Courier Gazette : May 29, 1894

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Courier Gazette : May 29, 1894 r I T he Courier-Gazette. V olume 49. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1894. Knterad a* Second Cla.a Mall Matte*. N umpxb 21 THE LOBSTER CATCH. SPORT AND PASTIME. LOCAL LACONICS. The arrival of the new steamboat Bangor WAYSIDE GLANCES. PUBLISHERS’ ANNOUNCEMENT. with the tall and handsome Capt. Otis Ingra­ It Is Said To Be the Smallest Ever Newsy Notes and Brief Mention The Freeport baseball club with which the of ham in the pilot house is awaited with inter­ “ Did you ever stop to think what a number Chase & Sanborn’s Known This Year. Late Home Happenings. The following announcement appeared iir Rockland’s had such an exciting game last est. of secret societies there arc within the con­ Fourth of July, want to come again. fines of Rockland?’’ 9aid L. S. Robinson the daily Sun of Saturday: “SEAL BRAND” The lobster catch on the coast of Maine is Capt. Wm. Ilowe of Linconvillc, is an en­ Rockland people are talking of an opera The Maine State Pant Company employs who hy the way, is an enthusiastic mem­ With this issue the publication of the Sun very smnll this year says the Portland Press, thusiastic yachtsman, says the Belfast Re­ party to attend the opening of Camden’s ele about 70 hands and gets out 200 pairs of ber of the Masonic fraternity, and one of is discontinued. the smallest ever known. It is scarcely more publican Journal. Capt. Howe has a smart gant new opera house. trousers per day. Daniel A. Packard makes the best informed in the craft. “I doubt if We began the publication of the paper COFFEE sloop built by himself, and will enter her for than one-half what it was two years ago, an efficient foreman for the cutting depart few cities of the size can show sucK a variety several weeks ago in the furtherance of plans the races at Rockland. The Maine Universalists meet in a conven­ of organizations. Take the Masons alone. made some months previous. The starting of Sorted E x c lu s iv e ly to the ment. Portland smacks that brought 5000 two years Two weeks from today occur the the races tion at Biddeford, June 5-7. An interesting There arc probably not far from 700 all told. the Star at about the same time projected two Over Twenty-One M illion People ago now bring only 2500 in the same time. at Knox Trotting Park. Entries arc coming program has been prepared. Notwithstanding the universal cry of hard Then there are the Odd Fellows, a very dailies into a field that it is now demonstrated admitted to W orld’s FnirOrounds There are few full trips this year. The fisher­ in rapidly and the meet ought to be in the times, it’s almost impossible to secure efficient strong organization in Rockland. They is unequal to their maintenance. Many friends hid the old Katahdin adieu number fully 500. I imagine there are at Recognizing the fact that they were spend­ men along the coast are getting anxious, and highest sense interesting. Entries should be made to F. H. Berry of this city. with fond and tender recollections. She’s household help. The going wages are $2.50 least 30 secret societies in Rockland with a ing money in needless competition, the pub­ now fear the exteunination of this delicious ami $3 a week. had a long and faithful service. total membership of not far from 4000 mem­ lishers of the two dailies have treated the sit­ shell fish. Their opinion as a rule has Chief Consul Sherman G. Swift of the bers, about half the population of the city, uation as business men should, and entered Maine Division, L. A. W., has received a Isn’t Rockland High School to send a del' changed during the past year. Those who From what we are able to learn we should indeed, a remarkable circumstance. Mr. into what they believe to be a wise and busi­ solid gold medal which the Maine Division egation of athletes tothe Interscholastic Ath­ Robinson is engaged in writing a history of nesslike agreement whereby the publishers of believed that an open season was advant­ will present the champion cyclist at the judge that Charles F. Prescott’s grand pavi­ lion show will be well worth attending. letic Association meeting. Buy the weigh, Aurora Lodge from the year 1826, and is the Sun relinquish the daily field to the ageous and even advocated free fishing now Bangor meet May 30. The contest for this making good progress in the same. Star. medal will be a one mile race. if that associations dies, we shall lay it to that realize that their business is 111 danger of The Maine ( ’entral ferry boat Sappho which horrible name. It’s a terrible handicap. In withdrawing our daily we are satisfied disappearing altogether. At Georges Island Preston Rich at the South-end has just was at this port until recently, repairing, is that the field is left to gentlemen who pos­ completed a handsome yacht sails for which The graduation exercises of the senior class One can never forget it. It was an after­ sess all the qualifications necessary to giving this month the fishermen have drawn up an now’ at Mt Desert Ferry being painted. noon in summer. The writer was walking Rockland the sort of daily paper it should U niversally accepted as the are being made at the loft of S. T. Mugridge. W. II. S. will occurs in the Baptist church agreement among themselves not to take any She measures as follows: Over all, 23 feet; And the architects with plans for the new along the water front of the beautiful city of have, and we shall expect to sec them con­ June 28, in the evening. The address to the Montreal, with two friends. Suddenly one of Leading Fine coffee of the World but 10 1-2 inch lobsters and to throw all beam, 7 feet; hold, 4 feet; niainbooni, 25 school building seem to be plenty. \Ve hear tinuing to make of the Star a paper creditable graduation class will be given by Rev. J. II. them espied a big excursion steamboat rapidly alike to our city and the journalistic profession smaller ones back into the sea. This is the feet; gaff, 14 feet; mast 25 feet. There is a that a Rockland man is to submit a plan. If you enn find a grocer in Now England flint prospect that she will enter the race of June Parshley of Rockland. Music will probably filling up with young ladies, evidently starting of this part of Maine; and our relations with does not -oil •* .Soul B rand ” < 'olToe, and will pond first time that such a thing has ever been out on a lark up the St. Lawrence. Gaudy tho information to ns, wo will send you 50 half­ 16. The upper doors of Farnsworth Block have be furnished by Chandler’s orchestra of Port­ them will he of the pleasantest character. tone views of the World’s Fair free. done. There are probably from 25 to 30 parasols moved to and fro, bright ribbons There is a prospect of Gray coming here to been finished olT into suits of fine offices. land. Sunday, June 24th, the class will The changes in our office produced by the fishermen there and they all signed the fluttered in the air, and the happy faces, and play ball this summer, lie has written Man­ Good place there for the public library rooms! attend the Congregational church and listen ceaseless activity of youth bespoke unwonted Chase & Sanborn, Boston, Mass. agreement with the exception of one or two ager McGrath stating his terms. It would be above business arrangement will enable us to The brook which crosses Pleasant and to a baccalaureate sermon by Rev. II. I. gayety. Now here was a chance for a royal who arc not inhabitants, but simply go there a big boom to the team and wouldn’t at all time, thought one of the friends, and already devote increased attention to T he Courier- interfere with the big reputation the Bangor Franklin streets isn’t smelling as sweetly as it Senior.—Waldoboro News. to camp and fish during the open season. in the distance then he could see the fair Gazette. team is giving him. Frank I’. Thyne of might, and a little Hushing wouldn’t hurt it. There is one other place also where such There.was an interesting hearing in the sirens flirting. Two hundred girls ! And only Lowell also wants to come here. He will two young men. Heavens! What a blissful We shall expect to make of this paper more an agreement has been drawn up. bring a whole team, will furnish a few players Keep your eye on the excursion contest! It probate court rooms Friday afternoon on afternoon it would b e ! The two friends than ever a family and home news journal It looks now as if when the law goes on in or will come alone to play first or second is rapidly assuming large proportions. Mrs. the estates of Alpheus Davis and Elizabeth rushed and caught the boat, jumping aboard base. July the price of lobsters will be higher than D. II. Mansfield of Hope is making a splen­ Swift, Warren. The object of the hearing jnst as she was leaving her moorings. The that Knox County readers will be pleased to next day two more crestfallen individuals ever before.
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