MATERNAL, NEWBORN AND CHILD HEALTH IN THE AMERICAS A REPORT ON THE COMMITMENTS TO Women’s And children’s heALTH This work was co-authored by The Canadian Red Cross Society with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Canadian Red Cross reserves its right, title and interest in and to this work and any rights not expressly granted are reserved by the Canadian Red Cross. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, any part of this publication may be cited, copied, translated into other languages or adapted to meet local needs without prior permission from the Canadian Red Cross provided that the source is clearly stated. In consideration of this, such use shall be at the sole discretion and liability of the user and the said user shall be solely responsible, and shall indemnify the Canadian Red Cross, for any damage or loss resulting from such use. ISBN 978-1-55104-595-5 (c) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies & Canadian Red Cross Society, Geneva, 2013 Requests for commercial reproduction should be directed to the IFRC at
[email protected] and the Canadian Red Cross Society located at 170 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, ON, K2P 2P2, Canada, Tel: (613) 740-1900 or by email at
[email protected]. Cover photo: Sonia Komenda/CRC ACKnowledGements The IFRC Americas Zone Health Team would like to thank the Canadian Red Cross for funding the MNCH Research Delegate position in the Americas Zone Office to conduct this project and for the extensive efforts of the Americas Team in the overall production of the report.