Important Ornithological Record S from the Rio Juruá, Western Amazonia, Including Twelve Additions to the Brazijian Avifauna

Important Ornithological Record S from the Rio Juruá, Western Amazonia, Including Twelve Additions to the Brazijian Avifauna

Sh'Vfil! L. Hilty l) .. B.O.C.19't9 119(4) 134 u. A. Whittaku f!l 1J. C. Om¡ 23S Bull. R.O.C. 1999 119(4) 14-15 J:muary 1994, H ato Ceural, Apure; aoel pair well-studíed RYlill, T . P. & Lenlino. R., M . 19%. An arlditional reo.:urd of Ihe Pale- fuul~ S",,,1I0'''. 100t S k m W 0 1" 'l'umererno, ID northcastern Bolíva r, 6 March 199R Nuliochelidon fl(/"I)ipes fmm Velll'l"'.,}". B"II. Bril. Oro. el. 115: 28-29. (Hilty, D. Ascanio :md Olhers). Schlifcr, E. & Phel¡». W. H. 1954 aves J d PHQue Nacio",,1 "Henry Pill;e, " (Rancho G r~mJ ~) ~' sus funcióm:s <:colo¡:::icn. Flol. S(K. Vette.O:. Cimc. N«t. 16(113): 1-1 71. Acknowled eements Zimm ~r, K. J . & Hi!ty, S. L. 1'N7. Hirds o f JUllgIAvt:n Camp: a prdiminary surv~}' ofa n~W "te in Amuz<ma., Vcnewela. Pp. 1I1'>5-8S.'; in Rcmsen, J V. (e<l.), Studiu in T thaok Pele,' Alden, Peler Boc~man, Mary Luu Gml<.\win, :i\-1iJ¡lIcl1.cnt;no R , Rober\ S. Ncolropic/l1 nruillrolugy IWllori,,!; Tcd f'","er. Oroitho\. Monogr. No. 411 ., AOU, Ridgely, Chriitopher Parri, h , Jan Pierson, D~" e Stejsk"l and Kevin Zimmer fOl' Wa. hingtoll, D. C. pcrmission to "ile unpu1)lished records. 1 Ih"ok Ramón Avckdo 11., and l\1iguel Lenti"u R. ror permissiun 10 u~ e Ih" Colecciíon Ornilhúlogica Phelps in Caracas, Francisco B;sb~l Addres!. Steven L . Hi lly, 63 16 Wcsr 102nd Str.... t, Shuwnee Mi~sion, KA 66112- 17 1R, fur pcrmis~i on \0 us~ the Colección PROF'AUNA in MAracay, und D"vid Wil1a.-d U.S.A. cTllai l SLHilÍ)'@aol.cum (ChicaJ¡o Field :\!I UReu m), K. Parh (Carnegie) and 1'. Angel (Smithsonian) for ~e nding comput"ri~ed print-uuts of V"l1c:.melan sprdmen. in the ir ",an. O . ASC BO;O \Vas" vallle,; Rr i l; ~h OrnitholoS;S1S' Club 1999 co-workcr ;n the ficld. [ e:lp"c;alty thnnk n. S. I"t idgdy ro r his can:!ul rev,e", and :,t, r.nmmenls on Ihe m8nu~T i p1. Pt:t"r Roesman. MiJZue l I.eolinn, Chri, Parrish ami I{evin Zimmer ,,1110 re,,,] tl,,, m anuscripl. Ikvcrly llihy provideJ mt,,;h support lo me ond Ou T ramily. cspco;ially ouring m y maoy aboren<= aficlO. Important ornithological record s from the Rio Rcf"'...., nr... Ji: Avde<lo, H. R & Peré~, e T, A 1<,1<,14 Dcscn pcuJn Je ~UUsp"c l"V1ls y o:nm"ntarios Juruá, western Amazonia, including twelve 80bre doe cspeciu de a,·e. de Venezu.,} ll. Bol. Soco VfII~Z . Ct~nc Nal 44(148) 229-257. additions to the BraziJian avifauna Boesman, P. 19<,18. Sume ocw infol"mation on t.h~ .!i~uibutiun of Venezlle1an bi rd~. Colinga 9: 17-39. fE! Boesman, P. & CU I '~O O, J. 1995 . Grey-hc~ded Wllfhle¡' BOIilfuter"" J! rimáps in dangcr of by Andrew Whittaker David C. Oren extinclÍonl Cuti",,, 3: 3.<;-J,). Recen",d 1 OcIOO~' 1998 Collar, N. l. Gonuga. L. P. , K rab ~, N., ¡VladrO;IO Nino, A., Naranjo, L . G., P"rkcr\ T. A. & Wel{e, D. C. 1992. 1"hr~alf.>l fJ birJJ o) Ihe A.mp1ca~: Ihe ICBP/TUCN Red DOI" Bool< . Third editin>l (»lu t 2). Tntcrnllliol"ia l CO\l llcil fu r Um l Pr""eTVal;on, The Río Juruá is one of the largest white-water t ributaries of the Cambridge. U.K. Collar, N. J. &. \Ved';:f, D. C. 1995. The dis.trihutiun Il nd cnn""r\"Dtion status or I.he Amazon. Its drainage is mostly within Bro;;,ilia n terriwry, but Ihe b(t ~ in De-.uded T ",;huri J>olyslicl/ll pUloralis. Rlrd COIII . /I/fUl/cw/. S, 367- 390. al80 i.n eludes u pon ion of sotl theastern Peru . Tllt:re are only t \Yo Hihy, S. l.. &. RroWI) , W. L. 19S6. 11 guide /(¡ t.h ~ birds 01 Colombia. Princeton Univ. important work.s on rhe avifauna of the JUI·uá. N its Gyld e ns tolpe'~ Pres.,<, Pr;ncemn , N~<Y Jc rser. (1945) major treatise deals witn thc bird specimens in thc Stockholm hler, M. L. & h ler, P. R. 1987. 1"he tanogN1: ItOluraJ hiSWt )" Jú¡,w"tum u.,,1 id ~ "tifir.tlI;()>I . Smi1hsouiHn l ...titlllion Pl'es~ , Wuhingtnn D.C. museurn cullected by rhe Olalla brothcrs in 1936 (Olalla 1938) un rhe Lenlin", le, :\1 . 1 <,1711. J::nensioues de di~tribu ciúII ele o~ho' ~spe cie" de aves de Vco ~? u r. 1 A . lower and middle sections of the river in Amazonas sta te, nr:lzil. Memoria dt la SQ"¡~dlEd d~ CimtiUl NlEturales, La Sallc, No. 109(38): 113-118. Novaes' two repons (1957, 1(58) are nn hi s own expedition to the Lenlino R , M. 19S8. No/i()cheli d()njfavip~. a ,wallow oew to Rull. Bri/. Om. upper Juruá in Acre from Junc tu September 1956. Here we report the el. 108: 70-71. untino R., M., Disbal, A., F. J .. Ospino A. & nivcro, R. A. 1984. N uevos l'~xis tru~ y results uf new 1"eSearch on previously unexplored p01"tions of the river cxl~n~inne R de di~t. i b\ I ció n para especie, <.le nve~ en Ve ne?uels. Rol. Soco Ven ~;t. basin (see Oren & Albuquerque (1990)), located between Ihe rc\atively Cime. N <II. 39(142): 111-(19. well-studieu areas of central Brazilian J\mar.unia (e.g. Cohn-T-Taft r t ajo Mcyer de SdllluCII$(c. R. & Phdps, Jr. W. H. 1918. 11 gllide Lo ¡lIe birJJ 01 V"".. zuelu. 1997, S IOIr. & Bie rregaard 1989 and \-\'ill is 1977) and Peruvian Pr;nceton Un;v. P rCS8, PrinL..,ton, New }e ,." ey. Phdps, W . 11. & Phd""" Jr. W. H. 1950. Lisl" de- 1,,$ a .... ~ ,le Ven.,...", ela "nn su Amazonia (e.g. l'arker el al. 1994 and T erborgh el al. 1990). diS1ribución , par! l . Pa ~.,.., r ifor m cs. [Jol. Sot:o V""U". Cienc. Nal. 12(75): 1-427. H crc we prcsent an annolatcd ¡¡st oC rhe most important Phelps, W. H. & Phd r~. Jr. \1{. H. 1958. Lisl" Je las IIY O: ~ do: Ven""uc1a con ~ u ornitnological records fmm three field expediríons undel"taken in the distriu\leiÓI"i . T omu 2, parle 1, No-PIl!lOcriformes. DoI. S/X. V"""" . crem:. Nut. Juruá River basin, in Ihe states of Amazonas ami Acre, Brazi!. The fi rst 19(90): 1-:117. Phdps, W. H. & Phelp~ . Jr. VIl. H. 1%3. L i~ 'M de I.. s av'" de Vo:no:zue1a oon Rll was [part of a largel' cntcrprise] to determine thc importance of Ihe distribución. Tomo 1, Parte 2, PHss~riforn}C8. Bol. Soco V entz. Cim ... Na!. J uruá as a bi.ogeographical barrier. Quantitativc data from other 24(104-105): 1- 479. vertebrate inventories undertaken dl1ring this expedition between July RidXdy, R. S. & Gwynne. l A. 1911<,l. A guid~ lu Ih ~ bird. ul Pan<mia, with Co~tll 1991 and June 1992 at 12 forest sites have uncovered many noteworthy Rica, Nicaragua, o>ul lluuduras, 2nd. ed. Prinecton Univ. Fres8, PrincetoIl, New Jersey. specie¡; reeurds of mammals, reptiles and amphibians from along the Ridgdy, R. & Tu.!ur, G. 19S9. Tht bird.• of So¡¡/h Ame.ÍG"a: 'l'he O.úne P".. e,;nes. U ni v. Juruá (Peres 1993, Patton et al. 1994, C. Peres, C. Gasean, J. Malcolm, of T ~x~s PrcS$, AU¡ I¡Il. J. Patton and M. N. F. da Silva, unpublis hed data). The st'.cond series Ridgdy. R. & "l"udn. , G. 1994. 1"he mrds 01 So,,,/¡ Amenc": The S"h,mü/II Pasu, il/~s. of expcditiom \Vas pan of a research pl"Og rH rn to study tlle managctn t: nt Ulliv. oí T U'1s Pren, AnSI;n. of forest resources by rubber tappers in Brazil's first Extractivist ~-------- .. - _._-- A. Whitt"k ~r &J n. C. Oren 236 Bu/l. B.O.e. 1999 119(4) A Whittaher (:j D . C. Oren 217 Rull. R.o.e. 1999119(4) R~ s~ r"~ in 1994 and 1995 (Cunha in press). The third cxpcdition was 74·W the il1itiation of a faunal inventory program in the Sena do Divisor National Pnrk in April and May 1996. ,We present twelve additions to the avifauna of Bl'IIzil: Black-capped Tmamou Crypturcl~us alrocupillus, Dlack-billed Cuckoo Co<x:yzus erythropthalmus, 0 l:lmney Swift Chael/lra pelagica, Sculet-headed Barbet tucznhae, White-lined Antbird PuwosloJa lop/wtes, R~fou s -fronted Anuhrush Fomncanus TufifTom, Hound-tailed Manukin P¡pra chloromuos, Sulphur-bellied Flycatchcr M yiodynas!('s [lItcive1IlTÍs, BI3ck - .f~c~d Cotinga COllioptilrm mciht!lIl1yi, Yellow-green Vireo Viren flavyvJTldlS, Casqued Oropendola Psarocolius oseryi, fl nd Dlack-and­ "" hite Seedea!er .~Po,op~ila luctuosa. Records of C. eryth,opthalmus, P. /nphotes, C. mClhellnyJ, P. o.feryi, and S. lucluO$a :lrc l!Iupported by voucher specimens, and C. atTocapillus, Formicllrius nififrons, and M . luteifJtmt,is by tape recordings. The record!! of C. pe/agica and E. tucinhae wefe of reliable sight records. Additionally, specimen!l of Rlue:headed Macaw couloni, Emerllld Toucanet AulacorhY7lchus prasmu .~ , Manu Antbl1'd Cercomacra manu, and Scarlct Tana,w:er Piral/ga olivacea were collected for the n.rst time in Orazi1.

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