Sandspur, Vol 117, No 11, November 12, 2010

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Sandspur, Vol 117, No 11, November 12, 2010 University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-12-2010 Sandspur, Vol 117, No 11, November 12, 2010 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 117, No 11, November 12, 2010" (2010). The Rollins Sandspur. 1922. SATURDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY MONDAY H,GH:7* SUNNY HIGH: 79 PARTLY HK3H:77PARTIY HIGH: 82 PARTLY this week's TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY CLOUDY LOW: 54 LOW: 55 CLOUDY LOW: 58 LOW: 59 CLOUDY HIGH: 84 PARTLY HIGH: 82 SCATTERED WEATHER LOW: 63 CLOUDY LOW: 56 T-STORMS NEWS 1-2 : & TIMES page 3-6 ARTS Pa§e7 PORTS Pa8e8 Volume 117 I Issue 11 Friday I November 12, 2010 Florida's Oldest College Newspaper, Est. 1894 predicting polities How will the results of recent elections impact our tomorrow? Annamarie Carlson Forty-eight percent of stu­ The Sandspur dents at Rollins are from the state of Florida. What does this The Florida midterm elec­ mean for Florida residents and tions appear to have been a Rollins students? resounding sweep for Republi­ Governor-elect Rick Scott cans. Not only did Republican campaigned as "tie jobs gov­ ASSOCIATED PRESS Rick Scott manage to narrowly ernor" on a platform of putting Supreme Court examines win the race for governor, but people back to work and fixing California's attempted Republican candidates now the economy. If this is the focus ban on "violent" video hold all three state Cabinet po­ of the legislature and the gov­ sitions as well as a veto-proof games. ernor once in office, then there majority in both the Florida is a possibility that the Florida House and the Florida Senate. economy could turn around Voters also sent Republican and the unemployment rate Marco Rubio to the U.S. Senate could decrease. He carries the and four new Republicans to burden of reviving Florida's the House of Representatives. economy, and he will carry the The only good news for blame if the economy reaches a the Democratic Party was the stalemate or gets worse. passage of Amendments 5 and Scott pledges to create 6, which are meant to keep poli­ 700,000 jobs in addition to ex­ ticians from making "backroom pected job growth in Florida, to deals" and redrawing districts help the more than 1 million un­ to secure their own re-elections. employed. At the same time, he The hope is that this will pre­ plans on laying off five percent vent the Republican-controlled of state workers to decrease the legislature from gerrymander­ size of the government. He also ing new seats when districts are hopes to pass laws that will COURTESY OF AARON CHILDREE redrawn after the 2010 census. Aaron Childree has "so • CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 much more to say" when ION BY BREISPRINGER it comes to his music. NEXT WEEK: Video Contest Tackles Bullying r RoSlins Celebrates Julia Campbell contest come from the Critical Media and The Sandspur Cultural Department, Strategic Market­ ing, the Office of Student Involvement 125 YEARS On Sept. 22, Tyler Clementi took his and Leadership (OSIL), the Econom­ life after his roommate streamed a video ics Department, the Dean of Faculty of­ of Clementi having an intimate encoun­ fice, Graduate Studies in Counseling, ter with another young man. Clementi and several other academic depart­ had not yet revealed his sexuality and ments. Tillmann is thrilled that so many felt that he could not turn to his family departments and offices on campus are or friends, so he jumped off the George willing to help her with this project and QUOTABLE Washington Bridge. Everyone has heard to achieve her ultimate goal. "I want to this horrifying story that has sparked a work in service of changing the struc­ America is great because tures: more open families, more inclu­ she is good, and if America nationwide movement to prevent future suicides of gay teens. After the number sive education environments (including will cease to be great " of gay suicides rose, Dan Savage began Rollins), full civic equality." the It Gets Better project, which promot­ Videos may be submitted by an indi­ PAGE 4: RFK COMES vidual or by a group. There are four re­ TO ROLLINS ed the gay community and gay allies to create videos that contained supportive quirements for the entries: you must iden­ messages to teens struggling with bully­ tify yourself or your group in the video, ing, harassment and their sexuality. you must identify Rollins College, you this day in Rollins, however, took a different ap­ must communicate how you and your HISTORY proach to the It Gets Better Project. Dr. group are welcoming and inclusive, and Lisa Tillmann, who is facilitating the con­ the entry must convey your promise to test, explained, "I hoped Rollins would interrupt harassment, prejudice, and bul­ participate in this dialogue but with a lying whenever you see it. An award of somewhat different message: 'It gets bet­ $1,000 will be awarded to the best video ter if we make it better.' Simply saying 'It made by an athletic team the best video gets better' runs the risk of relocating the made by a Greek organization, the best problem from the structural, as in family, video made by a non-Greek organization education and civic contexts of inequal­ and the best video made by a member or ity, that invite bullying to the individu­ members of an academic department or al, who, even in the face of abuse, must other unit on campus. The videos must be no longer than seven minutes and are be resilient and 'hang on.'" Tillmann due by Dec. 1. decided to include anyone who has been bullied for any reason, not just for his or For more information regarding the video contest or to seek help from AMANDA DRUM COURTESY OF R-NET her sexuality. "I also thought it important Family Weekend Coverage: to address bullying on many bases—sex­ bullying, contact either Tillmann or Dr. November 12,192ZrThe • Alumni Panels PAGE 3 historically black International ual orientation, of course, but also gen­ Sue Easton. Remember that the It Gets sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho, der identity and expression, body size or Better contest should not be about win­ • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. PAGE 4 "s founded on the Butler ning money; it should be about spread­ university campus, located in weight, etc." • Rally Rollins PAGE 5 Indianapolis, Indiana. ing equality and support throughout the Funding and technical support for entire community. Rollins' version of the It Gets Better video * November in The Rollins College Sandspur NEWS Ban on Violent Video Games Reaches Supreme Court Amir Sadeh nography than video game and believe it will protect children The Sandspur prohibited the sale or rental of from buying violent games, but games that gave players under gamers and free speech advo­ Last Tuesday, the whole 18 the option of "killing, maim­ cates worry that California's nation was in frenzy with Elec­ ing, dismembering, or sexually ban could lead to strict federal tion Day fever, yet up in the assaulting an image of a hu­ regulation on the content of nation's capital, the Supreme man being." Former Governor games and other media. Court went on as usual, begin­ Schwarzenegger signed the law Opponents of the ban have ning proceedings on a case that also called the measure unnec­ essary since virtually all major has brought much controversy 66 within the gaming community. [the] ban could game publishers and retailers Schwarzenegger v. Entertain­ lead to strict federal employ a universal voluntary ment Merchants Association rating system, assigning one (EMA) challenges a California regulation on the of eight age-specific ratings to law created by California State content of games and games and blocking the sale of Senator Leland Yee in 2005 to games rated M for "mature" ban the sale of violent video other media. " and AO for "adult only" to chil­ games to anyone under the age dren. of 18 and require additional in October 2005, and it would Casey Barker '14 has seen clear labeling beyond the ex­ have gone into effect in Janu­ firsthand the current effective­ isting Entertainment Software ary 2006. In response to the law, ness of the gaming system. "I Rating Board's (ESRB) rating the EMA and the Entertainment have had ID checked many system. Software Association (ESA) times, and I have seen a kid 4* The new law defined "vio­ filed a case against the law in forced to put a game back be­ ASSOCIATED PI lent video game" using a varia­ the U.S. District Court for the cause he did not have a parent RATED "E" FOR EVERYONE: In 2005, then-California Governor Arnold SchwarzenegjJ tion of the Miller test (a three- Northern District of California there to grant permission for signed a bill restricting the sale and rental of violent video games to minors. The bill pronged test used previously by and was granted an injunction the purchase of a game." She, brought in front of the Supreme Court for decision November 2, 2010. the Supreme Court to determine in December 2005 to block the like many others, believes that truly be a tragedy and an awful the First Amendment when speech is not protected enforcement of the law during the law would "open up the omen of things to come regard­ to free speech? Many under the First Amendment) this case.
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