BACKGROUND TITLE: The derives its name from a Greek word meaning “______” (or more appropriately translated, “a ______of this law”).

AUTHOR: The Book of Deuteronomy is essentially a collection of ______delivered by ______to the Israelite people. The duration was about ____ month just prior to Israel’s entry into the . “These are the words spoke to all Israel in the desert….” – (Deut. 1:1) SNAPSHOT: In recalling from Numbers, the tragic ______in the ______a new ______of Israelites now readies itself to enter into the Promised Land. This multitude had ____ experienced the ______of the Red Sea crossing, nor had they received God’s ______for ______at Mount Sinai.

As such, the Book contains a ______or a ______of the Sinai covenant (an ______of the Law, being the heart of the old covenant). All-in-all, it’s a time of ______the laws and principles given by God……so that the ______will know how God expects them to live

In short, the Israelites were commanded to remember four things: (1) God’s ______; (2) God’s ______; (3) God’s ______; and, (4) God’s ______.

The first three chapters recap the trip from Egypt to their current location. Chapter 4 is a subsequent call to be faithful and obedient. Chapters 5 to 26 are a repetition of the law given at Mount Sinai. In doing so, ______are promised to those who ______(see 5:29 & 6:17-19). Note the requirements to receiving God’s blessings. Remember to ___; keep the ______; and, ______.

While blessings are promised to those who trust and obey, ______is promised to those who ______and ______(see 11:16-17). The theme of blessings and curses continues in Chapters 27-30 (see esp. - Deut. 30:15-20). The remaining chapters talk about Joshua’s forthcoming succession, Moses’ final words to his people, and the great leader’s death. In the final chapter, Moses climbs Mount Pisgah, where the LORD shows him (at 120 years of age), the Promised Land he will never enter. Once seen, Moses dies in the presence of the LORD, and the final verses of the Book (34:5-12) read much like an obituary.

(Side note - It is believed that this last chapter was written by Moses’ successor, Joshua).

THE PURPOSE OF DEUTERONOMY IN THE KEY THEME: “______lest you ______” is a key theme in the Book. Moses emphasizes the danger of ______because it leads to ______and ______. The people of Israel are told to remember two important truths: (1) that when they ______, such prosperity comes from God; and, (2) when they ______, God will discipline them, just as He did the previous generation. With an emphasis on “______”, the people are told to “______” (50 times) and to “______” (177 times) all from a heart of “love” (21 times). Generally, from Genesis to Numbers, God speaks and prepares His servant Moses, while in Deuteronomy, Moses brings God’s message to the people.

Remembering what God ______– Deuteronomy 7:18-19 and 8:2-5 Remembering their/our _____ condition – Deuteronomy 5:15 / 15:15 / 16:12 / 24:18 / 24:22 Compare this with our life “______Christ” – Ephesians 2:12-13 Deuteronomy presents two timeless truths:

 Because of what God has ______, we should have ______and ______Him;  Because of what God ______, we should ______carefully and ______completely.


The most obvious portrait can be found in Deuteronomy 18:15 – “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him”

Also, when asked about the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus combined the words of Deuteronomy ______and the words of Leviticus ______


1. The ______and importance of God’s laws for daily living – (see Deut. 4:1-2); 2. The need to ______the LORD for your life – (see Deut. 30:15-20); 3. The importance of establishing ______and impressing the ways of the LORD upon our ______– (see Deut. 6:4-9).