WHAT IS BEAUTY FOR -if All over the world smartly-groomed incredible, astounding effect is that not to set masculine hearts women say Princess Pat rouge is their of color coming from within the skin, favorite. Let's discover its secret of just like a natural blush. You'll be a athrob -if not to bring the thrill utterly natural color. Your rouge-unless glamorous person with Princess Pat of conquests -if not to sing it is Princess Pat -most likely is one flat rouge -irresistible. Try it -and see. little songs of happiness in tone. But Princess Pat rouge is duo -tone. your heart when he admires? There's an under- Make -up's so important - tone that blends especially your rouge! with an overtone, to change magically There's nothing beautiful about on your skin. It be- rouge that looks painted, that outlines comes richly beauti- - itself as a splotch. But Princess Pat ful, vital, real -no r ------r---- rouge- duo -lone -Ah, there is beauty! outline. The almost PRINCESS PAT, Dept. 792 FREE 2709 South Wells Street, Chicago w Without cost or obligation please send me a Princess Pat cosmetics «r. s are non -allergic! free sample of Princess Pat rouge, as checked English Tint Poppy Gold Squaw Vivid Tan Medium Theatre Nile PRINCESS PAT ROUGE One sample free; additional samples lOc each. Name - TUNE IN - "A TALE OF TODAY" with Joan Blaine, NBC Red Network -every Sunday 6:30 P.M., E.S.T. Street

City State...... _..._ -.- IN CANADA, GORDON GORDON LTD., TORONTO ROUC!I few Finger Wave, Manicure and Facial yet she overlooks tender, ailing gums

How often such neglect leads Yet her smile still could be attractive usually he will suggest more work for to real dental tragedies... -with teeth sparkling, white and bril- those lazy, tender gums and the healthy liant. But not until she does something stimulation of Ipana and massage. help keep your gums healthy about her tender, ailing gums -not un- If he does, start with Ipana and mas- with Ipana and Massage. til she knows the meaning of that warn- sage today. Use it faithfully. Massage a ing tinge of "pink" on her tooth brush. little Ipana onto your gums every time SHE'LL sit by the hour for the latest you brush your teeth. Gradually you'll finger wave, spend dollar after dol- Heed that Tinge of "Pink" notice a new life and firmness as cirai- lar on beauty aids, and fret and worry When you see that tinge of "pink" on lation quickens in the gums. over the first sign of a skin blemish. your tooth brush -go to your dentist. Then with whiter teeth, healthier But her friends and even strangers sel- You may not be in for serious trouble- gums, how appealing your smile will dom notice these things. They only see but let him decide. More than likely, be; how brilliant, sparkling. Start with her smile -a disappointing smile -a however, he will lay the blame to our Ipana Tooth Paste and .massage today, smile that is dull, dingy and unsightly- modern menus -to the soft foods that and help make your smile the lovely, a smile that shocks instead of thrills ! rob our gums of necessary work. And attractive thing it ought to be.

e,YCeix a good tooth paste, IPANA like a good dentist, is never a luxury. er00-7,ids&


SPECIAL FEATURES COMING IN THE MARCH ISSUE Can the Lawyers Drive Goodwill Court Off the Air? . On Sale January 22 Frank H. Lovette 19 The Love Gladys Swarthout's Fame Couldn't Tarnish Mary Watkins Reeves 20 Would They Ask You for a Date? Judy Ashley 22 Ten famous bachelors' do's and don'ts for girls His Own Best Enemy John Edwards 24 Bing Crosby's Rebellions are poison to his career "Hollywood Can't Come Between Us" says Mrs. Don Ameche Dorothy Brooks 26 Ozzie Nelson's Theme Song 28 Complete words and music to "Loyal Sons of Rutgers" How to Tell a Funny Story John Lagemann 32 Radio's ace comics give you their own secrets Ed Jerome's Strange Ordeal Lucille Fletcher 34 The star of Rich Man's Darling lived a life of silence Genius in a Fog Weldon Melick 35 Explaining how quit his way to success Don't Act Your Age Anne Ellison 37 That Rule's made Walter Tetley the biggest child star The Personal History of Floyd Gibbons, Adventurer.. Norton Russell 40 Is Television Really Here? Louis Underwood 42 At Last! Answering all your questions In Pittsburgh is the luxurious home of Dave Their Friendship Brought Them Stardom Dan Wheeler 44 Rubinoff's parents, the home he gave them The amazing story of Al Jolson and Al Goodman in return for their many sacrifices to help Fashions That Flatter 48 him win success. Don't miss the touching Radio Mirror's own style guide story his parents tell next month of these It's Never Too Late Lester Gottlieb 64 sacrifices and how they were repaid. Gabriel Heatter's life began at forty UNUSUAL DEPARTMENTS ADDED ATTRACTIONS What's New on Radio Row Jay Peters 4 First hand gossip from Radio City and Hollywood Coast -to -Coast Highlights Russ King 6 What Have the Stars Resolved?. ... 12 All about the stars in your own hometown Their 1937 resolutions are for your What Do You Want to Say? 10 happy listening Your letters win prizes The Critic on the Hearth 15 Pictures of the Month Reviewing the newest programs Jane Pickens 30 Reflections in the Radio Mirror 16 The editor awards a gold baton Fronk Parker For Your Radio Scrapbook 38 31 You'll want to save these pictures and stories And So They Grew Up 46 Facing the Music Ken Alden 50 Danceland's secrets are yours Behind Closed Doors 62 Coronation Coiffures . Joyce Anderson 51 Keep your hair style up to the minute Radio Mirror Rapid Program Directory 52 Easy, complete guide to broadcasts COVER Put Magic in Your Baking Mrs. Margaret Simpson 54 Ma Perkins tells you how PORTRAIT OF GINGER ROGERS What Do You Want to Know? The Oracle 56 The information you've asked for BY GEORGIA WARREN

RADIO MIRROR (Copyright, 1936, by Macfadden Publications, Inc.). The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted, either wholly or in part without permission. Published monthly by Macfadden Publications, Inc., Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. General offices, 1926 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Editorial and advertising offices, Chanin Building, 122 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Bernarr Macfadden, President; Wesley F. Pape, Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Entered as scond -class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Oflce'at Dunellen, New Jersey, under Act of March 3, 1879. Price in , Newfoundland and Canada $1.00 a year; 10c a copy. In Cr. S. Territories and Possessions, Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and possession, and Central and South American countries excepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year; all other countries $2.00 a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by first class postage. But we will not he responsible for any losses of such matter contributed. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking an unnecessary risk. Printed in the V. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. NATURE IS Zl WITH TOOTH ENAMEL 1 THIS BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL .. ONCE WORN AWAY.. NEVER GROWS BACK_ NEVER I

Protect precious enamel. Once lost, it's gone for- ever. Be safe and win flashing new luster with absolute security! Nature restores skin, hair, nails-but never tooth enamel. Those precious surfaces, once worn away, are gone forever. Beauty goes with them ... decay attacks teeth ... IRIUM the days of enchanting young teeth are over. BECAUSE OF Guard those precious surfaces! Now 6RI1 contains N6 science brings you the utterly safe tooth Pepsodent saip paste. that cleans by an entirely new PUMICE One No uhf principle. That uses no chalk or grit or IR1UM harsh abrasive. BECAUSE OF Pepsodent alone contains IRIUM Pepsodent contains aw0' floatO film Pepsodent containing IRIUM brings flashing WA. Gently it off. luster to teeth- cleans them immaculately - instead ofsctubbia freshens mouth -stimulates gums and free flow- ing saliva-yet does so with the safest action ever _uu`4 known in tooth pastes. Because IRIUM -the thrilling new dental OF IRIUM ingredient - removes film without scouring or BECAUSE and tones up gums scraping. It lifts the clinging plaque off teeth Pepsodent saliva. and washes it gently away. It leaves the enamel tree -flowing promotes surfaces spotlessly clean -then polishes them to a _W24' brilliant luster you never even saw before! alone among Its an amazing advance in tooth beauty and Pepsodent contains IR= safety. In just a few days your teeth sparkle with booth Pastes alluring brilliance that everyone notices. Buy a rube of Pepsodent containing nuuM. Begin now to use this new method that brings flashing luster to your teeth with absolute safety.

HIGH POLISH THE NEW en1. a4419E PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE Pe FIL/"EyQNING R5 ....w1p13114 IT ALONE CONTAINS IRIUM PRESS -TIME FLASHES: Wit - B y J A Y ty and wisecracking James J. Walker, New York's ex -play- boy mayor, should debut P E T E R S make his as a news commentator shortly. SEW U11 Sponsors regard his remarkable UJHRT' gift of gab and ingratiating personality as potential star material . . . Rudy Vallee is negotiating with producers to star him in a legitimate play on Broadway ... Major Bowes turns down a quarter of a million dollars to work in,the movies because it wouldn't be fair to his sponsor. Jean Harlow, offered plenty for a solo session with the mike in New York, declines, claiming she hasn't the courage to run the gauntlet of autograph fiends. A brand new rea- i son for not broadcasting ... 520,000 visitors passed through ßR Rill the portals of Radio City during 1936, 55,000 more than last year's record. At forty cents a head, it means the tidy sum of $208,000 paid out for a peek behind the scenes of broadcastland. Two old timers in show business, Billy B. Van and Gus Edwards, are on the verge of signing with sponsors for network programs ... the networks taboo any humorous mention of Mrs. Waffle Simpson and King Edward, though they are the most discussed topic in the world .. . Gossips see a romance budding between Kay Thompson of the Chesterfield program and Jack Jenny, saxophonist with Andre Kostelanetz' orchestra. * * * So many programs originating in Hollywood are creat- ing such a demand for film stars that salaries have gone haywire, and this development is forcing some of the shows to move back East. When this column was compiled, the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency, producer of the Lux Radio Theater and Shell Chateau sessions, was again contemplating with favor Radio City, where plenty of tal- ent of all kinds is constantly on tap. On the Pacific, stars once content with 912,000 a broadcast are demanding -and getting -$5,000, and sponsors find the cost of programs mounting he- Elsie Hitz and Nick yond all reason. Dawson of Dangerous Paradise fame will Columbia's staff of announcers return Jan. 4 in a is in the throes of a shake -up. It new dramatic serial. follows a new rule imposed by its Artists Bureau that announcers must give up to the bureau twenty per cent of their salaries in commissions for any extra money earned spieling on commercial programs, for news reels, transcriptions, etc. Carlyle Stevens and Del Sharbut promptly turned in their resignations to become free -lance mikemen and others are following in their footsteps. The departure of Sharbut provided an opening at the New York headquarters for Ralph Edwards, formerly of KFRC on the West Coast. * * *

Jack Benny becomes Public Entertainer No. 1 in the Crosley Reports, the sponsors' Bible, replacing Major Edward Bowes who occupied that exalted position for two years. Critics assign much of the credit to Benny's new script writer, Al Boasberg, for ten years a movie scenarist and director. Sears, Roebuck and Company, going strong for picture celebrities for its Then and Now program, hands Francis Lederer 953,500 for a single broadcast and considers Ronald Coleman at $7,500! Is that the reason for its sudden de- parture from the air? * * * With applications for new broad- casting stations being filed with the Jack Pearl grins in Federal Communications Com- pleasure over being mission at the rate of twenty -five back on the air as weekly, the rush to the Ether El- the Baron. Here he dorado is on in earnest. Fifty nee is with Mrs. Pearl. transmitters (Cont. on page 71) PRETTY GIRL, pretty dress. . But with this chapped skin, I'll look a sight!" Smooth your skin with Hinds, the vitamin lotion. Its Vita- min D is actually absorbed by skin. Now, more than ever, Hinds creamy softeners soak scuffed, chapped skin soft again. Face and hands bloom out truly smooth -not just slick.


(above) "SKIN LIKE SANDPAPER after this snowy trip!" Hinds soaks chapped skin smooth again. Its Vitamin D is absorbed- actually linds seems to fill out skin. Creamy, not now has Vitamin watery -Hinds works better! D in it/


SHE NEEDS HELP! Her skin will, too -so chapped! That's when Hinds, with its Vitamin D, feels so good. It comforts chapped skin faster. SCRUB THE TUB...but save your hands with Hinds. Skin stays smooth -regardless of gritty cleansers, drying soaps. Hinds is creamy...not watery. And now contains Vitamin D that skin actually absorbs! FREE! The first one- Now... Hinds contains "Sunshine piece dispenser Vitamin" that skin absorbs -with every Hinds Honey and Almond Cream now contains 50c size Vitamin D. Vitamin D is absorbed by the skin and gives it many of the benefits of si -tshine. Actually seems to fill out dry skin! Now, more than ever, Hinds soothes and softens dryness, aids skin in its fight against cracked knuckles, chapping, tender- ness, heat, cold, wind, and housework. Promotes supple, soft skin. Try Hinds, the "sunshine vita- min" lotion. Every creamy drop -with its Vitamin D-does your skin more good! $1, 50c, 25c, 10c sizes. DAILY RADIO TREAT: Ted Malone... inviting you to help yourself to Happiness and to Beauty, Monday to Friday, Copsr,ght, 194. Lena & kink rroducta t,orpor.tion t 2 :15 pm E. S.T. over the WA B C -CBS Network. H i 1 D S:),_auickwr_ad:--.9 N-VJai- HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM

5 T

INCINNATI: Those sighs and re- By R U S S KING Judge Keith pounds for order and the pressed cries you hear in the back- actor -bailiff, whispering away from the - ground of the program over the Mu- mike, calms some spectator, reminding tual Network from IO to 10:45 P. M. EST, every Monday, him that a program is on the air. As the state rests and are real. Those sighs and cries come from some hundred the defense addresses the jury in presenting its case, those privileged spectators who are watching the Famous Jury "ohs" and "ahs" you hear are the natural reactions of an Trials program go on the air at WLW. audience vitally concerned with the trial it is witnessing. When the audience is seated for this drama -written by When Announcer Grant signs off at 10:45 P. M., the Don Becker from data based on actual outstanding cases audience, hesitant for a moment, rises and visibly reflects in the country's history and assembled by the prominent the letdown after the forty -five minutes of tenseness. The New York trial attorney, Martin H. Young -it faces a com- attorney who a few minutes before was shaking his fist in plete courtroom setting. The judge, Richard Kay Keith, the face of a witness, incurring the wrath of the court and sits on his high bench. At his left is the witness chair. im- the spectators, is talking and laughing with that witness. mediately in front sits the clerk, who is E. J. Rogers, cast- That realism of a few minutes before, now -and only now ing director of WLW. The production man, Harold Carr, -reveals itself for what it was: just another script, but a gives his last minute instructions to the cast. Final adjust- script expertly written and acted. As the audience trails ments are made on guns, chains, and other sound effects out it is evident that many have not yet fully assured them- by the chief technician, Dón Winget, Jr. selves the courtroom scene just witnessed was not the real The actors in their places, Announcer Peter Frant in- thing. troduces the show and the ringing voice of the bailiff calls the court to order. From here on the tenseness is comparable YESTERDAY'S STARS ??? only to a courtroom murder trial. As the prosecution ad- This department is accustomed to letters but hardly such dresses the jury, the witness -if the script is dramatic a flood as the December RADIO (Continued on page 73) enough- breaks down . . . the defense attorney shouts back ... the bailiff jumps to his feet ... a scream ... a woman has fainted. is all so real the audience, no It that Below, a fascinating character study of Jimmie longer in a studio but a real courtroom, comes to its feet. Stevenson in action at a WJR microphone during one of his programs as a star news broadcaster.

Below, left to right, William Green, Richard Keith, and Sidney Sion, who help make those Famous Jury Trials over Forster Studio WLW every Monday night such realistic radio broadcasts. deck Jack u LISTERINE SAYS 11a44q-tqi to Nature's Healing Process

Feel chilly? ... Uneasy? ... With just a Additional precautions? Certainly. The hint of rawness and tickle in the throat? Common Cold calls for common sense Do something about it, quick! be- hygiene; plenty of fresh air, rest, and fore there is actual pain in swallowing. sleep; and regular elimination. Prompt action may prevent much But gargle frequently with Listerine needless suffering. Or hasten the heal- Antiseptic, several times a day at least. ing process. Thus ending the cold or Many users report best results with sore throat sooner. gargling every hour. If the inflamma- tion still persists, it is advisable to Don't Treat Symptoms consult your doctor. Get At the Cause Fewer, Less Severe Colds The irritated throat -surface is usually the result of infection by germs. Help Proved in Clinical Tests the system in its fight to repel these Even in the throats of Four healthy persons, disease - germs by gargling with Listerine Anti- years of carefully supervised producing germs are septic. medical tests established the clear -cut found at all times. X -ray finding Every that those who gargled regu- photographs of garglers one of these surface germs larly with Listerine Antiseptic had indicate how Listerine which it reaches is almost instantly fewer colds ... and got rid of them Antiseptic, used as a gar- killed by full- strength Listerine. It de- faster than non- garglers. gle, reaches the germs on stroys not only one type of germ, or ... throat- surfaces. two; but any and all kinds which are This winter, why not make a test of associated with the Common Cold and your own case? Get a bottle of Lister- Simple Sore Throat. And there are ine, the safe antiseptic with the literally millions of such germs in the pleasant taste. Keep it handy in the mouth. medicine cabinet. Use it regularly. The effect of Listerine is definitely Then see if your experience doesn't antiseptic -NOT anesthetic. It check with that of millions who never doesn't lull you into a feeling of false accept anything but Listerine when security by merely dulling the irrita- they buy an antiseptic mouth -wash. 11111I tion in the throat. Listerine acts to check the infection, and so gives Na- LAMBERT PHARMACAL COMPANY Lp( ture a helping hand. St. Louis. Missouri

Now a liner Cough Drop by .I ÄS I'I RINL Wisely Medicated

7 MORE NEWS ON THE HOLLYWOOD FRONT By RUTH GERI IS THE SECRET OF RADIANT TOUGH SLEDDING! In sharp con- trast to the notable successes of Don Ameche, Vin (Myrt & Marge) Haworth and Lionel Stander, who came from radio to Hollywood. other air- wave actors and actresses find the path to movie fame discouragingly rocky. Art Jacobsen, Donald Briggs, Dorothy Page, and Shaindel Kalish all were stars in Chicago. Yet Jacobsen is merely twiddling his thumbs, tied up by contracts which pre- vent him from doing other work. Briggs has spent most of his time in a hospital repairing bones broken when he filmed a Western without a double. Dorothy Page, catapulted into the movies after winning the title of radio queen. was dropped at the expiration of her option. Shaindel Kalish has been successively renamed Anne Preston, for Universal, who had her chestnut hair tinted red, then Judith Blake, at RKO, where she was made a blonde. Fourth Estaters are faring better. Bill Cooper, who authored Lights Out and other big Chicago script shows, is profitably at work at 20th Century -Fox, and the other night, at Jimmy Walling - ton's party for the cast of "Scandals"

tOrqgye 7! .l.qI6 Kenny Baker (below) finishes his ttiCETT r Rp8S0E0 N 1,110oorn uu song on Jack Benny's program to

I take part in RADIO MIRROR'S Beauty authorities agree that thorough special NBC anniversary broadcast. cleansing is the most important step in complexion care. A simple step, too, .nlll,Miat rDll0.ou ta since Daggett Sc Ramsdell created the new Golden Cleansing Cream-for a more efficient skin cleanser could not action makes Golden Cleansing Cream be obtained. many times more thorough than ordi- Golden Cleansing Cream contains a nary cleansers, and tones and invigo- remarkable new ingredient, colloidal rates skin tissues meanwhile. gold, with an amazing power to rid See for yourself, tonight, how fresh skin pores of dirt, make -up and other and clean Golden Cleansing Cream impurities. You can't see or feel this leaves your skin. You'll find this new colloidal gold, any more than you can cream at your drug or department see the iron in spinach; but its special store, for just $1.00. Daggett & Ramsdell GOLDEN CLEANSING CREAM Cupe. 1967. Daggett ! Ramsdell

Dept. -3 Daggett & Ramsdell MF MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST! Room 1980, 2 Park Avenue f' . ! ^r Apply your usual skin Enclosed find 104 in stamps for cleanser. Wipe it off which lease send me my trial size jar with tissue. Your face of Golden Cleansing Cream. (Offer seems clean -but is it? good in U. S. only.)

M YEl Nov., cleanse with Daggett & /.I Name Ramsdell Golden Cleansing Cream. Street Your tissue shows moredirt-brought V from pore depths by this more City State effective cleansing. Dealer's Name I ran into Bob Andrews, one of radio's most prolific penmen. The originator "I'm most certainly grateful of Skippy, Betty and Bob, Jack Arm- II strong and other shows still finds time to keep Just Plain Bill and Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch running while he also bats out picture stuff for Sam Goldwyn. In his spare time, if any, boasts, Bob with justification, of his SAYS THIS CHARMING BRIDE new five -months -old daughter Deidre. * '* * TRUTH WILL OUT. There have been so many conflicting reports con- cerning the Fred Astaire - Packard show it's time the truth were told-so here it is, straight from the feed -box. The stories that Astaire wanted to be re- leased because he felt Charlie Butter- worth was stealing the show or because he couldn't work out enough dance rou- tines for radio are all wet. Astaire told me he'd like to drop his radio work during the more strenuous portion of the shooting on his new picture because the mental and physical strain of the dual assignment was too much. The fact he didn't drop the radio show sets him in a class by himself as a real trouper, for the reason he didn't is that his pal, Johnny Green, turned down a lot of big offers to work on the Astaire show and Fred didn't want to seem un- appreciative. * * * SCOOP!!! Willie and Eugene How- ard will remain on the road with "Scan- dals" until late in March, when they IS. will return to New York, take a two - BELOIT, W weeks' rest, (Continued on page 89) tit's be w wouldn't itres Its. Y es, Camay?-I quick in to use, s so pleasant to Camay. Below, Robert Taylor, whose appear- ggrateful ance in the Lux Theater precipitated I'm most certainly Sincerely, a near riot. Too many of his loyal Sherman Clark fans succeeded in crashing the gate. aired> Jane G. Clark, Jr') (Mrs. Edward No1 6x12,1936 satin - smooth it makes your skin, "HE bride carried orchids, wore even in coldest skin- trying weather. white velvet with old lace" - Camay's so soothing for Camay's a charming picture, but then what so mild- provably milder than all a lovely bride! For Mrs. Edward other beauty soaps, by actual tests Clark, Junior, has joyous blue eyes, on women's skins. hair like blond satin, a complexion Begin Camay care of your skin that's as fresh, as fair, as spring today. The price is very low! itself! And she keeps it so (just as Let Camay bring your loveliness to light. you should yours) by daily care with deep -cleansing Camay. It's exhilarating! - the mere touch of Camay's deliciously fra- grant lather! And how clear, how CAMAY


MANY thought the amateur craze was just a fad -but little did we think how far amateurs could go. Now it's Major O'Keefe and his Dramateurs! In other words, it's the Saturday Night Party heard over the NBC red network at eight o'clock, for a full hour. Listen in and tell us t`~Oyt what you think of it, as well as of the í ° dea^1^'gu19' many other new winter programs. The AondD¿ç1et prizes are as usual, $20.00 for the best letter, $10.00 for the second best, and $ I.00 each for the next five selected. Address your letter to the Editor, 122 East 42nd Street, New York City, not later than January 25.

$20.00 PRIZE AS ONE SALESMAN TO ANOTHER About two years ago, as my knack in getting orders was getting really sour on me, I began to worry. The more I worried the worse things got. My GIRDLE or BRASSIERE health became impaired and I went to may be worn a doctor who gave this wonderful ad- separately vice: "Put a radio in your car and get your mind off yourself. Did it work? l'll tell the world it did. The first prospect I breezed into thought my jokes were extremely funny IF YOU Do No! -he did not know that while on the lonely road, fifty miles long, I took in those jokes from the air. I had the same experience with others. Everyone 3 INCHES in 10 DAYS . it will COST YOU NOTHING! seemed interested in radio. ecause so many Perfolastic wearers first accumulates. You will be If you're a brooder as 1 was, take a B reduce more than 3 inches we thrilled with the results . . . as are believe we are justified in making other Perfolastic wearers! tip from me and follow that doctor's you the above unqualified agreement. Perfolastic Reduces Safely ... Quickly advice. "Hips 12 inches smaller," says Miss Without Diet, Drugs or Exercise! PATRICK M. FRAWLEY, Richardson. "Lost 60 pounds and You do not have to risk your health Elmsford, New York. reduced 9 inches," writes Mrs. Derr. or change your comfortable mode of Thousands of other women today living. No strenuous excercise to wear owe their slim youthful figures to this you out . no dangerous drugs to $10.00 PRIZE quick, safe way to reduce. Why don't take ... and no diet to reduce face You, too. test the Perfolastic Reduc- and neck to wrinkled flabbiness! The A MIGHTY GOOD HABIT. tng Girdle and Brassiere at our expense? perforations and soft, silky lining Every time I hear Bing Crosby on Immediately Appear Inches Slimmed make Perfolastic delightful to wear. the Kraft Show, I am reminded of the You Risk Nothing; Mail Coupon NOW 1 You appear inches smaller at once, time I had trying to hear him a few See for yourself the wonderful qual- and yet are so comfortable you can years ago. We'll say about the time scarcely realize that every minute you ity of the material! Read the astonish- wear the Perfolastic garments you are ing experiences of prominent women "The Blue of the Night First Met the actually reducing at hips, waist, thighs, who have reduced many inches in a Gold of the Day." diaphragm ... the spots where ugly few weeks .. safely and quick! ! My daughter and her very young Inc. son were staying with me at the time, , N. Y. and young son wasn't interested in NEW YORK. PERFOLASTIC41 E. 42nd ST.. describing crooners. pí.282, BOOBOOKLET and me FREE all GirdleG send irdl Fortunately for my daughter and me, illustrating the neBrassiere, also anddpphragm Reducing 1l( was and particulars ofyour each evening about the time Bing PERM am aterii l ! perforated FREE TRIAL due on the air, an ice -cream man passed 10 DAY our door. This is what happened for fName weeks when Bing was on: Dinner over, one of us turned to dial for NBC and Redu Address Stale ['inn) Post ard Bing, spread a blanket on the floor for City rnrd Ar(d,a-tso11 or Send Nrrnr at [rr eo young son while the other watched 41 EAST 42nd ST ITY the door, money in hand to get a small


cup of ice -cream to keep young son quiet so that we might enjoy our favor- ite program. This young man who is eight years old now, said only lately: "I sure like Mr. Crosby, Grandmother. But it `A COLD" seems I've been listening to him just 'bout all my life. Mother says he's a mighty good habit." EDITH BUSE, Hynes, Calif. Be doubly caridabout the $1.00 PRIZE "JUST FED UP" And now the gangster comes to radio ! with a vengeance! If a program needs laxative you take a little pepping up, just throw in a gangster, or several gangsters! This leaves the way open to threatening let- ters, warning telephone calls and mys- terious disappearances. Add to the gangster element the other woman angle, and you have a real knockout -so the sponsors of the majority of daytime serials think. But the public thinks otherwise. The serial quickly loses bal- ance and humor and is dialed off by hundreds of listeners. The long stand- ing popularity of One Man's Family is notable and should give sponsors an idea of what the public wants. We don't want gangsters and cheap melodrama! MRS. H. RAYMOND LAWTON, Saratoga Springs. N. Y. (Continued on page 60)

qAT is one of the most frequent tion, not merely to thousands of families "Tally -ho!" That's when Portland uestions the doctor asks when you -but to millions. It has grown, slowly but Hoffa appears on the scene on Fred have a cold? It is this -"Are your bowels surely, to the point where today it is used Allen's Town Hall Tonight program. regular ?" by more people than any other laxative in Doctors know how important a laxative the whole wide world. is in the treatment of colds. They know, DISCOVER THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF also, the importance of choosing the right laxative at this time. Before they will give Anyone who has ever used Ex -Lax can any laxative their approval, they make explain in a moment why Ex -Lax is so uni- doubly sure that it measures up to their versally popular. It is thorough. But it is own strict specifications. gentle.... It is effective. But it is mild. Read these specifications. They are ... It gives you the most effective relief very important -not only during the "cold you could ask for. But it spares you all season," but all year 'round. discomfort. No nausea. No stomach pains. No weakness. That's why it is such a THE DOCTOR'S TEST OF A LAXATIVE: favorite not only of the grown -ups, but of It should be dependable. the youngsters, as well. It should be mild and gentle. It should be thorough. EVERYONE LIKES THE TASTE OF EX -LAX Its merit should be proven by test of time. Perhaps you have been taking bitter It should not form a habit. "druggy" mixtures.... Then change to ¡rill-174# It should not over -act. Ex -Lax, and find out how really pleasant It should not cause stomach pains. a good laxative can be. For Ex -Lax tastes It should not nauseate or upset digestion. just like delicious chocolate. It pleases EX -LAX MEETS EVERY DEMAND the children as well as the older folks. Ex-Lax checks on every single one of All drug stores have Ex -Lax in 10c and 25c sizes. If you prefer, you these 8 specifications ... meets every de- may try it at mand so fairly that many doctors use our 'expense by simply mailing the cou- Ex -Lax in their own homes for their own pon below for a free sample. families. have TRY EX -LAX AT OUR EXPENSE!---- - For more than 30 years, mothers (Paste this on a penny postcard) recommended Ex -Lax to other mothers. Ex -Lax. Inc., P. 0. Box 170 F-27 And Ex -Lax has given complete satisfac- Times -Plaza Station, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1 want to try Er.Lax. Please send free sample. forgets remember When Nature -- Name


City Age EX -LAX (u you live in Canada, write Er -Lax. Ltd., Montreal) THE ORIGINAL CHOCOLATED LAXATIVE I-





PHIL BAKER it's going to cost me a lot of real physical I resolve, though and always get to pain, to turn over a new alarm clock to my followers, I rehearsals on time. More important at the same speed with promise to keep my program running let myself or Bottle or which it started this fall znd not Further, now that Beetle slip into a dull and boring routine. to keep the pages of my Gasette the election is over, I pledge to -be- forgotten subjects, unsullied by any taint of those soon- 1 ? politics and politicians.

Ìi510:e4**3.,=ys .W'..',"y100 . 3eitAV,':AMPA7 sm' Tisti`V--í KATE SMITH trend in broadcasting to I resolve to resist the present -bowl of talent, by keep- make every big program a mixing and hope-unique. I ing my program simple, friendly, -1 awards to people resolve not only to continue giving public deserving of recognition, whose heroic acts have made them 0 people's circum- but also to acquaint myself with these them if they need it. I further stances so I can get help to the old songs best, X' resolve to remember that people love and to sing at least one on every programs

a . ... ` !.ti>14itii!YiC?Sÿt-,.lidt..F,F`r0'sr!'R,t1bÌ.: , , .¡Ç4:3.,.,°n,`h' . ' ` ~ (Continued on page 14) Is Your Name Here? BELOW is a list of surnames of some of the most distinguished American families. Our research staff, over a period of years, has completed preparation of manuscripts dealing with the history of each of these families. If your name is listed, you should have a copy of your manuscript. You will find it not only of keen interest, but a source of pride and satisfaction to yourself and your kin. YOUR FAMILY HISTORY . $2.00 Graham Hyde ]I I nI r Finland Morrow Pond Seaver Stout Wales Each manuscript is a GENEALOGICAL Grant Il rnr. N la)c Variant Morse Pnol fe) Sayre - -Sayer Stover Walker (irnees tog, .all M U1 Gregor Mortimer Pairle) Saxton Stowell Wan and HISTORICAL sketch of the family limy Grey Ingrn(helm Mlal eke), Norton Pope Searblo) rough Strange Wallace Green MI Irwin t et M ( i ekensie Mos le) ley Porter Scharf liter Stratt on Waiter from earliest times, showing its origin and Greenwnnd Irwin M lai clean Mutt Posey Sehaf(fler Street Wallis Greer Brier .I nett 1st Mlal eleod Moulton l'ont Scher, (elk Streeter Welsh growth, its place among the gentry in Great Griffin Jarknon M la i enehon Mow lei y Potter Schermerhorn Strickland Walter Is) Griffith la tel tors M is I rMurroy Munson Pott. Schneider Strong Welton Britain or on the Continent, its part in the Grinnell .I nmes M la l Mato( blouson Powell Sebulto Stroud Wend Grirwold Janes M (n l e Pherson Murray Powers Schumacher Stryker Wardee founding and Grover .servis M lai chat Myrtloi Pratt Schuyler Stricker Ware - and development of America, Grovels) Jeffrey- Jeffery Magee Nagel- Nagle Prentice Scott Stuart Warfield its in Gmbh l et Jeff rie. Magill Nance Prentiss Stooil¡lc/ Stubbs Waring achievements this country. The deri- Maw Nash I'rencott Sara Stump le) W Jennings Malcolm Neal le). Neil Ill Preston t ; Guthrie &hastiest Sturges Warren anon of the name itself is traced family traits and character - Gwynn -Gaina Jewell Mann Nelson l'rin Seel (e)y Sturala \YSrwtek Jewett Manning Nrebil I'rinec Belden Style. Washburn le) ; Hecker Belden - istics are brought Out and genealogical data are set forth. Each Haddock Neville Prildle Sellera Sullivan W'eshingtsrn Radler Juhnsoon Marllble Naina I'nn¢le Semple Sumner Waterhouse history is a separate and distinct work painstakingly compiled Hager Arnim Markham Newbury Pritrherd Seward Sutcliffe Waterman Hnagnrd Jordan Mork is) Newcomb Pryor -Prior Sewell-Sewall Sutherland Welon from the most authentic sources. Bound as it is in an attractive Haines Newell Vurd, Sexton Suwon Wetlt) ern Hale J oyes Mush Newland Putnam Seymour Swain- Swayne Wails) cover, the manuscript may be filed among your family records Hell Juckt Marshell Newman Vurkenbuah 5An ¡ ¡/I er Sweet Wayne Hall Julian Marston Newton 4narla Shannon Swell M'aver Martin Nicholas 0wek or other important documents. It should serve as background Hallowell Kan. -- -Knit lel Shwrnle) Swift Webb Halsey K Marvin Nicholll)n Guinn Shaw Sylvester W


to break a am resolved the ED WYNN -1 ¢1 radio tradition chstc into long along an h the pit of oblivion, plan, to subscribe the who refuse hurts hich often - word "Stooge" feel I performer's listener's as pledge keep Graham pledge pto he's Mc FurthFurther, long as with as McNamee gets smart some spsponsor willing or until 1 promise away. Last, my headaches made me miser- him for Splitting feel and buys able. I tell you how I was 1 am performing can't suffering! remember audience. I knew the trouble all too well-consti- to not my studio pation, a clogged -up condition. I'd r listeners, ' heard FEEN- A -M1NT well spoken of. So + 4t.'.Ák ~ lrr ".. wM:l).2tr fli [i?:`r% y I stopped at the drug store on the way 4 b jiff igY4. 1 ,!+!'rnásrzrti NlDu;:k}MS home, got a box of FEEN -A -MINT, and .'sif !" .Q 4 `^1 chewed a tablet before going to bed. ,;íï`,4`i do all in resolve to HAYES- 1 HELEN aid the develop- in 1937 to can my power that v, ' radio drama the ,_ -`- - ment of pplace by '. take its rightful L> eventually better established stage further side of its screen, 1 stage and around 4'' sisters, the come . should television and to 5 resolve, heed its call against it, that corner, prejudices present self and forget my to adapt myself so 1 can proceed every possible conform in : ' < work to iequirements. my riew ,,, to its exacting s. FEEN -A- MINT MINUTE WAY! is the modern laxa- Three minutes tive that comes in of chewing delicious mint-fla- make the 'y.,Á.',CiiìiNS'+., ? ?^'. difference vored chewing gum. tel good ` Chew a tablet for 3 1c,.4`k..,,k';3!i,1,áS¡;':i't+.:Ä;i:?F the g ÀLLEN -For that Ill minutes, or longer, for its pleasant taste. FRED Hall, 1 resolve The chewing, according to scientific re- {the old Town Portland's Poppa as can search, helps make FEEN -A -MINT more ontinue calling names as I thorough -more dependable and reliable. many uncomplimentary Joe Miller-all the aid of hink of with {urther resolve ; Andd some n fun, of course. picture , moving some to make another pied of ' day, in listeners resolve 3 case I won't television- ut of , ing for the tendency it, knowing when 1'11 do wilt when summer i energy to City. the Allen Radio 2. and 1 leave k comes around °i!`ic'.i,Li,: sr ;; 1á0.t."`:oZ:; Arabi ;.n?+.fi iYlrtì:'Ao.3'.df?4n v . t3ey42 t µ,y.lVtdn'1..w9 re- ac&ti..w,ytrr% ` at the Next morning -headache gone -full of ...,,.r:eyvia`tii resolve- 1RRO- life and pep again! All accomplished so ....,++ LORD -1 pDlO M PHILLIPS of R spend easily too. No griping or nausea. Try the editor to quest of my laurels but FEEN -A -MINT the next time you yearon another have a headache the toe develop caused by constipation. year trying to and full Learn why this laxative is a favorite with the new as unique We, 16 million people for a on which idea as that resolve -young and old. interest 1 of human is built. Further, we the stories the PPeople and - individuals shall con-con Family- that the the People, on We, and your sized boxes you listeners by t. tinue from all applicants only chosen committee. stories, representative 15c & 45c your own

Slightly higher ,n Canada. RADIO MIRROR THE CRITIC ON THE HEARTH Brief Reviews of the New Programs by Weldon Melick

THE WORM TURNS. Whenever a eral new stooges and tenor Morton Bowe. HOMEMAKER'S EXCHANGE. More critic gets a chance to do what he has Tommy Dorsey swings the baton. It prizes for suggestions -have all the pro- been telling others how to do, he is never looks like a bona fide comeback for Pearl. gram producers thunk their brain cells quite so critical again, for some reason or NBC Red, Mon., 9:30 P. M., 30 min. dry? This time the call is for hints on other. Before you read this. your critic time and temper saving schemes for house- will be writing the skits for LISTEN TO THIS. Jack Pearl is going wives. Judging from the items offered, Pinky -Dinky Mitchell and his pals on to have plenty of competition in the way Mrs. John Q. Public isn't so bad at writ- The American Pageant of Youth. It's all of tall stories from the classics of the ing radio programs. Eleanor Howe takes about how to make a million dollars. (Are Burlington Liars' Club dramatized here. charge. you interested ?) You will be the Critic With the smoothly matched voice of CBS Tues., Thurs., 11:45 A. M., 15 on the Hearth from now on -let me know Johnny and Dotty, Lew Diamond's Or- min. what you think of the show. chestra and a new "Deserver" each week NBC Sun., 12:00 P. M., 30 min. (professionals to unknown the networks), STYLE SHOW. Gowns are really mod- this is a happy, snappy half hour. eled before the microphone and Charles ED WYNN. This seems to be a month MBS Tues., 8:30 P. M., 30 min. for renovated comedy technique, and a LeMaire does a neat job of describ- general S. O. S. to the public for pro- ing them, but not neat enough to com- gram ideas. The show mentioned above JOE RINES. A nutty show but not a pensate for the lack of television. it's isn't the only one to order a new set of side -splitter. Called Dress Rehearsal, it's fine for the studio audience, but on the blueprints for its humor. Ed Wynn, Jack supposed to give you a picture of radio other end of the radio set, milady will feel Pearl and Walter O'Keefe are also dis- behind the scenes, if you call a cartoon a left out on the back porch. Even from playing laughs in new and improved 1937 picture. Highlight is Rines interviewing there, though, she can hear Eddie Duch - screamline models. Wynn has Graham the Countess Kleptomania, who has a in's music, and there are guest designers to McNamee again and Don Vorhees' or- fetching Southern accent with a dash of relay the latest fashion dope hot off the chestra, as well as a guest star each week Northern, Western and Eastern Asia and cables from Paris. Altogether, a better who does some specialty he is renowned Europe. Rines leads the orchestra, acts as program of its type than has been pro- for, supported by Wynn. Teaming a se- master of ceremonies, and cuts up. In duced before. rious celebrity with a comic stooge such fact it's nearly a one -man show except for NBC Red, Thurs., 4:00 P. M., 30 min. as Wynn has riotous possibilities. And the other people, including Morton Bowe, just so Ed won't run out of ideas for sub- Mabel Albertson and Pinky Lee. jects to wisecrack about, tempting prizes NBC Blue, Sun., 11:30 A. M., 30 min. PERSONAL COLUMN OF THE AIR are for -Already popular on discs, the idea of offered suggestions. finding missing relatives and performing NBC Blue, Sat., 8:00 P. M., 30 min. 1847 MUSICAL CAMER4. A well - other produced hodge-podge whici doesn't go such parlor tricks with radio's magic should a JACK PEARL has a characterization anywhere except everywhere and leaves prove smash hit with full net- work facilities its that is only "new and different" from the you wondering what it's all about, since it at disposal- unless it gets monotonous to who last thing he did on the air. In other definitely isn't about 1847. Willie Morris, those aren't words, he's the same old Baron Muen- the "1847 Girl" with the whatta voice, and missing. Octavus Roy Cohen stole this march on the Voice of Experience. chausen he was at the top of his fame, Josef Cherniayskÿ s plentygood orchestra, with his whoppers, Cliff Hall and his keep the time from dragging and the pub- NBC Blue, Mon. -Fri. 11:15 A. M., 15 mush -mouthed "Vas you dere Sharlie ?" lic gets prizes for suggested themes. min. This familiar set -up is augmented by sev- NBC Red, Sun., 4:30 P. M., 30 min. Red, Mon.-Fri. 2:45 P. M., 15 min. of a powder "My test í just must not . . light" show 1111111 strong midday sun -what's into the bright COMING out can fail you? worst way a powder the answer a the much! That's By showing too gave! out of 1,067 girls number them for not surprising stood first with The powder that powdered look you. giving "that never embarrass proof colors to catch "Glare- -proof." Blended colors are "glare your Pond's of light. They the softer rays giveial in- only strongest glare. soft look in turc. skin a its clinging give Pond's gredients big 350, 70t. New screw -top jars, Low prices. Decorated

Pond's never 5 "Glare -Proof" Shades looks powdery (This offer expires April 1, 1937) -it clings POND'S, Dept.8RM- PR,Clinton, Conn. Please rush, voted free. S different shades of Pond's "Clare- Proof^ Powder, the 2 most enough of each for a thorough 5-day test. important points in a powder Name Address

Coarrlaht, lraó Pond's lLrtraet Company 15 REF[ECTIOfl Ill THE Rfl0l0 ITÌIRROR

....._ Acme photo.

The Editor of RADIO MIRROR (right) presenting Arnold Johnson (left) with a gold baton on his one hundredth performance on the Feenamin+ Amateur Hour over MBS, while comedian Benny Rubin makes a face.

OTHING, in these modern days of broadcasting, is more fleeting than the

average radio program. With its usual run of thirteen weeks, it has silently

stolen away before you can get into the habit of tuning it in, and without a

pause for breath, a new sponsor, hungry for a chance to advertise on the air, has

snapped up the vacant time and filled it with new personalities.

It is rare indeed that a program runs a full year without a break. When it reaches

its one hundredth broadcast and is still gaining speed, it is time to pause a

moment and salute that program. On November 22, the Feenamint National Amateur

Night, first network amateur program, celebrated its one hundredth broadcast. In

honor of fhat occasion, RADIO MIRROR presented Arnold Johnson. with a gold baton in

recognition of his faithful services as the musical conductor which have made possible

the program's continued success.

by iDerit44te 1,44dit ."tr WHEN SHE GOT RID OF "MIDDLE -AGE" SKIN (Yes! It threatens even girls in their twenties!)




"Palmolive is made with Olive Oil, a real beauty aid. And its Olive Oil makes Palmolive's lather gentler, more soothing ... gives it a special protective quality all its own. Thus Palmolive does more than just cleanse. It protects your skin against the loss of those precious natural oils which feed and nourish it ... that's why Palmolive keeps your complexion soft, smooth and young!"

21 EAST 16TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY How Palmolive, made with Olive Oil, prevents dry, lifeless, old- looking skin ON'T think you're safe from complexion soft, smooth and young D "Middle -Age" Skin just be- Does the soup you are using give cause you are young! For beauty you this saine protection? Do you experts warn that this ugly condi- know what ingredients go into it? tion threatens even girls in their Are you sure it is as pure, as gentle twenties. So be on your guard and safe as Palmolive? against the first sign of dryness, You know that Palmolive is made coarse -texture ... the symptons of only from real beauty aids ... a "Middle -Age" Skin! secret and unique blend of sooth- Use Palmolive regularly. For ing Olive and Palm Oils. That's Palmolive, made with Olive Oil, why Palmolive, more than any does more than just cleanse! Its other soap, promises to keep your gentle protective lather prevents complexion young and lovely your skin from becoming dry, life- through the years! Why not start less, old -looking ... keeps your using Palmolive Soap-today?

CHOSEN EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DIONNE QUINS! MADE WITH What a beauty lesson there is for you in the fact that Dr. Dafoe OLIVE OIL TO KEEP chose Palmolive exclusively for the Dionne Qruins! If this fine COMPLEXIONS YOUNG beauty soap, made with Olive Oil, is safest and gentlest for AND LOVELY their tender skin, isn't it safest for your complexion, too? THE TABLE SYRUP OF QUALITY RICH IN DEXTROSE The Food-Energy Sugar CRCI THE LRERS DRIUE






ON September 16th, a completely new idea in radio programs was heard for the first time over a coast -to -coast net- work so that the whole na- tion could tune it in. Since then, though thousands of letters have been written, equally .condemning and approving, the program re- mains the fifth most popu- lar broadcast in America. In other words, you who listen to radio broadcasts want to hear Goodwill Court every Sunday night over NBC. if you didn't. Wide World you wouldn't tune it in. Goodwill Court stands ap- The New York County Lawyers' Association wants the kw to stop Goodwill Court, proved by a large majority. fifth most popular program in America, from broadcasting any more. A. L. Alex- Yet, after eight weeks on ander, above, the program's director, with mail saying the lawyers are wrong. the air, a movement has been started to deprive you of Goodwill Court by driv- ing it off the air. It is the first attempt in American In November, the New York County Lawyers' Associa- broadcasting history to censor radio. Until this time, the tion issued a report in which it stated that it was seeking government itself has deemed this neither necessary nor wise. a court ruling which would prevent New York lawyers A Federal law was even passed which stated that radio and judges from appearing on the Goodwill Court pro- could -not be censored unless it became indecent, profane, gram. Such a ruling could put an end to the broadcast, for or obscene. it would leave Goodwill Court without its foundation-the Goodwill Court is none of these. But it stands charged expert opinions of the judges who give their advice to with being unworthy for you to listen to by a group of people who cannot afford to go to lawyers' offices. men who may hold the power to put it off the air. Let's see how good a chance the (Continued on page 99) 19 'F you could have seen Gladys Swart - out and Frank Chapman together during any of their frequent appear- ances in public within the past few years -arm in arm at broadcasts and the opera, window- shopping on Fifth Ave- nue, roller skating in Central Park, en- tertaining brilliantly at their East River apartment or their Hollywood home- you would surely have said to yourself, seeing how much like lovers they were, "It's grand about the Chapmans. Now there's a couple who are really happy together!" If you had talked with them you would have been convinced of it. Gladys Pu.,,,,w<< would have shyly told you how terribly thankful she was that there wasn't a single cloud in their marital horizon. Frank would have stated the same thing with repeated glowing phrases. And if you had read anything or everything printed about them, stories of their romance and home life, undoubt- edly you would have concluded that theirs was the ideal marriage. Didn't everything they say and do prove it? Radio Row was right in calling their union the most glamorously successful one among the mike people. Everyone else concluded those things too, from seeing and knowing and read- ing about the Chapmans. Yet the great untold story behind all conclusions is the fact that for the past three years Gladys Swarthout's marriage has been peri- lously near disaster! For three years it

Gladys' faith in her husband never wavered a moment. has dangled by the single fragile thread of a man's pride, a thread that threatened to snap at any mo- ment and hurl another celebrity romance against the rocks of di- vorce. Only very recently has the thing occurred which has restored the marriage of these two singing stars to the secure basis on which it was founded the summer day in 1931 when they were quietly wed at Tenafly, New Jersey: Gladys Swarthout and Frank Chapman are to be back on the air right af- ter January first singing together on a new program for the same sponsors of Parties at Pickfair. Now the story of their past three years can be told.

The first time 1 heard Gladys sing was four years ago in a large southern city. She came to town much heralded by publicity, she wore a metal cloth gown that fitted her exquisite figure so perfectly she might have been dipped in silver, Frank dropped his she gave a performance that set the singing for Gladys local critics to dusting off their but stardom is his. finest stock of adjectives. And yet only three hundred people gathered in the small salon of a hotel to hear her sing. FRANK CHAPMAN SAW HER STAR RISE FAR A year later she could have re- turned to that city and packed its mammoth auditorium to the roof for three nights running. For in a ABOVE HIS OWN TO THREATEN THEIR MAR- few short months she had become a radio star and an idol of the pub- lic. Radio had lifted her from the comparative obscurity of the re- RIAGE BUT NOW DEVOTION IS REWARDED cital stage and the Metropolitan into the coast-to -coast limelight of the microphone, and almost over- night her name had become a household word from Broad- liant years as the only American member of the Italian way to Hollywood. National Opera Company. They fell in love, returned to Like a skyrocket, the girl from Deep Water, Missouri, this country to attend each other's debuts at the Metropoli- had zoomed to greater heights of recognition than she had tan, gave a joint recital which brought them ovations of ever dreamed would be hers. But instead of being totally praise, and a year afterward they were married. happy about it, deep in her heart Gladys Swarthout was Then they settled down to the business of being very sick with regret and fear. This wonderful success, this sud- happy together and very busy. During the opera season den fame had come to her-but it hadn't come to her hus- they appeared just about equally on the stage of the Met, band! And the two of them had started out together on during the rest of the year they went on concert tours both an equal footing. singly and together. Of the two of them Frank was by Frank Chapman was an established concert artist when far the more outstanding professionally. He was the well Gladys Swarthout was an obscure young singer playing seasoned artist; he led, Gladys followed. Which status, the Balaban and Katz theater circuits of the west. They where two musical careers in the same marriage are con- met in Florence, Italy, where Frank had spent two bril- cerned, is ideal. (Continued on page 69) 21 HE thrilling bari- the world of men, secure tone of Nelson Eddy in the knowledge that reaches out to you, you have a darn good quickening your heart- idea of how to attract beat. Romantic, hand- them. some Tom Waring closes "In ten easy lessons" - your eyes in secret one really -see how you dreams. Frank Parker can double your popu- sings and you long to larity in your own circle, know and speak to him. wherever you may live, Abe Lyman lifts his ba- and make your life hap- ton and sweeps you off pier since you can free into a land of make be- yourself of nagging fears lieve with the magic of and doubts as to how to his music. act where men are con- But in that land of cerned. make believe, how do The young men I ques- you picture yourself? As tioned, Nelson Eddy, the girl you really are or as the heroine in a book of fic- Frank Parker, Abe Lyman, Vincent Lopez, Jerry Cooper, tion? And how much difference is there between you as Jimmy Farrell, Henry King, Tom Waring, Richard Him - you really are and as you picture yourself? ber and Igor Gorin, agreed almost to a man on what they Probably the difference is so big, it doesn't occur to you would prize most in a girl and what they'd object to most. to try and make yourself over. That is your mistake. If The first thing they would expect of a girl is so small, you want dates, if you seek popularity, if you want men such a detail, that many of us are apt to overlook it. But to call you, to come and see you, then you should learn it should serve as a lesson in how observant most men ac- what they expect of you and what they don't like about tually are to points we think of as too minor to be worth you. . worrying over. These ten radio bachelors warn you, "Al-

That is why 1 have gone to ten of radio's most attract - ways keep the seams of your stockings straight." tive bachelors, men wealthy in good looks and in actual Next, and this may surprise you -it did me -when you bank balances, and have asked them what they would seek are out on a date, don't disregard your father's and mother's first in a girl and what faults would be most apt to turn orders. The man you're with might try to talk you into them away. Virtues and faults which are within your reach staying out later than you were told to, but he'll respect and which can be eliminated, if you really want to make you more if you refuse to listen to him. That's what Nel- yourself into the kind of a girl most men admire. son and Tom and Frank and Abe and Igor and the rest Their answers represent the desires, likes and dislikes of of them told me. the most attractive men, men who have found success and, Here's something else very surprising, but it is a pleas- through experience, know what they want most. Here they ant surprise. The next time you're challenged, just refer are speaking their minds for your benefit. Check up on to what these bachelors say. They all agree that a girl has yourself. It's the chance of a lifetime really to hold a mir- a perfect right to demand that her escort be a good dancer. ror up to yourself and, having examined, go out and face Score that up as one for your side. 92

But here is something you might have thought of as silly proves that their thoughts are distinctly modern in some when it came up last Saturday night at the dance. It isn't, respects. though, according to the unanimous verdict of our bache- Only Vincent Lopez and Henry King didn't say a de- lors. When the man you're with asks you to sit out a dance. cided yes to the question: "Should a girl know how to say yes before you hesitate. His reasons for asking you cook ?" and both of these men are musicians, used to odd may not be very good, but he'll resent it if you refuse or hours and eating whenever they have a free half hour. try to argue. To the others, whomore or less expect a comfortable home The next may be harder for you to agree with and it life from their marriages, the ability to cook was an essen- may leave you open to criticism from some of your friends. tial. Don't think, however, that means they expect you to But our bachelors thought it important. So take a lesson get all the meals. It is the psychology of having cooking from them. They said, "Be willing to make a first date with knowledge which is important to them. a man who doesn't have a car or the money to take you Have you often wondered how much knowledge of what to the places you want to go to." I suppose they really is going on in the world men expected you to have? Here's meant, "Don't be snobbish," but I think it is good advice a clue. Make of it what you will. Our bachelors believe to follow in any event. that you should be able to name at least two members of the United States Supreme Court. Which shouldn't be a TWO bachelors disagreed with the other eight on the next hard test of knowledge, but try yourself out now. Your face point. Nelson Eddy and Henry King took issue, but may be unexpectedly red. For that matter, try yourself the others all said yes to the question: "Should a girl marry on naming the author of "Gone With the Wind." The a man if she has to continue working ?" There are prob- bachelors chose that because it is a national best seller and ably many men in your home town who would disagree vio- will soon be made into a movie. Just the last name of the lently. Perhaps you do yourself, but I imagine it would be author will do. if you can't think of the first. for different reasons. One last point they There are many who still said yes to is something feel instinctively that a on which I imagine most woman's place is in the of you will agree. But home. The more modern, those of you who are in- more successful point of IF YOU'D LIKE T O DOUBLE YOUR dependents, think twice. view says something Ten very eligible bache- else. lors tell you to "Be Here is something to willing to sacrifice your open your eyes. It did career for babies." The mine. Take an active POPULARITY HERE ARE THE FAR question might not arise. part in some outdoor Your husband might not sport, if you would stand want children, but if he high in the estimations should, he would expect of our radio bachelors. FROM GENTLE HINTS TEN RADIO you to agree with him. None of them thought a That concludes the girl lost any of her at- first part of our lesson. tractiveness by inclining The second half is on the slightly towards ath- negative side. Here are letics, which further BACHELORS WANT TO GIVE YOU (Continued on page 88)


TOM WARING JERRY COOPER IF you managed a star whose income was just about the For every listener approving, there was biggest thing in the entertainment field, you'd be pretty bound to be one equally disapproving. happy, wouldn't you? And if you were his friend, you'd A friend of Bing's not thinking of the sit back and smile and think it was pretty swell. consequences, asked him to guest star That is, you would if you didn't manage Bing Crosby or on The California Hour. "Sure! Glad weren't his friend. But if you did or if you were, you'd to," Bing responded cheerfully. Re- never know a moment's peace. Life then would be like member, he wasn't to receive a penny HIS sleeping on the edge of a grumbling volcano. for his services. It was a case of friend- For Bing Crosby, unspoiled, devil- may -care, lovable ship, pure and simple. But what a Bing, is radio's unfettered rebel, a rebel whose generosity, storm broke about Bing's head when it unswerving loyalty to old pals, and devotion to his prin- was announced! Five independent merchants who are ten- ciples of right and wrong, lands him into more tough spots ants in Bing's office building threatened to cancel their per week than a Hindu wrestler or a brigade of Marines leases. His radio sponsor, whose product is handled by could get out of. thousands of independent merchants as well as by chain Hollywood is littered with examples of the iron willed stores, protested bitterly. Literally thousands of letters and determination of Bing Crosby to be independent. Of times telegrams came in. Bing's brothers, Larry and Everett. when his whole career has hung in the balance while his pleaded and cajoled -in vain! family got the jitters and had to go to bed. Because, as any "I said I'd do it and I will!" the star insisted. star will tell you, it's not achieving stardom that's tough, Finally, the friend who had asked him to appear realized it's staying there on top that's really hard to do, and to do the consequences that would ensue, and he himself asked it you've got to mind your P's and Q's. Or at least, every- Bing to forget the promise, releasing him from his one but Bing does. obligation. There was, for instance, the recent tempest that broke Then there is the matter of Jimmy Dorsey's band. In the about the unperturbed head of Bing Crosby in regard to profession and out of it everyone admits Dorsey has about the matter of the radio program known as the California the best swing band there is. But -it isn't the band for Hour. The California Hour was a program pre- sented by the chain stores of the West Coast BING CROSBY, THE UNFETTERED REBEL OF RADIO, to fight against pro- posed anti -chain store legislation. It was such a partisan issue that WOULD RATHER LOSE HIS STARDOM THAN GO BACK amateur talent was used, because naturally no star wanted to be- come identified with it. ON HIS WORD AND IT'S POISON TO HIS CAREER

Wide World B EST


Crosby. Even Jimmy Dorsey himself admits that. Experienced showmen have told Bing he needs an orchestra with more men and a string section. It would provide a better background for his style of singing. His guest star policy calls for a band of a more sym- phonic type. But Bing has a stock reply to all suggestions and pleas that he make a change. "He's my friend and he stays!" he says, and that ends the discussion Jimmy, you know, was an old crony of Bing's back in Bing's Paul White- man days.

SPEAKING of Paul Whiteman brings, to mind a hitherto unre- vealed fact in connection with Bing's present radio program. It used to be Whiteman's program, you know, and when it was offered to Bing he re- fused to accept it until Whiteman had signed for another program. All Hollywood knows of the case of Arthur Johnston, who wrote the musi- cal score for Bing's latest picture, "Pennies from Heaven." Johnston worked on Bing's movie lot for a long while, but although he was a hard and conscientious worker, he didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Finally he was dropped, and the worry brought on a nervous breakdown. He was in a hospital for months, during which time Bing visited him con- stantly, and encouraged him. When he was well, Bing sent him to New York where he teamed up with lyric writer Johnny Burke. Bing tried to sell the team to his own studio, but there was nothing doing. So Bing bought a half interest in "Pennies from Heaven" and hired Johnston and Burke to do the score! The happy ending came when they turned in a crackerjack job and wrote a lot of best selling songs. Each of these instances of Crosby's twitting of (Continued on page 97)

Left, Dixie Lee laughs, but she knows that not even the king's men can persuade her husband to change his mind once he's given his promise, though it's usually bad for his work. For the time of Bing's Music Hall, sponsored by Kroft, turn to page 53. f' . Paramount - "> ,r

OLLYWOOD ?" There was a gay, carefree note in flattery and false values. It's her Hollywood insurance Honore Ameche's laugh. "I'm not afraid of Holly- "lt isn't that Don is better or stronger than other men," wood. Hollywood can't hurt us." she explained seriously. "Or that I'm cleverer than other

I wondered how many wives had uttered those same women. It isn't even that he and 1 are more in love with brave words -and then had been forced to sit and watch each other than others have been who have come here and their homes, all that was fine and precious in their lives, then separated. We're both human. But we have one pro- crumble slowly away under forces they could understand tection -Don's radio work, his attitude toward it. His de- but couldn't fight. So many -so very many-that it has votion to it is almost a religion." become almost a maxim that happy marriages can't exist That is hard to understand, unless you go back to Don's in Hollywood. very beginning, back to a day when, bewildered and de- It isn't Hollywood's fault, really. Hollywood is only a feated, he knelt in the enfolding gloom of a little church in symbol for what happens. Gossips say, "Oh, So -and -so has his native Madison, Wisconsin, and poured out his soul in gone Hollywood, and he and his wife have split." But a prayer for Divine guidance. A long line of sturdy Italian what they mean is that So- and -so has done what countless peasant forbears had instilled into him a deep religious other men in countless other professions have done since fervor. His cares and troubles seemed to slip away in the beginning of time. He's suddenly made a great deal prayer. of money and achieved a great deal of success and received Don Ameche was a failure. In deepest shame, he realized a great deal of praise, while his wife stayed home and it. Behind him were two heart -breaking years of frustra- minded the babies and kept his house in order and -worst tion on Broadway. He had wanted to be an actor, but of all -stood still. Left behind. he had failed; had come home to a life of dull, sordid, Yes, many wives have said that, but none of them with underpaid work, stretching ahead of him endlessly. the calm assurance that shines in the gray eyes of Honore At home was a sick mother, crippled from a motor acci- Ameche. With her, the wish isn't father to the thought. dent. A father who faced his old age bereft of the small She knows. She knows that the talisman exists which will competence he had worked a lifetime to secure. Seven make her and Don proof against Hollywood's adulation and brothers and sisters looked to Don for food and clothing.

Honore laughs down at Don in the swim- ming pool his sudden riches have brought.


WHEiA YOUNG MAN BECOMES A MOVIE IDOL HE USUALLY LOSES HIS For more than a year after his return from New York he had done unskilled work -first in a mattress factory, then in an automobile plant, finally in a road gang. Break his back as he might, he still couldn't make enough money to supply his family's needs. Sick at heart, he went into the church to pray. Its peace enfolded him, as it always did. if he could only stop fighting, and stay there, forever! Well, he thought, why not? He loved the church. Why not embrace it for life, become a priest? -Filled with decision, he sought out Father Sheehy, his priest, and confided in him. The kindly old cleric shook his head. "No, no, my son. You're tired now, and discour- aged, too. You have carried a heavy burden. But you cannot desert your family now, when they need you so much. Wait. Wait and have faith. Trust in Him who will find a way for you." Two days later a long distance telephone call came to the youth as he swung his pick in the road gang. He laid down his tools and answered the summons. He never returned. The call was from Bernardine Flynn, with whom he had once played in a stock company in New York. There was an opening on a




new radio program, Empire Builders, in Chicago. Would Don come to the city and audition for a part The handsome star of the First Nighter program recently in it? has become a screen discovery, but there is an untold "So you see," said Honore, after she had related reason why this golden fame cannot damage his marriage. all that, "what Don's feeling is for his radio work. For Don's First Nighter program time, see page 53. He feels it was sent to him. He has been in radio ever since that time. He says he will always be, no matter what else he does, as long as radio wants him." Within two years after that fateful telephone call, Don out of their own homes to seek entertainment and pleasure. had become one of radio's most brilliant and beloved dra- "And you know, much of his radio fan mail comes from matic actors. His mother received medical care that mended just such people. He reads and answers every bit of his her health. His father saw new hope on his horizon. His radio mail himself, but his movie fan mail is altogether brothers and sisters were sent back to school. The lean different. Most of it comes from gushing girls. days were over. Radio had done that. "Of .course, Don enjoys his movie work. But he enjoys "Don will never forget," Honore declared. "He knows it because it's more a matter of personal gratification as an he must repay the beneficence of that Providence. That is actor. And of course there is the financial angle. Anyone why his attitudes toward his radio work and his movie likes to feel he can make money -a lot of money." work are so different. He feels that in his radio work he A lot of money! That is the treacherous shoal on which can, in a small way, bring comfort and cheer to the sick, so many of Hollywood's matrimonial barks founder. Yet, the shut -ins, the blind, the aged-people who cannot go when you see how different the (Continued on page 95)





Loyal Sons Of Rutgers

Extra lyrics by Adapted and Arranged by OZZIE NELSON '27 OZZIE NELSON 27 From an original melody by PHILIP BLISS 3

F F r f very, very slowly a e, t -- -c, SONG'S STORY $ ' THE VOICE Guitar Just ten years ago, on a F ub F gridiron at Ithaca, New York, Ozzie Nelson was playing quarterback on It the Rutgers eleven. 1. Loy al sons of Rut Bers wa ; the fourth quarter 2. IIit the line and run the of a blazing game when 3. \Ten the ev 'ning sha dows Ozzie called time out. To a man, the loyal fol- lowers in the stadium rose and sang the col- lege song. It was the most moving thing Oz- r zie had ever heard or seen and he decided in u6 G7 that moment that "Loyal Sons of Rutgers" would henceforth be the theme song of his orchestra. bat - tling In the sha - dows ends, boys Play the game with ga - ther And the bat - He's


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6 J 1 J COPYRIGHT BY SHAPIRO, On the grid - iron how they fight: Push the ball a - Cross the goal: BERNSTEIN AND COMPANY, And each stal - wart by - al son: INC., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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9 When time runs short on T { the Bakers broadcasts, R4 you hear only the verse CHORUS of the theme song, but on Ozzie's sustaining programs, the band al- most always plays all !ling of the bells Old Queen's Col - lege Paint the the music. It's simple music, but full of wist- ful, haunting melodies.

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S E N K for or I C success P new studying.herself, 3 iktle trio behind milk d Sisters hour s h e ' s new enough left weren't Jane has turd °Yghun this Lovely As She is heard audition. o Metropolitan early Varieties s Woodbury on the program Whiteman remain Day THE-EBOflTH joined Paul fans will New Year's bachelor l change in P soon eligible a sudden maestro City's most there's its Radio and unless Fields becomes November, Shep in star after P A R KE R as its singing K A N F R u Vorieties eotil 1NE -miH Whiteman 's Woodbury program joined Paul on the eligible bachelor I plans will remain City's most change in Plo w Year's Day. No a sudden n otter Ne and unless there's its maestro in November, Shep Folds becomes singing star after at its K E A N K AR H i RIT TELL LEARN IN ONE HILARIOUS




pet bore has that RADIO'S ACE COMEDIANS up against the same social sit- YOURfunny gleam in his eye, uations that other people have that apprehensive smile, to meet. Count them in on this that threatening way of clear- crusade to wipe out the scourge ing his throat. He may be REVEAL THEIR TECHNIQUE of bad jokes. They proved as your best friend, but at this good as their word. They moment, you're positively haven't held back anything afraid of him. He's about to they've picked up in the course tell a funny story. FOR YOU PARLOR COMICS of their careers as comedians. Oops -there it goes: Maybe you've envied them "Have you heard the on.2 at one time or another for about the time Mae West . . . what seemed to be a natural "Stop me if you've heard WHOSE JOKES FALL FLAT talent for evoking explosive, this one, but ..." hearty laughter from listeners. "I can't tell it in dialect, but Why, you said, they don't there used to be an Irishman I once knew ..." even have to try. Oh, don't they, now! Take their word "Knock, knock ..." for it, comedy isn't a gift, but the result of conscious ap- "Say, you'll die laughing at this one . . ." plication to a well defined problem. The remarks that cause But you don't die laughing. In fact, you're pretty miser- spontaneous laughter are concocted just as carefully as able. You shuffle your feet. You fumble with the buttons grandma's recipe for spice cake. "A pinch of this, just a on your vest. You cough nervously as the endless joke sprinkling of that, and lots of raisins." In other words. goes on. Finally, you force a laugh. You wish that some- there's a method in a comedian's madness. thing could be done about it. And there should be method in yours, too, if you crave Something can be done about it. With a little effort in to be the life of the party. Not that you'll have to sit the right direction, you and your annoying friends can down and start a filing case for jokes. Every professional learn how to tell a funny story well. The problem is to comedian has one. But that's only because he has to draw find that right direction. Comedy technique is something on a bigger than average supply to meet a bigger than like those old facts of life when it comes to frank discus- average demand. For your purposes, memory will suffice sion. There are so few people you can go to for the truth. to store all the jokes you need. But you have to use your

I went to Joe Penner. I went to George Burns, Gracie memory. Like the professional, you should develop a series

Allen, Eddie Cantor, Ken Murray. I laid my cards on the of jokes which are applicable to a variety of situations and table. The time had come, I said, for a little missionary moods. You'll have to develop a repertoire of stories if work on their part. They had won their way to the top, you want to be the sort of person who can get a laugh out to big reputations and big incomes, by making people of almost any crowd in almost any situation. That's Joe laugh. That was fine, no one could grudge them that. But Penner's hint to the amateur comedian, anyhow. how about the rest of us? Sure, we want to go on Iaughing "How many times have I heard people say, 'I never can at their jokes. But we like now and then to tell them our- remember a story!'" Joe said. "I've been guilty of the selves. And as often as not we don't seem to have much same thing myself. But it's sure as shooting you can't luck. What about letting out a few trade secrets? repeat a story properly unless you remember it-all of it. Now this may surprise you, but every one of these big The thing I'd suggest is to jot down the ones you hear and radio performers heaved a great big sigh of relief. Every maybe give them a new twist. There aren't many new jokes one of them said this was something he'd wanted to get in the world, you know. Most of the things you laugh at off his chest for a long while. You see, they explained, are old as the hills. The point is -they have a new angle." they're in the same boat with most of the people in their `f o illustrate the point, Joe gave me an example from his audiences. Off the radio, off the stage, off the screen, they're personal life. One day he told his wife an old -as- the -hills 32 R FUflfl ST i Ry LESSON FROM THESE EXPERTS


GRACIE ALLEN darkie joke. It was the one BY JOHN LAGEMANN sayings and famous quotations about the Southern plantation that can be slightly misquoted owner who woke up in the to fit any situation are end- middle of the night to hear a commotion in his hen coop. less. Every public library has a dictionary of familiar quo- Getting out of bed, he hurried outside to see what was hap- tations. Look it up sometime and see if you don't get some pening. Trembling at the door of the coop he shouted, ideas. Who was it said, "Give me Life, give me Liberty, "Who's there ?" From inside came the equally trembling or give me the Saturday Evening Post ?" Surely you can reply, "Just us chickens, boss." do better than that. Next day, Joe returned home alone to find a lot of fern - You might think that the professional comedian gets a inine gewgaws scattered about the empty living room and break by having his quip right there before him on script a great rumpus in the pantry off the dining room. "Hey," when he steps up to the microphone. But Eddie Cantor, shouted Joe, "Who's in there ?" His wife opened the pantry wagging his head vigorously, says it's the amateur who door, revealing a group of impromptu visitors raiding the has the break when it comes to a chance to be really funny. shelves for tea snacks on the maid's day off. She shouted "A person who doesn't tell jokes for a living should be back, "Why, just us chickens, boss." three times funnier than the guy who does," Eddie said. "Old joke; new angle, you see," Joe said. "But it had to "In fact, all the amateur needs to steal the show is self - be well memorized. Otherwise it wouldn't have come confidence and presence of mind! Think of the mental spontaneously. That's why I'd advise you, if you aren't hazards which face the professional. He says to himself, the remembering kind, to jot 'em down in a little book and 'Tonight at 9:45 P. M., E.S.T., or whatever the time might work 'em up to suit yourself. Even rehearse them. Then be, I've got to be funny. It says so in the paper.' He knows all you've got to do is wait for something to happen as a his audience expects him to be funny, and they know he cue. Plenty will happen-does every day of the year." knows it. Consciously or unconsciously his audience is So be sure to memorize your jokes perfectly. That's saying, 'I dare you to make me laugh.' point number one. Point number two is supplied by Milton "But the parlor comedian knows his audience personally. Berle. This famous Broadway comedian told me that, in He knows what they've been up to lately, what they're his opinion, suitability is the basis of all good comedy. thinking about and he can sneak up on them with a tailor - If you've ever winced at the spectacle of Aunt Bessie in made story or quip before they have time to stiffen. The the throes of a wicked story, you know what he means. best laughter is unexpected laughter! But half the time "You might think a joke's a joke, no matter who tells the guy who doesn't make his living telling jokes won't it. But not so, alas, not so. A quip by Gracie Allen wouldn't make use of this tremendous advantage." fit into Bea Lillie's line at all. My own cracks wouldn't go The next time you think you are prepared to surprise over so well in the mouth of Alexander Woollcott. The rea- your friends with a joke, heed Mr. Cantor. Eddie pointed son there are so many types of professional comedians is out as horrible examples you people who clear your throats that there are so many styles of humor. And here's where self -consciously and cause a terrible pause in conversation the amateur makes his big mistake-he's ready to tackle before you say, rather feebly, "That reminds me of the anything which may come along. He can't put that cer- joke about -" Or you who smile apprehensively and have tain something into some jokes because he just hasn't the that pouncing look that your best friends can tell a mile voice or the particular personality demanded. Jokes are off. All you people give your audiences time to consider as specialized as doctors, but you can find plenty to fit your that they may have to laugh. You've ruined the joke, Eddie type if you choose carefully." says, before you've even begun to tell it. Apart from typed jokes, Milt pointed out, there are Don't ever tell a joke apologetically. Or the laughter always the wisecracks. In making the wisecrack beautiful. that follows will be so polite you'll feel like crawling under he admits, it's every man for himself. Look at Mr. Simp- the tarpet. son of England. Well might he exclaim: "My only regret It's fear of such laughter that makes a lot of people tell is that 1 have but one wife to give to my King." The old a joke aggressively, Eddie thinks. (Continued on page 101) 33 CAN you imagine what it would be like at the height of ing lessons, a vocal teacher marveled at the voice, got him a great operatic career suddenly to find your voice a scholarship at a New York school. But it wasn't enough. completely gone? To be young, talented, ambitious, One summer evening, with a little scraped -up spending with a brilliant future stretching away before you one mo- money in his pocket, his passage paid, and the promise of ment; then- nothing but a blank wall of silence. a scholarship at the Conservatoire de Paris, Ed Jerome Ed Jerome, whom you hear as leading man on Rich sailed for France to become an opera star. Man's Darling, as well as in dozens of other dramatic shows He couldn't get over it as he walked the streets of be- of the air, knows what it means to come face to face with wildering Paris, and sat in little sidewalk cafes with strange that haunting threat which hangs constantly over an actor's new friends. Everything had been so easy, so sudden. or a singer's life. Everything he did was wonderful. Even though it happened long ago, that period of silence The greatest teacher in the Paris Conservatory adopted haunts him still, a vivid reminder of the uncanny tricks that Ed Jerome as his protegé. Ed Jerome, the wire- chief's son, fate can play, a force which shapes his career even today. the big Irish boy who hadn't been able to finish high school, But let us go back. walked around with the vocal score of Gounod's "Faust" At sixteen, Ed Jerome was a simple Irish boy, a telegraph- under his arm, and drank tea at the afternoon parties of er's assistant in a New York hotel, tapping out messages countesses. at eight dollars a week. He'd hum to himself at his work At seventeen, Ed Jerome in the black velvet domino and in his deep voice, because life seemed very full and pleas- devil horns of Mephistopheles made his operatic debut in ant to him. "Faust" on the stage of the Paris Opera House. He was He was helping to support his family in a little flat. the youngest Mephistopheles of operatic history, but he Once in a while he could save enough for the theater and sang the role like a veteran-perfect from the glorious ma- stretch his overgrown legs in a second balcony seat, craning ture bass voice to the last subtle little pantomime. his neck at the remote wonders on the stage. Even after the thunderous applause and the praise, he And then it happened -that sudden onrush of fame. His couldn't believe it. Something was the matter. Things pal, another telegraph operator, persuaded him to take sing- didn't happen like that in the (Continued on page 76)

E ßfß mES TRRflOE EI R




In the cultured, brilliant actor who is Ed Jerome today you will find no traces of the silent clown who convulsed European audiences with his antics. Right, as he looked then. For his broadcast time, see page 52. GEnIUS Ifl R FIG By WELDON MELICK

Paramount ACK BENNY has been a quitter all his life. At every turning point in his career he has turned tail -but each such occasion has somehow advanced his fame and fortune. I've heard actors, writers and comedians marvel that anyone could reach the top by the seemingly careless, unambitious, un- businesslike methods that are Jack's. His Sunday half -hour recently forged ahead of Major Bowes in a national radio popu- larity survey, returning to the first place it lost two years ago. Yet Jack is easy- going, almost phlegmatic, and always takes the line of least resistance. When he gets into a violent argument he will suddenly give in to save himself the effort of keeping his mind on it. His friend, George Burns, found him fuming one time over the incompetence of his agent. Jack had determined to fire him. George didn't want to miss the fireworks, and went along, with his companion getting hotter under the collar and thinking up new vilifying epithets all the way. As they entered the office, the agent called a cheery, "Good morning, Jack!" "Is there any mail today ?" Benny seethed. "No, there isn't, Jack." "Well, goodbye," the infuriated actor boiled, and on the way out mumbled, "1 guess I told him!" ,Av- Another demonstration of his one - mouse-power temper occurred years ago 104I0 EVERVIING at the Academy of Music in New York Tot.0 OF City, which boasted the most blood- STORY E thirsty audience since the Roman Coli- THE ABOUT IM seum. The house welcome to each new act HEREsS was a prolonged raspberry-when toma- toes were out of season. Entertainers SUSPECTE dreaded to play the spot, but egotistically gave everything they had for the applause Yau too' of the barbarians, as it was equivalent in the theatrical world to a Congressional Medal for Bravery. Jack sauntered in from the wings in his usual preoccupied thing and was only wasting the taxpayers' money. manner at the first performance. His "Hello, everybody!" Jack next quit his home for the stage. His father threat- was drowned in the raspberry- flavored accolade which cre- ened to lock up the welcome mat if the boy walked out on scendoed to a thunderous roar as he shuffled deliberately him, but admitted he was only bluffing when he found out across the stage, his eyes on the floor. When he reached the his son was serious. other side of the stage without so much as a change of ex- Young Jack Benny was a violinist when he quit the stage pression, the raspberry subsided into ominous defiance, pre- to join the Navy. There were Seamen's Benefits, so he kept facing the real baiting and torture of a human sacrifice. right on entertaining. When the world conflict was over, Jack tossed them a genial "Goodbye, folks," sauntered all that was left of a second -rate violinist was a first -rate on out of the theater and never came back. comedian. Benny has developed quitting to the perfection of a Laughs are not only Jack's career, they are also his exis- science. He quit high school in his sophomore year -by tence. His closest friends are rival comedians -those who request. The principal said he wouldn't amount to any- can make him laugh the most frequently and heartily -and 35 when Jack Benny laughs heartily, he falls down, rolls on the from a cordial, "Come on up to the house -we'll have a floor, and clicks his heels. He matches laugh for laugh, lotta laughs." Sometimes he comes home with thirty reveling in a joke with the same abandon whether he's on people. But Jack will never make a good night owl. He the giving or receiving end. habitually rises before nine o'clock every morning, in ag- gravatingly jubilant spirits. So about the time the im- NE morning during a Winnipeg date, the Bennys' friend, promptu guests dispose of their wraps, their host is asleep Al Burns, telephoned from the hotel lobby that he on the couch. was on his way up to their room. To give Al a laugh, Jack He's never the life of the party. But whoever is the life stood on one bed with a pitcher of water on his head and of the party never had a better one -man audience than .Mary stood on the other bed balancing a telephone book Jack Benny. He whoops at whatever strikes him funny. on her brow. At the knock on the door, Jack called "Come Several comedians have risen from the minor ranks through in!" and in walked the waiter with their breakfast. his enthusiasm. He has sat in on radio auditions and used his Jack doesn't go in for practical jokes. His idea of fun compelling personality to persuade sponsors to contract takes the milder form of telegrams and long distance phone Comedy programs which would compete with his own, just calls. because he wanted to help someone he used to know in When "Big Boy" opened in San Francisco, Florence vaudeville. Moore, who was playing in the sa me city, received a tele- He is probably the only actor on record without a spark gram from Jack Benny and of professional jealousy. George Burns to this effect: When Jesse Block first "Jolson opens tonight. As teamed up with Eve Sully, Did you ever suspect that Jack was a quitter? we know Jolson, we Jack loaned the pair his don't Or that Mary Livingstone left him the first are sending you a telegram. best piece of gag material, year they were married? But read the story. Congratulations." a sure -fire bit that was get- The night George Burns Maurice Seymour ting his biggest laughs on and Gracie Allen got mar- the road. He figured it ried in Cleveland. Jack might do them a lot of called up from Vancouver good while bookers were at 4:00 A. M. "Hello -this catching their act in New is Jack Benny!" he an- York, and wouldn't do him nounced. George said, any harm, since they would "Bring up two orders of drop it as soon as they bacon and eggs!" and hung started on the road them- up. selves. While George was play- The bit was terrific. ing the Palace in New York, Block and Sully became Jack sent him this wire sensations over night and from San Diego, "I think were being held over in your act is sensational. New York when Jack re- You've got the cleverest turned to play the Palace. routine, the funniest gags After his first performance, Broadway has ever heard. people said he was doing a Block and Sully. He took I think you're a genius - better than Chaplin!" He the bit out of his own act signed it "George Burns." and told his friends to keep Jack once wrote George it when they went on the a six-page letter. George road. was too busy to answer, so Jack often gives a fair he switched the names in imitation of a lunatic on salutation and signature, the loose. When he is not and sent the letter back. composing goofy telegrams, Jack redoubled, and for a he is usually lost in a fog year and a half, that was of concentration and petty the only letter that passed worries. A sudden question between them, but it passed will jar loose some words frequently. concerning the subject on After George's first pro- his mind, making the most gram on the air, Jack wrote surprising answer. Some- him a fan letter: "I listened times he doesn't hear you to your program last night at all, and other times he and I think it was swell. I startles you with an an- would appreciate it very swer fifteen minutes .after much if you would send me you have forgotten what a picture of Tom Mix's you asked. horse." Four years ago, Jack George dug up a picture committed a stupefying act of a jackass' and inscribed which convinced all his it "To my very dear friend, friends of his insanity. Jack Benny." Jack acknowl- Without a single other pros- edged it with "Thank you pect in view, he quit cold a for your picture." job that was bringing him When Jack meets friends $1400 a week. He asked for after the theater or in a res- a release from his contract taurant, he can't refrain (Continued on page 79) 36 DO/1I 11Cl 1111111185E

IT was 5:57 P. M. In three more min- utes the first episode of Raising Junior would go on the air over a national network and the boy who was to have taken the part of Bobby hadn't shown up. Raymond Knight, collabo- rator and actor in the serial, was ap- proaching madness with pantomime and sound effects in the NBC corri- dors. Suddenly the elevator doors opened and Knight caught a fleeting glimpse of a chunky, sandy-haired nine -year -old boy. "HOLD 1T!" he yelled as the doors started to close. He jumped at the surprised lad, yanked him out of the elevator, and rushed him up a flight of stairs and into the studio. There he thrust a script into the kid's hands, caught his breath, said: "You're Walter Bobby!" and pushed him in Seigra front of the microphone. When you h That was Walter Tetley's probably first commercial program, and Map Mastersos-- and hé n a big Pro gram he remained on it two years. ers series, too, the star o m if Most children, probably ternto page 52e most adults, would have gone to pieces under the hysterical excitement of that moment. But B y A N N E Babe Ruth, Irene Rich, Warden Lawes and Walter read Bobby's lines without audition Lanny Ross. In one week alone he was in or rehearsal -there wasn't a second even E L L I S O N the Show Boat, the Palmolive program, for coaching-as if he had been playing, the 's Town Hall and Helen Hayes' role all his life. serial, as well as less important broadcasts. It was his opportunity to prove that he was not a child. Fred Allen is one of the stars who demands Tetley when- And therein lies the secret not only of Walter's success in ever he needs a boy's voice on his program. I asked him his radio, but the success of every other child who has made reasons, and in what he told me I found further proof that good in this adult game. Therein, also, is perhaps the an- to be a successful child star you have to act like a grown up. swer to the question that has been puzzling you, whether "Tet is a better actor than nine out of ten adults in your own child would have a chance. radio," Fred told me, "and he was just as good three years There is no place in radio for children who are children ago. That kid can do anything. The only reason he's not in anything but voice and years. They must all measure an English professor in Harvard right now is that radio up to adult standards in dependability and efficiency as well pays better. When he plays my son in a skit, he mimics my as talent. The boy who misunderstood the time of the voice perfectly in whatever accent I'm using, Chinese, Ox- Raising Junior broadcast or got too absorbed in a baseball ford, hill billy, and he can do Scotch better than any of us. game may have had more dramatic ability than Walter, "He bones on his lines until he's letter perfect. He's ac- but he proved he was a child mentally and his radio career tually got us in the habit of expecting so much from him ended right there. Nobody even remembers his name. that on a few occasions we've bawled him out for slight Walter has been the busiest kid in radio ever since. mistakes that we'd probably overlook in an adult. He cries Barely sixteen, he's made 2300 ether appearances on 150 like any sensitive kid does when you hurt his feelings, be- different programs, a record which few if any adults can cause of course he isn't the tough little brat he seems to be match, has shared a microphone with such a dazzling va- in some scripts -he wouldn't last fifteen minutes in this riety of stars as Cantor, Ripley, Waring, Whiteman, Penner, business if he was -and it's rather a shocking revelation Benny, Winchell, Lombardo, Burns and Allen, the Marx after you've known him to discover he's just a child after Brothers, Easy Aces, Leslie Howard, Clarence Darrow, all." Ethel and Lionel Barrymore, Grace Moore, Amelia Earhart, Tet has suggested several gags (Continued on page 105)


new vocalist with OZZIE'S SHIRLEY LLOYD -The STUART -Her "Mama, that evening Baker's MURRAY'S MARLYN Ozzie Nelson's band on NBC's Sunday the beginning of Ken Murray's Shirley is man's here again" at is also a new arrival to radio. line at its end Broadcast Tuesday night CBS show and another been singing professionally only they've made just twenty, and has are her only appearances on the air, but her home in Pueblo, Colorado, to Tiny and two years. She left her better known than many other stars. orchestra. When Ozzie heard her ready for sing on Herbie Kay's blonde, she is taking singing lessons to get was the vocalist he needed. Ohio. in Chicago he decided she the time when she'll have more to do. She's from

the Lovely Sunda Love portrays Drucker, CIVIL WAR NURSE- Corps. CIVIL WAR MAJOR-Jess Pugh plays Major Barton, in the Junior Nurse CBS' famous nurse, Clara and counselor of Nurse Clara Barton, in and was teaching friend She comes from a musical family, Junior Nurse Corps, three times a from the dramatic serial, piano when she was ten. After graduating His birthplace is Indiana, where he stage and then week at five. University of Illinois she went on the after leaving school. Then he was to the boy who worked in a bank into radio. Brown -eyed Sunda is married and monologist for twenty -one years on a they were in college. a humorist gave her his fraternity pin while lyceum circuit. He's married and has two grown sons. contribution of the South to -Two years ago he rode "YOUR PET" TENOR -A SINGER WALTER CASSEL Perry, tenor soloist on the CBS Your a cattle car full of yearlings; radio is William out of the Middle West in nights. He's a member of an old Saturday Night Party Pet program Saturday now he's one of the stars of the family, and was a music teacher started his career by Nashville, Tennessee over NBC, at the age of 26. He before entering radio. You for a living; in the Nashville schools studying dentistry; married; painted signs the Melodeers Quartet. The heard him first as a member of and was encouraged to sing by Lawrence Tibbett. football games. He likes to ride horseback and to watch latest of his three children was born in October. 114P-,0411' Í

McWilliams is QUESTIONER UNCLE JIM -Jim story -teller on Question on NBC DUDE RANCH'S JIM BABCOCK -The of ceremonies on Uncle Jim's Tuesday nights is John he was in vaudeville as the NBC Log Cabin Dude Ranch Saturday nights. For many years made his debut in then retired to his home Milton, a real old -time actor. He the partner of Frank Crumit, Modjeska, and he's a church elder New York in 1892, with Mme. Helena at Virginia Beach, Virginia, where famous stars. He school board. The rest of has appeared with most of today's and a member of the county but he played in questions for his proyram. spends his vacations in the West, his time he spends choosing like to go there again. London one summer, and would

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40 The story so far: Ever since By NORTO N RUSSELL sent proudly home to his mother, he was a child in Washington, there were many more. He was no D. C., Floyd Gibbons has wanted longer a cub, but a full- fledged re- to be where the excitement was. His first job, when he porter -and not yet in his twenties. was eleven, was selling newspapers in Washington, and he He stayed in only six months, however. His took it not because he had to earn money but because the father came to see him one day and asked him to come Spanish- American war was on and it was thrilling to be home, back to Minneapolis. "You can get a job on a out on the streets, bringing the news to the waiting public. newspaper there, if you want to," he said. "You know how Later, the family moved to other cities, and was in Minne- I feel about that, but I guess you know what you want to apolis when Floyd grew old enough to decide he'd had do. Come home, anyway. Your mother misses you -she enough formal education and wanted to begin earning his thinks you're too young to be out on your own." own living. He had only one ambition -to satisfy his in- The truth was, as Floyd realized later, that his mother satiable curiosity by being a newspaper reporter. In spite sympathized perfectly with him, but his father couldn't of the opposition of his father, Edward Gibbons, who bear the thought of his eldest son being in another city. wanted him to follow some more settled line of work, Floyd He wanted to have him where he could keep an eye on him, got a job on the Minneapolis News. After a few weeks he control him. He hadn't learned that controlling Floyd was fired-he never knew why until years later, when he Gibbons was a little like controlling a boiler -full of live learned that his father had had him discharged on purpose. steam without a safety valve. hoping to disgust 'him with a reporter's life. Instead, he Floyd returned, but with a stipulation: he was to be went to Milwaukee and got another newspaper job. completely on his own. He would neither accept money Part Two from his father nor live in the Gibbons home. And, of MILWAUKEE was kind to the boy from Minneapolis course, he was to be allowed to work for a newspaper. -or perhaps it was just that Floyd was a good He got a job with the Minneapolis Tribune, and in the reporter. After his first signed story, which he clipped and next year or so he had his first (Continued on page 84)

Opposite page, Floyd Gibbons in Below, Pancho Villa's men and +heir families beside one of the trains the midst of one of his rapid - which Villa used as his traveling headquarters. Floyd had a private fire stories on the Nash Speed car to himself. At bottom, Floyd (second from the right) in front of show. Below, there's a story a dugout during the Mexican Revolution. Note the beard -life in Mex- behind this picture taken dur- ico didn't offer the time nor the facilities for very frequent shaving. ing Pancho Villa's revolution. Photos loaned to Remo MIRROR by Floyd Gibbons from his personal scrapbook Floyd and another man had just given first aid to the old Mex- ican soldier a+ the right, who had been wounded. When Floyd and his companion attempted to continue on their way, the Mex- ican, unable to speak English, warned them not to go any far- ther by holding his hat up on the point of his rifle. A bul- let zoomed through the hat and Floyd stayed right where he was.

4 I

The story so far: Ever since a child in Washington, By NORTON 1118111113 111 he was RUSSELL 1Nf Floyd Gibbons has sent proudly home P D. C., wanted to his mother, where the excitement there were to be was. His first many more. He was no job, when he was eleven, was selling newspapers in porter-and but afull- Oedged Washington, and not yet in his re- it not because he had to earn he He stayed twentiessb took money but because in Milwaukee American war was the father only six months, Spanish- on and it was came to see however. His thrilling to be him one day and out on the streets, bringing the news to home, back asked him to come the waiting public. to Minneapolis. "You Later, the family moved to other cities, newspaper can get a job on and was in Minne- there, if you want to," a when Floyd grew I feel he said. "You apolis old enough to decide about that, but know how he'd had f guess you know what enough formal education and wanted to do. Come home, you want to begin earning his anyway. Your mother fi own living. He had only one ambition thinks you're misses you -she too young -to satisfy his in- to be out on your satiable curiosity by being a newspaper The truth was, own." reporter. In spite as Floyd realized later, of the opposition of his father, Edward sympathized perfectly that his mother Gibbons, who with him,but wanted him to follow some more settled bear the thought his father couldn't line of work, Floyd of his eldest son being got a job on the Minneapolis He wanted in another city. News. After a few to have him where weeks he he could keep an was fired -he never knew why until control him. He eye on him. years later, when hadn't learned that learned that his father had had he Gibbons was controlling Floyd him discharged on purpose, a little like controlling to disgust steam without a boiler -full of live hoping him with a reporter's life. a safety valve. Instead, he Floyd went to Milwaukee and got another newspaper returned, but with job. a stipulation: he Part completely on his was to be Two own. He would neither MILWAUKEE was kind from his father accept money to the boy from Minneapolis nor live in the Gibbons perhaps it was course, he was to home. And, of -or just that Floyd was he allowed to work a good He for a newspaper. reporter. After his first signed story, which got a job with the Minneapolis he clipped and next year Tribune, and in the or so he had his first (Continued on page 84)

Opposite page, Floyd Gibbons in Below, Poncho Villa's the midst of one of his rapid men and their families - which Villa used beside one of the trains fire stories on the Nash as his traveling heodquarters. Speed cor to himself. Floyd had a private show. Below, there's At bottom, Floyd (second from a story o dugout during the right) in front of behind this the Mexicon Revolution. picture taken dur- ico Note the beard -life in Mex- didn't offer the time nor the ing Pancho Villa's revolution. facilities for very frequent shaving. Photos loaned Floyd and another man had just to RADIO MIRROR by Floyd Gibbons front his Personal scrapbook given first aid to the old Mex- icon soldier at the right, who had been wounded. When Floyd and his companion attempted to continue on their way, the Mex- ican, unable to speak English, worned them not to go any far- ther by holding his hat up on the point of his rifle. A bul- let zoomed through the hat and Floyd stayed right where he was.







IN the darkened quiet of your own living room, you and panying this article, you can see for yourself. Have you your family lean forward, intent upon a mirror which wondered what you would see if a set were installed in reflects the images of the Honeymooners, Grace and your home and a program tuned in? Have you wondered Eddie Albert. Their lips move-you see them -and as they which of today's radio and movie stars would retain or in- do so the sound of their voices fills the room. You laugh crease their popularity in the new medium? Which Holly- as they wink at each other ... The scene changes; you wood star is television's ideal? And have you wondered are watching King Edward's coronation or the Spanish when the general public-meaning you, not reporters nor revolution; a whirl of lights, and President Roosevelt is electrical engineers-will get a look at this newest mechani- delivering his opening message to Congress. The smile cal marvel, and perhaps a chance to buy one? you've had to imagine at his fireside talks is really there. Those questions, too, will be answered by the time you've From an unimpeachable source, I know that television finished reading. I want to give you a report, today's re- on a commercial scale will be undertaken in New York port, on the progress of the most fascinating forward step City during 1937. Already, such stars as Grace and man has ever taken to abolish limitations of space and Eddie Albert are broadcasting weekly programs which are time. both heard and seen by television experts stationed at Television on a non -commercial basis has been going on, various points within the radius reached by the television as no doubt you know, since early last summer. That is, waves. Those waves aren't powerful enough yet to span programs under constantly changing conditions have been the Atlantic, but by the time King Edward's coronation is broadcast, and have been watched, by a small group of held, television service will be available to one -quarter of experts who had been supplied with receivers. the population of the British Isles. In Germany, people In November, on the 62nd floor of Radio City's tallest will be able to watch Hitler's face as he talks to them on building, I watched a forty- miínute sight and sound pro- a screen four times as large as any yet developed here. gram flashed simultaneously upon the screens of almost a Have you wondered, in the midst of all that has been said dozen television sets, ranged along the wall. The program and printed on the subject of television, what a television came from the top floor of the Empire State building, six- set looks like? Now, if you will look at the picture accom- teen blocks downtown. (Continued on page 93) RERLL HERE?







- Photos 133: William Haussier of NBC

Opposite page, television requires heavy makeup for ifs performers. Note how Grace and Eddie Albert are accenting their features with the grease paint. At left, an actual broadcast scene, with its heavy cam- era, the microphone at the end of a derrick, and the battery of spotlights. Above, a television set be- ing tuned in to receive a program. The gray oblong at the top is the 71/2 by IO inch screen upon which you see the performer's image. Scientists are working now to perfect a larger screen. IF AL JOLSON HADN'T MET AL GOODMAN TWENTY YEARS AGO TWO

TH I S is the story of a great friendship. A tempestuous, demanding friendship, but nevertheless a great one, true and deep and abiding. It's the story of a famous star and of the man he first started on the road to success, then grew to depend upon for success in his own career. It's a story which grew to be a legend along the Broadway of fifteen years ago; and although the Broad- way of today has forgotten it, it is still fresh and strong in the hearts of Al Jolson and Al Goodman. If these things had not happened you might not today be listening to Al Jolson on his new Rinso program; and you almost certainly would not hear Al Goodman- as maestro of the Show Boat and Lucky Strike programs. These two men as they are now, are products of the relationship which began between them in 1917. Without Al Jolson, Goodman might well have remained an obscure orchestra leader instead of the important figure in radio he is; and without Goodman, Jolson could never have reached the high position he occupies in the world of entertainment. The story is significant for still another reason. Through Al Goodman's eyes, I saw a Jolson I hadn't met before, a more human and understandable Jolson. In the ten years during

which they were closely - associated, Goodman learned things about Jolson no one else knew, or could know. But their place is later in the story. In 1916, Al Goodman was in San Francisco, leading the orchestra for "What Nextr a musical comedy starring Blanche Ring and Charles Win - ninger -yes, the same Charles Winninger who was Í later to be'the beloved Cap'n Henry of Show Boat. It was a road company, hastily thrown to- gether, and although the stars were well known their Warner Brothers supporting cast and the orchestra were of considerably less than Broadway calibre: Nobody knew who Al Al Jolson, above, was always fighting with his producers un- Goodman was, and certainly nobody cared. til he found Al Goodman who smoothed the way for his first Until one night when Al Jolson dropped in to listen real success. Jolson's on the air again, on a big new show. to the show. He was on a vacation, but that couldn't keep him out of the theater. After the performance, he looked Goodman up, backstage, and said, "I'm going to have you working for me some day. I'll send for you, and he applied for work in a show, the manager would look at you've got to come. You've got something no other musical the uniform and shake his head, afraid to hire him lest he comedy orchestra director I've ever heard has, and I need be called away suddenly in the middle of a run. you." Debts began to pile up. Al and Mrs. Goodman struggled Then he went away, and that was the last Goodman along, trying to feed their two little children and them- heard from him for almost a year. "What Next" had closed selves, but it was uphill, hopeless work. And then -just as after its Coast run, and Al Goodman hadn't been able to if he'd known when Al Goodman needed his help most - find another steady job. It was wartime, remember, and then was when Al Jolson sent for him to come to New he was in naval uniform, subject to call at any time. When York and direct the orchestra for his new show "Sinbad."


In order to understand what Goodman could and did shows, and they thought he was just a coon shouter. Their do for Jolson, you must understand what theater orches- music was stodgy, ordinary, and downright dull. They tras were like in those days. The musicians in them were wanted to play for a Jolson extravaganza as if it were an musical snobs. They considered themselves above the music operetta. they were called upon to play, if that music held the merest Jolson's efforts to get the kind of accompaniment he taint of what people in those days called ragtime. They wanted from a long succession of musical directors had re- weren't at all in sympathy with Al Jolson and his vivid, sulted in an unending battle which was almost a Broadway energetic way of performing. They remembered that he'd tradition. He couldn't help fighting with them, because all come to the musical comedy stage straight out of minstrel their ideas of how to play music were the exact opposite of his. He liked to have a good time on the stage, ca- vort around and enjoy himself, sing a song when and how he pleased at that particular moment; Al Goodman, below, was an obscure orchestra leader when Al and because he was a clever showman, when he Jolson hired him to pep up his Broadway extravaganzas. Now had a good time the audience did, too. But the Goodman is musical director for the Hit Parade and Show Boat. usual Broadway orchestra conductor, with his set ideas of how to do things, wouldn't let Jol- Harold Stei,, son have a good time. Al Goodman was different. He liked Jolson, in the first place, and sympathized with what he was trying to do. He was young, eager. anxious to experiment with new ideas. He came from the \Vest Coast, where theater orchestras were less formal. When Jolson would suddenly decide to change songs in the middle of a performance, Goodman was always ready with the music at a mo- ment's notice. Jolson could follow his whims, and know that Goodman would follow them, too, and that there would be no confusion in the orchestra, only an added spontaneity and excitement. Under Goodman's direction, "Sinbad" took on a new sparkle and color. Every performance was an adventure instead of a routine. The critics, when it opened out of town, were enthusiastic; and because they didn't know the whole story, they gave all the credit to Jolson. For the first time he was able to show them the full power of his great theatrical personality, with which he seemed to take every individual member of an audi- ence into his confidence. Goodman was satisfied and happy. Jolson had given him his big chance, and in his gratitude he was well pleased to be able to fur- ther Jolson's career. Yet until tragedy struck at his private life, he never knew how far Jolson's friendship for him went past a mere profession- al relationship. H e knew he had a good boss -but he didn't know he also had a friend. " Sinbad" was play - (Cont. on page 67)

THEFJ1 STRR 0 m B y D A N W H E E L E R 4; 8i711 SII THES SHE/H ¿IP

When the picture below was taken, Win- ifred Toomey used to come to her sum- mer radio programs looking sad because soon she'd have to go back to school. She needn't worry about homework any more, she's too busy being featured on the Tom Mix series over NBC. Sophis- ticated waves replace baby ringlets.

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The same smile, but such a different effect! When Betty Wragge auditioned for radio, she was the Dutch bobbed girl below. But, like radio, she has grown up, and this winter she is tak- ing a leading role in Pepper Young's Family, the popular dramatic serial broadcast five times a week on NBC. A VERY SHORT TIME AGO THEY WERE RADIO'S STARLETS. NOW THEY ARE FULL FLEDGED ACTRESSES TAKING PART IN NETWORK PROGRAMS

Nancy Kelly's another drama debutante who made her first microphone appear- ance as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. She liked short dresses, didn't like the boys and had already appeared in fifty movies, way back in those days. You hear her on the CBS March of Time, and also on the Cavalcade of America.



Ethel Blume's first program was Madge Tucker's The Lady Next Door. Gradua- tion for her was just a year ago, when she was added to the cast of Peggy's Doctor. Now she is a regular member of David Harum and Home Sweet Home. Her rise to stardom has been as rapid as the sudden flowering of her beauty.


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Above, Hildegarde poses in her slinky, black cellophane A Le Maire selection -the sveltness of pure Greek in a evening gown. There are tiny threads of red and green typical evening gown of this season with its knee -length running through the material, giving a rainbow cast. This tunic, trimmed with bands of gold leather upon which is is a gown most women can wear because of its simplicity. appliquéd a scroll of multi -colored, scintillating beads.

Hildegarde's own coat of gray duve- teen with lots of Persian fur trim- ming. The collar criss- crosses in front and down along the sleeves. Right, a Le Maire selection -a ro- mantic gold lamé robe with a full skirt and pinched wasp waist. The puff -shouldered jacket goes over the backless back. with this issue, Charles Le Maire, star Des Moines, Younkers Bros. BEGINNING Omaha, Neb Brandeis designer of the La Salle Fashion Show. broadcast Kansas City, Mo. Jean Coventry, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio Vanity Fair each Thursday afternoon over NBC, will select for Indianapolis, Ind. L S. Ayrer Co. RADIO MIRROR readers the most important costumes of the Milwaukee, Wis. Lee -Koft Minneapolis, St. I'aul Young -Quinlan month, modeled by beautiful radio personalities. Minnesota Norfolk, Va flouse of Morris This month we've chosen Hildegarde, NBC's singer and Winston Salem, N. C Diffo Charlotte, N. C Mantaldo Inc. television girl, as our model. Nashville, Tenn. Weinberger The Le Maire creations shown on these pages can be pur- Atlanta, Ga. Weinberger Birmingham, Alabama Kate Falnetta. Inc. chased at any of the following stores: New Orleans, La. The Ltluby Shop Baton Rouge, La. Files Shoppe New York City Bergdorf Goodman Tulsa, Oklahoma Nell Jackson Inc. Boston, Mass. ida Claire Kerr Dept. Store Bar Harbor, Me. Mrs. Franklin, Inc. Dallas, Texas Neiman Marcus Philadelphia, Pa flouse of \Venger Houston, Texas Fiarlowe. Inc. , Md.. Gaither -Williams San Antonio, Texas Eda & Matilde Wolf Washington, D. C. Pasternaux Denver, Colorado Gauo -Downs Buffalo, N. Y \libel Danahy. Inc. Salt Lake City, Utah Classique Shop Pittsburgh, Pa Wm. Penn Hut Shop San Francisco, Calif Ransahoff Cleveland, Ohio \Lary - Louise, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. Bullock's -Wilshire Detroit, sax -Kay Portland. Oregon Meier & Frank Chicago, Ill._ Stanley- Korthack Seattle, Washington Helen Igoe st. Louis, Mo \Iadaline et Cie Spokane, Washington Haddad Inc.

Below, Hildegarde in a Bergdorf- Goodman sport dress A Le Maire selection -it's called "Eleven o'clock on." of mustard -color imported wool fabric. It's a very smart With its small bolero you are ready for the day. You street costume and good and warm under your winter are even ready for dinner by removing the jacket to coat. Pockets and neckline are trimmed with Persian cloth. disclose the decolletage. The tiny hat goes with it.

Photo, by Ray Lee Jackson



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LE MAIRE AND LEARN THE LATEST TIPS ABOUT CLOTHING indicate that that corner to prosperity has been passed. Mario Braggiotti (of Fray and Braggiotti, piano team) has polished off a band that looks to be going places. Bert Block, whose cohorts Tommy Dorsey raided, is back with a new outfit. Harry Reser has taken unto himself a young, new bunch of musikers and discarded the Clicquot Club Eskimos which brought him fame. Jack Jenny (not Denny or Benny) has assembled a fine unit. Jack is considered one of the ace trombonists in the business. * * * You'd be surprised how sen- FIRST WITH THE LATEST, sitive most of the maestros are about their figures. Daily they consult their scales with ap- WE GIVE YOU DANCELAND prehension. Glen Gray, who is six foot three, goes to the mat MUSIC has picked itself almost daily with a profession- a strong man. Joseph al wrestler to keep down his V. McKee, former SECRETS BEFORE THEY'VE poundage. As do most of the mayor of New York, has been men in the band. Of course retained by the Music Pub- the classic examples in the re- lishers Protective Association EVEN BECOME WHISPERS ducing column are Paul White- to serve music in the same ca- man and Jacques Renard who pacity as Judge Landis in took off huge slices of bulk by baseball and Will Hays in the diet. Golf is by far the fa- movies. One of the first matters McKee took up was the vorite method. Harry Sosnick is one of the few trying to code of fair trade practices which seeks to correct abuses of put on weight. Eddy Duchin keeps lithe by his frequent long standing in the industry, such as publishers paying and sweeping bows to the debs who frequent the Plaza. orchestra leaders for plugs, for making special arrangements Hal Kemp by autographing photos, FrankParker by play- of thêir songs, etc. McKee is expected to crack down on ing polo, Benny Goodman by playing hot tunes, Dick these practices as well as talk turkey to infringers who make Stabile on the rowing machine, Bob Crosby by taking fre- records of radio programs. Developments are awaited with quent hot and cold baths. It's really a grim business. interest. * * * Although they all began by playing an instrument, the An epidemic of new bands is breaking out, seeming to maestros who can keep it up and lead, too, are the excep- tions. Did you know that Abe Lyman used to play drums, Rudy Vallee the sax, Paul Whiteman the viola, George Olsen the drums, Ozzie Nelson the sax, Guy Lombardo the fiddle, ditto Ben Bernie, Will (Continued on page 82)

-- jOm andna Mario Braggiotti's hon- Rosemary program an orchestra leader w hilve on MIRROR'STen}h Anniversary. now that he's se riously given looks for RADIO up his piano V orin9 lines Company's duets. over }heir Fred go Broadcasting Waring the Notional oring C0ß 0 n ATI 0 C 0 IffUES








HREE thousand miles away, on the other side of the while to go to Robert for specially designed coiffures -and Atlantic Ocean, the greatest preparations for any pub- pay him well for it, too -it's certainly going to be worth T lic event in modem European history are taking place. your while to study the sketches he gave me and then try The most publicized, and certainly the most dramatic them out for yourself. coronation in the history of the British Empire will take Robert has given each of his creations delightfully appro- place next May. And so -it's Coronation Year. priate names and each one typifies an essential feature of In the cut of your dresses, in the colors of your acces- the Coronation trend. "Coronation" itself, for instance, sories, even in your shoes and hats and cosmetics. this is shows you the clusters of ringlets which are so important the important question to be considered: "Is it Corona- today; notice the symbolic crown effect achieved without tion ?" artificial rigidity or coldness. "Aigrette," with its distinc- But before you can be sure of your ensemble, no matter tive center part, illustrates the lifted hairline at the temples. how many modish new dresses and coats and hats you are " Flighte." with its extremely smart simplicity, is the per- buying, you won't be fashion -right until you've done some- sonification of the off -the-face movement. In both "Flighte" thing about your hair. and "Coronation." you see the (Continued on page 92) Stop and think. How many months, even years, has it been since you've done your hair a CORONATION FLIGHTE new way? And you've gotten away with it, 'too, so far, but you can't any longer. Not this season! Just look at the types of hairdress illustrated on this page. That ought to show you how much you're going to have to experiment before you can be satisfied. You won't be alone in your experimenting, either, for half the lovely stars of radio I've seen lately are in the same throes. That's why I went to Robert, the famous Parisian hairdresser and perfumer, who has a New York salon on upper Fifth Ave- nue, and persuaded him to give me these four examples of his own Coronation creations. If radio stars think it's worth their

51 RADIO MIRROR RAPID SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY All time is Eastern Standard All time is Eastern Standard All time is Eastern Standard All time Is Eastern Standard 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. CBS: Church of the Air. CBS: Betty and Bob. CBS: Betty and Bob. CBS: Betty and Bob. NBC -Blue: Southernaires. NBC -Blue. Press -Radio News. NBC -Blue: Press -Radio News. NBC -Blue: Press Radia News. NBC -Ited: Sabbath Reveries. NBC -Iced: Mrs. Wiggs. NBC -Red: Mrs. Wiggs. NBC -Red: Mrs. Wiggs. 10:15 10:15 10:15 10:30 CBS: Modern Cinderella. CBS: Modern Cinderella. CBS: Modern Cinderella. CRS: Alexander Semmler. NBC -Blue: Five Star Jones. NBC -Blue: Five Star Jones. NBC -Blue: Five Star Jones. NBC -Red: Music and American NBC -Red: John's Other Wife. NBC -Red: John's Other Wife. NBC -Red: John's Other Wife. Youth. 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 CBS: John K. Watkins. CBS: John K. Watkins. CBS: John K. Watkins. NBC: Press -radio News. NBC -Blue: Pepper Young's Family. NBC -Blue: Pepper Young's Family. NBC -Blue: Pepper Young's Family. NBC -Iced: Just Plain Bill. NBC -Red: Just Plain Bill. NBC -Red: Just Plain Bill. 11 :05 10:45 10:45 10:45 NBC -Blue: Alice Remsen, contralto. CBS: Hymns of All Churches. CBS: Hymns of All Churches. CBS: Hymns of All Churches. NBC-Iced: Ward and Muzzy, plano. NBC -Blue: Neighbor Nell. NBC -Red: Today's Children. NBC -Blue: Neighbor Nell. NBC -Red: Today's I I :00 11:30 Children. NBC -Red: Today's Children. Family. II :00 CBS: Mary Lee Taylor. II:00 CBS: Major Bowes CBS: Heinz Magazine. NBC -Blue: The O'Neills. CBS: Heinz Magazine. NBC -lied: The World Is Yours. NBC -Blue: The O'Neills. NBC -Iced: David Harum. NBC -Blue: Iodent Dress Rehearsal. NBC -Blue: The O'Neills. NBC -Red: Oavid Harum. I I:15 NBC-Red: David Harum. 12:00 Noon 11:15 CBS: East and Oumke. 11:15 NBC -Blue: Pageant of Youth. NBC -Blue: Personal Column. NBC -Blue: Personal Column. NBC -Blue: Personal Column. NBC-Red: Moscow Sleigh Bells. NBC -Red: Backstage Wife. NBC -Red: Backstage Wife. NBC -Red: Backstage Wife. I I :30 I I :30 12:30 P.M. I I 30 CBS: Salt Lake City Tabernacle. CBS: Big Sister. CBS: Big Sister. CBS: Big Sister. MilS: Ted Weems Orchestra. NBC -Blue: Vic and Sade. NBC -Blue: Vic and Sade. NBC-Blue: Vic and Sade. NBC -Blue: Radio City Music Hall. NBC -Red: How to Be Charming. NBC -Iced: Mystery Chef. NBC -Red: How to Be Charming. NBC -Red: University of Chicago II :45 II:45 I I :45 Round Table Discussion. CBS: Dr. Allan R. Oafoe. CBS: Eleanor Howe. CBS: Dr. Allan R. Oafoe. NBC -Blue: Edward McHugh. NBC -Blue: Edward MacHugh. NBC -Blue: Edward MacHugh. I :00 NBC -Red: Voice of Experience. NBC -Red: Allen Prescott. NBC -Red: Voice of Experience. CBS: Church of the Air. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon NBC -Red: Lucille Manners. CBS: The Gumps. CBS: The Gumps. CBS: The Gumps. NBC-Red: Girl Alone. NBC -Red: Girl Alone. NBC -Red: Girl Alone. 1:30 P.M. CBS: French News Exchange 12:15 12:15 12:15 NBC -Blue: Our Neighbors. CBS: Ted Malone. CBS: Ted Malone CBS: Ted Malone. -MelodyMelody Matinee. NBC -Red: Mary Marlin. NBC -Red: Mary Marlin. NBC -Red: Mary Marlin. 12.30 12 12:30 2:00 CBS: Romance of Helen Trent. MS: Romance of Helen Trent. CBS: Romance of Helen Trent. NIBS: The Lamplighter. NBC -Blue: National Farm Hour. NBC -Blue: National Farm Hour. NBC -Blue: National Farm Hour. NBC -Blue: The Magic Key of RCA. 12 :45 12:45 12:45 NBC -lied: Landt Trio and White. CBS: Rich Man's Darling. CBS: Rich Man's Oarling. CBS: Rich Man's Darling. I :00 1 :30 I :00 2 :30 NBC -Red: Dan Harding's Wife. Thatcher Colt mysteries. CBS: Five Star Revue. CBS: Five Star Revue. NBC -Red: I :30 2:15 NIBS: Music From Texas. 2:45 NBC -Red: Dan Harding's Wife. CBS: School of the Air. 1:30 CBS: Cook's Tours. 2:00 2.45 NBC -Red: Oan Harding's Wife. CBS: Kathryn Cravens. NBC -Red: Personal Column. 2:00 3:00 2:15 3:00 CBS: Kathryn Cravens. CBS: N. Y. Philharmonic CBS: Air. 31735: Mollie of the Movies. Your School of the 2:15 NBC -Blue: English 2:45 NBC -Red: Pepper Young's Family. CBS: School of the Air. NBC-lied: Metropolitan Auditions. NBC -Red: Personal Column. 3:15 230 3:15 3:00 NBC -Red: Ma Perkins. NBC -Blue: Jean Oickenson. NBC -Blue: Point Lookout Light. NIBS: Mollie of the Movies 3:30 2:45 NBC -lied: Pepper Young's Family. NBC -Red: Vic and Sade. NBC -Red: Personal Column. 3:30 3:15 3:45 3:00 NBC -Red: Grand Hotel. NBC -Red: Ma Perkins. NBC -Blue: Have You Heard. NIBS: Mollie of the Movies. 3:30 NBC -Red: The O'Neills. NBC -Red: Pepper Young's Family. 4:00 NBC -Red: Vic and Sade. 4:00 NBC -Blue: Sunday Vespers. NBC Cheerio. 3:15 NBC -Red: The Widow's Sons. 3:45 -Red: NBC -Blue: Conti nental Varieties. NBC -Red: The O'Neills. 4:30 NBC-Red: Ma Perkins. 4:30 4:00 CBS: Billy Mills & Co. 3:30 NBC -Blue: Fishface and Figgs- NBC -Red: Hour of Charm. NISC -Blue: Ooo Heroes. NBC -Red: Vic and Sade. bottle. 430 NBC -Iced: Follow the Moon. 3:45 NBC -Red: Musical Camera. NBC -Red: Follow the Moon. 4:45 NBC -Red: The O'Neills. 5:00 NBC -Red: Women's Clubs. 4:00 5:00 CBS: Junior Nurse Carps. 5:00 NBC -Red: Henry Busse Orch. CBS: Your Unseen Friend. NBC -Blue: Let's Talk It Over. NBC -Red: While the City Sleeps. 4:30 NBC -Blue: We. the People. 5:15 Talley. 5:15 NBC -Red: Follow the Moon. NBC -Red: Marion NBC -Red: Tom Mix. NBC -Red: Tom Mix. 5:00 5:30 5:30 5:30 CBS: Junior Nurse Corps. CBS: Guy Lombardo. CBS: Adventures of Jack Masters. NBC -Blue: Singing Lady. 5:15 NBC -Blue: Stoopnagle and Budd. NBC -Blue: Singing Lady. NBC -Red: Jack Armstrong. NBC -Red: Tom Mix. NBC -Red: Smilin' Ed McConnell. ABCRed: Jack Armstrong. 5:45 5:45 CBS: Wilderness Road. 5:30 Flying Time. CBS: Adventures of Jack Masters. Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. CBS: Wilderness Road. NBC -Red: NBC -Blue: Singing Lady. NBC -Blue: Flying Time. NBC -Red: Little Orphan Annie. Jack Armstrong. 6:00 NBC-Red: Little Orphan Annie. NBC-Red: CBS: Joe Penner. Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. 5:45 Wilderness Road. NIBS: National Amateur Night. Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. 6:15 CBS: NBC -Red: Catholic Hour. CBS: News of Youth. NBC -Blue: Flying Time. 6:00 NBC -Blue: Animal Close -Ups. NBC -Red: Little Orphan Annie. 6:30 NBC -Red: Education in the News. NBC Mid -Week Hymn Sing. Rubinoff, Jan Peerce. -Red: CBS: 6.30 630 Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. NBC -lied: A Tale of Today. -Radio News. Press Radio News. Press 6:30 7:00 6:45 6:45 Press -Radio News. CBS: Professor Quiz. CBS: Renfrew of the Mounted. CBS: Renfrew of the Mounted. NBC -Blue: Lowell Thomas. 6:45 NBC -Red: Jack Benny. NBC -Blue: Lowell Thomas. CBS: Renfrew of the Mounted. 7:00 NBC -Red: Billy and Betty. Thomas. 7:30 CBS: Poetic Melodies. 7:00 NBC -Blue: Lowell CBS: Phil Baker. NBC -Red: Amos 'n' Andy. CBS: Poetic Melodies. 7:00 NBC -Blue: Ozzie Nelson, Bob Rip- 7:15 NBC -Blue: Easy Aces. CBS: Poetic Melodies. ley. CBS: Popeye the Sailor. NBC -Red: Amos 'n' Andy. NBC -Blue: Easy Aces. NBC -Red: Fireside Recitals. NBC -Red: Uncle Ezra. 7:15 NBC -Red: Amos 'n' Andy. 7:45 7:30 CBS: Ted Husing's Sportcast. 7:1 NBC-Red: Sunset Dreams. CBS: Goose Creek Parson. NBC -Blue: Jim Braddock. CBS: Popeye the Sailor. NIBS: The Lone Ranger. NBC -Red: Voice of Experience. NBC -Blue: Jim Braddock. 8:00 NBC -Blue: Lum and Abner. NBC -Red: Uncle Ezra. CBS: Nelson Eddy. 7:45 7 NBC -Blue: Lum and Abner. 7:30 NBC -Blue: Armco Band. CBS: Boake Carter. 7:45 CBS: Goose Creek Parson. NBC -lied: Good Will Court. CBS: Boake Carter. NIBS: The Lone Ranger. 8:00 NBC-Blue: Vivian della Chiesa. Lum and Abner. 8:30 CBS: Alemite Half Hour. NBC -Blue: CBS: Eddie Cantor. NBC -Blue: Helen Hayes. 8:00 7:45 CBS: Hammerstein's Music Hall. CBS- Boake Carter. NBC -Blue: Romance of '76. NBC -Red: McGee and Molly. NBC-Blue: Log Cabin Oude Ranch. 8:30 NBC -Red: Leo Reisman's Orchestra. 8:00 9:00 CBS: Pick and Pat. CBS: Cavalcade of America. CBS: Ford Sunday Hour. NBC -Blue: Melodiana. 8:30 NBC-Blue: Revue de Paree. NBC -Blue: Walter Winchell. CBS: Al Jolson. NBC -Red: One Man's Family. NBC-Red: Manhattan MerryGo- NBC -Red: Voice of Firestone. NIBS: Listen to This. Round. 9:00 NBC -Blue: Edgar A. Guest. 8:30 CBS: Lux Radio Theater. NBC -Red: Wayne King. CBS: Burns and Allen. 9:15 NIBS: Gabriel Heatter. 9:00 NIBS: Tonic Time. NBC -Blue: Paul Whiteman. Sinclair Minstrels. NBC -Blue: Ethel Barrymore. NBC -Blue: CBS: Fred Waring. NBC -Red: Wayne King. 9:30 NBC -Red: Warden Lawes. NIBS: Gabriel Heatter. ABC -Red: American Album of 9:30 NBC -Blue: Ben Bernie. 9:00 Familiar Music. NBC -Blue: Jack Pearl, Cliff Hall. NBC -Red: Sidewalk Interviews. CBS: Nino Martini. NBC -Bed: Studebaker Champions. 9:30 NIBS: Gabriel Heatter. 10:00 CBS: Camel Caravan. NBC -Blue: Professional Parade CBS: Gillette Community Sing. 10:00 NBC -Red: Town Hall Tonight. Edwin C. Hill. CBS: Wayne King. NIBS: True Oetective Mystery. NBC -Blue: NIBS: Famous Jury Trials. NBC -Blue: Husbands and Wives. 9:30 NBC -Red: General Motors Sym- NBC -Red: Fred Astaire. CBS: Come On. Let's Sing. phony. NBC -Blue: Singin' Sam NBC -lied: Contented Program. 10 30 10:00 10:30 10:30 NBC -Blue: Portraits of Harmony. CBS: Gang Busters, Phillips Lord. NBC -Blue: Dreams of Long Ago. NBC -Red: Krueger Musical Toast. NBC -Red: Jimmy Fidler. NBC -Red: Your Hit Parade.


>> PROGRAM DIRECTORY THURSDAY HOW TO USE THIS FRIDAY S ATU R DAY PROGRAM GUIDE All time is Eastern Standard All time is Eastern Standard All time is Eastern Standard Programs of the four major 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. networks are listed on these two CBS: Betty and Bob. CBS: Betty and Bob. Press -Radio News. pages NBC -Blue: Press -Radio News. NBC -Blue: Press -Radio News. tem (abbreY aced CBS), the NBC -Red: Mrs. Wiggs NBC -Red: Mrs. Wiggs. 10:05 to 10:15 ('Be: The Bluebirds. two National Broadcasting Com- CBS: Modern Cinderella. 10:15 NBC -Blue: Breen and Oe Rose. pany chains NBC -Blue and NBC - NBC-Blue: Five CBS: Modern Cinderella. NBC -Red: Charioteers. Red and the Mutual System. ab- Star Jones. NBC -Blue: Five Star Jones. NBC -Red: John's Other Wife. ABC 10.15 breviated to MBS. In order to 10:30 -Red: John's Other Wife. CBS: Richard Maxwell. learn what network your local CBS: John K. Watkins. ' 1020 ABC -Blue: Raising Your Parents. station is affiliated with lind it in NBC -Blue: Pepper Young's Family. CBS: John K. Watkins. NBC -Red: The Vass Family. NBC -Blue: Pepper Young's one of the lists printed below. :sBC -Red: Just Plain Bill. Family. regularly scheduled pro- 10:45 NBC -Red: Just Plain Bill. 10:30 All 10:45 CBS: Let's Pretend. grams, broadcast from 10 A.31. to CBS: Hymns of All Churches. NBC -Red: Manhatters. NBC-Red: Today's Children. CBS: Betty Crocker. 11 P.M., Eastern Standard Time. 11:00 NBC -Red: Today's Children. 10:45 are included in the listing. If CBS: Mary Lee Taylor. 11.00 NBC-Blue: Happy Jack. no program for a network appears ABC -Blue: The O'Neills. CBS: Heinz Magazine. 11:00 in a time division. it is either NBC-Red: Oavid Herum. NBC -Blue: The O'Neills. CBS: Cincinnati Conservatory. because the program listed In the II:15 NBC -Red: Oavid Harum. NBC -Blue: Madge Marley. preceding time division is still CBS: East and Dumke. 11:15 NBC -Red: Our American Schools. being broadcast or because no NBC -Blue: Personal Column. NBC -Blue: Personal Column. regular program is scheduled NBC-Red: Backstage Wife. NBC -Red: Backstage Wife. II:15 for 1130 II30 NBC-Blue: Melody of Romance. that time. CBS: Big Sister. CBS: Big Sister. NBC -Red: floe Whipple. All time given is Eastern Stan- NBC -Blue: Vie and Sade. NBC -Blue: Vic and Sade. 1120 dard Time. For Central Standard 11:45 NBC -Red: How to Be Charming. NBC -Blue: Magic of Speech. Time subtract one hour: for CBS: Eleanor Howe. 11:45 NBC -Red: Mystery Chef. Mountain Standard Time sub- NBC -Blue: Edward MacHugh. CBS: Or. Allan R. Dafoe. 11:45 tract two: and for Pacific Stan- NBC -Red: Allen Prescott. NBC -Blue: Edward MacHugh. NBC -Red: dard Time subtract three. 12:00 Noon NBC -Red: Voice of Experience. Home Town. Thus: CBS: The Gumps. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon NBC -Red: Girl Alone. CBS: The Gumps. NBC -Blue: Call of Youth. E. S. T. 12:15 P.M. NBC -Red: Girl Alone. NBC -Red: Abram Chasins. 10 :00 CBS: Ted Malone. 12:15 1220 C. M. NBC -Red: Mary Marlin. CBS: Ted Malone. S. T. S. T. P. S. T. 1220 NBC -Red: Mary Marlin. CBS: George Hall Orch. 0 :00 8 :00 7:00 CBS: Romance of Helen Trent. 12:30 NBC -Blue: National Farm Hour. ABC -Blue: National Farm Hour. CBS: Romance of Helen Trent. NBC -Red: Emerson Gill's Orch. Stations on the Columbia 1245 NBC -Blue: National Farm Hour. 1:05 CBS: Rich Man's Oar ling. 12:45 NBC-Red- Rex Battle Orchestra. Broadcasting System 1.30 CBS: Rich Man's Darling. 1:30 Network NBC -Blue: Vaughn de Leath. I :00 CBS: Buffalo Presents. NBC -Red: Oan Harding's Wife. CBS: Five Star Revue. NBC -Blue: Our Barn. WABC WIBW WWVA 2:00 130 NBC -Red: Campus Capers. WACO WIBX KFAB NBC-Blue: Words and Music. NBC-Red: Oan Harding's Wife. WA DC WICC KFBB 2:15 1:45: 2:00 WALA WISH KFBK CBS: School of the Air. MBS: Beauty Forum. NBC -Blue: Words and Music. WBBM WJAS KFH 230 2:00 2:30 WBIG WJR KFPY ABC -Blue: Women's Clubs. CBS: Kathryn Cravens. NBC -Blue: Whitney Ensemble. WBNS WJSV KFRC 2:45 NBC -Blue and lied: Music Appre- WBRC WKBN KGB 2:45 W BT NBC -Rlue: NBC Music Guild. elation Hour. CBS: Clyde WKBW KGKO NBC-Red: Personal Column. 2:15 Barrie. WCAO WKRC KCVO 3 :00 CBS: School of the Air. 3:00 WCAU W LAC KHJ SIBS: Mollie of the Movies. 3:00 NBC -Blue: Country Cousins. WCCO WLBZ KLRA NBC -Red: Pepper Young's Family. NBC -Red: Pepper Young's Family. NBC -Red: Varieties. WCOA WMAS KLZ 3 :15 3:15 3:15 WDAE WMBD KMBC NBC -Red: Ma Perkins. NBC -Red: Ma Perkins. NBC -Blue: Gale Page. WOBJ WMBG KMOX 3:30 3:30 3:30 WOBO WMBR KNOW NBC -Blue: NBC Light Opera Co. NBC -Red: Vie and Sade. NBC -Blue: Hessberger Orchestra. WONC WMMN KOH NBC -Red: Vic and Sade. 3:45 NBC -Red: Week End Review. WDOD WNAX KOIN 3 :45 NBC -Red: The O'Neills. 4:36 WDRC WNBF KOL ABC -Red: The 4:00 WEAN WNOX KOMA O'Neills. NBC -Blue: Joan and Escorts. 1 :00 NBC-Red: Tea Time at Morrell's. NBC -Red: WEEI WOC KRLD NBC -Red: La Salle Fashion Show. 4:30 Hugo Mariani's Oren. WESG WOKO KRNT 4 :30 NBC -Red: Follow the Moon. 3:00 WFBL WORC KSCJ ABC -Red: Follow the Moon. 5:00 NBC -Blue. Musical Adventures. WFBM WOWO KSL 5:00 CBS: Junior Nurse Corps. NBC -Red: Tog Hatters. W FEA WPG KTRH NBC -Red: While the City Sleeps. 5:15 5.15 WGL WQAM KTSA 5:15 NBC -Red: Tom Mix. NBC-Blue- Timothy Makepeace. WGR WREC KTUL NBC -Red: Tom Mix. 5:30 5:30 WGSI WSBT KV1 5.30 CBS: Adventures of Jack Masters. NBC -Blue: Bill Kountz Orch. WHAS WSFA KVOR NBC -Blue: Singing Lady. NBC-Blue: Singing Lady. NBC -Red: Kaltenmeyer's Kinder- WHEC WSJS KWKH NBC -Red: Jack Armstrong. NBC-Red: Jack Armstrong. garten. WHIO WSPD CFRB 5:45 5:45 WHK WTOC CKAC CBS: Wilderness Road. CBS: Wilderness Road. Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. WHP WWL NBC -Red: Little Orphan Annie. NBC -Blue: Flying Time. NBC -Red: Little 6:05 Orphan Annie. ABC -Blue: Jesse Crawford. Stations on the National Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. NBC-Red: Otto Thurn. Six P.M. to Eleven P.M. Broadcasting Company 6:05 6:15 NBC -Blue: Animal News Club. CBS: News of Youth. Networks 6:00 6:30 6:30 NBC -Red: Cabin in the Cotton. Press -Radio News. Press -Radio News. RED NETWORK 6:15 6:45 6:35 WBEN WHO WSAI CBS- News of Youth. CBS: Renfrew of the Mounted. NBC-Blue: NBC Home Symphony. WCAE WIRE WTAG ABC -Blue: Animal Close -Ups. NBC -Blue: Lowell Thomas. 6:45 WCSH W JAR WTAM 830 7:00 CBS: Saturday WDAF WMAQ WTIC Night Swing. WEAF W NAC CBS: Eddie Oooley. CBS: Mortimer Gooch. NBC -Red: Religion In the News. W WJ NBC: Press -Radio News. NBC-Red: Amos WFBR WOW KSD 'n' Andy. 7:00 WGY WRC KYW 6:45 7 :13 NBC -Blue: Message of Israel. CBS: Renfrew of the Mounted. CBS: Popeye the Sailor. NBC-Red: Lowell Thomas. Red Grange. BLUE NETWORK NBC -Blue: NBC -Blue: The Stainless Show. 7:15 7:00 NBC -Red: Uncle Ezra. WABY WGAR WSYR CBS: Ted Husing's Sporteast. WBAL WHAM WXYZ CBS: Poetic Melodies. 7:30 NBC -Red: Hampton NBC -Blue: Easy Aces. CBS: Goose Creek Parson. Institute. WBZ WJZ KDKA NBC-Red: Amos 'n' Andy. MBS: The Lone Ranger. 7:30 WBZA WLS KOIL CRS: Carborundum Band. WEBR WMAL KSO 7:15 NBC -Blue: Lum and Abner. NBC CBS: Ted Husing's Sportcast. NBC -Red: Edwin C. Hill. -Blue: Uncle Jim's Question WENR WMT KWK NBC -Blue: Jim Braddock. 7:45 Box. WFIL WREN NBC -Red: Voice of Experience. CBS: Boake Carter. 7:45 8:00 NBC -Red: Thornton Fisher. SUPLEMENTARY STATIONS 7:30 stations carry CBS: Vee Lawnhurst. CBS: Broadway Varieties. B:00 (These both Red and Lum and Abner. NBC -Blue: Irene Rich. CBS: Columbia Workshop. Blue network programs.) NBC -Blue: NBC -Red: Cities 7:45 Service Concert. NBC -Blue: Ed Wynn. WAPI WOAI KGHL CBS: Boake Carter. 8:15 NBC -Red: Saturday Night Party. WAVE WOOD KGIR NIBS: Pleasant Valley Frolics. NBC -Blue: Singin' Sam. 8:30 WBAP WPTF KGO NBC -Blue: Music Is My Hobby. 8:30 NBC -Blue: Meredith Willson. WCFL WRVA KGU CBS:Andre Kostelanetz Orch. WCOL WSB KGW 8:00 9 :00 WSM CBS: Kate Smith. NBC -Blue: Death Valley Oays. CBS: Floyd Gibbons, Vincent Lopez. WCSC KHQ NBC -Red: Rudy Vallee. 9:00 MBS: Smilin' Ed McConnell. WDAY WSMB KJR CBS: Hollywood Hotel. NBC WEBC WSOC KLO 9:00 -Blue: National Barn Dance. WFAA Major Bowes Amateurs. NBC -Blue: Fred Waring. NBC -lied: Snow Village Sketches. WSUM KOA CBS: NBC -Red: Waltz Time. WFBC WTAR KOMO /JIBS: Gabriel Heatter. 9:30 WFLA WTMJ KPO NBC -Red: Show Boat. 930 CBS: Your Pet Program. NBC -Blue: Twin Stars. NBC -Red: Shell Chateau. WGBX WWNC KPRC 9:30 NBC -Red: True Story Court. WIBA KDYL KSTP NBC -Blue: Town Meeting. 10:00 WIOD KECA KTAR 10:00 CBS: Your Hit Parade and Sweep- WIS KEX KTBS 10:00 CBS: Philadelphia Orchestra. stakes. WJAX KFI KTHS NBC-Red: Kraft Music Hall. NBC -Blue: Shep Fields' NBC -Blue: Nickelodeon. 1030 Orchestra. WJDX KFSD KVOO NBC -Red: First Nighter. 10:30 WRY KFYR CFCF CBS: March of Time. 10.30 NBC -Blue: Hildegarde. NBC -Blue: NBC WLW KGA CRCT Jamboree. NBC -Blue: Vivian Della Chiesa. NBC -Red: Irvin S. Cobb. WMC








2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup milk

1 tbl. butter 1 cup boiling water Pour boiling water over cornmeal and mix to- gether. Sift in sugar, salt and flour. Cook in double boiler until thick. Stir in rice and butter. Beat together egg yolks, baking powder and milk, and stir into rice and cornmeal mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into greased baking dish, set in pan containing an inch of hot water and bake in a moderate oven for forty minutes. Everyone likes waffles, of course, but until you have tried Ma Perkins' orange waffles you just can't realize how delicious they can be. Since she often serves them to her Sunday night supper Friendly, lovable Ma Perkins, with her homely philoso- guests, she believes in saving time and trouble by phy, as played by Virginia Payne, is heard five times a using one of the prepared pancake flours. She mixes week over the NBC network, and sponsored by Oxydol. the flour and liquid according to the directions which come with the package, adding one beaten egg and two tablespoons of grated orange rind for JUST hearing Ma Perkins on the air would be enough every two cups of the prepared pancake mixture. The to tell you that she has grand ideas about food. But waffles are served with orange slices, or orange marma- talk with her for only a few minutes and you'd be lade, but they also may be served as a dessert with really sure. She makes you see visions of spoon bread and whipped cream to which grated orange rind and a few waffles, luscious, spicy desserts, and dumplings with gravy. drops of orange juice have been added. In the old housewives' calendars Friday was always bak- Nothing could be better on a cold winter night than ing day, the day when bread and cookies, cakes and pies, veal pot pie with dumplings, and if you have been neg- were prepared for the coming week. What an exhausting lecting this dish get to work today with this recipe given day it was! And how dull and unappetizing those foods, to me by Ma Perkins. so fresh and delicious on Friday, seemed when they ap- peared at table some days later. How much pleasanter- VEAL POT PIE and more sensible -is our modern baking magic which brings freshly baked foods to every meal, glorifying even 2 lbs. shoulder of veal, 5, tsp. Worcestershire sauce cubes 2 the hurried, grumbling before -business breakfast into a in inch cups diced potatoes gracious start for the day. I onion ys cup tomato catsup Ma Perkins belongs to the "hot breads for breakfast" I tsp. salt 3 tbl. flour school, and no nonsense about their being hard to make A tsp. pepper 5/2 cup cold water or difficult to digest. Rice spoon bread is one of the leaders Dumplings in her household, and if you wonder why, just try it on Cover veal and onion, which has been cut in quarters, your family some morning and wait for their verdict. with cold water, bring to a boil slowly and simmer for an hour and a half. Remove from fire and cool until the fat RICE SPOON BREAD congeals on the surface. Return to fire and again bring to a slow boil. Add salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. 3 tbl. white cornmeal 2 eggs, separated Add potatoes and continue cooking until potatoes are cup flour 1 tsp. salt nearly done. Add catsup and thicken with flour blended I cup cooked rice I tbl. sugar with cold water. (Continued on page 104) 54 RADIO MIRROR Pores... Lines

WITH THIS ROUSING UNDER JAN TREATMENT ni ' Age signs ..../ begin here o Vé Underac skinnase tinyblood vessels, fibres. When they function poorly,age signsstartl

Miss Kathleen Williams: '"A Pond's Cold Cream treatment makes my skin feel wonderful -just so fresh and inigorated. It smooths out little lines."

THE YOU'RE TWENTY...you're twenty - five ... you're thirty or more! modern young aristocrat, says it's easy to have a lovely skin The years slip by quietly enough. in spite of sports and a whirl- The things that tell it to the world are ing London season. "I have learned that Pond's is the -little lines and -a gradual coarsen- best way to avoid lines, ing of the skin's very texture. roughness, or coarse pores." Coarse pores and ugly, deepening lines do more to add years to your face Day and night -this thor- ough cleansing and rousing than skin faults. causes any other What with Pond's Cold Cream. them? How can you ward them off? Soon cloggings cease. Pores actually reduce. Under tis- A Faulty Underskin- sues are toned, and lines Both come from a faulty underskin. smooth out. You look years younger! Start in at once to give your skin this in- vigorating daily care. Get a jar today. Or, Pores grow larger when tiny oil glands Day and night -this simple care send the coupon below. It brings you a special underneath get clogged ... Lines form 9-treatment tube of Pond's Cold Cream. when fibres underneath sag, lose their tone. Here's the simple treatment that hun- To keep these little glands and fibres dreds of women follow, because it does SPECIAL 9- TREATMENT TUBE functioning properly, you must invigorate more than cleanse their skin: - and 3 other Pond's Beauty Aids on Pond's Cold Cream that underskin. You can -with regular Every night, pat to POND'S, Dept. 8TR -CB, Clinton, Conn. soften and release deep dirt and make- Pond's deep -skin treatments. -lodged Rush special tube of Pond's Cold Cream, enough for 9 up. Wipe it all off. At once your skin looks treatments, with generous samples of 2 other Pond's Pond's Cold Cream contains specially Creams and 5 different shades of Pond's Face Powder. clearer! Now rouse your underskin. Pat in I enclose tot' to cover postage and packing. processed oils. It goes deep into the pores, more cream -briskly. The circulation stirs. clears them of make -up, dirt, clogging oils. Glands waken. Tissues are invigorated. Name Then you pat more cold cream in briskly. Every morning (and before make -up) repeat Street You feel the circulation waken. Your skin ... Your skin is smooth for powder- fresh, vital tingles City State with new vigor. looking. Your whole face is brighter, younger! Coarrirbt, 1936. Pond's Extract Coma.W

55 RADIO MIRROR always WNfli IO C(76:: 9OU1J never WHAT TD KflO1

FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY each before deserting fisticuffs as a pro- GREETINGS TO fession. Made his radio debut over sta- Tom Waring of \Varing's Pennsyl- tion I

Hollywood Hotel's popular Frances Langford has her busy moments. Now that her latest picture, "Born to Dance," has been released, she's busier than ever autographing pictures for her many ardent admirers.

Put sweet, ripe color on your lips -by all means. It thrills!...But remember, too, that -lips must be soft, not dry - smooth, not rough. Only smooth lips tempt romance. Avoid Lipstick Parching. Cet protection along with warm color by using Coty "Sub -Deb." It contains a special softening ingredient, " Theobroma." Because of its soothing presence, your lips are kept soft and smooth. In five indelible shades. New! "Air Spun" Rouge -500. Torrents of air blend its colors to life -like subtlety. COTY SUB -DEB LIPSTICK SOr Precious protection!... Coty melts eight drops of "Theobroma" into every "Sub -Deb" Lip- stick. This guards against lipstick parching.



SEE THAT TOY? away the waste without any harsh irri- of pleasant taste in a laxative. They for- It's a special toy...made to teach chil- tation, without any violence. get that forcing a child to take a bad - dren how to think and use their hands. Fletcher's Castoria can never upset a tasting medicine can completely and se- Doctors tell us that practically every- baby's tender stomach. It doesn't rush riously upset his entire nervous system. thing children get today should be made turbulently through his tiny system. So stay on the safe side, as millions of especially for them ...even their laxative. And it won't cause diarrhoea or cramp- mothers are doing, and keep a bottle of ing pains. You see, it contains no harsh Fletcher's Castoria on hand, always. You drugs, no narcotics. Only the purest of can get it at every drug store in the coun- pure ingredients. A famous baby special- try. Ask for the Family Size bottle. It ist said he couldn't write a better pre- lasts longer... and gives you more for your scription than Fletcher's Castoria. money. The signature, Chas. H. Fletcher, It's common sense, isn't it? For a child's appears on every carton. system is tender...too delicate for the harsh action of an "adult" laxative. So when mothers seek professional ad- vice on this subject, doctors usually pre- scribe Fletcher's Castoria -the laxative made especially and only for children. And important as anything else ... CASTO RIA Fletcher's Castoria works chiefly on Fletcher's Castoria tastes good. Children The laxative made especially the lower bowel. It gently stimulates the love it -think it's a treat. Some mothers for babies and growing children natural muscular movement. It clears are inclined to overlook the importance

57 RADIO MIRROR What Do You Want to Know? (Continued ¡roil: page 56)

local station. If they are, they haven't program. Address him in care of that told us about it. program at the National Broadcasting Company, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill. Joan D. of Garfield, N. J. and Jean D. You can write Tony Russell for his pic- of Brooklyn, New York -Buddy Clark ture at Station WBZ, Boston, Mass. was born in Boston. He studied law at Northeastern Law School there, but his Cechy D., Evanston, I11.- Sorry, but we singing as an amateur won such hearty re- can't help you with addresses of movie sponse, that he decided in his third year stars. Please write to the movie publica- to abandon law for a radio career. He tions for them. Of course, George Burns started about four years ago and now is and Gracie Allen are radio stars as well one of radio's popular singers. Golf and as movie stars and we know where they ping pong are his favorite sports. Address can be reached. Address them in care him in care of the Columbia Broadcasting of the Columbia Broadcasting System, 7th DON'T BE A DROOP! System, 485 Madison Avenue, New York. and Bixel Streets, Los Angeles, California. Ruth M. F., Charlotte Hall, Md. -By Betty H., Chicago, I11. -The Hoffin -- this time, if you've purchased a copy of hams are off the air at this writing. Here s January RADIO MIRROR, you must have the lineup of the Show Boat cast. First, read all about Ted Malone in that swell of course, there's its leading tenor and ,tory entitled, "Two Loves That Guide master of ceremonies, Lanny Ross; then Ted Malone." Am 1 forgiven for not tell- Helen Jepson, soprano; Molasses 'n' Jan- ing you about him before? uary; Sam Hearn, comedian; Ross Gra- ham, ; Al Goodman's orchestra Harold M., Springfield, Mo.-For a and the Modern Choir. picture of Cab Calloway, write and ask him for one in care of Mills Artists, Inc.. Mr. Sully C., Somerville, Mass.-Whata Do You know the difference between a 799 Seventh Avenue, New York, New list! First of all, Frank Parker's name is "Droop" and a glamour girl? Nine times York. Frank Parker. He'll take an oath that it is. not out often it's her eyes! And it's so easy Mr. M. R. N. Ciccio although at one time some Hardin, Rutherford, J.- publicity notices . just slip your lashes into KURLASH, and Our letter came back marked "not found." said he was called in 30 seconds they'll be curled back in an "Ciccio." Frank was born in New York This is just to let you know that we ap- of Italian entrancing sweep. KURLASH is that handy preciate your suggestions and parentage. And he lives in will try to New today. little beauty necessity that curls your lashes please you soon. York We don't know now without heat, cosmetics, or practice. $1 at when he will appear in vaudeville, but if all good stores. Helen Hayes H., Los Angeles, Calif. - you want to write and ask him, address I enjoyed reading your Carmen Lombardo him in care of the National Broadcasting Club bulletin. Would you be interested Company, Rockefeller Plaza, New York in reading about brother Guy? Or maybe City. you have already read it. It's called "Sentimental Guy," and it's in the Jan- Mrs. A. J. K., St. Croix Falls, Wisc.- uary RADIO MIRROR. \'ou're right about Lady Esther on Wayne King's program,s and Frances Moran of Eddie Duchin fans, attention! If you Today's Children. George Hessberger is want to know all about the Eddie Duchin not Walter Blaufuss. George conducts an jf THE worst kind of fan club, get in touch with Edna Rogers, orchestra at some dance spot out West. 4 I "Droop" is the one who is a "Beetling 3730 N. 8th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jean M., New Toronto, Canada-Why Droop," with heavy, sinister eyebrows, or Kitty B., Bay Head, N. that fringe unwanted hair ruining her hair- J.-Wasn't don't you write to Jerry Cooper direct? a of list just a bit too long, Kitty? Have a line. But you don't have to be one! Use Address him in care of the National heart! Here are a few you asked for. For TWEEZETTE, that clever little automatic Broadcasting Company, Rockefeller Plaza, photographs of Cornelia Otis Skinner, New York City, N. Y. Did you read the gadget for painlessly removing unwanted hate Smith. Ed Wynn, Ireene Wicker, eyebrow and face hairs. $1 everywhere. story about Jerry in the December RADIO address them in care of the National MIRROR? Broadcasting Company, Rockefeller Plaza, New York. For a photograph of Walter Dolorys C., Klemme, Iowa -Lanny Ross Wolf King, write to him in care of the Is married and is in his early thirties. Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madi- They used to have a double to do the :on Avenue, New York, and address Benny speaking parts for Lanny on the Show Rubin in care of the Mutual Broadcasting Boat, but that was long ago. Lanny has System, 1440 Broadway, New York. proved that he can act as well as sing. Frank A., Lansford, Pa.-Write to /1 Alias Kismet, Derby, Conn. -How am I \/1 Little Jack Little in care of the National BUT curling and grooming aren't enough. doing now? You see, I took some of your Broadcasting Company, M erchandise You must color those sweeping lashes. LASH - good advice. Bob Ripley was born on PAC is your purse -size mascara in a neat Mart, Chicago, Ill. I'm sure your letter Christmas Day, 1893, in Santa Rosa, Cali- lipstick shape, with a tiny brush, all ready will be forwarded to him and he will be fornia. You might be interested in know- glad to send such an ardent admirer a to use, popping out of the other end. Comes ing that Bob's mother was born in a in brown, blue, green and black. photo. Address Paul Whiteman in care of covered wagon when his grandparents were Only $1. the National Broadcasting Company's enroute to the West Coast. Also, that his New York City office -Rockefeller Plaza; father swam the Ohio River at the age of Bob Burns, the National Broadcasting fourteen when he ran away from home. Company's California office -555 South There was an item about Ed Thorgersen Flower Street, Los Angeles. in the January issue of RADIO MIRROR in K. B. G., Phila., Pa.-June Meredith For Your Radio Scrapbook department. I hope you saw it, because it was accom- 1 is on the air, playing in the serial, The panied a swell picture of r MAIL THIS TODAY Story of Mary Marlin, over the National by Ed. To: JANE HEATH, Dept. 11G -2 networks. Jean Paul King plays the lead- Miss M. M., Dunkirk, New The Kurlash Company, Rochester, N. Y. ing part in Romance, Inc., over NBC's Z. York - The Kurlash Company of Canada, at Toronto, 3 I'm sorry I couldn't catch an earlier issue WJZ. As for Frank Singheiser, he's a free Please send me, free, your booklet on eye to print your reply and hope I'm not too my lancer, playing dramatic bits here and beauty, and a personal coloring plan for late. Bert Parks was born in Atlanta, complexion. there. The William Adams who played Georgia, on December 30, 1914. He's F,yu Hair Complexion in The New Penny, is the same person Columbia's youngest announcer. Bert is Name who played in the Palmolive Beauty Box five feet-eleven inches tall, weighs 148 Addre.rr programs, as Tom Gilbert. pounds, has black hair and brown eyes City State (please print plainly) Mildred W., Winnipeg, Canada -Happy and is not married. L J Jack Turner sings on the Breakfast Club (Continued on page 66)


CAN'T CHAFE The sides of Kotex are cushioned in a special, soft, downy cotton to prevent chafing and irritation. Thus Wondersoft Kotex provides lasting comfort and freedom. But sides only are cushioned -the center surface is free to absorb.


The filler of Kotex is actually 5 TIMES more absorbent than cotton. A special "Equalizers' cen- ter guides moisture evenly the whole length of the pad. Gives "body" but not bulk - prevents twisting and roping.

CAN'T SHOW The rounded ends of Kotex are flattened and tapered to provide absolute invisibility. Even the sheerest dress, the closest -fitting gown, reveals no tell -tale lines or wrinkles.

3 TYPES OF KOTEX ALL AT THE SAME LOW PRICE - Regular, Junior, and Super -for different women, different days. A SANITARY NAPKIN WONDERSOFT KOTEX made from Cellucotton (not cotton) 39 RADIO MIRROR What Do You Want to Say? (Continued from page ll) $1.00 PRIZE $1.00 PRIZE

DO YOU AGREE? TEN YEARS OF RADIO Of all the juvenile movie and radio Radio has grown up from a squawking, stars who have appeared before a micro- unreliable, phone, who is the greatest? Who has the sometimes amusing, more often sweetest, most appealing speaking and irritating, protege of science to a univer- singing voice? sally acceptable forni of diversified enter- Is it not little Bobby Breen, Eddie Can- tainment. But radio has not grown alone tor's protege? No other boy singer ever -I've grown right along with it. to stand before a microphone or movie Ten years ago I lived in another era camera has the poise and charming per- where I had to wind a phonograph or pump 1 sonality so enriched by that golden voice a player piano when yearned for of his as little Bobby Breen! music. My political views were hand -me- Some of the child singers over the radio downs gleaned from the audible opinions may have a fairly good speaking voice, of the men in the house. I was too busy but few child radio stars possess the or too tired to give anything but a per- smooth, enchanting quality of voice functory glance at newspapers or magsi- zines. In fact I was a narrow minded, Bobby Breen has. apathetic Fortunate indeed was Eddie Cantor in housewife with an intellectual obtaining the services of this adorable boundary of four walls. But now I have little nine -year -old lad whose golden voice a brand new outlook on life. I form my has brought joy and happiness to many own opinions after giving all parties con- millions of lovers of good music and cerned a fair hearing. I know as many children. popular tunes as my sixteen -year -old uaughter. I am as familiar with ROY ROBERT SMITH, the situa- Denver, Colo. tion in Spain as l am with the one that exists next door. Gossip, envy, ignorance have done a fade-out. Music, laughter, $1.00 PRIZE knowledge fill my day. I'm younger, hap- pier, smarter. FEMININE YESTERDAYS' STARS VS. NEW TALENT You bet radio has changed, and with a long I Not ago read one of the "What twist of the dial I kept right up with it. Do You Want To Say ?" letters in RADIO MRS. WES SAUM, HYGIENE MIRROR, written by a lady who seemed to Yankton, South Dakota. want the yesteryear performers back on the air and screen instead of so much new talent. HONORABLE MENTION Since I have the privilege of voicing my "Everyone's kicking at radio's over- own opinion, I would like to differ with stocked football forecasts, abstracts, in- her upon this matter. terviews, controversial discussion, and a THE MODERN METHOD If it were possible, suppose we could wealth of stadium filling pre -game corn - Norforms are ready for use. and were going to bring back yesteryear's ment which over advertise America's most There's nothing to mix, noth- automobiles, trains and other environ- colorful fall sport."- STAUNTON MORAN, ing to measure. You don't have ments in which our ancestors lived. Where San Francisco, Calif. to worry about an "overdose' would we, including that lady, fit in, in "On Firestone there is the mixed chorus or "burn." No apparatus is this modern age? Nowhere, that is cer- with Margaret Speaks, the brilliant Ameri- needed to apply Norforms. tain! can soprano, more recently termed the They are the modern way to I say, yesteryear's performers had their Distinguished Firestone Soloist, well feminine hygiene. heyday, now let the talented Youth of known for her high sense of courtesy and America have one of its own. More power prompt acknowledgment of all fan mail." to them! -J. E. SILLS, Winston- Salem, N. C. MISS WILLAVENE DEWITT, "I predict that the next ten years will NORFORMS have revolutionized femi- Oakland, Maryland. see a toning down on advertising, a few nine hygiene-made it simple, convenient more hours per week given to educational and easy. These antiseptic suppositories are $1.00 PRIZE programs, and in the good shows we will very easy to use... much more convenient and hear more radio artists than screen stars, RADIO'S PROGRESSING and swing music will swing into oblivion, satisfactory than the old methods of achiev- The trend to public participation marks, while more music of the Wayne King ing inner cleanliness. They leave no embar- I believe, the beginning of a new era in variety will serve to strengthen and quiet rassing antiseptic odor around the room or radio. our jangled nerves!" -MRS. JACK DE about your person. The cut and dried radio trio-music, MERRITT, San Antonio,. Texas. comedy and drama -has grown weary "lt doesn't add to the interest of a pro- Norforms melt at internal body tem- from overwork. A new idea is being born. perature, releasing gram to hear the performers giggling at a concentrated yet non- public participation, first dramatized and one another's jokes. Why not let the radio public by irritating antiseptic film that remains in pro- brought to attention Major audience do the laughing ? "-MRs. M. N. longed and effective contact. This antiseptic Bowes' Amateur Hour. WiLcox, Lawrence, Kansas. - Just think for a minute how public par- anhydro -para-hydroxy-mercuri- meta-cresol- ticipation has flourished. We have the "I enjoy good music, dramas, news and called Parahydrecin for short-is available in Good Will Court, Columbia's Community educational reviews, but if my hostess no other product for feminine Sings, the new Question Bee programs, likes something different, it is satisfactory hygiene. with me. A constructive criticism is al- Norforms are positively antiseptic and non- Vox Pop, Husbands and Wives, the Lis- tener Speaks, and Phillips Lord's new ways acceptable, but a harsh, rude one, is irritating. People's Program. entirely uncalled for. More cheers and EARLE, Berkeley, These are not a fad, but a trend. "Noth- fewer boos! "-L. D. MILLIONS USED EVERY YEAR ing is more interesting than people," is Calif. Send for the new Norforms booklet, "Feminine Hy- an old truth, and radio is just finding it "Why can't we have more programs of giene Made Easy." Or, buy a box of Norforms at out. This evolution holds promise of good music during the day? Do they your druggist's today.12 in a package, complete with we housewives care for nothing but leaflet of instructions. The heightened listener interest in the future. think Norwich Pharmacal Com- music ?" -MRS. BERNARD ELLIS, pany, Norwich, New York, makers of Unguentine. MRS. VERA I. MACK, popular Freeport, New York. Stamford, Nebraska.

NO RFORM S DON'T MISS The Revealing Major Bowes Story Next Month N. P. C. 1937 Known to Physicians as "Vagiforms" 60 RADIO MIRROR DO THIS FOR YOUTHFUL LIPS

DAY USE TANGEE EVERY ONE shade most becom

Watch new loveliness glow on your lips the instant you apply Tangee. The delicate orange color in the stick changes -right on your lips -to the exact shade of blush -rose that perfect- ly becomes you. Only Tangee has this magic Color Change Principle. Only Tangee gives your lips this fresh appealing naturalness of youth.Tangee isn't paint and can't give you a "painted look ". Paris insists upon del- icacy, harmony! Use Tangee Lipstick. And use Tangee Rouge, too. Also con- tains Color Change Principle. Gives youthful natural color to cheeks.

use Ta ngee, feel it smooth lips for the night ! Do not confuse Tangee Natural with ordinary cosmetics -which should be removed at night. Tangee Lipstick's special cream base can't possibly harm, but soothes your lips. Day and night it prevents chapping, dryness. Awake each morning, lovely to look at, with soft, smooth lips...No more faded "morning look ". Of course, no trace of Tangee on bed linens! You can safely use Tangee Lip- stick day and night. Buy one to- day, 39e and $1.10, or tear out coupon and send for Tangee's 24 -Hour Miracle Make -up Set.

BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES! There is only one you. Be to ask Painted GLARING Lips %Tangee GLOW 1!'iG Lips Tangee -don't let anyone switch sure for TANGEE NATURAL. If you prefer more color for evening wear, ask for Tangee Theatrical \ J "24 -HOUR MIRACLE MAKE -UP SET" Its THE GEORGE W. LUFT COMPANY MA -27 417 Fifth Avenue, New York City -T sZe& Rush "24 -Hour Miracle Make -Up Set" of miniature Tangee Ì 2°Jti°"° Lipstick, Rouge Compact, Creme Rouge, Face Powder. I enclose 100 (stamps or coin). (150 in Canada). Check Shade of Powder Desired Flesh Rachel Lightg Rachel




FORD'S about to make a low NBC employees got their chance at HENRYbow to Hollywood -Henry Ford is a prize contest during the NBC not about to make a low bow to Holly- Tenth Anniversary celebrations, and NBC wood! He is-he isn't! The rumors are emerged with a new slogan. It was sub- flying thick and the denials fast as we go mitted by Miss June Hynd of the New to press, but the question ought to have York Program Department and won for Miss a way or another by the Hynd first prize of $100. Here's been settled one the slogan: "By Choice the Nation's time you read this. And this is the story Voice." behind all the excitement. is is dickering The story that Ford with ONE of radio's bombshells exploded Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer for a weekly hour when Jessica Dragonette and Cities program to originate in Hollywood and Service announced that the star of the use the M -G -M roster of stars for talent. Friday -night Cities Service concerts would The reputed cost would be $30,000 a leave the show on February 5. For seven week. years Jessica has been the bright particu- As far as star names go, this scheme lar star of this program; in fact, the pro- would threaten to put all other Hollywood gram and Jessica had come in the minds radio programs in the shade, but that's of most listeners to be one and the same not its only advantage, at least from the thing. Now Lucille Manners, who twice viewpoint of the movie producers. If substituted for Jessica during the latter's M -G -M supplied the talent for a radio summer vacation, is to take her place show, it would also oversee the script ma- permanently. terial used, control the number of air ap- It's always painful for a star and a pearances made by their stars, and com- sponsor who have been associated for promise with exhibitors who have been many years to come to the parting of the demanding that movie stars be taken off ways, and the Dragonette- Cities Service the air completely. If the contract goes split was no exception. Jessica couldn't be through, the Ford show won't be presented reached for a statement for some time on either Saturday or Sunday nights -the after the official announcement had been nights most people like to go to the made, and the sponsor's explanation of the movies. That's just one of the little pro- change was vague and non -committal. visions which ought to please M -G -M's But for the readers of RADIO MIRROR, exhibitors. here's a forecast of what Jessica will be All in all, if the Ford -M -G -M contract doing after February 5. Call it a well is signed and works out successfully, there authenticated rumor, which says that she'll will probably be other sponsors who will be starred on a new program to be spon- tie themselves up exclusively with one sored by a famous soap manufacturer, on studio, and the history of radio's relation- a network yet to be chosen, but probably ship with Hollywood will enter upon a CBS. new chapter. 29 and 30 are to be big Sinclair Oil Company is turning up DECEMBERdays for the Mutual Broadcasting TILEat local stations with a sweepstakes idea Company. The twenty- ninth, you know, for a program, after both networks looked is the date set for extending the network Keep cabs on yourself. dubiously upon the notion as being a little across the country, taking in the Don Lee Estab- too much like a gambling game. The chain in the West as well as stations in lish regular habits of elimi- "lucky- number" tickets aren't sold, how- the Middle West. On the evening of that nation. Most doctors agree ever -the oil company gives them to any- day, M BS stations in New York, Chicago, this is for your one who asks for them, and the Federal Cincinnati, Detroit, and Boston will salute own well- Communications Commission is said to the Coast in a big program featuring vir- being. have decided this doesn't constitute a lot- tually every star on the MBS list. And If more tery. So if the plan turns out to be suc- on the thirtieth, the Coast stations will than one day goes cessful on local stations, the chances are return the compliment, with a program by, take an Olive Tablet just that it will sooner or later crop up on one which will have Conrad Nagel introducing as an aid to Nature. of the networks. a lot of movie stars. You'll find Olive Tablets excellent for this purpose. Henry Ford dickers with M -G -M as he Lucille Manners will take Jessica mulls plans for biggest thing Dragonette's on Friday Mild, gentle, the the place the formula of yet in broadcasts from Hollywood. night Cities Service show in 1937. an eminent Ohio physician, they are used in thousands of Wide World homes as a standard pro- prietary. Keep them always on your bathroom shelf and caution the whole family to use them on the evening before the second day. Three sizes -150 -300 -600. All druggists:




MENWOMEN MCKIM PRI/t Hawaiian Type Strumming Ukulele INE PRESENTS SURE TO BE YOURS! For selling only 24 packets of "Garden- Spot" Seeds at 10cts. a packet and returning the $2.40 collected. Positively nothing snore to sell-- No Extra Money to Pay excepting on special vaine Wrist Watch. Everybody plants Garden-Spot Seeds. Beautiful colored packets filled with living seeds guaranteed to grow. Known with favor for more than 29 years from Maine to Mexico. Lots of people will take five to ten packets. Your own family and a few friends will huy all of them. You can sell out in no time, Here's What You Get for Selling only 24 packets: One Big Premium, your selection, Extra! We send along with your Premium as a 5-Minute FREE Reward for Promptness overF,fty Bright ly Colored Transfer Pictures, Instruction Parrots, Ostriches, Lions, Elephants, Monkeys, Ships Airplanes, a perfectly amazing collection; catalogue of many presents which tells you about BIG CASH Book FREE PRIZES. Read the offers. Pick your Premium, Sign and mail the coupon or copy the coupon on a postcard. Anyone can play this NOW TRUST YOU. jazzy Ukulele and you SEND NO MONEY -WE will he delighted with the sweet mellow tone. Made substantially of strong mate- Moving Picture Machine Blue Bird Granite Cooking Set rial to last a lifetime. Will Make Convenient Mahogany color, accurately fretted is the You Proud and sanitary finger hoard fitted with patent strings. Here kitchen uten- Brings happiness and pleasure the year Of Your our five -minnte instruction hook, containing O -181 " "' Greatest ails that yon 'round. With ri. Kitchen use every many songs with words and music, no lessons are necessary. Prize of All! day. Blue- Complete outfit given for selling only 24 Packets of Boys, you can bird granite "Garden Spot Seeds at 10 cts. each. Sent postpaid. TIP . now show movies is most dura- right at home. ble, finished This outfit uses to mirror films and works smoothness, WE like the regular machines. Made and easy to keep dean. In color It le a bemtifnl mottled bine- PAY 6IflNTSPYan55 metal, snappy gray. The tire Set, given as one premium consists of four of regular -sired pieces: one Mixing Bowl. one 'Pudding Pan, one ALL hlack enamel fin- Preserving Kettle with handle Sauce Pan. Given for dis- OC.. ish. Uses oil and tributing only 24 Packets of "Garden Spot" Seeds at 10 POSTAGE comes complete CIS. each. We par poetage. with lamp, glohe 3FOOTTELESCOPE_9 film and colored slide. Stormy See moon and stars and people miles away. nights need not he Send No Money VIOLIN, BOW and Gives new pleasure. Always ready. Given for sell- dull. Have lots of ing only 24 packets of seed at 10 cents and return- fun giving shows. WE TRUST Instruction Book ing money collected. Send no money. Giver) for selling only 24 Packets of "Garden Imported from Spot" Seeds at 10 cts. each. Sent Postpaid, YO U Europe Crinkled Bed Spread in Attractive Genuine Easy Bearing Colors A glorious sur- Roller Skates prise. It surely is a beauty and always popular This violin is imported because it is so from Europe where they practical. The know so well how to make crinkled stripes violins. Nicely made, highly polished. A pleas- areneatly woven ing model of good shape. Well -finished finger Wilt. In contrasting board and tail piece. Has a full set of strings. colors of rose, bow, and 5-minute Instruction Book with many Make gold,orblue,the Popnlar Songs in words and music. With this You same on both remarkable book you can quickly learn to play without a teacher. Send no sides, and stand Built money. Just name and address. We trust you with 24 Pkts. of " Garden Proud the wash - tuh for Spot" Seeds to sell at 10c a Pkt. When sold send the $2.40 Collected and Vio- well. No ironing Speedster lin Outfit of Your -just let it dry and it is Hard will be sent to you Postpaid. Send your order to Lancaster Co. ready for use. Makes dress- Seed Co., Sta. e Paradise, Pa. We Pay Postage. Bedroom Type Usage 431 In the bed a real ;.leasure. Size 80 x 90 inches, big enough to cover over pillows and bol- Whizz! You turn the corner with a bang, ster, giving effect of a two -piece set. Given forsell- you heat yonr friends in every race when log only 24 Pkts. "Garden Spot" Seeds at IOc. you have genuine Sherwood Type Skates. JUNIOR The smooth -running, easy beanng rollers s make fast skating easy- they go like the wind. They will expand to fit any shoe. GUITAR Genuine Leather BASKETBALL Improved type Skate Key FREE with every pair. For sel ling only 24 packets Imported from Share the FULL SIZE Garden Spot" Seeds at 10 eta. each. thrill of bas- c Sent postpaid. Europe ket -ball -now a major sport. Grandfor both girlsandhoys. Household Clock aác This genuine ? pehhlegrained New Colors! Get this hand- ---+ `-3<ìc-. cowhide Bas- New some instrument Beauty! Here's w ket ball will Secure this all -around NOW. How. .--7-7,-;_-# withstand the utility Clock and ou will Just send your name and ad- grind of many be assured of having one dress (SEND NO MONEY). agameandthe Clock WE TRUST YOU 24 where inn thebouse. Ïtya with roughest prac- ornamented front richly packs of Garden Seeds to sell finiiedin two tone effect at 10 cents a packet. When t ice. Latest with beautifully colored sold send $2.40 collected and type bladder. harmonizingdlals isoeat. WE WILL SEND finished Cv.,,plete s.it.h ly set off ith a richly this mahogany lacing needle and rawhide lace. Given for selling I- il_t . Given for distributingonly 24 absolutely REE. Write seeds NOW. only 24 Pkts.of "Garden Spot" Seeds at 1Oc Pkts. of Garden Spot" for a Pkt. Send for seeds today -we trust you until sold. Seeds at 10 ets. each: oddelivered to your door-we pay postage. Guaranteed Chromium WRIST WATCH A bi American Watch factory worked three years to make ALL GIFTS SENT POSTPAID this Watch possible. See the graceful shape, the smartly de- 10 signed case, the swanky metal dial witb raised gold numerals. No Charges to Pay on Delivery -Piece Priscilla CURTAIN SET ara 10 PIECES IN ALL d/, Cut Here There' charm of wel- come hen u fit your PICK YOUR PRIZE THEN borne with these dainty r NmCN.G i'::n t/.:_ Curtains. This Is very f e MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! natty made tm reulsetto . In fined l7.[f..,ii a nr.. f w, Curtain Set V'4l Lancaster County white pattern finished ,:-mA75-tiB2[Jg' Seed Co., with 2 54 inchrodies in col- Station 431., Paradise, Pa. Each curtain In 20x90 /i ..... m,n..wmn.o.r. .r,d i//r lore.nches,2 pairs. 4Cnrtalns , oemi Please send me at once 24 packets of "Garden 4 Tie -backs andd 2 Raffled Spot" Seeds. I agree to sell them within 30 days and valances, i0 in all. return the money for my All given to you as one GIFT according to your premium for distribu- i %aa/ offers. You agree to send my Gift promptly, post- ting only 24 Packets of paid. "Garden Spot" Seeds 10 cents Sent Movement ,guaranteed. Case is all one -white metal. This bean - at each. Name postpaid to your door. tiful Watch given for selling only 24 packets of "Garden Spot" Seeds and 98c extra or given with no extra money for selling only 48 Pkts. Write for seeds today. We trust yon. Post Office. Lancaster County Seed Co., Station 431, Paradise, Pa. The WATCH for MEN State Read This Remarkable Otter! j!T T "S POWERFUL AIR RIFLE A "regular" man's Watch. Completely new Street or R. F. D. Box standard 40 -size thin model, with improved move- Think of the fun in this Print gour last name plainlg below ment, a guaranteed accurate time - keeper. A de. s' straight- shooting gun. Steel bar: pendable and faithful companion. Given for sell - ing only rel and walnut stock. Shoots B B shot wltb 24 Packets of "Garden Spot" Seeds at force and accuracy, A gun any boy tan be proud I I I I I I I I I 10c a Packet. Sent Postpaid. Send NOW. "Garden Spat" Seeds at 10 cents app cket Sent popaid. Sane 2 rents by filling -in. pasting and Mailing --- this Coupon on a lc Post Curd TODAY 63 IT'S NEVER TOO LATE By LESTER GOTTLIEB

THIS is a short short story of a big man who refused to quit. If the reading time of it was comparable to the long hours Gabriel Heat - ter spent alone, patiently awaiting the "breaks," this could well be a competitor of "Anthony Adverse." Today Gabe is at the top of the heap, after skyrocketing to fame over the Mutual net- work, with his vivid radio re- porting of the news of the world. But it was a long road with plenty of detours. Gabe was born of average middle -class parents in New York. His father was super- intendent of a clothing fac- tory, an industry noted for seasonal unemployment. When his father was out of work, young Gabe would pes- ter hard -boiled city editors for night work. He got odd jobs, but his ideals of jour- nalism were temporarily smashed. The sixteen -year- old lad dreamed of foreign correspondents' adventures in war - inflamed Europe, like those he read in the Times by Walter Duranty, of "I Write as I Please" fame. He hoped to cover city politics and ex- pose corrupt politicians. In- stead he was assigned to GABRIEL HEATTER HAS PROVED THAT LIFE DOES church socials and women's bridge clubs. But Gabe didn't give up, though the years crept up BEGIN AT FORTY-AT LEAST FOR NEWSCASTERS amazingly fast and he knew he wasn't getting anywhere in particular. Somehow the well -known breaks played hookey from the Heatter house- Frank Parker, but I've got just as much fight as they have." hold, which now included a wife and two children. No At least someone heard the debate, for the next day a longer did he attend church socials, but he still got no prospective sponsor called the station and asked if the further in his journalistic career than Hoboken. The job man who waged Norman Thomas a brilliant battle of words of editing a steel trade journal was the best he could do, was available for radio work. until he took pen in hand and wrote an open letter to Nor- man Thomas, Socialist leader, which appeared in the Nation HIS work on these programs prompted his sponsor to take magazine. more air time on WOR. Then came the horrible Lind- So impressed with this letter was a smaller New York bergh tragedy and Gabe was assigned to broadcast from radio station that it invited Thomas and his unknown assail- Flemington three times a day. The blue -eyed, square -jawed ant to talk it out over the air. To Thomas it was a routine Heatter made many radio friends in the tiny New Jersey invitation. To Gabe Heatter it was his first escape from town, but he also gained a flock of friendly enemies. the stuffy steel trade journal; a temporary release from Gabe knew this assignment was his big chance -perhaps mediocrity. his last opportunity to rise to the top. He kept his type- "I've still got plenty of time for fame, I'm only forty," writer clattering incessantly from six in the morning until he said to himself in front of the bedroom mirror. He broadcast time, rewriting, cutting, editing and relighting pulled up his belt vigorously and patted down his steel stale cigars. The newspaper reporters who had finished their

gray hair. stints early in the morning, were hitting the hay for well - I "I'm not as young as Lanny Ross or as handsome as earned sleep. They were rudely interrupted by the bang- 64 RADIO MIRROR

ing keyboard of the Heatter typewriter. At first the news -hawks asked him to stop in calm tones. Then they got rough. One morning a barrage of pillows. old shoes, and broken bottles whistled through the transom of Gabe's hotel door. For the re- mainder of the trial, Gabe typed his copy in the little hotel lobby a blanket around his cold feet, a box of fresh cigars at his elbow, and woolen gloves on his chapped hands. Fame hasn't changed Gabe a bit. He and his tiny wife, a former school teacher, and their two children live modestly at Freeport, Long Island. They own a opu- lar priced car and a basement full ofgood books. Basil, his son, is a poet. The daughter, twenty-year-old Maida, is advertising man - ager ofya Long Island department store. The children seldom listen to their father's broadcast. This summer the boy roamed around Europe, most of the time on a bicycle, thanks to a strictly business deal he made with his father. "I promised to ay half his expenses providing he would return with some in- side information on the European situa- tion," explained Gabe. "Believe it or not, he brought me some interesting comments from the working class, though he com- plained it made his poetry too cynical." Gabe still reads all his fan mail, par- ticularly the ones his worshipping brother sends him daily. He changes his clothing six times a day, maintains a small New York apartment and a log cabin near Sherman Lake in Connecticut. He does this because he never knows where the Mutual network will stick a mike under his face next. He'll try anything now, beauty! Now I have you in my power . . after those harrowing experiences last Ha! Ha! My proud year, when he broadcast under the Hudson .1 River. as sand hogs blasted away, or in the Bronx Terminal Market at three o'clock in below -zero weather. He smokes fifteen expensive cigars a day, and never finishes one of them. A tramp -if he were a smart tramp -could follow in Gabe's wake and smoke like a millionaire. He has a penchant for taxi- cabs that drive carefully. He eats chicken salad almost exclusively, and his big blue eyes dart poisonous glances at any table companion who sprays his food with catsup. His shirts are always too big for him and his trousers too loose. Because he is an unusually neat man. otherwise. I asked Gabe why he wore this vaudeville - comic He always looks outfit. to me as if Mrs. w. -Oh, Russ! Did you really hear all he's going to pull a white rabbit out of the mothers who helped put up the cur- his baggy trousers. Mr. W. -Clap hands, Margie -what's the mat- tain say those things about me? "I like plenty of free wheeling when I'm ter with you? working." he explained. Russ W. -Yep! They said your clothes have No matter who his distinguished guest Mrs. w.-Oh, look! The curtains -one of those tattle -tale gray 'cause your soap doesn't may be at the studio -the Governor. Mrs. sheets is mine. wash clean. And they wished you'd use Fels -Naptha 'cause it's got heaps of naptha Roosevelt, or a new record -breaker in the Mr. W. -Gosh! Is the gray one yours? It looks world of sport, Gabe loosens his tie, pulls in the golden soap and that chases out every sick beside that nice white one. speck of down his suspenders, and then starts the dirt. interview. An idealist at heart, Gabe's ambition is to broadcast from a different city every day so he could be where the news is being made. Monday, New York; Tuesday, Chi- FEW cago; Wednesday, Kansas City; Thursday, WEEKS so Los Angeles. and on, war, peace, strikes, LATER drought. floods, death. "That would be real radio reporting," he says enviously. There's only one hitch to this idea - Gabriel Heatter, fearless forecaster of world events, is afraid to fly! His. first book, "Faith," has just been published, with an advance order any old- Mr. W. -Great Scott! Have you still got that moustache? time author would be proud of. An im- Mrs. W. -Take it off -you're no villain! You saved my reputation with that tip about Fels -Naptha portant steel official, who knew and liked Soap. It's made my washes look so gorgeous, I'm going to take you to town to a real show! was Gabe when he on the steel trade COPR. FELS S CO., 1937 journal, heard about the book and or- dered 10,000 copies before publication, to -TALE GRAY" be given to his employees as Christmas BANISH "TATTLE presents. WITH FELS -NAPTHA SOAP! 65 RADIO MIRROR (Continued /rona page 58) Beatrice N., St. Paul, Minn. -Annadell Kiger is no longer on the Ma Perkins show. I understand she's changed her name $5,000.00 Hannan and gone to the Coast. Marjorie plays the part of Fay Perkins. Yes, Frank Fay was Barbara Stanwyck's former hus- band. No, Bobby Breen is not Eddie FOR TRUE STORIES Cantor's real son. Kenneth Griffin plays the part of Larry Noble in Backstage Wife and Vivian Fridell plays the part of SUBMITTED THIS MONTH his wife. M. C., Harrisburg, Pa.-John S. Young is the only NBC staff announcer boasting Macfadden Publications, Inc.; will pay a doctor's degree. He was born in Spring- $5,000 for the ten best true stories sub- SCHEDULE OF PRIZES field, Mass., in August 3, 1903. Mr. Young 1937, as weighs 175 pounds, is five feet -eleven mitted during January, per the First Prize $1,500 This is your inches tall, has brown hair and blue eyes. prize schedule, shown above. Prize. 1,000 big opportunity to cash in handsomely Second He plays the violin, piano, guitar, banjo, Prize, 2 @ 1,000 vibraphone; speaks several upon a happening in your life or the life Third $500.... ukelele and Fourth Prize, 6 @ $250.... 1,500 languages fluently, and has an extensive of a friend. Study the rules carefully- wardrobe, and Russian pajamas are his send for the free booklet mentioned be- weakness. low and proceed to write the story that Total of 10 Prizes $5,000 may make you richer by $1500. Billy S., Austin, Texas -For pictures of Benny Goodman, and Eddy Duchin, write Look back over your life and select the to them in care of the National Broad- episode that is most thrilling, exciting or deeply moving, no matter whether it casting Company, Rockefeller Plaza, New be a story filled with shadow or sunshine, success, failure, tragedy or happiness. York City. Write to Hal Kemp in care Then write it simply and honestly and send it in. of the Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison Avenue, New York City. In setting down your story, do not be afraid to speak plainly. Our magazines are devoted to the portrayal of life as it is actually lived, so most certainly you Louise M. N., Hartford, Conn. -Al are justified in describing fully and frankly any situation that has really happened. Pearce is broadcasting again. This time it's over the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- If your story contains the interest and human quality we seek it will receive tem, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday preference over tales of less merit, no matter how clearly, beautifully, or skillfully afternoons, at three o'clock. I guess it's written they may be. too late to answer your second question - and besides, you must already know the Judging upon this basis, the person submitting the best story will be awarded answer if you've been tuning in on Town the $1500 first prize, the person submitting the second best story will be awarded Hall Tonight, Wednesday nights. the $1000 second prize, etc. James A. C., Jr., Sour Lake, Texas - And in addition, every story entered in this contest is eligible for purchase Sorry, Jimmy, we do not supply pictures tell you at our liberal regular rates, so, even if your manuscript should fall slightly short of the stars. However, we can about them -without charge. Ben Bernie of prize winning quality, we will gladly consider it for purchase provided we can was born in Bayonne, New Jersey, one of use it. eleven children. Papa Bernie was a black- too frail As as you have finished your manuscript send it in. By mailing it as soon smith, but young Benjamin was soon for a trade so he became a violinist and as possible you can help to avoid a last minute landslide, assure your manuscript even gave a concert at Carnegie Hall at of an early reading and enable .us to determine the winners at the earliest possible the age of 14. Ben's five -feet -ten inches moment. Another big true story contest next month. tall, weighs 175 pounds, has brown hair, brown eyes, and is married. He smokes twenty -five big, black cigars a day. CONTEST RULES about Paul C., Detroit, Mich.- Frances Lang- It All stories must be written in the first person based As soon as possible after receipt of each manu- ford is twenty-three years old so that on facts that happened either in the lives of the writers script, an acknowledgment will be mailed. No of these stories, or to people of their acquaintance, change or correction can be made in manuscripts makes the year of her birth, 1913 (at this reasonable evidence of truth to be furnished by writers after they reach us. No correspondence can be en- writing). The latest report on Myrt and upon request. tered into concerning manuscripts once they have is, they have been auditioned Type manuscripts or write legibly with pen. been submitted or after they have been rejected. Marge that Do not send us printed material or poetry. Always disguise the names of persons and places but nothing definite has been set. Please Do not send us carbon copies. appearing in your stories. be assured that RADIO MIRROR will print Do not write in pencil. Unavailable stories will be returned as soon as re- the glad tidings when they are all set. Do not submit stories of less than 2,500 or more jected irrespective of closing date of contest. than 50,000 words. This contest is open to everyone everywhere in the Do not send us unfinished stories. world, except employees and former employees of Mr. Albert C., Phoenix, Arizona -For Stories must be written in English. Macfadden Publications, Inc., and members of their pictures of Ben Bernie, Paul Whiteman, Write on one side of paper only. families. Rudy Vallee, Lanny Ross, write to them Put on FIRST CLASS POSTAGE IN FULL, If a story is selected by the editors for immediate otherwise manuscripts will be refused. Enclose re- purchase, it will be paid for at our regular rate and in care of the National Broadcasting Com- turn first class postage in same container with manu- this will in no way affect the judges in their decision. pany, Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. script. If your story is awarded a prize, a check for what- Address Guy Lombardo in care of the Send material flat. Do not roll. ever balance is due will be mailed. The decisions of Do not use thin tissue or onion skin paper. the judges will be final, there being no appeal from Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madi- At the top of first page record the total number of their decision. son Avenue, New York City. words in your story. Number the pages. Under no condition submit any story that has PRINT YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS ever before been published in any form. A regular reader, Wilder, Minn.-Station ON UPPER RIGHT -HAND CORNER OF FIRST Submit your manuscript to us direct. Due to the PAGE AND UPON ENVELOPE and sign your full intimate nature of the stories we prefer to have our WGN is the nearest station on the Mutual name and legal address in your own handwriting at contributors send in their material to us direct and Broadcasting System to your town, on foot of the last page of your manuscript. not through an intermediary. which you can hear the Guy Lombardo You may submit more than one manuscript With the exception of an explanatory letter, which but not more than one prize will be awarded to an we always welcome, do not enclose photographs or program. individual in this contest. other extraneous matter, except return postage. Every possible effort will be made to return un- Jerry Cooper and Frank Parker fans available manuscripts, if first -class postage or ex- This contest ends at midnight, Friday. January 45 Barclay pressage is enclosed in same container with manu- 29, 1937. attention!- Annette J. Shreiar, script, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for Street, Worcester, Mass., is editor of the such return and we advise contestants to retain a Address your manuscripts to Macfadden Publi- club paper, The High and Low Tabloid, copy of stories submitted. Do not send to us stories cations Manuscript Contest. Dept. 28C. P. O. which we have returned. Box 490, Grand Central Station, New York, N. Y. and is also the president of the Jerry Cooper -Frank Parker Harmony Club. WRITE FOR BOOK OF INSTRUCTIONS, ADDRESS: More members are wanted. Mary T., East Hartford, Conn. -I f Macfadden Publications, Inc., Dept. R. M., P. O. Box 490, you'll tell me what stars' photographs you want, I'll be able to tell you where you Grand Central Station New York, N. Y. can write for them. 66 RADIO MIRROR Their Friendship Brought Them Stardom (Continued front page 45) ing in Boston when Goodman's infant son fell suddenly ill, back in New York. It was not supposed to be a serious illness- that is, not at first. Two days passed, and the child grew worse, so much worse that after that evening performance Goodman planned to take a late train back to New York, returning in time for the next night's show. In the last act of "Sinbad" there was a spot in which Jolson rubbed a lamp, like Aladdin, and made a wish. Usually it was a funny wish, one of the big laughs of the show. But this night, when he came on the stage, Jolson's eyes were sad, and as "Good grief, Mr. Giraffe, what a perfectly terrific rash you've he rubbed the lamp he said: "I'm going to make a silent wish." got! You're broken out all over, even on your tail. And your neck's a Something communicated itself to the sight! When a person has so much neck, it must be awful!" audience -the tone of Jolson's voice, the look on his comically blackened face. For half a minute it sat silent, confused, not knowing why it was aware of some deeper meaning underlying his words. Down in the pit, Al Goodman under- stood that meaning. He did not need the telegram Jolson handed him a few minutes later, after the performance, to tell him his son had died. Jolson proved the quality of his friend- ship in the next few difficult weeks. He not only paid the expenses of the child's illness and death, but he took care of the remainder of Goodman's West Coast debts -debts which he had been struggling to pay off during the time since he had come East. Most important of all, he showed his sympathy in a score of quiet, unobtrusive ways.

was to come when Goodman ATIMEwould remember the staunchness of "I can remember when I used to have rashes... Boy, did I itch! Jolson's friendship, and would hinder his In those days before we had Johnson's Baby Powder, there were own career to repay it. times when I felt like jumping right out of my skin! Successful musical ran longer in those days than they do now -much longer. Goodman and Jolson were asso- ciated for ten years, and in all that time Jolson starred in only three shows-"Sin- bad," " Bombo," and "Big Boy "-making an average run of slightly more than three years for each show. Since month after month of doing the same thing gets bor- ing for actors, long runs usually aren't the unmixed pleasures you'd expect them to be; but nobody ever got bored in a Jol- son show. Jolson never gave them a chance. He was always changing, usually on the spur of the moment. He had a repertoire of a hundred or so songs, which his or- chestra had to keep always on tap, so that while the audience was laughing at one of his jokes Jolson could lean down and r whisper to Goodman the title of the piece he wanted to do next. Sometimes. "But take a look at me now! Not a rash or a chafe anywhere since near the end of a performance, if he had a particularly appreciative audience, Jol- we've been using that soft, downy Johnson's. You try it -and see if son would toss the silly musical -comedy it doesn't knock the spots off you, too!" plot aside completely and just go on singing and wise- cracking until eleven - thirty. He was always in blackface, of course, "Feel a pinch of my Johnson's -isn't it smooth and and few people know what he looked like without it. One trick he played on the slick? Not a bit gritty like some powders. It keeps my audience once or twice was to enter the skin as fine as silk! That's the best protection auditorium from the rear, after the per- "... formance had started but before his first against skin infections, Mothers! And Johnson's Baby entrance. Without his make-up, nobody Powder is made of the finest Italian talc... no orris- recognized him, and he climbed up on the fi stage and interrupted the show with a root. Always keep Johnson's Baby Soap, Baby Cream barrage of irrelevant chatter. Wandering and Baby into the wings, he returned to the stage Oil in your rubbing black on his face, still talking, baby's bath -basket, too! NEW BRUNSWICK NEW JEESEY. still enjoying himself hugely. 67 RADIO MIRROR

Audiences loved it, even if Jolson's pro- from rival producers, Jolson consistently to the theater, to stand back and murmur ducers, the Shuberts, didn't. The light- refused to leave the Shuberts. He knew of "Childish Y' But remember, to Al Jolson hearted way in which Jolson could upset almost daily furtive acts of charity and it was serious. Al Goodman was part of the carefully worked -out schedule of a kindness which Jolson performed impul- his success. Moreover, Goodman was his show drove them wild. It resulted in sively, and without thought of return. friend; he was comfortable only when "Standing Room Only" signs which grew Long before that ten years' association Goodman was in the pit. Finally, and dog-eared from too much use, but the between Goodman and Jolson was over, perhaps most important, Jolson was all of Shuberts couldn't ever be sure that Jol- the orchestra leader had become general the theater, that topsy -turvy world of ex- son wouldn't go too far. It wasn't show - musical director for the Shuberts. When- aggerated loyalties, prejudices, supersti- business as they knew it, and it confused ever a new show was to be .produced it tions. and worried them. was his duty to whip its music into shape Jolson Naturally, he was one of the hardest and to stick with it during its prelimin- BECAUSE was his friend, because men in the world to work with. Some- ary tour and until after it had opened on he remembered the days after the death times he and Goodman would argue bit- Broadway. All this took time-time of his child, Goodman never hesitated in terly over something one or the other of which Goodman had to take off from the choosing between furthering his own ca- them had done -call each other fearful current Jolson show. And to lose his fa- reer and giving his time to Jolson. Many names and end up by not speaking to vorite orchestra leader, even for a short a time he was in Jolson's orchestra pit when each other. Then Goodman would punish time, was something Al Jolson didn't like he should have been somewhere else. Jolson by standing in the pit and listening at all. Many a time he worked longer than was Jood for his health, in to the comedian's gags with an expression- used invent of getting order to be with He to means olson and less face. Nothing upset Jolson more. Goodman away from general Shubert du- at the same time do work he had to do for the He'd come to regard Goodman as his best ties to Jolson duties. A smooth - Shuberts. With all its particular bad effects upon own and most appreciative audience, and he running Jolson show on tour would sud- his career and upon his was was convinced that if Goodman didn't denly develop acute orchestra-trouble. health, it little enough to do for his friend. That's the way it was, and laugh the jokes were no good. There would be a pitched battle between that's the way it continued to be "Laugh, dam you, laugh," he'd mutter and the unfortunate wretch who until Jolson Jolson left the stage for the broader in clenched teeth so only happened to be waving the baton; and agony through fields of Hollywood and radio work Goodman could hear. "So help me, if you then there would be a hurry call to New -for in which he did not so greatly need the don't laugh I'll kick you right in the York: "Send Goodman quick." help Goodman could give him. face." On one occasion, while Jolson was play- The two old friends don't see each ing in New York, Goodman had been re- other often nowadays. Jolson spends SIDE by side with Jolson's frequent and hearsing a new show for the Shuberts day- most of his time on the West Coast; unpredictable flashes of temper ran his times and conducting for Jolson at night. Goodman most of his in New York; and loyalty and his generosity. Goodman The new show was an important and ex- there are only brief reunions when one of learned things about him no one else pensive one, and Goodman expected to them visits the other's territory. It knew- things Jolson would never allow to conduct for it on the opening night, turn- doesn't really make much difference to be published. He knew that every year, ing, the Jolson performance over to an their friendship, though. Two people who when Jolson organized a benefit show for assistant. But when Jolson heard of the know each other as well as these two do, sufferers from tuberculosis at Saranac plan he blew up and insisted that Good- can't forget. You know that, when you Lake, he not only paid all the expenses of man must stay with him -and there was know that every time either has a birth- the show, including salaries for everyone nothing to do but let the assistant con- day the other always calls him by long who took part, but added a personal gift of duct the opening night of the new pro- distance, from the other edge of the con- three thousand dollars himself. He knew duction. tinent, just to say, "Many happy re- that in spite of numerous tempting offers It's easy enough, if you don't belong turns." IU#IOR IF YOU DONT gi SCREAM




VITAMINS A.B.G cvna D R.\D10 .\11lZlZOfZ The Love Gladys Swarthout's Fame Couldn't Tarnish (Continued front page 21)

It was not long, however, before that see what Frank Chapman would do. voted to his wife's. And that is a posi- status was to be turned topsy -turvy and Perhaps he realized that his marriage tion-a position of subjection -that since it was through a generous act of Frank's was endangered and was willing to go to the beginning of time has been destined that the change was to come about. He any end to save it. Perhaps he reasoned for the woman in a marriage, not the man. had been signed to sing on the Firestone that whatever success he might gain would broadcasts and was beginning to make a always be dimmed by the brilliant light of UNDER her husband's guidance Glady's name for himself with the listeners. a brighter star beside him. so he might as successes tripled and quadrupled them- Eager for his young wife to share in all well give up. Or perhaps his really great- selves. Frank was always present in every his triumphs and opportunities, he per- est desire was to sacrifice his own interests emergency to look out for her. At pro- suaded his sponsors to engage her for the in helping to further the career of his gram rehearsals he sat in the control program too. When they consented, he pretty wife. Anyway, Frank Chapman room. "1 do not allow production men or took hours and weeks from his own work retired. engineers to make suggestions direct to to teach her all he knew about radio I talked to them shortly after he had Gladys," he explained to me, "she is too technique. And one night Gladys Swarth - reached this decision. "No one," he said high- strung, too easily upset. Suggestions out debuted on the air singing a duet from to me, "is willing to do as much for are made to me and I relay them to her." "" with her husband. Gladys as 1 am. Agencies have too many When she went on concert tours Frank Of the two of them standing there at clients. Despite a secretary, a maid, a travelled by her side to bear the brunt of the microphone on Sunday evenings per- manager, a Hollywood agent and a New detail and interruption that might annoy haps Frank most deserved to be sought York agent, Gladys still needs me as her her. He arranged her programs, coached out by fame for a pinnacle among the personal adviser. And 1 am so concerned her in her preparation of them, handled stars. 1 have often thought, knowing with her well being that nothing can af- all business matters. When she performed Gladys, that she yearned for him to ford me any greater pleasure than giving at the Metropolitan he was constantly achieve great success much above her own up my own career to help her all 1 can." backstage in attendance. Frequently he ambitions. But the tricky finger of fame "If 1 have achieved anything," Gladys received her interviewers, answered her swung above both of them for a while, went on to say, "1 owe it all to Frank. important mail, superintended the run- then whirled her to the heights and left He is the most remarkably unselfish er- ning of their lovely apartment. her husband behind. Pretty soon when son 1 have ever known. He has sacrificed When Gladys was called to Hollywood people asked people, "Who is Frank Chap- everything for my success and I couldn't Frank had planned a brief concert tour man?" it was much easier to say, "He's have gotten anywhere without his assist- of his own, his first professional work in Gladys Swarthout's husband" instead of ance.' a long time, but he immediately cancelled "He's a well -known baritone." Thus their protests that they were en- it to go to the coast with her. They took tirely happy under the new arrangement. over Grace Moore's house and servants HAT was where the trouble began. And But were they? Frank Chapman, who and stayed eight months while Gladys it was radio that had caused the rift. had been trained to be a singer, who had made "Give Us This Night" and "Rose Many a celebrity marriage has ended in spent his whole life preparing himself for of the Rancho." divorce when the wife achieved more his own career, had stepped aside to the "Frank was indispensable," she said to prominence than the husband. Profes- position of buffer between the world and me afterward, "because 1 knew he would sional jealousy is a thing few couples can another singer who was greater than he. bring out the best within me. You see, 1 weather successfully. So, with Glady's The months and years that he had planned lived in dread of the yes -men of Holly- climb to stardom, the gossips sat back to to devote to his own future were now de- wood. I had heard so much about them. STOP THAT WHISTLIN6



- food elements. It One of the important THAT tired, nervous feel other vital functions of your ing at this time of the year helps your blood to carry blood stream is to usually means your blood is more and better nourishment carry nourishment to your nerve and muscle from your food to the underfed and does not carry muscle and nerve tis- enough of the right kind of tissues. sues of your entire nourishment to your muscles Eat 3 cakes of Fleisch- mann's Yeast regularly each When you find you and nerves. get overtired at the Fleischmann's fresh Yeast day -one cake about ? hour least extra effort. it supplies your blood with before meals. Eat it plain, or is usually a sign that in a little water. Start today. your blood is not sup- health -building vitamins and plied with enough food. Whatyou need is something to help your blood get more FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH YEAST CONTAINS 4 VITAMINS IN AP2ITION TO nourishment from HOQMONE -LIKE SUBSTANCES, WHICH HELP THE BODY GET GREATER your food. Copyright 1936 VALUE FROM THE FOOD YOU EAT, AND GET IT FASTER - - - -- Standard Brends Incorporated RADIO MIRROR While everyone was gracious and kind, to attempt it, for with her recent hit still I wanted the truth and I knew my Gladys Swarthout became one of the most husband wouldn't deceive me. He is my important names in the cinema city ros- severest critic. ter. And all rumor needs to start its vi- "Oh, but there was one thing I hated cious work is an important name and a about Hollywood! The morning after good reason. we arrived there the papers announced People said Frank realized his marriage that Frank and I were separating. It up- would need another support to stay in- set me terribly and I was outraged. We tact against this new circumstance that denied it, of course; and the next day the would inevitably destroy it. People also papers printed the denial, then the fol- said he did what he did not because he lowing week they said we were separating really desired to follow his old career again. It went on that way the whole again but simply because he had to do time we were there. I was inclined to take it to save himself. Anyway, he came out it too much to heart, but Frank taught of retirement. Radio offered him a job me how to regard such stuff as utter silli- at the moment when he needed one badly ness. Still, I can see how false rumor ulti- and he took it. mately separates a great many people Wisely, he had not entirely neglected who love each other." his talent during the past three years. He hadn't let his rich baritone voice become seems too incredible to those who It rusty through lack of use. What spare gossip that the less important husband of moments he had which could not be put a famous woman can really give up his to Gladys' advancement he had spent in work just to be of service to her and own practice and study. yet remain content in his position. Con- sequently the true facts are always twisted proves, I think, a very admir- is either living on his wife's WHICH -he softly able .thing about this man. His long support, or he retires because he knows he CLEANS TEETH retirement was not merely an act to insure can never become as important as she, or Firm, handsome teeth depend his marriage by doing away with the causes he hasn't any pride. On the contrary, upon two things-cleaning them of professional jealousy. Neither was it a thoroughly and keeping gums Frank Chapman must have had the pride refuge, a comfortable spot . to retreat to healthy. Even if teeth look white of ten men to withstand the things that where there would be no futile struggle the tooth paste you are using may he knew were being suggested about him to match the achievements of another provide only half the care you on all sides. need.Forhan's ends this half-way brighter star. if either of these had been care. It whitens teeth and- "Rose of the Rancho" was not the suc- his motives he would have let his own cess Hollywood nor Gladys had hoped it talent wither, for a reason. instead, he would be. "I'm not satisfied with what kept his voice in trim so that whenever SAVES GUMS i've done in 'pictures," she told me last Gladys became established he could step Forhan's was developed by an summer, "i'm going back to the coast to back into his career just as before to take eminent dental surgeon especially make 'Champagne Waltz' and do the where he left off. He has proved by to give you double protection. finest job I ever did. Then I shall have returning to the air that he stopped sing- When you brush your teeth, mas- hurdled my last big obstacle. I can just ing three years ago purely to devote him- sage your gums, too, with simply sit down and take a big long self to his wife's getting ahead, and noth- Forhan's, rubbing it in gently relax for the first time in with the fingers. Note how it breath and ing more. And a sacrifice of that kind is stimulates your gums, how it years!" invariably rewarded. leaves in your mouth a clean, But what about her husband? When For when he sought to step back into fresh feeling! Forhan's costs no Gladys' career should become securely es- professional life, radio, the thing that had more than most ordinary tooth tablished she wouldn't need him any more. caused the rift between careers in the be- pastes. Try a tube today. That would be the crucial point of his ginning, gave him his chance. Frank Also sold in Canada. three years of complete sacrifice; then Chapman and Gladys Swarthout, equally The ORIGINAL, would come the biggest adjustment he starred on their new half hour broadcast, TOOTH PASTE would have to make. are broadcasting together again just the *14 GUMS way they started out. On an equal foot- and TEETH to the coast they went again. ing. So far as the program is concerned BWICKFrank was present on the set every day neither is the leader and neither is the while his wife was working, smoothing out follower. They aren't billed as Mr. and a detail here, making a valuable sugges- Mrs., for Frank is not one to want to tion there. Paramount even appointed share reflected glory from his famous him musical supervisor. With the result wife's bright limelight. instead they are that "Champagne Waltz" was a tremen- two distinctly individual artists striving INVENTORS dous success from its very first rushes. for the approval of their listeners, each TIME COUNTS - don t usk delay in Gladys has never looked lovelier nor sung solely on his own merits. patenting your ideas. Write for new FREE book, "Patent Guide for the Inventor" in more perfect voice nor acted more com- A happier circumstance still, their mar- and "Record of Invention" form. No petently than in her newest picture. With riage is back on its old secure basis. There charge for information. preliminary its preview she stepped to the topmost rumors about the Chap - CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HYMAN BERMAN need be no more Registered Patent Attorneys step of her career: her last big obstacle mans, no more dangerous crises nor in- I -V Adams Bldg., Washington, D. C. had finally been hurdled and she could jured prides nor sacrifices for them to continue safely on her own, unaided by, face. Provided, of course, that Frank her husband. makes good on the air. So again the gossips sat back to see He will. Being the fine person and ar- what Frank Chapman would do. Holly- tist that he is, he deserves the rare luck wood, which had tried to separate them it takes for fame to strike in the same before, now had greater reason than ever marriage twice.


Mercolized Wax gently melts off faded, dis- WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR MOST THRILLING EXPERIENCE AS A colored outer skin. Reveals the velvety-smooth, soft, beautiful undersldn. Blemishes disappear. DX'er? RADIO MIRROR WANTS YOUR STORIES. WRITE US A Mercolized Wax is a complete beauty treatment in a single cream Contains everything your skin LETTER DESCRIBING THE MOST EXCITING MOMENT YOU'VE needs. Cleanses. Softens. Beautifies. Protects. Start using Mercolized Wax tonight. Win new KNOWN WHILE YOU WERE BROADCASTING. Keep your le+ +er skin loveliness. Mercolized Wax brings out the hidden beauty of any complexion. short. Don't write over 250 words. Best letters win cash prizes. Ad- Saltlike Astringent -a refreshing stimulating USEskin tonic. Smooths out wrinkles and age lines. dress Radio Mirror Magazine, 122 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Refines coarse pores, eliminates oiliness. Dissolve Sazolite in one -half pint witch hazel. Uae daily.. At drug and deportment stores everywhere. 70 J RADIO MlkROK What's New on Radio Row (Continued from page 4) were licensed in 1936 and the New Year they also find a motivating finds 700 stations in the nation. force in the out spots for artists and attractions Leading fact that radio has become one of the aspir- the stampede are newspaper owners bent leading industries ing for network recognition. The Colum- on acquiring their own of the country. It has bia Broadcasting System stations as media just concluded its first $100,000,000 through its Ar- tor the dissemination of news and year, tists Bureau begins feeding talent to adver- and newspaper owners and film moguls WHN, tising. can't be blamed independent New York City sta- Chain newspaper for wanting to get a tion operated by the publishers, such as piece of this juicy pie. Four coast Loew Circuit. This William Randolph Hearst and -to -coast arrangement makes it possible for the Scripps - networks (counting the National Broad- Colum- Howard concern, already own many casting bia to get a definite line on entertainers Company with its Red and Blue who have stations and seek others. Individual news- outlets as separate successfully passed its audition papers all over the chains) are now in ex- board but whom it cannot country are effecting istence and a fifth is in the making. accommodate tie -ups with existing stations where they \Var- on its own kilocycles because of business ner Brothers, who operate their own sta- congestion. can't persuade the FCC to issue franchises tion on the Pacific for new ones. Coast, are interested Thus Radio, the so- called in this development with the Transameri- The merit of Octavus Roy Cohen's new Fifth Estate, cements the bonds which can Broadcasting and program, The Personal Column link it to the Television Cor- of the Air. Fourth Estate -and it was poration, of which John L. Clark, former was similarly established at local stations only a short while ago the two were en- general manager of the before being launched on the combined gaged in a fight Cincinnati 500; bitter over the right of 000 -watt station, WLW, is the president. Red and Blue Networks of NBC. It was Radio to project mere news bulletins! * * tested for five weeks in fourteen cities via * * * MEANWHILE transcriptions and the reaction was so fa- the airwaves are so vorable, As radio and the newspapers are be- cluttered up with advertisers that the Procter and Gamble Com- ing drawn closer together, so are radio Radio Row is consuming pany, largest users of air time in the aspirin by the world, grabbed and the movies. Both results are inevitable carload trying to cure the headaches it for national circulation. because of the close kinship between the caused by inability to accommodate spon- Speaking of three. the Procter and Gamble All have the same function to sors standing in line with bulging bank- Company reminds us that that concern's perform-serving rolls. the public with en- An illustration of how really serious earnings for the third quarter of 1936 lightenment and entertainment -and this is the situation is furnished by the ex- reached 86,629,564, its high-water mark. they best perform working in close perience of Coca Cola. For months the In the same period the company spent and harmonious relationship with one an- refreshment manufacturer has had a pro- 82278,875 for time on the National Broad- other. That's why radio and film magnates gram all set to go but no place to go on casting Company's stations, which it uses get together in joint commissions to either Columbia or NBC. He has a 45- exclusively with the exception of Colum- achieve closer alliances. and not to cur- minute show, Gus Haenschen's "Song bia's St. Louis outlet, KMOX, engaged tail the activities of film stars as some Shop," but neither web can provide a only for the new Personal Column of the groups of movie exhibitors are demanding. spot satisfactory to the sponsor. The Air program. With television coming eventually, if not hope is that with renewal time in January now, films will play even a more impor- some advertiser will drop out and open And in case you are not familiar with tant role in the radio scheme of things. up a place for Coca Cola. the Procter and Gamble attractions, here * * * * * * they are: Captain Tim Healy; Five Star outstanding Jones; Pepper Young's Family; Home, developments of ANOTHER TREND OF THE TIMES Sweet Home; Vic THESEearly 1937 are not only natural but and Sade; Edward Mac - Local stations forge to the front as try- Hugh, the Gospel Singer; Ma Perkins;

,, , / 000 Aub ,_ SOON HELEN HAD DATES GALORE .1



HELEN, ITS NO7 MY FAULT. SEE HERE, 1201 GET MAD SAY BUT YOU DO IF / TAKE My MEN - SOMETHING PERSONAL... THEY DATE ME 1 ONCE. THEN NEXT TIME 00 OUT ONCE you get the Lux habit } ou WITH YOU need never worry about OF- /íY1 GLAD RUTH WAS FRANK AND /LL NEVER FENDING. Lux takes away perspi- TAKE CHANCES WITH PERSPIRATION ODOR ration odor completely- without FROM UNDERTH/NGS AGAIN. SHE SAYS el cake -soap rubbing or the harmful LUX TAKES IT ALL AWAY, SAVES COLOR, 700 alkali found in many ordinary soaps. Safe in water, safe in Lux. Removes perspiration odor saves colors RADIO MIRROR

The O'Neills and the late Frank Parker - borhood . . . Lately there has been so Ann Leaf combination. much duplication of topics and themes `- Her kidded by radio comics that they con- The final figures weren't available when template establishing a clearing house this was written but it is estimated that where ideas to be burlesqued will be regis- mouth over 520,000 persons will have visited the tered two weeks in advance of the broad- NBC studios in Radio City during the cast date. year 1936. This is 55,000 tourists in ex- Unless you know the ropes, about the wash cess of last year's record. And at forty hardest thing to get is a ticket to a big cents per capita, it means the tidy little broadcast. And if they keep on enlarging sum of $208,000 was expended by a curious the shows provided for the studio spec- foiled! public for a peek behind the scenes of tators, ducats for same will be as difficult radioland. to obtain as reserved seats in Heaven. * * * Sponsors are no longer satisfied to pre- sent just the artists on the programs. never can tell what is going to Take the Chevrolet YOU of Sunday night session happen in this cockeyed business proiected from Columbia's Playhouse No. broadcasting. Late last September Mor- I, for instonce. The stars-Rubinoff, Vir- ton Bowe, tenor soloist of the summer ginia Rea Jan and and Peerce -are seen in Jello program starring Tim Ryan the regular broadcast and then Chevrolet Irene Noblette, found himself out of a entertains its guests with motion pictures. job when that combination was replaced Nine out of ten al. It announcers can sing- by the return of Jack Benny et most mikemen got their start as soloists seemed too late in the season to land a but very few - blue singers qualify as announ- new connection and Morton, pretty cers. Two exceptions are Basil Ruysdale on a about his prospects, went personal and Walter Cassel, both . Cassel appearance tour of movie theaters. began his radio career as announcer at Then unsuspected jobs began to pop up Station WOW Clarence Muse, on every side. First he was engaged for ... Negro composer- singer -actor heard with Irvin S. the CBS show with Ray Sinatra s orches- Cobb on the Paducah him Plantation, carries tra. Then Iodent toothpaste signed a Hebrew mazuzah for good luck. for the Joe Rines -Mabel Albertson set -up How embarrassing for others -how on NBC. Hardly had his signature dried cruelly disappointing to you -when the on this contract when a third was placed POSTSCRIPTS mouth wash you trust fails miserably! before him. It was to sing on Smith Phil Spitalny's all -femme Hour of Zonite isn't just a temporary "cover - Brothers' Melody Matinee with Muriel Charm band is co- operative, which ar- up" for mouth odors, like ordinary Dickson, the Cavaliers' Quartet and Vic- rangement raises the weekly wage of the mouth washes. Zonite actually destroys tor Arden's orchestra. And right on the girl instrumentalists considerably above scientifically (oxidizes) the odor-caus- heels of that came his fourth engagement, the musicians' union scale. ing materials, whether from odorous oils to sing with Jack Pearl on the revived The United States Office of Education or from fermenting food particles. Baron Muenchausen proceedings. is spending $113,000 to produce those edu- Simply rinse the mouth and gargle So, Morton Bowe instead of being job- cational programs on the air. The money thoroughly with a teaspoonful of Zonite less is so busy with so many programs he goes to the writers, research workers, mu- in a half tumbler of water to kill onion has had to hire an attendant -secretary to sicians and actors involved; not a cent is breath and other strong mouth odors make sure he doesn't miss a broadcast or received by the stations which broadcast FOR GOOD! two every week! the programs without cost to the govern- Zonite TASTES like the real antisep- * * * ment ... George Burns and Gracie Allen, tic it is. Not made to please the palate THE MONITOR MAN SAYS going from (Campbell's) soup to (Grape) but to get results. Yet you'll get to like named him nuts so far as sponsors are concerned, OZZIE Nelson's mother make its refreshing after -effect (the taste and Oswald in the fond belief it couldn't the switch April first-and that's no odor vanish in a few minutes). Zonite is Her heir April fool gag, either. be corrupted into a nickname. Gloria harmless to tissues. Get a bottle today and was just two days old when his dad Grafton Knapp, widow of Maes- prove these remarkable results yourself. calling him little Ozzie and Ozzie tro Orville Knapp, killed in an airplane At all U. S. and Canadian druggists. started crack -up, who sang on he has been ever since. So what happens? the air as prima The TASTE tells you Zonite gets real results and Hil- donna of "Jumbo," is appearing in a New A son is born to Ozzie Harriet York liard and they promptly christen him Da- night club. knowing the futility of Lind Hayes, son of Grace Hayes, of BE 5.4 /' BO( vid Ozzie Nelson, stage and 4 labeling him Oswald. air renown, has won a movie way, lost no time in get- contract as a result of his success as a SORE THROAT Harriet, by the singer and an ting back to Hollywood after the stork's impersonator on Eddie Can- FASTER REUEF with Unite because 5 tor's program . Don Johnson, visit. She is engaged in filming "An Apple whom times mere germicidal than any other dialers know as Professor Figgsbottle, is popular, non -poisonous antiseptic. a Day," in which she will be supported by Joe Parkyakarkus, Victor Moore, a busy radio script writer. He does the Zonite Products Corp.. New York City. Penner, Andy Gump Helen Broderick and Jimmy Gleason, a serial, contributes comedy to cast. the Sunday night Community Sing ses- most promising sions, and aids and abets New uses of the radio are being dis- Goodman Ace in HOW TO MAKE THAT day. A band of boy bur- preparing those Easy Aces dialogues. covered every Radios are now being in glars employed it most successfully to ran- installed baby N. Y. apartments, intro- carriages. What next? ... Leo Reisman sack Brooklyn, (or his secretary) writes regularly to his BIRTHDAY PARTY ducing a novel technique in looting. En- while the owner was away fans regardless of how regularly they tering a flat write to him Add Lee Wiley to the A THRILLING SUCCESS they would snap on the loudspeaker to ... sounds of their activities and long list of radiorioles making pictures. Whose birthday next in cover the Irene Rich is losing a lot of money be- your family? Let's give a make the neighbors believe the occupants with burglarized scores of cause her radio contract expressly forbids party that sparkles were home. They her playing mother roles in the movies life and color ! Gay stream- places before the police got wise to the ... ers, table decorations, cos- them. Myrt and Marge should be back on the tumes, favors - made of stratagem and nabbed air by you read this. "Very Best" Dennison and Mary Livingstone live the time Jack Benny Vera Van will be a bride before you Crepe! Costs little. Easily in a twenty- three-room house in Holly- obtained at stationery, de- and then the movies read this . Radio's own Dorothy partment, and most drug wood. Until radio scored such a success in the stores. Write for new 32- the vicissitudes of a Lamour removed him from "Jungle Princess" that she has been as- page book brimful of clev- trouper's life, Jack had spent a lifetime in er ideas- 12different par- Werrenrath, signed the starring roles in two more mo- EI N ties, one for each month. hotel bedrooms ... Reinald Games, stunts, decora- is a Radio City vies. Jr., son of the soloist, Brothers set a value of $10,- tions - everything for a Young Werrenrath has no aspira- The Marx party packed with sur- page. 000 on their services for radio.... Ona (in coin sing. prises! Send We tions to * * is a member of ,Oliiii1141111161 or stamps) for' Birthday * Munson, of the cinema, Parties" to surname is Perlmuth. the Cavalcade of America cast ... An- DENNISON'S Jan Peerce's right is Lane, reside in Ludlow Street in other newcomer to radio Lola Dept. B -146, His parents still elder sister of Fred Waring's Priscilla and Framingham. Mass. the heart of New York's East Side, and efforts of their son to re- Rosemary.. Lane. Lola is well known to stoutly- resistall moviegoers. "NI VC( D,¢/tvrvioen. e /Le/N., move them to a more fashionable neigh- 72 RADIO MIRROR Coast -to -Coast Highlights

(Continued front page 6) Mirror article "Yesterday's Stars-Where Are They ? ", brought down on us. If you think some of "Yesterday's Stars" haven't their fans, don't bet on it unless you're a good loser. Gene and Glenn, so listeners write, spent the past summer sponsored on The Corn Belt network. Helen Nugent is soprano- ing over WLW as "The Old- fashioned Girl * * * OFF THE RECORD Nashville: Among others in line for Radio's yearly prizes should be Harry Stone, General Manager of WSM. Believe it or not, you want -to-be- announcers, but Mr. Stone has devised what has proved to be an effective way of discouraging you when you come to him seeking an audition. He doesn't even see you either. And what's more you are the sole judge of your efforts. Sounds like a cinch, doesn't it? But listen! He works it this way. After your appli- cation has been filed you are placed in front of a microphone and given the standard test. No one listens to your audition. But your voice has been recorded, im- prisoned in wax, and before you get a chance to ask: "How was 1? Okay ?" the record of your test is put on a phono- graph and played back while you listen. Not so strangely, no one so far has judged his own voice worthy of further test. In each instance the applicant has headed for the nearest exit and rushed a_ back to his job thankful to find it still there waiting for him. Colonel Stoopnagle probably would like to have this invention credited to his long When Pores Become Clogged They Become Little list, except for the fact that it works. * * * "Dirt Pockets" and Produce Blackheads, Enlarged Des Moines: As those of you know who Pores, Muddy Skin and Other Blemishes! make a Saturday night rite of tuning in WHO Barn Dance Frolic, this big, three - the accumulated waxy dirt. It breaks up this grimy hour is show still going strong. Starting BY ilGGt?/t dirt- dissolves it -and makes it easilyremov- its fourth season of the B.D.F. road able. All the dirt comes out, not just part of it! show throughout middle western theaters, As Lady Esther Face Cream cleanses the skin, When you do not cleanse your skin properly, many impressive newcomers have been it also lubricates it. It resupplies the skin with added every pore becomes a tiny "dirt pocket." The to the long list of old favorites. a fine oil that overcomes dryness and scaly Among them, Berlin and Tull, sure dirt keeps on accumulating and the pore be- -fire patches and keeps the skin soft and smooth. thrill producers with their elusive slip - comes larger and larger and blackheads and So smooth, in fact, does it make the skin, that noose mastery the Calico Maids . . . muddy skin and other blemishes follow. ... the skin takes powder perfectly without any Roy Faulkner, the Lonesome Cowboy "But," you say, "it is impossible for `dirt preliminary "greasing." now singing exclusively on WHO . . to form in my skin. I Windy Brown, pockets' clean my skin the one -man band ... and every morning and every night." But, are the novelty orchestral unit of Sheriff Definite Results! you sure you really cleanse your skin, or do Quigley and his Deputies. Two of the old Lady Face Cream will be you only go through the motions? Esther found to be favorites retained by popular demand are definitely efficient in the care of your skin. It the comedienne Tillie Boggs and the will solve many of the complexion problems rhythmic -footed Slim Davis, colored Surface Cleansing Not Enough dancer. you now have. Some methods, as much faith as you have in But let a free trial prove this to you. Just * * * them, only give your skin a "lick- and -a -prom- send me your name and address and by return Minneapolis: Although the football sea- ise." They don't "houseclean" your skin, which mail I'll send you a 7 -days' tube. Then, see for son is now folded away along with the is what is necessary. yourself the difference it makes in your skin. mole -skins, it is interesting to recall all What you want is deep cleansing! Many With the tube of cream, I'll also send you the sport page hooting that occurred when methods only "clean off" the skin. They do all five shades of my Lady Esther Face Powder. a prominent eastern school offered the not clean it out! Any good housekeeper knows Clip the coupon now. broadcasting rights of its gridiron games to the highest bidding sponsor. More in- the difference. teresting, What you want is a cream that does it seems, when learning the bat- (You canpasteihis o' a penny postcard.) (30) FREE tles of the Minnesota Gophers, one of the more than "grease" the surface of your truly great teams of our time, have been skin.You want a cream that penetrates the Lady Esther, 2034 Ridge Ave., Evanston, TU. a sponsored broadcast locally for several pores! Such a cream, distinctly, is Lady Please send me by return mail your 7 -days' supply of years. A Minneapolis and St. Paul auto It is a cream that Lady Esther Four - Purpose Face Cream; also all five shadvs Esther Face Cream. of your Face Powder. dealer sponsored the 1936 U of Minnesota gets below the surface - into the pores. games. and has already signed an option for the 1937 Gopher schedule. Dissolves the Waxy Dirt Name * * Gently and soothingly, it penetrates the Address Chicago: Following his hobby 'round tiny openings. There, it goes to work on and 'round, Urban Johnson, WBBM City sound effects chief, has hooked up his (Ifyou live in Canada, write Lady Esther, Ltd, Toronto, Ont. ) phonograph recording instruments to his 73 RADIO MIRROR radio. Now when notables come over the air, their voices are automatically etched into waxed impressions that Urban saves for his phonograph album. This little stunt also gives him top rating with the "ham" operators on short waves because he picks up their messages, records their words and sends their voices back to them via his 50 -watt transmitter.

Chicago: Unless sponsors or station owners come to the rescue, radio fans of the Chicago baseball clubs are facing a quiet season. These clubs, after years of free -of- charge and unrestricted broadcast- ing for sponsors and others, have decided to slap a charge on stations for the privi- lege of broadcasting play -by-play next year, either for sponsored or sustaining DRAB -Pale, colorless lashes pickups. without benefit of eye make- up. Definitely uninteresting. * * * Detroit: Prosperity note-WJ R an- nounces earnings up almost $100,000 over corresponding nine months in 1936.

* * *

Kansas City, Mo.: DREADFUL -Crude, Stiff Early morning tuner- lashes, lumpy, stuck together inners of KM BC are getting such an ear- as with ordinary mascara. In- ful of true-to-life .gossip and chatter that excusably artificial. some are beginning to wonder if they aren't living in glass houses after all. The ti reason being Margaret and Gordon Mun- ro, newlyweds, dishing out their Across the Breakfast Table program chatter.

lifrtfl+ w. * * * DELIGHTFUL-The NATU- RAL appearance of long. dark. The new Maybelline Free -lanceville: That old brotherly spirit lustrous lashes -sof t and silky Cream Mascara -dark- was the thing which enabled free lance an- -with Maybelline. Truly. eye ens, beautifies, and tends to curl lashes. Ap- nouncer Jean Paul King to see his school, make -up in good taste. plies smoothly and easily without water. the University of Washington, play foot- Black. Brown. or Blue. Complete with brush in ball this year. And this, even though he dainty zipper bag. was three thousand miles away from the gridirons where his favorites were bat- tling. Each week he received from a fra- ternity brother, on the West Coast, a complete motion picture reel of the game ami=that First Impression played the previous Saturday.

* * * Everyone notices your eyes first- remem- intensifies the color and sparkle ber this! Eyes without proper eye make-up of the eyes immensely. FROM MIKE TO MIKE often appear dull and lifeless - bald and The new Maybelline Cream Cincinnati: The heavyweight title of unattractive. Many women deplore this in Mascara and the ever -popular Solid WLW goes to Harold Carr, production their appearance, but are timid about using Mascara are preferred by over manager and master of ceremonies on the "Tonic Time" program. He pulls the ar- eye make -up for fear of having a hard 10,000,000 discriminating women row down to the 286 mark ... Chicago: "made -up" look, as with so many ordinary the world over. Either form is only When windy sports announcers are men- mascaras. 75c at leading toilet goods counters. tioned statisticians find Pat Flanagan blowing the most if not the hardest. It is Maybelline, the eye make -up in good Generous introductory sizes of all estimated Pat has thrown 20,000,000 words taste, has changed all this. Now you may Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids may to the four winds during his eight years have the natural appearance of lovely, be purchased at all leading ten cent before WBBM's microphones ... Schenec- For tady, N. Y.: Texans Max Raney and long, dark lashes- instantly and easily - stores. the finest in eye make- Doye O'Dell, alias "The Hi- boys,' are with a few simple brush strokes of harmless up, insist on genuine Maybelline! just that. They both stand way up in Maybelline mascara. Non -smarting and the air over six feet as they warble their WGY proof. songs of the plains over ... Char- tear- lotte, N. C.: After spending several months You will be delighted with the other half-shod, with the other foot in bandages exquisite Maybelline Eye Beauty Aids, due to a serious infection, Reginald Allen, is back on both too! Try the smooth -marking Maybelline WBT's Esso Reporter, feet again . Cincinnati: Announcer Eyebrow Pencil to form graceful, expres- Tom Slater is now hobo number 814,785 sive eyebrows -it may be had in shades to on King of the Hoboes Jeff Davis' slate. match the mascara. Use Maybelline Eye Solid Form Mascara- Black, "The King" bestowed the honor, member- Bronn or Blue. ship card and all, when recently inter- Shadow for truly glamorous effects -a viewed by Tom over WLW . San touch gently blended on eyelids Eyebrow Francisco: if crawling out of bed early the Pencil. Black, in the morning is anything to be thank- Brown or has his radio audience Blue. ful for, Jack Dean to thank. Out of six finalists the audience voted Jack their favorite for the new em- cee on the KJBS Alarm Klok Klub pro- gram . . Chicago: Newcomers to the Eye Shadow -Blue. WBBM announcing stable are George Blue -Gray, Brown, THE WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING EYE BEAUTY AIDS Green or Violet. Watson, formerly of NBC and WCFL, Chicago, and Paul Parker, radio actor and free lance mikeman . . . Seattle: 74 RADIO MIRROR Stanley Harris of the Delia and Tim cast, KOMO, when recently smacked by a hit -and -run driver, pulled himself together enough to make his program, but seven minutes before the end, he passed out and the rest of the staff had to grab his script and carry on for him . Detroit: Val Coffey, WWJ musical director for the past two years, has resigned to return to his first love, the Detroit Symphony or- chestra, with which he was associated for Il years.... Chicago: Going professional in a big way, Lucy Gillman and all the youngsters who are members of the Junior Nurse Corps of WBBM have just been granted permission to wear the offi- cial nurses' cap of Chicago Hospital... . UNTIL SHE FOUND THIS LOVELIER San Francisco: Newly added to the staff actresses at KFRC is Lois Hampton, for- WAY TO AVOID OFFENDING... merly of Pittsburgh. East Dubuque, Ill.: Bob Wilson has transferred his an- FRAGRANT BATHS WITH nouncing voice from Muncie, Indiana's WLBC to WKBB in East Dubuque... . CASHMERE BOUQUET Bridgeport, Conn.: Carl Lawrence and SOAP Jeanette Gwynne have added their piano playing to 1VICC's talent parade. . . Charlotte, N. C.: Caldwell Cline and Lee Kirby have joined WBT's announcing stable, bringing the staff up to six reg- ulars.... San Francisco: Violinist Betty Marino and Charles Jacobs, the trumpeter, donated more than their services at a recent Community Chest broadcast. While pouring their talent into the Community Chest some one walked away with Charles' overcoat and Betty's sealskin. . Schenectady, N. Y.: After years of ill- ness away from WGY'S mikes, Billy Rose has resumed his announcing and singing there. . . . Springfield, Mo.: Following fourteen months association with KWTO and KGBX microphones, Russ Davis has returned to XERA at Del Rio, Texas.

Below, a favorite woman star, Ida Bailey Allen, joins New York's WHN for a daily hour program mornings. FLOCKING GIRLS ARE MODERN PERFUMED SOAP WHY LOVELY out: THIS points Ì OF NEW YORK, MERRIMANr to risk perspiration bathe HELEN can afford That's why "No girl stand itl cleanscleans- - can't For the deep ]Vies simply Bouquet.quet. s0 sweet Cashm ere me with this lovely soap danger of body lather of from any Per t ing so safe flower-like g and clean ... its ling ing, fragrant!"rang" odor. And then, alluringly S--,7 my fume leaves

TEXAS, explains AMARILLO, from LLIS, OF different DORIS E is so utterly o is just AND Bouquet fragrancer "Cashmere soaps!sl Its impimported Perfumer costliest per-r- ordinary as that ° bath, this as exquisite after your our dainti- And long makes Y wonderful Isn't it finessfumerma clings LOirre irresistible! only 10¢ ?" peas simply soap costs that this lovely

KEEPS COMPLEXIONS LOVELY, TOO! Cashmere Bouquet's lather is so gentle and caressing, yet it goes right down .into each pore and removes every bit of dirt and cosmetics. This pure, creamy -white soap keeps your skin NOW ONLY ICY at all drug, radiantly clear, alluringly smooth! deportment, and ten -cent stores THE ARISTOCRAT OF ALL FINE SOAPS

7 RADIO MIRROR Ed Jerome's Strange Ordeal SAVE .1/3 (Continued from page 34) homespun world from which Ed Jerome of his teacher's promises, regrets, sym- had come. pathy, he knew he was quite alone. The He became the sensation of Paris, sing- beautiful dream was over. RUGS ing in concerts all over the city. But he could not go back to America. He could not go back and tell them over ONE beautiful June afternoon, he at- there that there was nothing any more. . He must stay here in Paris, stay, do any- tained the height of his triumph, when he was invited to be the only solo- thing but face the bitter shame that ist at the wedding of King Alfonso XIII seemed to his adolescent mind magnified to the English- German princess, Victoria a thousand times and unendurable. of Battenberg, first cousin to King George He hung around the Paris Conserva- of England. tory, watching the others vocalizing, Thousands and thousands of people studying enthusiastically, until the sight of filled the church and overflowed the sun- his miserable face and his awful silence lit square outside the doors. Diplomats made the greatest teacher of the Con- and aristocracy were there. servatoire de Paris desperate. What Ed Jerome, very erect and properly would he not do to help this poor Ed dressed, stood up in the old Cathedral of Jerome, whom he had ruined! San Sebastian in Spain, and sang Gou- The teacher wrote to all his influential nod's "Ave Maria" just before the tri- friends. He even wrote to King Alfonso umphal procession began. of Spain. At the reception that evening, Ed Jer- "The boy has nothing now," he wrote. ome was invited to drink wine with the "He can neither speak nor sing. If you debonair King Alfonso. The new Spanish could think of anything. Even a small Queen asked him his age. "But you're only thing would do. He is getting poorer. If a year older than my little cousins!" she you could even appoint him to be a cried. clown, Your Majesty." Her little cousins were the present King The kindly Alfonso replied by appoint- Send Edward of England and the Duke of ing Ed Jerome Tertiary or Third Clown York. to the Grand Circus of Barcelona. your Ed Jerome, modest good- natured Irish The Grand Circus of Barcelona was fellow that he still was, thought there sponsored by many crowned heads of could be no more. Europe, but it was King Alfonso's pet en- OLD But the greatest teacher of the Paris tertainment. With a performing troupe of Conservatory thought differently. five hundred people, it made an enormous RUGS, Ed Jerome's deep bass voice had also a circuit each year, as far north as Scot- few baritone notes. These top tones land, as far south as Africa, and as far CLOTHING haunted the teacher. The boy was young, west as Russia. the voice not fixed by too much training. There was no menagerie, no wild ani- Write for America's Greatest mals, no people shot from cannon. It was Money Saving Rug Catalog; Why should he not develop this young bass into a baritone? a simple, picturesque European circus, 66 pages of beautiful Olson consisting of three main features Ruga in model rooms, all in "There are few interesting roles for a -trapeze actual colors. Describes bass in opera," he told Ed Jerome. "He and tumbling work, equestrian work, and - clowning. Patented Olson Process plays uninteresting people. Outside of of reclaiming the valuable Mephistopheles, what can he sing? Old To the spread tents of this queer for- eign circus, the kid, Ed Jerome, timid and materials in old carpets, fathers, rich uncles. Edouard, 1 will make rugs, wool clothing: how we you into something better -a baritone, awkward by now, came one morning to shred, sterilize, merge, pick- begin his long lonely exile. er, card, comb, perhaps, a tenor ?" bleach, spin, Ed Jerome nodded. He did not under- He brought a paper pad with him and dye and reweave into deep a pencil. These had now become his sub- textured, firmly woven, full stand how it could be done. But then, bodied, seamless, neither did he understand how he had stitute for a voice. Everything he needed he wrote down -food, instructions, the REVERSIBLE become an opera star overnight. RUGS In six months, the baritone, Ed Jerome, simplest questions. -that can be used on both sides. Twice the wear, Dou- donned the glittering bolero, the red sash ro- didn't have to speak a word to be a ble the luxury, at rfs the coat. and three -cornered hat of Escamillo, mantic toreador of Bizet's opera, "Car- HEclown. His work consisted of gestures Choice of 66 Early Amer- men." and facial expressions. He was just a ican, Oriental and Modern All the deep dark natural tones of his grimacing, silent grotesque figure dressed designs, Plaids, solid colors, lower register had been wiped away by in a tall hat and a polka- dotted domino. tweedy mixtures, ovals. exercises. Since Ed was the lowliest clown of all, ANY Size You Want "Toreador! Prenez Garde!" "To- the management made him the Gossip in a -to fit any room -sizes you reador! Take Care!" he sang at the top jealous- husband act, performed by several can't get elsewhere. of his new lusty high baritone. How ter- clowns. Ed, with his face painted dead were to white, a wide red huge ITS SO EASY -Just 'PHONE ribly the words of that great aria mouth and nose, the Railway Express to call at apply to Ed Jerome. went around poking and listening to all your door for material, or ship The capacity audience in the Paris the secrets, then pretending to whisper Freight -at our expense. Opera House rocked and stamped and them all to the wrong people. In the end You risk nothing. Satisfaction shouted. This American, Ed Jerome, was he always received a beating. guaranteed. Our 62nd year. a miracle. Ed Jerome became known among his (Beware agents. Order direct.] But jolting home in the hansom cab to fellow troupers as "El Silencioso" -the his hotel, Ed Jerome touched his aching Silent One. Even in real life he was a throat and wondered. After "Faust" he clown, pointing with huge gestures and FREE had felt happy, normal, he had gone to a expressing himself only with his eyes. BOOK IN COLOR party. But now . . . Why should his Overnight, he became a sort of slave, Mail Coupon or lc throat pain so? a wandering European trouper, similar Postal tossed long. By ...... He all night morning to the strolling actors of the Middle Ages. t * he could not speak above a whisper. By He had no property rights, no dignity, OLSON RUG CO. the time he and his frantic teacher ar- no opportunity of making a lot of money. CHICAGO NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO rived at the doctor's, even that faint Like a child he was given an "account" Mailto 2800 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago, Dept. A -34 hoarse whisper was gone. for everything -an account for his to- YES, send me FREE and postpaid, your money- Ed Jerome was dumb. bacco, for his wine, lodgings, board. saving book "Beautiful New Rugs from Old." "Perhaps the speaking voice will re- There were no great friends. For after turn," the doctor said skeptically. "But all he could not speak a word. There was Name._ the singing voice ? -ah, monsieur, I fear no home. There was no future, no hope. Address it is perished forever." But all this did not kill the soul of Ed Town Lost, dazed, crushed. Ed Jerome walked Jerome. out into the quiet Paris sunlight. In spite Condemned to solitude, he wandered the 76 RADIO MIRROR streets of strange cities at evening, think- toreadors in the familiar costume he had twenty -two years old. But his hair was ing. Gradually the hope of going back once worn as Escamillo. His silent throat already streaked faintly to opera waned and died pitifully. with gray. But would ache to sing, but there would be In the quiet of his home, he worked to after all-was there not a chance of be- nothing, not even the faintest whisper. restore his speaking voice ing a clown? Was again. lie great not a great clown Then the call would come, and out into rested, read, practiced speaking just words, almost as dignified as a great opera star? the sawdust arena, Ed would mince coyly sentences, then His Irish humor asserted itself. long speeches to himself. He had for the thousandth time, holding his pink After a year, he felt sure that his speaking noticed that the First Clowns in the Grand parasol. voice would never desert him again. Circus of Barcelona flung off their Inver- It might have all gone on forever. He And that magnificent ness capes and broad -brimmed hats with expected it to. Like a sort of monk, he singing voice? as much elegance as the stars of the Paris had resigned Ed Jerome never tried to bring back himself to the life of silence. that fatal singing Opera House. His companions were books. voice. It had been a In every great, a beautiful gift. But life somehow cheap hotel he left his scribbled pads, had SO, alone in his hotel room, he prac- covered torn it away, and left only long agony over with the record of his day, in its place. tised. Inside of two months he had his conversations, his requests to strangers. He wanted nothing of it. created an act of his own that made him He had almost forgotten that he was an He saved and clung desperately to the First Clown of the Grand Circus. American boy. thing he himself had salvaged, wrested His act sounds like a foolish little thing. And then one winter morning after from fate. To others a speaking voice But it made a great sensation. three years of complete loneliness, Ed might be taken for granted, be considered Dressed in a tiny pink ballet skirt over Jerome sat up trembling and whiter than a possession scarcely worth mentioning. a long pair of pink tights, wearing long the sheets on the bed of his hotel room. But to Ed Jerome it was the most pre- yellow curls, a little hat with a big red He had been able to clear his throat! cious thing in the world. He worked on feather in it, and carrying a parasol, Ed He was afraid to move, afraid to get his voice, polished it, he developed it into Jerome simpered out into the ring. out of the bed, afraid to swallow for fear a great instrument of expression. Over his own feet were a pair of enor- it would disappear. A delirium of ecstasy mous bare feet made of papier- maché. swept over him. He got up gingerly, WHEN Ed Jerome projects that mag- Suddenly Ed would spy a piece of plain slowly, like a man who has been paralyzed, nificent voice over the radio, he is giv- white paper on the ground before him. a man who has been blind. ing to millions his most priceless possession. He would point it out to the audience, For three days he walked around, still The voice he lost so many years ago has then making up his mind, would lean for- silent, still writing on his pad. He told become his entire fortune. ward to pick up the paper. no man of his new hope. He acted in the Ed Jerome is settling his accounts with The slap down of the huge bare feet circus. And at night when he was alone, fate. would send the paper, which had been he shut the door of his room, locked it. stiffened with flour and water paste be- As though he were committing a crime, PROGRAM DOTS AND DASHES: Rich forehand, shooting straight ahead. he ractised clearing his throat. Man's Darling hos been on the CBS net- Through this act he became known as The circus was in Germany. He had work since Februory 17, 1936, sponsored by one of the best pantomimists of Europe. learned no German. His friends in the Outdoor Girl cosmetics. . Inexpensive to One summer season, when the Grand hotel were Spaniards. He walked those produce, eosy to continue, becouse o seriol Circus of Barcelona closed down tem- three days until he found an American con go on and on, scripts like Rich Mon's porarily, Ed, the First Clown, was sent restaurant, went in and sat down. Dorling one populor becouse doytime listen- around to entertain during the Corridas- "I'll have ham and eggs, a cup of coffee, ers, who one mostly women, like humon inter- the bull -fights. national sport of Spain. and a piece of apple pie," he said to the est stories obout their next door neighbors . Many an afternoon, he heard the dazzl- waiter in a low trembling voice. One ogency thot believes in this formulo is ing strains of "Carmen" played by the Ed Jerome's terrible exile was ended. He Blockett- Somple- Hummert, who present, be- arena band, and saw the matadors and rushed back to America still young -only sides Rich Mon's Dorling, Just Ploin Bill,



AND SINCE THAT TIP ON COLGATE'S... BEGINS WITH THE TEETH! BROWN, DO YOU KNOW THAT MOST MOST BAD BREATH BAD BREATH COMES FROM DECAYING ing food deposits in hidden FOOD DEPOSITS IN HIDDEN CREVICES Tests prove that 76% of all peo- I HAVE MY JOB BACK... BETWEEN IMPROPERLY CLEANED ple over the age of 17 have bad crevices between teeth which HELEN'S CHANGED HER MIND... TEETH'? THAT'S WHY I ADVISE ! And the same tests prove are the source of most bad COLGATE DENTAL CREAM. ITS AND I'M THE HAPPIESTMAN ALIVE! breath SPECIAL PENETRATING FOAM REMOVES that most bad breath comes breath, dull, dingy teeth, and THESE ODOR-BREEDING DEPOSITS from improperly cleaned teeth. much tooth decay. At the same Colgate Dental Cream, because time, Colgate's soft, safe polish- of its special penetrating foam, ing agent cleans and brightens removes the cause -the decay- enamel -makes teeth sparkle! 2O4 LARGE SIZE Giant Size, over twice. as much, 35 MAKES TEETH CLEANER AND BRIGHTER, TOO! which has been an the air for five years; Betty and Bab, which is six years old, and The Romance of Helen Trent, which just had its 6 WEEKS AGO HE SAID: fourth birthday. . The scripts are written two ar three weeks in advance by o staff of writers. . There is o scarcity af writers of this sort of material.... Last year the sponsors of Grand Hatel sent out farm letters to many writers asking for cantribu- SHE'S TOO tians. . . . These daytime script shows offer SKINNY: steady emplayment to radio's lesser actors ... Pay for the smaller parts is usually $20 to $35 a performance. . . . Mast af the per - farmers are aut -of- tawners who came to New York for wark an the legitimate stage, found for ane reason or another that steadier, if less artistic, work could be hod an radia raw. Script programs have sold everything from toothpaste to rugs successfully.... With no studio audience ar large band, these pro- grams are lodged in the smallest of radio studios. . . . Thanks to red -headed Martha Atwell, ane of radio's few women production chiefs, Rich Man's Darling actors are actually swept away by their parts.... Recently Ed Je- rome was supposed to go through a door. When he reached his part of the script he suddenly walked right out of the studio. . Peggy Allenby, wha is Peggy Alden in the script, ad libbed into the mike, until another actor rushed out of the studio to bring Ed back in again . While waiting their turn, during rehearsal, the cast is as restive as a neighbarhaad sewing circle . . . Peggy Al- lenby knits, Ethel Remey, who partray's the program's sinister siren, tells Ed Jerome about her real estate adventures in Flarida, and Carl Swenson, wha is the program's dashing young Pocky O'Farrel, reads a mystery story . After the broadcast, Miss Atwell distributes the fallowing program's scripts and the cost rush down to the restaurant in the CBS building far luncheon . Mast of them are veteran and prolific radia actors, Paled by professional modele with half a dozen jabs a week. . , . Peggy Allenby started her theatrical career in stock companies, toured with Clark Gable, Spencer NEW DISCOVERY GIVES THOUSANDS Tracy, Frank Margan, and Sylvia Sidney .. . Her husband is Jahn McGovern, another radio actor ... She likes to write poetry and 10 To 25 POUNDS - in a few weeks! listen to the radia Ethel Remey is a native New Yorker, who studied at the IF you seem "born to be skinny " -if more benefit from the body -building Ethical Culture Schaal and American you've tried everything to gain foods that are so essential. Then, day Academy of Dramatic Arts . When she weight but with no success -here's a after day, as you take them, watch flat was fifteen, she made her stage bow and new scientific discovery that has given chest develop and skinny limbs round after that appeared with Tallulah Bankhead, thousands of happy people just the out to natural attractiveness. See better Ethel Barrymore, and Billie Burke . Carl pounds and rounded curves they wanted color and natural beauty come to your Swenson is six feet tall, bland, blue -eyed, -and so quickly they were amazed! cheeks. Soon you feel like an entirely and a radia hero . Swenson was barn in different person, with new charm and Brooklyn, became interested in amateur Not only has this new easy treatment theatricals during his college days at Marietta brought flesh, new winning personality. solid, naturally attractive College in Ohio . His favorite sports are but also normally lovely color in their Money -back guarantee swimming and playing with his six -months -old cheeks, new pep, and all the friends san, Peter. and popularity these bring. No matter how skinny and rundown you may be from lack of sufficient Vita- New body -building discovery min B and iron, these new "7- power" Scientists recently discovered that thou- Ironized Yeast tablets should aid in sands of people are thin and rundown building you up in just a few weeks, as for the single reason that they do not they have helped thousands of others. If get enough Vitamin B and iron in their not delighted with the benefits of the daily food. Without these vital elements very first package, your money will be you may lack appetite, and not get the instantly and gladly refunded. most body- building good out of the food Only be careful you get the genuine you eat. Ironized Yeast. Don't accept any sub- Now one of the richest known sources stitute. Look for "IY" stamped on each of wonder -working Vitamin B is cul- tablet. tured ale yeast. By a new process the Special FREE offer finest imported cultured ale yeast is To start thousands building up their now concentrated '7 times, making it 7 health right away, we make this abso- times more powerful. Then it is com- lutely FREE offer. Purchase a package bined with 3 kinds of iron, pasteurized of Ironized Yeast tablets at once, cut whole yeast and other valuable ingredi- out the seal on the box and mail it to ents in pleasant little tablets known as us with a clipping of this paragraph. Ironized Yeast tablets. We will send you a fascinating new If you, too, need these vital elements book on health, "New Facts About to aid in building you up, get these new Your Body." Remember, results with Ironized Yeast tablets from your drug- the very first package -or money re- Here is Bottle, Phil Baker's stooge and gist today. Note how quickly they in- funded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast "gentleman's gentlema n." Harry 222, Ga. crease your appetite, and help you get Co., Inc., Dept. Atlanta, McNaughton's his name in real life.


Genius in a Fog (Continued front page 36) It wasn't the Blizzard with the Earl Carrol Vanities road Com- pany, thus throwing away $20,000 -and then and there quit the stage. Of all times that turned hirn cold that Jack has been a quitter, that remains his masterpiece. But as usual, his pro- fessional ascent was only accelerated by 'twas her red rough hands ! the halt! He had completed a cycle, and come again to the choice between his career on the stage and a home. But this time, he chose a home -for his wife's sake. Mary OUR WHOLE DAY WAS SPOILED when Livingstone had tried hard to forget the Bill saw my red, chapped hands. They did solid, comfortable security she had given look horrid. I'd tried everything but I up for a portable existence in hotels and couldn't seem to get my hands smooth... trains. She had tried to get used to up- rooting her life every few days -packing, THEN -I HEARD HOW WONDERFULLY unpacking, waiting alone in hotel rooms Jergens Lotion softens hand skin. I use for Jack, or worse, visiting him backstage, Jergens all the time now and Bill says, and seeing chorus cuties swarming around "Put your dear soft hands against my face." him. The first year she had been miser- ably unhappy and had left her spouse ten times, but always her love for him out- weighed her averson to the merry-go- round of the theater, and drew her back. By 1932, Mary was resigned to her fate, and had even overcome her dislike for the stage enough to appear in Jack's act with him. But she was still a home girl at heart -and Jack knew there was only one way to make her supremely happy. He saw radio as a solution to his domestic problems. went back to New York and for THEYthree months Jack gave audition after audition to no avail. Then, one night, columnist Ed Sullivan invited him to make "a guest star appearance on his own program. For the record, these are the first words that the bland comedian ut- tered over the air: "Ladies and gentlemen -this is Jack Benny talking. There will be a slight pause while you say 'Who cares ?' I am here tonight as a scenario writer. There is quite a lot of money in writing scenarios for the pictures. Well, there would be if I could sell one. That seems to be my but Jergens brought back only trouble right now, but I am going back to pictures in about ten weeks. I'm going to be in a new picture with Greta Garbo. They sent me the story last week. Warmth and Romance! When the picture first opens, I'm found dead in the bathroom. It's sort of a mystery picture. I'm found in the bath- 'STATER - as well as wind and Why is Jergens so effective? First, tub on Wednesday night." VV cold- is hard on your hands. this lotion restores moisture inside He shortly had his first sponsor, Canada Dry, and amid the flood of old -style gags It takes away their special beauti- the skin cells, where hand skin neéds that deluged radio almost four years ago, fying moisture. Yet women say they it. Tests prove Jergens goes in more the Benny brand of timely character hu- mor sparkled like a Will Rogers quip in wash their hands eight times most thoroughly than any other lotion the Congressional Record. days have them in water eight tested. It leaves no stickiness. It was by breaking from the tradition - that called for a star comedian to grab all times more. Second, Jergens contains two the laughs from his straight man that Jack Benny developed a smooth- running, No wonder hands tend to crack famous ingredients that doctors use. eight -cylinder laugh machine while other and chap in winter -look red, feel The first application helps. Use comics were still wheezing along on one cylinder. Using the same fuel -that is, harsh. But Jergens Lotion heals that Jergens Lotion for soft hands a man jokes no funnier and in many cases less chapping and roughness in no time. loves.At drug,department,10¢stores. clever than those of his competitors -he streaked to record popularity before the others could remodel their ancient ve- hicles. He evendragged Mary with him, put- ting her into the scripts against her will. OA/ But she has grown to love the work and ER6ENS the audience loves her blithe assurance. Although he worries and frets his radio FREE/ GENEROUS SAMPLE material into shape, making a minor Prove for yourself how swiftly and thoroughly Jergens goes into crisis of each broadcast, as soon as the skin, conserves and renews the youthful softness of your bands! the The Andrew Jergens Co.,1726 Alfred Street Cincinnati, O. (In show goes on the air, Jack does his best Canada-Perth, Ontario.) to befuddle the cast into garbling their lines. He thinks an unintentional slip of Name the tongue is always good for a laugh, PLEASE PRINT whereas the original line may or may not Street be. Thus he kidded Don Bestor's spats City sta 79 RADIO MIRROR

into national prominence, and some of his ad lib remarks about Kenny Baker not only confuse the singer but have him blushing for hours afterwards. The strangest thing about this good - THE RIGHT natured fellow is that he doesn't to AND react the white heat of success in any way. He's still a small -town boy who can't hold his liquor (one cocktail sends him higher than a kite, so he practically never drinks) and to whom a midnight movie is an orgy. He has no business sense, and takes his wife's WRONG advice ABOUT on everything but the selection of his clothes. Unlike most actors, he dresses conservatively (and he dresses himself -he wouldn't submit to a valet to pay off an election bet). His diversions are those of a $35 -a -week bank clerk, though his pay check is in five figures. His chief delight is leisurely cross- country motoring. He gave his wife a COLDS! sixteen -cylinder sedan, but refused to give up his own Pontiac roadster for a more luxurious car. He thinks he's a very good driver, but the temptation to tell a good Facts It Will Pay You to Know! story frequently takes his eyes from the road. He's a panic on the dance floor when THE "Common Cold" is the scourge system must be got at from the inside. he pulls a Fred Astaire, but it's a bit nerve -wracking to his unsuspecting part- of our civilization. Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine tab- ner. Every year it takes more in lives and lets supply reliable treatment. sometimes plays health and expense than any other ail- First of all, Bromo Quinine tablets are casino, but the best HEthing he does with a card table is to ment to which we're subject. cold tablets! They are made for colds and set dinner on it and invite Burns and Allen The sad part of it is that much of the only colds. They are not a "cure -all" or a over. When he starts a meal, he always asks "What's the dessert is ?" and you have misery caused by colds due to care- preparation only incidentally good for to keep it out of sight or he'll eat it be- lessness or ignorance in treating colds. colds. tween the appetizer and the soup. He has A cold, as your doctor will tell you, is Secondly, Bromo Quinine tablets are to taste what everyone else is eating, if it's different from his order. As soon as an internal infection caused by a virus or internal treatment. They work within the dessert is on (once a day it's one of germ. In other words, regardless of the you and they do four important things. those "six delicious flavors") he asks, locality of the symptoms, a cold is some- "What are we going to do tonight ?" He Four Important Effects stops eating when he feels uncomfortable thing lodged within the system. and after dinner looks at himself in the They open the bowels, an acknowl- mirror, makes a double chin and re- Everything but the Right Thing! edgedly wise step in treating a cold. marks, "Gee, I'll have to start on a diet The failure of many people to recog- They combat the infection in the tomorrow!" He always means it, and even bought a medicine ball and gym equip- nize the true nature of a cold results in system. ment once, using it all of twenty minutes much mistreatment of colds. More often They relieve the headache and fever. before he gave it away. than not, people do everything but the They tone the system and help fortify Jack has two habits he can't break. He smokes several thousand cigars a year and right thing in the treatment of a cold against further attack. bites his nails. Mary frequently slaps his They employ externals of all kinds This is the fourfold effect you want hands out of his mouth, as it's a dreadful example to set for Joan. Jack likes when it's obvious that you've got to get for the treatment of a cold and in Bromo to show you snapshots of his adopted baby - at a cold from the inside. They swallow Quinine you get it in the form of a he always has some in his pocket -and if all kinds of preparations which, for seven single tablet. you suggest that she looks a little like him, he is the proudest papa -by -proxy in months of the year, are good for every- Safe as Well as Effective the world. thing but colds and which suddenly be- At least ten needy actors receive regu- come "also good for colds" when the Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine tab- lar checks from Benny. if you see him lets impose no penalty for their use.They fasten onto some obscure actor at a party cold weather sets in. and unobtrusively steer him toward the Many of these methods are good as far contain nothing harmful and are safe to kitchen, it's a safe bet that radio's ace as they go -but they don't go far enough! take. Their dependability is proven by comedian is asking Joe Hoofer how things over 4o years of use. are going, and is backing up his interest They don't treat a cold internally and with something to tide him over the tough thereby get at the infection in the system. Bromo Quinine tablets now come breaks. The result often is that a cold progresses sugar- coated as well as plain. The sugar- While he was making a personal appear- coated tablets are exactly the same as the ance in Boston recently, the boy who was to the point where "complications" set kicked out of high school because he in and it becomes a serious matter. regular except that they are coated with wouldn't study had an invitation to lec- sugar for palatability. ture on humorous writing to the literature What a Cold Calls for Every in America sells classes of Harvard. Jack declined the drug store honor. He explained to a friend, "I can't It's obvious that a cold calls, first of all, Grove's Bromo Quinine tablets. Let them talk to all those smart guys. I'm only an for a cold treatment! A preparation that's be your first thought in case of a cold. actor. I wouldn't know what to say." his for all kinds Bromo But if he doesn't stand in awe of good of different ailments Ask for, and demand, Grove's own importance, neither does he of any- can't be equally good for colds. Quinine tablets! The few pennies' cost one else's. During the same engagement, A cold, furthermore, calls for inter- may save you a lot in worry, suspense arrangements were made for him to meet the Governor at the State House. The nal treatment. An infection within the and expense. Governor was late and Benny left -not from impatience after a long wait, but RADIO N OT E: Listen to Gabriel Heatter review the news. Mutual Broadcasting simply because he was due at a rehearsal. System, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. 7:45 to 8:00 EST The others told him the rehearsal would on some stations. 9:00 to 9:15 EST on others. Consult your newspaper for time listing. have to be delayed -that he couldn't walk out on a governor. Jack simply said, "He can be late. He's fl 80 RADIO MIRROR

got a four yeary contract, but mine's only for thirteen weeks."

DOTS AND DASHES ON JACK BENNY'S PROGRAM. . . . This merrymoker's pro- gram is now rodio's number one according to the telephone polls, which make surveys "I WANT of listening popularity, far odvertising ogen- cies and sponsors.... It finolly shoved Major Bowes' omateurs into second place. . . . HOME GROWN Jock's sponsors attribute this to their high - priced comic's flippont persanolity. . . . But the veteran comedian likes to think his suc- cess is due to his innovation of situation com- VEGETABLE edy on the oir, rother than to gags. . Jock likes to kid the notion's lotest crazes, its newest movies, its lotest heroes. However, SOUP this type of comedy hos its limitotions. . . . Lampooning notional affairs, international fig- ures, politics, religions, is taboo.... To moke up for this, Jack built up his company of funsters into definite personalities, so he could male4./ kid them instead. . . . When Harry Conn, $2,500 -a -week gag writer, left Jack to write far Joe Penner, the former fiddler hired an- other high -priced writer, Al Boasberg, and three ossistants. . . The writers bring in the rough draft to their boss early in the week.

. . . Benny greets them in o silk dressing gown, silkier pajamas, and the inevitoble ci- gor tucked in the side of his mouth. . Benny injects his awn ideas. . . The follow- ing Sundoy the cost gives it a first reoding. Suggestions are mode by Mary, Kenny "Say, mother, we'd need Baker and Phil Harris, to suit their personali- our own garden to get ties. . . . One of the hardest workers and biggest worriers on the program is Tom Hor- fresh, Home Grown Vege- rington, crack production man, who has trav- tables like the Gerber folks use in their eled over 75,000 miles, in connection with this show, between the West Coast studios vegetable soup! and the New York advertising agency offices "And even then, our vegetables of his company, Young and Rubicam. . its He hoirs every Sundoy when Jack wouldn't he as good as for gets gray Gerber's, ONLY GERBER'S OFFER upsets the plonned routine.... It's Horring- theirs are grown from special pedi- tan's job to keep the program timed prop- ALL THESE ADVANTAGES erly.... Young and Rubicam like comedians greed seed in extra -nourishing soil. Pedigreed Seeds -developed by expert on their radio shows. They present Jock When the vegetables are ripe and just horticulturists for prize vegetables of Benny, Phil Baker, Fred Allen, Charles Butter- highest nutriment. worth, Staopnagle and Budd and Ed Wynn, right, they rush 'em to the big shining Controlled Farms-for proper soil, and weekly, to a waiting world. . . Jack's man Gerber kitchens nearby so they have harvesting at the correct degree of full Friday is baldish Harry Baldwin, who cores ripeness. for Jock's minor business affairs, orranges his no time to lose the food values that Home Grown- within an hour from appointments, handles Mary's charge oc- make them so good for me. our kitchens to prevent appreciable loss counts. . . . Phil Harris is Jack's sixth band- of quality. leader. . "You see Most of the compony dress in- ought to the way Gerber's Shaker -Cooked -after scientific strain- formolly for the broadcasts; Jock weors prepare those Home Grown Vege- ing, at right temperatures with air ex- sweater and slocks, Mary a sports dress, but cluded, for mineral and vitamin protec- dimpled, thirty- year -old Harris dresses like o tables! After scientific straining, the tion in high degree, and even cooking Woll Street boron. . . . The former West vegetables are cooked in an exclusive throughout every can. Coast drummer mode o prize -winning short, (Gerber's Strained Cereal made from selected "So This Is Horris;" his bond hos been one Gerber way that preserves, to a high whole grains; Gerber's Prunes are raised in the Santa Clara Valley of California.) of NBC's oces for many years.... Hos only degree, the vitamins and minerals that one hobby; polo ponies. . He owns o Gerber's Strained Vegetable Soup is a well - you are to balanced nutritive combination of strained string of them. . It wos Rudy Vollee who apt lose when you cook at P. S. canots, peas, spinach, rice, , beef, first recommended him os o coming moestro. home. Gerber's Shaker -Cooking means tomatoes and celery. Other Gerber Strained Foods: . A year Kenny Baker was ago unknown. faster and more even cooking, too. I TOMATOES, GREEN BEANS, BEETS, CARROTS, Today he starts his first starring talkie, PEAS, SPINACH, PRUNES AND CEREAL. "The Great Crooner," Mervyn LeRoy's first wish I had some Gerber's right now!" independently produced picture. . . Is the proud father of a two- months old boy. . . Dan. Wilson's raucous laugh, usuolly heord above the rest of the studia audience, is nat farted.... He still thinks Jock Benny is the funniest mon in the world.

Keep Up With Television's Rapid Growth. Again Next Give Your Baby This Fine Stuffed Doll Month in the March Issue We Made of good quality stuffed sateen, boy doll in blue, girl doll in pink. Sent for 10e and 3 Gerber labels. (i '',2- GERBER PRODUCTS COMPANY, Fremont, \Michigan 112 Bring You All the Latest (In Canada, Gerber's are grown and packed by Fine Foods of Canada, Ltd., Tecumseh, Ontario.) Name ( 1 Address News In Interviews with Tele- City State Actual sire. Check items desired: D Boy Doll D Girl Doll. Mealtime Psychology, a free booklet on infant vision's First Real Stars. 8 in. high feeding. 0 Baby's Book. on general infant care, lac additional.

81 RADIO Al IRROR Facing the Musk

(Continued from page 50) Osborne the drums, Frank Black the on the air now consecutively for fourteen piano and Andre Kostelanetz the violin? years. Some of the boys who keep up their play- ing are Russ Morgan, Harry Reser, Benny Dick Ballou, whose orchestra provides Kreuger, Hal Kemp, Dick Stabile, Glen nutty Ralph Dumke and Ed East with Gray, Jimmy Dorsey, Benny Goodman musical background on their morning and Red Nichols, to name a few. gelatin program on CBS, was like all little * * * boys-he wanted to be a policeman. But unlike most youngsters, he practiced it. George Olsen, famous for his smile, who He got his E took over is parents to give him a little FEmini the Orville Knapp band, policeman's uniform, and in it he paraded transferring that smile to his music . . the street of Shamokin, Pa., his home George's wife, Ethel Shutta, has collected town, directing traffic. He got so serious handsomely in insurance for those stolen about it that his parents became alarmed jewels ... Benny Goodman is the only and began to look around for something man who can play the clarinet and smile to distract his interest. hit at the same is a Finally they HUGIEHE time ... Wayne King upon music, and persuaded Dick to take stockholder in Lady Esther and is in the iano lessons, on condition that he be al- your method is moáetz unique position of sitting on the board lowed to wear his uniform while practic- if and hiring himself. ... Ozzie Nelson says ing. But gradually he grew more inter- it's great to be a dad although he ran him- ested in the piano and less in being a cop Why add to the problems of life by worrying about self ragged between hospital and hotel for or embarrassing methods of femi- -and that's how he became a musician. old-fashioned two weeks. Harriet is now on the Coast He grew up to form his own college band, nine hygiene? If you doubt the effectiveness of your fulfilling her three pic- it messy, greasy, and contract to make tour for several years as singer with a method, or if you consider tures Red Nichols made his first bid hateful, here is news that you will welcome. ... road show, and finally enter radio through to fame with his Five Pennies, but it's a the influence of the late, beloved Roxy. Thousands of happy, enlightened women now dollar ante now. enjoy a method that is modern, safe, effective, and, But there's no telling what he might be equally important-dainty! today if he hadn't wanted to be a cop so that is much that he worried his parents when he Zonitors offer a new kind of suppository Ozzie pro- and GREASELESS! While easy Nelson, who used to play was a boy. small, snowy -white pieces on to apply and completely removable with water, fessional football, announces his Zonitors maintain the long effective antiseptic con- the stand by numbers. If you happen to ORCH ESTRAL ANATOMY tact physicians recommend. No mixing. No clumsy be dancing by and hear him say, "3 -16- For M. E. Mendel-(And for all Lom- -and an ideal deodorant. apparatus. Odorless 24" you'll know it's Ozzie's signal for a bardo fans) -Here in a nutshell is the Zonitors make use of the world famous Zonite new tune. . . . A cute young singer was Lombardo orchestra. Carmen, saxophone antiseptic principle favored in medical circles be- engaged by a good looking maestro to sing and flute; Liebert, trumpet and drums; Vic- cause of its antiseptic power yet freedom from with his band. It was her first experience to delicate tissues. tor, baritone saxophone and clarinet; Fred "burn" danger and she fell for the leader hard. One eve- Kreitzer, piano; Francis Henry, guitar; Full instructions in package. All U. S. and Cana- ning, he started to introduce her by say- Mail coupon for informative free Fred Higman, second saxophone; Larry dian druggists. ing, "1 now bring you that beautiful little Owen, third saxophone; George Gowans, booklet. songstress, Miss -" but he had to lean drums; Jim Dillon, trombonist; Bern over and ask her name; which complete- SNOWY WHITE Davis, bass horn; Wayne Webb, trom- ...., ,,.e ..1. ly wrecked her romance ... Abe Lyman bone; Frank Vigneau, piano; and Dudley Each individual in ;':., É cleaned up on Roosevelt . . . The pub- Fosdick, mellophone. glass vial lishers are coming forth with their usual flock of Santa Claus songs ... Since War- For Mrs. Alice G. Mahoney -Your fa- ners went back on the air Warren and vorite vocalist, whom you only know by Dubin, their ace song writing team, have his first name, is Terry Shand, singer with been hitting close to a sixteen hour daily Freddy Martin's orchestra. Terry has been schedule, writing "a thousand love songs." with Freddy Martin for many years, and FOR Al Dubin explains their success by saying besides being the vocalist he is the band's FEMININE HYGIENE they write music that photographs, mean- first pianist, and a proficient arranger of GREASELESS ing that each song fits into the plot and comedy songs. Just recently he recovered carries along the action in the picture . Zonitors, 3467 Chrysler Bldg., N.Y.C. Send in plain from a serious automobile accident, and envelope, free booklet, A New Technique in Feminine Mal Hallett now has a farm of a thousand is now back with Freddy at the Aragon Hygiene. chickens (with feathers) It's a show Ballroom in Chicago. Terry's a Southern Name in itself to see the faces Gene Kruppa gentleman. And as for Freddy Martin, makes while drumming for Benny Good- Address he plays the saxophone as well as leading man. He also chews gum in any rhythm is was born in A ZONITE PRODUCT his orchestra, married, Incidentally, as predicted in this col- Cleveland, and got his start with the Lom- SNAPSHOTS iitto umn, Benny Goodman is packing them in bardos. Does that fill the big order you plot at the Pennsylvania ... Mrs. Lou Geh- mentioned in your letter? rig, wife of the Yankee first baseman, is HUMIIIIETTES writing popular songs. Bunny Berrigan, For M. D. Bergen-Larry Taylor is the Scosational invention. Almost hate..e ..r appear in pescante. Any snapshot can be Cosey Cole and Red McKenzie baritone soloist with Morton Gould's Wised'. by this strange new hat will note-cl, revue, "Red, White and tear, creek, or soil. BIG MONEY FOR AGEN'T'S. that gigantic "Music for Today" band on MBS Sun- Low prises make HUMANETTES big seller. High Stern has opened his commissions and monthly bonus. We furnish list of Blue" ... Harold days at 8:30. He just celebrated his prospects if you want to make money fast, send Club in Brooklyn . . name for free sample proposition. LIFETIME own Chez Stern twenty -first birthday, has blue eyes and PORTRAITS. Dept. 8-B, 1037 Evans St., a football short for Cincinnati, Ohio. Will Osborne made blond hair, isn't married, and is mighty Paramount. fond of playing tennis. * * * of our best instru- For Clarence Bolton-No, Teddy Wil- It's funny how some - mentalists on the air got started. While son, the colored Pianist on Benny Good his dad man's trio, doesn't travel with the band; Harry Brewer was laid up in bed with EXTRA got him a toy xylophone. Harry amused he just makes phonograph recordings himself for hours and when he recovered, Benny. still at it MONEY got a larger instrument. He's Olsen's hear his xylophone pyrotechnics For Catharine Fleagle- George Yes, you- anybody can and you disbanded when he took over make a lot of money right at on many programs . As a joke a old orchestra home, and what's more, have a Orville Knapp's band; and George's lovely real fun doing it. We show friend of May Singhi Breen's gave her ac- you how, we furnish every- Spurning it as too wife, Ethel Shutta, is confining her necessary on an easy basis. ukulele for Christmas. care thing bother with, she tried to ex- tivities to staying home and taking to learn simple to for a guest appear- COSTS NOTHING about our change it at the store for a bath robe. of the family, except plan. all detalle are given you tree. Write ance now and then. An interesting rumor today for idea book full of colored pictures telling all The exchange was refused so she took the which have made ao many people the band is about our thods many extra it. concerning the personnel of independent Learn how easy it is to make thing home and started strumming dollars every weak in the moat delightful home work you can in his will specified that no opportunity. Write Note-Me FREE! she kept on and has been play- that Knapp oe. Don't mina this Fascinated, could be made in the band's solo- FIRESIDE INDUSTRIES, Dept. 34 -13, Adrian, Mich. ing it ever since. Incidentally she has been changes

82 RADIO MIRROR ists -wishing to make sure that no matter Hal Kemp's staccato rhythms will be Apologies to Lillian Bloom, president of what happened to him his friends wouldn't heard from the Cocoanut Grove in Los the Igor Gorin Fan Clubs, for listing Igor find themselves out of a job. Maybe it's Angeles, starting the first of the year, over Gorin 's screen name incorrectly. In his no more than a rumor, but Edith Cald- the Mutual system. Unless memory's up screen appearances for M -G -M, Igor will well and Leighton Noble still sing the vo- to its old tricks, this will be Hal's first be known as Charles Igor Gorin. To make cal refrains, dust as they did when Knapp visit to the West Coast. There's talk that up for my mistake, I hope Miss Bloom was alive. he may make a picture while he's out gets many new members for the Igor there. here's more talk to the effect that Gorin club. Her address is 822 Eastern For Agnes Gearhart - Rudy Vallee Skinny Ennis is thinking of leaving the Parkway, Brooklyn, New York. hasn't any girls singing with him now, and Kemp organization to start his own band. probably won't have for some time in the Not talk, but a fact, is Maxine Gray's de- * * * future. Maybe you mean the Swing Kids, parture from the Kemp fold. two boys Use the coupon below as a convenient and two girls, who appear on * * * Rudy's program now and then -but Rudy way of asking us for answers to your tells me that even he doesn't know their THEME SONG SECTION questions. But remember, sometimes names. That's radio for you. Since marrying Virginia Gilchrest, Al we've answered those questions elsewhere Kavelin has appropriately changed the in Facing the Music. * * * title of his theme song from "Love Has UP AND DOWN THE MUSIC SCALE Gone" to "Love Has Come." Arnold Johnson, maestro for the Na- Ken Alden, tional Amateur Hour on MBS, has organ- For L. T. Shiflett-The Adventures of Facing the Music, ized a dance band for himself and will be Sherlock Holmes program uses an unpub- RADIO MIRROR, installed soon in a swanky New York lished original manuscript by Graham 122 East 42nd Street, hotel, with a Mutual wire. He .promises Harris for its theme song. It hasn't a title New York City. something new and different in dance One Man's Family uses "Destiny I want to know more about: music -no less than "sound effects." As Waltz;" and the First Nighter uses `Nea- he explained it to me, if he plays a tune politan Nights." Orchestral Anatomy about bells, he .plans on having a lot of * * bells handy to ring; if the song's about the ocean, you'll hear the waves. But what if THANKS AND APOLOGIES the song is something like "Moon Over First, thanks to Vernon Hiester, for his Theme Song Section Miami "? How do you get sound effects suggested All- Maestro orchestra. It sounds for a moon? pretty swell, but alas, I'm afraid nobody Isham Jones has a CBS sustaining will ever hear it in action. Here it is: vio- Following the Leaders broadcast from the dance floor of the Lin- lins, Joe Venuti, Dave Rubinoff, Reggie coln Hotel ... Bernice Claire claims she'll Childs; saxophones, Wayne King, Dick start a vegetable garden next spring. If Stabile; clarinets, Benny Goodman, Glen so, it will be the highest vegetable garden Gray; trumpets, Clyde McCoy, Henry Or in Manhattan. because Bernice lives in an Busse, Red Nichols; trombones, Russ 86th street penthouse . Enoch Light, Morgan, Tommy Dorsey; drums, Phil bandleader on the Mutual system, is still Harris; guitar, Nick Lucas; pianos, Eddie Name studying medicine between bouts of wav- Duchin, Ted Fio Rito (why not find a ing the baton. He used to be a student at place for Johnny Green, Vernon ?); vo- Address Johns Hopkins University. calists, Rudy Vallee, Bob Crosby.


HAVEN'T you come in often from the crisp, cold air and felt your skin all dry and flaky? Impossible to put powder on. Those little flaky bits catch your powder in horrid little clumps. You can change all that -in no time at That's how Pond's all. Change that flaky "feel" of your skin Vanishing Cream to a slipping touch under your fingers -with can smooth away just one application! See your skin so smooth skin roughnesses so you can put make -up on with joy! quickly. Use it two How can this be? ways: How skin roughens. Dead. dried - For powder base - out particles on top scuff loose, catch A dermatologist explains Right after cleans- powder. You can melt them off! It's a special kind of cream that works this ing, put on a film of Pond's Vanishing quick transformation. A keratolytic cream Cream. It gives your skin a wonderful 8-Piece Pond's, Dept 8831V B, Clinton, Conn, smoothness. Powder and rouge go on softly. Rush 8 -piece ackage containing (Vanishing Cream). This is how a distin- Package xpecia1 tube of Pond's Vanishing guished dermatologist explains it: Stay for hours. Cream, generous samples of 2 other Pond's Creams and 5 different shades of Pond's Face "A keratolytic cream has the ability to For overnight -To give your skin lasting Powder. I enclose IN for postage and packing. melt away dry, dead cells clinging to the sur- softness, apply Pond's Vanishing Cream Name face of the skin. It does this the instant it after your nightly cleansing. Leave it on. touches the skin. This brings the new, young It won't smear. As you sleep, your skin Street cells into view at once - smooth and soft." gets softer. City State Copyright. 1936, Pond's Extract Company 83 RADIO MIRROR The Personal History of TATTOO yew?, Floyd Gibbons, Adventurer (Continued from page 41)

taste of newspaper power. No cub's beat for him this time; he was the Tribune's police reporter, on the job twenty-four The New TATTOO hours a day. Nearly every cop on the city gives lips lasting South force was his friend, and those few who weren't his friends were his enemies, which Sea color .. yet keeps was even better. He nosed into every them moist, shimmer- disreputable hole in Minneapolis, and ing, smooth .. actually emerged each time with a story. He spent hours in station -houses swapping yarns softens them too! and philosophy with the men on duty. He knew the inside dope on everything that happened around town. He was present Just after murders had been com- mitted, and suicides. Once, on the fifth floor of a Minneapolis tenement, he even delivered a child. He swaggered a bit, naturally. In his youthful enthusiasm, as soon as he learned the power of the printed word, he felt as if he were one of the overlords of the town. But he was not too sophisti- cated, too cynical, to revere one man. His name was Jack Jensen. He was an- other reporter on the Tribune staff, a tall, blond Viking, about twenty-five years older than Floyd. He and Floyd roomed together.

Stolen from the bewitching little South Seas maiden was the idea of permanent, pasteless, trans- was a fictional character come to parent lip color; lasting, loyal stain for lips instead of temporary, "pasty," fickle coating! Now this JENSENlife -the kind of reporter you read same enchantress has revealed her way of keeping lips soft, smooth, luscious and moistly shim- about in books. His ability to get a news mering too. We offer it to you as the New TArroo...an entirely new kind of indelible lipstick story down on paper and make it live there amounted to genius. He never ...the only lipstick that can give your lips the irresistible witchery of transparent,pasteless, South Sea left Min- neapolis, and he never took a desk job. color ... the only lipstick containing the magic ingredient that will make your lips sparkle like the He went out and got his stories and then moon -path o'er an iridescent tropical sea...at the same time keeping your lips youthfully smooth, wrote them. His average consumption of was two wrinkle -free... caressingly soft. TATTOO your lips...with the New TATToo ! One dollar everywhere. whiskey bottles a day, and he was never drunk. Before he knew Floyd he FIVE SHADES . . CORAL . . EXOTIC . . NATURAL . . PASTEL . . HAWAIIAN had acquired the habit of taking mor- phine, and cured himself of it. One of ENLARGEMENTS Floyd Gibbons' bitterest hatreds today is P H O Top for the men who sell narcotics, and it all Amazing oductoty Offetl Mad ue 3 nagt- AMATEURS NENNLISOROF stama (films) with this ad and 25e coin (no stems back to the night that Jensen de- stamps/. receive d 3 beautiful inch RADIO & VAUDEVILLE ACTS e enlargements; S for 50c, postpaid, 1 for 10a. scribed the agonies he endured when he Sue 5x7,-6 for 50e; 15 for 51.00. PLAY SHOP postage P 0 B O 6 Pleaostpaid Canada too. Negatives returned X 2 5 2 was curing himself. 511 Y. C HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD. CAL. M2 Unique Art Service lg E. st N. Floyd says Jensen taught him how to read, and how to write by reading. Floyd had never liked school, and had always managed to do as little required reading as was humanly possible, but Jensen in- troduced him to glories of English liter- ature he hadn't dreamed existed, and FOUNDED through them showed him how to be a better writer himself. They spent many UPON THREE hours together, talking, with a bottle on WHY CORNS COME the table between them. Floyd never GENERATIONS touched the bottle when he was with Jen- BACK BIGGER, UGLIER sen. "You're I rish," Jensen told him, and OF USE'. you can't drink. I'm a Swede, and I can." unless removed ROOT *and ALL Jensen died a year ago, in Minneapolis. Many a time, after he himself had left, persuade old friend Amazing New Floyd tried to his to FROM grandmother ... to mother ... to daughter come to Chicago or New York and work Method Removes -Boro.Pheno-Form has been handed down as an on bigger papers, but Jensen always re- Corn for Good! easier, safer method of marriage hygiene. Today, fused. And one of the biggest humiliations this forty-six year old preparation is widely pre- of Floyd's life came when he read Jen- WHEN you danger- ferred by modern wives because it requires no sen's obituary. Of the man whom he con- ously cut or pare a water, mixing or measuring it has the same sidered a greater reporter than he'll ever corn at home, you merely trim the surface. The root -yet remains imbedded in the toe. Soon the corn comes special function as powerful liquid germicides. A be, the obituary said, "His claim to fame hack bigger, more painful than ever. That's why dainty suppository is complete in itself. No danger was that he once roomed with Floyd millions of people are discarding these old -fash- "over- dose" or "under- ioned methods and now use this new easy douhle- of Gibbons." action Blue -Jay method. The pain stops instantly dose." Soothing and odor- Even today, Floyd can't explain exactly by removing the pressure, then that entire corn lifts less ... At all drug stores. 1Pierre's for He out root and all in three short days (exceptionally Dr why he left Minneapolis Chicago. stubborn cases may require a second application). didn't want to go. His friends were all in BlueJay is a modern medicated tiny plaster. Easy BOROPHENOFORM Minneapolis, he was happy there, and to use, invisible. Get BlueJay today. was the trouble. He Dr. Pierre Chemical Co., Dept. 12 -B secure. Perhaps that FREE OFFER: We Blue - will be glad to send one 562 N. Franklin Sc., Chicago, Ill. 08 was too secure. Life had become too easy. Jay absolutely free to anyone who has a corn. to Please send me a trial package of He'd made good in his own home town, prove that it ends pain instantly, removes the corn booklet. I enclose roc completely. send your name and address to BoroPhenoForm and enlightening been well on the way to making Just to be refunded when I purchase a regular -size package. and he'd Bauer & Black, Dept.B -75, 2500 South Dearborn good in Milwaukee -but who knew how Street, Chicago, Ill. Act quickly before this trial Name offer expires. Write today. well he could do in a big city like Chica- _ ...... _...... _..._...... _. »_ e A plug of dead cells root -like in form and position. If Address go, where he had no friends and no ac- left may serve as focal point for renewed development. City State- quaintances? 84 RADIO MIRROR

He felt he had to justify himself, get out of his comfortable rut; but he knew he'd never go if he gave himself time to think and plan. So one night he bor- rowed ten dollars from a police captain and jumped on the train for Chicago. It might have been an excellent idea if DD YOU HAVE he had stopped to inquire how things were in Chicago- because he landed there, nearly broke, in the middle of a printers' strike which had successfully closed down every paper in town except one called the Socialist World. And all the re- PIMPLES? BAD SKIN? porters in Chicago were trying vainly to get jobs on the already overstaffed World. Most men would have wired for some money and gone back to Minneapolis, or at least to some other city. Instead of doing that, Floyd prowled around Chicago streets until he had dug up a story no other reporter had. He wrote it, walked For Real Beauty- laid it on the fr in to the World office, and editor's desk. You Must Have Soft "I know you're overstaffed," he said, "but if you like that story why don't you give me a job? Then I can go out and Alluring Skin get better ones." He doesn't even remember what the ... Free From Pimples story was, now, except. that it wasn't any- thing colossal. But the editor did like it, and did give him a job, at slightly less than enough money to live on. SMOOTH, satiny skin-a radiantly stances of vitamin deficiency. With the clear, youthful complexion -men intestinal tract again in healthy function, the time the strike was over the admire them and modern style demands pimples should quickly disappear. BYWorld had reached an unbelievable cir- them. culation, and was so broke it couldn't pay To be truly lovely, you must rid your its reporters. It had no advertising, and skin of ugly pimples on face and body. the big circulation ate up paper at such a NERVES? fist. And thousands are doing it, with com- rate it was losing money hand over plete success. Vitamin B, known as the anti -neuritic On the night the big dailies resumed pub- vitamin, is absolutely necessary to sound, lication the editor took the entire staff of The real cause of disorders resulting steady nerves. Lack of enough vitamin B the World to a neighboring saloon and in ugly pimples may be nothing in the causes polyneuritis -the inflammation told them they could have all they wanted of many nerves. Yeast Foam Tablets, so world except a lack of the yeast vitamins rich in the B factor, prevent and correct to drink. It was the best he could do; he B and G. When these elements are not nervous conditions caused by vitamin B I owed them all three weeks' pay, and the present in the human diet in sufficient deficiency. little bit of money he had left, while it could provide a glorious brawl, wouldn't quantities, the intestinal tract becomes have gone far if divided up among twenty weak and sluggish. Its function is badly impaired. Constipation is likely to ensue Unlike ordinary yeast, Yeast Foam Tablets men. are pasteurized and hence cannot cause gas or The funeral obsequies for the Chicago and this, in turn, often shows up in fermentation. They are easy to swallow and Socialist World ended up toward dawn in pimply skin. most people relish their Floyd's room on North Clark street-an Countless men women have found clean, nut -like taste. They airless hole with its one window covered and keep, too. Start now. Try by a burlesque theater sign which burned that in such cases, Yeast Foam Tablets Yeast Foam Tablets and brightly all night. Floyd and his nineteen work wonders. This pure dry yeast sup- give them the chance to give plies vitamins B and G in abundant you the same welcome relief fellow reporters went to sleep there, most- they have brought to so ly on the floor and in the bathtub, al- quantities and thus tends to restore the many others. though Floyd, as host, got the bed. To intestinal tract to normal -in those in- add the final touch to a riotous evening, .1 Mail Coupon for Trial Sample the rent on the room hadn't been paid NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. for three weeks and the twenty men didn't 1750 N. Ashland Av., Chicago, Ill. Please send FREE TRIAL sample of Yeast have one cent between them. Foam Tablets. (Only 1 sample per family.) The big papers, now that they had re- RG 8-37 sumed publication, were busy retrenching, YEAST FOAM trying to save what the big strike had Name cost them. They were hiring only the Address ...... irreducible minimum of reporters neces- sary to get the news-and those they did City State hire were the men who had been with TABLETS them longest before the strike. But, as Floyd says, the thing he has al- Send BRADLEY'S FAMOUS ways liked best about reporting is that it SPECIAL SUPER -QUALITY is the easiest profession in the world in ENGINEER'S WATCH which to get a job. "Put me down in Al- NO buquerque, New Mexico," he says, "with- hone SALE NOW ONLY Q.97 out a dime or any more clothes than ACCURACY guaranteed by IUU- year -old- milllun- dollar factory. Simulated Gold effect case guar- those I have on my back -and under a anteed 25 years. It has a handsome locomotive different name, so nobody knows who I crown, timekeeper dial. railroad back. Compare a I'll with a $20 watch. am -and I'll bet that within day your watch arrives pay have talked to somebody and got a story SEND NO MONEY-Whenpostman $2.97 (plus postage). no other reporter in town has. And on Examine watch carefully. Your money back if not amazed at the value. If you order at once, you can the strength of it, l'11 get a job." get a second watch for only $1 more. Sell it to a The technique works you're good friend for $3.97 regular price and your own will -if cost you nothing! No strings to this offer, no catch at it. It has always worked for Floyd, and in it! But you must act AT ONCE during this spe- it worked this time in Chicago. In a few cial Expansion Salc. Send coupon or postal today! days he had dug up a story that the edi- w w: FREE knife and chain to match with every watch! J-II BRADLEY, DEPT. 382A. NEWTDN, MASS. tor of the Tribune liked well enough to `° "-AO oo _l i YES 1I Shlp two R. R. watches forhtótat$S397. hire the man who wrote it. I wiil! pay on arrival. Nothing more to pay. Money back I RISK NOTHING. For some time after he had a steady Yid FNDKNIFE If not delighted. and fairly profitable job, Floyd continued BONO IName FREE! GUARANTEEGOLD Address 85 RADIO MIRROR to live on North Clark Street. It's typical As the days passed, Floyd learned more of him. He liked North Clark Street. It about Pancho Villa. Something was hap- was the toughest section of Chicago -a pening up in those Mexican hills -some- thoroughfare of saloons, furtive gambling thing much more important than a series games, noisy burlesque theaters, houses of small -time bandit raids. Scraps of of ill -fame. Life -noisy, glaring, naked - conversation dropped at bars, around faro boiled and swirled down that street. Back tables, hinted at the magnitude of Villa's of every window, in every knot of people ambitions. Floyd met Hypolito, talked on the curb, there was a story for Floyd to him, and learned still more. And al- to learn and write. That most of the ways there was the news trickling in, of stories were none too pleasant or pretty yet another fierce raid made by Pancho. didn't matter. They were all stories. Floyd wired the Tribune: "If the John- son- Willard fight doesn't come off, there's GRADUALLY he built up a reputation going to be a lot bigger fight down here on the Tribune as a dependable writer anyway. Can I go and cover it ?" It takes more than "just a salve" to draw of whatever was dramatic, unusual, color- Chicago knew a little about Pancho it out. It takes a "counter- irritant "! And ful. Villa, but not too much. A few Ameri- that's what good old Musterole is- sooth- The editors of the Tribune soon dis- can newspaper correspondents had tried ing, warming, penetrating and helpful in covered that Floyd did his best work to see him, without much success, and the drawing out local congestion and pain when when he was suddenly shifted off the reports which had come in from inacces- rubbed on the sore, aching spots. home grounds to territory that was new sible Mexican villages were sketchy and Muscular lumbago, soreness and stiffness to him. Accordingly, whenever there was inadequate. America hadn't yet realized generally yield promptly to this treatment, a colorful out of town assignment, it was fully that Villa's intermittent skirmishes and with continued application, blessed Floyd's property. It was on one of these with the Mexican government armies un- relief usually follows. that he went to Mexico, and in doing so der Carranza were the beginning of a Even better results than the old -fashioned stumbled inadvertently upon his first great Mexican revolution. The Tribune told mustard plaster. Used by millions for 25 news story. Floyd to go ahead -and hardly had it years. Recommended by many doctors and Floyd didn't go to Mexico to see Pan- done so when the importance of the Villa nurses. All druggists. In three strengths: story Regular Strength, cho Villa. He went to watch Jack Johnson began to grow by leaps and bounds. Children's (mild), and train for a scheduled battle with Jess Wil- Armed with credentials secured from Extra 400 each. Strong, lard; and later he was to cover the fight Hypolito and other Vallista officials in itself. But once in Mexico, Floyd saw Juarez, Floyd went to Monterey, the cap- plainly that there wasn't going to be any ital of the state of Nuevo Leon, which Johnson -Willard fight. Villa was then occupying. General Paul Right on the border, across the river Madero, of Villa's army, arranged fot from Texas, was Jaurez. Jaurez was Floyd to have an interview with Villa, Floyd's kind of town. Rough and tough, and acted as interpreter during it. it teemed with life, and there was a story wherever you turned. HEY had told Floyd that Villa's first A man named Hypolito Villa was Jua- impression of a man was usually his You Can Regain Perfect Speech; it you rez' boss, a playboy boss if there ever was fixed opinion. It may have been so in one. In faultless evening clothes, around Floyd's case, since at the end of the inter- his waist a heavy cartridge belt to which view Villa granted him permission to ac- STAMM was attached a brace of revolvers, Hypo- company a march against Matamoros Send today for heautuulb' illustrated book entitled lito lorded it over Juarez in grand style. which was scheduled to take place shortly. "DON'T STAMMER," which describesn the Bogue Unit Method forfo the scientific correction of stam- He drove around town in a glittering, There is no doubt, though, that Villa grew mering and stuttering. Method successfully used at high- powered car, most of the time filled to like Floyd even better as time passed Bogue Institute for 36 years -since 1901. Endorsed b y physicians, Full informationf rmation concerning corree- with girls. He tossed away money at the and he was allowed to become virtually a tionof stammering sent free. Noohligation. Benjamin gambling tables and the races. member of the General's entourage. N. Bogue, Dept. 1151, Circle Tower. Indianapolis, Ind. Hypolito was Pancho Villa's brother. That first forced march, against Mata- It was his job to buy ammunition and moros, may have had something to do NEWPlus Free STONE, Birthstone see that it was safely transported to Pan - with Villa's opinion of Floyd. Indeed, he To introduce our Beautiful a Blue -White Rainbow Flash Stones we cho, who was somewhere in the interior. probably smiled private smile as he will send a 1 Kt. Imported Simulated Diamond. Mounted in Lovely RING as Illustrated, for this ad. and 15e ex- pense in coin. Address: National Jewelry Co., Dept. 14 -B Wheeling, W. Va. (2 for 25c) Mention Birth Date and will Include FREE we"Lucky" 'Lucky" BIRTH. STONE. Limited Offer! FREE Order Now Enlargements PHOTO ONLY Clear enlargement, boat. full length or part group, pets or other subjocto made from anyDDrprbo- 11 of 49c each; actor $1DÓÓISend as many forignalphotosguar. original guaranteed.teed. SEND NO MONEY! Jost mall pboto with name and ad- dress. In a few days postman will 3lm $100 deliver beautiful enlargement that will never fade. Pay only 49c plea postage or sand 50c -3 for ßl.00, and wow,' I pay postage ourselves. BEAUTIFULLY Toacquaint you 11 x 14 inches CARVED FRAME FREE?with the HIGH quality of env work we will frame, anti' further notice, all pastel col ored enlargement° FREE. Moo ration° of be ony carved frames for your choice will be sent with your enlargement. Don't delay. Act sow. Mail your Photon today. Write NEW ERA PORTRAIT COMPANY II E. HURON STREET DEPT. 713 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

exico and TexarTaile for All Ilexican anL -American DiZhei.... mexene CHILE POWDER, As Pepny as a Mex ee Jamm /e Hat Dance . as djeanifferent as a triptrip If your Grocer Old Mexico that O tendpforsupl mildly poquant MEXENE yyou. Seasoning for Meats, FREE Sample of Soups, Salads, Vege- MEXENF enough tables and all cooking. to make Chile Get a ca n and pep up and Mexican Cook- menus! Book. WALKER'S AUSTEX CHILE CO. Dept. MF -71 Austin, Tex. WALKER'/ AU /TEX One of radio's most popular organists, Fred Feible, plays the opening and CHILE TAMALE/ /AIIDWICH /PREAD closing strains of musk for True Story Court of Human Relations on NBC. 80 RADIO MIRROR granted Floyd's request, thinking that the nose for news was into everyone's busi- no longer the possible defender of the Gringo could never stand the pace. ness. And as Floyd knew very well, the peon, but a defeated bandit chief. Floyd was routed out of his bunk unex- penalty for even suspected treachery was Floyd pushed his way past the retreat- pectedly one morning at three o'clock and a few minutes' work for the firing- squad. ing armies to Juarez and across the border informed that the army was ready to One day he watched Villa, in a fit of to General Pershing's headquarters in start. Then followed nearly twenty -four temper, shoot down a beautiful horse for Texas. There he reported that if Ameri- hours in which Villa's army covered nine- no other reason than that it had refused ca would propose and negotiate a truce ty-four miles on horseback and ended up to let him mount it. Yet there was a between Villa and Carranza, Villa would with a successful surprise attack upon a kind of brutal logic in Villa's explanation. accept it and peace in Mexico would be village called Ramones which had been "That horse was a traitor," he said. "He restored. But by the time the truce had held by Carranza forces. Ninety-four never learned discipline. Some day he been offered it was too late to help Villa. miles at top speed through rocky, arid might cost me a battle." The Carranzistas needed no truce. Villa's country, under a blazing sun and in pitch Through the first weeks of early sum- men had been broken up into small groups darkness. Exhausted horses were discarded, mer Villa's forces stationed themselves at and driven into the mountains. left to shift for themselves, or die, at the Aguascalientes. They seemed to be wait- With his reputation as a foreign corre- trackside. Any man unable to keep going ing, piling up reserves of strength and spondent greater by far than when he left, would have been left to a similar fate. ammunition for a major drive. At first, Floyd returned to Chicago, where he re- Floyd came through it all, although for Floyd lived in a brewery on the outskirts mained for slightly more than a year. the next few weeks he ate his meals stand- of town. It was safe enough there, theo- Then the Tribune decided to send him to ing up-a small price, after all, to pay for retically, because it was a Canadian -owned London as its correspondent there. On Pancho Villa's respect. brewery, and the British flag was one February 17, 1917, Floyd sailed from New thing both Villa and his enemies respected. York. The German government had just several months during the spring But its situation at the edge of town made drawn a blockade zone around the waters FORand summer of 1915 Floyd traveled with the space in back of it particularly handy of the British Isles and the coast of Villa. After that first mad ride, most of as an execution spot, and at dawn every France, and had announced to all the the traveling was done by train. Villa morning prisoners were lined up outside world that its submarines would sink simply commandeered strings of cars, Floyd's bedroom wall and shot. without warning any ship, of any nation, loaded his men, their families and their In answer to Floyd's request, Villa al- that tried to penetrate those waters. possessions, on them, and used them as lowed him to fit up a box -car as his pri- Floyd's ship was the ill -fated Cunard movable headquarters. vate office and home. On its side Villa liner Laconia. Sometimes Floyd slept by the camp- even ordered his men to paint "Oficina fire, in the circle of Villa's Dorados -his Particular del Corresponsal Especial, La War guns rumbling dangerously all over "golden ones" whom he trusted most, or Tribuna, U. S. A. "- private office of the the world, forecasting another bloody con- as much as he trusted anyone. Unable to special correspondent, the Tribune, U. S. flict, have brougbt back vivid memories read or write, Villa realized that he was A. It was from here that Floyd sent many to Floyd Gibbons of the last fierce days at the mercy of any one of his lieutenants of his dispatches. returning to it after of the World War, his trips to the front, who might feel disposed to write a false short field trips with Villa. The Villista and the loss of his eye. More memories - message in his name, or mis -read an in- armies were consolidating. into Russia after the revolution in the coming message to him, and this made At last everything was ready. Villa ad- days of the great famine- across scorch- him suspicious of everyone. And because vanced, and met the Carranza army, un- ing deserts into the strange, weird land of he was suspicious of everyone, Floyd him- der General Obregon, near Leon. The Tzmbuctoo. All these, a thrill a sentence, self was in constant danger. I f there had battle was disastrous for Villa, resulting in are yours in the next instalment of the been an unexplained treachery, whom a complete rout for him. Even before it life story of the most famous reporter in would Villa have suspected first? The had ended, Floyd realized that Villa's the world. Don't miss it. In the March American, the inquisitive Gringo whose brief reign of glory was over. He was issue, on sale, January 22.




SO NATURALLY I DO t RI HOPE WENDY IS RIGHT WINX 3 -Way Blend ONE certain way to attract romance ... and to Colors either blend or clash. In hold it, is If make -up, this meant "naturalness" with the eyes. you would enhance the beauty of your or that harsh "mode -up" look. eyes -to bring out hidden lights and a new glance you never before WINX colors blend 3 ways. realized you had, then try WINX, the favorite mascara of lovely' T. With complexion, 2. With eyes. 3. With each other. For example, women everywhere. For WINX does glorify your eyes. One simple WINX Blue Mascara blends per- SAY BABS application and your lashes become dark shadows of gleaming HOW ABOUT MY DANCE TONIGHT', fectly with WINX Blue Eye Shadow or Eyebrow Pencil. Like- loveliness. Your eyes seem larger, brighter with a sparkle that's ETOtffasELP)MAYBE WENDY IS RIGHT! wise, its tonal values are so bal- tantalizing in its allure. WINX is streak -proof, tear - proof and harm -. anced as to make it complemen- L tary to all other WINX colors. less, It prevents brittleness of the lashes -keeps them soft and silky. G Thus, WINX gives you the secret . , f... In three flattering shades -Blue Black Brown and in three con- . of "naturalness" in eye make -up. venient forms -Cake Liquid Creamy. On sole at deportment, tltllB ÇÁ, drug and 5 and 10 cent stores. Ask for WINX "blended" make -up.




87 RADIO MIRROR Would They Ask You for a Date?

(Continued from page 23) points radio's bachelors don't like to find be able to draw helpful conclusions in in girls. Many of them wouldn't take a most of the cases, conclusions that should girl out if she were guilty of them. Cer- smooth the way to your own personal tainly, whether they would or not, the popularity. girls would be getting off to a very bad Frank Parker wants: "A girl who is start. And what is more important than physically attractive, but her mental the start you make? equipment is more important and can Don't -and I know what you're going make up for physical faults. She should to say about being comfortable in hot be no taller than five feet, three inches, weather-roll your stockings below your with a wholesome rather than sophisti- knees. This seems to be some sort of cated or exotic appearance. She should be symbol with most men. My guess is that able to talk about important world affairs, GOLDEn Mira BRINGS they dislike more what rolling stands for but under no circumstances should she than the actual effect on their sense of take herself too seriously. Have a sense NEW BEAUTY TO EVERY vision. And before you throw this objec- of humor." tion clear out the window, stop and think Nelson Eddy seeks: "A girl who is in- HAIR SHADE ! of the men you're defying, men than tellectual, dignified, not too young, do- whom find eligible owdZelmerk,r Enhance the natural beauty you couldn't more mestic, not wrapped up in a career, who of your hair with delicate bachelors. likes music, appreciates art and is sensi- overtones and youthful sunshine tints! tive." Golden Glint Rinse transforms dull, spirit- less hair with fascinating highlights that buy shoes that are too short for Abe Lyman likes: "A girl who doesn't add charm to your make -up and a new DON'Tyou. How our bachelors feel they could drink; an old fashioned girl, a home girl, interest to your individuality. As necessary find this out, I don't know, but if they not a show girl or a sophisticate." to a smart appearance as lipstick and rouge. did, their reaction would be very unfa- No shampoo alone can do full justice to Vincent Lopez, however, hopes for: "A your hair. It needs the youthful freshness vorable. This is another point in the psy- girl who knows her way about, knows how and sparkle imparted by Golden Glint. chology of men being attracted to women, to drink a cocktail (one) and hold a cigar- BROWNETTES, BRUNETTES, BLONDES and and as such it can't be overlooked. They ette, who is tall, stately, dresses smartly, all in- between shades find that it rs the only don't like to think of a woman being so and is a good dancer. And brunette." rinse flexible enough to accurately highlight vain she is willing to half cripple herself. their individual shade without changing its Jerry Cooper wants: "A girl who isn't natural appearance. Not a dye, not a Don't let a man kiss you good night the startlingly beautiful so that every man bleach. Millions use it regularly. first time you go out with him. At least, stops and looks at her; who can talk Golden Glint Rinse package contains 2 rinees; Golden it isn't advisable in the majority of cases. without being a chatterbox, and can take 1 Glint Shampoo package contains 1 fragrant cleansing Igor Gorin would expect you to, and Tom shampoo, 1 rinse. At all cosmetic counters. The price one drink without wanting two." le small, the effect priceless. Waring wouldn't care. But Nelson Eddy Jimmy Farrell looks for: "A girl who is Test it FREE -write Golden Glint Co., certainly wouldn't like you for it, and a college graduate (because Jimmy was Inc., Dept. 202, Seattle, U.S.A., for Rinse neither would Frank Parker and Jerry once a professor) who is about five feet (Offer expires April 1, 1937) Sample Cooper. In fact, it is very important to six inches, brunette, immaculate in dress, seven of the bachelors, and fairly impor- broad minded about show business, well tant to another. Only Tom and Igor dis- read, a moderate smoker, and a teeto- GOLDEiI GLIi1T agree. taller." BRIGHTENS EVERY SHADE OF HAIR The next point seems to me to be more Henry King asks for: "A girl who is a matter of etiquette, but according to I' koS E ;119 able to make her mark in society, since FREE -TlItiGS these men, most escorts foam at the this is woman's real career; a girl that a Write For s 1 H Pm. mouth when you do it. Don't, if you're in FREE .I C lwnisever Pb,e, Big ta man could look up to and respect for her Catalog of enná cold vùi:e your right mind, wave at another man Pins, Rings, do :tói: ability to make her way in the social nËd 0r'e aSlerling'SliteieÄlnr.Si. while you're dancing. You can smile and Emblems,Eir :hó.n n o more.` 1130 e. 12 to 25 31 40 i whirl." to ii. SI a l get away with it, but any visible other 14254 METAL ARTS CO,INC 10t., 67 ROCHESTER NY means of greeting won't go over -at all. WARING, whose taste is really the So watch yourself. it's an easy mistake TOM to make, if you aren't thinking. most sophisticated of all, wants: "A girl Would you insist on a church wedding? who has literary or artistic leanings; Well, if you would, you might get any whose morals are her own business; who is kind of a reaction from your fiancé, ac- spontaneous; who dislikes fashionable things, going to fashionable places, and be- BIGGEST SELLER IN YEARS! Amazing 3 -In-1 cording to our radio bachelors. Half of honeehold invention -Brush Broom Mop all in one. Makes should, five ing in the swim all the time." honsework May. incredibly light - easy to boodle - them thought you others CLEANS LIKE MAGICI Sweepe carpets, rugs without Richard Himber's the victim of a wish duet; Bruahee npboletered furniture, walle. Scrubs thought you shouldn't. Frank Parker flosingors linoleum w . t scratching. Endorsed by thon- fulfillment, for he desires a girl who: sands, Approved try Good Houseke emus Institute/ House- says you shouldn't, but to Nelson Eddy it wives wild about It-buy on sight. Agents eteanang up. doesn't matter in the least. So take your "Has done things I have always wanted to Samples Bent at our risk SAMPLE OFFER person choice. do and never have; a girl who's gone to obligation. locality who writes. No lion. det ilBBe so I could learn things from her; first -send to your name TODAY! When I put the next question, 1 had Europe, KRISTEE MFG. CO., 433 Bar St.. Akron. O. hoped for a different answer, or at least a girl who's a good auto driver, since I'm some sort of compromise. But not one of so bad; a girl who is a tall blonde, toler- TASTE LIKE CANDY the ten thought there should be a doubt. ant, understanding, slightly maternal." In other words, "Don't expect to have Last is Igor Gorin, a Viennese by birth dates with other men after your engage- and a resident of America for only three The Sensational "A Amen- ment." I might be inclined to feel that this years. Igor insists on: typical could be a short sighted policy in some can girl who doesn't pretend to be so- MCCoY's cases, but there it is. If you'd be popular, phisticated, who is honest and yet retains Cod Liver Oil Tablets you had better conform. just a touch of mystery; she cannot be, Chock Fall of Vitamins "A" and "D" There is the complete composite picture under any circumstances, a professional boya musician." eend gremarkablyr e nd wooménto of what ten radio bachelors would want and would hate in the girl they were tak- There, for you -whether you're in the ing out. The yesses and nos in most cases throes of your first love affair, whether Put On were impersonal, the rulings of the ma- you're engaged, or a career girl, or even jority. Perhaps you'd like a more definite married -are ten men's hopes and desires. Firm description of the kind of a girl each one Take their words to heart and free your of these bachelors is looking for. life of some of its most puzzling complica- FleshStarting Today Take 2 McCoy's Cod Here they are -and again, you should tions. 3 fo 7 Pounds Liver oil Tablets after Quickly sl size-all Druggist `SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE 1 McCoy's, 644 S. Wells St., Chicago What Do You Think Of Movie Stars On The Air? Should Dept.22 1 Rush Free Sample of McCoy's Cod L They Be Barred From Radio? Read The Stirring Open Liver Oil Tablets to In Name I Letter To Hollywood From The Editor -Next Month The Address I March Issue of RADIO MIRROR. City State j RADIO MIRROR More News on the Hollywood Front (Continued front page 9)

and return to the air via Manhattan when a Crosby nag won a race at Tan - when a revolver backfired, causing Ynez Merry -Go-Round. foran, the first victory for one of Bing's Seabury, who had just come from a ses- oat burners in a coon's age. sion with the dentist, and was groggy TIE THIS, MR. RIPLEY! So many anyway, to keel over into the arms of stars go hay-wire because they don't get POOR LITTLE RICH BOY. Igor Gary Cooper. the billing to which they feel they're en- Gorin, romantic baritone of Hollywood titled, it is the height something of or Hotel, makes plenty of money -but he HELPING PAPA. I sat at breakfast other to find one like Bing Crosby. He never has any. The reason: a long while the Eddie in wants other morning with Cantor to sue somebody or other because, ago he tied himself up to a contract with his lovely Beverly Hills home. He was go- he claims, a promise to him was broken - a furniture dealer who undertook to be ing over the script of his next show be- that he was NOT to be starred in "Pen- his manager. The furniture dealer died tween gulps of coffee. Daughter Marjorie nies from Heaven." And he's holding up seven months ago. and now all Gorin's sat across the table, and read the pages the shooting on his next picture until a earnings go into his estate pending its as papa finished. She held a crimson pen- leading lady with a name as big or bigger final settlement. They came to take his cil, and from time to time deleted vigor- than his own is secured. piano away the other day, and sym- ously. "Say, what's all that you're cut- pathetic friends had to straighten the mat- ting out ?" Eddie wanted to know. SMART ANIMAL -NO BULL. Bob ter out. Incidentally, as soon as Gorin's "Too many Idas," was the re- Burns and Bing Crosby went to the San unfilial financial affairs have their kinks unwound, sponse. Diego Fair to judge a beauty contest. It he will have money enough to buy the simply poured that day (they'll run me ring for one Mary Elizabeth Smith, vet- out of California for that!) and the beau- eran radio actress and formerly Leslie YOU GET GYPPED. If you think ties, not wanting to get their bathing suits Howard's leading lady. Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone are wet. went home. So Bob and Bing, wan- funny on the air, you ought to hear the dering about the fair, were delighted to STAND BACK, GIRLS. Robert Tay- show they ut on backstage after the see their old pal "Cuddles" who starred lor's radio debut on Lux precipitated a broadcast. Jack always gets buttonholed with them in "Rhythm on the Range" in near riot. Some enterprising females dis- by about umpteen people before he can a blue ribbon stall. "Cuddles," by the covered a fire escape exit leading into the get away, consequently Mary is always way, is a male bovine. Bing called him, balcony of the Lux Theater and more kept waiting-and she doesn't like it. The but the bull didn't give him a tumble. than two hundred got in that way without other Sunday night she cracked to Jack, Bob gave Bing the laugh. "Watch this." tickets. That left that many ticket holders while he was deep in a confab with a he said -and imitated the sound of his outside holding the bag. Then the fire script man, "Aw, come on Jack. We'll bazooka. The bull burst into a roar that marshal threatened to call off the whole write next week's program tomorrow." could be heard all over the fair grounds. show because more people had crowded "Yeah, he's a music critic, too," Bing into the theater than could be seated. SYMPATHY STUFF. Kenny Baker had taunted. been on the movie lot at 7 a. m., worked AND MORE GRIEF. It was Lux's all day with the exception of time out for POSTMAN'S HOLIDAY. Fred Astaire tough luck month. The week after the one rehearsal, two shows and a benefit plays hookey from the neighboring RKO Taylor affair, during a rehearsal of "The performance. At the latter, somewhere lot to slip in and watch a Crosby re- Virginian," Charles Forsythe, the sound about nine at night, a photographer posed hearsal. He was first to congratulate Bing effects man. shot off the top of his thumb him for a picture. "Gee," he sympathized,

eye shadow, and li p stick such a problem! have ..MAKEUP'S con- mascara. of women Hopkins Thousands make-ake- Miriam to find like this new á big alt's heavenly tried and big fides. matches, and 9 out of 10 say makeup that up ays imme new for ybu! ' jusr right like improvement, you can that's are blue, beauty. And n your eyesey then e new Your drug or Hopkins', try it, thriftily.tail Miriam Dresden Makeup dap arttnentstorerecommendsMatched Marvelous you, tool If the Eyea type is right for Marvelous item only brown, ask for each sing your eyesey es are Patti- Makeup, 65 cents). e, gray for cents (Cana cian tap Continental 55 o5 man hazel' Your mirror...wilt echo-man clan type; MatchedM color who matters m type. to the something your keyed uge, "There's tonight.1" your eyes . includes about of powder, rouge, vnonizing face

COPYRIGHT 1937, RICHARD HUDNUT Miriam Hop. kins-star of Men Are Not mARVElOUS 4f#4d mAKEUP Gods " -an Alexander Korda pro- RICHARD HUDNUT duction.


"I wouldn't be a photographer for any- HERE'S THE thing. They're working all the time!" FASHION NOTE. Johnny Green showed up in the studio wearing a bright FAST way blue coat. "i wouldn't part with this coat for anything," he explained. "I used to TO RELIEVE wear it in Buddy Rogers' band."

QUICKIES. Dorothy Page may finally "C/D /ND/GEBT /ON say yes, and become Mrs. Armand Rust if the rich Texas rancher keeps on asking HEARTBURN... GAS... her And speaking of matrimony, SOUR STOMACH Trudy Wood has been the secret bride of Bill Bryon for six months . . . You're wrong, Mr. Winchell. Anne Jamison's heart is not a Wall Streeter, but a mil-

lionaire Hollywood . TUMS garage man . Carry --Get Relief Marion Talley and Aubrey Scotto, her film director, go places together ... Eddie 5 to 30 Minutes QUICKER Cantor and company to New Orleans for the opening of Bobby Breen's "Rainbow HERE'S real scientific acid indigestion on the River" . And Bobby's sister, relief done up in a lOc, "vest- pocket" Sally, who gave up her own career to fur- roll of tastylittle mints. No wonder millions ther her kid brother's, has taken up where have adopted the sensible carry Tums idea, she left off, and has a part in his first to be sure of getting thorough, quick relief film . Burns' and Allen's plans for a from today's unexpected attacks of heart- Broadway Show are off because of new burn, sour stomach or gas. Tums are pleas- picture commitments . . Ditto Henry ant- tasting ... just like candy ... so handy to King, who cancels his Plaza Persian Room carry in pocket or purse. And contain no date to stay with the show harsh alkalies. ... When you No chance for dangerous list Hollywood's better hostesses, put Ger- over -alkalization of your stomach. Just enough of trude Niesen's name 'way up near the top Tums' antacid compound is re- While on leased to correct ... the subject of parties, Jim- your stomach acidity .. . my Fidler's invitations were the remainder passing un-released from your cute, con- system. taining a map of how to reach his house Only lOc a roll -even cheaper in Francia the 25c, three -roll White's five-gaited saddle ECONOMY PACK. At nag copped two all drug stores. Carry Turns. blue rosettes at the hoss show ... Bob Ripley is here for M -G -M shorts . . . Eddie Cantor is displeased Beautiful Six -col- over the casting of his thirteen -year old jr is il or 1937 Calendar- FOR THE Thermometer. protege, Deanna Durbin, in "Three Smart Also `amples of TUMMY Tums end NR. Send stamp for peck- Girls" . Oh, yes. A note to press Ding postage to A. H. Lewis Co.. TUMS ee 23B71, St. Louis, Idiaeouri. agents: Stop sending me guff about that pt. A. H. LEWIS COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. HAN DY TO CARP'r band leader whose wife just had a baby, PLEASANT SMOKE VAPOR and who is coming to Hollywood. The last time i interviewed him he said all he gives quick SHOW SILK HOSIER relief to wanted was to be left alone. Okay . WITH e /rAló I+y aó Rupert Hughes' adopted son, Rush, is making the grade locally as a news com- Ae# F Y R ASTHMATIC mentator ... Victor Young is set to con- tinue on Shell despite his Jolson tie-up MAKE UP TO $32 t)tl IN A WEEK SUFFERERS Send for FREE TAKING ORDERS A biography of Bing Crosby, written Ford Cara Given -ne Bonus. Send name with hose package of cigarettes and powder -prove at our site d favorite shade for offer of your own hosiery expense how Dr. Guild's Green Mountain by his brothers then re- written by himself FREE as extra bonus. Sensational profit details and Asthmatic Compound startling outfit offer. Work full or spare time. soothes and relieves will hit the stands shortly after you read Everybody a prospect. Get immediate cash earn- Asthmatic paroxysms. Standard remedy at drug- ings. Be like Wilber, who reported $37.100 gists. Cigarettes, 500 for 24. this ... Jimmy Newell is starring in hoss earned in 9 hours. Millso Powder, 250 and $1. in one week. Both received new care se The J. H. Guild Co., Dept. MW-1, Rupert, Vt. operas for Warner Brothers ... Harry bonus. Act quick! WILKNIT HOSIERY CO. Jackson, NBC ork leader, does a local 2A8 Midway Greenfield, Ohio GREEN MOUNTAIN COMPMOUND kiddy show as Uncle Whoa Bill, telling youngsters to eat up all their spinach or What made their else ... Bela Lugosi presented a pup to Joe Penner, and luckily it was cocoa , COUGHING TEARS hair gl'ow `own, so the comic named it '`Cocoa - Here is the Answer malt" after his sponsor ... Don Wilson "New Hair came after I be- is right back where he started, with one gan using Kotalko, and kept YOUR THROAT on growing" writes Mr. H. big difference. The big announcer is A. Wild. In a short time broadcasting for Associated Oil, first radio I had a splendid head of hair, which has been perfect ever sponsor he ever had, but he gets more MILLIONS USE PERTUSSIN since." dough now ... Warren Hull, who used to Mary II. Little also has lux- announce the Bea Lillie and Parade uriant hair now after using Hit FOR QUICK RELIEF Kotalko. Yet for years her shows, is now a Warner Brothers leading head, as she describes it, "was man . Peggy Shannon, who was as bare as the back of my It's the drying of tiny moisture glands in your hand." brought to Hollywood to take Clara Bow's throat and bronchial tract that often causes Many other men and wo- place as the "It Girl," is playing bits on coughs. collects, irritates, and men attest that hair has Sticky phlegm stopped falling excessively, First Nighter ... Reason Leah Ray isn't , you cough. dandruff has been decreased, singing with Phil Harris' band at the new luxuriant hair growth Pertussin stimulates these glands to again has been developed where Palomar is that 20th Century -Fox con- pour out their natural moisture. Sticky mucus roots were alive, after using tract won't permit ... Raymond Paige's Kotalko to stimulate scalp is loosened and easily expelled. Irritation goes action. wife, Diane York, who was a star re- sway-coughing is relieved. Try Pertussin at Are your hair roots alive but porter on C. Vanderbilt, Jr.'s paper here Use coupon below. dormant? If so, why not use seventeen, is her our expense. Kotalko? Encourage new at the age of making growth of hair to live oit radio debut ... The network press agent sustenance available in your who said the local radio editors were "a PERTUSSIN scalp. Kotalko is sold at drug 3Oct stores everywhere. lot of schoolboys" is in very Hollandaise Seeck & Kade, Inc., Dept. S -$, FREE BOX To prove the efficacy of Kotalko, . The J. Bennys will play Portland Prescription 490 Washington Street, N. Y. C. for men's, women's and children's hair. Use coupon. and Seattle, and foot the bills for the FREE Please send met -oz. prescription of A -53, General P. 0., New York Liv- Pertussin FREE... by return mail. Kotalko Co., broadcast from there to give Mary Please send me Proof Box of ICOTALKO. ingstone's home town pals a chance to see Name Name her work . Writer 'Bob Andrews' Full Address missus, Vi Bradley, goes to Boston to Address play socialite club ... Curtain! 90 RADIO MIRROR HUGHES TO OAKIE TO CAMPUS. Just when the Camel Caravan with Rupert Hughes as its master of cere- THRILLING OFFER BY, MAVIS! monies and a lot of movie stars coming and going, was getting nicely settled for the winter, a sudden cyclone swept over ONLY ZSP` SL VERY NON-TARNISHABLE the program and when it had passed, there was Jack Oakie as its new star. After several guest appearances last summer, Jack was announced generally as being V ready to start a program in the fall for a razor blade company. This fell through and that was practically the last radio rnacelet audiences heard of Mister Oakie until December when, out of a clear sky, it was made known to one and all that he was replacing Rupert Hughes as the star of the Camel Caravan Tuesday nights over the CBS network. The story behind the scenes of this sud- den move is the story of what the spon- CLIP THESE DIRECTIONS sors of the Caravan are trying to accom- HOW TO GET ONE plish with its air advertising. A year ago when the tobacco concern sponsored Wal- Mavis Talcum Powder offers IT'S NEW! IT'S SMART! IT'S THE "RAGE!" you this lovely Sweetheart ter O'Keefe and Glen Gray's orchestra, Charm Bracelet -with one was . to wear miniatures of those you adore on it aiming primarily at the large group a Sweetheart Charm Bracelet. Be the first miniature to start your col- of college listeners throughout the coun- hi your set to own one! Miniatures are repro- lection-for only 26¢! Stores try. This summer when it changed the duced from your favorite photos or snap- can't sell them for anywhere show to a full hour with Hughes and shots -hand-colored by fine artists-set in a near that low price. Just get guest stars, it was broadening its appeal. frame which clasps onto the bracelet. a 25¢ size of delicately scented, flower -fresh Mavis. Now, with Jack Oakie, it has swung back THERE'S ROOM FOR NINE -sweetheart, Mail in the coupon attached to its campus attractions. chum, sorority sisters, movie stars, mother to the can, with 25¢ in coin, and dad. to snap on or off. The brace- In order to present even a stronger col- Easy and any clear photo or snap- lege front, it kept its fresh and youthful let itself is a series of gleaming disks etched shot (to be returned with with a flying dove. Non- tarnishable. Will your bracelet). For each ad- music and Oakie was instructed to play not discolor the skin. to the undergraduates. All in all, the ditional miniature, send 100, THIS WONDERFUL OFFER comes to you from photo, and a coupon from a program has stepped up its pace and filled Mavis -the velvety, delicately scented tal- 250 size Mavis. (Offer good its sixty minutes with new vim which cum Frenchwomen use to safeguard their only in U. S. A.) should make for lots of enjoyable listen- daintiness. Make their charm secret your DON'T DELAY! HURRY! Or- ing through the cold weeks ahead. Mr. own. After every bath, before you dress- der your Sweetheart Charm Astaire, who is heard opposite on the clothe yourself in fragrant Mavis. Its allur- Bracelet today! Get your ing all -over fragrance keeps you flower -fresh Packard Hour, over NBC, had look 250 size Mavis Talcum Pow- better for hours. So soothing, too! to his laurels if he is to keep ahead on der now, the popularity ratings. G f44,44/te qtr a.vif, T°a,lemm t MAVI S IN THE RED CONTAINER

Splendid opportunities Prepare in spare time. Easy plan. No previous needed. common school AT HOME: edexperience fcient Send for free Learn to color photos and miniatures booklet "Opportunities in Photogra- experience GRApNY phy". particulars and requirementa demand nd °ï . feokleat..` "Makke Vari American School of Photography Money at Home"° and requirements. Dept. 1382 NATIONAL ART SCHOOL atNo 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. 3601 Michigan Ave. Dept. 1382 Chicago

Many Happy Women Now Say YOU,T00, CAN EARN $30 PAR°O°O°GE N A WEEK (Pronounced Nancy E-'s story PARlOJEN) could have been yours! Left with two little children to support TABLETS not much money to depend upon . unable to leave the MAKE children to work in shop or office -even if she muld have been sure of getting a Job I FEMININE HYGIENE Yet, today Mrs. E- is making $30 a week as a C. S. N. gradu- ate and plans to es- Simple tablish a rest home for convalescents? Those magic letters "C. S. N." are responsible for her success. Quick They stand for: CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Easy This school for 38 Years has been training men and Dependable women, 18 to 60, at home and an ¿heir spare time, for Pariogen requires no applicators or the dignified. well -paid profession of nursing. The other accessories. The easy -to -use tablet alone is course is endorsed by physicians. Complete nurse's sufficient. Harmless, non-caustic, greaseless, odor- equipment is included. Lessons clear and concise. Easy less. Twelve tablets in glass container cost only Tuition Payments. Be one of the hundreds of men and one dollar. Don't hesitate to ask your women earning $25 to $35 a week as trained practical druggist for Panogen Tablets. If his nurses. High school education not required. Best of all, supply should be temporarily ex- ; you can earn while learning! Mrs. A. B. R earned hausted, write us for free sample. three times the cost of the course while studying. Doctors say C S. N. graduates make their best prac- pu g<<,g n.iratb7ets tical nurses. Send coupon today and loam how you can become self -supporting as a nurse.

Pariogen CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Jack Oakie finally hits his radio stride, 7-Llets Dept. 182, 100 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, III. making his bow December Please send free booklet and 29 as AMERICAN DRUG 063 lui sample lesson pages. AND CHEMICAL CO. regular host of Camel Caravan. Nome 420 S. Sixth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Dept. 272 Warner Brothers City statu Ope_

91 RADIO MIRROR Coronation Coiffures Kidneys Must (Continued from page 51) illusion of height at the front which is basic in all the newer coiffure designs, while "Fan" reveals very distinctly the Blood corresponding lowness at the neckline Purify which fashion demands. Luckily, these essential features of Coronation coiffures lend themselves to To many interesting adaptations to suit each Bring and every personality. By choosing wisely and combining well, any woman can find Vitality, Clear Skin the particular hairdress which will ac- centuate her own individuality and en- hance her appearance. The main requi- and sites are simple -a good permanent wave and hair that's in the best possible condi- Youthful Looks tion as to cleanliness, texture and color. "Never before," says Robert, "has the permanent wave been so important. It is absolutely essential as a foundation for the new, soft coiffures. In the past, per- manents were more or less a matter of choice -that is, if a woman was satisfied with her naturally straight or slightly curly hair. This winter, every woman will need one, for today's coiffures require hair that is easy to handle and that will adapt itself quickly to any desired ring- Women Need Help More Often Than Men let or swirl.

'the only way your body can clean out Acids and poison- slclan and Medical Examiner, of San Francisco, recently ous wastes from your blood, is through 9 million tiny, deli- said: "Since the Kidneys purify the blood, the poisons never before has the quality of cate Kidney tubes or filters. If, because of functional collect in these organs and must be promptly flushed from ANDthe permanent wave been so im- troubles, your Kidneys get tired or slow down to their the system, otherwise they re -enter the blood stream and work, these poisons remain In the system and make your create a toxic condition. I can truthfully recommend the portant. Softness is the keynote and kinki- eyes look dull and your skin coarse and dry, and at the use of Cystex." Same time you find yourself all Tired -Out. Nervous, and ness is definitely out. The patron who unable to keep up with the speed of modern life. comes into a beauty salon and requests a Functional Kidney troubles also may cause much more serious and disagreeable symptoms, such as Getting Up World -Wide Success permanent that 'will last six months.' is Nights. Leg Pains. Backache, Circles Under Eyes, Dizzi- ness. Rheumatic Pains, Acidity, Burning, Smarting, and Cystex is not an experiment, but is a proven success really practicing false economy. To pro- Itching. in 31 different countries throughout the world. It is pre- duce such a permanent it is necessary to Any Doctor can tell you that the speed of modern life pared with scientific accuracy to accordance with the strict and present -day foods throw an extra heavy load on the and rigid standards of the United States Dispensatory and apply too much heat to the hair, burning Kidneys, and that most people need help from time to the United States Pharmacopoeia, and being designed time if they are especially to act in the Kidneys and Bladder is swift and the tissues. and the money presumably to feel their best and preserve their youth- safe in Most ful appearance. Fortunately, for sufferers it is easy to action. users report a remarkable improve- saved by getting permanents less fre- help functional Kidney Troubles with the doctor's guar- ment in 98 hours and complete satisfaction in 8 days. anteed prescription Cystex, which now is available at all quently is usually spent twice over in pur- drug stores under a positive guarantee to satisfy com- pletely or cost nothing. chasing reconditioners and having special Guaranteed To Work expensive shampoos to restore natural health to the hair. Worst of all, a poor Doctors Because of its unusual success. Cystex Is offered under an unlimited guarantee to do the work to your complete permanent will be glaringly revealed by Praise Cystex satisfaction in 8 days. er money back on return of empty the simple, sweeping lines of Coronation package. Under this unlimited guarantee you can put Doctor T. J. Bastelli, famous Cystex to the test and see exactly what it can do in your coiffures." Doctor, Surgeon and Scientist, of particular ease. You must feel younger, stronger, and London. says: "Cystex is one of better than you have in a long time -you must feel that Since beauty of the hair itself is such the finest remedies I have ever Cystex has done the work to your complete satisfaction or a necessary part of the new styles, it be- known in my medical practice. Any you merely return the empty package and it costs you Doctor will recommend it for its nothing. You are the sole judge of your own satisfaction. hooves us to pay particular attention to definite benefit in the treatment of Cystex costs only 3c a dose at druggists. and as the guar- which, many functional Kidney and Blad- antee protects you fully, you should not take chances with the life and color and highlights- der disorders. It is safe and cheap, inferior, or irritating drugs, or delay. Ask your in turn, means plenty of good shampoos harmless." And Dr. C. Z. Ren- druggist for guaranteed Cystex (pronounced Siss -Tex) Dr. T. J. Rastelli delle, another widely known Phy- today. and, probably, rinses to bring out the sheen. In the case of hair which is dull TRAIN Spend 12 weeks in CoyneShope At home in spare time. Many overcome and streaked, or uninteresting in color, -Learn by doing-eomplo Sem "stage- fright,"- gain self -confidence and in- ' while learning.a radon. FTee employmentad- used in e after graduation. You don't need ad- C Crease earning power, this easy Way. Write the utmost care must be choosing vanced SEND FOR BIG NEW FREE Boor. tor tree booklet Flora W Work Won- a dye which is both effective and harm- eand my "PAY TUITION AFTER GRADUATION" PLAN, f1 ders With ivordr and requirements. H.C. Lewie,Pros., COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL North American Institute Dept. 1382 less. All rinses and dyes SOO South Paullna Street, Dept. 27 -6a Chicago.111. these -shampoos, speaking 3601 Michigan Ave. Chicago, IllinOl$ -are easy to obtain today in good quali- ty and forms that are easy to use at home. But whatever treatment you decide on. be How to Remove sure that you're willing to go through NEW IRONING with what you start! It's better to keep Leg or Arm Hair the original drab shade of hair given by nature than to apply the most becoming IN 3 MINUTES of Coarser hues in the world, if you're not going to Without Danger INVENT'?N keep it up systematically and sensibly. or Stubbier New Growth STREAMLINED - same thing applies to shampoos; you Everywhere you go, everyone is talking The about or using De Miracle. Its vogue SELF- HEATING can't expect even the best of these to work seems to have started when it became Irons in i/z Time for 1e miracles if you don't use them regularly known that this marvelous discovery made Newest ironing dis- and often and really give them a chance it simple and easy to get rid of leg or arm covery in 20 years! hair, without danger of faster. coarser Beautiful, streamlined, to show what a marked improvement they or stubbier new growth. all chromium -plated can make. No Razor -just dampen hair with iron has no cords o Incidentally, here are two excellent but De Miracle and then rinse hair away tubes,heats with water. It leaves the skin as smooth, itself,bums little -known tricks in caring for your wave soft and hair -free as a baby's. Leaves 96% free airand only4% I'll bet you no dark hair stubble and does not make kerosene. Does whole that you might like to try. hair grow faster. coarser, or stubbier. ironing for a penny or less! didn't know that vaseline, used the night Try it today. USE IT ANYWHERE will Can be used anywhere, Indoors before you go to the beauty arlor, or out. No more work over hot make each wave last longer! gust rub it Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded stovel Insulated handle. Cannot rust or tarnish, lasts a lifetime. into your scalp and hair with your finger Finger -touch heat control gives comb it through. then wash it right temperature for any kind BURNS tips and of ironing. 96% AIR out next morning. After each wave you 30 -DAY HOME TRIAL get, you can make your coiffure hold bet- k'11 iracl'e Try It for 30 days at our risk. AGENTS! Selling every- and glossier) by rub- I neater Special Now 67c $2.00 Size Satisfaction is guaranteed. Write where Wynne made $16 In ter (and look $1.00 Size Now at once for full particulars and one day, Jamison $15. Write bing your fingers and palms with bril- At All Drug and Department Stores how to get yours FREE, by help. at once for sensational Ing to introduce lt. profit plan. liantine before combing it out. Thus, AKRON LAMP & MFG. CO.. 374 IRON Bldg., Akron, Ohio when you comb the ringlets around your 92 RADIO M I RROR fingers or brush away from the part, the brilliantine on your hands will smooth each strand into its proper place. THOUSANDS OF

Be sure to send for my new illus- trated leaflet this month, for it con- tains sketches of the "convertible" NATURALLY coiffures created by Bernard at Guro, one of Manhattan's favorite hair stylists, for the coining season. They're based on a very practical SKINNY' idea, since the convertible coiffure can be dressed elaborately for eve- ning (practically compulsory this WEAK,RUNDOWN,NERVOUS year, by the way!) and simply but distinctively for daytime. Don't FOLKS HAVE MADE THIS forget to send a nice large envelope (stamped and self- addressed, of course) with your inquiry this time. AMAZING DISCOVERY! lust address Joyce Anderson, RADIO M IRROR, 122 East 42nd Street, New York City. How New Sea Plant Concen- trate from Pacific Ocean by Is Television Really Here? Feeding IODINE -STARVED GLANDS, Has Quickly Re- (Continued from page 42) newed Energy, Built Glori- The room where 1 stood was pitch dark; even the walls were hung with black ous NEW STRENGTH for drapes to absorb stray beams of unwanted light. Each set looked somewhat like an Thousands. Gains of 5 to 25 ordinary cabinet radio set, with a raised top. Placed diagonally under the top was Lbs. Reported Regularly! a mirror, arranged in such a position as image to reflect the on the "eye" beneath. Here's new hope and encouragement for thousands of thin, The size of the reflection is 7% by 10 tired, weak, worn -out. haggard - looking men and women whose energy and strength have been sapped by over -work inches. and worry, who ate nervous, irritable, always half -sick A splash of light on the mirror-light and ailing. Science has at last placed its finger on what is often one of the principal causes of this dangerous. run- which gathered itself together and took on down condition - IODINE-STARVED GLANDS. When image woman, these glands don't work properly. all the food in the world shape as the of a young can't help you It just isn't turned into flesh. The result Betty Goodwin, of the NBC press de- is you stay skinny. rundown. ailing. partment, who had been chosen to an- The most important gland-the one which actually controls body weight and strength building-needs a definite ration nounce the program. Then forty minutes of iodine all the time -NATURAL ASSIMILABLE of varied kinds of entertainment; Hilde- IODINE -not to be confused with chemical iodides which often prove toxic. Only when the system gets an adequate garde and the Inkspots in musical num- supply of iodine can you regulate metabolism -the body's bers; a news reel; a Bob Benchley comedy process of converting digested food into firm flesh. new short. strength and enelge. To get this vital mineral in convenient, concentrated and Of the two types of television broadcast, assimilable form, take Seeded Kelpamalt-now recognized the broadcast of motion pictures and of as one of the world's richest sources of' this precious au bet ante actual living people, the motion pictures Make This Test! were the most satisfactory and the live Make this test with Seedol Kelpa- talent the most interesting. While Hilde- malt. First weigh yourself and see were how long you can work or how far garde and the Inkspots singing you you can walk without tiring. Then were conscious that here was a new art, take 3 Seedol Kelpamalt Tablets with each meal for 1 week and again but the moving pictures were just movies weigh yourself and notice how much reduced to a much smaller size than one longer you can work without tiring, how much farther you can walk: is used to seeing. Notice how much better you feel. was I sleep and eat. Watch flattering When the program over knew extra pounds appear in place of that in spite of crudities, in spite of diffi- scrawny hollows culties which hadn't yet been overcome, Poaed by professional models. 3 Steps In Money television was on its way down Manufacturer's Note: -Inferior products, -Back the home sold as kelp and malt preparations -In the Building imitation of the genuine Seedol Kelpa- Guarantee stretch! malt are being offered as substitutes. of Good Solid There is still a lot of secrecy surround- The Kelpamalt Company will reward for Flesh, Rich If you are not absolutely satisfied information covering any case where an with the results of even the first ing television's day-by -day development. imitation product has been represented as Blood, New the original Seedol Kelpamalt. Don't be week, the trial is free and your it is due to tooled. Demand genuine Seedol Kelpa- Strength. money will be refunded. Seedol Partly the eagerness of the malt Tablets. They are easily assimi- Kelpamalt costs but little to use. world lated, do not upset stomach nor injure 1. Ordinary food enters stomach w11í approve to believe in television. There teeth. and ie partially digested. Your own doctor this Results guaranteed or money back. way. 100 Jumbo size Seedol Kelpa- haven't been any of the derisive sneers completed five tie, Dd flesh n th- build- malt Tablets -four to times the which greeted the first announcement of ins material absorbed in blood size of ordinary tablets-cost but stream. a rents a to use. Seedol sound movies, SPECIAL FREE OFFER few day Get nor any of the predictions 3. Metabolism. w hen regulated Kelpamalt today. Seedol Kelpamalt that it would be just a toy. All the mar- Write today for fascinating Instruc- by glands kept healthy with iodine. is sold at all good drug stores. If tive 50-page book on How to Add should assure conversion of material your dealer has not yet received his Weight Quickly, Build into firm, new aeeh,ric h, red Mood. vels of a scientific age have taught us to Strength, F.n. ranted steength and day-long supply, send E1.00 for special intro- , eBg¢od Strong N eorvteen nod energy. ductory size bottle of 65 tablets to treat the dreams of scientists Rh Re% . al ta with respect Food and their effects on the human the address below. and belief. So, while the public is body. New facts about NATURAL inclined IODINE. Standard weight and meas- to be optimistic about the urement charts. Daily menus for early prospects weight building. Absolutely free. of television, those who are actually No obligation, Kelpamalt Co., Dept. at 1090, 27 -33 West 20th St., New work on it have leaned over backward to York City. be pessimistic, warning us not to expect Ksi pSämáltZ too much at first, not to jump at con- clusions, saying "Perhaps," and mention- This Beautiful Lifelike ing 1938, 1939, and 1940. There are, how- PHOTORING ever, several very good reasons for believ- NEWEST SENSA- TIONI Send SEND any - ing that television, on a basis which will snapshot or photo NO MONEY! U O s35 w ENLY and '1l repro- introducing NEW WAY TO SMOKE. We make it useful to you and me, will come duce it In this furnish you Free Cigarettes. Ask any man to onyx. have a Free Smoke. Hand him LIGHTED before then. 1 keuringl C Cigarette from beautiful pocket -size Magic One is Indestructible! (Hand- tinted Case ". Just touch button. Presto: Out comes the statement that commercial Waterproof! 25c extra) LIGHTED Cigarette automatically. No batteries television Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay post- or electricity. Get Magic Case for 15 dap trial will be a fact in New York in man plus a few cents postage. If you send 48e at our risk. State favorite brand cigarettes. 1937. This means Ce will pay postage. PHOTO MOYETTE RING MAGIC CASE MFRS., Dept. B -4661 that television receiv- O., Dept. 1, 626 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4234 Cozens Ave. St. Louts, Mo.


ing sets will be offered for your purchase, and that entertaining or instructive pro- grams will be regularly broadcast to make Relieves those sets worth the money they cost. Another reason for expecting television TEETHING soon is brought back to America by travelers abroad. In Germany, scientists have been quietly working, and they are PAINS on the verge of perfecting a screen which will be three feet square without loss of uJitliin clarity or distinctness in the image. Solv- ing this problem alone would give tele- 1 MINUTE vision a tremendous impetus, for all the experts agree that the small 7/ by IO inch screen is one of the greatest factors holding the new industry back. Finally, there is the fact that whether WEN your baby suffers from teeth- broadcasting officials will admit it or not, ing pains, just rub a few drops of Dc their actions prove that they look upon Hand's Teething Lotion on the sore, television as a fairly immediate proba- tender, little gums and the pain will bility. Why? Because the NBC program in department is being trained in a new tech- be relieved one minute. nique in continuity writing, make -up, stag- Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the ing, and a multitude of other details con- prescription of a famous baby spe- nected with actual television broadcast- cialist, contains no narcotics and has ing conditions. All these are problems been used by mothers for over fifty which must be solved if television is to be years. One bottle is usually enough for successful, but they are, after all, second- baby for the entire teething period. ary problems. If the broadcasters didn't one believe they could put good home receiv- ing sets on the market, and broadcast JUST RUB IT ON THE GUMS programs which a good many people could see, they would not now be spending time on problems of make -up, writing, and S staging. Those are all things which could DR.HAND' wait until after the technical engineers Teething Lotion had completed their work. The only con- clusion we can draw is that the laboratory Buy Dr. Hand's front yourdruggiat today is work far enough advanced to give as-. WOMEN! KEEP YOUR HAIR! surance of success. Nor would Hollywood your hair is graying prematurely, or If it Is losing Its IF 1 uriant quality and glossy sheen you need not despair. be so interested in testing such stars as Follow the simple methods taught by Dernarr Macradden Ginger Rogers, who promises now to in a new book, "Hair Culture," price $2.00. MACFADDEN BOOK COMPANY, INC. I Got No Sympathy have just about the perfect face for tele- Desk RM -2 205 E. 42nd St., New York C,ty Because I Couldn't Explain!" vision -and perfect figure too-if she stays thin, for one of television's tricks is to P u a., WHAT an affliction Piles are! What a tax, make its subject seem pounds heavier. RINGS. physically and mentally. Piles not only Ne..,mYyA I... ,..:01, L.,. AA/. I. 02 ± - N year. O.vloodaPU stands in the way of home tele- for Ceb4e . cause you untold torture, but they make you WHAT . . Wd. rd, Fr.. I937 /r¡\GS look the suffering you feel. vision being offered to you tomorrow? 1 BASTIAN BROS. CO. 4 3Çf 02.s tc .ocs o i. Piles can take various forms - internal or First, there is the expense. Sets cannot external, itching or painful, bleeding or non - now be made for less than $300 apiece, although mass production. it is estimated, bleeding -but whatever form they take, theyplay nison"s c,o('%fie` e)c, havoc with your health, strength and efficiency. may lower the cost to $100. Forty -five 0t`a`S miles is the farthest distance a television et e P 6 A Scientific Formula wave can travel now, and in order to pro- .OPd Kfacee Real relief for the distress due to Piles is to be vide coast -to-coast service an unprece- 6O*ars ó(Nils We supply an entertainment c, had in Pazo Ointment. Pazo acts quickly and dented outlay of money would be neces- needs for dramatic clubs, 0a f,Oraw,Btlt schools, lodges, etc., and for Free definitely. Pazo stops pain and itching. It as- sary. New York's television station, next every occasion. sures comfort, day and night. year, will serve New York alone, not the T. S. Denison 8 Co., 623 S. Wabash, Dept. 28, Chicago Pazo is reliable because it is threefold in effect. rest of the country. Second, there is the IF YOU HAVE First, it is soothing, which tends to relieve sore- constantly changing television situation. ness and inflammation. Second, it is lubricating, Changes in transmitting equipment are which tends to soften hard parts and also to make being made all the time, and television is GRAY HAIR different from radio -changes in receiv- and DON'T LIKE a passage easy. Third, it is astringent, which tends MESSY MIXTURE.... to reduce swollen parts and to stop bleeding. ing equipment have to be made at the same time. A set which you bought to- then write today for my Real Results day might therefore become obsolete next FREE TRIAL BOTTLE Pazo comes in Collapsible Tube with Detachable Pile month. As a with forty years' European Pipe which permits application high up in rectum Hair Color Specialist These are admittedly important objec- American experience, I am proud of my Color Imparter where it reaches and thoroughly covers affected parts. tions, but even so, their significance for Grayness. Use it like a hair tonic. Wonderfully Pazo also now comes in suppository form. Pazo Sup- dwindles beside the fact that television is GOOD for the scalp and dandruff; it can't leave positories are Pazo Ointment, simply in suppository stains. As you use it, the gray hair becomes a darker, form. Those who prefer suppositories will find Pazo progressing and that regular programs are more youthful color. I want to convince you by sending the most satisfactory. being sent out on the air. That fact says my free trial bottle and book to lling Ail About Gray Hair. 24, Send Trial Tube one thing, and says it clearly-Television ARTHUR RHODES, Hair Color Expert. Dept. LOWELL, MASS. for for your home is on its way! All drug stores sell Pazo-in -Tubes and Pazo Supposi- tories. But a liberal trial tube will be sent on request. SAFE Just mail coupon below and enclose 10c (coin or H stamps) to help cover packing and postage. BECAUSE It's a broadcast you've never Y Grove Laboratories, Inc. IT'S Dept, 75 -MC, St. Louis, Mo. MAIL) heard-yet it brings comfort G EASIEST Gentlemen: Please send me trial tube Pazo. I en- close 10c to help cover packing and postage. and happiness to many a E TO CLEAN NAME lonely man. Read its unique I ' ADDRESS. story in next month's ASK CITY STATE A This offer ie good in U. S. and Canada. Canadian residents may write H. R. Madill & Co., 64 Welling- NURSING YOUR ton St., West, Toronto, Ont. RADIO MIRROR J BOTTLE DOCTOR

94 R: \DIO MIRROR "Hollywood Can't Come Between Us" says Mrs. Don ,,.. Ameche from page 27) (Continued HERE'S SPECIAL WORK attitude of Don and Honore toward their k)lir newfound prosperity is, you feel that per- OFFERING YOU girl's pre- haps, after all, the gray -eyed UP diction is based on something solid; that Hollywood can't hurt her and her hus- TO "I kept on losing weight band. They are entrenching themselves against the insecurities of transient fame. a .. what did I do ?" Papa Ameche has his truck garden, his orange groves, his vineyard, on the place, 3 a half mile down the road from Don's, that his son bought for him. Sunny Cali- fornia is a lot like his native Italy, and he AWEEK smiles happily. Don's brothers splash and all your own Dresses about the swimming pool on Don's place. FREE of a penny cost Don himself makes trays of sandwiches for the multitude of guests always scat- tered informally about the house and No Experience or grounds. l' Investment Needed As Don has not forgotten radio, nei- This offer is open to all women- ther has he forgotten his old friends. single or married -who need money and are ambitious enough to ac- There is, for example, Gabriel, the little cept this easy way to get it. You lust represent the world's leading Belgian foundling whom Don first met dressmaking plant- Fashion Frocks, and show the gorgeous new found an easy, grand when he was a student at Columbia 1937 spring dresses to friends and "I neighbors. It is Interesting, pleas- Academy in Dubuque, Iowa. Some cigar- ant work because all women love to look at the smart new dress way to get back those ettes were discovered in Don's room. styles and will be glad to give you their orders -especially when Gabriel, in his admiration for the dashing, save them real money. You can handsome boy who had befriended him, earn uw to 823, and even more. precious pounds" In a week for yourself, besides you ran get your dresseswear took the blame for the contraband. He of cost. was and demonstrate. Send no money. about to endure stoically the punish- Just mall coupon for amazing free lost weight is a simple matter ment meted out for such an offense when offer. TO regain Don learned of it in time to admit his when certain bodily functions are re- guilt. But he had never forgotten Ga- stored to normal. briel's devotion. and now Gabriel is a com- /firts44 bination major-domo and secretary, and 0 Of foremost importance is the stimula- one of the family. I26 LOVELIEST tion of digestive juices in the stomach to make better use of the food you eat...and are no servants, in the accepted restoration of lowered red -blood-cells to THEREsense of the word, in the Ameche estab- DRESSES' turn the digested food into firm flesh. S.S.S. lishment, a new record, probably, for many as Tonic does this. Hollywood. where new money usually just means butlers, chauffeurs, English maids, 10 äs $2111 S.S.S. Tonic whets the appetite. Foods and what not. l'et on the big estate the Fashion Frocks styles this new taste better...natural digestive juices are Ameche's rent from W. C. Fields there is Spring Season are more ex- only Gabriel and Anna, the young Wis- quisite than They are stimulated and finally the very food you llastntinutestyles direct from consin farm girl Honore brought from fashion headquarters in Paris eat is of more body value. A very impor- Chicago to look after the children, little and Hollywood, and are worn and approved by some of the best tant step back to health. Don, Jr., and three -year old Ronny. But dressed Movie Stars. Fashion Anna, too, is like one of the family. She, Frocks are nationally advertised Forget about underweight worries if you in all the big women's magazines Honore, Don and Gabriel all try their and are endorsed by leading Fash- are deficient in stomachdigestivejuices and hand at cooking. ion Editors. They are never sold in stores, but by authorized repre- red -blood -cells... just take S.S.S. Tonic Picture Anna, blithely humming a Po- sentatives only. lish folk song while she hangs diapers in- immediately before each meal. Shortly you New Home Plan Starts You with way will feel congruously against the green and gold will be delighted the you of orange trees on the expensively land- No House -to -House Work friends will compliment you on the Get details of our Special Plan that en- ...your scaped lawn of the estate, and you will ables you to get started easily and way you will look. be able to picture to yourself the homey, quickly. without canvassing house -to- house. We will help you build up a informal atmosphere of the Ameche successful, permanent dress business - S.S.S. Tonic is especiallydesigned to build working full or spare time -that pays household. That is the scene Honore sur- you a good regular income. sturdy health... its remarkable value is time veyed contentedly as she gave voice to prophecy, "Hollywood Send Free Coupon tried and scientifically proven... that's why that can't hurt Mail coupon at once for this us." marvelous free opportunity. Get it makes you feel like yourself again. the whole story how you can In the house itself, the guests. largely make up to 823 or more in a in convenient of week and get your own At all drugstores two sizes. old friends the Chicago radio days dresses free of any cost. The large size at a saving in price. There is seeking a foothold in the picture industry, No obligation and no will, foraging in ice money necessary. Rush no substitute for this time tested remedy. roam at the big -box, coupon today. or helpfully washing the dishes. Hospi- FASHION FROCKS, INC. No ethical druggist will suggest something tality at the Ameches is dispensed in the Dept. PP -200, Cincinnati Ohio "just as good." © s.s.s. co. good old Italian tradition, bounteous but simple. People come to do as they please, Fashion Frocks. Inc. dress as they please, eat when and as they Dept. PP -200, please, and help themselves. Cincinnati, O. Tell me how I can represent

, Honore, in slacks and jersey, her straw- Fashion Frocks -make up to --- 1 523.00 in a week and get n .. berry blonde hair hanging down her back sample dresses free to wear. I wear Size in long braids, goes calmly about her - manifold duties as wife, mother, and mis- Name tress of a home. Had she wished, she I ,1 could have servants to do all the tasks Address that fall to her lot, and she could haunt beauty parlors and modistes. But she does not feel she needs those expedients to hold City her man. She counts on his intense de- 95 RADIO MIRROR votion to radio to keep him from "go- 10 Years Off ing Hollywood." TIRED? "I was afraid, for a little while, when we first came here from Chicago," she con- Your Looks fessed. "I was afraid then, but just one ALL IN? thing, the house we have here made me You're not yourself understand I had nothing to fear. "You see, in Chicago we had always if you have FARR'S FOR lived in a little place. And when we came out here, we took a little place, too, be- cause the rentals were terrific! Don INTESTINAL GRAY HAIR wanted a bigger place, but I said no, and stuck to it. But it was damp there, and TORPOR. finally we had to leave because of my Don't let Intestinal Torpor rob you of energy, sinus trouble. keep you feeling dull, headachy, worn. Intes- "A long time before that -away back tinal Torpor -sluggish, torpid muscular activ- last July -we had seen this place we have ity in the intestinal tract -can usually be re- lieved without harsh, nauseating purges. For now, but I had refused absolutely to take pleasant, dependable relief, millions of men it. Now we had no choice. We couldn't and women wisely use Stuart's Compound. find any other place. So we had to move Harmless and non -habit forming, Stuart's here. And it costs three times what we Compound was prepared especially to relieve paid in Chicago! That was when I was depressing Intestinal Torpor. It increases the afraid. muscular action in the intestines. Stuart's Laxative Compound affords a natural, healthy "But," she concluded, "it hasn't made way to proper elimination of body wastes a particle of difference in the way we live relieving Intestinal Torpor. - -or in Don. That's why I'm so sure that If torpid, lazy elimination causes you to feel no matter how much money Don makes under -the -weather -try Stuart's Laxative in the movies or how famous he becomes Compound today! It has given quick, effec- always always tive relief from Intestinal Torpor to millions, he'll -we'll -be the same." for more than 40 years. Get a package from She paused thoughtfully. your druggist today. See for yourself what "There's one more thing that will show results it brings. you," she said. "Don could give up his FARR'S used with perfect confidence leaves radio work now, if he wanted. He could your hair soft, lustrous, NATURAL, youth- get along very nicely without the money STUART'S ful in appearance. Easy as a manicure because he is making more than enough LAXATIVE COMPOUND in hygienic privacy of home; odorless, in pictures. And most men would give formerly known as greaseless; will not rub off nor interfere up radio, too, because that work is a great STUART'S CALCIUM WAFERS with curling. $1.35. Sold Everywhere. deal harder than picture work. It takes a SAMPLE fearful nervous toll which Don doesn't - - -- -FREE - - -- REDUCE -YOU CAN EASILY work. Yet he doesn't CO M.F. 7 feel in his picture In this book "How to Reduce Weight," Bemarr Macfad- BROOKLINE CHEMICAL den gives you the complete regime for weight reductior 79 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass. give it up. He won't give it up. He never including full dietary instructions, actual menus, food Send in plain wrapping. classifications and reduction exercises. By all means will." send for it today. Price 5Oc postpaid. MACFADDEN BOOK COMPANY Name You see, when you talk to Honore, the Desk RM2 205 E. 42 St. New York City subtle pattern of faith that underlies the Street. air of gay casualness in the Ameche house- City State hold. You understand it best of all if you GIVE ORIGINAL HAIR COLOR are there on a Sunday morning when the .1 Study at home -train the "Pierce Way.' Home Study church bells peal over the sunlit quiet of Cj1Course and &months Practical HOSPITAL Course the San Fernando Valley. Don, with for resident students. Write for free book. PIERCE SCHOOL ENDORSED BY AMERICAN TRAINED Ronny's little hand clutching his, Hon - PRACTICAL NURSES' ASSOCIATION. ore's arms locked in her husband's, stroll PIERCE SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL NURSING down the road from mass. hiblimsall702 West 17th St. Secretary C -7, Los Angeles, Calif. Birthmarks, Pimples, Liver Spots, Freckles, Bruises, Circles Under Eyes Honore smiles as they pass by a big and other unsightly spots amazingly masked with DERMALURE! Applied empty house not far from their own. She in a minute- teats all day. Water- proof. Blends perfectly. Light. Med. looks pityingly at the cold facade. A great Brunette and Sun Tan. Slat Department and a u Drug Stores. Purse size at all 10-cent stores. star lived there. Now he lives in big DERMALURE, Inc., Winnetka, Illinois apartment, and a valet cares for his needs. 1 His wife is in New York. They will be 5Iv't- UARANTfsi . t RS divorced soon. The star will not be a ; for selling 12 Boxes Menthe Nova Relieve Salve at 25c each and returning S3. star much longer. But Hollywood can't (,w¡.w,/ Used for 36 years, for coughs, colds, Pain In 9 j cuts, burns, sores, catarrh, etc. Order to Don and Honore. today. We trust you. A hundred other do that G'/ A Post Card will do. Minutes premiums for boys and girls. NEURITI She squeezes his arm. She is thinking MENTHO NOVA CO. Dept. 17 Greenville, Pa. To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, of radio, her anchor to windward, her in- Neuralgia or Lumbago in 9 minutes, get the Doctor's surance against the disaster that has be- Prescription NURITO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, fallen so many Hollywood idylls. no narcotics. Does the work quickly -must relieve your pain in nine minutes or money back at Drug- gist's. Don't suffer. Use guaranteed NURITO today.

SEND at-Once FOR THIS AMAZING Shipped NEW BEAUTY METHOD, Direct 33 e a ti u -and from Our GETS HOT OR COLD WITHOUT Mill ELECTRICITY OR CHEMICALS New! Nothing else like it any- where. Brings beauty from within! Women, men 18 to 80. Beautywand drue 30%to40% rolls gently over face and neck. Used with our ' Beautywand" on your Wew Home..T Vitamized Oil (contains Vita- mins E and F), gives new life Don't pay several hundred dollars more than necessary to tissues underneath the skin. when you build a home! Buy it direct from our mill at Stimulates natural circulation. Aids our low factory price. We ship you the materials- dry or oily skin. In 10 days you are lumber cut -to -fit. ready to erect. Paint, glass, hardware. amazed! You mils, etc., all included in the price -no extra charges. need only hot or cold We pay the freight. Plans furnished -also complete build- water. Take your beauty treatment us that in 6 minutes, anywhere any $100 ing instructions. No wonder our customers write daily, we saved them 30 % to 40 %, compared with builders' time Simple and easy to use. Lasts prices. Easy years to pay. i ndefinitely Don't delay Order now! SPECIAL terms-3 FREE3Sc Bottle Beautywand INTRODUCTORY Handsome Big Oil. Full instructions. OPPER! Also Pamphlet "Nature's Facts CATALOGUE FREE On Beauty," with every order. dfo Pictureswonderf ulhomesincolorsatmoney SEND NO MONEY - FULLY GUARANTEED REE saving prices. Designs to suit everyone Pay postman 51.00 only and few cents postage or send on11 OO - Write for your catalogue today. $l.00,we pay postage Use for 10 days. Return if not satisfied Joe Penner in the midst of a good ibCTt LEWIS MANUFACTURING CO. MODERNE LABORATORIES INC. tote -e ', 180 North Wacker Drive, Dept. 701, Chicago, U. S. A, (we hope) gag of a Sunday evening. Dept. 6272 Bay City, Michigan 96 RADIO MIRROR His Own Best Enemy (Continued front page 25) DON'T BUY P ODUCT fate seems to lead to another one. "Pen- nies from Heaven," although ready for release months ago, has been accumulating dust on the shelves because of another typical bit of Crosbyan adherence to a matter of principle. Bing has been battling for a long time over the actor's right to have some au- thority in the cutting of scenes and editing of pictures. He deems it only fair that a star should have some word in the final selections of what scenes or material should or should not be released to the public gaze. When "Pennies from Heaven" was in production, Bing insisted that one of the numbers, "And So Do 1," be re- shot. The producer differed. When the completed picture was run off, it proved

E.. Bing was correct. The number recorded CO a badly. Then the producer asked Bing to re -take. 0.EV "Nothing doing-now," he replied. *- Fr "But Bing, you can't let a scene like e that get out," Larry and Everett joined .14 in. "That might do you a lot of harm." "All right. Let it. But maybe they'll yI Try this famous Skin listen to me next time when I try to tell *1" Softener before you buy it. 'em something for their own good." Campana wishes you to know, The fact that thousands of dollars of without cost, how extremely high in 4, his own money is tied up in the picture quality -and extremely low in cost -Italian Balm means nothing whatever to Bing. "It's really is! It must be especially good to be where it is - Relief of the principle of the thing," he says flatly today -the leading skin protector in all of Canada HEADACHE, -and that is that. and in thousands of cities coast to coast, in the United States. But don't take Campana's word for SOUR STOMACH. it -try a Vanity Bottle FREE. IT isn't only in his work, either, that DISTRESS Bing is untractable where his principles are concerned. It's a standing joke in the AFTER MEALS, film colony that when one of Bing's ex- Italian alm COLDS...... tensive string of race horses wins a race THE ORIGINAL SKIN SOFTENER An Bing will trip over his whiskers. His a -Se of water l tzer horses are very consistent nags. They al- CAMPANA SALES CO. Tablet 1303 Lincoln Highway, Batavia, III. in a gloss most always run last. And make no mis- contains about it, Bing is fond of those horses. Gentlemen: I have never tried Ital- QngQk s solution take an Balm. Please send me VANITY bottle acetyl Pnan!-aso He paid fancy prices for them at the Sara- 470 and postpaid. nalicYldo which -FREE it iso toga sales. Of course he'd like them to First, Name. two i drinkk'um win. of the "Why don't you try different training Address methods," a noted horseman advised him. City State ilo ó elosom sl/ s alkalizing l f "That's all that is wrong with your horses. In Canada: Campana, Ltd., MG-1303 Caledonia Road, Toronto yh-Sel They're good horses. They ought to win." ft eberose trouble alu,e Bing's trainer is an ex- jockey that Bing with oekress used to know in Spokane. As a jockey he Ail too heavy to obtain and pRUî ay became mounts, STORES-30c condition. he was much up against it. So Bing listen pretty 60c installed him as trainer of his sixteen thor- Oanr oughbreds, and every month foots the bills that run to four and five thousand Amazing New dollars-for a lot of losing horses. He won't take the advice of horsemen, and AZALEAMUM install a regular trainer. because this jockey is also an old friend. KELLOGG'S Paradoxically, although Bing will go to SENSATIONAL the utter limit for a friend, he refused re- FLOWER GARDEN Your Kodak Picture cently to help out his brother Larry be- NOVELTY! cause a principle was involved. Bing, ENLARGED Larry, Everett and a fourth man set up a song publishing company. The fourth 8110 Inch ENLARGEMENT man wrote a tune. Bing liked it and Larry FREE of any SNAPSHOT wrote the lyrics. The friend, of course, Your favorite snapshots of was anxious for Bing to give the new num- children. parents and loved ber a plug-but he went about obtaining ones are more enjoyable when enlarged to 8x10 the favor in the one way that went against inch size suitable for Bing's grain. These- beautiful, framing. He didn't go to Bing and ask forth- 600 and more magnificent, glistening permanent enlargements bring out 4 NEW the details and features you love rightly that he plug the song. Instead, he blossoms on bushel -size plant first just as you remember them when persuaded Bing's wife, Dixie Lee, to inter- season, 1500 and more second year! GORGEOUS the snapshots were taken. Just to Be first to glorify your garden with un- COLORS! get acquainted, we will enlarge any kodak cede in his behalf. Bing jumped all over usual breath- taking beauty of this new, White. rook Picture, print or negative to 8x10 inches- poor Larry. hardy perennial. Now available in bronze and FREE-if you enclose 25c to help cover our when white, pink, bronze and dark red! Three dark red cost of packing, postage and clerical work. "After this, you or anyone you months' blooming. Amazing low in The enlargement itself is free. It will also know wants me to do a favor, come and troductory price, but supply limited be beautifully hard tinted In natural colors if you want it. We will acknowledge re- ask me," he stormed -and then he added, Write us at onceforfu Iinformation. ceiving your snapshot immediately. 'Your "And as for that song, you can throw it FREE BIG GARDEN BEAUTY BOOK original will be returned with your free en- The new,1937, 80- pageGa rde n Beauty largement. Pick out your snapshot and in the ash can as far as I'm concerned. Book just out. It's FREE, ask for it. send it today. I'll never sing it!" And he never did. It Mailed promptly! Full of amazing Send AT ONCE. Not. 291 was a good song-but Larry made exactly flower bargains! Box 367 Three Rivers, Mich. GEPPERT STUDIO S Des Moines, Iowa 522.19 out of what might have been a big Company, hit with rich returns. KELLOGG'S for QUALITY 97 r t

RADIO MIRROR Nor did that end Bing's retribution. He withdrew from the song publishing com- -FAST -QUICK "GIVE ME YOUR MEASURE pany, and today that company, owned by Bing's own brothers, who are very close DIRECT ACTION OF AND I'LL PROVE to him and whom he loves dearly, gets just the same consideration as any other company from Bing. Not a whit more or IN THE FIRST 7 DAYS less. TURPO Bing loves his brothers, and he certainly The loves Dixie, yet the deepest and closest Wonderful New Cold -Chaser family ties of affection do not prevail YOU CAN HAVE against his strict sense of right and wrong. Dixie wanted him recently to act as best Relieves man at the wedding of a noted movie A BODY star. She was asked to get him to do it, that Cold and she couldn't very well refuse. But Just rub Turpo freely on Bing could -and did. throat, cheat. forehead, temples and of nose, a hound, and 1 outside AT ALL LIKE MINE!" "The woman's publicity also a little Turpo in each won't do it," he insisted, and he stuck nostril before retiring at night. DRUGGISTS firmly to his resolve. END FOR FREE SAMPLE No other Physical It isn't only since Bing has become a I Write name and address plainly' big star that he's been this way. He was land send to Turpo, 644 S. Weill Instructor in the Street, Chicago, Dept. 32. has ever the same on the way up, while he was still World struggling. He might have achieved star- DARED make dom a lot sooner than he did had he been such an offer! willing to desert his two partners, Al Rin- DRESS REMNANTS ker and Harry Barris, in the team of The Rhythm Boys. Even his pal Paul White- man urged him to quit the team and do Gingham., Percales, Prints, Volles. LL give you Chambrays, Shirtings, Crepes, etc. PROOF in solo work, but Bing stuck by his friends. New clean goods direct from us at a big I saving Latest assorted Colon. Newest 7 days When the trio did finally break up they patterns for dresses. Our finest quality. that I can were playing an engagement in a Holly- SEND NO MONEY Pay pmkma. 97c turn you, plus a law ce. into a man might wood hot spot. The manager promised delivery charge. 20 yard bundle 11.25 too, of poste paid. mone order. alis(ao- and muscle. Right in the them a bonus over their salaries if the lion guaranteed o r money beck. first week you will see and business exceeded a certain figure. It did EASTERN TEXTILE COMPANY feel the improvements! Dept. S-40, Green iìeId. Mass, Then I continue to re- build, -but the manager didn't make good on renew and "overhaul" your his promise. Bing walked out. The other body. Soon you are the proud because owner of a powerful build like two urged him to remain anyhow, mine. People will notice the the pay was excellent even without the ruddy glow of health in your bonus. face, the sparkle in your clear BEAUTIFUL CLEAR LOUD TONE eyes, the breadth of your DIRECT FROM POCKET RADIO: shoulders. You will be the D starve first," Bing insisted. But he No Dangling Phones to Bother With. fellow who like will walk off with ' didn't have to starve. When he struck botlweighs only 6locazet. o pocketeasily. the prettiest girl and the best Take i[ th you - listen to motile. sports. out for himself, he began a quick sky- radio entertainment, etc. No batteries. Mail coupon below for a tubes or electrical connections required. Fob.REE copy of my new book. rocket to his present fame. EASY TO USE - WORKS IMMEDIATELY It reveals the secrets that Beentifol receptiou and tone. Accuretela Actual When Bing accepted his Music Hall made. precisely y changed me from a 97 -pound peormane.Tuneo broadcastsars weakling into a husky photo contract, he stipulated that Bob Burns be band. Coate iothmg W rate and ahonld last who for years. Tuning control io the only moving won the title of "The World's showing signed too. He d known and liked Bob in part. Nothing to adjust. No difficult h k-ripa. Most Perfectly Developed Comes complete with built -ìo phone, ready to how vaudeville days, when Bob was a black- tuno in and listen with easy instructions for use Man.,, In camps , offae,boate, picnic., home. hotel bed. etc., and take it with face comedian. Years later when he met Soo while traveling in onto,bieyele etc. AGtuaranteedPockotRadìo- CHARLES write f°r yours today- Play ee Are you underweight? I'll Burns, broke and discouraged, he urged SEND NO MONEY! tie you get t. Pay postman onlyOn $2.99 ATLAS end e few cents postage. Stete color wanted (Silver. Brows. add pounds where needed! him to try, radio. Bing even arranged Blebs, White Blue!. An impressive gift. Amaze your friend,. Are you fat in spots? I'll looks Little Giant Radio Co., 3959 Lincoln Ave. Dept. 304, Chicago pare you down to fight- for an audition for his friend, and he still ing trim! TODAY has the written report that was sent to him on it. It reads "A fair comic." And I'll also give you rugged health that banishes constipation, pimples, skin blotches and Bing's brothers-and even his sponsor - similar conditions that rob Sou of the good things tried to persuade him to give Burns less EAF of life! time on his own show when the bazooka broadcast. I haven't any need for contraptions that may player oined the Hollywood A/IIIZ//G /7E11/S! strain your heart and other vital organs. I don't "He'll steal the show from you," they You may hear like normal again! dose you or doctor you. Dynamic-Tension is all warned. Amazing new instrument releases I need. It's the natural, tested method for devel- does, to him," Bing deaf from misery and embarrassment. oping real men inside and out. if he more power The Godsend, new Scientific, Electrical Hearing Aid, is retorted. guaranteed to give you same strain -free power to hear as al- instruments selling for $50, $75, $100, and more. PRICED 48 -Page Book FREE Bing's love for comfortable clothes AT ONLY $19.75, complete! Backed by $1,000.00 Money - ways has been well known. With his rise Back Guarantee. Now you may enjoy sermons from Tells all about my method back of church, lectures, conversations, radios, movies. and what it has done to to picture stardom, he is the despair of Complete with Microphone, Amplifier, Batteries. and TWO out are practical enough Appliances for BONE or AIR CONDUCTION. both for less make big -muscled men his brothers, who than the mual price of only ONE. Music and words of run -down specimens. and wise enough in the ways of Holly- heard distinctly from all directions. at close range or Shows, from actual photos, means a from distances. No distortion -no head noises. Instru- how I develop my pupils to Big Silver Cup Be- wood to know that appearance ment is lightweight. easily concealed in clothing, no more my own perfectly balanced noticeable than pair of glasses. Write quick for FREE ing Given Away great deal. DETAILS. sent in plain envelope. Godsend Company, proportions. My system can "You look about as romantic as a hill- Dept. R.401, 3785 Beechmont, Cincinnati, Ohio. do the same for you, too. Tots valuable solid sterling silver cup billy!" Everett stormed at him recently stands about 14 inches Don't keep being only high. I will award itto when he had gone three days without shav- half of the man you CAN my pupil who makes How to Raise the Baby the most ing, and then appeared in a patched coat be I Put your name and improvement By BERNARR MACFADDEN within the next 3 cap. address on the coupon or months. Therefore, no and battered Even the tiniest details of baby's existence are of su- a post-card, and mail it to- preme importance! His bathing, feeding. environment matter what your "1f I have to look like a clothing store the air he breathes, his exercises. All must be watched- day. CHARLES ATLAS, measurements may be closely. And they must be correct! Dept. 58 P, 115 East 23rd now, you have an dummy to be a star, I'll quit," Bing an- Then there are these dangerous baby illnesses that equal chance to win come so uddenly. In the middle of the night perhaps. Street, New York, N. Y. this cup -with YOUR swered. With just a faint cry to warm you. And no doctor in name engraved on itl immediate calling distance. Bing doesn't like publicity that seems to That is why Bernaav Macfadden wrote "How to Raise the Baby." He knew the thousand and one fears that CHARLES ATLAS. Dept. 58 P glorify him. Several writers were pester- beset new mothers. He knew that actually baby's life de- pends on the mother. And that through knowledge such 1 115 East 23rd Street. New York. N. Y. ing him with proposals to do a biography as he gives you, you can send your baby off toward a He if it happy successful manhood or womanhood. You can system of on him in book form. thought endow him witb the priceless legacy of good health? I want the proof that your Dynamic- Tension Fill out the coupon below -and examine this great will make a new man of me-give me a healthy, husky was going to be done at all, it would be book. body and big muscle development. Send me your free done in the family, where book, 'Everlasting Health and Strength." better to have it MACFADDEN BOOK CO., INC. an eye on it. So he let his Dept. R.M. -2 he could keep 205 E. 42 Street, New York City write the book, which will go on I enclose $2.00 for which please send at once a Name brothers copy of How to Raise the Baby." It is fully un- (Please print or write plainly) sale the first of the year. derstood that I may return it in 5 days for a refund of my money if I am not fully satisfied. "Take a look at this," said Larry, hand- Address ing me a written memorandum he had Naine received from brother Bing after he had Address State Check here If you wish it sent C.O.D City read the manuscript for the book. Here L. 98 RADIO MIRROR

is the memorandum which I copied down verbatim: Be Your Own "Here seven chapters on which I have Show These done a little re-editing. I think it will MUSIC need some more but I'll go ahead with the remainder first. I note a tendency to FREE SAMPLES make me something of a Frank Merriwell an impression which I'll try to overcome." Learn at Home (Signed) Bing OF Amazing New Larry spread his hands in an eloquent by wonderful Improved method. Simple as A. B. gesture of despair. C. -a child can learn it. "Now what can you do with a guy like Your lessons consist of SNAG» PROOFED real selections instead of that ?" he asked. "Except love him-of tiresome exercises. Wben you finish one of these course." delightfully easy lessons. you've added a new SILK HOSIERY "piece" to your list. You read real notes. too-no "numbers" or trick music. Method is so thorougb that many of our 700,000 students are band and orchestra LEADERS. Can the Lawyers Drive 11 and Make UpTo Be Popular Everything is in print and pictures. First you are told what to do. Then a picture shows you how to do it. Then Goodwill Court Off the Air? you do it yourself and hear it. In a few short months 19) PLAY BY NOTE you become an excellent mu- (Continued from page sician - the life of every 24° Piano Guitar party. Violin Saxophone lawyers have of driving Goodwill Court Organ Mandolin Free Book and IN A WEEK Cornet Ukulele Demonstration Lesson off the air. Let's consider their charges Trombone Harp Piccolo Clarinet You may quickly become a against the program and what they're go- Flute 'Cello fine player through the U. S. ing to say in court. Hawaiian Steel Guitar School home study method. Trumpet Write at once for our illus- On the strength of these charges, the Piano Accordion trated Free Book and Free court will be asked to make a decision Italian and German Demonstration Lesson. Please Accordion mention your favorite in- which will be momentous in broadcasting Voice and Speech Culture strument. No obligation. In- Harmony and struments supplied when history. Can radio be censored? Are you Composition needed, cash or credit. who are the listeners to be deprived of Drums and Traps U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Banjo (Plectrum, 5- hearing a program you have approved String or Tenor) 3062 Brunswick Bldg. and want to continue hearing? Can Good- New York City, N. Y. will Court be driven off the air? Ladies! Read this exciting. thrill- To find the answers to these all- impor- ing news! You CAN earn big, easy money -as much as $24 in a week ! tant questions, I went to the officials in You CAN enjoy a fine steady income charge of this program. They gave me from a fascinating, dignified, amaz- ingly- profitable occupation simply 100% Improvement Guaranteed answers to each of the charges of the demonstrating actual FREE SAM- build, vocal organs-. lawyers, answers which I am handing on PLES sensational SNAG- PROOFED We tgmma-bt ,adamoutally sound end scientifically correct intent tier aims . . to you so that you may decide for your- Fine Silk Hosiery to friends and and absolutely guarantee to Improve any aging sending us their orders. SNAG - or `peaking voice t toast 100% . W ite for selves the merits of the case. voice book -sent free. Learn WHY you PROOFED is the world's most beau- can want. No btparennt.e The first charge is directed against the tiful, wonderful chiffon hose. Spe- sent toanyone underc17yunless fined by Parent. cial PATENTED PROCESS makes PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE. Studio 7912 man who began the program and who is every stocking actually SNAG - 64 E. Lake St., Chicago its conductor and guiding force, A. L. PROOFED- -wears twice as long and reduces hosiery bills one -half. Alexander, whose story you read in the You PROVE this by amazing, con- December issue of RADIO MIRROR. Each vincing demonstration - women and Valuable order eagerly on sight. FREE BOOK INFORMATION charge is printed in italics. Alexander is not a lawyer. on 11 The program officials point out, how- Actually Wears "GRAY HAIR ever, that Alexander never gives advice to Now there is available, absolutely Free of charge -without the slightest obligation -this scientific book ors "Gray the people who come to the studio.to ask TWICE AS LONG! Hair, Its Causes and How It Can Be Ended." Also com- for help. His only job is to introduce In actual wear teat by National Test- plete information on "Dandruff and Falling Hair ing Laboratory, SNAG - PROOFED Causes and - judges Treatment." The work of hair specialists and these people to the and to you and Chiffon Silk Hosiery out -wore ordinary medical authorities are analyzed for you. Send for your to help them state their cases. Why, then, silk stockings TWO- TO -ONEI Pictures copy TODAY. Address -THE here tell why. Ordinary hosiery thread ARVIL COMPANY is legal necessary? 1700 Wilson Ave., Dept. 121 Chicago training (at top) is loose, filmy-ready to catch Judges are and snag - breaks easily. SNAG - frequently interrupted and PROOFED thread (at bottom) is tight - even corrected by Alexander. twisted- round, smooth, strong -and SNAG -PROOFED by a patented proc- In answer, the broadcasters explain that ess. Full- fashioned. RINGLESS, lux- because of the informal nature of Good- uriously beautiful and perfect -fit ". EARN Individual Length Service to fit exactly will Court, interruptions are often neces- each type customer. SNAG -PROOF sary to make the judge more familiar costs only half as much as ordinary PEA ÿ MONEY hose per week of wear because it lasts tut with the case. Sometimes they're also twice as long. ttt o stttV EVERY DAY necessary to explain the judge's meaning Do You Want fo Make Money? MORE THAN 2,000 men and women are building a to the petitioner. Why, it's asked, can this secure business for themselves by servicing . Every woman wants exquisitely lovely silk chiffon hosiery tamers monthly with our paper necessities. Our be condemned when the judges are giving that Is actually SNAG -PROOFED and cuts hosiery cost in merchandise is reasonably priced; changes with the seasons; and is quickly used up. No Investment their advice unofficially? half. You just show ACTUAL FREE SAMPLES -and necessary. A car will increase your profits. Our earn big, steady money all year 'round. 1937 NEW MERCHANDISE RELEASES will them- The so- called litigants may perhaps be selves make you a fine Income. If you are serious about wanting a permanent connection that has identified by listeners interested in the NO EXPERIENCE OR MONEY NEEDED promotion possibilities--it will pay you to write for details. HOUSEHOLD PAPER PRODUCTS CO., other side of the controversy. It's easy! Just call on friends. Amazing demonstration 1304 E. Woodbridge St., Detroit, Michigan. and FREE ACTUAL SAMPLES PROVE that SNAG - The radio officials told me frankly that PROOFED Chiffon Silk Hosiery wears twice as long. No they didn't see what harm could experience or no money is needed! We supply everything pos- FREE! sibly come of this condition. No names YOUR OWN SILK or addresses are ever given. so identifica- Mail This HOSE FREE OCFNEAVGREA tion is never certain, but granted that a You can make big money and Coupon For get your own silk hosiery listener might be sure in his own mind, FREE of extra charge be- there can still be no basis for libel sides. Don't m thin op- or FREE p rtundy. iloou1 pFE slander. If this is the case, what r other rea- SAMPLE EQUIPMENT coding son is there TWO ACTUAL FULL SIZE If I send it FREE of Cost? for barring judges from the STOCKINGS. Plages program? HOSE SIK youruho a American Silk Hosiery Mills, I'll show you how to turn your On the program, you bear only one side Dept. L -18, Indianapolis, Ind. SpareTime into BIG MONEY of the question. American Silk Hosie y Mills, 1 No Experience Necessary The truth of this statement is obvious. Dept. L -18, Indianapolis, Ind. Here's Its merit as a point against Goodwill My hose size is Please rush plan that gives your opportunity to get a new all -wool tai - me TWO ACTUAL SAMPLES OF SNAG -PROOFED SILK lored-to- measure suit FREE of cost. No money or ex- Court is more in doubt. If these same HOSE -ABSOLUTELY FREE. I am not obligated. perience necessary. No canvassing, either. If you would people went to a lawyer's office for help, like to wear and introduce our guaranteed made to measure Name suits to a few friends and neighbors, write today. I'll show wouldn't they tell him just one side of the you how to get your Suit FREE of Cost -also how to story? And, for a fee, wouldn't he give Address make BIG MONEY in spare time. Send no money! Just mail letter or postcard them advice based on just this and receive beautiful woolen samples one side? City State_...... and complete details FREE. FAIRBANKS TAILORING Besides, these people CO.. 2234 Wabansia. on Goodwill Court Chicago, Illinois. are warned several times, both before and 99 RADIO MIRROR during the program, that there may be other considerations about which the judges don't know. In other words, the Own a CNEEIE±KlST judges merely serve to put them on the right path. That is the opposing view- PopCOrn Rore point of this argument. ...writer George Bailey The judges have no opportunity to BIG PROFITS check the correctness and soundness of MANUFACTURING AND Wear the WEIL BELT for SELLING AT WHOLESALE their snap judgment. imagine fresh, crisp popcorn 10 days at our expense! Forty -three judges have so far ap- coated with golden yellow liquid PO will appear many and behind cheese. That's CHEEZE -KIST inches slimmer at once peared on Goodwill Court -the newest food sensation that each of them is a long knowledge of the is sweeping the country. We and in ten days if your waist as line is not 3 inches smaller, law and many years of actual practice in furnish outfit that makes much as $230.40 worth of it won't cost you a cent. making quick decisions. Also, broad- TAVERNS in a day I reduced S inches "... writes CHEEZE -KIST - casters point out. when a judge is con- MOSTLY ALL PROFIT. Make Geo. Bailey. "Lost 50 lbs," it in your own home and sell writes W. T. Anderson... . fronted with a problem which demands your Satire output at wholesale Hundreds of similar letters. a few consideration, to stores, taverns, road houses, more than minutes' etc. IF YOU DO NOT is the case in advance and cigar stands, restaurants, REDUCE your WAIST he told about - STARTLING PROFITS. Cash his study of it first day. No previous INCHES 10 DAYS if necessary -continues comes in 3 in after the broadcast is over. experience needed. DIETS ...it will cost you nothing! NO DRUGS, is accompanied by NEW LOW PRICE OPENS FIELD OR EXERCISES` You will be completely The judge's advice FOR ORDINARY MAN comfortable as this the announcer's solicitation to purchase STORES Complete manufacturing equipment SUPPORTS FALLEN amazing reducing belt the sponsor's coffee and the program is furnished at price so unbelievably ABDOMINAL gently but persistently low that even the man of limited MUSCLES eliminates fat with every conducted primarily for commercial pur- plied, Everything in in, including formula, manufac-anufae- move! It gives you as poses to exploit a morbid curiosity the turing and selling instructions. erect athletic carriage... private woes and tribulations of the so- simple as AC . supports abdominal called litigants. Raw m terialplentiful ad cheap. walls ...keeps digestive WE TRUST YOU organs in place and listener knows, the pro - ... As any radio Equipment shipped on credit to with loss of burdensome gram officials say, American broadcasting honest. deserving persons. All ',adieu- fat comes increased pep Simply send is on commercial sponsorship and it tars furnished FREE. and greater endurance. built (MR STAN RS name today and get all the facts. Send name and address for illus- is only the sponsorship of Goodwill Court trated folder and full details of which makes this program possible on a CHEEZE -KIST COMPANY,285 High St., Springfield ,O. 10 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER I THE WEIL COMPANY coast -to -coast network. Sponsorship has 402 Hill St.. New Raven, Conn. the judges are paid nor 1 not meant that - way with the ad- SEND FOR TEN DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER! has it interfered in any YOUR FRCS CHAR IGED vice they give or the manner in which the . .,t ,.chore, nain. They program is conducted. Dr, nStotbeasts/rad. f University oí ) reconstruct. faces by fa. The program lacks any educational or moue Polyclinio method.. E pVienna AN ARTIST values, and only furnishes Large LipsLips, Wrinkles, Signs of Ase, WE CAN TEACH sociological etc. are quiokly oorreoted. Low met. or call for Free Booklet YOU DRAWING in amusement. "Facial Reeonetruelion." (mailed in your own borne during your Plain wrapper.) spare time. Thirty-five years of Dr. Stotter, 50 East 42nd St., successful teaching proves our ability. Dept. 8.5, New York Artists receive large salaries. broadcasters' answer to this was to Write today for Art Year Book 7aHEgive me a large bundle of letters which have been sent to Alexander by the na- SCHCOLLAAALCD ART tion's leaders in education and social wel- LEARN TO PLAY Dept. 1427, 10 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. fare. Among them were Governor Her- bert Lehman of New York, Attorney Gen- eral John J. Bennett, Jr., of New York, Old Leg Trouble the famous attorney, George Gordon Bat- PIAN O Easy to use Viscose Home Method. Heals Presidents, many old leg sores caused by leg conges- tle, many New York Borough tion, varicose veins, swollen legs and In- and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Each BY EAR" juries or no cost for trial if it fails to commended the program for the help it NO NOTE READING -NO SCALE PLAYING COURSE show results in 10 days. Describe the H you can whistle, ,ing, or hum tuno -You have TALENT. cause of your trouble and get a FREE was giving people who could get that help Leta popular Radio Pianist train your hand, to play Piano BOOK. else expressed a hope that by For. 7EN LESSON METHOD sent postpaid for Dr. R. G. Clasen Viscose Co. nowhere and or pep U. S. Postman $1.00 plus postage. Nothing more to buy. Satisfaction assured-or your money refunded. 140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. III. the program could continue indefinitely. Piano Acca,dlon bass Chad, included Fee. Order no.! $l Some people who come to the program MAJOR KORDDEL IO, TEXAS COMPLETE appear to think that they are before an actual court. I was assured, and I knew from listen- ing to the program itself, that every effort is made to avoid this. Each applicant must write in advance to Alexander and I WW UU Send No if accepted, is told then that any advice ivarM Given Money! given is unofficial and advice only. He is wauaed- Amateurs with humorous ideas. No drawing SEND NAME AND ADDRESS ability necessary. The amateurs of today are the pro- LADIES' &GIRLS Latest Shape High Grade told again at the broadcast. The fact that fessional Cartoonists of tomorrow. Ideas judged and 7 -Jewel Movement WRIST WATCH with metal bracelet he must go to a radio studio and talk with prizes awarded by Applause -O -Meter test before movie and beautifully designed chrome plated case . Or big cash com- I audiences. Everyone has an equal chance. 26 cash mission. Yours for SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE bigcol- a microphone in front of him is added Prizes in all. Rush name on post card for "Valuable ored pictures with well known WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE is under no delusions when Tips on How to Make Money with Simple Cartoons used for burns, chaps sores, etc., easily sold to friends at 25c proof that he and Humorous Ideas." Cash Prize Entry Blank and a box (with picture FREE) and remitting per premium plan the judge speaks. Rules-SEND NO MONEY. book. Choice of many other premiums. 42nd season. We are fair and square. Write today for Salve and pictures sent post- Listeners in other states, insofar as CARTOONISTS' EXCHANGE paid. Wilson Chem. Co., Inc., Dept. 6S -2 Tyrone, Pa. their own state laws are concerned, are en- Dept. 592 Pleasant Hill, Ohio tirely misled by the broadcast. That charge the program heads answer BRUSH AWAY with this counter statement: the judges unfailingly ask the applicants where they LECTkM GRAY HAIR live and if not from New York State, the RADIO RE FRIGERATION - and Zaok I O possibility of different laws and resulting DIESEL ELECTRIC POWER at Home e YEARS YOUNGER complications is definitely pointed out in fears Quiche/I-in SpareTime terms no one could misunderstand. -by Practical Shop Methods g Neweasyway to prepare for jobs leading to ealaries The judges are violating the New York of $30, $40, $50 a week. Opportunities to earn $5- rf S $10 sweet and more while training. Learn by doing Here is a quick, safe and Bar's code of ethics by using their pro- actual ¡ohs in your own home electrical shop. Elec- approved method. With a fession and offices to promote the business tries! Equipment and Apparatus supplied at no od0 and those extra cost to make training practical. No previous © small brush BROWNATONE you just tint interests of others. experience or advanced education necessary. - ©. streaks or patches of gray to lustrous shades of blonde, Money back if not eatisfied. Write for FREE BOOK of Facts and brown or black. Easy to prove by applying a little of In answer, here again the broadcasters Opportunities for you as a trained Electrical Man. this famous tint to a lock of hair. Cannot affect wav- point out that the judges receive no pay. H. W. PETERSEN, Pres., ELECTRIC INSTITUTE ing of hair. Over twenty -three years success. Guaran- Dept. 37 -B Hinsdale, Illinois teed harmless. Active coloring agent is purely vegetable. They are given checks made out to what- If BROWNATONE does not give your gray. ever charity they choose. These judges NAME- AGE streaked or faded hair alluring, rich, youthful- appear- still feel that their appearance on the pro- ing color, your money back. Only 50c. At drug and STREET toilet counters everywhere. gram is charitable work and so far not one of the forty-three judges has given CITY STATE 100 RADIO MIRROR any indication that in the future he will feel differently. There's the case against the Goodwill Did Gray Hair Court and the case in defense of it. If Rob Them of $95 a Week? the Lawyers' Association goes through with SPECIAL WORK .. its plans, these are the basic charges they will bring up in court against Goodwill Court. What would be the result if the Asso- For MARRIED ciation succeeds in getting a court order barring New York judges and lawyers from broadcasting on Goodwill Court? As 1 have pointed out, it would be the WOMEN_ first censorship it NowCombAwayGrayThisEasy Way of radio. For awhile You hair is risky. It screams: "Yon could be only partially censorship. Noth- Do GftAYare getting old:" To end gray hair ing would prevent the program from mov- handicaps all you now have to do Is ing over to New Jersey, for instance, and Want To comb it once a day for several days with having a few drops of Kolor -Bak sprinkled on judges from that state give advice. your comb, and afterwards regularly once But precedent would have been estab- EARN or twice a week to keep your hair look- lished for the interference in broadcasting ing nice. Kolor-Bak is a solution for ar- tificially coloring gray hair that imparts by a minority group seeking to regulate É color and charm and abolishes gray hair interstate commerce-namely, the trans- worries. Grayness disappears within a week or two and users report the change mission by radio of intelligence across is so graduai and so perfect that their state lines. Broadcasting cannot be con- TO _ friends forget they ever had a gray hair "s22 fined to the area of any one state. and no one knew they did a thing to it. In other words, broadcasting cannot IN A WEEK Make This Trial Test afford to lose this first battle. If it does, Will you test Kolor -Bak without risk- ing a single cent? Then, go to your drug it will be the signal for minority groups or department store today and get a on all sides to rise and attack freedom bottle of Kolor -Bak. Test it under our speech guarantee that it must make you look of on the air. In time, the day 10 years younger and far more attrac- would come when broadcasting would no EXPERIENCE tive or we will pay back your money. longer be a vital force worth listening to, NECESSARY! Buy a bottle of KOLOR -BAK ;FREEFREE but a weak carbon copy of the present and send top flap of car- 1 I ton to United Remedies, Dept. 442, ideals which make listening so enjoyable. 1 644 So. Wells Street, Chicago-and I Can the lawyers drive Goodwill Court 1 receive FREE AND POSTPAID a 50e I off the air? I hope not. g box of KUBAK Shampoo. COUPON NO Make Money Every 1/14,eá Selling Send for HARFORD STAMPED GOODS FROCKS' STYLE How to Tell a Funny Story Presentation New 24 page catalogue FREE . puts you fn money making business. Get .tamped good. PAYS YOU direct from msnu(aotmer -eeU at 100% profit. ove (Continued front page 33) 100 new items- acarv,.. pillow oases, table clothe. 100% bridge sete. towels, aprons. eto., imported linens and PROFIT! novelties. Complete ineuuotions for embroidery fret FREE It's easy. Just write: These he lists as the "smile-darn -you- MEUIhShcrt Embroidery ca, 22 W. 21st St- Dept. IIIC, New N.Y. York. smile" type of comedian. You can recog- TO YOU nize them by their terrible habit Don't just wish of look- for money. ing you straight in the eye. As though Here's an they were about to tell you some unpleas- amazingly easy way to earn all \ SKIN RA ant truth and thought you couldn't take the money you want, quickly. RELIEVED....ITCHING STOPPED it. That hypnotic stare, says Mr. Cantor, I need ambi- For quick relief from itching of eczema, rashes, pim- is very bad. tious married women (and a BARGAIN! ples, athlete's foot, scales and other skin eruptions, "And, please," he moans, "can't any- A gorgeous array apply Dr. Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. few exceptional of Last Minute thing be c.I I$ Ai single women) in Styles. PRESCRIF11ON. Greaseless and stainless -dries fast. done about the one -story come- every town to make Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial dian?" You know him well. Old Uncle up to $22 In a week demonstrating 4 for $4.98 bottle, at drug stores, proves it -or money back. and taking orders for beautiful. Joe, for instance, who tells that one about smart new Spring and Summer styles of famous Harford the time Mae West went to the White Frocks -also coats and suits. I send you ABSOLUTELY ,zie-Izu FREE complete line -over 125 styles -of exquisite, last - D.D.D. pie House. Humor for him begins and ends minute models featuring the very newest fabrics and colors with one story. No what in all sizes. Show them to friends, neighbors, everyone, that matter and see them flock to give you orders for "Most Gorgeous you've been talking about, he says, "That Dresses and Best Values in America." reminds me," and goes to it. in "Life is too long," says Eddie, "to go Start YOUR OWN HOME Hai on telling the same old stories in the same No House -to -House Canvassing Face I show you how to make the same brilliant success enjoyed old way year after year. Take a tip from by thousands of other women. Over 1,000.000 satisfied cus- Lips the professional. Vary your stories. Weave tomers. Vast line includes Chardonize fabric Lingerie en- dorsed and guaranteed as advertised in Good Housekeeping OFF Chin in local color. And above all, be ready to Magazine. Also I once had ugly hair on my face and children's wear, men's shirts, trousers, accept a funny, impromptu line when you underwear, hosiery, etc. Women can't resist values. 'Your HAPPYr chin ... was unloved . discour- opportunity to go into dress business of your own -full or aged. Tried depilatories, waxes, liquids bump into one. Life is full of situations spare time-without penny of investment. I supply every- even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then 1 dis- where a line, unfunny on the face of it, thing -FREE. I covered a simple painless, inexpensive method. It worked! Thousanfis have won beauty, love, happiness can get the biggests laughs. I remember SAMPLE DRESSES, Your Size with the secret. Mir FREE Book, "How to Overcome one time I was playing in Boston in a FREE OF EXTRA Superfluous Hair,' explains the method and proves Ziegfeld show. That morning, CHARGE actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. newspapers You'll be amazed and delighted with my plans for you, I Lanzette, P. O. had screamed headlines recounting Cal- give you not only opportunity for steady cash income, but No obligation. Write Mlle. Annette chance to own complete wardrobe of beautiful dresses of Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 320 Chicago. vin Coolidge's refusal to become candi- your selection and size ABSOLUTELY FREE OF A In PENNY COST. No money needed, now or ever. Rush coupon date for president. my last scene, an- today. Give your dress size and age. Act now. 1 APPLICATION DARKENS LASHES other member of the cast made an exit, ENDS DAILY EYE calling for me to hurry up. C. E. ISRAEL, Pres., Desk L -T, 4 TO 5 WEEKS MAKE -UP BOTHER "'Take it easy,' I called after him. 'I HARFORD FROCKS, INC. THY fuss with daily eye make -up? do not choose to run.' A day later would Use "Dark- Eyes" instead of or- have been too late for that line. As it was, CINCINNATI, OHIO dinarymascara. One application lasts it got more laughs than the stuff I'd Mail This For Mr. C. E. Israel, Pres., Desk L -7 4 to 5 weeks. Cry. perspire, swim - Harford Frocks. Inc., never runs, smarts, smudges or harms sweated over for weeks." Cincinnati, Ohio $1 FREE lashes and brows. Indelible. Try iti So up on your current events, you par- Let me know at once how I can at good department and drug stores. obtain complete moneymaking lor comedians! Read your newspapers! SAMPLES Sample Equipment of newest Harford Frocks etc., and dresses et ef Be flexible! or send penny postal my own size AhSOLUTELY FREE card with this iofor- OF EXTRA COST, I am not matron. obligated. INDELIBLE DARKENER have presence of mind at the pay- lily dress size My age ANDoff. "Dark-Eyes ". Dept. 31 -B, That's the advice of Rupert 412 Orleans St.. Chicago, Ill. Hughes, who can spin a lengthy anecdote Name I enclose 25c (coin or stamps) for generous hang Address trial package of "Dark-Eyes ' and directions. and make his audience on to every Name Town word. Town State ...... Adis - . _. Slate "Take Moe Bloom who collected enor- 101 RADIO MIRROR

mous damages from a railroad company Sensational after a train wreck," Hushes smiles. "A very mild train wreck, it was; and an envious- friend asked Moe how he man- BARGAINS aged to collect such an enormous amount. Presence of mind, presence of mind,' Moe said. 'When I felt the train !urchin' %z Price I kicked my wife in the face'." You must time your punch lines, pace IPPDÍ!!! your story, draw it out or cut it short Yours Tor according to the mood of your audience. And, added to Mr. Cantor's stern warn- ings, here's this one from Mr. Hughes. UP Alfa oat "There are three poisons which spell WAKE YOUR certain death to a joke. First, you can tell your audience that what they are to hear is extremely funny. Second, you can LIVER BILE... interrupt your joke with something serious, Without Calomel -And You'll Jump Sent on like saying 'This really happened to a Out of Bed in the Morning Ruin' to Go Money young girl in Oskaloosa.' And last, if you The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid I 0 DAYfRffTRIAL Back want to kick a poor joke when it's down, bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flow- Positively the greatest bargain "+ Guarantee you can ask your audience if the joke ing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays ever offered. Think of it--a gen- in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get uine, standard, full -sized refinished Underwood NO. S at far you've just told wasn't too funny for below iA mfg.s original price. The outstanding value of constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and all times. Has up-to-date Improvements including standard words." You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. 4 -row keyboard, back spacer-automatic ribbon reverse, 2- color ribbon. etc. The perfect all urpose typewriter at Hughes remembers working on an early Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel slashed price and easiest terms, Fully guaranteed. motion picture which illustrates all three movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those LIMITED OFFER -ACT AT ONCE! good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these Special price slashing literature of these sins. It was called "Torture two pounds of flowing freely make you in colors sent on request. Simply bile and PORTABLES send name and address at once - Chamber," and for Hughes it lived up to feel "up and up ". Harmless, gentle, yet amazing get full description also 10 day in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Brand new 1937 Free Trial -no money down offer its title. Featherweight model without obligation. Limited sup- Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything at special low price ply. Act at once. Avoid dig. "lt was years ago in the robust, silent else. 25c. and easy terms-10 appointment. FREE -Complete 9- lesson Home - days, and l had been called in as a sort day trial. Study Course in Touch Typewrit- ing System included With each of combination writer- director-producer. typewriter. was INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE The plot simple. Billie Burke was AND 231 W. Monroe St., Dept.203 Chicago, III, pretending to be ill. To frighten the doc- CATARRH SINUS tor -she was a bit of a prankster-she was CHART V.alec_ae.a.11lC}e.%nrJUai..aalra.e to plunge the thermometer with which -FREE II .V[liltJ/J1M.11.120.6 Guaranteed Relief or No Pay. Stop hawking - LEARN ..,.N= alsoi..:,.1111Mi he was reading her temperature into a stuffed-up nose -bad breath -Sinus irritation - Piano. Violin, Cornet. i phlegm -filled throat. Send Post Card or letter ... basin of boiling water. All this when the Trumpet. Mandolin, Guitar, for New Treatment Chart and Money -Back Banio,Organ,Accordion,Saxophon e,C Iarinet doctor wasn't looking. Offer. 40,000 Druggists sell Hall's Catarrh Medicine. EASY HOME METHOD -new, fast way for beginners. 63rd year in business. Write today! Makes you accomplished in amazingly short time. 300,000 F. J. CHENEY & CO., DEPT 232, TOLEDO, O. enthusiastic students. Low cost; easy terms. Satisfaction WE shot the scene like that. Then the guaranteed. Free Catalog gives fall details. cutting room did a little doctoring NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC of its own. Behold the situation when it 769 1525 East 53rd Street, Chicago Dept. emerges: LIGHTEN YOUR HAiR "Billie and the nurse are flashed on the WITHOUT PEROXIDE screen, talking things over. A subtitle ex- face tBroken0uP to ANY Shade you desire plains that they intend to play a very SAFELY in 5 to 15 minutes Relieve the soreness and aid heal- Careful, fastidious women avoid the ose of funny joke on the doctor. The doctor peroxide becauee peroxide makes hair brittle. ing by washing daily with Resinol Lechler 's Instantaneous Hair Lightener arrives, produces the thermometer. The requires NO peroxide. Used as a paste it can- not streak. Eliminates "straw" look. Beneficial to perora Soap and freely applying film flashes back to another scene where nent waves and bleached hair. Lightens blonde hair- grown preparation also lightens the villain and the villainess of the pic- e cicala. kNom re dark roots U d over 20 by moue beauties. stage and screen stars and children. Mange,, Guar- ture are in serious conversation. We return anteed Mailed complete with brush for application 36 tageIVithout booPeroxktet "ThFrArt of Lightening Hair to Billié s bedside to find patient and nurse FREE ide" ree with your first order. in gales of laughter at the poor doctor's LECHLER LABORATORIES, Inc. Sample esin free. Resinol,Dept.4- Md. 560 Broadway A,Balto. fright on seeing the thermometer after it (Dept. A) New York, N. Y. Vl has been plunged into hot water. "That joke died a horrible death." IIIIIIIII! `m!I `midll Lueamtl nt Probably the simplest formula ever given comes Ken SALARY Ina 'way Ma I Clerk POSTMASTER for story telling from SORE, RHEUMATIC I( IP 0. Laborer Elevator Conductor TO START ( ) R F. D. Cartier Auditor Murray. ) S sed al Agent Stenographer "The cardinal principle of getting a S Customs Inspector U. S. Border Patrol 90 to ) C ty Mall Carrier Telephone Opr. P. O Clerk Watchman joke over successfully," he says, "is to tell MUSCLES $I 75 Stock Clerk Meat Inspector it in a perfectly straight manner, up to ) Spec. Investigator ) Secret Service Opr. Say goodbye to messy liniments and salves, that MONTHLY )Typist ) File Clerk the point of the punch. Then give it have to be smeared on every few hours to be INSTRUCTION SERVICE, Dept. 115 -A, SI.Lsuis. Mo. everything you've got." effective. The new treatment for sore, aching MEN._ send me FREE. particulars "How to Qualify muscles is Allcock's Porous Plaster, that stays or Government Positions" marked "X ". So many parlor comedians, he com- salaries, locations, opportunities, etc. ALL on until pain is all gone. One Allcock's Plaster WOMEN DENT FREE. plains, try to wisecrack on the descriptive lasts days and days without further thought. The part of the joke. "For a few minor gig - blood is gently drawn to the painful rheumatic Aie Ran,

Mrs. Sam Dotty of It Pays to Post Yourself on the Big texas, sold B. Max Values of Old Coins and Stamps Mehl one -half dollar for Knowing about coins pays. Andrew Henry, of $400.00. Idaho, was paid $900.00 for a half -dollar, received in change. A valuable old coin may come into your possession or you may have one now and not know it. Post yourself. I Will Pay Up To $6,500 Huge Premiums for Old Stamps Some old stamps bring big premiums. An old 10e For One Old Coin stamp, found in an old basket. was recently sold for $10,000.00. There may be valuable stamps on some of your old letters. It will pay you to know how to I PAID $200.00 recognize them. Let Me Send You My Big Illustrated Coin TO J. D. MARTIN, OF VIRGINIA, Folder! It Will Open Your Eyes! FOR JUST ONE COPPER CENT Use the Coupon Below! "Please accept my thanks for your check for $200.00 in pay- Send the coupon below and 4 cents for ment for the copper cent I sent you. I appreciate the interest my Large Illustrated Coin and Stamp ...... you have given this transaction. Its a pleasure to do busi- Folder and further particulars. ness with a firm that handles matters as you do. I wish to Write today for this eye -opening, assure you it will be a pleasure to me to tell all my friends of valuable wealth of information on your wonderful offer for old coins." Julian D. Martin, Va. the profits that have been made from old money. No This is but one of the many similar letters I am con- obligation on your part. You have noth- stantly receiving. Post yourself! It pays ! I paid Mr. ing to lose-every- Manning, New York, $2,500.00 for a single silver dollar. thing to gain. It may Mrs. G. F. Adams, Ohio, received $740.00 for some old mean much profit to coins. I paid W. F. Wilharm, of Pennsylvania, $13,500.00 you. for his rare coins. I paid J. T. Neville, of North Dakota, Largest Rare Coin Co. In the $200.00 for a $10 bill he picked up in circulation. Mr. U. S. Estab- Mehl paid $1,000.00 to Mr. Brownlee, of Georgia, for one lished 36 years. old coin. Mr. Brownlee, in his letter to Mr. Mehl, says: "Your letter received with the check for $1,000.00 en- closed. I like to deal with such men as volt and hope you ht (C 1936) continue buying coins for a long time." In the last thirty - six years I have paid hundreds of others handsome pre- miums for old bills and coins. FILL OUT AND MAIL NOW! All Kinds of Old Coins, Medals, To B. MAX MEHL Bills and Stamps Wanted 326 Mehl Building, Fort Worth, Texas $1.00 to $1,000 paid for certain old cents, nickels, dimes, quarters, etc. Right now I will pay $50.00 for 1913 Liberty Head nickels (not buffalo), $100.00 for 1894 dimes ( "S" Mint), $8.00 for 1853 quarters (no arrows), $10.00 for 1866 quarters (no motto), Dear Mr. Mehl: Please send me your Large $200.00 each for 1884 and 1885 Silver Trade Dollars, etc., etc. Illustrated Coin and Stamp Folder and further I Rave Been Buying Old Money particulars, for which I enclose 4 cents. For 36 Years Any bank in Fort Worth or Dun & Bradstreets will testify as to my responsibility. My volume of business, built on fair Name and prompt dealings for 36 years, is such that I own and occupy my own building devoted to my coin business. You will find every representation I make to be true and not Address exaggerated. It will pay you to do business with me.

City State

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OF RICH, RIPE- BODIED TOBACCO -`SITS TOASTED Cov.r.vht iTe mee;un Taacce Caapanr