GEORGETA GHEBREA Georgeta Ghebrea assistant Gender Policies in professor, Romania: from Infrastructure Ph.D, University to Action1 of Bucharest, Abstract Department In the first decade post-1989 no gender of Political policies with clear objectives and specific instru- Science ments existed in Romania. The gender main- streaming was first stated in the two National Author of the books: Action Plans for Equal Opportunities between Regim social-politic şi viaţă privată Women and Men (1996 and 2000). Still, the attention of the various Romanian Governments, [Social and political regime and pri- concerning women's issues, was focused especial- vate life](2000). Co-author of the ly on labour relationships and on related books: Sărăcie şi asistenţă socială în domains, such as social security and health insur- România secolelor IX si XX ance. Other fields, such as education, political [Poverty and social welfare in participation, family and civil rights, were under- Romania (2002), Analysing female developed, as regards the consideration of visibility in Romania ( 2004), women's needs and interests.The legislation and Mapping Romanian Women's cam- institutions that implement and monitor the paign for change ( 2005), observance of equality take no special interest in Implementing the EU equality women's discrimination, as women are treated together with other discriminated categories (the acquis in Romania ( 2005). disabled, Rroma, homosexuals). E-mail:
[email protected] 1. Objectives and Methods of Research Key words: gender policies, Romania, gender The present study proposes to exam- mainstreaming, equal opportunities, ine the existing Romanian situation regarding European Union the constitution of the necessary infrastruc- ture for the implementation of gender main- streaming principles.