OMBUDSMAN CHARTER NORTHWEST SPARTAN NEWS BY: THE JOURNALISM CLUB Volume 1 / Issue 1 Helping Hands By: Janet Tlalpachito and Ricardo Nelthrope WELCOME MR. FREUND TO NORTHWEST As many of you know our community has been struggling for many years with: homeless veterans, lack of adequate shelters, and low-income families that can’t afford higher education for their children. These families can’t afford medical care and BY Travis Jones dental care for their children, due to the parents struggle to find well-paying jobs. As WHAT DOES MR. FREUND LIKE TO DO students from Ombudsman we have access to many programs. Our community offers DURING HIS SPARE TIME? many services like (YOTO) Youth on Their Own, which helps with student living He likes to watch movies, play video games, and he says that he is best at pinball. He also owns a PlayStation 2. expenses, as well as dental and medical care. Other groups like (HYC) Homeless WHAT IS MR. FREUND'S FAVORITE FOOD? Youth Connection help homeless youth by going to schools. HYC also does food His favorite food is Lasagna drives that collect thousands of pounds of food and gives it out to those in need. WHERE IS MR. FREUND FROM? Detroit, Michigan Homeless Youth Connection WHERE HAS MR. FREUND TRAVELED TO? Office: (623) 374-3747 Mr. Freund has been to Canada, Alaska, and Israel WHAT IS MR. FREUND'S FAVORITE SPORT? After Hours: (602) 633-4844 Mr. Freund loves hockey because he used to play floor
[email protected] hockey in high school WHAT IS THE FIRST THING ON MR.