Addresses of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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Addresses of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ADDRESSES OF NATIONAL RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES AFGHANISTAN — Afghan Red Crescent Society, Puli COLOMBIA — Colombian Red Cross Society, Hartan, Kabul. Avenida 68, No. 66-31, Apartado Aereo 11-10, ALBANIA — Albanian Red Cross, Rue Qamil Bogotd D.E. Guranjaku No. 2, Tirana. CONGO — Congolese Red Cross, place de la Paix, ALGERIA (People's Democratic Republic of) — B.P. 4145, Brazzaville. Algerian Red Crescent, 15 bis, boulevard COSTA RICA — Costa Rica Red Cross, Calle 14, Mohamed W.Algiers. Avenida 8, Apartado 1025, San Jost. ANGOLA — Angola Red Cross, Av. Hoji Ya COTE D'lVOKE — Red Cross Society of Cote Henda 107,2. andar, Luanda. dlvoire, B.P. 1244, Abidjan. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA — The Antigua and CUBA — Cuban Red Cross, Calle Prado 206, Coldn y Barbuda Red Cross Society, P.O. Box 727, St. Johns. Trocadero, Habana 1. ARGENTINA — The Argentine Red Cross, H. DENMARK — Danish Red Cross, 27 Blegdamsvej, Yrigoyen 2068, 7089 Buenos Aires. Postboks 2600,2100 Ktbenhavn 0. AUSTRALIA — Australian Red Cross Society, 206, DJIBOUTI — Red Crescent Society of Djibouti, Clarendon Street, East Melbourne 3002. B.P. 8, Djibouti. AUSTRIA — Austrian Red Cross, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 32, Postfach 39,1041, Vienna 4. DOMINICA — Dominica Red Cross Society, P.O. Box 59, Roseau. BAHAMAS — The Bahamas Red Cross Society, P.O. BoxN-8331,/Vajjau. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — Dominican Red Cross, Apartado postal 1293, Santo Domingo. BAHRAIN — Bahrain Red Crescent Society, P.O. Box 882, Manama. ECUADOR — Ecuadorean Red Cross, Av. Colombia y Elizalde Esq., Quito. BANGLADESH — Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, 684-686, Bara Magh Bazar, G.P.O. Box No. 579, EGYPT — Egyptian Red Crescent Society, 29, El Galaa Dhaka. Street, Cairo. BARBADOS — The Barbados Red Cross Society, Red EL SALVADOR — Salvadorean Red Cross Society, Cross House, Jemmotts Lane, Bridgetown. 17C. Pte y Av. Henri Dunant, Apartado Postal 2672, San Salvador. BELGIUM — Belgian Red Cross, 98, chaussee de Vleurgat, 1050 Brussels. ESTONIA — Estonia Red Cross, Lai Street, 17, EE001 Tallin. BELIZE — Belize Red Cross Society, P.O. Box 413, Belize City. ETHIOPIA — Ethiopian Red Cross Society, Ras Desta Damtew Avenue, Addis Ababa. BENIN (Republic of) — Red Cross of Benin, B.P. No. 1, Porto-Novo. FIJI — Fiji Red Cross Society, 22 Gorrie Street, P.O. Box 569, Suva. BOLIVIA — Bolivian Red Cross, Avenida Sim6n Bolivar, 1515, La Pal. FINLAND — Finnish Red Cross, Tehtaankatu, 1 A. P.O. Box 168, 00141 Helsinki 14115. BOTSWANA — Botswana Red Cross Society, 135 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 485, Gaborone. FRANCE — French Red Cross, 1, place Henry-Dunant, F-75384 Paris, CEDEX 08. BRAZIL — Brazilian Red Cross, Praca Cruz Vermelha No. 10-12, Rio de Janeiro. GAMBIA — The Gambia Red Cross Society, P.O. Box 472, Banjul. BULGARIA — Bulgarian Red Cross, 93, Dondukov Boulevard, 1527 Sofia. GERMANY — German Red Cross, Friedrich-Erbert-AUee 71, Postfach 1460, 5300 BURKINA FASO — Burkina Be Red Cross Society, Bonn 1. B.P. 340, Ouagadougou. BURUNDI — Burundi Red Cross, P.O. Box 324, GHANA — Ghana Red Cross Society, Ministries Annex Bujumbura. Block A3, P.O. Box 835, Accra. CAMEROON — Cameroon Red Cross Society, rue GREECE — Hellenic Red Cross, rue Lycavittou, 1, Henri-Dunant, P.O.B 631, Yaoundi. Athens 10672. CANADA — The Canadian Red Cross Society, 1800 GRENADA — Grenada Red Cross Society, P.O. Box Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario KIG 4J5. 551, S< George's. CAPE VERDE — Red Cross of Cape Verde, GUATEMALA — Guatemalan Red Cross, 3/ Calle Rua Unidade-Guin<5-Cabo Verde, P.O. 8-40, Zona 1, Ciudadde Guatemala. Box 119, Praia. GUINEA — Red Cross Society of Guinea, P.O. Box CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC — Central African 376, Conakry. Red Cross Society, B.P. 1428, Bangui. GUINEA-BISSAU — Red Cross Society of CHAD — Red Cross of Chad, B.P. 449, N'Djamena. Guinea-Bissau, rua Justino Lopes N.° 22-B, Bissau. CHILE — Chilean Red Cross, Avenida Santa Maria GUYANA — The Guyana Red Cross Society, P.O. No. 0150, Correo 21, Casilla 246-V., Santiago de Box 10524, Eve Leary, Georgetown. Chile. HAITI — Haitian National Red Cross Society, place CHINA — Red Cross Society of China, 53, Ganmian des Nations Unies, (Bicentenaire), B.P. 1337, Hutong, \QO 0X0 Beijing. Port-au-Prince. 466 HONDURAS — Honduran Red Cross, 7." Calle, l.'y MAURITIUS — Mauritius Red Cross Society, Ste 2.a Avenidas, Comayaguela. Therese Street, Curepipe. MEXICO — Mexican Red Cross, Calle Luis Vives HUNGARY — Hungarian Red Cross, V. Arany Janos utca, 31,1367 Budapest 51. Pf. 121. 200, Col. Polanco, Mexico 10, D.F. MONACO — Red Cross of Monaco, 27 boul. de ICELAND — Icelandic Red Cross, Raudararstigur 18, Suisse, Monte Carlo. 105 Reykjavik. MONGOLIA — Red Cross Society of Mongolia, INDIA — Indian Red Cross Society, 1, Red Cross Central Post Office, Post Box 537, Ulaanbaatar. Road, New Delhi 110001. MOROCCO — Moroccan Red Crescent, B.P. 189, INDONESIA — Indonesian Red Cross Society, Jl. Gatot Rabat. subroto Kar. 96, Jakarta Selatan 12790, P.O. Box MOZAMBIQUE — Mozambique Red Cross Society, Caixa Postal 2986, Maputo. 2009, Jakarta. MYANMAR (The Union of) — Myanmar Red Cross IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF — The Red Crescent Society, 42, Strand Road, Yangon. Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Avenue NAMIBIA — Namibia Red Cross Society, P.O.B. 346, Ostad Nejatollahi, Tehran. Windhoek. IRAQ — Iraqi Red Crescent Society, Mu'ari Street, NEPAL — Nepal Red Cross Society, Tahachal Mansour, Baghdad. Kalimati, P.B. 217, Kathmandu. IRELAND — Irish Red Cross Society, 16, Merrion NETHERLANDS — The Netherlands Red Cross, Square, Dublin 2. P.O. Box 28120,2502 KCThe Hague. ITALY — Italian Red Cross, 12, via Toscana, 00187 NEW ZEALAND — The New Zealand Red Cross Rome. Society, Red Cross House, 14 Hill Street, JAMAICA — The Jamaica Red Cross Society, 76, Wellington 1. Arnold Road, Kingston 5. NICARAGUA — Nicaraguan Red Cross, Apartado 3279, Managua DM. JAPAN — The Japanese Red Cross Society, 1-3, NIGER — Red Cross Society of Niger, B.P. 11386, Shiba-Daimon, I-chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105. Niamey. JORDAN — Jordan National Red Crescent Society, NIGERIA — Nigerian Red Cross Society, 11 Eko P.O. Box 10001, Amman. Akete Close, off St. Gregory's Rd., P.O. Box 764, KENYA — Kenya Red Cross Society, P.O. Box Lagos. 40712, Nairobi. NORWAY — Norwegian Red Cross, P.O. Box 6875, KOREA (Democratic People's Republic of) — Red St. Olavspl. 0130 Oslol. Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic PAKISTAN — Pakistan Red Crescent Society, of Korea, Ryonhwa 1, Central District, Pyongyang. National Headquarters, Sector H-8, Islamabad. PANAMA — Red Cross Society of Panama, Apartado KOREA (Republic of) — The Republic of Korea National Red Cross, 32-3Ka, Nam San Dong, Postal 668, Panama 1. Choong-Ku, Seoul 100-043. PAPUA NEW GUINEA — Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society, P.O. Box 6545, Boroko. KUWAIT — Kuwait Red Crescent Society, P.O. Box PARAGUAY — Paraguayan Red Cross, Brasil 216, 1359 Safat. esq. Jos6 Berges, Asuncidn. LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC — Lao PERU — Peruvian Red Cross, Av. Caminos del Inca y Red Cross, B.P. 650, Vientiane. Av. Nazarenas, Urb. Las Gardenias — Surco — LATVIA — Latvian Red Cross Society, 28, Skolas Apartado 1534, Lima 100. PHILIPPINES — The Philippine National Red Cross, Street, 226 300 Riga. Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, P.O. Box 280, Manila LEBANON — Lebanese Red Cross, rue Spears, Beirut. 2803. LESOTHO — Lesotho Red Cross Society, P.O. Box POLAND (The Republic of) — Polish Red Cross, 366, Maseru 100. Mokotowska 14,00-950 Warsaw. LIBERIA — Liberian Red Cross Society, National PORTUGAL — Portuguese Red Cross, Jardim 9 Abril, Headquarters, 107 Lynch Street, 1000 Monrovia 20. 1 a 5,1293 LMwn. QATAR — Qatar Red Crescent Society, P.O. Box 5449, LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA — Libyan Red Doha. Crescent, P.O. Box 541, Benghazi. ROMANIA — Red Cross of Romania, Strada Biserica LIECHTENSTEIN — Liechtenstein Red Cross, Amzei, 29, Bucharest. Heiligkreuz, 9490 Vaduz. RUSSIAN FEDERATION — The Russian Red Cross So- LITHUANIA — Lithuanian Red Cross Society, ciety, Tcheremushkinski Proezd 5,117036 Moscow. Gedimino Ave 3a, 2600 Vilnius. RWANDA — Rwandese Red Cross, B.P. 425, Kigali. LUXEMBOURG — Luxembourg Red Cross, Pare de SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS — Saint Kitts and Nevis la Ville, B.P. 404,2014 Luxembourg. Red Cross Society, Red Cross House, Horsford Road, Basseterre. MADAGASCAR — Malagasy Red Cross Society, 1, SAINT LUCIA — Saint Lucia Red Cross, P.O. Box rue Patrice Lumumba, 101, Antananarivo. 271, Castries. MALAWI — Malawi Red Cross Society, Conforzi SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES — Saint Road, P.O. Box 983, Lilongwe. Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross Society, MALAYSIA — Malaysian Red Crescent Society, JKR P.O. Box 431. Kingstown. 32 Jalan Nipah, off Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur SAN MARINO — Red Cross of San Marino, Via 55000. Scialoja, Cailungo, San Marino 470 31. MALI — Mali Red Cross, B.P. 280, Bamako. SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE — Sao Tome and Principe Red Cross, C.P. 96, Sao Tome. MAURITANIA — Mauritanian Red Crescent, B.P. SAUDI ARABIA — Saudi Arabian Red Crescent 344, avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nouakchott. Society, Riyadh 11129. 467 SENEGAL — Senegalese Red Cross Society, Bd TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO — The Trinidad and Franklin-Roosevelt, P.O.B. 299, Dakar. Tobago Red Cross Society, P.O. Box 357, Port of SEYCHELLES — Seychelles Red Cross Society, P.O.B. Spain. 52, Mahi. TUNISIA — Tunisian Red Crescent, 19, rue SIERRA LEONE — Sietra Leone Red Cross Society, d'Angleterre, Tunis 1000. 6, Liverpool Street, P.O.B. 427, Freetown. TURKEY — The Turkish Red Crescent Society, Genel SINGAPORE — Singapore Red Cross Society, Red Baskanligi, Karanfil Sokak No. 7, 06650 Cross House, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 0923. Kizilay-AnAara. SOLOMON ISLANDS — The Solomon Islands Red UGANDA — The Uganda Red Cross Society, Plot 97, Buganda Road, P.O. Box 494, Kampala. Cross Society, P.O. Box 187, Honiara. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — The Red Crescent SOMALIA (Somali Democratic Republic) — Somali Society of the United Arab Emirates, P.O. Box Red Crescent Society, P.O. Box 937, Mogadishu.
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    MAY - JUNE 1989 "TWENTY-NINTH YEAR No. 270 INTERNATIONAL • OF THE RED CROSS JAG CHOOl SEP 0 c 19'0; LIBRARY +c Published every twO months by the International Commiltee of the Red Cross for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement " +, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS Mr. CORNELIO SOMMARUGA, Doctor of Laws of Zurich University, Doctor h.c. rer. pol. of Fribourg University (Switzerland), President (member since 1986) Mrs. DENISE BINDSCHEDLER-ROBERT, Doctor of Laws, Honorary Professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Vice-President (1967) Mr. MAURICE AUBERT, Doctor of Laws, Vice-President (1979) Mr. ULRICH MIDDENDORP, Doctor of Medicine, head of surgical department of the Cantonal Hospital, Winterthur (1973) Mr. ALEXANDRE HAY, Honorary doctorates from the Universities of Geneva and St. Gallen, Lawyer, former Vice-President of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank, President from 1976 to 1987 (1975) Mr. ATHOS GALLINO, Doctor h.c. of Zurich University, Doctor of Medicine, former mayor of Bellinzona (1977) Mr. ROBERT KOHLER, Master of Economics (1977) Mr. RUDOLF JACKLI, Doctor of Sciences (1979) Mr. DIETRICH SCHINDLER, Doctor of Laws, Professor at the University of Zurich (1961-1973) (1980) Mr. HANS HAUG, Doctor of Laws, Honorary Professor at the University of St. Gallen for Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences, former President of the Swiss Red Cross (1983) Mr. PIERRE KELLER, Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations (Yale), Banker (1984) Mr. RAYMOND R. PROBST, Doctor of Laws, former Swiss Ambassador, former Secretary of State at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Berne (1984) Mr.
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