian Chacker. filing with the Secretary, at least 60 days bar.org for additional information. faxed or e-mailed to: Jeff Lyons, Senior Association Secretary Kathleen Wilkin- prior to the Dec. 8, 2009 annual meet- Signatures, along with a resume, and Managing Editor, Philadelphia Bar son serves as a non-voting member as ing, nominations in writing which, for written authorization should be submit- Reporter, Philadelphia Bar Association, do Chancellor Sayde Ladov, Chancellor- candidates of the Board, must be signed ted to Association Secretary Kathleen 1101 Market St., 11th floor, Philadel- Elect Scott Cooper, Vice Chancellor by at least 25 members who are entitled Wilkinson, c/o Brian Sims, Philadelphia phia, Pa.
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