NYSAAA SPRING NEWSLETTER 10 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS & PHOTOS of the 28TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE – March 16-19, 2010 PATRICK PIZZARELLI, CAA RECEIVES THE NIAAA STATE AWARD OF MERIT AL DOYLE & DON LINDELL RECEIVE THE OTIS SENNETT AWARD OF EXCELLENCE MIKE GIRUZZI, CAA, TAKES OVER AS PRESIDENT OF NYSAAA ALSO INCLUDED President’s Message INSIDE: 2010 Conference Award Winners LLeeaaddiinngg tthhee WWaayy ffoorr 2299 YYeeaarrss •• 11998811--22001100 Leading the Way for 29 Years • 1981-2010 NEW YORK STATE ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATORS’ ASSOCIATION, INC. 2010- 2011 DIRECTORY Office: 119 Pleasant View Drive, Lake Luzerne, NY 12846 Phone: 518-654-9663 Fax: 518-654-6918 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.nysaaa.org Office/Staff: Executive Committee: Ex-Officio: Executive Director: Alan Mallanda, CMAA President: Mike Giruzzi, CAA NYSPHSAA: Nina Van Erk, CAA Recording Secretary: Chris Rozek President Elect: Cathy Phillips State Education Dept.: Trish Kocialski Membership: Chris Rozek (607-762-8148) Vice-President: Kevin O’Reilly, CAA Council of Administrators: Fritz Killian Conference Registration: Chris Rozek Past President: Harold Fried, CAA Conference Exhibits: Secretary: Roger Brown, CMAA State Coordinators: Larry Gillooley, CAA(518-382-2511) Treasurer: Dennis Fries, CAA Conference Planning: Mike Bromley, CAA Newsletter Editor: Alan Mallanda, CMAA NIAAA Liaison: Dave Martens Pete Shambo, CAA Leadership Training: Don Webster, CMAA Steve Young, CAA Chapter Representatives: Committee Chairs: Chapter 1: Steve Young, CAA, Horace Greeley HS Awards: Scott Sugar,