
British Puppeteers In Coup Against Exposed by Barbara Boyd, [email protected] tasked to engineer popular support. January 14, 2019 The Integrity Initiative claims it focuses on Russian hybrid disinformation warfare, a form of irregular PART I: warfare they claim is conducting. Its own pur- loined internal papers, however, expose the Initiative, THE BRITISH ROLE IN THE COUP AGAINST rather than Putin, as the master propagandists, target- THE PRESIDENT IS NOW EXPOSED. WILL ing and smearing those considered “subversives,” like YOU ACT NOW TO SAVE ? British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, U.S. Sena- tor Bernie Sanders, other anti-war figures, and Donald Understanding the ferocity of the attacks on Don- Trump. ald Trump and our Constitution may seem to be a head The liberated documents show that Sir Andrew scratcher. Is it really just due to and Wood and Pablo Miller, ’s MI6 handler, Hillary partisans at the top levels of the Justice Depart- who are both players in ’s Orbis ment, conspiring with a bunch of know-nothing, hot- Business Intelligence, also have significant relation- headed, politically correct millennials and sour Deep ships to the Initiative. Skripal and his daughter were State apparatchiks in the news media—the meme fa- poisoned in Salisbury, England, in one of 2018’s more vored by ? If so, why isn’t the President being infamous intelligence hoaxes targeting Russia. Steele, more effectively defended? Is the Deep State simply of course, wrote the very dirty and obviously fake dos- the permanent American administrative bureaucracy sier on and which has which lives on, relentlessly, like a slime mold, in the sustained the Russiagate scandal for almost two years swamps of Washington, D.C., regardless of who the in the , throwing this country into a Mc- voters elect? Or, has the whole of Washington, D.C., Carthyite hysteria in which former defenders of the along with most of New York City, Massachusetts, and Constitution now demonstrate on behalf of the FBI , simply gone stark raving mad through an and CIA and demand that a Special Prosecutor be- invasion of alien space creatures eating away at their come, effectively, a fourth branch of our government. brains? By space bugs which have been “weaponized,” This Report has three parts. First, we examine no doubt, by Vladimir Putin, who, if you read the me- what the House of Lords declared as the imperatives dia, weaponizes everything in some secret Siberian of present British strategic policy. We then examine laboratory, including, drumroll please, “jokes.” the Integrity Initiative’s propaganda operations in Fortunately, two recent excretions from the British support of these imperatives and their genesis in the Isles, one of them stolen, the other, self-revealing, al- renewed British regime change and war drive against low us to sketch something nearer to the real picture. Russia which followed the 2014 coup. We On November 23, 2018, someone started publishing then put the manufactured Russiagate hoax in the purloined documents from the British military’s In- United States, in the appropriate strategic context, tegrity Initiative, an international network of politi- demonstrating how a completely obvious intelligence cians, journalists, academics, foundations, and mili- fraud, the dirty dossier about Trump attributed to MI6 tary officers engaged in a very dirty black propaganda agent Christopher Steele, could dominate political dis- campaign funded by the British Foreign and Common- cussion in the United States for more than two years, wealth Office, NATO, Facebook, and such intelligence creating popular insanity about Russia and China and quangos as the Smith Richardson Foundation here in paralyzing our government. the United States, all while posing as a Scottish charity. Hopefully, you will conclude after reading this Re- Then, on December 18, the House of Lords released a port, that this is the year in which we can and must report on the imperatives of current British policy, im- end the decadent, desperate, and failing Anglo-Dutch peratives for which the Integrity Initiative’s informa- Liberal Empire. Lyndon LaRouche specifies that there tion warriors and a host of similar outfits, have been are four countries which have the combined econom- ic, scientific, and cultural potential to do this, even in McCain and others responded to Trump’s election the face of the systemic financial collapse of the huge with bellicose incitements to invoke NATO’s Article 5, bubble the City of London and Wall Street have now claiming that alleged Russian election meddling in the built anew. These nations are the United States, Russia, 2016 presidential election was an act of war and that China, and India. If these Four Powers come together Trump was out to destroy the very same “post war, to create a new fixed exchange rate monetary system rules based international order.” John Brennan sub- and devote their credit and the energies of their popu- sequently reported that the British, and their NATO lations to full-scale development of the world, to fun- satraps, like Estonia, began feeding him leads about damental breakthroughs in science, and to the great Trump–Russia collusion in late 2015 because they human adventure of space exploration and habitation, feared Trump would destroy the special relationship. then they can create a new Renaissance. The Lords ful- MI6’s Christopher Steele followed that up by telling ly understand this challenge. In their report, they tar- his Justice Department collaborator , that get exactly these four nations as their primary foreign he was absolutely desperate to prevent Trump’s elec- policy concern. With respect to Russia, they plan to tion and would do just about anything on behalf of that continue their policies for containment, economic iso- mission. And then, after the election, the Senate Intel- lation, and political destabilization. They have plans ligence Committee kicked off its absurd investigation for intellectually corrupting India and China, integrat- of Russian electoral dirty tricks which, it was claimed, ing these nations more fully into their globalist institu- tions and schemes. In the United States, they have one parade of British experts or , like Roy God- immediate goal: ending the “disruption” caused by elected Donald Trump. In their first public hearing, a- Donald Trump by removing him, one way or the other. thralled very stupid Senators with tales about super potentson, who, Russian nonetheless, “active measures”salute the capableflag of Empire,of inducing en THE BRITISH LORDS’ FIRST PRIORITY: underclass Americans into voting for Trump based on racist Facebook memes, or cartoons which made fun NO SECOND TERM FOR DONALD TRUMP of . Anyone with a modicum of intelli- gence viewing this stupid spectacle had to feel deep The British House of Lords report with accompa- embarrassment on behalf of the United States. nying papers and appendices, is entitled, “UK Foreign To put things in perspective here, it’s useful to re- Policy in a Shifting World Order.” The discussion which - follows is drawn from the report itself, its accompa- tional order,” referred to over and over again in the nying papers and appendices, and other recent state- Houseview, briefly, of Lords the report.history Promulgatedof this “rules by based the internaTruman ments of the key participants in shaping the report’s Presidency and Winston Churchill at the end of World conclusions. War II, this “Order” preserved colonialism, albeit in In the report itself, the Lords huff that Donald modern institutionalized forms of debt slavery and Trump has completely imperiled the globalist “post- deliberate genocidal underdevelopment for the bulk War rules based International order” as well as the of the world’s population. This was against the intent “special relationship” between the United States and of the American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Britain. They say this while, at the same time, reveling much of the American population at the time. The IMF - and World Bank, Bretton Woods institutions which ed States following World War II. The covert defense Franklin Roosevelt wanted to use for world-wide eco- in their success in infiltrating and controlling the Unit nomic development and to end British colonialism, termand intelligence of Trump. But, relationships not two. Otherwise, flowing from they the are special terri- system which enforced Malthusian population control relationship are sufficient, they argue, to survive one andbecame underdevelopment the overlords, instead, while ofsecuring an imperial vital financialmineral in Britain and in the 2016 election in the United States. and other natural resources for the realm. This pri- Theyfied by cite the the activation free ability of the of individuals“people” in tothe access infor vote- mary “alliance” also built a series of military bases mation as the central threat to their ability to rule. To throughout the world, “to project” imperial power, in answer this, they intend to create censorship and pro- their words, based upon British colonial policing and paganda regimes which would make George Orwell’s geopolitical stratagems. For a period of time, following the War, the U.S. and child’s play. other advanced sector nations enjoyed economic pros- fictionalThose Ministry with longer of Truth memories in his novel, will recall1984, thatseem John like perity. This is the period to which President Trump

LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE refers as the era of American “greatness.” It was the traced to British recognition of the simple fact that result of then-extant and new capital-intensive invest- how individuals think about the world and whether ments in U.S. infrastructure building, in new plant and their surrounding culture encourages or destroys hu- equipment, and building out further the machine tool man creativity, constitute the most important battle- capacities that had dominated the war mobilization. grounds of strategic warfare and grand strategy. That - is why Lyndon LaRouche starts just about every stra- nological horizon programs, such as Kennedy’s Moon tegic analysis he makes by demonstrating that men It included great technological, scientific, and tech and women are not animals, not beasts. The contrary system of political economy of Alexander Hamilton, assertion, that they are beasts, incapable of knowing Abrahammission. But Lincoln, such andprograms, Franklin reflecting Roosevelt, the all American but end- any universal truth, is the central tenet of British lib- eralism. It is no accident that the House of Lords re- port lists British universities as a critical “soft power” Britished by 1967, chose when the Londonmoment undertook in which theits final U.S. offensivewas suf- resource and puts expansion of Marshall scholarships to once again control the world’s financial flows. The on the same level of importance as relations with ma- genocidal Vietnam War, to make their moves. On Au- jor foreign states. fering from the financial and cultural impacts of the The “Order” was freshly updated following the fall - of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, by George changegust 15, rate 1971, currency after a system.series of preliminary steps, they H.W. Bush and Margaret Thatcher, with France’s Fran- succeeded in taking down the Bretton Woods fixed ex- çois Mitterrand playing a supporting role. The former was looted, devastating both its economy gamblingWith thebecame collapse the way of Bretton of the world. Woods, Proposals floating exfor and the life span of its population, with major hauls of large-scalechange rates, development currency wars, were and scrapped speculative as too financial costly loot diverted to British offshore banks. Now, regional genocidal wars and regime change coups were run economies were systematically deindustrialized and against any governments not agreeing to the terms or financially unpredictable. The advanced sector’s of the “New World Order.” Britain, as is its tradition, countries turned into wastelands. Jobs were out- contributed some troops, but mostly dictated strategy sourcedfinancialized world-wide with former in pursuit industrial of the areascheapest of wholelabor and targets, while allowing use of its world-wide bases possible. Food cartels replaced the agro-industrial for this effort. The American military bore the brunt of units called family farms, and the U.S. rail grid was battle. The Balkans, the Middle East, and large parts of largely abandoned and consolidated, driving popula- - tions into urban areas and the coasts for mere suste- nance. In place of productive jobs and a national mis- Africa were set on fire. Millions of people died. Ameri- sion, such as President Kennedy’s space program, the rope.can fighters came home both mentally and physically majority of citizens in the United States were offered devastated.President Thousands Trump has of called war those refugees supporting flooded this Eu the gig and service economy, drugs, pornography, Order, “the globalists.” Lyndon LaRouche more pre- cisely locates their disease as the “Anglo-Dutch liberal on earth. system” or the New British Empire. Their stink thor- sports,The andnew Hollywood religion of “environmentalism”entertainment to fill and their its time sub oughly permeates major institutions of government cult, anthropogenic climate change, were used to jus- in the United States on both sides of the aisle. In the tify wholesale genocide through underdevelopment of House of Lords Report, they brag about this. They cite the world, meeting the demands of Prince Philip and their “dense and complex set of relationships across Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands to reduce human many parts of policy, society, and economic and indi- population down to one to two billion people. “Sci- vidual life.” The special relationship, they say, is like ence” became the land of statistics and information an “iceberg” in which most activity takes place out of technologies, rather than the “science” which was the public view. That “iceberg,” centered in defense and in- actual font of American greatness—the big ideas, bold telligence relationships below the surface, they brag, experiments, and the constant discovery and creativity has so far been able to subvert the declared agenda of which characterized the harnessing of nuclear power the duly elected American President, Donald Trump. and space travel to the Moon. Instead, the City of Lon- According to the delusional and paranoid “nar- don, the private entity against which America fought a rative” presented in the House of Lords report, the Revolution, became, once again, the center of all world world-wide economic collapse resulting from their austerity and bailout policies in 2008, absolutely did limited government,” were endlessly mouthed by any- not cause the revolt of their population in the June onefinance. who Itswanted mantras, to become “free trade, rich or free famous. enterprise, and 2016 vote to leave the European Union. The collapse simply increased “economic anxieties” among the

Much of the success of this infiltration can be commoners. The problem, the Lords say, is Actual experimental studies of the impact of pro- paganda conducted throughout the years demonstrate people’s access to information, boosted by in- that it works when populations have no alternatives to stant connectivity on an unprecedented scale look at, and are reacting constantly to the media bom- and speed. Governments are responding to bardment of the 24-hour news cycle. It fails almost short-term demands of their citizens, who have immediately when people are introduced to an alter- been empowered by their access to information native, such as the publicity surrounding the rapid eco- and opinion. nomic development China is now producing through- out the world, or are presented with the sudden and - shocking realization that China is now exploring the uel Huntington, author of the genocidal tract “Clash of - Civilizations”This is the and imperial inventor line of first the promulgated term “Davos byman” Sam to ing the Moon’s helium-3 to create fusion power. The - wonderfulfar side of thingthe Moon, about specifically human nature with is thethat idea the imagiof us- racy Report for the Trilateral Commission, Huntington nation and desire for new frontiers and adventures, if proclaimedcelebrate globalization. that democracies In his only1975 work Crisis when of Democ large provoked, can and will destroy years of tedious work swaths of the population are apathetic, citing the em- powerment of African-Americans by the civil rights system, and that, as if in an instant. movement as a clear and present danger to political in planning and implementing any fixed social control stability. PRESENT IMPERIAL POLICY overbroad access to information, many in the “base,” The Lords began reviewing British or population,The Lords pontificate have come that, to duebelieve to the in disturbingly“conspiracy in January of 2018, ahead of the anticipated with- - ment actions. This meme is widespread now in the the result of Brexit. Delegations were sent to the Unit- trans-Atlantictheories” rather elites than and the has official been accountsa frequent of line govern used eddrawal States of Britainto speak from with the members European of Union Congress, in 2019 think as by Barack Obama. Conspiracy theorists, according to them, include those who say the Government’s expla- - thinktanks, tank and in government the United States. officials, Participants convening in anthat open dis- tion in Syria and Libya openly supported terrorists, cussiondiscussion at theat Atlantic Council, Council, funded the flagship by the British thatnation the of Ukraine 9/11 does coup, not run cut by it, the that British the U.S. and interven the U.S. government and NATO, included a representative from State Department, had a major neo-Nazi component, the Center for New American Security (a German Mar- that Russia is not genetically predisposed to evil (both shall Fund knockoff currently run by , Sir Richard Dearlove and have claimed Russians have evil in their genes), and other truths in the British inspired coup against Trump), an analyst about very real Anglo-American genocides and foreign fromthe case the officer Financial for theSystemic Ukraine Analysis coup and and major Resilience actor conspiracies. These offensive truths, which the Lords Center (an information and surveillance collaboration and Obama label “conspiracy theories,” have been between the eight largest banks and the U.S. Cyber readily accessible until now in the free-for-all of cyber- Command), Franklin Kramer of the Center for Naval space, outside the control of major corporate media. Analysis and the Atlantic Council, along with several The 2016 U.S. election and the Brexit vote repre- other Atlantic Council toadies. Clinton Secretary of sented wholesale political activation by the people State and National Endowment for Democracy honcho the elites disdain, Trump’s forgotten men and women, using, ironically, the technology invented for social The primary concern of the Lords is the “disrupt- control purposes by Facebook and as major er,”Madeline U.S. President Albright Donaldalso played Trump. a significant According role. to them, organizing tools. These were actual exercises of de- they found that the Special Relationship was intact mocracy. The Lords and the antics of their Integrity and revered in the U.S. intelligence and defense es- Initiative make it clear that they intend now to kill tablishments and especially on both sides of the aisle this activation. Censorship and counter propaganda or in Congress. They conclude that the relationship is strong enough to withstand whatever the President Sunstein dubbed the required action, are now being does within a one-term Presidency. But, if the Presi- massively“cognitive deployedinfiltration,” in the as U.S.,Barack Britain, Obama’s and throughoutfriend Cass dent succeeds in getting a second term, all bets are off. Europe. Sir Richard Dearlove, whose Henry Jackson Society

LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE played a leading role in formulating the House of Lords vast potentials of U.S.–China collaboration, embodied report, has gone even further in more recent state- now in Trump’s relationship to President Xi Jinping, ments. Dearlove, the former head of MI6 and mentor which would, ineluctably, leave the British elites suck- ing history’s dust. It is no accident that Michael Pills- Donald Trump does need be taken too seriously since bury, Vice President Pence’s hawk on China, is a fully Trumpto Christopher will only Steele, be a one-term is telling confidantsPresident. that nothing accredited fellow of the International Institute for Stra- The Lords cite Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris tegic Studies, the font of all British imperial policy, and Climate Change agreement, the Iran nuclear deal, and that the Smith-Richardson Foundation heavily funds the UN Human Rights Council, as well as his actions in both the Integrity Initiative and the Hudson Institute. the Middle East, his attacks on NATO, his support of The same Smith-Richardson Foundation funded most the nation state and corresponding attacks on global- of the extant and concerning ist institutions, and the imposition of trade tariffs as Lyndon LaRouche. major beefs. But, they claim, Trump has been unable According to the Henry Jackson Society, in their to fully implement anything he wants to do as the re- submission to the House of Lords, the British should sult of his own Cabinet and the Congress. As a result, confront “revisionist” tendencies in the United States, Trump has been and dragged “kicking and screaming” to “behave better,” backing away from key stances and Post-Brexit, Britain must preserve its role as the stra- supporting British policies. But, the Lords emphasize, tegicRussia, hegemon and China, in NATO, by several preventing modifications Germany, of France, focus. their networks have to now fully mobilize those who or Russia from becoming a major power on the Eur- agree with them to contain Trump both in the United asian continent. This geopolitical dictum about Eur- States and internationally. asia, created by Halford Mackinder and Nicholas John The next changed circumstance for British for- Spykman and cited as such in the Jackson Society sub- eign policy is the “rise of China.” The Lords readily ac- mission, has been imperial strategy for some centu- knowledge that China’s economy is rapidly outpacing ries now and resulted in two world wars. Second, the the productivity of any economy in the West and that Jackson Society says, Britain must retain its primacy in the Belt and Road infrastructure initiative is the larg- the Middle East, the cockpit for War which Britain has est such project ever undertaken by mankind. True to dominated ever since the Sykes-Picot agreement. With British form, they have publicly embraced China’s Belt respect to Russia, the Lords and the Jackson Society and Road Initiative, and they participate in the China- recommend continuing to attack its alleged “malign” launched Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. But activities (such as the Salisbury Skripal poisoning dis- they do this in order to bend these initiatives to their cussed below) while maintaining limited areas of po- tential cooperation. Russia is uniformly described as are explicit: a failing economic power, which can be contained so financial and geopolitical advantage. About this, they We welcome the UK’s engagement with new in- - ternational institutions such as the Asian Infra- ciallylong as isolated, NATO is and strengthened the portrait to of British Putin specifications,as the world’s structure Investment Bank. The UK should use bogeymanRussia itself (created is strategically for regime marginalized change purposes), and finan is its membership to shape the lending terms and fully embraced by Western populations. governance of these bodies. Finally, the Lords recommend that Britain revital- ize its relationship with India, creating a keystone role They harp on: for that nation in the Commonwealth, which is the British entity through which the Queen presides over The UK should be a vocal champion of reform one-third of the world’s population. The Lords now to international institutions. It should support want to highlight and build their security relationship reforms both to make these institutions more to India, in addition to current commercial and trade efficient, and to give a greater voice to emerg- relationships. They note, in passing, the historical ing powers—particularly China and India—to strategic tensions between China and India, tensions build their support for the rules-based interna- which they obviously intend to exploit. tional order.

In the meantime, of course, British oriented and supported institutions in the U.S., like the Hudson In- stitute, persistently incite the Trump Administration and the Congress about the inevitability of near-term war with China. They aim to completely destroy the PART II: a need. A look at the “clusters” for the United States and Britain reveal them to be dominated by individu- THE INTEGRITY INITIATIVE'S als from the Atlantic Council, the rabidly anti-Russian FOREIGN AGENTS OF and anti-Chinese Jamestown Foundation, the Center for European Policy Analysis, and similar National En- INFLUENCE INVADE THE dowment for Democracy spinoffs. UNITED STATES The Atlantic Council is the home of the Digital Research Lab which housed Dmitri Alperovitch, the On November 23, 2018, a group calling itself guy who also leads CrowdStrike, the company which manufactured the fake story about Russian hacking of “Anonymous” posted actual documents from the In- the DNC and . It also houses Ben Nimmo, tegrity Initiative, a rapid-response black-propaganda who also shills for the Integrity Initiative and has writ- information-warfare operation targeting Russia, Chi- ten many of the provably fake claims about Putin’s na, Western Europe, and the United States. Since that purported monster cyber capabilities. The Digital Re- initial posting, there have been three other document search Lab was recently hired by Facebook to police dumps concerning the Initiative, the last on January and censor users. The U.S. cluster includes Evelyn Far- 4. These documents reveal the “boots on the ground” kas, who formerly had the Russia and Eurasia desk at so to speak, for the cyberspace and black propaganda the Defense Department under Obama and famously policies otherwise alluded to in the sanitized diplo- mouthed off on an episode of Morning Joe, about the speak of the December 18, 2018 House of Lords report Obama Administration’s unmasking and leaks of clas- which we covered in Part I of this series. The Initiative is run under the Institute for State- Trump presidency. The UK cluster includes Anne Ap- plebaumsified information of the Washington to Congress Post, Edin orderLucas ofto thederail Center the from the British government, NATO, and the U.S. State for European Policy Analysis, Bill Browder and Vadim Department.craft, a British It NGO is housed which in receives London, 95% right of nextits funding to the Kleiner from Browder’s operations, and, not surpris- International Institute for Strategic Studies in the very ingly, Sir Andrew Wood, of Orbis Business Intelligence, rich and chic building which, according to the Gray- zone’s Mohamed Elmaazi, once housed the Knights people have been up to their necks in the operations Templar and was the London home of William Astor. againstthe firm Trump. founded by Christopher Steele. All of these This is despite its registration as a charity in Scotland At the center of the Institute’s very military opera- with an address corresponding to a dilapidated and tions, is the use of propaganda directed simultaneous- abandoned building. Its funding was recently supple- ly at both the government and the general population. mented by Facebook. It is seeking U.S. tax exemption Institute personnel lobby governments on behalf of for a spinoff NGO here, to be funded by the Smith-Rich- war party policies against Russia and China, for exam- ardson Foundation, with the plan to target major cities ple, in their disguise as private parties, while the In- in the United States outside of Washington, DC or the stitute itself is being paid, as a think tank, by the very coasts. In all probability, the plan is to concentrate in same governments. At the same time, the Institute’s the presidential battleground states for the 2020 elec- media contacts echo the entirely concocted govern- - ment “debate” to the general population. This circular ment released by Anonymous brags that the Integrity churning of the media sphere is what Obama’s former Initiativetions, to prevent managed a second to derail Trump the nominationterm. The first of Pedrodocu security advisor Ben Rhodes called creating a public Baños to head Spain’s Homeland Security Department opinion “echo chamber.” Rhodes cut his national se- based on a 2-hour smear campaign claiming he was curity chops by helping with production of the fraud too soft on Moscow. - The Initiative operates on the basis of “clusters” ology, fulling implemented in the British propaganda or contact groups of journalists, military and foreign andknown regime as the change 9/11 Commission operation againstReport. ThisPutin, method which - began with the Litvinenko poisoning in 2006 and dra- most every European country, the United States, and matically escalated in 2014, has created an astounding Canada,office personnel, and is now academics, looking toand expand lobbyists to the within Middle al and deranged war fever against Putin in Britain and East. These people get alerts, often through the me- throughout Europe. dium of Initiative “contacts” in British Embassies, to The Integrity Institute is led by Christopher Don- nelly, a very well placed British military intelligence take action when the British Foreign Office perceives LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE - key contributor to the Lords Report, and the John Mc- try of Defence, and in military destabilization opera- Cain Institute’s Executive Director Kurt Volker, a rabid tions.officer Donnelly with an impressiveis obsessed career with andin NATO, paranoid the Minisabout neo-con who serves as US Special Representative to Russia. He laments that Britain and NATO are not Ukraine. He also spent a lot of time at the State Depart- equipped for war with Russia and proposes to change ment’s Global Engagement Center, where Todd Leven- that by hyping the Russia threat both to governments thal doubles as an employee while also serving with and populations. Like an ever more deranged Doctor - Strangelove, Donnelly’s prescriptions for responding ton, the Institute spokesman Simon Bracey-Lane, the to “the annexation” of Crimea in 2014 included mining the Institute. At its first U.S. event in Seattle, Washing- Sevastopol harbor, attacking Russian satellites, and dential campaign in 2016, read remarks from Christo- phersame Donnelly guy who noting infiltrated that the Bernie Sanders’ presi being, of course, acts of war. Donnelly argues, that the Britishdestroying government Russian needs fighter a long jets—all term “vision” of such that actions will the West was no longer in a ‘peace time, rules based environment. . . the conclusion is that we sane people, of course, given the existence of nuclear have to look for people who suit a wartime en- weapons,inspire people are more to fight than a a war,little something hesitant about. which The most In- vironment rather than peacetime. stitute papers feature a discussion between Donnelly and General Sir Richard Barrons in October of 2016 Blumenthal reports that active recruitment in the - United States of such warriors is targeted on the alt- rendous event that will wake people up to the Russian right formations in the circles of Bannon and Gorka, threat.which finds Donnelly wishing for some shocking hor and young Trump supporters more generally, who en- The purloined documents posted by Anonymous tertain a positive view of Putin and Russia, as well as show that Initiative personnel have targeted British the general public. Blumenthal asks the very germane Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in a huge smear question, how come these people don’t have to regis- campaign as well as the Scottish Nationalist Party ter under the Foreign Agents Registration Act? and other domestic opponents of the powers that be The Institute has recently opened major opera- in Britain. They also show that Simon Bracey-Lane, tions targeting Germany, seeking to smear and defame - existing German networks urging peace with Russia ers campaign in Iowa in 2016, gathering information while attempting to build the same war fever they whicha young in Instituteall probability fellow, was infiltrated reported the back Bernie to the Sand Clin- have created in Washington and London. According to ton campaign. The Institute also claimed that Green Sputnik’s Kit Klarenberg, the Institute’s lead agent for Party candidate was a Russian pawn, a claim Germany is Harold Elletson, who was exposed by the echoed by Hillary Clinton. In the United States, according to Max Blumen- ObserverOne canas an spot MI6 a agent‘cultivated’ in 1996. Russlandversteher Klarenberg writes: new generation of “information warriors.” It has hired [russia-sympathizer], Elletson suggests, when Johnthal’s Rendon,terrific reporting,known as thethe Institute “man who aims sold to thecreate Iraq a they make statements in accordance with one War,” to train its “perception management” specialists. the Kremlin's 21 alleged ‘key messages.’ These Rendon handled the publicity for Ahmed Chalabi and include: Germany and Russia had a ‘special the Iraqi National Congress, along with other Wash- relationship’ and should return to it; Russia , which infa- has legitimate interests and the West should mously published the Christopher Steele dirty dossier respect them; the West deceived Russia over onington, Donald DC publicTrump, relations is listed firms.as a friendly media . NATO expansion; ‘Wikileaks’ and Snowden An itinerary for Integrity Initiative head Christopher show the West has not been open in its dealings Donnelly’s visit to the United States noted that Sebas- with Germany; the Georgian crisis was the re- tian Gorka, Steve Bannon’s buddy who served with sult of Georgian aggression; Russia has a legiti- him at the White House, was scheduled for a breakfast mate claim to Crimea; the Ukrainian revolution meeting with Donnelly. Gorka’s wife, Katherine, who was actually a coup d’état; sanctions against works for Homeland Security, is listed as an Institute Russia are counter-productive and will dam- contact. And Sebastian Gorka openly supports Vitézi age the German economy; the Syrian crisis can- Rend, a Hungarian order of fascist pedigree. not be solved without Russian support, which Donnelly was shepherded around Washington, DC has been instrumental in stopping the spread by Anne Bader, a former Vice-President of the Atlantic of ISIS. In essence, any German who’s remotely Council whose own intelligence pedigree is complete- critical of NATO, the West, or prevailing West- ly British. He visited the Center for Naval Analysis, a ern global political narratives, or indeed gov- ernment policy anywhere in the world nega- Dickerson’s American Engagement Technologies. AET tively impacting Russia in any way — or who simply doesn't view Russia as invariably villain- was a founder of the United States Digital Service, a ous — is a stooge of Putin. signaturepaid for the Barack Alabama Obama false initiative. flag campaign. The entire Dickerson episode is now under investigation by the Alabama Attorney The Institute’s now-public documents include a General. proposal by the French company Lexfo which seeks One of the New Knowledge “experts” is Jonathan includes a proposal for “counter-activism” through Morgan, once a special advisor to the Obama White “negativefunding for PR, an legaloffensive actions, online ethical influence hack campaign back, etc.” and It House and State Department and a contractor for states that it can launch hundreds of news pieces a day DARPA. After the 2016 election, he was a favored me- and offers to “edit” Wikipedia articles. dia source for the Obama–Clinton trope that Hillary Lexfo’s proposal is of a piece with the recent scan- Clinton’s loss was the product of Russian disinforma- dal enveloping the cyberwarriors at New Knowledge, tion. As cited by Cohen, Morgan told television viewers a U.S. corporation run by former Obama staffers, who in Austin, Texas, that were caught openly meddling in Alabama candidate Roy Moore’s campaign for the U.S. Senate. New Knowl- feelings of discontent were telltale signs that - they had been duped by Russian disinforma- sian disinformation activities in the 2016 U.S. election tion… If it makes you feel too angry or really byedge none had other been endorsedthan the U.S. as certifiable Senate Intelligence experts on Com Rus- provokes that type of almost tribal response, mittee. The Intelligence Committee released a Report then it may be designed to manipulate you… authored by New Knowledge and “experts” at the Ox- People should be concerned about things that ford University Computational Propaganda Research encourage them to change their behavior. Project about Russian propaganda techniques on De- His partner in the actual disinformation operations New York Times published internal New Knowledge conducted by New Knowledge is Ryan Fox, who spent documentscember 17, 2018.about Onactual December election 19, interference, 2018, however, not the by 15 years at the NSA and was also a computer analyst Russia, but by New Knowledge. for the military’s Joint Special Operations Command. Since receiving $11 million in funding from Silicon Grayzone Project, among the tactics used was manu- Valley’s GGV capital, New Knowledge is positioning facturingAccording “a link to Danbetween Cohen’s Roy definitive Moore’s campaignaccount at andthe itself as a major player in Anglo-American propagan- the Kremlin by claiming thousands of Roy Moore’s da psyops. Morgan helped develop the Hamilton 68 twitter followers were Russian bots.” The Internal Re- dashboard, a completely phony tool for spotting Rus- port cited by contained the admis- sian propaganda, which is funded by the U.S. German sion, Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy, the

We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ op- Lords report. eration that planted the idea that the Moore VictoriaThe tranche Nuland ofoutfit documents which testified released for by the Anonymous House of campaign was amplified on social media by a on January 4 include a contract with Harod Associ- Russian botnet. ates to monitor social media and media response in- ternationally to the Sergei Skripal poisoning and the New Knowledge ran a Facebook page boosting an British government response. The Institute labeled obscure write-in candidate, Mac Watson, to draw votes this and related activity, “Operation Iris.” A previous away from Moore while using social media to amplify Anonymous release of Institute documents included sexual assault allegations directed at Moore. Local the name of Christopher Steele’s business associate media were deployed extensively to cover the alleged and Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler, Pablo Miller, on the general contact list of Integrity Initiative head Christo- provided by the Russiagate conspirators at Mother pher Donnelly. Anonymous originally claimed that this JonesRussia/Roy magazine. Moore According linkage and to nationalCohen’s coverageaccount, wasthe list is from a meeting concerning the White Helmets, Alabama disinformation campaign, received at least a major terrorist-promoting and intelligence-funded $100,000 from Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, “aid” organization critical to the fake narrative that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against althoughLAROUCHEPAC.COM Hoffman has said he gave $750,000PAID FOR to Mickey BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE Syrian civilians. Former Ambassador Craig Murray, however, rea- nonsense. sons that the Donnelly general contact list suggests the Another Robert Integrity Mueller/Senate Initiative Intelligence “expert,” Mark Committee Galeotti, much deeper involvement in the Sergei Skripal poison- invented a whole Russian military doctrine of hybrid ing hoax. Murray notes that the list includes the politi- cyber warfare out of thin air in 2013, attributing it to cal handler of Porton Down, the UK’s chemical weapon a paper written that year by Russian General Valery facility, Skripal’s MI6 handler, the BBC, and representa- Gerasimov. After years as an article of faith, requiring expenditure of untold millions of defense dollars to the U.S. Embassy. In this release, Anonymous provides documentstives of the Ministryconcerning of Defence, Operation the Iris Foreign and Office,a timeline and invention in March of 2018, following an earlier shred- dingdefend of hisagainst claims it, Galeottiby the U.S. himself Army finallyMilitary retracted Review. his January 4 dump, the Institute’s media campaign about The now-exposed Integrity Initiative is only a theconfirming Skripal poisoning Murray’s hypothesis.was designed As to revealed create popular in the small part of the massive British-spawned hybrid war- demand for even harsher actions against Russia by the fare apparatus targeting Russia, China, and dissident British government while planting articles all over the voices in target populations. This apparatus was put world blaming Putin for the Skripal poisoning. “Jour- into action following the Ukraine coup in 2014 and the nalists” paid by the Institute published multiple arti- initial popular rumblings in Britain itself about Brexit. cles in the British press supporting the “Putin did it, As Hillary Clinton herself observed, the British and the and it should be War” line promulgated by Operation U.S. utterly failed to sell their coup in Ukraine as a tri- - umph of democracy. Clinton attributed this to superior sponse as “weak.” Anonymous notes, in its January 4 Russian social media and disinformation regimes. Re- release,Iris. The thatInitiative the Institute characterized is also the deeply official entangled British re in ality would say, however, that the employment of Neo- the White Helmets operation. Nazis as the coup’s mercenaries by the British and Many analysts following this story have also asked their American friends, led by John McCain and Victo- the obvious questions about Skripal, Miller, and Chris- ria Nuland, had a major impact on the applause meter. topher Steele. Was Skripal, the MI6 former Russian It is not incidental that one Christopher Steele served spy, somehow involved in Steele’s full spectrum in- as a prominent adviser to Nuland and the Obama Ad- formation warfare campaign against Donald Trump? ministration concerning this coup, delivering over one Did he get Novichoked because he was threatening to hundred missives to the State Department concerning spill the beans about how the whole fake dossier was its operations. cooked up? Or, was he targeted, as some have suggest- In 2008, the Obama Administration, faced with ed, to create a narrative whereby Christopher Steele had actual Russian sources whose bravery in report- American population, proposed to attack “conspiracy ing to him resulted in Putin killing them, a phony nar- theories,”managing thenamely financial anything collapse interrupting and the revolt their of pre the- rative widely circulated by Steele’s publicists after his ferred depiction to the American population of real- Trump dossier had been thoroughly and appropriate ity. Samantha Power’s husband, Cass Sunstein, memo- debunked? Such an event would hardly be new in the rialized these discussions in January, 2008 Harvard annals of British intelligence. and University of Chicago law school publications. The blogger Moon of Alabama, points out that He largely focused on debunking what he called fake Ben Nimmo appears to be double-billing the Atlantic - Council’s Digital Research Lab and the Institute for his ish agent, and godfather of George Soros, Sir Karl Pop- various raves about the Russian threat. Nimmo is the per,conspiracy Sunstein theories advocated about direct 9/11. government Citing the archinterven Brit- author of the stunningly preposterous claim that Putin tion in internet chat rooms in the form of “cognitive - - dissonance would render any political danger from cisionhas weaponized through Facebook jokes. He Adsalso withauthored Guardian a 2017 reporter Guard conspiracyinfiltration,” theories suggesting politically that theimpotent. resulting Sunstein cognitive pro- Caroleian piece Cadwalladr. claiming that Both Russia appear influenced to have thebeen Brexit paid de by posed that private individuals fed with government the Initiative for their nonsense, even after Facebook information systematically intervene in internet con- revealed that Russia-linked accounts had spent a to- spiracy forums. The recent fake narratives produced by QAnon and targeting Trump supporters just before course, parallel those of Special Counsel Robert Muel- the Midterms, in the form of video game, Pokeman- lertal andof 97 the cents Senate on IntelligenceBrexit ads. TheseCommittee absurd about claims, how of a type clues about the coup, such as the fake claim that few thousand dollars in Russian-linked Facebook ads, is really on Trump’s side, are a vivid most of which occurred after the election and had lit- tle to say about Trump or Clinton, and a full quarter of which were seen by no one, swung the American elec- setexample up a mechanism of such “cognitive to control infiltration.” opinion in the trans-At- tion for Trump. Aaron Maté has thoroughly debunked lanticIn community,2009, Obama the and NATO the CentreBritish forengaged Strategic NATO Com to- munications. This project, however, largely sat dormant ping a full-scale attack on the Russian Orthodox Church, until 2014 when the Institute for Modern Russia, a think according to the documents posted by Anonymous. tank run by deported Russian oligarch, crook, and British With the funding spigots now completely open, every stooge, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, published a paper assert- think tank inhabiting the U.S. security complex is sprout- ing that Russia was deploying a vast propaganda network ing “disinformation” and cyber war entities, surpassing that was inundating the West with “conspiracy theories” even the billions of dollars poured into the same black in order to create general confusion. The aforementioned holes for the War on Terror. The same is true in Britain. It and debunked Integrity Institute expert Mark Galeotti is is possible to specify at least 60 organizations now dedi- cited in the paper as its primary source of inspiration. cated to information psyops against the population of the In November 2014, the British military created the - the Integrity Initiative, compares it to Operation Mock- ingbird,United States. the collaboration Max Blumenthal, of intelligence in his first agencies, takedown com of- war77th againstBrigade, Syria. implementing Subsequently, a strategy in 2015, of disrupting Anne Apple in- promised politicians, and the national news media which baumternet ofsites the devoted Washington to exposing Post and facts the aboutCenter 9/11 for Europe and the- employed over 400 American journalists in the service of an Policy Analysis created a unit called the Information Warfare Initiative which prominently featured Edward this type of apparatus, award winning journalist William Lucas, who is the former editor of the London Economist Arkinthe CIA has during resigned the Cold from War. NBC In Newsa fiery and parting MSNBC. shot atArkin, just and a general spook. The Center for European Analysis the author of one of the last great exposes of the national is a National Endowment for Democracy spinoff and was security state, Top Secret America, blasted NBC as a total directed, at the time, by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Made- captive of that very security state. line Albright. The Information Warfare Initiative focused its attacks on the Russian media outlets, RT and Sputnik. At about the same time, in 2015, the Brits were setting up PART III: the Integrity Initiative as the central project of the Insti- tute for Statecraft. A BRITISH INTELLIGENCE FRAUD Russiagate in the United States, kicked into manic CREATES THE COUP AGAINST gear by the electoral victory of Donald Trump, was used to justify a massive expansion of these operations, kick- DONALD TRUMP ing them off with a lurid article in the November 24, 2016 Washington Post drawing on the supposed “research” of a Put now in the larger context of British information warfare and regime change operations directed at Russia The article claimed that 200 websites were pawns of and independent thinkers in the United States, Britain, theshadowy Russian outfit government. calling itself This PropOrNot. included just about every and Western Europe—operations which were put on ste- - roids as of 2014 (operations which we covered in Part II eign adventures. The PropOrNot organization involves of this Report)—what are we to make of the Christopher Polygraphsite in the United(a government-funded States opposing Voicethe Bush/Obama of America outfor- on Donald Trump and its use to impact the let), the Interpreter (the Institute for Modern Russia’s 2016 elections and the Trump Presidency? As we shall magazine), the Center for European Policy Analysis, and the Atlantic Council’s Digital Research Lab. a stinking hideous fraud. Christopher Steele himself, in The entire effort is now subject to massive funding show, the dossier itself is flat out, totally, and utterly false, based on Barack Obama’s 2016 National Defense Autho- intelligence” and will not vouch for its accuracy. Even its rization Act (NDAA). Although Trump appears to have mostsubsequent fervent testimony, champions, has such described as Yahoo’s it as “unverifiedMichael Isikoff, raw been successful in initially blocking full implementation who met personally with Steele in September of 2016, of Obama’s plans, Secretary of State Pompeo has now now doubt the document, which provided the central fully funded the State Department’s Global Engagement legends of Russiagate. And, as former House Intelligence Center as stipulated in the 2016 NDAA. The Integrity Chairman has repeatedly emphasized, the Initiative claims that it is now fully engaged with State’s operations against the Trump Campaign, using the dos- GEC. Todd Leventhal is a duel staffer at State and the In- sier as its investigative backbone, were not run through tegrity Initiative. In the United States, the Integrity Initia- traditional U.S. channels. Rather, they were run through tive is also working with the Center for Naval Analysis and the Center for European Analysis. It has also worked States: the CIA and the State Department. All of these op- - erationsthe traditional were coordinated channels of Britishfrom the influence Obama Whitein the House.United ligence collaboration known as StopFake. It is working Donald Trump was always the target of an extraor- withextensively far-right with groups the inState Ukraine Department/Ukrainian and the Baltics and intelmap- dinary and illegal FBI investigation, despite the earlier

LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE pretense of a operation directed at - Trump campaign volunteers and advisors. The Presi- luyt, billed as the favored “retirement home” for MI6 spies.Steele’s The Orbis dossier Business was givenIntelligence, credence and only the because firm Hak it Comey, according to the blaring headline of the Janu- was backed by very powerful people who insisted that arydent 12, became 2018 anNew explicit York Times target. At when that hepoint, fired the James New this obvious British hoax must be taken with absolute York Times reports, top levels of the FBI decided they dead seriousness. Not taking it seriously or speaking had to go after the President of the United States as a covert Russian agent, accusing him, under the cir- in the national security state. These people had one cumstances, of treason, since they viewed Russia as strategicout about goal its in obvious mind: flakinessto destroy was Trump, a career the Ameri ender- the ultimate foreign enemy of the United States. In this can disrupter, or, at the very least, to undermine his crazed atmosphere, having all the earmarks of a coup, rational desire, expressed throughout his presidential an American putsch in legal garb, Deputy Attorney campaign, for better and sane relations with Russia. General talked about wearing a wire - to set the President up, while others talked about in- nalists were willing to leave their brains and morals voking the 25th Amendment. behindA much in an larger all or group nothing of partisaneffort to officialsdefeat, neuter,and jour or After the election, Tom Steyer, George Soros, and remove Donald Trump, even if it resulted in a deranged and mounting national hysteria about Russia, a hyste- million in an attempt to put meat on Steele’s fact-free ria which now champions war against both Russia and workother product. Silicon Valley A big billionairespart of this exercise provided is some to create $70 China. As we said at the outset, the British operation enough atmospherics and smoke to prevent the pub- had two goals. Though they continue to rage and wield lic from concluding that those who believe this crap their knifes, they have yet to succeed in removing are stark raving mad and belong in mental institutions Donald Trump. But, as the House of Lords and Rich- rather than having any say in our government. That ard Dearlove emphasize, this remains a central British is also a large part of the function assigned to Special strategic goal. In the meantime, a large section of our Counsel Robert Mueller. population and most in Congress, are nuts about Putin Belief that the dossier is true requires the assump- and Russia, blocking every effort the President has un- tion that Christopher Steele had some 32 sources in- dertaken to improve relations. According to the Lords, side the Russian government. What they allegedly told this is facilitated by Trump’s own cabinet and a fawn- ing, Anglophilic Congress. So, with respect to that sec- them. You have to further assume that the British gov- ond goal, creating a McCarthyite war fever infecting of- ernment,him is specific therefore, enough was in willingtime and to contentroll up thisto identify entire network, since the intention was for the dossier’s wild of the United States, the British and their toadies can claims to be published as widely as possible. By all ac- say,ficial “mission Washington accomplished.” and a large Atportion least forof the now. population counts, Britain and the United States together do not have 32 highly placed sources inside the Russian gov- THE RICHARD DEARLOVE NETWORK OF ernment, nor would they ever make them public in this NETWORKS AND THE BRITISH PUSH way or with this very sloppy tradecraft. In fact, they would not engage in such covert intelligence opera- The Steele Dossier and the Integrity Institute in- tional malpractice for even one valued source. Upon volve the same British intelligence networks revolving closer examination, it is clear that the dossier uses as- around Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6. pects of readily available public information, such as Dr. Victor Madeira, one of the key staffers at the Integ- rity Institute used to work directly for Dearlove and alleged bribe offered to for lifting sanc- Sir Christopher Andrew at the Cambridge Intelligence the sale of 19% of the energy company (the Forum. In 2014, then DIA chief was in- and misdemeanors. There were no “highly placed” vited to visit that forum and chatted about Russian in- Russiantions), to sources. concoct a fictional narrative of high crimes telligence history with a Russian graduate student and The info war campaign which spread, internation- historian there. Christopher Steele was at the same ally, the legend that Donald Trump was a Manchurian event. So was Stefan Halper, the close friend of Dear- candidate, involved a small group of individuals in the love who subsequently worked with the CIA and Brit- ish intelligence in entrapment operations targeting - Trump volunteers , Carter Page, ishU.S.—journalists steered networks and in government the State Department, officials working Obama’s or and . In 2014, Halper and others claimed DNI,in some CIA way and associated FBI chiefs, with and the firmObama Fusion White GPS, House. Brit that Flynn was compromised by a Russian historian These people had all known each other for years, if not and spread their absolutely false bilge throughout decades, and were skilled in information warfare. In the trans-Atlantic intelligence community in an effort Britain, it involved the intelligence circles of Sir Rich- ard Dearlove, centered in the Henry Jackson Society, Obama. Flynn’s real sin was his confrontation of the which many believe led to Flynn’s firing by Barack Obama Administration and the British for using ter- crime associates of Berezovsky for the murder. Ber- their other alliances with Islamic terrorist groups, and ezovskymajor findings. himself Litvinenko’swas suicided father in 2013. blames organized forrorists insisting to fight that the Russia Assad could regime be ina valuable Syria, highlighting ally in the Dearlove mentored Steele in Orbis’s operations war on terror and on other fronts. - Andrew Wood (the former UK Ambassador to Rus- sier operation, vouching for and hyping Steele’s claims sia, a friend of Dearlove, and an advisor to Christopher throughoutand specifically the workedFive Eyes with intelligence him on the Trumpcommunity. dos Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence Company) is listed Dearlove is also associated with Hakluyt. Hakluyt is as a Specialist Team Member of the Integrity Institute. named after Richard Hakluyt, the geographer and re- Drew Foxall of the Henry Jackson Society, where Dear- tainer of the British East India Company known for his love is the leading light, is listed as a member of the work promoting the colonization of America by the “inner core” of the Institute. Both the Integrity Initiative and Christopher Steele entrap Trump campaign volunteers George Papado- poulosBritish. and Stefan Carter Halper, Page thein London, MI6/CIA is anasset advisor deployed to Hak to- employ the media echo chamber to legitimize these luyt and a long-time professional colleague of Steele. liestraffic through in intelligence media retainers lies targeted and witting at Russia, government and both Alexander Downer, the High Commissioner of Aus- accomplices. Among the specializations which have tralia to the United Kingdom, was on Hakluyt’s Board been, at one point or another, listed as special skills of Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence are, “creating Papadopoulos which the FBI incredibly claimed as public opinion groundswells,” and “delivering targeted theand investigativeplayed a significant predicate role for in thetheir operations investigation against of political campaigns.” Richard Dearlove is an old hand Trump. , who wrote the book Collusion to at such operations. While leading MI6, Dearlove infa- legitimize Steele’s dossier, has served for a very long mously vouched for the doctored dossier which said time as Steele’s publicist and scribe while conducting that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruc- - tion, collaborating with the CIA’s George Tenet on one ures. Harding has worked with both Hakluyt and Or- of the most deadly intelligence lies in the last century. bis.similar Similarly, trysts withPablo other Miller, major the BritishMI6 handler intelligence of Sergei fig Christopher Steele has a similar, albeit less devel- Skripal, has worked with Steele since their days in MI6 - and also worked with Hakluyt. Finally, the mysterious ander Litvinenko, a Russian defector who worked for Maltese professor, , whose job was to theoped Russian pedigree. oligarch He was Boris the MI6Berezovsky, case officer and fortook Alex up residence in Britain. Litvinenko was murdered, using then offering the Trump Campaign access to Putin’s in- polonium poison, in 2006. Berezovsky, after making nerflip circle,Papadopoulos, runs in the by very giving same him intelligence a job in London networks. and Claire Smith, the member of the Joint UK intelligence went to war against Putin on behalf of MI6. It is not a committee famously photographed and working with stretchmillions to of opine dollars that looting Steele Russia, also ran fled Berezovsky’s to London andop- Mifsud, reportedly worked with Christopher Steele in erations. Prior to his murder, Litvinenko was charac- Afghanistan. terized as Berezovsky's “bomb thrower” against Putin. Steele instantly blamed Litvinenko’s murder on wrote a completely fabricated story in the London Putin and obviously had a role in the orchestrated and GuardianLuke Harding has just finally been exposed. He notorious death bed statements by Litvinenko which Manafort met with of Wikileaks sev- did the same. The death bed statement was drafted by eral times on in November London, presumably 27, 2018, sayingconcerning that Paulthe another Berezovsky associate, Alex Goldfarb, a former Wikileaks publication of emails liberated from Clinton George Soros employee. It was further massaged by Campaign Manager John Podesta, and the Democrat- Bell, Pottinger, the disgraced British public relations ic National Committee in 2016. Harding’s story was - widely debunked as a complete fabrication. The nar- rative blaming Russia hackers for liberating truthful forfirm the famous war in for Iraq. such The contracts British government as its $540 didn’tmillion bite, ef documents from the DNC and Podesta and providing andfort forinstead the CIA indicted making a fakesole al-QaedaRussian forpropaganda the crime, films not them to WikiLeaks, is, of course, the foundational fake the Russian state. In the wake of the Ukraine coup, the story concerning Trump-Russia collusion. Litvinenko case was revived for propaganda purposes. The new British review lasted two years, ending in OPERATION TRUMP/PUTIN COMMENCES January 2016 and charging that Russia and Putin were “probably” responsible for the murder. The report We now know that the chronologies presented used the word “probably” 35 times with respect to its

about the Steele dossier operation in various official LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE reports are off by many months, missing the early col- ily British penetrated Free Russia network of NGOs. laboration. Judicial Watch has unearthed documents of Yahoo served as Chalupa’s publicist. using the FOIA which show that Steele was being paid as an FBI source as of February 2016. began to appear in the press. Thanks to Lee Smith’s Steele told ’s that in excellentIn April, re-examination the initial Trump/Russia of the Steele collusiondossier chronol stories- April 2016, the month that his U.S. employer, Fusion ogy at The Federalist, we know that the echo chamber GPS, was hired by Clinton and the DNC to produce dirt of Trump-Russia stories (New York Magazine, Slate, - and two in ) began right after the DNC and tion called Project Charlemagne,” for a “private client.” Clinton hired Fusion GPS. Mayeron Trump, writes: he “It had involved just “finished a survey aof special Russian investiga interfer- During late 2015 through May 2016, according to ence in the politics of four members of the European the timeline provided to Robert Mueller by Crowd- Union—France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Germa- Strike and the DNC, and swallowed whole by him, Rus- ny—along with Turkey, a candidate for membership. The report chronicles persistent, aggressive political from the DNC and various Clinton operatives, includ- interference by the Kremlin: social-media warfare ingsian Clinton’s military campaign intelligence, manager, the GRU, John was Podesta. hacking In Junefiles of 2016, the Guccifer 2.0 persona appeared on the web sharing emails he alleged he had hacked from the Kremlin’saimed at inflaminglong-term fearaim, the and report prejudice, concludes, and ‘opaque was to Clinton Campaign and the DNC and referring people boostfinancial extremist support’ groups given and to politicians favored politicians… at the expense The to the DC Leaks website and Wikileaks for the docu- of Europe’s liberal democracies. The more immedi- ments. We have previously documented that this was the great Russian hack that wasn’t. Creation of the fab- punishing economic sanctions that the E.U. and the ricated persona, Guccifer 2.0, was accompanied by a U.S.ate goalhad imposedwas to ‘destroy’ on Russia the after E.U., its in 2014 order political to end andthe New York Times military interference in Ukraine.” This is the same type story which appeared on June 12, 2016. It claimed of bilge which was being ground out by the Institute thatmedia Wikileaks campaign founder typified Julian by a Assangephony had told Brit- for Statecraft and the Integrity Initiative prior to the ain’s ITV that he had the emails and hoped that they Brexit vote in Britain in June of 2016. would harm Clinton’s campaign and that he planned to In late 2015, by his own account, John Brennan’s release them in conjunction with the Democratic Party Convention. Assange made no such statement about harm to Clinton or timing in the ITV interview. British friends began flooding him with reports of On July 25, Anne Applebaum, she of the Integrity informationTrump/Russia was, financial allegedly, and Estonia, intelligence a player flows in NATO’s aimed Initiative and the Center for European Policy Analysis, StratComat helping information Trump’s election. warfare The initiative. first source According of such to weighed in wearing her Washington Post “journalist” Brennan and others, the Brits persistently demanded hat. She scolded people for being too interested in the investigations of Trump in order to save the “special content of the emails (namely Clinton campaign oper- relationship.” In the March-April timeframe, Brennan atives openly conspiring to sabotage Bernie Sanders’ convened a task force, an act of very questionable le- campaign and Clinton herself fawning all over Wall gality, at CIA headquarters to “investigate” this gar- Street executives for big bucks). Applebaum instructed her readers to divert their gaze from such glaring true were being hired by the Clinton Campaign and the facts and to focus, instead, on the claim that it was the DNC.bage. AtEntrapment the same time, operations Fusion GPS/Christophertargeting Carter SteelePage, evil Ruskies who obtained this information. She cata- George Papadopoulos, and other tangential Trump loged her claims of Russian electoral interference in Eastern Europe in support of this argument. The same and Papadopoulos, these operations were mostly done day, Thomas Rid, one of the Dearlove network’s very oncampaign British figuressoil. There were were initiated. repeated In theoffers case of “dirt of Page on own “security experts” weighed in from King’s Col- Hillary Clinton from Russia,” “Hillary Clinton’s missing lege, Oxford, saying the evil Ruskies had crossed a “red emails,” and for meetings with Putin or other Russian line.” Steele’s dossier, also of course, immediately at- tributed responsibility for the DNC email publications the Trump Campaign, creating the documentary email to a conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump chainofficials. necessary These offers to justify were further dutifully investigation. conveyed back to campaign in memos he produced and circulated at the , who served as Trump’s campaign same time. chairman for a few months in 2016, was intensely in- The entrapment operation also oc- vestigated at the same time, for corruption surround- curred in June 2016. It involved an elaborate opera- ing his activities in Ukraine on behalf of deposed Pres- tion in which the State Department issued an extreme- ident Yanukovych. These investigations were led by ly unusual business visa to Russian lawyer Natalia - Veselnitskaya. Employees of Fusion GPS were directly cial Ukrainian intelligence sources as well as the heav- involved in the meeting. The State Department’s chief at the DNC and supported by offi Russia intelligence “expert” Robert Otto tracked the Criminal Division hierarchy, is married to Nellie Ohr, entire process, working with Kyle Parker (the Con- who worked for Fusion. Both Ohrs had a longstand- gressional author of the ), and, report- ing relationship with Christopher Steele and Glenn edly, Michael Weiss of the Henry Jackson Society, the Simpson based on investigations of Russian organized Institute for Modern Russia, and . The crime dating back decades. Lisa Page, Andrew Mc- Trump Campaign was baited with alleged dirt about Cabe’s lawyer at the FBI and ’s mistress, Clinton from Russian state sources in the email chain setting up the meeting. The meeting itself, however, Neil King, Jr., who works for Fusion, is married to Shai- was a bust. As a result, it was only made public amidst laghhad previouslyMurray, who worked was Barack for Bruce Obama’s Ohr forsenior five policy years. adviser at the White House, having previously worked for years for Vice-President Biden. Otherwise most of Russiagate investigations in 2017. Fusion’s staff is composed of former reporters for ma- London.During The the meeting first week was brokered of July, Christopherby Victoria Nuland Steele jor national newspapers who know how to feed tips atofficially the State met Department. with his FBI Jonathan “handler” Winer, Michael Steele’s Gaeta long- in and hot stories to their former friends or those they time friend and John Kerry’s go-to aide at the State De- hire to put bylines on the propaganda ordered up by partment, was also on top of Steele’s memos and brief- their clients. A major client for Fusion’s products has ings, including Putin’s alleged compromise of Trump always been law enforcement. It is a major drop point based on sexual entrapment. Winer is the inventor of for feeding and amplifying stories planted by the intel- the idea of the Magnitsky Act sanctions that have done ligence community out to its network of journalists. It much to completely poison US–Russian relations. has had a “professional relationship” with Christopher Shortly after Steele met with Gaeta, a Wall Street Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence in Britain since Journal reporter texted Carter Page asking whether he 2010, and perhaps other entities associated with Sir had met with , a Russian energy executive Richard Dearlove. and Putin ally, to discuss “energy deals and the possi- bility of the U.S. government lifting sanctions.” This is NO SUMMER VACATION IN - CAMPAIGN SEASON ed national security reporter, Brian Ross, interviewed Sergeistraight Millian, out of Steele’shaving been July 19directed memo. to NBC’s him bydiscredit Fusion In late August 2016, John Brennan briefed the GPS’ Glenn Simpson as the source of Steele’s most sa- Gang of Eight—the Speaker and Minority leaders of lacious sexual allegations concerning Trump. the House and Senate, and the heads of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees—about Steele’s unprecedented Cross-Fire Hurricane counter-intelli- reports, deliberately interrupting their summer vaca- genceBy investigationthe end of July, of the FBITrump had Campaign. officially opened It focused its tions and Washington’s traditional dead month, with on four targets: Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter urgent calls on secure telephone lines. According to Page, and George Papadopoulos. This investigation Brennan’s testimony to Congress, he did this with had obviously already been going on informally for the explicit approval of President Obama. Brennan, of months before. Remember, John Brenna’s CIA task course, never did anything in this operation without force, the State Department, and British intelligence discussing it with Obama. had all been highly active for months. Reportedly, the FBI liaison to Brennan’s task force was Peter Strzok. But despite everything which had gone on before the a letterIt was he obviouswrote to that FBI DirectorBrennan’s Comey briefing noting would that leak, the and it did. On August 27, Senator Harry Reid published mistress, FBI attorney Lisa Page, that there was “still collusion, featuring Steele’s allegations about Carter noFBI there, opened there” its official concerning investigation, Trump and Strzok Russia. told Yet, his PageFBI wasamong investigating others, and allegations demanding of that Trump/Russia the FBI tell the American people about their investigation. Reid There was now an open FBI investigation, with the says that Brennan blessed this letter. Evidence avail- preposterousthe first stage Steeleof the Britishdossier operation providing had the succeeded. actual in- able to the Republican-led House of Representatives vestigative backbone. The FBI investigation provided a committees investigating Russiagate indicates that “news hook” and credibility for further stories pump- ing Steele’s wild and unsubstantiated claims. letter was orchestrated. In all probability, it had two To understand the reach of this propaganda opera- top officials at the FBI were also aware that the Reid tion in the U.S., it is important to understand Steele’s drink the British Kool-Aid, while, at the same time, cir- American employer, Fusion GPS. Bruce Ohr, the now culatingpurposes: the to “Trump convince is a saner Manchurian FBI and candidate” DOJ officials meme to demoted third man in the U.S. Department of Justice to the public in order to directly impact the upcom-

LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE ing November election. In September, Steele himself the Russian state. They had interviewed him again in briefed reporters from the New York Times, the Wash- March, prior to his association with the Trump cam- ington Post, Yahoo News, Mother Jones, CNN, and the New paign. Since he has never been charged with anything, Yorker. Nonetheless, no one immediately saluted this it is likely the FBI and Steele considered Page a useful unsubstantiated crap except for Yahoo News’ Michael tool, based on his prior involvements, around which to Isikoff, Glenn Simpson’s long-time friend, who was al- ges. ready enmeshed in the Manafort “investigation.” In September, Steele met personally with Jonathan buildTRUMP the fake GETSTrump/Russia ELECTED: collusion NOW IcharT’S WAR his memos. Winer, in turn, gave Steele copies of memos In the runup to Trump’s inauguration, the White writtenWiner, providing by Clinton with operative a detailed and briefing dirty trickster and copies Cody of House, Christopher Steele, the Clinton Campaign and Shearer designed to corroborate Steele’s crazy claims - about Trump’s sexual conduct. mocracy networks which had been part of the initial roundthe State of Russiagate, Department/National kicked into Endowmenthigh gear. We for know De On September 23, Michael Isikoff published what that Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein’s wife, went he called a bombshell story about Carter Page and the Russians, which went on to recite, verbatim, Steele’s of Trump transition activities at the White House for allegations about Carter Page. Isikoff attributed this to purposesinto a mad of round attacking of unmasking the incoming classified President. intercepts We “a well-placed Western intelligence source.” The Clin- know that Obama signed new regulations, allowing ton campaign jumped all over Isikoff’s story, spinning its own as a government investi- intercepts throughout the government, knowing that gation into Donald Trump. Jennifer Palmieri, the cam- itfor would widespread result in distribution massive and of untraceable classified intelligence leaks. This paign’s communications director, took to television mass distribution included intercepts made under E.O. the next day to tout the Isikoff story and cite “U.S. in- 12333 and may very well be the source of many of the transcripts now being used by Robert Mueller’s team only six weeks prior to the election. to trap and elicit pleas from those they have indicted. telligence officials” concerns about Trump and Russia The FBI used Isikoff’s article as corroborative of We know that the Clinton campaign and Fusion GPS Christopher Steele’s claims about Page in a FISA ap- - plication for a surveillance warrant targeting Page. It lusion story hoping to sway the electoral college vote never informed the Court that Isikoff’s article was not againstwent into Trump a full andmobilization portray Trump’s on the Trump/Russia victory as the col re- corroborative of Steele; it was Steele himself speaking sult of Russia tampering with votes. We know from to Isikoff. It never informed the court that Steele had remarks by the Integrity Initiative’s Evelyn Farkas been hired to produce this crap by Hillary Clinton’s on Morning Joe, that Farkas and others were dump- campaign. ing their accumulated manure on Trump and Russia, Also, in October 2016, Steele visited the State De- - cepts, into Congress. They claimed that their criminal and a select group of journalists there. He provided including info war “weaponization” of classified inter- handoutspartment toconducting the audience. a full-scale In October, briefing David for Corn officials pub- ing to Farkas, in order to prevent a “coverup” by the lished another iteration of the “Trump is Putin’s pup- incomingabuse of classifiedTrump Administration. information was justified, accord pet” meme in Mother Jones. Now, however, the obvious At the same time, Christopher Steele and Richard tack Steele was taking of using the FBI to buttress his Dearlove were mapping their next moves. At the Hali- propaganda campaign became too much for even some fax Security Forum in mid-November, Senator John McCain ran into Sir Andrew Wood. Some say McCain with top levels of the FBI by continuing to brief then ran into Dearlove himself a few days earlier. Wood Associatein the FBI. Deputy He was Attorneyfired, but General continued Bruce his relationshipOhr, who, in briefed McCain on Steele’s work, and McCain immedi- turn, continued to brief the FBI. ately dispatched his aide, David Kramer to London to The FISA warrant turned Page into a walking mi- meet with Steele and obtain the dossier. There is, how- crophone into Trump campaign circles. FISA warrants ever, substantial reason to view this widely publicized allow agencies to surveil not only an immediate tar- account of McCain and Kramer’s involvement as highly get, but anyone the target contacts and anyone those incomplete. people then contact—so-called “two-hop” surveil- Robert Otto, the State Department’s chief Rus- lance. It is pretty obvious that this counterintelligence sia intelligence guy had his email accounts leaked in investigation was also employing surveillance under Executive Order 12333, which is far more pervasive the name “Johnnie Walker.” The posted hacked emails than that allowed by FISA. The FBI had had Page on its don’t2017 justas the show result Otto’s of a involvementclaimed hack in by the someone Trump usingTow- radar for years, based on his cooperation in a previous er meeting. They also show extensive correspondence espionage investigation in which he was the Russian with David Kramer, Andrew Wood, and a host of Cha- target and based upon his continuing loud defense of tham House, and British and Australian intelligence operatives about Trump and Russia as the operation about the dossier and compromise of the incoming against Trump evolved throughout 2016. Kramer President of the United States on January 10, followed was then leading McCain’s Institute for International by BuzzFeed’s publication of the entire Steele dossier Leadership. He is a former member of the infamous the next day. and disgraced Project for a New American Century, the As a result, the incoming President of the United chief propaganda group for war in the Middle East. He States was successfully portrayed to the American - public and the world, as a sexually compromised and ment for Democracy cold warrior who violently hates blackmailed puppet of Vladimir Putin. In his Congres- bothis also Trump a long-time and Russia. State Department/National Endow sional testimony, makes clear that he fol- According to the court record in the Gubarev v. lowed that up by staging a series of encounters with BuzzFeed lawsuit in the Southern District of Florida, on Trump, planned by what he called a “murder board” November 30, Kramer was tasked by McCain to pro- of his close circle at the upper levels of the FBI, each vide the FBI and CIA with the dossier, after Kramer of them designed to entrap the President. He record- met with Steele in London and obtained the dossier, ed each of these encounters in “contemporaneous” subsequently, from Glenn Simpson. In the next few memoranda, which for evidentiary purposes, have an days Kramer met with Victoria Nuland and Celeste advantage over wiretaps. Such memos are considered Wallander, the Senior Director for Russian Affairs at to be high grade evidence. And, they are much easier Obama’s National Security Council. Both of them said to manipulate than wires. According to Comey, these that they were all in concerning Steele’s work and had been, and that the dossier was to be taken very, very - seriously. In the meantime, on December 6, Christo- classified and unclassified pieces of fiction were leaked Prosecutor.to the press, after Comey was fired, to provide the jus tification for Robert Mueller’s appointment as Special Celestepher Steele Wallander, wrote his Representative final report, providing Adam Kinzinger it to David (R- A FINAL NOTE ON STEELE’S FAKERY Ill)Kramer, and Housean unnamed Speaker senior Paul British Ryan’s intelligence Chief of Staff, official, John Lee Smith in his January 2 Federalist article, con- entirety of the dodgy dossier to BuzzFeed reporter Ken tends, with documentary evidence, that much of the Bensinger.Burks. Then on December 29, David Kramer leaked the dossier is simply drawn from public source postings, some of which are foreign language publications, with put forth its phony “assessment” that Russia had in- embellishments by Steele to change actual events into tervenedOn January in the 5,American 2017, the election Obama to Administrationdefeat Hillary nefarious crimes. In other words, there are no real Russian sources. Others have made a similar comment summary of the Steele dossier was attached to that about the dossier’s most salacious and incendiary al- pieceClinton of and nonsense elect Donald and was Trump. used Ato two-page reach the classified conclu- legation, that Trump cavorted with prostitutes in Mos- sions in this “Intelligence Community Assessment.” cow who urinated on the bed in which the Obamas James Comey briefed Donald Trump on the contents of had slept. This seems to be simply a rejiggered revival the dossier at a meeting at Trump Tower on January Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi spending the of sexual compromise by the Russians in what Comey nightof 2009 with British a prostitute propaganda in a hotel stories room about in Romeformer and actually6, 2017, referred confronting to as the his President-elect“J. Edgar Hoover” with moment. claims Comey never told the President that his campaign had said that the British are original. The fact that anyone bought“defiling” this a bedjunk, in ever, which is aPutin testament had slept. to how No very,one ever on leaks from James Clapper, CNN published reports very stupid and decadent many have become. been, in fact, the target of this filthy operation. Based READ AND SHARE THE REPORT ON LAROUCHEPAC.COM