Comparison between GPS and Galileo satellite availability in the presence of CW interference Asghar Tabatabaei Balaei Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information Systems and School of Surveying and Spatial Information at the University of New South Wales/Australia +61 2 93854206/
[email protected] Jinghui Wu School of Surveying and Spatial Information at the University of New South Wales/Australia +61 2 93854206/
[email protected] Andrew G. Dempster Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information Systems and School of Surveying and Spatial Information at the University of New South Wales/Australia +61 2 93856890/
[email protected] ABSTRACT GNSS receivers have been shown to be most vulnerable to CW interference. It affects the acquisition process of the signal and can also pass through the tracking loop filters to affect the received satellite signal quality. Carrier to noise density ratio (C/No) is an indicator of received signal quality to the receiver. Lower C/No means lower quality of the received signal. Galileo satellites will be soon in place operating together with GPS satellites. Considering the designer’s intention of maintaining interoperability between different satellite navigation systems, it is reasonable to seek a quantified comparison between the different systems in terms of vulnerability to CW interference. In this paper, considering the signal structures, the characterization of the effect of CW interference on the C/No for GPS and Galileo is investigated and compared. It is shown that for the available Galileo signal (GIOVE-A BOC(1, 1) in the E1/L1 band), the worst spectral line happens far from the L1 frequency.