JOE BINKS Unrivalled World-Wide Reputation 60 Years of Athletics Ex-Holder Mile Record and DOUG WILSON British Olympic Runner
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SPORTS REPORTS & TALKS AUTHORITATIVE :CHATTY :INFORMATIVE WEEKLY ATHLETIC NOTES BY JOE BINKS Unrivalled World-wide Reputation 60 Years of Athletics Ex-Holder Mile Record AND DOUG WILSON British Olympic Runner THE BEST SURVEY OF ALL SPORTS Sales exceed 8,000,000 copies per issue MAKE SURE OF YOUR COPY. If you arc not already a regular reader or a subscriber to this magazine and yet you share our desire for the promotion and development of Amateur Athletics, you should fill in this form immediately and link up in this great work. DO IT TO-DAY I The free receipt of this Magazine is an invitation to become a subscriber. Our SUBSCRIPTION RATES are 6 months—3/6 (post free) : 12 months—6/6 (post free). WM. GALLAGHERGIIER (Vale of Lcvcn AA.C.J woo 5 road ran during ihr rammer. Also a grand cross-country runner. he W Irate.! time to the Dumbartonshire Relay To "THE SCOTS ATHLETE." Championship. 69 ST. VINCENT STREET. GLASGOW. C2. Please send "THE SCOTS ATHLETE" starting with issue. Name JOHN EMMET FARRELL'S Club (if any)... RUNNING COMMENTARY. A—Z OF 10,000 METRES. Address. BALANCE by Arthur Newton. ROAD AND CROSS-COUNTRY DETAILS. THIS COACHING. BEST PERFORMANCES. 1 enclose...............being 6 months/12 months' subscription. Published by Waller | Ron. 69 St. Vincent Street. Glasgow. C.2. DUNDEE KINGSWAY 9 Penh Strathtay H.-R Pickard. 1155 P ROAD Buylr. 1 5.07 ; D. Mclntoth 15.08 : I RELAY. Morton 15.26 — 60 mini. 36 »c«». SCOTS ATHLETE 10 It.M.S. Condor.—P. I. Cook 1518 . A THE Ideal weather conditions favoured the Donaldion. 16.19 ; P. W. O Bncn. 15.57 ; TO STIMULATE INTEREST IN 10th Annual Kingsway Road Relay pro¬ W. Hunter. 11.52 —62 mini. 56 »*<». II. Perth Slrathtay H. "B."—I. Smiltir 15.11 ; SCOTTISH AND WORLD ATHLETICS moted by Dundee Hawkhill Harriers and N. Campbell. 15.11 M King 16.01 ; held on Saturday 21st October 1950. P Dobbie. 15.13 -63 mini, 12 •«c«. "Nothing great wa« ovor achiovod without enthusiasm." 17 Dundee Thatle II. " B."- P. Taylor. 15-16 : It was a dull day yet the atmosphere A. Mdntoih 16.76 I. Pitrpatrick. 16.52 ; was clear and cool and absolutely wind¬ I. Montague. 16.08 -61 mini. 12 ncci. 13. Kirkcaldy Y.M.C.A. II. " B."-R. Hcwion. EDITED BY - WALTER J ROSS less. The effect on times was startling 15.39 ; D Taylor. 16.09 ; F. Hernlng. as shown by first lap returns where the 16.31 ; A Tbomion, 16.36—61 mint. 55 ieci. St. Vincent Street. Glasgow. C.2 Tel.-CENtral 8443 first five men home all beat last years Editorial Offices-69 11 Dundee Hawkhill H. " B."-A. Blvth. 15.27 ; first lap leading time. W. Towntend. 16.77; | F McPherton 16.19; I Bickrretafl 16.57. 65 mini. " Henson of Victoria Park B " led 10 ifex. OCT.—NOV., 1950. Vol.5, No. 7&S. Annual Subscription. 6/6 (U.S.A., 1 $). McLean of Springburn and V.P.'s first 15 H M.S. Condon " B."—G. Pitman. 15.12 14.03, R Sturgeon 16-21 . P R. Co». I7.ll ; string Binnic in 14.06 and 14.07 I lamrx. 16.11.-65 mini. 58 ieci. respecting while Alex Black Hawkhill 16 H.M.S. Caledonia " B."—Warden 16.26 ; recently home from overseas army service Montague. 16.19 ; Daly. I6.2J; Holden. 16.56 66 -ins. 01 icci. registered the best Dundee time since EMMET Jim 17. H.M.S. Caledonia "C."—Faulkrncr. 16.76 ; JOHN Brannen's 14.14 in 1944. Fifth man was Bate., I6.71 : Brim. 16.31 ; Yandell. 17.71 —66 42 FARRELL'S Smart of Edinburgh Southern in 14.25. miiu. icci. " 18 Dundee H, "C."-P G. McMahoo. The second lap saw V.P. " A making 17.07; A. Courcha. 16.38; I Chalmera. good the four seconds deficit from their 16.36 ; D. High. 17.17 -67 mini. 28 ««. :B" team but failing to gain the 19 H.M.S. Caledonia "O."—VWIvo. 17.12: Just Bennett 16.59. Bran |7.01 ; Hammond. lead. Springburn had now dropped to 17.13—68 mini. 37 itca. third place. In the third lap however the Dundee Hawkhill "C"—Did not Hmth V.P. A ' team gained a decisive lead through Ellis and Andrew Forbes clinched FASTEST INDIVIDUAL TIMES. I A Forbet. Victorra Park A.A.C. ... 13.11 the matter on the final circuit by break¬ 2. T Tracey Springburn Harrieri ... 13.47 ing Ins own last years individual course 3. D F. Henion Victoria Park " B." ... 14.03 1. R McLean Spnngburn Hnrrirn ... 14.06 record of 13.4S by four seconds. Tom 5 I Binnie Victoria Park A AC. 14.07 Tracey was not far away for the 6 I D Stirhno Victoria Park A.A.C. 14.16 7. A Black Dundee Hawkhill Harrieri 14.18 individual honour being only three seconds slower than Forbes which time of course was also inside the former EASTERN DISTRICT record. rpHOUGH we are now in the nations. No one nation domin¬ CROSS-COUNTRY LEAGUE, ated to the exclusion of another The first three teams were all inside throes of another cross¬ EDINBURGH, 28th October. though Britain and Russia had the old team record. country season we can pause for most first places and though the A. MUDIE. a momenl To regard the track 1st Race 4 Miles. Scandinavian nations of Sweden. DETAILS — season now past with legitimate I Edinburgh Southern H.-W L. Brown. I pride and satisfaction. Britain In Finland and Norway kept their end I. Victoria Park A.A.C.-I. Biaak. 14.07; J. D. G. C7 Mitchell. ; W Grant. 5 ; T. their lack of Stirling. 11.16 ; J. Bill*. 11-71: A. Porbfi Logan. 6 . D. Webitei 9 H. Robmton its International meetings has sur¬ up in a general sense 13 11-56 mi... J! no. 15.- 38 Pointi. passed the forecasts of even the success particularly Sweden's, in the 7 Springhurn Harricm.— R 2. Edinburgh A.C.— 1 McLean. 11.06 : I. Univrrilty G. Wnlker. : to such an extent it is distance events was unusual. Sirxrmod. 11.50 ) Morton. 11.Jl ; T. R I Sherwin. 8; B. Paul. II ; D Hunt optimistic that Traccy.—57 mint. 11 aeci. 12 I. Bridie 17; A. C. Croat. 19- felt that we can face almost any nation Event. 71 Potnti. The Season's Greatest J Victoria Park A.A.C. " B."-D Henaon. with at least an equal chance. The per¬ despite colour, the brilliance. 11.03 ; A, Brrckrnridgr. 11.70; R. J Edinburgh Rover Scoutx A.C. C R. [oar*. 3 Yet the — Athletes at Brussels in Cnldrrwood. 11.31 ; C. Foibr. 14-28.- R. Pearion. 7 : D. Hall, 16 W. Hender- formance of our the pageantry of the athletic season just 57 miiM. 77 arcs. ton. 21 ; I Crawford. 22 ; D. Dunn. 79. the European championships was a dis¬ -98 Poinu. past I venture to suggest that one of the 1 Edinburgh Southern Smart. 1175; W. individual H.—J. Edinburgh tinct eye-opener. Their 6 most important single events of the Bro.n. 11.77 W. Grant. 11.16 ; G. 4 Batltrn II.—J. Hamilton. II; J. 70; R victories, and places Mitchell. 11.12.—56 mint. 22 act. Rollo Stark 23: A Thorn. 25. 2 relay wins many summer was a short statement issued W. Ramage. 30 T. Sargeant. 32.- thrilled thousands of It was 5. Kirkcaldy Y.M.C.A. H.-D. Brvrrtdgc. 11.35; 141 Point.. enthusiasts. from f febinki on Sunday 9th July by Mr. G. ). 11.19; Mortimer. 11.18 : Duncan. Kirkcaldy indeed an amazing British come-back. chairman of the W. Duncan. 11.51.—58 mini. »6 »«c». 5. Y.M.C.A. H.—D. Heveridgr 10: Erick Von PranckcM G Mortimer 13 J Renton 77; R C. Their defeat of France on their own home Olympic Committee to the effect that 6. Dundee Thutle II.—| Millrr. 11.19 ; C. D. Hrwioa H; G Millar 37: D. Taylor. Robcnaon. 11.35; A. Wilkw. I5.17: H. 38. 159 Point.. territory after a keen tense maich also Finland intended to invite all nations Irxmc. 15.17 -59 mint. 58 hp. 6. H.M.S.— Caledonia.—Howarth. 18: Marshall. gave great satisfaction. without exception to the 1952 Olympic 7. Dundee Hawkhill I!.—A. Black. 11.18; A. 21: Furmidgr Uimbnck. 28 : 31 : Paulk- of view Gaines. " We want to have the whole Coooan. 15 25; J. S. McKcnrie. 15.32; nrr. 33 : Bales 35 169 Points. 'From a comparative point G. Crkbtrei. 15.06.-60 mini. 20 s«Ci, interesting feature of world here, irrespective of language. 7. Edinburgh Northern —H—G. McGowan 26 ; perhaps the most » II.M.S. Caledonia. How.irth 11.19: Barry. I. Wilkinton. 36; T. Parley. 39. G. the European Games was the levelling colour or political views." he simply I5 15; Formidgr.— 15.31: Quigley. 11.31. Parley. 40 A. : Broadfoot. 41 : N McLean. to -60 mini. 29 •«ÿ. 42 724 Points. up and down of the various competing said. These words are be commended. 4 THE SCOTS ATHLETE THE SCOTS ATHLETE 5 They appropriate to the hopes of the instead we must have the parochial spirit start of the last world war. It was also with a beautiful display of even team founder, Pierre de Coubertin. whose of club first and to hang with the rest. gratifying to find Bcliahouston running running, their quartcete having practically dream was to make the Games an all- Not that the enthusiasm of club is a bad 6 teams.