
Winter Services Plan 2020/2021

‘The winter maintenance period lasts from mid-October to the end of April each year. County Council is constantly striving to improve its winter maintenance service; however, neither the local authority nor Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has a statutory obligation to pre-salt roads. The aim, however, is to keep priority roads safe and as free as possible from wintry hazards…….’

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Section Description Page

A1 Document Control 3

A2 Distribution List 4

A3 Purpose and Scope 5

A4 Winter Maintenance Policy 5

A5 Overall Map of the Service Plan Area 7

A6 Roles & Responsibilities 8

A7 Rosters 10

A8 Contact Details 12

A9 Decision Matrix 13

A10 Treatment Matrix 15

A11 Plant, Vehicles and Equipment 16

A12 Details of Salt & Storage Depots 17

A13 Materials and Spares 17

A14 Footpaths 18


1. Overall Map of the Service Plan Area

2. Treatment Route Cards

3. Duty Rosters Neighbouring Local Authorities

4. Duty Engineers Record Sheet

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A1 Document Control

Revision Status Revision Details Date

A Consultation Priority 2 & 3 Revisions 21st Dec 2010

B Consultation Priority 2 & 3 Revisions 18th Jan 2011 Personnel, Rotas, Footpaths, Hotspots, C Consultation 9th Nov 2011 Machinery, Treatment/Decision Matrices D Distribution Personnel, Rotas 10th Oct 2012 Inclusion of Egis Lagan for M9, Revision of E Distribution 7th Nov 2013 Priority 1&2 Routes, Personnel & Rotas Updated Distribution List, Roles & D Distribution 10th Oct 2016 Responsibilities, Personnel & Rotas E Distribution Updated Distribution List, Personnel & Rotas 23rd Oct 2017

F Distribution Updated Distribution List, Personnel & Rotas 8th Oct 2018 Updated Distribution List, Personnel, Rotas, G Distribution 14th Oct 2019 Routes Updated Distribution List, Personnel, Rotas, H Distribution 12th Oct 2020 Routes

Approval List

Role Name Signature Date Pat Harrington Author(s) James Grogan Henry Nolan Ray Wickham Checker(s) Kieran Cullinane Winter Service Manager Pat Harrington Director of Services for Padraig O’Gorman Transportation

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A2 Distribution List

Issued To Organisation / Company Location

Padraig O’Gorman (DoS) Carlow Co. Co. Athy Road, Carlow

Kieran Cullinane (SE) Carlow Co. Co. Athy Road, Carlow

Pat Harrington (WSM. & Duty Eng) Carlow Co. Co. , Carlow

Ray Wickham (NSMS & Duty Eng) Carlow Co. Co. Athy Road, Carlow

Jerry Crowley (Duty Eng) Carlow Co. Co. Bagenalstown, Carlow

T.B.C. Carlow Co. Co. Kernanstown, Carlow

Henry Nolan (W.S. Supervisor) Carlow Co. Co. Kernanstown, Carlow

Zena Kane (H&S Advisor) Carlow Co. Co. Athy Road, Carlow

Liam O’Carroll (A/CFO) Carlow Co. Co. Green Lane, Carlow

John Prendergast Kilkenny Co. Co. John Street, Kilkenny

Edmond Kenny Laois Co. Co. Portlaoise, Co Laois

Brendan Sinnott Kildare Co. Co. Devoy Park, Naas

Noel O’Driscoll Wexford Co. Co. Spawell Road, Wexford

Brendan Doyle Wicklow Co. Co. Whitegates, Wicklow

Regional & Local Roads Department of Transport Kildare St., Dublin

Stephen Smyth TII (formally NRA) Kildare

Martin Flaherty Lagan Egis N25 Toll Plaza

Evelyn Cusack Met Éireann Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9

Superintendent Aidan Brennan An Garda Síochána Athy Road, Carlow

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A3 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this document is to identify the processes, procedures and key personnel employed by Carlow County Council, in the delivery of winter maintenance service throughout .

A4 Winter Maintenance Policy

Motorists have a general duty of care to consider prevailing weather and road conditions when planning and/or undertaking journeys across the public road network.

Due to the length of road network in County Carlow, it is not feasible to treat all roads in the county during the winter season (October-April). Accordingly, a form of prioritisation is necessary and routes are divided into the following priority designations :-

• Priority 1 Routes – Carlow County Council will seek to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the prevention of ice formation and snow accumulation on these routes.

• Priority 2 Routes – Carlow County Council will aim to keep priority 2 roads safe and as free as possible from wintry hazards as far as reasonably practicable. In extreme weather events, Priority 1 routes will take precedence over Priority 2 routes in terms of allocation of resources.

• Priority 3 Routes – Not treated as part of the normal winter maintenance service. May receive intermittent treatment during particularly severe weather events, with gritting material provided at designated locations for local voluntary groups to utilise. Road-users must not assume that pre-salting services have been provided to the Priority 3 Network.

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Route Description Level of Service Designation Priority 1 Routes outlined in Appendix 1, To be treated in accordance with (A9) including areas where Section 85 Decision Matrix (Priority 1) Agreements are in place with Kilkenny, Wicklow, Wexford & ’s Priority 2 Routes outlined in Appendix 1 Treatment will only occur when there is;

• predicted prolonged snow fall that will accumulate or

• to a limited extent when specifically identified widespread ice formation as forecast at two or more TII weather stations.

There is no guarantee that these routes will be treated. Information will be available regarding treatment on local media.

Priority 3 All other routes (including cycle & Not treated as part of the normal winter pedestrian routes). maintenance service. During particularly severe weather events may receive intermittent treatment, with gritting material provided at designated locations (Appendix 1) for local voluntary groups to utilise.

A4.1 Mobilisation and Treatment times are detailed as follows:

Treatment Route Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3

Mobilisation Time 1 hr 1 hr When possible

Treatment Time 2 hr 4 hrs When possible

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A5 Overall Map of the Service Plan Area

The map produced to show the Route Priority (appendix 1) is available at:-

The map contains:- • The overall extent of the network covered by the Winter Service Plan • Local Authority boundary • Treatment routes and their priorities: o Green for Priority 1 Routes M9 Route treated by PPP operator (Egis Lagan) o Red for Priority 1 Routes, including Section 85 Agreements in Kildare, Kilkenny & Wicklow (treated by Carlow County Council) o Blue for Priority 2 Routes • Weather Stations (marked in Brown) o M9 Northbound at Rutland o Also N81 at Baltinglass (not shown on map) • Compounds & Depots (marked in Purple)

• Chippings drop off points (marked in Orange)

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A6 Roles & Responsibilities

The names of Key winter services personnel are contained in Section A8. Their roles and responsibilities are set out hereunder :-

A6.1 Winter Services Manager

• To ensure the preparation of the Winter Service Plan prior to the start of each winter period. • To undertake co-ordination with neighbouring Local Authorities and any relevant private winter services operator(s) on the Winter Services Plan and to issue the Winter Services Plan to the TII (NRA) and Department of Transport. • To ensure the preparation of a rota of suitably experienced Duty Engineers, identifying the availability of a decision maker throughout the entire winter period and send an electronic copy of the final roster to the TII (NRA) and the bureau weather forecaster. • To ensure the preparation of a rota of suitably trained operatives throughout the entire winter period. • To ensure suitable plant, equipment & salt supplies are available to undertake effective Winter Services operations. • To provide advice to the Duty Engineer. • To liaise with and report to the Director of Service & Senior Engineer for roads, TII (NRA) and Department of Transport. • To provide factual information concerning the network to An Garda Síochána for onward distribution to the Press, Local Radio, RTE & AA • To carry out an end of season review of issues that arose during the winter service period and to communicate any important aspects of this review to the Director Of Service for Roads

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A6.2 Duty Engineer

• Use the Forecasting Model Service (Vaisala) to examine the forecast and track the actual conditions on the routes • Monitor the actual weather conditions until a decision is made. Obtain updated or more detailed road weather forecasts using the Duty Weather Forecast consultancy service, as required. • Make a decision based on the forecast data and notify the Winter Services Supervisor of the proposed treatment for that Day/Night. This is to include:- o Commencement times o Routes to be treated o Spread Rates • Record decision and treatment details (Appendix 4) – decision times, commencement times, routes to be treated, spread rates, temperatures (Forecast/Actual). • Fill in the winter services returns on the TII Network Management System (NMS) • Report to the TII in relation to salt stocks, requirements & ordering stocks • Make a decision on special situations, in consultation with the Winter Services Supervisor and record decision & details. • Consult with Winter Services Manager during the preparation or revision of the Winter Services Plan

A6.3 Winter Services Supervisor(s)

• Notify the designated Winter Services Operative(s), as per the rota of the proposed treatment for that day/night, including - Commencement times, Routes to be treated & Spread Rates (Appendix 2) • Inform the Duty Engineer of any servicing or maintenance requirements for the winter service equipment • Update the Duty Engineer with estimates of local salt stocks • Advise Duty Engineer & Winter Services Manager of modifications, incidents or any problems encountered • Consult with Winter Services Manager & Duty Engineer during the preparation or revision of the Winter Services Plan • The winter services supervisor organises salt deliveries and collects dockets.

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A7 Rosters

A.7.1 Winter Services Manager

The Winter Service Manager for the Period 12th October 2020 to 30th April 2021 is Pat Harrington, while Ray Wickham is the primary contact for the National Salt Management System.

A7.2 Duty Engineer(s)

Carlow Co. Co. Winter Service Duty Engineer(s) Roster for the Period 12th October 2020 to 30th April 2021 is as follows:

A7.3 Winter Services Supervisor(s)

The Winter Service Supervisor(s) Roster for the Period 12th October 2020 to 30th April 2021 Henry Nolan.

A7.4 Mechanic(s) & Fitter(s)

Carlow Co. Co. has arrangements in place for the maintenance, servicing and/or emergency repair the winter service equipment with the following service providers:

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April

Spruhan’s Spruhan’s Spruhan’s Spruhan’s Spruhan’s Spruhan’s Spruhan’s & & & & & & & Romaquip Romaquip Romaquip Romaquip Romaquip Romaquip Romaquip

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A7.4 Drivers

The schedule below outlines the rota for Winter Services Drivers ‘on call’ for the week identified and are available throughout the night for re-treatment/emergencies. Backup drivers are called in as replacements or will be used in the event of snow falls where the treatment matrix calls for multiple treatments/ploughing.


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A8 Contact Details

• Winter Services Manager Pat Harrington • Duty Engineer(s) Pat Harrington Ray Wickham Jerry Crowley

• M9 Motorway Egis Lagan • Motorway Traffic Control Centre 0820 714100 • Winter Services Supervisor(s) James Grogan Henry Nolan • Vehicle Maintenance Spruhan’s • Gritter Maintenance Romaquip • Drivers Colm Brennan John Haughney Tom Comerford • Duty Forecaster Met Éireann • NSMS Coordinator for Carlow Ray Wickham • Software Support Vaisala • Carlow Garda Station(s) Carlow, Tullow & Bagenalstown • Adjoining Local Authority Winter Service Managers & Duty Engineers (As per Appendix 3) • Ambulance 999 or 112 • Fire Department 999 or 112 • Carlow County Council (Mon/Fri, 9am/5pm) 059 9170300 Out of Hours 2090 500 333

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A9 Decision Matrix (Priority 1)

Road Surface Predicted Road Conditions Precipitation Temperature Wet Wet Patches Dry No rain May fall below No hoar frost 1°C No fog Salt before No action likely, frost (see note monitor weather No rain a) (see note a) No hoar frost Salt before frost No fog Expected hoar frost Salt before frost (see note b) Expected fog Expected to fall Expected rain Salt after rain stops (see note c) below 1°C before freezing Expected rain Salt before frost, as required during rain and after rain during freezing stops (see note d) Possible rain Possible hoar Monitor weather Salt before frost frost conditions Possible fog Expected Snow Salt before snow fall The decision to undertake precautionary treatments should be, if appropriate, adjusted to take account of residual salt or surface moisture. All decisions should be evidence based, recorded and require careful monitoring and review. Notes:

(a) Particular attention should be given to the possibility of water running across carriageways and other running surfaces e.g. surface water off adjacent fields after heavy rains, washing off salt previously deposited. Such locations should be closely monitored and may require treating in the evening and morning and possible other occasions. Ideally the source of the run-off should be diverted from the roadway.

(b) When a weather warning contains reference to expected hoar frost, considerable deposits of frost can occur. Hoar frost usually occurs in the early morning and is difficult to cater for because of the probability that any salt deposited on a dry road too soon before its onset, may be dispersed before it can become effective. Careful monitoring is required under this forecast condition which should ideally be treated just as the hoar frost is forming. Such action is usually not practicable, and salt may have to be deposited on a dry road prior to but as close as possible to the expected time of the condition. Hoar frost may also be forecast at other times of the day, in which case the timing of salting operations should be adjusted accordingly. Page 13 of 33

(c) If under these conditions, rain has not ceased by early morning, crews should be called out and action initiated as rain ceases.

(d) Under these circumstances rain will freeze on contact with running surfaces and full precautionary treatment should be provided even on dry roads. This is a most serious condition and should be monitored closely and carefully throughout the danger period.

A9.1 Decision Matrix (Priority 2)

Treatment will only occur when there is;

• predicted prolonged snow fall that will accumulate, or

• to a limited extent when specifically identified widespread ice formation as forecast at two or more TII weather stations.

There is no guarantee that these routes will be treated.

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A10 Treatment Matrix

Treatment Matrix Guide for Dry Unmodified Salt as follows:

Weather Conditions Treatment Road Surface Conditions Salt Spread Rate Air Temperature Ploughing Road Surface Temperature (RST) (gm/m2) Frost or forecast frost 10 No RST at or above -2°C Also refer to Note (b) Frost or forecast frost 20 No RST below -2°C and above -5°C Frost or forecast frost RST below -5°C and above -10°C 20 No and dry or damp road conditions Frost or forecast frost RST below -5°C and above -10°C 2 runs X 20 No and wet road conditions (existing or anticipated) Light snow forecast (<10mm) 20 No Forecast for Medium/heavy snow 2 runs X 20 No or a freezing rain forecast Ice formed Above -5°C 20 Not possible

Ice formed At or below -5°C 2 runs X 20 Not possible 20 to supplement Snow covering exceeding 30mm ploughing, up to 40 if Required temperatures are falling Snow accumulations due to 20 to 40 to supplement Required prolonged falls ploughing Successive treatments Hard packed snow/ice Above -8°C at 20 to 40 Not possible (repeat as needed) Successive treatments at 20 to 40, Hard packed snow/ice At or below -8°C supplemented by Not possible abrasives (repeat as needed) Sustained low temperatures Below -10°C

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Notes: (a) Rate of spread for precautionary treatments may be adjusted to take account of variations occurring along the route such as residual salt, surface moisture (in the air or on the road surface) and traffic density. (b) For salt stored outside, it may be necessary to increase the spread rate for precautionary treatment salting from 10gm/m2 to 15-20gm/m2. (c) All decisions should be forecast based, recorded and require careful monitoring and review. (d) Ice refers to all ice on the road surface, including black ice.

A10.1 Treatment Matrix (Priority 2 Routes)

Treatment of Priority 2 routes will be undertaken by Local Authority, assisted by contractors procured under the plant hire framework policy. Routes that are to be treated by LA vehicles will operate within the terms of the treatment matrix outlined for Priority 1 routes. In the case of those routes treated by contractors, the vehicles available will not be similar type spreading equipment as operated by the Local Authority and as such will not have the computer aided spreading controls. The treatment matrix on priority 2 routes will in so far as possibly aim to achieve that set out in the treatment matrix for priority 1 routes.

A11 Plant, Vehicles and Equipment

Carlow Co. Co. operate 5 Lorries, 4 demountable salt spreaders and 5 no. snowploughs to deliver the winter service.

Lorry Reg Depot Gritter Gritter Gritter Gritter Snow- Location Description Capacity Calibrated Serviced plough

07-CW-5181 Kernanstown Demountable 5m3 Oct 2020 Oct 2020 Yes

06-KE-16578 Kernanstown Demountable 6m3 Oct 2020 Oct 2020 Yes

05-CW-5122 Kernanstown Demountable 5m3 Oct 2020 Oct 2020 Yes

04-CW-2997 Kernanstown Demountable 6m3 Oct 2020 Oct 2020 Yes

02-D-69950 Kernanstown Yes

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A11.1 Supplementary Resources

Carlow Co. Co. plant hire framework has identified a number of private hire contractors that have various agricultural type spreaders for use in extreme emergency weather situations. These will be procured for Priority 1 & 2 routes under the plant hire framework for Carlow Co. Co. should the need arise.

A12 Details of Salt & Storage Depots

Carlow County Council are assigned an allocation of salt by the TII (formally NRA) for use on National Roads and a further allocation by the Department of Transport for use on the Non-National roads. The suppliers of salt have been chosen on the basis of a framework competition. The Duty Engineer/NSMS Coordinator is responsible for ordering the salt from the suppliers, coordinating the deliveries and reporting salt usage on a weekly basis to the National Salt Management System. Depots available for salt storage are:

Indoor Map Routes Max Salt Depots or Ref. Serviced Capacity Outdoor No 1 Kernanstown Priority 1 Indoor 250

No 2 Powerstown Priority 1 Indoor 560


A13 Fuel, Materials and Spares

Fuel card have been issued to trucks, Donkey Engines filled at machinery depot, supervisor responsible for ordering and maintaining supply.

Spruhan’s, Bagenalstown hold (routine) spares for vehicles, with spare parts for gritters held by Romaquip, Birr, Co. Offaly.

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A14 Footpaths

The County Council will seek to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the prevention of snow accumulation on public footpaths. However, due to the length of the footpath network in County Carlow, it is not feasible to treat all footpaths in the county. Accordingly, a form of prioritisation is necessary and in the event of snow, locations will be prioritised by the local area offices as follows:

– Priority location to be treated when snow is present are defined as public areas located adjacent to educational facilities, financial institutions, hospitals, pedestrian crossings, court house, civic buildings, places of worship and transport hubs.

– Grit will be provided at locations listed in Appendix 1 which may be used on footpaths

Business and Residential owners are requested to keep area in front of premises clear of snow.

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Appendix 1

Overall Map of the Service Plan Area

Priority Routes

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Appendix 2

Treatment Route Cards

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Driver 1: Priority 1 Route (8 tonne Gritter): Routes treated by Carlow Co. Co., including Section 85 Agreements with Neighbouring Local Authorities



# Drive/Salt Road No. Start End


Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage



ad Rate ad (g/m2)

Salt Distance Salt (km)

SpreadRate (g/m SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate ( SpreadRate (g/m2) Spre SpreadRate (g/m2)

DriveDistance (km) DistanceTravelled (km) O'Brien Road/Hacketstown Road 1 Drive R726 Machinery Yard 1.15 1.15 Roundabout O'Brien O'Brien Road/Deerpark Road 2 Salt N80 Road/Hacketstown Road 0.75 0.75 8.0 6,000 10 0.06 15 0.09 20 0.12 25 0.15 30 0.18 35 0.21 40 0.24 Roundabout Roundabout O'Brien Road/Deerpark 3 Drive N80 William Duggan Bridge 1.45 1.45 Road Roundabout William Duggan Bridge, Junction 4 Roundabouts at 4 Salt N80/R448 circling all roundabouts 8.80 8.80 8.0 70,400 10 0.70 15 1.06 20 1.41 25 1.76 30 2.11 35 2.46 40 2.82 Prumplestown until Junction 4 Roundabouts O'Brien Road/Hacketstown Road 5 Drive R448/N80 7.00 7.00 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD KERNANSTOWN at Prumplestown Roundabout O'Brien 6 Drive N80 Road/Hacketstown Road Bunclody 32.00 32.00 8.0 256,000 10 2.56 15 3.84 20 5.12 25 6.40 30 7.68 35 8.96 40 10.24 Roundabout 7 Drive N80/R726 Bunclody Machinery Yard 27.20 27.20

3.32 4.99 6.65 8.31 2.29 2.67 3.06 LOAD 1

7.68 8.96 8.00 LOAD 2

Driving Time at 50km/h: 1:34 0:49 0:44 2.24 LOAD 3

78.35 41.55 36.80 9.97 11.63 13.30 TOTAL

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Driver 1: Priority 1 & 2 Routes (8 Tonne Gritter) Routes treated by Carlow Co. Co., including Section 85 Agreements with Neighbouring Local Authorities



# Drive/Salt Road No. Start End




Tonnage Tonnage To Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage



Salt Distance Salt (km)


SpreadRate (g Spread SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/ SpreadRate (g/m2) DriveDistance (km)

O'Brien Road/Hacketstown 1 Drive R726 Machinery Yard 1.15 1.15 Road Roundabout O'Brien O'Brien Road/Deerpark Road 2 Salt N80 Road/Hacketstown 0.75 0.75 8.0 6,000 10 0.06 15 0.09 20 0.12 25 0.15 30 0.18 35 0.21 40 0.24 Roundabout Road Roundabout O'Brien Road/Deerpark 3 Drive N80 William Duggan Bridge 1.45 1.45 Road Roundabout William Duggan Bridge, Junction 4 Roundabouts at 4 Salt N80/R448 circling all roundabouts 8.80 8.80 8.0 70,400 10 0.70 15 1.06 20 1.41 25 1.76 30 2.11 35 2.46 40 2.82 Prumplestown until Junction 4 O'Brien Road/Hacketstown 5 Drive R448/N80 Roundabouts at 7.00 7.00 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD KERNANSTOWN Road Roundabout Prumplestown O'Brien Bunclody, circling all 6 Drive N80 Road/Hacketstown 32.00 32.00 8.0 256,000 10 2.56 15 3.84 20 5.12 25 6.40 30 7.68 35 8.96 40 10.24 roundabouts Road Roundabout 7 Drive N80/R724/R448 Bunclody Powerstown 32.30 32.30 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD POWERSTOWN

8 Drive R448 Powerstown Royal Oak 8.10 8.10

9 Salt R724 Royal Oak Kildavin 26.20 26.20 7.0 183,400 10 1.83 15 2.75 20 3.67 25 4.59 30 5.50 35 6.42 40 7.34

10 Drive N80/R726 Kildavin Machinery Yard 27.20 27.20

5.16 7.74 6.65 8.31 2.29 2.67 3.06 LOAD 1

3.67 4.59 7.68 8.96 8.00 LOAD 2

Driving Time at 50km/h: 2:53 1:21 1:32 5.50 6.42 9.58 LOAD 3

144.95 67.75 77.20 5.16 7.74 10.32 12.90 15.47 18.05 20.63 TOTAL

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Driver 2: Priority 1 Route (7 Tonne Gritter) Routes treated by Carlow Co. Co., including Section 85 Agreements with Neighbouring Local Authorities

e (g/m2) e (g/m2) e

# Drive/Salt Road No. Start End




Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage To Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage



Salt Distance Salt (km)


SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) Spread SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRat SpreadRat SpreadRate (g/m2) DriveDistance (km)

1 Drive N80 Machinery Yard Closh Cross 19.10 19.10 -

2 Salt N81 Closh Cross Yellowford Bridge 21.80 21.80 8.0 10 1.74 15 2.62 20 3.49 25 4.36 30 5.23 35 6.10 40 6.98 174,400

3 Drive N81/R726 Yellowford Bridge Machinery Yard 20.00 20.00

Driving Time at 50km/h: 1:13 0:26 0:46 1.74 2.62 3.49 4.36 5.23 6.10 6.98 LOAD 1

60.90 21.80 39.10 1.74 2.62 3.49 4.36 5.23 6.10 6.98 TOTAL

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Driver 2: Priority 1 & 2 Routes (7 Tonne Gritter) Routes treated by Carlow Co. Co., including Section 85 Agreements with Neighbouring Local Authorities


# Drive/Salt Road No. Start End m2)

ad Rate ad

(km) (km)



(g/m2) (g/m2) (g/m2) (g/m2) (g/m2) ( (g/m2)

Distance Tonnage Tonnage T Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage



SpreadRate Spread SpreadRate SpreadRate Spre SpreadRate SpreadRate

Salt Distance Salt

Travelled(km) DriveDistance

1 Drive N80 Machinery Yard Closh Cross 19.10 19.10 -

2 Salt N81 Closh Cross Yellowford Bridge 21.80 21.80 8.0 10 1.74 15 2.62 20 3.49 25 4.36 30 5.23 35 6.10 40 6.98 174,400 3 Drive N81 Yellowford Bridge Kiltegan Bridge 12.70 12.70 RELOAD RELOAD KERNANSTOWN

4 Salt R747 Kiltegan Bridge Ballinagilky Bridge 10.00 10.00 6.0 10 0.60 15 0.90 20 1.20 25 1.50 30 1.80 35 2.10 40 2.40 60,000 5 Drive R747 Ballinagilky Bridge Hacketstown 4.30 4.30 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD KERNANSTOWN

6 Salt R727/R726 Hacketstown Shamrock Square 26.90 26.90 6.0 10 1.61 15 2.42 20 3.23 25 4.04 30 4.84 35 5.65 40 6.46 161,400 7 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD KERNANSTOWN Knockloe Bridge, circling all 8 Salt N80/R725 Shamrock Square 15.50 15.50 6.0 10 0.93 15 1.40 20 1.86 25 2.33 30 2.79 35 3.26 40 3.72 roundabouts 93,000 9 Drive R725/N81 Knockloe Bridge Tullowbeg Roundabout 3.50 3.50 RELOAD

10 Salt R418 Tullowbeg Roundabout Killamaster 0.00 9.10 6.0 10 0.55 15 0.82 20 1.09 25 1.37 30 1.64 35 1.91 40 2.18 KERNANSTOWN 54,600 11 Drive R418/R726 Killamaster Machinery Yard 12.20 12.20

5.43 5.94 7.92 5.86 7.03 6.10 6.98 LOAD 1

2.21 2.95 7.73 7.63 7.75 2.40 LOAD 2

1.64 5.17 6.46 LOAD 3

Driving Time at 50km/h: 2:31 1:39 1:02 5.90 LOAD 4

126.00 83.30 51.80 5.43 8.15 10.87 13.59 16.30 19.02 21.74 TOTAL

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Driver 3: Priority 1 Route (8 Tonne Gritter): Routes treated by Carlow Co. Co., including Section 85 Agreements with Neighbouring Local Authorities


# Drive/Salt Road No. Start End




T Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage



ad Rate ad (g/m2)

Salt Distance Salt (km)


SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) Spread SpreadRate (g/m2) Spre SpreadRate (g/m2) DriveDistance (km) 1 Drive N80 Machinery Yard O'Brien Road/Deerpark Roundabout 1.90 1.90 O'Brien Road/Deerpark 2 Salt R448 Paulstown, circling all roundabouts 28.53 28.53 8.0 10 2.28 15 3.42 20 4.56 25 5.71 30 6.85 35 7.99 40 9.13 Roundabout 228,240 3 Drive R448/N80 Paulstown Machinery Yard 30.43 9.80 RELOAD POWERSTOWN

2.28 3.42 4.56 5.71 6.85 7.99 7.00 LOAD 1

Driving Time at 50km/h: 0:48 0:34 0:14 2.13 LOAD 2

60.86 28.53 11.70 2.28 3.42 4.56 5.71 6.85 7.99 9.13 TOTAL

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Driver 3: Priority 1 & 2 Routes (8 Tonne Gritter)

Routes treated by Carlow Co. Co., including Section 85 Agreements with Neighbouring Local Authorities.



age h(m)

# Drive/Salt Road No. Start End (g/m2) ate





Tonn Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage



Salt Distance Salt (km)


SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadR SpreadRate ( Spread SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m2) SpreadRate (g/m DriveDistance (km)

1 Drive N80 Machinery Yard O'Brien Road/Deerpark Roundabout 1.90 1.90 O'Brien Road/Deerpark 2 Salt R448 Paulstown, circling all roundabouts 28.53 28.53 8.0 228,240 10 2.28 15 3.42 20 4.56 25 5.71 30 6.85 35 7.99 40 9.13 Roundabout 3 Drive R448 Paulstown High Kings Monument, Leighlinbridge 9.80 9.80 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD POWERSTOWN

High Kings Monument, 4 Salt R705 Ballytiglea Bridge 19.50 19.50 8.0 156,000 10 1.56 15 2.34 20 3.12 25 3.90 30 4.68 35 5.46 40 6.24 Leighlinbridge

5 Drive R705/R702 Ballytiglea Bridge Goresbridge 6.30 6.30 RELOAD RELOAD POWERSTOWN

6 Salt R702 Goresbridge Kiltealy Village 22.25 22.25 6.0 133,500 10 1.34 15 2.00 20 2.67 25 3.34 30 4.01 35 4.67 40 5.34

7 Drive R702 Kiltealy Village Ballymurphy 9.52 9.52 RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD RELOAD POWERSTOWN

8 Salt R702/R703 Ballymurphy Tinnahinch 8.10 8.10 6.0 48,600 10 0.49 15 0.73 20 0.97 25 1.22 30 1.46 35 1.70 40 1.94

9 Drive R703/R729 Tinnahinch Poulmounty Bridge 14.20 14.20

10 Salt R729 Poulmounty Bridge Borris Graveyard 15.70 15.90 6.0 95,400 10 0.95 15 1.43 20 1.91 25 2.39 30 2.86 35 3.34 40 3.82

11 Drive R702/R705/R448 Borris Graveyard Machinery Yard 36.00 36.00

6.62 7.77 7.68 5.71 6.85 7.99 9.13 LOAD 1

2.16 5.55 7.24 8.69 10.13 6.24 LOAD 2

3.60 4.32 5.04 5.34 LOAD 3

Driving Time at 50km/h 3:26 1:53 1:33 5.76 LOAD 4

181.05 94.28 77.72 6.62 9.93 13.23 12.94 19.85 23.16 26.47 TOTAL

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Driver 4: Priority 2 (Contracted Routes):

Routes treated by contractors coincident with Carlow County Council’s own fleet.

Road Length Description Number (km) 1 R417 Burrin Street traffic lights to Three Counties pub, Maganey 8.8 Barrack Street/Kennedy Avenue Roundabout to Killeshin Road boundary 2 R430 1.2 at Mount Clare Court 3 R924 Graiguecullen traffic lights to county boundary at Aldi, Portlaoise Road 0.7 R736 Tullow Street and Castle Street, from Shamrock Square to junction with 4 0.6 L4021 Kennedy Street 5 L4025 College Street, from junction with Tullow Street to Court Place 0.3 Graiguecullen traffic lights to county boundary at Carlow Moorings 6 L4000 0.6 Holiday Homes, Leighlin Road Maryborough Street, from Graiguecullen Bridge to county boundary at 7 L4003 0.6 Graiguecullen G.A.A. Club The Numbers, from Leighlin Road to county boundary at entrance to 8 L8032 0.2 Father Byrne Park 9 L4006 Barrow Track/Inner Relief Road 0.7 10 L4005 Centaur Street, from Dublin Street to Wellington Square 0.4 R888 Greenbank Road, Old Dublin Road and on to Dr. Cullen Road 11 1.6 L4031 Roundabout 12 L4012 St. Joseph’s Road/Railway Road, from Old Dublin Road to Green Lane 0.6 13 L8003 McGamhna Road, from Green Lane to Pollerton Road 0.2 14 L8001 Accommodation Road, from Green Lane to Pollerton Road 0.1 15 L8002 Bridge Street, from Pollerton Road to Staplestown Road 0.1 16 ----- Fair Green Road, from Pollerton Road to Burrin Road Roundabout 0.5 Hanover/Carpenter Way, from Hanover Road via Éire Óg Roundabout to 17 ----- 1.3 Tullow Road Roundabout 18 L4017 Burrin Road, from Gala Shop to end 0.6 19 L8093 Ashgrove/Woodgrove 0.5 Askea, from Closh Cross to O’Brien Road and O’Brien Road to Pollerton 20 L4037 0.5 Road at St. Laurence O’Toole A.C. 21 L4036 St. Patrick’s Avenue, from Pollerton Road to Clayton Hall Roundabout 0.1 Hanover Road, from Hanover Street to double roundabouts at Green 22 L4009 0.5 Road/Granby Road Granby Road, from double roundabouts at Hanover Road to traffic lights 23 L4008 0.4 at Kilkenny Road L4019 Mortarstown slip road/Green Road, from Kilkenny Road, via Bullock Park 24 1.5 L4020 roundabout to double roundabouts at Hanover Road/Granby Road L4016 Brownshill Road/Avenue, from N81 O’Brien Road to Palatine G.A.A. 25 2.7 L1027 clubhouse 26 L1026 Brownshill Link Road, from Wall’s Forge to Hacketstown Road 1.5 27 ----- Eastern Relief Road, from Hacketstown Road to MSD Roundabout 1.7

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28 L8204 Green Acres, from Dublin Road to Ballylennon Cross 0.5 29 L4015 Palatine, from Ballylennon Cross to Gurteen Bridge, Palatine village 1.7 30 L1023 Tinryland, from N80 to ’98 Stone junction 0.7 31 L3052 Tinryland, from ’98 Stone junction to Motorway Bridge 1.1 L1003 32 Clonmelsh/Ballyloo, from Graiguenaspiddoge Cross to Milford Cross 6.7 L3050 33 L1003 From Milford Cross to Leighlin Road, Milford 1.4 L3039 L3041 From Leighlin Road, Milford, via Ballinabranagh to Leighlin Road, 34 3.5 L3043 Raheendoran L3042

Driver 5: Priority 2 (Contracted Routes):

Routes treated by contractors coincident with Carlow County Council’s own fleet.

Road Length Description Number (km) 1 R726 Straboe Crossroads to Cuckoo Cross, Rathvilly 6.8 L2003 Rathvilly village, via Moat Crossroads and Tombeagh to Ballykillane 2 L2002 8.8 Cross L2013 3 L2005 Hacketstown to Clonmore Village 5.2 L2030 4 Old Chapel Lane and New Chapel Lane, Tullow 0.4 L2038 L1024 5 L3046 Templeowen, Tullow to Fighting Cocks 9.3 L3050 L2035 6 L3035 Ballon village to Taylor’s Cross 5.8 L2022 7 L2030 New Chapel Lane Tullow 0.2 8 L2037 Old Chapel Lane Tullow 0.2 9 L6084 The Shroughan/Tullow Hill 1.0

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Driver 6: Priority 2 (Contracted Routes):

Routes treated by contractors coincident with Carlow County Council’s own fleet.

Road Length Description Number (km) L6111 1 Kildavin village, all roads from the N80 0.9 L2028 2 L2024 Allen’s Cross to Clonegall Bridge 7.1 3 L3003 Fennagh village to Borris village, via Garryhill and Ballinree 15.0 L3033 4 L7005 Myshall to Drumphea National School via Garryhill 7.1 L7024 5 L3006 Borris village to Rathanna Church, via Spahill and Killedmond 7.7 6 L3044 Green Road, Bagenalstown to Clonmelsh 8.2 7 L3038 Leighlin Road, Milford to Church Street, Leighlinbridge (Meaney’s pub) 5.4 8 L3037 Leighlinbridge Post Office to Ridge Crossroads, via Old Leighlin 6.3

Priority 3: Grit Locations

To be distributed in advance of a forecasted severe weather event where there is a likelihood of prolonged snow accumulations.

Carlow Municipal Muinebheag Tullow Municipal District Municipal District District Top of Palatine Hill Newtown Village, Fenagh Kill Cross (McGrarths Cross) Meadowbank, Palatine Garryhill Cross Hacketstown Monument Near End of long mile, palatine Ballinree (Chip Depot) Hacketstown Church hill Staplestown Church Hill Drumphea Carpark Rathvilly Church Ballinkillin (GAA Carpark) Tullow Industrial Estate Drummin (Chip Depot) Clonmore Church Fighting Cocks Clonegall Ball Ally Carrol's Cross Ardattin Church

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Appendix 3 Duty Rosters Neighbouring Local Authorities

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Appendix 4 Duty Engineers Record Sheet

Duty Engineer:- ______

Date from:- ______to ______

Lowest Lowest Comment Callout Decision Start Road Road Rate of Date (Frost, Ice, (Y/N) (P1&P2) Time Temp Temp Spread Snow) (Forecast) (Actual)


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