The Land and the Bible
The Land and the Bible A Historical Geographical Companion to the Satellite Bible Atlas Version 5, September 2013 by Bill Schlegel The Land and the Bible: A Historical Geographical Companion to the Satellite Bible Atlas Copyright © 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Bill Schlegel. All rights reserved. ~B'lib. ytir"AT ~[; qd<c, y[ed>yO yl;ae W[ WTx'Te-la; ~t'poDUGImiW vAna/ tP;r>x, War>yTi-la; ss' ~lek.ayO rm,C,k;w> v[' ~lek.ayO dg<B,k; yKi ~yrIAD rAdl. yti['WvywI hy<h.Ti ~l'A[l. ytiq'd>ciw> ישעיה נ"א: 7-8 Unless indicated as the author's translation – Scripture taken form the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. References appear as in-text parenthesis, e.g. (Merrill 25), indicating the name of the author (or title) and page number of the work cited. In-text references appearing in The Land and the Bible are as follows: Aharoni Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible. London: Burns and Oates, 1962 (revised 1979). ANET Pritchard, James (ed.). Ancient Near Eastern Texts. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1969 (3rd edition). Antiquities Josephus Flavius (William Whiston translation). Antiquities of the Jews. BAR Biblical Archaeology Review Beitzel Beitzel, B. The New Moody Atlas of Bible. Chicago: Moody, 2009. Bimson Bimson, John. Redating the Exodus and Conquest. Sheffield: Almond Press, 1981. Merrill Merrill, Eugene. Kingdom of Priests, 2nd edition. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008.
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