Sh'Vfil! L. Hilty l) .. B.O.C.19't9 119(4) 134 u. A. Whittaku f!l 1J. C. Om¡ 23S Bull. R.O.C. 1999 119(4)

14-15 J:muary 1994, H ato Ceural, Apure; aoel pair well-studíed RYlill, T . P. & Lenlino. R., M . 19%. An arlditional reo.:urd of Ihe Pale- fuul~ S",,,1I0'''. 100t S k m W 0 1" 'l'umererno, ID northcastern Bolíva r, 6 March 199R Nuliochelidon fl(/"I)ipes fmm Velll'l"'.,}". B"II. Bril. Oro. el. 115: 28-29. (Hilty, D. Ascanio :md Olhers). Schlifcr, E. & Phel¡». W. H. 1954 aves J d PHQue Nacio",,1 "Henry Pill;e, " (Rancho G r~mJ ~) ~' sus funcióm:s <:colo¡:::icn. Flol. S(K. Vette.O:. Cimc. N«t. 16(113): 1-1 71. Acknowled eements Zimm ~r, K. J . & Hi!ty, S. L. 1'N7. Hirds o f JUllgIAvt:n Camp: a prdiminary surv~}' ofa n~W "te in Amuz5-8S.'; in Rcmsen, J V. (el fJ birJJ o) Ihe A.mp1ca~: Ihe ICBP/TUCN Red DOI" Bool< . Third editin>l (»lu t 2). Tntcrnllliol"ia l CO\l llcil fu r Um l Pr""eTVal;on, The Río Juruá is one of the largest white-water t ributaries of the Cambridge. U.K. Collar, N. J. &. \Ved';:f, D. C. 1995. The dis.trihutiun Il nd cnn""r\"Dtion status or I.he Amazon. Its drainage is mostly within Bro;;,ilia n terriwry, but Ihe b(t ~ in De-.uded T ",;huri J>olyslicl/ll pUloralis. Rlrd COIII . /I/fUl/cw/. S, 367- 390. al80 i.n eludes u pon ion of sotl theastern Peru . Tllt:re are only t \Yo Hihy, S. l.. &. RroWI) , W. L. 19S6. 11 guide /(¡ t.h ~ 01 Colombia. Princeton Univ. important work.s on rhe avifauna of the JUI·uá. N its Gyld e ns tolpe'~ Pres.,<, Pr;ncemn , N~

A. Whitt"k ~r &J n. C. Oren 236 Bu/l. B.O.e. 1999 119(4) A Whittaher (:j D . C. Oren 217 Rull. R.o.e. 1999119(4)

R~ s~ r"~ in 1994 and 1995 (Cunha in press). The third cxpcdition was 74·W the il1itiation of a faunal inventory program in the Sena do Divisor National Pnrk in April and May 1996. ,We present twelve additions to the avifauna of Bl'IIzil: Black-capped Tmamou Crypturcl~us alrocupillus, Dlack-billed Cuckoo Co

Study sites and methods lO lO JO;.,

Ficld reoords werc obtained pl'imarily from five sires along both the lO • lO .... ,._" centnl and upper regions of the Rio juruá and its tributaries (Fig. 1): ==-= e---...... l-Bar,·o Venn.ellw, Rio juruá, Amazonas {6°28'S, 6S'46'W)j Figu.-e 1. Mllp of Ihe uppcr Rio ]uru'. WCStCrrl R ra~ jl. with Ihc major .:;oIlCCI; ng and 2-Porongaba, RIO Juruá, Acre (8°45'S, 7r49'W); J-noco do Tejo, Rio obscrVlltwn localiti"$ ;nOk aled. Juruú, Acre (8"58'S, 7r42'W)j 4-Restauracao Rio T ejo Acre (9"02'5 72"16' W); ?- Valp~ra iso, Igarapé Sao Luís, 'Acre (SOSO'S, nOS4'W): Roth p rlOclpal regional forest rypcs (Ierra firme and vórzea the latter and playbacks al the I1l'st fout siles; Deo did Ihe same with similar !! lIhject to seasonal Hooding) were survcycu fmm thc fi rst thl:ee s i t~s un cquipmcnt ;u Valparaíso. A"'" tape-recorded as site as many both banks of the juruá. At Restaura¡;ao and Valparaíso I.erra finn(> different spccics as possible, which wiLl be archived at the Hritish forese uominated. though fJárzeo was present in limited areas. I.ess Lib rary National Sound Archive (London). UCO's tapcl!I wcrc (:)(tcnsive habitats such as secondary growth, riverine edge, oxhow deposiled at the MlI::>Cu Paracnsc Emílio GocldijCNPqj lVfCT, lakes, and hamhoo were also visiteu and surveyed whenever poss ible. (MPEG) Helém, Pará, Rra7. il. Special speeimen colleeting permits were Fu rther opportu.nistic ~ccords werc made during boat travd alung issucd by lBAMA, the Drazilia n environmental authority. Understorey watercourses whlle movmg to and frnm samplin¡;.: localitics, (F.iruncpé hirds werc sampled and voucher specimens collected using 2.5 x 12 m (6'40'S, 69°52'W) in Amazonal!l, Cruzeiro do Sul (7' 3R'S, 72·36'W) in mist nets set from ground level to 2 m high. Mist net lines of cithcr 16 Acre, along the Riu Tejo to Restauraiao, and along the 19atapé Sao or 30 nets were run. In addition, random ncts wcrc locatcd in othel' Luí!!) . .ob!le~vations from boats were made whell weather permitted, typel!l of vegetatíon such as bamboo and secondary growth. Specific from first hght around 0545 h to 1100 h ami 1530 h until dusk at canopy and midstorey ~ p ecies were collected using a shotgun. All 1800 h. When we use the terms "right bank" and " left bank," this ~pecimens are deposited in the serial ornithological collections of the terminúJo¡;.:y rcfers to the traditiollal Amazonian system, hased on the MPEG. hnnd each bank is on when de.~cending a watercourse. We used both auditory and visual survey methods to record the BLACK·CAPPED TlNAMOU CryptllrellIls alrocapillus avifauna. Visual sampling was made with 10 x 40 binoculars IInd a 30 x A single bird tape-recorcl ed by A W at Restaura¡;ao on the upper Rio telescopc and tripod. A W carried out auditory sUI'veys ""ith a Son y Tejo on 24 November 1994 . The bird called at dusk from disturbcd TCM 5000 tape nx:urder, Sennheiser ME RO direccional mi cmphone terra firme forest cdge with bumboo ¡¡nd was hCllrd on 4 othcr cvenings A. Whiuuker ¿¡f D. C. Orm 238 Bu/l. B.O.e. 1999 119(4)

after th i~ dA te. Dllring ficl dwork in 1995 A W hC!lI'd ca11ing hirdr. from the following sites, 7 May: Boca do Rio Sao Joao (9"09'S, n 040'W); 10 December; Caipora (9°17'5, n"41'W); 26 May and 14 Dt:ct:mbcr: right bank of toe Rio Amonia (9"00'8, 7rSO'W). 'l'ht::«: repn'.Scnt the first Rra ... il ian re<:ords for this spe<:ics, wh ich was Pl'evioutdy known only from southeastern Peru nonh at least to Cuzco and northern Bolivia (Ridgely, pers. comm.).

QRINQCO GOOSt: Neoche1ijllbata Th;s once ",as presumably a eommon flnd widespl'ead speeies thl'Oughout most of its wide range in Amazonian llrazil, iocludiDg the Rio Ju ruá; bowever, it has become loeally extinct due to huntíog pressul'C in most arcas. We founJ no evidenee of its t:ontinuco cxistence in all the upper Rio ]uruá. Howevcr AW recorJcd it as local and fairly common in regions sparscly inhabited by human S along the middle l\io Juruá a day'!> travel downstream from Eirunepé, Amazonas. Here pairs and a few family groups were observed, sorne 01' them ¡urge. All birds encountercd were very wary; hcad-bobbing mo\'cmcnlS w{~ r c noted cvcn at grcat distance and inereascd in frequeney as the boat arlProaehed. The largest group was lR birds, with two adlllts, possibly females, with 16 fully-grown yOlll1g 011 the 13 Oetober 1991; some dived under the water while othcrs flew 011 closer appl'ollch. lJiving of young of Ihis spceics can be fatal; all five smallS- 1O day old young "'ere devo\,l1'ed by piranha (Sermsalmus sp.) ncar Santarérn, Paré (Gil Serique in till.). Other family parties observed on the same day in cluded 8 two-and-a-half wcek old yOUl1g with 2 adults !llld :mothcr pair with 4 four to six day old young.

GREY_BELLIED HAWK Acúpiter poliogaster 1\ !> ub-aduh remale was eollected on 18 Fehruary 1992 (MPEG 48030) 0 0 tbe Jeft bank of the Juruá at Porangaba. The bird was founJ roostiDg at 2000 h about 10 m up in a tree in terra finne foresto Thi.$ strikingly diffcrcnt sub-adult plumage is not deseribcJ in fidd guides 0 1' li ny other literature¡ Jistinct rufous ncck and ca l' coverts of j uvenile b irds were lacking, being slate grey like thc rest of the upperparl!>, with anly a sruall trace of rufous on edge of ear caven !> (only visible in the hand); underparts. white, thwat white with a few Jark grey-black streaks, sídes of upper breast and neck with tirop likc grey stl'eaks , sides of b reast and flanks light1y barred with broaJ brown ¡lnd grey bar~, re~t of underpart~ white; uppcrparls, mantlc llnd wing!> dark !>late grey with buff edgings 10 the wing coverts. Soft part colours: eyes orange; cere and b ill greenish/yellow with the culmen more yellowish; legs yelluw. Photos by AW are deposited in the VIREO (l'hiladc1phin Acnderny of Natural Sciences) slide library no. W17/4/0t4 to \V17j4j017 (Plates 3 & 4). This little-known aecipiter is rare throughout il s extensive range in Plale 3. IIuld ..,1' GI'~)' - b~lIied Ih,,,,l,, .I'1fnj¡ ;I ~ I · p~lif!mla (Acre. Brazil), ,ho\\'in¡¡ an South AmCril:ll. In Colombia the species is recorJed ns a po~sib1c undesc,.ibNI pl""'.gc of lhj $ ~LL 1 ) _ Adll¡' fcmnlc. -""te rhe greatl)' reduccd lllm:\¡¡e, w h i~ h dilr~l1< ""lrkcdl), from th~ c:

ZONE-TAILED H"'\vI{ Buleo olbonlJtutus An adult was Tecorued sonrin ¡;¡; over the Río Juruá 5 km uprivcr from Cmzeiro do S ul on ' 2 November 1994. Later a pair was secn perehed on riverside trees on the bank of the Rio Juruá aboul 5 km somh of Porto 'Walter (8· 15'S, 7r45'W). OuT two records represent the only records from wcstern AmazOlllan Rra-;, although the speeies is found at several nearby P eruvinn Amazon sites, inc1uding Tambopata (l'arker el al. 1994).

PEREGRINE FALCON Falco pereRrúms Two records by AW. A lar¡;¡;e adult (probably female) some 5 km down the Rio J uruá from Eirunepé on tlle 11 Octobcr 1991 was perched on a dead snag at a river's edge. Again on the 13 Octobcr 1991 a probable female in 'the sume plumage was observed sorne 175 km down rivcr. These are the first records of this presumed boreal migrant in thc Rio Juruá drainage.

CHESTNUf-HEADED CRAKE Anurolimtlo.1 COSlOtleicep.f This rather elusive speeies wa~ tape-re<:orded on 10 Dtt.cmbcr 1995 at Tapuam on the left bank of lhe Hio Jllrwí in secondary growth adjaccnt to t.erra jinne forest, Robert l{jugely later identified the tape­ rccorded vocali zarions (in liu.), This is tlle sccond Brazilian record, The first \Vas from Rondonia on (he Rio Abuna on JI Nuvember 1992 by T , A. Parker (Pachcco 1 Y96), The speeies occurs in adjaccnt Pcru ¡md in Colombia,

PAINT.BlLLED CRAKE Nl'oct"ex eryO/rops. Two of these crakes were captllred in smal1 m!lrnm¡jl Ir:lps on the Rio Juruá bank on 16 anu 18 October 1991. Trap~ were set in long grass on thc leEt bank at narro Vermelho. Photographs of these birds are dcpositcu in the VIREO coll(;'.ction, l'hilndelphia, USA. The mnge of this furtivc spccies is incomplctcly known; the nearest records are from Tambopata in Pcru (Parker el al. 1994).

LAUGHING GULL Larus atridUo PIMtto 4, Vcntral \'icw (,Ir sub-Htlult f~ m3lc Grey-belli~d Ihwk Accipiter p~ligu.' IU showing On 9 and 10 Decembcr 1994 an immalure was observed by A Vl at Jlurc whitr. " ... derpart~, wcy-black "tr~aking on ¡he ~;dc.~ of ¡h~ thnlat, ¡¡rey Cruzeiro uo Sul on the Rio Junll't. 'l'his represents only the second ~\I"~uks (>O the upper br~,,"t "nd ncck, ane! 3id~ nf hr~a"t and Jl,tnks lill'htly barr~d \Vlth inland record for Amazonian Rl'Bxil. This spccics is normally a coastal uroild browl1 and grey barrillg. Strikingly diffcrellt [rom aduh-plu!'\agcd bircls, which hAve B pUl'e ,l(l'C)' hclly, and from th~ distinct imm!\!.ur~ plUmAI!~ which ~hnWR Q ~triklllK migrant in South Amcrica; il is eommon along thc coasts of Amapá anu re~~mb J~ !1Col 10 ~n adult Orn"t~ Hawk-Eagle Spizaetllf O'HU/lIl. Pará during the boreal winter. The olher Amazonian record for nrazil is from l\1amlUs, Ama:.r,onas, un the Amazon in December 1987, Further inland Amazonian n~cords are of a specimen collected by a A. W/¡ittaker f$ D. C. Orell 240 Bull. R.O.r:.1999119(4) A. Whittak~r f$ D. C. Oren 241 Bull. R.O.C. 1999 119(4) Louisiana State University expedition to Limoncocha in the Peruvian On 3 December, 4-5 birds were still present feeding in the tree. Thcy Amamn in Dcccmber 1975, a sight record froro the Ecuadorian were tape-recorded and a single specimen \vas collected (MPEG Amazon (R. Williams, in liu. 1995), whcre a single bird was sccn 52022). These l"eeords are the first from Acre, although the species is repeatcdly from late December 1994 to J anuary 1995 on the Rio Napo reeorded from ncarby Tambopata, Peru and in Panda, northwestern at Coca, as well as a few other recent sightings from thc Rio Napo Bolivia (Parker & Remsen 1987). There are few confirmed records from (R. Ridgely, pcrs.comm.). within Amazonian Brazil. The closest prcvious Brazilian record is from the Jaú National Park, Amazonas (AvV pers. obs.), sorne 1,500 km east BLUE-HEADED MACAW Ara couloni north-east. 1'his macaw, known from castcrn PCl"U and adjacent northern BLACK_BILLED CUCKOO Coccyzus erythrophthalmus Bolivia, was only recently recorded in Brazil at Brasiléia, Acrc, in the Hio Purus drainagc (Parker & Remsen 1987) and Plácido de Castro, One was obscrved by A \V on 18 February 1992 at Porongaba, on the Acre, in the Rio l\1adcira basin. Our new records for Brazil are one pair right bank ofthe Rio Juruá in secondary growth. Tbe bird was in thick observed by AVlT at Porongaba on the Rio Juruá in February 1992; A\V ¡ cover 5 m up on the edge of terra firme forest searching for prcy, and and DCO later found the specics eommoo in November 1994 farther hehaving in the charactcristic skulking manner of this genus. This was up the Juruá basin on the Rio Tejo at Restaura¡;ao. Our peak count here probahly thc same individual that was later collected within 150 m of was 32, observed in small groups as they fiew high over forest to a the site on 28 February 1992 (MPEG 48047). This record represents roosting area on 24 November 1994. During the same period it was the first record and specimen for Brazil and suggests that thc individual uncommoo along the Juruá at Boca do Tejo where the Chcstnut­ was an over-wintering bird; if so this extends the species' known fronted Macaw Ara severa was by fal" the commonest maeaw species. wintering mnge eastward. The Black-billed Cuckoo has been recorded AvV and Deo collected the first Brazilian specimen on 28 November wintering in northwestern Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and northern 1994 at Restaurar,:ao (MPEG 52019). The spccics was repeatedly Peru, and as an accidental in northern Argentina and Trinidad (Meyer recorded in flocks of 4-7 birds at Valparaíso io April-May 1996. OUl" de Schauensee 1970). Recent accidentals have also been reported from series of rccords suggests that thc specics is reasonably common and Paraguay and from Bolivia at Cochabamba (I-lilty & Brown 1986). All widespread in western Acre along the upper Rio Juruá and its Ecuadorian records appear to involve transient birds (R. Ridgely, pers. tributaries. comm.) LONG-TAILED POTOO Nyctibius aet/¡ereus longicaudalus BLACK_CAPPED PARAI{EET Pyrrhura rupicola Single birds werc tape-recorded by A W on the nights of 20 and This species has becn prcviously recorded only twice within Brazil, 21 October 1991 at Barro Vermclho, and at Porongaba on 13 .lanuary from Rio Braoco, Acre (Sick 1985, Forrester 1993), where it was found 1992. lloth records were of birds in terra firme forest calling from the to be common in 1989 (Forrestcr 1993). "Ve found the spccies to be understorey and the midstorey, respectivcly. This nocturnal bird was fairly common along the Rio Juruá at tbe mouth of the Rio Tejo on little-known until its voice was learned by ornithologists in the last both banks in terra firme. A \V tape-recorded birds but no voucher deeade. Although many new records of the species ha\;e since comc to specimens were obtained. Flocks flew rapidly and noisily through the light, it is still poorly represented in museums and certainly is more mid-storey in typical fashion for the genus, alighting to feed and then widespl"cad in Amazonian Brazil than the few specimen records reflecto moving off noisily and abruptly. The Painted Parakeet Pyrrhura picta Disjunct N. a. aethereus, known from the Atlantie rainforests oi" south­ rose~frons was sympatric in the same habitat and mueh more common. eastern Brazil, i8 even less known and is significantly larger than the Amazonian form (M. Cohn-Haft, pers. comm.). This, combined with SCARLET_SHOULDERED PARROTLET Touit huetii the geographical isolation of the two forms, suggests that the A group 01' 5-7 was found on 15 November 1994 in várzea forest at Amazonian taxon deserves full speeies status, as it was treated, in fact, Boca do Tejo on the Icft bank of the Rio Juruá. They were locatcd by in the past (Cory 1918). their calls in a large leguminous tree where they were feeding on 6-8 cm fruit pods. The following morning at 0730 h they ""ere heard CHIMNEY SWIFT Chaetura pelagica arriving, calling noisily as they flew through the canopy in a tight group A monospecific Rack of c. 20 birds was observed by AvV on and alighting in the same tree. Once in the tree Cl"own they remained 1 February 1992 at 1730 h bclow Porto Walter on the Rio]uruá. Birds very quiet, walking around wÍthin the tree on branches and dimbing were circling low over the river and skimmin¡,;- the surface to drink. The onto tllC outer branches, oftcn usin¡,;- thc beak as extra support. Easily following day several km down river from· Porto VlTalter two larger overlooked because they tend to voc"alise principally during their rapid Rocks of c. SO and 200 were seen di"inking. The larger Rock included flights, parrotlets of the genus Touit are the most poorly known group at least 2 Pale-rumpcd Swifts Chaetura egregia. The next day A \V of aH Amazonian psittaeids. observed another flock of c. 70 15 km farther up river. 011 6 December A. W hiltaku & D. C . ()r ~ >l A . Whiuuker et D. C. Oren 24 2 Bull. B.O.C. l fí99 11 9(4) 243 Bull. B.O.C. 1999 11 '1(4 )

1 \)94 4 hird!l w ere seen by A\V at Grajaú near Cruzeiro do Sul, li S they Nunl et N. rubect¡la, thougo on average a longer !\eries of individual eireled 15- 20 m Qver the river with a m ixed sped es floclt of swifts notes than that sped es, . eaen note being slightly longer and not including Shol1-tailcd Swift Chaetura bracltyura and F'ork-tailed Palm emphatic_. The bird was " ery confiding ¡md allowed closc approach . I t Swift '/"(Ic/lQr"is squamala. moved its tail in 4-5 small jerks tlnit to the r ~ h t and then lefl as notcd Exceptionall y good fi eld conditions including perfeet ligh t, close low in other !\peeies of NlHlnula :md othe !" MlIlac()ptila puffuirds (\Yhittaker fl yi ng hirds, repeateu views and cumparisons with other c1 0se Clwel14'" el al. 1995). The hird WII S loosely aSllociated with a sm all m ixcd spccies underslOrey bird tlock. Four birds were m ist-ncttcd and collected s pedes allo\Yw liS cunfidence in our identifiea tion. A W noted the following: ficl d marks: pale, almost whitish, thrmll eontrasting "" ith a (MI'EG 48 125/ 26/ 27/34) by AW in disturbcd teTra firme underslO rey dnrker face and head; dark sooty brown llpperparts wilh a sllggestioll of on 29 February 1992 at Poronguba. 50ft pan s: hrown eye with a pin k beillg slightly darker than the umlerpaIls; p aler gre)'ish rump ex tcnding eye ring, pale b rowl1 lcgs, and maxilla hlack, mandible grey, total onto the upper tlti!. Jiz: a very strong 6ight with po\Ycrful wing bcats 'leng lh 145- 155 mm and masses 15-17 g. Also A W obscrvcd a lonc bird and no b ulges shown in Ihe secondarics that rnany other Choel¡¡ra show at close nmge on 24 May 1995 on the uppcr Rio 'rejo while it sat at times. m otionless, perehed 3 m up on a ridgc in taro finne dominated b y C. pelaxila'$! wintering range is still poorly known, m os tl y due to bam boo. T he clase rcscm blanec tO N. ,-uhecula is striking in tlle field; Jifficulty in fie ld identification. It apparently winters in wcstern however, the best distingl.lishing features are as follows: rufous brown Amazonia (east to Manaus) and Chile (A rica); perhaps wCstcrn Pcru lores (white in N. ruhecula), grey wash 10 cheeks, darkcr hrcast, and (1 Iilty & Brown 1986) and weslern Ecuador (R. Ridgely, pers. comm.). hufl"y w ash to the lower belly. The fulvous ehin is not a good fi eld mark The purported nrst Brazilian record wa.'l from Manaus in lat e March and is only noticellble under ideal close views (A\V pers. obs. ). when G illi ard (1 944) observcd what he believed was this species Previously reeordcd from th tl Rio J uruá by Gylden!\lOlpe (1945), it is entcring a chimney. This record seems unsatisfactory, howlJver, aod also kIlown from Bl''';,Ii l from the Rio Purus (Todd 1943). p l"ohably refers to another ChaetuFa, such as rcsidcnt Chapman's Swift C. chapmani (A W pcrs. obs.) or the austral migrant Sick's Swift C. SCARLET-HEADED .BARBET Ruhucco tucinkae "andre/:" meridirmalis (.'lcc Mado 1997). G illiard's record ha ~ alreody A W observed a singlc mal e of this striking barbet on 22 Novcmber b etln noted 01'> unsati.'lfactory (Stotz et al. 1992, Sick 1985). T hese new 1994, feeding in the TOp of o fruiting fig (Ficus sp.) along the left hank of sight records are the first conh.rmcd Brazilian rocords und indicuttl that thc Rio T ejo, in the canopy of the vúrr.n:(/ fo rest at the river Parker ir is a fa irly eommon winter visitor in wt:Stern Acre. T his connrms el al. (1991) note that this I:l pe<:l l.'S prcfers Aoodpla in forest within 150 m Parker et al.'s (1992) suggestion that "a portion of the population, at of the river. AW obsc!"vcd ~ noth e 1" adult male on 5 M ay 1995 at close lea.'lt, wintc !"s in mostly wcstern Ama:;:onia." range while feed ing in a Ao wering Inga tree, apparently taking: nectar at the fl ower bailes, a t Iloca do 8110 J050 on the upper Rio Juruá. neo WHJTE-THROATED jACAMAR nrachygaLba albogl/laris recurded two other individ uals in vórzea forcst along the Tgarapé Sao 'rhis $\ pecies was local and uncommon ¡¡long the uppc!" Hio Ju!"uá in Luís in May 191)6. 'l'hese sight records constitute the fi rst Brazilian November and V ccem ber 1994, with onl)' l WO grQups locared d uring records of an uncommon and linle-knowll barbet, previousl)' OU t census work. Vh fir st observed Ihis jacilmal' along the Rio T ejo cOIls idered a Peruvian cndcm ic (Parker el al. 1982). In 1990 this specics ""here a famil y party of 4 was perched in Cecropia lrees along Ihe river was recorded from northwe1'.tern Bolivia (Parker et al. 1991) al Alto edgc in secondary g rowth bordering uárz ea foresto The birds were M adidi. perched hetween 7- 15 m u p sallying lo catch inseets. 'fbeir bchaviour was mueh like tbe more widespread Browll Jaeamu r nrachYRalba EMERAL.D TO UCANIIT A ulaco rhynchus prasinus lugubris. Sallics of 2- 30 m for insects were noteci . The longer .'lall ies often in volved a swooping down off the perch and Ihen tiyinS f a!\t on a One individual W IlS observed at I'orongaba on 27 February 1992 in horizontal plane and ending with a swoop up al the end to c¡¡ tch the leTra firme forest as it ftew inlo the eanopy of a fruiting tree. D u ring ob ~ erved inscet prey. A pair was collected by A \V 011 19 NO\'ember 1994 (MPEG November 1994 several pain¡ were along ilie Rio Juruá and 52054/55). the Rio T ejo, where the spedes was relatively cornmon. A specimen was colleeted on 4 December 1994 (Ml'EG 52064). This is the first FULV OUS·CHINNED NUNLET Nonnula sclateri Braziliao speeimen and pertains to the distinctive black-throated 'J' h~ 'fhe first record of thi!\ poorly lmown and rarely seen spedes WIIS a subspecies dimidia tus. first Brazilian record was a sight record at lone bird observed by A W at Porongaba on 11 February 1992. T hc Plácido de Castro, Acre in 1989 (Forres ter 1993). The subspecics is also bird was tape-recorded while !\inging, perchcd moti.onlcss 5- 6 m up in known from adjacent low!and.'l of Amazonian Peru from Tambopata a vine tanglc on the cdgc of a trail through di .'lturbed 7Járzea forefl t. The and Manu (Terborgh el al. 1984), and at Balta, La Pampa, Astillero, song waS a !\eries of equall y spaced plaintive repetitive "weeip, w eeip , Marcapata, Collpa, and Hacienda Vill a Carmen (O'Neill & Gardner wccip" up to 30 notes. The song is most similar to Husty-brcasted 1974). A. Whillak.u f:J D. C. Orm 244 Bull. R.a.e. 1999 11'1(4) A Whittallrr IS D. C. Or~" "5 lJull. n.o.e. 1999119(4) RUFOUS-HEAOED WOODPECKER Celeu$ $pectabilis C. s. obt'ieni has not been seen in thl! wild since the h010type was rirst located lit Tal·taruga (!rt6'S, n ·16'S, n041'W) on the left co!1cctcd. Recent ornithologie»l \Vork in Piauí in the region of UrUl;ui bllnk of the Rio Jun¡á on 9 May 1995 in tnra firme fnrest with close to the type locslity at the Esta~il:o Ecológico de Uru~uí·una Jarge bamboo, where a calling male was rape.recorde(! and observed (8~37'S, 44~55'W) hy P. C. Novnes during Det:Cmbcr 1980 ~Novaes at c10se range after rcsponding ro tape playback. Thc bird pecked 1992) was unsuccessful in relocating the taxon. The speclmen. o~ and drummed 00 the hambDD trunks f!'Om 8-12 mur. Thc plumage C. s. ob,ieni is ilnomalous fol' the following reasons: 1-C. s. Obrtetll desniption fitted C. s. exsul, which is known from adjacent Peru. represenls a ran¡;:e extcnsion o f abollt 3,150 km east of [he The folJowing: day, 4 km farther down [he ~ame trail, A W located species' known range. The other two subspecies of C. spectablis are a pair in bambDo understorey as they weTe pecking OD dead found from eastern Ecuador, southwardli just cast of the Ande.,; to bamboo trunks. 'l'be male was tape.reconled drummin¡;: on a holJow Coehabamba, Bolivia (Meyer de Sehauensee 1966) and, no~, deau bamboo stump. lbe foraging b irds p referred the almost southwestern Rrazilian Amazonia. 2·The area in northero Brazil horizontal bamhoo stems from 3-10 m l1igh. 1'his same area of where the holotype was eolleeted is extremely arid. T hcre the typícal bamboo also had Cercmnacra manu, Abazellop,~ dorsolis, Simoxo¡r¡ps dominant habitat is dry eeHado intermixed with caatinga, a typically «caya/ae, lJrymophila devilltd, ancl Ornate Antwren Myrmothernla arid serub with stunted, oflen thorny trCcs with many cacti an~ ot~er ornata, aH wcll known bamboo specialists, as well as Semi.collared succulents (Novaes 1992). Novacs noted ~malle r areas oí ~~w nvermc Puffbird Malacoptila semicillcta, found only within bamhoo in thili scruh forest and swnmp vegetatíon dominated by Mauntw flexuosa. reRion, suggesting that thili specics also has affinity to bamboo at Semi·deeiduou~ forest may Riso occur nlong sorne water courses of lea~t in this region. the region. . . AW later rccorded C. speclabilis from the Rio Tejo at Maehadinho lmportantly, the type loenlity is found in the caatmga enden:;llc cen!re (9"25'S, n·12'W) on 18 May 1995 in dying bamboo where onc bird was of Northeastcrn Brazil (eracraft 1985), with its many endemlC speClCS hcal'd tapping loudly on bamboo stems and briefiy seen. Anothcr two and subspecies. Even though mAny bamhoo species wit~ r.anges in the pairs wer", seen at Santo Antonio (9'11 'S, n'13'W) on 24 May 1995, western Amazon basin in Era.dl, Peru, Ecuador and Bol1vla have been again in bamboo. Farther down the Rio Juruá on the Rio Am6nia at recently reeorded thousands of km fnrther cast in the Brazilinn Amazon Quieto (9°00'S, n "49'W), onc male was seen twice on 26 !VI;!y 1995 in at sites such as Alta Floresta, Mato GrosSo and Carajás, Pará (Zimmer l!econdary growth at 2--4 m boring hoJes in a live Cecropia trunk V/e et al. 1997, Hidgely & Tudor 1994), none has been recorded east of the con dude thAt C. spectablis is fairly eommon in Acre nncl mostly associ:Jtlo)d with hAmboo. important zoogcographic barrier of the Rio Tocantins.. . The significnntly diffcrent morphological. data, (hstlT~ct plum.age Thc first Brazilian record of C. speciablis is in faet a specimen differences, disjunct range and completely d1ffcrent h~bl~at reqUlre· attributed to this species colleeted in 1926 by E. Kaempfcr from the rnents in different c1imntic zones convince us tha! obrtem should be state of Piauí, ellstern llnlzil. Thc specimen is an adult fema1c collected cunsidcred a full species, distinct {rom C. spectabilis. We suggest Ihc on 16 August 1926 at Urw;uí 011 the Rio Parnaiba (¡o14'S, 44·33'W), al name of "Caatingll Woodpecker" fo1' the sep8[ated taxon. an altitude of 124 m, original numbcr 3707. The spceimen is deposited in rhe I\ meria ln Museum of Natural H islOry (New York City) as no. PERUVlAN RECURVEBtLL Simoxetlops ucayalae 242687, where it remained labelled as a Cele/IS sp. until irs uDusual This rare furnariid is a bamboo spe..:iali ::;t and was encounteroo fo r plumage featureli noted by Charles O'Brit:n. He informed L L. the first time in Acre. Our records suAAcst that rhe specitls in the uppcr Short that he thought that the specimen most dosely resembled C. Juruá is a loenl and uneommon resident in terra ji171le forest with either .~peclabUs, but did not publish. After O'Brieo retil'cd, Short continued seattered or large stands of bamhoo. Reeords \Vere from Roca do Tei? to investigate thi8 puzzling Ce/eus, cvemually deseribing it as a new where an adult and juvenile were mist-netted and eollected (MPEG sub.speeies; C. spectablis obn'eni (Short 1973). 52095/96), and al Reslaura<;30 on the upper Río Tejo where one male Celeus specUlblis ohrieni differs strikingly from both C. s. ipatablis and two females were collected (MPEG 52097/98/99). There arc only anJ C. s. exsul, not only in its plumage differenccs but also in its smalle!' three previous reCords from, mostly from skins in the I\1PE0 size (wing, tail, bill anJ tarsus). Plumage differences d~::;cribed by Short collection. A specimen (MPEG 32018) reported by Novaes (1978a) lS (1973) arc: "Greatly reduccd barring dorsally (sttOI'.~Io)St and rnost from an unknown site ~omewhere in either Amazonas or Pará. 'fhe prominent in nomina te, also well mal·ked on entire mantle in exsul.). second (MI'EC 38156) is from the Sena de Carajás, Pará. Recently it V~ry redueed ventral mal'kings (ver)' heavily marked in nominAtc form, has becn recorded through sightings at Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, however significantly less in exsul), even less in obrielli. Whitet abovc where it is locally uncommon in bamboo in terra finne forest (Zlmmer and bclow; small outer rectrices mainly cinnamon (blac1( in nominate et al. 1997). It is also fQund in nearby south-eastern Peru at Tambopata and exsul); snd secondaries paler, more buey (less ehestnut), especially (Parker et al. 1994) and at Monu National Park ('T'erborgh e~~f. 1984). on tertial feathers; the bill appcars yellower (compared 10 both newer and older speeimcns)." Another 2 pairs were observed by A W on 9 May 1995 at 1 art:IflJga. One hinl was observed foraging ' in bamhoo at 3.5 m whcl'e It was A. WhillafM' flf TJ. C. O ..", 246 Bull. B.O.e 199<) 119(4) A. Whiltalu!1 flf D. C. Oren 247 Hu/l. B.O.C. 1999 119(4) pecking h:mJ at .the dead stem of a bamboo ffi.1king a woodpcckcr-like forest understoI;ey. A further pair was collccted at Hot:a do T ejo on 17 loud ta ppm~ nOlsc. After op~ning up the hole the bird put its bC¡lk in, anJ 18 NovcmbcT 11)94 (MPEG 52121-22). The area was poorly rull~d OUI fi b.·es, then held Its ":ye up clO S l~ to the hoJe and peered in, drained wi th a substantial anlount of standing water with small palms lookmg firs t .upwards and then down fOI" prcy items. Apparently and vine tangles covering small shrubs and U"ces. Thc male responded unsucc~sful, lt then Bew off out of slght. to playback of its song by approaching very warily, ~kulking and pcrching often in the thickcst vinc tangleA where he worked his way up, DUSKY.CHEEKEO FOLlAGE-GLEANER Abaze11Of'$ dUTsalis hitching through the tanglc and always remaining very wcJl hiddcn . . A pair was seen and tape-recorded in Ihick bamboo in the understory While perched he held his body rather upright, like sorne obligate army ot terra firme forest at 1'artaruga 011 9 May 1995 by A \V. The pair wns ant followers such as Gymnopithys a11(1 Pithys, with tail held e. 20-30· observed as. thcy foraged along with a mixed-species understorey AocJ(. below the body planeo Agitatcd by playhack, the male fl.ared out his The followmg day along thc same tmil anothcr pair was located in the Borma1l)' conccalcd whitc interscapular patch and also showcd a ¡ittle ~amb?o un ~ e r s.tol~ Y. '.fhese sightin ~ rep.·csent only the third record \~· hite edging 10 it,> shoulder. Interestingly, other suitable ha bitat tor thls speCJes 111 Drazl!. It was firs t recorded fmm Alta Floresta Mato surveyed by playhaek of the specíes' song in several areas along the Grosso (;¿immer ~t al. t 91)7) whcre it WM fairly oommon. Thc ~conJ upper Hio Juruá and Río Tejo was unsuccessfu1. record was a pal~ tape-~c~rded and observed at close range aftcr playback at GuaJurfi Mmm, Roncloniu in April 1995 (AW perll. STRlATEO ANTDIRO {) rymophüa deviltei obs.). Th i~ bamhoo specialist was found entirely in that habitat and was much more common along the upper H~ac hcs of the Rio Juruá than in GREY-THROATEO LEAFTOSSER Scle1"U1"U~· albi¡JI(laris the middle eourse. AvV recorded one bire! on 16 December 1991 frum vVc.rccordcd Ihis leaftosser only oncc in Acre at Tartaruga on 9 May várzea fo!"est on the right banl{ of the Rio Juruá at Barro Vermc1ho in 1995 m t?e ~ndcr s torey of teYra firme fOl·CSt, wh!:1re A W tape-recorded sparsc bamboo, Vouchcr spccimens and several tape rccordings of birds ~~e.v~ahsatlOn f1nd th~I?- observed a single individual after playback. were made along the upper Rio Juruá, Rio Tejo anrJ Rio Amonia. This 1 hIs IS. the fo urth BrQz¡Jlan reco.·d and repre¡¡;ents a rangc extcnsion of represents a range exten;:;ion to the wcst in Rnt¡.;il (see Parker el. ul. approxlmatdy 1,000 k!~ to the \Vesl in Brazil. Stotz el al. (1997) 1997), though it is common in nearby Tllmhopata, eastern l'eru. 1"epo r te~ thc finot Hrazlhan record of a Grey ~ throated Leaftossel· fro01 Cachoelra Na¡.;aré, Hondonla (9°44'S, 61·53'W), colJected on 7 MANU ANTaInD CercQtnacra manu November 19Ró. 1'wo others wcre collected some t 50 km to the soulh A lone male bi rd \Vas located hy its croaking voice hy A W as it south-.west o.f . Cac?oeira Nazaré almost simultancously by M use~ foraged in a hamhoo thicket in leTra firme ut Porongaha on 17 February Gockh techmclans ln lerra firme Jorest at km 87, DR-429, Linha 64, 1992. During several minutes of observation rhe maje was notccl Alvoraclo do Oeste, Randonia (11 °2 5'S, 62"25'W): MPEG 38745, male, foraging within the bamboo from bctween 3-5 m, gleaning insects off 34 g, teste~ 2 x 3 mm, total lcngth 180 mm 21 November 1986· and both uppe!" ami lower lcaf surfaces. A W collected the male on 22 MPEG 38746, ma1c, 36 g, testes 5 x 3 mm: totul Icngth 180 m~, 18 Fcbruary 1992 (MPEG 48238). It was a1so fou nd at Tartaruga on the November 1986. left bank uf the Rio Juruá in bnmbuo-dominated terra firme understorey where A W found 4 pairs lInd tape-recorded several of thcm BAMBOO ANTSHRII<'E Cymhilaitnlls sanctaemariae on 10 ami 11 December. Another maj e was observed carrying a gl·een Th!s bamooo spedalist was recorded fl·om Iwo difierent locations along 2 cm katydid tu a possible ncst 01· young. Along the Amoriia Al lhe :< l~ Juru~ hy A W at Arara (9·00'8, n 045'W), and at Quieto on the Río Quicto, wh il e scarehing bamboo along SI 5 km trail, A W hcard a further Am~llI a. PaJrs were observed ami l ape ~ recorded alw:l ys in bamboo­ 3 poir;; on 14 Oeeember 1995, again in bamboo-Jominated terra firme, uomllla[cJ unJerstorey of te"afinne forest as they fol1owed míxcd spceics bur thia time higher upIa nd forest r¡eh in rubher Irees. TIlis recently undcrstOl"c y Rocks. In response lO playbaek 3 male raised it.<; black crcst described species (Fit.zpatrick. & Wilhu·d 1990) fmm southeastcrn Pcru feathers up almost vcrtically. Previously known froln Brazil from eastero is a well known bamboo specialist (Kratter 1997). This is the fi~t Acre in the Purua basin ¡¡nd Rondonia (Parker el (¡l. t 997). Rra¡o;ilian specimcn ami the sccond country recorJ. 'l'he spccies was first reported in nr¡t%il (Zimmer el al. 1997) at Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso. BLACK BUSHBlRO Neoctantes niger A pair \Vas mist ~ netted in thick hclieon in-dominated ?Járzea forcst WIIlTE-LlNED ANTDIRD Percnosfola lop/¡r¡ tes understorey at Anrro \:ermelho on thc right bank of the Rio Jurmí. in A pair aud a lane singing male were (lbsetved and tape-rccorded by the state of AmazOllBS In 15 October 1991. The pair was photographed A \V ane! DeO on 15 November 1994 in di:'ltu rbed várzea forest ar Boct-oetted at Porongaba (MI'EG 49695) on 15 February t 992 in "Varzea forest understorey on [he left bank of the Juruá. The RUFOUS-FRONTEID ANTI'HRUSH Formicarius ruftf'·07IS exaet contaet zonc of this ~pec i e; and A!>h-throatcd Gnateaters Thi)l race formicadid was described io t 957 from southeastem Peru. COIlOpopJwga peruv;alla along the Rio Juruá is not known. AW For a long time it was only known (rom the Type, a female coUected io observcd and tape_l·ecorded a pair of A"h-thrO:lled Gnateaters on the 195400 me !tio Colorado (Blake 1957). 'fhe spl.'Cies was rediscovered uppcr Rio Juruá 00 12 Deccmber 1995

3~1 ------______~ it was likely to occur in Itdjacent western Brazil amI northwestern llolivia). Although R idgely & Tudor (1994) indicate that this is a species of ------_._-- floodp lain forest in Peru, we rIX:orded it aLso wen away from the rivers' , Aood plains, once 4 km away in upland tena firme foresL

, _____ ."'\a_ _!!!. f .L _. !!!l __ PURPLE-THRO ATED FRUITCROW Querula pllrpllratu T his spec i e~ wa~ seen anu tape-recorded at Harro Verm el ho du ring O ctoher 1991 and was seen or heard dsil)' in lerra finne fore.... t. O n the o upper sUe[ches of t he Rio J uruá it WIII> uncommon. A single vouch~ r o o.> 1.0 1.5 '.0 specimen \Vas collccted (MPEG 52217, female) at the m ou th of.the R I~ T ejo on 3 D ecemher 1994. Thellc are the tirst rccords for the R IO Jurua ~ 2 N 3 busin (Snow 19R2). I ~ BARE-NECKED FRUITcn ow G:vm"nuderus Joetidus , This spccics was ~~ommon around narro Verm clho in the e.xpansive ,., várzm forest and uncommon along the whole of t he upper RiO J uruá. U e ,...~4 ,..,..-_J Birds were most often observcd Oying high uver the river 01' feeding at o fruiting trees, espeeially in Cec ropia trees feeding on t~c catkins, often o o- along with other frugivores. T here arc no other prevlOus reports fo r o this specics from the ·upper Juruít drainage (Snow 1982). o ~" O o., 1.0 '.0 ROUND_TAILED MANAKJN Pipro chloromeru~· 3 An active lek 01' 3-4 males was observed and tape-recorded by AW on 3 10 D ecember 1995 in terra firme fon:st understorey at Tapuara (9-.16'5, n042'W), on the left bank 01" the Rio Juruá. T hey displayed .aehve!y, , and san/{ afid chased one anothcr IO-t 5 m up in the lower .mJ(lstorey. 1------Bricf observations of the birds showed them holding the bnght scarlet .' 7 hind crown feathers out horizonta l1 y, exposing t he oLive-ycllow base of the nape fea thers. 'rhe 3-4 adult m., l ~ 1-I lso made shurt dance displays, fa nning out their rounded tails :md rcvcaling tbeir ycllow thighs. O n 12 Dcccmbcr 1995 in terra fU"IIle understorcy fI[ Largo Ccará on o +---~.----,-----.--~ the leh bank of the R io Juma, A W recorded another active lek. and o 0..5 1.0 lO tapc- recorded them. This lck contained at least three a d u~t m~ l e b trds. " 'T'hese are lhe !irse Brazilifln records fo r the s pecies, whlch IS known T i me ( se c) from nearby easte!"n Peru. J."il!un~ 2. Sonogrnm $ of C'(JIl"'la duden. 3n d G. dig¡¡ini>tIQ. I = C . tluÚt'llS. T3rtó'TUII1I, n ío JurulÍ, Acre, llra~ll, A. Whilt3ke, rcconiist. 2=;G. eludem, Ahujao, tlcayali. Peru. T . STRIPED M ANAKIN MachaerCJpterus regulus Mc)'cr rccordi91. J=C. dig"i.uim(J , La Selva Lodgf., Nó'p<.l, Ecuad"r, H.. Aehutock T his species was eommon and sympatric with Fiery-eappcd Manakin r ,,~ordi~t. Machaeropterus pyrocephalu$ at Barro Vermelho. H ere,. se,' individuals of both speeies were eapturcd, often in the same mlst net 10 disturbed terra /irml~ forest edge. Un1ike M . pyrocephalus, M . regulus common along the stream anJ in terra firme forcst at tite edge 01" was not dosel y· associated \'\Iith bamboo in the und~rstore;:. Smaller dearings. T wo individuals werc eolleeted on 6 May 1996: M PEG numbers of .lvI . regulus were fo und furthcr I.Ip the RIO Jurua near the 52585, male, 89 g, gonads 4.7 x 2.5 mm; M PEG 535Rfi, female, 8 1 g, hcadwaters in tena firme. DCO coll ectcd both species :at Valparaíso.on (lVnry granulatcd, oviduct 3.1 mm, largest ovule 2. 1 mm. The gonad the Igarapé Sao Luis in May 1996. A W observed lekkmg males callmg mea!;uremen t ~ and behaviour reeorded s uggest that May marks the end from horizontal perches in the understorey from 2.5--6 m. Males often of the reproductive period for this speeies in the .1 uruá basin. changcd sin ging perche!!, whieh were often within ear shot of. 2- 3 ot~er 'l'hese represent the first record s for Brazil of a lIpecies thought tu be lekking male!!. The call is a soft but qui ek two n?te lll se ~t-hk~ a Pcrllvian endemic (though Ridgc1y & Tudor (1994) !;uggested that " whoo-cheet," which ean be very easy to overlook and I toS ventnloqUlI /l. Whir/Qkcr G n. C. Orm 252 Bull. B.O.e. 1999 119(4) A. Whittaku (;1 D, C. Ortm '53 Bull. B.o.e. 1999 119(-4) quality make!:l it very hard to ¡ocate smgmg bird!l. The voiee of the ALDER FLYCATCHER RmlJi¡Jnuax alllnnllll nominal":: mee of M. regll lus, endemic to Atlantic rainforest of A single bird was ohserved by A W at Boca do Tejo on the left Sjzo me/ullQlcuca Rio Tejo around Re!ltaura~¡¡o. On 23 Novemhcr 1994 A W watehed a A fiock of three bira s was he¡trd and tapc-recorded by A W on fernaJc fecding a recently ftedged young which had nol yet got a full tail. 28 October 1991 at narro Vennelha, Amazonas from terra firme foresto DeO observcd a single bird ftying io várzea forest near the mouth of Late .. , tluce birds were observed by A W feeding 00 the fruits of a the Igarapé Süo Luís on IJ May 1996. single large Cecropia tree. A small gwup was tape-recorded by A W un This specie!l occutS from eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru (T .Ol·cto 4 Decemher 1994 at the Doca do Tejo, left bank of the Juruá. L. south to Puno), and Ridgely & Tudor (1989) >luggest that it should al!lo melalloleuca's knQwn distribution in western Amazonia exclude!; the accur in adjacent western Brazil. These records are the first for Brazil BraziHan portian (Islcr & Isler 1987) and Ridgely & Tudor (1 \.189:337) and represent a range extension of sorne 750 km east into Amazonas statc "it has not yet beeo recorded south of the Ama:-.on in western and Acre, Orazil. Amnxonia [in Brazil] but prohably occurs". Recordll from the Urucu, Amazonas (Pcrcs & Whittaker 1(91) and our records from both neal" SLATE-COLOURED SEEDEATER Sporophila schistacea Eirunepé and along the Rio Tejo confirm that it does occur in thi~ AvV tape-rl::corded severa! singing males in disturbed vá1'zea forest region. However, it seems to be uncommon to rare in most of on 30 January 1992 on rhe olltskirts of Ctuzeiro do Sul, Acre. ~ll birds southwcstern Amazonian Brazil. seen were in immature mllle plumage, Hite the female but wlth small BAND-TAll.ED OROPENDOLA Ocyalus latiroslrü but obvious white win¡;;: spl~cu lum s. 'l'hrcc singing birds were located 'I'his poorly known species with a restricted mnge WIIS encounrered next to a forest clearing wirh tall hamboo clumps. Oirds wete singing n:pcfltl:uly by A W in terra firme forest along rhe J utué. Thl: birus from 7-15 m high and oflen diffienlt to locate. These records represent wcrc usually in mixed-spccies fiocks wirh other icterids, but were a range extcnsion I)f :Jbout 500 km NNE frcm the nearest records from twice encounterccl in monospccific Hocks of 3 and ti b jrd ~. The mixoo I1uánuco and Maure dot Dios, cllstern 1'I::ru (Ridgcly & 'rudor t 989). !lpecies tlocks variccl from 20 to 150 bircls, with the largest numhet of These are the fi.l'st rceords in wcstern Ama:-.onian Brazil. The ouly O. latirostrú being c. 50. The RUliset-backed Oropendola (Psarocolius other pub1ished Amazonian recotds are fmm easlern Amazonia in Pará angust.ijrous) was the most cnmmon associate with O. /atirostris, and Amapá (Snerhlage 1914, No"aes I978b). AW also observed and followcd by Yellow-rumpcti Cacique (Cacicus cela), and only one tape-recordcd males frcm RondÓnia, both an adult male from record w;th Vclvet-rronted Grackles (T.amprospsoT tonagritlus). fiand­ Ariqueme.<: in January 1995 and J aduh m!lll::s ncar Guajará Mirim in tailed Ororendolas wete mostly in mid-storcy and s\lbcanopy tlárzea ApriJ 1995. With inereasing defol'cstation e n eo u rag in~ the spread of rorest, and less commonl y in leTTU firme rorest. bamboo, [his species may extend its ran¡;;:e progres.<:ive1y through the On 16 September 1994 AW located 3n active nest in a )i ve Cecropia rest of Amazonia. trcc neUt the mouth of the Rio Tejo. The nesting tree was appro ),;. 20 m BLACK-AND-WHITE SEEDEA'l'EU Spvrophila luctuosa tall in ¡j; natural clearing beside a small stream in tr;msitionnl tena ¡mue forest npprox. 1.S km from the river. The sarue tree contained an active On 21 January 1992 a mixed Roek of 20-25 scedeaters was observed colony of 14 Cas.qued Oropendola nests. The O./aÚrostl'is nest was the on the margins of the Rio Juruá, c. 20 km up river from Cruzeiro do highest in the tree (17 m up), approximately 1 m from the cnd of a Sul by AW and CP. The ftock contained both S.luctuosa and Lesson's brimeh sloping at 60'. Thc nest was sack-shaped with a 10p entrance, Seedeatcr S. bOUvrQl1ides. We estiinated that a little less than half this constl'ucted of woven fibres and possibly grass stems. Thel'e \Vere two mixed flock was S. luctuosa, with ovcr 50% in adult male plumage. The Casqued Oropendola nests within 3 m. Thc adult Q. lafiTostris arrived Rcck was feeding on Ihe ripe secd hcads of ¡;;:tasses and sedges that were si!ently to feed the yOung, which chirped exeitcdly at the arriva! of the abundant along the river bank. During the next few days travelling up patcnts, '1'hl:: only other publishcd information on ncsting in this tbc J uruá we noted the following additional observations: one pair on specics is by Kuepcke (1972). the morning of 2 February 1992 ; later in the afternoon another malc observed singing; on 11- 12 Fllbnmry 1992 A\V found !Ind tape­ CASQUED OROPENDOLA Pmrocolius oseryi recorded a small flock around 11 little scttlemcnt a few km upriver from Two wete observed by AW at Barro Vermelho, Amn;l.Qnas, on the l'orongaba, in au exremi"e nre!! o( pa~ture with seeding grass ~nd low len bank of che Rio Juruá on 22 October 1991. The birds were in tena bushes adjaccnt ro the river; on 11 February at least two ma!e blrds anu A . Whillaktr (jJ D. C . Oren A. Whillokcr IY n . C. Ortn 258 Bull. B.O.C. 1999 11 9(4) B ull. B .O_C. 1999 119(4) Fo rratcr, R. C. 1993. BirJin; R,Q"il: a ~hnk h.z aud UIe g/lidt. John Cetldu, lr ~; n e. unc hird III female plurnage mixcu in w ith a small flock of ScotlK nd. Chestnut·bellicd Seedeate r~ s. castalleivetltris. The following day there Cilliard, E. T. 1944. Chimncy Swif¡s (1) at Man~u~, HI"~zil. Auk 61: 143-144. were at Jeast eight maJe:,; mostly not in full adult maJe pJumage with Gyldeo.toll'e, N. 1945. The bi rd fauna uf the RiQ JU(\1\\ in We,teI"n Br ~zil. Kungl. mottled areas of brown visible in their black plumagc and one biru in Sv(n;¡k" V~ nt. - akad. Ilandl. JO Ser. Band 22, no. 3: 1-33 11 . femalc plumagc. Thrt::c males were coll ected during these t wo days Hilty, S. J .. & Brown, \J{. [,. 19116. A guide lo Ih~ bi''¡$ oJ Colo mbia. Princeton Univ. P'"1l~S , Princetun, NJ. (MPRG 4B471-73). lsler, M. L. & hler, P . R. 1987. TIIe Ta"allus. SmithHonian [tlstttut;on P re~, Anoth ~ r male was observed 3[ Largo Ceaní by A W on 10 D e<:embcr W""hi" gloo nc. 1995 along the banks ol' the Juruá. It was associating with n feeding Knepke, M. 1972. Oh"," tl i., R elI i ~tenL fo nTlen der Vogelnu ter in einem begrem~ t c n oC female p robably Double-collared Secdcaters Gebict des trcpishcn Rcgenwaldc. in Pern. J . Dm. 11 3; 138-160. fiock 3-4 Spol'ophilas, Kmlt.", A. W. 1997. Bamhoo sroeeiatiuotlon by Ama~onill" b; r d~. Bjotwpicu 29: 100-110. S. caerufescens. Lo"'''.y, G. 11. &. O'Neill, J. P . 1966. A new gcnm and ~pccin uf cotinga from eaMern Th e~c records are the first for Bmzil. The species' mnge is western Peru. Al//¡ 83: 1-9. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and northern Bolivia, " mostly Madn, M . 1997. Speeies limit. ~nd distribution of 80mc N~.w Worltl spine_tailed 8wift~. betwcen 1,200--2, 500 m, uccasionally lower (to 1-300 m)¡ perhaps Ornil}W/. Memogr. 48: 431-443. Meyer de Hehpucnscc, R. 1966. TM ./Jtcie, oJ bi.J$ oJ Sout/¡ A muiea w;th Iheir engages in seasonal nltitudinal movcmcnts" (Hidgc1y & 'J'udor 1989). di.tribut;o". L ivingst,me pub li~ h i ng Co., Narbcclt, 1'A . Our records reinforcc the hypothesis of altitudinal and gcographical Meyer de SchlOouensee, R. 1970. A IfIlide ro 1M bi,.b uf Suulh An~rica. I.i v í n g ~ton migration. Publishing Ca., Wynncwood, PA. H. eceot unpuhlisbed reports from lowland arcas in adjacent Per u at Noya""" .... C. 1957. Contribui .. Oeti ~ o rnitologia do oorocue do Acre. B uI.. Mm. P, J. F. 1 ~5. New d r.tributiooal records ror some hords [m m ván:ca (orest Qt F(lOundo c. No\'ae~. M~ny thanks tu Morl aoJ t'hyllis Isler rO. sooograms, 8m l to M II ,,, iIAU~, western Bralec i es-poor" Parker, T . A., 111 , Parker, S. A. & Plenge, M. A. 1982. A .. atlnoto/M r.htcklist oJ ¡ht Central Amazoo: upd,lte.l IOolld corrcetions 10 Ihe a" if~ un a nonh uf Monnus, Brazil. Ptr,wum bira•. Rutco Rooh, Ve rminion, Soulh O. kollOo. OmilJwJ. M onogr. 48: 205-235. P urker, T. A., 111 , Gen-Muno, M., Castillio, U ., A. &. Rocha, 0. 1991. R ecords of new Collar. N. J., GOI)? agoo, L. P., Krabbe, N ., Madroño N ¡ ~ t u, A., Nan"'jn, L. C., Pa,ker, and \Hl\tsual bird! from nortllero Rolivia. B"II.lJn·l . Om. Cl. 111: nO-I3I!. T . A. TlI & W,,¡¡e, D. C. 1992. T/¡~€ate /l ad bird. oJ tht Am~ri'·¡¡ue of uird. of the Am e ric a~ . "olume XII, pnrt ll, numbe,. 1. Patton, J. L., Silva, M. N. F . da & Maleolm, R. 1994. Gene geneal"HY ~nd Fi~{d Mus. Na/ur. HiS! . 197: 1- 315. J. differelltiUi"n among arhnreuJ spiny rats (Rodcntia: F.chi myidH~) uf the Amuon Cracnft, J. 1985. Hi ~lorical hiogeog!"llphy "nd pattcrns 01" differentiation wilhin ¡he b~sin: a tetit uf the ri\'erioe barrier hypothcsi •. Eoo/llliun 48: 1314--1323. &lulh American a \,¡r~U IlA : Areas of endemism. Orlllllwl. Mmwgr. 36: 49--84. ClInha, M . C. d". [n prcss. If tltCicwptdia dos .uiJ¡gud"". M i ni sl~ r io J e Mcio Ambi.. ntc, Perca, C. A . 1991. Notes on Ihe primat"" 0 1" the Jumá River, we&tcrn RrsziliRn Amaw nia. R<:cUI"Sos HidriC(K e da Amawoia L.::g" l, Unlsília. OF, 8,-a ... il. Folia P>i,.,azol. 61: 97- 103. Fir¿plOotrick, J. w. &. Will1lr tia",., a ncw Spe<:ll't> .... ( ll nlbird fn>m Pe ro,,., C. A. & Whitt"ker, A . 1991. Annollllfd ch e<:kl i ~1 Qf the bird spl"Ci1'8 of the u'>I'e,· I'(lu th ...... tern Ama?onia. Auk 107: 473-4119. Río l h llcu. An\lllonlS, Ara?.!. Bull. B,. 07n. el. 6 1: 97- 103. A, WhiflUker f!j D. e, Oml 260 Bull. B.O.e. 1~9119(4) 1). W, lJudm 261 DuR. D,O.e. 1999 119(4) Picrpont, N. & Fiu.patrick, 1. W. 1'18J. SpccifIc st,ItUS ~nd behAvior or Cylllbilailllul WCIIl~'"Il"¡fl~, the Eltmhoo Amshrih, from ,",uthwr:,;tern i\ml~o o ia. Atlk 100, The birds of Sapwuahfik Atoll, with 64.~-6S 2. Rem$en, 1. v" jr.,l'>chmitt, C. G. & Schmitt, D. e 1988. NAlUr~1 hi8lQ r)' nOlCSOllsomc first record of the Grey Wagtail, poorly kn"wn Doli>·ian tlir<.ls, fla.t 3. Cerfuu.t 78: 363-381. nid¡¡ely, R. s, &: T udor, G. 1989. The bi,.d, of Soulh Amuiccl . Vol. 1, T1le Oseinc Motacilla cinerea, from the Federated P M.~er i ne!l. Univ. T.,,,a... Pn::ss, Austin. Sta tes of Micronesia Ridgely, R. S. & Tudor, C. 1994. TIre biftk of Saul/¡ Amerit(/. \/,)1. 2. Th" ~ .. boein" Pnsserin~.$ . Uni". T e"as Press, Austin. Siek, H . 1985. Omilologia BmsilciTu. Vol. ¡ & 2. Eni,... ,... IJnivCl'$i '-d I ()c/(Ibu 1'198 Sick, H. Ji197. OrniJologia Brasilci.u. Edio;oo revista e. ampliada. Ed itonl Novll Fromcil"ll. n i,., de );IO"iru. ~hur t , L. L. 1973. A new r d<:e of C~Ie! IS spctlubili. frum e 3$t~ l 'n tlru:6l 1. WilJm¡ H,jll. 8S: Sapwuahfik (formerly Ngatik) Atoll ís une of many remote, seldom 465-467. visited, and biologically poorly known groups of íslands in the tropical S,,~thIIRe, E. ¡ 'IH. CllrnloJl:o du aves am;lronicas. Ral. MUJ. G~ ldi 11 : 1- 530. Pacific; ¡ts biotn have neve!" becn s urveyed systematically. The present ~nn"', D. W. 1982. Tll t cQli"gaJ: bdlbirds, ",nbr~lIobirdJ and Q¡hu Jptci". Comel1 Un;v. prces, rchaca. study provides informatían on the occurrence and distribution of bird Stot?:, D. F. I\j<}{l. CorrcctiOI1! ~nd additiol1~ to the Rra?:i);",n a,'ifauna. Cn"dnr 92: spccics on Sapwu:Jhfik, and is based ¡nrge!)' on my observatÍan::; during 1078- 1079. 28 May-l July 1998. StOt\'., D. F. & Bicrrcgaard, R. O., Jr. 1989. The birda oí Ihe fn \'.cndns Porto Alegre, Sapwuahfik Atoll is a part of the Fcdcratcd States of Micronesia, F.~teio and lJimona north of Manllus, Amuol1a~. Bruil. R ~!. Byo,tU, Ri()l. 49: which includes rhe main islands of Yap, Chuuk [formerly Truk], 861-872. StO!\'., D. F .. Bicrrcgaard. R. O., Cohn"Haft. 1'1'1., ,Petermann, P., Smilh, J.. Whittakcr. A. Pohnpei, and Kosrne, and their many outliers. The name Ngatik was & Wils,m, S. V. 1992. The status of North mi¡:rants in central Amu()nian used faf the alo11 prior lO 1985, flnd i5 still used fOf the ¡argest and IlI"H"iJ. eondor 94: tíOs-"621. . only pcrmancnt1y settled ¡sland. 'l'he ato11 is about 160 km southeast SIO!\'. . D. F,. J.anyon, S. 1'1'1., Schul~nbcrg. T. S., Willard, D. E., P~t erson, A. T. & of Pohnpei, the ncarcst isltind Imd thc administrative seat. It is about FiupDtrick, W. 1997. An avifaunal "ueve)' of two tropical forr.~1 localili c~ on the J. 21.0km long and up to 9.5 km wide (Fig. 1~. Its ten, low, coraBine m iddl ~ Rio 1iparHná, Rondonia. Rra"i!. Omi/hol. Mmwg'·. 4S: 763-781. T erborgh, ¡. \V .• Robinson, S. K., Parker. T. A., Ill, Munn. C. A. & Pier}>Om, N. 1990. islands have a total land Area of about 1.6 km . A deep water channe1 StI'\JCCU I"t: and <>rl{illli7.atiOIl of an Amazoni",n forest oommunity, Eail. },1/l1f()/t,. !íü: on the southern side provides the only p:lssage for boats into and 213- 23B. Terborgh, J. W " Fitzpatrick, 1. w. & Emmons, L . 1984. Annotalo.!<1 c h e~klis l of b ird ~ nd mamm al ~ p oc ie ~ of Chocha Cash.u bi"log,cal ~Ultion, Manu National Park, Peru. NdJimu/ (Zool. n. u-• .) 21 : 1-29. To

AdduJr!J: And.·~w Whitt~kcr. Conjunto Acariquara Sul, Rua Salllaumas 214. 69085-0n Manau!, Amnunas, EI·a?i!. David C. Oren, Panen s~ emUio Goo:l<1i, Depal'tamento de 7,;:,ologia, C. P. 399. 66017-970 Delém. Pnrá, BraúJ.