Congressional Record—Senate S12024

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Congressional Record—Senate S12024 S12024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 25, 2003 S. 1244 Whereas approximately 30,000 people in the gene, protein, and drug therapies beneficial Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- United States, many of whom are children, to persons afflicted with the disease; resentatives of the United States of America in have cystic fibrosis; Whereas this innovative research is pro- Congress assembled, Whereas the average life expectancy of an gressing faster and is being conducted more SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. individual with cystic fibrosis is 33 years; aggressively than ever before, due in part to This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Whereas prompt, aggressive treatment of the establishment of a model clinical trials Maritime Commission Authorization Act of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis can extend network by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation; 2003’’. the lives of those who have this disease; and SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Whereas recent advances in cystic fibrosis Whereas education of the public on cystic FOR FEDERAL MARITIME COMMIS- research have produced promising leads in fibrosis, including the symptoms of the dis- SION. gene, protein, and drug therapies beneficial ease, increases knowledge and understanding There are authorized to be appropriated to to persons afflicted with the disease; of cystic fibrosis and promotes early diag- the Federal Maritime Commission— Whereas this innovative research is pro- noses: Now, therefore, be it (1) for fiscal year 2004, $18,471,000; øand¿ gressing faster and is being conducted more Resolved, ø ¿ (2) for fiscal year 2005, $19,500,000 . aggressively than ever before, due in part to SECTION 1. NATIONAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS AWARE- $19,500,000; the establishment of a model clinical trials NESS. (3) for fiscal year 2006, $20,750,000; network by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation; (a) SENSE OF THE SENATE.—It is the sense (4) for fiscal year 2007, $21,500,000; and and (5) for fiscal year 2008, $22,575,000.’’. of the Senate that the President should des- Whereas education of the public on cystic ignate the week of October 12, 2003, through SEC. 3. CHAIRMAN DESIGNATED WITH SENATE fibrosis, including the symptoms of the dis- October 18, 2003, as ‘‘National Cystic Fibrosis CONFIRMATION. ease, increases knowledge and understanding Section 102(b) of the Reorganization Plan Awareness Week’’. of cystic fibrosis and promotes early diag- No. 7 of 1961 (5 U.S.C. 903 nt) is amended by (b) PROCLAMATION.—The Senate requests noses: Now, therefore, be it the President to issue a proclamation— striking ‘‘President’’ and inserting ‘‘Presi- Resolved, dent, by and with the advice and consent of (1) designating the week of October 12, 2003 SECTION 1. NATIONAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS AWARE- through October 18, 2003, as ‘‘National Cystic the Senate,’’. NESS. SEC. 4. REPORT ON OCEAN SHIPPING INFORMA- Fibrosis Awareness Week’’; and (a) SENSE OF THE SENATE.—It is the sense (2) calling on the people of the United TION GATHERING EFFORTS. of the Senate that the President should des- States to observe the week with appropriate The Federal Maritime Commission shall ignate the week of October 12, 2003, through ceremonies and activities. transmit to the Senate Committee on Com- October 18, 2003, as ‘‘National Cystic Fibrosis merce, Science, and Transportation and the Awareness Week’’. House of Representatives Committee on (b) PROCLAMATION.—The Senate requests f Transportation and Infrastructure a report the President to issue a proclamation— within 90 days after the date of enactment of (1) designating the week of October 12, 2003 HONORING WOODSTOCK, VERMONT this Act on the status of any agreements, or through October 18, 2003, as ‘‘National Cystic NATIVE HIRAM POWERS ongoing discussions with, other Federal, Fibrosis Awareness Week’’; and State, or local government agencies con- (2) calling on the people of the United cerning the sharing of ocean shipping infor- States to observe the week with appropriate mation for the purpose of assisting law en- ceremonies and activities. NATIONAL MAMMOGRAPHY DAY forcement or anti-terrorism efforts. The ø(c) ADDITIONAL ACTION.—The Senate com- Commission shall include in the report rec- mits to increasing the quality of life for indi- Mr. DEWINE. I ask unanimous con- ommendations on how the Commission’s viduals with cystic fibrosis by promoting sent that the Senate proceed to the im- ocean shipping information could be better public knowledge and understanding in a mediate consideration of calendar Nos. utilized by it and other Federal agencies to manner that will result in earlier diagnoses, 291 and 292, en bloc. improve port security. more fund-raising efforts for research, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Amend the title so as to read ‘‘A bill To increased levels of support for those with authorize appropriations for the Federal cystic fibrosis and their families.¿ objection, it is so ordered. Maritime Commission for fiscal years 2004 Mr. DEWINE. I ask unanimous con- Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I ask through 2008.’’. sent that the resolutions be agreed to unanimous consent the amendment to The title amendment was agreed to. en bloc, the preambles be agreed to en the resolution be agreed to, the resolu- f bloc, the motions to reconsider be laid tion, as amended, be agreed to, the pre- upon the table en bloc; further that NATIONAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS amble be agreed to, and the motion to any statements relating to these reso- AWARENESS WEEK reconsider be laid upon the table with lutions be printed in the RECORD. Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I ask no intervening action or debate. unanimous consent that the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceed to the immediate consider- objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. ation of calendar 290, S. Res. 98. The committee amendment was The resolutions (S. Res. 209 and S. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The agreed to. Res. 222) were agreed to. clerk will report the resolution by The resolution (S. Res. 98), as amend- The preambles were agreed to. title. ed, was agreed to. The resolutions, with their pre- The legislative clerk read as follows: The preamble was agreed to. ambles, are as follows: A resolution (S. Res. 98) expressing the The resolution, with its preamble, S. RES. 209 sense of the Senate that the President reads as follows: Whereas Hiram Powers is one of the pre- should designate the week of October 12, S. RES. 98 eminent artists in American sculpture; 2003, through October 18, 2003, as ‘‘National Whereas cystic fibrosis, characterized by Whereas Hiram Powers, in the words of the Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week’’. digestive disorders and chronic lung infec- director and curator of the Houston Museum There being no objection, the Senate tions, is a fatal lung disease; of Fine Arts, was the artist who ‘‘put Amer- proceeded to consider the resolution Whereas cystic fibrosis is one of the most ican sculpture on the map,’’ gaining inter- which was reported from the Com- common fatal genetic diseases in the United national fame and providing unprecedented mittee on the Judiciary, with an States and one for which there is no known support for the notion of the United States amendment, as follows: cure; as a country capable of producing artists Whereas more than 10,000,000 Americans equal to or better than their international [Omit the part in black brackets]. are unknowing carriers of the cystic fibrosis counterparts; S. RES. 98 gene; Whereas Powers’ 1844 sculpture ‘‘Greek Whereas cystic fibrosis, characterized by Whereas 1 out of every 3,500 babies born in Slave’’ became, in the words of Powers biog- digestive disorders and chronic lung infec- the United States is born with cystic fibro- rapher Richard Wunder, ‘‘a telling symbol’’ tions, is a fatal lung disease; sis; of freedom for Americans in the pre-Civil Whereas cystic fibrosis is one of the most Whereas approximately 30,000 people in the War years and remains unequaled in popu- common fatal genetic diseases in the United United States, many of whom are children, larity among American sculptures; States and one for which there is no known have cystic fibrosis; Whereas Powers’ bust of President Andrew cure; Whereas the average life expectancy of an Jackson is widely considered the finest por- Whereas more than 10,000,000 Americans individual with cystic fibrosis is 33 years; trait ever sculpted of the president, as well are unknowing carriers of the cystic fibrosis Whereas prompt, aggressive treatment of as one of the noblest examples of portraiture gene; the symptoms of cystic fibrosis can extend ever created by an American sculptor; Whereas 1 out of every 3,500 babies born in the lives of those who have this disease; Whereas the Congress of the United States, the United States is born with cystic fibro- Whereas recent advances in cystic fibrosis in recognition of Powers’ extraordinary tal- sis; research have produced promising leads in ents, awarded him commissions to execute VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:04 May 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2003-SENATE-REC-FILES\S25SE3.REC S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 25, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12025 the statues of John Marshall, Benjamin The PRESIDING OFFICER. The 7-year history. The Palace of Auburn Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson that stand clerk will report the resolution by Hills hosted the sellout crowd of 22,076 today in the United States Capitol; title. fans. Whereas Powers preserved through his The legislative clerk read as follows: In the final game of the best of three sculpture the memory of numerous other great Americans, including George Wash- A resolution (S. Res. 234) honoring the De- series, Ruth Riley, the 6-foot 5-inch ington, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, troit Shock on winning the Women’s Na- center for the Shock, dominated the John C.
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