PATENT OFFICE 2,234,383 DENTAL, MPRESSION COMPOSITON Bennett Preble, Berkeley, Calif., Assignor to Sur Gident, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif., a Corporation of California
Patented Mar. 11, 1941 2,234,383 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,234,383 DENTAL, MPRESSION COMPOSITON Bennett Preble, Berkeley, Calif., assignor to Sur gident, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif., a corporation of California. No Drawing. Application October 28, 1939, Serial No. 301836 9 Claims. (C. 18-4) This invention relates to reversible dental in filler materials as above described. A further pression materials and pertains more particularly object of the invention is to provide a modified to dental impression compositions of the hydro hydrocolloid gel in which the desired strength colloid type. This application is a continuation and toughness may be produced Without the aid 5 in-part of my allowed application Serial No. Of filler materials, and Which is further chair 207,311, filed May 11, 1938, allowed August 24, acterized by an improved development of “body' 1939, for “Dental impression composition.' as the gel passes through the Solidification range The principal object of the present invention is and enters the gel phase. to provide a hydrocolloid dental impression com A further object of the invention is to provide O position of high breaking strength and resistance a dental impression material of the character O to plastic deformation, and of advantageous set forth, having improved characteristics with characteristics with respect to the Setting of respect to the setting of gypsum plaster in con gypsum plaster brought in contact therewith in tact with the impression surfaces Wherefore im the reproduction of models. proved plaster casts may be obtained, having a The hydrocolloid dental impression composi Smooth, hard Surface Which is advantageous in 5 tions, of which the compositions of the present the reproduction of the detail and dimensions invention are types, are characterized by being of the subject.
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