Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS New Zealand National Bridge Congress 2016 September 24th to October 1st th Daily Bulletin 6 29 September Editorial Staff : Nick Jacob & Mark Hangartner Winners of the Congress pairs: Brad Moss and David Appleton The Daily Bulletin is extremely grateful to Babich Wines for their on-going sponsorship. Babich is a top quality New Zealand vintner. Babich Wines has been voted amongst the world’s top 50 most admired wine brands in a survey by Drinks International. r 26th to October 3rd P a g e | 1 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Congress Noticeboard Arranging a free airport shuttle for Sunday: please let the desk staff know by 3pm Saturday at the latest if you will need a shuttle. Ride sharing especially to Auckland. Please use the whiteboard by the desk to offer or ask for rides, All Teams : 10 AM 2:15 PM 7:30PM “Even Homer Nods Award” - the expert who manages to make the biggest prat of him or herself by a masterpiece of inanity at the table. The experts DO nod in the most amazing ways – please share their efforts with the world. The Del’Monte Award Originally presented by Simon (Curly) Del’Monte this is presented annually for the most sporting act to come to notice at Congress. When you are recipient of an act of sportsmanship, please tell us about it. Contact the Editors: Nick Jacob Mobile 0221969576,
[email protected] Mark Hangartner Mobile 0277153987,
[email protected] Facebook (as a last resort) Thursday Lunch Menu - Price: $12 PER PERSON Beef stir fry OR Egg fried rice Salad Bar Sauces Sliced tomato Mayonnaise Asian slaw Tomato sauce Sliced red onion Sweet chilli sauce Grated carrot Soy sauce Sliced lettuce Salad dressing P a g e | 2 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Anyone for Standard signals? This gem comes from Neil Hawkins, who was playing the second session of the Back To The Future Teams.