x, illi mson'sS ,psucker, Cordiller n FI ctch r, and other Ion distanc ß aor nts at a Lon Island, N w Yor sto ov r site P.A. Buckley ABSTRACT onceeasy vehicular access was attainedin Six taxa new to--variously--NewYork, the 1964(Buckley 1974). Fast Coast, and easternNorth America are Fire Island is a narrow, 53-kin barrier USGS-PatuxentWildlife Research Center describedand illustrated from Fire Island, islandseparating Great South Bay and the Long Island,New York. WilliamsongSap- mainlandof LongIsland from the Atlantic Box8 @Graduate School ofOceanography sucker, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Cassin's Vireo, Ocean(Figure 1). At theextreme west end o[ Western Warbling-Vireo, Sonora Yel- Fire Island National Seashore(8 krn east o[ UniversityofRhode island lowthroat,and Pink-sidedJunco were cap- Fire Island Inlet and 90 km east-northeast of tured and documentedduring a 1995-2001 New York City), is the areaknown as the mist-nettingstudy examining the ecological LighthouseTract, a 65-hasection of natural Narragansett,Rhode Island 02882 relationshipsamong migratory birds, Deer vegetationwhere the 175-year-oldFire Island Ticks,and Lyme Disease. Two earlier Cassin's Lighthousestands. There, Fire Island nar- (email:
[email protected] and Vireo specimensoverlooked by nearly all rowsto 300 m frombay to ocean,with low authors--thefirst for NewJersey and New dune vegetationoceanward, and scattered
[email protected])York,respectively--are also illustrated, as is nativePitch Pine (Pinus rigida) groves alter- an earlierWestern Warbling-Vireo from Fire natingwith mixednative deciduous shrub- Island. Identification criteria are discussed at thicketsbayward. Major plant species in the lengthfor all taxa,and the currentstatus of deciduousthickets include Bayberry (Myrica all six as vagrantswithin North Americais pensylvanica),Low Beach Plum (Prunus S.S.