University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cerrillos Rustler, 1888-1891 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-14-1888 The eC rrillos Rustler, 12-14-1888 A. M. Anderson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rustler_news Recommended Citation Anderson, A. M.. "The eC rrillos Rustler, 12-14-1888." (1888). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rustler_news/50 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cerrillos Rustler, 1888-1891 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MM Of n mi o a y roil VOL. i,XO. 21. Fit III AY, DKCi INHH. 63 A YKAK, HIXOLK CONKH IOC A. T. S. F. Railroad Time Card. The select ball given at the resi- ci:hiiillo. ferae I ItMttllaga. raying Sabcrltrs. dence of Mr. and Mr. Q. W. North Jhn P. Victory wat in town Tha following have paid the last evening. u another delight- 4 rT mt Her Advantages I Tuesday, on legal bit. amounts sat opposite their name, ful event. The supper was served oo subscription since laat report. carrying; paaaengers leave at the Tabor and la alao Mr. Jamet Duncan, Lat Vegas, Trains IIoue, Location: On the Galialeo orack lien Oakland Cerrillos 13 00 Cerrilloa at follow.: praised lu highest ia oo a trip to California. the terms. The or W A Bed ley " SOU EAST: rirer. topper could not have Letn very Orahaiu (US Scenery: Mountain and vallty. Col. J. P. O Brjan returned J " 300 Ho. 2, Passenger, 2: p.m. profitable however, if truth can I " Altitude: 5,600 feet. from Santa Fa, yatterJty. J T Nlchola " 300 4. 1:41a.m. placed In the statement at to the WEST: On line of J J Pbelan Albuquerque 300 amount of good things stowed away tha California tba ia Ho. 1 , Passenger, 1 1 :23 a. m. Harry Kinael np to Gloriata W L Trimble " 300 Topt-k- a It by Joyce Hoard L. D. Sugar. Atchison, & Santa Fa ft. 12:11 a. m. and this week, with th Copper Co. J D Torlina " 1 00 CB JO!tEH. Agent IL, 52 utiles north-eas- t of Albu- At. F. J C lUldridge " 1 60 San FeJro, Golden and Dolores, W. P. Cunuingham attended tha querque. Albuquerque European 1 50 Advertising Rats. want and thould have a daily ball last night irom San Pedro. botal Its vicinity comprisct tba most W II Hhelton up ISO 1100(1 The lucreate of population 011 One column one month, 1 . I L. I. I ..111- - . wonderful mineral country in the James Brydon made a business Mrs E U Campbell Pomona Cal 1 00 Ohe-ha-lf column one month, U (Kj sou uutuueas, lugemer wuu inr Quarter column one mouth. 8 .Vi outlook for settled and steady south-wes- t, if not in tha explorad trip to Albuquerque Wednesday. Mra M U Uenkins Burlington One iocs one uionth, 1.00 will justify them in worlJ. Kansaa 1 00 growth, Manager Huhu, of tha Cash En- Local notleee ten cents a line lor government establish- Clsy Green Ottawa Kausaa S 00 first five a line for and the la lit coal fieldt on one aide yield try, it iu Kansas City on business. insertion; centt P Cusick Wallace 3 00 subsequent Insertions without any ing a daily mail route to these Litumiuoua coal tuperior to Canon J A . Any subscriber paying money on. rhange of matter. points. The pr tent every other City, or to any in the West; an- F. Fpillman, of the Santa Fa incoii-veulon- t, bridge force, was a caller yester- subscription, whose Dame does not day mail, is too alow aud thracite equal to the Pennsylvania Local ItMttllnga. considering the amount day. appear in this list w ith the proper product, besides heavy veins of Additional locals on opposite of business being done and likely credit, will please notify the office, good cokeing, and blacksmith Wilson Waddingham returned to be done in the future. git when the proper correction will be coal. from tha East to Las Vegas yet-terds- made. Remember II. C. Rasmussen for Col. R. W. Webb, manager of To the south are the great mines holliday goods. the banta Fa Copper Company, Bend 11 or $2 and I will send you or mountains of copper, and along- Mr. Gardner, of Chicago, it man- copper rulna-a- t a box of the Quest candy In Tha time it near at hand when operating the great side of them rich placers and leads the Bun Pedro, was in the city yes- aging the work at the Marshall territory. I alto carry a full line Cerrltloa can La advertised to good of gold. terday, lie reports everything Bonanza. of stationery, notions, books and advantage. To the east and north are found going on In the most satisfactory J. D. Torlina, periodicals. Orders by mail will be a good al- of Albuquerque, Tha Rustler will make manner, and says tha company is at various depths deposits of promptly filled. present friend will be up in a few days to employ Christmas for your now shipping a car load of matte most solid Galena, carrying a per Joseph Morris, men to work the Lucky mine. at a distance. per day, and expecting to double cent, of silrei and gold. Albuquerque, N. M. The Dew furulturft for the achool the output by the middle of Janu In addition to these there are Otto Zieger started on a short RasmuMen building, desks, eeatt, clock aud ary. Webb has had a long ami II. C. has the nicest depositi of iron easily accessible, visit to New York last week. He and cbeupent holliday goods. bell, arrived yesterday. hard pull In that locality, and minei of Turquoia, mountains of expects to return by the first of the nobody will begrudge him the The atreets often present almost alabaster, the finest of building year. The Diamond Palace, Sharlck's good luck that is now setting lu mammoth Jewelry house at Albu- a blockade of wagons, ao gieat it stone, limestone, fire-clu- and nat- toward bit side. Albuquerque Messrs. G. E. Hill, C. N. Titts-- querque, is well worth visiting tba amount of shipping being done ural gas discovered. Democrat. worth, Joyce Board and Koss Grif- when you go to that city. The As a smelting point it has no Messrs Ironsides Griffin succeed Of the many large business hous- fin, wore visitors to Albuquerque, array ol diamonds, Jewelry, silver- equal, having cheap fuel and all A. Ready In the aaloon bu!ness es in Albuquerque, none deserve Tuesday. ware, watches and clocks, presents a dazzling sight to beholder. this week, they having bought hiu: more particular mention and credit tba fluxing materials ut the door. the Charles Kalolift, the surveyor For magnificent telectiont and for out. than the Larue Carpet, Boot and As a healthy, pleasant place to genuine bargains, purchasers should hag a and mining enginoer of Golden, The Optic Buys a company of New Shoo Dazar of John D. Torlina's, live, it the honest reconiineu-dutio- not fail to give bharick's Dia- spent a part of lust week Sutita a York capitalists have chartered and in which immense establishment ol every, tiitinuu. in mond l'alace call. managed under tha strict one pr ice Fe and Cerrillos. will build a road from Trinidad to Its future prospects are of tha We will boou opeu a new line of system at prices equal to Chicago Vegas. very best. The combined opera- Mrs. Col. It.lv. Webb, of Gol holliday goods for your Inspection. or Kansas City can be found every tors cun not near supply the coal den, was a visitor to our town a McKknsie S. Co. The Cerrillos achool la progress- quality of ladles and children's teach- orders irom tba trade. Arrange- art of this week, the guest of the ing finely with Mrs. Hays as shoes, rubbers, carpets, linoleums, We have the agency for the ments era being made looking Cerrillos House. er. The attendance is uow reaching oil cloths and curtains, which can to Home Comfort Range, Charter Oak about 40. the building of laigelead and zinc be purchased by mail orders in Mr. and Mm. T. N. Chase de-iart- aud Great Tfeblern Blove Co. smelters, new mills being Tba man or womau who ia fond which Mr. Torliua has a large gold are for Albuquerque, Wednes Stoves and Ranges. San B. Co. of children, ia never very bad. trade as cheap as in eastern cities. put up in tha vicinity, the day, where they will spend a few McK. no better Index to vVe recommend the House to our Pedro copper works are increasing Tt ere exists readers. wocks or possibly months. Our Christmas Drawing. character than this one simple a business requiring the expendi- Two solid gold watches, one trait. In taking his departure for Bos ture of over half a million dollars Mr. Charles A. Muriuer, of Al ton, president Hubbel, of the Santa gentleman's and one lady's will a year, new railroads aro expected, buquerque, has moved to Califor- A letter from M. A. Rogers (Old Fe Copper Co. was accompanied to be drawn by the cah subscribers und men of the Terri- nia. His partner, Mr. Fulsoui. is Novelty), Informs ut that be It Ortiz station by Messrs. Kaunhieui, prominent to the Rustler who pay three ooking bit well pleased with Chama and Is Webb and Fletcher.
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