Haematological health assessment in a with extremely high proportion of basophils in peripheral blood Michal Vinkler, Jan Schnitzer, Pavel Munclinger, Jan Votýpka, Tomáš Albrecht

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Michal Vinkler, Jan Schnitzer, Pavel Munclinger, Jan Votýpka, Tomáš Albrecht. Haematological health assessment in a passerine with extremely high proportion of basophils in peripheral blood. Journal für Ornithologie = Journal of Ornithology, Springer Verlag, 2010, 151 (4), pp.841-849. ￿10.1007/s10336-010-0521-0￿. ￿hal-00582602￿

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2 Haematological health assessment in a passerine with extremely high proportion of

3 basophils in peripheral blood


5 Authors:

6 Michal Vinkler (1, 3), Jan Schnitzer (1), Pavel Munclinger (1), Jan Votýpka (2) and Tomáš

7 Albrecht (1, 3)


9 Addresses:

10 1) Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Viničná 7,

11 Prague, CZ-128 44, Czech Republic

12 2) Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Viničná 7,

13 Prague, CZ-128 44, Czech Republic

14 3) Institute of Vertebrate Biology, v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,

15 Studenec 122, CZ-675 02, Czech Republic


17 Author for correspondence:

18 Michal Vinkler, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague,

19 Viničná 7, Prague, CZ-128 44, Czech Republic

20 e-mail: [email protected]

21 Tel.: +420 221 95 18 39

22 Fax: +420 221 95 18 41


24 Word count: 6381


1 26 Abstract

27 Haematological methods are widely utilized among avian ecologists as a means for individual

28 health assessment. However, the technical simplicity of some of the tests may easily lead to

29 oversimplification of the evaluation. Here we show in the Scarlet rosefinch (Carpodacus

30 erythrinus) that haematological parameters other than the widely used heterophil/lymphocyte

31 (H/L) ratio may be important to investigate. We give the full description of seven basic

32 haematological traits (leukocyte differential count, immature erythrocyte count, haematocrit,

33 mean cell volume, total red and white blood cell count and blood parasite occurrence). Most

34 remarkably, the examination of 178 adults and 155 nestlings has revealed that this species has

35 an extraordinarily high proportion of basophils in the peripheral blood (on average about 42%

36 and 56% respectively). Although the high basophil count is a general trait even in healthy

37 individuals of this species, the proportion of these cells is condition-dependent and is further

38 increased by Haemoproteus infection. Our results also suggest that the immature erythrocyte

39 count in the peripheral blood is a good predictor of the nestlings’ growth rate. We conclude

40 that the rosefinch haematology differs strikingly from other avian species with known values

41 of basic haematological parameters. We therefore emphasize the importance of a general

42 haematological examination, based on material obtained by an appropriate method (e.g. for

43 smear preparation, we recommend using differential staining and avoiding prior methanol

44 fixation).



47 Key words

48 Avian immunity, basophilic granulocyte, hematology, hematocrit, leucocyte differential

49 count, packed cell volume, polychromatic erythrocyte.


2 51 Introduction

52 Health has a major effect on body condition and vigour, which consequently determines

53 individual fitness. Adoption of appropriate methods that enable a reliable estimation of health

54 is therefore of crucial importance to most ecological and evolutionary research. Although

55 there are various ways to investigate health, the most widely used method for health

56 assessment is the basic haematological survey (Ardia and Schat 2008). The main procedure

57 for a haematological survey is to determine the cellular composition of blood. In avian

58 peripheral blood, there are five morphologically distinguishable types of leukocytes present:

59 lymphocytes, heterophils, basophils, eosinophils and monocytes (Lucas and Jamroz 1961).

60 Normal values of cellular proportions may differ among species (Campbell and Ellis 2007;

61 Davis 2009) and may also vary between free-living and captive-held (Ewenson et al.

62 2001). In most species with published values of haematological traits, however, only

63 lymphocytes and heterophils are detected in sufficient numbers to enable reliable

64 interindividual comparison (the combined number of lymphocytes and heterophils typically

65 accounts for 85-95% of all leukocytes in a blood smear; Davis 2009). Several studies have

66 documented that the ratio of lymphocytes and heterophils (H/L) may reliably indicate stress

67 (El Lethey et al. 2003; Davis et al. 2008) as well as infection status for some diseases (Davis

68 et al. 2004; Chakarov et al. 2008; Fokidis et al. 2008; Norte et al. 2009a). These findings have

69 led avian ecologists to use the H/L ratio as general measurement of health status, which is

70 quick, repeatable, and easy to obtain (Ots et al. 1998; Ardia and Schat 2008).


72 Despite the growing number of haematological studies in birds (e.g. see Moreno et al. 1998;

73 Hauptmanová et al. 2002; Uhart et al. 2003; Sergent et al. 2004; Friedl and Edler 2005; Davis

74 et al. 2004; Mercurio et al. 2008) data on blood cellular composition are still only available

75 for a limited number of passerine species. In contrast to the known variability (e.g.

3 76 interspecific or linked to age and sex) and fluctuations (e.g. due to stress, season or health

77 changes) in heterophil and lymphocyte counts, the variability among other cell types is often

78 considered as only minor and rare (Maxwell 1981; Dufva and Allander 1995; Scope et al.

79 2002; Dubiec et al. 2005; Lobato et al. 2005; Davis 2005, Norte et al. 2009a; Norte et al.

80 2009b). Nevertheless, certain illnesses induce quantitative changes in the number of

81 basophils, eosinophils and monocytes that are comparable to the changes observed in

82 lymphocytes and heterophils (see e.g. Fudge 1989; Campbell and Ellis 2007).


84 Detailed studies of the composition of avian blood cells can offer more information than is

85 usually considered. Aside from the common methods of estimating proportions of leukocytes

86 and quantities of blood-borne cells (described either as absolute counts or as haematocrit; Ots

87 et al. 1998), determining the blood cell dynamics may be equally valuable. For instance,

88 immature erythrocyte count can reveal the presence of anaemic diseases (Campbell and Ellis

89 2007) and there is some toxicological evidence suggesting potential importance of this trait

90 for wildlife studies (see Yamato et al. 1996; Belskii et al. 2005; Carleton 2008). However, to

91 our knowledge there has been no effort in avian ecology to examine the health-predictive

92 potential of peripheral blood immature erythrocyte count in free-living birds.


94 In this study we investigated the basic haematological traits in the Scarlet rosefinch

95 (Carpodacus erythrinus). The Scarlet rosefinch is a small sexually dichromatic passerine

96 belonging to the subfamily (Cramp et al. 1994). A remarkable feature of this

97 species is the especially long distance and direction of its migration. The wintering grounds

98 are located in the southern part of Asia (Cramp et al. 1994), lying in a distance of

99 approximately 5 500 km from the breeding grounds in central Europe. Thus, the energetically

100 costly migration may be expected to pose a powerful selection on health related traits in this

4 101 species (Albrecht et al. 2007). Here we present data on the leukocyte differential count, total

102 counts of leukocytes and erythrocytes, haematocrit, blood parasites, and the proportion of

103 immature blood cells. Most of the traits are reported in adults as well as in seven-day-old

104 hatchlings. Chosen haematological traits were correlated with morphological condition-

105 dependent traits and blood borne parasite infection status to assess their convenience for

106 general health prediction in this species.



109 Materials and methods

110 Field procedures

111 The research was carried out on a Scarlet rosefinch population breeding in the Vltava river

112 valley, Šumava National Park, southern Bohemia, Czech Republic (N 48°48’–48°50’, E

113 13°55’–13°57’, ~730 m above sea level; for more detailed description see Albrecht 2004).

114 This population numbers at least 200 breeding pairs (Šťastný et al. 2006) and represents the

115 western edge of the breeding grounds for this species (Risberg and Stjernberg 1997). In five

116 successive seasons (2004-2008) we examined the basic haematological traits of 178 Scarlet

117 rosefinch adults (110 males, 68 females) and 155 nestlings (not all traits were examined in

118 every individual).

119 In each season samples were collected during the pre-breeding (second half of May) and

120 breeding (second half of June) periods. Adult birds were captured into standard ornithological

121 mist nets, either with the lure (stuffed male Scarlet rosefinch skin) or by chance in the

122 surrounding of their putative breeding spot. After capture, each bird was placed into a fabric

123 bag, weighed using a spring balance (MicroLine 20060, 60g, d=0.5g; Pesola AG, Baar,

124 Switzerland) and a sample of blood (about 20-70μl) was collected by puncturing the brachial

125 vein. Thereafter the tarsus length was measured by digital calliper (accuracy 0.01mm) as a

5 126 general estimate of individual’s size (Senar and Pascual 1997). Individual weight was later

127 divided by tarsus length and this weight standardized on size (hereafter referred as mass) was

128 used for further analyses as a condition indicator. When all required information was

129 collected the bird was tagged with a standard steel ring from the Czech ringing station (N

130 MUSEUM PRAHA) and released. The manipulation time was about twenty minutes in total.


132 Every year during the breeding season the Scarlet rosefinch nests were systematically

133 searched. At the day of hatching each nestling was individually marked with a permanent

134 marker and the hatching date was recorded. On day 7 post hatch (i.e., determined individually

135 for each nestling within the nest according to its hatching date), a blood sample (ca. 10-30μl)

136 was collected from each nestling. Thereafter the nestling was tagged with a darkened steel

137 ring, weighted and the tarsus length was measured. On the next day the nestling was

138 measured again to obtain the measure of nestling growth (tarsus length on day 8 post hatch

139 minus the length on day 7 post hatch). Sampling of nestlings was performed in a hidden place

140 about 20m away from the nest to minimise the risk of attracting a predator. No nestling spent

141 more than 30 minutes out of the nest.


143 Leukocyte differential count

144 In all adults as well as in all nestlings a drop of blood was used immediately after collection

145 for the preparation of a blood smear. The air-dried smears were not fixed in methanol (as

146 usual in mammalian haematology) before staining because methanol fixation decreases the

147 stainability of basophil granules, which impairs correct identification of basophils (Robertson

148 and Maxwell 1990, personal experience; see also Dubiec et al. 2005). After transportation to

149 laboratory all smears were stained by Pappenheim’s panoptical method: 3 minutes in

150 concentrated May-Grünwald staining solution (Merck & Co., Inc. Whitehouse Station, NJ,

6 151 USA), 2 minutes in the same solution diluted 1:1 with distilled water and 15 minutes in

152 Giemsa’s solution (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) diluted 1:40 with distilled water,

153 then washed with water and air dried. This differential staining method enables the

154 recognition of all basic blood cell types under a light microscope. All smears were scanned

155 with Olympus CX-31 microscope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) under magnification

156 of 1000x to count the proportions of lymphocytes, heterophils, eosinophils, basophils,

157 monocytes and immature leukocytes within a sample of 110-140 leukocytes in the smear.

158 Being morphologically similar to leukocytes described from other avian species individual

159 leukocyte types were identified according to Lucas and Jamroz (1961) and Campbell and Ellis

160 (2007). The immature stages of all leukocyte types found in the peripheral blood were

161 assigned to a single category due to the potentially high risk of incorrect identification of the

162 cell type. The repeatability of measuring the leukocyte frequencies was calculated based on a

163 sample of 27 adult individuals for which counts were taken two separate times. It was r=0.87

164 for lymphocytes, r=0.91 for heterophils, r=0.89 for basophils, r=0.71 for eosinophils, r=0.32

165 for monocytes and r=0.33 for immature cells. The low values for repeatability in monocytes

166 and immature cells were caused by their low frequencies among blood leukocytes (on average

167 less than 5% in both cell types).


169 Erythrocyte differential count

170 In 20 randomly chosen adults and 20 nestlings, we measured the differential count of

171 immature erythrocytes. In each individual blood smear 5 randomly chosen monolayer fields

172 were photographed (camera E-410; Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) at 100x objective

173 magnification (ca. 1000-2000 cells). Copies of all images were transformed into black and

174 white 1 bit format with resolution 80 dpi by Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3 software (Corel

175 Corporation, Ottawa, Canada) so that only the uniformly black nuclei remained visible.

7 176 Where necessary, the neighbouring nuclei were manually separated and potential dirt was

177 deleted. The total number of cells per image was automatically counted from these adjusted

178 images by the particle analyser of ImageJ software (Rasband W.S. ImageJ, U.S. National

179 Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA, http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/, 1997-2008). The original

180 photographs were then used to manually count the immature erythrocytes, thrombocytes and

181 leukocytes within the images using ImageJ cell counter. Within erythrocytes we distinguished

182 among normal mature erythrocytes, immature polychromatic erythrocytes and hypochromatic

183 cells (for detailed description see Campbell and Ellis 2007). The number of reticulocytes has

184 not been determined as this would require a special type of staining (Campbell and Ellis

185 2007). In samples from the adults, but not the nestlings, it is not clear whether the

186 hypochromatic erythrocytes represent immature ontogenetic stages or rather aberrant cells

187 (Campbell and Ellis 2007). Therefore only polychromatic cells were counted as immature

188 erythrocytes in adults (r=0.89) while in nestlings a join category of polychromatic and

189 hypochromatic cells was created (r=0.95).


191 As the onset of degenerative processes in thrombocytes may take place rapidly after the blood

192 collection and variably among individuals (Lucas and Jamroz 1961), no thrombocyte counts

193 were recorded.


195 Haematocrit

196 The haematocrit (packed cell volume) values were recorded in 56 adults. Blood samples were

197 centrifuged in heparinised capillary tubes for 5 min. at 11000 rpm. Then the proportion of

198 cells in the total volume of blood was measured and recorded as a percentage. The

199 repeatability of the measurement was r=0.97, estimated based on a sample of 17 individuals in

200 which two capillary tubes of blood were collected. The haematocrit measurement was not

8 201 carried out in nestlings as it requires the collection of an additional 40-50µl of blood, which

202 exceeds the volume of blood that can be safely taken.


204 Total leukocyte and erythrocyte count

205 In 20 adult rosefinches captured in 2008, we examined the total red blood cells count (i.e.

206 number of erythrocytes per volume unit of blood, hereafter TRBC), and the total white blood

207 cells count (i.e. number of leukocytes per volume unit of blood, hereafter TWBC). A blood

208 sample of 15μl was diluted in 2985µl of Natt and Herrick‘s solution (for composition

209 description see Campbell and Ellis 2007) and left for several hours in a field refrigerator to

210 stain the cells. Thereafter the numbers of cells were counted in the Bürker’s counting chamber

211 (100 large squares for leukocytes and 20 rectangles for erythrocytes were scanned). Neither

212 TRBC nor TWBC was investigated in nestlings to avoid any potentially harmful effect of

213 larger blood volume losses on their ontogeny. Haematocrit and erythrocyte count values were

214 used for calculation of the mean cell volume (MCV) as a quotient of these two multiplied by

215 10 (Campbell and Ellis 2007). Since 16 out of the 20 samples that we measured TRBC and

216 TWBC came from males, we investigated the relationship of these parameters to condition

217 only for this sex.


219 Total and differential counting of erythrocytes and leukocytes as well as all other

220 haematological examinations were performed by one person only (MV) to minimise any

221 potential variability among the measurements.


223 Parasite prevalence

224 The method for blood parasite load assessment has been previously described in detail

225 elsewhere (see Votýpka et al. 2003) and so here we report it only briefly. The blood smears

9 226 were examined with a light microscope at 200x magnification for 5 minutes (approximately

227 equivalent to the observation of 50 microscopic fields). Each smear was thereafter examined

228 for another 10 minutes at 1000x magnification (equivalent to 100 microscopic fields;

229 minimally 10 000 erythrocytes). When no parasites were detected after this time, the smear

230 was considered as negative.


232 Statistics

233 For comparisons of sexes and age classes the Two-sample t-test was performed where

234 possible (i.e. when the variable had a normal distribution or when normality was achieved by

235 transformation). However, as cell frequencies often did not possess Gaussian distribution,

236 nonparametrical Wilcoxon rank-sum test had to be adopted. Correlations were tested by

237 Pearson's product-moment correlation. Generalized linear models were used for the

238 haematological-condition analyses. In these models the distribution was approximated to

239 Gaussian (e.g., in the analyses of basophils in adults and immature erythrocytes) or to

240 binomial (e.g., in the analysis of H/L ratio in adults). We used generalized linear mixed effect

241 approach to test the influence of nestling condition on its H/L ratio and basophil count. In this

242 analysis, the identity of nests was treated as a random effect. Minimal adequate models, i.e.

243 models with all terms significant (Crawley 2002) were obtained by backward eliminations of

244 particular terms in candidate models using likelihood ratio approach starting with the most

245 complex terms (Crawley 2002). The significance of a particular term adjusted for the effects

246 of other terms was based on the change in deviance between the full and reduced models,

247 distributed as χ2 with degrees of freedom (df) equal to the difference in the degrees of

248 freedom between the models with and without the term in question. F statistics rather than χ2

249 statistics were used in cases of overdispersion. All presented significance values are based on

250 the Type III Sum of squares. In all cases the reliability of the sample distribution

10 251 approximation to the chosen distribution was tested by One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov

252 goodness-of-fit test. The significance level was set to p=0.05. Repeatability was assessed

253 according to Lessells and Boag (1987). All statistical analyses were performed using S-PLUS

254 6.0 (Lucent Technologies, Inc, USA) and R 2.8.1. (http://www.r-project.org/) softwares.



257 Results

258 Basic description of the Scarlet rosefinch haematology

259 The leukocyte differential count in adult individuals is summarized in Table 1. In the adult

260 rosefinches, haematocrit values ranged from 40 % to 65 % (median 56 %, n=56), the TRBC

261 counts varied from 5.21×106/μl to 7.91×106/μl (median 6.49×106/μl, n=20) and TWBC counts

262 ranged from 4.50×103/μl to 22.00×103/μl (median 8.00 ×103/μl, n=20). The MCV values were

263 between 68.07 fl/cell and 102.00fl/cell (median 86.72 fl/cell, n=20). Immature erythrocytes

264 accounted for 0.83-5.70% of all erythrocytes (median 2.86%, n=20). The only common blood

265 parasite detected in adult birds was Haemoproteus sp. (24.7 % of samples, n=178).

266 Leucocytozoon sp. was found in only one individual and seven birds were infected by avian

267 filariae.


269 The description of leukocyte differential count in rosefinch nestlings is given in Table 2. In

270 the nestlings, a range from 5.98% to 38.20% of all erythrocytes were classified as immature

271 (median 22.59%, n=20). No blood parasites were detected in nestlings.


273 Clear differences exist between adults and nestlings in all parameters of leukocyte differential

274 count (nnestlings=155, nadults=178, Wilcoxon rank-sum test for lymphocytes Z=-9.81, for

275 heterophils Z=-8.62, for basophils Z=8.86 and for eosinophils Z=11.05, p in all cases

11 276 <<0.001) as well as in the percentage of immature red blood cells (Exact Wilcoxon rank-sum

277 test for polychromatic cells nnestlings=10, nadults=10, W=148, p<0.001). Significant sex

278 differences in adults were found only in some parameters of leukocyte differential count

279 (Two-sample t-test for the eosinophil count after arcsin transformation t=2.83, n=178,

280 p=0.005; see also H/L ratio in condition analysis) and in the representation of immature

281 polychromatic erythrocytes among the red blood cells (Two-sample t-test t=2.11, n=20, p=

282 0.049). No sex differences were determined in the values for haematocrit, TWBC, TRBC or

283 MCV.


285 Haematological parameters and condition

286 As most counts of individual leukocyte types are to some extent intercorrelated, we only

287 analysed factors in association with H/L ratio (a commonly investigated parameter) and

288 basophil count (a major leukocyte type in Scarlet rosefinch) between which the correlation

289 was insignificant (Pearson's product-moment correlation t = -1.81, df = 161, p-value = 0.072,

290 correl. coef.= -0.14). In adults the H/L ratio was significantly dependent on year (p<0.001),

291 period of capture (p<0.001), individual sex (p=0.021), mass (p=0.003, in interaction with

292 period of capture p=0.028) and size in interaction with sex (p=0.023). In contrast, the basophil

293 count in adults did not vary significantly between years and was independent of sex or

294 individual size. Basophil count was significantly associated with individual mass (predicting

295 body condition, p=0.021, Fig. 1), period of capture (p<<0.001) and infection by blood

296 parasites of the Haemoproteus (p=0.020). Minimal adequate models for H/L ratio and

297 basophil count in adults are given in Tables 3 and 4.


299 We have found no significant minimal adequate model in the case of basophil count for

300 nestlings (the model comprising interaction of hatching date and nestling mass was

12 301 insignificant as a whole, p=0.057, df=3, chi=7.52, n=151). However, the H/L ratio was

302 significantly associated with nestlings size (p= 0.018) and mass (p=0.041; Table 5).


304 Although there was no interaction of immature erythrocyte count in adults with any condition

305 indicator per se, we have found a significantly negative association between the percentage of

306 immature erythrocytes and individual size (p=0.020, value ± SE = -1.417 ± 0.556, df = 1/18,

307 F=6.49, n=20; Fig. 2). Values for haematocrit (n=56), TRBC (n=16), TWBC (n=16) and

308 MCV (n=16) in adults were not correlated with individual size or mass (in all cases p>0.20).

309 In nestlings, we have found a significantly positive association between immature erythrocyte

310 count and growth (p=0.014, value ± SE = 15.943 ± 5.835, df = 1/18, F=7.47, n=20; Fig. 3).



313 Discussion

314 Our results have shown two interesting points: first, the basophil count may be an important

315 parameter to assess in studies utilizing haematological methods; and second, immature cell

316 count seems to serve as a useful predictor of growth and developmental speed in nestlings.


318 In the peripheral blood of Scarlet rosefinches we have found an unusually high proportion of

319 basophils, reaching up to 86% of all leukocytes in adults and 91% in nestlings (medians 40%

320 and 56%, respectively). Analysis of the association of leukocyte differential count with

321 condition has revealed that, at least in adults, the basophil count serves as a better indicator of

322 condition and health than the H/L ratio. While H/L ratio was dependent on factors that have

323 no or only limited relationship to condition (such as year, sex or size), the basophil count was

324 linked to individual mass (predicting condition) and Haemoproteus infection (indicating

13 325 individuals’ health). In nestlings, however, not the basophil count but the H/L ratio correlated

326 with condition-related traits (especially with individual mass).


328 To date, the function of basophils is only poorly understood in birds. This cell type seems to

329 be involved in acute inflammatory defence and immediate hypersensitivity reactions (Daloia

330 et al. 1994; Maxwell and Robertson 1995; Campbell and Ellis 2007). As avian basophil

331 granules are extremely water soluble, they may be easily damaged during the staining process

332 (Lucas and Jamroz 1961), which impairs the detection of these cells. This might be the reason

333 why precise data on the variability of basophil levels in peripheral blood are limited in free-

334 living birds (but see Davis 2009). Nevertheless, there is some clear evidence suggesting that

335 the proportion of basophils among blood-borne leukocytes is much higher in some avian

336 species than the normal physiological values of most mammals (Maxwell and Robertson

337 1995). A good example of natural variability in basophil counts was given by Friedl and Edler

338 (2005), who found that the percentage of basophils ranges from 0% to 24% in the Red bishop

339 (Euplectes orix). High levels of basophils in peripheral blood were also reported in some

340 other passerine species (e.g. Pine siskin, Carduelis pinus, or Pied flycatcher, Ficedual

341 hypoleuca; Davis 2009). Even in non- such as Puna ibis (Plegadis ridgewayi; Coke

342 et al. 2004), the Common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus; Lucas and Jamroz 1961), and some

343 strains of the domestic chicken (Maxwell and Robertson 1995), normal basophil levels in

344 adults may exceed 10%. Much lower basophil counts (0-5%) were detected in most ,

345 other than Scarlet rosefinches (Campbell and Ellis 2007; Davis 2009). Nevertheless, in the

346 House (Carpodacus mexicanus), a species that is closely related to the Scarlet rosefinch,

347 the basophil granulocytes are more frequent than heterophils in the peripheral blood of free-

348 living individuals (Davis et al. 2004; Davis 2005). Thus our results are unusual due to the

349 extreme number of basophiles but not inconsistent with the former findings.

14 350

351 Although basophils are known to be released into blood circulation in higher numbers due to

352 stress (Maxwell 1993; Altan et al. 2003; Campbell and Ellis 2007; Bedáňová et al. 2007), it is

353 unlikely that our results are caused by stressful manipulation of the birds. In the field, all

354 blood samples were collected within 30 minutes after the capture and prior to any further

355 manipulation of the individual. Davis (2005) previously reported that a handling time less

356 than 1 hour does not influence the leukocyte differential count in peripheral blood of the

357 . Moreover, Scope et al. (2002) have shown that there are no significant changes

358 in peripheral blood basophil numbers even 3 hours after the stressful event. Acute stress is

359 known to increase the H/L ratio (Lazarevic et al. 2000; Ewenson et al. 2001; Ruiz et al. 2002;

360 Scope et al. 2002; El Lethey et al. 2003; Bedáňová et al. 2007; Davis et al. 2008) and we did

361 not find unusually high proportions of heterophils in our smears. Furthermore, a high

362 proportion of basophils was similarly recorded in blood from nestlings for which no

363 potentially stressful capturing was performed. We propose that the high levels of basophils

364 are present in this passerine species with long-distance migration as a part of a particular

365 immunological anti-parasite defence. Levels of basophils are known to reflect infection status

366 of some diseases (Falcone et al. 2001). Also our results show higher basophil levels in birds

367 suffering from Haemoproteus infection and those in worse condition (having a lower body

368 mass). This is in concordance with findings of earlier studies reporting that Haemoproteus

369 infection alters the health state as well as blood parameters (Ots and Hõrak 1998) including

370 basophil levels (Garvin et al. 2003).


372 In our study we have shown that the immature erythrocytes are reasonably common in Scarlet

373 rosefinch peripheral blood circulation (in nestlings much more than in adults). Even in our

374 limited samples we were able to detect clear association between the immature erythrocyte

15 375 count and size in adults and with growth rate in nestlings. These results suggest that immature

376 erythrocyte count may represent an important haematological trait related to individual

377 development and energetic costs.


379 A large body of convincing evidence from both birds and mammals suggests that a high

380 percentage of immature erythrocytes among the red blood cells is indicative of disease,

381 toxicosis or anaemia (Constantino and Cogionis 2000; Campbell and Ellis 2007). Still, the

382 occurrence of small quantities of immature erythrocytes in peripheral blood is a normal state

383 in birds (Campbell and Ellis 2007). In this study, we observed no clinical signs of illness

384 among the individuals investigated. All birds had healthy appearance and their locomotive

385 activity was normal. The values for haematocrit and the percentage of polychromatic

386 erythrocytes among the red blood cells obtained in our sample of adults also did not indicate

387 any abnormality when compared to the values published for healthy captive-held passerines

388 (Campbell and Ellis 2007). On the other hand, both TRBC and TWBC had higher levels than

389 those described for captive-held passerines. We assume that high TRBC and perhaps also

390 TWBC levels may represent ecological adaptation in this species. Greater amounts of

391 erythrocytes may be required during the long distance migration to support the high oxygen

392 demands of the tissues under intense physical effort. Although the numbers of leukocytes in

393 our sample had a much greater range than the values known for finches bread in captivity, in

394 most cases our values lie within the normal values published. The sample was, unfortunately,

395 too small to try to explain the reason for elevated leukocyte levels in some of the individuals.

396 Nonetheless, as the high levels of immature erythrocytes in peripheral blood indicate the

397 presence of blood-regenerative processes (Yamato et al. 1996; Campbell and Ellis 2007;

398 Carleton 2008), we hypothesise that this trait may be related to the rate of blood cell

399 formation and thus possibly also to metabolic rate in healthy individuals.

16 400

401 Conclusion

402 This study has clearly highlighted the necessity of the basic examination of the cellular

403 composition of peripheral blood prior to simplification of the health-evaluating method.

404 Contrary to most mammals and poultry, some avian species may circulate in their peripheral

405 blood relatively high proportions of leukocytes of other types than lymphocytes and

406 heterophils, e.g. basophils. Researchers in ecology should be aware of this fact. We suggest

407 that basophil count may represent a valuable indicator of health in some species. We do not

408 recommend blood smear staining solely with Giemsa’s staining solution (e.g. suitable for

409 parasite detection) even in the cases with high proportions of heterophils in the blood films.

410 This method severely impairs the discrimination of leukocytes, which makes the results less

411 reliable. Moreover, when differential staining is adopted, the erythrocyte differential count

412 may be also estimated. Our results indicate that immature erythrocyte count may serve as a

413 suitable tool for estimating development. In avian haematology we also advise forgoing

414 fixation with methanol prior staining. Methanol fixation decreases the visibility of granules in

415 basophils and thus worsens their detection (Robertson and Maxwell 1990; basophils without

416 clearly visible granules can resemble lymphocytes and thus bias even the resulting H/L ratio).

417 However, notwithstanding these potential methodological pitfalls, if appropriate technique is

418 adopted, haematological methods represent a useful and reliable tool for the estimation of

419 health status.


421 Zusammenfassung

422 Hämatologische Untersuchung des Gesundheitszustands in Singvögeln mit extrem

423 hohem Anteil basophiler Blutkörperchen in peripherem Blut


17 425 Hämatologische Methoden werden von Ökologen häufig für die Untersuchung des

426 individuellen Gesundheitszustandes von Vögeln verwandt. Die technische Einfachheit einiger

427 dieser Tests kann jedoch zu einer starken Vereinfachung der Evaluation derselben führen.

428 Hier zeigen wir an Karmingimpeln (Carpodacus erythrinus) die Bedeutsamkeit anderer

429 hämatologischer Parameter als das häufig genutzte Verhältnis Heterophiler Zellen zu

430 Lymphozyten (H/L ratio). Wir beschreiben sieben hämatologische Charakteristika im Detail

431 (Leukozyten Differentialblutbild, unreife Erythrozytenzahl, Hämatokrit, das mittlere

432 Zellvolumen, die Gesamtzahl der roten und weißen Blutkörperchen und das Auftreten von

433 Blutparasiten). Besonders aufgefallen bei der Untersuchung von 178 Adulten und 155

434 Nestlingen war ein außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil Basophiler im peripheren Blut. Obwohl der

435 große Anteil Basophiler ein generelles Charakteristikum auch in gesunden Individuen dieser

436 Art ist, war der Anteil dieser Zellen abhängig von der Kondition und nahm bei Infektion

437 durch Haemoproteus zusätzlich zu. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen auch vermuten, dass die Anzahl

438 immaturer Erythrozyten im peripheren Blut ein guter Indikator für die Wachstumsrate von

439 Nestlingen ist. Wir schlussfolgern, dass das Blutbild von Kardinalgimplen auffällig anders ist

440 als das von anderen Vogelarten mit bekannten Baseline-Werten hämatologischer Parameter.

441 Deshalb betonen wir die Notwendigkeit hämatologischer Voruntersuchungen, gründend auf

442 Daten erfasst mit einer angemessenen Methode (z. B. für Blutausstriche empfehlen wir

443 unterschiedliche Färbungen und die Vermeidung von vorhergehender Fixation durch

444 Methanol).



447 Acknowledgement

448 We are grateful to Professor Drahoslav Pravda and Professor Eva Straková for their remarks

449 to the haematological methods adopted in this study. We would also like to appreciate the

18 450 help from Martin Lundák, Lubor Červa, Jaroslav Jelínek, František Zicha, Pavel Jaška, Hana

451 Mrkvičková, Radka Poláková and Marta Promerová with the field work and we wish to

452 acknowledge Zdena Csiebreiová for technical assistance. Our gratitude belongs last but not

453 least to Alison Golinski, Martina Pokorná and Dagmar Vinklerová for their comments to the

454 manuscript. This work was supported by the Grant Agency of Charles University (project

455 191/2004/B-Bio), the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

456 (project IAA600930608), the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (project 206/06/0851) and

457 the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (project MSMT No. 0021620828). T.A. was

458 partially supported by the Research Centrum project No. LC06073. The research was

459 approved by Ethical Committee of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences

460 of the Czech Republic and was carried out in accordance with the current laws of the Czech

461 Republic.



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24 598 Tables

599 Table 1: Leukocyte differential count in scarlet rosefinch adults (n=178).

Cell type Range (%) Mean (%) ± SD Median (%) Lymphocytes 3.60 - 73.39 28.28 ± 13.04 25.67 Immature leukocytes 0.00 - 5.50 0.67 ± 0.99 0.00 Heterophils 0.00 - 71.88 18.73 ± 11.85 17.67 Basophils 13.33 - 85.60 41.93 ± 14.89 39.60 Eosinophils 0.00 - 27.82 6.60 ± 5.43 5.42 Monocytes 0.00 - 15.13 3.78 ± 2.99 3.25 600


602 Table 2: Leukocyte differential count in Scarlet rosefinch nestlings (n=155).

Cell type Range (%) Mean (%) ± SD Median (%) Lymphocytes 4.59 - 41.38 15.49 ± 6.63 14.17 Immature leukocytes 0.00 - 18.58 2.13 ± 2.50 1.59 Heterophils 0.00 - 25.86 9.12 ± 4.49 8.53 Basophils 7.76 - 90.99 55.86 ± 10.80 55.73 Eosinophils 0.83 - 33.88 15.48 ± 7.18 14.63 Monocytes 0.00 - 10.74 1.92 ± 1.90 1.57 603


605 Table 3: Minimal adequate model for H/L ratio in adults, n=163, df=10/162, F=4.62,

606 p<<0.001. Slope values are given only for continuous variables.

Variable Slope ± SE df F p Year 4/152 5.28 <0.001 Sex 2/152 3.96 0.021 Period of capture 2/152 8.84 <0.001 Size -0.085 ± 0.040 2/152 2.89 0.058 Mass 2.081 ± 0.375 2/152 5.98 0.003 Sex : size 0.252 ± 0.037 1/152 5.29 0.023 Period of capture : 2.453 ± 0.378 1/152 4.95 0.028 mass 607


609 Table 4: Minimal adequate model for basophil count in adults, n=163, df=3/159, F=9.30,

610 p<<0.001.

Variable Slope ± SE df F p Mass -0.427 ± 0.183 1/159 5.42 0.021 Period of capture -0.049 ± 0.012 1/159 16.87 <<0.001 Haemoproteus inf. 0.031 ± 0.013 1/159 5.49 0.020 611

25 612

613 Table 5: Minimal adequate model for H/L ratio in nestlings, n=151 nestlings in 43 nests, df=2,

614 Chi=15.89, p<0.001. Model is based on GLMM modelling with nests treated as random

615 effect.

Variable Slope ± SE df Chi p Size -0.133 ± 0.051 1 5.62 0.018 Mass -1.189 ± 0.581 1 4.16 0.041 616




















26 636 Figures

637 Fig. 1: The association of individual mass with basophil count in adult Scarlet rosefinches

638 (n=163). Differential basophil count is given as residuals of the arcsin transformed values

639 after controlling for period of capture and Haemoproteus infection (for the minimal adequate

640 model see Table 4); mass (individual weight divided by tarsus length) is given in g/mm.



643 Fig. 2: Association of the immature erythrocyte percentage and individual size in adult Scarlet

644 rosefinches (n=20). For details to the immature erythrocyte percentage see methods; size is

645 given as individual tarsus length in mm.



27 648

649 Fig. 3: Association of immature erythrocyte count and growth in Scarlet rosefinch nestlings

650 (n=20). For details to the immature erythrocyte percentage see methods; nestling growth is

651 given as individual tarsus length in mm on day 8 post hatch minus the length on day 7 post

652 hatch.