• •

10 ECA887 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending October 12, 1935

Vol\lm~ IV Number 51

Loretta Lee See Page 19

Fiddling for a Million-Ben Bernie's Life Story News and Views of the Week

Is It Just Tran!=criptions are on the spot. ;""0 \l::llinn in the Cin,inllati area, the scene (If the .\1any of the counlry's foremost or- preo;ent le... 1 ca...e, can hope to com·pete with the pionen A Smoke chestra leader'i are up in arms about .. tation. \\'1 \\'. ~.:hedult'd to broal!.:ast the Ohio ~;Iml"; Screen? the u"e of their recorded numher5. ,\lore lhan half of the br~er State colleges do .. dl It .,­ The ,mnoying P;\fl of It i.. that \\ hite they cry ahuut the c1u..,ive rights 10 Ill'\t )'c:lr's football 1!ames and thro\\ U"C of their tran,cribed nllmher.:; and wipe a\\ay the them open to all hro., of It'!e\'ision in Gre:ll Hri­ I rom thl' ;Iltitudl' Ll~l'n h\· lomh;mlo flne mip:ht Begging tain..-\ndn'\\ CrlJ<,c. the U. S. Gov­ belieH that Iheir Iran ..crihed rccord... \\cre ",ollle 'lor! of Trouble ernment oOidal oh:o.l'r\"Cr on leJe\'i­ racket heing put o\er oil them. The or.:!lestra leader.. ...inn. report..; that lhe Brili... h Rro:ld­ make these rewn.ls in full pn... se.... ioll of their facuJtie' ":::l .. ting Cnmpan~' p(J~:-.ihh \\ill he ready \\ith il" fir~t .,t ... Il'p in covering great l'Xc!llSi\'e broadcasting righ1"l ancl i~ preparing to air p.:lper chain? R:ldio, contrary to ...ome publisher.." is nol areas :lnd keeping officers of the I;m informed of all thl'm over the world's largest :-.tation, \VLW. The a competitiu: medium. It is a complimentary :-.ervicl'. crimes reponed. The long arm of the law i.., g:Jininj.l ScriPlh-lloward group has just acquired a CincinnatI and as such it can he made to supplement new~paper ~trenJ.!th from the air. ... t;:Hion, hence the inlere~l. a..:tivities and hroaden Ihe u:-.efulness of the prinled page. ,\lost college lln. ('hl"-I(o. l1linoB. Aled,s In be no sense in multiplying thc hatards by having hun­ a,h-.11ot'l' 01 the i"ue f ..... "lll..h Ihal n..", .dd..... I,...... "'". l'",ffli>.. U\'ptlIl radio ;:md tell'\'i ... ion ..,upplanl the functions of the prinlell anJ' ..hance of add.e_. tiired 10 RADIO GonK, olll. to lhl' I/

Vivian della Chiesa Did Just A Radio Mogul Vetoed That-And Won Stardom Her But He Was Wrong

ilad \\alkeJ into an office adjoinin/.\ the audition room By Alice Pegg to smoke a needed cigarette. A klIO\\ worker mct him thcrc, cell you :.mIle in two weeks." l

I L\ \ E" been many places By Henry Bentinck I and seen life in mo,t of its phases," he dCc!Jrc:lo, "hut nowherc else ha\'C I 'ieen (Part One) po\'erty that paralleled th:.lt of my father and mother, but under a more euphonious name, launched his struggle for An occasional herring Wil3 theatrical achienmcnt. The perception that had carried him to appetizer, soup, entree, sal~ the top in his Cooper Cnion technical cla~~c~. warned him th:l.t ad and dessert for the en­ the simpler the name the more readily the Jluhlic could repe=t! it. tire family of fourrcen, So there cnwrgcd from obscurity the ambitious violini~" Ben Fruit was something that rh: rn ie, to make his way in a field where many aTC cal1cd-:md \\'e saw 011 the docks after precious few aTC chosen. we moved over to New Louking down the long ,"iSla since those days. it is difficult for York City, hut we pictured most of the myriad Bernie protag()ni~h 10 it ~(lmcthing e~pecially illl· envision him as a musician. His cap;lcity for jesting, and that blazing persOlulity, have laid enveloping folds about the facts of Ben's arti,try. 13ut neverthele~~ he is an The Anzelcvitz family-from left, Ben (yowsahl), Lee, Momma Rose accompli,hl'd ~tlldent of Illu:'lic in all its Ettie, Sadie, Pappa, Harry, Jeff and seated, Herman, In the pl~oto at pha~es, a maestro of the violin \\ho :'ltill the right nen cuaches his son, Jason, On the prnl}er stance for stogies practices diligently a:"l i.. the ca'll' \\itll men who keep altve a helm'cd il\'ocation.

TRE,\lBLli\Ci hoy, \\hite-faced from a II1to returning him Ihcir prf:-,I­ OR generatIon beyond generation, III a ~ting111g 31ap across the check, stood toe to dent, who could lift an anvil F p(J\erty-riddl'n corner of \Ve'ltern Hu~­ r.& 1 toe \\tlh hi .. infuriated father. The man single-handed. <111<.1 who dam­ sia, the males of the Anctlc\itl line had _ looked ,carchingly into tcar·~tained eyes. illJlcd his family like a die­ 'l\\eated onr their forge" a'i though in· \\ith his o\\n agleam \\itll dctermination, lottor, had not lhe fortitude \"Csted With a sacred tru~t by old Tubal­ IL was one of tho~c rccurring mstances of to ,\ith~land the burnin~ leal cain. the first artificer in metals, the adult inllllO\'able body meeting the of his ',on, When the inequalities of their lot c\Cn­ m wally drO\e the ..:Ian to thi'l country, there irrcsl3tlblc force of )f>uth, ·.'Pa," pleaded the hoy. "it am't bCGlllSe I don't ap­ i=LL'CTA:-;TLY he capit- was no thought of abandoning the tribal R pur~uil. preciate \\hal you .. nc! .\\omma haH done to put mt' ulated, and Ihe boy lit­ In America, as in the old country, In ~hod, III school. I do apprcciate it-that's one of the rca~oll'i erally ran In lhe agent who there still were horses he kindred I ,want to take Ihis job, It nu:ans we dOll't haH to do had tendered him the theatri­ labors to be performed, Transplantation wlthom any morc. .\\aybc on Saturday~ 110\\ we can cal contract lest that genii accomplished, there \\a') lillie change in the even hme ...ome fruit. Ju,t think. Pa, 'lomma ain't had might have changed hi" mind status of the family, "ave that the specter an orange 'lince she ct delectable and exotic N two son~ as sJle"'lllell, '.John.' he cxplained, 'i:"l thiS kind Jr, And If there must be some, Ihen let it be tht' ftuit:. that the markcl olTered, until the day 01 her ,-\3 W;;l,S cu:>tomary at the City Collc;;c, \\h~re l.kn bigger boys, You haven't got the phy~iqtle, and beside~ \\ent after Cooper L'llioll to :"ltudy the intrlcacic'l of ci\·il of .l fellow. If a man comes in :llld \\ anh a :"luiL, you death a fc\\ ycars ago. And in spite of the !Jcl thJ( c:,n bet John will sell him a ~uit nut rr:l1lk, mm, hc\ you're not a dumkopf like the other boys, Didn't you personally he is not overly devoteJ to fruit, he ~till ellgineerll1~ (and cOllfe,~edly not surmounting their dif­ ",(!lnething else again. fellow comes and wants always lead your classes in school? Didn't they jump consume:; it in large quantitie:"l J:"l (hou~h hi:) indulgencc (icllllie~ allY 100 wcll), ~cw York merchants during the If a in a ~ixlh ~L1it, Frank sells a suit. ,\nd that ain't all. Pr;ltlk you from to eighth ,l.\f of spiritual revcnge :Jgainsl Iho:;e ye:lrs holiday ... caSOll solicill'U the dormitories for extra sales him ~ta,l.\c?" al~o sclls him an 0\ t:lCOJt, a pair of shoes, a hat and a your J\lomma wants you ttl bc ;1 fiddler on the oj deprivalion. people. Young Anzelevitz answered the summons and "I know, Pa," \\<1'1 Ihe n~i1dy answer, "but iL don'( within a few days found himsell an ally of Sant:! Claus, ~·ollplc of shirt-.. I h~lt's a ~alc"'l1IJn.' mean I still couldn't be an engineer. .\\aybe this is jll... t GAINST that epoch \\hen he was able to miJ the dispensing toy fiddles in one 01 thc hig ,\1anhauan de­ \'D I guess I must have becn a I-rank. If those tired for a few weeks and the money will help Ollt to pay for orange market, is checked an era of fateful '1Lrul-u-t1e, partment :"ltMes. And how he ..old lho..e di'conlant \ io­ more 'iChooling," A :-.hoppers asked me for a minialure piano, I sold days \\ hen the boyish vaudevillc arti~t all hut ImL confi­ lin.. ! .\bn)' a \.:ew York lOt of tho::.c dJ)", comparing A YOlln~ p!aymatc~, them a piano. But you can bank un it they went out , Youthful \\heedling wilh !ts semblance of dcnce in Lhc I1.liller of the :"lta,l.\e, found th~ rewards f::Lr notes with his must ha\'e bro:t..:hed [he logIC was a forcelul \\c;tpon agamst the loving and toler­ with a fiddle, lOo. 'Ycl\\ ... uh,' I would say, 'all youse too meager in r,Hio to the ellort e:\pcnded-knew the thollght that pcrhap:> there had been an eplJemi.:: of ant father. but herc \\a5 an issue tbnL loomed as monu­ lh~ guys and gals ought to take om' of lhe,e 'lpedal Anzde­ horrors of being stranded in ;;l, strange and faraway city mini:!ture fIddles brou$ht down pos... ibly on ..:urrent mental. The father could not abandon ...0 rC:ldily a hope \itl fid.lles home to your children, If yOIl don't take -and yet carried on as though to vindicate hi:; :.haken 01 the broad :'\orth Rlvcr. Scar.::ely a \\urn parent who that had been years in molding. And Ihe debate wageJ one I'll ha\'e to remind the bos~ to cut nw sabry.' faith in himself; and evenlually found the portal, of ... tnppeJ :ll that counter got a\\a\ \\itholll Ill'lng ill­ on III the old man's place of businc'l', ;lI1d later durin" "I ne\er telt I \\:1S being fresh, If I noticed that a SliceC,;' thrown open as though hi:"l arrival long had heen YCiglcd into buying one of them. lhe Cour:loe of the family's meager :-.upper. ~ prospect \\3' indined to he naturally surly or exhausted awaited. ~ut the answer to the argument long had been pre­ by the irksoml'nc..... of .;I long hUYlllg spree, I approached Behind th

ARK these names-1Jb them in memory for Ihey are the names of four pcr:-,ons \\ho arc going places rapidly: :\)'I;J Taylor, contralto, Alice Cor­ Iell, :-,oprano, Lall:)lllg Ilal­ field, baritone and 10m OJ\\­ son,r&1baritone. Eddy Duchin's Fire Chief spon­ sor and a committee of judges have ~cleded them as the finalists in olle of the most C},,­ lcnsivt: searches for new r! they are the cream of elimination conlt::-.lants, 01 thousands upon thousands of amateur and professional singers alike, all competing for the, 3,eXIO,OO in cash and contraCiS to sing in r:ulio that are prizes. And you, the listenin,L\ ~udience, \\ ill makc the final :-.clecLiolls. More than four monlh.. ,lgO I-:dd) Duchin and his brilliant music. of Hickory. North abandoned teachin~ to study music at Re ready-October H and October I'; Carolina. baritone the Peabody Con;;rrvatory-and never will witness the end of a long ilnd wide­ who is in line for entered a conlest of any kind until hl' spread contest. )"011, the li~ICnt'rS, will highest awards: look parr in Ihe Fire Chief elimiflatioll~ h;l\·e a voice in the choic\'.

Nyla Taylor. blues singer. and Tum Dawson, another The Jud~es who Picked t.he Finalists: Seated, f~om left, G.. W. Voss, Madame Quet:Hil baritone, who will challenge Miss Corlet1 and 1\11'. Mario, Eddy Duchin, Helen Jepson and L. A. Witten; standmg, from left. E. V. He)'Il, Hatfield for the radio listeners' selective votes P. V. n. Key, E. Weingart, R. 1\1. Gillham, Herbert Krancer, D. Antrim, and L. Liebling

6 6 'Em What They Want

The Singing Lady, Expert on Radio Programs for Children, Analyzes the Fare That Youngsters Need-and She Answers Several Moot Questions

way to show what r could do myself with a children's radio program. For almost a year I had been working in radio, experiencing the countless auditions, disap­ pointments, small encouragements and endless rehearsaLs that Iree-lance work requIres. In that year it had been my privilege to observe at first hand what was being accomplished in the \\'JY uf radiu entertainment for children.

VEI{YO~E seems rather indilt'erent about it, [ had E thought many times-and to me it seemed such a tremendous field. Radio entertainment for a child could be sO constructive as to create a powerful and lasting inOuencc in that child's life. "Why don't you write up the kind of thing you think would be a good idea?" Waller suggested. ';Per­ haps rou might have a chance to audition it." and professional endeavor. Since illy chIldren l'hat chance came, a very few \~cek:, after the epi­ were a problem before radio was, I can vic\\ sode of the Funnies. program .... readily from ..lricily a mother's point "Ilere's ~omethillg you ..lIould try for. Ireene," said of view. In the firSI place. I think that the Harry Gillman, at that time program l1lJllJger at WGN so-called I;unnies arc neither funny nor for little in Chicago. "" manufacturer of bn:Jkfa:'lt food::. has children. "I hey are adventurous and improbable decided to put J. children'" program 011 tilt: air. It's to !ltmit,s desilo;ned to stimulate and hold the in· be called the Singing Lady and \\t::'re having auditions tert'.. t of adults. But the weekly Funnies, printed Sunday aftanoon. You\e been .. tudying :'lll1g111g-1 ali they are in color, give children the idea that think you might be able to sing these J\\uther (joose songs. "Aren't there to be ~torie'l, tou?" I a::.keJ. "My children think a story at the end of the dJy is the be ..l put oi the wholc day," .- "\\'ell-you might \\ rite up your idea of the pro- gram," .... uggested :\1r. Gillman. "We might have all the girls do that-then yuu can sing the....e songs and haH a few minutes to pre­ sent your own ideas. too."

O the wonderful and dangerous Olr S portunity finally came about. You By Ireene Wicker, Rel)roductions of if. will agree with me that it i!o wonderful luslralions found in to be able to do the thing one has al­ The 5inging Lady The Sin~in~ Lady's way.. wanted to do. Hut I know, too. Favorite Stories, tklt you \\ ill agree with me-it i~ a \DIO rOR CHILDREN! IVh1t a wealth and (right) the book dangerous propo~ition to bring any of p()~::.ibility. responsibility. influence and kind of definite inOucnce into the lives • power lies in those three words! . of thousands of growing children. i\early five years a~o. my husband. Having children of my own and a Walter, and I-he is just as much interested ~ in radio and children as I am-found our­ selves facing the :-.ame problem so mallY yuung p.arent~ (jf todav mu::.t face. OUf children were -- very small and paid little attemion to the radio, until one day when they heard someone announce that Lhe Sunday runnies ""ere to be read over the air. "I'll go get them. Nancy," said Charlie, my son, to his sister. "And we can look at the pictures while we listen to the storie,)." So [\ancy and Charlie. ju... t like other little children allover America, ~prcJd oul the funnies, sprawled in Lhe center of thc Ouor, and followed the pictures as they heard the 'lpokcn words. And what spoken words they have heen de!oigned for their special entertainment. they were! Ll!otcning 10 them over Ihe air while watchin~ the coJ­ Before I din headlong into any discussion about uled pICtures which tell the stories, certainly IS neither what constitutes sound radio fare for youngsters, it wholesome nor constructive entertainment for very .... maJl might be well to outline my own family setup just to children. husband who i'i intcrc.... ted in the work I am doing, arc make it under::.tood that I am qualified to ph.. jud~­ the only thing::. that havc madc it po:.~ible to write five mcnt. Ours i.. a normal. practically a typical family HAT very day, as Walter and I listened with the stories a week, fifty-two wecks a year, for more than according to the l". S. Hurc;Ju of Standard~. There arc T children, we ll1ade up our mind.... that ~omething four years-and to look forward eagerly to the possibil­ my husband. a son, a l!:wghlcr and my~elf. Our tastes Illu::.t he dune. ity of continuinj:!, in the future. It is from talk1l1g with are characteristic of any group of American listeners. "I'll read the Funnie'l to Ihem myself after this." m)' own children and their friends. from personally I decided. as the words-HAw, lIUts, don't be a sap/ace!" reading Ihous311ds of the letters \I,:hich are sent by chil· IKE myself. my husband is extremely interesteJ in --came from the loudspeaker. "Then I can censor the dren to the Singing Lady, and through ideas based on L radio both from a production and a performing ..tand­ speeche:i a" I go along." Since that time I have dis­ simple common !'>en:.f.' ill dealing with children, that I point. The children ;Irc not old enough yet to a.,.;ume cuvcn:d that a great many mothers and fathers practice finally have arrived at ..ome \ery definite conclusions in a false sophistication about thcir parenb being a part thi:, 'lame pmcedure. However, that I}foce.... unfortu­ regard to the all-ah!oorbing subject of radio for children. of the radio world They accept air programs exactly nately C.:lnnut he applied to the cen.soring of radio The gist of aU these conclll~ion.. is this-there are ali do their playmates in the neighborhooJ, children programs. many fine programs on the air for children, and parents whose parents are from all branches of commercial At just about thal time an opportunity came my should !ltudy their children (COIltinrud on Page 26) 6 7 Reviewing Radio By Martin J. Porter

that in December Bing 11Uwcal trollpe. It 'Was ollly tbe otber day that be Croshy-\\ith JIMMY dutlhd to lead the mllsickers whom he calls bis COIl· DOHSEY'S band-"ould 1U!I..IIClll )"allkees mto the £ay rotHlI 01 tbe Waldorl succeed Whiteman as the where, however, became 0/ tbe sldt ""rellt leud be­ feature. But the irony tUte1l the botel mell and the Ne-dJ } ork IHlIOIl O'l:er a haslfl stopped there. Lis· broatlcastmg lu, there'll be 110 radIO h:lre. teners of la~1 year will re­ call that Cro:-iby was star­ HOSE of the radio audience who develop ardent loy­ red under a soap manu­ T alty and admiration for popular bandle'Hlers, and rae t u ref's sponsorship. who become therefore collectors of the reconhng<; of Well, now catch a load of their favorite bands, are going to fintl il dlflkult in the this: That same soap near future to add to their collectiom, for most of the manufacturer has just an­ name bands in the country arc refusing flatly to make nounced that the company any more records. While this may seem foolhardy from signed up Whitem his cue line while Graham McNamee, replacing Jimmy Wal- Ten days ilgO, the pic­ has been 10 discover what the Fire C1Hef outfit intends Jington. reads from script . ture W

II EN the deluge of amateur hours started, which are awaiting their chance to get him, or for the we rose in protest aAain~t thc filling of can that goes around the beer. preciolls nel\\;ork minutes with inferior, By Evans Plummer ~ insufficiently trainetl talent. All of which TWO YEARS AGO air chorines MYRT 'N' goes to prove that even \\e can be wrong MARGE decided their sketches could do without the -and frequently are. her widowhood had not taken away her radio. the last t\\o-enthusiastic fan mail addressed to JACK ARNOLD For the wtlter of this pillar did not evaluate highly means of entertaining her four children and herself. (VIII Haworth). Hut it didn't do so all right-and so enough the ;lbilities of one MA.l0I{ EDWARD BOWES Yes, that one amateur hour lifted two families Jack was written back into the show last year. nor his c;lp.1bility

8 6 Inside 5tu ff Along the Airialto By Harry Steele

Guest-Contributing While Martin Lewis Gels Accustomed to Sitting Up in a Wheel-Chair

EW YORI< is considered a cynical old tOWI1. . Listeners are reproach· Bagdad-on-the-llulbon it's been called time Il1g the sponsors for remo\·· and again. 1\10:.t of its citizens "arc con­ ing DON A.\lECHE from sidered wise guys-smart. But attend: the Hetty and 80b series on Jack l3anner was dining with a group ~he groun9s that the script of radio writers and newspaper men two IS such 1l1lpalalable stuff or three nights before the ceremonies that that only Ameche's t to augment her starnng RUTH ETTI~G. Writes Red: "You radio radiO work with the realured role in a projected Broad­ writers and col.umnists ha've deluded the American pub-.. way production. Having fallen back on Crowd Speech No. 14-A, lie into thinking that we radio entertainers are a fabu­ useable any year, Color Expert ED HILL had no par­ lously wealthy group. l1"s about time that some one ticu1.:lr need to let the fight furore become contagious. CHICAGO'S CHEZ PARi=E was the arena in which with first-hand inrormatiol1 rectified lhi~ impression. Hut it was .:tpparent that it had been when the com­ two or the nation's leading gladiators met for the "As an example, let's take the ce from Flbow A. JIM M Y I1Hr\DDOCI< shook hands with 1\\a.uling 1\\an­ per commercial broadcJ:'>L You writers immediately ager .1\1ICIt it to about $--L0tXl. Now, or tlic actual $2.000, at lea~t 1,000 is paid in salaries to musician:'> and managers. A Japanese dallce band maestro heard frequelltly all Tigers. But the introduction was tinged with a ghostly aura. A bronze-hued wraith seemed to hover over the About 10 per cent of the remaining $1,000 Af>es as com· sl."ort-U'ave pro$:rams is dickerillf!. with A 1/lt!rtcall uetwork missions, and a good part of the residue /.\()e~ for ar­ offictals lor a hriej fOllr 0/ this cotllltr,'. Let lIS be {irst champ while a Grimm spe.:ter dogged the foo:steps of baseball's clouting catcher. rangements and orchestrations. :s.:ext, Mlm~ mu~t he to roll lbe ualural, Just a japanese HalldmalJ. deducted for ofllce expenses, publicity service, elcctric may vary sllgbtly. but none of of the unavoidable truth that the Indi:.ma gag \\izarLi programs. She is a coloratura of rare quality. and is them makes nearly as much as' they're reputed to earn." has laid a couple of eggs on the air, there is an t expected to amaze listeners who are partial to the more national conviction that joe has got what it takes if widely featured operatic stars or our own continent. • he can adjust his style to all the requirements of the Callwg AU Cops-Calliltg All Cops! Seize Dud hold microphone. !'.laterial also is important, and that detail jor illvestH~allOlt the persoll wllo larlllcbed tbe gag 111 There is no inclination to use the slans: phrase when 'Wbicb FRED ASTAII?h· is tagged, He's tbe Taps. was covered hy employing Dave Freedman to do the JOAN BLAINE, runner-up in RADIO liUlBE'S recent scripts used for Joe's audilions. Queen contest, declares that !'arp-playing was a pain in 1{i\DIO progresses with its powers of intrusion, the neck to her. Joal~ began her prore~~ion:.ll carecr as s ONE lhing to be said for this business of piloting an expert on the ancient Instrumenl, bUl never could A the much dlscused goldfish appear~ to he living what pillars for convalescent conductors is that it is a adjusl her:'>clf to the stanCe requireJ for ib pbying. amounts to a cloistered life. The latc::;t field lO be miAhty antidote for biased egos. It is one thing to scan The unnatural :-lrain 011 ligamcnts and \'crtehrae re­ stripped of its rightful seclusion is that of marriage. the usual Lewis tidbits and say, enviously, "Why in the sulted in a chronic pain which no amount of medication Ils exploitation is achieved by postin~ inquiring rc­ world doesn't that guy put so-and-so in his column when could alleviate. So she ~hehed the instrument against porters al the license bureaus and marriage courb. In he's got such a p;rand chance?"-I1's another to think up that day when she will enter the realm where harps are Chicago, \VrW.l\l is airinA the licensees as to their hopes those so-and-sos when the opportunity is cast riAht in standard equipment-and drama profited by that par­ ar,d dreams while \\'GN, in the same city, goes right your teeth. So there is more than ju::;t humanitarian ticular ill wind. into the judge's chamber~. Ihere to record for all wllo mterest in the fervent hope that t\'1any soon will be at would listen. those timorous murmurs of consent, the his typewriter again. And from all indications he will Nobody can figure out why HUHINOFF isn't on whiwered "I do's" of the venturesome brides and grooms. be. Scouts returning to camp report him in a chair the Cantor series which, as you may have noteLl, has enjoying a little free wheeling. solacing himself with started a week ahead of schedule rhe pbn is to havc Short-wave addict MORRISON, official listener for the aV:Jlanche of birthday gifts, telegrams and letters the first eight of the Cantor shows come from Los An­ HAOIO GUIDE readers. reports that a r..\inneapolis physi­ from admirers in the trade and among his readers, and geles, and each week will bring a different band. Sort cian cauAht a very elusive foreign station at four o'clock in general having the lauAh on the doctors who had him of a guest series in reverse. The first was GUS ARN­ in the morning. But there was not a word to explain in stitches for a couple of weeks, IIEIM'S, the second I believe will be JIMMY GRIER'S, how the expectant father was whiling away his time. 6 9 Coming Events EST and CST Shown

TilE VOICE or TilE PEOPLE, popu­ LI FE IS A SONG, new musical scries lar man-lIl-IIH.'-~trect series conducted by replacing Silken Stnngs. st.'lmng Counlc~s Parks Johmon and Jerry Belcher, will be Albani and Charles Previn's orchestra. heard at a new time and under new spon­ will be inaugurated over an NHC \VJZ :-.or:-.hip, over an NBC-WEAF network. network at I) p. m. EST (8 CST). There The Molle Company will present them will be a repeat broadc;t~t for Western t"lay at 1:45 p. 111. EST (12:45 CST), listt::lJers' at 12 midnight EST 01 p. m. and future hroadca~ts through the Fall CS I), 'iponsorccl by the Real Silk Hosiery anti \\ inler will be at 2:30 p. m. EST Company. (I :JII CST). The General Motor~ Symphony Con­ ,\IIISIC BY GOODMilN, premiere nf certs return to the air tonight, with Kir­ .1 n('\\ '>eries, will be heard over an NBC­ slen Flagstad, celebrated Swedi~h :-.oprano. WEI\F networK ;\1 S:4S p. m. EST (4:45 ;IS guest. and with Erno Rapee conducting. CST). sponsored by the mP01Nlft·d again this year by the \.. ill he Iward tra. will be heard _in the sec­ JOSEPHI NE GI BSON. natinnally ('!HI hroa'!c,I,>t of lheir new senes over the known adviser on food problems. \\ill hc­ CRS-WABC n('lwork from H 10 li:30 p. m. gIll a new series of Ilostess COllnsel pro­ rs I (7 to 7 :3D CST). They 'Ibn will be grams, to be hroadcast Mondays. Wed­ ht'ud on a l;ttcr bro;Hlcil')l to the West nesdays and J=ridan ,ll 10 a. m. EST Co",>1 at II p. m. EST (10 CST), :-.pon· (9 CST) over the 'c:nS-WAHC network. c;ored hy Pebeco. Spon,>or(,d by the II. J llein/. Company.

The N Be Light Opera Company COLEJ\ll\:"J COX, the I'hilosopher of Simple "I ruths. now i.., heard e\fry I\\on­ sla~e dWl1gc'i time to R p. m. EST (7 CST) Leslie Howarrl, idol of the screen, star of many hits, be"ins a with the pn; ... ent'llion of Ruddigore, over dav, Wt:dncsday and Saturday over an regular weekly series of dramas over a CBS network Sunday evenings itll NBC-WJZ nct\\ork. 0!BC-WIi'. network at 11:15 a. m. EST (111:15 CST). SlJNDAY, OCTOBER 6 Blackdown, Surrey, Engl:tnd. and rela)cd LESLIE IIO\VARD begim his new ~IEMORIAL VERDI CYCLI, begins to­ to American li:-'lcners Over the CBS-WABC drama series over the CBS-W.\BC net­ YOtl1 1(IPPl:R SEI1\I­ day with Rigo!ello. presented net\\ork from 12 :45 to 1 p. m. EST (11:45 worl{ rromli:30 lO 9 p. Ill. f:ST (7:30 108 ICE.. conducted by [{;tbbi Stephen S. by the Radio City J\lu'>ic a m. to 12 noon CST). CST), spCln::;ored by the makers of 1lind's \Vise. will be hroadcast over lhe CBS­ 11,111, over an NBC-W.J/, net­ I-loney and Almond Cream. WABC nCl\\'()'i< from 3 to 3:45 p. m. ES'1 work at 12:30 p. m. EST 1\ Round Table Discussion at the PUB· (2 tu 2:45 CST). (II :30 a. m. CST). I.IC III' ILTH .\SSOClilTIO~ Conven­ LUCREZIA BOH I, famous soprano. tion in Chi(.ago wil) be on the ;Iir over a will be tcatufel! with the Ford Sunday GI RL ALOl"E, popular dr;\l11atic "kit. A commemoration of Lord Tennyson's enS-WAnc network from I :30 to 2 p. m. Evening Hour (lver the CHS-WABC net­ returns to the t successful of the firteen such be. Salzburg's production'i of the Mozart events given :-.ince their inaugura­ By Carleton Smith operas-Don Ciovanni, Entfuhrung aus tion in 1921i. Due lalgcly to the dem Serail, l:igilfo's Ilochzeit. and Cosi Iiprt'::.ence of ARTUHO TOSCJ\NINI. cer­ world. Hotel accolllodations were taxed with vitality.' For oncc this incomparable I:::lria, Ger­ A 1\1 L1nich newspaper meanwhile re­ Toscanilli was the moving spirit of this ,lre practically unknown in America. ]\\ost many lured CLE1\tl t:I\lS KRAUSS away ported the ;\mazing fact Ih;\t the restspiel­ performance, which showed the results of unsatisfactory were t he soprano voices, from the Vienna Staal soper, oHered five­ haus in Salzburg was nearly empty for months of rehearsals in New York, Lon­ but there :-.eem to be no singers living who year contracts in Berlin to Vienna's best every performance, 1h

shanks carried him at a lerrific rate down Duffield Avenue and in the general direc.... tion of the Hackensack Ri\·er. Back to the station dashed the panting manager. "Police!" he gasped into the telephone. "A thief .. my filling :-.tation ... 270 Sip Avenue . qUIck!" And that's how Patrolman Dunphy and Lieutenant WilSall came to end a kidding argument on the fourth day of June, 1/);).

By Fred Kelly WH EN they J"('acheel Wcisbrod's :--tation, the sneak.... thief had disappeared en­ HE only thing lhe malter with this two-way tirely. but the outraged manager was very radio bu~jl~e... "..' lamente~ Patrolman James much in evidence. . Dunphy. 01 the Jersey City radio patrol. "is "He went that way!" he roared, point­ " that It \\orb 100 darned well!" And he tooled ing down Duffield Avenuc. ,\nel down Ouf· lht: f:.J"t little police car-with its senJing an­ field Avenue the two I?0!icemen strajght~ •, ~ tcnna sticking up in the air like a fi..,h-po!e­ away sped. having no mkling al all that down busy COllll1lullipaw Avenue. shortly lhey were to be called upon to per­ ii form one of the oddest pieccs 'of police "What do you mean?" a ... ked Lieutenant James Wil­ son. his patrol buddy alld ~llpcrior officer. The skin work in their experience. around his eyes crc::t"lcd in a grin. Well he knew the "There he i:-.!" Wilson suddenly cried. dry humor of his lantern-jawed sidekick. Ahead, hair :-.tdl streaming out from "\\"hy," said Dunphy aggrievedly. "it's taken all his head. going like J ~printer. was the thief. lhe romance out of police work! Suppose a cop wanted He was just a hundred yards from the end to du(,k In somewhere and swallow a gla..... o' heer. for of the street-and thc cnd of the sHeet was IIlS!'l.nCe. Sure it'll be thai very minute hcadquJrtcf';d jU'it fifteen feet above the hroJd and Illuddy b~ pIcking to ...end him a radio nash-and have thc ncrve water:-. of the Ilackensack Hiver. Overhead, the majestic Pulaski Skyway-clITrying the to expect 3n immediate ~Hl:-.wer in a man's own voice Arthur Holzman: He without any beer on his breath!" mJin western rO.1d travel into I\'ew YMk stealfol, l'oil>rints, swims­ City-.,tretched like a magic carpet frozen \V.ils~n laL:ghed. lie knew. of course. that Dunphy and stays out of juil W,I\ klddlllg. I he patrolman was a teetotaler, with a into imJllobility. pl:rfe..:t record. Furthermore, for all his good·naturcd "lie can't get aWity now!" exulted grollsing. Dunphy ~hared the ull.1nimous enthusi.:tsm Dunphy as the car roared up. "Therc'::. nothing for wlll.;:11 Jersey City policemen have for the t\....·o-wav r.1dio him to do hut give up or fight it out!" sy~tem whkh ha_~ helpeJ ~o much III keeping their (Ity II looked a, if he was right. Ahead of the fugitive one of [he mO~l crime·fn:e Oil the cOIHinelll. Towering was the river. Hehilld him were the police. If cver a 24; feet 3.bm e the city i", ih Lalle'l pinnacle-the br3.nJ crook was hetweclI the devil and the deep blue ",ca it llew police antenna. II i., lhe higltbt police r:ltlio mast was that flcct youth who now stopped. threw one panicky ill \mcrica and-a, line I ri",h cop exprc",t:d ll: " '1 i, the look over his shouider-Jild s.:m the police car. fp!"dingt'r of the Ould ~1:1I1 (Policc Commi"ioller Tom \Volfe) raised to W;\fn crooks 10 Slay oul 0' 10\\11."

Til E rime may come. my hoy." said Wilson to Dunphy. ~till in kidding vein. "when YOll'!! be glad of that lwo.... way sy><:tem.'· .\nd right then Fate steppeJ in to prove Wilson a t rut· pn~pht't I~}r through the spe.1lmphom \\ilh 86 arti~h from These: proqnms ill hert pre­ Log of Cincinnati Stations Ti_er~ ~enttd ~nd Quartel. WJZ KDKA WCKY trOll \\[AF \\JZ Ihe Kansas (it) Philharmonic wert as correct ill KDK.\ ,\ \·E W(KY WC:-; ucun.te u the broi-dusting WL\\' WAVE WS.\l (sw·1521) Orchestra WEA"- \\,S;l1 WT,"l Call Kilo. Power Net· \\C\ \\H-\\I WLs \\"LW \\A\E \\~.\I \\GY (s\\ 9.531 (Gmpanies .nd RADIO GUlDE rK~:\r.... '<; Ihle Carnecie Letters cycles Watts Loution work WABC Ws.\IK \\" .. \1 W..,\I \\T'\\I (5\\".1521 BroadwJ) Rh)lhm could make them at the time 1533i cf \'OC-\lildrE'd Dillin~. haqll~t· KDKA Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania Freed ;Iud 810\\n going to pr6s. However, 980 50,000 K\If·.\-.\I('I,~h· Bo,,~ emergencies that .arin at the \\ E.W WCY "TAM WSAI KMO)( 1090 50.000 St. louis, MIssouri •C Top lIat 8er:lll \\'~ III Llll' "hlelol~ I"m III lhr \If'olJC for I.uu ~h:dios 50m:tlmn nKfS5ltate q\-15.33 WABC Il60 S

12 7 Coming Events Throw AWGI LIver an NBC-WEAF network at 5 p. m. Your Aerial! (Continued from PaRe 10) EST (4 CST). Their gues's will be AMOS Ama.zing $1 Device Does Away With daily except Saturday and Sunday at 4:30 FOOTBALL AND ANDY. It ENTIRELY! Specia.l Tuning p. m. EST 0:30 CS 1") over an NBC­ Feature Improves Selectivity, Tone COM PLETE schedule of all foo'­ WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 9 SUI PLY 11001;: Walco Acrid Dliwlnalor on hl'lck WEAr network. Thi~ series replaces Mas· o( nll.liu---for~t't }'ardl:! find ylN111 of flerial querade. A ball game hroadcasls correct to the CAVALC\DE OF AMERICA begins troUble! She only 31::; tOClll'lI. Eliioioat.eI tlgl)' time of going to pre:.:-, will be found on today O\'cr the CIlS-WAlle network at wi['('s IIll 0\,1.''' "oom. on root, or hllnglng out p. m. (7 CST). sponsored by wlrldo\". Gi"elil >'olume and CUllRENT EVENTS rOJ{ CI "1.­ page 17. The schrdulc cover'\ g,ame:. S EST Du· tlislllnNl ('(IUlll to outdoo" on October 5, 6. 12 and 13. This bo~ Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Ilerial witt. fllr nE"l'TER DREN will be reviewed by William Slater H~;L~;('TI \·ITY_ \\iIl appear and be revised weekly. during his Junior l{adio Journal ::.erics. NO MORE NUISANCE heard over an ;":13C-WJZ network at 5 THE LOG CABIN REVUE. with Con­ OR DANGER Easy to ('01l1lf'C1 'Val('() p. m. EST (4 CST). though not n~w on the aIr In thelT new rad Thibault, Frank Crumit. a vocal chorus and Harry Salter's orchestra, has .-\I"rlill ,.:Ilmlnato". tn :! . --- thrice-weekly series. today starts under the ,ui null'S withont tool~! AI. PEARCE AND HIS GANG. al- spon~rship of the Pepsodent Company, come to the air over an \BC-WE\F net­ Jo:nd~ all danger of light­ \'/ork at 10 p. Ill. EST (9 CST), sponsored lIin~, !'tornlll. "hort ('Ir. ("uiti!. :\0 IIIure dil'ks and by the General Food" Corporation. nohl" rrom "'ind :lnd T111ln. :\O\\' )·un nu hool;: 1/11 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10 radio iu llny rooul. ;So I\\·il'1.·8 show. JAMES MELTO:--:. tenor. will be the SEND NO MONEY Sunday - Continued gllest star on the Atwater Kent I-lour, over Try It oS DI;ya at OUI Riak! CBS-W.~BC lll"rl'ly mail Ih(' 1'OlIvon. :"0 nlOlll'Y 1lN.'C'iUo:tr1 llOW. 7 :00 p.m. EST 6,:00 CST 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST 11 :00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST the nelwork at 8:30 p. m. \\'hell dE'li\'l'red pay l)Ostmau 'I. plua few ('@nt/l EST (7:30 CST). IJoOSt:lg'e-. If not de-lighted. re-Iurn It 10 \> da,.a- * NBC-Jack Benny OilInd Mary :-lBC-lIendrik Willem vall loon. NBC-Fireside !;ingers; Nel\s: ~-:..l.~.~~~~(~ _ Livingstone; Johnny Green's author: WJZ \VCKY WLS \VJZ I(DKA \VHf\ \1 tra Ad,ln·!'s.. .,, . hi~ Ch(,l'k IINC i! ENCLOl)l:"G $1-tho8 IlllvlnJ:" CBS-Alexander Woollcott, the WABC WHAS KMOX WKlte WBBM-Musical Moments , sponsored hy Ihe Soco­ WCKY WII-\\I \VENit WSM J:"t·t cIlslower8 Qull"kl,. .u() keep thl"m. ~egal, WKIfC-H('d Hlnh Orchestra n)' Vacuum Oil Company, Inc., replaces M~nr of Ollr nl!:I'OI" make O'l'f'" $20 Il bw 11.87) tenor; Vivicnne sopra· no; Bertrand Hinch. violinist; W:,\I-Sundav Nilfhl Sl'renildl" the Socony Skctchhouk. wf'("k. SWO'lrl blyle , 10wf'~1 IJrI«o•. Let's S",in~ It '\'"ile ril:llt away tor detail. ~eed Gus Ihenschen's Orchestra: 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST of OHr "('lI.n·1 Lo..e" ::;ell· You're All I WTA~1 RE~E WI::AF WS:'t1 WGV Orche~tra. I DL':\'i\'E. guest. will he co-­ in:: .1'1'0. Th(' Gl'lI11('man Obviously W5AI WAVE 's""'-9.53) CBS-Frank 1l;/I!{'y'S Doesn't Believe healilined with Dick Powell. I\nnc Jami· RACINE FEET KNITTING NBC-W~lter Winchell, col· \\"KRC KMOX COMPANY * WG~-Jan Gar~r's son Igor Gorin and Frances Langford in FootlooSf and fancy Free umnlst: WJZ KUKA WE:-lR Orchestra n"sk R. Betoit. Wia. S\\amp fire WHA.\I \\ I.W hw-6.14) WlW-TonllllV Tucker's Orch the Hollywood Ilotel broadcast over the luIu's Back in Town WCK¥-/'Oews CRS-II'ABC ,,"',,ark at 9 p. m. EST (8 I'll ~ner Sa)" ~ever Again. 12:00 Mid ES 11:00 p.m. CS CST). .\gain WFBE-Studio Proo.:ram CUS-'nlon M.,derne; WABC WGN-~ullday .h'elling Club KMOX-'Iu~ical Moments WKRC WS:\IK KMOX W81HI SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12 WAVE-Ga13X\ of ~Iars 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST NBC-Dancinc: in the Twin THE CI:"CI:":-JHI CO:"SEI1VA- • Citjl'~; WBB~I-~Ionh' :'tlu~ic NUC-~icla Cl'flle Golly'!> Orch.; TORY OF I\ll SIC will be heard ovcr LYNCH HI-FI LYNCH GooJelle. songs: ASSEMBLED ALL. W~ Br:-(,,;fltlTt Re\'ie\\ WJZ WE/'OR WCKV KDKA wn KDK.\ WHAM WAVE the CBS·\vAI3C network in a special pro-­ FllTERADID WGnF-German Band \\'LW (~w-6.14) W_VE UTENU WIIAM (sw-6.14) gram at II a. m. EST (10 CST). "II n~,h ... ""nL Wr,S-l!ob Bl'cker. dog dramas WFBE-Joe Ulrich NOC-Dick Fidler's Orchestra: t>-vn ~"Io -' ;m..>Jb. ~::u. WLW-\'ictor YOUnlZ'S Orch, n!POI;tI~ uallOJqU[l-A\lA\ \\T\F WGY WT."'t (o<;w·9.53) .."";;: $6.75 ':45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST WENR-Jack RUhel!'!> Orchestra FOOTBALL-The University of Ne­ .«1...... • \\'HA~ra\' Gordon's Orch. U!JOI~ ~ SWe.lJO l;t5UnS-Ja.1i 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST brask.:t vs..\linne"ota game will he de· WS~I-Dance Orchestra Sisters &: Ranch Bo)s, \\ I:.Af * NBC-Sunday Evenint ~t Seth "crihed over [he CBS-\\'.\BC network at WTA~t WGY WLW tory 'qJJO lo:,epucloA 7'1 ZOldA-NaJ\\ \\'IlH:\I-,\Il'looil'~ of Vesterdal' * NBC-Sunday Concert: Kirsten K \LTE:-':~IYFR'S KI:-JOFIlG\lnU-I. LADIES-ADDRESS F1<.1!l;\ted, ~upr<.l/\O j Erno Rap· Orch.: WEAr W:;~I WAVE ~IIIC-Earl HlIl{'~' Orch.: WJZ WSAI WTAM (sw·9.53) morc over an i\:I3C·\VJZ network at 6 ;~.O~o:::.eiI5~c;r~c~lkl;: WGN-AII·SUr Radio Revue KDKA WLW (sw·6.14) , m. EST (5 CST). CASH * CBS-Wayne King's Orch.: cnS-Vlllfl"l1t LUII/'/" Orchestra: :ExpericllCf/llnneeeaSllfY. WHA5-M::&mmoth Cave DiJ:"nifted work. Send WSA1-:\'OUt ltallio's optlOrtunille. Ordll'Slra WENR-S)'mphon,' Orchestra 1:15 a.m. EST 12:15 CST J. E. 5MITH, P~sldcnt, Dcpt. liKT6A. B~Horace tion Department, RADIo GUIDE. I National Radio Il1ltitute, Wuhin",too. D. C. 8:30 p.m. EST' :30 CST M Heldl's Orcheslra: WGX-J<.III Garber's Orchestra 731 I WGN Plymouth Court, Chicago. Illinois. Sel1,1 me )our Ir"" hook. "'UlI'!I lit '""'. ill Ih.Jio," CBS-Leslie Ho .....;ard, stage and 1:30 a.m. EST 12,30 CST I Tllil dc>t'~ n.x oIJll,ute me. (1·1 IHit. !!laully.) I * WHAM--("oun!\' ~Iroical Talk at least two weeks previous [0 ~creen star, ~1.t1 Dramatic Casl: WBB:\I-~Iaurie Steill'~ Orch. .\'e..e_._ •••.•••••••••••••••...••. WABe ""IOX \\H,'~ WHH~1 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST \\ f'R-J:lck Russell's Orchestra moving. In writing give your I "'III I WFBE-Bill 'landl"lJ KMOX-Sport Pal[e of tlu' .\ir WG,\; -J()e S 'l,'~~' Orchl'~tra present address as well as the new WGN-Band Box Revue WH \!'It-Soft liehts & Sweet 1,45 alml EST 12:45 CST address. ~:':_~. :~:::::: ~;a',:::: W:i\I-To be announced Music (NUC) \\G:\-Contioeotal G)'psies :::::::::::::. ::::::.J 7 13 Programs for Monday, October 7 6:311 a.m. EST 5:30 CST WLW-To be IlIlIUUIlUd \\GX T"mmy Tucker·s Orch. 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WTAM-Vaughn KiIlK'S Calis- WL5-~larkets WLW-Top 0' the Morning; Star Indicates High Spot Selections NBC--<;r.. n,!I'Ol Burton. !ketch: WTAM-Sun Up thenics * \\~AI-T(\(la\·, NE'ws \\EAF WSAI \\\VVA-Co\\boy Lo:re ;lnd Just 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST KDKA-Unde Tom and Belt)' NBC-Market and WULher Re· WWVA-M. I'rrkins CB!'t--Do Re Mi. trio: WABC Plain John ports: WEAl-' WIlAS WKRC KMOX WSMK KDKA-Musifal lIock WFBE--Annelle P;lltOIl Cornell 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WGOF-Mi!>ter and MissU5 KMOX-Russell Brown; Edith (sw·15.27> KP,WX-NoHlty Boys CBS-Jlapp} 1I01l0w. dramalic J\l\lOX-Musical J(,\\f'I Box WGi\-Friendly ~eighbor's 1l0USl' haren, ~Onl~S WfBE-Pol't" GE'1J1S WCK V-Koone COIIIlI)' Kids Party WI'BE-Jl'an Harris skl'tch WABC WKRC \VilAS WGBF-Musical M3~lerpieces WFBEr-l\1u~cJl Clock WGBF-City Court \\S~lK (sw-15.27) WI.S-M"l'lha Cralle: Hell"n Jo· WGOF-Church & School News WGY-~hJ(·k Reports WKHC-This and That WLS-Jolly Jue & Hi'! Pet Pal, KMOX-Window Shollpers & WTAM-Ooard of Educalion }ce; Morllille Homemakers Hr. WGN-The Lo\'e Doctor WLW-Life of M;uy Sotherll WL5-Smile-a-While; Markets WTA~I-Doc Whipple WI' HE- -SOllr:t IntE'rlude \\'TAM-/I.lu'il':ll ('ucl.tail Weather W(;Y-M" "a'lll Bag;:alte \VG~ D1ack~t 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST W\\ VA-Ev and Or)' '\~l .... ne Ensemble WLW-t.l.Nation's Falllily Prayer WlIA5--Lolll'lole of icuhure WLS-Ilomcmak{'rs' Program 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST NBC-fields and lIal1, sOl1gs and Wl.s--Uiul1erbeli PrcQ"ram I'l'riod 11 :15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST W~AI-Tea /);lnce /'\BC-Junior Rallio Journal: pattl>r: \H.\F WCY WSAI WSAI-Police l-1a~he'i WSAI-Good Morning NBC-ColE'man Cox. flhilo~oph~r: W~l\1 W1\\ WTAM-R(',! Cross Roll ( .. 11 WSM-!\la Pl:1 k1ll5 WJZ WCKY WENR WTAM-Stim Eberhardt W\\'VA-P"lIfrn~ KtIIOX-The Corn Huskers \\JZ WSM WCKY WAVE in Organdy CBS--The J\Ianhatlan M:ttinee: WWVA-llWhcellllg Go~pel Tab- b~auI)· 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WS~IK WlioE-Tu lw announced CaS-Blanche S\\eet, 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST WABC \VilAS \VKRC unadQ talk: WABC hw·15.27> WWVA KMOX (0;\\-15,27> WGN-Good MI,rninl Ba~ t.!:JC-Pal Kennedy, tfnor; liar· '7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WLs--"'ord Ru,11 and Ralph KDKA-Grab (Please see notice re· * NBC-PEPSODENT PRE· r) hU!:l'n'~ Orch.: WEAF "l'IlI~ KMO:\-lIollr H"rvest lJands Emerson KMOX-Radio Short Story garding World S e r i e s AI Pearce and HI'" C;lnl;; WFOE-Mu!ical Prololram * CBS-Yom Kippur Memorial Amos ·n' An,ly, ~uests: \\lEAF WCKY-Mu~ical Clock WTA),t-lIealth and Home broadcast and SUbs~llu('nt WGN-Throulth the Looking Class Service: WABC WS:\-IK WKRC WSAI WG\' WTAM W(AE WKRC-L\God's Bible School W\\ \A-Pllil Cook'~ Notebook prOl{ram W~~IK (~w.1527) WlIA5--Chats with Dolly DlI:an cancellations ap­ WHAS \\ MAQ WII10 WLW-To be announced 9:45 a,m. EST 8:45 CST pearing on Sunday pro­ :\Or-lloy (allllllN:lrs Ro}'alislS: KDKA-Plou~h WTAM-f,luSI(i11 Clock WKIH.':-Irene Highter Boys NBC-Morning Melodies: WEAF WI W-The 1.00lllplir:lller gram Ilage.) \VJZ W~M WCKY WAVE WAVE-To be announced 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST WTAM WTAM-Morning Parade (NBC) KOKA ~lrvlltT·~ Mallnee WFBE-Trea~urr Tunes KMOX-~Ia Perkin~ NBC-Jolly Hill &. Jane: WEAF C05-Cadets Quartl't '.VABC WWVA-Yotlliu' Hank·s lIillbill· NBC-W 0 r r tI 5('rips B,l~eball WLW-D.. k 1 raC\'. drama (;H~Or";lIl HCVCllJl': WAlle WSMK WKllC WIIAS ies Came; Chicilgo Cub, vs, 01' WFBI.-Rumba I/hnhrns 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST NBC-Po"llock and Lawnhurst, tr(lit Tiloler~: WEAl' \V,ll WGBF_OIl the Air KDKA-Style & ShopPlIll! SHV. 11 :30 a.m, EST 10 :30 CST KDK."I-Kiddies Kl\lb piano duo: WJZ iu KO'KA WAVE \\'("KY WGN Hou~e ~BL-Hour 0: Memories, U. S. WGX Palml'r Ensemble \\ FBE-Salon "Iu~ic KItIOX-H.lrry, Johnny and KMOX-Fascm3tlnll Melodies W~Yl WCY WIIAM \\ LS WLW WCY-\Ill~ifal Proeram Navy Band: WJZ WAVE WSAI \\~:'ol WTAM (s\\·15.21­ WLW-Jack Arm~trOIll:. dranla Aunt Sarah WFBE-MOI nine.: Headline!> WCKY KDKA (s..... 15.20 \\'LW-Doctors Ilf Melody WGN-Lell Salvo. on;anist 1533) * W5M-GOSSIP PROGRAM WGY-Earll Bird Musiul Clock CB5--Mrs. WiQ"!l:s of the COlhh3~l:' WSAI-Tol,i(' Tunes \\ W\'A-E('OIWIll} Note~ rB'i--W 0 rid Sene" H,l.~eb.all WHA5-To be announced WCY-Musical PrQflram P;ttch: WASC WKRC KMOX ""TAM \Iu"i('al Cocktail Gam('; Chica~o Cubs \" Df' 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST WRRC-SomethinR for I::,eryone WLS-lloosier Sod BusleTS (~ ..... 15.27) w\\ \ .\-CU\\OO) LOle and Just WNlher: Artist Booking! IrOlf 'lIltl'rl>;- WAlK KMOX ~OC-Tom \\L5--Farm Dullelln Hoard \\ FBE-Home~pun Phios(mh('r I'lam John l\lIx Advenlures: WLW-Mornill~ WBBM WHAS WhllC W5:'otK Dnotions, or· Nl'....! WGBF-Baby Shop WEAF WTAM WGY \\SI\I Wif~ W\\ VA (s\\-15.271 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST (an. vO(alin lind sermon \\ L\V-Back Sian W"N-Bachelor's Children CB5---Jack ArmSlrong WABC W~AI-Ne~s WSA l-{)n Ihe Mall CBS-Radio GOSSIp Club, Eddie NBC-\Ia Pe-rkins. dramatic (~w.15.27l WHA5-To be announced WSM-Paul and Berl W\\'\'A-FI~-in· X Round·Up At Fannie Cavanaugh: WHAS ~ketch. WEAF WGY WLW ~B('-Irl'ene Wickrr lhp ..,me:· WLS--NI'\\$ Reoort: l\larkeh KMOX WTAM \\ I.S 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST 10 :00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST Wli\\'--<:handler Chats illc Lad\ \\.JZ KDK.\ \\'1.\\' ~13( -1\\u Hearts In Song. 1\BC-Th(' \Vl~e Mall, sketch: (s\\,-15.2i .11.87) NDC-Yoichi lIiraoka, xylophon· NBC-l\e"~: Frank I.uther, ten· W\\VA-Awer. Family Robinson WEAl' WGY WJl WAVE WSM WCKY Kl\lOX-t'harlc~ Nl'lVmall ist: WEAF tJr: WEAF WTI\M WAVE 11:45 a,m. EST 10:45 CST CBS- Alexilnder Semmler, pian KDKA-Ilom;ulce of Dan and W1\ VE-Alice in OrchestraIi a NBC-Bisl[' alll! Shine: WJZ WSM CB~Jusl !,Iain Dill: WABC i~l: WABC (sw·15.27> ~\l\'ia (~OC) KMOX-Ambrose lIaley and Ihe NBC-News; Cit v Voices: WJZ WKRC K~!OX (sw.15.27) WFoE-'ilutliu Selections Kl\IOX-Backstal.'r Wife WCKY-~ollthcrll Sisters Ramblers KDI\A (sw.15.11J MUS-Mmstrels: WLW WGN WGIlF-l\larkct Report W~HE-TedJ'a Miller CnS--.IO~I'phille Gibson, hosles! WENR-Music and Comment' WLW-To be annunrl'd WE~ It-Val i('t~· PrOl:,ram WGN-Ridr Man's Darling WCN June B"ker, home man­ BE-Shopper~ counsel WAlK WhHC WIIAS WI' Spen;ll WSAI-\Iusical Sun Dail WFBL-Frill:lIl Fat:lll WKRC-;..telorliou" Measures acrlllel1t WH.;),S-Herbert Kut:h. or!l:ani"t WSM-LE'OIl Cole, ort:"a"i~t KMOX WSMK WCBF-Hoosier Philosopher W!)AI-Da\e Up"on WSl,I-Pop Concert Hroadca~ters WCKY-:Ilcws, Holl)\Vood N~ws Wl\RC-Rh\thrn Re\ue WTAI\I-JUl1ior WHA~Monticello Party Line W\\\'A-Mu~ical Proeram Jarn~ rcel 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST W'i:\!-;"le!l·tch: WAVE WTAM WGBF-Farmer Purcell WGY-Musical Clock matir WEAF WTAM WEAF WSAI W\\'VA-tJ, Yurn l(IPIHrr Sl!l'vice WFBE-l)innPT :\Iusic WSM WGN-."-larkets; LiMicl·day Serv. (CBS) WIlAS-To ~ anuuurH;ed WGY WLW \\'(;BI'-"pon Facts CBS-Ilarmonies in Contrast: C~S-The Voice of Experience: ice 3:45 p.m. EST 2 :45 CST illS-News; Prugram Summar) WHA "'--Sa\'ings Talk; Weather: \\'GY-;\lrrsiral I'ro~ram WABC WIIAS WSMK WABe WKHC Kl\lOX WWVA ~BC-Kine' Jesters WJZ WS~1 WTA;\I-W~ WLW-Aunt Mary, Child Train· l\Iarket~ Templ'rature Thr{'c I\BC-Elh\ard Maclltu,h. Gospel \VilAS (sw·15.27) WCKY WAVE \\'\\ \..\-Rh\'thm Roeues lnt:" Talk WLIV-P;linted Dream~ \!II~lcale: WSAl-.o.Chun:h Forum Silll~er: Wn WCKY WAVE KDKA-Nl"\\s rB5--51.,lol1 WABC WSAI-Tr(';'Ilh~e1ls on Tour (~\\·15.27l WSM-.o.Mornine: De\otioll WS~I KOKA (s\\·15.21l WCKY-StuJio l'rOll:ram WKRC KMOX-Let'~ (/lmpare NotE'~ \\ l- OE-Qlympia RO~lello WSM-Bannl:'r Xe\\sha"k XBC-The 0' Neils. dramatic Night WI AM-Musical Clock Pr~ram WFUf.-Oot Club Ncw~ WGBF-Wedding Anniversarie~ W\lVA-'itlldio ~ketch' WEAF WTA;"l WGY WWVA-l\Iornin~ Edition 6:00 EST 5:00 CST 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WGBF-llousehohl Hour WGN-We Are four 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST WLW p.m_ WGN-Margery Graham WGY-!\lusical Pro~!am NSr-liapp} Jack: WJZ WAVE I\DKA-Charm 'He-I· S Army Band WJZ NBC-Pals: WJZ WAVE WSl\I WKRf-Woman's Hour WLs--Roundup; Variety AcH WCKY Kr.10X-Exchan~e Club WCKY (H~Leon Goldman, violilllSl: WWVA-Rapid Ad Service KDI\A-To be announcl'd \VFHE-SfOOS 15.2Il WCY-Doc Schneider s Lowooys House: WABC W5;"1K WKRC WKRC-<:;milin' Dan KMOX-Thp Happy Hunten WAVE WCKr WSM 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST WLS-·nle Old }{ltchen Kettle KMOX (s\\·1527) Fa~hion~d ~BC-Betl) \\'LW--old Girl WAVE-l\.J)pvotionsal Service WLW-Music :'-IBC-Forulll on Character and Bob. drama: \\'~."I-"Omar NBC-William Mee.ln, organi~t' Suildinc: WEAF WSAI WTAM the :\Iystic" (~w WFBE-Litlll> Blac!.. Joe WW\'A-Noon Edition WJZ KDKA WLW \\E.NR \\ISM-:'-Ie"~ WJZ KOKA WCKY 21.54) WGN-Antonio's COnlinentals 'B5-M;me. Lillie French Pnn (s..... ·15.2]) ~B&-Lyric 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS WTAM-Particil>ation Serenade: WABC WGy-.o.\1:d mormnl:; l)e\OUOll~ ce~s; WAOC KMOX WKRC WFBE-Harr\ O!!den WWVA-lladIO Go~~iper; Sparh "Hr-('hl'eno \\'F.Af '.\ TA.M WI.W-The Morninc Hou~c· NBC-Merr) .\Iallca"s \\ EAl-- (sw·15.271 \\'GBF-Sull~llIne Hour WLW WGY WS~l warmers: Orrhr~tra WSAI KDKA-MJC and Bob WGY-Bpl!} and B(,b sketch KMOX-Tick Tock Rcvue CB&-'·Mary Marlin," sketch 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST 10:45 a..m. EST 9:45 CST WFIlE-Studio PrOii:ram WHAS-!\ Wl'l,k dav Devotions \. BC- Eddie South'~ Orchl'stra· WAVE-Musical Clock WABC WKRC K~IO~ \VHA~ WGBF-Billboard WWVA-Cap, Andy am! Flip WEAF WSAI \VE:-.'H WFBE-MurnintZ COncert NnC-Joe White, tenor· WEAl' (,w-15.27) WCN-Palmer lIouse Enseurblp lVGN-Fire~ide 4:15 p.m, EST 3:15 CST CBS-O!!. S WW\'A-The 01' Pardner \\·I.\\'-To be annoullrrd C8~hve Star Jones. WABt XSC-A G:lfC!l'n Part}': WE:\R Rosa Lee. soprano: WEAF WLW-Lh'e Stock RepH~, 2 :30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WS;"! WAVE KDKA WCKY WT.UI-Hot Oatrs in IliHor\' Ne\\s WKRC KMOX lsw.1521) \\'W\';),-Dinner :\tu~ic WGY WSAI WGN-Painted Dreams NBC-The South Sea Islanders: (sw.15.21) I.U~l\lelropOJllar P a I a a e 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST WIIAS-How to bE' Charmine­ \\ EAF WGr WT1\M (S\\'- XBC-Hl'rt Stenns' Orchestra: WAlle W5;"1I( WIIAS WKRC N~C-HlJnp\'nu)()nl'r5: KBC-Nr'\~~; WJZ WSM WI-S-Weather; Producf' /o,lar· 15.33) WJZ Sr:lI1!py lIic;h, talk: ito NBC-Breakfast Club: Edna Thurna~ WCKY \\'AVE kets; News * CBS-Between the Bookends: \\FBE-Jolrn (has. WEAF b\\ 9.53) Odell, contralto; Merry Mal'S; NBC-The Honeymooners: WJZ WTAM-Noon day Resume WABC WS~lK WKHC \VilAS WGBF-NI'\\s CBS-,Iack Armstrong: KI\!OX Dance Orchestra: W,JZ KDKA WCKY WAVE WSM WLW (~w-15.27) WGy-noc.k News WBBr-I WCKY WAVE WSM (sw. CB&-Famous Babi(!~; Dialogue 1:00 p,m. ES 12:00 m CS NBC-~!u~i~ Guild: WJz WAVE WI\ RC-Eddie Schoeber "BC-lree>1e Wicker, the Sing 15.21) and talk; Dr. Louis I. Harris; CBS-Blue Flames Quartet: \\TKY \\'SM \\ I.W-Sine.:ini! NeiQ"hbor ;Ill( I.ady: WGX KMOX-Views on News Guesl: WABC WKHC KMOX WABe WKRC WWVA WSMK KDKA-lIuUlc Forum \VTAr.I-TII'ilicht Tune~ CBS-~cws; \·;Illi~hed Voicell. WL&-l\.Morning Devotions WIIAS <5",·15.27> (sw·15.27) Kr.IOX-~I._ Louis Medical W\vVA-ShoPlling Syncopation WABC (s\\',11.83) 14 Monday - Continued. Fiddling For N8C-New~; The Charioteers: * NBC-Fibber McGee & Molly: 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST WJZ WCKY 'lUi WHAM KDKA WLK Y NBC-Joe Candullo's Orchestra: Jage 5) WKRC-Eveninc: Serenade KMOX-Comedy Stars of Holly· lUS-.\hl' l.)malL'~ On:h.· \\ABC WLW-Bob Newhall, ~l)Qft5 \\000 * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: W~M more in "hat I de..cribcd as a hOllomless WSAI-Headlines in the News \\lHIHI-Elena i\loneak's Ensem· WA\o£-JO/lrllly BurkT;{cliccd a lot of the WSM-News; Financi ... l News ble; Ne\\s C/ll'Slra routll1e that I \\as atcr to inlroducc on WTA.M-News; Sportsman \VFBE-Accordion Sv.eetheart & WENR-Clobe Trotter the stage .and in radio at considerably Huddy \vGS-(oller;:e Broadcast 6:45 p.m. EST 5 :45 CST \\'Gt'-Lone Ranger more profit. Hut yOU can put that dO\\n WG' -Johllnl Alhnghl, songs as the year of thc big wind at Siegel N He-BIll)' ;onll Hetty. Jr... matlc \\ HA:r-To ~ announced \\ KIlC-:\!cws sketch: WEAF \\ KH(~-rrank Black s Orch. WLW-Ne\\s Cooper's." CB~(oncen Mmiatuus; News WI \\ -HoI Dates 111 Ihswn WSAI-TO NBC-Margaret Speaks. so· WEAF WENR WGY WSAI * (s\\·953) WCKY-SlUdio Pr6tram pr.. no; MIxed Churus; William ing in a free country had gone to the old WHU:-Nc\\s Odtlltlcs Daly's Orch.; WEAF WTA\! KMQX-Ne\\s man's head. Stuck-up nonsense they called TUNE IN! WGBF-Seroco Club WS:'II WAVE WGY (s\\'·9,531 WAVE-Paul Miner's Orchestra it in their char Ohio 11.87> • NBC-Harr~ Horlick s G:yo WIlB~l-ILlIl)Il's Orchestra (CBS) But patient Anna Anzc1evitz, mother of CBS-Buck Rotters' WIIAS SleS WEAF "HAil! i\'SAi WBEN-Albert Socarras' Cuban I his mixed brood. and plodding. gigantic K:'I1UX WOBi"1 WGY {sw-9.53) Vrcheslra JlllillS. sire. had their OWll notIons about Wl\ VE-Lee Gordon's Orchestra ~BC-Gl'eater :\Iinstrels; WJZ WENR-LIlI I-Iille~ Orchestra \\"IIA~I KDJ{A WLS WlW that favored boy. and no cynicism or sly \\'1'I3E-The (jllt'mIlJ!1 l'iaH'rs WGN-Earl Hili ~ Orchestra suggestIons swened them from their WGN-Bob Elson, sport~ \\'S~[ (s\\'·6.14) WHAM-AI DOllohue's Orch \\'SAI-)'lodernization of Humes * CBS-Radio Theater: \\'AHC .\ KRC-Amateur Show course. The violin leKA \\t!\H \\H/\'I WCKY 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST boy, already a master of his instrument. (sYt 11.87, :-'8C-PriIIC"S$ Pal Pla)ers 12:00 l\Iid ES 11 :00 p.m. CS \\a<; helping to Pil) for his schoolmg by Tlrn~ :'lIaS-Lilac Wl\\' \\-r.:\: WJZ KDKA \\'E:\,R WlKY r.:BC-LuIC'1 R(lman~lh s Orch.: giving violin lessons two afternoons a h:\10X-FrJuk Ha.u.trd. tenor, WIIA)! (~\\-6.14, WL:At' WlOY \\{.'ck. Orchestra * NBC-Open House; Gra.u :\H( -~harlll"r Griff Williams "At fipH." Ben reca!ls. "I had both 01'" WAVE-:\:e\\spapn )!L.tJre. ~opranO. Jo~ef Paql'r \\ HHM-I'ill t"I.lnol!an', Sporn Orch WJ/. KOKA WHAM pupib on Thur<:day afternoon and I got nack"~ Orch. WEAF WAYE WA\ I: (~\\6_14) fifl} cent\ a half-hour from each. or a WFBE-To br announced WGY \\'TAM \\'5:\1 \\ L\\ ~\, rK'"--~~)mtlur Simtlns' Orch.: WCBF-Zoo NeYts 9.53' WABC \\ HAS \\~,\IK WBB:\1 dollar for the da\'<: work. But it invari­ HA~Ho\ \\ Dalu In HlSlon WFUE-To b4" annOlll1Cl'd WKRC K~IOX ably happened tliJt on Tuesday I didn't WKH('-All Stoll' R.Hliu Roundup \\ (~"'-Doring Sl~ter~ \\ l.\It-Jilck Ihl~~l'lI's Orchestra ha\ e a ,enl. and I u~eJ to trade on the W~:\I-loui~f" Halllllwt & Mar· \\<;;,\ 1- I'll bf' anlluullced WC\-\'elOl &, Yolanda's Orcb. current \\'impy fonnula by gOlllg each Coone~ jorie ~ \\ \l\'A-Frolics 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST \\'l\\-To anllouncell \\t:ck 10 one or the other on Tuesday and Troubad(\lJT~ "''"M-Jilllm, Gallallher's Orch. promi.. ing in the vague fashion of Illy own 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST \\ FBE-The Onhe~lra \\GN-Velol & Yolanda's Orrh \\ TAM-DJllce made IllUdl more ter(,e by \\'impy that ~BC-Educonion :\'I'w~ ir, lhf WSAI-Rhein} Gau. son~s Rladly would I gi-..e a lesson on Thursday WEAF WSAI WAVE \\TA~1 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS But I must hil\ e the fifty cents that day ":'B:r-"SIl~1II SJlI\ \\ ABC. ]0:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST t~U~~!~IAL \"13<:-AI L)ons' Orch.: WJZ "II \\orked for a while but I began to $1 DISCARD WHAS WKRC KMOX WBBM .. NBC-Ray Knight's Cuckoo KDKA \\ E:\' H \VA \'E (sw· (s\\'·11.83) !lour: WJZ KDKA WHA~1 6.14 see that I wasn't building up any prestige Complete LIGHTNING ~o NBC-Lum & Abnfl'. comfdy W[:\!R (sw 6.14) CB' Fr~ddie Berein'£ Orch.· wnh my pupils. I arranged to give one ~ ~~~fal DANGER * ~ntl~ly-JU5t ~ketch. WJL WEXR \\'LW .. CBS-WaynE: King's Orch.. \\'AI3C WKHC wnB~1 W:,MK her lesson 'I hur.Jay and the other on Buzzes, Clicks S~\'en pla~ In t· & H And Short. From KDKA-The Sio'tll1!t \"ABC WHAS KMOX \\'KRC K:'IIOX I ue<:day. As a result I was poinled out ('Ipadtr Aerial IUlllw~r ,~Inc Ind WREX-.()raan illld Piilno Due; \\'BB:'I1 (s\\·6.12> r.:BC-To be announced; WEAF a.. one of the capItalists on the campus );IlOllnalor ~.iu '''"ltr Ul\iW and WCKY-Stran"e Ac It Se-tms ~B("-Contl'nted Prgm.: WEAF WGY with fifty c~nts of my own twice a \... eek." ~~~Il~ ~~;n·~d. III~;1 In"~:tn& I[i- WFBE-Sports Review \\ To\)! WGY WSAI WS:'II \\G:'\-Horarl' Hrirh'~ Orchestra While he still \\as in college Ben's con­ ~:~~:~~;~~l:~~~:' ,~ l'I~~I~rn~~~111 \\'GBt"-11i5lorical Facl5 1",·9.53) \\ lI\-..-Orf";1I1l Srrenade \ genital flair for the quick quip first sig­ t:ulJ)' C(lfInectetl by ~ e QUill an i'vGl'\-\\ ililiers :'IIB<.;-Ft:rt "Frit~" Crisler, WAVE-To b~ ;lIl11uurlced 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid CS that I--:atc overlook him. /\ casu;)1 by­ DISTANCE GUARANTEED lIon or YOUT mont)' bRdt, commentator on football news; WCK \'-Hay Knight's Cuckoo CBS-Al Dicll'~ Ort:h.' WBB~1 stander watchill~ Ben lIar ..iII be .efund«t ...lthtlut Question. WGBr-AlI,Star Rnue \\BH:\1 b\\-6.12) and tl'e IOllg-wf!alllg Momma? II bat WGN-Quin Ry'an's Amalf'lOr WBBM r - - - JUST MAlL THIS COUPON -- --t \\ HiE-Will Hau~er's Cn:h \\E~H-Jack Ru~sell's Ni!i\'ht Orch great celeb,,/)' I1wde the oDa! AlIo/her I ~~. ~o. R;i~~~. i~g~TORI:ES I '''G:'I:-Th" Northernen \\ I.W-\!OOIl Ui\"l'r. ore-an and wG' -:\Iu'ical ProC'ram ills/almoll til tl.'ls lascllIa/mg h,wWII doel/­ I ~endt·." H. Capv.lt'f AerIal. Will paYPG1lma.. II plul I WLW-To be a mounced PtJem~ mel// i.&,-ifl apptUf Ilt'.Yl i4uk WHAM-TIle Ftlrl\ !\inen W~i\I-Campus Theat"r I ~~~fcr~~~~~af~~Jt:~ ~lu;ti~ :~~~~:S~ ':.Whl~~l~e I \\'5AI-I\I)' County %:00 a.m. EST 1:00 CST thu, 'anlll Wla"e eu,I_lmerrrundcuaranln. e~ I WTA'f--Gould &0 Shdtcr (SB(' 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST Ben Rernie and all the lads ma~' I \\-\\ \\-.-\mer, Family Robin~on 'I'. ~b:\I-)lolune '::tein.· Orchc~tra I ~~~l~:. '..I~ .I.~t~~••t~~ • i:~ ~~~~e.r: ••.~r~~l~~o.n:.. • •• I CBS--- Manhallan Choir: \\AHf be heard eH>ry Tue:-:day at 9 p. m. 8 :00 p.m. EST 7 :00 CST K~IOX WKRC WHAS (tW' 2:30 a.m. EST 1:30 CST EST (8 CST: 7 MST: 6 PST) O\' KMOX-Piano Recital 4:45 p.m, EST 3:45 CST WLW-.Q:oialion's FamilY Prayer Cowboys: WEAF WS\I WLW WSMK WKItC KMOX W\VVA WG8F-Billboard l\B(~lga NOC-Studio 7: WEAF WGY (sw.15.27' \'("rllon. SOjlrano. Period KMOX-The Corn Huskers MItS-Jacob Tarshish: WLW \\G~-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WEAF WIAM WSAI W5Al-Good :\Iornmr WFBE-Smokv Mountain Boys NBC-M.. rket and Weather Re- WLS--Grain Market WGN ports: WEAF CBS-'l1m:e Litlle Words: WABC WTAM-Slim Eberh:udt WGY-Little Jack Little WSAI-Today's ~ews WS;\1K \VHAS WKRC K;\10X KUKA-Grab B31{ WFBE-)tusical Ma~terpiece5 W\YVA-D. Wheeling GGspel Tab· WLS-Ford Rush and R:alpb Em· KMOX-Variety Program WWVA-)1a Perkins (s..... 15.27> ernade erson WGBf---('hurch and School News WAVE-!\Devotional Service WeS-To be anliounced 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST NBC-Harr)' Kogen's Orchestra; \VTAM-Health and Home WFOE-To be Innounced COS-Happ)' Hol!ow. WAB( WJZ \VCKY W[:,\R KDKA 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WWVA-Jo1yin' X Hound-Up \vGY-Bag alit! Baggage t WHAS WKRC WSMK (s\Y­ WSl\I WAVE (~ ..... -15.2l) K~IOX-Four HiilIt\'e)[ Hands WKRC-K3mll WHAs----coll~f' of Ae:rlculture W<':KY-~tU$ical WSAI----Qrt.;ln Re\'l'rif:s 15.m \\'FHE-Studlo Selections Clock 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WLS-nJonerbell PrOl.:ram WGBF-l\1u~lcal Masteq,ieces WKRC-.Q.Golfs Bible School WTAM-Jerry Brannon WSAI-Police F1a~hes KMOX-Window ShoPllers NBC-The Wife S3\'er: WEAF WfBE--Georlle Olsen, music WG' -Stock HelKJrU WLW-To be announced CUS-Men of Manhattan: WA8C 11 :30 a.m. EST 10 :30 CST 1:15 p,m. EST 12:15 CST WTA~T-)Iu~ical Clock WGN-Blackstone Ensemble WLW-Life or Mary ;,othern WKRC WS;\lK WHAS NBC-Geofl~·e Hessbergco:r's 8a· WL5-Holll pearing on Sunday pro· KltiOX-Harry, Johnn)' alld gram page.) ry Ko,!;en·s Orch.: WEAF NBC-Amrflc;m :'IJedlral Ass'n AUlit Sarah WLS-Tommy Tanner :md Sod· NUC-Your Child: WEAF WAVE CB:r-Tol\'ll 'Iuplc~ \\lth Lois I'rglll.: WJz WCKY WENB WCY WIAM WS,\I WGY-Musical Clock busters Lonl(: WABC W::iMK WIIAS WAVE WS~I Sla~e WFBE-Jlome~llun XBC-\\ 0 I' I d ~l:ries 8aseball WI.W-Back Wife, drama Philosopher WRUC bw-15.27) KUKA-I'!ouo;:h Boys WHA5--To be :Illllounced WSAI--{)n the ;"Iall WGBF-Baby Shop Man GMue; Chica!;o Cubs V1. De· WKRC-:--e\lo' NBC-Sih'er Flute: WJZ WSM KMOX-Bl"oadway 1>1c1odies WTA"-Tennes~eans WC~-Baclll~lor's Children trOIt Tlgl:r1: WEAF WJ/. WLW-D.~lornillg Devotions \\'L1-Hook Hevll:W Kr-.IOX-Ambrose f101ley and the WABC WKRC \\ HAS WWVA. !:t1BC-Mofllitl~ Par;Jtle: WEAF WinDt WIIAS WKRC W~)IK KMOX WLW-Domthe3 POlice Ramblers WSMI{ WSAI WWVA (sw·15.27) 1\'BC-I';1II Americana Program. NBC-News; Cleo Brown, pian­ W:>/\l-T"nic TUlles \\'LW-To be announced CnS-Just Plain Bill' WABC NHC-DICk Fidler's Orchestra: WGY isl and songs: ({DKA (sw­ WKRC I(MOX (sw15.27> W1A"I-.\lu~lcal Cocktail KDKA-I(iddie:l' Klub WSAI-:\Iusical Sun Dial WEAF WGY' Ju~t 15.21l NBC-Geor!!;\! 11"ssberger's 01'- CB~-HadlO GOSSIp Club; Eddit \\'\n.\-Co\\bo}' Lo)'e and WFME-~alon i\lu~ic WS:\I-Leon Cole, ofCl;anisl KMOX-Kews TIlru a Woman's P1:lin John WTAi\l-Junior Broadca~ters ~he~tra: WAVE & i"annie Cavanaugh: WHAS W{jN-Lell Salvo, ore:anist Eyes \\'HAS-ACfideut Pre\'cntion Talk 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST 111 BS---l\1instrels: WCN WLW KMOX 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST WCK¥-News; Model Melodies WI'BE-Fri(:'id Faris WGBF-Farmer Purcell NI:K-)Ia l'erklrLs, dramatic \VI.W-Ja~k ArlJl~trunC!. drama NBC-Spareribs: WEAF WFUI::-Wade Hou~e WGDF-Hoosier I'hilo~opher WGN-Itlch Man's UoIrling sketch: WEAf \VG Y WLS W\\,VA-EconnlllY Notes t:B5--Bluebird~: WGN-HymllS of All Churches WABC WGY-Yodeling Cowboys WKHC-l\1eJodlOu~ l\Ie;osure­ \HAM \\'LW 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST NBC-Mornin~ Devotions: \VJZ WGY-Xews; Market Basket WIlAS-~lonticello Party Line W;"tAI-D3nce Interlude KDKA-Humance of Dall and CB;)-Jack ArlllSlrollg \\'AMe \\'A\E K.UKA \\,CKY <:0...... WLS-Prairie I{ambler~: Patsy WLS-WrIl. O'Connor, tenor: Sue WW\'f'-)tusical l'rogr,ull ~yh'ia (5w-15.271 21.54) MOlLtana; Hiram & Henrv Roberts 1 :30 p.m. EST 12 :30 CST J{1\I0X Bacbta;:e Wife NBC-Civlc Orchestra: WEAF K:'olOX-News; Home Folks' WL \V-Bettv Crocker WWVA-Gerlrulle ;..tiller WI-BE-)Iu'lcal Comcdy GelliS WArE WTA)1 WCKY w~"t Hour WSAI-Household Hints NBC-Dandies of YC:iterday: \\(,N-June BoikeI'. home man· \\,GY WEAF W<.;Y WfB,E--Dur Daih' Thouc:ht 10:15 a.m, EST 9:15 CST agerllellt NBt:-lreene Wicker, the Slllg· IVGBf-fj,Gospei Tabernacle Afternoon CB5-Milton Charles, orgallist: \\ ;'A f- Pop (Ollcrrl NBC-Home Sweet Home, drama· Ill!; Laely: \\JZ WLW KDKA WG;"-Guod Morning \\ABC WKRC WSMK (s..... · 3:30 p.m. EST 2 :30 CST (sw·15.21·11.87) tic sketch: WEAF WGY WL\\' \VGY-Musical Clock 12:00 m ES 11 :00 a,m. CS 15.27) r-..BC-\"ic ,UlU :;adl!, comedy Kl\IOX-To be announced WHA5--To be announced WTAM NBC-Thl! Kilmer Family: WJZ sketch: WEAl' \\'G Y \\'"1,\1\1 \VLNH-l\Iusi~ and Comments CB:,~Dot and Jack Reid: WABC NOC -Thrre 'Scamps: WEAr \VLS-~ews \VA \'E WCKY WLW WFBE-Shopper~ SpeCIal WHAS \\'S\I WSM WAVE WTAM \\'5AI-fj,Church Forum WCKY KDI\A-Salt and Peanuts NHC-;'tr' \\'AVE W:>\I----Geor~e KMOX-Let's Compare Notes WHAS (sw-15.27) Elliston, poems 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST vices KU"'A-8ack Stage Wife WW\'A-Home ~htiOJi WFBE-Oot Club i\~ws NBC-Sir.:?son Boys of Spruce· WHA5-Sa\'inlts Talk NHC-:\Iorning Glories; WEAF head Bay: wJZ (sw-15.2D K!\IOX-lIol!ws 5:<15 p.m. EST 4:45 CST WGBf-Household Hour WLW-Painted Dreams WI' HE-Teatime Tune~ WLW WGN-l'\largery Graham KDKA-News WS.\I-Treadwells on Tour ~Bl-Little Orphan Anllie: WJZ r M:---Lily Consumer', Guide· WfBE----eol1ee:e of Music WGBF-SuJhhine Hour KDKA WLW hI\' 15.21-11.87) WKHC-Woman's Hour W5'r\I-News WG.\-illaJI Box WABC WWVA-Rapid Ad Service WGBF-Wedding Anniversaries \\ W\'A-\'ariety Pro~ram CB$--TltO GUllaI', tenor: WAHe WG~-We Are Four WLS-Dale rarnee:ie. Radio NnC-l'al,: WJZ WAVE WSM 1:45 p.m, EST 12:45 CST WWVA \\'KRC K:\IOX (sw­ KDKA-~ews 10:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST \\'GY-)Iu~ical Program t:ommelllator 15.27) NBC-)lusic GUild; WEAF wGY W\\'\"A-To\\Jl Topics KMOX-~tu£f)"'s StoollU NRC-Gypsy Trail: \\"EAr WSAI WL5-Roundup: Variety Aces WTM1 WCt.: Y-Iva Thomas WCK\-;.ie.... s WTAi\1 WS)f WLW-Farmyard Follies, hill· . 3:4j p.m. EST 2:45 CST WE~R-"That CerlalO Four" NBC-lIapp)' Jack: WJZ WAVE NI!C-Kln~ S Jesters: WJZ WFBE-Arkansas fiddlers CBS-U. S. Xa\')' Band: WABC bil)' re\'ue WCKY WFBE-Vocal Variety WG~-Rolilance \\'t:KY \\'5)1 Time WHAS K;"IOX W\\IVA WS)lK 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS KIJKA-To be announced \\'C:'\-Al"lllcholir )Ielmlies WI.5----Morning Roundup WKRC NBC-Tile O'Xeils, dramatic WGY-;\11cropholl~ Dlscoveflh NBC-:\terr}- 1\I..,cs WJZ WAVE \VFME-Sludio PrlX:'ram sketch: \\'EAF WCY WTA" W\\'VA-Iex Harrison's Texas NBC-Today's Children; WJZ WGBF--CurbSlone Reporter W:,~I-Io be announced Buckaroos KDKA WLS WCKY (sw-15,21) WCKY WS)1 WLW \\'LW WTAl\I-;,torie~ in Song NBC-lIoneyboy and Sassafras: \\,IIA5--;\lrs, Randolph. shof.lpine: KUKA-Congress of Clubs 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST MIlS-Antonio's Continentals: WLS-OinnerbeJI Program WGN WEAl" WTAM WSAI Kl\lUX-Exchange Clulo r; BC-RoS1 Grahalll, baritol,e, WLW-Ted Fiorito's Orch. ~avy: Night \VAVE-!j.Devotional Ser\'ice CB5-Rhythm Bandbox: \VABC WAVE-Your Siesta Sere· William Meeder, ore-anist: WIIAS WKRC K~lOX (sw­ \VSill-Dept. of Ae:riculture natle \\'JZ KDK,\ WCKY (s..... ·21.54) WFBE-Studio Prot:ram WSl\IK-Milton Charles, organist 6:00 Jun. EST 5:00 CST WGY-Banjole!!rs and Radio 15.271 WFBE--D. A. R. Pro'!rarn CB5-Saloll Musicale: WABC MBS-TIle Housewarmers: WGN (DiS) WGN-Afternoon Seren3de ~B(-Flyilig Time: WEAr WGY ~BC-eheerio: Sweethearts WWVA-!)Whecling Gospel Tab· WEAF WTAM WLW-The Morninll; House- KDKA-To be announced WLS-Holllelllaker3 Program WE,"m \\ LW WGY WS:'oI I!rnade WSAI-Dealel'~' warmers: Orchestra WCKY-News Salute CB5-Buck- Hogers, sketch IOIOX-Tick·Tock Revue WCY-Weavers 2:00 p.m. EST I :00 CST 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WABt: (sw·11.1:13) Wr\ \'E-)Iu~ical Clock 10 :45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST WLS-Qld Kitchen Kettle Mary NHC-\\'urds and Music: WJZ NBC-Qtto Thurn's Orch.: WJl WAVE WCKY NBC-Belt)' and Bob, dramatic WFBE-MorninlC Concert NBC-Three Shades of Blue: Wri~ht skl·tch: WJZ KIJKA WENR WCKY IVG~-Good Morniu" Program WEAF WGY WTAM WSM WWVA-Noon Edition CB5-I\1arie, Little French Prin· (~w·15.2l) CliS-Cadets Quartet: WSMK tess: WAlK \VKRC KMOX WLW WKRC-Fiddlin' Farmers WSAI WAVE CBS-Bolek \lu3'cale: \\'ABC WII8M WSAI-McCormick's Old Time NBC-Herman & Banta, xylo· 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a,m, CS (sw-15.27) KDKA -News Itl!eler KDKA-:\Iac and Bob WS1\I1{ WKllC KMOX (sw· Fiddlers phone and piano: WJZ WCKY NBC-Merry MJ.dcaps: WEAF 15.27) KI\lOX-('uhllnet tes W\\\"A-:'tlorninc: D':ll\ce Tunes KDKA (sw·15.21l WTAM WSAI WFBE-Ivory Interludes WA VE-Skeets Morris WGBF-J!otary Club NBC-Woman's Radio Review: 8:45 a,m. EST 7:45 CST Kt\'lOX-Police Court B'dcasl CBS-"Mary Marlin," sketch. WEAF WAVE WCKY WTAI\1 \\'FBE-Dinner Music WADC WKRC K;\lOX WHAS WGN-Palln!!r House Ensemble WHAI\l-Sport~ ~BC-Landt WFBE-PiaJlo Melodies WSl\I WSAI Trio & White: (sw.15.27l WG¥-lIealth Hunters, sketcb WGN-Backstage Wife WI'BE-HalLd Concerl WIIAS-oul·O·Dusk WJZ I(lJKA WCKY (s..... -21.54) WLS-)1orning l\tinstrel~ NBC-Na!'l Farm & Home Hour; WHA5-Agriculture Talk WGBF-Timel~' WGY-Betty and Bob, sketch WKHC-Smilin' Dan TOJlics WLW-Live Stock Reports; Guest Speakers; Walter Blau· \VLS-Jim Poole; Livestock Re· \Vb-Jolly Jlle & His I'et Pals WI IAS-A Week·day Devotions WLW-old F'ashioned Girl. Helen News fuss' Orch.· WJZ WCKY WSM j)Orb Nuc:ent. contralto, ordlestla WLW-School of the Air WTI\I\f-tJ.Eurharl,tic COll,:!;'ress v:oo a.m. EST 8:00 CST 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST WAVE KDI Wilson 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST WEAF WGY WS)1 WSAI WLS-fj,:\1orning Devotions Party MRS-Painted Dreams: WGN WSAI-Da'nce Interlude NUC-Girl Alone: WEAF WSAI WTA;\t WENR 16 7 Tuesday - Continued

C05--Benay Venuta, songs: WGN-P~lm"'r House [nsembl(' 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST FOOTBALL BROADCASTS WADC WSMK KMOX (sw­ WGY-Musical Program NBC-Gn'at Moments in 'History: (Asteri"k IIldicatesprobable bllt not definite broadcast. MallY of the sia/IOIIS 11.83) WLW-Washillgton Mer ry·Go· WEAF WCKY WAVE WSM alld networks may SWItch from the allIlOUllUd to another game to prOVIde tbe KDKA-TIle O'Malleys Round WGY WSAI WTAM ~ell Brown; Edilh WSM-Studio Pro~ram COS--March of lime. drama_. October 5 Dnd 6 games.) Karen, SOIlI.:S WWVA-Warinl!'s Pennsylvanians WADC WBBM WHAS WKRC WBOM-Robin Hood Jr. 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST KMOX (s..... ·6.12) (Time Shown Is EST; Subtract One Hour for CST) WFBE--To be :lIlnounceu NBC-H":lrt Throbs of the HiIls: OCTOllER 5 Western ys. Toronto at To· Notre Dame vs. Wisconsin at WIIAM-eolll~Y Stars NBC-Leo Reisman's Orrhestra; WJZ \VENR WHAM Phil Duey & .Iohnny: WEAF rontu (Rugby): CFCO CFPL. Madison: WGN, \VilA, WIBA. WKRC-News; Sports Cast ,II \\AV"~ WTAM WGY WSM WFH[-\\ Hall.;er's Orch. Columbi. vs. Virginia Military 3 p.m. Wnl.l, 2:45 p.m. WLW-Tu lifO i111noullcc:d WGBF-News Inst. at New York: WMCA. c~nc1usion e-am~. W\\IVA-Dinner Music NBC-Crime Clues; "The Thin OCTOBER 6 At. 01 above. WGN-La\Hellce Salemo; Con 2.30 p.m. Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay Pack- illinOIS vs. Souther~ CalifornIa 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST Film of Evidence, drama: cert Orch('stra NBC-Ireene Wicker. the Sing­ \\IJZ KDKA WHAS WLW Game to be Selettl'd: Yankee ers (pro game) at Green at Los AngelI'S. Will be broad· WLS (sw-l1.87> WLW---Cotton Queen Showboat Bay: WTMJ, 3 p.m. cast: WGN, 5 p.m. ing Lilly: WGN 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST Net .....ork. WNAC. WICC. CBs-Jack Armstrong: KMOX CBS-Lavender and Old Lace. \VEA~, WAAB, 2:30 p.m. OCTOBER 12 Southern Californi~ ys. Illinois Lucy Monroe, slIprano: WABC CB~-l'o('IS' Gold: WABC WKRC at Los Angeles: KFl. KTAR. WB8M WB8M (sw-6.12) Iowa vs. South Dakota at Iowa Bradley n. Wester~ State 5 p. m. (See Notre Dame NBC-News; Stanley High, talk: WKUC WHAS KMOX WBBM (sw·6.12) KDKA-To be announced City: WHO. 2 :45 p.m. T~achers at Peoria, III.: above) WEAF WSAI \\MlJD, 3:15 p.m. \VCKY-Bavarian Amateur Con· KMOX-Sl>ort I'a!:e of the Air . St. Mary's VS. College of Pa· CBS-News i Kuban Couack WGKF-Wreo;tling Matche~ Marquette vs. Wisconsin at Choir; Orch.; WABC (sw­ test Madison: WHA, 2 :45 p.m. Columbia YS. Rutgers at New cific at San Francisco: KGO. 11.83) WFBE-Lunken Airport WIIAS-Alllat('ur Contest York: WMCA, 2 p.m. 5 p.lII. NBC-News; Walter Cassel. bari- WGN-Comedy Stars of Holly. 11 :00 p.m. EST 10 :00 CST New Mexico vs. Oklahoma U. ·Creighton vs. Rice at HOlIs, Tell:as U. Ys. Oklahoma State: tonE'; \VJZ \vCKY wOOlK!rts * NBC-Amos 'n° Andy; WSM ·Came to be Selected: Yankee Uniy. of Iowa YS. Colgate at * NBC-Welcome Valley. drama. News: WSAI WLW WKRC of Pacific at Los Anseles: Nptwork, WNAC, luwa City: WilD, 2:45 p.m. WS;\I-News. tll13nCJlIoI Nllw, with EtIgar A. Gllest; Br-rnar· KFI KTAR, 5 p.m. wlce. WTAM-News; Sportsman KDKA-SJloru. Ed Spragui' WEAN, WAAB, . .2:30 p.m. U. of New Mexico: KOB. 4:30 dine Flynn; Gue~t; Sillney South Dakota vs. Cincinnati Manh.ttan vs. lOUISIana State: 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST Ellstrom; B('tty Winkler; Jo· WAVE-Paul Miller's Orchestra p.m. WENR-Globe Trotter at Cincinnati: WFDE, 2 :30 WINS. 2:30 p.m. NBl-Orphan AllIuc W(.;I'o ~Cllh Gallicchio's Orch.: WJZ p.m. Wash. U. vs. So. Methodist: WSM WLS WI.W KDKA WIIAM WGN-College IJroadcast McGill vs. Western iWGY-Boyd G:lyJoru's Orchestra Stanford YS. U. of San Fran· at Western: CRCM, 3 p.m. WTAM-Gene Baker's Orchestra OCTOnER 13 CBS--Kuban Cossack Choir. * CBS-Lawrence Tibbett, bari­ cisco at San Francisco: KPO. Minnesota vs. Nebraska at Lill­ WWVA WHAS WKHC WBBM tun; Dun Vourhees' Orchr-stra: 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST 5 p. m. coIn: KSTP, 2:115 p.m. Chicago Ca.rdina.ls ys. Green Bay Packers (pro game) at NBC-Lowell Thomas, new). WABC WHAS WKRC KMOX NBC-Leoll:ml I(dler's Orch. Minnesota vs. Nebraska at WJZ KDKA WLW NBC-Dorsey Bl'OtilerS' Of'Ch.: KMOX-Advs. of ,Jimmy Allell WCKY-Selectecl Numbers WAVE KDKA (sw·6.14) WCK Y-Studio Pfol£ram * WFBE-CALLING ALL CARS WDBM-Muslcal l\Iollwllls WFDE-Sketches from Life WGN~Veloz & Yolauda's On;h. WGN-TIle Dr~am Ship WGBF-Seroco Club WSM-Souvenirs WHAS-J)ance Time WGY-Musical Program 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST WKHC-Reu Birtls' Orchestra AlIIil1,\I~. Hits of the Week WI lAM-New) WFBE-To be announced WLW-Los Virlo:inio Ma- W~AI-Knut Hole Club WGN-Hor;IC~ Heidt's Orchestra rucci's Orch.; Octavia Bermu­ 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WSM-Fral1l:ls Crail;:-'s Orchestra dez 1JJ:EK TO CHEEK, last week's run­ lulu's Back in Town 16 NBC-Easy Aces, comedy )kelch: 9:00 p.m. EST -8:00 CST 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST Rhythm and Romance Il WJZ KDKA WENR WCKY CBS-Ulck Gardiner's Orchestra: C ner·up, \\cnt into the leadership * NBC-Ben Bernie's Orch,; among the songs played most oflen Paris in Spring 11 WHAM (sw.11.87> Gertrude NIesen, guest: \\EAF WABC \\ liAS \\ BBM WWVA And Then Some 10 * CBS-Myrt & Marge: WABC WTAM WSAI WGY (sw-9.53) WKRC WS~IK on the networks during the P * NBC-Eddy Duchin's Orch.; WG:-J-J:1ll Garhr'r's Orchestra Mas-Lilac TIme: WGN WLW Nylil Taylor alld Alice Corlett, WL \V-Ted Fiorito's Orch. KMOX-Frank Hauilrd i1nd .... omen finil1i~ts: WEAF WGY \\ 5\1 K-orchntra (CDS) Orchestra WTAM WAVE WSM WLW 12:00 Mid ES 11:00 p.m. CS WAVE-Radio Newspaper (sw·953) NBC-Jack Russell's Orchestra: WBDM·-Pat Flanagan's Sport. * CBS-Fred Waring's Orch.; WEAF Wf,Y WEr-;1l WBEN-Lou Breese's AmatelU Col. Stoopn3gle and Budd: CnS-Johnn}' Ilall1p'~ Orchestra: ~how WABC KMOX WBUM WKRC WABC WKRC \\'B8M KMOX WF8E-Carl Kennetly WIIAS (sw·6.12) NBC-Shalllior. violinist, Ranny WGBF-Zoo News WGN-Dallt;e Orchestra Weeks' Orch.: WJZ WAVE WSM-Studio Pro~ram WSAI-Tu be annOUllced KDKA WHAM WSJ\-I (5w·6.14) 4i WWVA-Twilight Ser.. nade 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WIH5---Grav f,ortlllll's Orch. 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST W(iN-Joe Sanders' Orche)tr& WI.W-Tommv Tucker's Orch. NBC-Jal:kie Heller. tenor: WIIAi\I-Muslcal Moments WTAM-SauIlIiY Kaye'~ Orch. WEAF WSAI WTAM WSAI-Hhriny Gau, son~s WWVA-Hlul' Grass Roy * CBS-Kate Smith; Guests; 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS Jack Milll'r's Orch.: WAnc RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS * NBC-The Studio Party; Sig. CB5--Johuu} Hamp':. Orchestra: WKRC WHAS K~lOX WWVA mund Romberg; Deems Tay. WSMK WBBM lor. m. c.; Helrn Marshall, WGN-Vl?lol & Yolanda's Orch. * NBC-lum and Abntr, comedy soprano; Morton Buwe, tenor; WLW-Bob Gellman'", Orch. RegU~arr F'~~~~;~" sketch: W.IZ WENH WLW $1900 First Year ... nls(' St('vens. contralto; Geo. 12:30 a.m. ES 11 :30 p.m. CS KDKA-Piltsburgh Varietil's Britlun, b3ritone; Chorus; Or· NIlC-Earl llillU' Orch.: WEAf WA VE-8l'rl Kenny chestra: WEAF WGY WTA:l.1 WGY Raise to $2450 Year. INSTITUTE WBBM-Elena Monuk's Ensem· WLW (sw-9.53) NBC-Joe Rines' Orch.: WJZ b]. NnC-Wendeli lIall. SOn25: WJZ KDKA WCKY WAVE (sw­ COMMON WCKY-News WeKY WHAM WE~R WAVE 6.14) EDUCATION Dept. C194, Rochester, N. Y. WFUE-Sf)Ort Review KDKA (SW 6.14) rB~-Hellry Bu"\ce''!i Orchestra: WGBF-Historital Facts WFBF-Mlrhelson'c Orchestra WABC WWVA WKRC KMOX ~ Rush to me, entirely free of charge WGN-Winn('rs WGnF-Mysterious Pianist WIH3M-I'Ioyd Town's Orchestra SUFFICIENT WGY-Miners' Quartet ..'< (1) a full description of U. S. Govern- WGN-To be announced (CBS) ~o ment Jobs; (2) Free copy of illustrated WHAM-To be annOllnl:ed WSAI-Tommv Tucker's O/rh. WF.NH-Jrc~ Hawkins' Orch. ~ WSM-Jllllmy Gallal£hl'r's Orch. Eligible lists have expired. 32-page book, "U. S. Government Posi- W~M-Variet\" Prnl£ram WG~-Hurace Heillt·s Orchntra ~ 7 :45 p.m. EST (j :45 CST 10:15 p.m. EST 9:15 CST WI.\V-To he annotlnrNI Announcement of examin..... tions and How to Get Them" with free ~ NRC-You 4: Your Covernme'lt· NBC-Hoy !->hlr-I,l'c Orch.: "'JZ WHAS-OrulI1 Serenatle sample coaching tests; (3) List ot U. S. WEAF WAVE WSAI WTAM WAVE 'WSM WHA)! WS~I-J,mm)' Gallaghl"r's Orch. ations being considered. A~ Government Jobs; (4) Tell me how to qualify * CBS-Boake Carter, news: MBS-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch.. WTAM-D.lllfe Orchestra for a U. S. Government Job. WABC WHAS K~lOX WKUC WGN 12 :45 a.m. ES 11 :45 p.m. CS WBBM (sw-11.83) KDKA-Pittsburgh Round Table KMOX-When Day Is Done NBC-l\hrio Coui. baritonl" WCKY-News WAVE-JImmy Joy's Orchestra WJZ W[NR WHAM WCKY WENR-Sur Dust WGN-Joe Sand('n' Orchestra ~~~C~~~~~5 WFBE-Will lIaunr's Orch. WFDE-POI)ular Rh\thms WSMK-H('nry Busse's Orches· A:::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WGBf-Scanning the Past WSAI-Gob Gehman's Orch. tra (CBS) Today Sure. YUse This Coupon Before You Mislay It. Write or Print fl'.inly. 7 17 Programs for Wednesday, October 9 6:00 a.m. EST 5:'010 CST • NBC Breakfast Club; Edna * CBS Between the Bookends: WTAM Twilight Tunes \\"WVA-Blue Grass Hoy Odell, contralto; Morin Sisters: Star Indicates High Spot Selections WABC KMQX WHAS WSMK WWVA-Shopping Syncopation WJZ KDKA WSM WAVE * (sw.15.27) 4:45 I).m. EST -3:45 CST 6:3'0 a.m. EST 5:30 CST Wt:KY (5w.15.21) 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST NBC-Merry Madcaps: WEAF NBC-Nat'l Congress of Parents NBC-B{'tty Marlowe's Califor· KloWX-liome Folks' Hour KMOX-View5 on News and Teachers: WJZ WAVE nians: WTAM WLW-Top 0' the Morllin" WGN-Good :'.1"ornin~ NBC-Ida Bailey Allen: WEAF WTAM WSAI WCKY NBC-Grandpa Burton, sketch: WTA:\I-Sun Up WGY-Ilymns of All Churches WGY WSAI WTAM NBC-Nat'l Farm &: Home Hour: KDKA-Home Forum WEAr WSAl WWVA-The Eye Ojll!uer WLS-/j,i\loruing Devotions CBS-Cooking Close·Ups; WABC Guest Speakers: Walter Blau' WGN-Tommy Tucker's Orch. ·KDKA-To be i1nl\ounced WKRC K~IOX (sw.15.27> fuss' Orch.: wJZ WCKY WSM 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WLW-Ilymns of All Churches WKRC-Fire Prevention Week WFBE-Waltz Time NBC-The Honeymoonen: WJZ WAVE KDKA WLW (sw· KDKA-:\Iusical Clock \\'SAI-McCormick's Old Time WS~1" WL5--Holllemakers l'roll;ram WGBF-Musical Masterpieces KMOX-Novelty Boys Fiddlers WCKY WAVE \YLW 15.21> WWVA-Ma Perkins WGY-Stock Heports WCKY-Boone Countv Kids WTAM-Vaughn King's Calis· I{DKA-Uncle Tom and Belly WfBE-Marll:aret BeaveT 2 EST 1 :45 CST WKRC Vivian Della Chiesa WFBE-Clarence Berl::;er WGN-Sentimental Selma :45 p.m. WFBE-Musical Clock thellics CBS-Happy Iiollow, dramatic Ki\IOX-Hilrry, Johnny and 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WSAI-Daytimc Revue NBC-Lee Gorriun's Vilrieties: WGY-Musical Program KDKA-Kiddies' Klub Aunt Sarah WTAM-Whipple alld Pooler WTAM WLW-Dorothea PUllce. sonll:S WFIJE-Salon Music WGY-!\luslcal Clock NBC-Wife Saver. Allen Pres· Moods ){MOX-J\.1al::;ic Kitchen WSAI-Tonic Tunes cott: WEAF WI.W-Jack ArmstrOlitt. drama WHA5-To be announced WWVA-Yodlin' Hank's HiHibill· WFBl':-Advertisers Club WWVA-Cowboy Loye and Just W\VVA-i':conolllY Notes WKRC-News CBS - Gothamaires: WABC ie~ WCBF--Church & School News Plain John KMOX WKRC WSMK WHAS 5:30 p.m, EST' 4:30 CST WLW-l\Iornine: Devotions 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WGN-The Love Doctor WTAM-Musicill Cocktail WSAI-Today's News KDKA-Style &: Shoppinll Serv WCoY-BilK Jnd Baitgage 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST NBC-Ireene Wicker. the Sing· W5;\I-Paul and Bert ice NBC-Army Band: WJZ KDKA WIIA~ollei;e of Agriculture Nile-The Wise Man: WJZ ing Lady: WJZ KDKA WLW KMOX-Fascinalin~ Melodies WAVE W5M WCKY (sw· 7 :45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST WL5-I'nirie Farmer Dinnerbell WCKY \\'SM WAVE (sw·15.21 .11.87) WFBE-f\lornine lleadlines 15.211 Program CBS-Jack Armstrong: WABC t-iHC-Yoichi lIiraoka. xylophon· NBC-Mil Perkins, dramatic WCY-Musical PrOll:ram CBS-Mrs. Wie:'!s of the Cabbae:e WSAl-Pnlice Flashes sketch: WEAF WGY WLW (sw·J5.27l ist: WEAF WL5--Announcemenl s: News Patch: WABC WKRC KMOX 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST NBC-Tom Mil' Aliventures: NBC-Rise and Shine: WJl \VTAM WLS WLW-Uack S'tall;e Wife. drama (sw-15.27) NBC-Lee Gordon's Varieties: KDKA-Romance of Dan and WEAF WCY WSAI WTAM KMOX-Ambrosc Haley and the WSAl-on the :\1311 NBC-To be i1nnounced: WEAF WEAF WGY Sylvia KMOX-Slrollin~ Bard Ramblers WTA,\I-Tennesseans WTAM CBS--Concerl Miniatures: WAliC KMOX-Backstal::;e Wife WAVE-Children's Hour WLW-To be announced WWVA-Flyill' xX Round·Up WFBE-Homespull Philosopher (sw.15.27) WGN-Julle Baker, home man· WCKY-Jane and Bob WSAI-:'.lusical Sun Dial 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST WGBF-Baby Shop Man CHS-Barlin Gnssip Club; Eddie agement WENR-Music and Comments \\'SM-Leon Cole. orl!:i1nist WGN-Bachelor's Children and Fannie Cav,Hlaugh: WHAS WSAl-Pop Concert WFBE-SIIUPllers Special WTA \I-Variet)' Program NBC-News; Cleo Brown, pian· \\ICY-Musical Program WGBF-Markets; Farmer Purcell 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST WHA5-Herberl Koch. or~an;~ t ist &. 501111:5: WJZ KDKA WIlA5--To be announced 8 :00 a.m. EST 7 :00 CST (sw.15.21) WGN-Itich :'\[an's Darling NBC-Vic & S"i1de, comedy WKBC-Tutle Time NBC-Spareribs: WEAF NBC-New~; WLS-News: Butter, I::t:lt and WKII('-M('!0I1ious Measures sketch: WEAF WTAM WLW WSM-Cilristine Lamb Frank Luther Poultry Markets; Livestock CH5--0le;lIlders, male quartet: lenor : WEAF WSM WTAM WSAI-lhve Upson WGY WW\'A-HullH~ Edition WABC CB5--.llIscphine Gihson, hostess Markets WSM-N",'ws HilWk CB5--"Who,1 Pincus," sketch: 5:45 l).m. EST 4:45 CST NBC-Morning Devotions: WJZ WLW--ehandler Chills WW\'A-Musiral I'rni!;r;lm WA-BC WHAS WSMK WKHC NOC-Adventures of Dirk and cnunsel: WABC WKRC WHAS WWVA-Amer. F WFBE-Dinner Music \vJZ KDK.~ WCKY (sw· Sann{"\1a: WEAF WSM WGY head B WGY-Musical Progrilm 15.m EST 3:15 CST WSM-NI~ws: Beaslev Smith &0 KMOX-Let's Compare Noles 4:15 p.m. WAVE-MusicJl Clock WLS-Roundup NBC-Words and Music: WJZ NUC-Tp be announced: WJZ JJck Shook: Pan·American WFBE-Morninl!: Concert WAVE-D-Devotional Service 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WAV~ WCKY KDKA-Karen Fladoes B'dcast WGN-Fireside :\'1elodies WFBE-Little Back Joe KDKA-Mac and Bob WENR-Madame de Sylvan WTAM-Cleveland Orch.; Talk WGN-Markets; Morning Sere· NBC-The Merry Macs: WJZ WI{HC-Fiddlin' Farmers WFBE-Dauce Hhythms WFBE-Miniature Concert WWVA-Hadiu Go~siper WLS-Indian Lelo(ends nadE' WAVE WSM ~BC-Honeyboy WGBF-BillboJrd WGYuWoman's Radio Review 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WSAJ-:\IcCormick's Old Time WL \V-Mornin!! Housewarlllers and Sassafras: WEAF WTAM WSAI WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WHAS-Hoosier Hop (CBS) NBC-M

18 7 Wednesday - Continue9 The Cover Hear the 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST CBS-Colvoilcade of America: 11:00 p.m.. EST 10:00 CST Amazing- KHC-Ir('ene WichT, the Sillg· WABC WKRC WHAS WOBM NBC-Joe C4Indul1o's Orchestra: illg Lady: WGN KMOX (!lv·6.12> WEAF CIls-Joick Anmlrong: KMOX NBC-The Rendn.\'ous: WJZ CB5--Cl3ude HOI,kins' arch,: KEN-RAD WORM KDKA \vCKY W!lAM WLS WABC WS:\olK NBC-Nt'.... s; Stanley High, polit­ (sw·11.87) Girl UNSOLVED NBC-Dorothy Lamour. sopuno; Ical talk: WE..o\F WFOE-Dave &: Henry WJZ WHAM WCKY COS-News; \'anishcd Voices: WG '\I-The iAlne Ranger * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: \\'S~I lE day not so lanA aAO, a 19-year~ MYSTERIES \\'ABC h ow-lI.83) WSAI-Tommy Tucker's Orch. CB5-Myrt i1nd Marge: ..turin, Doctor Menrad. NBC-New~: The Chariot~ers: WWVA-Final Edition * old gIrl named Margaret Vic3J.;cs Detecti"e IEJItraonlilnolry KMOX \VilAS \VBBl\t stood be~idc thc piano in a New \YJZ \vCKY 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST KDKA-Sports, Ell Sprague O song~publi~hing hou~e KDKA-Those Three Girls WAVE-Paul Millcr's Orchestra 't ark and sanJit a ~WLW WLNR-What's the NllWS? W8BM-Ceorge Olsen's Orch. blues number for a radio artist who paid WFBE-Mlchelson's Orchestra WI::NR-Globf TrOller WFBE-Slar SE'r('naders WGN-College Broadcast little heed to the singer but took note of lQ:OO P. M Eastern Standard Time WCBF-Sinqing Cowboy WHAM-The Forty·Niners WWVA-Ca\'alcade uf America WCY-Ted B1ack'~'s Orchestra the song. The next day, while the radio Ten complete feh.t ken.Had HaeUo Tube. gi".n WHAM-Terry & Ted We-dne~a)l (C8S) WKRC-News Cast artist was still pondering over the merit aWlI)I e"el")l night 10 "stene". WK He-Evening Serenade WLW-News re~namcd WLW-Jilck Armstrong, dram. 8 :30 p,m. EST '7 :30 CST of the tUlle, Margaret, hastily NBC-"The House of Glass," WSAI-Tod NBC-To be anllounc{'d: WAVE CDS-Herbert Foote, organist: on the cover of this week's RADIO GUIDE. * CBS-Burns & Allen; Orch.: WENR WSAI WCY (5",,·9.53) WKRC WADC WKRC KMOX WHAS What Loretta didn't know that day, as NBC-Billy ilnd Belty, sketch: KDKA-Drum Ship WIlIlM (s\\'·6.12) KMOX-Comedy Stars she sang for the blase performer, was that WEAr NBC-Wayne King's Orch.: f';OC-Lowfll Thomas. news: * W8BM---etautle Hopkins' Orch III another studio adjacent to the one WEAF WTAM WGY WSAI (CBS) \YJZ KDKA WL\\' Vall Sleedens' Orch.: WEAF KMOX-Bobbie Meeker's Orch. al 3 p. m. EST (2 CST; I MST; !\'BC - Ea~v Ace~; Coml'dv WTAM WS;'.'I WAVE WLW WENn-Earl Hines' Orcht'stra 12 noon PST) and every F'riday Sketrh: WJZ KDKA \VENit W(iY (sw·9.53) WGN--{)rvillt' Kn;IPI"S Orch. over the same network at 6:ljll p. \VCK Y WHAM (sw-l1.87> NBC-John Charle~ Thomas, bari­ WTAM--Gcne Bakcr', Orchestra rBS-Ouck Rogers: WHAS m. EST (5:45 CST; 4:45 MST; Itll1r; Frank Tours' Orchestra: 11 :45 p.m. EST 10 :45 CST 3 :,15 PST); also Tuesday over the KMOX WB8;\1 WlZ WLS KDKA WCKY ~OC-Jes~e Crawford, organist: !'\BC-Sil\'frburg Ensemble: WIIAM (sw·6.14) Mutual S}'stern at 8:30 p. m. F.ST WAVE WEAF WCKY WSAI WGY (7:30 CST: 6:30 MST; 5:30 PST). WFUE-80xinl!: ~latche~ (sw.9.53) WFDE-Hornben:er Trio WGN-Ney,s; Sports Re\'if:w Kl\tOX-To be announced WCDF-Birthday Club WSAI-Community Chest Pro· \\ G:\-Rob El~on, sparh WENR-Chaii. Boulanger's Orch. eram \VSAI-Bob Gehman's Orchntra WW\'~-'\Icw~ WG:\-Jan Carber's Orchestra \VSM-Sarie & ~allie; SPOrt<: WLW-Ted Fiorito's Orch. 9:15 p.m, EST 8:15 CST WTA :\o!-()ance OrcheO\tra 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST \\ 8B\1-Johnnv Hamp's arch .. NBC-ALKA-SELTZER PRE· Wc,\"-Thl? Couple ~exl Door 12:00 i\lid ES 11:00 p.m.. CS Bulls and senlS Uncle Ezra's Radio Sta· 9:30 p.m. EST K:30 CST NBC-Phil Harri~' Orch.: WEAF lion: \YEAF WCY WTAM * NBC-Warden uwes; Twenty WCy WSAI WSAI (lw.9.53) Thllll<:anrl Year~ in SinC!' Sinl!:i ClJ~-Gffirge 01 ('n's Orchestra: xBC-(:apl Tim lIuly: WJZ "ull:iIIlly Sane" ~ WJZ WE'\I1t WE~R WAOC WKRC W80\t KMOX KDKA WHAM \\'CKY KDKA \VCKY WII,\\I WLS N8C-ShaRdor, violinist; Harold Boners (SI4 .11.87> (sw614) ~t,rn's Orrh.: \\JI. KDKA rBs--J,rn· Cooper. baritone: C8 Sil( Cun JU~li('.. ~ WA8C W5)o1 WAVE WIIAM (sw 6.14) AL TOTTEN, "Then the Cubs go WAnc W '~IK (sw.I1.83) WKRC K~tOX (sw·6.14) WENR-Jack Russell's Orch, H down to Pittsburgh for the final se­ :\oIBS-Lilac Time: \VGN WLW WnOM-Fox lIuntPrS WHA.~-Grav KMOX-Frank Hazzard with Curdon's Orch. ries of five gI NBC-To be i1nnounl?ed: WJZ N"BC-Lilhts Out, duma: WEAF kick with his which io;n't the most ~tUk WE~R pJea~ant .24·T UB f * CBS-Kate Smlth's Hour; KOKA \\15\1 \\ \ VE WHAM WA\'I:: WTAM WGY thing in the \\orld."-lloAer Jack Mlllrr·s Orcheslra; Trrl (!Iw 6.1-4) WSM Koehn, Little Chute, Wis. (September lllS ."pe.r n'Jio--...... if:..! ;'"""...... _1 ..... nUleA Collilb, announcer: WA8C NBC-Cabin Rt'\'ut'; Conrad Thi. C8S-Merle Carlson's Orchestra: I,; IVTMj; 4 p. m.) T fo .. tLo.o e di : ,.."ti..S "..d ~ti ..s fe"" ....1.0 WKRC WIIAS K~IOX WWVA hault, bMiton('; Harry S.1t('r'!1 WABC WKRC W MK WBBM WUI 0 .. I},. fi..ul o.ot i.e"..tif..l, moal pre(:,,,ely 1... ;11 Orch., Frank Crumit. m,c.· KMOX \\"8B\1 (sw 11.83) A I '0 lCER: "Do you Aet tired ...dio o1.t"'n,,bl•. A nt of rut' c!iSlioClioD...... inlly WEAF \\'TA~1 WGY WSAI NtiC-Trrllly Hill'<; Orchestra: NBC-lura & Abner, comed)' eating the same bread all Ihe time? Most ..d artiJtically petfUI, l.he Royale offen OYU 100 ~k,t('h WJZ WENR WLW (<;w 9.53) WJI. KDKA (Sy, 6.14) fUllItu •• , r'ns • 1...... ;0 a.tId iduliled typ annnllnred a. m.) WCKY-Newt 12 :45 a.m. ES II :45 p.m, CS ...dion.off.rJ EO llIoinS ransu",1J.ilo 2iOOmde.s...etc, WFBE-Sport Review WCN-N,'w<:: Quin Ryan's Sporh KMOX-When nay I~ Done TLu 2..... I ..L. acl..i•..,t.mt.nl 0,,1­ WGBF-IIi~torical Facts * WlW-KEN-RAO PRESENTS WGN-Joe Sanden' Orchestra EDDIE CAVANAUGH: "Olsen and l1n~nh',d ~h·~tf>ri('<: drama JlerfonnJ ollou .ece'YUJ. A.."I'tJ WGN-Milk)· Way Winners 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid CS Johnson are married, but not to each \\CY-Jim JlC'aley, commfnUtor 10:15 p.m. EST 9:15 CST othcr."-Mrs. r:rcd Mensing, Muscatine. U..li.-"ed Scopt. F..11 Fidelity K'MOX-Uol Dates in Hi~tory W88M-AI Dien's Or<'1l. A..d;o r...,e iJ 20 to 16,000 cycle. WIlAM-Musical Moments Iowa. (September 9; IVBBM; II: 18 WSM-Mu~ical WCKY-To be announced (N8C) WEN II-Glenn Lee's Orchestra per .econd •. , 40 vatU ....dislorted MomenH a. m.) 7:45 p,m. EST 6:45 CST Wf;"- \lll~il'al \l"mf'nl- WCN-Coniintnla! GYP5i('! OUtpUl. FuUy S"....nlud for 5 yearJ NBC-O a n If: (! r 0 us Paradise. 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST WI.W-Tommv Tucker's Orch. • ..•L.ol..l. utiJf_ction .uured. drama; Elsie Ifiu: and Nick VOICE OF EXPERIENCE: "-at C8S-March of Time: WA8C 1:15 a.m. EST 12:15 CST The 3O-d_y FREE Trial OlTu en_ Oaw"on: WJZ KDKA WENR \VilAS KJ\10X WB8M WKRC WCN-Jan Garber'll Orch. the Roxy Theater in connection with lhe ."In yo.. to try tLe Royale ;n yo..r WAVE WSM WLW (sw-11.83) (sw·6,12) WLW-Ted Fiorito's Orch. first showing of my shorrs."-Ralph Eddy, .. CBS-Boake Carter, news: K8C-Ra) Noble's Orch('slra. 1V1l1l~1; o.... n loome, ..... ilho..t 1:30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST joliet. 111. (September 16; 11,0, oLliS_lion, W rile for \VAtiC WHAS KMOX WKRC WEAF WCY \\ITAM \\IL\\' a. m.) \\'88M (sw.ll,83) (~",·9.53) NnC-M~rtdilh Willson's Orch.: Iitu_I".e no .... or....il NBC-t.:harlrv Iiower<;' OTCh. &: N8C-Stones of IIist...ry: WJZ WAVE tOupo" TODAY. Thrrf' "'nmll<;: WEAF WIIAM KDKA WCKY WENR wBBM-Se)'mour Imon's Onh. ANNOUNCER: "The barometer has NBr-C'lly VClicl!!: WCKYWTAM WAVE (~"6.14) WENR-Jack Russell's OrcheHra fallen all IlVer the interior." - Gladys ~Y"'-I: ~"CIO CII)AnlflU \\'F8E-WIII lIau~er's OI"ctlestra WG~-Attilio eue:iore: Orch WGN-Jvotions Star Indicates High Spot Selections W~M-:\Ia Ptrkins NUC-Edith Warrell, sones: 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST \\THI-Vaughn Killg', Calis· * \\'\\'VA-Palterns ill Organd)' WI W \\T-\:'II WGY WSAI K)lOX-HO:r.e Folks' Hour thenics WG~'-Friendl)' Xeithbor's Iiouse MBS-P.inted Dreams: WGN 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST CBS-Ho\\(>11 and Wrill:ht, piano WI.W-Tnp o' the ;\lornmt:: \\'\\"VA--Cowboy Lo)·e and Just Prill)' r..'"DC-Pat KeIJnrd)·. lenor; Har· duo. WABC \\S~IK WKRC I·bin John WlW WTA:\I-Sun l"p \\'KRC-Dulletin Board \\'F8E-Frank Z"Y~i1rt. baritone r)' Koeen's Orch.: WEAF W\VVA h'olo-15.27l \' \\ V.\-The E~e Opener 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WLS-:\Iartha Cralle and Helen WGDF-Bulletin Board CBS-TIll' Oleander~. mille quar­ KDKA-Rh\ thm and Hhymt tel; \\'ABC WKRC WS~IK I010X-Bro"ltl\\"ly :'Ilelodics 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST NliC-organ Rhapsody: WLW JII, re WIIAS-On'3m Train KDKA-)!usical Clock \\ W"A-E\' and Dry WLS-\\'eather; Produce ~lark- WIIAS \\ FIlE-To ~ announced WCY KDK,\-S,iest3 K;\lOX-Xo\'elt)" Bo)'~ etf>: ~ews WH.\S- t'l Southern IJallli~t K:\IOX-:'Iluf>ical JeM'l Box 11:15 a.m. ET 10:15 CST K:'ItOX-:'I1a Perkills W[KY-Zollne Counl\" Kids WCDF-City Court r..OC-Wendell Hall, songs: WJZ \\'1'.\ \I-Xoon.dil)· Resume Theolocical Seminar)' WFBE-~tu,ical WFIJE-U':lIld \tll<;ic \\'L\\'-Dlck Tracv Clock WLS---TIle HilltoPIlC"r,\ WCKY 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS WHA:::r-To be :tnllounc~ \\'G'Il-Pahnl'r House Ensemble WTA \I-Hoard of Eduution CBS-:'Iladi·"n Ensernhl(': WABC !\BC-Ill'll Battle's Ensemble: \\'C;Y-:'I!u~ic,ll Pmllram 5:15 J).m. EST 4:15 CST \\ KRC-This and nut K:'IIOX \\ KRC \\II-'S WW\A \\'1"\\1 WGY NBC-nlrre uml)!>: WEAf WLS--Smile-I-While 9:30 EST 8:30 CST WLW-D<,lfOlhra Ponce. sonih a.m. W;,.'IK h\o\-15.27 NBC-:'Ilark~t and Weather Re­ WTU1 WS..\I WLW-~X.uion·i Family Pra)'er ~HC-Studio W.. \I-To l.K' announced NBC-field!> and Hall. '50n1S and 7: WEAF WAVE port: WEAF WS:\I-'lu<;jr Guild "DC) CB~-Jimmr Farrell. son1;S Period pJtter: WE.-\F WS.U WLW WG" CBS-Jack ~hannon.tenor: WABC "-.\lu~ical \\' \HC WK RC K:'IIOX (s",· W",AI-Good ;\Iurninr MB~'I(_·ob W rA Cocktail K:'IIOX-The Corn Huskers Tarshish WG:\' W\H.\ \\ KRC \\'S\IK K~IOX WWVA-<'n\\bo)' Lo)e and Just 15.m WT~~1-5lim E.berhardt WFBE-Smok\ MOunt:"n Bon WLW hv. 15.27> KDKA-Kiddies' Klub \, \\\'A-Lj\\ heeling Go~pel Tab­ Pboin John WGY-Liull! Jack Little KI)K-\-Grab Bag WflW-Paul Whil~man's :'Ilu<;ic \\'fBE-Trp3~ure Tun"s ernacle WI.:;-Ford Ru,.h .. nd Ralph WFBE-AIl1Ia & Jane \"GDr-Church & School XtWS 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST \\'GY-ff'l'lf"r01I 1I0usine Talk 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST Eml!r.!ion \\:ol.\I-To be- announced WG:\'-To lw announced NBC-Ma Perkins. drlmaLic \\"W-Jilck Armslron!!:. drama KMOX-four HarHSl lIands WTA:'II-Hl!alth and Home with W:'\I-To be announced (XBC) \\"fIA5--CoJll"te of At:"riculture 'htrh ~ WEAF WLW WTA~I W\\'VA-Economy Xotes WCKY-)(usinl Clock Vau(hn Kiilg WT.\ 'I-B~ckl"f( and fohn Wl..S-l'rairie I'arml"r Dinnerbell WCY \\'LS 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST WKHC-1JGow·15.27) i~h: a.m. anor; Ru)· Shield's Orcheslra: Wi~e WEAf WTA:'I1 WAVE WTA~t-)lu5iul ClOck 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST NUC-The 1't1:m, f>ketch: \\,S;\I WCKY WGY WSAI t-.BC-Ooc Schneider's Yodeulil Don McXeill. Ill. c.: WTAM \VJZ \\'CKY WS:'II WAVE 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST COWOO)''': WEAF LUS-;\Irs, \\ ilr:lr:s of the Cabball:e CBS-Academy uf :'Itedicine: CBS-Jllck Armstrong: WABC KUK\-Romance of Dan and (sw·15.27l NBC-Jolly Bill & Jane: WEAr COS-:'Ilen of 'Ianhallan: WABC Patch WABC \\ KltC KMOX WABC 1,;y.15.27l S\lvia WS~IK NBC-Irf"f"ne Wickl'r, the Sine CBS--()rian Reveille: WADe WKRC \\'H.\S (slY-15.27l CB:-.-Ifadio GO\<;IP Club; Eddie K\IOX-Barksl:tlle WIfe and Fannie C.n ,llliluSh: \\ H \S int: Lad\': n'JZ KOKA wLW NBC-PoUock & Lawnhurst. pi- KDKA-St)'le & Shopping Serv, NBl-Nav,. Band: WJZ WSM W"-UI::-Tedra ~lJller "no duo: WJZ ic'e \VCKY WAVE KDKA (sw· K'IOX ('\w-l1.87-15.20 WG\'-June Baker, home man- K;\IOX-Three QUilrtl'r Time K:\IOX-H,Uf), Juhnny Illd KMOX-Faf>cinatinC' Melodies 15.2D WFBE--<:horal Interlude aSl'lIl~nt WGBF-~Iarkf"t'\ WENR-~Iusic and Cnrnmf"nts Aunt Sarah Wf'OE-:'Itorninlll: Hl'arllines NBC-Fountain of SOIlI: WEAF WSAI-To ~ announced WGY-)lusi~11 Clock \\'Gi'l-Len SJho, orgilRlst WGY WG~-Rich :'Ilan'lI Darling WFBE-~hlllll",rs Slltci31 \\"!IAS-To be announced WCY-Musical PrOll:ram WFBE-Home<;pun Philosopher WKRC-~Ielol1 \\'WV \-lIome Edition WLS--Tumble W('ed WLW-Back St3(1"C Wife WGN-BJchdur's Children Program tralto: WJl WCKY WAVE WLW-:'Ilorninw: De\·otiOlls WSAI-Qn the Mall WHAS-To be 3nllounclod 1 :30 p.tn. EST 12 :30 CST \\,~j\j 5 :45 p.m. EST 4 :45 CST W~AI-Toda)··s l'iews WTAi\l-Tennesseans WKRC-Alonlt Melody lane CBS-Do You Relllernhcrf: CnS-Tilo GuiZilr. tenor: W.\BC NBC-Air Break,,: WEAF" WGY WIl.\S WKRC KMOX WWVA WSM-Delmore Drothcn WI. i'lews; Butler, I::1l:ll: and \\TAM WABC WS;\IK WIIAS WWVA 10:00 a.m. EST 9;00 CST Li\'e~tock WS;\IK (sw.15.27) 7 :45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST Puultrv Markets; CBS----Concerl Milli""tures: WAUC WKItC (slY.15.27> NBC-News; Frank Luther, ten. Markels NBC-Vic and Sade. comedy NBC-orphlln Annie: WJZ NBC-Yoiehi Hiraoka, xylophon- or: \VEAF WSM WAVE WTA:'I1 \\'S:'IIK WKRC bw.15.27) KDKA WLw (<;w·15'.21-11.87) isl: WEAF WLW-ehalldlcr Chah ~HC-Kilmer Family: WJZ sketch: \VEAF WTAM WLW NOC-New~; Cleo Drown, pian· W\\'VA-HOY>l1 Sl'rcnarlers WGv WCKY-YMrA Talk NBC-Rise and Shine; WJZ ist and 5011(1"5: WJZ KDKA WCKY WAVE \VENit-That Certain Four KMOX-Ambrose Haley 11:45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST }\DKA-Salt~ aud PCoillUts IWKA-Bark Stage Wife WCKY (sw·15.2]) KMOX-New~ WrnE-Dinner ;\tusic WI.S-Smlle-a·Whil. CRS-:\'e\H; ~Iornine :'Iloods: lll5--Ju:.' !'Iain WI' W-\BC K:'IIOX-Mal(ic Kuchen ",r,BF-I\III~icill Ma<;I"rniece WlW-To l>e Illnounced WKRC K:'IfOX (~w15,27> WfBE-Cons~r\atOn' of Mu~ic WFBE-Afternoon COllcert ~-Armchair \\'ABC WKRC WItAS \\WVA WGHF-Sunshine Hour WG :'Ilelodies \\':::..\I-:'IluSI(11 Sun Dial MSS-:\Iinstrels: WGi'l WLW WG:'tI"-:'Ilarkct.:o; .Q.;\lIdday Serv- W~"\I-elara, WS;\IK WCi.l-TheMail BOll: Lu 'n' EIII (NBC> W!,:'II-I.ron Cole. orlranisl l\IBS.-H)'mns of All Churcbt's; \\·...OE-Fridd F""Ch ice WTA \I-Storie~ ill Song WTA:'II-Junior Broadc:a'\ten WGBF-Hoosier Philosopher W HA:t-!'a\·in~s Talk Wl..~DJ1~ CUnelo!le, rildio com. WGi'l mentator 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST Ii:MOX-Xews Thru a Woman's WHAS-:'Itoutlcello Party Line WL\\'-I~Jinted Ortillll~ E)'es WI.S-William O·COllllor. tellor: WS.\I-Treafl\\ells 011 Tour 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST NBC-Spareribs: W!::Al" ~ur Roherts W~:\I-)j~\\~ 113\\k Night CB5---The Ulueuinh: WADC WfHE-Wade House NBC-i'lorsemen QUilrtet: WJZ wGy-Xe.... s: Market Basket WW\'A-G('rtrude :'Itilltr WWV,\-Dr H. Lamont rvnC-i\lornin~ OevotlollS: WJZ \VCKY WS:'I1 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST WAVE WCKY KDKA (sw· WLS-Pra.iril" namblen: Patsy 1 :4.5 p,m. EST 12:45 CST NOC-The O':\'eib, dramatic 21.54) MUlltana; Hiram &. Hl'nry Afternoon ~BC-H"lVjl) J..ck, WJZ WAVE sketch: WEAf WTAM WGY KBC-fJ)illg Time: WEAF WGY KMOX-~e'olos; Home Folks' WL\\'-Belt)' Crocker WCKY \\'LW wEsn Hour WSAI-Houf>elaold Ilints 12:00 In ES 11:00 a.m. CS KUKA-To be .1lI110UnCt!d KOKA-SUte Fed, Pa. Wom"n CBs--radets Quartet: WS;\IK WBB:\1 WfHE~ur Dail)' Thou!!:ht ~BC-To \\H.\;')-Shopping Guide K~IOX-E'l:chanll:(, Club 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST hl:' announced: \\'EAF Ro~ers. WGB''--.Q.Gospel Tabernacle WL5--li\e",lock :\Iarkets WA VE-~ie<;ta Ser('nade CBS-Buck sketch. l\HC-Edward l\Iadlugh, the W:l:'l! \\.\\'E WSAI WTA:'II WABe h\\-11.83) WG~-Good Mornmlt WCKY WLW-Ted Fiorito!> Orch. WG:"J-.\fternoon Serenade WHAS-Tu bl' annuunced Gospel Singer: \\'JZ KDKA WS:'II-llept, of A(I"riculture \\'L~Homemakl'rs' PrOl/:fam NBC-Arthur Lang, baritone: WCKY WAVE WSM (sw­ NDC-Si'llPson Boys of Spruce· \\'JZ WCKY WKRC-Filldhn' Farmers hud Bay: WJZ W\\'\·A-.Q.Wheeling Gospel Tab· 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WLS-~eM 15.21) erll;Jcle KDKA-~ews NBC-Home Sweet Home. dra­ CDS-The Voice of Experience: NDC-Belt)· and Bob: WJZ IDI0X-To be announced WlW-To be announced WADC WKRC K:\IOX WW\'A 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST W~.\I-lllhurch Forum matic "ketch: WEAF WTA}I KDKA W[XR WLW (sw- W;\ VE-Skeets :'II orris WGY WLW WHAS (sw·15,27) XBC-:'Ilatha)'s Gyp",)· Orch.: 15.21) \\ B \ \I-Sports W::')I-.o.\lorninll: Dnotion KDKA-Xens \\E.\1' ""-:;..\1 WTAM \\TU1-:'Ilusiul Clock Kl\IOX-I.l'fs Compue Notes CBS-Sah'ation Army Band: WllAS-OulO·Ousk WfHE-Dot Club )jews WFUf;-G\\en Williams l,H:::.--.\hrie, Ihe Little French WABC 'b:'lIK WKRC KMOX WKRC-Smilin' Oan WW\-\-"orning ulLuon \\GRf--Wedding Anniversaries 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WGBF-Household flour Pnnress. dr.ull.l-tic sketch: (sw-15,27) WLW-oId Fa;,hl 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST ~lBC-TI) WGY-:'Ilu"lcal Revue be announced; WJZ WfBE-Arl.an~a'\ CBS-The Gothamaires: WABC NOC-Hone)"boy and Sassafras; NBC-To be announced: WJZ fiddlers WHAS K\IOX WW\'A WS:'I1K WIIA5--Uni,en,lt)· of Kentucky WCKY \\G)j-Itom3nce Time WF-Af WTAM WSAI KDKA (sl'>"·15.21) ~oncs: NBC-Breen &. de Rose; Andy Wl:::.--Homcto\\ners CBS-Patti Chapin, WI.::t-Kpl'p Posted NBC-The Merry Mac:s: WJZ Cn~-Sleel Piff Hawaiians: WABC WS~IK (sw-l1.83) Sannella. guitarist: \\'EAF W;\\'E \\LW WLW-School of the AIr WWVA-Tl')( 113rrison's Texas WS~I WADC \\'S:'IIK KMOX WWVA NBC-Hamlrl Stern's Orchestra: Buck;truos WS.\1 WTA:'If M1:J5-:'Iloruing House"'armers: W~M- To be announcetl WKRC (sw·15.27) WAVE-L1Devotional Service WEAF WSAI 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST WGN 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WENR----<:harlts Sears, tenor Kl>KA-1'he O'Malley! WFBE-Gladys Catron KDKA-1'u be i1nnounced CBS-Rumance of lIelen Trent: WFBE-Shelf of Dreilms NBC-Waller Cassel. baritone; WGN-Antonio's Continentals KI\IOX-Russell Brow". Edith William Meeder. olganist: Kl\IOX-This and Thal WABC WKRC KMOX (sw. WCY-Woman·s Hadio Review Karl'n. sonts WGY-Banjol('1;"rs and RadiO WCK\-Sew,. 15.27) (roo'BC) WJZ WJR KDKA WCKY Sweethearts WBU\I-Hobin Hood Jr. WF"IlE-i'loontilile Tunes KDKA-League of American Pen WHAS--To be announced WE~R-Adult (sw·21501> WKHC-Woman's Hour Women Education Coun· CBS-Salon Musicale: WADe WCy-obOll Weilvers \VLW-Ne\\s & Financial Noles cil W!JW-l\Iorninl.! Hllu~l'.... armers WFtJE-:'I'u~ical NBC--<:heerio: WEAf W1'AM WLS-"Old Kitcbell Kettle," Masterpieces 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST WFHE-To be announcl'd 10 :45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST M'lr>· Wricht WG:'-I-Romance of Helell Trent WG Y-Bart Dunn: Enselllble WLW WGY WSM ~la NBC-Girl Alone: WEAF WSAl KMOX-Tick,Tock Hevue NOC-Herman & Banta, xylo­ WI.W-To be announc('d WL5-Pa & Smithers WHAM-f.orrl(~d\' Stars WWVA-The 01' P;trdncr CBS-Greetings from Old Ken. WAVE-Musical Clock phone and piano: WJZ WAVE WSM-F::H'IJI rrl'llit Tntervi('w WKJlC..,...S/lort Cast WWVA-Nulln Edition tucky: WAUC \VilAS WSMK WFBE-Morllilll{ Concert WSM WCKY KDKA (sw­ 2 :30 a.m. EST 1 :30 CST TOlOX (m',15.27) WLW-1'o be announced 15.21) 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS WGN-Good ,'lorning Program :\ BC-Louiw Florea, soprano: NBC-Radio Guild; Sketch: WSI\1-Stl'inu WSAI-:'IlcCormick's Old Time NBC-Moruill§" Parade: WEAF NUC-l\1erry :'Iladcavs: WEAF WEAF" WTA:'I! WGY (sw·I51.33) * WTA~1-To bt announced W!:iAI WJZ WENR WCKY WAVE Fiddler", WTA:\i WSAI * CBS-Between the Bookends: WSM KDKA (sw.15.2D WWVA-Dinner Music WWVA-~Iorning Dance Tunes KMOX-Pohce Court B'dcast CDS-"Mar)' Marlin," sketch; \VABC KMOX \VilAS WI \\'LS-Holllelllilker~ 11 :00 a.m. EST 10 :00 CST WFBE--l..uncheon ;'\1usic WWVA-Shopping Syncopation Choir; Orch.: WABC (sw· NBC-- WGN-Markets: Cood Ueahb & WWVA-~la 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST Leibert. organist: WEAF WAVE WCKY WLW KDKA Perkins NBC-News; Kurt Drownell, ten· Trainin!( i'lBC-Tintype Tenor: WEAF WSAI WSM Csw 15.21) WGY-Farm Program 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST or: WJZ WCKY CBS-Review of Revues: WABC COS-8rad &: AI. sonll:'\ &: pat­ ~BC-Pete 1't1ack'~ \loosickE'r'\: WTAM KDKA-I'lough Boys WLS-"Little Bit!> from Life." KOKA-Drama of F. H. A. WSMK WKRC WHAS ter: WABC (s\\"·15.27) WIlliam \'1I:kl3nd WEAF WCY WSAI WTAM WHI3M-Jack Arm!>trOl1lC (CBS) NBC-Breakfast Club: Edu NllC-lda Dailey Allen: WEAF (sw 15.33) WGIJF-:\Iu!>ical :'Ihslerpieces WENfI-\\'hilt's Tht New, * W1'AM-Dick Fidler's Orchestra WGY-Stork Reports Odell, contralto; Ilanch Boys: WGY WTA:'I1 WWVA-Luudll!on 'tusle CBS-Hal>!)" Hollow, dramatic WFBE-St3r Serl!1I3liers WJZ WS~I KDKA WAVE Clb-~1arr Lee Tarlor: \VilAS sk~tch: W.\BC WHAS WKIlC WKRC-Greetinl;:s from Old Ken· WCBF-SingiIlS Cowboy WCKY (5'olo-15.21) KMOX 12:45 p.m. ES 11:45 a.m. CS WS:l1K ("w-15.27> lucky (CBS) WGY-i'lews; E\'eninc. Breviliu Hymns of All Churches: WCY WF8E-Modern Strinlt Duo CBS-Five Star Jone!' WABC KMOX-Window Shoppers WLW-Lifr of Marv Solhern WItAM-Terrv &. Ted WLW WCOF-~lister and Missus WKRC KMOX (sw·151n WFBE-Waltz Ml'dley \VSAI-Dealers Salute WKRC-Evening Serenade 20 Thursday - Continued On WLW-Bob Newhall. sports Waves p.m. EST CST Short 8:15 7:15 * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM W5M-News: Financial News WFBE-Michelsoll's Orchestra * CBS-Myrt & Marge: WIIAS WTAM-News; Sportsman WGN-Dance Orchestra Ki\IOX WBBM By Chas. A. Morrison WWVA-l\lusicale KDKA-Npws; SPOrts 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST \VAVE-P~ul Minpr's Orchestra KEY TO FREQUENCIES 8·10:30 p. m.-BA:-:D CONCERT (YV2RC>' NBC--orphan Annie: WSM 8 :30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST WENR-· Grobe Trulter WGN Megacycle.., or thuusands of kilocycles. shown. 9:15 p. m.-Variety COIlCNt (OJC>' NBC-Cyril PillS, tenor: WJZ WGOr'-t:oral Room 2RO (Rome) 9.64 HJ1ABE (Cartagena. 10·10:30 p. m.-QUiTS. play (CSC, GSL). CBS--Kuban Cossack Choir. WGN-College Bru'ldcast CJRX (Winnipeg, Colombia) 6.12 WSMK WHAS WWVA WKRC W(KY KDKA \\ILS WAVE WS~l WHA~I (sw-I1.87) WGY-Bold Gaylurtl's Orch. Canada) 11.72 PCJ (Huizen. WOOM WHAM-Lew lJavies' Orch. CJRO (Winnipeg. Holland) 15.22 MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 NBC-Lowell Thomas, news: * CBS-Musical Hour; James 6:50 a. m.-Mail bag (Gsr, GSG). Meltun, tenor; William Daly's WKRt:-News Cast Canada) 6,15 PHI (Huizen. WJZ KDKA WLW <$w·lI.87­ WLW-Nf"wS (Z~l"Sen) 9:45 a. m.-Recollections of fleet strellt (GSF 15.21> Orchestra: WADt: WBBM DJC 6.02 Holland) 17.73 GSE). WKRC WHAS KJ\lOX WSAI-Today's News DJD (Zeesen) 11.77 Pontolse 11.72 SDC-Billy & Betty: WEAf \\TA~I-S11mmy Kale's Orch. 11 a. m.-Hullf!arian Gypsy hand (GSE, GSFL * WFBE-CALLING ALL CARS EAQ (Madrid) 9.87 PRADO (Riobamba, NBC-The Charioteers: WENR GSB Waventry) 9.51 Ecu.dor) 6.62 12:15 p. m.-Troise and his mandoliers (GSB WTAM WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's Ort:h. U:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST GSD, GSn. GSC (Daventry) 9.58 VK2ME (Sydney, WSAI-Barn Dance NBC-Ll'Ouard K~l1er's Orch.: 2:10 p. m.-Talk. The Theater (GS8, GSD. GSLI KMOX-Advs. of Jimmy Allen GSD (Daventry) 11.75 Austr.lia) 9.59 WCKY-Studio Program WEAr WENR WSM WSAI 2 :30 p. m.---Celpste octet (GSB, GSO, GSt). WFBE-Romeo ­ 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST CBS--(;uy Lombardo's Orch.: GSE (Oaventry) 11.86 VK3LR (Melbourne. 3 p. m.-Radio \'ariety (GS8, CoSO, GSt). GSF (Davenlry) 15.14 Austr.lia) 9.58 \'vGBF-Seroco Club NBC-Hendrik Willem van Loon, KMOX WSMK 3:10-4:15 p. m.-SWISS BROADCAST (HB981. WCY-Roger Sweet, tenor KDKA-By the Fireside GSG (Oaventry) 17.79 VK3ME (Melbourne, 4 p. m.-:\lusical show (GSU. GSC). author, talk: WJZ KDKA GSI (Oaventry) 15.26 Australia) 9.51 WHAM-News WCKY WtS WAVE WIIAM WAVE-To be :lllllUuneed 5:10 p. m.-frieda Haspel, pianist (DJC). GSL WDBM-Musit:al Moments HB9B (Bern) 14.23 India) 9.65 WFRE-Jimmy Lee WGN-The Dream Ship 6-7:15 p. m.-:\IERHV HOUR (DJCL 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WHAS--Oance Time HBl (Geneva) 9.60 VUC (Bombay, 6 p. m.-American hour (2i.O). WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra HBP (Geneva) 7.80 India) 6.11 WKRC-Red 8ird's Orchestra ~7 p. m.-SWISS BROADCAST (H89D, HBL. .. NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WEAF WSM-Jimmy Gallac:her's Orch. HC2RL (Guayaquil, YV2RC (Caracas, WLW-Oark·Town Meetin' So· IIBP), WGY WLW WTAM (sw·9.53) Ecuador) 6.66 Venezuela) 6.11 CBS-Myrt & Marge: WADe 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST ciety 6:10 p. m.-:\lusic and the I.istener (GSB. GSC>' * (EST Shown; for CST Subtr.ct One Hour.) WWVA WKHC <5w-11.83) * NBC-The Show Boat, stu· 6:30 p. m.-Dance music (GSB, GSC). NBC-Easy Aces, comt.ody sketch: ring Lanny Ross, tenor, with 11:30 :p.m. EST 10:30 CST NEWS BROADCASTS 7 p. m.-Strinlo: orchestra (YV2RC). WJZ KDKA WENR WCKY Frank Mcintyre; Muriel Wil· * NBC-90th Anniversary Cele­ Daily-4 a. m., GSD. GSH; 8 a. m., GSG. GSf; 7:15 p_ m.-World lravclogups (YV2RC>. WHAM (5w.l1.87) son, soprano; Helen Oelheim, bralion of U. S. NOIval Ara_ 11 :30 a. m., GSG. GSF: 1 p. Ill.. GSB. GSD. 7:30 p. m.-Can you sland Jibs! (O.IC>­ CBS-Buck !logers: WHAS contralto; Molasses 'n' Janu· Jemy; Guest Speakers: WEAF GSI; 5 p. m., Gsa. GSC; 7 :45 p. m" GSB. 8-9 p. m.-AMATEUR HOUR (YV2RCl. Ki\lOX WOBM ary; Thl' West~rners; GIIS WGY WSAI (sw-9.53) GSC; 10:45 Jl. m., COS I.. GSC; 8:15 p. m., OJ!); 8:30 p. m.-Vcrses and music (DJCl. 9 p. m.-Danct' clUsic (YV2RC). WAVE-Bl'ckloff and Zohn Haenschen's Orch.: WE,\F CBS-Oick Gardiner's Orchestra: 10:50 a. m.. VUC; 7 ;1. Ill.. VK2ME; 7 p. m.. WFBE---Galvilno & Cortel WTAM WAVE WSM WGY WAHC WSMK WHOM WIIAS Pontoise; 7:15 p. m.. 2RO. 9:15 p. m.-Military music ' WGBf'-Musical Moments WSAI (sw·9.53) WWVA WKRC Sunday. 930 a. m., PCJ. 10 p. m.-Musical comedy moments (GSC, GSLl. WGN-Dob Elson, sport, NBC-Death Valley Days: WJl NBC-Joe Hines' Orch.: WJZ Monday, Wednesday. Friday-ll :15 a. m., VUB. 10:30 p. m.-American short wave clubs' program WSA1---Gcne Burchell's Orch. KDKA WLW WLS WHAM WCKY WHAM Tuesday, Thursday, Sa.turd.y-1O:45 a. m., VU8. ' WSM-Variety Pr,::m.: Sports (sw-6.14) KDKA-Hadio Night Club Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturd.y-9:30 a. m.. * CBS-The Cuavan; Walter KMOX-Maul'ip Shermall'~ Orch. PHI. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST O'Keere; Deane .hnis; Glen WAVE-Jimmy Joy's Orcheslra Daily except Sunday-5 :50 a. m.. VK3LR. 3:30 a. m.-Told by thp Mariuf"S (GSB, GSD>. NBC-To be announce,l: WJZ Gray's Orch.: WABC WHAS WENR-Earl lIines' Orchestra 7-8 a. m.-CnURCH CONGRESS from St. Peter's WI/AM KDKA (sw·l1.87) WKRC KMOX WBBM (sw· WGN-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 (GSF, GSC). CBS-Buddy Clark. son,::s: WABl 6.12) WSM-Dance Orl'hestra 4:30-8:30 a. m.-SundllY pro~ram!l (VK2ME). 10·11 a. m.-EUROPEAN DANCES (eSE, GSfl. WSMK WHAS (sw.l1.83> WCKY-Selected Numbers WTAM-Gene Baker's Orchestra 10 a. m.-Literaturf" lark (PCJl. 1 :15 p. m.-New stunt ' - as. 01,1 anger s °rc. 5 -G 6'.45 p. m.-R"oll",,·o", 01 FI"l ,1-", (GSB. WBBM-Pat F1anJlan', Sports WGN-The Couple Npxt Door WGN-Jan Garber's Orchestra p. m. rcnadier Guar.ls' band (CJRX), GSC). .. • WCKY-Musical COt'ktail 5:10 p. m.---Children's hour (OJC). 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WLW-Ted Fiorito's Orch. 0 p. m.-E"gl,·,h p·o,"m (EAQ). WTAM P' k II 'Or h 6 p, m.-;.,umlay evenin~ program ' 7 '" WENR-To be allllounced CBS-"To Arms for Peace"; WFBE-Salon Music * - III ey unter s c. 6 p. m.-Thanksgiving !ervice (GSa, GSC). 7 p. m.-Mixed Pickles (GSe. GSC). Def"ms Taylor, m. c.; Howard 12:00 Mid ES 11:00 p.m. CS 6:30 p. m,-Unton Radio {EAQL 7 p. m.-Venezuelan music (YV2RC>' WGB"--Daseball Results BarlQw's Orch.; Chorus; speak. WKRC-Lucky Escapes from NBC-Sh:lIIdor. viOlinist; Ranny 7;10 p. m.--Qlympia is Calling ror Peace (DJC). (Continued 011 Page ZJJ ers; suloi·o;lo; and dramali1a_ Weeks' Orch.: wn KDKA --:= ...:::-.::..:.:.... _ Death tion: WABC WKRC KMOX ,----:=::------.:... WSM-Studio Prot!ram WIIAS WBBM <5w·6.12) WWVA-Twilight Reveries NBC-Roy Shield's Concert Or· chpslra' WJZ KDKA \vCKY N~~~:.:\~~£~;~"Wg~;h(;~:i:~4f, 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST CeS-CeOf(!.e Olsen's Greh.: FFI( IAL ETE(TIVE \VENit WIIAM (sw 6.14) 0 D "'8C-"Music Is My Hobby," WGBF-Old National Bank WADC WKRC W8BM KMOX WEAF WSAI WTAM WGN-Orville Knapp's Orch. WSMK * NBC-Lum & Abnu, sketch: WLW-Crusaders WIIA5--Crav Gordon's Orcb. WJZ WENR WLW 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST * CBS-K~te Smith's Hour; WWVA-BlueW!.W-TommyGnuT"k.t',Roy O,d>. 5TORIE5 KIlKA-Mrs. Florence Fisher IOc Jack Miller's On'h_: WADC WIIAS WKRC KMOX WWVA Parry 12:15 a,m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS WOOM (5",,·11.83) WGN-Jan Garber's Orchestra WGN-Velol de Yolanda's Orch. KDKA-Suwanee Singers WLW-To be ;anllouncc,1 WLW-Ilob G.ltm,"', Q:o,h. NOVEMBER ISSUE-NOW ON SALE WAVE-Doruy Brothers' Orch. 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST U:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS WCKY-News * NBC-Paul Whiteman's Orch.; NBC-Joe Reichman's Orchestra: WrBE-Harry Hartman's Soort Morton Downey, tenor j Ernest RrviE.'w WEAF WSAI WGY III It You'll Filld tlae Best True Detective lIulcheson, pianist; Shrila NBC-Charl~s Dornber~er'5 Or· WGOf-llistorical Facts 8arrelt and Ruth Brent, vo· S WGN-Mllky Way Winners h",,,,, WJ, WAVE KDKA tories Tflke,a frolla Refit Life, Ever. cali:.ts. guests: WEAF WTAM Csw·6.14) WGY-Musical Program WLW WAVE WSM WGY (sw WHAM-SUte TrOtiIlUS Orama 9.53) CBS-II",y B"",', O"h"I,,: FEATURED IN THE ISSUE ARE•• \VSM-Comedv tars of I-Iully- WABe WKItC WWVA WDBM _ood * CB5-Horace Heidt's Brlga. KMOX dius: WABC WHAS WBBM WENR-Earl Hine5' Orche~tra MASS MURDER ON THE MESA 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST Kl',10X WKRC (sw·6.12) WGN-t1o"" H,id", O"h",,, NBC-Symphony Orch.: WJZ WIIA5-0rpllm Sert'natle By Captaln William Bright of the Los Anceles Homicide Detail. Five Skeletons X8C-Life Studies, Tom PowerS: KDKA WHAM WENR (sw. WHF WSAI 6.14) WLW-To be annoonced of Adults and Children Found. Who Are They? 'Vho Killed Them? 'Vby? • CBS-Bo.ke Cuter, news: WCKY-Nrws WTA:\I-0IckWSM-Ji"'m, Fidler's(;"I1".h,,·,Orchestratn'h. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO DICKINSON WABC WHAS KMOX WKR( WGBF-Mysterious Pianist WBBl\t (sw·11.83) WGN-To be announced ]2:45 a.m. ES 11 :45 V.m. CS By Chief of Detectives Fred Frahm oC the Detroit, l\fichigan. Police. Inside J mentator: WEAF 2:30 a.1lL EST 1:30 CST \\F8E-Stl.ulio Procram CBS-Guy tombanlo's Orch.· \\ BB:\I-Bob PJcplli's Orchestra WGN---Comcd)' St;HS WASt: November Issue Offers the Best IDe Worth on the WSAI-To be announcrd NBC-Carl HoU's Orch.: WJZ S:OO a.m. EST 2:00 CST WWVA-Final Edition WCKY WeBl\t-r'loyd Town's Orchestra Newsstands. Get Your Copy Without Delayl 7 21 Programs tor Friday, October 11 6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST CBS-Dear Columbia: WABC KMOX-WillJow Shoptl,ers NBC-Teddy IliIl's Orch"slra: W\\'\'A-BluE' Grn~<; Roy WS:\1K \\'HAS WKRC Star Indicates High Spot Selections WrBE-Richard Crooks Son~s WJZ WE:O:R WSM WAVE 6:36 a.m. EST 5:30 CST N8C---0rgan Rhapsody: Richard * WG:O:-Blackstolle EIl~eml.Jle KMOX-Broadway Melodies Leibert, on~anist: WEAF WSAI I'l.'rkin~ KMOX-Home Folks' !lour NBC-M u sic Appreciation WL5-Weather: Produce Mark- WS,\I-,\la KDKA-Plough Boys lI}mllS of All Churches: WLW * WW\' \-I'illterns in Organdy WCKY-To be ;lnnounced WLW-Top 0' the Mornillll: Hour; Dr. Walter Damrosch, "t~; News WTAM-Sun Up WGY conducting: WEAF WJZ WGY WTAi\I-Noon-day Resume 3:60 a.m. EST 2:60 CST WF'BE-Trpasure Tunes W\\IVA-The Eye Opener J(MOX-Viel'.'s on News WSAI WAVE WLW WTAM WLW-Dick Tracy WGN-Good Morning 1:60 p.m. ES 12:60 m CS N Be-Pilt Kellnelly, tenor; liar· WCKY KUKA WSM (sw-15.21) ry Kngl'lI's On;h.· WEAl' 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST WLS-tJ. Morning Devotions WFBE----Gal'den of Verse CU=r--Blue Flames Quartet: WTAM-Vaughn King's Calis. CBS-Eddie DUllstedter Enter· CBS-r.1ark Warnow's Orchestra: ,\:'\10X-Trxa! Blue Bonnets WGBF-,\1i,ter and Missus \VABC WS"IK WKllC WWVA tains: WAIJC WSr-lK \VilAS K!\10X tlll'nic~ WGN-Friendly Neighbor's 1I0use bw-15.27) 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WWVA-Cowboy Loye alld Just WKHC (sw·15.27) KDKA-Kidflies' Khb Party NI3C-:\larket and Weather Re· N"sC-p,,(!.ro Via's Orch.: WJZ WCKY-Teddy Hill's Orchestra KDKA-:'otusical Clock Plain John WHA$--To be announced port$: WEAF KJ\tOX-;';'ovelty Boys WCKY \\'AVE WS.\l \VFBE-To be announced 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WLS-~Iartha Crane and Helen NBC-Joe White, t"nor: WTAM WCKY-Boone County Kids KDKA-Stroller's Matinee WLW-Jack Armstrone: NIlC-Organ Rhapsody; WLW Joyce; Mornin't Homemakers' Kf\IOX-Ma!:"ic Kitchen K.\IOX-:\1a Perkim WWVA-Economy Notes WrSE-Music;!1 Clock WGY Proc;ram WFBE-Studio Variety WKHC-Thi~ aHd That WFBE-Tanc:o Tunes 5:36 p.m. EST 4:30 CST KMOX-:\1usical .Jewel Box WWVA-Ey "-nd Ory WGBF-Church & School New$ WGBF'-0l1 the Air 1\'LS-Smile-a-While WGBF-City Court WGN-The Love Doctor NIiC-Tolil :\Iix Adventures: WL.W-LJ.Nation's Family Prayer 11:15.. a.m. EST 10:15 CST WGN-Palmer House Ensemble \VI,S-The HillloJlPers WGY-Bag ,Ind Baggage WGY-i\tusical Program WEAF WT A.\-I wa Y WSAI Period WTAM-Board of Education (.BS--Bl~nche Sweet, beauty WHAS-Collell:e of Altriculture NBC-Ireene Wicker, the Sill!t­ WS.\I-Gooo )torning talk: \VASC (sw·15.27> WLW-Doctors of Melod.y 9:30 a,m. EST 8:30 CST WL5--Dilllll!rbell Prull;ram WTA.\l-.\lu~ical Cocktail ing Lady: \VJZ KDKA WLW WT.Ut-Slim Eberhartll KMOX-Short Slories \VSAI-Police F1ashes (51'115.21-11.87> WW\'A-.o.Wheciing Gospel Tab- NBC-Fields & lIall, songs and WFBE-To I.Je announced WW\'A-(o\\boy Loye and Just I'lain John CB5--Jack Armstrong: WABC ernacle I';ltler: WEAr WGY WLW WGN-Through the Looking Glass 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST (sw-15.27) WSAI WHA5-Chau with Dolly Dean NBC-Silverberg Ens e m b I e: 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST KMOX-The Strolling Bard K.\IOX-Thl' Corn Huskers WKRC-Jane Grey WEAF WGY WTA;\1 NBC-l\1a I'l'rkins: WEAF WCY WAVE-Rhythm Caravan (NBC) I\J\10X-Four llarVl'st Hands WFBE-To be announced WLS-William Vickland; Chuck CB5-Radio GOSSip Club; Eddie \\'TA,\1 WLW WCKY-Wanda Edwards WCKY-Musical Clock \\'LS-Ford Rush and Ralph and Ray; Ralph Emerson & Fannie Cavanau&;h; WHAS CBS-Rulli Afnan. Persian writer WEI'H-Music and Comments WI WGN-Jun~ Baker NBC-Pollock Lawnhurst, pi- WSAI-Wolllan's Club Forum CBS---Ol{, Son of Fire: WABe CBS-Cadels Quartet· WABC ano duo: WJZ WFBE-HolllesPull PhilosotJher \VW\'A-:\Iu~ical Progr..m 3 :30 1).111. EST 2 :30 CST \'lKRC WHAS (sw.15.27) !{J\lOX-Harry, Johnny and WSMK WKRC WHAS WGBF'-Bahy Shop Man l\'BC-Vic and Sade: WEAF NBC-Adventures of Sam and WGN~Bachelor's 1:36 p.m. EST 12:36 CST Aunt Sarah KUKA-Style & SbOl-ll-l1ll1!: Serv- Children WTAM ir(;Y WLW Dick. sketch: WEAF WAVE WGY-Musical Clock ice \\'HA$--To he announced NBC-The Kilmer Family: WJZ CB5--00w!l loy Herman's: WABC WSM WHAS-To be announced KMOX-Fascillatinll: Melodies WL5--Kews; Butter. E'Zc: and WCKY WAVE WSMK \VilAS WW\'A WKBC NBC-DJ'phan Annie: WJZ WL\\' ~avitt's WKRC-News \vCKY-Oick Kewton Puullry Markets; Livestock CBS-Jail Orchestra; (sw.15.27) KDKA (s\'o'· WLW-.\1urnin" Devotions WFBE-:\Iorninl! Headlines Markets WAI3C WKRC WSMK (sw· NBC-\'aul;lllI de lealh, songs: KMOX-CuhallelteS WSAI-Today's !\;ews WCY-Musical Program WLW---ehandler Chats 15.27> WJZ WCKY WAVE WSM WCKV--Civic Club WSM-Paul ann Bert WlS-Announc"ments and Nllwl WWVA-Amer. Family Robinson NBC-Dick Fidler's Orchestra: KUKA-Uock Stage Wife WENR-Thal Cenain Four WlW-Back Stace Wife WEAF WTAI\1 WGY 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST Ki\IOX-lIo\\ to Be Charmine: WFBE-Dinner Music 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST \\'SAI-Fire Statistics KDKA-Sall aliI I I~eanuts WFBE-J'\:ew Hhnhms WGHF-Sport F'acts NHC-Yoichi Hiraoka, xylophon. WTA :-'1-Tl!lI nesseans CBS-Just Plain Bill WAllC KMOX-Three Brnwn Bears WKIlC Ki\IOX (sw.15.27) WGN-The :-'Iail Box WGN-Armchair Melodies ist: WEAF W\\'VA-Flyin' X Hound-Up WFJ1E-Novelty Pro~raJll WLS-HollleUlakers \VGY-.\Iusical Progr,lm MBS-Miustrds: WLW WGN WGX-Markets; [).Mid-day Serv- NilC-His,," and Shine: WJZ 10 :00 a..m. EST 9 :00 CST 3 :45 p.m. EST 2 :45 CST \\'SAI-To be announced K.\IOX-.-\mbrose Haley and the WFlW-Frl!l:id Fad.s ice WTA.\f-Two .\-1en and a Maid NBC-News; The Sizzlers; WEAF WGBF-Iloosier Philosopher NBC-The O'i\eils: WEAF WGY Ramblers W~M WHAS-Savinll:s Talk; Weather; WWVA-Rhythm Ro!:ues WTAM WIIA5--:\tollticello Partv Line Markets: Telllperature \\TA;,\I WI.W WLW-To be announced NBC-News; Ralph Kirbery, the NBC-The Kllll1;'S Jesters: WJZ WSAI-.\Iu~ical Sun Dial WI.S-\\'illiam O'Conllor, tenor; WLW-Painted Dreams Dream Singer; WJZ Sue Roberts WSAI-TreddwelJs on Tour WAVE WCKY WS:-'1 \VS.\t-Leon Cole. orl~anist CB:,-.Jo~ephine Gih~on, hostess KDKA-Chorm WTAM-\"ariety Program WWVA-Gertrude Miller \VSM-News Hawk Night counsel: WABC WKRC WI-IAS WWVA-Dr. H. Lamont Ki\lOX-Jo:xchanc:e Club 8:00 a.m. EST 7 :00 CST KMOX WSMK \VFBE-Popular Plano McloJies 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST NBC-News; Cleo Brown. pian. 1:45 p,m. EST 12:45 CST WGN-Afternoon Serenade . NBC-M 0 r n i n g Devotions: NBC-Flying Timl": WEAf WGY ist and sOllgs: KDKA (sw­ Afternoon NBC-Happy Jack: WJZ WCKY 4:06 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WENn WJZ I(DKA WCKY WAVE 15.21> WAVE (sw·21.54) NBC-Woman'~ Hadio Review: CB5--Kaltellhorn Ed its the WAVE-William Nast KDKA-To he announced WEAF \\'S.\1 WCKY WAVE News; WABC WSMK KMOX CB5--0leallders, male quartet: \"'CXY-News; Iiollywood News· KMOX-l\la!:"ic Kitchen WABC 12:00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS WSAI WTAM (sw·l1.83) reel WFBE-Musical Masterpieces NBC-Spareribs: WEAF CBS-Grab Ba~: WABC WKRC NBC-Animal News Club; WJZ WFBE-Wade House NBC-Simpson Boys of Spruce· WGBF-Cul'bstone Reporter KMOX-K'ews; Home Folks' head Bay: WJZ \vCKY WSLilK (sw·15.27) WCKY WGN-Hymns of All Churches \\illAS-:\trs. Randolph, shoppinll: NBC-Betty and Bob: WJZ KDKA-News·Reeler Hour NSC-Martha and Hal: WEAF WLS-Jim Poole. Liyestock Mar· WFBE---0ur Daily Thought WGY-News; Market Basket KDKA (sw-15.21) \VA VE-Skeets Morris WLS---Qtto's Tunetwisters WSAI WSM WAVE WCKY ket Summary WGBF-[).Gospel Tabernacle iVTAM WFBE-Hulda Laschanska WBBl\I-Musical PrOj!ram WGN-Good Morning WLW-How to Be Charminl{ WLW-Tl'd Fiorito's Orch. WGY-Betty and Bob WI lAM-Sports WSAI-Ho1Jsehold lIints CUS-The Voice of Experience: WSM-Dept. of AllriCllltlire WGY-Musical Clock WABC WKRC KMOX WWVA WHA5--f}. Weektlay Devotions WHAS-Out 0' Dusk WW\'A-l\lusical Footnotes WTAM-Noonday Resume WI.W-l3elty & Bob. drama WKRC-Smilin' Dan WHAS-To be announced WHAS (sw-15.27) WWVA-f}. Wheeling Gospel Tab- 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WiVVA-Cap. Andy and Flip WLW---Old Fashioned Girls WLS-News NBC-Pat Barnes in Person: ernacle WI.W-Academy of Medicine NBC-Ilome Sweet Home drama­ WlW 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST WSAI-"Omar the Mystic" Talk tic skptch: WEAF WGY WLW KDKA-News 2:66 p.m. EST 1:66 CST NBC-Jackie Heller, tenor: WJZ WSM-News; Marjorie Cooney & WSAI-[).Church Forum WTAM WFBE-Ivory Interludes NBC-Words and Music: WJZ CUS-The Grab Bag: WHAS Bobbv CastIon ; Game & Fish Ws'M-D.Mornine: Devotion CBS-The Captivators: WABe WGUF-Weddirlg Anniversaries WCKY WWVA Talk WTAM-.\Iusical Clock WKRC WIiAS WSMK WGN-We Are Four NBC-Magic of Speech: WEAF KDKA-Kal'en Fladoes WTAM--Cleveland Orch.; Talk WWVA-:\lornillg Edition NBC-Edward MacHugh, bari· WGY-MusicaJ Prol::;raro \VTAM WAVE WSM WSAI WENR-:'I'1adame de Sylvara WWVA-Radio Gossiper tone: WJZ \\ICKY WAVE WLS-RollndlJp CBS-Marie. Little French Prin­ WFBE-Saloll Music 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST KOKA WSM (sw-15.2D cess: WABC WKRC KMOX WGY-\\'oman's Radio Rp.view t'<:BC-Twenty Fingers of Har- NBC-Three Scamps; WEAY KMOX-Let's COlllfJare Notes 12 :15 p.m. ES 11 :15 a.m. CS WCKY-News CBS-Og, Son of Fire: KMOX NBC-Brpen and de Rose; Andy NBC-Merry Macs: WJZ WAVE WLS-The Hilltoppers NBC-Ward and Muzzy, piano WBUM WFBE-Southern Drifters ~~n"~I1J: WSM WLW-School of the Air WL5--Mornjng Roundup WEAr WSM WSAI team: WJZ WCKY WAVE KDKA-Sporh, Ed Sprague WTAM MBS-Tom, Dick & Harry; WGN 2:15 p,m, EST 1:15 CST WSM WFBE-Dance Rhvthms WWVA-Tex Harrison's Tuas CB:;-[)ot and Jack Reid: WARe WLW Buckaroos CBS-Romance of Helen Trent: KDKA-;\larker Report WGBF-Singing Cowboy WWVA WSMK \VHAS KDKA-To be announced WABC WKRC Kl\fOX (sw­ \VENR-To be announced WGY-,Joe- LaTour, sketch 8:30 a.m. EST 7:36 CST NBC-Tod3Y's Children: WJZ WCKY-News 15.27) WFBE-V,HielV Hour WKRC-Dick Bray KDKA WLS WCKY (sw-15.211 WFBE-Noontime Tunes KDKA-League of Women Voters WGUF-News \VLW-To be allnounceJ NBe-Walter Cassel. baritone; WGY-Doc Schneider's Cowboys William Meeder, organist: KMOX-The Happy Hunters WFHE-Hawaiian Echoes WGY-Works Progress Admin. W~M-State Game and Fish D~· • WJZ KDKA WCKY (sw.21.54) WA VE-l1Devotional Service WLS-The Old Kitchell Keltle WGN-Romance of Helen Trent WKRC-Eddie Schoelwer partment Talk WWVA-Noon Edition CBS-Sunny ~lelodies: WABC WFBE-Little Black Joe WGY-Household Chats iVLW~Sin!,:ine Neif!hbor WTAM-Musical Program NBC---ehel"rio: WEAF WTAM WGN-Markets; Continentals 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a,m, CS Wl.S-Pa & Ma Smither5 WTAl\l-Twiliehl Tunes WWVA-lJinner Music WGY-"-Musical Titbits: John WWVA~Sh()pping Syncopation WLW WGY WS.\l NBC-Merry Madcap~: WEAF WWVA-The or Pardner 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST KMOX-Tick·Tock Revue Sheehan, tenor 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WKRC-Woman's Hour \VTAi\1 WSAI 2 :30 a,m. EST 1 :30 CST NBC-Jreene \Vicker, the Sing' WAVE-:\tu~ical Clock NBC-To be al~nounced: WEAF NBC-To be announced: WJZ WLW-HouseWafITH'rS' Orch. NBC-Nat'l Farm & Horne Hour; ing Lad}': WGN WFBE-Morninl{ Concert Guest Speakers; Walter Blau· WTA.\1 \VENR WSM WCKY WAVE CBS-Jack Armstrong: KMOX WGN-Fireside Melodies 16:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST fuss' Grch.· WJZ WLW WSM * CBS-Between the Bookends: (sw·15.2n WBBM \VKRC-FiclJlin' Farmers CBS-Saundra Brown, songs: \'lCKY WAVE KDKA (sw· WABC K!\tOX WHAS WSMK KBC-Grandpa Burton. sketch: NBC-News: Stanley High, polit­ WLS-Indian Lel{ends \VASe WHAS WKRC WWVA 15.21> iVl(IlC (sw·15.27) WEAF ical talk: WEAF (sw953) WSAI-McCormick"5 Old Time WSMK CBS-"Mary Marlin," sketch; NBC-Rosa Lindil, pianist; Or­ KDKA-D, A. R. PrO\l:ram CB5-News; Football Results and Fiddlers NBC-Herman & Banta, xylo· WABC WKRC KMOX WHAS chestra: WJZ WCKY WAVE \VFBE-Popular Piano Melonie! Predictions: WABC (sw-ll.83) \\,W\·A-.\Iorrting Dance Tunes phone and piano; WJZ KDKA Isw·15.21) WSM WGBF-Musical ~1asterpieces NBC-News; The OJarioteers: 8:4.5 a.m. EST 7:45 CST WAVE WCKY WSM (sw-15.2]) WFBE-Luncheon Music KDKA-Hollle Forum WGY-Stock Reports WJZ NBC-Betty Crocker: WEAF WGN-Sentimental Selma WI'BE-Organ Interlude WKRC-U. S. Arm~' Band (CBS) KDKA-The Texans !I. Be-Landt Trio & White: WJZ WLW-Life of Mary Sothern KDKA hw-21.54) WTAM WCY WGY-Farm Program W(iN-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WCKY-News KMOX-Police Court Broadcast WLS---Old Music Chest \VGY-;,\lusical Program WSAI-Dealers Salute \VENR-What·s the Newsl enS-The Bluebirds: \VABC WTAl\1-~lusical Cocktail WCKY-Dick Newton WFHE-.l:J.v Kav Jamboree WWVA-Luncheon Musie \VLS~Homem,lkers WFHE-St.ar Sprenaders WGHF-Timely Topic5 WGBF-Your HOllle WSAI-:'\'l'wS 5:00 p.m, EST 4:00 CST \VGl:iI'-I1ome Town Headlines WGN-Backstage Wife 12:45 p.m. ES 11:45 a.m. CS WLS-Jollv Joe & IIis Pet Pals \VWVA-Ma Perkins CBS-.\1ark Warnow's Orchestra: WGY-Nel'.'s; Evening BreVities WLS-Morning Minstrels CBS--Five Star Jon{'s: WABC 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST WAIlC WHAS WSMK WKRC WHAM-Terr.v &: Ted 9:66 a.m. EST 8:66 CST WLW-Live Stock: News WKRC KMOX (sw·15,27) CBS-HapflY Hollow, dramatic WWVA (sw·15.27) \VKRC-Evening Serenade .... NBC-Breakf.st Club; Edn. W5A1-To be announced MBS-Paint~d Dreams: WGN sketch: \VABC \VHAS WKHC * NBC-PEPSODENT PRE· WLW-Hob Newhall Odell, contralto; June, Joan & 11:60 a.m. EST 16:66 CST WLW \VSMK (sw·15.27) sents Al Peal'ce and His Gang: WSAI-News Jeri: \VJZ KDKA WSM CBS-Cookinc Closeups: WABC WFBE--To be announced NBC-Fed. _ of WOt"llen'S Clubs: WEAF WSAI \VTA.\-l WGY WSM-News; Financial New, WCK Y WAVE (s\\'·15.21) KMOX WKRC (sw-15.27) WGBF-Bulletin Board WJZ WCKY WAVE WCAE WMAQ WHIO WTAM-News; Sportsman 22 7 Friday - Continued short Waves 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST WFBE-Micl\l:bon's Orche!'itr3 * CBS Myrt & Marge: WIlAS WLW-Singinlt Sam KMOX WHB\t (COlltilllud from Page 21) l'iUC-lo\\l'll Thomas, news; 8 :30·9 p. m.-SPECIAL PROGRAM (YV2RC). WJZ WLW KDKA (sw-lI.87· WWVA-Studio Program * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM 8:30 p.m. EST 7;30 CST KDKA-l\e\\s 8 :30 p.m.-Duels (J)JCl. 15.21) ~lin('rs' 9:15 p. m.-Dance mu~ic (OJC>' ~lm\!"': WAVE-Paul Orchestra rH"'-I.(Jrl'lta 1.('(', WAse CBS-Broad\\ .. y Varieties; Os· \\E;o..!!-(ilo[)c Trutlcr 9:20 p. m.-E\·enin~ conurt OIC2RLL WHAS W5:\IK WKRC \\'8B:'o1 car Shaw m.C.; Carmela I'on· \\'G~-eollet:e Broadcast 10 p. m.-T3Ik, ne\·j.ited (GSC, GSL). P.~l·EST (~ selic, mt'l.7.o·sopranoi Ehzabeth FRIDAY 10 .... -II.S3) WGY-Ted Black's Orchestra 10:20 p. m,-Regillall1 OU.OIl, organist (GSC, r-.KC--Orphan \nnir. children's Lennox, contraho; Victor Ar· WKnC-='ie"'1ca~t GSL!. CBs-including WKRC-WADC ·ketch: \\'5:'11 wGN den's Orch. and Guests: W\UC 1\ BC-Ililly and Bell)": WEAF WHA. KMOX WKRC WBB~t \\"1.\\'-'\t'\\'1 -WHAS- ~Br-Han("h WSAI-Toda}"'s Se\\$ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 Bop., (rio: \VENR (sw-6.12) 5;10 p. m.-festi\'c hour (DJC>' and COist to COiSt Nl'twork WTAM :\BC-Colll'ge Prom; Ruth Et· \\'TAM--GrIlC Uolker', Orchestra ling, songs; Red Nichols' Or· 6 p. m.-:'tlail bag (\'K3:\lE>' KMOX-.\t1n. of Jimmy Allen 1l:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST 6 p. m.-Amf'rican hour (2RO>' \VCKY-Studio I'rotr:rarn chestra: WJZ KDKA WlS I\BC-Leonard Keller', Orch.: 6·7:15 p. m.-OO~ (ESMI, opcrelta (OJC), WFBE-Sketches {ronl Ufe WHAM \\'LW (s","·l1.87) WEAf WEXR WSA1 (sw·9.53) m.-:\Iu~ical WA\'E-Berl Kenny 6:30 p. oleocraphs (GSB. GSC). WCBF-Seroc:o Club rotB(-llIk ~I>ol~: \\JL WHAM 7 p. m.-Talk, Rt'\·islted (GSB, GSC). WCKY-.... tudio l·r~r311l WGY-Arthur Lane, tenor WCKY 7 p. m.-Uun Timott'O, comic lales (YV2RC>' \\'l{AM-~('.... ", WFBE-Calline- All Cars KDKA-Orean Reveries 7:15 p. m.-:'tliss KJ):ier, sol\g~ (yv2nCL WSAI-Knot Hole Oub WGN-Joe Sandl'rs' Orch. WGY-f<'"arm Fonlm K:-'IOX-Tu I... anlJuullct'11 8:30 p. m.-:\Iusical comedie (YV2RCL WWVA-Congress of Uhythm W \ VI':-To he announced 8 :30 p. m.-St-xtet . 8:45 p.m. EST 7;45 CST \\ (is-Fiddlt' llil1tllu 10:30 p. m.-Letter box (DJC). NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WEAF * WAVE-To be annuullcN! \\'HAS-Oallce Time WG\' WLW WTA~I \\TKY-~Iusical :'tloments WKHe-Hed Bird', Orchestra THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10 * CBS-Myrt & MugI.': WABC W<-;S-\t'I01 . Yolanda's Or<·h \\'I,W-Oancp Orchestra \\WVA \\KRC (~y,-11.83) 10 a. m.-Re",idelltiOiI Ilaflll' orehr<;tra (PIli). W~\I-TCI be annllullfed RADIO GUIDE NBC-Dinner Concert, Richard WS:\I-franci.; Crail!'s Orch 4:20 p. m,-:'tlail hOI! {GSE. GSn. Therc's an Edition of 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST \\T-\\l-Paul ~iel'(ln'~ Orch. p. Illu~ic Lcibc-rt. organist: WJZ KOK,\ 5:10 m.-Country (DJC), for Every Section of North America WE~R WHA:\\ (:0",·11.87> * NBC-Buuty Box Thuter; 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST 6 p. m.-PoJlular ballad! (GSO_ GSC), KMUX-Russell BrolIn; Edith Guc~t~; ,Iuhn Bilrd' WGY WCKY WTAM WSAI 7:15 p. m.-Slring orchl'stra (YV2RC), WAVE-Walter Logan's Concert Orch.: \\'JZ \\'II.H1 WE:'I.1l (~1\·9.53) \\'BB:>.I-Edotlnlo \'OrlO'S En- WCh\' WAVE KDKA WS:\I 7 :30 p. m.-Soirccs a V('11i'e (CJ BO. CJ HX>' ;\!IK-To be 3nnouIH"t'II: WJZ 7 :30 p. m.-Brass band (DJC>, "'"mb!e (5"·6.11) NBC-Waltz Time; Frank Munn, \\ H\ \1 7:45 p. m.-Julio de Seto. lenor (YV2RC>. wcr; Y-Variell Proc:ram CB5--Jerry Freeman's Orch.· Wil~on. tenor; Vivienne Seg31. :ioprallo: 8 p. m.-Thl'ater of th(' Air (YV2RC>' \V" liE-HoY Ilianisl W ..... BC WSMK WHAS W8BM ~Iarkets WEAF \\ITA:-.: WLW WGY 8:30 p. m,-Trio (YX2RC>' WGlH-Stock WKRC WGN-Bob Elson. Sportl (:iw.9.53) 8:30 p. m.-Son~s and piano CDJC>' CBS-Hollywood Hotel: Din * NBC-Beauty Box Thuter; 8:45 p. m.--Qlrl favorites (YV2RC), \vIIAS-Jlol Dales in lIistory * Gue,..ls; .JUhll Bolrcla)'. baritol1l'. WSAI-American Filmilr Robin· Powell, Annc Jami:iOIl. Fran· 9·10 p. m.-BAND CO~CF.IlT (YV211(1. and Others: AI Goodman's Or· 9:20 p. m.-Ecuaon ce:i Langford, Raymond Paige', chrstra: WLW 10 p. m.-:\Iixed Pickles (CSC, CSLJ. WS:-'I-Silrie & Silllic: Sports Orcheslra; Igor Gorin, bad· KDI\A-Will I/v_h:lIlck', Orch. 7:15 p,m, EST 6:15 CST ~~.~~~l' ~~~~~~I ~~~~S \~ll~~~ KMOX-Maurie 'Sherman's Ordl. fRIDAY. OCTOBER 11 K:'t'lOX (~IV 6.12) WAVI:-Amlllrur Nic:ht 2:40 a. m.-j\larie Xey. "d.-pc. (GSS, GSDl. * N8(-AlKA·SELTZER PRE· WEN R-Earl Hines' Ofl'he~tra Sfnts Uncle Ezra's R:llho Sta· WFHE-V,lnetv Iiour 1 :20 p. m.-Britisb cOllletlio:t!ls CGSH, GSD, GSI), Hon; \VEAF WSAI WTAi\l \\(i:'l.-~f'\\'S; Sports nrvicw WGN-Earl Burlnl'tt's Orchestra 2 p. m.-From the theater (GSB, GSD, GSIl. WGY W'-\I-To be announCf'd WS~I-Dance Orchl'stra 3 p. m.-GIOIcgow Orpheus choir (GSB, GSO. CBS-Lazy Dan, "The Minstrel 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST 11 :45 p.m. EST 10 ;45 CST GSLl. ~lan": WABC WKRC WSMK WG'\ The Couple Xext Door :'-nC-.IJ'~_J' Cr;l\\rlJr,1. or!!anist: 3 :45 p. m.-Carroll GibLoll's orcht'.tra ' No JOKE To BE DEAF WESR KDKA WCKY (n~s) _EYerJ' deal per_on kno__ that­ WG\' (sw.9.53) 6·7 :15 p. m.-snll·110~Y CO~CERT (D.lCL (c\\·11.87) \\ ES H---{'hac. BOlllo:tnger's Orch. Mr. W., m.uO!him:leJfh~..r lu....trhtw:.. ,!tJlfor :-'IH~Lilac WfB[-l)ance I'OIr3l!c 6 p. m,-American hour (2RO>' twt'nt,·fI~c hl~ lime: WLW WGS WC,BF---{'olonial flub J:i:elna: t.leaf for ,r&nI,with Art;· Xe\~'l>arc'r \\GBF-Fred Waring'- Orch. 6 p. m.-Dance mu'ic (G~B, GSC>' '~l.l J::.r Drum~. Htl wore them dD.y.ot.I nilfht. WA\'E-R' WGBF-Baseball RhUh, Wl\\'-Mucic Box Hour: Orchl' . 12:00 Mid ES 11:00 p.m. CS 7:30 p. m.-:'tlartin cll'1 Llano, (roooer (YV2RC). ~~~:;:~1~r.bi~.i~:::~~: ' . ~oloict". Holrri~' ~!. or l",tlforiea. Write for' \\S:-'I-Jillllll\ Gallalther's Orch. tra. choruc. ,Iro:tmililc ;\KC-I'hil Orch.: WE.'\F 7:45 p. m.-Popular lIlu",ic (Y"2un. TRUE STORY. Aho \\ \\ \'A-~luuiu Progr.un -ketch \\''''\1 \\'GY WAVE WTA:'t1 8:30 p. m.-Gcrman \\'ikine:er Spirit (DJCL ., .it... bookleto,,~rneM. "'TII~"I4J"".TDnt. 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WE~R 8:45 p. m.-Wilf Carter. yodf'lf'r «(JRO, CJRXI. ~'.T THE WAY COMPANY p. ~OIlItC :\ 739 Hofmlll\ Bide.. DetrOit, Mlchiean ':30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST WG~-Jan CB-...-io'rOIok DJilr) ''I Orchestra: 8:45 m.-Gl'rman folk ((UC>' Garber's Orche.tra 9 p. m.-Thf' hOliPPY bunch (\"\'2ue>. :'\ BC-~Iarch Thru Life: WEAF W":'\f-Ilhein)' Gau. son!C WABC WKRC .. NBC-Lum & Abntr. sketch; slle· -'O:hOlllldor. ,·iolinist; Teddy 10:30 p. m.-B_\HRFI. ORG,~S (GSC. CSt). '\JL WE='iR \\L\\ 10;00 p.m. EST 9;00 CST lIill's Orrh. nJZ WHAM SBC-Kathleen Wells. soncs .. NBC-fust Nlghter. drJima: KDKA-Radlo Silt"ht flub SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12 MAKE $18.00 WEEKLY at HOME WTA~I ~l llA.XE 111.00 WEEKLY AT HO_E, AD· W~\I \\TUI WEAf \\ I.W W f\\I0X-Xe"!o; To be announced 7:30 a. m.-AII India ru~b)' football tournOl101t'nl DRES5IliG AND XAUING POST CARDS KIlKA-The Sint;inc Seven WGY (·",,953 WIlB\I-Gfi)n:t' alcen's Orch. CGSF, eSG). AND LETTERS. Experlen~ unn.ce....r,. \\ _\ \-E-HNrth allli "'plru CBS-STUDEBAKER CHAM· (('1\":) 9:40 i. m.-The TroubOlidourc (PII)}. Iitead7 'Work. Suppl, fumlabed. START * NOW. Complete particuJ.n .end lOe ·.\(K'-~lrOlnlll:e A~ It Sel'ms pior.s Pre~ent Richard lIim \\GBF---{'oral Rnom 11 ;15 Ji. m.-Colin Work. pi"ni~t (GSE. GSFL \\"H".-Ihrr) H.rtmilll·~ ~I>Orl ber'~ Orch.; Stuart Allen YO' \\GS-Yl'101 & Yolanda', Orch 2·2:45 p. m.-S.\TCIlOAY :-'IAGAZINE (GSB. NATIONAL INDUSTRIES. Rl'\Ie" cali!t \\ABC W8B:\1 WKRC \\ IlAS--(;ra\ roOrfl"n·~ Orch. G":'O. GSt) (RG·IO) 11 Loeult, Sprln,.aeld, Jlan. WGBF-Hi,torlCilI Facts h\IOX WHAS WADC 'sw 12:15 a.m. ES II :15 p.m. CS 4 :30·5 p. m.-Qpt'u, PAGLI.>\CCI (GSD, GSC) \\G' Wlntlen 6.121 W;.. \·E-Jimm'· Jo~"s Orchestra 5:30--6:15 p. m.-Summar)' of LUl:ue of Xatiolls IIt'ale~, NBC-:'tlulin House WJZ \\G'I-Jln, commt'ntator \\"\I-II>lf),o U,plllr. fllBt. IIBP>' WI-~"R WHAM KDKA hw WIIA\I-\Iu<;iCilI :-'lomenl5 W..,\IK-Frar,k Daile)' Orches· 6 p. m.-Empire OrChl'Clra (GS8. G!'C). 6.14 ~onec ',\ '\I-To 1M' oinnuunced tra (CBS' 6 p. m.-Geeman and Chilean (OJeL WW\ A-Frolics WA\'E-To be announced 6:15·7:15 p. m.-YARIETY pnOGR_UI (DJCI. WCKY-Xe\\-s 12:30 a.m. E 11 :30 p.m. CS 7 :45 p.m. EST 6 :45 CST 7 p.m.-I Knl'w a :'tlan (GSH, GSC>' WFB[-:'tllchel~on's Orchhtra :O;BC-Dilh' IlluPIl' Orchestra 7 p, m.-Yel/f'zurlan mu~ic ('I'V2RC). :'\8C-Hulh Dl'IlllillC ..Ild Ber· \\"G~-Xl'"S; Quin Ryan· Sporn WU WE:'\R WIIA~1 7:20 p. m,-Pop Goc~ thl' Wf'acel (GSB. GSC) tr.. lld Hirsch's Trio WE..\F W"'\I-T" tw announcer! rl\...-Frrdllil' KI'rci,,·' Orch.: 7:30 p. m.-Slrine: quartet (D,IC>' .. CBS-Boake Carter, ntws: 10:15 p.m. EST 9:15 CST WABC W~:\IK K:'tION WKRC 7:30 p. m.-<;"\'f'II!tali. crooner (\'y2RC>' WABC KMOX WKRC WIIA: NBC-Griff Willi"mc' Ort'ht'ctra' 8 p. m.-Qpeutic Ariac (Y\,2RC). \\BH\I (~\\·11.83, \\CKY-'drt'tC'f"l Number- \\'EAr \\,COY WAVE \\"5:\1 EII~\~oflh 8 :30 p.m.-Rosario Londo. Jccus Pah'a, sincef5 S8(-D a n e r 0 U \ Paradl'~ \\ FBI.-billie e: WG:'\'- \to,cleal Momf'nts KmO-DX Club (Y\'2I1Cl. drama. Elsie Hill Ind Nick WnB\I-Floyd To",n', Orchestra m.-orche~tral \\· ... -\I-Bob Gehmilll's OrchC'str1l 9:15 p. conCl'rt (DJCl. Da"son. WJZ WESR KOKA (CDS) 10 p, m.-A Coulltryman'~ Dial')' ((;Sc. GSt>. WS\I \\LW WAVE b\\ 11.871 10 ::{O p.m. EST 9 :30 CST WC,:-;-Ilorare 11,;r1t'~ Orchestra 10:15 p. m.-:\Iusical 0leo;r8llhs (GSC, GSt>. One Cent a Day WCK \'-Gulden VOIl'rl! ( .. narin * NBC-Campus Revue; Mills \\'IIAti-Drf':lm Serenade \\" III-:-Will HOiIICr!", Orl;he'lril Bro~.; Art Kois.er~ Orch.: Hal WT.\ \I-Dick Fidler's Orchestr('r'~ Ort:he~tra A. B. degree in 11)31. lie started his prcr of $100 are payable up to 24 months. WHAM WCKY (s\\"·11.87> \\'fiUF-:'\e\\s WL\\--Tf'd Fiorito'c Onh. Large cash sums are paid immediately (11-'- FI}lnlll: Ilpd II/lrc(' Ta\'l'rn· fessional career a, a 'hakespcarean actor. \\''''1-Theatre of the .\ir 1:30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST for fractures, dislocations, etc. Also lib­ WABf. \\ H.h \\ hRC W88:\1 1nd became a singer \\hen he found his eral benefits are paid for any and every K:\IOX (~\\ 6.12) 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST ;"~C-J;ll'k Itll- I'II'~ Orchestra: \'()ice at wllcgc. lie is a serious-minded accident. Same old price-just one cent .. NBC-Concert: JtUIC~ Orig· (BS--,\Ioln- Ea~tman. -OI)f;lIlU \\,EXR ynun~ man. r:a\'orite musical tlumher i.. a day. Age limits for policy-men, WO­ onpUl'; Orch.: \\EAF \\'GY WABC ,rHAS WKRC WS:'ttK WKIl\I-l.:e\nlOur "'IIIlOn,' Orch. Caprice Viennois, and he enjoys \'oIJairc men and children-ages 7 to 80 years. \\"., ,"I \\ ....\1 ~\\ 9.53) K:>-IOX-:$port I'age of Ihe Alt \\ (.:\ Joe S.lIlder, Qrchrctra mmt among authors. Ride... hor"l'back the Send No Money wteRE- (;li\ a/1(' & (ortez WBB:\I-"'oortCilst \\LW-\loon Ithl'r \car around. and turns to golf and swim­ For 10 days' free inspection of policy, WGHf-BO'l:in~ \Iatche~ WGS-Lone Raneer I :45 a.m. ET 12 :45 CST ming in the Summer. !Ii married. (MISS simply send name, age, address, benefi­ Wt\\-HlIt D~tt5 in History II :00 p.m. EST 10 :00 CST \\'(;\ IInn,l' IIf' it" Orrhe"tra J.oo~ootu. ciary's name and relationship. No appli­ \\ \\ \ A-rln"'1 Edltllm Mzldred B., IPIdJ XB(-J"C' ( ..ndullo·' .Orche... tra: !:OO a.m. ET 1:00 CST cation to fill out, no medical examina­ 8:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WH.>\~I tion. After reading policy, which will be WJz wCKY \\ 8B\1 -:'tlaufle :o.tf'in·· Orch. CORllECTIO~: GRACE A~D EDDIE ~l'lnneu. CBIot--C!OlIudl' lIopkm~' Orchl'stn; mailed to you. either return it or send SBC-LuciUl' soprano: WG:'I.·-\'llfJI ~ '01 1,.13·, Oreh ·\LBI·I{ are not married,

G:OO a.m. EST 5:{)!) CST 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST (el brgo; Alle!it"ro En· NBC-~e",,; Alma Kitchell. con· WW\'A-B1ue Gp~~ ItO\ ~HC.-Richald Leibert, orlanl~l: Star Indicates High Spot Selections tr~ico lcalto: WEAF WSAI (sw.9.53) 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST * I.e;,;end Bori" KoutZl'n 'B(-Se\\~; \Iorin ::,isteh WJZ WEAr WSAI K~!OX-Hollle Ft,)lk~' !lour • NBC-Bre.. :d~st Club; Edn'" CBS-Cincinnati ("on~ef\'atory of :\Iu~ic Xut'"lurne Boris Kouuen \\CKY \\'H_U1 WC'\-Luncheon NBC-:'>Iu~ic WLS-Smile A While Time Odell, conlraho; Three Flats; :\lu~ic: WABC WIL\S WKRC \\'Gr·-Slock Ileport~ \Iagic: \\" Jz wet;, Y KDK.\-Plough Ho)·s KDKA (~\\ 15.21) \\1.\\-'[01' 0' the :'\Iornint!; DOli Mc~eill, m.c.; Jack '\\S\lK K:'>IOX (s\\·15.27) WLS-Pollltr\, ~er\'ice Time \\ EXR-Whill's lht News' \\Tnt-Sun l}p Owens, tenor: WJZ WS~1 (onf'l'rtQ Gro~~o for TI\o W:-, \I-Police nashes KMOX-Fnotball: Wash. vs, So, \\'1< IlE-To be announced W\\ \\-The E~e Opener KDKA WAVE WCKY (s\\- Yiulius Corelli :'>lelllodi~t WGUr-Stock Markels 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WliY-:-;'l'ws; Evenmg Brevitiu 15m Unfini~hed S) mphony WFB£--Courad Thibault, sonllS 7:00 EST 6:00 CST IJl'lker~ a.m. CBS-Top 0' the Morning: Schuberl CH:-,-Pnetic Strine:s' W,\BC WLS-Holll· WLW-Bob Ne"hall KUK,\-.\Iu"ical Clock \\'ABC \\'5:\IK\\ IUS \\ KRC KDK.\-Kiddies Klub WIUS K:'>IOX \\'S~IK (sw­ 3 :4.5 p.m. EST 2:45 CST \\''':'>l-\"arietv Prol!ram K\IOX-:-'-o\'elty Boys lI~mns of All Churches: WGY WGBF-\Ii~t('r ant:! Missus 15.27> WFBE-Td Dance Tuues WT.\'oI-Sell); Sporhman \\ Ch. Y-Boulll' rOuulv Kids WI.\\' WG~-Friendl)' Neic:hbor's House WGBF-Farmer Purcell 4 :00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST WF8E-;\lu~ical WGN-DoriM. Sisters NilC-Lufilll' \Iallner~. ~oprano: \lock K:'IIOX-\"iews on :-;'ews Party NBC-Eddie Suuth's Or..:hestra. \\'KBC-Thi~ WGY-Lee Gordon's Ort'hestra WEAr WSAI WTA:\I ,Ind That wLS- .o.Morning De\'oliolls WLS-:'tlarlha Crane i1nd Helen "JZ \\Io:NII \\TKY KOI{ \ WLS-Smile-a- While (NBC) XBC-TcJd)' Hill's Orch,: W.IZ WTA:,>I-Vaughn Killg's Calis- Joyce b\\ ·11.87 ·15,21) WLW-/J.~ati(lIl'S hf'lIir~ WI{HC-l\lagic M"lodies Family Prayer , WT.Hl-Du(· Whipple WS;\I WAVE WCKY KDKA Nl'w~: WS.\I-'lVoman's ('Iuh Forum (~\\·15,2J) KBC-Re1ic:ioll in the Period W\\'VA-Cowboy Loye and JlJ~l \YWYA-Kiddie Pro~ram Spcaker: WEAF WSAI WGY W:S\I-(illod !\Iorninl{ Plain John \\'\\'\'A-:'>fu~ical Pl'ocrrlllll WEXR-i\fu~ic and ComOlellt~ a.m. EST CST CU.::i-Salindra BrowlI, SOIll:S: WTA:'\I-Sliru Eberhardt 11:15 10:15 1 :30 p.m. EST 12 :30 CST 4:15 n.m. EST 3:15 CST (~w-lI.83) Gu~pel 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WABC WW\'A-.Q. \\hl'l'hng Tab· SllC-:'>lornin'! Parade: WE.\F XUC-·Oick Fidlf'r's Orchestn' J\"BC-Tl'dlly Hill's Orch.· \VENit CBS-Jilck :\Iajnr. one man show: erllacl[' KBr-Hil·hOlrd I.l'il",rl organisl· ;\;IIC-Xorwmell male quarfel WSAI WTA\! WEAF \\'TAi\I WGY WS!\[ \\'HAS K\lOX WBBM WL\\, WGY \\TA:'If WEAF \\'TA:,>1 WSAI :'oIBC-Cotrman Cox, philul>Ollher: WKRC WtUE-Musical Ma~terlJieces 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST K"OX-:'olusical Je"el Ilox WJZ WCKY \\'~\1 WA\'E \\'1 111·:--or~an Interlude \\,GHF-City Court CS5-Buff.. lo Pre~enl~: WABC WGUr-Seroca Club h.:'\IOX-Four Harvest !lands K:,\IQX-Piano Interlude. BtUer W~:\IK (~"-15.27> 4:30 p.m, EST 3;30 CST WfKY-)lu..ical Clock WL5-·Jolly Jm.' OInc! His Pet Pals WKRC WI lAM-Sews t'ilms Council NBC-Charll'~ nuuliuIICl'r'~ NBC-Fa~cinatin' Rhythm: WJZ \\ h.HC-.Q.Goo's Uible School Orch.· \\ '" IlC-E\'l'ning Serl'nade 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST WFBE-Ethel K!lapp Behrmann "'JZ \\TKY WAVE \\,CKY W,;:;'I WA\'E WE:-;'R \\"~\I-:'>Iusical Score Board WLW-To be announced WGBF-Hoy SfoUt!i xur-To he announced: WEAF KOI\.-\- Salt and Peanuts KIlK.\ ('II 15.20 WT.nl-)fusiul Clock \\'GX-~Iornin~ :'>lusicale WGY WS.\l IOIOX-\lds:ic Kitchen XIIC-our Barn WEAf \\'GY 7 :00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST K'IOX-The Corn Huskers 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WI IIE---Glarh·~ allfl Marl' W:-...\I lBS-The Family on Tour with ~B(--JolI) Bill & Jane; WEAr \\'FUE-:'ludio Selections KD(~Whitne) En~elllble WJL WGBF-Auto Club WFUE-Studio Selections Frank I'arker. tellor: WABC WG~-:'>larkeu; ~Mid-day ~chO('lwer (H~-\)r2Jn Hl'\'pilll!' WAlle \\ LS-Vord RU"h; Ralph Fmer­ WCKY WAVE WS~1 Serv \\ KRC-Eddie WWVA (sw·l1.83) KBC-Pollock &. Lawnhurst. pi· son orgallisl WFBE-Junior A\iators ice \\ '1'.\ \I-T\\ili-:ht Tunes CUS-L. :'\'azar Kurkdjie's En­ ano duo; WJZ WI W-Rhythm Jesters WGBF-Hahy Sho" Man WH \~Sa"illlf~ Talk: Wealher: 4 :45 p.m. EST 3 :45 CST ~emble: \\'HAS \VKRC WS~IK Markets: Temperature Who Paid the Rent for Mrs. ",'T-\:'>I-Vau'!hn Kinlit's lIuhh WGN-Carl Spaeth', Orcheslra \\"1·nE-Tea Time Tunes * NBC-OLD COLD CICAR· Rip Van Winkle! and !lnme WGY-Children', Thealcr of lhe WLS-Jim Clark. Chicae:o Pro- elt\'~ Prhent TIle SI>ort Page dlll'"r~: \\"TA \I--{)ur Barn (SBC) I'lIl ill Lo\ e All O\'"r Anin WWVA-Morning Dance Tunl'S Air Crain :\brk{'t of the Air. with Thornton WI.\\'-Paintl'd Drrams 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST t·ishl'r; COilch :-;'ohll' Kizer of Hue-uetle Wahz Friml \\'LS-News: Butter, El[l[ and Echor~ OUl~ide of You 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST PlluUn' :'>ldrkcts: Li\'cstock W"iM-:O;e\\s Ha"k NBC-Blur Roolll WEAF Purdue, glle~l: WE,\F WTA:'>1 Clap Your H:llllls, Here (BS-;\1en oi MalLh~"~n WABC Markels WWV \-DI'. H. Lalllont WS.\t WC\' WTAM WL\\, WA \'E WS:'>f WGY W!.W Comes Charlie! WS~IK WKRC WHAS WW\·.\-fincilllldli Conservatory 1:45 p.m. EST 12 :45 CST CBS-.\lIan Learer's Orchestra: (~\\'.9.53) NHC--Thf' Va~~ Family WF.AF WABC WWVA WHAS WKRC KJ>KA-A.B.C. of Fililh KMOX-liarry, Johnny and of :'>tusic (CBS) XHC-1hI'PY ,J"ck: W,JZ WCKY Aunt Sarah WI.W (~w-15.21) KMOX-Thi" and Thal 11:45 a.m, EST 10:45 CST \\' \ VE WS:'>1 NBC-Musical Adventures: WJZ WGY-MlI~ic:.l1 Clock K:'>IOX-F:i'\cinatinl[ Meludirs KDKA-'-To be ,mnounl'l'd WIjBi\I-Norm Sllerr. "ianisl WHA5-To be aHliouncc:d \\'FBE-i\lol'rlilll:: H~aJlille~ KDKA-Grab Bag WENIl WCKY WAVE w~'M WGBF-Musical Moments WFIIE-Marv ,Jane Schriever 1f-Hank & Herb WLS-Announcements and News \\'(jI3F-Auditions for Young WFBE-Salon Music WI.S-Tumble Weed WGY-Football Game W"'i,\l-Gl'ne lIurr:hel\'s Orch, W~Al-fire Statistics Folks WI. W-:'>lnrnilu[ Drvotions \\'IIAS-\Ir~. Randuilih. shoppinl! 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST WTA:'>I-Iloard of Education \VLS-Junior Illlulldul) WSAI-Today's News WI.s-4 H Cluh Proc-ram NBC-.Jackie Heller. lenor: WJI. NBC-Popeye, tht> Sailor' WlAt Brothf'r~ W(KY WS~I WAVE WE:-;,n WSM-Delmnre 10:00 a.m_ EST 9:00 CST WL\\'-Foothall: Ohio State vs. \\'SAI WTA'\I \\'G\, (s",9.53) '7 :45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST Afternoon Drake U. KDK \-A Recreo: Bill and Alex ~Hr-TiJe ~la~tel Builder. wJZ cnS-Ntws; Mellow Moment' \\'FBE-Voul \'ariet\' WESR KDKA WlKY (s",,· r-.SC-Yoichi IIiraoka, x)-Iophoa- \\ \I]C \\'KHC WHAS \\'W\'A \\'wV\-llWhtl'ting (io"l'c1 Tab· ernacll' W\\IV \-Dinner )lusic 11.871 ist: WEAF "BC-~e"5; Cleo Brown. plan 12 :00 m ES 11 :00 a.m. CS r-.BC-Ri~e ant:! Shin~: \VJZ ~ 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST K\lOX-Frdnk Hauard, tenor; i)t )OI1I[S: \\'JZ KUKA (!I\\ -~lm"~f1n Hu)~ KMOX-Ambrose Haley 15.21) 'Ht of Spruu 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST ~IlC-Kpn Sparnon'~ Ensemble Orchestra WLW-To be announced head Bay; WJZ \\'JZ WCKY WEXR KOKA WA "E-Radio Ne\\"~papcr NBC-NeI15: Frank Luther. CDS-OrienTalt WAlle WSMK NnC-Words & Music: WJl \\ljn:'tl-J'al Flalldgan. sports WSAI-:\lu~ical SUIl Dial lilnor \rEAF WGY WSM WAVE \\'S:'>l WLW (sw·15.21· WKHC KMOX \\ liAS WWVA \VCRY WAVE WFBE-To be anllounced WS:\1-LeOll Cole, orc::ani~t En~emblf' 11,871 WTAM WAVE (sw-15.27) NBr·-Rex Rattle's WGBF-Zuo ~'e\\s WT.\ 'I-Variety Program I(\H)X-~('ws Thru a Woman's W~UI CBS-EI~ie Tnomp"On. orl!anist: I\HC-·MlIllllr :'\1"n male Quarle' WE.\F WTAM (sw- WI{RC-Dick Bra)' t:\'es WABC WSMK WIIAS WW\'A 8 :00 a.m. EST '7 :00 CST WEAF WSAI WTA:,>I WAVE 15.33) WS:\I-\-dril't\" Prol!ram WCKY-News CBS-The Captivators· WABC WKH( K:'IIQX (s\\'-15.27) NBC-Mornilll! Devotions: ""JI. WS~1 WCKY NBC-Temple of Songs; Chicago WLW-R. F. D. Hour WAVE KDKA WCKY (sw· WFBE-Wade House KIlKA-Xews \\'5:'>IK WKRC K:'>IOX \VilAS WGN-Hymns of All Churches (s\\'-15.27) A Capella Choir, dir~dioll of 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST 21.54) WFBE------{.·ollel.!~ uf IIlu~ic WI.S-I'rairie Hamblers; Palsy KDK,\-\I;l1' and BlIb Noble Cain; Ruth Lvon, so­ r-,'BC-The Sizzlers, trio: WEAF CUS-On the Air Today; Lyric WGN-The Girl Friellds prano: Edward Davi~s, bari· Serellau('. WAUe MOlltalla; Hiram alill Hrllrv \VGY~Musical Program WFBE-Tanl!o Tunes WSAI WL'IV-Rex r.riffith, tenor tone: WEAF WCAE WGY :-.JDC-l\~lessage of Israel; I(;lblll NBC-Spareribs: WEAF WLS-otto's Tunetwisters WGBF-Billboard WSAI-Household Hints WGN-Pahllel' House Ensemble WTAM Jonah B_ Wise. director: WJZ KJ\lOX-Newsj Home Folks' WLW-l\Iartha & lIal WFBE-Shoppers Special Hour 10: 15 a.m. EST 9 :15 CST 1V1.\\'!-lJnc Whipple WL<;:-Hollll! Tall!nt Show WENR WHAM WSM-F"riend~ and Neie:hbors WSAI-Sporfs Heview CBS-Tn he announced: \VA BC Wf.'m:-our Daily Thouo;:ht ~ HC-Th~ Balljulccrs: \VEAl' WWVA-Ilorne Edition WCBF-.o.Cospel Tabernacle 12:15 p,m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WKRC KMOX WIlAS WWVA. WCY WTArt'! 2:15 f).m, EST 1:15 CST 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST I{I)I(\-Jl\'~hanek's Orchli!~tr~ WljN-(;ood Morning CBS-Clyde Barrie, baritone. NHC-Honl'yho) arid Sassafras WFI3E-:'\lusical Masterpieces Nllr-Gahril'l lIl'att..r; W..ek· \\'AVE-Fire Prevention Week WIIAS-To be announced WAHC WI{BC WHAS 1{i\10X WEAF WTAi\1 WSAI EIlll ;.le\\~ Review: WJZ WSM WLS-News NBC-Genia Fonarioya. soprano: WGN-Wavcs of ,\Ie1ody WBB:'>I-Vanw's EU~~lllhll': I'rl\'~ NHC-EdwOlrd MacH ugh, ban· SllIith{'r~ KDK,\ WE:O;R \\'CKY WAVE WSAI-l\Church Forum W.IZ WSM WAYE WLW WLS-Pa & 1\Ia WCKY-Xew~ tone: WJZ WCKY KOKA \\ W\'.\-Thp 01' I'ardnl'r (~II lUp·15.2n WSI\I-I\:'\fornilll!: Dcnllion I(I)KA-To be announced WI'IlE-Sport Review WAVE WSM (sw-15.20 WFHE-Oillller Music WGBF-Hi~torical WT,\,\l-\lu~ical Clock WCKY-~ews 2:30 I).rn. EST 1 :30 CST Facts WFBE-Dol Club Ne\\s NB(~Wet'k·ElIIl Revu~: \\'GIIF-NI'\\~ W\'v'tA-:'\lornill Edition \\'G:\-_'A:n 5aho Ort~lon;sl WEAF W(;V-VanNy Program WGBF-Household Hour W5:'>1 WS.\I \\'TAM (sw·15.33) WSAI-Trrllple of Sonll: WGX-\largery Graham \rGY-Doc Schneider', Cowboys WLW-To be anllouncl-d 8:15 a,m. EST 7:15 CST (liS-To IHo announced: WAIIC W\V\'A-Fronl 1'~l!:e Drama \\'S\I-Collledy Stars of Holly WLW-To he announceIOX WW\''\ (sw­ WUOf,I W~.&.J-Trarric (ase~ tle." :'>Iary \\righl WJZ WAVE WS:\I Court 15.271 WTA\I-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WWVA-Ihpid Ad S~f\'ice \\"\\'\'A-Nuoll Ellllion NBC-Morning Glories' WEAF :'\BC-Walbere- BrOlin String En· 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST WLW ]0:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS ~emb'e: WJZ \\TKY KDKA 6:00 n.m. EST 5:00 CST SUC-World Deht to Columhu~. KDKA-:O;e"s ~~DC-Marie NBC-~Ierry J\!:Id..:ajls: WEAF (~w-15.21 ) de Ville, longs: NCC-Kearne\' Walton'~ Orch.. j\ddre~~, \Iarlin H. Carmody: K:'>TOX-Stoff;y's Sloo!it"es \\'JZ WCKY WTAl\! WSAI WGX-D1ackstone Ensemble WEAF WSAl WAVE WLW \\'CKY-Sews . XIIC-American Farm Bureau WHA5--To be announced WEAF WSAI CB!'l-Lct'< f'relr"d WABe WCY (~BC) WFBE-Arkansas Fiddlers F~d. Prlo';m.; Gue!'t SI>takers: \\'LS-Homelliakcr~ WA\'E-Merry :'>facs WKHe WHAS WWVA (BS-Frpdl'ric Wm. Wile politi· WCKY-n,lCA Talk WGN-Rolllalice Timc NBC-:-;'ichola~ ~ WJZ KDI{A WCK\' WAVE 2:4.5 p.m. EST 1:4.5 CST MaUlav Oren. cal hil[hlill:h",· WABC WKRC WfBE-Wili Hauser's Orchestra WLS-Kecl> Posted WEAF WGY WSAI WTAM WSM WLW (sw-15.21l K~IOX-Willdow Shopper \\'S\lI( K:\IOX WBI3:'>1 (~IV­ W\\'\'\-Tex Harrison's Texas CIl~-AI ROlh's Syncopators: WFHE-Tllu Wild Deuces WLW-\\'ashi"l[lon Mer rv·Go KOKA-Home Forum 11.83) Round Buck ... roos K:'>IOX-Better Films Council \VABC w:-;:nc W':!MK WIIAS WGX-Football; Notre Dame n. XBC-Ka!ll'nlllc\,rr's Kindera:ar- KMOX (sw·15.27) Wi~l"un~in; Jllinois vs. S. Calif. WS~I-Sacred Quartet 8 :30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST 'IV AVE-lJ.lh~\·oti(Jnal Hour fl'n: \V,IZ Wr"KY WEKH ­ W\\'\"A-Football Reporter \VFHE-I\oonfiml' Tunes 3:00 p.m. EST CST NBC-~\Vallcr Cassel, baritone, WFBE-Smile Club 2:00 KDKA-~ew"·Rel'ler WGN-Marketsj Musicale CH:;-Foolb~lI; 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST William 1\1eeder, orga!lisl· WGN-I\I~rk..ts; Serenade ?llinnesota \'5. WFIII·:-;\lusil:al Comed~' Gems WGY-Farm Pr()Jl:r~lll l\l'I)l·a~b: WABC WSMK (sw· WJZ KDKA WCKY (sw· WLS-Jolly Joe's Junior Stan \\"GBF-Fourth Strel't Market * NBC-The Hit Parade; Lennie WLW-News \VLS-The Old Story Teller 15.W WHA;\I-Spol'ts !ia.llun's Orch.; I{av Thllllll> 21.54) WWVA-Luncheon Music CBS-Chapel Sinllers: WABC WSM-Homemakers' Chat .'\BC-Old Skipper's Gane:: WJZ \VHAS-Out 0' Dusk son; Charles Carlile: Three ND(-Cn~erio· -WEAF WTAM 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST 12 :45 p.m. ES 11 :45 a.m. CS WCKY KDKA (sw-15.21) WS'l-Nl'ws; Pan·American Ilhylhm Kin~s. ~felody Cirls: K:'>IOX-Nell'~ WLW WGY \\'S:'I1 NBC-Originalities; Jack Owens WFBE-Dept. uf till' InteriOT WTAM-Oon JoI W!.W WAVE tenor; Orch.· WJZ KDKA \\·F(n:-~·onl: of The Strinl!;s WG Y WSM (s\\,·9.53> K;'.IOX-Tick-Tock Re\'uc WGBF-Bullclin Board 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WCI-;:Y (~w-15.2J) WG:-;'-Painted DrealUs \\"IL\5-1I011. A. B. Chandler CB5--Club ColumlJia; Musu:a! W,\ VE-Musical Clock 'I-\Iu~iral WFBE-Mornin~ Concert NIIC-Xil:holas l\1athaY'!i Orch WL5--Weathcr; Produce Mark· \\'T-\ Cocktail CB<; - Three Lilll{' Wnnl": Comedy, direction Leith Ste WG~'-G(JllcI Morning WS:\1 \\'A\'E ets: Xews WWVA-Co\\boy Lo)e and Just W,\BC \\'S:'>lK WKRC WBRM vens: WABC \VilAS WKRC WKIfC-Firldlin' Farmers Ki\IOX-l.et's COlllpare Noles \VTA~!-Xuon-d:.lY Hesume Plain John K:'\IOX hw·11.83) (s"6.12) WLS-Arkansas Woodchopp('1 WCN-Hdrold Turner, pianist W\\'\"A-AI Roth's Syncopalors 3:15 I).rn. EST 2:15 CST KDK \-<;I'nrt~ Re\·iew NnC-EI Chir'o 5TJani~h Hevue; WSAI-McCormick's Old Time: \\'LW-Live"tock Hl'lJorts (CBS) K:'>IOX-Exchane-e ClulJ W,\ \'E-SJ.:r{'l~ :'\Iorris Wj7, \\'CKY WHA:'>1 WT.Ut-Week· End He v Ie \\ WII.\\I-(·omerh' Slars K:'>fOX-Comedy Stars of Holly. Fil/lllers WS:'>I-News &: Lin' Stock Rc· 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS (SBC) WWVA-:'IIorninl! Dance Tunes parh \\ 1.\\'-'1'0 II(" announced \\ood NUC-Lee Gordon's Orchestra: 3:30 l).m. EST 2:30 CST WS'I-Sunda\' SrhtlOl Le5~on WBUM-Elena Moneak's Ensem 8:45 a.m. EST 7 :45 CST 11 :00 a.m. EST 10 :00 CST WEAF WTAM SBC-:'>Iu~ic Guild: WE.\F WS'1 WT\ \l-Folltildll Resume hi, CUS-Waltz Time: WABe NBC-ollr ,\mt'rican Schools: CB5-J a c k Shannon, tenor: WSAI WAVE WTA~1 \VFBE-Dave & Henry 'I~' -I.anrh Trio and Whitt: WEAF WTA~l WCY WSAl WAlle WHAS WSMK WKRr Sonata for I'iano and 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST WCN-Collledy Stars WJZ KDKA WCKY (sw·2l.S4l WS:'>1 WLW WWVA K.:'>IOX (sw·15.27> Violin Buris Koutzen CliS--:":rw~: FootlJali Rl?!lull5: WL5-0lto's Tune Twisters WGUF-Timely Topics NIlC-Tne Honeymooners: WJZ WFHl.;-\\·ill Hauser'!> Orch. (a) ;\Ioderato WAnc WK ne: K'1OX WSMK WS_\I-llance Orchestra WLS-Jolly Joe WAVE WCKY WGBF-Church & School News (0) InTerml'7.7.0 WIIAS WBn'l (s\\,.I1.83) WWV\-I-inal Edition NumeraLs m Program Listings Show Short-Wave Rebroadcasts m Megacycles

24 7 LISTEN IN SATURDAY Lulu Belle In Cincinnati With- { Hot off the Gridiron . Orville Revelle

.I~OCT OLD GOLD; I"\! RADIO! The BILL Ihat the Croslcj'S would build" monument STEI·E;\S-.II:\E RICILIJ< r to this city's r<:diu! We now learn that PRESENTS M two-year rormlnce will be climaxed it will be a t\\O million dollar :-.Iruclllre at the altar next .lund It is then Ihat Bill on the dll\\nIO\\n Parkway!!! Until its i will realill' hi:-. ambitions 10 tw,omc a full completion certain \\'LW :-.llldios will be ALL.AMERICA fledged radio crtgineer .,. I,ike those of 1J0u ..c.1 in the Lnion Cenlral huilding.,. ,'lark Twain's death, repurts of LLOYD And we verify what we prl'\'iou..lv printed: SLLLl\A:"'S impt'IlIling marriage arc \\'rBE "ill be ~IlO\\n :b \,"CPO (Cincin­ FOOTBALL NEWS!1 greatly exaggeraled! Lloyd claims that nati Post) and \\ ill be oper;tted hy Ihe he's only thinking of marrial!,c. but ..ays ('ontincntal Bro;ulcasting (:oIll1l3ny, an it CO~h nothing 10 think .. _ W5.\\'s Cam' affiliale of the 5cripps-llow;mJ news­ pus Thratu 0/ fbe Air "ill "'alute the L'ni­ papers! \cr::lily of Kentucky un October 14. The salute is a dram,lti/,ltion of that college's campus ami c1tra :"t'nC-To be arlllUunl'ed: WEAF WWVA WS:'ot-SllIilh's Dixie LinC'rs WGY WCKY "'S,\! ($\\,·953) WnBM-~)'mour Simons' Orch. 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST CHS-Oaudc Hopkins' Orch.: WFEE-Michelson's Orchestra WADC WKIlC WBB:'II WHAS HORNTON flSHER, sports WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch KMOX-To be announced WS;\IK famous The NATIONAL WLS-Uarn DaMe Act' WrKY-Studio Pruc:ram NOC-Hay Noblc's Orch.; WJZ T writer and cartoonist, gives you the WGN-Jan Garber's Orchl'stra KDI{A WS:\IK (~w6,J4) WSM-Jack's J\lbsouri Moull13in- fOOlbali highlighlS of the day and week hOI 8 :30 p,m, EST 7 :30 CST KMOX-;\lauril' Shrrman's Orch, l'ers off the gridiron every Saturday, WI EA F, BARN DANCE f\ IlC-Jan1Iwrt'e Variety Show: WAVE-Jimmy Joy's Ort:!Lr,tra and complete N, B. C. Network, 7 P. M. WJZ WHAM KDKA WCKi' 10 :00 p.m. EST 9 :00 CST WGI3F-Coral Boom Eastern Standard Time. Hear It Over (sw-11,87) * CBS - California Melodies: WGN-Orville KUill'I"S Oreh. CnS-To be a111101111('I'11: WABC WABC KI\lOX WHAS WHIiM WflAM-AI Dunohue'5 Orell. "fiOMS \ , WWVA WI(lIe WHAS KMOX WSMK Isw-6.12) WSM-Itobel't I.UI1I1; Deford l'REOIC tt Sl'O"fS. "fS \ 45 NBC STATIONS (sw 6.12) WCKY-~tws 8ailrv ttiG RESUL WBB:'\I-Georu Ol~ell'" Orch. WG~-Collcert Orchestra WTAM-Pinky Ihlllll'r's Orch, WFBf.-Football; U. C. vs. S. WKRC-Red Binl'~ Orchestra 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST Football's greatest coaches as guest stars COAST-to-COAST ~t;lte Dakota WSAI-To bt ,mnount:ell IOIOX-Clauue Hopkins' Orch. talk to you! WGN -Joe Sandl'rs' Orchestra WSlll-Ddord Bailey; Curt Puul· (COS) GUEST STAR ••• October 12 Over 40 Radio Artists including the Curn­ WLS-Barn Dance Party tOil WAVE-To be announced l>erland Ridge Runners. Maple City Four, WS.\I-To be ;Jt\noullud WWVA-Fre.1 Warin!!:·5 Orch, WGBF-Colonial Club Lulu Belle. Hoosier HoL Shots, Uncle Ezra, WSM-\'aritty I'ro\tram NOBLE KIZER 10:15 p.m. EST 9:15 CST WGN-Jan G:lrhf'rs Orchestra ~-i..' Tune Twisters. Arkansas Woodchopper. WSi\I-('ruok Brothers' Bal'll famous,coach of Purdue Joe Kelly, and Verne. Lee and Mary. A 8 :45 p.m. EST 7 :45 CST WrKY-Selrcttd :\umbers rollicking program of old time singing. CBS-The Trooptrs: WABe WG~-\'elol. & Yulanda's Orch. 12:00 l\fid ES 11 :00 p.m. CS dancing and homespun fun. Brought to WW\'A \\'HAS K:'\IOX WUH~I WKRC-Fiesta NBC-AI bun's Orch.; WEAF you direct from WLS, Chicago, every (~w·6,12) W::l:'ol-Pu.. ~um Ilunlerl>: Bmk­ WGY \\'AVE Saturday night ovcr WGS-Palmer l1ou~ Ensemble It')' Brothers CBS-Sterlina: Youna:'s Orch.: W"':"oI-U.,I111ore BrOlhrr.. WABC KMOX WKlte 10:30 p.m, EST 9:30 CST 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST :\'BC-Shalldur, ... iolinist; Sitepy KDKA or \l'LS NBC-Dorsey Brothers' Orch.: lIall's Ordthtra: WJZ WS:'ol 9:30 P.M., EST-8:30 P.M., CST NBC-G·;\tl'n, authenlic cases Wt::AF WG)' WTAM WSAI WIIAM from Official Dept. of Jusllce (5\00'-9.53) KDKA-:"ole<;<;agrs to Far North Spollsored by Alka Sdt(ef Filt's; Dlamatl7t'd by PhilliPJ * NBC-Carefree Carnical: "'JZ WBD\I-George OI5('n's Orch_ turds: WEAF WTA~I WLW WCKY WIlA\l WA\E (CBS) WGY WAVE (...... -9.531 CUS-Guy LUlIJb;m.lu's Orch.: WGSF-Ilance Orchestra * CBS-Nino Martini, lenor: WABe \VHA~ WBB\l WKRC \\'IIA5-GrJ)' Gordon's Orch. A .\ndre Koctelane17' o.-ch. & (s..... -6_12) WI.~S'i!;ht Time in Dixie Chorus WAnC WHA"" K;\10X KDKA-Will Rnhant'k's Orch. WLW-To ~ announced WKItC W8B)1 (c" 6.12) K'IOX-~e.... \\'S~1-Grand Ohl Oor)' TIRED Accent on Youth 1.."llhurst WC~-D;fIIcc Orchestra W1A:\I-Sammy Ka)·e's Orch. AI Pa\'o Rl'al Lecuona WLS-Tune T.... istt'fS & Evelyn BI'III'\'l' ~Ie, If All Tho~e 12;15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS WLW-Xe" WG~-\',tOlt & Yolanda's Orch. FACE Endurinlt Yount' Charm W~;\I-Unclt' Dill'\(' :'IlacolI ~o..... , )'ou'\'e Got \Ie Doine: WL~D3rn Dann Needs Help It Spina 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS Spirit Flo\\er Tipton KMOX-!:iPtlrt Pac:e of the Air NBC-POlu! Pendarvis' Orch,: Whether You're 16 or 60 From "AI 110m.. Ahro;ul" WFHE-Will IhlUCer·s Orchtstra WEAF WGY WAVE Schwartz Our new Complexion Kit will .lCt like m~!Iit. WI.~huck & Itay: HOOSier NBC-Cha<;. Dornbuller's Orch.: (.) What :a Wonderful Sololl'" nnltmtllllni ('lr('lIll1rs for \l:Ill REVELATION WSAI-World Review 12:45 a.m, ES II :45 p,m. CS Dealers. };:q,luh'nt'l" unUel'l'lIAliry. Send Be COMPLEXION KIT CORP. WS:'\I-PM,um Hunlers; Llncle Hot Shots: Wl.W M8S-Joe Sanders' Orch.: WCN .tamp {(,Ir dttnlh. &40 Madison AVl'nuo. Dept. J. Now York City Dav.. 'lacon CB5--Abe U. man's Orcht'stra: WAVE-Jimmy Joy', Ort:hestra WWVA-Where To Go To Church WADC WKllt,; K:'oIOX WBBM \\'~\, I(-Dick Messner's Orch, THE ACME SYSTEM, NBC-Haroltl ~trrl1'c Orch('stra: (CBS) Dept. R, Box 6147, Cleveland, Ohio 9:15 p.m, EST 8:15 CST \\ EAr WGY WCK \' (~\\ 9.53) WWVA-Mi.lni'!ht ,I:lmborce l{DKA To be announced NBe-earl 110ft's Ordl.: WJZ 1:00 a.m, ES 12:00 Mid CS LADIES MAKE MONEY WSM-Paul Wal'lIlack's Gully WIJAM Spra~ue WliIiM-AI Oien's Ol'ch, 11I1m~'. di~lril.Jlllul'lI Jumpers KDKA-Svorts, Ed COpr addrt!ll-to fur III humc WENR-Glenn Lec's Orcheslr.. In ~llllre Itml', EtI~r 1I0rl;'. l:ood 11l1~·. E"lll'r­ \\ W\'.\-TIle Ari,tocrau WAVE-Paul \1incrs' Orrheslfa I"no"t· 1II11ll'1'f'~~ar.\. :0;0 tllu\"ul'.'ling. "',ltf' 1m. WCBF-Colollial Club WGN-Continental Gvpsi... lIIt'lliatt'lr btaulped Ithlrt'~~l'd l:IlH~lof1'l'. 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST \\C:\,-I:;Jr,u:e 1":illJ ~ O,chhtn WLW-Tomm\ Tllrkrr's Orch. MUTUAL ADVERTISING SERVICE * NBC-The Chaluu; Victor WL5-0arn Dance Varieties 1:15 a,m. EST 12:15 CST Dept. 4. 370 LOJ:lnlton Ave" New York City Younc:'s Orch,: WEAr WTAM \'vSAI-Dance ()rrhcstra \\'G:"t-.lall G11I brr'. Orchestra WGY WL\\' ~ H.. \\kins' OrchCSlra: WFB:'oI WBB:'oI W\\'VA (5""'­ WE~R ASTHMA? 6.12) 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST \\ BIi\l-"it}l1lour imons' Orch. /Ii ur-COIri lloH's Ort'h.: WSAI WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch. "1( yon nrc sick ant! tlr'd fit j:ll"pl"c: Iud litru~­ • NBC-ALKA·SELTZER PRE· 1:1l1l~ for IJrealll-tlred of ,lulu¥ Ill' night .rICT ~I'/It~ ~ .. tional Harn Dance; KDKA-B('hind the Law WL W-~Ioon RiHr, on;a" ilnd 1ll:;1.1 )0..101> mile II oN'dr,1 r('~1 lull "IN'''' wrilt' Maple City Four; IIl'nry W.\\'E-To be announced 1>(l4'nu '"l" at unc',. for ...nEE Irlill of the lIl\'ui.-iu(' til.. Burr, tenor; Uncle [ua; Lulu WGBF-~e\\S 2:00 EST 1:00 CST BE ADETECTIVE t:IIH' nil' 1.,.lInl: rt>lh·t. 1 utf"rt'd II:UII,r f{)r a.m. 8ell,,; Verne, Lee & Mary; WG~-Chillrlie D(lrnber~er" Or 1.I'IHh ,.ix )'f''''',.. ;\ow I lJ1he UO !Il(,rr- ",>ens ... r WBBM-~Iauril: ~tejn' Orch. Make Secret Investigations &. 1101 chestra ,.",,'dn::,. gll .. pln;.: 1I1111 WI'f'4"llll'; and .. It"-II ..ound Hiram Henry; Hoosiu \\G\-Jo.w S"nder",' Orrheqra Earn Dig .\\oney. Work home or travel. III nl~hf l.. u;.:. Writt' tooll,. for a t'UEY. trilli. Shots; Ridn Runn.. r~; Lucille \\'S:'ol- mith' Db,ir un('r! Fa..cinatmg work. J:xperience unnece'i~ary, '(,"r nlme lIud ac)drt'_"i UD ;i l'(Iat f'lIfd \\ ill I.riu:: Lr:1Il«: and ()Ihns: WJZ KDKA \\'~:'IIK-Abe L)nlJn's Onheo;;tra 2:30 a,m. ET 1:30 CST ,t by retnrll mill." (I. W. Ot'ln. I'rt'~ldt'Dt, DETECTIVE Parlicolars FREE. \I nte. t'r! "",lIh J'rodud. C(jml~ny, Dept. 13-J2-A, \\IIA)t WI WA\E (",·6_14) (C8:» \\BH~I-R..dio Iludhot's 1I00tOD Uu'lNr, )Iicb1laO. J\MOX-Musiul Momr.nts "'\'tVA-Midtli~ht Jan,L4Jree WGN-Horace Heidt's Orchestra GEO.A.WAGNER, 2640Broadway, N. Y. 7 25 The VOice of the Listener

This ceputment is solely for the use of the te'ders as a place in which to voice Bill of Lauding opinions Olnd uchange views about udio. Address your letters, which MUST NOT Lost in the Males ell'cet'd 100 words. to VOL. RADIO GU10F.:. HI Plymouth Court. ChIUgO. IllinoIS DI'Jr \'OL: Let's he:lr morl' {rom the Lamp You payout Our \'OL: S[lOIl'.ors. listen! Lil!:hter. I mi"s him so. Ill' has ~uch wonderful thOu~3nds ~cn'en of dollars for big sta':!:l.' ilnri big names of tomorrow. Thry ar,,: Hl"lla) \'elluta, \·ie'\~ on life and I am sure he has helped thou­ J1~m('s \\ho u~ual1)" flop on r;lIlio, Whl not !the f)QIl \lc:'\eill, Jackie lIeller, LOrl>t1;1 1."1", Jerry ~it"d, :I" hI' h:J~ t>l'lprd IJIp. What is tht' matter $ome of thr hrll:ir,lIl,'r!> of radio, \\ho are really Eddy-torial COfIflf"r amI Ka) K)~er. \\ilh the spnn~ors' I Ihou~ht "ure he would be ! it h~lIer, eood. a chimr.. Don't you think is much COIllI" on, £.Ill". leI U~ boost the~e stars ('very Drar \'OL: In reeard to \'erne D"I7I'II'" "I)(m~ored before this. Why do the)" sponsor lK'tler to build up some !omall star info iI bie: ~ay compar~ v.eek until they get the lIre.. k they deser"e. should like 10 Ihat no one can married \lomen to sin!; o\'er the air when there nam,,! Ed,J~ I'la~'in!! :\Iarian Burns with Duchill ,\hell il COlllb to a il.fe ~o /lI ..n~ "illgle 1111'11 Irling 10 ~el 011 the I am mentioning a few who, in RADIO GUIDE'S DuUala. N. Y. Jll .. no Ll'nnir Ita)'ton and T('ll Fiorilu m.. ) be ri!'lio! It i~ :I crime lu hire lIIarried worn!;'" and The~e last (OnlI"SI, orllfly rcached the top. stars, ll'lll)(t. hUI hO\1 c..n an~'one think thl')' ratr 3.::i IN thl'm "inlt on Iwu or three pro!;rams. I have if only ginon a rhauce by a sponsor, will be t~e hi!h as Eddl· '\hen he is in a class by him"p[f! I'e\'l"r heard 3n)'OIlt' ""y Ihl')' like to he3r a Dream Come True If the~e other Ili,llli~t'l are so good. \\hy arell't \\oman sin~in~. Get Ihe women orr the air and Ihe~ fe .. lured on '\01111' prO\lriilll anti il;inw a gi\'e the )oun!,! men a chance. Dear YOL: I wlnt to say I'm very ctlad to see chall(,(, In play ~nlo~! It i" Edrly'~ inimit..hl[" 5e..::..itll! Jll!i;.:hh. N, J. :\Irs. William Dol:Jnd that our Dream Sinc:er. Ralph Kirber~'. is back slylp of 1)layin~ that makes him so ropulu (,II th(' air .11111 lIeilli: ~1101I::;ored. 3nd to think his Philadelphia Pa Edna Ro'!ers be.lutiful "oi('(" i~ apprr('latNI ... t 1.. ",1. If "ptln"or Hanover Hand (Illy knew Ihal ifs the pr0ltram that altract<; us Dear \'OL: Ju"t , hrillg her lJ..ck azain. Our best wi~hes for the speedy rpcovery of HI'''I', What .. I'prf('t't romhinalion they are. C'mon. )'011 ,'an f"n~, \lrile in ano ll't \·er.. know Martin Lewis, Enjo) his Inside Stuff. Jackil' with hi~ "mooth. r('''nnant \'oicp, a'lrl Dale \\,("rr for her. one hundred per cent. :\Inre ~uc· Mar)' E, SWil.in wilh hi~ piaTlI).talkin~ p~ayin~. We enjoy' lhi~ ("I',,~ to ~'OU, \'era. and 2ive us more of )"uur Newark, N. J, rro'!ram no end, and thank's to )"OU, Jackie 11('1 ler, for !:d\'int:t us Da\'e Rose in a solo, al eadl lo\'el~ proc:r3111::". I.ro,Hlcast. Both al'e ~lal'~ in their own ril::hl. Hallo"er, P.. 1\1. W, Dial-Log ;lilt! dl.'"en'e ~1I J he pl'ai::.e II hich alrcail)' has been gi\'t'll lu tIH!llI, Re-Joyce-ing Dear VOL: A few tllOllghts whili' dialing: I N('w Yurk City i\tinl'tl(' SIH'rmak hope the sponsors Qf lite II~!W F'all pr()gr;Jlll~ will Deal' VUI.: [ di":Il;:-l"1'1' hl':lrlLly "ith Donald ~holV a l'ehQuaull' alllHllllt of i{ood laste and Cooke's opinion of Eddy Dnrhlll'.. orl"lll"(l'il. How THE MOST FAMOUS NAME l,ol try to liIix ja1.1. ,Inri Ihe clas~ics. A Lily Pons Enroute to Top IQuid an)'one da~~ an orchp"tl'a that ti('~ IIp a aria fullu\\'ecl hy a Koslelanetl choru" sinzin(!" rl!conl of 6,200 covers in :I fJIllOllS rl'<;!aural\[ in the ACCORDION WORLD I.oukil', lIerl' Cume~ Cookie

TYPISTS WANTED (Col1flllued froIII I'ac:e 7) cheap robhen' thrillers, Ihal if the people In Illy progr:t11l I try In cover "II fidds ana sele(t theIr radio elllerl:Ullment with going to all Ihe trouble 10 write, produce for young childrell. Doing a dlfTrn.·nt Typists earn extra mODey home ,..-----1. typinl" tulhon manuscript,. Good Earn the same care and discrimination that they and pre:-ent such programs would "pend story c\ery day mJkl'" it pthsihle to \'en­ pay, A real opportunity for thOIol! $50.00 to usc in :.electing Iheir music list. their diet. the same amOllnt of energy gathering ma­ ture fl.'pCJledly into the realms of Fairy­ 3ch~t~:;l"fO;'d~~~f..work. Send 100.00 and the bIK)k" tllt:y rt:ad, terial for an ath-enture storY of e'\jJlora­ land :\\orher Goo~e Land, Indian legends. TYl)ISTS BUREAU, A :Month My objection to m:lIl} reform move· tion, we could teach our you·ng people the li\'es of great people li\ing JlId dcad­ Spare ~\any Dept. RG. \VestfieJd, l\1ass. Time ments is this: of the ohJectors to \'aILH's of real branry and heroism with a historY-in a slll.JlI \\JY "..:ien':l'-afld radio programs are in realily a"king the purpose. Iravel. Having all accornpli"hcd ll1u-;ician advertisers of the nation to a~sume a \\'hat of the drama of hi"torv? The as my accornp3.ni"l makl'" it po>;sihle to moral responsibility which parents them· pages of world hi"torv unfold dr:tn1<1 of tell the life tor\' of ,1 gre:tt mu..ici:lll selves :.hould take upon their own should­ ulbUrptN,ed intensily. Imagine \,h, They \\on't­ (Stl14 rtUIf/arlll for 11,00 ) older children who feel they want action place for them, and If they were presented not allY more than yotl and I agree on dramatized for their radio entertainment. with Illuch thOll~ht and intelligence, they ail the programs for grownups FREE,JUllt )'011 with lilY --.:a~ IICI~ll, to uNllllllnt l~r8011, Orlpntal ftr- would provide Interesting ellkrtainlllenl But. you scc-the material for fine pro­ P' Oul,\' 1 10 II TlI!1S lovch "'("lIrt, Su"pense. thrills, mystery, anticipation and '1""'" oue ~·ftn:lll'IUllr\!, "Ith Hs w(wen Cbine~e fie tense dramatic situatiol1~ may he hlended for children and grown-up:... But whal we grams for children is here, all around us. Glgnilin l1,lrn\onI01l8 colorll. r,,(' II '" tUble df~ora­ need to improve radio elllCrlainl1lcnt fOl All YOll have to do is make use of it. ~ tlon 1O(,llrt, <)r Hrld,l:"f l'r!:t~. <-'OIIll'S In 0 Him' succes:-.full} with hi"lory, ·science, rine liter· ~ & Tull., 0 (;r(,1'I1 "'- 'l"llll, 0 llarooll & "'111 ature anti great lllu"ic, in programs for children i" \'ariety-and here it is in the ~OS"tl CllOl,:ullllc. ('hp('1;: ("(Ilor waut~tl. ' older children. I low-do you ask? world about u:.! The Singing Lady broadcasls, I wlll 111110 "elld ~'Oll m.' full lI"'t of Orie,,- .\1 uch has heen done that is wise and with lreenc Wicker. arc (he air 101 )l!l.lul"rtn LOIIIl'l'tnl:: l'aj:llllall. Silk 1\:1, In m:my differcnt ways. It is being on A~'~~'r ~~~i:~~ l,~::~rl~·~'l'~,~:t,~;(,. done to "orne c"tcnl. I:Iying Time, writ­ con"tructi\'c in pre:-elliing music. Oo(tor dail.v eXCel)t Saturdays and Sun· .. Boxell, l·tt' ten by Willis Cooper, Nile st,tff contin­ Walter Oamrmch h:I') great personal day~ over an :\'RC'·W.J7. network JfiF S('l\(t onl)' ;l0<" lllll"fr or IIIf1U1I111) to ('on'r uity head in Chicago, depicts real cxpen· ch:nm and a genius for maklllg e\'ery­ at ;,30,>. m. EST (1,30 CST; 3,30 VO"lllj:lJ ItUU IIU('kim:. )Ione,. reruntl~d im -m~ lIlediatel) ir UOI !lItl~ril'd. ences in nying. thing he says of great interest. lIe has .'lIST; 2;30 I'ST) and over a split " DOROTHY BOYD ART STUDIO Often it has occurred to me as I read done wonders for the musical education ~BC network at 6:30 p. m. EST , 78 MinDa Ave. at Fint. Sail Frandsco,Ca.Iif. objections-and well-foundcd ones-to of children in our radio audience. (5;30 CST; 4;30 MST; 3,30 PST). 26 6a Radio Goes Overboard

(Coll!il1l1ed from Pdge JI) the kid ever caught a tight hold on Dun­ Publi~hers patrol car! That kid was smacking Hack­ The of RADIO GUII)E want phy, and held on with all the frcnl.y of ensack's dirty water sixty heats, to the Ihis weekly to be all that its readers fe:lr . h minutc. Ilis hair, no IOIlJ.;cr 0Yll1g. \'3S could "i~h for. Therefore, you, the Dunphy'.. head vanished under. t e plastered around his. head. J!ltl this re­ reader, arc cntitled to express your water. from Wil ...o!l·" ...ight. I hell 1~ re­ "ealed the yOllthful !lnes of his he.ul and opinion, with the confidence that what appeared a lillIe tn the righl: ;lIlt! \Vlhnn occa"ion:ll gJilllp ...e~ of his face. you ::.ay will carry weight. Do you kne\\ that the l1:ltrolm;lI~ dehbcralclv ~ad "llc's justa voungster," Illu:-.cd Wilson. wanI the Calling All Cus series con­ ducked under to aVOId the c!utchlllg hefting hi, pi,an!. ":\0 hardened crook Tinued? Would you rather see the h:lmJ., of his quarry: .- \\iQuld ha\t' jllmped in. We:: can't shoot a :lpaee devoted to more feature stones Far out ill the fl\'er \\I11.;,on o:a\\' DU1~' kill like thaI, not resisting liS and all, but of the ~t:lrs? Is there any other ma­ phy'" righl hand r.ise .al1d f:1ll.. It wasn t o~ I'll :-Clrt: him." Aloud he rOil red : teri.ll yOll would prefer in place lhe ,I h:lHI blow-hut It dId the trick. I'rom "Come n;lck or I'll shoot!" bet crime stories? Put your 0PlllHJIl then on Ihe PUr"lll{ bt'cLlnw :I H' (.IlC. The lwisting, fully-ctld youth :.W:lm all down on :1 penny post-cud (or in a Dunrhy had {(J\\'cd .the ullcon (1011S, cx- the harder. letter) and mail it to Ilonorary Edi· hausted youlh three-fourths nf the way The gun of Lielltenant Wil· tors Ch:-lirmerhap.. he (ouldn', get awa\·. hut lit, \\3' ~\\.Im Dunplw 'Ieallih·. ;1 ... trong crawl, necessanly! hom a ~triLt leXal "tand.: cl'rt:.linh ~:I\'ing :III his wind to Ir\'. \nd .:lnd tuntt·d hi, head tfl hrt':lIlw :-It regular .... \\illh -the Ji:llance widened hl'I\\l'l'n him­ point \'Ol! ,... !lould ha\e .,hot IIl,lt lIlan. inten;l!.... \\'h~n he did ,hi,. \\'Ibon could Ih~' -p:nrolm,u:t gu'ped. Ova- 200 St}·te. fl.nd Sib." 01 ~df ;Jnd the ~hore. Dunphy looked at F"'nl.~ ili~(ern faintly Ihe h!;h.-kj:l.:k ..:Iendled be· ~i\e \\ee~', Sto'l"OJ. Rana:.... ••, \\"il"on. "So I'm goill,:!: to vou :t -" Factory I'.t~ flnd F...."Y tween hi ... fril'lll"" It~t.:th. The ChIef p;lu'>t"d. and Dunphy w:tlted for Terna-as little as lIe .. 11":1. \\'~en din~d ),I..,.., Ba••ain"lh.on in 10 H,c: Dunp!l\ had illto the Ilad­ Ihl.' dre;'ltl \\t1HI ..u ... pensiun. It ...lidn·t Lome. Dilemma l:n'~l..:k. Sl.OI"eL New nyte.. Dew If'a­ the flll-\ili\e \\.:l .... ahoul half Ihe lUI,.... new-color'" \'nr to \\'il~on ., I(·a\t· of ;Ihwncc \\ith lull pa\'." r"y ··Wh;ll do we do?" he a ... kt.-d. W3\' mer '\0'\' the llacke:l... ad.. Dunphy fini~lled. -30daye tr""" I.:Iudr., WiI~Oll. • ralurfi.. HU·I·lfulm".I"'n< II.. dr.illn. G..nvln.,Tou­ For ::In in.,r;lIlt it seemed Ih;1I Iw.) live'i I.Jv.lir:rlit ....,hllko. T'H'.--" ..T.I....., ZipPf!t Lud<~" C_- "\\"ll:It do \ Oll Ihink I'm gnill~ 10 dn?" It'll Be One of the Best Yet! ,••tI"",'''I' fo' I "A~"~.:T\· -I'RI\ .\(.Y. TIUl'Lt; f'lT- rijlpin~ might t1i"f1h-e in tho:-e muddy W:lter". If T~7n'------n,i.. !Jut i>n.... k..,.~. Inil~b.nd tvll 11.1._ a'iortcd f)uo·phv. nlT hi .... tic... 'Tis ""J:r:....-d I" :~I\ Guld F'"n~;E. W~ent1l".,.boulthh ...... U.-lO .1 nice :Iuolo, UP biC vroOll 1 LIa:hIDln, 1-*11- .. ' )..!>,... Wrll.. .It 0fII"f! t~ man \\l'Il! nn hitterlv. rl'mO\"ln~ hIS shlfl "t)()ller ri .. k hi'i own life Ih:ln eIther shHk And In the Same Issue Jack Banner Tells All About hi.. dut\' or kill a scared kid "\\ di. \\hat is it;-" ro:ued Dunphy. "ll:uI1l'1 -,ou hetler take on your (:lp?' a .. knl \\'il ...on drily. Dunph, .... rl'mark", :1' Helen Hayes ~ro"nd he threw Ihe ht';ulpiecc 10 the arc C0P.0 HANDICRAn ~llch thai YOU \\nuld nCH'r he:lr them over In /lis Stirring Story 0/ Radio's Mightiest Mite D."elop • Hobbyl ~ vieful craft ;i a pulice nroadGhting ~tation! r.pidy incrUiing in popularity. FREE: And then Dunphy lli\'t"d. But fir~t he OUt C.t.Io9 ",,"If ~ampl.~; or fnclo~e p:Ill"'l'd long enough' to pick ul? one it~m Ilk for b..giM,u· initrUCtion booU..t, cat.lo'j. and $.mplu. EducationaL Ptac­ fh:H he h

ITY poor Harlow \\'11';0:\. :\:RC announ.::er "ho'c voi,;e is hearJ (In a \3ricl\ of pro.gra.m~ ori~ill;Jting in that nemnr.k\.. Chi..:_~go stUd.J(h. Ilariow earn-~.. • an en\lablc ..Jlary anJ pr:h:tlcall} ('\cry cent 01 It g(~:-. on the hur~es. :"'0 :-llarl()\\ n(>\"er ha:-. ~l Oil a r,tee in his hie. I he n:Jg .. whi..:h pret=l1lpt Ill .. ~ Income are polo pOilU:.... i'\ot that \\"il..::o\' (ourts colllmi ...eratioll. r:'or what cbe .. hould he 'ipend . Ius money" After. all. he"s only {:i.and he's in that 'itate of bll'''''ed "ingleness 111 \\ hleh he can. fold up IH~ lrnll .. crs at mght with .. ercnc a..:-.urance that (IMrring burg.l~r'i) they wII! nol he rdkd by hal:d:-. tha~ lea'"c ll'lItale Iinger~l1ail poli:-.h. J here was a 11ll1e when lbrlow Javbhed hI .. exccss funds 011 Per:lian carpets, hut that \~as bel on: he tell victim to the mort.: rugged diver:iioll of equine eroquC'l .\n.1 there IS more than mere love of Ihe game in the \\'deo... :Jddicliol1. lIe is one of a \mall group omit or Chi":Jgll. II i.. Harlow's contention that the IInl~' marked thtYeren..:e between a n.:h Illan Jnd one of re:;[ri..:[eJ means is in the number of changes 01 doth1ll~ ea.:h pn...'>l,.· ....c....\nd that's ho\\ the I'ulo anJ Hunt Club dogma work:>. out: 'I he nnh dilfl'rl'nce is in [he ni.lmher of .:hangc.. of hor:-'e'" between the player.. of lhl' 1"0 .:Ia ....e... The LJ\nrite \\'ikm: mount is a steed whi.:h acquired it.. Ilamc from it.. com­ plexion, Buck~kin: and on..:e he is in the sJ.ddle it i.. JiOi(ult to t('11 \\ hl're Harkm leaves orT and the Centaur.. he~ill. SlIl.::e "ord ha.. lwt'n "j'n'Jd aboul Ihat Wilw'X j, somethlllg of an ,\doni.. in hi .. jodphur.., Ihere ha.. betn a sudden mountmg of ft'lllininc llllerc.. t in polo. llll' girl.; cheC'rfull .... admitting that they take the 20-mllt' ~rip 10 the dub "ith mallets ;tforethought But all of that relate:. to relax'ltion and doesn't bear 011 tbe diligence \\lth \\hll.:h Ilarlow appltes hirn~df to hi .. trade uf announcing .\11 01 the verve \\ hid\ he pUb into his anlGltioll is l'qu:dly .. tn·s..et! ill hi~ \cry ..,tyli..,h rnikt, work. I"ha1'" wIn' spon­ sor.., \Iyly hint, Whl'T1 .. iL\ning their contra.:h, th;Jr it would be quite in linc with their state of mind if Mr. \\'ikox were assigned to their program. Like 1ll0:::.t of the announcers whose names have becom/;' important to radio. I br­ low, who was born in Omaha. :"ehra~ka..\larch 12, !Q(KI. is a produ..:t of the singing and dramJlic ...::hook Iii .. theatrical c:\pcricllce \\;h ll1u .. tly of the amateur type. but it \en'e,1 the purp. m. EST (8:30 CST; 7:30 MST; 6:30 PST).


1 2 3 4- 7 8 /0 /I 1:1. HORIZONTAL 1-.4. bric:ht star 31-,\11 old soak 64-Percei\'1' 13 5----A !tlori()u~ ~lar 33-Color 65-You ou!!:ht to hide if you 9---Pul thi~ IIdo.. e 9 "eftical 35--\\ilhdraw Iwar thi .. buzur alld e;el anothn sial' 38-\uur ear... and )our lunes 69-;\ l:irl Ju~t entering socict: 17 13-..\nll Leaf is a star here ha\'e the~e one 26---Thi~ lila)' be either food or 58, Compound ethpr 89-Ynung hird.. get foud Ilcre drink 6o--Famll1l" I1lLlc~lru 9O--A '"'timLIn's defensive wea' 28-CJo'e with stitches 62-Fruil that oueht to be POll 48 29-Tidy cracked 91--{'onflicts, battles

53 VERTICAL l-~lohammI'lLJn Bible 23-\Vhcll tlli~ is doubled it is 54-Jal)aneSe coin 2-Anll;ry "so fOlie;" 57-A lone; seat in church 58 3-·l1li.. i:::. no lrood 25-1-"('111<1 used in Ha\uii 59-To rrgrel. 4-This was used b)' En \VYllll 27-1\ s1iPlter)' thing like a fish 61-A make of car 5-This may make the printer 30--Prefix meanine; three 63-Thi~ is under~tood Sllear 32-Litlle thines, unimportant 66---El(ist 6---..\ short poem 34-\ "mall mark 67-Swurd 7--Clo<;1' 36--Parl uf tile head 68-EQuab 8-,\ lleluie;od part ffim and 37-<:lolh measure 69-1'0 mend p:ut eoat 39-The Saturday night rite 7G--An Indian or iI lake 9-Pul ,hi, aHer 9 hori:wnlal 40-\ gfl!at lake 71-A ki~:; that is a kiloS 77 and get a radio star 41-Cook thi~ slol'.-Iy 73-Boorish IO-A SOli of St'th 42-A room undrrgro\llld 75--I'ather 11-Tir(>SOllle repetition 43-An pXl're""ioll uf ~adness 78-Eucoulltered 84 12-Again 44-A {;arment 8O---Be\era~e 14-A ,-ery snla 11 egg 46--lIere is another radio star 82-A rat call 19--A patf"llt medicine is called 5O-A whitl' IiI' 86-0lder (aLLr.> 89 this 51-The Latin name for God 88-A musical note The solution to this X-Word Puzzle will a.fl1J63r in next week's RADIO GUIDE This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival purposes only. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay, electronically or in reproduced form. Please support the preservation of old time radio.