Claims Junta Beaten Earlier This Month, a 10-Year- the Hospital's Intensive Care Imlt
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V. -A WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1971 PAGE THIRTY-TWO lSlanrl|(PBt?r. lEvraittg UmiUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O’Clock ed yesterday by Vernon PoUce /■ Hazards Cited V em on T eeii on a warrant issued by Circuit Average Daily Net Press Run Court 12 charging him with / The Weather breach of peace by asmult. Mmmmmmake For H m Week Ended Hurt in Fall The alleged incident happened Many Home Pools Violate ’ July 17, 1971 Fair tonight but early a.m. July 13 at a local business es fog developing; low In 60*. To From C liff tablishment. Building Code for Town ^upntnn Ulrrall) morrow clearing, becoming quite Arrested by warrant also on It a 1 5 ,0 0 0 warm; high near 90. the same charge was Gary WARNING — Swimming well. Failure to comply with the A Ifl-yearold Vernon youth Manchester— A City of Village Charm Bannon, 17, of 61 Park West pools may be hazardous to your building code is a misdemeanor who fell 80 feet over a cliff Sun health. — and each day the* pool is in Dr., Rockville. Both youths are day night in Lagiina, Calif., was According to the town build- violation is a separate offense, scheduled to appear in Circuit Restful Summer! VOL. LXXXX, NO. 248 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1971 (CiMelfled Advertiatnc on Page 21) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS described as in "very poor” con ing office, a considerable num- Any<me violating the code is Court, Rockville, Aug. 13. dition today by a spokesman ber of private swimming pools subject to a fine o f ‘up to $25 a Cook in or cook out, but select the foods that re from the South Coast Oommim- Wesley Hollister, 62, 346 Oak in violation of the town building day. quire the least work. Cook enougrh Corned Beef, Ity Hospital in South Laguna. land Rd., Manchester was code present a potential danger Although convictions for vio- charged yesterday with failure Ham or Leg of Lamb to give you one hot and one Nicholas SUllbach, son of Mr. which would result in death by latimis are rare, there are quite to renew operator’s license. He and Mrs. Jan SUllbach of Rose drowning or electrocution. a few pool owners who could be cold meal . and remember that Pinehurst Chick Strike O ff is scheduled to appear in Cir wood Dr., was reportedly hiking Each year, the state health summoned to court. But the en if your budget's best friend. Buckley cuit Court Rockville, Aug. 3. building Inspectors are more CHICAGO (AP) — The in rough terrain with a friend department records statistic Stock up on our Chicken of the Sea Tuna Special James Bickford of Colebrook.The AUg. 3. of dozens of drowning deaths. concerned with getting owners Chicago & North Western accident happened about 9 :30 Most of the drownings, natural to meet tile regulations and for Tuna Salads and Shurfine Fruit Cocktail'for Railway Co. and toe United ^ ' D.m. Young SUllbach suffered a ly, occur in the summer avoid hazardous ctmditions. Gelatin Salads. Admits TVansportation Union reach ctmpound fracture of his leg, a months, and several of them .Pools in violation are "acci ed a tentative ^reem ent br^^BU arm, possible internal in He Represents are in private swimming pools. dents waiting to happoi," Oonti Selected PINEHURST Fresh early today on a new 42- juries an4 a concussion. He is in said. "We’re just tryhig to warn month contract covering Claims Junta Beaten Earlier this month, a 10-year- the hospital's intensive care imlt. State ASAHP old Norwalk girl was electrocut these people." A Hoax wages, fringe benefits and For more Information con CAIRO (AP) - The dcpo.scd Numalri, It said, is in good Sudan's armed forces and vice- His parentsSrft for California ed as the result of faulty wiring CHICKEN LEGS NEW YORK (AP) — WilUam work rules, a salesman for George E. Christensen, pro cerning regulations, pool own Sudimesc leader, MaJ. Gen. health and ’’remains toe man chairman of too ruling jun- shortly after belhg Informed of of a home swimming- pool. F. Buckley Jr., editor of the toe railroad said. ers or prospective buyers are Jaafar el Numairl is back in who is leading and will contln- ta, did not specify from where their son's accldenf>\ gram coordinator of health ser Large Presh National Review, says his A strike deadline had been There have been no swimming urged to contact the building power in Khartoum, Egypt's ue to lead toe nation.” the external intervention came. Rangers in the stkts park vices careers at Manchester CHICKEN BREASTS lb. 79e magazine perpetrated a hoaX set for Friday against the pool drownings in Manchester department at the Municipal Middle East News Agency, The broadcast, as quoted by Sudanese troops and tanks ear- where SUllbach and his cotnpan- Community College, has been with fictional Vietnam papers North Western and eight this year, but in recent yeays Building, tel. 649-6281 quoting Omdurman radio, Said the jagMney, followed reports Iwi surrounded toe Egypt- ion were hiking, reported tha there were five fatalities, most ____________ We will have nice Pryers, to show that such forgeries other railroads. ^named state representative to teday. that’^’^me army headquarters Libyan arid Syrian em- pair apparenUy wandered off cf them small children. ’’would be widely accepted as the ^2,500-member Association of Broilers and Roasters The agency said a detach- where the new leaders were bossies in Khartoum and toe the beaten path and to the edge Why are swimming pools so genuine provided their content of a ravine. They said the youth S ch ^S of Allied Health Profes ment of troops under a Lt. Mo- meeting was under shellfire L'lbyan radio mentioned pos- 2 was inherently plausible.” sions (ASAHP), a coordinating dangerous? A large number of About Town dropped some 40 feet straight Buckley revealed the elabo hammed Kas'oaw: occupied tire from tanks and armored cars. slble fighting in the capital group for the health services them lack safety features called city. down before hitting a steep in A midweek service of prayer rate spoof Wednesday after a broadcasting station and had Before the pro-Numalri fields. for by the building code, says Eind praise wUl be held tmiight at Reigel Semi-Boneless The Libyan broadcast said it cline and dropping another 45 Town Building Inspector Frank large segment of the American Tax Talk returned Numalri to power. takeover of toe radio stotion, a ASAHP consists of health ser 7:30 at Calvary (Jhurch. was either a clash among rival feet. Officials said the area at CJonti. news media had carried stories Numairl was deposed Mon- member of toe military junta vices educators in four-level Pully Cooked, Leon 4V2 to SVi lb. officers the bottom of the ravine was There is no estimate of the on what the magazine called had" u;ged"th“e'su d ;;7sV nation rertfon“ " “ " councils: Associate degree and covered with large boulders. number of pools in violation of A Bible study will be conduct "hig^y classified government in a blocdlessf coup. streets to defend Because of difficulty reaching certificate programs, primarily ROUND HAM CUTS lb. Goes On The BOAC veto was buzzed building regulations, but it is ed tonight at 7 :30 at Trinity documents relating to the Viet The agency an aide of the revolution against "eXtemai tlve vlcUm the rescue efforts two-year coll^pes, of which nam war.” J t % f*. 4 * r. I f L . V.I — by Libyan fighters before land considered a high percentage of Covenant C3hurch. Numalri’s, ousted with him on intervention. took more than two hours. He MCX! is a member; baccalaure ing at Bengazi airport, passen the private single-family pools. "We admit we proceeded in Monday, personally read a Maj. Hashem Atta, in a state- was then carried by stretcher ate and , higher deg;ree institu First Church of (3irlst,' Scien something of an ethical vacu statement over the radio an- ment over Omdurman radio gers reported. Its landing fol- 2 A lot of homeowners. In buying to an ambulance waiUng above tions; clinical facilities, pri um,” Buckley told newsmMi —And On iowed by hours toe uneXpUiined the pools, are simply not aware tist, will have Us. regular mld- Well Trimmed Small Lean Riegel Smoked nouncing Numalri’s return. monitored in Cairo, appealed t o ----T “ 'T * ’ the cliffs, officials said. marily hospitals; and health or with a broad grin, but he sug of the regulations which govern week testimony meeting tonight Shoulders lb. 5 3 « HARTFORD (AP) — Demo Maj Inrahim Abou el Kas- Sudanese to speed to the aid . T * ' o f . “ ganizations. at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main gested that someudiere In the sem declared a state of emer- gf the four day revolution, special............................... Iraqi airliner bound for" Christensen’s basic responsi them, Conti said. crats in both houses cf the Gen St. For Your Grill. .. Pork Spare Ribs, government archlyes were real ________ ^ ^®"®y throughout the million- ^tta made his bmadcast Khartoum with an Iraqi delega bility as state representative ! State statutes require building eral Assembly are planning Manchester Area Beef Short Ribs, and Cornish Hens. , documents similar to the fqig- more meetings before settling ^uare-mlle country and a na- hours after a British airliner tion to too new Sudanese re will be to serve as a liaison be permits and inspecUon for swim eries printed in the magazine. gime. tween the national health or ming pool construction of any North Manchester Al-AnJh on a tax proposal to be present- ® carrying two of the new re Libya’s government radio re- famUy group will meet tonight “ The point is that the papers, ed when the legislature fecon- “ The ordeal of the Sudan dur- gime’s leaders home to Khar- Thrfee Youths ganization and state institutions ‘ kind.