Corporate Data / Share Information / Total Shareholder Return / Credit Ratings Nomura Report 2020 About Nomura About Nomura About

Corporate Data Company name , Inc. Total Shareholder Holding Period*2 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years

Date of incorporation December 25, 1925 Return (TSR*1) Nomura Holdings 73.1% 102.6% 94.6% 65.0% 76.0% Head office 1-9-1, , Chuo-ku, 103-8645, 001 001

Paid-in capital ¥594,493 million TOPIX 89.2% 102.3% 118.5% 112.5% 101.8% Strategies for Value Creation Creation Value for Strategies Creation Value for Strategies Group employees 26,629 *1 Ratio obtained by dividing investment amount (stock price) by return (dividend and capital gains). Common stock issued 3,493,562,601 shares Calculated based on Cabinet Office Order on Disclosure of Corporate Affairs *2 Figures based on the last price of March 31, 2015 Number of shareholders 349,668 (Unit shareholders:326,975)

The common shares of Nomura Holdings, Inc. are listed Nomura Securities Nomura Holdings on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and Singapore stock exchanges. Credit Ratings The shares are also listed on the NYSE in the form of Listing (As of June 30, 2020) Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term American Depositary Shares (ADSs) evidenced by American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). Each ADS represents one share of common stock. R&I A+ a-1 A+ a-1 005 005

8604 Securities code JCR AA- - AA- - (Tokyo Stock Exchange), NMR (New York Stock Exchange) Strengths Value Supporting Creation Strengths Value Supporting Creation

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Transfer agent and registrar Moody's A3 P-2 Baa1 - Corporate Agency Department

Depositary for American The of New York Mellon Depositary Receipts (ADRs) Standard & Poor's A- A-2 BBB+ A-2 Date of record for dividend September 30, March 31 payments Fitch Ratings A- F1 A- F1

Major shareholders (Top 10)*1 Share Information Number of Owenership Name of shareholder shares owned 2 (As of March 31, 2020) 2 (%)* (thousands)*

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 228,152 7.5% 041 041 Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account) 163,096 5.4%

Corporate Information / Data Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 5) 70,680 2.3% Corporate Information / Data

JP Morgan Chase Bank 385151 53,546 1.8%

Northern Trust Co. (AVFC) Re Silchester International 51,872 1.7% Investors International Value Equity Trust Basic Information in the Report

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 7) 50,758 1.7% Period covered April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 (Some content may be outside this time frame.) State Street Bank West Client-Treaty 505234 49,110 1.6%

Northern Trust Co. (AVFC) Re U.S. Tax Exempted Reporting cycle Once a year

079 39,176 1.3% 079 Pension Funds

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 1) 36,260 1.2% Previous August 2019

SSBTC Client Omnibus Account 34,172 1.1% Current August 2020

*1The company has 454,625 thousand shares of treasury stock as of March 31, 2020 which is not included in the major shareholders list above. Entities covered Nomura Holdings, Inc. and its major subsidiaries and affiliates *2 Figures for Number of Shares Owned are rounded down to the nearest thousand and figures for Percentage of Shares Owned are calculated excluding treasury stock. Numerical data are presented alongside information on the scope of companies covered.

Individuals and others Financial institutions Reference guidelines GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) (including treasury stock) (including Financial instruments firms) Please access the following URL on our corporate website for 40.6% our GRI Guidelines Index. 25.6% Component ratio International Integrated Reporting Frameworks recommended of shareholders Other legal entities by the International Integrated Reporting Council and the World (unit share base) Intellectual Capital Initiative 4.2% Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation of Japan's Ministry Foreign legal entities of Economy, Trade, and Industry Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018 Version) of Japan's 29.6% Ministry of the Environment

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