Volume 13 Number 04
CAKE AND COCKHORSE BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY AutumnNinter 1995 Price €2.00 Volume 13 Number 4 ISSN 65224823 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY President: Thc Lord Sayc and Sclc. Chairman: Brim Little, 12 Longfcllow Road, Bmbq OXlG 9LB (tel 0 1295 264972) Cake and Cockhorse Editorial Committee J P. Bowcs, 9 Silver Street, Chacombe, Banbury OX I7 2JR (tel. 0 I295 7 12570). Nan Clllton; Jercmy Gibson lion. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: Simon Townsend, G.J S Ellacott, F C A., Banbury Museum, 3 Dccrs Farm, Church Street, 8 Horsefair, Bodicote, Banbury OX16 OAA Banbury OX15 4DS, (tel. 01295 259855). (tcl : 01295 258493). Programme Secretary: Hon. Research Adviser: Dr J S. Rivers, J.S.W. Gibson, Homeland, Middlc Lane, Ham Cottagc, Balscote, Church Hanborough, Banbury, Oxon. Witncv, Oxon. OX8 8AB; (tel. 01295 730672) (tcl 01993 882982) Committee Members: R N.J.Allcn, J P Bowes, Miss B.P Hudson, Miss K Smith, Mrs F. Thompson. Membership Secretary: Mrs Margaret Littlc, clo Banbury Muscurn, 8 Horscfair, Banbury, Oxon OX16 OAA. Details of the Society's activities and publications will be found inside the back cover. Cake and Cockhorse The magazine of the Banbury Historical Society, issued three times a year. Volume 13 Number Four Autumnminter 1995 A Bust Rcturns to Farnborough Hall I02 Miss Dolly Bromlcy‘s School, 1922 104 A Barford Character Alfred Charles Highton 105 Mrs Fitzhcrbcrt & Sons I ox Thc Baglcy Bell Foundry of Chacombc Ill A Tysoe Emigrant Writes Home. L‘ I827 I26 Railway Mania I29 _- Lccturc Rcports .. I34 __ Thc Second World War and Shenington I36 Should the Prince of Wales be able to live with the woman he loves? What can he do about his outspoken and publicity-seeking Princess? Who should own and run Banbury’s railways? These are just two of the seemingly topical subjects in this issue - but no, we haven’t forgotten our historical purpose The Prince of Wales in question became King George IV, and the article on ‘Mrs Fitzherbert & Sons’ is just an appetite- whettener for Philippa Foord-Kelcey’s talk on 14th December.
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