FARRELL FRITZ PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION EAB PLAZA Uniondale, New York 11556-0120 (516)227-0700 FACSIMILE: (516)227-0777 WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (516)227-0624
[email protected] -^JlSUjrr, arv* JU ELAINE R. SAMMON k January 15,2002 OUR FILE NUMBER 5653-117 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Hon. Janet Hand Deixler Secretary to the Siting Board 3 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12233-1350 Re: Brookhaven Energy Project - Case 00-F-0566 Dear Secretary Deixler: Enclosed please find five copies of the Testimony and Exhibits of the witnesses on behalf of the Town of Brookhaven. Very truly yours, " ^/^j^^ /\ ^J^^-^7^5- Elaine R. Sammon ERS:sk Enclosures FFDOCS1\456835.1 FARRELL FRITZ PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION EAB PLAZA Uniondale, New York 11556-0120 (516)227-0700 FACSIMILE: (516)227-0777 WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (516)227-0624
[email protected] ELAINE R. SAMMON January 10,2002 Via E-Mail and First Class Mail 5653-117 Hon. Walter T. Moynihan Office of Hearings and ADR, New York State Public Service Commission Three Empire State Plaza New York, NY 12233-1350 Hon. Daniel P. O'Connell Office of Hearings and Mediation Services N YS Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, \st floor Albany, NY 12233-1550 Re: Brookhaven Energy Project - Case 00-F-0566 Dear Judges Moynihan and O'Connell: Per your December 5, 2001 Order, enclosed are the Testimony and Exhibits of the witnesses on behalf of the Town of Brookhaven. These enclosures consist of: Lee Koppelman - Direct Testimony Koppelman Exhibit A - Curriculum Vitae Koppelman Exhibit B - Cultural Resources: Historical and Archaeological John Shafer - Direct Testimony Shafer Exhibit 1 - Curriculum Vitae Shafer Exhibit 2 - Three (3) site location maps titled Brookhaven, Blackstone, and Bellingham Energy, respectively.