![Important Ornithological Record S from the Rio Juruá, Western Amazonia, Including Twelve Additions to the Brazijian Avifauna](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Sh'Vfil! L. Hilty l) .. B.O.C.19't9 119(4) 134 u. A. Whittaku f!l 1J. C. Om¡ 23S Bull. R.O.C. 1999 119(4) 14-15 J:muary 1994, H ato Ceural, Apure; aoel pair well-studíed RYlill, T . P. & Lenlino. R., M . 19%. An arlditional reo.:urd of Ihe Pale- fuul~ S",,,1I0'''. 100t S k m W 0 1" 'l'umererno, ID northcastern Bolíva r, 6 March 199R Nuliochelidon fl(/"I)ipes fmm Velll'l"'.,}". B"II. Bril. Oro. el. 115: 28-29. (Hilty, D. Ascanio :md Olhers). Schlifcr, E. & Phel¡». W. H. 1954 I.as aves J d PHQue Nacio",,1 "Henry Pill;e, " (Rancho G r~mJ ~) ~' sus funcióm:s <:colo¡:::icn. Flol. S(K. Vette.O:. Cimc. N«t. 16(113): 1-1 71. Acknowled eements Zimm ~r, K. J . & Hi!ty, S. L. 1'N7. Hirds o f JUllgIAvt:n Camp: a prdiminary surv~}' ofa n~W "te in Amuz<ma., Vcnewela. Pp. 1I1'>5-8S.'; in Rcmsen, J V. (e<l.), Studiu in T thaok Pele,' Alden, Peler Boc~man, Mary Luu Gml<.\win, :i\-1iJ¡lIcl1.cnt;no R , Rober\ S. Ncolropic/l1 nruillrolugy IWllori,,!; Tcd f'","er. Oroitho\. Monogr. No. 411 ., AOU, Ridgely, Chriitopher Parri, h , Jan Pierson, D~" e Stejsk"l and Kevin Zimmer fOl' Wa. hingtoll, D. C. pcrmission to "ile unpu1)lished records. 1 Ih"ok Ramón Avckdo 11., and l\1iguel Lenti"u R. ror permissiun 10 u~ e Ih" Colecciíon Ornilhúlogica Phelps in Caracas, Francisco B;sb~l Addres!. Steven L . Hi lly, 63 16 Wcsr 102nd Str.... t, Shuwnee Mi~sion, KA 66112- 17 1R, fur pcrmis~i on \0 us~ the Colección PROF'AUNA in MAracay, und D"vid Wil1a.-d U.S.A. cTllai l SLHilÍ)'@aol.cum (ChicaJ¡o Field :\!I UReu m), K. Parh (Carnegie) and 1'. Angel (Smithsonian) for ~e nding comput"ri~ed print-uuts of V"l1c:.melan sprdmen. in the ir ",an. O . ASC BO;O \Vas" vallle,; Rr i l; ~h OrnitholoS;S1S' Club 1999 co-workcr ;n the ficld. [ e:lp"c;alty thnnk n. S. I"t idgdy ro r his can:!ul rev,e", and :,t, r.nmmenls on Ihe m8nu~T i p1. Pt:t"r Roesman. MiJZue l I.eolinn, Chri, Parrish ami I{evin Zimmer ,,1110 re,,,] tl,,, m anuscripl. Ikvcrly llihy provideJ mt,,;h support lo me ond Ou T ramily. cspco;ially ouring m y maoy aboren<= aficlO. Important ornithological record s from the Rio Rcf"'...., nr... Ji: Avde<lo, H. R & Peré~, e T, A 1<,1<,14 Dcscn pcuJn Je ~UUsp"c l e.nu"V1ls y o:nm"ntarios Juruá, western Amazonia, including twelve 80bre doe cspeciu de a,·e. de Venezu.,} ll. Bol. Soco VfII~Z . Ct~nc Nal 44(148) 229-257. additions to the BraziJian avifauna Boesman, P. 19<,18. Sume ocw infol"mation on t.h~ .!i~uibutiun of Venezlle1an bi rd~. Colinga 9: 17-39. fE! Boesman, P. & CU I '~O O, J. 1995 . Grey-hc~ded Wllfhle¡' BOIilfuter"" J! rimáps in dangcr of by Andrew Whittaker David C. Oren extinclÍonl Cuti",,, 3: 3.<;-J,). Recen",d 1 OcIOO~' 1998 Collar, N. l. Gonuga. L. P. , K rab ~, N., ¡VladrO;IO Nino, A., Naranjo, L . G., P"rkcr\ T. A. & Wel{e, D. C. 1992. 1"hr~alf.>l fJ birJJ o) Ihe A.mp1ca~: Ihe ICBP/TUCN Red DOI" Bool< . Third editin>l (»lu t 2). Tntcrnllliol"ia l CO\l llcil fu r Um l Pr""eTVal;on, The Río Juruá is one of the largest white-water t ributaries of the Cambridge. U.K. Collar, N. J. &. \Ved';:f, D. C. 1995. The dis.trihutiun Il nd cnn""r\"Dtion status or I.he Amazon. Its drainage is mostly within Bro;;,ilia n terriwry, but Ihe b(t ~ in De-.uded T ",;huri J>olyslicl/ll pUloralis. Rlrd COIII . /I/fUl/cw/. S, 367- 390. al80 i.n eludes u pon ion of sotl theastern Peru . Tllt:re are only t \Yo Hihy, S. l.. &. RroWI) , W. L. 19S6. 11 guide /(¡ t.h ~ birds 01 Colombia. Princeton Univ. important work.s on rhe avifauna of the JUI·uá. N its Gyld e ns tolpe'~ Pres.,<, Pr;ncemn , N~<Y Jc rser. (1945) major treatise deals witn thc bird specimens in thc Stockholm hler, M. L. & h ler, P. R. 1987. 1"he tanogN1: ItOluraJ hiSWt )" Jú¡,w"tum u.,,1 id ~ "tifir.tlI;()>I . Smi1hsouiHn l ...titlllion Pl'es~ , Wuhingtnn D.C. museurn cullected by rhe Olalla brothcrs in 1936 (Olalla 1938) un rhe Lenlin", le, :\1 . 1 <,1711. J::nensioues de di~tribu ciúII ele o~ho' ~spe cie" de aves de Vco ~? u r. 1 A . lower and middle sections of the river in Amazonas sta te, nr:lzil. Memoria dt la SQ"¡~dlEd d~ CimtiUl NlEturales, La Sallc, No. 109(38): 113-118. Novaes' two repons (1957, 1(58) are nn hi s own expedition to the Lenlino R , M. 19S8. No/i()cheli d()njfavip~. a ,wallow oew to Vcnczuc.la. Rull. Bri/. Om. upper Juruá in Acre from Junc tu September 1956. Here we report the el. 108: 70-71. untino R., M., Disbal, A., F. J .. Ospino A. & nivcro, R. A. 1984. N uevos l'~xis tru~ y results uf new 1"eSearch on previously unexplored p01"tions of the river cxl~n~inne R de di~t. i b\ I ció n para especie, <.le nve~ en Ve ne?uels. Rol. Soco Ven ~;t. basin (see Oren & Albuquerque (1990)), located between Ihe rc\atively Cime. N <II. 39(142): 111-(19. well-studieu areas of central Brazilian J\mar.unia (e.g. Cohn-T-Taft r t ajo Mcyer de SdllluCII$(c. R. & Phdps, Jr. W. H. 1918. 11 gllide Lo ¡lIe birJJ 01 V"".. zuelu. 1997, S IOIr. & Bie rregaard 1989 and \-\'ill is 1977) and Peruvian Pr;nceton Un;v. P rCS8, PrinL..,ton, New }e ,." ey. Phdps, W . 11. & Phd""" Jr. W. H. 1950. Lisl" de- 1,,$ a .... ~ ,le Ven.,...", ela "nn su Amazonia (e.g. l'arker el al. 1994 and T erborgh el al. 1990). diS1ribución , par! l . Pa ~.,.., r ifor m cs. [Jol. Sot:o V""U". Cienc. Nal. 12(75): 1-427. H crc we prcsent an annolatcd ¡¡st oC rhe most important Phelps, W. H. & Phd r~. Jr. \1{. H. 1958. Lisl" Je las IIY O: ~ do: Ven""uc1a con ~ u ornitnological records fmm three field expediríons undel"taken in the distriu\leiÓI"i . T omu 2, parle 1, No-PIl!lOcriformes. DoI. S/X. V"""" . crem:. Nut. Juruá River basin, in Ihe states of Amazonas ami Acre, Brazi!. The fi rst 19(90): 1-:117. Phdps, W. H. & Phelp~ . Jr. VIl. H. 1%3. L i~ 'M de I.. s av'" de Vo:no:zue1a oon Rll was [part of a largel' cntcrprise] to determine thc importance of Ihe distribución. Tomo 1, Parte 2, PHss~riforn}C8. Bol. Soco V entz. Cim ... Na!. J uruá as a bi.ogeographical barrier. Quantitativc data from other 24(104-105): 1- 479. vertebrate inventories undertaken dl1ring this expedition between July RidXdy, R. S. & Gwynne. l A. 1911<,l. A guid~ lu Ih ~ bird. ul Pan<mia, with Co~tll 1991 and June 1992 at 12 forest sites have uncovered many noteworthy Rica, Nicaragua, o>ul lluuduras, 2nd. ed. Prinecton Univ. Fres8, PrincetoIl, New Jersey. specie¡; reeurds of mammals, reptiles and amphibians from along the Ridgdy, R. & Tu.!ur, G. 19S9. Tht bird.• of So¡¡/h Ame.ÍG"a: 'l'he O.úne P".. e,;nes. U ni v. Juruá (Peres 1993, Patton et al. 1994, C. Peres, C. Gasean, J. Malcolm, of T ~x~s PrcS$, AU¡ I¡Il. J. Patton and M. N. F. da Silva, unpublis hed data). The st'.cond series Ridgdy. R. & "l"udn. , G. 1994. 1"he mrds 01 So,,,/¡ Amenc": The S"h,mü/II Pasu, il/~s. of expcditiom \Vas pan of a research pl"Og rH rn to study tlle managctn t: nt Ulliv. oí T U'1s Pren, AnSI;n. of forest resources by rubber tappers in Brazil's first Extractivist ~-------- .. - _._-- A. Whitt"k ~r &J n. C. Oren 236 Bu/l. B.O.e. 1999 119(4) A Whittaher (:j D . C. Oren 217 Rull. R.o.e. 1999119(4) R~ s~ r"~ in 1994 and 1995 (Cunha in press). The third cxpcdition was 74·W the il1itiation of a faunal inventory program in the Sena do Divisor National Pnrk in April and May 1996. ,We present twelve additions to the avifauna of Bl'IIzil: Black-capped Tmamou Crypturcl~us alrocupillus, Dlack-billed Cuckoo Co<x:yzus erythropthalmus, 0 l:lmney Swift Chael/lra pelagica, Sculet-headed Barbet Eubuc.co tucznhae, White-lined Antbird PuwosloJa lop/wtes, R~fou s -fronted Anuhrush Fomncanus TufifTom, Hound-tailed Manukin P¡pra chloromuos, Sulphur-bellied Flycatchcr M yiodynas!('s [lItcive1IlTÍs, BI3ck - .f~c~d Cotinga COllioptilrm mciht!lIl1yi, Yellow-green Vireo Viren flavyvJTldlS, Casqued Oropendola Psarocolius oseryi, fl nd Dlack-and­ "" hite Seedea!er .~Po,op~ila luctuosa. Records of C. eryth,opthalmus, P. /nphotes, C. mClhellnyJ, P. o.feryi, and S. lucluO$a :lrc l!Iupported by voucher specimens, and C. atTocapillus, Formicllrius nififrons, and M . luteifJtmt,is by tape recordings. The record!! of C. pe/agica and E. tucinhae wefe of reliable sight records. Additionally, specimen!l of Rlue:headed Macaw A.ro couloni, Emerllld Toucanet AulacorhY7lchus prasmu .~ , Manu Antbl1'd Cercomacra manu, and Scarlct Tana,w:er Piral/ga olivacea were collected for the n.rst time in Orazi1.
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