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I I 1 . I iTEEKLY CITIZEN, TOMBSTONE TOWXSITE. AMOLE. "EW LAITS. Lumber for all Purposes. Jfitceltaiieoits. Medicines. .Miscellaneous. Banking. of Messrs. B. KOSIXSOX. l'innrjr Rentier a DccUIon ¬ The mammoth lumber yard :. a. C WILLIA23, - - MARCH 18, 1S83 Jtitlre lit Fa- The Fibre of the Soap Weed Valuable In vor or the Settlen. Completion orthe Utt of New Law a n otis .fc Co. is, despite the increas- - DR. UEBIG. Jxxss H. TOOLK. Cut m jj Hcssox. tua3Ianufactarecr Taper, Rope and other red DARBYS ISE3!F' CAMPBELL. WILLIAMS & ROB- - EDiton Cmznx : Turpoitcft. iir the Tw.inii Leiiiaturr. jnjr spring trade, filling up at the rate of PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, sne- I riOSTINtJ8 TO TllEAT - DfSOK. & ¬ a former wn tmlilisln-y- l u lr,o,l ilfiv over above all Local Intelligence. There is a universal feeling of satis- ¬ The "amole," better known through- in issna list it cur nor and V a&sToilr Haceopataj ev-- . HUDSON CO. of aU prevention and treatxeat ol br AnoaarisiT-LAw- faction among out section soap Acrfof tho Legulaturethat had sales. When tbo stock is completed it For tbe err zona rt special or ixmuc JCCC13S01I3 TO is doing thorough the citizens of Tombstone this as weed, and been HSIALL- - i nueau without mnrenry BUILDINO. TOllBSTOXE, craod jnry signed by the Governor and had ..TV .u-n,i,L,i!- i, DIPHTHERIA. SCAllliT FEVElt. or 0FFICE3-GUt- D The W,U LU nausooas DIS. Camp Convent at the decisions rendered by Judge Pin- - largoly used as a detergent by the native thereby become laws, up to the 27th be hard to ,ln rOX. YELLOW FKVKlt, MALAKIA. ETC droes. LIKBIRJ ot and streets. wort of rr INYIGOBAIOK it a positive Tucson. A. T. Safford, Hudson & Co,, fir' will bo a glorious year for stock uey in tbo Townsite cases which have population, has at last received recogni- - day of February. "o now conclude quality or variety. The lumber :s aid remanent care for Seminal jfju ¬ U'eikneu. Nervous Physical been randing so long and involve so aB a valuable addition to the re- - tke list: eastern crowth and is said to be remnrk- - Tbe freo ate uf tbe FLUID will do more to ar- and H. B. LIGHTHIZER, pen tin - mwasoe s uesuity.uMfc junaooo, vital ex smaM oro auiouuaion- oi anu snnnicmentai to i snin rnr it nenr worxintr trram. tenccitv rest ana cars the itaa anj mown and all Arrosjiri axo Cocsseixob-at-Law- . BANKERS, i number ' niining sales much of vital interest to the oeonlp. sources of this country, and will shortly preparation. tf hautlos. tbe temhla n. ua Act entitled An Act to incorporate and durability. LU salts of ab&sai riatortLezcemes NTOTAHY MIXl.NO AND LAND I prove a export PUBUC. Ihe deed formerly given by the mayor valuable article of the city of Piescott" men. house and bridge build- - fr-- ana jouuuui lauies. no uoc-- 1 a anociAltT. Office. 412 Pennington Tucson and Tombstone Miuinc . ,n i down land-grab-- I mil .prM in wnlini, Ia. opposite House, Tucson, Arizona. trrand jury has settled to its is set aside os void, nnd the 1 CoL J. S. Fleming, of the Denver To umend bcction J of Chapter U of nnyono having street, Court The crs, or in fact, occasion Dariiys Prophylactic Flnid, feit tlffO for a case that bo un- ¬ AKIZONA. now- - Compiled laws. to lumber, hard or soft, fin- ¬ fails cure. bers are to bo dispossessed of their un-- 1 Paper Manufacturing Company, use cither dertakes and to The tbomas rrrca. i. a. asdxbso:. To amend Section 15 of Chapter 49 of ished rough, will do well to a mfeecard acainrt all pestilence, infection. reason thousands cannot get DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE , pitensive copper deposit bas been lawful claims. is certainly to bo visiting Albuquerque to form a business or in tbe Seminal Weakness FITCH & ANDERSON", It Complied Laws. givo the firm a call. Iu addition to the contagion and epidemic. cured of and m hoped connection of tbe above diseases is owing to a AXTOBJCrtS-AT-LA- AND HAKE covered that this decision mnv lm finnl for the nurnoso procuring Fixing the time of holding tho Dis- ¬ well filled yard tbe road to tbe mills is Use as a (iarglc for the throat, as a comrJication caued rrostaun-- Clifton me perpetrators or reamres a ) (i I'ENNISRTOS STKEIX TUCSON. Alt! TelegrapMc Transfers of Money The Lordsbanr and railroad uui tins gigantic the raw material and establishing a pa trict Courts in tbe Second judicial dis alwavs open so that orders for any Wash for the Person and as hoa. blch rtweial -- t zona, rerHlr. DK. LlKBHTa 1N- - iu A. T. trict. amount, size or shape of timber can be for the House. No. is a Specific On the To amend an Act "An Act Disinfectant VHJORATOlt. 1 all prineiprJ points is Tombstone to Bisbce ver-- entitled filled and delivered without hindrance cere tor PrcstAtorlhea. race of K. rk lime from Tombstone Vle,r wUu some v lntere8tlnR d6 D. FERGUSON, lives and Tombstone town fixing the compensation to bo allowed delay. lumber yard in complete- ¬ Jr either Invigorator. 12 per bottle, road, is four hours. I or Tbe Europe and tne United i -- rer t j new lota are of any value. concerning this valnable plant, and its to. the sheriffs of several lCr.KT.W.V REMEDY AC.llXsT ALL 0O.. O oro bottles tia Bent to any ad- - Annas n States the counties ness is, however, but a well conducted securely covered ob- - Mining company, Yava Has naturally put an effectual check TACI01.S DISLASHS. dress from TN ALL CODUTS OF THE TEltlUTOItY DEPOSITS, PUBCHASE OS MASK Tip Top It conversion into articles of tnerchandisa for the performance of their duties as branch of the buiinesa carried on by T rw n RECEIVE The limtralizM at onre all odor and I KmUUa ' ..MO X and the Unitod States Court therein; also on Territorial and county, UBS icwcu ou ujtcjrmtui. .??Alm?roTemenlf on. Property Colonel Fleming claims county assessors, approvod that prosperous firm. Ineir assortment notion and Frostatorlbea drain ntallv Counsellor and Notary Public. Uthce. over Warrants, approved rj. I . that the tbe germs nf dimce and wpuc and Commercial Paper, etc.. which has been InmlrArl .,,.( .c.auiI i a. ' . ..... W" reu.n, low. of crockery lai'jware without aafce. dtru;s bom tbe body and canse numer- - American Clothing House, 213 Congress street- - eU,and gauge railroad will pro-- reaemlilmcr tmn. wnich is oh. ana is (putmcenll noaunc imperrepuDie in ins air. ous diseases tnat Dazie ordinary The narrow homes which would seem habitable to a Requiring cultivated field in deaiu equal Territory. lin or such as liaTe effected a lodgment tbe gau;o I..",taincd from the leaves of the soap weed, in th' Their of in medical treatment. II allowed Transact a Scleral ja(.e brood i'i""--' dweller in a more civilized community. can bo shipped to Denver and prepared Dated part3 of Maricopa county to be miners' and mechnnics' tools is also very throat or on toe person. to continue, tbn nnnatural lose 31. J. WALSH, MM, bkdiiss. ..,,. II. Turner has been appoint mree-iouriu- s ot uxo dwelling places in per fenced. extensive: of oils, paints, varnishes and Tu U a Sick I'ttun. affects tbe Vital Imu which lTrosirr asd CocjisELLoa-AT-Lt- No. 6 DerjosiU of Bollii n made with mnr nki J. lor SID ton, whereon tlie wood fibre drops Prophy- ¬ causae destronng diseases. Con- ¬ a r town are a hickening Authorizing Add abont twenty of Darbjt Camp ant ext. atcsos. a. Bank. San ojtma-ite- at Harahinr in this coun travesty on the tho city of Phenix to lew sienna, window glass, frames, doors and Andoalifor&ia Fnaeum ordinarily used for the same purpose, lactic to a quart ot water, in Da;mnc. it sumption. Diatets. Brignt s sueaH. jaundice ATTENTION OlVEN TO AUU account, can be checked against inunediately. word Dome. a quarterly tax on Chinese wash naia Insanity, Excesses, non-us- e. Inherit- ¬ CPECIAL m i . , cannot be prepared for less than two house?. shelf hardware the stock is complete. will Htm thA lrtn it iwift. nlHtuant Anil mfreab- - etc Abuse. Mining. I'n- - tr. j.uere ed Weakness. Malnutrition. Sninal and cerebral O matrere relativo to lublic and Correspondent s seems to be u promise or im and a half cents per pound. This soap and to amend Section 1, Article 17 of Tho retail as well as the jobbing trade ing feeling, and ilupel tbd odor that ferer and ratA Ijini rtaims. and Mexican Land and Min- - jai'e W. W. Hoover bas taken up his provement this vear. however, as linn. tbe charter of said city. nrtretiiration leare on tbe bodr. A email an&n complaint bring on the abore fattl diseases. tv.i i.ii r i'..i;.i,..,iiiM.,.h NEW YORK J.lff. HsxifliSAX A llo weed fibre is said to form most per-¬ is solicited. Price are of tho lowest odsu-uc- i ¬ FUANCISCO.....AsiLO-C.ujrtMuri- on Alameda street, near that dreds of young have been the titvot the rlmdibrwlued orrr anrttunc place ueoiuir ana seminal weaane tne im- InmsIaUons promptly tnrnisnec. SAN Hasi ,iience shade trees fect material for "hard stuff" in the Authorizing the county of Maricopa Givo the house a call. or veJ4el wber tberv lApativaeiice destroys at portant and necessary act of life and their en-- LOS A5(JELE3 ftMT NATiotAr. Bas , 51'. J. G. Goodman. planted, mostly by nnvate county ST.