• • 10 ECA887 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending October 12, 1935 Vol\lm~ IV Number 51 Loretta Lee See Page 19 Fiddling for a Million-Ben Bernie's Life Story News and Views of the Week Is It Just Tran!=criptions are on the spot. ;""0 \l::llinn in the Cin,inllati area, the scene (If the .\1any of the counlry's foremost or- preo;ent le... 1 ca...e, can hope to com·pete with the pionen A Smoke chestra leader'i are up in arms about .. tation. \\'1 \\'. ~.:hedult'd to broal!.:ast the Ohio ~;Iml"; Screen? the u"e of their recorded numher5. ,\lore lhan half of the br~er State colleges do .. dl It <iieems that users of recordings are c'c!ll"li\'e hroadcac;ting pri\'ile~l'''i to sponsors, <ind the putting the"e transcriptions 011 the air in COmpl'lilion 10 puhlic ...eem.. perfcctly ati ..fied. their maker<j, On the Pacilic Coa t the \ .. so.:iated Oil Company is It :-til SllIlI1d.s a hit (,nt;tn~l('d h{'c:luse the deeper starting ir... tenth COll"1l',:uli\'e "c'l ..on broadcasting .-.11 the one diA" Ihe more apparent it hl'comes that the hoys import::lllt games on tht, \\'est Coa"t This year they arc competing ,ll-!:Iin'l tlu.'m ..d,l'....--....orl of slapping will lise ;l chain of twenty-follr c;t<ltion~. It would seem thelll..eh e.. in the bee. a .. it \q·rc. ;ll1d ..cc.:rctly liking it that the li ... tellt'r... ' interest \\,1"1 ht'ing pretty \\('11 "erved. Guy Lombardo is the ril1~Je;Hler ;.lntl h;l'i cnli.. ted If S..:ripp... -Ilcl\\'anl's action~ are as sincere ::I ... the\' the support of "allee. Whitem;\I1. Warillg ;1011 olher... \\ould lil-;e us to hdien. they mighl purchase the e;>.,­ The ,mnoying P;\fl of It i.. that \\ hite they cry ahuut the c1u..,ive rights 10 Ill'\t )'c:lr's football 1!ames and thro\\ U"C of their tran,cribed nllmher.:; and wipe a\\ay the them open to all hro<it!c;I ... tero;, lC;ITS \\ilh one hand the\' are hankmg J?;00l1 mOlle.' carJll'd for making thc...e re("ordings with the other • Cm'mlile 1t';lr'l Ihe\ art· con ... idning Ihe lucrative in­ B. B. C. It all dept:nL! .. on the program.... ThaT COll1t''l nrcht,... lr;1 h'adl'r... dl'rin~ frum making H'.:ortling... ic; the cnl;>., of It'!e\'ision in Gre:ll Hri­ I rom thl' ;Iltitudl' Ll~l'n h\· lomh;mlo flne mip:ht Begging tain..-\ndn'\\ CrlJ<,c. the U. S. Gov­ belieH that Iheir Iran ..crihed rccord... \\cre ",ollle 'lor! of Trouble ernment oOidal oh:o.l'r\"Cr on leJe\'i­ racket heing put o\er oil them. The or.:!lestra leader.. ...inn. report..; that lhe Brili... h Rro:ld­ make these rewn.ls in full pn... se.... ioll of their facuJtie' ":::l .. ting Cnmpan~' p(J~:-.ihh \\ill he ready \\ith il" fir~t <lnd ;Ire glad of the opportl1nilv. They are paid well hro:lth:;l ... t late next Spring. for Iheir time ;llld talent. In lll.:lny i" .. t.:lnn's th('\' make Tt'chni..:;dh, Ihe BBC ~eems re:ld) 10 hro<ldcast a as much money m'er lhl' cour..l' of .:I y{'ar from tlwiT pkture of adequ;:lh' definition. The big prohll'm is how recorded prtll-\ram .... ;1 ... they dCI frtHll aclual oro;"I.::I ..l ... to ll1nillt:lin public intere:'lt afler the novelty \\e;:lrs ofT. In.. te<ld of trying til control ;:lIul H':-.tri.:t the u:-.t' The progr:lms. therefore, are the big \\'orry. of their tr:lll..;criplions on .. t:ltiOll~ th:lt compete \\ lth till' Glly Lombardo: He .!leds crocodile lears II \\nuld ... t'I'm that the BIlC is hegl-\ing trouble. eet .. taltet! and de\elop Ihe progr;lms as Ihe public demand .. spon ml'd live t<llent :::.110\\S they put on. the crying over Sluffillf? lor crnrodile purses o1<le lrO\ might hl'uer forego the !lKrati\'e transaiption innovations. A plan loo~illg f,lr into the future is ec;..en­ hu..inc....'.: that is If they are hone-.t :::tbout compclill0ll lial hut it is not a CQmnlltmcnl that cannot be chanl!ed Supplying IlJnscriptiolls to .. talion ... Ihat GII1Il0t gl'1 for brn3d":3sting ne\\:-. llccc:..... ary to puhli.: ..i1kty. to meet ari"ing necessily. their net\\'ork shows. is a big husine.":-.. II i.. Ihl' life­ tcle\'i~iclll The moment the j:!;Ull"I in an" country hCj:!;in 10 roar. I ike r"din. probably will denlop :::0 rap­ collnlr~ blood of hundreds of stations throughout the the lou<l~peaker... \\ill he rc!cg;lIl'd to the attic~. aily that Ihe hest laid programs will need revamping 011­ As long as the Lomhardos. Whiteman.... el ;11 <Ht' During the 1<1 .. 1 \\ar radio \\<1" not a prohlem mo.. t hl'fme thcv get well under way. The thing is to tht'~' willing to take money for makmg transcriplion.., rhere were just a few al1l<lteur \\ireles~ "tati()l1~ \\hich get f!oinl-( and cross bridges when they are reached. should be willing to stand for a little self-compl,tilioll. \\ere closed do" n. '1 he ... ituation is \'<I .. tly different Or is :lll this aClion. t.:llk and thre<ltenul "'lIil" tnday. and \\ ill require a hiAh-po\\l'f!'d air poli..:ing Job. jll~t mo~e ~1IllC' again"l .. talion" a .. screen to sati... fy The L nited State.. fortun::tlcly i... out of thi, present • spon<;Qr \~ho rl';III\' ha" competition to h,lIld!e? ..itualioll_ The only thinA the ::trm-chair addi":ls in The March Speculation ran \\ ild in radio and Anll'riC<i will 11li~s will be the ~horH~a\'e broadcasts newspaper cirell'''i when Karl Bickel of • from foreign coulltries emhrr)iled. hec;lllle pre~ideill. of the Continent;ll Interlocking Radio has become the lirs! line of dt' Progress Rddio Company, a .. uhsidiary of the fense in (om,batting crime. '1 hl' red­ • Scripp..,-I IowaI'd ne\\'~p<lper chain. The Police eral Communications COlllflli:-. ... ioll It Comes The rights of .1 State LTniversity to entrnnce of this powerful in~lill1tioll with ils lwenty-four ~e11 Ihe exclusive bro:hkasting righb paper~ ('Xcit~ment. Radio has li..:ensed more than three hllndrl'd With the d:Tily was bOllnd to cre:Jte a ripple of municipalities and states to opel';lte to it.. foot hall games is a lively but Die-hard ptlhti~hers condemll the new departure. Other~ shor!·w;lve transmitters for police work..\1any OIlier Frost ... till unsettled ljue:::.tion. are waitin,:!, In ..t'e how the Scrip\h-llowJrd AfClllp will citie"i havl' \\mking Jrrangements with regular hroad· It's as much :i 'iCa..,onai sign a~ co-ordin;lte radio and newspaper .Kli\·ities. casting ... lation.., for police emergency messages. .\ma­ lhc percnni<ll chrvsanthemulll. The aClion i~ a natlJr:l1 union. Hadio is ju.. t <lllother Thi~ teur.., ::tho arc cnopcr;:lling \\ith police in some sections ) C;lr Ohio State Cni\'ersity is helllg challenged Jilt.! lY'ore modern mClhod of news c1i"'lCmin;:t1ion, and From (O:l ... t 10 co<l ..1 ;lIld border to border radio j .. by the S.:riPlh-IIO\\ard newspapers for selling out tn Ihe \\ho should he better pH'parcd to hasten its gre::itest drivin~ home the futililY of Ining 10 escape. Interlock­ Ohio Oil Company. rhe oil company has bought the de\Clupment than a well-org;mi/ed. functioning news­ ing radio systems \\ill he the ne;>.,t ... Il'p in covering great l'Xc!llSi\'e broadcasting righ1"l ancl i~ preparing to air p.:lper chain? R:ldio, contrary to ...ome publisher.." is nol areas :lnd keeping officers of the I;m informed of all thl'm over the world's largest :-.tation, \VLW. The a competitiu: medium. It is a complimentary :-.ervicl'. crimes reponed. The long arm of the law i.., g:Jininj.l ScriPlh-lloward group has just acquired a CincinnatI and as such it can he made to supplement new~paper ~trenJ.!th from the air. ... t;:Hion, hence the inlere~l. a..:tivities and hroaden Ihe u:-.efulness of the prinled page. ,\lost college <lthletic.., :o.uffer from a lack of funds. Ilowe\ cr, Iclcvisioll will change this relation:-,hip. If the football game broadcast C;;tn he made 10 help When lelevision flashes picture... <lnd prirlled paw'" • .. uppmt the am;ttcur athletic activities, why ... hnl/ld :lny­ What Wh:n will happen to r:::tdio bro:ldc.1st­ :md advertising messages into the homc. r<lelio will he­ ing in the event of \~ar? That ques· one ohjecl? 1\\0... 1 college aClivities h<lve suffered I-\reatly come a direct cornpetitM of the newspaper. Will tion is being asked with each ncw ill this respe.:t ,Juring the past five years. The alumni Far-"ighted puhlisher... arc prl'paring for this eventll­ members b<lve been a bit short on supporting cash, and Happen? developmcnt abro;:ld. Cal1::llb recellt­ ality, ;Jlld arc protecting their papers hy ,:!,etrillg inlo Iy enacted new radio laws to control the additional reVcnllC::i from broadcast spnnsor~hip ha' radio, The Sllccess of Gardencr Cowles.
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