Local Cycling and Walking Plan Consultation Response March 2020
Local Cycling and Walking Plan Consultation Response March 2020 Executive Summary Bristol Cycling Campaign welcomes the production of a region-wide plan for cycling improvements, which is something it has been calling for since 2013. We are pleased to see that a number of key cycling routes in the city, which have large untapped demand, are proposed to receive improvements between now and 2036. We support high quality cycling infrastructure, suitable for All Ages and Abilities (AAA), across the city. This can be separated cycle paths, routes through green spaces away from roads or traffic filtered quietways, used as appropriate. Some of the proposed improvements in the LCWIP meet this high standard. We support these in principle now and will work with the local authorities through future consultations to secure their successful implementation. Unfortunately, we do not believe the level of ambition is anywhere near high enough for a 16 year plan, in the face of a climate emergency. To significantly increase levels of walking and cycling, and reduce accidents and injuries, a step change in infrastructure is required in the next 5 years. Instead, the LCWIP proposes modest improvements to existing cycle corridors. There are very limited proposals for key nodes on the network which have major flaws, such as the Centre and Temple Gate. We call on WECA and the four local councils to be ambitious and put forward plans for a world class safe walking and cycling network, tackling the climate emergency head on, while simultaneously boosting the local economy and rejuvenating our local high streets. The LCWIP as consulted is simply not good enough and the city deserves better.
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