CULTURAL JOURNALISM CULTURAL In an era when culture itself has become central to political debates, when boundaries between hard news and soft news, facts and opinion are dissolving, cultural journalism contributes to democratic discourse on vital issues of our time. Cultural journalism is furthermore indicative of journalistic autonomy and specialisation within media organisations, and of the intertwined relationship between the cultural and political public spheres. Nordic cultural journalism in Countries in the Nordic the mainstream media covers more subjects today than ever before, from fine arts to gam- ing, media industries, and lifestyle issues. At the same time, it harbours debates and reflec- tion on freedom of expression, ethnicity and national identity. This book contributes to an emerging international research agenda on cultural journalism at a time when digitalisation, convergence and globalisation are influencing the character of journalism in multiple ways. | “Cultural journalism matters, and it matters differently by location. This nuanced and (eds.) & Kristina Riegert Kristensen Nørgaard Nete CULTURAL thoughtful portrayal of cultural journalism in the Nordic countries performs a double elevation CULTURAL of what has been missing for too long from journalism’s discussion: its stylistic and geographic variety. This book offers a strong set of studies that highlight what cultural journalism in the JOURNALISMJOURNALISM Nordic countries forces us to consider about all journalism everywhere.” BARBIE ZELIZER Raymond Williams Professor of Communication, inin thethe NordicNordic CountriesCountries Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania NORDICOM University of Gothenburg Box 713, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone +46 31 786 00 00 • Fax + 46 31 786 46 55 Nete Nørgaard Kristensen 4 7 E-mail
[email protected] & Kristina Riegert (eds.) NORDICOM 5 7 5 9 7 Nørgaard Kristensen, Nete & Riegert, Kristina (2017).