British Puppeteers In Coup Against Trump Exposed by Barbara Boyd, [email protected] tasked to engineer popular support. January 14, 2019 The Integrity Initiative claims it focuses on Russian hybrid disinformation warfare, a form of irregular PART I: warfare they claim Russia is conducting. Its own pur- loined internal papers, however, expose the Initiative, THE BRITISH ROLE IN THE COUP AGAINST rather than Putin, as the master propagandists, target- THE PRESIDENT IS NOW EXPOSED. WILL ing and smearing those considered “subversives,” like YOU ACT NOW TO SAVE THE NATION? British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, U.S. Sena- tor Bernie Sanders, other anti-war figures, and Donald Understanding the ferocity of the attacks on Don- Trump. ald Trump and our Constitution may seem to be a head The liberated documents show that Sir Andrew scratcher. Is it really just due to Barack Obama and Wood and Pablo Miller, Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler, Hillary partisans at the top levels of the Justice Depart- who are both players in Christopher Steele’s Orbis ment, conspiring with a bunch of know-nothing, hot- Business Intelligence, also have significant relation- headed, politically correct millennials and sour Deep ships to the Initiative. Skripal and his daughter were State apparatchiks in the news media—the meme fa- poisoned in Salisbury, England, in one of 2018’s more vored by Fox News? If so, why isn’t the President being infamous intelligence hoaxes targeting Russia. Steele, more effectively defended? Is the Deep State simply of course, wrote the very dirty and obviously fake dos- the permanent American administrative bureaucracy sier on Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin which has which lives on, relentlessly, like a slime mold, in the sustained the Russiagate scandal for almost two years swamps of Washington, D.C., regardless of who the in the United States, throwing this country into a Mc- voters elect? Or, has the whole of Washington, D.C., Carthyite hysteria in which former defenders of the along with most of New York City, Massachusetts, and Constitution now demonstrate on behalf of the FBI California, simply gone stark raving mad through an and CIA and demand that a Special Prosecutor be- invasion of alien space creatures eating away at their come, effectively, a fourth branch of our government. brains? By space bugs which have been “weaponized,” This Report has three parts. First, we examine no doubt, by Vladimir Putin, who, if you read the me- what the House of Lords declared as the imperatives dia, weaponizes everything in some secret Siberian of present British strategic policy. We then examine laboratory, including, drumroll please, “jokes.” the Integrity Initiative’s propaganda operations in Fortunately, two recent excretions from the British support of these imperatives and their genesis in the Isles, one of them stolen, the other, self-revealing, al- renewed British regime change and war drive against low us to sketch something nearer to the real picture. Russia which followed the 2014 Ukraine coup. We On November 23, 2018, someone started publishing then put the manufactured Russiagate hoax in the purloined documents from the British military’s In- United States, in the appropriate strategic context, tegrity Initiative, an international network of politi- demonstrating how a completely obvious intelligence cians, journalists, academics, foundations, and mili- fraud, the dirty dossier about Trump attributed to MI6 tary officers engaged in a very dirty black propaganda agent Christopher Steele, could dominate political dis- campaign funded by the British Foreign and Common- cussion in the United States for more than two years, wealth Office, NATO, Facebook, and such intelligence creating popular insanity about Russia and China and quangos as the Smith Richardson Foundation here in paralyzing our government. the United States, all while posing as a Scottish charity. Hopefully, you will conclude after reading this Re- Then, on December 18, the House of Lords released a port, that this is the year in which we can and must report on the imperatives of current British policy, im- end the decadent, desperate, and failing Anglo-Dutch peratives for which the Integrity Initiative’s informa- Liberal Empire. Lyndon LaRouche specifies that there tion warriors and a host of similar outfits, have been are four countries which have the combined econom- ic, scientific, and cultural potential to do this, even in McCain and others responded to Trump’s election the face of the systemic financial collapse of the huge with bellicose incitements to invoke NATO’s Article 5, bubble the City of London and Wall Street have now claiming that alleged Russian election meddling in the built anew. These nations are the United States, Russia, 2016 presidential election was an act of war and that China, and India. If these Four Powers come together Trump was out to destroy the very same “post war, to create a new fixed exchange rate monetary system rules based international order.” John Brennan sub- and devote their credit and the energies of their popu- sequently reported that the British, and their NATO lations to full-scale development of the world, to fun- satraps, like Estonia, began feeding him leads about damental breakthroughs in science, and to the great Trump–Russia collusion in late 2015 because they human adventure of space exploration and habitation, feared Trump would destroy the special relationship. then they can create a new Renaissance. The Lords ful- MI6’s Christopher Steele followed that up by telling ly understand this challenge. In their report, they tar- his Justice Department collaborator Bruce Ohr, that get exactly these four nations as their primary foreign he was absolutely desperate to prevent Trump’s elec- policy concern. With respect to Russia, they plan to tion and would do just about anything on behalf of that continue their policies for containment, economic iso- mission. And then, after the election, the Senate Intel- lation, and political destabilization. They have plans ligence Committee kicked off its absurd investigation for intellectually corrupting India and China, integrat- of Russian electoral dirty tricks which, it was claimed, ing these nations more fully into their globalist institu- tions and schemes. In the United States, they have one parade of British experts or Americans, like Roy God- immediate goal: ending the “disruption” caused by elected Donald Trump. In their first public hearing, a- Donald Trump by removing him, one way or the other. thralled very stupid Senators with tales about super potentson, who, Russian nonetheless, “active measures”salute the capableflag of Empire,of inducing en THE BRITISH LORDS’ FIRST PRIORITY: underclass Americans into voting for Trump based on racist Facebook memes, or cartoons which made fun NO SECOND TERM FOR DONALD TRUMP of Hillary Clinton. Anyone with a modicum of intelli- gence viewing this stupid spectacle had to feel deep The British House of Lords report with accompa- embarrassment on behalf of the United States. nying papers and appendices, is entitled, “UK Foreign To put things in perspective here, it’s useful to re- Policy in a Shifting World Order.” The discussion which - follows is drawn from the report itself, its accompa- tional order,” referred to over and over again in the nying papers and appendices, and other recent state- Houseview, briefly, of Lords the report.history Promulgatedof this “rules by based the internaTruman ments of the key participants in shaping the report’s Presidency and Winston Churchill at the end of World conclusions. War II, this “Order” preserved colonialism, albeit in In the report itself, the Lords huff that Donald modern institutionalized forms of debt slavery and Trump has completely imperiled the globalist “post- deliberate genocidal underdevelopment for the bulk War rules based International order” as well as the of the world’s population. This was against the intent “special relationship” between the United States and of the American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Britain. They say this while, at the same time, reveling much of the American population at the time. The IMF - and World Bank, Bretton Woods institutions which ed States following World War II. The covert defense Franklin Roosevelt wanted to use for world-wide eco- in their success in infiltrating and controlling the Unit nomic development and to end British colonialism, termand intelligence of Trump. But, relationships not two. Otherwise, flowing from they the are special terri- system which enforced Malthusian population control relationship are sufficient, they argue, to survive one andbecame underdevelopment the overlords, instead, while ofsecuring an imperial vital financialmineral in Britain and in the 2016 election in the United States. and other natural resources for the realm. This pri- Theyfied by cite the the activation free ability of the of individuals“people” in tothe access Brexit infor vote- mary “alliance” also built a series of military bases mation as the central threat to their ability to rule. To throughout the world, “to project” imperial power, in answer this, they intend to create censorship and pro- their words, based upon British colonial policing and paganda regimes which would make George Orwell’s geopolitical stratagems. For a period of time, following the War, the U.S. and child’s play. other advanced sector nations enjoyed economic pros- fictionalThose Ministry with longer of Truth memories in his novel, will recall1984, thatseem John like perity. This is the period to which President Trump LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE refers as the era of American “greatness.” It was the traced to British recognition of the simple fact that result of then-extant and new capital-intensive invest- how individuals think about the world and whether ments in U.S.
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