University of Tennessee, Knoxville TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange

Municipal Directories Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)


Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials 1987-88 (Revised)


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Part of the Public Administration Commons Tennessee municipalities were contacted once a year to update the information listed in this directory. Changes in that information may have occurred between the contact date and the date of this printed directory. For accurate historical information, please contact the municipality directly.

Recommended Citation MTAS, "Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials 1987-88 (Revised)" (1988). Municipal Directories.

This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Municipal Directories by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected].


Governing Body Finance Ald Alderman BudD Budget Director Comm Commissioner Compt Comptroller Coun Councilmember DatProD Data Processing Director Mayor FinD Finance Director Mayor 1987- 1988 V-May Vice Mayor PurAgt Purchasing Agent RkMgtD Risk Management Director DIRECTORY OF TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL Administration Treas Treasurer OFFICIALS Admin Administrator AdmAsst Administrat ive Assistant Planning/Zoning AsstAdm Assistant Administrator PlngCCh Planning Comm. Chairman AsstMgr Assistant Manager PlngDir Planning-Zoning Director AdmSerD Admin. Serv. Director Plnr Planner Atty Attorney ZBCh Zoning Board Chairman CAO Chief Admin. Officer ComDevC Community Devel. Coord . Public Safetz Clerk Clerk CivDefD Civil Defense Director compiled by Coo rd Coordinator FireC Fire Chief CityRec Recorder Marsh! Marshall W. Joseph Walsh and Deborah K. Linn ExecA Execut ive Assistant PoliceC Police Chief GrantAd Grant Administrator PubSafD Public Safety Director Judge Judge HsAuthD Housing Authority Director Public Works/Utilities HmSerD Human Services Director ElecMgr Electric System Manager Lib Librarian Eng Eng ineer GasSMgr Gas System Manager LCAD Legis. & Comm . Aff . Dir. Mgr Manager PubWrkD Publ ic Works Director MISD Management Inform. Sys . Dir. SanSupt Sanitat ion Superintendent 1988 ParksD Parks Director Streets Street Superin/Dir SwrPlS Sewer Plant Superintendent PkRecD Parks & Recreation Director PersD Personnel Director Ut ilMgr Ut ility System Manager Pubinf oO Public Information Officer Waters Water Works Superintendent RecDir Recreation Director WtrPlS Water Plant Superintendent SocSerD Social Services Director WstWtrS Wastewater Superintendent Secy Secretary MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICE SfHhO Safety Health Officer & The University of Tennessee Sc Supt School Superintendent Knoxville, Tennessee TranspD Transit Director

Codes Enforcement Bldin Building Inspector CdEnfO Codes Enforcement Officer Dir Director Elecin Electrical Inspector Hsngin Housing Inspector Plmbin Plumbing Inspector TaxAssr Tax Assessor

in cooperat ion with the Tennessee Mun ic ipal League KEY TO DIRECTORY ABBREVIATIONS

Governing Body Finance Ald Alderman BudD Budget Director Comm Commissioner Compt Comptroller Coun Councilmember DatProD Data Processing Director Mayor FinD Finance Director Mayor 1987- 1988 V-May Vice Mayor PurAgt Purchasing Agent RkMgtD Risk Management Director DIRECTORY OF TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL Administration Treas Treasurer OFFICIALS Admin Administrator AdmAsst Administrat ive Assistant Planning/Zoning AsstAdm Assistant Administrator PlngCCh Planning Comm. Chairman AsstMgr Assistant Manager PlngDir Planning-Zoning Director AdmSerD Admin. Serv. Director Plnr Planner Atty Attorney ZBCh Zoning Board Chairman CAO Chief Admin. Officer ComDevC Community Devel. Coord . Public Safetz Clerk Clerk CivDefD Civil Defense Director compiled by Coo rd Coordinator FireC Fire Chief CityRec Recorder Marsh! Marshall W. Joseph Walsh and Deborah K. Linn ExecA Execut ive Assistant PoliceC Police Chief GrantAd Grant Administrator PubSafD Public Safety Director Judge Judge HsAuthD Housing Authority Director Public Works/Utilities HmSerD Human Services Director ElecMgr Electric System Manager Lib Librarian Eng Eng ineer GasSMgr Gas System Manager LCAD Legis. & Comm . Aff . Dir. Mgr Manager PubWrkD Publ ic Works Director MISD Management Inform. Sys . Dir. SanSupt Sanitat ion Superintendent 1988 ParksD Parks Director Streets Street Superin/Dir SwrPlS Sewer Plant Superintendent PkRecD Parks & Recreation Director PersD Personnel Director Ut ilMgr Ut ility System Manager Pubinf oO Public Information Officer Waters Water Works Superintendent RecDir Recreation Director WtrPlS Water Plant Superintendent SocSerD Social Services Director WstWtrS Wastewater Superintendent Secy Secretary MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICE SfHhO Safety Health Officer & The University of Tennessee Sc Supt School Superintendent Knoxville, Tennessee TranspD Transit Director

Codes Enforcement Bldin Building Inspector CdEnfO Codes Enforcement Officer Dir Director Elecin Electrical Inspector Hsngin Housing Inspector Plmbin Plumbing Inspector TaxAssr Tax Assessor

in cooperat ion with the Tennessee Mun ic ipal League calTENrS

Letter of Transmital (Foreword) vii

Acknowledgements ix

How to Use This Directory xi

Key to Directory Abbreviations xiii ABSTRACT

This directory is an alphabetical listing of incorporated municipal ities in Municipal Listings Tennessee . The address, telephone number(s), election dates, and names of Municipalities Beginning With A 1 officials are given for each municipality. Append ices provide a brief 8 description of the Mun icipal Technical Advisory Service, the Tennessee Mun icipal Municipalities Beg inning With B League , governmental agenc ies, and selected population data. 21 Municipalities Beginning With c Municipalities Beg inning With D 37

Municipalities Beginning With E 44

Municipal ities Beginning With F 50

Municipalities Beginning With G 54 64 CITATION Municipalities Beginning With H Municipalities Beginning With 71 Walsh, W. Joseph and Deborah K. Linn, comps. Directoiy of Tennessee municipal I officials, 1987-1988, rev. ed. Knoxville : Mun icipal Technical Adv isory Service, Municipalities Beginning With J 72 The Un iversity of Tennessee ; 1988 . Municipalities Beginning With K 76

Municipalities Beginning With L 80

Municipal ities Beginning With M 93

Municipalities Beginning With N 111

Municipalities 117 Beginning With 0 Municipalities Beginning With P/Q 121

Municipalities Beginning With R 128

Municipalities Beginning 135 With s Municipalities Beginning With T 150 156 Municipal ities Beginning With u 157 Municipalities Beginning With v 159 Municipalities Beginning With w Municipalities Beginning With XYZ 168

Appendices Appendix A MTAS Background 171

Appendix B Tennessee Mun icipal League 183

1987-1988 1988 189 Rev . ed . of Directory published June by the Municipal Technical Append ix c The Un iversity of Ten nessee Advisory Service, Knoxville, Tennessee; UT authorization no . El4-1050-00-008-88. Appendix D State, Federal , and Other Government Agenc ies 193

Appendix E Tennessee Mun icipal Population Data 205

iii calTENrS

Letter of Transmital (Foreword) vii

Acknowledgements ix

How to Use This Directory xi

Key to Directory Abbreviations xiii ABSTRACT

This directory is an alphabetical listing of incorporated municipal ities in Municipal Listings Tennessee . The address, telephone number(s), election dates, and names of Municipalities Beginning With A 1 officials are given for each municipality. Append ices provide a brief 8 description of the Mun icipal Technical Advisory Service, the Tennessee Mun icipal Municipalities Beg inning With B League , governmental agenc ies, and selected population data. 21 Municipalities Beginning With c Municipalities Beg inning With D 37

Municipalities Beginning With E 44

Municipal ities Beginning With F 50

Municipalities Beginning With G 54 64 CITATION Municipalities Beginning With H Municipalities Beginning With 71 Walsh, W. Joseph and Deborah K. Linn, comps. Directoiy of Tennessee municipal I officials, 1987-1988, rev. ed. Knoxville : Mun icipal Technical Adv isory Service, Municipalities Beginning With J 72 The Un iversity of Tennessee ; 1988 . Municipalities Beginning With K 76

Municipalities Beginning With L 80

Municipal ities Beginning With M 93

Municipalities Beginning With N 111

Municipalities 117 Beginning With 0 Municipalities Beginning With P/Q 121

Municipalities Beginning With R 128

Municipalities Beginning 135 With s Municipalities Beginning With T 150 156 Municipal ities Beginning With u 157 Municipalities Beginning With v 159 Municipalities Beginning With w Municipalities Beginning With XYZ 168

Appendices Appendix A MTAS Background 171

Appendix B Tennessee Mun icipal League 183

1987-1988 1988 189 Rev . ed . of Directory published June by the Municipal Technical Append ix c The Un iversity of Ten nessee Advisory Service, Knoxville, Tennessee; UT authorization no . El4-1050-00-008-88. Appendix D State, Federal , and Other Government Agenc ies 193

Appendix E Tennessee Mun icipal Population Data 205


Found in Appendix A

Figure 1 Map of State of Tennessee Noting Mun icipal Technical Advisory Service Offices 177


Found in Appendix E

Table 1 Population of Tennessee Municipalities Presented in Alphabetical Order 208

Table 2 Population of Tennessee Counties Presented in Alphabetical Order 213

Table 3 Tennessee Municipalities by Population Rank 214

Table 4 Tennessee Count ies by Populat ion Rank 218

Table 5 Population of Tennessee Municipalities and Counties Presented by Grand Division 219

Table 6 Number of Full Time Mun icipal Emp loyees in Tennessee Cities 223


Found in Appendix A

Figure 1 Map of State of Tennessee Noting Mun icipal Technical Advisory Service Offices 177


Found in Appendix E

Table 1 Population of Tennessee Municipalities Presented in Alphabetical Order 208

Table 2 Population of Tennessee Counties Presented in Alphabetical Order 213

Table 3 Tennessee Municipalities by Population Rank 214

Table 4 Tennessee Count ies by Populat ion Rank 218

Table 5 Population of Tennessee Municipalities and Counties Presented by Grand Division 219

Table 6 Number of Full Time Mun icipal Emp loyees in Tennessee Cities 223


891 1\venticth Street Knox\'illc, Tennessee 37996-4400 (615) 974-5301

Dear City Official :

The 1987-88 Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials (Directory) is an annual publication com piled by The Uni versity of Tennessee 's Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) . Normally prepared in January of each year, this revised edition of the 1987 Directory is a special , one time version . The purpose of the Directory is to provide the most current information on mun icipal officials and staff in each of the 336 Tennessee towns and cities . The Directory presents pertinent municipal information : telephone numbers , addresses, populat ions , and election dates for each of Tennessee 's municipal ities.

Over the years MTAS has attempted to ref ine and improve the Directory to better meet the needs of the cities . It is the cities and towns themselves that have provided most of the information in this publication and given us feedback on what types of information they want to see in the Directory. For all of the input provided by city officials we are grateful , and hope that all of you cont inue to give us your comments and suggestions on the Directory.

I would like to recognize the MTAS staff members who have put significant amounts of time into the pu blicat ion of the Directory. The ir efforts and dedication have helped ensure that the information is accurate and complete . These employees are Deborah K. Linn, Word Processing Specialist; Anne F. Hawkins , Information Management Consultant; and W. Joseph Walsh, Assistant to the Executive Director.

Copies of the Directory are available on a complimentary basis to officials of all Tennessee municipalities and on a limited basis to state and federal government offices. Others wish ing to obtain the Directory may do so on a pre-paid basis. An order form can be obtained by calling our Knoxville office at (615) 974-5301.

We at MTAS hope you find this Directory of assistance to you, and look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions .

Overman Execut...... ive��� Director

CLO :dkl

\1TAS ... an of L·1T\ su1tctt idc /111h/ic _.;en 11nd n/11curio11 01g(1ni�lltirm, o{J1.Tutnlin coopcn1cio11 tt·irh the Tenncs.�cc 1111ici/x1/ Lcag11c vi tlJ.:l'lll-�· ·icL' L·1mti111!i11!.'. � f THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICE

891 1\venticth Street Knox\'illc, Tennessee 37996-4400 (615) 974-5301

Dear City Official :

The 1987-88 Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials (Directory) is an annual publication com piled by The Uni versity of Tennessee 's Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) . Normally prepared in January of each year, this revised edition of the 1987 Directory is a special , one time version . The purpose of the Directory is to provide the most current information on mun icipal officials and staff in each of the 336 Tennessee towns and cities . The Directory presents pertinent municipal information : telephone numbers , addresses, populat ions , and election dates for each of Tennessee 's municipal ities.

Over the years MTAS has attempted to ref ine and improve the Directory to better meet the needs of the cities . It is the cities and towns themselves that have provided most of the information in this publication and given us feedback on what types of information they want to see in the Directory. For all of the input provided by city officials we are grateful , and hope that all of you cont inue to give us your comments and suggestions on the Directory.

I would like to recognize the MTAS staff members who have put significant amounts of time into the pu blicat ion of the Directory. The ir efforts and dedication have helped ensure that the information is accurate and complete . These employees are Deborah K. Linn, Word Processing Specialist; Anne F. Hawkins , Information Management Consultant; and W. Joseph Walsh, Assistant to the Executive Director.

Copies of the Directory are available on a complimentary basis to officials of all Tennessee municipalities and on a limited basis to state and federal government offices. Others wish ing to obtain the Directory may do so on a pre-paid basis. An order form can be obtained by calling our Knoxville office at (615) 974-5301.

We at MTAS hope you find this Directory of assistance to you, and look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions .

Overman Execut...... ive��� Director

CLO :dkl

\1TAS ... an of L·1T\ su1tctt idc /111h/ic _.;en 11nd n/11curio11 01g(1ni�lltirm, o{J1.Tutnlin coopcn1cio11 tt·irh the Tenncs.�cc 1111ici/x1/ Lcag11c vi tlJ.:l'lll-�· ·icL' L·1mti111!i11!.'. � f ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

During the course of compiling all of the informat ion for the 1987-88 Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials, many people had an opportunity to provide assistance and input . Anytime a publication of this nature is produced a considerable amount of time and effort is required to ensure that the names, facts, and figures are as accurate and current as possible. Our Directory was no except ion .

We would like to thank all of the cities and towns of Tennessee for the ir cont inued support in this annual effort to share information with the hundreds of individuals who receive our publication .

In addition to the cities of Tennessee, we also would like to acknowledge the following individuals and groups for their input into the MTAS Directory of Municipal Officials: Jud ith Forkner of the Local Planning Off ice in East Tennessee; the st aff of the Tennessee Municipal League ; Deborah Phillips Elder of the Institute for Publ ic Service; Lisa L. Mansfield and Dennis W. Huffer from the MTAS Office in Nashville . The ir contribut ions and efforts are greatly appreciated .

W. Joseph Walsh Deborah K. Linn Municipal Technical Advisory Service


During the course of compiling all of the informat ion for the 1987-88 Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials, many people had an opportunity to provide assistance and input . Anytime a publication of this nature is produced a considerable amount of time and effort is required to ensure that the names, facts, and figures are as accurate and current as possible. Our Directory was no except ion .

We would like to thank all of the cities and towns of Tennessee for the ir cont inued support in this annual effort to share information with the hundreds of individuals who receive our publication .

In addition to the cities of Tennessee, we also would like to acknowledge the following individuals and groups for their input into the MTAS Directory of Municipal Officials: Jud ith Forkner of the Local Planning Off ice in East Tennessee; the st aff of the Tennessee Municipal League ; Deborah Phillips Elder of the Institute for Publ ic Service; Lisa L. Mansfield and Dennis W. Huffer from the MTAS Office in Nashville . The ir contribut ions and efforts are greatly appreciated .

W. Joseph Walsh Deborah K. Linn Municipal Technical Advisory Service


Below is a sample entry from the Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials. For those individuals who are unfamiliar with the Directory, we have ident ified each part of the entry by including boxes that describe each part . For example, directly below "Robertson-M-60011 is a box indicat ing that the information refers to the "County, Grand Division of State, and Population".

For assistance with any of the officials' title abbreviations, there is a key on the inside of the back cover of the Directory that lists all' of the titles and all of the corresponding abbreviations.

A trpical entry in the Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials includes many items, providing important information about each Tennessee municipality.

�f Next Election J - -

- C /TY CF /IDMIS 0. Election: P. Box 67, 37010 6/87 Robertson - M - Phone 615-696-2593 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS 600

County, Grand of State Population Division & L______- - - --

Location of City Oates & Directors � �

Governing Body Meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Atty Larry Simmons* John Strange 696-1234 V-May Charles Rust CMgr John Smith Designated Comm Gene Brooksher SHO Rachel Nolen Primary- (Key) Contact Public Works/Utilities: Code Enforcement: WWS Tim Henson BI John Smith 656-1234

- --,_ lspeclal Telephone Numbe __ Governlng L�or Body

*Address: 126 South Public Square, Springfield 37172 -- 1--- -- , City Attorney's 1 [ kJdr-�s-�__J

Shovn be/av Is a S81Tlp/e entry from the Directory of Tennessee lrA.Jnlclpal Officials with the fields listed above Identified.

CI JiDAMS TY CF P. 0., Box Election: 67, 37010 6/87 Phone 615-696-2593 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 600

Governing Body Meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall

Governing Bodr: Administration: Mayor John Strange Atty Larry Simmons* 696-1234 384-3602 V-May Charles Rust CMgr John Smith Comm Gene Brooksher SHO Rache1 Nolen

Public Works/Utilities: Code Enforcement: W\./S Tim Henson BI John Smith 656-1234

*Address: 126 South Public Square, Springfield 37172



Below is a sample entry from the Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials. For those individuals who are unfamiliar with the Directory, we have ident ified each part of the entry by including boxes that describe each part . For example, directly below "Robertson-M-60011 is a box indicat ing that the information refers to the "County, Grand Division of State, and Population".

For assistance with any of the officials' title abbreviations, there is a key on the inside of the back cover of the Directory that lists all' of the titles and all of the corresponding abbreviations.

A trpical entry in the Directory of Tennessee Municipal Officials includes many items, providing important information about each Tennessee municipality.

�f Next Election J - -

- C /TY CF /IDMIS 0. Election: P. Box 67, 37010 6/87 Robertson - M - Phone 615-696-2593 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS 600

County, Grand of State Population Division & L______- - - --

Location of City Oates & Directors � �

Governing Body Meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Atty Larry Simmons* John Strange 696-1234 V-May Charles Rust CMgr John Smith Designated Comm Gene Brooksher SHO Rachel Nolen Primary- (Key) Contact Public Works/Utilities: Code Enforcement: WWS Tim Henson BI John Smith 656-1234

- --,_ lspeclal Telephone Numbe __ Governlng L�or Body

*Address: 126 South Public Square, Springfield 37172 -- 1--- -- , City Attorney's 1 [ kJdr-�s-�__J

Shovn be/av Is a S81Tlp/e entry from the Directory of Tennessee lrA.Jnlclpal Officials with the fields listed above Identified.

CI JiDAMS TY CF P. 0., Box Election: 67, 37010 6/87 Phone 615-696-2593 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 600

Governing Body Meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall

Governing Bodr: Administration: Mayor John Strange Atty Larry Simmons* 696-1234 384-3602 V-May Charles Rust CMgr John Smith Comm Gene Brooksher SHO Rache1 Nolen

Public Works/Utilities: Code Enforcement: W\./S Tim Henson BI John Smith 656-1234

*Address: 126 South Public Square, Springfield 37172



Governing Body Finance Ald Alderman BudD Budget Director Comm Commissioner Compt Compt roller Coun Councilmember DatProD Data Processing Director Mayor Mayor FinD Finance Director V-May Vice Mayor PurAgt Purchasing Agent RkMg tD Risk Management Director Administrat ion Treas Treasurer Admin Administrator AdmAsst Administrative As sistant Planning/Zoning AsstAdm Assistant Administrator PlngCCh Planning Comm . Cha irman AsstMgr Assistant Manager PlngDir Planning-Zoning Director AdmSerD Admin . Serv . Director Plnr Planner Atty Attorney ZBCh Zoning Board Chairman CAO Chief Admin . Officer ComDevC Community Devel. Coard . Publ ic Safetl'. Clerk Clerk CivDefD Civil Defense Director Coo rd Coord inator FireC Fire Chief CityRec Recorder Marshl Marshall ExecA Executive Assistant PoliceC Police Chief GrantAd Grant Administrator PubSafD Public Safety Director Judge Judge HsAuthD Housing Authority Director Public Works/Utilities HmSerD Human Services Director ElecMgr Electric System Manager Lib Librarian Eng Eng ineer LCAD Gas System Manager Legis. & Comm . Aff. Dir. GasSMgr Mg r Manager PubWrkD Public Works Director MISD Management Inform. Sys . Dir. SanSupt Sanitat ion Superintendent ParksD Parks Director Streets Street Superin/Dir PkRecD Parks & Recreation Director SwrPlS Sewer Plant Superintendent PersD Personnel Director UtilMgr Utility System Manager PubinfoO Public Information Officer Waters Water Works Superintendent RecDir Recreat ion Director Wt rPlS Water Plant Superintendent SocSerD Social Services Director WstWtrS Wastewater Supe rintendent Secy Secretary SfHhO Safety & Health Officer Sc Supt School Superintendent TranspD Trans it Director

Codes Enforcement Bldin Building Inspector CdEnfO Codes Enforcement Officer Dir Director Elecin Electrical Inspector Hsngln Housing Inspector Plmbin Plumbing Inspector TaxAssr Tax Assessor


Governing Body Finance Ald Alderman BudD Budget Director Comm Commissioner Compt Compt roller Coun Councilmember DatProD Data Processing Director Mayor Mayor FinD Finance Director V-May Vice Mayor PurAgt Purchasing Agent RkMg tD Risk Management Director Administrat ion Treas Treasurer Admin Administrator AdmAsst Administrative As sistant Planning/Zoning AsstAdm Assistant Administrator PlngCCh Planning Comm . Cha irman AsstMgr Assistant Manager PlngDir Planning-Zoning Director AdmSerD Admin . Serv . Director Plnr Planner Atty Attorney ZBCh Zoning Board Chairman CAO Chief Admin . Officer ComDevC Community Devel. Coard . Publ ic Safetl'. Clerk Clerk CivDefD Civil Defense Director Coo rd Coord inator FireC Fire Chief CityRec Recorder Marshl Marshall ExecA Executive Assistant PoliceC Police Chief GrantAd Grant Administrator PubSafD Public Safety Director Judge Judge HsAuthD Housing Authority Director Public Works/Utilities HmSerD Human Services Director ElecMgr Electric System Manager Lib Librarian Eng Eng ineer LCAD Gas System Manager Legis. & Comm . Aff. Dir. GasSMgr Mg r Manager PubWrkD Public Works Director MISD Management Inform. Sys . Dir. SanSupt Sanitat ion Superintendent ParksD Parks Director Streets Street Superin/Dir PkRecD Parks & Recreation Director SwrPlS Sewer Plant Superintendent PersD Personnel Director UtilMgr Utility System Manager PubinfoO Public Information Officer Waters Water Works Superintendent RecDir Recreat ion Director Wt rPlS Water Plant Superintendent SocSerD Social Services Director WstWtrS Wastewater Supe rintendent Secy Secretary SfHhO Safety & Health Officer Sc Supt School Superintendent TranspD Trans it Director

Codes Enforcement Bldin Building Inspector CdEnfO Codes Enforcement Officer Dir Director Elecin Electrical Inspector Hsngln Housing Inspector Plmbin Plumbing Inspector TaxAssr Tax Assessor

xiii xii xiv xiv CITY OF NJ,MfS I P. 0. Box 67 , 37010 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/696-2593 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 600

I Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: 696-2787 Administration: Mayor Charles Rust Atty Larry Simmons• 384-3602 I V-May Ome r Gene Brooksher CityRec/ Comm Gordon C. Strange SfHhO Rache l Nolen

I Public Safety: FireC Mark Hudgens I Public Works/Utilities: 696-2266 Waters Tim Henson I *Address: 126 South Public Square , Springfield 37172 • I I

I TOVN OF NJ,MfSI/IL LE P. 0. Box 301, 38310 231 East Main Street Election : 10/89 • Phone 901/632-1401 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 1,453 Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 5:00 p.m. , City Hall

I Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Harry Boosey PlngCCh Harold Robinson V-May Martha Leithschuh II Comm Herman Enlow Public Safety: 632-3094 Comm Steve Simon FireC Jame s But ler Comm Torru-ny Morris PoliceC Greg McLemore

II Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Atty Deusner and Redding• 645-61 77 PubWrkD Tommy Barlow 632-4214 CityRec Donna Sn ider Streets/ II Judge Paul Simpson Waters Jerry Christophe r

II *Address : P. 0. Box 647, Selmer 38375 II II 1 TONN OF ALEXANDRI A TONN OF ALAMO P. Box 277, 37012 119 West Main Street, 38001 Election: 5/89 0. Election: 9/88 Phone 901/696-4515 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 2,615 Phone 615/529-2171 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS DeKalb M - 796

Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Governing Body : Codes Enforcement : Body: Administration: Mayor Danny Parkerson Mayor Tommy Green Bldin Roe Ne ll Hughes Atty/Jg Sue Puckett Jernig an* Ald Ald Lionel Hughes Daryle Fowl er CityRec Ralph Agee, Jr. Ald Ald Randy Criss Planning/Zoning: Bill Shaw Clerk Connie Curtis Ald Ald Billy Joe Williams PlngCCh Paul Conley, III Charles Prichard Ald Ald Timmy Williams E. D. Hildreth Public Safety: Publ ic Safety: Ald Ralph Agee , Jr. FireC Tom Wiley 529-2171 Ald Administrat ion : FireC Jerry Pittman Ollie Lee Kelly PoliceC Billy Shelton 529-2700 Atty Jim Emison* 696-4597 PoliceC Gary N. Skipper CityRec Virg inia Smith Clerk Marj orie Nevitt Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge Robert G. McLean Streets/ *Address: ScSupt Virginia Mohundro Waters John Perry 312 West Broad Street, Smithville 37166

*Address: 116 West Main

CITY OF ALCOA 441 North Hall Road , 37701 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/982-4190 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 6,882 CITY OF ALGOCD P. Box 49215, 38501 Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Ut ilities Building 0. Election: 6/89 Phone 615/537-9545 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Putnam M - 2,406 Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Donald R. Mull FinD/ Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May Andrew Knox Treas Richard Patterson Comm Fred L. Stewart Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Comm John Widner Planning/Zoning : Mayor David Norris PlngCCh Howard Bilbrey Comm Lewis T.W. Bledsoe PlngCCh William Profitt V-May Kenneth Hunter Ald William Verble Public Safety: 537-6830 Administrat ion : Publ ic Safety: Ald Sandra Eldridge FireC Lloyd No rris Mg r Mickey Ben tley CivDefD Paul R. Hicks Ald Johnny Bennett PoliceC David Bowman Atty Robert N. Goddard* 982-6731 FireC Clifford Freeman 982-0330 CityRec Richard Patterson PoliceC Wi lliam R. Thomas 982-5200 Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Bethe l Ne.vport Judge Allen Bray Admin Waters James C. Hunter ParksD John Wi l banks Public Works/Utilities: Atty David Brady* 526-9788 Sc Supt Bill Bailey Eng David E. Buck CityRec Elise West ElecMgr Larry B. Stargel Judge John Hudson Codes Enforcement: UtilMgr Mickey J. Bentley Bldin David E. Buck

*Address: 11 North Washington Avenue , Cookeville 38501

*Address: P. 0. Box P, Maryville 37803

2 3 TONN OF ALEXANDRI A TONN OF ALAMO P. Box 277, 37012 119 West Main Street, 38001 Election: 5/89 0. Election: 9/88 Phone 901/696-4515 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 2,615 Phone 615/529-2171 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS DeKalb M - 796

Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Governing Body : Codes Enforcement : Body: Administration: Mayor Danny Parkerson Mayor Tommy Green Bldin Roe Ne ll Hughes Atty/Jg Sue Puckett Jernig an* Ald Ald Lionel Hughes Daryle Fowl er CityRec Ralph Agee, Jr. Ald Ald Randy Criss Planning/Zoning: Bill Shaw Clerk Connie Curtis Ald Ald Billy Joe Williams PlngCCh Paul Conley, III Charles Prichard Ald Ald Timmy Williams E. D. Hildreth Public Safety: Publ ic Safety: Ald Ralph Agee , Jr. FireC Tom Wiley 529-2171 Ald Administrat ion : FireC Jerry Pittman Ollie Lee Kelly PoliceC Billy Shelton 529-2700 Atty Jim Emison* 696-4597 PoliceC Gary N. Skipper CityRec Virg inia Smith Clerk Marj orie Nevitt Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge Robert G. McLean Streets/ *Address: ScSupt Virginia Mohundro Waters John Perry 312 West Broad Street, Smithville 37166

*Address: 116 West Main

CITY OF ALCOA 441 North Hall Road , 37701 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/982-4190 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 6,882 CITY OF ALGOCD P. Box 49215, 38501 Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Ut ilities Building 0. Election: 6/89 Phone 615/537-9545 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Putnam M - 2,406 Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Donald R. Mull FinD/ Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May Andrew Knox Treas Richard Patterson Comm Fred L. Stewart Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Comm John Widner Planning/Zoning : Mayor David Norris PlngCCh Howard Bilbrey Comm Lewis T.W. Bledsoe PlngCCh William Profitt V-May Kenneth Hunter Ald William Verble Public Safety: 537-6830 Administrat ion : Publ ic Safety: Ald Sandra Eldridge FireC Lloyd No rris Mg r Mickey Ben tley CivDefD Paul R. Hicks Ald Johnny Bennett PoliceC David Bowman Atty Robert N. Goddard* 982-6731 FireC Clifford Freeman 982-0330 CityRec Richard Patterson PoliceC Wi lliam R. Thomas 982-5200 Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Bethe l Ne.vport Judge Allen Bray Admin Waters James C. Hunter ParksD John Wi l banks Public Works/Utilities: Atty David Brady* 526-9788 Sc Supt Bill Bailey Eng David E. Buck CityRec Elise West ElecMgr Larry B. Stargel Judge John Hudson Codes Enforcement: UtilMgr Mickey J. Bentley Bldin David E. Buck

*Address: 11 North Washington Avenue , Cookeville 38501

*Address: P. 0. Box P, Maryville 37803

2 3 TOfN OF ARL INGrCW CITY OF ALLNlCff P. 0. Box 38, 38002 Election : 9/91 P. 0. Box 159, 38504 Elect ion : 11/88 Phone 901/867-2620 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelbz - - 1,856 Phone 615/879- 7125 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Fentress - M - 654 w

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Govern ing Bodz: Planning/Zoning : 867-2376 Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: Mayor Jim Henry PlngCCh Charlie Clark Mayor N. A. Baz Atty Thomas C. Coleman , Jr.* V-May George Branch Ald George Benton Beaty CityRec Lloyd Bryant Ald Helyn Keith Publ ic Safetz: 867-8905 Ald Judy Blair Ald George M. Horton FireC Jame s Johnson Ald Chester Beaty Ald David Velander Ald Phillip Gernt Ald Allen Simpson Publ ic Work/Ut ilities: 867-2533 Ald Conrad Gicking PubWrkD Dupree Holden *Address : P. 0. Box 159

Administration : Atty Lee Winchester, Jr.* 526-7374 TOfN OF ALTl>MCNr Clerk/ CityRec Caro l Alberson P. 0. Box 360, 37301 Election: 5/88 Lib Alethea Bragg 867-2561 Phone 615/692-3971 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 679

Governing Body meets: lst Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall *Address : 5th Floor, Winchester Bldg., 8 Third Street South, Memphis 38103 Governing Bodz: Administration : 692-3981 Mayor Marcus Smartt CityRec Linda Roberts Ald Hoy et Whitman Ald Robert Dickerson Public Safetz: Ald Jimmy Walker FireC Larry Stone PoliceC Marty McGinnnis

TOfN OF ASHLAND CITY P. 0. Box 36, 37015 Election : 12/91 Phone 615/792-42 11 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R . WILLIAMS Cheatham - M 2,329 CI TY OF AFIC»IORE Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building P. 0. Box 55, 38449 Election: 11/89 Phone : 615/427-2124 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 835 Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert S. Wilson Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Bldin Paul Robert Gupton 792-5750 V-May Jerry Hunt Ald Willie Lee Groves Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Public Safetz: Ald Lou ise Murphy Mayor Bob Hast ings FireC Gerald Smith CivDefD James T. Sanford Ald Baxter L. Perry V-May Sandy Tillery PoliceC William Oliver FireC Donald H. Walker Ald Ernest Smith Ald John Barnes PoliceC Curt is Bennett Ald James M. Johnson Ald Marshall Thornton Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: 423-6161 Ald Rachel Mitchell PubWrkD Billy Wales Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Administration : Ald Raymond Crabtree Waters/ PubWrkD Jerry Hunt Mg r Robert S. WI Ison Ald Betty Bryant WstWtrS Mike Mitchell Atty Jame s W. Stinnett, Jr .* 792-7961 CityRec Demetra Sloa n Administration : Judge Phillip Maxey Atty Joe Henry, Jr.* 363-4571 ParksD Jame s M. Johnson CityRec Charles Berry Clerk Mary Pr ier *Address: 108 South Main Judge Jerry Wa llace 363-1592 SfHhO Bobby Hastings

*Address : P. 0. Box 458, Pulaski 38478

4 5 TOfN OF ARL INGrCW CITY OF ALLNlCff P. 0. Box 38, 38002 Election : 9/91 P. 0. Box 159, 38504 Elect ion : 11/88 Phone 901/867-2620 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelbz - - 1,856 Phone 615/879- 7125 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Fentress - M - 654 w

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Govern ing Bodz: Planning/Zoning : 867-2376 Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: Mayor Jim Henry PlngCCh Charlie Clark Mayor N. A. Baz Atty Thomas C. Coleman , Jr.* V-May George Branch Ald George Benton Beaty CityRec Lloyd Bryant Ald Helyn Keith Publ ic Safetz: 867-8905 Ald Judy Blair Ald George M. Horton FireC Jame s Johnson Ald Chester Beaty Ald David Velander Ald Phillip Gernt Ald Allen Simpson Publ ic Work/Ut ilities: 867-2533 Ald Conrad Gicking PubWrkD Dupree Holden *Address : P. 0. Box 159

Administration : Atty Lee Winchester, Jr.* 526-7374 TOfN OF ALTl>MCNr Clerk/ CityRec Caro l Alberson P. 0. Box 360, 37301 Election: 5/88 Lib Alethea Bragg 867-2561 Phone 615/692-3971 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 679

Governing Body meets: lst Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall *Address : 5th Floor, Winchester Bldg., 8 Third Street South, Memphis 38103 Governing Bodz: Administration : 692-3981 Mayor Marcus Smartt CityRec Linda Roberts Ald Hoy et Whitman Ald Robert Dickerson Public Safetz: Ald Jimmy Walker FireC Larry Stone PoliceC Marty McGinnnis

TOfN OF ASHLAND CITY P. 0. Box 36, 37015 Election : 12/91 Phone 615/792-42 11 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R . WILLIAMS Cheatham - M 2,329 CI TY OF AFIC»IORE Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building P. 0. Box 55, 38449 Election: 11/89 Phone : 615/427-2124 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 835 Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert S. Wilson Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Bldin Paul Robert Gupton 792-5750 V-May Jerry Hunt Ald Willie Lee Groves Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Public Safetz: Ald Lou ise Murphy Mayor Bob Hast ings FireC Gerald Smith CivDefD James T. Sanford Ald Baxter L. Perry V-May Sandy Tillery PoliceC William Oliver FireC Donald H. Walker Ald Ernest Smith Ald John Barnes PoliceC Curt is Bennett Ald James M. Johnson Ald Marshall Thornton Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: 423-6161 Ald Rachel Mitchell PubWrkD Billy Wales Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Administration : Ald Raymond Crabtree Waters/ PubWrkD Jerry Hunt Mg r Robert S. WI Ison Ald Betty Bryant WstWtrS Mike Mitchell Atty Jame s W. Stinnett, Jr .* 792-7961 CityRec Demetra Sloa n Administration : Judge Phillip Maxey Atty Joe Henry, Jr.* 363-4571 ParksD Jame s M. Johnson CityRec Charles Berry Clerk Mary Pr ier *Address: 108 South Main Judge Jerry Wa llace 363-1592 SfHhO Bobby Hastings

*Address : P. 0. Box 458, Pulaski 38478


Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. , Municipal Bu ilding Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Mayor William R. Brakebill CdEnfO Harold Hunter Mayor Wil lard Richardson FireC James E. Marshall V-May John W. Perdue Hsng in Hobert Teague V-May James Wilkinson Coun Harold N. Powers Ald Sue Rainey Public Works/Ut ilities: Coun J. Nat Moore Finance: Ald Jimmy Halford , Jr. Sewers/ Coun Burkett L. Witt FinD/ Ald Evelyn Allison Streets/ Treas Eunice Buttram Waters Bobby Essary Administration : PurAgt Carl Sturg ill Administration: Mgr Marv In Bo Iinger AdmAsst Donna Richardson Atty Kenneth Higgins• 345-3573 Planning/Zoning : CityRec James E. Marshall

Clerk Kaye w. Burton Plng CCh George Price ComDevC Melivin Barker HsAuthD Ross Dodson 745-0341 Public Safety: Judge Donald B. Re id CivDefD Robert E. Boring Lib Beth Mercer 745-7782 FireC Bill Knox ParksD Aust in Fesmire PoliceC Sidney Mathews PersD Barbara Soper Sc Supt Robin Pierce 745-2863 Public Works/Ut ilities: Sec Kaye W. Burton PubWrkD James G. Bagley UtilMgr George Usry 745-4501

*Address: 111 Church Street, NW


Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Center

Governing Body: Finance: T

Ald Andy Bohrman *Address: P. 0. Box 96, Woodbury 37190 Ald Danny We lch ... llll 6 - 7 CITY OF ATHENS T

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. , Municipal Bu ilding Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Mayor William R. Brakebill CdEnfO Harold Hunter Mayor Wil lard Richardson FireC James E. Marshall V-May John W. Perdue Hsng in Hobert Teague V-May James Wilkinson Coun Harold N. Powers Ald Sue Rainey Public Works/Ut ilities: Coun J. Nat Moore Finance: Ald Jimmy Halford , Jr. Sewers/ Coun Burkett L. Witt FinD/ Ald Evelyn Allison Streets/ Treas Eunice Buttram Waters Bobby Essary Administration : PurAgt Carl Sturg ill Administration: Mgr Marv In Bo Iinger AdmAsst Donna Richardson Atty Kenneth Higgins• 345-3573 Planning/Zoning : CityRec James E. Marshall

Clerk Kaye w. Burton Plng CCh George Price ComDevC Melivin Barker HsAuthD Ross Dodson 745-0341 Public Safety: Judge Donald B. Re id CivDefD Robert E. Boring Lib Beth Mercer 745-7782 FireC Bill Knox ParksD Aust in Fesmire PoliceC Sidney Mathews PersD Barbara Soper Sc Supt Robin Pierce 745-2863 Public Works/Ut ilities: Sec Kaye W. Burton PubWrkD James G. Bagley UtilMgr George Usry 745-4501

*Address: 111 Church Street, NW


Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Center

Governing Body: Finance: T

Ald Andy Bohrman *Address: P. 0. Box 96, Woodbury 37190 Ald Danny We lch ... llll 6 - 7 C /TY OF B/>Fff LETT ram OF LEYTON BAI P. Box 341148 , 38134-1148 Election : 11/88 Election : 6/89 0. Box 50, Greeneville, 37743 Phone 901/386-1414 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 20,818 Greene - E - 333 Phone 615/234 6911 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Bobby K. Flaherty FinD Stephen C. Smith ll King , Jr.* 639-6881 Mayor Thomas Castee l Atty Kidwe V-May Oscar T. Yates Treas W. J. Freeman 234-9581 V-May Kenneth Bailey CityRec Regina P. Isley Ald Regg ie Dillard Jerry Laughl in** 639-5183 Ald J. D. Sensabaugh Judge Ald W. J. Freeman Planning/Zoning: Ald Don Yokley Ald James PlngCCh Paul Ryan Ald Donald Kilday Public Safety: Ald Louis Ricci PlngDir Charles Goforth FireC Don Kilday Ald Mike Jewell PoliceC Hacksell Starnes Public Safety: Administration: FireC Emil Jensen Atty Fred Kelly* PoliceC Roy Cheatum AdmAsst William Phillips Clerk Martha Chambliss Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge Freeman Marr Eng John Dix *Address: 124 South Main Street, Greeneville 37743 ParksD Jesse Whittington PubWrkD Wil 1 iam J. Kilp **Address: 100 South Main Street, Greeneville 37743 PersD Linda McDonald SanSupt Lou is Hendren Waters Charles Bonicelli Codes Enforcement : Bldin Bob Jacobson CdEnfO Joseph R. Dawson, Jr.

*Address: 5746 Bobbitt Drive

CITY OF BANEBERRY Route 2, Box 634, 37890 Election: 11/88 TONN OF BAXTER Phone CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson - E - 217 P. 0. Box 335, 38544 Elect ion : 3/89 Phone 615/858-4111/2142 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Putnam - M - 1, 411 Governing Body meets: Gove rn ing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Center Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Joel A. Hice Mgr Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: V-May Thomas Kammann CityRec Jimmy F. Self Mayor Delton F. Dyal PlngCCh Isam Keith Comm Albert Denze l Ald Robert Vinson Ald Robert Bowen Public Safety: Ald Isam S. Ke ith FireC Richard McBroom Ald Lil 1 ian Sutton PoliceC Richard Burgess

Administration : Public Works/Ut ilities: Atty Dale Bohannon Waters/ CityRec Glenda Burgess WstWtrS L. P. Jared Judge Nobal Goolsby Lib Beatrice Jones

9 8 C /TY OF B/>Fff LETT ram OF LEYTON BAI P. Box 341148 , 38134-1148 Election : 11/88 Election : 6/89 0. Box 50, Greeneville, 37743 Phone 901/386-1414 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 20,818 Greene - E - 333 Phone 615/234 6911 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Bobby K. Flaherty FinD Stephen C. Smith ll King , Jr.* 639-6881 Mayor Thomas Castee l Atty Kidwe V-May Oscar T. Yates Treas W. J. Freeman 234-9581 V-May Kenneth Bailey CityRec Regina P. Isley Ald Regg ie Dillard Jerry Laughl in** 639-5183 Ald J. D. Sensabaugh Judge Ald W. J. Freeman Planning/Zoning: Ald Don Yokley Ald James Dunn PlngCCh Paul Ryan Ald Donald Kilday Public Safety: Ald Louis Ricci PlngDir Charles Goforth FireC Don Kilday Ald Mike Jewell PoliceC Hacksell Starnes Public Safety: Administration: FireC Emil Jensen Atty Fred Kelly* PoliceC Roy Cheatum AdmAsst William Phillips Clerk Martha Chambliss Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge Freeman Marr Eng John Dix *Address: 124 South Main Street, Greeneville 37743 ParksD Jesse Whittington PubWrkD Wil 1 iam J. Kilp **Address: 100 South Main Street, Greeneville 37743 PersD Linda McDonald SanSupt Lou is Hendren Waters Charles Bonicelli Codes Enforcement : Bldin Bob Jacobson CdEnfO Joseph R. Dawson, Jr.

*Address: 5746 Bobbitt Drive

CITY OF BANEBERRY Route 2, Box 634, 37890 Election: 11/88 TONN OF BAXTER Phone CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson - E - 217 P. 0. Box 335, 38544 Elect ion : 3/89 Phone 615/858-4111/2142 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Putnam - M - 1, 411 Governing Body meets: Gove rn ing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Center Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Joel A. Hice Mgr Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: V-May Thomas Kammann CityRec Jimmy F. Self Mayor Delton F. Dyal PlngCCh Isam Keith Comm Albert Denze l Ald Robert Vinson Ald Robert Bowen Public Safety: Ald Isam S. Ke ith FireC Richard McBroom Ald Lil 1 ian Sutton PoliceC Richard Burgess

Administration : Public Works/Ut ilities: Atty Dale Bohannon Waters/ CityRec Glenda Burgess WstWtrS L. P. Jared Judge Nobal Goolsby Lib Beatrice Jones

9 8 TOVN OF BEERSHEBA SPRINGS CITYOF BELLS P. P. Box 380� 38006 Election: 5/89 0. Box 546 , 37305 Election : 8/89 0. Phone 615/692-3314 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 643 Phone 901/663-2334 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 1,737

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Monday , 7:00 p. . m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administrat ion : Governing Bodz: Administration : Sam Su I I Ivan Mayor John Richardson CityRec Lonn ie M. Wh itman Mayor CityRec El izabeth Harber Comm Glen Killiam Ald Sam T. Lewis Sc Supt Bill Eme rson Comm Michael Walker Publ ic Safety: Ald Lee F. Hickman FireC Donald Boyd Ald Andrew T. Walker Public Safetz: Ald Warren D. Blackburn FireC Lee Hickman Ald Robert E. Pigue PoliceC Jame s Simrnons

Public Works/Ut ilities: 663-3442 TOVN OF BELL BUCKLE Waters Emmitt Williams

P. 0. Box 276, 37020 Election : 8/88 Phone 615/389-9513 CONSLT: J. ROB INSON/R. WILLIAMS Bedford - M - 563

Governing Body meets: 1st We dnesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body : Planning/Zoning: Mayor Jerry Haskins PlngCCh Del Coggins Ald Howard Hatchett Ald Jimmy Jones Public Safety: Ald Paul Whitaker FireC James Elkins 389-9161 Ald Gary Neese Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Administration : Waters/ Atty Fred B. Hunt , Jr.* 684-4611 Wst WtrS F. J. Harrell, Jr. 389-9566 CityRec Bonnie L. Rucker TOVN OF BENT

Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: CITY OF BELLE MEl>DE Mayor Jerry T. Stephens CivDefD Steve Lewis 4705 Harding Road , Nashville 37205 Elect ion : 11/88 Comm Elmer Swafford Comm Phone 615/297-6041 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M 3,182 Rhonnie Pruiett Public Works/Ut ilities: Waters Randall Longley Governing Body meets: 3rd Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. , City Hall Administration: Atty Carl Co lloms* 476-2464 Governing Body: Finance : CityRec/ Barbara Bishop Mayor Elizabeth C. Proctor Treas Joan B. Coode Judge Comm Scott Fillebrown Comm John W. Clay Planning/Zoning: Plng CCh David K. Wilson Administration: PlngDir Bruce Crabtree Mgr Robert H. Thomas *Address: P. 0. Box 1333 , Cleveland 37311 Atty James R. Tuck* 292-9988 Publ ic Safety: CityRec Joan B. Coode PoliceC Don VanAlstyne Judge E. M. Haywood

*Address: 4403 Iroquois Avenue, Nashville 37205

10 11 TOVN OF BEERSHEBA SPRINGS CITYOF BELLS P. P. Box 380� 38006 Election: 5/89 0. Box 546 , 37305 Election : 8/89 0. Phone 615/692-3314 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 643 Phone 901/663-2334 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 1,737

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Monday , 7:00 p. . m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administrat ion : Governing Bodz: Administration : Sam Su I I Ivan Mayor John Richardson CityRec Lonn ie M. Wh itman Mayor CityRec El izabeth Harber Comm Glen Killiam Ald Sam T. Lewis Sc Supt Bill Eme rson Comm Michael Walker Publ ic Safety: Ald Lee F. Hickman FireC Donald Boyd Ald Andrew T. Walker Public Safetz: Ald Warren D. Blackburn FireC Lee Hickman Ald Robert E. Pigue PoliceC Jame s Simrnons

Public Works/Ut ilities: 663-3442 TOVN OF BELL BUCKLE Waters Emmitt Williams

P. 0. Box 276, 37020 Election : 8/88 Phone 615/389-9513 CONSLT: J. ROB INSON/R. WILLIAMS Bedford - M - 563

Governing Body meets: 1st We dnesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body : Planning/Zoning: Mayor Jerry Haskins PlngCCh Del Coggins Ald Howard Hatchett Ald Jimmy Jones Public Safety: Ald Paul Whitaker FireC James Elkins 389-9161 Ald Gary Neese Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Administration : Waters/ Atty Fred B. Hunt , Jr.* 684-4611 Wst WtrS F. J. Harrell, Jr. 389-9566 CityRec Bonnie L. Rucker TOVN OF BENT

Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: CITY OF BELLE MEl>DE Mayor Jerry T. Stephens CivDefD Steve Lewis 4705 Harding Road , Nashville 37205 Elect ion : 11/88 Comm Elmer Swafford Comm Phone 615/297-6041 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M 3,182 Rhonnie Pruiett Public Works/Ut ilities: Waters Randall Longley Governing Body meets: 3rd Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. , City Hall Administration: Atty Carl Co lloms* 476-2464 Governing Body: Finance : CityRec/ Barbara Bishop Mayor Elizabeth C. Proctor Treas Joan B. Coode Judge Comm Scott Fillebrown Comm John W. Clay Planning/Zoning: Plng CCh David K. Wilson Administration: PlngDir Bruce Crabtree Mgr Robert H. Thomas *Address: P. 0. Box 1333 , Cleveland 37311 Atty James R. Tuck* 292-9988 Publ ic Safety: CityRec Joan B. Coode PoliceC Don VanAlstyne Judge E. M. Haywood

*Address: 4403 Iroquois Avenue, Nashville 37205


698 Thompson Lane , Nashville 37204 Election: 3/90 P. 0. Box 176, 38221 Election : 3/89 Phone 615/292-5531 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M - 1,113 Phone 901/593-3213 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Benton - W - 650

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Char les McKe lvey PlngCCh Randy Patterson Mayor Irl Crockett Atty Frank L. Hollis* 584-6191 V-May Jim Toml inson Ald Anthony Wheatley CityRec Debb ie Condee l/s Comm Harold Spray Public Safety: Ald Brenda Gilbreath Judge Ron Darby** PoliceC Jesse Brooks Ald James F. Stockdale Administration : Ald Ralph Graham Public Safety: Mgr Glenn H. Delzell Ald Paul Mccampbell FireC Wayne Markham Atty Dan Alexander* 254-6300 PoliceC Ray Tunning Clerk Mary Re imer

*Address: 39 North Side Court Square , Camden 38320 *Address: 1210 8th Avenue South, Nashville 37203 **Address: 127 Forrest Avenue South, Camden 38320

CITY OF BL AINE TONN OF BETHEL SPRINGS P. O. Box 85, 37709-0085 Election : 4/88 P. O. Box 214, 38315 Election : 5/89 Phone 615/933-1240 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Grainger - E - 1,219 Phone 901/934-7266 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 873 Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday after 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bod:z'.: Administration: Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Adrian Cameron CityRec Elizabe th Wh ite Mayor Vernon Hickman Atty Deusner and Redding* 645-6177 V-May Eddie Hamil ton V-May John Ross Gage CityRec Brenda Brcwn Ald Robert Griff in Finance: Ald Bobbye E. Sanders Judge Bobby Joe Hill Ald Ermon Bull Treas El izabeth Wh ite Ald Bob Ellis Ald Kathleen Brown Ald Kenneth Hill Publ ic Safety: Ald Doug Cabbage Ald Kent Moore PoliceC Dennis Wh ite Ald Jack Williams Ald Terrell Cox Ald Donald Summe rs Ald Ann Helton Ald Jerry Smith Ald Joe Brown

*Address: 177 Court Avenue , Selmer 38375


698 Thompson Lane , Nashville 37204 Election: 3/90 P. 0. Box 176, 38221 Election : 3/89 Phone 615/292-5531 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M - 1,113 Phone 901/593-3213 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Benton - W - 650

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Char les McKe lvey PlngCCh Randy Patterson Mayor Irl Crockett Atty Frank L. Hollis* 584-6191 V-May Jim Toml inson Ald Anthony Wheatley CityRec Debb ie Condee l/s Comm Harold Spray Public Safety: Ald Brenda Gilbreath Judge Ron Darby** PoliceC Jesse Brooks Ald James F. Stockdale Administration : Ald Ralph Graham Public Safety: Mgr Glenn H. Delzell Ald Paul Mccampbell FireC Wayne Markham Atty Dan Alexander* 254-6300 PoliceC Ray Tunning Clerk Mary Re imer

*Address: 39 North Side Court Square , Camden 38320 *Address: 1210 8th Avenue South, Nashville 37203 **Address: 127 Forrest Avenue South, Camden 38320

CITY OF BL AINE TONN OF BETHEL SPRINGS P. O. Box 85, 37709-0085 Election : 4/88 P. O. Box 214, 38315 Election : 5/89 Phone 615/933-1240 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Grainger - E - 1,219 Phone 901/934-7266 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 873 Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday after 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bod:z'.: Administration: Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Adrian Cameron CityRec Elizabe th Wh ite Mayor Vernon Hickman Atty Deusner and Redding* 645-6177 V-May Eddie Hamil ton V-May John Ross Gage CityRec Brenda Brcwn Ald Robert Griff in Finance: Ald Bobbye E. Sanders Judge Bobby Joe Hill Ald Ermon Bull Treas El izabeth Wh ite Ald Bob Ellis Ald Kathleen Brown Ald Kenneth Hill Publ ic Safety: Ald Doug Cabbage Ald Kent Moore PoliceC Dennis Wh ite Ald Jack Williams Ald Terrell Cox Ald Donald Summe rs Ald Ann Helton Ald Jerry Smith Ald Joe Brown

*Address: 177 Court Avenue , Selmer 38375

12 13 TO¥N OF BRADEN CITY OF BWFF CITY Box P. 0. Drawer A, 37618 Election : 6/89 P. 0. 1369, 38010 Election : 8/90 Phone 901/594-5188 Phone 615/538-7144 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Sullivan - E - 1,121 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette W - 293

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administrat ion: Mayor Mayor Billy Gene We lls FinD Robert Thomas John C. Rice Mg r James McKnight Comm V-May Robert Thomas Winston Davis Atty John S. Wilder* 465-3616 Comm Ald J. Harold Durham Publ ic Safety: W. H. Cocke, Jr. CityRec A. H. Cr isp Ald Jerry Webb FireC Mike Carrier 538-5221 Ald Leon Hodge PoliceC Dan Russe ll 538-5995 Publ ic Safety: Ald Bill Ray FireC Mark C. Davis Public Works/Utilities: Administrat ion: 772-4522 Eng John Sullins Atty Tim Hudson* SanSupt Carl Ol iver CityRec Maggie McGrav Streets Leon Hodge Judge James Hamrick Waters Jerry Webb WstWt rS Bill Ray *Address: East Court Square , Somerville 38068

*Address: 131 8th Street, Bristol 37621

CITY OF OOLIVIJR 115 N. Washington Street, 38008 Elect ion: 6/89 Phone 901/658-2020 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Hardeman - W - 6,777

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : TO¥N OF BRNJF()ff) Mayor Harold Fitts PlngCCh Alan Sexton P. Box 87, 38316 V-May Don Hurd 0. Election: 5/89 Phone 901/742-3465 Coun Art Browder Finance: CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Gibson W - 1, 146 Coun Charles Frost Treas Mary Ann Russe ll Governing Coun Richard Cl if ft Body meets: 4th Monday , : 7 00 p.m. , C't1 y aH 11 Coun Milton Basden Publ ic Safety: Coun J. Hall Brooks CivDefD Mooreman McAnulty Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Coun Jessie Williams FireC Fred Robinson w. Floyd Brown , Jr. Treas Joyce Patterson PoliceC Jeffrey Holt Ald Larry McCartney Ald Admin istration : Frankie Baird Public Safety: Ald Atty Morris Denton* 658-5170 Public Works/Utilities: Ronny Jones FireC Mark Crocker Ald Admin Fred F. Ke ss/er ElecMgr Beryle F. Williams Don Lannom Pol iceC Michael W. Scott Ald CityRec Fred F. Kessler Gas Mgr Norris Jacobs Robert Green Ald HsAuthD J. V. Anderson , Sr. Streets Thomas Rainey T. J. Taylor Public Works/Utilities: SfHhO Louise Barrett Waters Ronn ie Russe ll Waters J. R. Cunningham Administration: Judge Fred F. Kessler Mgr Ben Woods Codes Enforcement : Atty Tom Crider* 855-1761 Joyce Patterson Bldin Raymond Russe ll CityRec ScSupt Plmbin Ronnie Russe ll Bobby Joe McCartney

*Address: 118 Warren Street *Address: North West Court Square , Trenton 38382

14 15 TO¥N OF BRADEN CITY OF BWFF CITY Box P. 0. Drawer A, 37618 Election : 6/89 P. 0. 1369, 38010 Election : 8/90 Phone 901/594-5188 Phone 615/538-7144 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Sullivan - E - 1,121 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette W - 293

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administrat ion: Mayor Mayor Billy Gene We lls FinD Robert Thomas John C. Rice Mg r James McKnight Comm V-May Robert Thomas Winston Davis Atty John S. Wilder* 465-3616 Comm Ald J. Harold Durham Publ ic Safety: W. H. Cocke, Jr. CityRec A. H. Cr isp Ald Jerry Webb FireC Mike Carrier 538-5221 Ald Leon Hodge PoliceC Dan Russe ll 538-5995 Publ ic Safety: Ald Bill Ray FireC Mark C. Davis Public Works/Utilities: Administrat ion: 772-4522 Eng John Sullins Atty Tim Hudson* SanSupt Carl Ol iver CityRec Maggie McGrav Streets Leon Hodge Judge James Hamrick Waters Jerry Webb WstWt rS Bill Ray *Address: East Court Square , Somerville 38068

*Address: 131 8th Street, Bristol 37621

CITY OF OOLIVIJR 115 N. Washington Street, 38008 Elect ion: 6/89 Phone 901/658-2020 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Hardeman - W - 6,777

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : TO¥N OF BRNJF()ff) Mayor Harold Fitts PlngCCh Alan Sexton P. Box 87, 38316 V-May Don Hurd 0. Election: 5/89 Phone 901/742-3465 Coun Art Browder Finance: CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Gibson W - 1, 146 Coun Charles Frost Treas Mary Ann Russe ll Governing Coun Richard Cl if ft Body meets: 4th Monday , : 7 00 p.m. , C't1 y aH 11 Coun Milton Basden Publ ic Safety: Coun J. Hall Brooks CivDefD Mooreman McAnulty Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Coun Jessie Williams FireC Fred Robinson w. Floyd Brown , Jr. Treas Joyce Patterson PoliceC Jeffrey Holt Ald Larry McCartney Ald Admin istration : Frankie Baird Public Safety: Ald Atty Morris Denton* 658-5170 Public Works/Utilities: Ronny Jones FireC Mark Crocker Ald Admin Fred F. Ke ss/er ElecMgr Beryle F. Williams Don Lannom Pol iceC Michael W. Scott Ald CityRec Fred F. Kessler Gas Mgr Norris Jacobs Robert Green Ald HsAuthD J. V. Anderson , Sr. Streets Thomas Rainey T. J. Taylor Public Works/Utilities: SfHhO Louise Barrett Waters Ronn ie Russe ll Waters J. R. Cunningham Administration: Judge Fred F. Kessler Mgr Ben Woods Codes Enforcement : Atty Tom Crider* 855-1761 Joyce Patterson Bldin Raymond Russe ll CityRec ScSupt Plmbin Ronnie Russe ll Bobby Joe McCartney

*Address: 118 Warren Street *Address: North West Court Square , Trenton 38382

14 15 CITY OF BRISTOL P. Drawer 1189, 37621-1189 Election: 6/89 CITY OF BRENTWOCLJ 0. Phone 615/968-9141 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Su llivan - E - 23 ,986 P. 0. Box 788, 37027-0788 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/371-0060 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Williamson - M - 13,052 Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Center Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Ewe ll L. Easley Bldgin Burl B. Bowen Governing Body: Finance: V-May Ezra L. McConnell, Jr. CdEnfO Lonnie D. Barrett Mayor Harold McMurtry FinD Roger Allen Horner Coun James G. Huff Hsngin Don Tankersley V-May Richard L. Vaughn Treas Randy L. Sanders Coun Wesley L. Davis Plmbin Burl B. Bowen Comm Phil Hardeman Coun Ronald H. Cosby Comm Brian J. Sweeney Planning/Zoning : Finance: Comm Ron Straub PlngCCh David Fulton Administration: FinD June Sparger PlngDir Bucky Crowell Mgr Jerry Pu11 i am PurAgt Donna Miller Administration: AdmAsst Donna Miller Mgr Frank Clifton Public Safety: Atty Craig H. Caldwell* 764-1174 Planning/Zoning: Atty R. H. Jennings, Jr.* 244-0847 FireC Dean E. Filer 371-0170 CityRec June Sparger Plnr Toby L. Boian CityRec Roger Allen Horner PoliceC Howard Buttrey 371-0160 ComDevC Jack A. Hurlbert Judge Thomas Schlater Judge Shelton Hillman Public Safety: Lib Tedgina Bradford 371-0090 Public Works/Utilities: Judge Paul Wolford FireC Phil Vinson 764-1021 PersD William G. Frensley PubWrkD Louis J. Baltz, III 371-0080 Lib Jean Miller Pol iceC Robert Adams 764-2121 Pubinf oO Linda Lynch Waters/ PersD Larry L. Wingate WstWtrS John C. Grissom 371-0070 RecDir Edward Sununers Public Works/Ut ilities: Sc Supt William Morrell, Jr. 968-4171 Eng David G. Anderson ElecMgr Michael Browder 968-1526 PubWrkD C. R. Ro binette Streets Danna Campbe ll *Address: 21st Floor, First American Center, Nashville 37238-0069 Ut ilMgr Paul Williams Waters Roger Booher

*Address : P. 0. Box 1745


P. 0. Box 375, 38012 Elect ion : 6/88 TQYN OF BRIGHrC»I Phone 901/772-1212 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Haywood - W - 10 ,}� P. Box 277, 38011 Election : 5/89 0. Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Phone 901/476-8661 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 976

Governing Bodz: Finance: Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Mayor Joe G. Taylor PurAgt Carol Bruce V-May Jimmy Halbrook Governing Body: Public Safety: Ald Johnny Cooper Planning/Zoning: Mayor Serey Marshall Marshl Johnny Rogers Ald W. D. Pettigrew PlngCCh Cu rtis Lowery V-May Herman Smith Ald Joe L. Taylor Coun Norma Spencer Public Works : Publ ic Safety: Coun Kinney Bridges Waters Mat alee Hall Administration: CivDefD Ed Ellington Coun Charles B. McQuiston Atty Larry Banks PoliceC Luc ian Eng lish Clerk Carol Bruce FireC Jimmy White Administration : HsAuthD Carolyn Flagg Atty John Chisolm* 476-1132 ParksD Joe L. Tay lor Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Luci lle Bridges SanSupt Jerry Taylor Codes Enforcement : Streets Howard Wyatt Bldin Jimmy White Ut ilMg r John Sharpe 772-1213

*Address: 114 West Liberty , Suite 302, Covington 38019-2514


16 CITY OF BRISTOL P. Drawer 1189, 37621-1189 Election: 6/89 CITY OF BRENTWOCLJ 0. Phone 615/968-9141 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Su llivan - E - 23 ,986 P. 0. Box 788, 37027-0788 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/371-0060 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Williamson - M - 13,052 Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Center Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Ewe ll L. Easley Bldgin Burl B. Bowen Governing Body: Finance: V-May Ezra L. McConnell, Jr. CdEnfO Lonnie D. Barrett Mayor Harold McMurtry FinD Roger Allen Horner Coun James G. Huff Hsngin Don Tankersley V-May Richard L. Vaughn Treas Randy L. Sanders Coun Wesley L. Davis Plmbin Burl B. Bowen Comm Phil Hardeman Coun Ronald H. Cosby Comm Brian J. Sweeney Planning/Zoning : Finance: Comm Ron Straub PlngCCh David Fulton Administration: FinD June Sparger PlngDir Bucky Crowell Mgr Jerry Pu11 i am PurAgt Donna Miller Administration: AdmAsst Donna Miller Mgr Frank Clifton Public Safety: Atty Craig H. Caldwell* 764-1174 Planning/Zoning: Atty R. H. Jennings, Jr.* 244-0847 FireC Dean E. Filer 371-0170 CityRec June Sparger Plnr Toby L. Boian CityRec Roger Allen Horner PoliceC Howard Buttrey 371-0160 ComDevC Jack A. Hurlbert Judge Thomas Schlater Judge Shelton Hillman Public Safety: Lib Tedgina Bradford 371-0090 Public Works/Utilities: Judge Paul Wolford FireC Phil Vinson 764-1021 PersD William G. Frensley PubWrkD Louis J. Baltz, III 371-0080 Lib Jean Miller Pol iceC Robert Adams 764-2121 Pubinf oO Linda Lynch Waters/ PersD Larry L. Wingate WstWtrS John C. Grissom 371-0070 RecDir Edward Sununers Public Works/Ut ilities: Sc Supt William Morrell, Jr. 968-4171 Eng David G. Anderson ElecMgr Michael Browder 968-1526 PubWrkD C. R. Ro binette Streets Danna Campbe ll *Address: 21st Floor, First American Center, Nashville 37238-0069 Ut ilMgr Paul Williams Waters Roger Booher

*Address : P. 0. Box 1745


P. 0. Box 375, 38012 Elect ion : 6/88 TQYN OF BRIGHrC»I Phone 901/772-1212 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Haywood - W - 10 ,}� P. Box 277, 38011 Election : 5/89 0. Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Phone 901/476-8661 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 976

Governing Bodz: Finance: Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Mayor Joe G. Taylor PurAgt Carol Bruce V-May Jimmy Halbrook Governing Body: Public Safety: Ald Johnny Cooper Planning/Zoning: Mayor Serey Marshall Marshl Johnny Rogers Ald W. D. Pettigrew PlngCCh Cu rtis Lowery V-May Herman Smith Ald Joe L. Taylor Coun Norma Spencer Public Works : Publ ic Safety: Coun Kinney Bridges Waters Mat alee Hall Administration: CivDefD Ed Ellington Coun Charles B. McQuiston Atty Larry Banks PoliceC Luc ian Eng lish Clerk Carol Bruce FireC Jimmy White Administration : HsAuthD Carolyn Flagg Atty John Chisolm* 476-1132 ParksD Joe L. Tay lor Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Luci lle Bridges SanSupt Jerry Taylor Codes Enforcement : Streets Howard Wyatt Bldin Jimmy White Ut ilMg r John Sharpe 772-1213

*Address: 114 West Liberty , Suite 302, Covington 38019-2514


16 T(Jl(N CF 8.JRL/Sa.t T(Jl(N CF BR.JCEra.t Rt . 1, Box 184, 38015 P. Box 6, 38317-0006 Election: 3/89 Election : 6/8, 0. Phone 901/476-6412 Phone 901/586-2401 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 1,579 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton W - 386

Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday 7·00 y en er Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall , . p.m. , C ommun 1"t c t

Governing Body: Governing Body: Administration: Administration: Mayor Mayor Taylor L. Hopper Atty Charles L. Hicks* 584-4517 Jimmy Burlison Clerk Ruby Di'JYson Coun Ald Bob Scott CityRec Kenneth Bird.Ve/I Billy Durham Coun Ald Mark French Judge John E. Williams George R. Cate Finance : Ald Newburn E. Woods SfHhO Kenneth Birdwell Treas Ruby Dawson Ald Allen Walden, Sr. Ald A. D. Sherrill, Jr. Public Safety: FireC Jimmy Park PoliceC James R. Stewart

*Address : 900 Court Square No rth, Camden 38320

T(Jl(N CF 8.JRNS P. Box T(Jl(N CF 8.JLLS GIP 0. 36, 37029 Election: 5/89 Election : 6/89 Phone 615/446-2851 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 1,015 P. 0. Box 181, 377ll Phone 615/235-5216 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 821 Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Bodz: Finance: Mayor Ed Grove Governing Body: Finance : Treas Warren G. Brown V-May Donald Mayor Ima Jus tis 235-2770 Treas Patricia B. Davis Richardson Comm Billy V-May John Peeler 0. Wil liams Public Safetz: Comm Wayne Ald Joe T. Davis Public Safety: Bishop FireC Kenny Sullivan Comm Ald Ed Scruggs FireC Bill Gray 235-2122 Sidney Pullum PoliceC Edgar Grove Ald Gary Warner PoliceC James A. Hazelhurst Administration: Atty Jerry V. Smith* Administration: Public Works/Utilities: 446-5951 CityRec Warren G. Brown Atty James N. Point* 272-5182 Streets Vic Lamb Clerk Clerk Patricia B. Davis 235-5139 Carroll Parker Judge Judge Paul Chastain Wayne H. Sanders

*Address: P. Box 633 , Dickson 37055 *Address : 111 East Washington Street, Rogersville 37857 0.

18 19 T(Jl(N CF 8.JRL/Sa.t T(Jl(N CF BR.JCEra.t Rt . 1, Box 184, 38015 P. Box 6, 38317-0006 Election: 3/89 Election : 6/8, 0. Phone 901/476-6412 Phone 901/586-2401 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 1,579 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton W - 386

Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday 7·00 y en er Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall , . p.m. , C ommun 1"t c t

Governing Body: Governing Body: Administration: Administration: Mayor Mayor Taylor L. Hopper Atty Charles L. Hicks* 584-4517 Jimmy Burlison Clerk Ruby Di'JYson Coun Ald Bob Scott CityRec Kenneth Bird.Ve/I Billy Durham Coun Ald Mark French Judge John E. Williams George R. Cate Finance : Ald Newburn E. Woods SfHhO Kenneth Birdwell Treas Ruby Dawson Ald Allen Walden, Sr. Ald A. D. Sherrill, Jr. Public Safety: FireC Jimmy Park PoliceC James R. Stewart

*Address : 900 Court Square No rth, Camden 38320

T(Jl(N CF 8.JRNS P. Box T(Jl(N CF 8.JLLS GIP 0. 36, 37029 Election: 5/89 Election : 6/89 Phone 615/446-2851 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 1,015 P. 0. Box 181, 377ll Phone 615/235-5216 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 821 Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Bodz: Finance: Mayor Ed Grove Governing Body: Finance : Treas Warren G. Brown V-May Donald Mayor Ima Jus tis 235-2770 Treas Patricia B. Davis Richardson Comm Billy V-May John Peeler 0. Wil liams Public Safetz: Comm Wayne Ald Joe T. Davis Public Safety: Bishop FireC Kenny Sullivan Comm Ald Ed Scruggs FireC Bill Gray 235-2122 Sidney Pullum PoliceC Edgar Grove Ald Gary Warner PoliceC James A. Hazelhurst Administration: Atty Jerry V. Smith* Administration: Public Works/Utilities: 446-5951 CityRec Warren G. Brown Atty James N. Point* 272-5182 Streets Vic Lamb Clerk Clerk Patricia B. Davis 235-5139 Carroll Parker Judge Judge Paul Chastain Wayne H. Sanders

*Address: P. Box 633 , Dickson 37055 *Address : 111 East Washington Street, Rogersville 37857 0.

18 19 TOl'N OF CALHCX.JN TOl'N OF BYFVSrOl'N P. Box 115, 37309 Election : 5/89 Election: 8/90 0. P. Box 325, 38549 Phone 615/336-2348 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn - E - 590 0. Pickett - M - 884 Phone 615/864-6215 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 4th Tuesday , 6:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Publ ic Safetz: Safetz: 864-3746 Governing Body: Public Mayor J. B. Arnwine FireC Gary Knight Danny Harer Mayor Charles Smith CivDefD Comm James E. Geren PoliceC Jerry Liner Chris Masiongale Ald Rex Tompkins FireC Comm James L. Morrow Danny Harer Ald Comm James w. Lee Public Works/Ut ilities : Public Works/Utilities: Comm Hugh Bryan SanSupt Donald Dale Haskel Beaty Administration : Waters CityRec Glenn Parris Administration : Clerk Carolyn Smith CityRec Linda Da le Judge Kenneth Townzen Planning/Zoning: PlngCCh Bobby Holt


P. 0. Box 448 , 38320 Election : 6/89 Phone 901/584-4656 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Benton W - 4 023

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7 : 00 p.m. , c·t1 y H a 11

Governing Bodz: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Elvin W. Johnson PlngCCh Bryan Watson V-May Hildon King Ald Wendel G. Og lesby Publ ic Safetz: Ald Jesse L. Byrn CivDefD Ald James H. Craig FireC Tommy Bardonaro Ald D. M. Wright PoliceC William S. Terry

Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Andrew Frazier* 584-6013 SanSupt Randy Sparks Clerk Jerry Parish Waters Robert French Judge Lebern Hollingsworth

*Address: P. 0. Box 208 TOl'N OF CALHCX.JN TOl'N OF BYFVSrOl'N P. Box 115, 37309 Election : 5/89 Election: 8/90 0. P. Box 325, 38549 Phone 615/336-2348 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn - E - 590 0. Pickett - M - 884 Phone 615/864-6215 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 4th Tuesday , 6:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Publ ic Safetz: Safetz: 864-3746 Governing Body: Public Mayor J. B. Arnwine FireC Gary Knight Danny Harer Mayor Charles Smith CivDefD Comm James E. Geren PoliceC Jerry Liner Chris Masiongale Ald Rex Tompkins FireC Comm James L. Morrow Danny Harer Ald Comm James w. Lee Public Works/Ut ilities : Public Works/Utilities: Comm Hugh Bryan SanSupt Donald Dale Haskel Beaty Administration : Waters CityRec Glenn Parris Administration : Clerk Carolyn Smith CityRec Linda Da le Judge Kenneth Townzen Planning/Zoning: PlngCCh Bobby Holt


P. 0. Box 448 , 38320 Election : 6/89 Phone 901/584-4656 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Benton W - 4 023

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7 : 00 p.m. , c·t1 y H a 11

Governing Bodz: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Elvin W. Johnson PlngCCh Bryan Watson V-May Hildon King Ald Wendel G. Og lesby Publ ic Safetz: Ald Jesse L. Byrn CivDefD Ald James H. Craig FireC Tommy Bardonaro Ald D. M. Wright PoliceC William S. Terry

Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Andrew Frazier* 584-6013 SanSupt Randy Sparks Clerk Jerry Parish Waters Robert French Judge Lebern Hollingsworth

*Address: P. 0. Box 208 TCJVN OF CED/IR HI LL TCJVN OF CmTHN3E P. Box 113, 37032 Election: 11/89 P. Box 259, 37030 Election: 11/88 0. 0. Phone 615/696-2484 ( CityRec) CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M 420 Phone 615/735-1881 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Smith - M - 2,672

Governing Body meets: Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Clubhouse

Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body: Public Safety : Mayor W. R. Goodman Atty W. R. Goodman, III* Mayor James Clay CivDefD Jacky Carver 735-2118 Comm Michael Redfern CityRec Lou ise D. Ho llings worth Ald James McKinley FireC Hollis Petty 735-2986 Comm Jimmy Ho llingsworth Ald Jerry Futrell PoliceC Scotty Lewis 735-2525 Public Works/Ut ilities: Ald Phillip D. Brooks Waters Tim Henson Ald L. C. Grisham Public Works/Ut ilities: Ald David Bowman Waters Ray Bowman 735-1404 Ald Richard Dendler WstWtrS Charles Hunt 735-1881 WtrPlS Donald Taylor 735-9392 *Address : 122 South Court Square , Springfield 37172 Administration: Atty James Dance* 735-2992 CityRec Joyce Rash 735-1881 Judge Richard M. Brooks 735-0807

Codes Enforcement : TCJVN OF CELINA Bldin Frank Rollins 683-8175 P. 0. Box 449, 38551 Elect ion: 6/89 Phone 615/243-2115 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Clay M - 1,580 *Address: P. Box 278 0. Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Buddy Thompson FireC Butch Young V-May Donnie Long Ald Jerry Cummins Public Works/Utilities: Ald Bill Teeples Waters/ TCJVN OF CHIYVILL E WstWtrS Joe Dan Fox 243-2115 Administrat ion: Highway 63, P. Box 308, 37714 Election: 4/89 0. Atty J. H. Reneau , III* 243-3131 Phone 615/562-9478 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Campbell - E - 2,039 CityRec Jo He len Eads Judge John C. He ath** 243-3101 Gove rning Body meets : 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Munic ipal Building SfHhO Billy R. Scott Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert Massengill Bldin Bill Widener *Address: Route 3, Box 165 V-May Darlene Wright **Address: 100 Courthouse Square Ald Sue Evans Planning/Zoning: Ald Steve Elkins PlngCCh Steve Elkins Ald Luther Se iber Ald Wanda McGhee Public Safety: Ald Ernest Boshears FireC James E. Hatmaker TCJVN OF CENTERTCJVN PoliceC Bill Widener Route 1, Box 195, McMinnville 37110 Election: 12/89 Administration: Phone 615/939-2222 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 300 Atty Elizabeth Cooper* 562-8283 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Betty Jo Cotton SanSupt/ Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Fire Hall Judge Elizabeth Cooper* Streets Darlene Wright Lib Nancy Turner 562-1108 Governing Body: Administration: RecDir Sue Evans Mayor Arthur Lorance CityRec Grace Ward Comm Paul Holder Comm Robert Jones *Address: P. 0. Box 417, Jacksboro 37757

22 23 TCJVN OF CED/IR HI LL TCJVN OF CmTHN3E P. Box 113, 37032 Election: 11/89 P. Box 259, 37030 Election: 11/88 0. 0. Phone 615/696-2484 ( CityRec) CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M 420 Phone 615/735-1881 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Smith - M - 2,672

Governing Body meets: Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Clubhouse

Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body: Public Safety : Mayor W. R. Goodman Atty W. R. Goodman, III* Mayor James Clay CivDefD Jacky Carver 735-2118 Comm Michael Redfern CityRec Lou ise D. Ho llings worth Ald James McKinley FireC Hollis Petty 735-2986 Comm Jimmy Ho llingsworth Ald Jerry Futrell PoliceC Scotty Lewis 735-2525 Public Works/Ut ilities: Ald Phillip D. Brooks Waters Tim Henson Ald L. C. Grisham Public Works/Ut ilities: Ald David Bowman Waters Ray Bowman 735-1404 Ald Richard Dendler WstWtrS Charles Hunt 735-1881 WtrPlS Donald Taylor 735-9392 *Address : 122 South Court Square , Springfield 37172 Administration: Atty James Dance* 735-2992 CityRec Joyce Rash 735-1881 Judge Richard M. Brooks 735-0807

Codes Enforcement : TCJVN OF CELINA Bldin Frank Rollins 683-8175 P. 0. Box 449, 38551 Elect ion: 6/89 Phone 615/243-2115 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Clay M - 1,580 *Address: P. Box 278 0. Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Buddy Thompson FireC Butch Young V-May Donnie Long Ald Jerry Cummins Public Works/Utilities: Ald Bill Teeples Waters/ TCJVN OF CHIYVILL E WstWtrS Joe Dan Fox 243-2115 Administrat ion: Highway 63, P. Box 308, 37714 Election: 4/89 0. Atty J. H. Reneau , III* 243-3131 Phone 615/562-9478 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Campbell - E - 2,039 CityRec Jo He len Eads Judge John C. He ath** 243-3101 Gove rning Body meets : 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Munic ipal Building SfHhO Billy R. Scott Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert Massengill Bldin Bill Widener *Address: Route 3, Box 165 V-May Darlene Wright **Address: 100 Courthouse Square Ald Sue Evans Planning/Zoning: Ald Steve Elkins PlngCCh Steve Elkins Ald Luther Se iber Ald Wanda McGhee Public Safety: Ald Ernest Boshears FireC James E. Hatmaker TCJVN OF CENTERTCJVN PoliceC Bill Widener Route 1, Box 195, McMinnville 37110 Election: 12/89 Administration: Phone 615/939-2222 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 300 Atty Elizabeth Cooper* 562-8283 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Betty Jo Cotton SanSupt/ Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Fire Hall Judge Elizabeth Cooper* Streets Darlene Wright Lib Nancy Turner 562-1108 Governing Body: Administration: RecDir Sue Evans Mayor Arthur Lorance CityRec Grace Ward Comm Paul Holder Comm Robert Jones *Address: P. 0. Box 417, Jacksboro 37757

22 23 rONN OF CENrERIILL E CITY OF OIARLEST"CX>I '· Election: 10/89 P. 0. Box 431, 37310 0. Box 238, 37033 Election: 8/88 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Hickman - M - 2,824 Phone 615/336-3788 �hone 615/729-4246 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Bradlez E - 756

, City Hall Governing Body meets: 2n 3overning Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. d Tu esd ay, 7 : 30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Bodz: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Public Safetz: Bldin Wayne Prince Mayor Larry Newport Mayor W1111 am N. Steber FireC Dave Thompson Comm Walter Goode Ald Dorothy H. Thomas PoliceC Wayne Jarrett Ald Edward Hickman Finance: Comm Hoyt Berry Mildred D. Jones Ald Dean Bates Treas Public Works : Administration: Ald Bobby R. Morrison SanSupt James R. Sheafer Ald Bert L. Mathis Public Safety: Mgr Caroline F. Newport 336-3592 Ald Ray Stewart FireC Kenneth Thompson 729-5146 Atty Randy Sellers* 476-5506 Ald Margot Fosnes PoliceC Donnie She lton CityRec Conn ie H�nle Ald Roger D. Dotson Judge Robert Wilson, III Ald Fay Bowen Public Works/Utilit ies: Ald Jerry W. Burl ison Ut ilMgr Wayne Prince

Administration: Atty J. Wallace Harvill* 739-4659 *Address: 260 North Ocoee Street, Cleveland 37311 CityRec Mildred D. Jones Judge Samuel H. Smith

*Address: 102 Bank Avenue


P. 0. Box 129, 37036 Phone 615/789-4184 Election : 6/89 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 788 Governing Body meets : 4th Tues d ay , : 0 7 o p.m. , City Hall TONN OF OIN'EL HILL Election: 8/88 Governing Bodz: P. o. Box 157, 37034 Administration: Phone 615/364-7632 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Marshall - M - 861 Mayor Jeff Corlew Atty Jerry Smith* 446-5951 Coun Norris Allen CityRec Rache l Breeden Gove rning Body meets : 2nd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall Coun James L. Breeden , Jr. Coun Eugene E. Miller Public Works/Utilities: Co'un William R. Davis Governing Bodz: Administration : WstWtrS Robert Smith Coun Mayor John Douglas Rogers CityRec caro l Purdo m Dennis Ge isler Coun Ald J. B. Trout Michael L. Spann Ald Garry Lawrence Public Safetz: Ald Ted Williams CivDefD/ Ald Sarah Boots Pol iceC Jackie King 364-2213 *Address : 300 North Main Street , Dickson 37055 Ald Wilmon Varnado Ald Robert Curtis

24 25 rONN OF CENrERIILL E CITY OF OIARLEST"CX>I '· Election: 10/89 P. 0. Box 431, 37310 0. Box 238, 37033 Election: 8/88 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Hickman - M - 2,824 Phone 615/336-3788 �hone 615/729-4246 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Bradlez E - 756

, City Hall Governing Body meets: 2n 3overning Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. d Tu esd ay, 7 : 30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Bodz: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Public Safetz: Bldin Wayne Prince Mayor Larry Newport Mayor W1111 am N. Steber FireC Dave Thompson Comm Walter Goode Ald Dorothy H. Thomas PoliceC Wayne Jarrett Ald Edward Hickman Finance: Comm Hoyt Berry Mildred D. Jones Ald Dean Bates Treas Public Works : Administration: Ald Bobby R. Morrison SanSupt James R. Sheafer Ald Bert L. Mathis Public Safety: Mgr Caroline F. Newport 336-3592 Ald Ray Stewart FireC Kenneth Thompson 729-5146 Atty Randy Sellers* 476-5506 Ald Margot Fosnes PoliceC Donnie She lton CityRec Conn ie H�nle Ald Roger D. Dotson Judge Robert Wilson, III Ald Fay Bowen Public Works/Utilit ies: Ald Jerry W. Burl ison Ut ilMgr Wayne Prince

Administration: Atty J. Wallace Harvill* 739-4659 *Address: 260 North Ocoee Street, Cleveland 37311 CityRec Mildred D. Jones Judge Samuel H. Smith

*Address: 102 Bank Avenue


P. 0. Box 129, 37036 Phone 615/789-4184 Election : 6/89 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 788 Governing Body meets : 4th Tues d ay , : 0 7 o p.m. , City Hall TONN OF OIN'EL HILL Election: 8/88 Governing Bodz: P. o. Box 157, 37034 Administration: Phone 615/364-7632 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Marshall - M - 861 Mayor Jeff Corlew Atty Jerry Smith* 446-5951 Coun Norris Allen CityRec Rache l Breeden Gove rning Body meets : 2nd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall Coun James L. Breeden , Jr. Coun Eugene E. Miller Public Works/Utilities: Co'un William R. Davis Governing Bodz: Administration : WstWtrS Robert Smith Coun Mayor John Douglas Rogers CityRec caro l Purdo m Dennis Ge isler Coun Ald J. B. Trout Michael L. Spann Ald Garry Lawrence Public Safetz: Ald Ted Williams CivDefD/ Ald Sarah Boots Pol iceC Jackie King 364-2213 *Address : 300 North Main Street , Dickson 37055 Ald Wilmon Varnado Ald Robert Curtis

24 25 CITY OF OIATTIWOOGA TONN OF CLARKSBJRG City Hall, E. 11th Street, 37402 Election: 3/91 P. 0. Box 41, 38324 Election: 1/89 Phone 615/757-5152 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 169,728 Phone 901/986-8371 (Mayor) CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 400

Governing Body meets: Every Tuesday , 9:30 a.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: As needed

Governine: Bodz: Finance: Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: Mayor Gene Roberts 757-5152 DatProD Bob Kimbro 757-5082 Mayor J/11111¥ McC lure CityRec Ellen K. Wooley V-May John P. Franklin 757-5196 PurAgt Joan Henry 757-5184 Ald Jerry Cannon Comm Pat Rose 757-5167 Treas Carl Levi 757-5191 Ald Michael Todd Comm Ron Littlefield Comm L. Thomas Kennedy , Jr. 757-5072 Planning/Zoning: 757-5216 CivDefD Lynn Hodge Administration: PlngCCh Dale Mabee Atty Eugene N. Collins* 757-5342 PlngDir T. D. Harden AdmAsst Gaines L. Hobbs 757-5276 CITY OF CLARKSVILLE AdmAsst Moses Freeman 757-5196 Publ ic Safetz: Publ ic Square , 37040 Elect ion: 11/88 Aud itor/ FireC Jerry Evans 757-5295 Phone 615/645-7444 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Montgomery - M - 54,777 Clerk Howe lls D. Miller 757-5234 Pol iceC Eugene McCutcheon 698-9744 HsAuthD Billy Cooper 756-7171 Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , Council Chambers Judge William Cox 757-5148 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge John Taylor 757-5150 Eng Bill Anderson 757-5110 Governing Bodz: 645-7444 Plannine:/Zoning: ParksD Darle Jordan 757-5168 ElecMgr Ken Baxter 757-1200 Mayor Don Trotter PlngCCh Earl Sexton PersD Donna Kelley 757-5200 PubWrkD Ro n Littlefield V-May R. E. Durrett , Jr. PlngDir Alvin Allen ScSupt James McCullough 825-7200 UtilMgr Darrell McDonald 757-5167 Coun Dav id Nus sbaume r SfHhO Lee Doney 757-5441 Coun J. Lynwood Tarpley Publ ic Safetz: Coun Charles Hinton FireC Charles Sexton Coun *Address: Suite 400 , Pioneer Bank Building W. L. Burnett, Jr. PoliceC Charles Slayden 645-7418 Coun Ewing Burchett PubSafD Allan T. Hall Coun Mary Jo Dozier Coun Charles R. Jones Public Works/Ut ilities: Coun Alvin Oldham ElecMgr Dalton Smith 645-8151 Coun TONN OF Ol.JRCH HILL Harold Darnell Eng Denzil Biter 645-7418 Coun P. 0. Box 366, 37642 Elect ion: 7 /88 John Aldridge Waters Harold Gaither 645-7495 Phone 615/357-6161 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 4,134 Coun Dwight Luton Coun Charles Patterson Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City-County Building Coun Bill Cloud

Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Administration: Mayor E. B. Noe Bldin A. V. Christian Atty Frank J. Runyon* 647-3377 V-May Robert St idham AdmAsst Scott Shelton Ald Fred Montgomery Planning/Zoning: Clerk Kaye Beasley 645-7497 Ald Elmer Brown PlngCCh Randall Housewright Judge Larry Watson 552-3591 Ald J. B. Mowell ParksD Starlene Smith 647-7476 PersD Ald Phil ip Shupe Public Safetz: Billie R. Quarles 645-7451 1 Sc Supt Ald Donnie Marshall FireC David Wood Johnny Miller 648-5600 Pol iceC Wy lie Cooper, Jr. Administration: Codes Enforcement : 645-7426 Dir Atty Charlton Devault* 246-3601 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Jerry Waugh CityRec Mark Sandidge SanSupt Lawerance Starnes Judge Don Stanfill Streets A. V. Christian Finance: Lib Odell Thurman SwrPlS B. D. Cradic Treas Clint Daniel 645-7437 RecDir Mark Sandidge Secy Patsy Nunl ey *Address: P. 0. Box 971

*Address: 124 Comme rce Street, Suite 107, Kingsport 37660

26 27 CITY OF OIATTIWOOGA TONN OF CLARKSBJRG City Hall, E. 11th Street, 37402 Election: 3/91 P. 0. Box 41, 38324 Election: 1/89 Phone 615/757-5152 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 169,728 Phone 901/986-8371 (Mayor) CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 400

Governing Body meets: Every Tuesday , 9:30 a.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: As needed

Governine: Bodz: Finance: Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: Mayor Gene Roberts 757-5152 DatProD Bob Kimbro 757-5082 Mayor J/11111¥ McC lure CityRec Ellen K. Wooley V-May John P. Franklin 757-5196 PurAgt Joan Henry 757-5184 Ald Jerry Cannon Comm Pat Rose 757-5167 Treas Carl Levi 757-5191 Ald Michael Todd Comm Ron Littlefield Comm L. Thomas Kennedy , Jr. 757-5072 Planning/Zoning: 757-5216 CivDefD Lynn Hodge Administration: PlngCCh Dale Mabee Atty Eugene N. Collins* 757-5342 PlngDir T. D. Harden AdmAsst Gaines L. Hobbs 757-5276 CITY OF CLARKSVILLE AdmAsst Moses Freeman 757-5196 Publ ic Safetz: Publ ic Square , 37040 Elect ion: 11/88 Aud itor/ FireC Jerry Evans 757-5295 Phone 615/645-7444 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Montgomery - M - 54,777 Clerk Howe lls D. Miller 757-5234 Pol iceC Eugene McCutcheon 698-9744 HsAuthD Billy Cooper 756-7171 Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , Council Chambers Judge William Cox 757-5148 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge John Taylor 757-5150 Eng Bill Anderson 757-5110 Governing Bodz: 645-7444 Plannine:/Zoning: ParksD Darle Jordan 757-5168 ElecMgr Ken Baxter 757-1200 Mayor Don Trotter PlngCCh Earl Sexton PersD Donna Kelley 757-5200 PubWrkD Ro n Littlefield V-May R. E. Durrett , Jr. PlngDir Alvin Allen ScSupt James McCullough 825-7200 UtilMgr Darrell McDonald 757-5167 Coun Dav id Nus sbaume r SfHhO Lee Doney 757-5441 Coun J. Lynwood Tarpley Publ ic Safetz: Coun Charles Hinton FireC Charles Sexton Coun *Address: Suite 400 , Pioneer Bank Building W. L. Burnett, Jr. PoliceC Charles Slayden 645-7418 Coun Ewing Burchett PubSafD Allan T. Hall Coun Mary Jo Dozier Coun Charles R. Jones Public Works/Ut ilities: Coun Alvin Oldham ElecMgr Dalton Smith 645-8151 Coun TONN OF Ol.JRCH HILL Harold Darnell Eng Denzil Biter 645-7418 Coun P. 0. Box 366, 37642 Elect ion: 7 /88 John Aldridge Waters Harold Gaither 645-7495 Phone 615/357-6161 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 4,134 Coun Dwight Luton Coun Charles Patterson Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City-County Building Coun Bill Cloud

Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Administration: Mayor E. B. Noe Bldin A. V. Christian Atty Frank J. Runyon* 647-3377 V-May Robert St idham AdmAsst Scott Shelton Ald Fred Montgomery Planning/Zoning: Clerk Kaye Beasley 645-7497 Ald Elmer Brown PlngCCh Randall Housewright Judge Larry Watson 552-3591 Ald J. B. Mowell ParksD Starlene Smith 647-7476 PersD Ald Phil ip Shupe Public Safetz: Billie R. Quarles 645-7451 1 Sc Supt Ald Donnie Marshall FireC David Wood Johnny Miller 648-5600 Pol iceC Wy lie Cooper, Jr. Administration: Codes Enforcement : 645-7426 Dir Atty Charlton Devault* 246-3601 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Jerry Waugh CityRec Mark Sandidge SanSupt Lawerance Starnes Judge Don Stanfill Streets A. V. Christian Finance: Lib Odell Thurman SwrPlS B. D. Cradic Treas Clint Daniel 645-7437 RecDir Mark Sandidge Secy Patsy Nunl ey *Address: P. 0. Box 971

*Address: 124 Comme rce Street, Suite 107, Kingsport 37660

26 27 TONN OF CLI NT<:i'I CITY OF CLEIEUND Mun icipal Building , 37716 Election: 12/89 P. Box 1519, 37364-1519 Election: 8/89 0. Phone 615/457-0424 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Anderson - E - 8,200 Phone 615/472-4551 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Bradle::z: - E - 26,924

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 3:00 p,m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Bod::z:: Codes Enforcement : Governing Bod::z:: 476-8931 Finance: Mayor Cathy F. Brown Bldin William R. Riggs Mayor Bill Schultz PurAgt John Holmes V-May Frank L. Diggs V-May Kenneth Tinsley Treas Sam Bledsoe Ald Harry E. Patton Public Safet::z:: Comm Mitchell Lyle Ald Aaron G. Harber FireC Ray Russell Comm Martin B. Evans , Jr. Planning/Zoning: 479-8581 Ald Lloyd J. Buck PoliceC Clifton Melton Comm Zane B. Harris PlngCCh Stanley Butler Ald Larry Egner PlngDir Craig Bivens Ald Robert Jameson Public Works/Utilities: Administration : PubWrkD/ Atty Harlen Painter* 476-8542 Public Safet::z:: Administration: Streets Glenmore Hamilton ComDevD Joe H. Edwards 479-8581 CivDefD Harold Mun ck 476-7621 Admin Char les G. Seivers UtilMgr Byron H. Hale Clerk Janice Cas tee l FireC David May , Jr. 476-6713 Atty James M. Underwood* 457-2034 HsAuthD Reba M. Powers 479-9659 PoliceC Arnold Botts 476-1121 ComDevC William R. Riggs Judge Bill B. Moss CityRec Patsy A. Meredith Lib Charles A. Sherrill 472-2163 Public Works/Utilities: Judge Roger L. Ridenour ParksD Tommy Barrett 479-4120 ElecMgr Tom Whee ler 472-4521 ParksD Steve Queener ScSupt Donald P. Yates 472-9571 Eng Joe H. Edwards 479-8153 Sc Supt H. L. Morrow SfHhO Gordon B. Bowker 479-8581 SanSupt/ Streets Richard T. Lyles 472-2851 Codes Enforcement : 479-1913 Ut ilMgr M. E. Beavers 472-4521 Bldin Ralph York Elecin Eugene Black *Address: P. Box 326 Plmbin Bob Link 0.

*Address : Merchants Bank Building


P. 0. Box 192, 38425 Election : 11/88 Phone 615/676-3370 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wayne - M - 773 CITY OF COALMCNr Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall P. 0. Box 308, 37313 Election : 8/89 Phone 615/592-9370/592-6123 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 940 Governing Bod::z:: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Estelle Cooke PlngDir Pat Shipani Governing Body meets : 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May Bill Willoughby Comm Donald R. Fowler Public Safet::z:: Governing Bod::z:: Administration : Comm Warren Miller FireC Glenn Prater Mayor Henry Morrison CityRec Valerie Sanders 592-8503 Comm Charles McDonald PoliceC Larry McCasland Comm Charles Morgan Comm Robert Meeks Public Safet::z:: Administration : Public Works/Ut ilities: FireC Gene Richards Mgr Virgil W. Morris Streets/ Pol iceC Joe Sons Atty George Gray• 722-3646 Waters Virgil Morris 676-3718 CityRec Barbara A. CUip

*Address: 100 Publ ic Square , Wanyesboro 38485

29 28 • TONN OF CLI NT<:i'I CITY OF CLEIEUND Mun icipal Building , 37716 Election: 12/89 P. Box 1519, 37364-1519 Election: 8/89 0. Phone 615/457-0424 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Anderson - E - 8,200 Phone 615/472-4551 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Bradle::z: - E - 26,924

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 3:00 p,m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Bod::z:: Codes Enforcement : Governing Bod::z:: 476-8931 Finance: Mayor Cathy F. Brown Bldin William R. Riggs Mayor Bill Schultz PurAgt John Holmes V-May Frank L. Diggs V-May Kenneth Tinsley Treas Sam Bledsoe Ald Harry E. Patton Public Safet::z:: Comm Mitchell Lyle Ald Aaron G. Harber FireC Ray Russell Comm Martin B. Evans , Jr. Planning/Zoning: 479-8581 Ald Lloyd J. Buck PoliceC Clifton Melton Comm Zane B. Harris PlngCCh Stanley Butler Ald Larry Egner PlngDir Craig Bivens Ald Robert Jameson Public Works/Utilities: Administration : PubWrkD/ Atty Harlen Painter* 476-8542 Public Safet::z:: Administration: Streets Glenmore Hamilton ComDevD Joe H. Edwards 479-8581 CivDefD Harold Mun ck 476-7621 Admin Char les G. Seivers UtilMgr Byron H. Hale Clerk Janice Cas tee l FireC David May , Jr. 476-6713 Atty James M. Underwood* 457-2034 HsAuthD Reba M. Powers 479-9659 PoliceC Arnold Botts 476-1121 ComDevC William R. Riggs Judge Bill B. Moss CityRec Patsy A. Meredith Lib Charles A. Sherrill 472-2163 Public Works/Utilities: Judge Roger L. Ridenour ParksD Tommy Barrett 479-4120 ElecMgr Tom Whee ler 472-4521 ParksD Steve Queener ScSupt Donald P. Yates 472-9571 Eng Joe H. Edwards 479-8153 Sc Supt H. L. Morrow SfHhO Gordon B. Bowker 479-8581 SanSupt/ Streets Richard T. Lyles 472-2851 Codes Enforcement : 479-1913 Ut ilMgr M. E. Beavers 472-4521 Bldin Ralph York Elecin Eugene Black *Address: P. Box 326 Plmbin Bob Link 0.

*Address : Merchants Bank Building


P. 0. Box 192, 38425 Election : 11/88 Phone 615/676-3370 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wayne - M - 773 CITY OF COALMCNr Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall P. 0. Box 308, 37313 Election : 8/89 Phone 615/592-9370/592-6123 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 940 Governing Bod::z:: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Estelle Cooke PlngDir Pat Shipani Governing Body meets : 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May Bill Willoughby Comm Donald R. Fowler Public Safet::z:: Governing Bod::z:: Administration : Comm Warren Miller FireC Glenn Prater Mayor Henry Morrison CityRec Valerie Sanders 592-8503 Comm Charles McDonald PoliceC Larry McCasland Comm Charles Morgan Comm Robert Meeks Public Safet::z:: Administration : Public Works/Ut ilities: FireC Gene Richards Mgr Virgil W. Morris Streets/ Pol iceC Joe Sons Atty George Gray• 722-3646 Waters Virgil Morris 676-3718 CityRec Barbara A. CUip

*Address: 100 Publ ic Square , Wanyesboro 38485

29 28 • CITY OF Ct:JLLEGEDALE CITYOF Ct:JLLINll'oaJ P. Box 416, 37315 Election: 3/89 0. P. 0. Box 98, 38450 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/396-3135 Hamilton - E - CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT 4,607 Phone 615/724-9107 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wayne - M - 1,064

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Wayne Vandevere Bldin/ Mayor James Dicus Mgr William R. Thompson V-May Kenneth Spears Elecin/ V-May Ray Rich Atty George Grey* Comm Nancy Thiel Plmbin William Rawson Comm George Wall ace CityRec W i I lociean H111 Comm C. W. McCandless Comm Jasper J. Chambers Judge Russell Parks Comm Jan Rushing Finance: Comm Danny Sandusky Treas Donna Taylor Publ ic Safety: Administration: FireC Sherman Mart in Mgr Lee D. Ho lland Public Safety: PoliceC Karonel L. Pigg Atty Glenn McColpin* CivDefD Lee D. Holland CityRec Donna Taylor FireC Duane Pitts Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge J. R. Dodson** PoliceC Thomas Keaton Ut ilMg r William R. Thompson Waters Parker Holt Public Works/Ut ilities: PubWrkD William Magoon *Address: Public Square , Waynesboro 38485

*Address: 829 McCallie Avenue , Chattanooga 37403-2613 **Address: 9310 Dividing Ridge Road , Soddy-Daisy 37379

CITY OF Ct:JLUMB IA 707 North Main Street, 38401 Election: 11/89 Phone 615/388-5432 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Maury - M - 27,200

TOVN OF Ct:JLL I ILLE ERt Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall 101 Walnut Street, 38017 Election: 5/91 Phone 901/853-3200 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 11,584 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : 388-5403 Mayor J. A. Morgan Bldin David Wilson Governing Body me ets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall V-May Norman Carpenter Coun Ronald V. Ryan Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : 853-3218 Coun Thomas Logue PlngDir David Holderfield Mayor Herman W. Cox, Jr. Bldin Betty Watson Coun Delilah Speed V-May Tom Brooks Coun Arnold E. Wilkie Public Safety: Ald Jack Everett Planning and Zoning : Coun Ralph Ussery CivDefD J. C. Inman Ald Sidney E. Turnipseed PlngCCh Jim Thompson FireC H. Wayne Hickman 388-8209 Ald Jimmy Lots Administration : PoliceC L. Hugh Harris 381-1070 Ald John E. Meeks Public Safety: 853-3207 Mgr W1111 am Gentner FireC Ben F. Wilson AsstMgr William Bot toms Public Works/Utilities: Administration: PoliceC Dennis Joyner Atty Billy C ..Ja ck* 388-7014 ElecMgr William Carroll, III 388-4033 Admin Jery R. Johnson CityRec Betty R. Modrall 388-5432 Eng Al Curry AdmAsst Melanie Taylor Public Works/Utilities : 853-3215 HsAuthD Bobbye Robinson 388-5203 SanSupt E. T. Frierson 388-8650 Atty Joel Porter• PubWrkD Wilbur Betty HmSerD Geneva Patrick 388-5068 Streets Robert Snedegar 388-8650 Clerk Mary Lee Burley UtilMgr James Mathis Judge J. 388-2419 w. Steenbergen, III 388-8861 WstWtrS Shelley Cooper Judge Wm . Craig Hall ParksD Ronald B. Norton 388-8119 RecDir James T. Howe ll 853-3225

• *Address: P. 0. Box 827, 38402 *Address: 130 North Court Street, Memphis 38103

30 31 CITY OF Ct:JLLEGEDALE CITYOF Ct:JLLINll'oaJ P. Box 416, 37315 Election: 3/89 0. P. 0. Box 98, 38450 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/396-3135 Hamilton - E - CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT 4,607 Phone 615/724-9107 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wayne - M - 1,064

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Wayne Vandevere Bldin/ Mayor James Dicus Mgr William R. Thompson V-May Kenneth Spears Elecin/ V-May Ray Rich Atty George Grey* Comm Nancy Thiel Plmbin William Rawson Comm George Wall ace CityRec W i I lociean H111 Comm C. W. McCandless Comm Jasper J. Chambers Judge Russell Parks Comm Jan Rushing Finance: Comm Danny Sandusky Treas Donna Taylor Publ ic Safety: Administration: FireC Sherman Mart in Mgr Lee D. Ho lland Public Safety: PoliceC Karonel L. Pigg Atty Glenn McColpin* CivDefD Lee D. Holland CityRec Donna Taylor FireC Duane Pitts Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge J. R. Dodson** PoliceC Thomas Keaton Ut ilMg r William R. Thompson Waters Parker Holt Public Works/Ut ilities: PubWrkD William Magoon *Address: Public Square , Waynesboro 38485

*Address: 829 McCallie Avenue , Chattanooga 37403-2613 **Address: 9310 Dividing Ridge Road , Soddy-Daisy 37379

CITY OF Ct:JLUMB IA 707 North Main Street, 38401 Election: 11/89 Phone 615/388-5432 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Maury - M - 27,200

TOVN OF Ct:JLL I ILLE ERt Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall 101 Walnut Street, 38017 Election: 5/91 Phone 901/853-3200 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 11,584 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : 388-5403 Mayor J. A. Morgan Bldin David Wilson Governing Body me ets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall V-May Norman Carpenter Coun Ronald V. Ryan Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : 853-3218 Coun Thomas Logue PlngDir David Holderfield Mayor Herman W. Cox, Jr. Bldin Betty Watson Coun Delilah Speed V-May Tom Brooks Coun Arnold E. Wilkie Public Safety: Ald Jack Everett Planning and Zoning : Coun Ralph Ussery CivDefD J. C. Inman Ald Sidney E. Turnipseed PlngCCh Jim Thompson FireC H. Wayne Hickman 388-8209 Ald Jimmy Lots Administration : PoliceC L. Hugh Harris 381-1070 Ald John E. Meeks Public Safety: 853-3207 Mgr W1111 am Gentner FireC Ben F. Wilson AsstMgr William Bot toms Public Works/Utilities: Administration: PoliceC Dennis Joyner Atty Billy C ..Ja ck* 388-7014 ElecMgr William Carroll, III 388-4033 Admin Jery R. Johnson CityRec Betty R. Modrall 388-5432 Eng Al Curry AdmAsst Melanie Taylor Public Works/Utilities : 853-3215 HsAuthD Bobbye Robinson 388-5203 SanSupt E. T. Frierson 388-8650 Atty Joel Porter• PubWrkD Wilbur Betty HmSerD Geneva Patrick 388-5068 Streets Robert Snedegar 388-8650 Clerk Mary Lee Burley UtilMgr James Mathis Judge J. 388-2419 w. Steenbergen, III 388-8861 WstWtrS Shelley Cooper Judge Wm . Craig Hall ParksD Ronald B. Norton 388-8119 RecDir James T. Howe ll 853-3225

• *Address: P. 0. Box 827, 38402 *Address: 130 North Court Street, Memphis 38103

30 31 CITY OF coa

Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Dwight Henry FinD Jim Shipley Mayor Ed Moore PlngCCh Albert L. Haynes V-May Vaughn Howard V-May Richard Stockman Coun Raymond Brown Planning/Zoning : Ald L. E. McCl intock Public Safety: Coun Frank Britnell PlngCCh William Patterson Ald John W. Kiser FireC Cecil Spencer Coun Joan Tansil Ald Bobby McDaniel Pol iceC Dalton Mitchell Public Safety: Ald Bobby Johnson Administration: CivDe fD Public Works/Utilities: Mgr M. L. Math is FireC McCoy Shelton Administration: WstWtrS James Wright AsstMgr Allen Ray PoliceC Tom Moore Atty Michael Boyd* 359-7506 Atty John Poteet* 526-3111 CityRec Mary Johnson Clerk Jim Shipley Public Works/Utilities: Judge Dan Wh itaker** ComDevC Tom Brockman ElecMgr W. R. Holland HsAuthD Roberta Wilson GasMgr Jimmy Daniels Judge David Ledbetter** PubWrkD Hugh Birdwell PkRecD Brad K. Chambers WstWtrS Dan Potter PersD Allen Ray Sc Supt Bob Hargis *Address: Route 6, Lewisburg , 37091 **Address : 104 Belfast Avenue , Lewisburg 37091 Codes Enforcement : CdEnfO Dibrell Anderson

*Address: P. 0. Box 9908 **Address : P. 0. Box 507

TONN OF COTT.IGE GROIE CITY OF COPP ERHILL P. 0. Box 26, 38224 Election : 5/89 Election : 12/88 P. 0. Box 640 , 37317 Phone 901/782-3499 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henry - W - 117 Phone 615/496-5141 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Polk - E - 418 Governing Body meets : 2nd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets : 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Ha ll Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Burn /dean O. Farmer CityRec Willene K. Brookshire Mayor Sylvan C. Green Atty Curwood Witt* 442-3966 Ald Kate J. Rainey Joseph ine Standr idge V-May Ann Q. Ross Clerk Ald H. P. Cochrum Public Safety: Ald Keith Ballew Ald Johnnie We iher, III Marshl Dan Carr Ald Ray Tanner Public Safety: Ald Ruth Carr Ald H. M. Ware FireC Dale Ray Ald Dudleen Snow Ald Thomas Crowder Pol iceC Charles Brown Ald Horace Morton, Jr. •

*Address : 138 College Street , Madisonville 37354

32 33 CITY OF coa

Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Dwight Henry FinD Jim Shipley Mayor Ed Moore PlngCCh Albert L. Haynes V-May Vaughn Howard V-May Richard Stockman Coun Raymond Brown Planning/Zoning : Ald L. E. McCl intock Public Safety: Coun Frank Britnell PlngCCh William Patterson Ald John W. Kiser FireC Cecil Spencer Coun Joan Tansil Ald Bobby McDaniel Pol iceC Dalton Mitchell Public Safety: Ald Bobby Johnson Administration: CivDe fD Sam Smith Public Works/Utilities: Mgr M. L. Math is FireC McCoy Shelton Administration: WstWtrS James Wright AsstMgr Allen Ray PoliceC Tom Moore Atty Michael Boyd* 359-7506 Atty John Poteet* 526-3111 CityRec Mary Johnson Clerk Jim Shipley Public Works/Utilities: Judge Dan Wh itaker** ComDevC Tom Brockman ElecMgr W. R. Holland HsAuthD Roberta Wilson GasMgr Jimmy Daniels Judge David Ledbetter** PubWrkD Hugh Birdwell PkRecD Brad K. Chambers WstWtrS Dan Potter PersD Allen Ray Sc Supt Bob Hargis *Address: Route 6, Lewisburg , 37091 **Address : 104 Belfast Avenue , Lewisburg 37091 Codes Enforcement : CdEnfO Dibrell Anderson

*Address: P. 0. Box 9908 **Address : P. 0. Box 507

TONN OF COTT.IGE GROIE CITY OF COPP ERHILL P. 0. Box 26, 38224 Election : 5/89 Election : 12/88 P. 0. Box 640 , 37317 Phone 901/782-3499 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henry - W - 117 Phone 615/496-5141 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Polk - E - 418 Governing Body meets : 2nd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets : 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Ha ll Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Burn /dean O. Farmer CityRec Willene K. Brookshire Mayor Sylvan C. Green Atty Curwood Witt* 442-3966 Ald Kate J. Rainey Joseph ine Standr idge V-May Ann Q. Ross Clerk Ald H. P. Cochrum Public Safety: Ald Keith Ballew Ald Johnnie We iher, III Marshl Dan Carr Ald Ray Tanner Public Safety: Ald Ruth Carr Ald H. M. Ware FireC Dale Ray Ald Dudleen Snow Ald Thomas Crowder Pol iceC Charles Brown Ald Horace Morton, Jr. •

*Address : 138 College Street , Madisonville 37354

32 33 ------··-·--· -·----

CITY OF COiINGra-1 CITY OF CR.68 ORCH P. Box 768, 38019-0768 Elect ion: 3/89 ARD 0. P. Box 215, 37723 Election: 9/88 Phone 901/476-9613 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 6,197 0. Phone 615/484-2815 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Cumberland - E - 1,065

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administration: Mayor R. A. Baxter, Jr. PurAgt William C. Simonton Mayor Starl ing McDaniel Atty Harry Sabine* 484-9593 V-May W. B. Enzor Treas Jere Hadley Ald Susan Denton CityRec Emma Jean Vitatoe Ald Minnie L. Bormner Ald Ira Sherrill Ald Robert L. Overall Planning/Zoning: Ald William Beasley PlngCCh J. S. Ruffin *Address: 311 South Main Street , Crossville 38555 Ald Ozell Wright Ald Leonard Billings Public Safety: CivDefD Trisha Bradley 476-8145 Administration: FireC Jerry Craig 476-2578 Atty William Peeler 476-1130 PoliceC Ronald Gagnon 476-5282 CITY OF CROSS PLAINS CityRec Jere Had ley P. Box 145, 37049 Election: 7/89 Judge Wilbur Cash 476-9530 Publ ic Works/Utilities: 0. Phone 615/654-2555 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robe rtson - E - 872 ParksDir/ ElecMgr William C. Moss 476-7104 RecDir Pam Beasley 476-1107 PubWrkD Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building PersD/ SanSupt No rris Glass 476-8257 SfHhO William C. Simonton Streets Manuel Mills " Governing Bod)'.'.: Administration: Waters William H. Wilson 476-9531 Mayor James R. Roberts CityRec/ Codes Enforcement : V-May James Murphy Mgr Lana A. Osborne Bldnin Jerry W. Craig 476-2578 0. Comm James E. Stark, Jr. Elecin Moody Max 476-7104 Public Safetl'.: Plmbln Ernest Wiseman 476-9531 PoliceC Jame s T. Yates Gas!n David Frisbee 476-9531


P. 0. Drawer 528, 38555 Election: 12/88 Phone 615/484-7060 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Cumbe rland - E - 6 405 CITY OF CIJNI# P. Box 338, 37318 0. Election: 8/89 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Phone 615/967-7318 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Franklin - M - 1,790 Governing Bod)'.'.: Finance: Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Old City Hall Mayor Willis Cox Treas Carolyn Galyon 484-7060 V-May David Warner RskMgtD Jane Grasham 484-4452 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Comm James Turner Mayor Bobby Snelson Bldin Mart in Cates, Jr. Comm Elmo Lewis Planning/Zoning: V-May Thomas Williams Comm John Dooley PlngCCh Mike Moser 484-5145 Coun Robert Foster Planning/Zoning: Coun Floyd Sherman PlngCCh Thomas Williams Administration: 484-7060 Public Safetl'.: Coun Wilbur Crabtree Mgr c. M. Tabor CivDefD Keith Garrison 484-7016 Coun Howard Mike Hopkins Public Safety: CityRec Sally Oglesby FireC Jack Elmore 484-6144 FireC Raymond Tucker Atty Margaret J. Powers 484-3579 PoliceC Robert Foutch 484-7231 Administration: Pol iceC Ray Gass Judge Tom Bean 484-7549 Atty Steve Blount* 967-1715 PersD Donna Ryan 484-5113 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Charles Clark Publ ic Works/Utilities: SwrP ls Bill Foland 484-6257 Judge Kevin Syler SwrPlS Arthur Garner Codes Enforcement : Waters Buford Sutton 484-7083 SanSupt Charles Clark Bldg In Oliver Campbe ll 484-7060 PubWrkD Lesley Sherill 484-7631 WstWtrS Jimmy Johnson

*Address: Courthouse Square , Winchester 37398

34 35 ------··-·--· -·----

CITY OF COiINGra-1 CITY OF CR.68 ORCH P. Box 768, 38019-0768 Elect ion: 3/89 ARD 0. P. Box 215, 37723 Election: 9/88 Phone 901/476-9613 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 6,197 0. Phone 615/484-2815 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Cumberland - E - 1,065

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administration: Mayor R. A. Baxter, Jr. PurAgt William C. Simonton Mayor Starl ing McDaniel Atty Harry Sabine* 484-9593 V-May W. B. Enzor Treas Jere Hadley Ald Susan Denton CityRec Emma Jean Vitatoe Ald Minnie L. Bormner Ald Ira Sherrill Ald Robert L. Overall Planning/Zoning: Ald William Beasley PlngCCh J. S. Ruffin *Address: 311 South Main Street , Crossville 38555 Ald Ozell Wright Ald Leonard Billings Public Safety: CivDefD Trisha Bradley 476-8145 Administration: FireC Jerry Craig 476-2578 Atty William Peeler 476-1130 PoliceC Ronald Gagnon 476-5282 CITY OF CROSS PLAINS CityRec Jere Had ley P. Box 145, 37049 Election: 7/89 Judge Wilbur Cash 476-9530 Publ ic Works/Utilities: 0. Phone 615/654-2555 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robe rtson - E - 872 ParksDir/ ElecMgr William C. Moss 476-7104 RecDir Pam Beasley 476-1107 PubWrkD Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building PersD/ SanSupt No rris Glass 476-8257 SfHhO William C. Simonton Streets Manuel Mills " Governing Bod)'.'.: Administration: Waters William H. Wilson 476-9531 Mayor James R. Roberts CityRec/ Codes Enforcement : V-May James Murphy Mgr Lana A. Osborne Bldnin Jerry W. Craig 476-2578 0. Comm James E. Stark, Jr. Elecin Moody Max 476-7104 Public Safetl'.: Plmbln Ernest Wiseman 476-9531 PoliceC Jame s T. Yates Gas!n David Frisbee 476-9531


P. 0. Drawer 528, 38555 Election: 12/88 Phone 615/484-7060 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Cumbe rland - E - 6 405 CITY OF CIJNI# P. Box 338, 37318 0. Election: 8/89 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Phone 615/967-7318 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Franklin - M - 1,790 Governing Bod)'.'.: Finance: Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Old City Hall Mayor Willis Cox Treas Carolyn Galyon 484-7060 V-May David Warner RskMgtD Jane Grasham 484-4452 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Comm James Turner Mayor Bobby Snelson Bldin Mart in Cates, Jr. Comm Elmo Lewis Planning/Zoning: V-May Thomas Williams Comm John Dooley PlngCCh Mike Moser 484-5145 Coun Robert Foster Planning/Zoning: Coun Floyd Sherman PlngCCh Thomas Williams Administration: 484-7060 Public Safetl'.: Coun Wilbur Crabtree Mgr c. M. Tabor CivDefD Keith Garrison 484-7016 Coun Howard Mike Hopkins Public Safety: CityRec Sally Oglesby FireC Jack Elmore 484-6144 FireC Raymond Tucker Atty Margaret J. Powers 484-3579 PoliceC Robert Foutch 484-7231 Administration: Pol iceC Ray Gass Judge Tom Bean 484-7549 Atty Steve Blount* 967-1715 PersD Donna Ryan 484-5113 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Charles Clark Publ ic Works/Utilities: SwrP ls Bill Foland 484-6257 Judge Kevin Syler SwrPlS Arthur Garner Codes Enforcement : Waters Buford Sutton 484-7083 SanSupt Charles Clark Bldg In Oliver Campbe ll 484-7060 PubWrkD Lesley Sherill 484-7631 WstWtrS Jimmy Johnson

*Address: Courthouse Square , Winchester 37398

34 35 T

Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 5:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Bod)'.'.: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Everett L. Gantte Mayor H. Ryan Ho l ley Bldin H. Vaughn Bldin Maynard Franseen 0. Ald John C. Miller Ald T. R. Parchman Plmbin Linus Mcintosh Ald William J. Fain Ald Brenda Knight Planning/Zoning: Ald Roy Brown Ald Ray Vaughan Finance: PlngCCh H. B. Jarnag in Ald J. D. Patterson Ald Craig Roby Treas Lois McCarty Ald Fred Fain Public Safet)'.'.: Ald H. B. Jarnag in CivDefD Administrat ion: Public Safet)'.'.: Herbert Norton Atty W. D. Howell* Marshl Leonard Kosachunis FireC Garland McCoig Administration : CityRec Lois McCarty Atty James D. Hutchins* 397-2616 HsAuthD Gene St inson Public Works/Ut ilities: Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Wi l /Jam C. Es / inger PubWrkD J. S. Parchment Streets Roy Brown Lib Billie Jean Chambers Waters Herbert No rton

*Address: Dover 37058 *Address: P. 0. Box 732

CITY OF DAYTC# P. Box 226, T

Governing Bod)'.'.: Governing Bod)'.'.: Codes Enforcement : Publ ic Safet)'.'.: Mayor William Pegram Mayor James D. Estep, Sr. Bldin Hubert Green c. FireC Jack Arnold 775-2525 V-May Wendell Brown Ald Sam Bowman Po1 iceC Kenneth Walker 775-3876 Coun Sam Swafford Ald Jean E. Webb Finance: Coun James R. Sharpe Ald Thomas H. Barton Treas Bob Owens Public Works/Utilities: Coun Bobby D. Vincent Ald T. J. Asher ElecMgr Paul Hill Ald Ralph Poore Planning/Zoning: SwrP lS/ Administration : Ald John Ravnum PlngCCh Ralph Poore Waters Agnew Jewell Mgr Victor F. We lch Atty James W. McKenzie* Administration: Publ ic Safetl'.: 77 5-13 77 CityRec David T. Best Atty James D. Estep, Jr.* 626-3525 FireC John Coleman ScSupt Richard Fisher CityRec/ 77 5-9332 Judge Bob OVens Publ ic Works/Utilities: Codes Enforcement : SanSupt Charles H. Miller Bldin Ronnie Raper 775-1817 Streets Sam Bowman .

*Address : P. 0. Box 177, Tazewell 37879 *Address: 404 North Market Street T

Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 5:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Bod)'.'.: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Everett L. Gantte Mayor H. Ryan Ho l ley Bldin H. Vaughn Bldin Maynard Franseen 0. Ald John C. Miller Ald T. R. Parchman Plmbin Linus Mcintosh Ald William J. Fain Ald Brenda Knight Planning/Zoning: Ald Roy Brown Ald Ray Vaughan Finance: PlngCCh H. B. Jarnag in Ald J. D. Patterson Ald Craig Roby Treas Lois McCarty Ald Fred Fain Public Safet)'.'.: Ald H. B. Jarnag in CivDefD Administrat ion: Public Safet)'.'.: Herbert Norton Atty W. D. Howell* Marshl Leonard Kosachunis FireC Garland McCoig Administration : CityRec Lois McCarty Atty James D. Hutchins* 397-2616 HsAuthD Gene St inson Public Works/Ut ilities: Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Wi l /Jam C. Es / inger PubWrkD J. S. Parchment Streets Roy Brown Lib Billie Jean Chambers Waters Herbert No rton

*Address: Dover 37058 *Address: P. 0. Box 732

CITY OF DAYTC# P. Box 226, T

Governing Bod)'.'.: Governing Bod)'.'.: Codes Enforcement : Publ ic Safet)'.'.: Mayor William Pegram Mayor James D. Estep, Sr. Bldin Hubert Green c. FireC Jack Arnold 775-2525 V-May Wendell Brown Ald Sam Bowman Po1 iceC Kenneth Walker 775-3876 Coun Sam Swafford Ald Jean E. Webb Finance: Coun James R. Sharpe Ald Thomas H. Barton Treas Bob Owens Public Works/Utilities: Coun Bobby D. Vincent Ald T. J. Asher ElecMgr Paul Hill Ald Ralph Poore Planning/Zoning: SwrP lS/ Administration : Ald John Ravnum PlngCCh Ralph Poore Waters Agnew Jewell Mgr Victor F. We lch Atty James W. McKenzie* Administration: Publ ic Safetl'.: 77 5-13 77 CityRec David T. Best Atty James D. Estep, Jr.* 626-3525 FireC John Coleman ScSupt Richard Fisher CityRec/ 77 5-9332 Judge Bob OVens Publ ic Works/Utilities: Codes Enforcement : SanSupt Charles H. Miller Bldin Ronnie Raper 775-1817 Streets Sam Bowman .

*Address : P. 0. Box 177, Tazewell 37879 *Address: 404 North Market Street TONN OF DEOI TONN OF DECATUR ERD Election : 4/89 P. Box 488, 37324 Election: 6/88 P. 0. Box 188, 37322 0. Phone 615/334-5716 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Meigs - E - 1,191 Phone 615/967-5181/5274 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Franklin - M - 2 233

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: Governing Body: Finance: 967-6608 Mayor Edgar A. Jewell Bldin Ray Wright Mayor J. Millard Sh elley FinD Roger Jolley V-May Charles E. Rockholt V-May Carl Stevens Ald J. T. Vincent Finance: Ald Frank Green Planning/Zeni.!!.&: 967-5929 Ald Garland Carpenter Treas John L. Marchi Ald Roger Jolley PlngCCh Claude W. Henley Ald James Jones Ald Ot is B. Smith, Jr. Ald Charles Lillard Public Safety: Public Safety: FireC Wayne Price Administration : FireC Wayne Elliott Administration: PoliceC Jackie Melton Atty Mike Lynch* 967-2228 Pol iceC Robert W. Wh ite Atty Wm . A. Buckley, Jr.• 745-7050 CityRec Hichael D. Foster PubSafD J. Millard Shelley CityRec/ Public Works/Utilities: Clerk Jo Ann Vanhooser Judge John L. March i PubWrkD Ben Wade HsAuthD Virginia Collins Public Works/Utilities: 967-5301 Judge Michael D. Foster Streets Carl M. Hill Lib Jo Ann Vanhooser Waters Eric Bohanan Secy Patricia WI /cox

*Address: 8-1/2 North White, Athens 37303 Codes Enforcement : 967-5067 Bldin/ Plmbin T. C. Harrell

*Address : 15 South College Street, Winchester 37398

CITY OF DICKSCW 202 South Main Str eet, 37055 Election: 9/89 TONN OF DECATUFW ILLE Phone 615/446-5101 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 7,040 P. 0. Box 159, 38329 Election: 12/88 Phone 901/852-2034 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Decatur - W - 1,004 Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement: Mayor Tom Waychoff Bldgin Terry Franklin Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: V-May David Shepard Hsngin Buford L. Reed Mayor Gerald Buchanan PlngCCh Gerald Buchanan Coun Ralph Su llivan Ald James England Coun Ted Bruce Finance : Ald A. F. Hardin Public Safety: Coun William Gilmore Treas Sue Howard Ald Van Bozarth FireC Don Dav is Coun Kim G. Menke Ald Bobby Goodman Coun Helen Rial Public Safetz: Ald R. Guy But ler Public Works/Utilities: Coun Robert Blue CivDefD Virg il Beller Ald J. Jay Baker Waters Leys Broadway Coun Don L. We iss, Jr. FireC Clayton Brazzell PoliceC Henry M. Scott Administration : Administration: Atty James N. Smith* 852-2181 Atty Robert L. Littleton• 446-5951 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Ruth Maness CityRec Peggy Mason ElecMgr Ernest Brown Judge Gerald Buchanan Judge David Wolfe GasMgr Robert Durham Lib Susanne Robinson Streets Henry Garrett ParksD Edd ie Gray Water3/ WstWtrS Larry Gardner *Address : P. O. Box 396 *Address: P. 0. Box 457

38 39 TONN OF DEOI TONN OF DECATUR ERD Election : 4/89 P. Box 488, 37324 Election: 6/88 P. 0. Box 188, 37322 0. Phone 615/334-5716 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Meigs - E - 1,191 Phone 615/967-5181/5274 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Franklin - M - 2 233

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: Governing Body: Finance: 967-6608 Mayor Edgar A. Jewell Bldin Ray Wright Mayor J. Millard Sh elley FinD Roger Jolley V-May Charles E. Rockholt V-May Carl Stevens Ald J. T. Vincent Finance: Ald Frank Green Planning/Zeni.!!.&: 967-5929 Ald Garland Carpenter Treas John L. Marchi Ald Roger Jolley PlngCCh Claude W. Henley Ald James Jones Ald Ot is B. Smith, Jr. Ald Charles Lillard Public Safety: Public Safety: FireC Wayne Price Administration : FireC Wayne Elliott Administration: PoliceC Jackie Melton Atty Mike Lynch* 967-2228 Pol iceC Robert W. Wh ite Atty Wm . A. Buckley, Jr.• 745-7050 CityRec Hichael D. Foster PubSafD J. Millard Shelley CityRec/ Public Works/Utilities: Clerk Jo Ann Vanhooser Judge John L. March i PubWrkD Ben Wade HsAuthD Virginia Collins Public Works/Utilities: 967-5301 Judge Michael D. Foster Streets Carl M. Hill Lib Jo Ann Vanhooser Waters Eric Bohanan Secy Patricia WI /cox

*Address: 8-1/2 North White, Athens 37303 Codes Enforcement : 967-5067 Bldin/ Plmbin T. C. Harrell

*Address : 15 South College Street, Winchester 37398

CITY OF DICKSCW 202 South Main Str eet, 37055 Election: 9/89 TONN OF DECATUFW ILLE Phone 615/446-5101 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 7,040 P. 0. Box 159, 38329 Election: 12/88 Phone 901/852-2034 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Decatur - W - 1,004 Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement: Mayor Tom Waychoff Bldgin Terry Franklin Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: V-May David Shepard Hsngin Buford L. Reed Mayor Gerald Buchanan PlngCCh Gerald Buchanan Coun Ralph Su llivan Ald James England Coun Ted Bruce Finance : Ald A. F. Hardin Public Safety: Coun William Gilmore Treas Sue Howard Ald Van Bozarth FireC Don Dav is Coun Kim G. Menke Ald Bobby Goodman Coun Helen Rial Public Safetz: Ald R. Guy But ler Public Works/Utilities: Coun Robert Blue CivDefD Virg il Beller Ald J. Jay Baker Waters Leys Broadway Coun Don L. We iss, Jr. FireC Clayton Brazzell PoliceC Henry M. Scott Administration : Administration: Atty James N. Smith* 852-2181 Atty Robert L. Littleton• 446-5951 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Ruth Maness CityRec Peggy Mason ElecMgr Ernest Brown Judge Gerald Buchanan Judge David Wolfe GasMgr Robert Durham Lib Susanne Robinson Streets Henry Garrett ParksD Edd ie Gray Water3/ WstWtrS Larry Gardner *Address : P. O. Box 396 *Address: P. 0. Box 457

38 39 TCJl'N OF lXNER TCJl'N OF DRESDEN 117 West Main Street, 38225 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Box 447, 37058 Election : 2/88 Phone 615/232-5907 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Stewart - M - 1,237 Phone 901/364-2270 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 2,493

Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 5:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: Mayor Ray Sexton FireC Edward Hester Mayor Mike Pentecost Bldin Tim Thompson V-May Paul Berry V-May Richard Shannon Ald Ann Norfleet Public Works/Utilities: Ald Keith Hardman Planning/Zoning: Ald Dunning Cheatham Streets/ Ald Tommy Moore PlngCCh Wayne Mccre ight Ald Tim Barrow Waters Dalton Bagwell Ald Marion Riggs WstWtrS Alvin E. Crutcher Ald Joyce Hurt Public Safety: 364-2255 Administration: Ald Dale Hutcherson FireC Ronnie Brundige Atty W. D. Howe ll* 232-5626 PoliceC Lowe ll Moubray CityRec Jlmrrry Scur lock Administration: PubWrkD Richard Cooper Clerk Rebecca Barrow Atty Thomas A. Thomas• Clerk Helen Bowl in Public Works/Utility: Box CityRec Virg inia Elliott Waters Richard Cooper *Address : P. 0. 117

TCJl'N OF DOl'ELLTCJl'N *Address: Southside Court Square , P. Box 298 P. 0. Box 100, 37059 Election : 8/88 0. Phone 615/536-5997 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS DeKalb - M - 341

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 6:30 p.m. , Community Center

Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Eldred L. Fish Treas James White Ald Glen A. Coffee Ald Vann Woodside Public Safety: Ald Harold Pugh CivDefD Carl Boyd Banks Ald Eddie Crips Ald Elwood Driver Public Works/Ut ilities: SanSupt J. C. Byford Administration: Waters Raymond Simpson C /TY OF l:A.JCKTCJl'N CityRec James Wh ite P. 0. Box 506, 37326 Election : 12/89 Phone 615/496-3546 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Polk E - 583

Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall TCJl'N OF DOYLE Governing Body: P. 0. Box 26, 38559 Election : 11/90 Administration: Phone 615/657-2459 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Wh ite - M - 344 Mayor F. C. Gibson Atty Billy Baliles• 496-3603 Comm Don Nicholson CityRec Marty Fov/er Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Comm Charlie Runion Public Safety: Governing Body: Administration: FireC Russ Postelle Mayor Gerald Wallace CityRec Kay Map les PoliceC Calvin Newman Ald William Horton Ald Charles M. Savage Address : Ald Joe Swoape P. 0. Box 368 Ald Ray Watson Ald Robert M. Webb

40 41 TCJl'N OF lXNER TCJl'N OF DRESDEN 117 West Main Street, 38225 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Box 447, 37058 Election : 2/88 Phone 615/232-5907 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Stewart - M - 1,237 Phone 901/364-2270 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 2,493

Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 5:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: Mayor Ray Sexton FireC Edward Hester Mayor Mike Pentecost Bldin Tim Thompson V-May Paul Berry V-May Richard Shannon Ald Ann Norfleet Public Works/Utilities: Ald Keith Hardman Planning/Zoning: Ald Dunning Cheatham Streets/ Ald Tommy Moore PlngCCh Wayne Mccre ight Ald Tim Barrow Waters Dalton Bagwell Ald Marion Riggs WstWtrS Alvin E. Crutcher Ald Joyce Hurt Public Safety: 364-2255 Administration: Ald Dale Hutcherson FireC Ronnie Brundige Atty W. D. Howe ll* 232-5626 PoliceC Lowe ll Moubray CityRec Jlmrrry Scur lock Administration: PubWrkD Richard Cooper Clerk Rebecca Barrow Atty Thomas A. Thomas• Clerk Helen Bowl in Public Works/Utility: Box CityRec Virg inia Elliott Waters Richard Cooper *Address : P. 0. 117

TCJl'N OF DOl'ELLTCJl'N *Address: Southside Court Square , P. Box 298 P. 0. Box 100, 37059 Election : 8/88 0. Phone 615/536-5997 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS DeKalb - M - 341

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 6:30 p.m. , Community Center

Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Eldred L. Fish Treas James White Ald Glen A. Coffee Ald Vann Woodside Public Safety: Ald Harold Pugh CivDefD Carl Boyd Banks Ald Eddie Crips Ald Elwood Driver Public Works/Ut ilities: SanSupt J. C. Byford Administration: Waters Raymond Simpson C /TY OF l:A.JCKTCJl'N CityRec James Wh ite P. 0. Box 506, 37326 Election : 12/89 Phone 615/496-3546 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Polk E - 583

Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall TCJl'N OF DOYLE Governing Body: P. 0. Box 26, 38559 Election : 11/90 Administration: Phone 615/657-2459 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Wh ite - M - 344 Mayor F. C. Gibson Atty Billy Baliles• 496-3603 Comm Don Nicholson CityRec Marty Fov/er Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Comm Charlie Runion Public Safety: Governing Body: Administration: FireC Russ Postelle Mayor Gerald Wallace CityRec Kay Map les PoliceC Calvin Newman Ald William Horton Ald Charles M. Savage Address : Ald Joe Swoape P. 0. Box 368 Ald Ray Watson Ald Robert M. Webb

40 41 CITY OF CXJNUP CITY OF DYERSEIJRG P. Box 1358, 38025-1358 Election: 11/89 P. 0. Box 546, 37327 Election: 5/89 0. Phone 615/949-2115 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Sequatchie - M - 3,681 Phone 901/286-7604 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Dyer - W - 15,856

Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Electric System Building

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Danny Wa l lace Treas Larry W. Hixson Mayor Bi ll Reve ll PurAgt Regenia Anderson 286-7600 Comm R. D. Shepherd Ald James Lee Treas W. C. Moore 286-7609 Comm Carson Camp Public Safety: Ald Bobby Joe Viar Comm Larry W. Hixson FireC Raymond Walker Ald Charles Agee Planning/Zoning: Comm Buddy Finley PoliceC Ricky Smith Ald Bob Dean PlngCCh Vincent P. O'Brien 285-5454 Ald Bob Kirk Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Ald Howard Guthrie Public Safety: Atty J. Curt is Smith* 949-3621 PubWrkD Roberson Hobbs Ald Charles McCright FireC Billy Taylor 286-7615 CityRec Larry W. Hixson Ald Tommy Seratt PoliceC Bobby Williamson 285-1212 Judge Carl Adams Lib Betty Wo rley Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty Ralph Lawson* 285-4112 ElecMgr J. P. Crawford 285-2941 286-1602 CityRec Van Williams Eng Steven Hil 1 Judge Steve Stafford 285-8747 GasMgr Malcolm Stephens 286-1602 *Address: P. 0. Box 758 Lib Mrs . Frank B. Craddock 285-5032 PubWrkD Charles B. Asbridge 285-0340 ParksD James E. Johnson 286-7622 SanSupt Frank Roark 286-7630 PersD James Baltimore 286-7607 Streets Earl Willoughby 286-1810 Sc Supt Wade Roby 285-6261 SwrPlS Dave Thompson SfHhO Van Williams 286-7610 Waters Roger Hawkins 286-7628 WstWtrS/ Codes Enforcement : WstPlS Larry Palmer 286-7626 Blg!n James Lewis 286-7612

CITY OF DYER 123 East Maple Street, 38330 Election: 6/89 Phone 901/692-3767 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 2 442 *Address: 306 Church Avenue 38021

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Mondays , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor David Robinson Bld!n Roger Worrell Ald Raymond Mccurdy Ald Billy Jones Planning/Zoning : Ald Horace McEwen PlngCCh Doug las Duncan 692-3578 Ald Walton Thompson Ald J. W. Edwards Public Safety: Ald Mike Nicholson FireC Carmon Lannom, Jr. Ald Don Holland Pol iceC Roger D. Worrell Ald Robert McAlexander Public Works/Utilities: Administration : Streets Rex Mercer 692-2476 Atty Jerry R. Maxwe ll* 692-2761 SwrPlS Bob Mccurdy 692-3903 CityRec Kenneth McBven Waters Jimmy McKeel 692-2476 Judge George R. Ellis

*Address: 106 S. Main Street

42 43 CITY OF CXJNUP CITY OF DYERSEIJRG P. Box 1358, 38025-1358 Election: 11/89 P. 0. Box 546, 37327 Election: 5/89 0. Phone 615/949-2115 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Sequatchie - M - 3,681 Phone 901/286-7604 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Dyer - W - 15,856

Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Electric System Building

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Danny Wa l lace Treas Larry W. Hixson Mayor Bi ll Reve ll PurAgt Regenia Anderson 286-7600 Comm R. D. Shepherd Ald James Lee Treas W. C. Moore 286-7609 Comm Carson Camp Public Safety: Ald Bobby Joe Viar Comm Larry W. Hixson FireC Raymond Walker Ald Charles Agee Planning/Zoning: Comm Buddy Finley PoliceC Ricky Smith Ald Bob Dean PlngCCh Vincent P. O'Brien 285-5454 Ald Bob Kirk Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Ald Howard Guthrie Public Safety: Atty J. Curt is Smith* 949-3621 PubWrkD Roberson Hobbs Ald Charles McCright FireC Billy Taylor 286-7615 CityRec Larry W. Hixson Ald Tommy Seratt PoliceC Bobby Williamson 285-1212 Judge Carl Adams Lib Betty Wo rley Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty Ralph Lawson* 285-4112 ElecMgr J. P. Crawford 285-2941 286-1602 CityRec Van Williams Eng Steven Hil 1 Judge Steve Stafford 285-8747 GasMgr Malcolm Stephens 286-1602 *Address: P. 0. Box 758 Lib Mrs . Frank B. Craddock 285-5032 PubWrkD Charles B. Asbridge 285-0340 ParksD James E. Johnson 286-7622 SanSupt Frank Roark 286-7630 PersD James Baltimore 286-7607 Streets Earl Willoughby 286-1810 Sc Supt Wade Roby 285-6261 SwrPlS Dave Thompson SfHhO Van Williams 286-7610 Waters Roger Hawkins 286-7628 WstWtrS/ Codes Enforcement : WstPlS Larry Palmer 286-7626 Blg!n James Lewis 286-7612

CITY OF DYER 123 East Maple Street, 38330 Election: 6/89 Phone 901/692-3767 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 2 442 *Address: 306 Church Avenue 38021

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Mondays , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor David Robinson Bld!n Roger Worrell Ald Raymond Mccurdy Ald Billy Jones Planning/Zoning : Ald Horace McEwen PlngCCh Doug las Duncan 692-3578 Ald Walton Thompson Ald J. W. Edwards Public Safety: Ald Mike Nicholson FireC Carmon Lannom, Jr. Ald Don Holland Pol iceC Roger D. Worrell Ald Robert McAlexander Public Works/Utilities: Administration : Streets Rex Mercer 692-2476 Atty Jerry R. Maxwe ll* 692-2761 SwrPlS Bob Mccurdy 692-3903 CityRec Kenneth McBven Waters Jimmy McKeel 692-2476 Judge George R. Ellis

*Address: 106 S. Main Street


P. 0. Box 68 , 37060 Election: 4/90 Route 2, Box 80, Ramer, 38367 Election : 5/89 Phone 615/274-6992 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 482 Phone 901/645-5090 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNa iry - W - 552

Governing Body meets : 4th Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Civic Center

Governing Body: Administration: Governing Bod)'.'.: Admin istration : Mayor Fred Hobbs Atty J. Lynn Watson* 890-6464 Mayor John Weeks Atty E. Earl Deusner* 645-6177 V-May Don Wil son CityRec Linda Vine/on Ald Terry Pearson CityRec Emodene H. Sm ith Coun Ronnie Hill Judge John Pittard** Ald Billy Hunter ParksD Avon Shelton Coun Jim Richardson Ald Daphen Smith Coun No lan S. Barham Public Safety: Ald Alfred Tackett Finance : Coun Don Hendrix FireC Randall Lamb Ald Mary Gilmore Treas Emodene H. Smith Coun Jack McCall PoliceC Jim Reeves

Public Works/Utilities: Waters Randall Lamb *Address : 177 West Court Avenue , Selmer 38375

*Address: 117 East Main Street, Murfreesboro 37130

**Address: 214 West Main Street, P. 0. Box 338, Murfreesboro 37130

CITY OF EL IVBET'HTCW P. 0. Box 189, 37643-0189 Election: 8/89 Phone 615/543-3551 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Carter - E - 12,460

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building

C /TY OF EA':ff RIOGE Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : 1501 Tombras Avenue , 37412 Election: 11/88 Mayor Harold Lingerfelt Bldin Sonny Murray

Phone 615/867-7711 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 21,230 V-May Ernest Rasar Coun B. Monta Clark Finance: Governing Body meets : 2nd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , and 4th Thursday, 5:30 p.m. , City Hal l Coun Shelby Miller RskMgtD Sonny Murray Coun Dean Perry FinD Jasper Williams Governing Body: Finance : Coun John E. Fleming Mayor Fred A. Pruett Treas William C. Haisten , Sr. Coun Helen Jane Stafford Planning/Zoning : V-May Betty Cheek PlngCCh David Ornduff Comm Mike Steele Public Safety: Administration: Comm John Temple FireC Ralph Pendergrass 894�7291 Mgr Thomas Hord Public Safety: Comm William C. Haisten, Sr. PoliceC Jerry McCullough Atty John W. Walton* 543-5297 FireC Bill Carter ComDevC David Ornduff PoliceC Harry Nave Administration: Public Works/Utilities: HsAuthD Dennis Hamm Admin Dav id Mays SanSupt Luther Raper 892-8666 Judge Lewis Merryman** Publ ic Works/Utilities : Atty Bill Foster 226-1141 Streets Newt Gattis 892-3169 Lib Joyce Hawthorne ElecMgr Frank Curde Clerk W. C. Haisten, Sr. WstWtrS Ben Miller 892-8815 ScSupt David We tzel PubWrkD Lynn Patillo Judge William Luther 756-5033 Streets Robert Bowers SfHhO David Mays Waters/ WstWtrS John R. Campbe ll Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ Plmbin Wayne Hamill *Address : 803 Third Street **Address: 106 East H Street CITY OF EAGLEV ILLE TONN OF EASTVIBV

P. 0. Box 68 , 37060 Election: 4/90 Route 2, Box 80, Ramer, 38367 Election : 5/89 Phone 615/274-6992 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 482 Phone 901/645-5090 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNa iry - W - 552

Governing Body meets : 4th Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Civic Center

Governing Body: Administration: Governing Bod)'.'.: Admin istration : Mayor Fred Hobbs Atty J. Lynn Watson* 890-6464 Mayor John Weeks Atty E. Earl Deusner* 645-6177 V-May Don Wil son CityRec Linda Vine/on Ald Terry Pearson CityRec Emodene H. Sm ith Coun Ronnie Hill Judge John Pittard** Ald Billy Hunter ParksD Avon Shelton Coun Jim Richardson Ald Daphen Smith Coun No lan S. Barham Public Safety: Ald Alfred Tackett Finance : Coun Don Hendrix FireC Randall Lamb Ald Mary Gilmore Treas Emodene H. Smith Coun Jack McCall PoliceC Jim Reeves

Public Works/Utilities: Waters Randall Lamb *Address : 177 West Court Avenue , Selmer 38375

*Address: 117 East Main Street, Murfreesboro 37130

**Address: 214 West Main Street, P. 0. Box 338, Murfreesboro 37130

CITY OF EL IVBET'HTCW P. 0. Box 189, 37643-0189 Election: 8/89 Phone 615/543-3551 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Carter - E - 12,460

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building

C /TY OF EA':ff RIOGE Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : 1501 Tombras Avenue , 37412 Election: 11/88 Mayor Harold Lingerfelt Bldin Sonny Murray

Phone 615/867-7711 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 21,230 V-May Ernest Rasar Coun B. Monta Clark Finance: Governing Body meets : 2nd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , and 4th Thursday, 5:30 p.m. , City Hal l Coun Shelby Miller RskMgtD Sonny Murray Coun Dean Perry FinD Jasper Williams Governing Body: Finance : Coun John E. Fleming Mayor Fred A. Pruett Treas William C. Haisten , Sr. Coun Helen Jane Stafford Planning/Zoning : V-May Betty Cheek PlngCCh David Ornduff Comm Mike Steele Public Safety: Administration: Comm John Temple FireC Ralph Pendergrass 894�7291 Mgr Thomas Hord Public Safety: Comm William C. Haisten, Sr. PoliceC Jerry McCullough Atty John W. Walton* 543-5297 FireC Bill Carter ComDevC David Ornduff PoliceC Harry Nave Administration: Public Works/Utilities: HsAuthD Dennis Hamm Admin Dav id Mays SanSupt Luther Raper 892-8666 Judge Lewis Merryman** Publ ic Works/Utilities : Atty Bill Foster 226-1141 Streets Newt Gattis 892-3169 Lib Joyce Hawthorne ElecMgr Frank Curde Clerk W. C. Haisten, Sr. WstWtrS Ben Miller 892-8815 ScSupt David We tzel PubWrkD Lynn Patillo Judge William Luther 756-5033 Streets Robert Bowers SfHhO David Mays Waters/ WstWtrS John R. Campbe ll Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ Plmbin Wayne Hamill *Address : 803 Third Street **Address: 106 East H Street C /TY OF El..KffJN TCJVN OF EM/ILL E Election: 8/88 110 Main Street, 38455 Election : 6/88 P. 0. Box 147, 38332 Chester and McNairy - W - 287 Phone 615/468-2506 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 540 Phone 901/688-5201 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Administration: Atty 989-2608 Mayor Bill J. Carey FireC Jimmy Thompson Mayor Char les Hancock Larry F. McKenzie* Ald Buford Gardner PoliceC J. R. Stone Ald Sus ie Holland CityRec Lou ise Patrick

· Ald Colas Mitchell Ald Jane Carroll Ald Billy Suddarth Public Works/Utilities: Ald Adiemae Campbe ll Ald Me rre 11 Smith Streets Lee Roy Solomon Ald Clyde Ramey Ald Sam Turner Ald Terry Booth

Administration: Atty Joseph Fowlkes* 363-6116 CityRec Charlotte Bondurant

Judge Jerry Wallace *Address : P. 0. Box 97, Henderson 38340 Secy Delma Thomas

*Address: South Court Square , Pulaski 38478

CITY OF ERIN Election : 8/88 P. 0. Box 270, 37061 Phone 615/289-4108 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Houston - M - 1,614

Governing Body meets: 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall TCJVN OF ENGLBVoaJ Codes Enforcement : P. 0. Box 150, 37329 Election : 12/88 Governing Body: Phone 615/887-7224 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn E - 1,840 Mayor Jim Kuykendall Bldin Tom Perry V-May Arkley Elliott Governing Body me ets·. 1st Tuesday , 7 : 30 p .. m T H, own a 11 Ald Carl Patterson Public Safety: Ald Dan Martin FireC David Hard in Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Ald E. E. (Betsy) Ligon PoliceC Jim Kuykendall Mayor Robert Middleton PlngCCh Patricia Reynolds Ald Webb Mitchum Comm Lendell Armstrong Ald Lorraine Robin Public Works/Utilities: Comm Jeanne Nichols Public Safety: 887-7200 Ald I. D. Lewis UtilMgr Frank Stavely Comm Wanda Conner CivDefD/ Ald Ell is Cherry Streets/ Comm Eva Moses FireC E. Wayne Williams Waters/ PoliceC Hershel! Jack Administration: WstWtrS Phillip Baggett Administration : Atty W. C. Knott, Jr.* 289-3744 Atty James Harvey Stutts* Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Ne /ma Sykes CityRec/ Waters/ Judge Roland Roby Judge C. A. Goodin WstWtrS/ SfHhO Frank Stavely UtilMgr C. A. Goodin 887-7277

*Address: 1306 Peachtree, Sweetwater 37874 *Address : Main Street , P. 0. Box 290

46 47 C /TY OF El..KffJN TCJVN OF EM/ILL E Election: 8/88 110 Main Street, 38455 Election : 6/88 P. 0. Box 147, 38332 Chester and McNairy - W - 287 Phone 615/468-2506 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 540 Phone 901/688-5201 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Administration: Atty 989-2608 Mayor Bill J. Carey FireC Jimmy Thompson Mayor Char les Hancock Larry F. McKenzie* Ald Buford Gardner PoliceC J. R. Stone Ald Sus ie Holland CityRec Lou ise Patrick

· Ald Colas Mitchell Ald Jane Carroll Ald Billy Suddarth Public Works/Utilities: Ald Adiemae Campbe ll Ald Me rre 11 Smith Streets Lee Roy Solomon Ald Clyde Ramey Ald Sam Turner Ald Terry Booth

Administration: Atty Joseph Fowlkes* 363-6116 CityRec Charlotte Bondurant

Judge Jerry Wallace *Address : P. 0. Box 97, Henderson 38340 Secy Delma Thomas

*Address: South Court Square , Pulaski 38478

CITY OF ERIN Election : 8/88 P. 0. Box 270, 37061 Phone 615/289-4108 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Houston - M - 1,614

Governing Body meets: 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall TCJVN OF ENGLBVoaJ Codes Enforcement : P. 0. Box 150, 37329 Election : 12/88 Governing Body: Phone 615/887-7224 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn E - 1,840 Mayor Jim Kuykendall Bldin Tom Perry V-May Arkley Elliott Governing Body me ets·. 1st Tuesday , 7 : 30 p .. m T H, own a 11 Ald Carl Patterson Public Safety: Ald Dan Martin FireC David Hard in Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Ald E. E. (Betsy) Ligon PoliceC Jim Kuykendall Mayor Robert Middleton PlngCCh Patricia Reynolds Ald Webb Mitchum Comm Lendell Armstrong Ald Lorraine Robin Public Works/Utilities: Comm Jeanne Nichols Public Safety: 887-7200 Ald I. D. Lewis UtilMgr Frank Stavely Comm Wanda Conner CivDefD/ Ald Ell is Cherry Streets/ Comm Eva Moses FireC E. Wayne Williams Waters/ PoliceC Hershel! Jack Administration: WstWtrS Phillip Baggett Administration : Atty W. C. Knott, Jr.* 289-3744 Atty James Harvey Stutts* Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Ne /ma Sykes CityRec/ Waters/ Judge Roland Roby Judge C. A. Goodin WstWtrS/ SfHhO Frank Stavely UtilMgr C. A. Goodin 887-7277

*Address: 1306 Peachtree, Sweetwater 37874 *Address : Main Street , P. 0. Box 290

46 47 TCWN OF ETHR IDGE CITY OF EFWIN P. Box 173, 38456 Election : 5/89 P. Box 59, 37650 0. 0. Election 6/88 Phone 615/829 2150 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - 548 Phone 615/743-6231 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Unicoi - E - 5,303 Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 6:30 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Edward B. Keeter FireC Howard Benson Mayor Russell D. Brackins PlngCCh Roland Bailey V-May D. G. Venable PoliceC Gary W. Nutt 762-5812 V-May Harvey Gage Comm Ruf us Cook Ald B. J. Moore Public Safety: Ald Allen D. Cook FireC R. J. Whitson Administration : Ald Ward Howe ll PoliceC Edward Allen Mgr Bobby Pope Ald John McFadden Atty Lee C. England* Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Kimber ly J. Kobeck Administration : ElecMgr/ Atty Robert Stromberg• 743-7108 Waters Howard C. Brown CityRec Joe E. Fraz ier GasMgr Donald Honeycutt HsAuthD Joe Hendren 38464 *Address: P. 0. Box 187, Lawrenceburg

*Address: 112 Church Street, P. O. Box 59

CITY OF ETCW#I 723 Ohio Avenue , 37331 Election : 5/89 Phone 615/263-2202 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn - E - 3 977 TCWN OF EST" ILL SPRINGS Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall P. 0. Drawer 100, 37330 Election : 10/88 Phone 615/649-5188 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Frankl in - M - 1,324 Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : 263-14l3 Mayor James Phillips Bldin Chester Moses Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May David Murphy Comm Paula Frazier Finance: Governing Body: Finance: Comm E. Burke Garwood , III FinD Jean James Mayor John Gaul FinD Lawrence Jones Comm Mildred Johnston Ald Lawrence Jones Planning/Zoning : Ald John Goan Planning/Zoning: Administration : PlngCCh Chuck Alverson Ald Earl Davis PlngCCh Joe Pawl ick Mgr Edith Burgess (Acting ) Ald Dwight Duckworth CityRec Jean James Public Safetz: Public Safety: Atty Charles Guinn CivDefD/ Administration : PoliceC Dennis Young Judge Larry Parker FireC Charles Coleman 263-7811 CityRec/ FireC Jerry Miller Lib Mary Frances Holsclaw Pol iceC George Jorgenson 263-7088 Judge Judy Wlmley ParkD Larry Lanning ParksD John Goan Public Works/Utilities: ScSupt Michael Reeves, Sr. Public Works/Utilities: 263-9441 SanSupt/ PubWrkD Lance Johnson 263-7031 Codes Enforcem ent : Waters Newman Chitwood UtilMgr Doug Swayne 263-94]] Bldgin Hurd ie C. Parsons Streets Virgil M. Hall

49 48 TCWN OF ETHR IDGE CITY OF EFWIN P. Box 173, 38456 Election : 5/89 P. Box 59, 37650 0. 0. Election 6/88 Phone 615/829 2150 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - 548 Phone 615/743-6231 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Unicoi - E - 5,303 Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 6:30 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Edward B. Keeter FireC Howard Benson Mayor Russell D. Brackins PlngCCh Roland Bailey V-May D. G. Venable PoliceC Gary W. Nutt 762-5812 V-May Harvey Gage Comm Ruf us Cook Ald B. J. Moore Public Safety: Ald Allen D. Cook FireC R. J. Whitson Administration : Ald Ward Howe ll PoliceC Edward Allen Mgr Bobby Pope Ald John McFadden Atty Lee C. England* Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Kimber ly J. Kobeck Administration : ElecMgr/ Atty Robert Stromberg• 743-7108 Waters Howard C. Brown CityRec Joe E. Fraz ier GasMgr Donald Honeycutt HsAuthD Joe Hendren 38464 *Address: P. 0. Box 187, Lawrenceburg

*Address: 112 Church Street, P. O. Box 59

CITY OF ETCW#I 723 Ohio Avenue , 37331 Election : 5/89 Phone 615/263-2202 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn - E - 3 977 TCWN OF EST" ILL SPRINGS Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall P. 0. Drawer 100, 37330 Election : 10/88 Phone 615/649-5188 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Frankl in - M - 1,324 Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : 263-14l3 Mayor James Phillips Bldin Chester Moses Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May David Murphy Comm Paula Frazier Finance: Governing Body: Finance: Comm E. Burke Garwood , III FinD Jean James Mayor John Gaul FinD Lawrence Jones Comm Mildred Johnston Ald Lawrence Jones Planning/Zoning : Ald John Goan Planning/Zoning: Administration : PlngCCh Chuck Alverson Ald Earl Davis PlngCCh Joe Pawl ick Mgr Edith Burgess (Acting ) Ald Dwight Duckworth CityRec Jean James Public Safetz: Public Safety: Atty Charles Guinn CivDefD/ Administration : PoliceC Dennis Young Judge Larry Parker FireC Charles Coleman 263-7811 CityRec/ FireC Jerry Miller Lib Mary Frances Holsclaw Pol iceC George Jorgenson 263-7088 Judge Judy Wlmley ParkD Larry Lanning ParksD John Goan Public Works/Utilities: ScSupt Michael Reeves, Sr. Public Works/Utilities: 263-9441 SanSupt/ PubWrkD Lance Johnson 263-7031 Codes Enforcem ent : Waters Newman Chitwood UtilMgr Doug Swayne 263-94]] Bldgin Hurd ie C. Parsons Streets Virgil M. Hall

49 48 CITY OF FAYETTBllLLE CITY OF FA /RV/SY P. 0. Box 13, 37334 Election : 10/88 P. Box 69, 37062 Election: 8/89 0. Phone 615/433-6154 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lincoln - M - 8,063 Phone 615/799-2484 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Williamson - M - 3,772 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Elgan E. Brooks Bldln Steve Woodard Mayor John R. Stark PlngCCh Carl Hall V-May William D. Jones CdEnf0 Joe Abernathy V-May Mary Clinard Ald Steve Broadway Comm Brenda Russell Public Safety: Ald Younger Pitts, Jr. Public Safetz: Comm J, T. King FireC Frankie Hargrove Ald John E. Underwood, Jr. CivDefD Roy Kite 433- 1367 Comm Charles J, White Pol iceC Robert Odom 799-2431 Ald Richard Bolles FireC Robert Strope 433-7829 Ald Erl ine Patrick PoliceC Tom Barnes 433-4522 Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Mgr Eugene L. Brailey PubWrkD Pat Sul l ivan Admin istration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty James Petersen* 794-8850 Admin Lynn Wamp ler ElecMgr Walter Szell ich 433-1522 CityRec Kath leen Daugherty Atty Thomas Bagley* GasMgr Kelly Pittenger 433-4548 Judge M. T. Taylor 0. Clerk/ PubWrkD Joe Abernathy PersD/ Streets Bob Johnson 433-2486 SfHsO Janice Hast ing Waters John C. Holcomb 433-4501 *Address : Public Square , Franklin 37064 Judge James Thompson **Address : 339 Main Street, Frankl in 37064 RecDir Ricky Honey 433-6059 Sc Supt Earl Thomas 433-5542

*Address: P. 0. Drawer 428

TONN OF FARRN3./T' P. 0. Box 22190, 37933 Election: 4/89 Phone 615/966-7057 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Knox - E - 8,316

2nd Governing Body meets: and 4th Thursday , 7: 30 p.m. , T_own llal1

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert H. Leonard Bldin R. Harold Law, Jr. CITY OF FINGER V-May W. Edward Ford , III P. 0. Box 98 , 38334 Election : 9/88 Ald John H. Evans Planning/Zoning : Phone 901/934-4627 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 245 Ald John C. Griess PlngCCh Robert M. Hill Ald Jeffrey R. Dobson Governing Body meets : 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Eng Wi lliam C. Maney Governing Bodz: Administration : Admin Jack S. Ham lett Mayor Lloyd Harr is Atty Joe Hailey* 645-6147 AsstAdm G. William Hammon, Jr. Ald Geneva Coner Atty David E. Rodgers* 525-5134 Ald Jqmes McKenzie Public Safetz: CityRec Mary Lou Koepp Ald Clarence Barham FireC Rbt . Heathcock, Jr. 934-4687 Clerk Peggy G. Henderson Ald Kam Schudder Pol iceC Harold Heathcock 934-4678 Judge Richard B. McConnell 637-0137 Ald Betty Sue Fu llington Ald Billy Strain

*Address: P. 0. Box 629, Knoxville 37901 *Address: P. 0. Box 366, Selmer 38375

51 50 CITY OF FAYETTBllLLE CITY OF FA /RV/SY P. 0. Box 13, 37334 Election : 10/88 P. Box 69, 37062 Election: 8/89 0. Phone 615/433-6154 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lincoln - M - 8,063 Phone 615/799-2484 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Williamson - M - 3,772 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Elgan E. Brooks Bldln Steve Woodard Mayor John R. Stark PlngCCh Carl Hall V-May William D. Jones CdEnf0 Joe Abernathy V-May Mary Clinard Ald Steve Broadway Comm Brenda Russell Public Safety: Ald Younger Pitts, Jr. Public Safetz: Comm J, T. King FireC Frankie Hargrove Ald John E. Underwood, Jr. CivDefD Roy Kite 433- 1367 Comm Charles J, White Pol iceC Robert Odom 799-2431 Ald Richard Bolles FireC Robert Strope 433-7829 Ald Erl ine Patrick PoliceC Tom Barnes 433-4522 Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Mgr Eugene L. Brailey PubWrkD Pat Sul l ivan Admin istration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty James Petersen* 794-8850 Admin Lynn Wamp ler ElecMgr Walter Szell ich 433-1522 CityRec Kath leen Daugherty Atty Thomas Bagley* GasMgr Kelly Pittenger 433-4548 Judge M. T. Taylor 0. Clerk/ PubWrkD Joe Abernathy PersD/ Streets Bob Johnson 433-2486 SfHsO Janice Hast ing Waters John C. Holcomb 433-4501 *Address : Public Square , Franklin 37064 Judge James Thompson **Address : 339 Main Street, Frankl in 37064 RecDir Ricky Honey 433-6059 Sc Supt Earl Thomas 433-5542

*Address: P. 0. Drawer 428

TONN OF FARRN3./T' P. 0. Box 22190, 37933 Election: 4/89 Phone 615/966-7057 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Knox - E - 8,316

2nd Governing Body meets: and 4th Thursday , 7: 30 p.m. , T_own llal1

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert H. Leonard Bldin R. Harold Law, Jr. CITY OF FINGER V-May W. Edward Ford , III P. 0. Box 98 , 38334 Election : 9/88 Ald John H. Evans Planning/Zoning : Phone 901/934-4627 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 245 Ald John C. Griess PlngCCh Robert M. Hill Ald Jeffrey R. Dobson Governing Body meets : 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Eng Wi lliam C. Maney Governing Bodz: Administration : Admin Jack S. Ham lett Mayor Lloyd Harr is Atty Joe Hailey* 645-6147 AsstAdm G. William Hammon, Jr. Ald Geneva Coner Atty David E. Rodgers* 525-5134 Ald Jqmes McKenzie Public Safetz: CityRec Mary Lou Koepp Ald Clarence Barham FireC Rbt . Heathcock, Jr. 934-4687 Clerk Peggy G. Henderson Ald Kam Schudder Pol iceC Harold Heathcock 934-4678 Judge Richard B. McConnell 637-0137 Ald Betty Sue Fu llington Ald Billy Strain

*Address: P. 0. Box 629, Knoxville 37901 *Address: P. 0. Box 366, Selmer 38375

51 50 CITY OF FR IENDSHIP CITY OF FOREST HILLS P. O. Box 265, 38034 Election : 5/89 4012 Hillsboro Road , Nashville 37215 Election: 2/89 Phone 901/677-2396 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 786 Davidson - M - 4, 516 Phone 615/383 8447 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 2nd Thursday, 4:30 p.m. , City Office Governing Body: Public Safety: Govern ing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Edward Williams FireC Casey Burnett Mayor R. Spencer Thompson PlngCCh Robert C. Taylor Ald Casey Burnett Pol iceC Johnny Elmore V-May Margaret Tocknell Ald Donnie Smith Corrun Jame s Wert Public Safety: Ald John Ed Smith Publ ic Works/Utilities : CivDefD Robert C. Taylor Ald Ray McGarity PubWrkD Lloyd Latham Administration : Atty Jonathan Harwell* 256-0500 Administration : CityRec Tom Balthrop Atty Randy Camp• 696-5581 CityRec Debra But ler

*Address: 172 Second Avenue North, Nashville 37219 *Address: 117 North Bells, Alamo 38001

CITY OF FR/>NKL IN Election : 10/88 P. O. Box 305, 37064 Williamson - M - 14, 687 Phone 615/791-3202 CONSLT: J. ROB INSON/R. WILLIAMS

Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall CITYOF FR IENDSlllLLE Codes Enforcement : o Governing Body: P. 0. B x 56, 37737 Election : 8/88 Mayor Lillian C. Stewart Bldin Gary Luffman Phone 615/995-2831 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 908 Ald Gale Haddock Plmbin Barry Foster Ald John B. Guffee Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Ald Harold Jackson Finance: Ald Earl Cullum Treas James W. Hood Govern ing Body: Finance : Ald Ruth Kinnard Mayor Tony Jay Crisp FinD Marion L. St innett Ald Gene Williams Plann ing /Zoning : V-May Charles Linginfelter PlngCCh Tommy Murdic Comm Ald Bradley Baugh, III Charles McCollum Planning/Zoning: Ald John Pinkerton PlngDir Bob Mart in Comm Doris G. Bivens PlngCCh Ralph Bowerman Comm C. Kenneth McDowell Admin istration : Publ ic Safety: Publ ic Safety: Admin R. M. Ligge tt 791-3204 FireC Sam Liggett (Acting ) Administrat ion : FireC Johnny Coffey Atty Corne lia A. Clark* 794-0081 Pol iceC Fred Wisdom Mgr Tony Jay Crisp PoliceC John Jame s CityRec R. M. Liggett CityRec Mar ion L. Stinnett Lib Janice Keck Public Works/Ut ilities: Publ ic Works/Utilities : Judge M. T. Taylor** 794-0087 GasMgr/ Codes Enforcement : Waters Woodrow Be ll, Jr. ParksD Robert Chadwe ll San Supt James Culberson Bldin Robert Parks ScSupt Don Brown Streets Wi lson Vaden Waters Ted Cook

*Address : 114 3rd Avenue South **Address : 339 Main Street

53 52 CITY OF FR IENDSHIP CITY OF FOREST HILLS P. O. Box 265, 38034 Election : 5/89 4012 Hillsboro Road , Nashville 37215 Election: 2/89 Phone 901/677-2396 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 786 Davidson - M - 4, 516 Phone 615/383 8447 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 2nd Thursday, 4:30 p.m. , City Office Governing Body: Public Safety: Govern ing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Edward Williams FireC Casey Burnett Mayor R. Spencer Thompson PlngCCh Robert C. Taylor Ald Casey Burnett Pol iceC Johnny Elmore V-May Margaret Tocknell Ald Donnie Smith Corrun Jame s Wert Public Safety: Ald John Ed Smith Publ ic Works/Utilities : CivDefD Robert C. Taylor Ald Ray McGarity PubWrkD Lloyd Latham Administration : Atty Jonathan Harwell* 256-0500 Administration : CityRec Tom Balthrop Atty Randy Camp• 696-5581 CityRec Debra But ler

*Address: 172 Second Avenue North, Nashville 37219 *Address: 117 North Bells, Alamo 38001

CITY OF FR/>NKL IN Election : 10/88 P. O. Box 305, 37064 Williamson - M - 14, 687 Phone 615/791-3202 CONSLT: J. ROB INSON/R. WILLIAMS

Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall CITYOF FR IENDSlllLLE Codes Enforcement : o Governing Body: P. 0. B x 56, 37737 Election : 8/88 Mayor Lillian C. Stewart Bldin Gary Luffman Phone 615/995-2831 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 908 Ald Gale Haddock Plmbin Barry Foster Ald John B. Guffee Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Ald Harold Jackson Finance: Ald Earl Cullum Treas James W. Hood Govern ing Body: Finance : Ald Ruth Kinnard Mayor Tony Jay Crisp FinD Marion L. St innett Ald Gene Williams Plann ing /Zoning : V-May Charles Linginfelter PlngCCh Tommy Murdic Comm Ald Bradley Baugh, III Charles McCollum Planning/Zoning: Ald John Pinkerton PlngDir Bob Mart in Comm Doris G. Bivens PlngCCh Ralph Bowerman Comm C. Kenneth McDowell Admin istration : Publ ic Safety: Publ ic Safety: Admin R. M. Ligge tt 791-3204 FireC Sam Liggett (Acting ) Administrat ion : FireC Johnny Coffey Atty Corne lia A. Clark* 794-0081 Pol iceC Fred Wisdom Mgr Tony Jay Crisp PoliceC John Jame s CityRec R. M. Liggett CityRec Mar ion L. Stinnett Lib Janice Keck Public Works/Ut ilities: Publ ic Works/Utilities : Judge M. T. Taylor** 794-0087 GasMgr/ Codes Enforcement : Waters Woodrow Be ll, Jr. ParksD Robert Chadwe ll San Supt James Culberson Bldin Robert Parks ScSupt Don Brown Streets Wi lson Vaden Waters Ted Cook

*Address : 114 3rd Avenue South **Address : 339 Main Street

53 52 TCWN OF GN:JSDEN CITY OF GALLATIN Elect ion : 5/89 P. O. Box 158, 38337 132 West Main Street, 37066-3289 Election : 12/89 Crockett - W - 683 Phone 901/784 2235 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Phone 615/452-5400 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 17,626

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Faye Ferguson Hsngin Richard Matthews Mayor Dav id Schre iner CdEnfO Roger Malone Ald Tommy Patterson V-May Deotha Malone Ald Mike Stavely Public Safety: Ald Richard Dempsey Finance: PoliceC Ald Terry Blurton Gary Rodgers Ald Bruce Kittrell FinD Warren K. Irons Ald Tom Bond Ald Bettye Scott Ald Tom Garrott Public Safety: Administration: Ald John Hancock FireC Joe Womack Atty Emison and Emison* 696-5541 Ald Jim Womack PoliceC Wayne Womack CityRec Linda Latham Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty W. T. Goodal l, Jr.* 452-1444 ElecMgr William Draper CityRec/ Eng *Address: 116 We st Main, Alamo 38001 Judge Robert W. Lankford Gas Mgr Dav id Gregory ParksD David Brown PubWrkD Roger Malone . PersD Jack Teems Streets Gordon Mathews SanSupt Billy Joe Spurlock Waters/ WstWtrS David Gregory

*Address : Publ ic Square

TCWN OF GAINESBORO P. O. Box 594, 38562 Election : 3/88 Phone 615/268-9315 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Jackson - M - 1, 125

Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall CITY OF GALUWAY Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: P. 0. Box 168, 38036 Election: 5/90 PlngCCh Frank Martin Montgomery Mayor Charles H. Settle Phone 901/867-3333 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 804 Ald Ronnie Sheron Ald Ray Tardy Public Safety: Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Ald Ben Wooten CivDefD Joey Denson FireC David Lackey Governing Body: Public Safety: Administrat ion : PoliceC Joe Heady Mayor Layton Watson FireC J. D. King Atty L. G. Richardson* 268-9079 V-May J. D. King PoliceC Jake McCulley (Acting ) CityRec Dewayne Chaff in Public Works/Utilities: Comm Matthew Pryor Clerk Donn tetta West GasMgr/ Publ ic Works/Utilities: ParksD John R. Fox Streets Arnold Spivey Administration: Eng Richard L. King Waters Edd ie Ragland Atty Troy W. Toml in* 465-2702 WstWtrS Steve Vanhooser CityRec Elna Watson Secy Gladys B/ /llngs

dress: Court Square , P. 0. Box 593 *Ad *Address: P. 0. Box 296, Somerville 38068

54 55 TCWN OF GN:JSDEN CITY OF GALLATIN Elect ion : 5/89 P. O. Box 158, 38337 132 West Main Street, 37066-3289 Election : 12/89 Crockett - W - 683 Phone 901/784 2235 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Phone 615/452-5400 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 17,626

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Faye Ferguson Hsngin Richard Matthews Mayor Dav id Schre iner CdEnfO Roger Malone Ald Tommy Patterson V-May Deotha Malone Ald Mike Stavely Public Safety: Ald Richard Dempsey Finance: PoliceC Ald Terry Blurton Gary Rodgers Ald Bruce Kittrell FinD Warren K. Irons Ald Tom Bond Ald Bettye Scott Ald Tom Garrott Public Safety: Administration: Ald John Hancock FireC Joe Womack Atty Emison and Emison* 696-5541 Ald Jim Womack PoliceC Wayne Womack CityRec Linda Latham Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty W. T. Goodal l, Jr.* 452-1444 ElecMgr William Draper CityRec/ Eng *Address: 116 We st Main, Alamo 38001 Judge Robert W. Lankford Gas Mgr Dav id Gregory ParksD David Brown PubWrkD Roger Malone . PersD Jack Teems Streets Gordon Mathews SanSupt Billy Joe Spurlock Waters/ WstWtrS David Gregory

*Address : Publ ic Square

TCWN OF GAINESBORO P. O. Box 594, 38562 Election : 3/88 Phone 615/268-9315 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Jackson - M - 1, 125

Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall CITY OF GALUWAY Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: P. 0. Box 168, 38036 Election: 5/90 PlngCCh Frank Martin Montgomery Mayor Charles H. Settle Phone 901/867-3333 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 804 Ald Ronnie Sheron Ald Ray Tardy Public Safety: Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Ald Ben Wooten CivDefD Joey Denson FireC David Lackey Governing Body: Public Safety: Administrat ion : PoliceC Joe Heady Mayor Layton Watson FireC J. D. King Atty L. G. Richardson* 268-9079 V-May J. D. King PoliceC Jake McCulley (Acting ) CityRec Dewayne Chaff in Public Works/Utilities: Comm Matthew Pryor Clerk Donn tetta West GasMgr/ Publ ic Works/Utilities: ParksD John R. Fox Streets Arnold Spivey Administration: Eng Richard L. King Waters Edd ie Ragland Atty Troy W. Toml in* 465-2702 WstWtrS Steve Vanhooser CityRec Elna Watson Secy Gladys B/ /llngs

dress: Court Square , P. 0. Box 593 *Ad *Address: P. 0. Box 296, Somerville 38068

54 55 TONN OF GARUND CITY OF GATL/NEJ.JRG 1755 Garland Drive , Covington 38019 Election : 5/88 Election: 4/89 P. 0. Box 5, 37738 Phone 901/476-7200 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 301 Phone 615/436-1400 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Sevier - E - 3,577

Governing Body meets: 1st Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Fire Station Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday and 1st Tuesday after 15th, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Myra Max Atty Duke H. Brasfield* 476-3973 Governing Bodi: Planning/Zoning: Ald Billy Turner CityRec Brenda Mashburn Mayor Jack Parton PlngCCh James Hugh Ogle Ald Andy Reynolds V-May Jerry Hays PlngDir Pete Lamon 436-7792 Ald Annette P. Little Publ ic Safety : Comm Hugh Clabo Ald Sam Gilland Marshl A. A. Shankle Comm Bob King Public Safeti: Ald Mike Shankle Comm Tom Norton FireC Clell Ogle 436-5112 Ald Barry Leach SafLndfD Dan Reagan 436-4019 Administration : PoliceC Harry Montgomery 436-5181 Mgr/ CityRec Jimmy Varner Public Works/Utilities: AsstMgr Cindy Cameron SanSupt Jim Huskey 436-5959 *Address: P. 0. Box 765, Covington 38019 AdmAsst James Kelly Streets Kyle Cole 436-9771 Atty Ronald A. Sharp* 453-28 77 UtilMgr Donald A. Watson 436-4861 ComDevC Larry Henderson 436-7792 Judge Jerry Mccarter PkRecD Marty Nicely 436-4990 PersD Roger Trentham TranspD James Scott 436-3897

Codes Enforcement : 436-7792 Bldin Larry Henderson Bldin Bruce Ruttenbur Bldin Jan Lindbert TONN OF GATES Bldin Rosemary Laney P. Box 127, 38037 0. Election: 6/89 Phone 901/836-7501 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 729 Finance: FinD David Beeler 436-1410 Governing Body meets·. 2nd Tuesday , 7 : 00 p.m. , c·t1 y H a 11 PurAgt Roger Trentham Treas Eunabe Williams g Governin Bodi: Public Works/Utilities: Mayor w. L. Critchfield PubWrkD George Glynn, Jr. Ald James P. Archer SanSupt/ Ald Janice Moore Streets Wesley Turner Ald Booker J. Nance, Sr. Ald Jackie Newman w. *Address: Professional Building , P. 0. Box 530, Sevierville 37862

Administration : Atty Robert Wilder* 635-9742 CityRec Ann R. Sm ith

Publ ic Safeti: PoliceC Bob Gray

*Address: P. 0. Box 150, Ripley 38063

56 57 TONN OF GARUND CITY OF GATL/NEJ.JRG 1755 Garland Drive , Covington 38019 Election : 5/88 Election: 4/89 P. 0. Box 5, 37738 Phone 901/476-7200 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 301 Phone 615/436-1400 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Sevier - E - 3,577

Governing Body meets: 1st Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Fire Station Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday and 1st Tuesday after 15th, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Myra Max Atty Duke H. Brasfield* 476-3973 Governing Bodi: Planning/Zoning: Ald Billy Turner CityRec Brenda Mashburn Mayor Jack Parton PlngCCh James Hugh Ogle Ald Andy Reynolds V-May Jerry Hays PlngDir Pete Lamon 436-7792 Ald Annette P. Little Publ ic Safety : Comm Hugh Clabo Ald Sam Gilland Marshl A. A. Shankle Comm Bob King Public Safeti: Ald Mike Shankle Comm Tom Norton FireC Clell Ogle 436-5112 Ald Barry Leach SafLndfD Dan Reagan 436-4019 Administration : PoliceC Harry Montgomery 436-5181 Mgr/ CityRec Jimmy Varner Public Works/Utilities: AsstMgr Cindy Cameron SanSupt Jim Huskey 436-5959 *Address: P. 0. Box 765, Covington 38019 AdmAsst James Kelly Streets Kyle Cole 436-9771 Atty Ronald A. Sharp* 453-28 77 UtilMgr Donald A. Watson 436-4861 ComDevC Larry Henderson 436-7792 Judge Jerry Mccarter PkRecD Marty Nicely 436-4990 PersD Roger Trentham TranspD James Scott 436-3897

Codes Enforcement : 436-7792 Bldin Larry Henderson Bldin Bruce Ruttenbur Bldin Jan Lindbert TONN OF GATES Bldin Rosemary Laney P. Box 127, 38037 0. Election: 6/89 Phone 901/836-7501 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 729 Finance: FinD David Beeler 436-1410 Governing Body meets·. 2nd Tuesday , 7 : 00 p.m. , c·t1 y H a 11 PurAgt Roger Trentham Treas Eunabe Williams g Governin Bodi: Public Works/Utilities: Mayor w. L. Critchfield PubWrkD George Glynn, Jr. Ald James P. Archer SanSupt/ Ald Janice Moore Streets Wesley Turner Ald Booker J. Nance, Sr. Ald Jackie Newman w. *Address: Professional Building , P. 0. Box 530, Sevierville 37862

Administration : Atty Robert Wilder* 635-9742 CityRec Ann R. Sm ith

Publ ic Safeti: PoliceC Bob Gray

*Address: P. 0. Box 150, Ripley 38063

56 57 CITY OF GERMIWTONN TONN OF GI LT EDGE P. Box 38809, 38183-0809 Election: 11/88 Route 1, Burlison 38015 0. Election: 11/89 Phone 901/757-7200 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 33,000 Phone 901/467-7787 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton W - 409

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Municipal Center Governing Body meets: 1st Mond ay , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Governing Body: Finance: Administration : FinD Hal W. Canary, Jr. 757-7280 Mayor J. Sloan Mayor Warner Hodges, III 0. CityRec Pam Deen V-May Wayne Add ison RskMgtD Tracy Smitherman 757-7221 Coun Jerry Hunter Ald Sam Massey PurAgt Shirley Rutherford 757-7260 Coun W. Stephen Fletcher Ald D. W. McGaughey Al,d Charles Salvagg io Planning/Zoning: Ald Wanda Goodman PlngCCh Bill Finney PlngDir Jerry Cook 757-7228 Administration : Admin Jim Holgersson 757-7275 Public Safety: AdrnAsst Patr /ck Lewton 757-7273 CivDefD/ Atty Boyd Rhode•, Jr.* 755-6713 FireC James R. Smith 757-7267 Judge Olen C. Batchelor PoliceC Robert Cochran 757-7300 Judge Raymond S. Clift Clerk Frances Sparkman 757-7261 Public Works/Ut ilities: ParksD Harvey Faust 757-7377 Eng Ron Schmied 757-7231 PubWrkD Jay Hollingsworth 757-7352

*Address: 6750 Poplar Avenue , Suite 308 , Memphis 38138

TONN OF Gl.EAS(111 P. Box 226, 38229 0. Election: 8/92 Phone 901/648-5426 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 1,356

Governing Body meets : 1st Thurs d ay 7 , : oo p.m. , City Hal l TONN OF GIBS� Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: P. Box 374, 38338 Election : 1/89 Mayor Jack Dunn ing 0. FireC Alex P. Edwards Phone 901/787-6501 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Gibson - W - 458 Ald T. Ray Campbell Ald Randy Poole Public Works/Utilities: Ald 648-5853 Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Richard L. Horn Streets/ Ald Leon Smith Waters Alex P. Edwards Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Mayor Wa l lace Keymon FireC Doug Ward Administration: Ald Joe Patterson Marshl Dwight Webb Atty George C. Thomas* 364-3111 Ald Orval Wharton CityRec/ Ald Shirley Powe ll Judge Pam Belew Ald Charles Brasher ParksD Arny Steele Ald Donald Watson Ald William Pafford

Administration: CityRec Jo Keymon *Address: South Side Court Square , Dresden 38225 Judge James Turner

58 59 CITY OF GERMIWTONN TONN OF GI LT EDGE P. Box 38809, 38183-0809 Election: 11/88 Route 1, Burlison 38015 0. Election: 11/89 Phone 901/757-7200 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 33,000 Phone 901/467-7787 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton W - 409

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Municipal Center Governing Body meets: 1st Mond ay , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Governing Body: Finance: Administration : FinD Hal W. Canary, Jr. 757-7280 Mayor J. Sloan Mayor Warner Hodges, III 0. CityRec Pam Deen V-May Wayne Add ison RskMgtD Tracy Smitherman 757-7221 Coun Jerry Hunter Ald Sam Massey PurAgt Shirley Rutherford 757-7260 Coun W. Stephen Fletcher Ald D. W. McGaughey Al,d Charles Salvagg io Planning/Zoning: Ald Wanda Goodman PlngCCh Bill Finney PlngDir Jerry Cook 757-7228 Administration : Admin Jim Holgersson 757-7275 Public Safety: AdrnAsst Patr /ck Lewton 757-7273 CivDefD/ Atty Boyd Rhode•, Jr.* 755-6713 FireC James R. Smith 757-7267 Judge Olen C. Batchelor PoliceC Robert Cochran 757-7300 Judge Raymond S. Clift Clerk Frances Sparkman 757-7261 Public Works/Ut ilities: ParksD Harvey Faust 757-7377 Eng Ron Schmied 757-7231 PubWrkD Jay Hollingsworth 757-7352

*Address: 6750 Poplar Avenue , Suite 308 , Memphis 38138

TONN OF Gl.EAS(111 P. Box 226, 38229 0. Election: 8/92 Phone 901/648-5426 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 1,356

Governing Body meets : 1st Thurs d ay 7 , : oo p.m. , City Hal l TONN OF GIBS� Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: P. Box 374, 38338 Election : 1/89 Mayor Jack Dunn ing 0. FireC Alex P. Edwards Phone 901/787-6501 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Gibson - W - 458 Ald T. Ray Campbell Ald Randy Poole Public Works/Utilities: Ald 648-5853 Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Richard L. Horn Streets/ Ald Leon Smith Waters Alex P. Edwards Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Mayor Wa l lace Keymon FireC Doug Ward Administration: Ald Joe Patterson Marshl Dwight Webb Atty George C. Thomas* 364-3111 Ald Orval Wharton CityRec/ Ald Shirley Powe ll Judge Pam Belew Ald Charles Brasher ParksD Arny Steele Ald Donald Watson Ald William Pafford

Administration: CityRec Jo Keymon *Address: South Side Court Square , Dresden 38225 Judge James Turner

58 59 C /TY OF GRAND JUNCrla.I CITY OF GOCDLETTSVILLE P. Box 25, 38039 Elect ion : 6/90 105 South Main Street , 37072 Election: 10/88 0. Phone 901/764-2871 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 437 Phone 615/851-2200 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson and Sumner M - 9,581

Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Bobby G. She lby CityRec Lillian Mccommon Mayor Bobby E. Jones PlngCCh John Coombs V-May John Parham V-May Joe M. Haynes Ald Bill Cross Public Safety: Comm Johnny Childers Public Safety: Ald Ruth We lch FireC Harry Kragh Comm Jerry Garrett FireC John B. Hunn icutt 859-4078 Ald A. W. Kernodle PoliceC Thomas E. Graves Comm Johnny R. Long PoliceC Fred Schott 859-3405 Ald James Fryer Ald Granville Smith Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Public Works/Ut ilities: 859-2740 Waters Harry Kragh Mgr Dav id Wi Ison Eng Marshall H. Ragan** AdmAsst Nancy W. Allen Eng Sidney B. Smith** Atty Sam Hodges* 255-7496 PubWrkD William J. Mart in CityRec John Wright Judge Barbara Haynes TONN OF GRAYSV ILLE ParksD Mike Alsup 851-2200 Election : 11/88 P. 0. Box 100, 37338 Phone 615/775-9242 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Rhea - E - 1,380

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall *Address: 323 Union Street, Su ite 400 , Nashville 37201 **Address : P. Box 60070, Nashville 37206 0. Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Richard Post Treas Dot Keylon V-May Kenneth Greene Comm Howard Sneed Planning/Zoning : Comm Joe Keltch PlngCCh Richard Post Comm Tommy Swafford Public Safety : Admin istration: FireC Bill Hickman CITY OF GOR!XX'ISV ILLE Atty Gary Fritts* 775-9386 PoliceC Robert E. Gothard CityRec Reece Beene 105 Fairview Circle, 38563 Election : 9/88 Judge William McPheeters Phone 615/683-8282 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Smith M 893

*Address: P. Box 367, Dayton 37321 Governing Body me ets: 1st Thursday , 7 : 00 p.m. , c·t1 y H a 11 0.

Governing Body: Admin istration: Mayor Roy McDonald Atty Randy Wakefield* 735-1100 TONN OF GREENBN::K 1'-May Jack Petty Clerk Caro lyn Denney P. Box 40, 37742 Election : 12/89 Ald Harold Dillard Judge Richard M. Brooks 0. Phone 615/856-2224 Loudon - - 670 �ld James Vance CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT E Ald Home r Lynch Codes Enforcement : Governing Body me ets: Last Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Community Center Ald Eddie Paschall Bldin Frank Rollins

Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Public Safety: 683-8250 Mayor Tom Peeler FireC Jack Lett FireC Vance Pettross Ald Sam Forkner PoliceC Wm . E. Duncan Ald Holl is Neely

Administration: CityRec Norma Pee ler

'Address: P. 0. Box 182, Carthage 37030

61 60 C /TY OF GRAND JUNCrla.I CITY OF GOCDLETTSVILLE P. Box 25, 38039 Elect ion : 6/90 105 South Main Street , 37072 Election: 10/88 0. Phone 901/764-2871 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 437 Phone 615/851-2200 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson and Sumner M - 9,581

Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Bobby G. She lby CityRec Lillian Mccommon Mayor Bobby E. Jones PlngCCh John Coombs V-May John Parham V-May Joe M. Haynes Ald Bill Cross Public Safety: Comm Johnny Childers Public Safety: Ald Ruth We lch FireC Harry Kragh Comm Jerry Garrett FireC John B. Hunn icutt 859-4078 Ald A. W. Kernodle PoliceC Thomas E. Graves Comm Johnny R. Long PoliceC Fred Schott 859-3405 Ald James Fryer Ald Granville Smith Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Public Works/Ut ilities: 859-2740 Waters Harry Kragh Mgr Dav id Wi Ison Eng Marshall H. Ragan** AdmAsst Nancy W. Allen Eng Sidney B. Smith** Atty Sam Hodges* 255-7496 PubWrkD William J. Mart in CityRec John Wright Judge Barbara Haynes TONN OF GRAYSV ILLE ParksD Mike Alsup 851-2200 Election : 11/88 P. 0. Box 100, 37338 Phone 615/775-9242 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Rhea - E - 1,380

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall *Address: 323 Union Street, Su ite 400 , Nashville 37201 **Address : P. Box 60070, Nashville 37206 0. Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Richard Post Treas Dot Keylon V-May Kenneth Greene Comm Howard Sneed Planning/Zoning : Comm Joe Keltch PlngCCh Richard Post Comm Tommy Swafford Public Safety : Admin istration: FireC Bill Hickman CITY OF GOR!XX'ISV ILLE Atty Gary Fritts* 775-9386 PoliceC Robert E. Gothard CityRec Reece Beene 105 Fairview Circle, 38563 Election : 9/88 Judge William McPheeters Phone 615/683-8282 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Smith M 893

*Address: P. Box 367, Dayton 37321 Governing Body me ets: 1st Thursday , 7 : 00 p.m. , c·t1 y H a 11 0.

Governing Body: Admin istration: Mayor Roy McDonald Atty Randy Wakefield* 735-1100 TONN OF GREENBN::K 1'-May Jack Petty Clerk Caro lyn Denney P. Box 40, 37742 Election : 12/89 Ald Harold Dillard Judge Richard M. Brooks 0. Phone 615/856-2224 Loudon - - 670 �ld James Vance CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT E Ald Home r Lynch Codes Enforcement : Governing Body me ets: Last Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Community Center Ald Eddie Paschall Bldin Frank Rollins

Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Public Safety: 683-8250 Mayor Tom Peeler FireC Jack Lett FireC Vance Pettross Ald Sam Forkner PoliceC Wm . E. Duncan Ald Holl is Neely

Administration: CityRec Norma Pee ler

'Address: P. 0. Box 182, Carthage 37030

61 60 TOYN OF GREENF IELD TOYN OF GREENBR IER 222 North Front Street, 38230 Election : 8/89 Drawer G, 37073 Election : 8/88 Phone 901/235-2330 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 2, 109 Phone 615/643-4531 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 3, 180 Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Fire Station Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: 235-3277 Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Mike Biggs Bldln Dayton Drewry Ph i 11Ip Bo / Inger Mayor Treas Edward Suter V-May Paul Joe Jackson Ald Lena Just ice Ald Robert Childress Public Safety: Ald Eric Dickson Public Safety: Ald Robert Ed Skinner CivDefD/ Ald Vernon Phipps PoliceC Norman Mayo Ald John B. Liggett FireC Bill Dudley 235-2644 Ald Vardell Rawls FireC Doug las Stubblefield Ald Danny Nanney PoliceC James H. Blackman 235-2150 Ald Dan Ousley Ald John R. McAdams Ald Charles Hale Public Works/Utilities: Ald Douglas Jones Public Works/Utilities: GasMgr/ Ald Keith Tucker Eng Maurice W. Cash Administration : Streets/ Atty Robert M. Crawford* 384-1902 Waters Tommy Maitland Administration: CityRec Joan Williamson Atty R. L. Hearn* 235-2402 CityRec Marjor ie T. Rob inson 235-2330 Lib Rachel V. Elan *Address : 510 Main Street , Springfield 37172-2815 *Address: 301 North 2nd

TOYN OF GREENEV ILLE TOYN OF GFK.JETL l-LMGER 200 North College Street, 37743-5096 Election : 6/88 Elect ion : 6/88 P. 0. Box 70, 37339 Phone 615/639-7105 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Greene - E - 14, 113 Phone 615/779-3945 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 2,021

Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd or 3rd Friday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: 779-3945 Mayor G. Thomas Love Bldln Bill Seneker Mayor Jame s McCullough CityRec Pau lette Cleek Ald John Biddle Ald Jimmy Scott Ald Charles Worley Planning/Zoning: Ald Dwight Harg is Public Safety: Ald Arnold Hunter PlngCCh Paul. Metcalfe 638-5439 Ald Ricky Ruehling FireC Henry Williams Ald Clyde Moore Ald Ralph Burnett PoliceC Glendon F. Hicks Public Safety: Administrat ion : CivDefD Ray Crum 639-8861 Atty Jerry Goodson 638-4134 FireC James Parman 638-4243 CityRec Thomas Leonard PoliceC Charles Kinser 639-7111 TOYN OF Gl..l'fS HsAuthD Nancy A. Fortner 638-3111 Election : 10/88 P. 0. Box 34, 38339 Judge Robert Payne Cave 638-5892 Public Works/Utilities: Phone 901/239-5655 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 500 Lib Larry L. Lewis 638-5034 ElecMgr Robert Lay 639-8121 ParksD Mike Pierce 638-3143 Streets Robert W. Bird 638-6152 Governing Body meets : As Needed Sc Supt Ben Hankins 638-8138 Waters Elmer Stewart 638-3148 Governing Body: Administration : Finance: Mayor R. Wayne Henry CityRec Beverly Ratliff Treas/ Ald Lawrence Mccarter Atty W. J. Reynolds* 925-9034 PurAgt Thomas Leonard Ald L. B. Reinhart Ald Harry Crayton Ald Ricky Carter *Address : P. 0. Box 833

*Address: P. 0. Drawer 170, Savannah 38372

63 62 TOYN OF GREENF IELD TOYN OF GREENBR IER 222 North Front Street, 38230 Election : 8/89 Drawer G, 37073 Election : 8/88 Phone 901/235-2330 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 2, 109 Phone 615/643-4531 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 3, 180 Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Fire Station Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Codes Enforcement: 235-3277 Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Mike Biggs Bldln Dayton Drewry Ph i 11Ip Bo / Inger Mayor Treas Edward Suter V-May Paul Joe Jackson Ald Lena Just ice Ald Robert Childress Public Safety: Ald Eric Dickson Public Safety: Ald Robert Ed Skinner CivDefD/ Ald Vernon Phipps PoliceC Norman Mayo Ald John B. Liggett FireC Bill Dudley 235-2644 Ald Vardell Rawls FireC Doug las Stubblefield Ald Danny Nanney PoliceC James H. Blackman 235-2150 Ald Dan Ousley Ald John R. McAdams Ald Charles Hale Public Works/Utilities: Ald Douglas Jones Public Works/Utilities: GasMgr/ Ald Keith Tucker Eng Maurice W. Cash Administration : Streets/ Atty Robert M. Crawford* 384-1902 Waters Tommy Maitland Administration: CityRec Joan Williamson Atty R. L. Hearn* 235-2402 CityRec Marjor ie T. Rob inson 235-2330 Lib Rachel V. Elan *Address : 510 Main Street , Springfield 37172-2815 *Address: 301 North 2nd

TOYN OF GREENEV ILLE TOYN OF GFK.JETL l-LMGER 200 North College Street, 37743-5096 Election : 6/88 Elect ion : 6/88 P. 0. Box 70, 37339 Phone 615/639-7105 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Greene - E - 14, 113 Phone 615/779-3945 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 2,021

Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd or 3rd Friday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: 779-3945 Mayor G. Thomas Love Bldln Bill Seneker Mayor Jame s McCullough CityRec Pau lette Cleek Ald John Biddle Ald Jimmy Scott Ald Charles Worley Planning/Zoning: Ald Dwight Harg is Public Safety: Ald Arnold Hunter PlngCCh Paul. Metcalfe 638-5439 Ald Ricky Ruehling FireC Henry Williams Ald Clyde Moore Ald Ralph Burnett PoliceC Glendon F. Hicks Public Safety: Administrat ion : CivDefD Ray Crum 639-8861 Atty Jerry Goodson 638-4134 FireC James Parman 638-4243 CityRec Thomas Leonard PoliceC Charles Kinser 639-7111 TOYN OF Gl..l'fS HsAuthD Nancy A. Fortner 638-3111 Election : 10/88 P. 0. Box 34, 38339 Judge Robert Payne Cave 638-5892 Public Works/Utilities: Phone 901/239-5655 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 500 Lib Larry L. Lewis 638-5034 ElecMgr Robert Lay 639-8121 ParksD Mike Pierce 638-3143 Streets Robert W. Bird 638-6152 Governing Body meets : As Needed Sc Supt Ben Hankins 638-8138 Waters Elmer Stewart 638-3148 Governing Body: Administration : Finance: Mayor R. Wayne Henry CityRec Beverly Ratliff Treas/ Ald Lawrence Mccarter Atty W. J. Reynolds* 925-9034 PurAgt Thomas Leonard Ald L. B. Reinhart Ald Harry Crayton Ald Ricky Carter *Address : P. 0. Box 833

*Address: P. 0. Drawer 170, Savannah 38372

63 62 TCM'N OF HALLS TCM'N OF Hl>RrSV ILLE Election: 10/88 208 North Church Street , 38040 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Box 66, 37074 Phone 901/836-9653 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 2,562 Phone 615/374-3074 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Trousdale - M - 2,674

Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Bod:z:: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Patr icia Higdon PlngCCh Jerry Horner Mayor Barry Holder PlngCCh Dorothy Smith Ald Robert J. Stolarick Comm Odell Banks Ald Stan Young Public Safet:z:: Comm Woodson Vance Publ ic Safet:z:: Ald Randy Harris FireC Don Patton Comm David Cothron CivDefD M. H. Dunc an , Jr. Ald Morris McCorkle Pol iceC Buddy Moore Comm Ronnie Holder FireC Jimmy Anthony Ald Mack B. Stanley PoliceC Larry Turnbow Ald Torruny Sirrunons Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Streets/ Atty C. K. Smith* 374-2183 Public Works/Ut ilities: Administration: Ut ilMgr John W. Hale CityRec Pauline Ford Streets R. H. Badger, Jr. Atty Charles Dyer* HsAuthD Kimberly Satterfield Waters/ CityRec Katie L. Davis Judge Eddie Taylor WstWtrS Jirruny D. Merryman Judge Patricia Higdon ParksD Andy Pugh Codes Enforcement: Bldin Harry Leath

Finance: Treas Pauline Ford *Address: P. 0. Box 86, Dyersburg 38024

*Address : 108 East Main Street

CITY OF HNIR IMAN Election: 6/89 P. 0. Drawer 433 , 37748 Phone 615/882-9414 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Roane - E - 8,524 CITY OF HENDERSC# P. Box 68, 38340 Elect ion : 9/88 Governing Body m�ets : 1st and 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Temperance Building 0. Phone 901/989-4628 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Chester - W - 4,632 Governing Bod:z:: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Jerry Dav is Bldin Tom Ward 882-2123 Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , CDST, 7:00 p.m. , CST, Publ ic Safety V-May Ronald Coleman Building Ald Donald McKinney Finance: Ald Garvin Morris Treas Nancy Oran Governing Bod:z:: Codes Enforcement : Ald Mary Harback Mayor Charles E. Patterson Bldin Bill Hearn Ald Jesse Rittenhouse Planning/Zoning : V-May Odessia Austin Ald Johnny Plemons PlngCCh Allen Williams Ald Fay Patterson Planning/Zoning: Ald Edward Plunk PlngCCh Steve Guinn Administrat ion : Public Safet:z:: Ald Larry Bloomingburg Atty George Lockett* 882-0361 FireC Wendell Stout Ald Cecil W. Hearn Public Safet:z:: Clerk Jane Palko PoliceC Clayton Isham Ald George Saunders CivDefD Mike Burkhead Judge Clyde Collins FireC Prince A. Burkeen HsAuthD Robert Lockett Public Works/Utilities: Administration : PoliceC Perry Marvin Hearn ParksD Darrell Langley Streets Ed Gunter 882-2694 Atty Larry McKenzie* 989-2608 Sc Supt Luc ille Buttram Waters Dick Hall 882-3242 CityRec Jim E. Garland Public Works/Utilities: Ut ilMgr Henry Grigsby 882-3242 GasMgr W. Howard Sparks 989-3503 Streets Jerry King 989-4628 *Address: 315 Devonia Street Waters/ WstWtrS B. Larry Woody 989-3503

*Address: 97 P. 0. Box TCM'N OF HALLS TCM'N OF Hl>RrSV ILLE Election: 10/88 208 North Church Street , 38040 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Box 66, 37074 Phone 901/836-9653 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 2,562 Phone 615/374-3074 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Trousdale - M - 2,674

Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Bod:z:: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Patr icia Higdon PlngCCh Jerry Horner Mayor Barry Holder PlngCCh Dorothy Smith Ald Robert J. Stolarick Comm Odell Banks Ald Stan Young Public Safet:z:: Comm Woodson Vance Publ ic Safet:z:: Ald Randy Harris FireC Don Patton Comm David Cothron CivDefD M. H. Dunc an , Jr. Ald Morris McCorkle Pol iceC Buddy Moore Comm Ronnie Holder FireC Jimmy Anthony Ald Mack B. Stanley PoliceC Larry Turnbow Ald Torruny Sirrunons Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Streets/ Atty C. K. Smith* 374-2183 Public Works/Ut ilities: Administration: Ut ilMgr John W. Hale CityRec Pauline Ford Streets R. H. Badger, Jr. Atty Charles Dyer* HsAuthD Kimberly Satterfield Waters/ CityRec Katie L. Davis Judge Eddie Taylor WstWtrS Jirruny D. Merryman Judge Patricia Higdon ParksD Andy Pugh Codes Enforcement: Bldin Harry Leath

Finance: Treas Pauline Ford *Address: P. 0. Box 86, Dyersburg 38024

*Address : 108 East Main Street

CITY OF HNIR IMAN Election: 6/89 P. 0. Drawer 433 , 37748 Phone 615/882-9414 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Roane - E - 8,524 CITY OF HENDERSC# P. Box 68, 38340 Elect ion : 9/88 Governing Body m�ets : 1st and 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Temperance Building 0. Phone 901/989-4628 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Chester - W - 4,632 Governing Bod:z:: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Jerry Dav is Bldin Tom Ward 882-2123 Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , CDST, 7:00 p.m. , CST, Publ ic Safety V-May Ronald Coleman Building Ald Donald McKinney Finance: Ald Garvin Morris Treas Nancy Oran Governing Bod:z:: Codes Enforcement : Ald Mary Harback Mayor Charles E. Patterson Bldin Bill Hearn Ald Jesse Rittenhouse Planning/Zoning : V-May Odessia Austin Ald Johnny Plemons PlngCCh Allen Williams Ald Fay Patterson Planning/Zoning: Ald Edward Plunk PlngCCh Steve Guinn Administrat ion : Public Safet:z:: Ald Larry Bloomingburg Atty George Lockett* 882-0361 FireC Wendell Stout Ald Cecil W. Hearn Public Safet:z:: Clerk Jane Palko PoliceC Clayton Isham Ald George Saunders CivDefD Mike Burkhead Judge Clyde Collins FireC Prince A. Burkeen HsAuthD Robert Lockett Public Works/Utilities: Administration : PoliceC Perry Marvin Hearn ParksD Darrell Langley Streets Ed Gunter 882-2694 Atty Larry McKenzie* 989-2608 Sc Supt Luc ille Buttram Waters Dick Hall 882-3242 CityRec Jim E. Garland Public Works/Utilities: Ut ilMgr Henry Grigsby 882-3242 GasMgr W. Howard Sparks 989-3503 Streets Jerry King 989-4628 *Address: 315 Devonia Street Waters/ WstWtrS B. Larry Woody 989-3503

*Address: 97 P. 0. Box TONN OF HENRY CITY OF HENDERSCXN ILLE P. Box 186, 38231 Elect ion : 5/89 P. Box 1570, 37077-1570 Election : 9/88 0. 0. Phone 901/243-4091 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henry - W - 295 Phone 615/822-1000 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 29,434 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 2nd and 4th Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall City Hall is open 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. first 15 days of month

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Ersk ine P. Ausbrooks , Jr . Bldin/ Mayor Joe Qualls CityRec Al lea C. 01/en V-May Earl Durham CdEnfO Steve Mills V-May Larry Jones Ald John Prentiss Ald Gordon McFadden Publ ic Safety: Ald Gene Trame l Finance : Ald Roy Gene Owen PoliceC Wi llie Trull Ald Joe Huffines Treas Montie Davis Ald Gerald Wilbanks FireC Wende 11 Owen Ald MArk Skidmore Ald Jo Skidmore Planning/Zoning: Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Ald Montie Davis PlngCCh Nancy Corley Waters Wendell Owen Ald Earl C. Bass PlngD Elbert Jones, Jr. Ald Jim Carmack Ald Jack Smith Public Safety: 824-9236 Ald Boyd Hall CivDefD James W. Miller TONN OF HICKORY VALLEY Ald Howard George FireC William Posey 822-1119 P. Box 31, 38042 Election : 11/90 PoliceC David Key 264-5304 0. Phone 901 /764-2514 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 252 Administration: Atty John Bradley• 824-1218 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Governing Body me ets: 1st Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. , City Hall CityRec Kaye Palmer Eng/ Judge J. Dennis Sanders 824-3898 PubWrkD George Fidler, Jr. 822-1016 Gove rning Bodz: Administration: ParksD Rick Burchf ield 822-3898 Streets Paul Durham 822-1007 Mayor Jimmy Chambers Atty E. J. Harris PersD Jim We lch 264-5314 Ald Sue Davis Clerk Sue Dav is SfHhO James W. Miller 824-9236 Ald He rman Bishop Ald Cora Lake Finance : Ald Jane Powe ll Treas Rosemary BI shop *Address : 311 East Main Street, Suite 3, 37075 Ald Joe Houston Ald Mike Fawcett Ald Mac Hobson

TONN OF HENN ING Election: 6/89 P. 0. Box 488 , 38041 Phone 901/738-5055 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 638 CITY OF HafENNALD P. Box 113, 38462 Elect ion: 5/91 Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall 0. Phone 615/796-2231 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lewis - M - 4,008

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body me ets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor L. R. · Rose Treas Torruny Burns Ald Tommy Burns Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Ald John Caldwell Publ ic Safety: Mayor Guy J. Nicholson Bldin Clyde Webb Ald Fred Montgomery FireC Johnny Laton V-May Walter D. Darden Ald Wesley Jennings Pol iceC Charles Fain Coun Billy K. Edwards Public Safetz: Ald Barry Dewalt Coun Plummer Vaughan FireC Waymer Staggs Ald Johnny Laton Publ ic Works/Utilities: Coun Robert Burklow PoliceC Robert Conner Waters Billy Hester Administrat ion: Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty Joe H. Walker* 636-0761 Admin Guy Nicho l son GasMgr Steve Holloway CityRec Tommy Burns Atty Wm . Land is Turner* 796-2264 SanSupt Bobby McCann Clerk Dana Henderson CityRec Dalene Rogers Streets Robert Middleton SfHhO Billy He ster Judge Lewis Harrison WstWtrS Jerry Hensley

*Address : P. Box 287, Ripley 38063 0. *Address : 102 North Court Street

67 66 TONN OF HENRY CITY OF HENDERSCXN ILLE P. Box 186, 38231 Elect ion : 5/89 P. Box 1570, 37077-1570 Election : 9/88 0. 0. Phone 901/243-4091 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henry - W - 295 Phone 615/822-1000 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 29,434 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 2nd and 4th Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall City Hall is open 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. first 15 days of month

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Ersk ine P. Ausbrooks , Jr . Bldin/ Mayor Joe Qualls CityRec Al lea C. 01/en V-May Earl Durham CdEnfO Steve Mills V-May Larry Jones Ald John Prentiss Ald Gordon McFadden Publ ic Safety: Ald Gene Trame l Finance : Ald Roy Gene Owen PoliceC Wi llie Trull Ald Joe Huffines Treas Montie Davis Ald Gerald Wilbanks FireC Wende 11 Owen Ald MArk Skidmore Ald Jo Skidmore Planning/Zoning: Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Ald Montie Davis PlngCCh Nancy Corley Waters Wendell Owen Ald Earl C. Bass PlngD Elbert Jones, Jr. Ald Jim Carmack Ald Jack Smith Public Safety: 824-9236 Ald Boyd Hall CivDefD James W. Miller TONN OF HICKORY VALLEY Ald Howard George FireC William Posey 822-1119 P. Box 31, 38042 Election : 11/90 PoliceC David Key 264-5304 0. Phone 901 /764-2514 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 252 Administration: Atty John Bradley• 824-1218 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Governing Body me ets: 1st Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. , City Hall CityRec Kaye Palmer Eng/ Judge J. Dennis Sanders 824-3898 PubWrkD George Fidler, Jr. 822-1016 Gove rning Bodz: Administration: ParksD Rick Burchf ield 822-3898 Streets Paul Durham 822-1007 Mayor Jimmy Chambers Atty E. J. Harris PersD Jim We lch 264-5314 Ald Sue Davis Clerk Sue Dav is SfHhO James W. Miller 824-9236 Ald He rman Bishop Ald Cora Lake Finance : Ald Jane Powe ll Treas Rosemary BI shop *Address : 311 East Main Street, Suite 3, 37075 Ald Joe Houston Ald Mike Fawcett Ald Mac Hobson

TONN OF HENN ING Election: 6/89 P. 0. Box 488 , 38041 Phone 901/738-5055 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 638 CITY OF HafENNALD P. Box 113, 38462 Elect ion: 5/91 Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall 0. Phone 615/796-2231 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lewis - M - 4,008

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body me ets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor L. R. · Rose Treas Torruny Burns Ald Tommy Burns Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Ald John Caldwell Publ ic Safety: Mayor Guy J. Nicholson Bldin Clyde Webb Ald Fred Montgomery FireC Johnny Laton V-May Walter D. Darden Ald Wesley Jennings Pol iceC Charles Fain Coun Billy K. Edwards Public Safetz: Ald Barry Dewalt Coun Plummer Vaughan FireC Waymer Staggs Ald Johnny Laton Publ ic Works/Utilities: Coun Robert Burklow PoliceC Robert Conner Waters Billy Hester Administrat ion: Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Atty Joe H. Walker* 636-0761 Admin Guy Nicho l son GasMgr Steve Holloway CityRec Tommy Burns Atty Wm . Land is Turner* 796-2264 SanSupt Bobby McCann Clerk Dana Henderson CityRec Dalene Rogers Streets Robert Middleton SfHhO Billy He ster Judge Lewis Harrison WstWtrS Jerry Hensley

*Address : P. Box 287, Ripley 38063 0. *Address : 102 North Court Street

67 66 CITY OF HUMBO l.DT" TONN OF HOLLON ROCK 1421 Osborne Street, 38343 Election : 11/88 Election: 6/88 P. 0. Box 116, 38342 Phone 901/784-2511 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 10,209 Phone 901/586-7773 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 1,030 Governing Body meets: Every Monday, 5:15 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Finance : Administration: Governing Body: Mayor Jessie T. Pritchard Treas Ann Haynes Atty D. D. Maddox* 986-4896 Mayor W. T. Eubanks V-May Bobby Barnett CityRec Peggy Boaz V-May Ben Palme r Ald Herman Newe ll Planning/Zoning: Judge Joe Jordan Ald James Pinkley Ald Thomas Tacker PlngCCh Tommy Shepard Ald Charles Kizer Ald D. C. Mitchell Ald Blair Ivy Public Safety: Publ ic Safety : Dennis Forrest Ald Steve Cook FireC Administration: CivDefD James R. Winter PoliceC Atty James Ryals, Jr.• 784-2812 FireC Leonard Day Clerk Martha Hewks PoliceC Raymond Kolwyck *Address : P. 0. Box 430, Hunt ingdon 38344 Judge Harold Gunn Lib Carolyn Adams Public Works/Utilities: 784-9212 ScSupt Ralph Mays ElecMgr Stan Little Secy Virg inia Haynes SanSupt David Sikes Streets Ernest Boals, Jr. Codes Enforcement : WstWtrS Bobby Essary TONN OF HORNBEl>I<. Bldln Mackie Pillow P. O. Box 156, 38232 Election : 1/88 Obion - W - 452 Phone 901/538 9626 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER *Address: Merchant State Bank Building , Main Street

Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday , 8:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Administration: TONN OF HUNTINGCX:/'I Clerk Debb ie Jordan Mayor Eugene Angel, Sr. P. Box 666, 38344 Election : 3/88 Ronald Baker 0. V-May Warren Blackley Judge Phone 901/986-8211 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 4,513 Ald James W. Brown Ald Joe F. Jerden , Jr. Governing Body me ets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Ald John R. Orr Ald Billy G. Danhoy Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Ald Robert Re av is Mayor Waldon C. White Bldln/ Ald William H. Truett V-May Web Maddox CdEnfO Sam C. Barger Coun Mark A. Dillahunty Coun Gary Hatch Finance: Coun Mike Hayes FinD J. Kenneth Houston Coun Betty J. Smith Coun Steve Bunn Planning/Zoning : TONN OF HORNSBf Coun A. J. Taylor PlngCCh Lloyd Smothers 986-8223 Election : 6/88 P. 0. Box 58, 38044 Phone 901 /658 6188 Hardeman - W - 401 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Administration: Public Safety: Atty R. T. Keeton, Jr.• 986-4444 CivDefD Charles Barnhart 1st Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets : CityRec J. Kenneth Houston 986-4725 FireC James Pendergrass 986-4006 HsAuthD Denelda Price 946-4438 PoliceC T. R. Brown 986-5310 Administration: Governing Body: Judge Donald Parish** 986-2266 Mayor Robert L DeBerry CityRec Helen P. Coffman ParksD Stanley Woods 986-4194 Public Works/Utilities: Ald James R. Hanna PubWrkD Ronnie Breeden 986-4455 Ald Billy Johnson UtilMgr Jerry Nolen 986-4 711 Ald Roy Grantham Ald Robert Doyle *Address: P. 0. Box 647 Ald Raymond Cox **Address: P. Box 228 Ald Billy G. Farris 0. Ald Helen P. Coffman

69 68 CITY OF HUMBO l.DT" TONN OF HOLLON ROCK 1421 Osborne Street, 38343 Election : 11/88 Election: 6/88 P. 0. Box 116, 38342 Phone 901/784-2511 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 10,209 Phone 901/586-7773 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 1,030 Governing Body meets: Every Monday, 5:15 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Finance : Administration: Governing Body: Mayor Jessie T. Pritchard Treas Ann Haynes Atty D. D. Maddox* 986-4896 Mayor W. T. Eubanks V-May Bobby Barnett CityRec Peggy Boaz V-May Ben Palme r Ald Herman Newe ll Planning/Zoning: Judge Joe Jordan Ald James Pinkley Ald Thomas Tacker PlngCCh Tommy Shepard Ald Charles Kizer Ald D. C. Mitchell Ald Blair Ivy Public Safety: Publ ic Safety : Dennis Forrest Ald Steve Cook FireC Administration: CivDefD James R. Winter PoliceC Atty James Ryals, Jr.• 784-2812 FireC Leonard Day Clerk Martha Hewks PoliceC Raymond Kolwyck *Address : P. 0. Box 430, Hunt ingdon 38344 Judge Harold Gunn Lib Carolyn Adams Public Works/Utilities: 784-9212 ScSupt Ralph Mays ElecMgr Stan Little Secy Virg inia Haynes SanSupt David Sikes Streets Ernest Boals, Jr. Codes Enforcement : WstWtrS Bobby Essary TONN OF HORNBEl>I<. Bldln Mackie Pillow P. O. Box 156, 38232 Election : 1/88 Obion - W - 452 Phone 901/538 9626 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER *Address: Merchant State Bank Building , Main Street

Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday , 8:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Administration: TONN OF HUNTINGCX:/'I Clerk Debb ie Jordan Mayor Eugene Angel, Sr. P. Box 666, 38344 Election : 3/88 Ronald Baker 0. V-May Warren Blackley Judge Phone 901/986-8211 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 4,513 Ald James W. Brown Ald Joe F. Jerden , Jr. Governing Body me ets: 2nd and 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Ald John R. Orr Ald Billy G. Danhoy Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Ald Robert Re av is Mayor Waldon C. White Bldln/ Ald William H. Truett V-May Web Maddox CdEnfO Sam C. Barger Coun Mark A. Dillahunty Coun Gary Hatch Finance: Coun Mike Hayes FinD J. Kenneth Houston Coun Betty J. Smith Coun Steve Bunn Planning/Zoning : TONN OF HORNSBf Coun A. J. Taylor PlngCCh Lloyd Smothers 986-8223 Election : 6/88 P. 0. Box 58, 38044 Phone 901 /658 6188 Hardeman - W - 401 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Administration: Public Safety: Atty R. T. Keeton, Jr.• 986-4444 CivDefD Charles Barnhart 1st Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets : CityRec J. Kenneth Houston 986-4725 FireC James Pendergrass 986-4006 HsAuthD Denelda Price 946-4438 PoliceC T. R. Brown 986-5310 Administration: Governing Body: Judge Donald Parish** 986-2266 Mayor Robert L DeBerry CityRec Helen P. Coffman ParksD Stanley Woods 986-4194 Public Works/Utilities: Ald James R. Hanna PubWrkD Ronnie Breeden 986-4455 Ald Billy Johnson UtilMgr Jerry Nolen 986-4 711 Ald Roy Grantham Ald Robert Doyle *Address: P. 0. Box 647 Ald Raymond Cox **Address: P. Box 228 Ald Billy G. Farris 0. Ald Helen P. Coffman

69 68 TCYIN OF H.JNTUND TCYIN OF /Rao/ CITY P. 0. Box 38, 38463 Election: 5/88 P. 0. Drawer H, 37345 Election: 8/89 Phone 615/469-7702 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Franklin - M - 983 Phone 615/845-4520 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence and Wayne - M - 525

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Governing Bodz: Administration: Bodz: Public Safetz: Mayor Mayor James Damron Atty Clinton Swafford* 967-3888 Loys G. Sledge FireC Edd ie Brewer Comm V-May Gary Gardner CityRec Mar ie N. Stova l I Jack N. Forsythe Ald C. E. Johnson Judge James George Comm James D. Steele Ald Richard Arnold Ald Julian A. Stovall Publ ic Safetz: Administration: FireC Thomas Simmons Atty W. Charles Doerflinger• 762-4641 Debra Chambers PoliceC James R. McConnell CityRec

Publ ic Works/Utilities: PubWrkD Thomas Simmons *Address: P. 0. Drawer H, Lawrenceburg 38464

*Address : 109 First Avenue , Winchester 37398


P. 0. Box 151, 37756 Elect ion : 8/88 Phone 615/663-3471 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Scott - E - 724

Governing Body me ets : 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Bodz: Administration : Mayor James Morrow Atty Steve Marcum* 663-2321 V-May Danny Phil lips Clerk Cynth ia Le.val /en Ald Mike Wilson Ald Richard Chambers Public Safetz: Ald Larry Crowley FireC Larry Crowley 663-2081

Publ ic Works/Utilities: Waters Tim Cross 663-3253

*Address: Tl1ree Courthouse Square

70 71 TCYIN OF H.JNTUND TCYIN OF /Rao/ CITY P. 0. Box 38, 38463 Election: 5/88 P. 0. Drawer H, 37345 Election: 8/89 Phone 615/469-7702 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Franklin - M - 983 Phone 615/845-4520 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence and Wayne - M - 525

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Governing Bodz: Administration: Bodz: Public Safetz: Mayor Mayor James Damron Atty Clinton Swafford* 967-3888 Loys G. Sledge FireC Edd ie Brewer Comm V-May Gary Gardner CityRec Mar ie N. Stova l I Jack N. Forsythe Ald C. E. Johnson Judge James George Comm James D. Steele Ald Richard Arnold Ald Julian A. Stovall Publ ic Safetz: Administration: FireC Thomas Simmons Atty W. Charles Doerflinger• 762-4641 Debra Chambers PoliceC James R. McConnell CityRec

Publ ic Works/Utilities: PubWrkD Thomas Simmons *Address: P. 0. Drawer H, Lawrenceburg 38464

*Address : 109 First Avenue , Winchester 37398


P. 0. Box 151, 37756 Elect ion : 8/88 Phone 615/663-3471 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Scott - E - 724

Governing Body me ets : 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building

Governing Bodz: Administration : Mayor James Morrow Atty Steve Marcum* 663-2321 V-May Danny Phil lips Clerk Cynth ia Le.val /en Ald Mike Wilson Ald Richard Chambers Public Safetz: Ald Larry Crowley FireC Larry Crowley 663-2081

Publ ic Works/Utilities: Waters Tim Cross 663-3253

*Address: Tl1ree Courthouse Square

70 71 CITY OF J.MIESTONN CQNN OF JACKSBORO P. Box 670, 38556 Box 75, 37757 Election: 4/90 0. Election : 11/88 '. 0. Phone 615/879-8815 'hone 615/562-9312 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Campbell - E - 1,729 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Fentress - M - 2,364

:;overning Body meets: 1st Thursday1 7 :00 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building Gove rn ing Body meet s: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

:;overning Body: Codes Enforcement: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : �ayor Everett Sharp Bldin Bryon Go ins Mayor James Howard Qualls PlngCCh Lonnie Choate V-May Ray Green Ald Cordes Taubert A.ld Paris Nance Publ ic Safety: Ald John M. Wheeler Publ ic Safety: Ald Paul F. Gearing FireC Frank Hartman Ald Ralph Hull CivDefD Mike Ledbetter Ald Wayne Nelson PoliceC Bill Ruthe rford Ald Bob Bow FireC Arthur Dayhuff Ald Arthur Dayhuff PoliceC William H. Sewell Administration : Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Terry Basista* 562-1490 Streets Ray Green Administration: Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Emma L. Ca lcJ.vel l Atty R. Bruce Ray* 879-5857 GasMgr William R. Ledbetter Grace Choate Judge Stephen Hurst CityRec WstWtrS/ Lib Mrs . T. L. Cunn ingham Waters/ Codes Enforcement : Streets H. Eugene Mu llinix Bldin Bob Masters

*Address: Liberty and Church, P. 0. Box 436 *Address: P. O. Box 969

CITY OF Jl>CKSW Election : 5/91 P. 0. Box 2508 38302 Phone 901/424-3440 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Madison - W - 49, 258

Governing Body meets: Tuesdays and Fridays , 10:00 a.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Robert D. Conger PurAgt James Wo lfe TONN OF JASPER V-May Ben Langford Comm Johnny Parham Planning/Zoning: 700 Phillips Avenue , 37347 Election : 11/88 PlngCCh Stan Plumlee Phone 615/942-3180 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 2,6I0 Administration: PlngD Bobby Phillips AdmAsst Eugene Smith Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Office Atty Harold Johnson* 423-9333 Public Safety: Governing CityRec John L. Spa In CivDe fD Kelly Holmes Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor HsAuthD J. Richard Parker, II FireC Tommy Alderson Keith Hampton Bldin Howard Wilkerson Ald Judge Walter Drake PoliceC Ed Alderson Steve Lamb Plmbln James A. Carter Ald Lib Thomas L. Aud Melvin Turner ParksD Jerry Gist Publ ic Work/Utilities: Planning/Zoning: PersD Linda Kay Long Eng Clauda Martin Administration: PlngCCh Ralph Koger Pubinf oO Robert Hewitt Streets Billy Joe Thomas Atty E. Zack Kelly, Jr.* 942-6911 Jo Ann Jones SfHhO Willard L. Scott UtilMgr Joe Exum 422-7200 CityRec Publ ic Safety: Judge Sc Supt Tommy Allen Waters Kenneth Mart in 422-7208 Ben Hill FireC Mickey Moore 942-2421 Lib Carolyn Stewart 942-3369 Pol iceC Roger Webb 942-3805 ParksD o Codes Enforcement : Al Raff Bldln Bobby Gregson Public Works/Utilities: 942-2831 Elecin Stephen Keel Finance: Waters James A. Carter Treas Plmbin Howard Harris Jo Ann Jones

*Address: 116 South Liberty *Address: P. 0. Box 878 CITY OF J.MIESTONN CQNN OF JACKSBORO P. Box 670, 38556 Box 75, 37757 Election: 4/90 0. Election : 11/88 '. 0. Phone 615/879-8815 'hone 615/562-9312 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Campbell - E - 1,729 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Fentress - M - 2,364

:;overning Body meets: 1st Thursday1 7 :00 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building Gove rn ing Body meet s: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

:;overning Body: Codes Enforcement: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : �ayor Everett Sharp Bldin Bryon Go ins Mayor James Howard Qualls PlngCCh Lonnie Choate V-May Ray Green Ald Cordes Taubert A.ld Paris Nance Publ ic Safety: Ald John M. Wheeler Publ ic Safety: Ald Paul F. Gearing FireC Frank Hartman Ald Ralph Hull CivDefD Mike Ledbetter Ald Wayne Nelson PoliceC Bill Ruthe rford Ald Bob Bow FireC Arthur Dayhuff Ald Arthur Dayhuff PoliceC William H. Sewell Administration : Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Terry Basista* 562-1490 Streets Ray Green Administration: Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Emma L. Ca lcJ.vel l Atty R. Bruce Ray* 879-5857 GasMgr William R. Ledbetter Grace Choate Judge Stephen Hurst CityRec WstWtrS/ Lib Mrs . T. L. Cunn ingham Waters/ Codes Enforcement : Streets H. Eugene Mu llinix Bldin Bob Masters

*Address: Liberty and Church, P. 0. Box 436 *Address: P. O. Box 969

CITY OF Jl>CKSW Election : 5/91 P. 0. Box 2508 38302 Phone 901/424-3440 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Madison - W - 49, 258

Governing Body meets: Tuesdays and Fridays , 10:00 a.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Robert D. Conger PurAgt James Wo lfe TONN OF JASPER V-May Ben Langford Comm Johnny Parham Planning/Zoning: 700 Phillips Avenue , 37347 Election : 11/88 PlngCCh Stan Plumlee Phone 615/942-3180 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 2,6I0 Administration: PlngD Bobby Phillips AdmAsst Eugene Smith Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Office Atty Harold Johnson* 423-9333 Public Safety: Governing CityRec John L. Spa In CivDe fD Kelly Holmes Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor HsAuthD J. Richard Parker, II FireC Tommy Alderson Keith Hampton Bldin Howard Wilkerson Ald Judge Walter Drake PoliceC Ed Alderson Steve Lamb Plmbln James A. Carter Ald Lib Thomas L. Aud Melvin Turner ParksD Jerry Gist Publ ic Work/Utilities: Planning/Zoning: PersD Linda Kay Long Eng Clauda Martin Administration: PlngCCh Ralph Koger Pubinf oO Robert Hewitt Streets Billy Joe Thomas Atty E. Zack Kelly, Jr.* 942-6911 Jo Ann Jones SfHhO Willard L. Scott UtilMgr Joe Exum 422-7200 CityRec Publ ic Safety: Judge Sc Supt Tommy Allen Waters Kenneth Mart in 422-7208 Ben Hill FireC Mickey Moore 942-2421 Lib Carolyn Stewart 942-3369 Pol iceC Roger Webb 942-3805 ParksD o Codes Enforcement : Al Raff Bldln Bobby Gregson Public Works/Utilities: 942-2831 Elecin Stephen Keel Finance: Waters James A. Carter Treas Plmbin Howard Harris Jo Ann Jones

*Address: 116 South Liberty *Address: P. 0. Box 878 CITY OF JCH>ISC1'1 CITY TONN OF JEFFERSC1'1 CITY Box 2150, 37605-2150 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Election: 5/89 P. 0. Box 666, 37760 Phone 615/475-9071 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson - E - 5,775 Phone 615/929-9171 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Carter and Washington - E - 43,854

Governing Body me ets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Safety Building

Governing Body: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Codes Enforcement : Mayor Shirley Chapman Mayor Clyde F. Pike Bldin Chris Fain Bldin/ V-May Warren Vest V-May John Gibson CdEnfO Joe Cannon Comm Raymond Huff Coun Marshall A. Arnold Planning/Zoning: 475-2279 Comm Tom C. McKee Coun Jame s H. Hull PlngCCh Leonard Newman Finance : Comm P. C. Snapp Coun Nora W. Spj ut Compt Anne Brading Public Safety: PurAgt Jane Ogle Administration: Administration: FireC Robert Kinder ' Treas James H. Crumley Mgr John Campbe 11 Mg r Don J. Darden PoliceC William Clark BudgD Charles Stahl AsstMgr Charles Harmon AdmAsst Jane Sorey AsstMgr Steven H. AttyD Jame s R. Scroggins* 453-6119 Public Works/Utilities: 475-3734 Schertel Planning/Zoning: Atty James CityRec Mrs . Jimmie Shelnutt PubWrkD Mike Jones Culp PlngD James D. Moody Atty HsAuthD Jim Newman 475-2064 James H. Epps , III* 928-7256 CityRec James Judge Doug Berryhill** 475-4708 H. Crumley Public Safety: ComDevC Janet Oaks FireC Doug Buckles ExecAsst Georgia Sluder PoliceC Fred Phil 1 ips HsAuthD Robert Sliger 929-1191 Judge Mike Davenport Public Works/Utilities: *Address: P. 0. Box 701 ParksD Mike Loudermilk ElecMgr Roy Taylor 928-2112 **Address: P. 0. Box 448 PersD Ed Fennell Eng Allen Cantrell PubWrkD Phil Pindolza SanSupt John C. Smith, II Waters Gordon Cox WstWtrS Tom Witherspoon

*Address : P. 0. Drawer 2150 , Johnson City 37605 CITY OF JELLICO P. 0. Drawer 419, 37762 Election: 4/90 Phone 615/784-6351 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Campbe ll - E - 2,798 TONN OF JONESBORa.JGH 123 Boone Street, 37659-1390 Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building Election : 4/90 Phone 615/753-6128 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Washington - E - 2,829 Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Roy Leach FinD William Barton Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. , Town Hall Ald Forster Baird Governing Body: Ald Allen Doug las Planning/Zoning : Planning/Zoning : Mayor Ald William Barton PlngCCh Alvin Evans Kevin B. McKinney PlngCCh Alfred Greenlee Ald Ald Marvin Douglas Robert M. Clarke Ald Ald Alvin Evans Publ ic Safety: James S. Devault Publ ic Safety: Ald Ald Shann Teague CivDefD James Tidwell, Jr. Thomas F. Pardue FireC Norman C. Franc is Ald FireC Nelson Kidd Tobie L. Bledsoe PoliceC Bobby Howe ll Administration : PoliceC Eddie Wayne Barton Administration: Atty Terry Basista Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Atty Judson Thornton* CityRec Betty Hurst Publ ic Works/Utilities : 753-6231 PubWrkD Charles Weems CityRec Olin D. Rogers Judge Terry Basista PubWrkD Marvin Douglas Streets Steve McCracken Secy Virginia Causey RecDir Alvin Evans Sans Shann Teague Waters Mike Jackson Streets Allen Doug las WstWt rS Wayne Campbe ll Codes Enforcement : Codes Enforcement : Bldin Leon Gray Bldin Billy Doug las

*Address : 103 Courthouse Square CITY OF JCH>ISC1'1 CITY TONN OF JEFFERSC1'1 CITY Box 2150, 37605-2150 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Election: 5/89 P. 0. Box 666, 37760 Phone 615/475-9071 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson - E - 5,775 Phone 615/929-9171 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Carter and Washington - E - 43,854

Governing Body me ets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Safety Building

Governing Body: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Codes Enforcement : Mayor Shirley Chapman Mayor Clyde F. Pike Bldin Chris Fain Bldin/ V-May Warren Vest V-May John Gibson CdEnfO Joe Cannon Comm Raymond Huff Coun Marshall A. Arnold Planning/Zoning: 475-2279 Comm Tom C. McKee Coun Jame s H. Hull PlngCCh Leonard Newman Finance : Comm P. C. Snapp Coun Nora W. Spj ut Compt Anne Brading Public Safety: PurAgt Jane Ogle Administration: Administration: FireC Robert Kinder ' Treas James H. Crumley Mgr John Campbe 11 Mg r Don J. Darden PoliceC William Clark BudgD Charles Stahl AsstMgr Charles Harmon AdmAsst Jane Sorey AsstMgr Steven H. AttyD Jame s R. Scroggins* 453-6119 Public Works/Utilities: 475-3734 Schertel Planning/Zoning: Atty James CityRec Mrs . Jimmie Shelnutt PubWrkD Mike Jones Culp PlngD James D. Moody Atty HsAuthD Jim Newman 475-2064 James H. Epps , III* 928-7256 CityRec James Judge Doug Berryhill** 475-4708 H. Crumley Public Safety: ComDevC Janet Oaks FireC Doug Buckles ExecAsst Georgia Sluder PoliceC Fred Phil 1 ips HsAuthD Robert Sliger 929-1191 Judge Mike Davenport Public Works/Utilities: *Address: P. 0. Box 701 ParksD Mike Loudermilk ElecMgr Roy Taylor 928-2112 **Address: P. 0. Box 448 PersD Ed Fennell Eng Allen Cantrell PubWrkD Phil Pindolza SanSupt John C. Smith, II Waters Gordon Cox WstWtrS Tom Witherspoon

*Address : P. 0. Drawer 2150 , Johnson City 37605 CITY OF JELLICO P. 0. Drawer 419, 37762 Election: 4/90 Phone 615/784-6351 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Campbe ll - E - 2,798 TONN OF JONESBORa.JGH 123 Boone Street, 37659-1390 Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building Election : 4/90 Phone 615/753-6128 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Washington - E - 2,829 Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Roy Leach FinD William Barton Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m. , Town Hall Ald Forster Baird Governing Body: Ald Allen Doug las Planning/Zoning : Planning/Zoning : Mayor Ald William Barton PlngCCh Alvin Evans Kevin B. McKinney PlngCCh Alfred Greenlee Ald Ald Marvin Douglas Robert M. Clarke Ald Ald Alvin Evans Publ ic Safety: James S. Devault Publ ic Safety: Ald Ald Shann Teague CivDefD James Tidwell, Jr. Thomas F. Pardue FireC Norman C. Franc is Ald FireC Nelson Kidd Tobie L. Bledsoe PoliceC Bobby Howe ll Administration : PoliceC Eddie Wayne Barton Administration: Atty Terry Basista Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Atty Judson Thornton* CityRec Betty Hurst Publ ic Works/Utilities : 753-6231 PubWrkD Charles Weems CityRec Olin D. Rogers Judge Terry Basista PubWrkD Marvin Douglas Streets Steve McCracken Secy Virginia Causey RecDir Alvin Evans Sans Shann Teague Waters Mike Jackson Streets Allen Doug las WstWt rS Wayne Campbe ll Codes Enforcement : Codes Enforcement : Bldin Leon Gray Bldin Billy Doug las

*Address : 103 Courthouse Square T(Y(N CF ON KENT C /TY CF INGSPOl1rK 108 North Poplar Street, 38233 Election: 6/89 225 West Center Street , 37660 Election: 5/89 Phone 901/749-5767 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson and Obion - W - 1,551 Phone 615/229-9400 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins and Sull ivan - E - 32 ,027

Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Bodz: Publ ic Safetz: Mayor Damon Cross FireC Damon Campbell 749-5800 Mayor Hunter w. Wright FireC Conner Caldwell V-May Tommy Litton PoliceC Norris Davis 749-5479 V-May Richard H. Watterson PoliceC James Keesling Ald Shirley Clark Ald Sara Ring Ald Melvin Brooks Public Works/Utilities: 749-0298 Ald Frank Brogden Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald John Maughan Waters Kenneth Erwin Ald King Cox Eng Doug Carver Ald Sara Skinner Ald Robert c. Petrey PubWrkD Roger Clark 229-9493 Ald R. L. Landrum Ald Alan R. Hubbard SwrPlS Earl Garland UtilMgr Evans Carr Administration: Administration: Atty John Warner, Jr.* 885-2430 Mgr James Zwrwa lt CityRec Virginia Dav idson AsstMgr Brenda Me rritt Judge George Farris 749-5479 Atty Joe May* 229-9464 AdmAsst Tom Kaleko Planning/Zoning : ComDevC Fred Crowe ll PlngCCh Tommy Litton CityRec Lowry Doggett HsAuthD Marge Sherwin 245-0135 Judge Frank Gibson *Address: 303 Third Street, Union City 38261 Lib Jud B. Barry 229-9588 ParksD Kitty Frazier PersD Dennis Lyon RecDir Tom Bowman Sc Supt Charles Tollett 245-3155

Codes Enforcement : Bldin Zack Wright

TafN CF KIMBALL Finance: FinD P. 0. Box 367, Jasper 37347 Election: 11/88 Lowry Doggett

Phone 615/837-7040 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 1,220 DatProD John Catron PurAgt Frank Moore Governing Body me ets: 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall RskMgtD Betsy Dale

Governing Body: Administration : Planning/Zoning: Mayor Jim Lofty Atty Phil Condra* 949-4661 PlngCCh Bob Looney V-May S. L. Reynolds CityRec Nancy J. Stephens PlngDir Fred Crowe ll Ald Jere N. Dav is Judge Don E. Williams Ald J. W. Cooley Ald Mark Payne , II I Publ ic Safety: FireC Jackie Blankenship 837-8438 *Address: 225 West Center Street PoliceC John Harg is 837-7554

*Address : Miller Building , P. 0. Box 307 , Dun lap 37327

76 77 T(Y(N CF ON KENT C /TY CF INGSPOl1rK 108 North Poplar Street, 38233 Election: 6/89 225 West Center Street , 37660 Election: 5/89 Phone 901/749-5767 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson and Obion - W - 1,551 Phone 615/229-9400 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins and Sull ivan - E - 32 ,027

Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Bodz: Publ ic Safetz: Mayor Damon Cross FireC Damon Campbell 749-5800 Mayor Hunter w. Wright FireC Conner Caldwell V-May Tommy Litton PoliceC Norris Davis 749-5479 V-May Richard H. Watterson PoliceC James Keesling Ald Shirley Clark Ald Sara Ring Ald Melvin Brooks Public Works/Utilities: 749-0298 Ald Frank Brogden Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald John Maughan Waters Kenneth Erwin Ald King Cox Eng Doug Carver Ald Sara Skinner Ald Robert c. Petrey PubWrkD Roger Clark 229-9493 Ald R. L. Landrum Ald Alan R. Hubbard SwrPlS Earl Garland UtilMgr Evans Carr Administration: Administration: Atty John Warner, Jr.* 885-2430 Mgr James Zwrwa lt CityRec Virginia Dav idson AsstMgr Brenda Me rritt Judge George Farris 749-5479 Atty Joe May* 229-9464 AdmAsst Tom Kaleko Planning/Zoning : ComDevC Fred Crowe ll PlngCCh Tommy Litton CityRec Lowry Doggett HsAuthD Marge Sherwin 245-0135 Judge Frank Gibson *Address: 303 Third Street, Union City 38261 Lib Jud B. Barry 229-9588 ParksD Kitty Frazier PersD Dennis Lyon RecDir Tom Bowman Sc Supt Charles Tollett 245-3155

Codes Enforcement : Bldin Zack Wright

TafN CF KIMBALL Finance: FinD P. 0. Box 367, Jasper 37347 Election: 11/88 Lowry Doggett

Phone 615/837-7040 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 1,220 DatProD John Catron PurAgt Frank Moore Governing Body me ets: 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall RskMgtD Betsy Dale

Governing Body: Administration : Planning/Zoning: Mayor Jim Lofty Atty Phil Condra* 949-4661 PlngCCh Bob Looney V-May S. L. Reynolds CityRec Nancy J. Stephens PlngDir Fred Crowe ll Ald Jere N. Dav is Judge Don E. Williams Ald J. W. Cooley Ald Mark Payne , II I Publ ic Safety: FireC Jackie Blankenship 837-8438 *Address: 225 West Center Street PoliceC John Harg is 837-7554

*Address : Miller Building , P. 0. Box 307 , Dun lap 37327

76 77 CITY OF KINGSra-1 CITY OF KNOXV ILLE Election: 5/89 125 West Cumberland Street, 37763 P. 0. Box 1631, 37901 Election: 9/89 Phone 615/376-6584 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Roane - E - 4,635 Phone 615/521-2000 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Knox - E - 175,045

Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: Every other Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City-County Building

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Bodz: Public Works/Utilities: Mayor Ray Gul lett Bldin/ Mayor Victor H. Ashe 521-2040 Eng Robert Bowers 521-2148 V-May Randy Gordon Plmbin Tom Eldridge V-May Hoyle G. McNe il, Sr. 521-2075 PubWrkD Herb Kidd 521-2060 " Coun Stanley Moore Coun Ed Shouse UtilMgr Edwin C. Hoskins 524-2911 " Coun Ken Parks Planning/Zoning: Coun Larry Cox " Coun Betty Brown PlngCCh Dan Plemons Coun Ed Bailey " Coun Sarah Humphreys Coun Jack C. Sharp " Coun Don Wh ite Publ ic Safety: Coun Milton E. Roberts, Sr. FireC Lester Gibson 376-5100 Coun Jean Teague " " Administration: PoliceC Scotty Bolden Coun Casey C. Jones " Mg r John A. El l is Coun Charles Gaut Atty Jack McPherson, Jr .* 376-3456 Public Works/Utilities: Clerk Eleanor Neal Streets Charles Clark Administration : 521-2040 Lib Marj ory Watts Ut ilMgr/ AdmAsst Lynn Redmon " ParksD Ted Meredith Waters John A. Ellis AdmAsst Thomas Key " AdmAs st Kelsey Finch " Finance: Atty Thomas Varlan 521-2050 FinD Carolyn Brewer CityRec Cindy Mitchell 521-2075 EconDev Allen Borden HsngAuthA Laurens Tullock *Address : 204 Love liss Street InfoSys Mark Meadows Judge John Rosson 521-1226 PkRecD Sam Anderson 521-2090 PolicyD Betsy Child PubinfoO George Korda 521-2065

Codes Enforcement : 521-2129 TOYN OF KINGSra-1 SPR INGS Bldin Charles Cummins Election: 1/88 P. 0. Box 256, 37082 Phone 615/797-2 110 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Cheatham - M - 1,387 Finance: FinD Randy Vineyard 521-2086 Governing Body me ets: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall PurAgt Leonard Voiles 521-2070 Treas Lynn Satterfield 521-2099 Governing Body : Codes Enforcement : Mayor Anthony J. Campbell Bldin Toney Cat ignani Planning/Zoning: 521-2500 V-May Thomas W. Blackburn PlngDir Susan Adams Comm Janice Rucker Planning/Zoning: Comm Charles Sleighter PlngCCh M. W. Collins Publ ic Safetz: Comm Robert Sanders CivDefD Bobby L. Shoffner 521-2297 Public Safety: FireC Bruce Cureton 521-2172 Administration : FireC James E. Dunn PoliceC Robert Marshall 521-1200 Mg r />J..Jdrey Beck CityRec Audrey Beck Atty Larry D. Craig* 320-5577

*Address : 305 14th Avenue North , Nashville 37203

78 79 CITY OF KINGSra-1 CITY OF KNOXV ILLE Election: 5/89 125 West Cumberland Street, 37763 P. 0. Box 1631, 37901 Election: 9/89 Phone 615/376-6584 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Roane - E - 4,635 Phone 615/521-2000 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Knox - E - 175,045

Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: Every other Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City-County Building

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Bodz: Public Works/Utilities: Mayor Ray Gul lett Bldin/ Mayor Victor H. Ashe 521-2040 Eng Robert Bowers 521-2148 V-May Randy Gordon Plmbin Tom Eldridge V-May Hoyle G. McNe il, Sr. 521-2075 PubWrkD Herb Kidd 521-2060 " Coun Stanley Moore Coun Ed Shouse UtilMgr Edwin C. Hoskins 524-2911 " Coun Ken Parks Planning/Zoning: Coun Larry Cox " Coun Betty Brown PlngCCh Dan Plemons Coun Ed Bailey " Coun Sarah Humphreys Coun Jack C. Sharp " Coun Don Wh ite Publ ic Safety: Coun Milton E. Roberts, Sr. FireC Lester Gibson 376-5100 Coun Jean Teague " " Administration: PoliceC Scotty Bolden Coun Casey C. Jones " Mg r John A. El l is Coun Charles Gaut Atty Jack McPherson, Jr .* 376-3456 Public Works/Utilities: Clerk Eleanor Neal Streets Charles Clark Administration : 521-2040 Lib Marj ory Watts Ut ilMgr/ AdmAsst Lynn Redmon " ParksD Ted Meredith Waters John A. Ellis AdmAsst Thomas Key " AdmAs st Kelsey Finch " Finance: Atty Thomas Varlan 521-2050 FinD Carolyn Brewer CityRec Cindy Mitchell 521-2075 EconDev Allen Borden HsngAuthA Laurens Tullock *Address : 204 Love liss Street InfoSys Mark Meadows Judge John Rosson 521-1226 PkRecD Sam Anderson 521-2090 PolicyD Betsy Child PubinfoO George Korda 521-2065

Codes Enforcement : 521-2129 TOYN OF KINGSra-1 SPR INGS Bldin Charles Cummins Election: 1/88 P. 0. Box 256, 37082 Phone 615/797-2 110 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Cheatham - M - 1,387 Finance: FinD Randy Vineyard 521-2086 Governing Body me ets: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall PurAgt Leonard Voiles 521-2070 Treas Lynn Satterfield 521-2099 Governing Body : Codes Enforcement : Mayor Anthony J. Campbell Bldin Toney Cat ignani Planning/Zoning: 521-2500 V-May Thomas W. Blackburn PlngDir Susan Adams Comm Janice Rucker Planning/Zoning: Comm Charles Sleighter PlngCCh M. W. Collins Publ ic Safetz: Comm Robert Sanders CivDefD Bobby L. Shoffner 521-2297 Public Safety: FireC Bruce Cureton 521-2172 Administration : FireC James E. Dunn PoliceC Robert Marshall 521-1200 Mg r />J..Jdrey Beck CityRec Audrey Beck Atty Larry D. Craig* 320-5577

*Address : 305 14th Avenue North , Nashville 37203

78 79 TONN OF UGRANGE CITY OF LAFAYETTE Election : 5/88 P. 0. Box 34, 38046 Election : 11/88 P. Box 275, 37083 0. Macon - M - 3,808 Phone 901/764-2206 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Fayette - W - 185 Phone 615/666-2194 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m, Civic Center Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodi: Finance: 764-2427 Administration : Governing Bodi: Mayor WI / I/am B. Co.van , Sr . Treas Edna Jones CityRec Ruby Flo.vers Mayor Will T. Colter V-May James T. Cowan Judge James Chambe rlain V-May Mary Tom Link Ald Richard Pierce Planning/Zoning: 764-2951 Coun Page Durham Ald R. Richardson PlngCCh Mrs . William Haas Blankenship, Jr. Public Safety: c. Coun J. E . Ald Bette Saund ers PlngDir Bette Saunders CivDefD/ Coun Johnny Culbreath Ald Dan Bushne 11 FireC Loryn Atwe ll Coun J. D. Knight Ald Paul Davenport Public Safeti: 764-2956 Gregory PoliceC Buford Wix Coun R. c. FireC Paul Davenport Administration: Pol iceC James T. Cowan Public Works/Utilities : CityRec Edna Jones GasMgr Melvin Roark Judge William B. Cowan, Sr. Public Works/Utilities : Waters Gene Re id Streets Richard Pierce 764-6459 Waters Dan Bushnell

TONN OF L6KE CITY CITY OF LAFOLLETTE P. Box 66, 37769 Election : 11/89 0. Election : 10/88 205 South Tennessee, 37766 Campbell - E - 8,342 Phone 615/426-2838 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Anderson - E - 2,335 Phone 615/562-4961 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Bodi: Finance: Finance : Governing Bodi: Mayor Clarence Houck Treas Jean Hayton Treas Wanda Dower Mayor Clifford Jennings V-May V. E. Wilson V-May Leo Lobertini Comm Roy Hyder Planning/Zoning: M. H. Scott Planning/Zoning : Coun Comm Billy G. Ferguson PlngCCh Virg il Wilson PlngCCh Bill Deavers Coun Shirley Asbury Comm George Horton Monty Bul lock Coun Comm George Templin Public Safeti: Public Safety: 562-3340 Comm Ernest Wills FireC David Byrge Administration: FireC Wayne Gregg 562-8331 Pol iceC H. E. Cooper Cade D. Sexton PoliceC Boyd Carson Admin Administration : Atty Frank Dossett* 562-5120 Admin Public Works/Ut ilities : Public Works/Utilities: 562-3548 Clerk Debbie Pierce Atty Don Layton* 482-1928 PubWrkD Harold Goodman 562-2261 ElecMgr William L. Piper 562-3316 HsAuthD William Kincaid CityRec Jean Hayton SanSupt Bruce Cardin 562-8444 SanSupt/ Judge Andy Troutman** Judge Don Layton Max Robinson 562-3548 Streets Jerry Reynolds Lib Rose C. Pelizzari 562-5154 Streets 562-3548 Waters James Wi lls 562-2241 Waters Whit Brewer ParksD Warren Hatfield Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ Codes Enforcement : Plmbin Ray Duncan Bldgin Charles Dav is

*Address : P. Box 3447, Oak Ridge 37830 *Address : Fleet Building 0. **Address : 122 We st Central

81 80 TONN OF UGRANGE CITY OF LAFAYETTE Election : 5/88 P. 0. Box 34, 38046 Election : 11/88 P. Box 275, 37083 0. Macon - M - 3,808 Phone 901/764-2206 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Fayette - W - 185 Phone 615/666-2194 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m, Civic Center Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodi: Finance: 764-2427 Administration : Governing Bodi: Mayor WI / I/am B. Co.van , Sr . Treas Edna Jones CityRec Ruby Flo.vers Mayor Will T. Colter V-May James T. Cowan Judge James Chambe rlain V-May Mary Tom Link Ald Richard Pierce Planning/Zoning: 764-2951 Coun Page Durham Ald R. Richardson PlngCCh Mrs . William Haas Blankenship, Jr. Public Safety: c. Coun J. E . Ald Bette Saund ers PlngDir Bette Saunders CivDefD/ Coun Johnny Culbreath Ald Dan Bushne 11 FireC Loryn Atwe ll Coun J. D. Knight Ald Paul Davenport Public Safeti: 764-2956 Gregory PoliceC Buford Wix Coun R. c. FireC Paul Davenport Administration: Pol iceC James T. Cowan Public Works/Utilities : CityRec Edna Jones GasMgr Melvin Roark Judge William B. Cowan, Sr. Public Works/Utilities : Waters Gene Re id Streets Richard Pierce 764-6459 Waters Dan Bushnell

TONN OF L6KE CITY CITY OF LAFOLLETTE P. Box 66, 37769 Election : 11/89 0. Election : 10/88 205 South Tennessee, 37766 Campbell - E - 8,342 Phone 615/426-2838 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Anderson - E - 2,335 Phone 615/562-4961 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Bodi: Finance: Finance : Governing Bodi: Mayor Clarence Houck Treas Jean Hayton Treas Wanda Dower Mayor Clifford Jennings V-May V. E. Wilson V-May Leo Lobertini Comm Roy Hyder Planning/Zoning: M. H. Scott Planning/Zoning : Coun Comm Billy G. Ferguson PlngCCh Virg il Wilson PlngCCh Bill Deavers Coun Shirley Asbury Comm George Horton Monty Bul lock Coun Comm George Templin Public Safeti: Public Safety: 562-3340 Comm Ernest Wills FireC David Byrge Administration: FireC Wayne Gregg 562-8331 Pol iceC H. E. Cooper Cade D. Sexton PoliceC Boyd Carson Admin Administration : Atty Frank Dossett* 562-5120 Admin Public Works/Ut ilities : Public Works/Utilities: 562-3548 Clerk Debbie Pierce Atty Don Layton* 482-1928 PubWrkD Harold Goodman 562-2261 ElecMgr William L. Piper 562-3316 HsAuthD William Kincaid CityRec Jean Hayton SanSupt Bruce Cardin 562-8444 SanSupt/ Judge Andy Troutman** Judge Don Layton Max Robinson 562-3548 Streets Jerry Reynolds Lib Rose C. Pelizzari 562-5154 Streets 562-3548 Waters James Wi lls 562-2241 Waters Whit Brewer ParksD Warren Hatfield Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ Codes Enforcement : Plmbin Ray Duncan Bldgin Charles Dav is

*Address : P. Box 3447, Oak Ridge 37830 *Address : Fleet Building 0. **Address : 122 We st Central


Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administration: Margaret B. Rag land Mayor Bever ie J. Rivera Treas Brenda C. Morsches Mayor James H. (Harold) Williams Mgr V·-May Lionel Metzger V-May William C. Ferrell Atty L. W. Oliver, III* 824-913: Comm William H. Howick Comm Charles E. Gann CityRec C. Kenneth Donoho Comm Edsel R. Bailiff Administration : Comm Louise Wooden Public Safety: Mgr J. B. Haskins PoliceC Kenneth Aldridge Atty Ed Johnson* 465-3616 CityRec Brenda C. Morsches AsstCR Mary R. Haldeman *Address : P. 0. Box 1616, Hendersonville 37075

*Address : 108 Court Square East , Somerville 38068


P. 0. Box 177, 37086 Election: 5/88 Phone 615/793-6295 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 6,668

CITY OF UKESITE Governing Body meets: 1st Tu esday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall 9201 Rocky Point Road , 37379 Elect ion : 3/88 Phone 615/842-2533 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 651 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Ve ster Waldron Bldin Richard Anderson Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May Jerald Smith Bldin Tom E. Hailey Comm Philip Mankin Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Comm Joe Montgomery Planning/Zoning: Mayor Wendell Kirby Bldin/ Comm A. C. Puckett, Jr. PlngCCh William T. Stewart V-May John L. Richardson Elecin Joe Helton Comm Jo Evans Administration: Publ ic Safety: Public Safety: Mgr Richard Anderson , Jr . PoliceC Scott Griff in Administration: PoliceC Joe Helton Atty David Bol in* 459-2527 Mgr Joe He l ton CityRec Virg inia C. Frizzell Public Works/Utilities: Atty Glen T. McColpin* 756-0444 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Don R. Ash WstWtrS James Buchanan CityRec Roberta Thomas Streets Joe He lton Judge Arnold Stulce, Jr.

*Address: U. S. Highway 41S, Smyrna 37167

*Address : 829 Mccallie Avenue , Chattanooga 37403


Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Administration: Margaret B. Rag land Mayor Bever ie J. Rivera Treas Brenda C. Morsches Mayor James H. (Harold) Williams Mgr V·-May Lionel Metzger V-May William C. Ferrell Atty L. W. Oliver, III* 824-913: Comm William H. Howick Comm Charles E. Gann CityRec C. Kenneth Donoho Comm Edsel R. Bailiff Administration : Comm Louise Wooden Public Safety: Mgr J. B. Haskins PoliceC Kenneth Aldridge Atty Ed Johnson* 465-3616 CityRec Brenda C. Morsches AsstCR Mary R. Haldeman *Address : P. 0. Box 1616, Hendersonville 37075

*Address : 108 Court Square East , Somerville 38068


P. 0. Box 177, 37086 Election: 5/88 Phone 615/793-6295 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 6,668

CITY OF UKESITE Governing Body meets: 1st Tu esday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hall 9201 Rocky Point Road , 37379 Elect ion : 3/88 Phone 615/842-2533 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 651 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Ve ster Waldron Bldin Richard Anderson Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall V-May Jerald Smith Bldin Tom E. Hailey Comm Philip Mankin Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Comm Joe Montgomery Planning/Zoning: Mayor Wendell Kirby Bldin/ Comm A. C. Puckett, Jr. PlngCCh William T. Stewart V-May John L. Richardson Elecin Joe Helton Comm Jo Evans Administration: Publ ic Safety: Public Safety: Mgr Richard Anderson , Jr . PoliceC Scott Griff in Administration: PoliceC Joe Helton Atty David Bol in* 459-2527 Mgr Joe He l ton CityRec Virg inia C. Frizzell Public Works/Utilities: Atty Glen T. McColpin* 756-0444 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Don R. Ash WstWtrS James Buchanan CityRec Roberta Thomas Streets Joe He lton Judge Arnold Stulce, Jr.

*Address: U. S. Highway 41S, Smyrna 37167

*Address : 829 Mccallie Avenue , Chattanooga 37403


P. 0. Box 590, 38464 Election: 4/89 119 South College Street, 37087 Election: 10/89 Phone 615/762-4459 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - 10,184 Phone 615/444-6300 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wilson - M - 13, 123

Governing Body meets : Each Friday , 10:00 a.m. , City Administrat ion Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Court Room

Governing Body: Governing Body: Public Works/Utilities: Mayor Ivan Johnston Mayor WI I I Is H. Maddox GasMgr Ernest Jordon Comm 0. H. Garrard Ald Jerry Hunt PubWrkD H. M. Williams Comm Billy Ray He lton Ald Bobby Jewell WstWtrS James Arnold Comm C. F. McGee Ald Bobby Wynne Waters Truman Garrett Comm Joey Yeager Ald Jeannie Smith Ald Fred Burton Administration: Ald Claude Wilson ConDevC James H. Lindsey Atty Alan Betz* 762-9767 Administration: HsAuthD Gary Adair 762-7532 Atty William Farmer 444-7391 Judge William E. Boston 762-7167 HsAuthD Henry Harding Lib Nancy Pettus 762-4627 Judge Rodney Ahles ParksD\ RecDir Elizabeth Binkley 762-4459 Codes Enforcement : Bldin Ernest Belcher Codes Enforcement : Bldin Charles Douglas Bldin Rollie Price Finance: Finance: FinD James H. Boyd , Sr. Treas Charles T. Brovn 762-4459 PurAgt Charlie Cripps

Planning/Zoning : Publ ic Safety: PlngCCh V. H. Crowder PoliceC James Dodson

Public Safety: Planning/Zoning: CivDefD Avagene Moore 762-3523 PlngCCh Ann Roberts PubSfD Joe Fisher PlngDir Osborne Foutch FireC Roy Holloway 762-9046 PoliceC Earl Hollis 762-2276

Public Works/Utilities: ElecMgr James Collins 762-7161 *Address: East Main Street GasMgr Charles Hill 762-6021 Streets W. 0. Smith 762-3255 UtilMgr John Ed Brewer 762-3505

*Address : P. 0. Box 488


P. 0. Box 590, 38464 Election: 4/89 119 South College Street, 37087 Election: 10/89 Phone 615/762-4459 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - 10,184 Phone 615/444-6300 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wilson - M - 13, 123

Governing Body meets : Each Friday , 10:00 a.m. , City Administrat ion Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Court Room

Governing Body: Governing Body: Public Works/Utilities: Mayor Ivan Johnston Mayor WI I I Is H. Maddox GasMgr Ernest Jordon Comm 0. H. Garrard Ald Jerry Hunt PubWrkD H. M. Williams Comm Billy Ray He lton Ald Bobby Jewell WstWtrS James Arnold Comm C. F. McGee Ald Bobby Wynne Waters Truman Garrett Comm Joey Yeager Ald Jeannie Smith Ald Fred Burton Administration: Ald Claude Wilson ConDevC James H. Lindsey Atty Alan Betz* 762-9767 Administration: HsAuthD Gary Adair 762-7532 Atty William Farmer 444-7391 Judge William E. Boston 762-7167 HsAuthD Henry Harding Lib Nancy Pettus 762-4627 Judge Rodney Ahles ParksD\ RecDir Elizabeth Binkley 762-4459 Codes Enforcement : Bldin Ernest Belcher Codes Enforcement : Bldin Charles Douglas Bldin Rollie Price Finance: Finance: FinD James H. Boyd , Sr. Treas Charles T. Brovn 762-4459 PurAgt Charlie Cripps

Planning/Zoning : Publ ic Safety: PlngCCh V. H. Crowder PoliceC James Dodson

Public Safety: Planning/Zoning: CivDefD Avagene Moore 762-3523 PlngCCh Ann Roberts PubSfD Joe Fisher PlngDir Osborne Foutch FireC Roy Holloway 762-9046 PoliceC Earl Hollis 762-2276

Public Works/Utilities: ElecMgr James Collins 762-7161 *Address: East Main Street GasMgr Charles Hill 762-6021 Streets W. 0. Smith 762-3255 UtilMgr John Ed Brewer 762-3505

*Address : P. 0. Box 488

84 85 "

CITY OF LENOIR CITY CITY OF LSVI SWRG P. Box 1968, 37091 Elect ion : 5/89 P. 0. Box 445, 37771 Election : 4/89 0. Marshall - M - 8, 760 Phone 615/986-2715 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Loudon - E - 5,443 Phone 615/359-1544 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Utilities Building Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Administration Building

Governing Bod)!'.: Public Safetl!'.: Governing Bod)!'.: Finance: Mayor Robert s. Mc Curry CivDefD Sonny Terry Mayor Charles G. West Treas A. C. Sweeney, Jr. V-May William F. Cheatham FireC David Denton Coun James C. Crunk Ald Timothy J. Denton PoliceC Bill Brown Coun Rufus Knowis Planning/Zoning : Ald Curtis T. Keener Coun Arnold Lilly PlngCCh C. B. Barnes Ald Thomas A. McNabb Public Works/Utilities: Coun Wayne Bailey Ald I. D. Conner Streets Tom Mccarroll Coun Larry McKnight Publ ic Safetl!'.: Ald Alice Clayton UtilMgr David Scarbrough (Acting ) CivDefD Robert P. Hopkins , III Administration : FireC John Redd Administration : Mgr Edd ie Derryberry PoliceC Ray Green Admin Edv in T. Sm ith 986-7224 AdmAsst Edd ie Ful ler Atty Terry Vann• Atty Bob Binkley• 359-6238 Publ ic Works/Utilities: CityRec Harold Proaps 986-2227 CityRec Roger E. Brandon ElecMgr Richard Turner HsAuthD Linda Johnson Judge Roger E. Brandon Gas Mgr Kenneth L. Brown Judge Tom Ingram Lib Charlene Nicholas SanSupt/ Lib Jacqueline Moore RecDir Jane Davenport Streets Kirby Murphy ParksD Robert S. Mccurry waters/ RecDir Glenn Wi lliams Codes Enforcement : WstWtrS E. Ray Farley Sc Supt Harold Duff Bldin Eddie Fuller

Codes Enforcement : *Address: 111 East Commerce Street Bldin David Denton Elecin Jim c'arey

Finance: CITY OF LEXINGTON Election : 10/89 Treas Harold Proaps 986-2227 P. 0. Box 87, 38351 Phone 901/968-6657 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henderson - W - 5,934 Planning/Zoning: PlngCCh Bill Wo lfe Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bod)!'.: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Dav id Javers Bldin/ *Address : Ald Jerry Reeves Hsngin Bobby Singleton P. 0. Box 130 Ald Carneal Blackstock Ald Carl D. Overman Planning/Zoning: Ald Jimmy Creasy PlngCCh/ Ald William Brooks PlngDir Ernest Thomas Ald Calvin Shug art Public Safet)!'.: Administration : CivDefD Atty Ken Walker• 968-3356 FireC Danny Barker CityRec David Hopper PoliceC Charles Woods Judge William Brooks ScSupt Chip Medearis Publ ic Works/Utilities: SfHhO David Hopper ElecMgr Wayne Bowman GasMgr Gary Wilkerson PubWrkD Jerrell D. Jones Streets R. V. Hart Waters Thomas Cozart WstWtrS Sidney Blankenship

*Address: Natchez Trace Drive , P. 0. Box 480 "

CITY OF LENOIR CITY CITY OF LSVI SWRG P. Box 1968, 37091 Elect ion : 5/89 P. 0. Box 445, 37771 Election : 4/89 0. Marshall - M - 8, 760 Phone 615/986-2715 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Loudon - E - 5,443 Phone 615/359-1544 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Utilities Building Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Administration Building

Governing Bod)!'.: Public Safetl!'.: Governing Bod)!'.: Finance: Mayor Robert s. Mc Curry CivDefD Sonny Terry Mayor Charles G. West Treas A. C. Sweeney, Jr. V-May William F. Cheatham FireC David Denton Coun James C. Crunk Ald Timothy J. Denton PoliceC Bill Brown Coun Rufus Knowis Planning/Zoning : Ald Curtis T. Keener Coun Arnold Lilly PlngCCh C. B. Barnes Ald Thomas A. McNabb Public Works/Utilities: Coun Wayne Bailey Ald I. D. Conner Streets Tom Mccarroll Coun Larry McKnight Publ ic Safetl!'.: Ald Alice Clayton UtilMgr David Scarbrough (Acting ) CivDefD Robert P. Hopkins , III Administration : FireC John Redd Administration : Mgr Edd ie Derryberry PoliceC Ray Green Admin Edv in T. Sm ith 986-7224 AdmAsst Edd ie Ful ler Atty Terry Vann• Atty Bob Binkley• 359-6238 Publ ic Works/Utilities: CityRec Harold Proaps 986-2227 CityRec Roger E. Brandon ElecMgr Richard Turner HsAuthD Linda Johnson Judge Roger E. Brandon Gas Mgr Kenneth L. Brown Judge Tom Ingram Lib Charlene Nicholas SanSupt/ Lib Jacqueline Moore RecDir Jane Davenport Streets Kirby Murphy ParksD Robert S. Mccurry waters/ RecDir Glenn Wi lliams Codes Enforcement : WstWtrS E. Ray Farley Sc Supt Harold Duff Bldin Eddie Fuller

Codes Enforcement : *Address: 111 East Commerce Street Bldin David Denton Elecin Jim c'arey

Finance: CITY OF LEXINGTON Election : 10/89 Treas Harold Proaps 986-2227 P. 0. Box 87, 38351 Phone 901/968-6657 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henderson - W - 5,934 Planning/Zoning: PlngCCh Bill Wo lfe Governing Body meets : 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bod)!'.: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Dav id Javers Bldin/ *Address : Ald Jerry Reeves Hsngin Bobby Singleton P. 0. Box 130 Ald Carneal Blackstock Ald Carl D. Overman Planning/Zoning: Ald Jimmy Creasy PlngCCh/ Ald William Brooks PlngDir Ernest Thomas Ald Calvin Shug art Public Safet)!'.: Administration : CivDefD Atty Ken Walker• 968-3356 FireC Danny Barker CityRec David Hopper PoliceC Charles Woods Judge William Brooks ScSupt Chip Medearis Publ ic Works/Utilities: SfHhO David Hopper ElecMgr Wayne Bowman GasMgr Gary Wilkerson PubWrkD Jerrell D. Jones Streets R. V. Hart Waters Thomas Cozart WstWtrS Sidney Blankenship

*Address: Natchez Trace Drive , P. 0. Box 480 TONN OF LIBERTY TONN OF LIV INGSTCX

Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Adm inistration : Governing Bodz: Planning/Zoning : Mayor J. Edward Hale, Jr. Atty McAllen Foutch* 597-4087 Mayor Hosea Winningham PlngCCh Richard F. Knight Ald Eddie Sliger CityRec Char lotte Bratten 536-5220 V-May Bill Winningham Ald J. T. Pursell Ald John Halfacre Public Safetz: Ald Kenneth Mu llinax Public Safetz: Ald Gera ld Garrett FireC A. B. Coleman Ald Howard Reynolds, Jr. FireC Brown Murphy Al d Buckie Parsons PoliceC Howard Garrett Ald Nick Herman Ald Harold Fletcher Ald Thurman Langford Public Works/Utilities: GasMgr Don White Administration: Streets Charlie Fletcher Atty John Turnbull* 823-6453 SwrPlS Danny Langford *Address : 200 South Third Street , Smithville 37166 Judge Charles Ward Waters Johnny White

Codes Enforcement : Bldin Darvis Sims

*Address : 1010 East Main Street

TONN OF LINDEN Election : 12/89 P. 0. Box 46, 37096 Phone 615/589-2736 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Perrz - M - 1,087

Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall CITY OF LOBELVILLE

P. 0. Box 369, 37097 Election : 12/89 Governing Body: Public Safetz: Phone 615/593-2285 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Perrz - M - 993 Cl inton Liverman Jame s Morris Mayor W. FireC Ald Billy Ward Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Ald Doug las Greenway Public Works/Ut ilities: Ald Herbert Parrish Ut ilMg r Willard Kennamore Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Ald Tex Smith Mayor Steve Hester PoliceC Don Clifton Aid V-May Jim Azbill Jesse Byrd FireC Frank Barber, Jr. 593-2600 Ald Trent DePriest Ald David Arnold Ald Frank Barber, Jr. Public Works/Utilities: Ald Administrat ion : James Richardson GasMgr Gene Hester Atty Tommy Doyle* 589-2 167 SanSupt Eddie Scott C:tyRec/ Administrat ion: Waters Bobby Warren ..7udge Arvell Ezell Atty John Lee Williams* 296-7741 ,::�e rk Calvin W. Lacy CityRec Barbara DePr iest

*A�dress : P. 0. Box 45 *Address: 102 South Court Square , Wave rly 37185


Governing Body me ets: 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Adm inistration : Governing Bodz: Planning/Zoning : Mayor J. Edward Hale, Jr. Atty McAllen Foutch* 597-4087 Mayor Hosea Winningham PlngCCh Richard F. Knight Ald Eddie Sliger CityRec Char lotte Bratten 536-5220 V-May Bill Winningham Ald J. T. Pursell Ald John Halfacre Public Safetz: Ald Kenneth Mu llinax Public Safetz: Ald Gera ld Garrett FireC A. B. Coleman Ald Howard Reynolds, Jr. FireC Brown Murphy Al d Buckie Parsons PoliceC Howard Garrett Ald Nick Herman Ald Harold Fletcher Ald Thurman Langford Public Works/Utilities: GasMgr Don White Administration: Streets Charlie Fletcher Atty John Turnbull* 823-6453 SwrPlS Danny Langford *Address : 200 South Third Street , Smithville 37166 Judge Charles Ward Waters Johnny White

Codes Enforcement : Bldin Darvis Sims

*Address : 1010 East Main Street

TONN OF LINDEN Election : 12/89 P. 0. Box 46, 37096 Phone 615/589-2736 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Perrz - M - 1,087

Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall CITY OF LOBELVILLE

P. 0. Box 369, 37097 Election : 12/89 Governing Body: Public Safetz: Phone 615/593-2285 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Perrz - M - 993 Cl inton Liverman Jame s Morris Mayor W. FireC Ald Billy Ward Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Ald Doug las Greenway Public Works/Ut ilities: Ald Herbert Parrish Ut ilMg r Willard Kennamore Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Ald Tex Smith Mayor Steve Hester PoliceC Don Clifton Aid V-May Jim Azbill Jesse Byrd FireC Frank Barber, Jr. 593-2600 Ald Trent DePriest Ald David Arnold Ald Frank Barber, Jr. Public Works/Utilities: Ald Administrat ion : James Richardson GasMgr Gene Hester Atty Tommy Doyle* 589-2 167 SanSupt Eddie Scott C:tyRec/ Administrat ion: Waters Bobby Warren ..7udge Arvell Ezell Atty John Lee Williams* 296-7741 ,::�e rk Calvin W. Lacy CityRec Barbara DePr iest

*A�dress : P. 0. Box 45 *Address: 102 South Court Square , Wave rly 37185

88 89 CITY OF L

Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 4:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Harold Amburn PlngCCh J. E. Greenway Mayor Fred Pascha ll Treas Phil Wh itaker V-May Jack H. Lefler Comm Lucy Thatcher Coun Joe Satterfield Public Safety: Comm Charles Howe ll Public Safety: Coun Randel Johns FireC Rondel Branam Comm Hardwick Caldwell FireC Ray Farmer Coun Bill Lankford PoliceC John Lennex Comm Phil Wh itaker PoliceC Charlie Howell 821-3151

Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Mgr Barry Baker ElecMgr Sterling Cooke Atty Brian Smith* 756-0300 SanSupt/ Atty Ed Arnold* 986-2026 PubWrkD Bill Fagg CityRec Pat Lane Streets L. Hardwick Caldwell, Jr. CityRec Mrs . Eldred Smith Waters Beryl Kirkland Judge Albert Hodge HsAuthD Sue Brewer WstWtrS John Davis ParksD Raymond Stamps PrkRecD Lucy Thatcher Codes Enforcement : Bldin Rendel Branam

*Address : 701 Market Street , Chattanooga 37402-4805

*Address : P. 0. Box 626


P. . . Box 176, 38469 Election: 4/90 0 CITY OF RE Ll.ITT LL Phone 615/853-6797 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - l 612 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Box 82, 37779 Phone 615/992-0870 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Union - E - 962 Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m. , Civic Center

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Tommy L. Augustin CivDefD M. L. Gray Governing Body: Administration: V-May Mary Frances Meyer FireC David Ellis Mayor Denny Bates CityRec Esco Vaughn Ald Kenneth Jones PoliceC Fred Wisdom Coun Judy Stowers Coun Johnny Collins Public Works/Ut ilities: Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Coun Carl Burnett Streets Earl Pollard Mgr Ke ith Sm ith PubWrkD Eugene Guttery Coun Dean Hill Atty Hairrell/Doerfl inger* 762-4641 Coun Roy Booker CityRec Charlotte B. Lee Judge W. Charles Doerflinger

*Address: P. 0. Drawer H. , Lawrenceburg 38464

91 90 CITY OF L

Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 4:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Harold Amburn PlngCCh J. E. Greenway Mayor Fred Pascha ll Treas Phil Wh itaker V-May Jack H. Lefler Comm Lucy Thatcher Coun Joe Satterfield Public Safety: Comm Charles Howe ll Public Safety: Coun Randel Johns FireC Rondel Branam Comm Hardwick Caldwell FireC Ray Farmer Coun Bill Lankford PoliceC John Lennex Comm Phil Wh itaker PoliceC Charlie Howell 821-3151

Administration: Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Mgr Barry Baker ElecMgr Sterling Cooke Atty Brian Smith* 756-0300 SanSupt/ Atty Ed Arnold* 986-2026 PubWrkD Bill Fagg CityRec Pat Lane Streets L. Hardwick Caldwell, Jr. CityRec Mrs . Eldred Smith Waters Beryl Kirkland Judge Albert Hodge HsAuthD Sue Brewer WstWtrS John Davis ParksD Raymond Stamps PrkRecD Lucy Thatcher Codes Enforcement : Bldin Rendel Branam

*Address : 701 Market Street , Chattanooga 37402-4805

*Address : P. 0. Box 626


P. . . Box 176, 38469 Election: 4/90 0 CITY OF RE Ll.ITT LL Phone 615/853-6797 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - l 612 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Box 82, 37779 Phone 615/992-0870 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Union - E - 962 Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m. , Civic Center

Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Tommy L. Augustin CivDefD M. L. Gray Governing Body: Administration: V-May Mary Frances Meyer FireC David Ellis Mayor Denny Bates CityRec Esco Vaughn Ald Kenneth Jones PoliceC Fred Wisdom Coun Judy Stowers Coun Johnny Collins Public Works/Ut ilities: Administration : Public Works/Utilities: Coun Carl Burnett Streets Earl Pollard Mgr Ke ith Sm ith PubWrkD Eugene Guttery Coun Dean Hill Atty Hairrell/Doerfl inger* 762-4641 Coun Roy Booker CityRec Charlotte B. Lee Judge W. Charles Doerflinger

*Address: P. 0. Drawer H. , Lawrenceburg 38464

91 90 � ------[ ------

TOYN OF LYNCHEIJRG II P. 0. Box D, 37352 C/TY OF MCEHEN Phone 615/759-4297 Election: 8/88 P. O. Box 236, 37101 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Moore - M - 668 � Phone 615/582-6211 CONSLT: J. ROB: Governing Body meets: 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 I Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Nath Osborne Governing Bodz: PlngCCh Matt Vann Mayor Larry Mayberry Administration: V-May James Cecil Ross Public Safety: Atty John T. BoBo* 684-4611 Ald James Ethridge FireC Don Primus CityRec Louise 0. Ervin Ald w. A. Fossie, Jr. PoliceC Aulton Stewmon Aid Dwight Profitt Finance: Ald J. Don Simpson, Jr. Public Works/Utilities: Treas Ol.JInn J. HI I I Waters/ Administration: WstWtrS Harold Tipps Atty John Lee Williams* 296-7741 CityRec Jane Sparks

*Address: P. 0. Box 169, Shelbyville 37160 *Address: 102 South Court Square, Wave

CITY OF MCKENZIE P. O. Box 160, 38201 Phone 901/352-2292 CONSLT: HAROLD

. Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Thur

Governing Bodz: TOYN OF LYNNVILLE Mayor Robert L. Putman P. 0. Box 158, 38472 V-May Dan Bradfield Phone 615/527-3158 Election: 6/89 CONSLT: Coun Darra Adkins J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 383 Coun Billy Vawter Governing Body meets: !st Thursday, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall Coun John Mosley Coun Doug McCadams Governing Body: Coun Danny Yates Public Safety: Mayor Frances He.vitt PoliceC James Fralix Ald James W. Watson Administration: Ald Monte Carpenter Atty Kent Jones• 986-82 Ald J. D. Woodard Clerk Jane Thompson Ald Loretta Goodloe HsAuthD Jerrie Hamlin Ald Bobby Hollis Judge Leslie Haugen Lib Julia DeVault ParksD Larry Watkins Sc Supt Joe Williams

*Address: P. 0. Box 707, Huntingdon

92 rovN OF LYNCHBJRG CITY OF MCBNEN Election : 5/89 ?. Box D, 37352 Election: 8/88 P. 0. Box 236, 37101 0. Humphreys - M - 1,352 ?hone 615/759-4297 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Moore - M - 668 Phone 615/582-6211 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS

3overning Body meets: 1st Wedne sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

3overning Body : Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Public Safety: 1ayor Nath Osborne PlngCCh Matt Vann Mayor Larry Mayberry FireC James M. Ridings V-May James Cecil Ross PoliceC John Ethridge Mministration: Public Safety: Ald James Ethridge 'tty John T. BoBo* 684-4611 FireC Don Primus Ald w. A. Fossie, Jr. Public Works/Utilities: Aulton Stewmon Ald Dwight Profitt Waters James Mayberry :ityRec Louise 0. Ervin PoliceC Ald J. Don Simpson , Jr. WstWtrS Houston Howe ll �inance : Public Works/Utilities: rreas QuInn J. HI I I Waters/ Administration: WstWtrS Harold Tipps Atty John Lee Williams• 296-7741 CityRec Jane Sparks

*Address: 102 South Court Square , Wave rly 37185 *Address : P. 0. Box 169, Shelbyville 37160


P. 0. Box 160, 38201 Election: 5/90 Phone 901/352-2292 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll, Henry, Weakley - W - 5,459

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Robert L. Putman Bldin Max M. Edwards rovN OF LYN/# ILLE V-May Dan Bradfield �. Election : 6/89 Coun Darra Adkins Planning/Zoning: 0. Box 158, 38472 �hone 615/527-3158 Giles - M - 383 Coun Billy Vawter PlngCCh Joe Ward CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Coun John Mosley 3overning Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Coun Doug McCadams Public Safety: Coun Danny Yates FireC Billy Sexton 3overning Body: Public Safety : Pol iceC James Sydnor 1ayor Frances Hav ltt PoliceC James Fralix Administration: Ud James W. Watson Atty Kent Jones* 986-8266 Public Works/Utilities: Ud Monte Carpenter Clerk Jane Thompson Streets Willard Barksdale Ud J. D. Woodard HsAuthD Jerrie Haml in Waters Rickey Shell Ud Loretta Good loe Judge Leslie Haugen Ud Bobby Ho llis Lib Julia De Vault ParksD Larry Watkins Sc Supt Joe Williams

*Address: P. 0. Box 707, Hunt ingdon 38344

92 93 TOfN OF MCLEMORESI/IL LE TOfN OF MAD ISCMllLLE P. O. Box 38, 38235 Election: 3/89 301 College Street , 37354 Election: 9/88 Phone 901/986-5347 or 9440 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 311 Phone 615/442-9416 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Monroe E - 2,904

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 8:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Phillip R. Williams Treas Barbara Younger 986-3145 Mayor Robert L. Tallent PlngCCh Paul Blair V-May William E. O'Ne ill Ald Marvin Hunt Ald Sue Newsome Public Safety: Ald Bob Taylor Lee Public Safety: Ald Barbara Younger FireC Billy Younger Ald Ben Ammo ns CivDefD Carlus Owen Ald Ang ie Martin Ald Alfred McClendon FireC Sam Tallent Ald Billy McKinney Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald Allen Watson PoliceC Willard Lambe rt Streets/ Administration : Waters Hunter Hopper Administration : Public Works/Ut ilities: CityRec Barbara Younger 986-3145 Admin Buddy Wolfe GasMgr/ Atty Wiliam Buckley, Jr. 745-7050 Waters Bob Taylor Lee CityRec E. C. Stanley SanSupt Allen Watson Lib Mrs . Edward E. Webb Streets Alf red McClendon Judge E. C. Stanley

Codes Enforcement : Bldin Buddy Wolfe

Finance FinD Ben Ammons CITY OF MCMINMllLLE City Hall, 37110 Election : 12/88 *Address: 8-1/2 Wh ite Street, Athens 37303 Phone 615/473-6691 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 11,796

Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

CITY OF M.ANCHESTER Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Royce Davenport Bldin/ 200 West Fort Street, 37355 Election: 8/89 V-May Lester Cowe 11 Plmbln Malcolm Bounds Phone 615/728-4652 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS M Coffee 7 ' 2 50 . Ald Pete Holt Ald Gary Griffin Planning/Zoning: Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7·.30 p . m ., C't1y H a 11 Ald Glenn Moore PlngCCh Norman W. Rone Ald W. S. Lively Governing Body: Administrator: (cont ) Roy Worthington Ald Herbert Graeser Public Safety: Mayor Lib Sherryl Markum FireC William H. Baker Ald Lonnie Norman ParksD Nancy Herlong Administration: Pol iceC Bobby Southard Ald Ray Teal ScSupt Billy J. Pack Admin Thomas M. Sprowl Ald Delores Medford Atty James W. Dempster* 473-4934 Public Works/Utilities: Ald Alvin West Codes Enforcement : CityRec/ ElecMgr Don Collette Ald Arch Kendrick Bldln Horace Lewis Judge John Biddle SanSupt/ Ald Terry Mcintosh ParksD Carlene Mont ieth 473-3380 Streets William Brock Public Safety: Waters/ Administration : FireC David Freeze WstWtrS Carl Davis Atty Alec Garland* 728-0413 PoliceC Tony Jones CityRec Nina Moffitt Judge Harry B. Gilley Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Streets/ SanSupt Ed Anderson *Address: P. 0. Box 332 Sewers/ Waters Ed Hobbs

*Address : 117 South Spring Street TOfN OF MCLEMORESI/IL LE TOfN OF MAD ISCMllLLE P. O. Box 38, 38235 Election: 3/89 301 College Street , 37354 Election: 9/88 Phone 901/986-5347 or 9440 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 311 Phone 615/442-9416 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Monroe E - 2,904

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 8:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Phillip R. Williams Treas Barbara Younger 986-3145 Mayor Robert L. Tallent PlngCCh Paul Blair V-May William E. O'Ne ill Ald Marvin Hunt Ald Sue Newsome Public Safety: Ald Bob Taylor Lee Public Safety: Ald Barbara Younger FireC Billy Younger Ald Ben Ammo ns CivDefD Carlus Owen Ald Ang ie Martin Ald Alfred McClendon FireC Sam Tallent Ald Billy McKinney Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald Allen Watson PoliceC Willard Lambe rt Streets/ Administration : Waters Hunter Hopper Administration : Public Works/Ut ilities: CityRec Barbara Younger 986-3145 Admin Buddy Wolfe GasMgr/ Atty Wiliam Buckley, Jr. 745-7050 Waters Bob Taylor Lee CityRec E. C. Stanley SanSupt Allen Watson Lib Mrs . Edward E. Webb Streets Alf red McClendon Judge E. C. Stanley

Codes Enforcement : Bldin Buddy Wolfe

Finance FinD Ben Ammons CITY OF MCMINMllLLE City Hall, 37110 Election : 12/88 *Address: 8-1/2 Wh ite Street, Athens 37303 Phone 615/473-6691 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 11,796

Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

CITY OF M.ANCHESTER Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Royce Davenport Bldin/ 200 West Fort Street, 37355 Election: 8/89 V-May Lester Cowe 11 Plmbln Malcolm Bounds Phone 615/728-4652 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS M Coffee 7 ' 2 50 . Ald Pete Holt Ald Gary Griffin Planning/Zoning: Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7·.30 p . m ., C't1y H a 11 Ald Glenn Moore PlngCCh Norman W. Rone Ald W. S. Lively Governing Body: Administrator: (cont ) Roy Worthington Ald Herbert Graeser Public Safety: Mayor Lib Sherryl Markum FireC William H. Baker Ald Lonnie Norman ParksD Nancy Herlong Administration: Pol iceC Bobby Southard Ald Ray Teal ScSupt Billy J. Pack Admin Thomas M. Sprowl Ald Delores Medford Atty James W. Dempster* 473-4934 Public Works/Utilities: Ald Alvin West Codes Enforcement : CityRec/ ElecMgr Don Collette Ald Arch Kendrick Bldln Horace Lewis Judge John Biddle SanSupt/ Ald Terry Mcintosh ParksD Carlene Mont ieth 473-3380 Streets William Brock Public Safety: Waters/ Administration : FireC David Freeze WstWtrS Carl Davis Atty Alec Garland* 728-0413 PoliceC Tony Jones CityRec Nina Moffitt Judge Harry B. Gilley Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Streets/ SanSupt Ed Anderson *Address: P. 0. Box 332 Sewers/ Waters Ed Hobbs

*Address : 117 South Spring Street CITY OF MAFfflN CITY OF MmtV ILLE P. Box 428, 37803-0428 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Box 290, 38237 Election : 6/88 0. CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 17,807 Phone 901/587-3126 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 8,985 Phone 615/984-7900

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Bldg .

Governing Body: Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Virginia We ldon Mayor Stanley Shields FireC Bruce Hill V-May Willard Rooks V-May Robert N. Navrat il PoliceC Don Boring Ald Larry Taylor Coun Joe W. Downey Ald Bob Peeler Coun Robert W. Gilbert Public Works/Utilities : Ald Rex Pate Coun Paul Elrod ElecMgr Rody Blevins Eng Roddy Blevins Administration : Administration : PubWrkD Dick Jenkins Mike St innett Atty Mike Maloan* 587-2297 Mgr Gary H. Hensley SwrPlS Jimmy Rex Burchfield Clerk Linda Bennett 587-3126 AsstMgr Roger D. Campbell Waters CityRec/ AdmAsst David Morton WstWtrS Rex Ogle PersD Elizabeth Hammer 587-3126 Atty Roy D. Crawford* 982-5431 Judge Mike Maloan 587-2297 CityRec Roger Campbe ll (Act ing ) HsAuthD Van Chandler 587-3186 Judge Wm . Yarborough Lib Teresa Johnson 587-3148 Lib Evelyn McDaniel ParksD David Byars 587-4202 ParksD John Wilbanks RecDir Dennis Suiter 587-6784 PersD Roger D. Campbe ll SfHhO Reavis McDaniel 587-3126 Pubinf oO Joyce Driskill Sc Supt David Berry (Acting) Finance: DatProD Linda Bennett 587-3126 Codes Enforcement : Bldin Dale Patty Planning/Zoning : ElecMgr Frank Wright PlngCCh Baxter J. Fisher Hsngin Kenneth Abbott

Public Safety: Finance : FireC N. B. Williams 587-4919 PurAgt G. Vernon Wilson PoliceC Jackie Moore 587-5355 DataProD J. P. Marion FinD Mark L. Johnson Public Works/Utilities : RskMgtD Herman Best Eng Jim Crocker 587-5551 GasMgr/ Planning/Zoning : Waters Charles Vowell, Jr. 587-9046 PlngCCh Wilson Taylor eubWrkD Michael Stooksberry 587-4910 CityPlnr Scott K. Poland SanSupt Larry Brewer 587-2418

*Address: P. 0. Box 368

'Address: P. O. Box 290

97 96 CITY OF MAFfflN CITY OF MmtV ILLE P. Box 428, 37803-0428 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Box 290, 38237 Election : 6/88 0. CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 17,807 Phone 901/587-3126 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Weakley - W - 8,985 Phone 615/984-7900

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Bldg .

Governing Body: Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Virginia We ldon Mayor Stanley Shields FireC Bruce Hill V-May Willard Rooks V-May Robert N. Navrat il PoliceC Don Boring Ald Larry Taylor Coun Joe W. Downey Ald Bob Peeler Coun Robert W. Gilbert Public Works/Utilities : Ald Rex Pate Coun Paul Elrod ElecMgr Rody Blevins Eng Roddy Blevins Administration : Administration : PubWrkD Dick Jenkins Mike St innett Atty Mike Maloan* 587-2297 Mgr Gary H. Hensley SwrPlS Jimmy Rex Burchfield Clerk Linda Bennett 587-3126 AsstMgr Roger D. Campbell Waters CityRec/ AdmAsst David Morton WstWtrS Rex Ogle PersD Elizabeth Hammer 587-3126 Atty Roy D. Crawford* 982-5431 Judge Mike Maloan 587-2297 CityRec Roger Campbe ll (Act ing ) HsAuthD Van Chandler 587-3186 Judge Wm . Yarborough Lib Teresa Johnson 587-3148 Lib Evelyn McDaniel ParksD David Byars 587-4202 ParksD John Wilbanks RecDir Dennis Suiter 587-6784 PersD Roger D. Campbe ll SfHhO Reavis McDaniel 587-3126 Pubinf oO Joyce Driskill Sc Supt David Berry (Acting) Finance: DatProD Linda Bennett 587-3126 Codes Enforcement : Bldin Dale Patty Planning/Zoning : ElecMgr Frank Wright PlngCCh Baxter J. Fisher Hsngin Kenneth Abbott

Public Safety: Finance : FireC N. B. Williams 587-4919 PurAgt G. Vernon Wilson PoliceC Jackie Moore 587-5355 DataProD J. P. Marion FinD Mark L. Johnson Public Works/Utilities : RskMgtD Herman Best Eng Jim Crocker 587-5551 GasMgr/ Planning/Zoning : Waters Charles Vowell, Jr. 587-9046 PlngCCh Wilson Taylor eubWrkD Michael Stooksberry 587-4910 CityPlnr Scott K. Poland SanSupt Larry Brewer 587-2418

*Address: P. 0. Box 368

'Address: P. O. Box 290

97 96 TOllN OF MASON TOllNOF MAYNHICN ILLE P. O. Box 325, 38049 Election: 4/89 P. 0. Box 1816, 37807 Election : 6/88 Phone 901/294-3525 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 471 Phone 615/992-3821 CONSLT : KNOXVILLE OFFICE Union - E - 924

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. CST,. and 7:30 p.m. , CDT, City Hal l Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Finde Naifeh, Jr. FireC John L. Click Mayor Gale Munsey Treas Hazel Gillenwater V-May Lee C. Clark, Jr. PoliceC G. T. Ste gall Coun Ald William P. Martin Jeff Chesney Comm Russell Gillenwater Public Safety: Ald Public Works/Utilities: FireC Coy Graves Ald Buford Evans Ut ilMgr James Clark PoliceC Kyle Richardson Ald Ke ith Buchanan Administration: Kyle Richardson Ald Clarence A. Malone Mgr Atty Daryl Edmonson 992-5484 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Haze l Gl l lerwater Eng Administration: Judge W. B. Warwick Waters B. T. Loy, Jr. Atty James S. Wilder* 465-4227 CityRec Maude Seay Codes Enforcement : Judge J. Weber Mccraw** 476-5229 Secy Patricia A. Mabrey Bldln H. C. Branum

*Address: 125 West Market Street , Somerv ille 38068 **Address : 114 We st Liberty Avenue , Covington 38019

TOllN OF MEDINA Election : 11/89 TOllNOF M.NJRY CITY P. 0. Box 192, 38355 Phone 901/783-3913 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Gibson - W - 687 P. 0. Box 245, 38050-0245 Election : 5/89 Phone 901/656-2119 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 989 Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Civic Center Offices Closed Wednesdays Governing Body meets: Last Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Gas Department Building

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Mike Prestlnlnzl FireC David Stewart Mayor James D. Ward CityRec June Jones Ald Marshl J. D. Johnson V-May George E. Simmons Landon Graves Ald Ray Roberts Ald Tommy Harper Public Safety: Ald David Stewart Public Works/Utilities: Ald Hazel Redmond FireC Lloyd Johnson Ald Tim Epperson SanSupt/ Ald Joseph T. Jones Waters Landon Graves Ald Jerrell P. Little Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Ut ilMgr/ Atty Billy Jack Goodrich* 423-1380 Waters D. Joe Hal l CityRec Evelyn S. Barnes Judge Mike Prestininzi

*Address : Route 2, Humboldt 38343 TOllN OF MASON TOllNOF MAYNHICN ILLE P. O. Box 325, 38049 Election: 4/89 P. 0. Box 1816, 37807 Election : 6/88 Phone 901/294-3525 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Tipton - W - 471 Phone 615/992-3821 CONSLT : KNOXVILLE OFFICE Union - E - 924

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. CST,. and 7:30 p.m. , CDT, City Hal l Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Finde Naifeh, Jr. FireC John L. Click Mayor Gale Munsey Treas Hazel Gillenwater V-May Lee C. Clark, Jr. PoliceC G. T. Ste gall Coun Ald William P. Martin Jeff Chesney Comm Russell Gillenwater Public Safety: Ald Public Works/Utilities: FireC Coy Graves Ald Buford Evans Ut ilMgr James Clark PoliceC Kyle Richardson Ald Ke ith Buchanan Administration: Kyle Richardson Ald Clarence A. Malone Mgr Atty Daryl Edmonson 992-5484 Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Haze l Gl l lerwater Eng Administration: Judge W. B. Warwick Waters B. T. Loy, Jr. Atty James S. Wilder* 465-4227 CityRec Maude Seay Codes Enforcement : Judge J. Weber Mccraw** 476-5229 Secy Patricia A. Mabrey Bldln H. C. Branum

*Address: 125 West Market Street , Somerv ille 38068 **Address : 114 We st Liberty Avenue , Covington 38019

TOllN OF MEDINA Election : 11/89 TOllNOF M.NJRY CITY P. 0. Box 192, 38355 Phone 901/783-3913 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Gibson - W - 687 P. 0. Box 245, 38050-0245 Election : 5/89 Phone 901/656-2119 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Crockett - W - 989 Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Civic Center Offices Closed Wednesdays Governing Body meets: Last Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Gas Department Building

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Mike Prestlnlnzl FireC David Stewart Mayor James D. Ward CityRec June Jones Ald Marshl J. D. Johnson V-May George E. Simmons Landon Graves Ald Ray Roberts Ald Tommy Harper Public Safety: Ald David Stewart Public Works/Utilities: Ald Hazel Redmond FireC Lloyd Johnson Ald Tim Epperson SanSupt/ Ald Joseph T. Jones Waters Landon Graves Ald Jerrell P. Little Public Works/Utilities: Administration: Ut ilMgr/ Atty Billy Jack Goodrich* 423-1380 Waters D. Joe Hal l CityRec Evelyn S. Barnes Judge Mike Prestininzi

*Address : Route 2, Humboldt 38343 TOYN OF MECJaol TOYN OF MIOllE P. O. Box 23, 38356 Election: 11/88 P. o. Box 27, 38357 Phone 90 1/422-6237 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Madison - W - 210 Phone 901/239-3680 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGME'

Governing Body meets: Monthly, 7:00 p. m., Town Hall Governing Body meets: 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m., Civ

Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body: Mayor Dav id Mull ins CityRec O//s Mae Arnold Mayor Tommy Wigginton Ald Bobby Kelly Ald J. A. Churchwell Ald Ormond Collins Public Safety: Ald Hayward Hite Ald Melva Dee Smith FireC Don Jackson Ald Barry Moore Ald James H. Lee PoliceC Jerry W. Anthony Ald David Cunningham

C /TY OF MEMPHIS 125 North Mid-America Mall 38103 Election: 8/91 Phone 901/576-6500 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 646,174

Governing Body meets: Every Tuesday, 4:30 p.m., City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: (Con't) Mayor Richard C. Hackett PersD Eugene Busby 576-6403 Coun Florence Leffler Sc Supt Willie Herenton 454-5444 Coun Oscar H. Edmonds, Jr. SfHhO H. R. Ragsdale 454-2680 Coun Barbara Sonnenburg TranspD Michael Hufnagel 278-7880 C /TY OF MIWLETa-1 Coun Tom Marshall P. O. Box 40, 38052 Coun Michael Hooks Codes Enforcement: Phone 901/376-8409 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. Coun Jimmy Moore Bldln Waymon Welch 576-5241 Coun A. D. Alissandratos Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Ci Coun Mary Rose McCormick Finance:

Coun Pat Vander Schaaf FinD John Pontius 576-6657 Governing Body: Coun Jack Sammons PurAgt Robert Pepper 576-6683 Mayor James S. Simpson Coun James Ford Treas Carole Jefferson V-May Harry Shelly Coun Rickey W. Peete Ald Vernon Henderson Coun Bill Davis Planning/Zoning: 528-2601 Ald C. W. Gibson PlngCCh Ben Whitton 576-6601 Ald Mike Bodiford Administration: PlngDir Phil Whittenberg 576-7197 Jim Broughton CAO Administration: Atty Clifford D. Pierce, Jr. 576-6512 Public Safety: Admin Lee Whatley ComDevD Hershel Lipow FireC Maynard Stiles 527-1400 Atty Charles M. Cary* 658-5170 HsAuthD Hershel Lipow PoliceC James E. Ivy 576-5700 Clerk Patty Lanter Judge Larry Potter Judge Kay Robilio Public Works/Utilities: Judge Nancy Sorak Eng Bryant Bondurant 576-6901

Judge Kenneth A. Turner 528-8400 SanSupt Danny Lemmons 576-6815 *Address: P. 0. Box 306, Bolivar 38008 LCAD Paul Gurley PubWrkD Benny Lendermon (Acting) Lib Judy Drescher 528-2950 MISD Dave Siebert Light, Gas and Water Division: ParksD Allie Prescott 454-5766 UtilMgr Larry Papasan 528-4151

100 101 "CJNN OF MEDal TONN OF Mlal/E Box 23, 38356 '. 0. Election: 11/88 P. Box 27, 38357 Election : 8/89 'hone 901/422-6237 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST 0. Madison - W - 210 Phone 901/239-3680 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 588 ioverning Body meets: Monthly, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Civic Center

;overning Bodi,:: Administration : Governing Body: Administration: layor David Mul lins CityRec Oils Mae Arnold Mayor Tommy Wigginton CityRec Elaine Tucker .1d Bobby Ke lly Ald J. A. Churchwe ll .1d Ormond Coll ins Public Safeti,:: Ald Hayward Hite Public Safety: .1d Melva Dee Smith FireC Don Jackson Ald Barry Moore FireC Anthony Smith • ld James H . Lee Pol iceC Jerry W. Anthony Ald David Cunningham Public Works/Utilities: Waters Frank Carroll

:/TY OF MEMPH IS 25 North Mid-America Mall 38103 Election: 8/91 'hone 901/576-6500 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelby - W - 646, 174 ioverning Body meets: Every Tuesday , 4:30 p.m. , City Hall ioverning Body: Administration: (Con't) lay or Richard C. Hackett PersD Eugene Busby 576-6403 :oun Florence Leffler Sc Supt Willie Herenton 454-5444 :oun Oscar H. Edmonds, Jr. SfHhO H. R. Ragsdale 454-2680 :oun Barbara Sonnenburg TranspD Michael Hufnagel 278-7880 CITY OF MIOOLETON :oun Tom Marshall P. Box 40, 38052 Election : 2/89 :oun Michael Hooks Codes Enforcement: 0. Phone 901/376-8409 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 633 :oun J irnmy Moo re Bldin Waymon We lch 576-5241 :oun A. D. Al issandratos Governing Body me ets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall :oun Mary Rose McCormick Finance : :oun Pat Vander Schaaf 576-6657 FinD John Pontius Governing Body: Public Safety: �oun Jack Sammons 576-6683 PurAgt Robert Pepper Mayor James S. Simpson FireC Henry Seever 'oun James Ford Treas Carole Jefferson V-May Harry Shelly PoliceC Monroe Jordan 'oun Rickey W. Peete Ald Vernon Henderson :oun Bill Davis Planning/Zoning : 528-2601 Ald C. W. Gibson PlngCCh Ben Whitton 576-6601 Ald Mike Bodiford .dministration : PlngDir Phil Whittenberg 576-7197 'AO Jim Broughton Administration: �ty Clifford D. Pierce, Jr. 576-6512 Public Safety: Admin Lee Whatley omDevD Hershel Lipow FireC Maynard Stiles 527-1400 Atty Charles M. Cary• 658-5170 sAuthD Hershel Lipow PoliceC James E. Ivy 576-5700 Clerk Patty Lanier udge Larry Potter udge Kay Robilio Public Works/Utilities: udge Nancy Sorak Eng Bryant Bondurant 576-6901 udge Kenneth A. Turner 528-8400 576-6815 SanSupt Danny Lemmons *Address: P. Box 306, Bolivar 38008 CAD Paul Gurley PubWrkD Benny Lenderman (Acting ) Lib 0. Judy Drescher 528-2950 .ISD Dave Siebert Light , Gas and Water Division : arksD Allie Prescott 454-5766 UtilMg r Larry Papasan 528-4151

100 101 CITY OF MIUN CITYOF MILLERSVILLE City Hall, 38358 Elect ion : 11/89 P. O. Box 483, Goodlettsville, 37072 Elect ion : 5/89 Phone 901/686-3301 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Gibson - W - 8, 135 Phone 615/859-0880 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 2,010 Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Finance: Finance: Mayor Herb Dav is FinD Richard Burrow, Jr. Governing Bodz: V-May Ed Whitby Mayor Steve Nichols Treas Donna Allen Ald Elvis Potter Planning/Zoning: V-May Thomas Honeycutt Ald Jo Ann Pickard PlngCCh Pat York Comm Roger Smith Public Safetz: Ald Ronnie Boswell PoliceC Bruce Slate Ald Richard Burrow, Jr. Public Safetz: Administration: FireC Frank Cos Mgr Ron Ingram Ald Jack Cunn ingham CivDefD James Beasley 686-3996 Atty Tom Stewart 865-7000 Planning/Zoning: Administration : Public Safetz: CityRec Donna Allen PlngCCh Doug Brown Atty John Kizer* 686-1198 FireC James Beasley CityRec Marilyn Marshal l PoliceC JAmes Bratton ComDevC Parnell Landers Judge Collins Bonds* Public Works/Ut ilities: Lib Dorothy Bruce Ut ilMgr Harold Crenshaw PkRecD De lle Rhue Burgess ScSupt Wiley Wheeler

Codes Enforcement: Bldin Rozzell Stavely

CITYOF MILLINGra.I *Address: P. 0. Box 247, 38053-0247 Election : 9/88 P. 0. Box 320 Phone 901/872-2211 - CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelbz - w 20,236

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Finance: Mayor George R. Harve ll, Jr. FinD James Knipple Ald Dennis Wages rafN OF MILLEDGEVILLE Ald Larry Jackson Planning/Zoning : Ald rown Hall, 38359 Elect ion : 5/88 Paul A. Dunn PlngCCh Joe Saig Ald ehone 901/687-3328 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Chester, Hardin, and McNairy - W - 392 Richard Hodges Ald Ed Haley Public Safetz: 3overning Body meets: 2nd Monday , 8:00 p.m. , Town Hall Ald Kyle T. Wh itlock CivDefD/ Ald Cleo Hollingsworth FireC Gordon Armour Governing Body : Administration : PoliceC Anthony Dingman Administration: �ayor Ila B. Smith Atty Daniel L. Smith* 925-2414 lld Shirl M. Frazier CityRec T. C. Kennedy Atty James W. Watson* 525-1691 Public Works/Utilities: lld Danny Kennedy Clerk Carolyn Madill PubWrkD/ lld Tony McMurry Judge Charles W. Pruitt SanSupt/ lld Rickie Essary PersD James Kn ipple Streets Jack Huffman lld Mike Bridges WstWtrS/ lld Jerry Neal Smith Codes Enforcement : Waters Rocky Kranz Bldin Russell Ne i�hbors

'Address : P. 0. Box 538, 606 Main Street, Savannah 38372 *Address: Suite 2600, 100 North Main Bldg. , Memphis 38103

102 103 CITY OF MIUN CITYOF MILLERSVILLE City Hall, 38358 Elect ion : 11/89 P. O. Box 483, Goodlettsville, 37072 Elect ion : 5/89 Phone 901/686-3301 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M . PENTECOST Gibson - W - 8, 135 Phone 615/859-0880 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 2,010 Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Finance: Finance: Mayor Herb Dav is FinD Richard Burrow, Jr. Governing Bodz: V-May Ed Whitby Mayor Steve Nichols Treas Donna Allen Ald Elvis Potter Planning/Zoning: V-May Thomas Honeycutt Ald Jo Ann Pickard PlngCCh Pat York Comm Roger Smith Public Safetz: Ald Ronnie Boswell PoliceC Bruce Slate Ald Richard Burrow, Jr. Public Safetz: Administration: FireC Frank Cos Mgr Ron Ingram Ald Jack Cunn ingham CivDefD James Beasley 686-3996 Atty Tom Stewart 865-7000 Planning/Zoning: Administration : Public Safetz: CityRec Donna Allen PlngCCh Doug Brown Atty John Kizer* 686-1198 FireC James Beasley CityRec Marilyn Marshal l PoliceC JAmes Bratton ComDevC Parnell Landers Judge Collins Bonds* Public Works/Ut ilities: Lib Dorothy Bruce Ut ilMgr Harold Crenshaw PkRecD De lle Rhue Burgess ScSupt Wiley Wheeler

Codes Enforcement: Bldin Rozzell Stavely

CITYOF MILLINGra.I *Address: P. 0. Box 247, 38053-0247 Election : 9/88 P. 0. Box 320 Phone 901/872-2211 - CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Shelbz - w 20,236

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Finance: Mayor George R. Harve ll, Jr. FinD James Knipple Ald Dennis Wages rafN OF MILLEDGEVILLE Ald Larry Jackson Planning/Zoning : Ald rown Hall, 38359 Elect ion : 5/88 Paul A. Dunn PlngCCh Joe Saig Ald ehone 901/687-3328 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Chester, Hardin, and McNairy - W - 392 Richard Hodges Ald Ed Haley Public Safetz: 3overning Body meets: 2nd Monday , 8:00 p.m. , Town Hall Ald Kyle T. Wh itlock CivDefD/ Ald Cleo Hollingsworth FireC Gordon Armour Governing Body : Administration : PoliceC Anthony Dingman Administration: �ayor Ila B. Smith Atty Daniel L. Smith* 925-2414 lld Shirl M. Frazier CityRec T. C. Kennedy Atty James W. Watson* 525-1691 Public Works/Utilities: lld Danny Kennedy Clerk Carolyn Madill PubWrkD/ lld Tony McMurry Judge Charles W. Pruitt SanSupt/ lld Rickie Essary PersD James Kn ipple Streets Jack Huffman lld Mike Bridges WstWtrS/ lld Jerry Neal Smith Codes Enforcement : Waters Rocky Kranz Bldin Russell Ne i�hbors

'Address : P. 0. Box 538, 606 Main Street, Savannah 38372 *Address: Suite 2600, 100 North Main Bldg. , Memphis 38103

102 103 TQVN OF MONTEREY CITY OF MINOR HILL P. O. Box 97, 38574 0. Election: 8/88 P. Box 69, 38473 Phone 615/839-2323 CONSLT: THOMAS A. Phone 615/565-3113 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 564

Governing Body meets·. 1st and 3r d Monday, Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p. m., City Hall 7: 0

Governing Body: Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Bobby G. Randolph Mayor cect I James Treas Mabel Thornton V-May Jack Phillips V-May Dwight Cates Ald Donnie Buttram Ald Billy Gene White Public Safety: Ald Marace Matheney, Jr. Ald Lonas Campbell PoliceC C. L. Hastings Ald Ernest Hodge Ald Hillard Hendrix Administration: Administration: Atty Dale Bohannon• 526-7868 Atty Samuel B. Garner, Jr. • CityRec Debbie Stephens CityRec Mabel Thornton Judge Scott L. Lytal** 528-8751 Judge Shara Flacy SfHhO Cecil James

*Address: Public Square, 119 South First, Pulaski 38478

*Address: 115 South Dixie Avenue, Cookevill **Address: 125 South Jefferson Avenue, Cookev

TQVN OF M/TOIELLVILLE P. 0. Box 13, 3 7119 Election: 12/88 Phone 615/325-9675 (Mayor) CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 209

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7: 00 p.m., City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: Mayor James H. Filson CityRec Theresa K. Cole Ald Dean Hiett Ald William Rogers Ald James A. Brown TQVN OF MORR I sa.t P. 0. Box 156, 37357 Phone 615/635-2298 CONSLT: THOMAS A.

Governing Body meets: 1st M on d ay, 7: 00 p.m. TQVN OF MONr&>GLE , Ci P. 0. Box 127, 37356 Election: 4/90 Governing Body: Phone 615/924-2265 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy and Marion - M - 1,126 Mayor H. C. Jacobs, Jr. V-May Bobby L. Prater Governing Body meets: 4th Thursday, 7: 00 p. m., Town Hall Ald Robert Wilson Ald David Youngblood Governing Body: Public Safety: Ald James Perkins Mayor Kay Sanders FireC Raymond Releford Ald Joe Heffner Ald David Sampley PoliceC Lee Parker Ald Raymond Releford Ald Billy Frank Butner Public Works/Utilities: Ald Jimmy Short PWD Tony Gilliom

Administration: Atty Harvey Cameron* CityRec/ Judge Joy Sturtevant Lib Delores Knott

*Address: P. 0. Box 759, Jasper 37347

105 104 TClVN OF EREY Maff :JTY OF /ti/NOR Hill Box 97, 38574 P. 0. Election: 12/89 �. 0. Box 69, 38473 Election : 8/88 Phone 615/839-2323 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Putnam - M - 2 629 �hone 615/565-3113 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 564 Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Center 3overning Body meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : :'ioverning Body : Finance : Mayor Bobby G. Randolph Bldin R. C. Maples 839-2181 Cec l I James �ayor Treas Mabel Thornton V-May Jack Phillips V-May Dwight Cates Ald Donnie Buttram Planning/Zoning: Ald Billy Gene Wh ite Public Safety: Ald Marace Matheney, Jr. PlngCCh Danny Allen Ald Lonas Campbe ll PoliceC C. L. Hastings Ald Ernest Hodge Ald Hillard Hendrix Public Safetz: Administration: FireC Richard Milligan 839-2808 11.dministration : Atty Dale Bohannon* 526-7868 PoliceC William J. Swallows Atty Samuel B. Garner, Jr.* CityRec Debb ie Stephens CityRec Mabel Thornton Judge Scott L. Lytal** 528-8751 Public Works/Utilities: Judge Shara Flacy Streets A. C. McCowan 839-3161 SfHhO Cecil James WstWtrS Bobby Buttram 839-3359

*Address: Publ ic Square , 119 South First, Pulaski 38478 *Address: 115 South Dixie Avenue , Cookeville 38501 **Address: 125 South Jefferson Avenue , Cookeville 38501 ravN OF /tl/TCHEllV /llE P. 0. Box 13, 3 7 119 Election : 12/88 Phone 615/325-9675 (Mayor) CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 209

Governing Body meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Mayor James H. FI I son CityRec The resa K. Cole Ald Dean Hiett Ald William Rogers Ald James A. Brown TClVN OF /tlORR/S(XI{

P. 0. Box 156, 37357 Election : 12/88 Phone 615/635-2298 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 587

Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall ravN OF EAGLE Maff P. 0. Box 127, 37356 Election : 4/90 Governing Bodz: Administration: Phone 615/924-2265 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy and Marion - M - 1, 126 Mayor H. C. Jacobs , Jr. CityRec An ita Youngb lood V-May Bobby L. Prater Governing Body meets: 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Ald Robert Wilson Public Safetz: Ald David Youngblood FireC Bobby L. Prater Governing Bodz: Publ ic Safetz: Ald James Perkins Mayor Kay Sanders FireC Raymond Re leford Ald Joe Heffner Ald David Sampley PoliceC Lee Parker Ald Raymond Releford Ald Billy Frank Butner Public Works/Utilities: Ald Jimmy Short PWD Tony Gilliom

11.dministration : Atty Harvey Cameron* :ityRec/ Judge Joy Sturtevant Lib Delores Knott

*Address: P. O. Box 759, Jasper 37347 105 104 CITY OF MORR/STOl/N TOl/N OF MOSHE IM P. O. Box 1499, 37816-1499 Election: 5/89 Route 2, Main Street, 37818 Election: 6/88 Phone 615/581-0100 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hamblen - E - 21 768 Phone 615/422-4051 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Greene - E - 1,569 Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets: 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Frank Jarnagin PurAgt Sharon Q. Herman Governing Bodi: Administration : Bi l /y J. Myers 639-6824 Ald William Rooney Mayor Atty E. c. Christiansen* Earl Fletcher CityRec Janie Shepherd Ald J. C. Morrison Planning/Zoning: Ald Lib Shirley Dyke Ald Merlin Shuck PlngCCh Jack Cox Ald Charles Matthews Ald Henry L. Black PlngDir Jim Ellison Ald Harold R. Smith Secy Margaret Wills Ald Thomas L. Gregg , Jr. Secy Teresa Beach Administration: Publ ic Safety: Adm in/ CivDefD David Purkey 581-0734 CityRec FireC Rick Reynolds AsstAdm Michae l w. Lutche PoliceC Joel Seal 586-1213 ss: P. Box 265, Greeneville 37743 Atty Richard Jessee* 586-5291 *Addre 0. Lib Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Wayne Hansard Eng Tom Burgess PersD/ Streets Carl B. Gilbert SfHhO Michael W. Lutche SanSupt Doug las Dearing

Codes Enforcement : Bldin/Elecin/ Hsngin/ Plmbin Ke ith Jackson

*Address: 1135 West Third North Street

TOl/N OF MWNTA IN CITY 210 South Church Street, 37683 Election : 3/89 C /TY OF MOSCOV Phone 615/727-8005 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Johnson - E - 2,284

P. 0. Box 185, 38057 Election : 11/88 Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday , 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall Phone 901/877-3585 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 499

Governing Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Bodi: Public Safe ti: Mayor A. J. Stalcup FireC Jack Cress 727-9292 V-May Todd Grayson PoliceC Roger Gentry 727-8181 Governing Bodi: Finance: Ald Danny G. Cunningham Mayor Charles E. Dacus Treas Eugene Oliver Ald V-May Harold Ashford Jim Norris Public Works/Utilities: Ald Bill Shore PubWrkD Tom Garland 727-5200 Ald Norma J. Cox Planning/Zoning : Ald Eugene Oliver PlngCCh Harold Ashford Ald Inez Morris Administration : Atty George Wright* 727-9671 Ald Roy Montague Public Safeti: CityRec/ Ald Henry Boswell FireC Chuck Pugh Judge Terry G. Reece 727-8005 Administration : Admr Don W. Pugh Atty Edward B. Johnson• 465-3616 *Address: P. O. Box 51 CityRec Marcia E. Anderson Judge James S. Wilder, III**

*Address: 108 Court Square East, Somerville 38068 **Address: 125 Market Street West , Somerville 38068

106 107 CITY OF MORR/STOl/N TOl/N OF MOSHE IM P. O. Box 1499, 37816-1499 Election: 5/89 Route 2, Main Street, 37818 Election: 6/88 Phone 615/581-0100 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hamblen - E - 21 768 Phone 615/422-4051 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Greene - E - 1,569 Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets: 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Frank Jarnagin PurAgt Sharon Q. Herman Governing Bodi: Administration : Bi l /y J. Myers 639-6824 Ald William Rooney Mayor Atty E. c. Christiansen* Earl Fletcher CityRec Janie Shepherd Ald J. C. Morrison Planning/Zoning: Ald Lib Shirley Dyke Ald Merlin Shuck PlngCCh Jack Cox Ald Charles Matthews Ald Henry L. Black PlngDir Jim Ellison Ald Harold R. Smith Secy Margaret Wills Ald Thomas L. Gregg , Jr. Secy Teresa Beach Administration: Publ ic Safety: Adm in/ CivDefD David Purkey 581-0734 CityRec Keith Jackson FireC Rick Reynolds AsstAdm Michae l w. Lutche PoliceC Joel Seal 586-1213 ss: P. Box 265, Greeneville 37743 Atty Richard Jessee* 586-5291 *Addre 0. Lib Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Wayne Hansard Eng Tom Burgess PersD/ Streets Carl B. Gilbert SfHhO Michael W. Lutche SanSupt Doug las Dearing

Codes Enforcement : Bldin/Elecin/ Hsngin/ Plmbin Ke ith Jackson

*Address: 1135 West Third North Street

TOl/N OF MWNTA IN CITY 210 South Church Street, 37683 Election : 3/89 C /TY OF MOSCOV Phone 615/727-8005 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Johnson - E - 2,284

P. 0. Box 185, 38057 Election : 11/88 Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday , 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall Phone 901/877-3585 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 499

Governing Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Bodi: Public Safe ti: Mayor A. J. Stalcup FireC Jack Cress 727-9292 V-May Todd Grayson PoliceC Roger Gentry 727-8181 Governing Bodi: Finance: Ald Danny G. Cunningham Mayor Charles E. Dacus Treas Eugene Oliver Ald V-May Harold Ashford Jim Norris Public Works/Utilities: Ald Bill Shore PubWrkD Tom Garland 727-5200 Ald Norma J. Cox Planning/Zoning : Ald Eugene Oliver PlngCCh Harold Ashford Ald Inez Morris Administration : Atty George Wright* 727-9671 Ald Roy Montague Public Safeti: CityRec/ Ald Henry Boswell FireC Chuck Pugh Judge Terry G. Reece 727-8005 Administration : Admr Don W. Pugh Atty Edward B. Johnson• 465-3616 *Address: P. O. Box 51 CityRec Marcia E. Anderson Judge James S. Wilder, III**

*Address: 108 Court Square East, Somerville 38068 **Address: 125 Market Street West , Somerville 38068

106 107 TOYN OF MaJNT CH/MEL CITY OF MaJNT PLEASliNT Election: 7/89 P. Box 1421, 37645-1421 Election: 10/88 P. Box 426, 38474 0. 0. Maury - M - 3,375 Phone 615/357-7311 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 4,245 Phone 615/379-7717 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS

Governing Body meets : 4th Thursday , 7:15 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Public Safety: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Pol iceC Harlen McKissick Mayor Gary Lc:wson Bld!n Russ Peterson Mayor Willie Baker M. H. Massey V-May Charles Fuller V-May Fred Johnson FireC Ald Ronnie Davis Planning/Zoning : Comm William Boyd Public Works/Utilities: Ald Mildred Ford PlngCCh Steve Jacobs Comm Sonny Trousdale Elbert Powe ll Ald Fred Arnold Comm Mark Hendrix ElecMgr PubWrkD Larry Holden Ald Johnny McClellan Public Safety: Ald Carl Newland FireC Carl Cradic Admin istrat ion: PoliceC Ron Collier Mgr Robert A. Murray Administration: Atty Thomas Hardin* 388-4022 Atty Steve Frazier Public Works/Utilities: 357-8125 HAD Violette Blocker CityRec Rita Jones Eng/ Judge Ed Ewing Lib Marsha McClellan PubWrkD Bob Fraley Lib Barbara Daniels San Supt Carl Gardie Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ CivDefD Carl Mart in

*Address: 805 South Garden, Columbia 38401


P. 0. Box 256, 37122 Elect ion : 2/89 C /TY OF t>«JNFORD Phone 615/754-2552 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wilson - M - 3,354 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Box 725, 38058-0725 Tipton - W - 2,587 Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Phone 901/837-0171 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Body meets : 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor Luther Lenning PlngCCh Robert Daniels V-May F. M. Weston Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor John Chorley PlngCCh Mike Taylor Comm Frank Henderson Public Safety: 0. Comm Ed Binkley PoliceC Charles McQuary V-May Gaylon Combs Comm Wayne Crawford Ald Spencer Cole Public Safety: Ald Dwayne Cole FireC Ne al Hunter Administration : Ald Kenneth Arnett PoliceC Bill Stimpson Mgr Danny c. Farmer Ald J. F. Sage Atty James Fuqua• 822-4400 Ald Edward Haddad Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Charmaine Maj or Eng Van Boals and Assoc iates Bill Stimpson Judge Calvin Turner Administrat ion: PubWrkD Mgr Bl 11 St Impson Streets Ne al Hunter Atty Goulder and Stockton• 837-0194 CityRec Dorothy Williams *Address: 919 West Main Street, Hendersonville 37075 Judge John H. Chisolm**

*Address : P. 0. Box 1246 **Address: 114 East Liberty, Suite 302, Covington 38019 TOYN OF MaJNT CH/MEL CITY OF MaJNT PLEASliNT Election: 7/89 P. Box 1421, 37645-1421 Election: 10/88 P. Box 426, 38474 0. 0. Maury - M - 3,375 Phone 615/357-7311 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 4,245 Phone 615/379-7717 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS

Governing Body meets : 4th Thursday , 7:15 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Public Safety: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Pol iceC Harlen McKissick Mayor Gary Lc:wson Bld!n Russ Peterson Mayor Willie Baker M. H. Massey V-May Charles Fuller V-May Fred Johnson FireC Ald Ronnie Davis Planning/Zoning : Comm William Boyd Public Works/Utilities: Ald Mildred Ford PlngCCh Steve Jacobs Comm Sonny Trousdale Elbert Powe ll Ald Fred Arnold Comm Mark Hendrix ElecMgr PubWrkD Larry Holden Ald Johnny McClellan Public Safety: Ald Carl Newland FireC Carl Cradic Admin istrat ion: PoliceC Ron Collier Mgr Robert A. Murray Administration: Atty Thomas Hardin* 388-4022 Atty Steve Frazier Public Works/Utilities: 357-8125 HAD Violette Blocker CityRec Rita Jones Eng/ Judge Ed Ewing Lib Marsha McClellan PubWrkD Bob Fraley Lib Barbara Daniels San Supt Carl Gardie Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ CivDefD Carl Mart in

*Address: 805 South Garden, Columbia 38401


P. 0. Box 256, 37122 Elect ion : 2/89 C /TY OF t>«JNFORD Phone 615/754-2552 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wilson - M - 3,354 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Box 725, 38058-0725 Tipton - W - 2,587 Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Phone 901/837-0171 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Body meets : 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor Luther Lenning PlngCCh Robert Daniels V-May F. M. Weston Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor John Chorley PlngCCh Mike Taylor Comm Frank Henderson Public Safety: 0. Comm Ed Binkley PoliceC Charles McQuary V-May Gaylon Combs Comm Wayne Crawford Ald Spencer Cole Public Safety: Ald Dwayne Cole FireC Ne al Hunter Administration : Ald Kenneth Arnett PoliceC Bill Stimpson Mgr Danny c. Farmer Ald J. F. Sage Atty James Fuqua• 822-4400 Ald Edward Haddad Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Charmaine Maj or Eng Van Boals and Assoc iates Bill Stimpson Judge Calvin Turner Administrat ion: PubWrkD Mgr Bl 11 St Impson Streets Ne al Hunter Atty Goulder and Stockton• 837-0194 CityRec Dorothy Williams *Address: 919 West Main Street, Hendersonville 37075 Judge John H. Chisolm**

*Address : P. 0. Box 1246 **Address: 114 East Liberty, Suite 302, Covington 38019 CITY OF H.JRFREESBORO METRO GCNERNMENr OF N,6SHV ILLE-DAV IDSCN CCJJNTY 107 Metropolitan Courthouse , 37201 P. 0. Box 1139, 37133-1139 Election: 4/90 Election : 8/88 Phone 615/893-5210 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 37,661 Phone 615/259-5000 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M - 344,273

Governing Body meets: Each Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Govering Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Metro Courthouse

Governing Bodi,'.: Codes Enforcement : 896-6441 Governing Bodi,'.: Administration : Mayor Joe B. Jackson Bldin Betts Harrelson Mayor Bl 11 Boner Atty Susan S. Jones 259-6134 Coun Mary C. Scales Bldin Billy G. Smith Coun Jay West Clerk Marilyn Swing 259-6126 Coun Mary Huhta CdEnfO Jim T. Cogdill Coun George Armistead HsAuthD Jerry Nicely 252-8411 Coun Chris Bratcher Elecin Don Alexander Coun Guy Bates Lib Carolyn Stark 244-4700 Coun John Pittard Plmbin Bill Jamison Coun Norman Dozier ParksD James Fyke 259-6440 Coun Richard Reeves Coun Thelma M. Harper PersD John W. Lynch 259-6681 Coun Roger Haley Finance: Coun Paul C. Koulakov ScSupt Charles Frazier 259-8419 Treas Sherry Carpenter Coun Paul Blankenship SocSerD William Moynihan 259-5400 Administration : Coun Tim Garrett TranspD Jo Ann Federspiel 242-1622 Mgr E. C. Fite, Jr . Planning/Zoning: Coun John Summers Atty Thomas L. Reed* 890-6464 PlngCCh Jack Burns Coun J immy Summe rs Codes Enforcement: CityRec John Barber PlngDir William D. We lch 893-6441 Coun Fermo DePasquo CdEnfO James Osteen 259-6740 ComDevD Rickey Cantrell 890-4660 Coun Alf Rollins HsAuthD Robert Batey 893-9414 Public Safeti,'.: Coun Larry McWhirter Finance: Judge Jim We ir Campbell 890-2142 FireC Bobby J. Swann 893-1422 Coun Del Pirtle DatProD Tom Clark 259-5671 RecDir Dennis Rainier PoliceC Billy Jones Coun Thomas P. Sharp FinD Charles Cardwe ll 259-6151 Sc Supt John H. Jones Coun Mansfield Doug las PurAgt Troy Lynn 259-6181 Public Works/Ut ilities: Coun Earl D. Milligan Treas Robert Puryear 259-6056 ElecMgr Larry Kirk 893-5514 Coun Tom Alexander Eng Cyrus Wiser 893-6441 Coun Jerry L. Austin Planning/Zoning: Waters Joe Kirchner Coun Tandy Wilson, III PlngCCh Jan Rushing Coun Robert Lineweaver, II PlngDir T. Jeff Browning 259-6240 Coun Stewart Clifton *Address: 117 East Main Street Coun Will P. Ackerman Public Safetl: Coun Jo Ann North CivDefD Forrest Combs 385-8575 Coun George Darden FireC Martin Coleman 259-5424 Coun Vernon Winfrey Pol iceC Joe Casey 742-7301 Coun Harold Boguskie Coun Horace Johns Public Works/Utilities: Coun Ronnie Cowherd PubWrkD Peter He idenre ich 251-8600 Coun H. Houston Hagar Waters/ Coun Charles 0. French WstWtrS Lester Williams 259-6597 Coun Gary Odom Coun Ludye Wallace Coun Willis McCallister Coun Sherry Jones Coun Pat Frye Coun Rod Williams Coun Durward Hall Coun Carney A. Patterson Coun Charles W. Fentress

110 111 CITY OF H.JRFREESBORO METRO GCNERNMENr OF N,6SHV ILLE-DAV IDSCN CCJJNTY 107 Metropolitan Courthouse , 37201 P. 0. Box 1139, 37133-1139 Election: 4/90 Election : 8/88 Phone 615/893-5210 CONSLT : J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 37,661 Phone 615/259-5000 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M - 344,273

Governing Body meets: Each Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Govering Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , Metro Courthouse

Governing Bodi,'.: Codes Enforcement : 896-6441 Governing Bodi,'.: Administration : Mayor Joe B. Jackson Bldin Betts Harrelson Mayor Bl 11 Boner Atty Susan S. Jones 259-6134 Coun Mary C. Scales Bldin Billy G. Smith Coun Jay West Clerk Marilyn Swing 259-6126 Coun Mary Huhta CdEnfO Jim T. Cogdill Coun George Armistead HsAuthD Jerry Nicely 252-8411 Coun Chris Bratcher Elecin Don Alexander Coun Guy Bates Lib Carolyn Stark 244-4700 Coun John Pittard Plmbin Bill Jamison Coun Norman Dozier ParksD James Fyke 259-6440 Coun Richard Reeves Coun Thelma M. Harper PersD John W. Lynch 259-6681 Coun Roger Haley Finance: Coun Paul C. Koulakov ScSupt Charles Frazier 259-8419 Treas Sherry Carpenter Coun Paul Blankenship SocSerD William Moynihan 259-5400 Administration : Coun Tim Garrett TranspD Jo Ann Federspiel 242-1622 Mgr E. C. Fite, Jr . Planning/Zoning: Coun John Summers Atty Thomas L. Reed* 890-6464 PlngCCh Jack Burns Coun J immy Summe rs Codes Enforcement: CityRec John Barber PlngDir William D. We lch 893-6441 Coun Fermo DePasquo CdEnfO James Osteen 259-6740 ComDevD Rickey Cantrell 890-4660 Coun Alf Rollins HsAuthD Robert Batey 893-9414 Public Safeti,'.: Coun Larry McWhirter Finance: Judge Jim We ir Campbell 890-2142 FireC Bobby J. Swann 893-1422 Coun Del Pirtle DatProD Tom Clark 259-5671 RecDir Dennis Rainier PoliceC Billy Jones Coun Thomas P. Sharp FinD Charles Cardwe ll 259-6151 Sc Supt John H. Jones Coun Mansfield Doug las PurAgt Troy Lynn 259-6181 Public Works/Ut ilities: Coun Earl D. Milligan Treas Robert Puryear 259-6056 ElecMgr Larry Kirk 893-5514 Coun Tom Alexander Eng Cyrus Wiser 893-6441 Coun Jerry L. Austin Planning/Zoning: Waters Joe Kirchner Coun Tandy Wilson, III PlngCCh Jan Rushing Coun Robert Lineweaver, II PlngDir T. Jeff Browning 259-6240 Coun Stewart Clifton *Address: 117 East Main Street Coun Will P. Ackerman Public Safetl: Coun Jo Ann North CivDefD Forrest Combs 385-8575 Coun George Darden FireC Martin Coleman 259-5424 Coun Vernon Winfrey Pol iceC Joe Casey 742-7301 Coun Harold Boguskie Coun Horace Johns Public Works/Utilities: Coun Ronnie Cowherd PubWrkD Peter He idenre ich 251-8600 Coun H. Houston Hagar Waters/ Coun Charles 0. French WstWtrS Lester Williams 259-6597 Coun Gary Odom Coun Ludye Wallace Coun Willis McCallister Coun Sherry Jones Coun Pat Frye Coun Rod Williams Coun Durward Hall Coun Carney A. Patterson Coun Charles W. Fentress

110 111 TOYN OF NEW JCHNSCX>N ILLE TOYN OF NEWBERN 212 Broadway , 37134 Election: 8/88 P. Box J, 38059 Election: 11/89 0. Phone 615/535-2715 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Humphreys - M - 1,824 Phone 901/627-3221 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Dyer - W - 2,794 Governing Body meets: lst Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Jack E. Callahan PlngCCh John Tidwe ll Mayor Joe Adams Bldin/ Coun Jack Herbert Steve Harper Hsngin/ Ald Coun Al Hethcoat Public Safety: Howard W. Sander Elecin/ Ald Coun Carl B. Glasgow FireC Charles Webb, Jr. Ald Franc is Smith Plmbin Don Campbell Coun John Abramson PoliceC Richard Bryant Harry Cobb Ald Coun Robert Dugger Ald James Kindle Planning/Zoning: Coun Joe Tracey Public Works/Utilities: PlngCCh Joel Simmons Ald Earl Hilliard Waters J. P. Baker Administration : Administration: Public Safety: Atty Charles Griffith 296-7800 Admin Mary Dycus CivDefD L. West, Jr. 0. CityRec Carolyn Ingram 535-2715 Atty John Lammon* 285-4112 FireC William Berry CityRec Mary Dycus PoliceC William Hinson HsAuthD Evelyn Flowe rs Lib Juanita Campbell Publ ic Works/Utilities: Eng/ ParksD Dan Post *Address : P. Box 456, Waverly 37185 UtilMgr Don Campbe ll 0.

*Address: P. 0. Box 1207, Dyersburg 38024

TOYN OF NEW MN/KET CITY OF NEW HOPE P. Box 300, 37820 Election: 7 /89 Route 1, South Pittsburg , 37380 Election: 11/88 0. Phone 615/475-3018 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson E - 1,336 Phone 615/837-8666 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion E - 718 Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Fire Hall Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Administrat ion: Mayor John Cadle PlngCCh Eugene Fielden Mayor Edd ie Berryhill Atty Charles B. Ables* 837-7951 Ald General Brazelton Ald Clyde David Wooden CityRec Lisa HONard Ald Charles Guinn Public Safety: Ald Jos ie Lee Huckabee Ald L. A. Fountain FireC Frank Solomon Publ ic Safety : Ald Sammy Solomon FireC/ PoliceC J. L. Kennemore Administration: Atty Stanley Roden* 475-7600 CityRec Carolyn WI /I/ams

*Address: 320 Cedar Avenue , South Pittsburg 37380

*Address: P. 0. Box 428, Jefferson City 37760

113 112 TOYN OF NEW JCHNSCX>N ILLE TOYN OF NEWBERN 212 Broadway , 37134 Election: 8/88 P. Box J, 38059 Election: 11/89 0. Phone 615/535-2715 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Humphreys - M - 1,824 Phone 901/627-3221 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Dyer - W - 2,794 Governing Body meets: lst Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Jack E. Callahan PlngCCh John Tidwe ll Mayor Joe Adams Bldin/ Coun Jack Herbert Steve Harper Hsngin/ Ald Coun Al Hethcoat Public Safety: Howard W. Sander Elecin/ Ald Coun Carl B. Glasgow FireC Charles Webb, Jr. Ald Franc is Smith Plmbin Don Campbell Coun John Abramson PoliceC Richard Bryant Harry Cobb Ald Coun Robert Dugger Ald James Kindle Planning/Zoning: Coun Joe Tracey Public Works/Utilities: PlngCCh Joel Simmons Ald Earl Hilliard Waters J. P. Baker Administration : Administration: Public Safety: Atty Charles Griffith 296-7800 Admin Mary Dycus CivDefD L. West, Jr. 0. CityRec Carolyn Ingram 535-2715 Atty John Lammon* 285-4112 FireC William Berry CityRec Mary Dycus PoliceC William Hinson HsAuthD Evelyn Flowe rs Lib Juanita Campbell Publ ic Works/Utilities: Eng/ ParksD Dan Post *Address : P. Box 456, Waverly 37185 UtilMgr Don Campbe ll 0.

*Address: P. 0. Box 1207, Dyersburg 38024

TOYN OF NEW MN/KET CITY OF NEW HOPE P. Box 300, 37820 Election: 7 /89 Route 1, South Pittsburg , 37380 Election: 11/88 0. Phone 615/475-3018 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson E - 1,336 Phone 615/837-8666 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion E - 718 Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Fire Hall Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Administrat ion: Mayor John Cadle PlngCCh Eugene Fielden Mayor Edd ie Berryhill Atty Charles B. Ables* 837-7951 Ald General Brazelton Ald Clyde David Wooden CityRec Lisa HONard Ald Charles Guinn Public Safety: Ald Jos ie Lee Huckabee Ald L. A. Fountain FireC Frank Solomon Publ ic Safety : Ald Sammy Solomon FireC/ PoliceC J. L. Kennemore Administration: Atty Stanley Roden* 475-7600 CityRec Carolyn WI /I/ams

*Address: 320 Cedar Avenue , South Pittsburg 37380

*Address: P. 0. Box 428, Jefferson City 37760

113 112 CITY OF NIOTA CITY OF NBVPOFff P. O. Box 146, 37826 P. Box 370, 37821 Election: 12/90 Election : 10/88 0. Phone 615/568-2584 Phone 615/623-7323 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Cocke - E - 8,031 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn - E - 791

Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 5:30 P.M. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Governing Body: Finance: Body: Public Safety: Mayor Jeanne WI I son Treas Jack H. Shepherd , Jr. Mayor Ann Webb FireC Gary Dilbeck V-May Danny Wester V-May Arlin Baker PoliceC Jerry Curt is Comm Ald Harold Allen Planning/Zoning: 623-3231 Joe Brakebill Comm Ald Bob Self PlngCCh Clyde Driskill, Jr. Homer Lones Public Works/Utilities: Comm L. S. Lee VAld Roland Dykes Streets/ Comm Ald Neil Rader Public Safety: Kay Alexander SanSupt Richard Moore FireC Roger Butler 623-8602 SwrPlS Administrat ion: Administration: PoliceC Buddy Don Ramsey 623-8777 WstWtrS Jim Clark Jim Atty Roy T. Campbell, Jr.• 623-3082 Atty Stutts* Sandra Cook CityRec/ Public Works/Ut ilities: CityRec Eugene Pennington Judge Jack H. Shepherd , Jr. Streets Ernest Hance 623-5246 Judge ComDevC Mark Robinson 623-6565 SanSupt J. Gabby Williams 623-5246 Lib Gloria McCulloch GrantAd Sherry Butler 623-6565 Waters Leonard Allen 623-3074 RecDir Jimmy Lindsey 625-1923 ScSup t James H. Gaddis 623-3811 *Address: 1306 Peachtree, Sweetwater 37874-1103 Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ Plmbin Mark Robinson 623-6565

*Address: 406 East Main


P. 0. Box 609, 37825 Election : 12/88 Phone 615/626-5242 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Claiborne - E - 1,677 TO¥N OF NORM.NOY P. Box 68, 37360 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall 0. Election : 11/88 Phone 615/857-3205 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Bedford - M - 118 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Charles Chadwe ll Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Bldin W. 0. Harmon V-May Darrell Campbell Governing Body: Ald Jeff Fannon Planning/Zoning: Finance : Mayor Allen Kimbro , Jr. Ald Johnny W. Ramsey PlngCCh Lawrence Duncan Treas Eve lyn Hittson Ald Horace Sullivan Ald Paul ine McCullough Ald Randy Prince Ald Phil Greer Public Safety: Ald Evelyn Hittson Ald Hollis Bush FireC Barron D. Kennedy, III PoliceC Walter Jennings Administration: Administration : CityRec Evelyn Hittson Atty James D. Estep, Jr.* 626-3525 CityRec/ SfHhO Hershe l Bee ler

*Address: P. 0. Box 177, Tazewell 37879

114 115 CITY OF NIOTA CITY OF NBVPOFff P. O. Box 146, 37826 P. Box 370, 37821 Election: 12/90 Election : 10/88 0. Phone 615/568-2584 Phone 615/623-7323 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Cocke - E - 8,031 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT McMinn - E - 791

Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 5:30 P.M. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Governing Body: Finance: Body: Public Safety: Mayor Jeanne WI I son Treas Jack H. Shepherd , Jr. Mayor Ann Webb FireC Gary Dilbeck V-May Danny Wester V-May Arlin Baker PoliceC Jerry Curt is Comm Ald Harold Allen Planning/Zoning: 623-3231 Joe Brakebill Comm Ald Bob Self PlngCCh Clyde Driskill, Jr. Homer Lones Public Works/Utilities: Comm L. S. Lee VAld Roland Dykes Streets/ Comm Ald Neil Rader Public Safety: Kay Alexander SanSupt Richard Moore FireC Roger Butler 623-8602 SwrPlS Administrat ion: Administration: PoliceC Buddy Don Ramsey 623-8777 WstWtrS Jim Clark Jim Atty Roy T. Campbell, Jr.• 623-3082 Atty Stutts* Sandra Cook CityRec/ Public Works/Ut ilities: CityRec Eugene Pennington Judge Jack H. Shepherd , Jr. Streets Ernest Hance 623-5246 Judge ComDevC Mark Robinson 623-6565 SanSupt J. Gabby Williams 623-5246 Lib Gloria McCulloch GrantAd Sherry Butler 623-6565 Waters Leonard Allen 623-3074 RecDir Jimmy Lindsey 625-1923 ScSup t James H. Gaddis 623-3811 *Address: 1306 Peachtree, Sweetwater 37874-1103 Codes Enforcement : Bldin/ Plmbin Mark Robinson 623-6565

*Address: 406 East Main


P. 0. Box 609, 37825 Election : 12/88 Phone 615/626-5242 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Claiborne - E - 1,677 TO¥N OF NORM.NOY P. Box 68, 37360 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall 0. Election : 11/88 Phone 615/857-3205 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Bedford - M - 118 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Charles Chadwe ll Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Bldin W. 0. Harmon V-May Darrell Campbell Governing Body: Ald Jeff Fannon Planning/Zoning: Finance : Mayor Allen Kimbro , Jr. Ald Johnny W. Ramsey PlngCCh Lawrence Duncan Treas Eve lyn Hittson Ald Horace Sullivan Ald Paul ine McCullough Ald Randy Prince Ald Phil Greer Public Safety: Ald Evelyn Hittson Ald Hollis Bush FireC Barron D. Kennedy, III PoliceC Walter Jennings Administration: Administration : CityRec Evelyn Hittson Atty James D. Estep, Jr.* 626-3525 CityRec/ SfHhO Hershe l Bee ler

*Address: P. 0. Box 177, Tazewell 37879

114 115 CITY OF NORRIS TONN OF OAKDALE Box 116, 37829 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Drawer G, 37828 Election: 11/88 P. 0. Phone 615/494-7645 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Anderson - E - 1,443 Phone 615/369-4400 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Morgan - E - 323

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Commun ity Center Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Roger W. Bollinger Bldin William M. Pointer Mayor Jeanette Powe rs Atty Joe Walker* 882-5555 Coun Tom Crutchfield Ald Roy Shelton Clerk/ Coun Dean H. Hackler Planning/Zoning : Ald Robert Young Judge John Ga I I a.very Coun Steve Klima PlngCCh Jerry Crossno Ald George Kreps Coun Myron Iwanski Public Safety: Public Safety: Marshl J. C. Powers Administration : CivDefD Gary Inman Mgr Col leen Sheppard (Acting ) FireC Dud ley Wi lliams 494-0880 Atty Richard Sowell* 546-2800 PoliceC Dudley Wiliams " *Address: 401 Roane Street, Harriman 37748 Clerk Colleen Sheppard Judge Eric Rauch Public Works/Utilities: 494-0381 Judge Thomas Sims PubWrkD Wi lliam M. Pointer SfHhO Colleen Sheppard (Acting ) SwrPlS/ Waters Benny Carden 494-9150 CITY OF Ol>K HILL 5548 Franklin Road , Suite 102 , Nashville, 37220 Election : 6/88 Phone 615/371-8291 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M - 4,609

*Address: P. 0. Box 1792, Knoxville 37902 Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 5:00 p.m. , City Office

Governing Body: Admin istrat ion : Mayor Warren C. Wilkerson Mgr/ V-May Charles K. Wray CityRec George W. Morr is Comm Mary Stumb Atty Charles High, Jr.* 255-7496

Planning/Zoning: PlngCCh Thomas C. Seckman ZBCh Risley P. Lawrence

*Address : 323 Union Street, Nashville 37201


P. 0. Box 56, 38060 Election : 11/88 Phone 901/465-8523 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 519

Governing Body me ets: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Bodyi Admin istration: Mayor Car l Doy le Atty T. W. Toml in* 465-2702 V-May Frank Yancey Clerk Mary N. Murrell Ald Elizabeth Irwin Ald Harrell M. Kee Ald Charles Coleman

*Address : Courthouse , Somerville 38068

116 117 CITY OF NORRIS TONN OF OAKDALE Box 116, 37829 Election : 6/89 P. 0. Drawer G, 37828 Election: 11/88 P. 0. Phone 615/494-7645 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Anderson - E - 1,443 Phone 615/369-4400 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Morgan - E - 323

Governing Body meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Commun ity Center Governing Body meets: 1st Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration : Mayor Roger W. Bollinger Bldin William M. Pointer Mayor Jeanette Powe rs Atty Joe Walker* 882-5555 Coun Tom Crutchfield Ald Roy Shelton Clerk/ Coun Dean H. Hackler Planning/Zoning : Ald Robert Young Judge John Ga I I a.very Coun Steve Klima PlngCCh Jerry Crossno Ald George Kreps Coun Myron Iwanski Public Safety: Public Safety: Marshl J. C. Powers Administration : CivDefD Gary Inman Mgr Col leen Sheppard (Acting ) FireC Dud ley Wi lliams 494-0880 Atty Richard Sowell* 546-2800 PoliceC Dudley Wiliams " *Address: 401 Roane Street, Harriman 37748 Clerk Colleen Sheppard Judge Eric Rauch Public Works/Utilities: 494-0381 Judge Thomas Sims PubWrkD Wi lliam M. Pointer SfHhO Colleen Sheppard (Acting ) SwrPlS/ Waters Benny Carden 494-9150 CITY OF Ol>K HILL 5548 Franklin Road , Suite 102 , Nashville, 37220 Election : 6/88 Phone 615/371-8291 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson - M - 4,609

*Address: P. 0. Box 1792, Knoxville 37902 Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 5:00 p.m. , City Office

Governing Body: Admin istrat ion : Mayor Warren C. Wilkerson Mgr/ V-May Charles K. Wray CityRec George W. Morr is Comm Mary Stumb Atty Charles High, Jr.* 255-7496

Planning/Zoning: PlngCCh Thomas C. Seckman ZBCh Risley P. Lawrence

*Address : 323 Union Street, Nashville 37201


P. 0. Box 56, 38060 Election : 11/88 Phone 901/465-8523 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 519

Governing Body me ets: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Bodyi Admin istration: Mayor Car l Doy le Atty T. W. Toml in* 465-2702 V-May Frank Yancey Clerk Mary N. Murrell Ald Elizabeth Irwin Ald Harrell M. Kee Ald Charles Coleman

*Address : Courthouse , Somerville 38068

116 117 CITY OF O.N<. RIDGE. TOVN OF OBIC»I P. Box 1, 37831-0001 Election : 6/89 Box 547, 38240 Election.: 4/89 0. P. 0. Phone 615/482-8300 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Anderson and Roane - E - 27,662 Phone 901/536-6242 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 1,282

Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Roy F. Pruett EconDev L. T. Young , Jr. 482-8322 Mayor Bob Anderson PurAgt Bob Anderson V-May Walter K. Brown PlngCCh Lynn Noey V-May John Williams Coun Donald L. Bord inger PlngDir Lucien Faust 482-8331 Coun James Huey Public Safety: Coun John D. Bryant Plnr John Baldwin 482-8332 Coun Bobby Joe Bullion FireC Tony Bull ion Coun Dianne Dickens Coun Glen Hale PoliceC David Fisher Coun Jeffrey L. Ginsburg Public Safet;t: Coun Richard Hood Coun John E. Jones, Jr. FireC William D. Harris 482-8421 Coun Clifford Barker Public Works/Utilities: Coun W. Wilson Pitt , Jr. PoliceC Timothy A. Braaten 482-8406 PubWrkD Ross Norris Coun Patricia P. Rush Administrat ion: Coun Elaine C. Trauger Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty James Glasgow, Jr.* 885-2011 Coun E. H. Upton Eng Kevin L. Finch CityRec Luk le Elam Coun Ernest C. Willoughby ElecMgr Phil M. Marcum 482-8437 PubWrkD Lowe ll C. Strunk 482-8433 Administrat ion: Mg r Jeffrey J. Brough ton 482-8316 *Address: P. 0. Box 250, Un ion City 38261 AsstMgr Michael W. Wa lker 482-8351 Atty Wm . E. Lantrip* 483-6302 Clerk Jacquelyn J. Bernard 482-8311 ComDevD Michael W. Walker 482-8351 EconDev Lawrence T. Young , Jr. Judge Robert A. McNees , III 482-8335 Lib Constance Battle 482-8455 ParksD E. Joshua Collins, Jr. 482-8450 TOVN OF OL IVER SPR INGS PersD Paul C. Boyer 482-8463 P. 0. Box 303 , 37840 Election: 5/89 Sc Supt Robert Smallridge 482-6320 / Phone 615/435-7722 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Anderson, Morgan and Roane - E - 3,659

Codes Enforcement : Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall CdEnfoO Timothy · P. Ward 482-8442 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Finance: Mayor Stanley Justice, Jr. Bldin Howard Elliott BudOfc Robert L. Wilson 482-8321 Ald Sam H. Davis DataProD Janice w. Winslett 483-9345 Ald J. C. Davis Finance : FinD Steven w. Jenkins 482-8341 Ald Ed Kelley Treas Virg inia D. Crisp Ald Cebert R. Mitchell Ald Chuck Alcorn Planning/Zoning: Ald Ralph Wilson PlngCCh Johnnie Nichols

*Address : 24 Brookhaven Plaza Administration: Public Safety: Admin Heward El l iott CivDe fD/ Atty C. J. Crass* 376-1985 FireC Carl is Phillips 435-6560 CityRec Joseph Van Hook PoliceC Grant Lowe 435-7274 Judge Joseph Van Hook Lib Anna Bradshaw 435-7722 Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Douglas Brown 435-1895 PubWrkD Dean J. Devaney 435-2209 Secy Jane J. Green PubWrkClk Susan Martin

*Address : 100 Court Street, Kingston 37763

118 119 CITY OF O.N<. RIDGE. TOVN OF OBIC»I P. Box 1, 37831-0001 Election : 6/89 Box 547, 38240 Election.: 4/89 0. P. 0. Phone 615/482-8300 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Anderson and Roane - E - 27,662 Phone 901/536-6242 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 1,282

Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Roy F. Pruett EconDev L. T. Young , Jr. 482-8322 Mayor Bob Anderson PurAgt Bob Anderson V-May Walter K. Brown PlngCCh Lynn Noey V-May John Williams Coun Donald L. Bord inger PlngDir Lucien Faust 482-8331 Coun James Huey Public Safety: Coun John D. Bryant Plnr John Baldwin 482-8332 Coun Bobby Joe Bullion FireC Tony Bull ion Coun Dianne Dickens Coun Glen Hale PoliceC David Fisher Coun Jeffrey L. Ginsburg Public Safet;t: Coun Richard Hood Coun John E. Jones, Jr. FireC William D. Harris 482-8421 Coun Clifford Barker Public Works/Utilities: Coun W. Wilson Pitt , Jr. PoliceC Timothy A. Braaten 482-8406 PubWrkD Ross Norris Coun Patricia P. Rush Administrat ion: Coun Elaine C. Trauger Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty James Glasgow, Jr.* 885-2011 Coun E. H. Upton Eng Kevin L. Finch CityRec Luk le Elam Coun Ernest C. Willoughby ElecMgr Phil M. Marcum 482-8437 PubWrkD Lowe ll C. Strunk 482-8433 Administrat ion: Mg r Jeffrey J. Brough ton 482-8316 *Address: P. 0. Box 250, Un ion City 38261 AsstMgr Michael W. Wa lker 482-8351 Atty Wm . E. Lantrip* 483-6302 Clerk Jacquelyn J. Bernard 482-8311 ComDevD Michael W. Walker 482-8351 EconDev Lawrence T. Young , Jr. Judge Robert A. McNees , III 482-8335 Lib Constance Battle 482-8455 ParksD E. Joshua Collins, Jr. 482-8450 TOVN OF OL IVER SPR INGS PersD Paul C. Boyer 482-8463 P. 0. Box 303 , 37840 Election: 5/89 Sc Supt Robert Smallridge 482-6320 / Phone 615/435-7722 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Anderson, Morgan and Roane - E - 3,659

Codes Enforcement : Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday each month, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall CdEnfoO Timothy · P. Ward 482-8442 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Finance: Mayor Stanley Justice, Jr. Bldin Howard Elliott BudOfc Robert L. Wilson 482-8321 Ald Sam H. Davis DataProD Janice w. Winslett 483-9345 Ald J. C. Davis Finance : FinD Steven w. Jenkins 482-8341 Ald Ed Kelley Treas Virg inia D. Crisp Ald Cebert R. Mitchell Ald Chuck Alcorn Planning/Zoning: Ald Ralph Wilson PlngCCh Johnnie Nichols

*Address : 24 Brookhaven Plaza Administration: Public Safety: Admin Heward El l iott CivDe fD/ Atty C. J. Crass* 376-1985 FireC Carl is Phillips 435-6560 CityRec Joseph Van Hook PoliceC Grant Lowe 435-7274 Judge Joseph Van Hook Lib Anna Bradshaw 435-7722 Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Douglas Brown 435-1895 PubWrkD Dean J. Devaney 435-2209 Secy Jane J. Green PubWrkClk Susan Martin

*Address : 100 Court Street, Kingston 37763

118 119 TOYN OF a-IE/DA CITY OF PALNER P. Box 545 , 37841 Election : 11/91 Election: 5/88 0. P. 0. Box 98, 37365 Phone 615/569-4295 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Scott - E - 4,242 Phone 615/779-3110 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 1,027

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Denzil Pennington Bldin John Ivey, III Mayor Mike Shadrick CityRec Char lotte Cannon V-May Cecil Anderson Ald William Dishroon Lib Linda Morrison Ald Jim Lovett Public Safety: Ald Pat Morrison Ald Clyde Burchfield FireC Dean Sexton Ald Melvin Smith Publ ic Safety: Ald Jack Crabtree PoliceC MacArthur Burchfield 569-425'. FireC Jack Sisson1 Marshl James Dycus Administrat ion: Publ ic Works/Utilities: AdmAsst/ Streets Bill Jeffers 569-528: CityRec Betty Matthavs Waters Davis Buhaly 569-631: Judge Betty Matthews CITY OF PAR IS Atty Tommy Phillips 569-8313 P. 0. Box 970, 38242 Election : 3/89 Lib Grace Marlow 569-8634 Phone 901/642-1212 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henry - W - 10,818

Governing Body me ets : 1st Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Andrew B. Hooper Bldin Bill Williams V-May Gary Odom Comm Billy Milton Planning/Zoning: Comm Wayne Hicks PlngCCh Jim Hayes TOYN OF ORL INDA Comm Joe Claxton Election: 11/88 P. 0. Box 95, 37141 Public Safety: Phone 615/654 3161 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 424 Administration: FireC George Atkins 642-1314 Mgr Mark L. Johnson PoliceC Richard H. Dunlap 642-2424 Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Atty Fred McLean* 642-2373 CityRec Ray Bryant Public Works/Utilities : Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: HsAuthD Roland Parkhill 642-4451 Streets Mark Miller 642-0473 Mayor Gerald T. Trenary Mgr/ Judge David Hessing 642-0752 WstWtrS Ward Daughtry 64 2-1322 Russe 11 Moore V-May Jame s W. Drake , Jr. CityRec Lib Franklin Thompson 642-1702 Comm Magg ie Rigsby ParksD Aubrey Hunt 642-4591 Publ ic Safetz: Sc Supt Larry Vick 642-9322 FireC Johnny Ho lland

*Address : 206 West Washington Street

CITY OF PH/KER 'S CROSSROADS TOYN OF ORME P. 0. Box 46, Wildersville 38388 Election : 5/89 Route 1, South Pittsburg 37380 Elect ion : 11/88 Phone 901/968-5533 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henderson - W - 219 Phone 615/837-9829 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 181 Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Henderson County Fire Station #3 Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , Bertha Blansett •s House Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: Governing Bodz: Administration: Mayor Billy Olive Atty Steve Beal* 968-9077 Mayor Dav id Grant Atty Bobby Ables V-May Roy Muscari Mgr/ Comm Elvia Payne CityRec Elvia Payne Comm Johnny Simonton CityRec Steve McDan iel Comm Jennie R. Blansett Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Waters *Address: 24 Monroe Avenue , Lexington 38351

120 121 TOYN OF a-IE/DA CITY OF PALNER P. Box 545 , 37841 Election : 11/91 Election: 5/88 0. P. 0. Box 98, 37365 Phone 615/569-4295 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Scott - E - 4,242 Phone 615/779-3110 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 1,027

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Body meets: 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Denzil Pennington Bldin John Ivey, III Mayor Mike Shadrick CityRec Char lotte Cannon V-May Cecil Anderson Ald William Dishroon Lib Linda Morrison Ald Jim Lovett Public Safety: Ald Pat Morrison Ald Clyde Burchfield FireC Dean Sexton Ald Melvin Smith Publ ic Safety: Ald Jack Crabtree PoliceC MacArthur Burchfield 569-425'. FireC Jack Sisson1 Marshl James Dycus Administrat ion: Publ ic Works/Utilities: AdmAsst/ Streets Bill Jeffers 569-528: CityRec Betty Matthavs Waters Davis Buhaly 569-631: Judge Betty Matthews CITY OF PAR IS Atty Tommy Phillips 569-8313 P. 0. Box 970, 38242 Election : 3/89 Lib Grace Marlow 569-8634 Phone 901/642-1212 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henry - W - 10,818

Governing Body me ets : 1st Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Andrew B. Hooper Bldin Bill Williams V-May Gary Odom Comm Billy Milton Planning/Zoning: Comm Wayne Hicks PlngCCh Jim Hayes TOYN OF ORL INDA Comm Joe Claxton Election: 11/88 P. 0. Box 95, 37141 Public Safety: Phone 615/654 3161 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 424 Administration: FireC George Atkins 642-1314 Mgr Mark L. Johnson PoliceC Richard H. Dunlap 642-2424 Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Atty Fred McLean* 642-2373 CityRec Ray Bryant Public Works/Utilities : Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: HsAuthD Roland Parkhill 642-4451 Streets Mark Miller 642-0473 Mayor Gerald T. Trenary Mgr/ Judge David Hessing 642-0752 WstWtrS Ward Daughtry 64 2-1322 Russe 11 Moore V-May Jame s W. Drake , Jr. CityRec Lib Franklin Thompson 642-1702 Comm Magg ie Rigsby ParksD Aubrey Hunt 642-4591 Publ ic Safetz: Sc Supt Larry Vick 642-9322 FireC Johnny Ho lland

*Address : 206 West Washington Street

CITY OF PH/KER 'S CROSSROADS TOYN OF ORME P. 0. Box 46, Wildersville 38388 Election : 5/89 Route 1, South Pittsburg 37380 Elect ion : 11/88 Phone 901/968-5533 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henderson - W - 219 Phone 615/837-9829 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 181 Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Henderson County Fire Station #3 Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 6:00 p.m. , Bertha Blansett •s House Governing Bodz: Administrat ion: Governing Bodz: Administration: Mayor Billy Olive Atty Steve Beal* 968-9077 Mayor Dav id Grant Atty Bobby Ables V-May Roy Muscari Mgr/ Comm Elvia Payne CityRec Elvia Payne Comm Johnny Simonton CityRec Steve McDan iel Comm Jennie R. Blansett Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Waters *Address: 24 Monroe Avenue , Lexington 38351

120 121 ------

TONN OF PAAROTTSV ILLE TONN OF PEGFll>N Election: 8/88 Route 2, Box 12, 37843 Election : 12/90 P. 0. Box 86, 37143 Phone 615/623-4249 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Cocke - E - 118 Phone 615/646-0773 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WilLIAMS Cheatham - M - 1,392

Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: Last Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing; Bod)!'.: Administration: Governing Bod)!'.: Public Safetl!'.: Mayor George Mayor Jim Durham FireC Leonard McKeand Blazer 623-7427 Atty J. c. Mcsween, Jr. * 623-7271 Comm Roy Smith CityRec Mae Sm ith Ald Randy Clark Comm Charles Cureton Ald Warren Miller Planning/Zoning : Publ ic Safetl!'.: PlngCCh Arthur B. Asbury CivDefD George Blazer Administration: Atty Larry Craig 320-5577 CityRec Geraldine Clark Judge Lenox Murff *Address : 316 East Broadway , Newport 37821 *Address: 305 Fourteenth Avenue North, Nashville 37203


P. 0. Box 215, 37144 Elect ion: 8/88 Phone 615/659-9826 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lincoln and Marshall - M -704

Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Board Room CITY OF PARS

P. 0. Box 128, 38363 Election : 6/88 Governing BodJ!:• Administration : Phone 901/847-6358 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Decatur - W - 2,457 Mayor Derrick Thompson Atty Wh itney Stevens* 433-5704 Ald Jeriel Pack CityRec/ Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Ald Nettie Foster Judge Fery Je tt Ald Errol Bledsoe Gove rning Bodl!'.: Publ ic Safetl!'. : Ald John Fullerton Public Safety: Mayor Edward Montgomery CivDefD Danny Roberts Ald BiH Tipper PoliceC Johnny Braggs Ald Harold Fisher FireC Danny Roberts Ald Marion We lch Ald Ray Inman PoliceC Jame s M. Bowman Public Works/Utilities: Ald Dean Holbert Waters Arthur Stone Ald Ralph Smith Public Works/Utilities: Ald David Yarbro GasMgr Roy D. Hall Ald Danny Roberts WstWtrS Charles Cottrell *Address: Union Nat ional Bank Building , Fayetteville 37334 Ald Bobby Rainey Waters Dallas Pate

Administration : Adm in/ CityRec Fery Jane tte Rhodes CITY OF PHIUDELPHIA Atty Edwin Townsend , Jr.* 847-3 111 P. 0. Box 10, 37846 Election: 5/89 HsAuthD Edna McNe il Phone 615/458-2052 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Loudon - E - 507 Judge Joseph Fisher Lib Sylvia Gurley Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bod)!'.: Administration: Mayor Sarah Letterman CityRec Emme tt Carter *Address: Ald Jimmy Nelms P. 0. Box 366 Lib Me lisa Davidson Ald Stillman Davidson Ald Kenneth Hamilton Ald Una Maddox

122 123 ------

TONN OF PAAROTTSV ILLE TONN OF PEGFll>N Election: 8/88 Route 2, Box 12, 37843 Election : 12/90 P. 0. Box 86, 37143 Phone 615/623-4249 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Cocke - E - 118 Phone 615/646-0773 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WilLIAMS Cheatham - M - 1,392

Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: Last Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing; Bod)!'.: Administration: Governing Bod)!'.: Public Safetl!'.: Mayor George Mayor Jim Durham FireC Leonard McKeand Blazer 623-7427 Atty J. c. Mcsween, Jr. * 623-7271 Comm Roy Smith CityRec Mae Sm ith Ald Randy Clark Comm Charles Cureton Ald Warren Miller Planning/Zoning : Publ ic Safetl!'.: PlngCCh Arthur B. Asbury CivDefD George Blazer Administration: Atty Larry Craig 320-5577 CityRec Geraldine Clark Judge Lenox Murff *Address : 316 East Broadway , Newport 37821 *Address: 305 Fourteenth Avenue North, Nashville 37203


P. 0. Box 215, 37144 Elect ion: 8/88 Phone 615/659-9826 CONSLT: J, ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lincoln and Marshall - M -704

Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Board Room CITY OF PARS

P. 0. Box 128, 38363 Election : 6/88 Governing BodJ!:• Administration : Phone 901/847-6358 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Decatur - W - 2,457 Mayor Derrick Thompson Atty Wh itney Stevens* 433-5704 Ald Jeriel Pack CityRec/ Governing Body meets: 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Ald Nettie Foster Judge Fery Je tt Ald Errol Bledsoe Gove rning Bodl!'.: Publ ic Safetl!'. : Ald John Fullerton Public Safety: Mayor Edward Montgomery CivDefD Danny Roberts Ald BiH Tipper PoliceC Johnny Braggs Ald Harold Fisher FireC Danny Roberts Ald Marion We lch Ald Ray Inman PoliceC Jame s M. Bowman Public Works/Utilities: Ald Dean Holbert Waters Arthur Stone Ald Ralph Smith Public Works/Utilities: Ald David Yarbro GasMgr Roy D. Hall Ald Danny Roberts WstWtrS Charles Cottrell *Address: Union Nat ional Bank Building , Fayetteville 37334 Ald Bobby Rainey Waters Dallas Pate

Administration : Adm in/ CityRec Fery Jane tte Rhodes CITY OF PHIUDELPHIA Atty Edwin Townsend , Jr.* 847-3 111 P. 0. Box 10, 37846 Election: 5/89 HsAuthD Edna McNe il Phone 615/458-2052 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Loudon - E - 507 Judge Joseph Fisher Lib Sylvia Gurley Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bod)!'.: Administration: Mayor Sarah Letterman CityRec Emme tt Carter *Address: Ald Jimmy Nelms P. 0. Box 366 Lib Me lisa Davidson Ald Stillman Davidson Ald Kenneth Hamilton Ald Una Maddox

122 123 CITY OF PIPERral CITY OF PIGECN FORGE Election: 5/89 P. Box 342, Collierville 38017 Election: P. Box 1066, 37863 0. 11/88 0. Sevier - E - 2,849 Phone 901/853-8754 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST - W - 746 Phone 615/453-9061 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Fayette

Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 7 : Governing Body meets : 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall 00 p.m. , c·ity H all

: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Planning/Zoning Troy Carr Mayor Gene L. Sh

TQVN OF PITTMAN CENTER Route 9, Box 180, Sevierville 37862 Election : 11/88 *Address: P. 0. Box 165, Sevierville 37862 Phone 615/436-5499 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Sevier - E - 528

Governing Body meets : 2nd Mond ay, 7 : 00 p.m. , c·ity Hall

Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Con ley Huskey Treas Debra Ellis V-May Leonard Hof frnann Ald Jerry Huskey Planning/Zoning : Ald James B. Coykendall, III PlngCCh Jame s B. Coykendall, III Ald Elmer Mccarter Public Safety: Administration : CITY OF PIKBllLLE PoliceC Sam Manning ion : 12/89 CityRec Debra Ellis P. Box 225,· 37367 Elect 0. - E - 2,085 Judge Randy Sykes Phone 615/447-2919 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Bledsoe

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Walter A. Emery PlngCCh Ray Evans Ald Roger Bedwell TQVN OF PLEASANT HILL Ald Grey Forgey Public Safety: P. O. Box 107, 38578 Ald Freda Swanger CivDefD Richard Swafford Election : 4/89 Phone 615/277-3813 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Ald Ronald H. Swafford FireC George Young Cumberland - E - 379 PoliceC Mickey Swanger Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Administration : Atty Tommy Au stin* Publ ic Works/Utilities: Governing Body : Administration : CityRec/ GasMgr/ Mayor Philip R. Thomforde Atty Hugh Hendricks* Clerk Debra BrO¥n Ut ilMg r Thomas W. Roberson 484-6354 Coun Jean Lay CityRec Edna Blaylock Judge Judy Swafford Waters/ 0. Coun Linda Smith WstWtrS Kerry Thomas Coun Winfred P. Rankhorn Coun Harley Patterson *Address : Dunlap, TN 37327

*Address: P. 0. Box 66, Crossville 38557

124 125 CITY OF PIPERral CITY OF PIGECN FORGE Election: 5/89 P. Box 342, Collierville 38017 Election: P. Box 1066, 37863 0. 11/88 0. Sevier - E - 2,849 Phone 901/853-8754 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST - W - 746 Phone 615/453-9061 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Fayette

Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday, 7 : Governing Body meets : 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall 00 p.m. , c·ity H all

: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Planning/Zoning Troy Carr Mayor Gene L. Sh

TQVN OF PITTMAN CENTER Route 9, Box 180, Sevierville 37862 Election : 11/88 *Address: P. 0. Box 165, Sevierville 37862 Phone 615/436-5499 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Sevier - E - 528

Governing Body meets : 2nd Mond ay, 7 : 00 p.m. , c·ity Hall

Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Con ley Huskey Treas Debra Ellis V-May Leonard Hof frnann Ald Jerry Huskey Planning/Zoning : Ald James B. Coykendall, III PlngCCh Jame s B. Coykendall, III Ald Elmer Mccarter Public Safety: Administration : CITY OF PIKBllLLE PoliceC Sam Manning ion : 12/89 CityRec Debra Ellis P. Box 225,· 37367 Elect 0. - E - 2,085 Judge Randy Sykes Phone 615/447-2919 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Bledsoe

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Walter A. Emery PlngCCh Ray Evans Ald Roger Bedwell TQVN OF PLEASANT HILL Ald Grey Forgey Public Safety: P. O. Box 107, 38578 Ald Freda Swanger CivDefD Richard Swafford Election : 4/89 Phone 615/277-3813 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Ald Ronald H. Swafford FireC George Young Cumberland - E - 379 PoliceC Mickey Swanger Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Administration : Atty Tommy Au stin* Publ ic Works/Utilities: Governing Body : Administration : CityRec/ GasMgr/ Mayor Philip R. Thomforde Atty Hugh Hendricks* Clerk Debra BrO¥n Ut ilMg r Thomas W. Roberson 484-6354 Coun Jean Lay CityRec Edna Blaylock Judge Judy Swafford Waters/ 0. Coun Linda Smith WstWtrS Kerry Thomas Coun Winfred P. Rankhorn Coun Harley Patterson *Address : Dunlap, TN 37327

*Address: P. 0. Box 66, Crossville 38557

124 125 CITY OF PULASKI CITY OF PORTUND P. Box 633, 38478 Election : 11/89 100 South Russell Street, 37148 Election: 5/89 0. Sumner - M - 4,140 Phone 615/363-2516 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 8,022 Phone 615/325-6776 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body meets: 3rd and 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.rn. , City Hall

Governing Bod:z:: Finance: Governing Bod:z:: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Stacey Ayrnett Garner Treas R. A. Abernathy Mayor William Rawls Bldin Harold Austin Ald John Henry Watkins V-May Kenneth Wilber Ald Hal Stewart Planning/Zoning: Ald Melvin Minnis Finance: Ald R. E. Rose, Jr. PlngCCh R. A. Abernathy 363-2516 Ald Robert Shannon Treas Melvin Minnis Ald Dan Speer Ald Ron Renfro Ald Bill Cheatham Public Safet:z:: Ald Bettye Glover Planning/Zoning: Ald Mitchell Birdsong , Jr. FireC Frank Collins 363-3427 Ald Bobby Wilkinson PlngCCh Lloyd Freeland Pol iceC Stanley Newton 363-2531 Ald Luther Bratton 363-2147 Public Safet:z:: Administration: PubSfD Paul Wilson Atty Jack B. Henry• 363-0770 Administration: FireC Ernest H. Jones CityRec R. A. Abernathy Public Works/Utilities: Atty Norman Lane* 244-2070 Pol iceC Joe Coffelt HsAuthD Torn Pollock 363-1682 ElecMgr Charles Higgins 363-2522 CityRec Nancy Keen Judge Rogers N. Hays 363-1392 GasMgr Tillman Carvell 363-1752 CornDevC Fred Wh ite Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Bobby Phillips 363-4666 SanSupt/ Judge Wilford Short GasMgr Loyd Wayne Walker Streets Brown Harwe ll 363-3234 ParksD Barbara Keen Codes Enforcement : Waters/ SfHhO Loyd Wayne Walker Bldin/ WstWtrS Frank Gooch 363-5348 Hsngin Paul Wilson 363-2147

*Address : 214 Third Avenue North, Nashville 37219-0348 *Address: P. 0. Box 698

CITY OF PURYEAR P. Box 278, 38251 Election : 5/89 TOYN OF POYELL.S CROSSRO/JOS 0. Phone 901/247-5362 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henr:z: - W - 624 Route 4, Box 277, Whitwell 37397 Election : 11/88 Phone 615/658-9620 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 918 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.rn. , Town Hal l

Governing Body meets : 3rd Saturday, 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Bod:z:: Public Safet:z:: Mayor Elvis McLain FireC Donald Dunning Governing Bod:z:: Admin istration : V-May William P. Holland Pol iceC Jimmy C. Ray Mayor Jerry R. Morrison Atty Rusty Graham* 942-3618 Ald William M. Atchison Ald Kenneth Holtcarnp Ci tyRec Me 11 FI axcomb Ald Donald Dunning Public Works/Utilities: Ald Aud ley Davis ParksD George Johnson Ald Tellus M. Gall imore Waters J. T. Burton Public Safet:z:: Administration : FireC Frank Kimsey Atty William T. Looney* 642-2903 CityRec Ver la Sm ith

*Address: P. 0. Box 993, Jasper 37347

*Address: 127 North Poplar, Paris 38242

127 126 CITY OF PULASKI CITY OF PORTUND P. Box 633, 38478 Election : 11/89 100 South Russell Street, 37148 Election: 5/89 0. Sumner - M - 4,140 Phone 615/363-2516 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Giles - M - 8,022 Phone 615/325-6776 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body meets: 3rd and 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.rn. , City Hall

Governing Bod:z:: Finance: Governing Bod:z:: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Stacey Ayrnett Garner Treas R. A. Abernathy Mayor William Rawls Bldin Harold Austin Ald John Henry Watkins V-May Kenneth Wilber Ald Hal Stewart Planning/Zoning: Ald Melvin Minnis Finance: Ald R. E. Rose, Jr. PlngCCh R. A. Abernathy 363-2516 Ald Robert Shannon Treas Melvin Minnis Ald Dan Speer Ald Ron Renfro Ald Bill Cheatham Public Safet:z:: Ald Bettye Glover Planning/Zoning: Ald Mitchell Birdsong , Jr. FireC Frank Collins 363-3427 Ald Bobby Wilkinson PlngCCh Lloyd Freeland Pol iceC Stanley Newton 363-2531 Ald Luther Bratton 363-2147 Public Safet:z:: Administration: PubSfD Paul Wilson Atty Jack B. Henry• 363-0770 Administration: FireC Ernest H. Jones CityRec R. A. Abernathy Public Works/Utilities: Atty Norman Lane* 244-2070 Pol iceC Joe Coffelt HsAuthD Torn Pollock 363-1682 ElecMgr Charles Higgins 363-2522 CityRec Nancy Keen Judge Rogers N. Hays 363-1392 GasMgr Tillman Carvell 363-1752 CornDevC Fred Wh ite Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Bobby Phillips 363-4666 SanSupt/ Judge Wilford Short GasMgr Loyd Wayne Walker Streets Brown Harwe ll 363-3234 ParksD Barbara Keen Codes Enforcement : Waters/ SfHhO Loyd Wayne Walker Bldin/ WstWtrS Frank Gooch 363-5348 Hsngin Paul Wilson 363-2147

*Address : 214 Third Avenue North, Nashville 37219-0348 *Address: P. 0. Box 698

CITY OF PURYEAR P. Box 278, 38251 Election : 5/89 TOYN OF POYELL.S CROSSRO/JOS 0. Phone 901/247-5362 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henr:z: - W - 624 Route 4, Box 277, Whitwell 37397 Election : 11/88 Phone 615/658-9620 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 918 Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.rn. , Town Hal l

Governing Body meets : 3rd Saturday, 6:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Bod:z:: Public Safet:z:: Mayor Elvis McLain FireC Donald Dunning Governing Bod:z:: Admin istration : V-May William P. Holland Pol iceC Jimmy C. Ray Mayor Jerry R. Morrison Atty Rusty Graham* 942-3618 Ald William M. Atchison Ald Kenneth Holtcarnp Ci tyRec Me 11 FI axcomb Ald Donald Dunning Public Works/Utilities: Ald Aud ley Davis ParksD George Johnson Ald Tellus M. Gall imore Waters J. T. Burton Public Safet:z:: Administration : FireC Frank Kimsey Atty William T. Looney* 642-2903 CityRec Ver la Sm ith

*Address: P. 0. Box 993, Jasper 37347

*Address: 127 North Poplar, Paris 38242

127 126 CITY OF R/IMER CITY OF RED BOILING SPRINGS P. Box 38, 38367 Election : 5/88 0. P. 0. Box 190, 37150 Election: 4/89 McNairy - W - 429 Phone 901 /645-7564 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Phone 615/699-2011 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Macon - M - 1,173

Governing Body meets: 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Safetz: Governing Bodz: Public Governing Bodz: Planning/Zoning : George Armstrong FireC George Armstrong 645-7564 Mayor 645-3987 Mayor Faulby E. Parkhuirst PlngCCh Conus Moss V-May Robert K. Wardlow Coun Terry Newberry Public Works/Utilities: Comm Herbert Locke Coun Guy Birdwe ll Public Safetz: Waters Lamar Teague 645-7298 Comm Raymond Teague Coun Alma Holl is FireC Barry Cassetty WtrClk Dorothy Locke Coun Teresa Copas PoliceC Danny Pippin Administration: Coun Paul Slader Atty Edwin Deusner* 645-6177 Coun Rex Gann Public Works/Utilities: Mg r/ Waters James Slate CityRec Lessie Wallace 645-3756 Administration : Atty Ken Witcher, Jr.• 666-4027 Clerk Coby Knight Judge W. P. Biles *Address: P. O. Box 647 , Selmer 38375

*Address : P. 0. Box 301, Lafayette 37083

CITY OF RED B.IWK P. O. Box 15069, 37415 Election : 6/89 Phone 615/877 1103 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 13, 129

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Mayor Ralph C. Barger FireC Lee Hustead TONN OF RICKMAN V-May Lester L. Barnette PoliceC Glenn Hair P. Box 156, 38580 0. Election: 4/89 Comm Dwain Eberhart Phone 615/498-2093 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Overton - M - 882 Comm Ronnie M. Moore Public Works/Utilities: Comm Tom Collins PubWrkD Gary Jackson Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m.

Administration: Governing Bodz: Administration: Glenn Thompson Mgr 875-9791 Mayor John Wes t CityRec Ruth Roberson Atty Arnold Stulce* 756-5880 Ald Verlon Kratz CityRec Richard Winters 877-1103 Ald Judy Pendergrass Judge Gary M. Disheroon** 877-2481 Ald Charles Roberson, Jr. Ald Sara Melton

*Address : 428 McCallie Avenue , Chattanooga 37402 **Address : 3117 Dayton Boulevard , Chattanooga 37403

128 129 CITY OF R/IMER CITY OF RED BOILING SPRINGS P. Box 38, 38367 Election : 5/88 0. P. 0. Box 190, 37150 Election: 4/89 McNairy - W - 429 Phone 901 /645-7564 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Phone 615/699-2011 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Macon - M - 1,173

Governing Body meets: 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body me ets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Safetz: Governing Bodz: Public Governing Bodz: Planning/Zoning : George Armstrong FireC George Armstrong 645-7564 Mayor 645-3987 Mayor Faulby E. Parkhuirst PlngCCh Conus Moss V-May Robert K. Wardlow Coun Terry Newberry Public Works/Utilities: Comm Herbert Locke Coun Guy Birdwe ll Public Safetz: Waters Lamar Teague 645-7298 Comm Raymond Teague Coun Alma Holl is FireC Barry Cassetty WtrClk Dorothy Locke Coun Teresa Copas PoliceC Danny Pippin Administration: Coun Paul Slader Atty Edwin Deusner* 645-6177 Coun Rex Gann Public Works/Utilities: Mg r/ Waters James Slate CityRec Lessie Wallace 645-3756 Administration : Atty Ken Witcher, Jr.• 666-4027 Clerk Coby Knight Judge W. P. Biles *Address: P. O. Box 647 , Selmer 38375

*Address : P. 0. Box 301, Lafayette 37083

CITY OF RED B.IWK P. O. Box 15069, 37415 Election : 6/89 Phone 615/877 1103 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 13, 129

Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Mayor Ralph C. Barger FireC Lee Hustead TONN OF RICKMAN V-May Lester L. Barnette PoliceC Glenn Hair P. Box 156, 38580 0. Election: 4/89 Comm Dwain Eberhart Phone 615/498-2093 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Overton - M - 882 Comm Ronnie M. Moore Public Works/Utilities: Comm Tom Collins PubWrkD Gary Jackson Governing Body meets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m.

Administration: Governing Bodz: Administration: Glenn Thompson Mgr 875-9791 Mayor John Wes t CityRec Ruth Roberson Atty Arnold Stulce* 756-5880 Ald Verlon Kratz CityRec Richard Winters 877-1103 Ald Judy Pendergrass Judge Gary M. Disheroon** 877-2481 Ald Charles Roberson, Jr. Ald Sara Melton

*Address : 428 McCallie Avenue , Chattanooga 37402 **Address : 3117 Dayton Boulevard , Chattanooga 37403

128 129 TQYN OF RIDGELY CITY OF RIPLEY 140 North Main Street 38080 Election: 6/89 108 South Washington Street, 38063 Elect ion: 4/92 Phone 901/264-5182 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Lake - W - 1,932 Phone 901/635-4000 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 6,395

Governing Body me ets: 2nd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Mac ie Roberson Bldin Issac Hall Mayor Rozelle Criner Bldin Verlen Wheeler Ald Charles Stewart Ald L. W. Poston, Jr. Ald Johnny Barnes Public Safety: Ald Jon Pavletic Planning/Zoning : Ald Larry Cook CivDefD Issac Hall Ald Wiley W. Lawrence PlngCCh Charles Peal Ald Doyle H. Larry FireC Aubrey Wood, Jr. Ald Tommy Dunavant Ald Mary Alice Hornbeak PoliceC W. C. Roberson Ald Charlie Moore Publ ic Safety: Ald Ralph Algee Ald Richard Doug las CivDefD Myron Kissell Public Works/Utilities: FireC Hubert Criner Administrat ion : Streets/ Administration: Pol iceC Bob Wh ite Atty W. B. Ke iser, Jr.• 264-5794 Waters Aubrey Wood, Jr. Atty Robert C. Wilder CityRec Mari lyn Barnes CityRec Verb le M. Mueller Publ ic Works/Utilities: HsAuthD Norma Byrd ElecMgr Mike Al lmand 635-2323 *Address: 124 Lake Street Judge Joe H. Walker, III GasMgr/ ParksD Louis Jennings Waters/ WstWtrS Cecil Hut chinson 635-1212 Streets L. A. Pennington 635-1621

CITY OF RIDGESIDE Election: 11/90 P. 0. Box 3265, Chattanooga 37404 Phone 615/757-2325 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 417

Governing Body meets : 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Commissioners 1 homes

Governing Body: Finance : Mayor James Hammond Treas James Hammond Comm Richard Griffith Comm Richard Bethea

CITY OF RIVES P. Box 0. 98, 38253 Election : 1/90 Pho e 1 =���n�---'-9�0��/�5�3�6_-�5�6�8�9�����C�O�N��SL�T=._,_: �H�A�R�O�L�D�YUN��G�M�E�Y�E�R'- ��������- Obion - W - 386 T<:JVN .OF RIDGETOP --

P. 0. Box 650, 37152 Election: 8/88 Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Phone 615/859-0596 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson and Robertson - M - 1,225 Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor Stan Pave l I Atty John Warner* 885-2430 Ald Freddie Pruett CityRec Suzanne Hill Governing Body : Public Safety: Ald Danny Autry Mayor J. T. Honeycutt CivDefD Luther Campbell Ald Lou Alice Robison Publ ic Safety: Ald Susan G. Polen FireC Luther Campbell Ald Fred· Morphis FireC Nickie Clark Ald Gerhard Baumann PoliceC James Hyde Ald Danny Hill PoliceC Jessie Autry Ald Joyce Smiley Ald Perry Jenkins Ald Jeane Walker Publ ic Works/Utilities : GasMgr James R. Mitchell Administrat ion: Atty Steve Price• 384-3584 Clerk Eve lyn Mi tchell *Address : 303 South Third Street, Union City 38261

Address : P. 0. Box 650

130 131 TQYN OF RIDGELY CITY OF RIPLEY 140 North Main Street 38080 Election: 6/89 108 South Washington Street, 38063 Elect ion: 4/92 Phone 901/264-5182 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Lake - W - 1,932 Phone 901/635-4000 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Lauderdale - W - 6,395

Governing Body me ets: 2nd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Mac ie Roberson Bldin Issac Hall Mayor Rozelle Criner Bldin Verlen Wheeler Ald Charles Stewart Ald L. W. Poston, Jr. Ald Johnny Barnes Public Safety: Ald Jon Pavletic Planning/Zoning : Ald Larry Cook CivDefD Issac Hall Ald Wiley W. Lawrence PlngCCh Charles Peal Ald Doyle H. Larry FireC Aubrey Wood, Jr. Ald Tommy Dunavant Ald Mary Alice Hornbeak PoliceC W. C. Roberson Ald Charlie Moore Publ ic Safety: Ald Ralph Algee Ald Richard Doug las CivDefD Myron Kissell Public Works/Utilities: FireC Hubert Criner Administrat ion : Streets/ Administration: Pol iceC Bob Wh ite Atty W. B. Ke iser, Jr.• 264-5794 Waters Aubrey Wood, Jr. Atty Robert C. Wilder CityRec Mari lyn Barnes CityRec Verb le M. Mueller Publ ic Works/Utilities: HsAuthD Norma Byrd ElecMgr Mike Al lmand 635-2323 *Address: 124 Lake Street Judge Joe H. Walker, III GasMgr/ ParksD Louis Jennings Waters/ WstWtrS Cecil Hut chinson 635-1212 Streets L. A. Pennington 635-1621

CITY OF RIDGESIDE Election: 11/90 P. 0. Box 3265, Chattanooga 37404 Phone 615/757-2325 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 417

Governing Body meets : 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Commissioners 1 homes

Governing Body: Finance : Mayor James Hammond Treas James Hammond Comm Richard Griffith Comm Richard Bethea

CITY OF RIVES P. Box 0. 98, 38253 Election : 1/90 Pho e 1 =���n�---'-9�0��/�5�3�6_-�5�6�8�9�����C�O�N��SL�T=._,_: �H�A�R�O�L�D�YUN��G�M�E�Y�E�R'- ��������- Obion - W - 386 T<:JVN .OF RIDGETOP --

P. 0. Box 650, 37152 Election: 8/88 Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Phone 615/859-0596 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Davidson and Robertson - M - 1,225 Governing Body: Administration: Governing Body meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor Stan Pave l I Atty John Warner* 885-2430 Ald Freddie Pruett CityRec Suzanne Hill Governing Body : Public Safety: Ald Danny Autry Mayor J. T. Honeycutt CivDefD Luther Campbell Ald Lou Alice Robison Publ ic Safety: Ald Susan G. Polen FireC Luther Campbell Ald Fred· Morphis FireC Nickie Clark Ald Gerhard Baumann PoliceC James Hyde Ald Danny Hill PoliceC Jessie Autry Ald Joyce Smiley Ald Perry Jenkins Ald Jeane Walker Publ ic Works/Utilities : GasMgr James R. Mitchell Administrat ion: Atty Steve Price• 384-3584 Clerk Eve lyn Mi tchell *Address : 303 South Third Street, Union City 38261

Address : P. 0. Box 650

130 131 TCWN OF R<:X3ERSI/ ILLE TCWN OF ROCKFORD P. Box 788, 37857 Election: 6/89 Route 1, 37853 Election: 3/88 o. Phone 615/272-7497 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 4,368 Phone 615/982-1466 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 567

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Jim Sells Bldin Fred Garland Mayor Fred Dickey Mgr/ V-May Re id Terry Plmbin A. J. Hoyle V-May Rollie Swafford CityRec Jenn ifer L. BrONn Ald Virginia Klepper Comm Gail Dalton Blaine Jones Publ ic Safetz: Public Safety: Ald PoliceC Steve R. Key Ald Guy Trent CivDefD Fred A. Berry Ald Bennie Floyd FireC Hal Price, Jr. Ald Elizabeth Smith PoliceC Elwood Hurd

Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty William E. Phillips* 272-7633 SanSupt William Lee 272-8284 CityRec WI IIi am H. Lyons 272-7497 Streets Johnny Kite 272-6560 ParksD Craig Price 272-2545 Waters Claude Peeks 272-2540 ScSupt Gary Peevely 272-7651


Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Mayor Paul E. Layne ElecMgr Charles W. Johnson 354-1713 V-May Rollin W. Wy rick GasMgr Fred Miller 354-9058 Coun Sanders L. Bowman Streets C. D. Mee 354-0184 Coun Bert Pemberton WstWtrS Goth Swicegood 354-1034 Coun Glenn W. McCuiston Waters Curt is Early 354-0569 TCWN OF ROSSI/ILL E Coun James E. Russell P. Box 27, 38066 Election : 4/90 Coun William R. Wright , Jr. 0. Phone 901/853-4681 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fazette w - 379 Administration : Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 6:30 p.m. , City Hall Atty Elmer F. Rich* 354-3008 CityRec HONard Butler 354-1830 Governing Bodz: Finance: HsAuthD Louise Merryman 354-1657 Mayor Billy P. Farley, Sr. Treas Julena L. Goudy Judge Howard But ler Ald Michael Luckey Lib Paul Lemasters 354-1281 Ald Charles Gurkin Planning/Zoning: ParksD David Woods 354-2567 Ald W. J. Frazier, Jr. PlngCCh Ken Spencer PubinfoO Diana Ratcliffe 354-0807 Ald Ken Spencer Ald James C. Gaither, Sr. Publ ic Safetz: Codes Enforcement : 354-1237 Ald Lanny Saunders FireC/ Bldln David Woods 354-2567 Police Willie Jackson Administration:· Atty Payson Matthews* 465-3336 Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: *Address: 101 North Kingston Avenue CityRec Ju /ena L. Goudy Eng R. L. King Judge L. L. Laughl in Waters/ WstWt rS S. Y. Chambers , Jr.

*Address: 205 West Market Street, Somerville 38068

133 132 TCWN OF R<:X3ERSI/ ILLE TCWN OF ROCKFORD P. Box 788, 37857 Election: 6/89 Route 1, 37853 Election: 3/88 o. Phone 615/272-7497 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawkins - E - 4,368 Phone 615/982-1466 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 567

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Jim Sells Bldin Fred Garland Mayor Fred Dickey Mgr/ V-May Re id Terry Plmbin A. J. Hoyle V-May Rollie Swafford CityRec Jenn ifer L. BrONn Ald Virginia Klepper Comm Gail Dalton Blaine Jones Publ ic Safetz: Public Safety: Ald PoliceC Steve R. Key Ald Guy Trent CivDefD Fred A. Berry Ald Bennie Floyd FireC Hal Price, Jr. Ald Elizabeth Smith PoliceC Elwood Hurd

Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty William E. Phillips* 272-7633 SanSupt William Lee 272-8284 CityRec WI IIi am H. Lyons 272-7497 Streets Johnny Kite 272-6560 ParksD Craig Price 272-2545 Waters Claude Peeks 272-2540 ScSupt Gary Peevely 272-7651


Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodz: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Mayor Paul E. Layne ElecMgr Charles W. Johnson 354-1713 V-May Rollin W. Wy rick GasMgr Fred Miller 354-9058 Coun Sanders L. Bowman Streets C. D. Mee 354-0184 Coun Bert Pemberton WstWtrS Goth Swicegood 354-1034 Coun Glenn W. McCuiston Waters Curt is Early 354-0569 TCWN OF ROSSI/ILL E Coun James E. Russell P. Box 27, 38066 Election : 4/90 Coun William R. Wright , Jr. 0. Phone 901/853-4681 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fazette w - 379 Administration : Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday, 6:30 p.m. , City Hall Atty Elmer F. Rich* 354-3008 CityRec HONard Butler 354-1830 Governing Bodz: Finance: HsAuthD Louise Merryman 354-1657 Mayor Billy P. Farley, Sr. Treas Julena L. Goudy Judge Howard But ler Ald Michael Luckey Lib Paul Lemasters 354-1281 Ald Charles Gurkin Planning/Zoning: ParksD David Woods 354-2567 Ald W. J. Frazier, Jr. PlngCCh Ken Spencer PubinfoO Diana Ratcliffe 354-0807 Ald Ken Spencer Ald James C. Gaither, Sr. Publ ic Safetz: Codes Enforcement : 354-1237 Ald Lanny Saunders FireC/ Bldln David Woods 354-2567 Police Willie Jackson Administration:· Atty Payson Matthews* 465-3336 Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: *Address: 101 North Kingston Avenue CityRec Ju /ena L. Goudy Eng R. L. King Judge L. L. Laughl in Waters/ WstWt rS S. Y. Chambers , Jr.

*Address: 205 West Market Street, Somerville 38068

133 132 TOYN CF RUTHERFORD CITY CF ST. JOSEPH Election: 5/89 P. Box 37, 38481 Election : 11/88 P. 0. Box E, 38369 0. Phone 901/665-7166 CONSLT : H. YVNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 1,398 Phone 615/845-4141 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - 897

Governing Body me ets : 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Finance: Mayor William A. Beard FireC Bobby Blankenship 665-6317 Mayor William L. Sandy Treas Jean Hill Ald Bill Foster Pol iceC William A. Beard V-May Clyde Moore Ald Robert J. Eddlemon Comm Wiley C. Pettus Public Safety: Ald Keith Cardwe ll Public Works/Utilities: FireC Walter She 1 ton Streets Robert J. Eddlemon 665-6154 Administration : Ald H. H. Taylor, III Ald Clovis Walker WstWtrS H. B. McCol lum Mgr Robert Bernard Russ Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Waters Pame la S. Flowers Atty Paul Plant* 762-7528 Waters Wayne H. Shaw Administrat ion : CityRec Jean Hi 11 Atty Thomas Harwood* 855-2972 Judge Paul Plant* CityRec Ann Hurt Abbott Judge Pame la S. Flowers

*Ad 38464 dress : P. 0. Box 399, Lawrenceburg *Address: P. 0. Box 247 , Trenton 38382

C /TY CF RUTLEDGE Election: 4/89 TOYN CF SALT ILLO P. 0. Box 36, 37861 Phone 615/828-4513 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Grainger - E - 1,058 City Hall, 38370 Election : 8/89 Phone 901/687-3292 CONSLT: HAROLD YVNGMEYER Hard in - W - 434 Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Charles H. Killion PlngCCh Raymond Kee Governing Body: Administrat ion: V-May Ray McElhaney Mayor Roy Wya tt CityRec Cecil Smith Ald Bill Killian Public Safety: V-May J. L. Terry Clerk Jimmy Hopper Ald Bill Shirley FireC Charles Ward Ald Lynn Lowery Pol iceC Jimmy D. Wh itt Ald Don Fields Public Safety: Administration : Ald Lewis Grace Marsh! Sam Oliver Atty Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Ald Lyd le Dickson, Jr. CityRec Bonn ie Mi I Is WstWtrS Roy McElhaney 828-5381 Waters Thomas E. Shirley 828-45 13

134 135 TOYN CF RUTHERFORD CITY CF ST. JOSEPH Election: 5/89 P. Box 37, 38481 Election : 11/88 P. 0. Box E, 38369 0. Phone 901/665-7166 CONSLT : H. YVNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 1,398 Phone 615/845-4141 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Lawrence - M - 897

Governing Body me ets : 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Public Safety: Governing Body: Finance: Mayor William A. Beard FireC Bobby Blankenship 665-6317 Mayor William L. Sandy Treas Jean Hill Ald Bill Foster Pol iceC William A. Beard V-May Clyde Moore Ald Robert J. Eddlemon Comm Wiley C. Pettus Public Safety: Ald Keith Cardwe ll Public Works/Utilities: FireC Walter She 1 ton Streets Robert J. Eddlemon 665-6154 Administration : Ald H. H. Taylor, III Ald Clovis Walker WstWtrS H. B. McCol lum Mgr Robert Bernard Russ Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Waters Pame la S. Flowers Atty Paul Plant* 762-7528 Waters Wayne H. Shaw Administrat ion : CityRec Jean Hi 11 Atty Thomas Harwood* 855-2972 Judge Paul Plant* CityRec Ann Hurt Abbott Judge Pame la S. Flowers

*Ad 38464 dress : P. 0. Box 399, Lawrenceburg *Address: P. 0. Box 247 , Trenton 38382

C /TY CF RUTLEDGE Election: 4/89 TOYN CF SALT ILLO P. 0. Box 36, 37861 Phone 615/828-4513 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Grainger - E - 1,058 City Hall, 38370 Election : 8/89 Phone 901/687-3292 CONSLT: HAROLD YVNGMEYER Hard in - W - 434 Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor Charles H. Killion PlngCCh Raymond Kee Governing Body: Administrat ion: V-May Ray McElhaney Mayor Roy Wya tt CityRec Cecil Smith Ald Bill Killian Public Safety: V-May J. L. Terry Clerk Jimmy Hopper Ald Bill Shirley FireC Charles Ward Ald Lynn Lowery Pol iceC Jimmy D. Wh itt Ald Don Fields Public Safety: Administration : Ald Lewis Grace Marsh! Sam Oliver Atty Publ ic Works/Ut ilities: Ald Lyd le Dickson, Jr. CityRec Bonn ie Mi I Is WstWtrS Roy McElhaney 828-5381 Waters Thomas E. Shirley 828-45 13

134 135 CITY OF SAV.ANN/111 TONN OF S/JMBJRG 1020 Main Street, 38372 Election: 8/89 P. Box 117, 38254 Election: 8/89 0. Phone 901/925-3300 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Hardin - W - 6,992 Phone 901/538-2756 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 465 Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hal l

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Administration: Governing Body: Mayor Randy Rinks CdEnfO Freeda Kemp 925-6800 Mgr Phillip Reed Mayor Tim Bunch V-May Jack D. Cherry Grant Reed CityRec Shauna Sm ith Comm Comm Nancy Davis Planning/Zoning : John E. Vancleve Comm Comm Emmett Ye iser, Jr. PlngCCh Judy McGinley Comm Jim Garey Planner Freeda Kemp

Administration : Publ ic Safety: Mgr Anthony R. Massey CivDefD Jim Berry 925-348 1 Atty James A. Hopper* 925-8076 FireC Jim Berry 925-3481 CityRec William Fox PoliceC Donald B. Cannon 925-4989 Judge Andrew Stanley TONN OF Sl>RDIS Election : 8/88 ParksD Glen Ray Phillips Public Works/Utilities: P. Box 86, 38371 0. SanSupt/ CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henderson - W - 301 Phone 901/858-2641 Streets Warren Higgins 925-5061 Ut i lMgr Thomas Smith 925-4216 Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Admin istration: 373-3277 Mayor Ron Boyd Atty Joe N. Hopper* Wayne Scott *Address: P. 0. Box 220 Ald Richard Holland CityRec Ald Lanny Redding Judge Wayne Scott Ald Selma Golf Ald Danny Pope Public Works/Utilities: Ald Carolyn Moore Waters Wi lliam Milam

*Address: P. 0. Box 84, Brentwood 37027

TONN OF SCOTTS HILL Route 1, Box 6N, 38374 Election: 8/88 Phone 901/549-3175 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Decatur and Henderson - W - 712 TONN OF Sl>l.JLSWRY Town Hall, 38067 Election : 8/88 Governing Body meets : !st Monday, 6:30 p.m. , Town Hal l Phone 901/764-2524 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman -.W - 156 Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body meets: 2nd Saturday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Mayor Ted Ang / In CityRec Carolyn Snider V-May Jimmy Helms Judge Ted Ang lin Governing Body: Administrat ion: 658-5411 Ald Arlie Bingham Mayor Jack c. Daniel Atty Ewing J. Harris* Ald Billy Woody Public Safety: Ald Robert E. Bynum CityRec J. P. Smith Ald Jackie Mitchell PoliceC Jessie S. Powers G. A. Bumpus Ald Ald Ne al· Johnson John Hensley, Jr. Finance: Ald Ald Jerry Holmes J. P. Smith Treas G. A. Bumpus Ald Ald Margaret Dyer Ald Arthur Bryson Ald Ted Covey

*Address: P. 0. Box 148 , Bol ivar 38008

137 136 CITY OF SAV.ANN/111 TONN OF S/JMBJRG 1020 Main Street, 38372 Election: 8/89 P. Box 117, 38254 Election: 8/89 0. Phone 901/925-3300 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Hardin - W - 6,992 Phone 901/538-2756 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 465 Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. , City Hal l

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Administration: Governing Body: Mayor Randy Rinks CdEnfO Freeda Kemp 925-6800 Mgr Phillip Reed Mayor Tim Bunch V-May Jack D. Cherry Grant Reed CityRec Shauna Sm ith Comm Comm Nancy Davis Planning/Zoning : John E. Vancleve Comm Comm Emmett Ye iser, Jr. PlngCCh Judy McGinley Comm Jim Garey Planner Freeda Kemp

Administration : Publ ic Safety: Mgr Anthony R. Massey CivDefD Jim Berry 925-348 1 Atty James A. Hopper* 925-8076 FireC Jim Berry 925-3481 CityRec William Fox PoliceC Donald B. Cannon 925-4989 Judge Andrew Stanley TONN OF Sl>RDIS Election : 8/88 ParksD Glen Ray Phillips Public Works/Utilities: P. Box 86, 38371 0. SanSupt/ CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Henderson - W - 301 Phone 901/858-2641 Streets Warren Higgins 925-5061 Ut i lMgr Thomas Smith 925-4216 Governing Body meets : 1st Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Admin istration: 373-3277 Mayor Ron Boyd Atty Joe N. Hopper* Wayne Scott *Address: P. 0. Box 220 Ald Richard Holland CityRec Ald Lanny Redding Judge Wayne Scott Ald Selma Golf Ald Danny Pope Public Works/Utilities: Ald Carolyn Moore Waters Wi lliam Milam

*Address: P. 0. Box 84, Brentwood 37027

TONN OF SCOTTS HILL Route 1, Box 6N, 38374 Election: 8/88 Phone 901/549-3175 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Decatur and Henderson - W - 712 TONN OF Sl>l.JLSWRY Town Hall, 38067 Election : 8/88 Governing Body meets : !st Monday, 6:30 p.m. , Town Hal l Phone 901/764-2524 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman -.W - 156 Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body meets: 2nd Saturday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Mayor Ted Ang / In CityRec Carolyn Snider V-May Jimmy Helms Judge Ted Ang lin Governing Body: Administrat ion: 658-5411 Ald Arlie Bingham Mayor Jack c. Daniel Atty Ewing J. Harris* Ald Billy Woody Public Safety: Ald Robert E. Bynum CityRec J. P. Smith Ald Jackie Mitchell PoliceC Jessie S. Powers G. A. Bumpus Ald Ald Ne al· Johnson John Hensley, Jr. Finance: Ald Ald Jerry Holmes J. P. Smith Treas G. A. Bumpus Ald Ald Margaret Dyer Ald Arthur Bryson Ald Ted Covey

*Address: P. 0. Box 148 , Bol ivar 38008

137 136 TOYN CF SELMER TOYN CF SHN1C/'I 144 North Second Street, 38375 Election: 11/89 P. O. Box 235, 38255 Election: 6/89 Weakley - W - 1,134 Phone 901/645-3241 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNa iry - W - 3,979 Phone 901/456-2122 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER

Governing Body meets : 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hal l Governing Body me ets: 1st Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Leo Tul l, Sr. Treas Jack Gray Mayor Robert A. Gardner PlngCCh Stephen T. Brown Ald Ald Gary Edd ings Ald Jimmy Daniels Planning/Zoning: Ald James Gary Roberts Public Safety: Ald Don Smith PlngCCh W. C. Moore Ald Don Gordon FireC Timothy Alexander Hilda Taylor Ald Jack Gray Ald PoliceC Donnie Edwards 456-2 717 Ald Garland Johnson Public Safety: FireC Jimmy Dickey Administration : Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Mar i lyn W i I son Administration: PoliceC Frank J. Harris San Supt Barney Edwards Atty 587-2297 Atty Terry Abernathy* 645-6163 Harold Brund ige* Waters/ 456-2717 CityRec Ann Henderson Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Marilyn Wilson WasteWtr Don Reynolds Judge Bill Webb SanSupt/ Lib Joe Atnip Streets Bob Graham Lib Shirley Washburn Waters/ SfHhO Marilyn Wilson WstWtrS Donald Hawkins 645-7928 *Address: P. 0. Box 230 , Mart in 38237

*Address : P. 0. Box 141


P. 0. Box 185, 37160 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/684-2691 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Bedford - M - 13,700

CITY CF SEVIEFrllLLE Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall 120 Church Street 37862 Election: 5/89 Governing Body, Phone 615/453-5504· CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Sevier - E - 5,366 Codes Enforcement : Mayor Henry Feldhaus , III CdEnfO Cecil Clanton Coun Governing Body meets: !st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Floyd Mahaffey Coun Howard B. Nichols Finance: Coun Monty Thomas Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Treas Lisa Turner Coun H. Clay Mart in Mayor Charlie Johnson CdEnfO Paul Webb Coun V-May Amos Marshall Lyndell Massengale Publ ic Safety: Coun Eldon McGee Ald Jim Keener Planning/Zoning : CivDefD Aaron Womble Ald Bryan Atchley PlngCCh Robert Howard FireC Garland King 684-5974 Administration: Ald Fred Cate PoliceC Mike Risner 684-6241 Mgr A. 0. Ca lcive/ I Ald Bob Loy Public Safety: Atty Andy Rambo* 684-62 13 FireC James N. Atchley Publ ic Works/Utilities: CityRec A. D. Caldwe ll Administration: PoliceC Robbie Fox 453-5507 Streets William J. Sull ivan 684-2644 HsAuthD Carlisle Langley Admin Russe I I Tread.very UtilMgr Eugene Crowell 684-7171 Judge Burt English AdmAsst Mark Heaton Publ ic Works/Utilities: ParksD Tim Roediger Atty H. Dennis Jarvis* 453-5578 PubWrkD Bob Robbins SfHhO Garland King CityRec Pat Valent ine ElecMgr George Seaton 453-2887 Judge Lanning Wynn Waters/ ParksD Bob Parker WstWtrS Dave Townsend *Address: P. O. Box 129

*Address: P. 0. Box 527

139 138 TOYN CF SELMER TOYN CF SHN1C/'I 144 North Second Street, 38375 Election: 11/89 P. O. Box 235, 38255 Election: 6/89 Weakley - W - 1,134 Phone 901/645-3241 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNa iry - W - 3,979 Phone 901/456-2122 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER

Governing Body meets : 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hal l Governing Body me ets: 1st Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Finance: Governing Body: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Leo Tul l, Sr. Treas Jack Gray Mayor Robert A. Gardner PlngCCh Stephen T. Brown Ald Steve Smith Ald Gary Edd ings Ald Jimmy Daniels Planning/Zoning: Ald James Gary Roberts Public Safety: Ald Don Smith PlngCCh W. C. Moore Ald Don Gordon FireC Timothy Alexander Hilda Taylor Ald Jack Gray Ald PoliceC Donnie Edwards 456-2 717 Ald Garland Johnson Public Safety: FireC Jimmy Dickey Administration : Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Mar i lyn W i I son Administration: PoliceC Frank J. Harris San Supt Barney Edwards Atty 587-2297 Atty Terry Abernathy* 645-6163 Harold Brund ige* Waters/ 456-2717 CityRec Ann Henderson Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Marilyn Wilson WasteWtr Don Reynolds Judge Bill Webb SanSupt/ Lib Joe Atnip Streets Bob Graham Lib Shirley Washburn Waters/ SfHhO Marilyn Wilson WstWtrS Donald Hawkins 645-7928 *Address: P. 0. Box 230 , Mart in 38237

*Address : P. 0. Box 141


P. 0. Box 185, 37160 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/684-2691 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Bedford - M - 13,700

CITY CF SEVIEFrllLLE Governing Body me ets: 2nd Tue sday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall 120 Church Street 37862 Election: 5/89 Governing Body, Phone 615/453-5504· CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Sevier - E - 5,366 Codes Enforcement : Mayor Henry Feldhaus , III CdEnfO Cecil Clanton Coun Governing Body meets: !st and 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Floyd Mahaffey Coun Howard B. Nichols Finance: Coun Monty Thomas Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Treas Lisa Turner Coun H. Clay Mart in Mayor Charlie Johnson CdEnfO Paul Webb Coun V-May Amos Marshall Lyndell Massengale Publ ic Safety: Coun Eldon McGee Ald Jim Keener Planning/Zoning : CivDefD Aaron Womble Ald Bryan Atchley PlngCCh Robert Howard FireC Garland King 684-5974 Administration: Ald Fred Cate PoliceC Mike Risner 684-6241 Mgr A. 0. Ca lcive/ I Ald Bob Loy Public Safety: Atty Andy Rambo* 684-62 13 FireC James N. Atchley Publ ic Works/Utilities: CityRec A. D. Caldwe ll Administration: PoliceC Robbie Fox 453-5507 Streets William J. Sull ivan 684-2644 HsAuthD Carlisle Langley Admin Russe I I Tread.very UtilMgr Eugene Crowell 684-7171 Judge Burt English AdmAsst Mark Heaton Publ ic Works/Utilities: ParksD Tim Roediger Atty H. Dennis Jarvis* 453-5578 PubWrkD Bob Robbins SfHhO Garland King CityRec Pat Valent ine ElecMgr George Seaton 453-2887 Judge Lanning Wynn Waters/ ParksD Bob Parker WstWtrS Dave Townsend *Address: P. O. Box 129

*Address: P. 0. Box 527

139 138 CITY OF SMITHVILLE TONN OF SIGNAL MCIJNTA IN 104 East Main Street, 37166 P. Box 69, 37377 Election: 5/91 Election: 6/88 0. Phone 615/597-4745 Phone 615/886-2177 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 5,818 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS DeKalb - M - 3,839

Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Governing Body : Finance: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Davey L . Love Mayor Bernard Wo lfe Treas Marion Summe rv ille PlngCCh Jimmy Vickers V-May Paul Hendrixson Comm Marion Summe rv ille Ald Jack Cantrell Comm Cheryl Graham Planning/Zoning : Public Safety: Ald Bruce Medley Comm Reid Brown PlngCCh David G. Dall CivDefD Buddy Parker Ald Elzie McBride Comm Mitchell Byrd FireC W. J. Keith Ald Larry Wright Public Safety: Pol iceC Thomas Hopkins Administration: FireC Ray Franc is 886-2122 Administration : Admin PoliceC Boyd H. Veal 886-2 123 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Bratten H. Cook, II* 597-1400 Atty Joseph C. Wagner* 266-8816 Waters Cecil R. Burger CityRec Cecil R. Burger Judge Robert Moon Public Works/Ut ilities: 886-3301 Judge Joe Carter Lib Margaret Spittler PubWrkD Mitchell Lawson ParksD Scott Cook Waters Hershel Dick Finance : Treas Cecil R. Burger Codes Enforcement : Bld!n Lew Porter

*Address: 104 East Main Street *Address: 1418 First Tennessee Bank Bldg. , Chattanooga 37402

TONN OF SI LERra-1 General Delivery , 38377 Elect ion: 1/91 Chester and Hardeman - W - 100 Phone 901/658-3478 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER TONN OF SMYRNA P. Box 876, 37167 Governing Body me ets : 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall 0. Election: 11/89 Phone 615/459-2553 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 11,378 Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. , Assembly Hall Mayor Phy / I is Nay lor CityRec Phyllis Naylor Ald Bobby Nay lor Governing Body: Ald Earl Vales Finance: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Knox Ridley Ald Bivian Nay lor Treas Phyllis Naylor Bldin Ken Pilkerton V-May Frank Johns , Jr. Ald Lindbergh Lambe rt Comm Kenneth Victory Ald Mrs . Lindbergh Lambert Planning/Zoning: Comm Edwin Davenport PlngCCh Ken Pilkerton Comm Paul Johns Public Safety: Administration : FireC James Farmer Atty James TONN OF SLAYDEN Cope* 893-5522 Pol iceC Charles Vance Clerk/ General Delivery, 37165-9998 Election : 4/89 Coord J. Michae l Woods Phone 615/763-2868 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 69 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Imogene Bolin** 459-6189 Eng Mark Mcshea SfHhO J. Michae l Woods Governing Body meets : Last Monday , 8:00 p.m. , Community Center GasMgr/ PubWrkD Ben Andrews Governing Body: Admin istration: Mayor Michael L. Davenport CityRec Tammy El lis Coun Bobby Parker 0. *Address : P. Box 884, Murfreesboro 37130 Coun C. W. Potts 0. **Address : P. O. Box 467, Smyrna 37167 Coun Charles E. El lis, Sr.

141 140 CITY OF SMITHVILLE TONN OF SIGNAL MCIJNTA IN 104 East Main Street, 37166 P. Box 69, 37377 Election: 5/91 Election: 6/88 0. Phone 615/597-4745 Phone 615/886-2177 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 5,818 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS DeKalb - M - 3,839

Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets : 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Governing Body : Finance: Planning/Zoning : Mayor Davey L . Love Mayor Bernard Wo lfe Treas Marion Summe rv ille PlngCCh Jimmy Vickers V-May Paul Hendrixson Comm Marion Summe rv ille Ald Jack Cantrell Comm Cheryl Graham Planning/Zoning : Public Safety: Ald Bruce Medley Comm Reid Brown PlngCCh David G. Dall CivDefD Buddy Parker Ald Elzie McBride Comm Mitchell Byrd FireC W. J. Keith Ald Larry Wright Public Safety: Pol iceC Thomas Hopkins Administration: FireC Ray Franc is 886-2122 Administration : Admin PoliceC Boyd H. Veal 886-2 123 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Bratten H. Cook, II* 597-1400 Atty Joseph C. Wagner* 266-8816 Waters Cecil R. Burger CityRec Cecil R. Burger Judge Robert Moon Public Works/Ut ilities: 886-3301 Judge Joe Carter Lib Margaret Spittler PubWrkD Mitchell Lawson ParksD Scott Cook Waters Hershel Dick Finance : Treas Cecil R. Burger Codes Enforcement : Bld!n Lew Porter

*Address: 104 East Main Street *Address: 1418 First Tennessee Bank Bldg. , Chattanooga 37402

TONN OF SI LERra-1 General Delivery , 38377 Elect ion: 1/91 Chester and Hardeman - W - 100 Phone 901/658-3478 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER TONN OF SMYRNA P. Box 876, 37167 Governing Body me ets : 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall 0. Election: 11/89 Phone 615/459-2553 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Rutherford - M - 11,378 Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. , Assembly Hall Mayor Phy / I is Nay lor CityRec Phyllis Naylor Ald Bobby Nay lor Governing Body: Ald Earl Vales Finance: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Knox Ridley Ald Bivian Nay lor Treas Phyllis Naylor Bldin Ken Pilkerton V-May Frank Johns , Jr. Ald Lindbergh Lambe rt Comm Kenneth Victory Ald Mrs . Lindbergh Lambert Planning/Zoning: Comm Edwin Davenport PlngCCh Ken Pilkerton Comm Paul Johns Public Safety: Administration : FireC James Farmer Atty James TONN OF SLAYDEN Cope* 893-5522 Pol iceC Charles Vance Clerk/ General Delivery, 37165-9998 Election : 4/89 Coord J. Michae l Woods Phone 615/763-2868 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 69 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Imogene Bolin** 459-6189 Eng Mark Mcshea SfHhO J. Michae l Woods Governing Body meets : Last Monday , 8:00 p.m. , Community Center GasMgr/ PubWrkD Ben Andrews Governing Body: Admin istration: Mayor Michael L. Davenport CityRec Tammy El lis Coun Bobby Parker 0. *Address : P. Box 884, Murfreesboro 37130 Coun C. W. Potts 0. **Address : P. O. Box 467, Smyrna 37167 Coun Charles E. El lis, Sr.

141 140 TO¥N OF Sa.t ILLE TO¥N OF SNEEOl lLLE EFN Election : 5/88 P. 0. Box 151, 37869 Elect ion : 5/89 P. 0. Box 216, 38068 Phone 615/733-2254 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hancock - E - 1,254 Phone 901/465-9500 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 2,264

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Bod;)'.: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Ray J. Campbell PlngCCh Charles Turner Mayor Ronnie Ne ill Bldin William R. McQueen V-May Clifford Collins V-May John D. Doug las Ald Lyle Mul lins Public Safety: Ald Mrs . H. c. Sims Finance: Ald Dean Rhea CivDefD Bud Turnmire Ald Boyd Rhea Treas William R. McQueen Ald Emory Kinsler FireC David Jones Ald John Ivy , Sr. Ald Carroll Reece Odom Pol iceC Carroll Reece Odom Ald Priscilla Langdon Public Safety: Ald Carlton Morris FireC Ray Seals Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Pol iceC Don Gay Atty Howard Rhea* 733-2274 SanSupt Ervin Delph Administration : CityRec Dean Rhea Streets/ Admin Wi ll/am R. McQueen Public Works/Utilities: Judge Patricia Collins SwrP lS Susan Carpenter Judge Ed Johnson Streets Thomas N. Harris Lib Rhonda S. Brooks Waters Roger Ramsey Ut ilMg r Kennie German 465-3676 ScSupt Mike Antrican Secy Karen Southern

Codes Enforcement : Bldin J. C. Wal len

*Address: P. 0. Box 84

TO¥N OF SCJJTH CARTHAGE 100 Highway 53, 37030 Election: 8/88 Phone 615/735-2727 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Smith - M - 1,004

CITY OF SCODY-DA ISY Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall P. 0. Box 370, 37379 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/332-5323 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 8,505 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor L. B. Franklin Bldln Oliver Dillard Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Ald Sammy Dennis Ald Edward Pro ff it t Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Ald Dew Roy Neal PlngDir Athal King Mayor Don Gentry Bldin/ Ald Wi llard Lankford V-May Virg il Loftis Elecin Larry Higdon Public Safety: Comm Bryson Johnson Administration : FireC W. D. Cosby Comm Gene Shipley Public Safety: Atty James Bass* 735-1122 PoliceC Ol ive r Dillard Comm Lynn Thompson FireC Hardie Stulce 332-3577 Clerk Peggy Ba.vies PoliceC Robert Eckard 332-3577 CityRec Deborah Whe eler Administrat ion : HsAuthD Kurt Tschaepe Mgr Public Works/Utilities: Judge Randy Wakefield Atty Jackie E. Schulten* 265-3433 Streets Jack Parker SfHhO Ray Upchurch CityRec Sara Burr is Judge David Norton *Address: P. 0. Box 500 *Address: 415 Georiga Avenue , Chattanooga 37403

142 143 TO¥N OF Sa.t ILLE TO¥N OF SNEEOl lLLE EFN Election : 5/88 P. 0. Box 151, 37869 Elect ion : 5/89 P. 0. Box 216, 38068 Phone 615/733-2254 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hancock - E - 1,254 Phone 901/465-9500 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 2,264

Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Bod;)'.: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Ray J. Campbell PlngCCh Charles Turner Mayor Ronnie Ne ill Bldin William R. McQueen V-May Clifford Collins V-May John D. Doug las Ald Lyle Mul lins Public Safety: Ald Mrs . H. c. Sims Finance: Ald Dean Rhea CivDefD Bud Turnmire Ald Boyd Rhea Treas William R. McQueen Ald Emory Kinsler FireC David Jones Ald John Ivy , Sr. Ald Carroll Reece Odom Pol iceC Carroll Reece Odom Ald Priscilla Langdon Public Safety: Ald Carlton Morris FireC Ray Seals Administration: Publ ic Works/Utilities: Pol iceC Don Gay Atty Howard Rhea* 733-2274 SanSupt Ervin Delph Administration : CityRec Dean Rhea Streets/ Admin Wi ll/am R. McQueen Public Works/Utilities: Judge Patricia Collins SwrP lS Susan Carpenter Judge Ed Johnson Streets Thomas N. Harris Lib Rhonda S. Brooks Waters Roger Ramsey Ut ilMg r Kennie German 465-3676 ScSupt Mike Antrican Secy Karen Southern

Codes Enforcement : Bldin J. C. Wal len

*Address: P. 0. Box 84

TO¥N OF SCJJTH CARTHAGE 100 Highway 53, 37030 Election: 8/88 Phone 615/735-2727 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Smith - M - 1,004

CITY OF SCODY-DA ISY Governing Body meets: 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall P. 0. Box 370, 37379 Election: 6/89 Phone 615/332-5323 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 8,505 Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor L. B. Franklin Bldln Oliver Dillard Governing Body meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Ald Sammy Dennis Ald Edward Pro ff it t Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Ald Dew Roy Neal PlngDir Athal King Mayor Don Gentry Bldin/ Ald Wi llard Lankford V-May Virg il Loftis Elecin Larry Higdon Public Safety: Comm Bryson Johnson Administration : FireC W. D. Cosby Comm Gene Shipley Public Safety: Atty James Bass* 735-1122 PoliceC Ol ive r Dillard Comm Lynn Thompson FireC Hardie Stulce 332-3577 Clerk Peggy Ba.vies PoliceC Robert Eckard 332-3577 CityRec Deborah Whe eler Administrat ion : HsAuthD Kurt Tschaepe Mgr Public Works/Utilities: Judge Randy Wakefield Atty Jackie E. Schulten* 265-3433 Streets Jack Parker SfHhO Ray Upchurch CityRec Sara Burr is Judge David Norton *Address: P. 0. Box 500 *Address: 415 Georiga Avenue , Chattanooga 37403

142 143 CITY OF SPAHrA CITY OF Sa.JrH FULTCW P. Box 30, 38583 Election: 4/89 P. Box 639, 38257 Election: 9/88 0. 0. Phone 615/836-3248 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT White - M - 5,019 Phone 901/479-2151 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 3,026

Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Bob Breeding CdEnfO Dennis Clark 836-2010 Mayor Charles A. Rice Treas El izabeth Liliker Ald Greg Boston Comm Darrel D. Crass Ald James Vaughn Planning/Zoning: Comm Hunter H. Roberts Planning/Zoning : Ald Alvin Carter PlngCCh Jim Floyd PlngCCh Ted Barclay Ald Margaret Pearson ZBCh Hoyte Jones Administration: Ald Robert Agee Mgr J. V. Henry Public Safety: Ald Tim Kentner Public Safety: Atty R. Henry Ivey* 479-2168 FireC Kenneth Hutchens FireC Eddie E. Kay 836-2010 CityRec Elizabeth Liliker PubSfD Elmer Mansfield Administration : Pol iceC Daniel Elsberry 836-3535 Judge Marie Wr ight Adm in/ Public Works/Utilities: 479-2242 CityRec Hugh M. Carm i chae l, II Public Works/Utilities: Codes Enforcement : GasMgr Danny Pruett Judge William D. Mitchell ElecMgr Stanton Cantre ll Bldin J. V. Henry PubWrkD Grady Marlar Atty Charles Lynn Haston* 836-2297 Streets Herbert Hutchings 836-3422 Waters/ HsAuthD Edward Taylor Ut ilMgr Wayne Rogers 738-2281 WstWtrS Hubert Maynard WstWtrS Bill Klein 738-2281

*Address : 25 East Bockman Way *Address: P. 0. Box 599, 42041

TONN OF SPENCER CITY OF Sa.JrH PITTSBJFIG P. Box 187, 38585 Election: 5/89 P. Box 705, 37380 Election: 11/88 0. 0. Phone 615/946-2351 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Van Buren - M - 1,126 Phone 615/837-7511 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 3,723

Governing Body me ets: Last Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Governing Body : Finance : Mayor Charles R. Baker Marshl J. H. Christian Mayor Harl J. Miller Treas M. M. Burnett Ald Billy Wheeler V-May David T. Payne Ald L. V. Robinson Public Works/Utilities: Comm Donald E. Blansett Planning/Zoning : Ald Wayne Hale Streets Monroe Mooneyham Comm Raymond Vinson PlngCCh Henry Lodge Ald Melvin Lovell Waters Donald E. Madewell Comm Jerry M. Wynne Ald Robert Wilson WtrClk Penny B. Campbell Public Safety: Administration: CivDefD Robert Brodie Administration: Atty Thomas Graham* 942-5865 FireC Harm Henning Atty John Cleary* 946-2515 CityRec Jim Le.vis Pol iceC Richard B. Morgan CityRec Shelby A. Rhineheart HsAuthD Franc is C. Barker Clerk Joene WI I son Judge W. M. Ables, Jr. Public Works/Utilities: Lib Libby Roberts Streets Robert Harg is ParksD Donald Blansett Waters Bobby Vinson

*Address: P. Box 67 Codes Enforcement : 0. Bldin W. H. Walker

*Address : P. 0. Box 759, Jasper 37347

145 144 CITY OF SPAHrA CITY OF Sa.JrH FULTCW P. Box 30, 38583 Election: 4/89 P. Box 639, 38257 Election: 9/88 0. 0. Phone 615/836-3248 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT White - M - 5,019 Phone 901/479-2151 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 3,026

Governing Body me ets: 1st and 3rd Thursday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Bob Breeding CdEnfO Dennis Clark 836-2010 Mayor Charles A. Rice Treas El izabeth Liliker Ald Greg Boston Comm Darrel D. Crass Ald James Vaughn Planning/Zoning: Comm Hunter H. Roberts Planning/Zoning : Ald Alvin Carter PlngCCh Jim Floyd PlngCCh Ted Barclay Ald Margaret Pearson ZBCh Hoyte Jones Administration: Ald Robert Agee Mgr J. V. Henry Public Safety: Ald Tim Kentner Public Safety: Atty R. Henry Ivey* 479-2168 FireC Kenneth Hutchens FireC Eddie E. Kay 836-2010 CityRec Elizabeth Liliker PubSfD Elmer Mansfield Administration : Pol iceC Daniel Elsberry 836-3535 Judge Marie Wr ight Adm in/ Public Works/Utilities: 479-2242 CityRec Hugh M. Carm i chae l, II Public Works/Utilities: Codes Enforcement : GasMgr Danny Pruett Judge William D. Mitchell ElecMgr Stanton Cantre ll Bldin J. V. Henry PubWrkD Grady Marlar Atty Charles Lynn Haston* 836-2297 Streets Herbert Hutchings 836-3422 Waters/ HsAuthD Edward Taylor Ut ilMgr Wayne Rogers 738-2281 WstWtrS Hubert Maynard WstWtrS Bill Klein 738-2281

*Address : 25 East Bockman Way *Address: P. 0. Box 599, 42041

TONN OF SPENCER CITY OF Sa.JrH PITTSBJFIG P. Box 187, 38585 Election: 5/89 P. Box 705, 37380 Election: 11/88 0. 0. Phone 615/946-2351 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Van Buren - M - 1,126 Phone 615/837-7511 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 3,723

Governing Body me ets: Last Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Publ ic Safety: Governing Body : Finance : Mayor Charles R. Baker Marshl J. H. Christian Mayor Harl J. Miller Treas M. M. Burnett Ald Billy Wheeler V-May David T. Payne Ald L. V. Robinson Public Works/Utilities: Comm Donald E. Blansett Planning/Zoning : Ald Wayne Hale Streets Monroe Mooneyham Comm Raymond Vinson PlngCCh Henry Lodge Ald Melvin Lovell Waters Donald E. Madewell Comm Jerry M. Wynne Ald Robert Wilson WtrClk Penny B. Campbell Public Safety: Administration: CivDefD Robert Brodie Administration: Atty Thomas Graham* 942-5865 FireC Harm Henning Atty John Cleary* 946-2515 CityRec Jim Le.vis Pol iceC Richard B. Morgan CityRec Shelby A. Rhineheart HsAuthD Franc is C. Barker Clerk Joene WI I son Judge W. M. Ables, Jr. Public Works/Utilities: Lib Libby Roberts Streets Robert Harg is ParksD Donald Blansett Waters Bobby Vinson

*Address: P. Box 67 Codes Enforcement : 0. Bldin W. H. Walker

*Address : P. 0. Box 759, Jasper 37347

145 144 TQllN OF SPRING CITY TQllN OF SPRING HILL P. Box 369, 37381 0. Elect ion: 7 /89 P. 0. Box 57, 37174 Election: 5/89 Phone 615/365-6441 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Rhea - E - 2,232 Phone 615/486-2252 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Mauri and Williamson - M - 1,094

Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodi: Planning/Zoning : Governing Bodi: Public Safeti: Mayor Carol Carter PlngCCh Ray Keylon Mayor George C. Jones FireC C. Clyde Farmer V-May John Landreth, Sr. Ald Freeman Cowherd Pol iceC Phillip Lovell Comm Mike Swafford Public Safeti: Ald Shirley Jean Sanders FireC Jim Monday Ald Mary Ann Moore Public Works/Utilities: Administration : PoliceC Ronnie McConnell Ald David Dalton Waters Billy Joe Hendricks Mgr Cathy Mcc lendon (Acting ) Ald Bailey Davis, Jr. WstWtrS R. L. Hogan , Jr. Atty Bill McPheeters* 775-2722 Public Works/Utilities: Ald Naomi Derryberry CityRec Cathy McClendon Streets Gid L. McEachern Ald William D. Kinnard Lib Anna Jones Ald Holl is Williams

*Address : 139 West Third Avenue , Dayton 37321 Administration : Atty Rob in Courtney* 388-0832 CityRec June Quirk Judge Bobby Sands

*Address : 214 We st 7th Street, Columbia 38402-0090

TQllN OF SPRINGFIELD 123 Fifth Avenue , We st , 37172 Election : 6/89 Phone 615/384-4045 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 10,883

Governing Body meets : 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. , The Center TQllN OF IWra.I ST

Governing Bodi: 384-4045 Finance : P. 0. Box 97, 38069 Elect ion : 3/90 Mayor Billy P-. Carneal Treas Billy P. Carneal 384-4045 Phone 901/548-2565 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Haywood - W - 540 Comm Billy Gray Comm Jimmy Suter Planning/Zoning: Governing Body me ets :. 3rd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall PlngCCh W. H. Jones Administrat ion : PlngDir Joe Nicholson 384-4045 Governing Bodi: Public Safe ti: Atty Mike Jones* 384-8444 Mayor Henry Johnson FireC Dane Norwood ComDevC Leslie C. Dean 384-9718 Public Safeti: Ald Me lissa Woods Marsh! James Willis Clerk Steven J. Gregg 384-4045 CivDe fD Bob Fletcher Ald Ruf fie Jones HsAuthD Mildred Ne al 384-4591 FireC David Greer 384-4381 Ald Emma Jean Rivers Public Works/Utilities: Judge James Balthrop 384-9568 Pol iceC James D. Johnson 384-8422 Ald John Sorruners Sewers/ PersD Royce A. Williams , Jr. Waters Garnett Faulk Public Works/Ut ilities: Administration: Codes Enforcement : ElecMgr 384-6770 Atty John B. Bond* 772-0521 w. Royce Williams Bldin/ Gas Mgr James Nat ion 384-3561 CityRec Me lissa Woods 548-2565 CdEnfO Joe Nicholson 384-4045 SanSupt/ Clerk Bonnie Williams Elecin Ralph King 384-7525 Streets Raymond Clinard 384-4046 Plmbin James Goodwin 384-2074 Waters/ WstWtrS Billy D. Matthews *Address : 316 West Main Street , Brownsville 38012 *Address: Courthouse Square

146 147 TQllN OF SPRING CITY TQllN OF SPRING HILL P. Box 369, 37381 0. Elect ion: 7 /89 P. 0. Box 57, 37174 Election: 5/89 Phone 615/365-6441 CONSLT: M. MICHAEL TALLENT Rhea - E - 2,232 Phone 615/486-2252 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Mauri and Williamson - M - 1,094

Governing Body meets : 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Building Governing Body meets : 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Bodi: Planning/Zoning : Governing Bodi: Public Safeti: Mayor Carol Carter PlngCCh Ray Keylon Mayor George C. Jones FireC C. Clyde Farmer V-May John Landreth, Sr. Ald Freeman Cowherd Pol iceC Phillip Lovell Comm Mike Swafford Public Safeti: Ald Shirley Jean Sanders FireC Jim Monday Ald Mary Ann Moore Public Works/Utilities: Administration : PoliceC Ronnie McConnell Ald David Dalton Waters Billy Joe Hendricks Mgr Cathy Mcc lendon (Acting ) Ald Bailey Davis, Jr. WstWtrS R. L. Hogan , Jr. Atty Bill McPheeters* 775-2722 Public Works/Utilities: Ald Naomi Derryberry CityRec Cathy McClendon Streets Gid L. McEachern Ald William D. Kinnard Lib Anna Jones Ald Holl is Williams

*Address : 139 West Third Avenue , Dayton 37321 Administration : Atty Rob in Courtney* 388-0832 CityRec June Quirk Judge Bobby Sands

*Address : 214 We st 7th Street, Columbia 38402-0090

TQllN OF SPRINGFIELD 123 Fifth Avenue , We st , 37172 Election : 6/89 Phone 615/384-4045 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson - M - 10,883

Governing Body meets : 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. , The Center TQllN OF IWra.I ST

Governing Bodi: 384-4045 Finance : P. 0. Box 97, 38069 Elect ion : 3/90 Mayor Billy P-. Carneal Treas Billy P. Carneal 384-4045 Phone 901/548-2565 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Haywood - W - 540 Comm Billy Gray Comm Jimmy Suter Planning/Zoning: Governing Body me ets :. 3rd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall PlngCCh W. H. Jones Administrat ion : PlngDir Joe Nicholson 384-4045 Governing Bodi: Public Safe ti: Atty Mike Jones* 384-8444 Mayor Henry Johnson FireC Dane Norwood ComDevC Leslie C. Dean 384-9718 Public Safeti: Ald Me lissa Woods Marsh! James Willis Clerk Steven J. Gregg 384-4045 CivDe fD Bob Fletcher Ald Ruf fie Jones HsAuthD Mildred Ne al 384-4591 FireC David Greer 384-4381 Ald Emma Jean Rivers Public Works/Utilities: Judge James Balthrop 384-9568 Pol iceC James D. Johnson 384-8422 Ald John Sorruners Sewers/ PersD Royce A. Williams , Jr. Waters Garnett Faulk Public Works/Ut ilities: Administration: Codes Enforcement : ElecMgr 384-6770 Atty John B. Bond* 772-0521 w. Royce Williams Bldin/ Gas Mgr James Nat ion 384-3561 CityRec Me lissa Woods 548-2565 CdEnfO Joe Nicholson 384-4045 SanSupt/ Clerk Bonnie Williams Elecin Ralph King 384-7525 Streets Raymond Clinard 384-4046 Plmbin James Goodwin 384-2074 Waters/ WstWtrS Billy D. Matthews *Address : 316 West Main Street , Brownsville 38012 *Address: Courthouse Square


General De livery, 38379 Election : 1/89 P. 0. Box 267, 37874 Elect ion : 6/89 Phone 901/632-3413 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 271 Phone 615/337-6979 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Monroe - E - 5,310

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Civil Center Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Larry W. Raines Mayor George W. Cansler, Jr. Bldin J. R. North Ald Norman Carroll V-May Alvin Fox Ald Olus Smith Comm Robert Bettis Planning/Zoning: Comm Neal Raby PlngCCh Jack Jones Comm Billy G. West Comm James Burris Public Safety: FireC Lynn Phill ips 337-6880 Administration: Pol iceC Mike Jenkins 337-6151 Atty Wm . E. Howe• 337-6661 CityRec Char lotte W. Starnes Public Works/Utilities: Judge Lewis Kinnard ElecMgr Wayne Roach 337-5081 ParksD Bill Burnette 337-6014 GasMgr/ SfHhO Bill Burnette 337-6014 Waters Elmer Dixon , Jr. Sc Supt Joe Sherlin Streets Roy Inman 337-7225 WstWt rS Elmer Dixon , Jr. TONN OF SURGO INSV ILLE Election: 1/89 P. 0. Box 67, 37873 Phone 615/345-2951 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawk ins - E - 1,559 *Address : P. 0. Box 192 Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Hanes Cooper Bldin Paul Taylor V-May Eugene Ward Comm Billy Jack Case Planning/Zoning : Comm Jack Pierce PlngCCh Dale Allen Comm Zana Dale Byington Comm Lois Sal;yers Public Safety: FireC Murlice Carpenter 345-2312 Administration: Pol iceC Paul Taylor Atty Mark A. Ske lton• 272-4812 CityRec Marg ie Presley Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Dale Byington Streets Jack Pierce

*Address: 211 South Depot Street , Rogersville 37857


General De livery, 38379 Election : 1/89 P. 0. Box 267, 37874 Elect ion : 6/89 Phone 901/632-3413 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER McNairy - W - 271 Phone 615/337-6979 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Monroe - E - 5,310

Governing Body meets: 2nd Monday , 7:30 p.m. , Civil Center Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Larry W. Raines Mayor George W. Cansler, Jr. Bldin J. R. North Ald Norman Carroll V-May Alvin Fox Ald Olus Smith Comm Robert Bettis Planning/Zoning: Comm Neal Raby PlngCCh Jack Jones Comm Billy G. West Comm James Burris Public Safety: FireC Lynn Phill ips 337-6880 Administration: Pol iceC Mike Jenkins 337-6151 Atty Wm . E. Howe• 337-6661 CityRec Char lotte W. Starnes Public Works/Utilities: Judge Lewis Kinnard ElecMgr Wayne Roach 337-5081 ParksD Bill Burnette 337-6014 GasMgr/ SfHhO Bill Burnette 337-6014 Waters Elmer Dixon , Jr. Sc Supt Joe Sherlin Streets Roy Inman 337-7225 WstWt rS Elmer Dixon , Jr. TONN OF SURGO INSV ILLE Election: 1/89 P. 0. Box 67, 37873 Phone 615/345-2951 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Hawk ins - E - 1,559 *Address : P. 0. Box 192 Governing Body meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Hanes Cooper Bldin Paul Taylor V-May Eugene Ward Comm Billy Jack Case Planning/Zoning : Comm Jack Pierce PlngCCh Dale Allen Comm Zana Dale Byington Comm Lois Sal;yers Public Safety: FireC Murlice Carpenter 345-2312 Administration: Pol iceC Paul Taylor Atty Mark A. Ske lton• 272-4812 CityRec Marg ie Presley Public Works/Utilities: ParksD Dale Byington Streets Jack Pierce

*Address: 211 South Depot Street , Rogersville 37857

148 149 CITY OF TAZ/3YELL TOYN OF TENNESSEE RICX3E Election: 12/89 Route 1, Box 8, 37178 3/89 P. 0. Box 206, 37879-0206 Election: Phone 615/626-5104 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Claiborne - E - 2,105 Phone 615/721-3385 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Houston - M - 1,325

Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: !st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Bodz: Finance: Mayor Ray Fannon Bldln Doug las Harbin 626-5104 Mayor Robert Brown Treas Karen Harris V-May Eugene Bundren V-May Leonard Hancock Coun Doug las Shipley Publ ic Safetz: Comm Travis Wyatt Publ ic Safetz: Coun Ezell Cox FireC Barron Kennedy 626-5731 Comm Charleen Carlton FireC Ryman Brake Coun Jess Mul lins Pol iceC Timothy A. Taylor 626-5104 Comm Dickie Sykes Coun Marg ie Henry PubSafD Ray Fannon 626-9107 Publ ic Works/Utilities : Coun Hugh F. Hardin Administration: Waters Jerry Lee Bryant Mgr J. MI I ton Thomason Administrat ion : Atty Wm . S. Vinson* 289-3950 Atty Stanifer and Stanifer• 626-7223 CityRec Woodrow Adams CityRec/ Judge Doug /as Harb in 626-7723 Clerk Minnie Honeycutt *Address: Public Square , Erin 37061

*Address: P. 0. Box 203

TOYN OF TIPTONVILLE 130 South Court Street, 38079 Election : 6/89 Phone 901/253-9922 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Lake - W - 2� TOYN OF TEL LICO PLAINS Route 4, 37385 Election: 9/89 Governing Body Meets: 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Phone 615/253-2333 · CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Monroe - E - 935 Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body Meets: !st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor Corr ine Cov ington Bldln William McCaleb V-May Marty Vaughn Governing Body: Public Safetz: Ald Jack Haynes Finance : Mayor Charles Hall CivDefD Charles Hall Ald Jimmy Simmons Treas Fran Hearn Ald Jim Moore FireC Charles Hall Ald Mark Hayes Ald Raymond Moree PoliceC Arlie French Ald George Chamberlain Publ ic Safetz: Ald Ray Frankl in Ald Jimmie Moore FireC Emme tt Lewis Ald George Hunt Public Works/Utilities: Pol iceC George She lton Ald Charles Chadwe ll Waters/ Administrat ion: WstWtrS A. Eugene Phi llips Atty Johnny Vaughn* 253-7714 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Administration: CityRec Marty Vaughn Streets Red Bolden Atty Eugene Worthington• 442-5353 Judge Mark Hayes Waters Charles Moore CityRec Pcwers WstWtrS James Blackburn

*Address: P. 0. Box 358 *Address : 405 Tellico Road , Mad isonville 37354

150 151 CITY OF TAZ/3YELL TOYN OF TENNESSEE RICX3E Election: 12/89 Route 1, Box 8, 37178 3/89 P. 0. Box 206, 37879-0206 Election: Phone 615/626-5104 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Claiborne - E - 2,105 Phone 615/721-3385 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Houston - M - 1,325

Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: !st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Bodz: Finance: Mayor Ray Fannon Bldln Doug las Harbin 626-5104 Mayor Robert Brown Treas Karen Harris V-May Eugene Bundren V-May Leonard Hancock Coun Doug las Shipley Publ ic Safetz: Comm Travis Wyatt Publ ic Safetz: Coun Ezell Cox FireC Barron Kennedy 626-5731 Comm Charleen Carlton FireC Ryman Brake Coun Jess Mul lins Pol iceC Timothy A. Taylor 626-5104 Comm Dickie Sykes Coun Marg ie Henry PubSafD Ray Fannon 626-9107 Publ ic Works/Utilities : Coun Hugh F. Hardin Administration: Waters Jerry Lee Bryant Mgr J. MI I ton Thomason Administrat ion : Atty Wm . S. Vinson* 289-3950 Atty Stanifer and Stanifer• 626-7223 CityRec Woodrow Adams CityRec/ Judge Doug /as Harb in 626-7723 Clerk Minnie Honeycutt *Address: Public Square , Erin 37061

*Address: P. 0. Box 203

TOYN OF TIPTONVILLE 130 South Court Street, 38079 Election : 6/89 Phone 901/253-9922 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Lake - W - 2� TOYN OF TEL LICO PLAINS Route 4, 37385 Election: 9/89 Governing Body Meets: 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Phone 615/253-2333 · CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Monroe - E - 935 Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body Meets: !st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Mayor Corr ine Cov ington Bldln William McCaleb V-May Marty Vaughn Governing Body: Public Safetz: Ald Jack Haynes Finance : Mayor Charles Hall CivDefD Charles Hall Ald Jimmy Simmons Treas Fran Hearn Ald Jim Moore FireC Charles Hall Ald Mark Hayes Ald Raymond Moree PoliceC Arlie French Ald George Chamberlain Publ ic Safetz: Ald Ray Frankl in Ald Jimmie Moore FireC Emme tt Lewis Ald George Hunt Public Works/Utilities: Pol iceC George She lton Ald Charles Chadwe ll Waters/ Administrat ion: WstWtrS A. Eugene Phi llips Atty Johnny Vaughn* 253-7714 Publ ic Works/Utilities: Administration: CityRec Marty Vaughn Streets Red Bolden Atty Eugene Worthington• 442-5353 Judge Mark Hayes Waters Charles Moore CityRec Diora Pcwers WstWtrS James Blackburn

*Address: P. 0. Box 358 *Address : 405 Tellico Road , Mad isonville 37354

150 151 TOVN OF TOCNE C/7Y OF TRENTCX>I City Hall, 38381 Elect ion : 5/88 309 South College Street, 38382-2198 Election: 9/91 Phone 901/658-9770 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Hardeman - W - 355 Phone 901/855-2013 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 4,601

Governing Body Meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets : 2nd and 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Elmer Cobb , Jr . Atty Cathy Hornsby* 658-5219 Mayor Tommie Goodwin Treas Charles Tyner Coun Donald G. Sisco CityRec Keith Foote Ald Charles Carr Coun Joseph L. Jones Ald Paul Cannon Publ ic Safety: Coun Albert L. Keller Ald Leo Maness CivDefD Beth Corbin 855-2525 Coun Terry Burkhead Ald Charles Tyner FireC J. H. Mathenia, Jr. 855-0522 Coun Charles Edward Ellison Ald George E. Wade Pol iceC Owen B. Campbe ll 855-1413 Coun Keith Foote Ald Frank Neely Public Works/Utilities: Administration : SanSupt/ *Address: P. 0. Box 309 , Bol ivar 38008 Atty Richard Gossum* 855-0681 Streets Clyde Birmingham CITY OF TOVNSEND CityRec James B. Burress 855-2013 Ut i lMgr Paul W. Bennett Election : 8/88 HSAuthD Betty Lockard 855-1231 Waters/ P. 0. Box 307 , 37882 Phone 615/448-6886 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 397 Judge Mahlon Greene 855-0220 WstWtrS Robert Summar 855-156 Lib Mary Conne 11 855-1991 Governing Body Meets : 3rd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building SfHhO Paul W. Bennett

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor John Webb PlngCCh Barbara Mynatt V-May Thelma Bradshaw

Comm Donald H. Headrick Public Safety: *Address : P. 0. Box 491 Comm Barbara Mynatt PoliceC Don Headrick 448-6370 Comm Booker Webb

Administration: Atty Norman Newton* 984-5431 CityRec Gven Jordan 448-6715

*Address: Bank of· Maryville, Maryville 37801

TOVN OF TRACY C/7Y TOVN OF TREZEV/!/ff P. 0. Box 277, 37387 Election : 4/90 Phone 615/592-6213 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 1,536 P. 0. Box 100, 38258 Election : 3/89 Phone 901/669-4831 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 921 Governing Body Meets : 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Charles Littell CivDe fD Jack Thompson Governing Body: Administration : Ald Earl Gary, Jr. Mayor James E. Moore Atty John L. Williams* 966-2225 Ald Jim Patterson Public Works/Utilities: V-May Sam Hurt CityRec Chr istine Hodgson Ald Jimmy Mince Waters Kenneth King Ald Warren Scott Ald Joan Johnson Ald Wayne David Bryant, Jr. Publ ic Safety: Ald Thomas Hodgson FireC Bobby E. Argo Administration : Ald Billy Walker Pol iceC Billy Morphis Atty Gary L. Leach* CityRec Glenn A. Ma:yes ParksD Ricky Richards SfHhO Glenn A. Mayes *Address : 115 Court Square , Hunt ingdon 38344

*Address: 124 First Avenue NW, Winchester 37398

152 153 TOVN OF TOCNE C/7Y OF TRENTCX>I City Hall, 38381 Elect ion : 5/88 309 South College Street, 38382-2198 Election: 9/91 Phone 901/658-9770 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Hardeman - W - 355 Phone 901/855-2013 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 4,601

Governing Body Meets : 2nd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets : 2nd and 4th Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Elmer Cobb , Jr . Atty Cathy Hornsby* 658-5219 Mayor Tommie Goodwin Treas Charles Tyner Coun Donald G. Sisco CityRec Keith Foote Ald Charles Carr Coun Joseph L. Jones Ald Paul Cannon Publ ic Safety: Coun Albert L. Keller Ald Leo Maness CivDefD Beth Corbin 855-2525 Coun Terry Burkhead Ald Charles Tyner FireC J. H. Mathenia, Jr. 855-0522 Coun Charles Edward Ellison Ald George E. Wade Pol iceC Owen B. Campbe ll 855-1413 Coun Keith Foote Ald Frank Neely Public Works/Utilities: Administration : SanSupt/ *Address: P. 0. Box 309 , Bol ivar 38008 Atty Richard Gossum* 855-0681 Streets Clyde Birmingham CITY OF TOVNSEND CityRec James B. Burress 855-2013 Ut i lMgr Paul W. Bennett Election : 8/88 HSAuthD Betty Lockard 855-1231 Waters/ P. 0. Box 307 , 37882 Phone 615/448-6886 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Blount - E - 397 Judge Mahlon Greene 855-0220 WstWtrS Robert Summar 855-156 Lib Mary Conne 11 855-1991 Governing Body Meets : 3rd Tue sday , 7:00 p.m. , Mun ic ipal Building SfHhO Paul W. Bennett

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Mayor John Webb PlngCCh Barbara Mynatt V-May Thelma Bradshaw

Comm Donald H. Headrick Public Safety: *Address : P. 0. Box 491 Comm Barbara Mynatt PoliceC Don Headrick 448-6370 Comm Booker Webb

Administration: Atty Norman Newton* 984-5431 CityRec Gven Jordan 448-6715

*Address: Bank of· Maryville, Maryville 37801

TOVN OF TRACY C/7Y TOVN OF TREZEV/!/ff P. 0. Box 277, 37387 Election : 4/90 Phone 615/592-6213 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Grundy - M - 1,536 P. 0. Box 100, 38258 Election : 3/89 Phone 901/669-4831 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Carroll - W - 921 Governing Body Meets : 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Charles Littell CivDe fD Jack Thompson Governing Body: Administration : Ald Earl Gary, Jr. Mayor James E. Moore Atty John L. Williams* 966-2225 Ald Jim Patterson Public Works/Utilities: V-May Sam Hurt CityRec Chr istine Hodgson Ald Jimmy Mince Waters Kenneth King Ald Warren Scott Ald Joan Johnson Ald Wayne David Bryant, Jr. Publ ic Safety: Ald Thomas Hodgson FireC Bobby E. Argo Administration : Ald Billy Walker Pol iceC Billy Morphis Atty Gary L. Leach* CityRec Glenn A. Ma:yes ParksD Ricky Richards SfHhO Glenn A. Mayes *Address : 115 Court Square , Hunt ingdon 38344

*Address: 124 First Avenue NW, Winchester 37398

152 153 C /TY OF TUL L..l>HaotA TONN OF TRIMBLE Box 807, 37388 Elect ion: 8/88 Election : 6/89 P. 0. P. Box 215, 38259 Phone 615/455-2648 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Coffee and Franklin - M - 15,800 0. Dze r and Obion - W - 722 Phone 901/297-3177 CONSLT : H. YTINGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Governing Body Meets: 1st and 3rd Monday , 6:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body Meets: 1st Monday, 5:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement: Public Safetz: Governing Bodz: Mayor Joe Ervin Bldin Walter Edwards FireC Bryan Pope Mayor Bl J Jy Mooney V-May Wallace H. McDowe ll PoliceC Bobby Baker Ald Lloyd McManus Ald Gary Boyd Finance: Ald E. K. Pope Ald Jim Shelton PurAgt Ann Dickinson Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald Bryan Pope Ald Steve T. Cope Waters Reed Walton Ald Tim Pope Ald Richard Fewell Planning/Zoning: Ald Chris Young Ald James McKenzie PlngCCh Robert McCoy PlngDir Charles Downham Administration: Administration: Clerk Joyce Scobey Admin Ron Darden Publ ic Safetz: Judge Lloyd McManus Atty Stephen M. Worsham* 455-5407 FireC C. B. Watkins ScSupt Kenneth Galloway AdmnAsst Ann Dickinson PoliceC Thomas F. Wagoner CityRec Patricia H. Williams HsAuthD Elaine Mann Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge James Conley PubWrkD Ron Greene ParksD Lanny Goodwin UtilMgr Joe N. Loggins PersD Patti Campbe ll Sc Supt Donald E. Embry

*Address: P. 0. Box 790

TONN OF TROY Elect ion : 5/89 P. Box 246, 38260 0. Obion - W - 1,093 Phone 901/536-4745 CONSLT : HAROLD YTINGMEYER CITY OF TUSCULUM Governing Body Meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Box 5674, Tusculum Sta. , Greeneville 37743 Elect ion : 6/89 Phone 615/638-6211 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Greene - E - 2, 192 Safetz: Governing Bodz: Public FireC Eve rett Watson Mayor Jimmie C. Hart Governing Body Meets: 3 r d Mo nad y, 7 : 30 p.m. , Town Hall PoliceC Frank Long Ald Bill Shires Ald Charlie Bright Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Public Works/Utilities: Ald Glenn Rudd Mayor Troy Peters FireC Bobby Combs GasMgr Charlie Bright Ald Edward Watson Comm J. D. McCoy PubSafD Dale Estepp Lynn Jones Ald Felix Clark, Jr. PubWrkD Comm Jack Ayers SanSupt Glenn Rudd Public Works/Utilities: Streets Edward Watson Administration: Administration: Streets Jack Sexton WstWtrS Bill Shires CityRec Joyce M. Turner Atty Jerry Goodson* 639-3331 Fe lix Clark, Jr. Judge Sam Nailing , Jr. Waters CityRec Betty A. Fitzgerald Lynn Jones UtilMgr Judge Jerry Laughl in

37743 *Address: P. 0. Box 5674, Tusculum Station , Greeneville

155 154 C /TY OF TUL L..l>HaotA TONN OF TRIMBLE Box 807, 37388 Elect ion: 8/88 Election : 6/89 P. 0. P. Box 215, 38259 Phone 615/455-2648 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Coffee and Franklin - M - 15,800 0. Dze r and Obion - W - 722 Phone 901/297-3177 CONSLT : H. YTINGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Governing Body Meets: 1st and 3rd Monday , 6:00 p.m. , Mun icipal Building Governing Body Meets: 1st Monday, 5:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Bodz: Codes Enforcement: Public Safetz: Governing Bodz: Mayor Joe Ervin Bldin Walter Edwards FireC Bryan Pope Mayor Bl J Jy Mooney V-May Wallace H. McDowe ll PoliceC Bobby Baker Ald Lloyd McManus Ald Gary Boyd Finance: Ald E. K. Pope Ald Jim Shelton PurAgt Ann Dickinson Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald Bryan Pope Ald Steve T. Cope Waters Reed Walton Ald Tim Pope Ald Richard Fewell Planning/Zoning: Ald Chris Young Ald James McKenzie PlngCCh Robert McCoy PlngDir Charles Downham Administration: Administration: Clerk Joyce Scobey Admin Ron Darden Publ ic Safetz: Judge Lloyd McManus Atty Stephen M. Worsham* 455-5407 FireC C. B. Watkins ScSupt Kenneth Galloway AdmnAsst Ann Dickinson PoliceC Thomas F. Wagoner CityRec Patricia H. Williams HsAuthD Elaine Mann Public Works/Ut ilities: Judge James Conley PubWrkD Ron Greene ParksD Lanny Goodwin UtilMgr Joe N. Loggins PersD Patti Campbe ll Sc Supt Donald E. Embry

*Address: P. 0. Box 790

TONN OF TROY Elect ion : 5/89 P. Box 246, 38260 0. Obion - W - 1,093 Phone 901/536-4745 CONSLT : HAROLD YTINGMEYER CITY OF TUSCULUM Governing Body Meets : 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Box 5674, Tusculum Sta. , Greeneville 37743 Elect ion : 6/89 Phone 615/638-6211 CONSLT : RICHARD M. ELLIS Greene - E - 2, 192 Safetz: Governing Bodz: Public FireC Eve rett Watson Mayor Jimmie C. Hart Governing Body Meets: 3 r d Mo nad y, 7 : 30 p.m. , Town Hall PoliceC Frank Long Ald Bill Shires Ald Charlie Bright Governing Bodz: Public Safetz: Public Works/Utilities: Ald Glenn Rudd Mayor Troy Peters FireC Bobby Combs GasMgr Charlie Bright Ald Edward Watson Comm J. D. McCoy PubSafD Dale Estepp Lynn Jones Ald Felix Clark, Jr. PubWrkD Comm Jack Ayers SanSupt Glenn Rudd Public Works/Utilities: Streets Edward Watson Administration: Administration: Streets Jack Sexton WstWtrS Bill Shires CityRec Joyce M. Turner Atty Jerry Goodson* 639-3331 Fe lix Clark, Jr. Judge Sam Nailing , Jr. Waters CityRec Betty A. Fitzgerald Lynn Jones UtilMgr Judge Jerry Laughl in

37743 *Address: P. 0. Box 5674, Tusculum Station , Greeneville

155 154 ------

CITY OF UNION CITY TCJYN OF Vl>NLEER Election: 11/88 P. Box 427, 37181 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Box 9, 38261 0. Phone 901/885-1341 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 10,662 Phone 615/763-2823 CONSLT : J. ROB INSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 401

Governing Body Meets: !st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Bldg . Governing Body Meets: 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Jimmy Jones Bldin Raymond Hutchens Mayor B. L. Aver itte Treas Michael Powe ll V-May Gerald McLeary Plmbin Dale Craig Ald Fred Albright Coun Earl Johnson Ald Ruben Schmittou Public Safety: Coun David James Finance: Ald Helen S. Barbee FireC Ruben Schmittou Coun Jerry De llinger FinD Mildred Roberts Ald Donald Shirley Coun Burley Haddock Ald Ray Berry Public Works/Utilities: Coun Terry Hailey Planning/Zoning: Waters Jimmy Cooksey PlngCCh Mike Cox Administration: Administration : Atty J. M. Clement* 446-2862 Mgr Don Thornton Public Safety: Judge Dalton Atkins AdmAsst Tommy Treece CivDefD Charles Roberts 885-1515 Atty James M. Glasgow* 885-2011 FireC Dale Burress 885-4851 HsAuthD Joe Ser gerson 885-1971 PoliceC David Rhoades 885-1515 Judge Allen Nohsey 885-5862 *Address : 726 East College, Dickson 37055 ParksD Ken Morris Public Works/Utilities: PersD John Carlisle ElecMgr Stan McMinn 885-9212 Sc Supt Baxter Whe atley 885-3922 PubWrkD Talmadge Simmons SwrPltS Billy Collins 885-9144 Waters Bill Bell 885-9622

*Address: P. 0. Box 250

TCJYN OF V /OLA P. Box 85, 37394 0. Election : 12/88 Phone 615/635-2791 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 149

Governing Body Meets : Last Monday , 8:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Drannon Sain CityRec Caro l Rigsby V-May Bill Underwood Ald Jerry Rut ledge Ald Jimmy Rigsby Ald Peyton Terry Ald Emmett Hobbs

156 157 ------

CITY OF UNION CITY TCJYN OF Vl>NLEER Election: 11/88 P. Box 427, 37181 Election : 5/89 P. 0. Box 9, 38261 0. Phone 901/885-1341 CONSLT : HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 10,662 Phone 615/763-2823 CONSLT : J. ROB INSON/R. WILLIAMS Dickson - M - 401

Governing Body Meets: !st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Bldg . Governing Body Meets: 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Governing Body: Finance : Mayor Jimmy Jones Bldin Raymond Hutchens Mayor B. L. Aver itte Treas Michael Powe ll V-May Gerald McLeary Plmbin Dale Craig Ald Fred Albright Coun Earl Johnson Ald Ruben Schmittou Public Safety: Coun David James Finance: Ald Helen S. Barbee FireC Ruben Schmittou Coun Jerry De llinger FinD Mildred Roberts Ald Donald Shirley Coun Burley Haddock Ald Ray Berry Public Works/Utilities: Coun Terry Hailey Planning/Zoning: Waters Jimmy Cooksey PlngCCh Mike Cox Administration: Administration : Atty J. M. Clement* 446-2862 Mgr Don Thornton Public Safety: Judge Dalton Atkins AdmAsst Tommy Treece CivDefD Charles Roberts 885-1515 Atty James M. Glasgow* 885-2011 FireC Dale Burress 885-4851 HsAuthD Joe Ser gerson 885-1971 PoliceC David Rhoades 885-1515 Judge Allen Nohsey 885-5862 *Address : 726 East College, Dickson 37055 ParksD Ken Morris Public Works/Utilities: PersD John Carlisle ElecMgr Stan McMinn 885-9212 Sc Supt Baxter Whe atley 885-3922 PubWrkD Talmadge Simmons SwrPltS Billy Collins 885-9144 Waters Bill Bell 885-9622

*Address: P. 0. Box 250

TCJYN OF V /OLA P. Box 85, 37394 0. Election : 12/88 Phone 615/635-2791 CONSLT : THOMAS A. BRANT Warren - M - 149

Governing Body Meets : Last Monday , 8:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: Mayor Drannon Sain CityRec Caro l Rigsby V-May Bill Underwood Ald Jerry Rut ledge Ald Jimmy Rigsby Ald Peyton Terry Ald Emmett Hobbs

156 157 TCWN OF WALDEN TCWN OF VCWORE Election 11/88 Election: 9/89 P. 0. Box 335, Signal Mountain 37377 P. O. Box 218, 37885 Monroe - E - 528 Phone 615/886-3566 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 1,293 Phone 615/884-6211 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Body: Administration: Codes Enforcement : Governing Governing Body: Mayor Linda Willingham Atty Joe V.W. Gaston* 756-60 11 Bldin Gene Murphy Mayor Larry Summey Ald John R. Morgan CityRec Elizabe th T. Akins 886-4362 Ald Pearl Lashley : Ald H. D. Warren Ald Charles Morgan Planning/Zoning PlngCCh M. S. Sloan Administration : CityRec Ke t /y Kirk land Public Safety: FireC Paul Hughes Lib Magg ie Singleton *Address : Two Un ion Square , Su ite 1000, Chattanooga 37402 PoliceC Harold Dav is


P. 0. Box 386, 37887 Elect ion : 6/90 Phone 615/346-6099 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Morgan - E - 761

Governing Body Meets: 3rd Thursday , 7 : 30 p.m. , C'ti y H a 11

Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor A. B. Freytag PoliceC Earl R. Bales, Jr. Ald Wayne Solomon Ald Roy McNeal Public Works/Ut ilities: WstWtrS George N. Briggs Administration: Atty Joe Judkins• 346-6688 CityRec/ Judge Clem E. Van Norstran

*Address: P. 0. Box 548 TCWN OF WALDEN TCWN OF VCWORE Election 11/88 Election: 9/89 P. 0. Box 335, Signal Mountain 37377 P. O. Box 218, 37885 Monroe - E - 528 Phone 615/886-3566 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Hamilton - E - 1,293 Phone 615/884-6211 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body meets: 2nd Tuesday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Body: Administration: Codes Enforcement : Governing Governing Body: Mayor Linda Willingham Atty Joe V.W. Gaston* 756-60 11 Bldin Gene Murphy Mayor Larry Summey Ald John R. Morgan CityRec Elizabe th T. Akins 886-4362 Ald Pearl Lashley : Ald H. D. Warren Ald Charles Morgan Planning/Zoning PlngCCh M. S. Sloan Administration : CityRec Ke t /y Kirk land Public Safety: FireC Paul Hughes Lib Magg ie Singleton *Address : Two Un ion Square , Su ite 1000, Chattanooga 37402 PoliceC Harold Dav is


P. 0. Box 386, 37887 Elect ion : 6/90 Phone 615/346-6099 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Morgan - E - 761

Governing Body Meets: 3rd Thursday , 7 : 30 p.m. , C'ti y H a 11

Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor A. B. Freytag PoliceC Earl R. Bales, Jr. Ald Wayne Solomon Ald Roy McNeal Public Works/Ut ilities: WstWtrS George N. Briggs Administration: Atty Joe Judkins• 346-6688 CityRec/ Judge Clem E. Van Norstran

*Address: P. 0. Box 548 CITYOF WATERTOVN TOYN OF WMrRICE Election: 11/89 City Hall, Publ ic Square , 37184 Election: 12/89 P. Box 158, 37183 0. Bedford - M - 540 Phone 615/237-3326 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wilson - M - 1,300 Phone 615/389-6144 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body Meets : 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance : Publ ic Safetz: Governing Body: Michae l Jenn ings Cathy Tro xler Mayor FireC Bill Jewell Mayor Roscoe Stephens Treas V-May Jimmy Locke PoliceC Ronn ie Krantz Roston Floyd Ald Ald Gerald Ferguson Ald Jimmy Ledbetter Planning/Zoning : . Ald Elbert Malone Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald Marie Ayers PlngCCh Ian Adderley Ald Charles Robertson SanSupt Owen Ashford Ald William Pyrdum Ald Janice Jewell Streets T. J. Anderson Thomas Hurt Public Safety: Ald Ald Bill Jewell FireC Roy Ferguson, Jr. Sewers Marvin Smith PoliceC John E. Griffy, Jr. Waters Randy Gwa ltney Administration: Administration : Atty Lee Russell* 684-3836 Atty Robert Evans Lee* 444-3900 CityRec Cathy Trox ler Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Marg ie Carpenter Judge Lee Russell* Waters Marvin Keele .1udge Robert Evan Lee ScSupt John Donald Johnson Codes Enforcement : Bldin John E. Griffy, Jr. *Address : 109 East Gay Street, Lebanon 37087

*Address : 402 Be lmont Avenue , Shelbyville 37160

CITY OF WAVERLY P. Box 71, 37185 CITY OF WAT,6LJGA 0. Elect ion : 5/89 Election: 2/89 Phone 615/296-2101 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Humphreys - M - 4,405 P. 0. Box 68, 37694 Phone 615/928-3490 CONSLT: RI CHARD M. ELLIS Carter - E - 376 Governing Body. Meets: 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body Meets: 3rd Th ursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Jess Bowen, Jr. Bldin B. D. McMurtry Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing V-May Delmas Robertson Mayor Ed ith Smalling Bldin Brownie L. Phipps Ald Louis Anderson Planning/Zoning: V-May Charles Hagy Ald Minnie Lou Warren PlngCCh Jim Jared Comm Rick Shipley Finance : Ald Wanda Adkins Comm John Skeans Treas Hattie Skeans Ald Harold Knight Public Safety: Comm Mary Phipps Ald David Vaughn Public Safetz: FireC Joseph M. Traylor CivDefD Jerry Crowe PoliceC W. B. Frazier Administration: Administration : Mgr Herbert Keller FireC Dale Smalling 929-1411 Mgr Don Hoehn Publ ic Works/Utilities: AdmAsst Hat tie Skeans PoliceC Kenneth R. Potter 928-2631 Atty John Lee Williams * 296-7741 PubWrkD John H. Whitfield, Jr. Atty 282-1981 Rick Beeson* CityRec Louise S. Mathias Public Works/Ut ilities: Waters Bill Hodge CityRec Verna Hammons ComDevC Sarah Tinnell Streets Brownie L. Phipps WstWtrS Joseph M. Traylor Judge Sam LaPorte Judge Dan Bradley SfHhO Joseph M. Traylor

*Address : Home Federal Building , 8th Floor, Johnson City 37601

*Address: 102 South Court Square

160 161 CITYOF WATERTOVN TOYN OF WMrRICE Election: 11/89 City Hall, Publ ic Square , 37184 Election: 12/89 P. Box 158, 37183 0. Bedford - M - 540 Phone 615/237-3326 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Wilson - M - 1,300 Phone 615/389-6144 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Governing Body Meets : 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance : Publ ic Safetz: Governing Body: Michae l Jenn ings Cathy Tro xler Mayor FireC Bill Jewell Mayor Roscoe Stephens Treas V-May Jimmy Locke PoliceC Ronn ie Krantz Roston Floyd Ald Ald Gerald Ferguson Ald Jimmy Ledbetter Planning/Zoning : . Ald Elbert Malone Publ ic Works/Utilities: Ald Marie Ayers PlngCCh Ian Adderley Ald Charles Robertson SanSupt Owen Ashford Ald William Pyrdum Ald Janice Jewell Streets T. J. Anderson Thomas Hurt Public Safety: Ald Ald Bill Jewell FireC Roy Ferguson, Jr. Sewers Marvin Smith PoliceC John E. Griffy, Jr. Waters Randy Gwa ltney Administration: Administration : Atty Lee Russell* 684-3836 Atty Robert Evans Lee* 444-3900 CityRec Cathy Trox ler Public Works/Utilities: CityRec Marg ie Carpenter Judge Lee Russell* Waters Marvin Keele .1udge Robert Evan Lee ScSupt John Donald Johnson Codes Enforcement : Bldin John E. Griffy, Jr. *Address : 109 East Gay Street, Lebanon 37087

*Address : 402 Be lmont Avenue , Shelbyville 37160

CITY OF WAVERLY P. Box 71, 37185 CITY OF WAT,6LJGA 0. Elect ion : 5/89 Election: 2/89 Phone 615/296-2101 CONSLT : J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Humphreys - M - 4,405 P. 0. Box 68, 37694 Phone 615/928-3490 CONSLT: RI CHARD M. ELLIS Carter - E - 376 Governing Body. Meets: 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body Meets: 3rd Th ursday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor Jess Bowen, Jr. Bldin B. D. McMurtry Bodz: Codes Enforcement : Governing V-May Delmas Robertson Mayor Ed ith Smalling Bldin Brownie L. Phipps Ald Louis Anderson Planning/Zoning: V-May Charles Hagy Ald Minnie Lou Warren PlngCCh Jim Jared Comm Rick Shipley Finance : Ald Wanda Adkins Comm John Skeans Treas Hattie Skeans Ald Harold Knight Public Safety: Comm Mary Phipps Ald David Vaughn Public Safetz: FireC Joseph M. Traylor CivDefD Jerry Crowe PoliceC W. B. Frazier Administration: Administration : Mgr Herbert Keller FireC Dale Smalling 929-1411 Mgr Don Hoehn Publ ic Works/Utilities: AdmAsst Hat tie Skeans PoliceC Kenneth R. Potter 928-2631 Atty John Lee Williams * 296-7741 PubWrkD John H. Whitfield, Jr. Atty 282-1981 Rick Beeson* CityRec Louise S. Mathias Public Works/Ut ilities: Waters Bill Hodge CityRec Verna Hammons ComDevC Sarah Tinnell Streets Brownie L. Phipps WstWtrS Joseph M. Traylor Judge Sam LaPorte Judge Dan Bradley SfHhO Joseph M. Traylor

*Address : Home Federal Building , 8th Floor, Johnson City 37601

*Address: 102 South Court Square


Governing Body Meets : 2nd and 4th Monday , 6:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor James A. Bryd Mgr Havard R i eyI Mayor Lawrence D. Brown Hsngin D. W. Pyle V-May Willie Burns Atty Charles Peterson• 722-5435 V-May Dav id C. Pickard Plmbin Farris Brown Comm Raleigh Brewer CityRec Flora E. Lacher Ald Harold C. Cauthen Comm Michae l Price ParksD Tom Johnson Ald Mike Felts Publ ic Safet:z:: Comm Bruce Howell Ald Preston L. Barnes FireC Wayne Hooper Public Safety: Ald Clay Mattox Pol iceC H. Dean Hester FireC Doug las Gobbell PoliceC Billy Harold Brewer Administration: Publ ic Works/Utlilities: Atty Jerry Smith 446-4690 SanSupt William Driver CityRec Jack ie D. Lee SwrPlS Farris Brown Judge Bill Hamilton Waters Z. H. Bibb, Jr.

*Address: P. 0. Box 417


P. 0. Drawer 69, 37188 Election : 3/89 Phone 615/672-4350 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson and Sumner - M - 2,975 T

P. 0. Box 8, 37186 Election: 12/88 Governing Body Meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Phone 615/644-3382 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 1,754 Governing Bod:z:· : Codes Enforcement : Governing Body Meets: 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Mayor Charley E. Duty Bldln Bob Baird V-May George West TaxAssr Phyl lis Smith Governing Bod:z:: Administration: Ald Winston Draughon Mayor Wayne Bentle Atty Robert Ingrum* 452-8030 Ald Dee Johnson Planning/Zoning: V-May Ricky Woodard CityRec Judith Garr ison Ald Benny Brinkley PlngCCh Jim Savage Ald Larry Akins Ald Jerry Gregory Publ ic Safet:z:: Administration : Public Safet:z:: Ald James Hamilton PoliceC Steve Etheridge AdmAs st Patsy R. Ba ilor PubSfD Morris Fisher Ald Bobby Harris Atty David Amonette• 452-5531 CityRec Patsy R. Ballor Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Phillip George 451-1550 Eng Ray Wh ite PubWrkD Frank Eatherly SanSupt George West *Address: 117 East Main, Su ite A, Gallatin 37066

*Address: Sumner Bank Building , Gallatin 37066


Governing Body Meets : 2nd and 4th Monday , 6:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Administration : Governing Body: Codes Enforcement : Mayor James A. Bryd Mgr Havard R i eyI Mayor Lawrence D. Brown Hsngin D. W. Pyle V-May Willie Burns Atty Charles Peterson• 722-5435 V-May Dav id C. Pickard Plmbin Farris Brown Comm Raleigh Brewer CityRec Flora E. Lacher Ald Harold C. Cauthen Comm Michae l Price ParksD Tom Johnson Ald Mike Felts Publ ic Safet:z:: Comm Bruce Howell Ald Preston L. Barnes FireC Wayne Hooper Public Safety: Ald Clay Mattox Pol iceC H. Dean Hester FireC Doug las Gobbell PoliceC Billy Harold Brewer Administration: Publ ic Works/Utlilities: Atty Jerry Smith 446-4690 SanSupt William Driver CityRec Jack ie D. Lee SwrPlS Farris Brown Judge Bill Hamilton Waters Z. H. Bibb, Jr.

*Address: P. 0. Box 417


P. 0. Drawer 69, 37188 Election : 3/89 Phone 615/672-4350 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Robertson and Sumner - M - 2,975 T

P. 0. Box 8, 37186 Election: 12/88 Governing Body Meets: 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall Phone 615/644-3382 CONSLT: J. ROBINSON/R. WILLIAMS Sumner - M - 1,754 Governing Bod:z:· : Codes Enforcement : Governing Body Meets: 3rd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Mayor Charley E. Duty Bldln Bob Baird V-May George West TaxAssr Phyl lis Smith Governing Bod:z:: Administration: Ald Winston Draughon Mayor Wayne Bentle Atty Robert Ingrum* 452-8030 Ald Dee Johnson Planning/Zoning: V-May Ricky Woodard CityRec Judith Garr ison Ald Benny Brinkley PlngCCh Jim Savage Ald Larry Akins Ald Jerry Gregory Publ ic Safet:z:: Administration : Public Safet:z:: Ald James Hamilton PoliceC Steve Etheridge AdmAs st Patsy R. Ba ilor PubSfD Morris Fisher Ald Bobby Harris Atty David Amonette• 452-5531 CityRec Patsy R. Ballor Publ ic Works/Utilities: Judge Phillip George 451-1550 Eng Ray Wh ite PubWrkD Frank Eatherly SanSupt George West *Address: 117 East Main, Su ite A, Gallatin 37066

*Address: Sumner Bank Building , Gallatin 37066

162 163 TOYN OF WH /TE PI NE CITY OF WH ITWELL Election: 6/89 Route 4, Box 7, 37397 P. 0. Box 66, 37890 Election : 11/88 Phone 615/674-2556 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson - E - 2,038 Phone 615/658-5151 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 1,783

Governing Body Meets : 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Building Governing Body Meets: 3rd Tuesday , 6:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Claude R. Mus ick PlngCCh P. H. Cowan Mayor Jimmy Thompson FireC Kenneth Davidson Ald Hazel Fern Bible Comm Michael Dillon PoliceC Steve Atterton Ald J. A. Fox Publ ic Safety: Comm Glenn We bster* Ald Ben Holt, Jr. FireC Gordon Pack Ald David Violes Pol iceC George H. Davis Administration : Ald Robert Shaver Mgr Jimmy R. Rogers Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Geary P. Dillon, Jr.• 658-5414 Administration: Streets Ed Warren CityRec Tamm i Cag le Atty Mark Travis* 586-0426 Waters/ Judge Ben Hill , III Clerk Alyson Pack WstWtrS Phil Snodgrass CityRec/ Judge Sandra K. Sm ith

SfHhO Henry Taylor *Address : P. 0. Box 130

*Address : P. 0. Box 1066, Morristown 37816-1066

TOYN OF WH ITB!ILLE CITY OF WILL /ST(Xll P. 0. Box 324, 38075 Election: 1/89 P. Box Phone 901/254-8523 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 1,270 0. 131, 38076 Election: 11/88 Phone 901/465�4173 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 395 Governing Body Meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Julian Cooper Treas James Bellar Governing Bodz: Administration: Ald James Bellar Mayor Laura Mi tchell Mgr Herbert Wright Comm Ald Leon Gray Publ ic Safety: James Glover Atty Walt Freeland* 465-3336 Comm Ald Harold McCall FireC Hubert Morrison Jimmy Jordan CityRec E. Ann Blackmore 465-9637 Ald Bobby Joe McDaniel PoliceC Ald William Woods Ald J. W. Bomar Public Work/Utilities: Streets/ *Address : 205 Market We st, Somerville 38068 Administration: SanSupt Glen J. Kinney Atty James T. Sanderson• 658-4866 Waters David Smith CityRec Anna Mae Wr ight Judge David Livingston

*Address: 101 We st Market Street, Bolivar 38008

164 165 TOYN OF WH /TE PI NE CITY OF WH ITWELL Election: 6/89 Route 4, Box 7, 37397 P. 0. Box 66, 37890 Election : 11/88 Phone 615/674-2556 CONSLT: RICHARD M. ELLIS Jefferson - E - 2,038 Phone 615/658-5151 CONSLT : M. MICHAEL TALLENT Marion - E - 1,783

Governing Body Meets : 1st Tue sday, 7:00 p.m. , Community Building Governing Body Meets: 3rd Tuesday , 6:30 p.m. , City Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Public Safety: Mayor Claude R. Mus ick PlngCCh P. H. Cowan Mayor Jimmy Thompson FireC Kenneth Davidson Ald Hazel Fern Bible Comm Michael Dillon PoliceC Steve Atterton Ald J. A. Fox Publ ic Safety: Comm Glenn We bster* Ald Ben Holt, Jr. FireC Gordon Pack Ald David Violes Pol iceC George H. Davis Administration : Ald Robert Shaver Mgr Jimmy R. Rogers Publ ic Works/Utilities: Atty Geary P. Dillon, Jr.• 658-5414 Administration: Streets Ed Warren CityRec Tamm i Cag le Atty Mark Travis* 586-0426 Waters/ Judge Ben Hill , III Clerk Alyson Pack WstWtrS Phil Snodgrass CityRec/ Judge Sandra K. Sm ith

SfHhO Henry Taylor *Address : P. 0. Box 130

*Address : P. 0. Box 1066, Morristown 37816-1066

TOYN OF WH ITB!ILLE CITY OF WILL /ST(Xll P. 0. Box 324, 38075 Election: 1/89 P. Box Phone 901/254-8523 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Hardeman - W - 1,270 0. 131, 38076 Election: 11/88 Phone 901/465�4173 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Fayette - W - 395 Governing Body Meets: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall Governing Body: Finance: Mayor Julian Cooper Treas James Bellar Governing Bodz: Administration: Ald James Bellar Mayor Laura Mi tchell Mgr Herbert Wright Comm Ald Leon Gray Publ ic Safety: James Glover Atty Walt Freeland* 465-3336 Comm Ald Harold McCall FireC Hubert Morrison Jimmy Jordan CityRec E. Ann Blackmore 465-9637 Ald Bobby Joe McDaniel PoliceC Ald William Woods Ald J. W. Bomar Public Work/Utilities: Streets/ *Address : 205 Market We st, Somerville 38068 Administration: SanSupt Glen J. Kinney Atty James T. Sanderson• 658-4866 Waters David Smith CityRec Anna Mae Wr ight Judge David Livingston

*Address: 101 We st Market Street, Bolivar 38008


Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: Tuesday after 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Administration: William M. Anderton Mayor Howard Hall PlngCCh Mayor Mike Smith Mgr Buddy Davenport V-May William Henley V-May Billy Allen CityRec Frances Nicho ls Coun Richard Stewart Public Safety: Ald W. T. Todd Judge Richard Northcutt Coun Gerald LaCook CivDefD Louis Yarbrough Ald Jame s E. Ho llandsworth William Scharber 967-2265 Coun Dav id Bean FireC Ald Noel Nichols Public Safety: Ray Commers 967-2532 Coun Charles Gunn PoliceC Ald Richard Cope FireC Bill Johnston Ald Charles A. Smithson PoliceC Roger Elrod Administrat ion: Public Works/Utilities: 967-2238 Atty Greg O'Neal* ElecMg r Lynn Bean Clerk Jimmy CrONnover 967-4771 Streets Lynn Bean Judge Jimmy Crownover Waters Jim Vann ParksD Wayne Nuckolls Secy Fay Morrow

Codes Enforcement : Bldin William Scharber Plmbin Bill Holliday 967-3596

*Address : First Avenue CITY OF WOND MILLS

P. 0. Box 153, 38271 Election: 5/88 Phone 901/885-1471 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 526

Governing Body Meets : 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

CITY OF WINFIEW Governing Body: Finance : Election : 10/89 Mayor P. 0. Box 21, 37892 William R. Nanney Treas Shella Napier Phone 615/569 6139 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Scott - E - 581 Ald Joyce Taylor Ald Ge rald Scarbrough Planning/Zoning : Governing Body Meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Center PlngDir Frank Rodenburger Administration: Governing Body: Administrat ion: Atty Bill Acree* 885-2011 Mayor Donald R. Sexton Atty John Smith* 663-3801 CityRec Shelia Napier V-May James Stanley CityRec Michae l Doug las Ald John Wright Ald Joe Stephens

Ald Zane Anderson *Address: P. 0. Box 250, Union City 38261

*Address : Box 232, Huntsville 37756


Governing Body Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. , City Hall Governing Body Meets: Tuesday after 1st Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Town Hall

Governing Body: Planning/Zoning: Governing Body: Administration: William M. Anderton Mayor Howard Hall PlngCCh Mayor Mike Smith Mgr Buddy Davenport V-May William Henley V-May Billy Allen CityRec Frances Nicho ls Coun Richard Stewart Public Safety: Ald W. T. Todd Judge Richard Northcutt Coun Gerald LaCook CivDefD Louis Yarbrough Ald Jame s E. Ho llandsworth William Scharber 967-2265 Coun Dav id Bean FireC Ald Noel Nichols Public Safety: Ray Commers 967-2532 Coun Charles Gunn PoliceC Ald Richard Cope FireC Bill Johnston Ald Charles A. Smithson PoliceC Roger Elrod Administrat ion: Public Works/Utilities: 967-2238 Atty Greg O'Neal* ElecMg r Lynn Bean Clerk Jimmy CrONnover 967-4771 Streets Lynn Bean Judge Jimmy Crownover Waters Jim Vann ParksD Wayne Nuckolls Secy Fay Morrow

Codes Enforcement : Bldin William Scharber Plmbin Bill Holliday 967-3596

*Address : First Avenue CITY OF WOND MILLS

P. 0. Box 153, 38271 Election: 5/88 Phone 901/885-1471 CONSLT: HAROLD YUNGMEYER Obion - W - 526

Governing Body Meets : 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. , City Hall

CITY OF WINFIEW Governing Body: Finance : Election : 10/89 Mayor P. 0. Box 21, 37892 William R. Nanney Treas Shella Napier Phone 615/569 6139 CONSLT: THOMAS A. BRANT Scott - E - 581 Ald Joyce Taylor Ald Ge rald Scarbrough Planning/Zoning : Governing Body Meets: 2nd and 4th Monday , 7:00 p.m. , Municipal Center PlngDir Frank Rodenburger Administration: Governing Body: Administrat ion: Atty Bill Acree* 885-2011 Mayor Donald R. Sexton Atty John Smith* 663-3801 CityRec Shelia Napier V-May James Stanley CityRec Michae l Doug las Ald John Wright Ald Joe Stephens

Ald Zane Anderson *Address: P. 0. Box 250, Union City 38261

*Address : Box 232, Huntsville 37756

166 167 CITY OF YORKVILLE P. 0. Box 177, 38389 Election: 11/88 Phone 901/643-6110 CONSLT: H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 310

Governing Body Meets: 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m., City Hall

Governing Body: Administration: Mayor David GI idewe/ I CityRec Glenn Allmon Comm Glenn Allmon Judge Thomas Hall Comm Thomas Hall

168 r OF YORKV ILLE Election: 11/88 D. Box 177, 38389 ne 901/643-6110 CONSLT : H. YUNGMEYER/M. PENTECOST Gibson - W - 310 erning Body Meets : 2nd Monday , 7:00 p.m. , City Hal l erning Body: Administration: 0 r Dav Id GI i dewe I I CityRec Glenn Allmon n Glenn Allmon Judge Thomas Hall n Thomas Hall

)> ,, ,, m !2z ("') m "'




The Mu nicipal Technical Advisory Service is an agency of The University of Tennessee and the Institute of Publ ic Service with the responsibility of providing technical assistance to municipalities across the state . Establ ished in 1949, MTAS has had the ongoing directive of assisting mayors , city managers , mun icipal governing bodies, and other city officials in Ten nessee . MTAS aids cities in keeping abreast of changing needs by evaluating programs , improving operations , assisting in establishing goals and obj ectives, and devising means for obtaining effective citizen participation, to name just a few.

Working in cooperation with the Tenne ssee Municipal League , MTAS strives to provide technical assistance in almost every area of municipal government . The MTAS organization is divided into several functional areas to best hand le the specific requests made by cities and towns . These functional areas include :

Finance & Account ing , Law, Eng ineering/Public Works , Resource and Information Management , Ge neral Municipal Management , Wastewater Technical Assistance , and Environmental Technical Assistance.

Finance & Account ing : Consultants in this specialty area assist city officials in effective management and ut ilization of av ailable fiscal resources as we ll as help develop add itional revenue sources. They can provide assistance in the areas of accounting , purchasing , budgeting , debt service, and several other finance-related subj ects .

Law : In the area of mun icipal law, MTAS attorneys assist city officials in dealing with the legal complexities of today 's environment . The services provided by the legal staff include writing legal opinions , preparing and revising city charters , providing copies of sample ordinances from other cities, and updating codes of ordinances from existing ordinances. MTAS attorneys also write technical bulletins and reports for distribut ion to cities keeping them abreast of new laws and court cases that may have an impact on them.

Engineering/Public Works : Consultants in this area provide Ten nessee city officials with infor mat ion , technical assistance , and public works operational know-how. The work done by these consultants is intended to supplement services of private consultants and/or city eng ineers . They offer suggestions , helpful informat ion, and advice on many mun icipal engineering problems wh ich generally would not warrant the attention of a private consultant . Areas of assistance include refuse collection and disposal , drainage management , street and pavement management , and snow and ice control .

Re source and Information Management : MTAS has a library with the largest collection of reference materials on municipal government in the state. This library acts as a clearinghouse for information produced by and about cities, and provides reference and research services to all aspects of mun icipal government . The library provides all types of reference support , do telephone surveys and written questionnaires, ut ilizes electronic mail searches for city officials to provide information , and assists in organizing materials found in mun icipal officials ' offices , to name but a few.


The Mu nicipal Technical Advisory Service is an agency of The University of Tennessee and the Institute of Publ ic Service with the responsibility of providing technical assistance to municipalities across the state . Establ ished in 1949, MTAS has had the ongoing directive of assisting mayors , city managers , mun icipal governing bodies, and other city officials in Ten nessee . MTAS aids cities in keeping abreast of changing needs by evaluating programs , improving operations , assisting in establishing goals and obj ectives, and devising means for obtaining effective citizen participation, to name just a few.

Working in cooperation with the Tenne ssee Municipal League , MTAS strives to provide technical assistance in almost every area of municipal government . The MTAS organization is divided into several functional areas to best hand le the specific requests made by cities and towns . These functional areas include :

Finance & Account ing , Law, Eng ineering/Public Works , Resource and Information Management , Ge neral Municipal Management , Wastewater Technical Assistance , and Environmental Technical Assistance.

Finance & Account ing : Consultants in this specialty area assist city officials in effective management and ut ilization of av ailable fiscal resources as we ll as help develop add itional revenue sources. They can provide assistance in the areas of accounting , purchasing , budgeting , debt service, and several other finance-related subj ects .

Law : In the area of mun icipal law, MTAS attorneys assist city officials in dealing with the legal complexities of today 's environment . The services provided by the legal staff include writing legal opinions , preparing and revising city charters , providing copies of sample ordinances from other cities, and updating codes of ordinances from existing ordinances. MTAS attorneys also write technical bulletins and reports for distribut ion to cities keeping them abreast of new laws and court cases that may have an impact on them.

Engineering/Public Works : Consultants in this area provide Ten nessee city officials with infor mat ion , technical assistance , and public works operational know-how. The work done by these consultants is intended to supplement services of private consultants and/or city eng ineers . They offer suggestions , helpful informat ion, and advice on many mun icipal engineering problems wh ich generally would not warrant the attention of a private consultant . Areas of assistance include refuse collection and disposal , drainage management , street and pavement management , and snow and ice control .

Re source and Information Management : MTAS has a library with the largest collection of reference materials on municipal government in the state. This library acts as a clearinghouse for information produced by and about cities, and provides reference and research services to all aspects of mun icipal government . The library provides all types of reference support , do telephone surveys and written questionnaires, ut ilizes electronic mail searches for city officials to provide information , and assists in organizing materials found in mun icipal officials ' offices , to name but a few.

173 172 l>PPENDIX A first point of contac with MTAS is Mun icipal Management : Usually a city's : s. These professionals work one­ through one of the Municipal Management Consultant solve problems and ministrative officials in helping them on-one with city ad MTAS REGIONAL OFFICES is responsible for ser ving a group of answer questions . Each Management Consultant Through field visits and telephone cities within a specific geographic ar ea. to keep in close contact with the ir conversations , these consultants attempt on MTAS specialist consultants with more cities. When necessary , they will call areas that mun icipal MTAS has offices located in Knoxville , Nashville, Jackson, and Martin. The in a particular area. Just a few of the in-depth experience main office is located in Knoxv ille on the campus of The Un iversity of Tennessee. risk management , financ ial planning , consultants provide assistance are : icipal ut ilities. With a management staff of eighteen employees and nine support individuals, this planning , mun icipal organization, and mun annexat ion, strategic office handles a maj ority of the administrative responsibilities of the as we ll as provides technical support to the cities East Tennessee . Wastewater Treatment Construct ion organization Wastewat er Management : As a result of the ioner of Health and Environment , MTAS Act of 1984, as authorized by the Commiss development and The Knoxville Office is staffed by the Executive Director, three attorneys from the state to provide for the received a contract who handle legal issues and questions , two Municipal Management Consultants nical Assistance Program. The role implementation of a Wastewater Management Tech that would be rece iving responding to the general needs of the client cities, the MTAS Library and its provide assistance and guidance to cities of MTAS is to staff , consultants in the specialized areas of finance, public works, special and state initiatives . funding under federal proj ects , wastewater management , and environmental technical assistance. In addition, the Knoxville Off ice staff provides for the production and distribution MTAS wastewater consultants can provide he lp in deal ing with state wastewater of MTAS publ ications and the updating and revision of mun icipal codes and treatment regulations and in planning , manag ing , and financ ing wastewater charters. treatment facilities. In the three years of this program's existence , the MTAS wastewater consultants have effectively served as intermed iaries between the The Nashville MTAS Off ice is located close to both the TML Office and the Tennessee Department of Health and Environment with its regulatory Legislat ive Plaza. The management staff is made up of eight employees with two responsibilities and those cities facing wastewater-related problems . support people . The specialty makeup of this office includes two municipal ronmental Technical Assistance management consultants , along with consultants in finance, personnel, computer Environmental Technical Assistance : The Envi essee Institute for management , public works , wastewater management, and environmental technical a cooperative effort by The Uni versity of Tenn Group (ETAG) is assistance, as we ll as an attorney who works closely with TML on monitoring ical Assistance Service (CTAS) . Its Public Service, MTAS , and the County Techn assistance on legislation introduced through the State Legislature . Also , because of MTAS 's Tennessee cities and counties with technical purpose is to provide close proximity to the Capital , office space has been made available for use by the University in pursuing this hazardous waste cleanup proj ects . The goal of ntal quality of visiting mun icipal officials who need a temporary work space or equipment wh ile t in the general enhancement of the environme proj ect is to assis visiting Nashville. local commun ities. There are two MTAS Offices in West Tennessee . One is located in Jackson and one is in Martin. The office in Jackson has a staff of four ind ividuals. There are two general management consultants, a publ ic works consultant , and a wastewater technical assistance consultant . In Mart in there are two consultants. One specializes in finance and accounting and one in environmental technical assistance .

MTAS is part of The University of Tennessee 's Institute for Public Service . The Institute for Publ ic Service cons ists of a group of related agenc ies established by state legislation that draws on the broad resources of the University to provide expert services to business, industry , government , and the professions . The operating un its of the Institute are MTAS ; County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS ); Center for Government Training (CGT); and Center for Industrial Services (CIS) . Add itional information on the Institute is presented in Appendix of the Directory .

175 174 l>PPENDIX A first point of contac with MTAS is Mun icipal Management : Usually a city's : s. These professionals work one­ through one of the Municipal Management Consultant solve problems and ministrative officials in helping them on-one with city ad MTAS REGIONAL OFFICES is responsible for ser ving a group of answer questions . Each Management Consultant Through field visits and telephone cities within a specific geographic ar ea. to keep in close contact with the ir conversations , these consultants attempt on MTAS specialist consultants with more cities. When necessary , they will call areas that mun icipal MTAS has offices located in Knoxville , Nashville, Jackson, and Martin. The in a particular area. Just a few of the in-depth experience main office is located in Knoxv ille on the campus of The Un iversity of Tennessee. risk management , financ ial planning , consultants provide assistance are : icipal ut ilities. With a management staff of eighteen employees and nine support individuals, this planning , mun icipal organization, and mun annexat ion, strategic office handles a maj ority of the administrative responsibilities of the as we ll as provides technical support to the cities East Tennessee . Wastewater Treatment Construct ion organization Wastewat er Management : As a result of the ioner of Health and Environment , MTAS Act of 1984, as authorized by the Commiss development and The Knoxville Office is staffed by the Executive Director, three attorneys from the state to provide for the received a contract who handle legal issues and questions , two Municipal Management Consultants nical Assistance Program. The role implementation of a Wastewater Management Tech that would be rece iving responding to the general needs of the client cities, the MTAS Library and its provide assistance and guidance to cities of MTAS is to staff , consultants in the specialized areas of finance, public works, special and state initiatives . funding under federal proj ects , wastewater management , and environmental technical assistance. In addition, the Knoxville Off ice staff provides for the production and distribution MTAS wastewater consultants can provide he lp in deal ing with state wastewater of MTAS publ ications and the updating and revision of mun icipal codes and treatment regulations and in planning , manag ing , and financ ing wastewater charters. treatment facilities. In the three years of this program's existence , the MTAS wastewater consultants have effectively served as intermed iaries between the The Nashville MTAS Off ice is located close to both the TML Office and the Tennessee Department of Health and Environment with its regulatory Legislat ive Plaza. The management staff is made up of eight employees with two responsibilities and those cities facing wastewater-related problems . support people . The specialty makeup of this office includes two municipal ronmental Technical Assistance management consultants , along with consultants in finance, personnel, computer Environmental Technical Assistance : The Envi essee Institute for management , public works , wastewater management, and environmental technical a cooperative effort by The Uni versity of Tenn Group (ETAG) is assistance, as we ll as an attorney who works closely with TML on monitoring ical Assistance Service (CTAS) . Its Public Service, MTAS , and the County Techn assistance on legislation introduced through the State Legislature . Also , because of MTAS 's Tennessee cities and counties with technical purpose is to provide close proximity to the Capital , office space has been made available for use by the University in pursuing this hazardous waste cleanup proj ects . The goal of ntal quality of visiting mun icipal officials who need a temporary work space or equipment wh ile t in the general enhancement of the environme proj ect is to assis visiting Nashville. local commun ities. There are two MTAS Offices in West Tennessee . One is located in Jackson and one is in Martin. The office in Jackson has a staff of four ind ividuals. There are two general management consultants, a publ ic works consultant , and a wastewater technical assistance consultant . In Mart in there are two consultants. One specializes in finance and accounting and one in environmental technical assistance .

MTAS is part of The University of Tennessee 's Institute for Public Service . The Institute for Publ ic Service cons ists of a group of related agenc ies established by state legislation that draws on the broad resources of the University to provide expert services to business, industry , government , and the professions . The operating un its of the Institute are MTAS ; County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS ); Center for Government Training (CGT); and Center for Industrial Services (CIS) . Add itional information on the Institute is presented in Appendix of the Directory .

175 174 - ..... "'





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...... MTAS ...... MTAS : : : : : : : : ...... : : : : : : : : ...... 891 20th Street ...... P. 0. Box 2784 ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: ...... Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4400 ...... Jackson, Tennessee 38302-2784

///////,. � ///////,. MTAS � MTAS ///////, � � //////// 226 Capitol Boulevard Building, Suite 402 � P. 0. Box 100 <� - ..... "'





...... w",�' l<>w•�n<;o .....


...... MTAS ...... MTAS : : : : : : : : ...... : : : : : : : : ...... 891 20th Street ...... P. 0. Box 2784 ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: ...... Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4400 ...... Jackson, Tennessee 38302-2784

///////,. � ///////,. MTAS � MTAS ///////, � � //////// 226 Capitol Boulevard Building, Suite 402 � P. 0. Box 100 <� APPENDIX A


Knoxville (Headquarters): 891 Twentieth Street The University of Tennessee Knoxville 37996-4400 Phone 615/974-5301

Executive Director: C. L. Overman Assistant to Executive Director: W. Joseph Walsh


Data Management Specialist: Sally A. Thierbach Environmental Management : James D. Harless Information Management : Anne F. Hawkins Library Supervisor: Cathy Moore-Jansen Mun icipal Law: Eugene Puett Mun icipal Management : Thomas A. Brant, Richard M. Ellis Management Systems Specialist : J. Michael Kesler Ordinance Codification: Don W. Ownby Public Works Management : Elwyn Bembry Senior Finance : W. K. Joines Senior Law: Sidney D. Hems ley Senior Management : M. Michael Tallent Senior Program: Joseph Muscatello, Jr. Senior Resource : Carol C. Hewlett Special Proj ects : William J. Finane Utility Financ ial Management : Alan E. Maj or

Support Staff:

Administrat ive Secretary : E. Ann Lowe Principal Secretary : Armintha A. Loveday Publicat ion Support : Deborah K. Linn Administrative Secretary : M. T. (Cookie) Oakley Senior Secretary : Judy G. Updegraff Senior Word Processing Specialist : Claud ia S. Wolfenbarger Word Processing Special ist : D. Michelle Joines Student Legal Assistant : Charles A. Williams

Library Support Staff:

Library Assistant : Beverly A. Northcutt Senior Library Clerk: Barry H. She lton Library Student Assistant : Julie A. Brown

179 178 APPENDIX A


Knoxville (Headquarters): 891 Twentieth Street The University of Tennessee Knoxville 37996-4400 Phone 615/974-5301

Executive Director: C. L. Overman Assistant to Executive Director: W. Joseph Walsh


Data Management Specialist: Sally A. Thierbach Environmental Management : James D. Harless Information Management : Anne F. Hawkins Library Supervisor: Cathy Moore-Jansen Mun icipal Law: Eugene Puett Mun icipal Management : Thomas A. Brant, Richard M. Ellis Management Systems Specialist : J. Michael Kesler Ordinance Codification: Don W. Ownby Public Works Management : Elwyn Bembry Senior Finance : W. K. Joines Senior Law: Sidney D. Hems ley Senior Management : M. Michael Tallent Senior Program: Joseph Muscatello, Jr. Senior Resource : Carol C. Hewlett Special Proj ects : William J. Finane Utility Financ ial Management : Alan E. Maj or

Support Staff:

Administrat ive Secretary : E. Ann Lowe Principal Secretary : Armintha A. Loveday Publicat ion Support : Deborah K. Linn Administrative Secretary : M. T. (Cookie) Oakley Senior Secretary : Judy G. Updegraff Senior Word Processing Specialist : Claud ia S. Wolfenbarger Word Processing Special ist : D. Michelle Joines Student Legal Assistant : Charles A. Williams

Library Support Staff:

Library Assistant : Beverly A. Northcutt Senior Library Clerk: Barry H. She lton Library Student Assistant : Julie A. Brown

179 178 APPEND IX A

Nashville: 226 Capitol Boulevard Building, Suite 402 Nashville 37219-1804 Phone 615/256-8141

Senior Management Consultant : Jerry E. Robinson


Municipal Management : T. Randall Williams Environmental Management : Lauren A. Heffelman

Finance & Account ing : James H. Leuty Intergovernmental Affairs : Dennis W. Huffer, Phone 615/255-6416 Municipal Personnel: Richard L. Stokes Senior Publ ic Works : Anderson W. Jordan Utility Management : Sharon L. Rollins

Support Staff :

Principal Secretary : Flora A. Williams Principal Secretary : Laura Heffines

Martin (!PS Regional Office): P. O. Box 100 Martin 38238 Phone 901/587-7055


Environmental Management : C. Richard Phebus

Finance & Account ing : Michael T. Pentecost

Jackson (IPS Regional Office): P. O. Box 2784 Jackson 38302-2784 Phone 901/423-3710


Mun icipal Management : Harold R. Yungmeyer Publ ic Works : A. C. Lock, Jr. Utility Management : Edward C. Archer

Support Staff:

Principal Secretary : Brenda Y. Moss

181 180 APPEND IX A

Nashville: 226 Capitol Boulevard Building, Suite 402 Nashville 37219-1804 Phone 615/256-8141

Senior Management Consultant : Jerry E. Robinson


Municipal Management : T. Randall Williams Environmental Management : Lauren A. Heffelman

Finance & Account ing : James H. Leuty Intergovernmental Affairs : Dennis W. Huffer, Phone 615/255-6416 Municipal Personnel: Richard L. Stokes Senior Publ ic Works : Anderson W. Jordan Utility Management : Sharon L. Rollins

Support Staff :

Principal Secretary : Flora A. Williams Principal Secretary : Laura Heffines

Martin (!PS Regional Office): P. O. Box 100 Martin 38238 Phone 901/587-7055


Environmental Management : C. Richard Phebus

Finance & Account ing : Michael T. Pentecost

Jackson (IPS Regional Office): P. O. Box 2784 Jackson 38302-2784 Phone 901/423-3710


Mun icipal Management : Harold R. Yungmeyer Publ ic Works : A. C. Lock, Jr. Utility Management : Edward C. Archer

Support Staff:

Principal Secretary : Brenda Y. Moss




The Tennessee Municipal League (TML) is an organization that works closely with MTAS in attempting to achieve the goal of providing general improvement and advancement of mun icipal administration in Tennessee . It is an organization that is governed by the cities, for the cities , with municipal officials serving as board members, giving constant input in determining what the League pol icy is going to be . TML has a full time staff of 32 employees . The ir offices are located in Nashville near the State Capital . TML works closely with both city administrators and state lawmakers to ensure that the interests, rights, and privileges of municipalities are safeguarded . TML specializes in mon itoring state and federal legislat ion that could impact city governments. TML stimulates corrununicat ions among city officials through such means as ho lding an annual conference for discussion of current mun icipal affairs and by publ ishing a biweekly newspaper, Tennessee Town and City, that has a statewide circulation .

In 1979 the Tennessee Mun icipal League expanded its operation to include risk management with the establishment of the TML Risk Management Pool . The purpose of the Pool is to provide reasonably priced insurance coverage for cities and towns that may have had diff iculty obtaining insurance coverage . It also assists cities in deve loping a risk management program as a means of holding down claims and premiums .

In 1985 the Tennessee Municipal League Board of Directors , in response to the interest expressed by its members and the recommendat ions of a special study committee, authorized the creation of a pooled financ ing program for cities and towns in Tennessee . The TML Municipal Bond Fund , as it was called, was established to provide low-cost medium-term financ ing to municipal governments for capital projects .


The Tennessee Municipal League (TML) is an organization that works closely with MTAS in attempting to achieve the goal of providing general improvement and advancement of mun icipal administration in Tennessee . It is an organization that is governed by the cities, for the cities , with municipal officials serving as board members, giving constant input in determining what the League pol icy is going to be . TML has a full time staff of 32 employees . The ir offices are located in Nashville near the State Capital . TML works closely with both city administrators and state lawmakers to ensure that the interests, rights, and privileges of municipalities are safeguarded . TML specializes in mon itoring state and federal legislat ion that could impact city governments. TML stimulates corrununicat ions among city officials through such means as ho lding an annual conference for discussion of current mun icipal affairs and by publ ishing a biweekly newspaper, Tennessee Town and City, that has a statewide circulation .

In 1979 the Tennessee Mun icipal League expanded its operation to include risk management with the establishment of the TML Risk Management Pool . The purpose of the Pool is to provide reasonably priced insurance coverage for cities and towns that may have had diff iculty obtaining insurance coverage . It also assists cities in deve loping a risk management program as a means of holding down claims and premiums .

In 1985 the Tennessee Municipal League Board of Directors , in response to the interest expressed by its members and the recommendat ions of a special study committee, authorized the creation of a pooled financ ing program for cities and towns in Tennessee . The TML Municipal Bond Fund , as it was called, was established to provide low-cost medium-term financ ing to municipal governments for capital projects .

184 185 APPEND IX B


PRESIDENT : Gene Roberts , Mayor, Chattanooga

VICE PRESIDENTS : Roy Worthington, Mayor, Manchester Bill Revell, Mayor, Dyersburg Charles G. Seivers , Admin istrator, Clinton


William R. Brakebill, Mayor, Athens , President , TML Risk Management Pool A. D. Caldwell, City Manager, Shelbyville Bill Davis, Councilman , Memphis Wanda Goodman, Vice-Mayor, Germantown Jimmy Halbrook, Vice-Mayor, Brownsville Ezra McConne ll, Jr. , Councilman , Bristol Kyle Testerman , Mayor, Knoxv ille District 1: John Fleming , Councilman , Elizabethton District 2: Jeanne Wilson, Mayor, Newport District 3: Marvin Bolinger, City Manager, Athens District 4: Jack Phillips , Alderman , Monterey District 5: Robert Shannon , Alderman , Portland District 6: Daniel Speer, Alderman , Pulaski District 7: Herb Davis, Mayor, Milan District 8: George Harvell, Mayor, Millington


Stacey A. Garner, Mayor, Pulaski Third Nat ional Financ ial Center Richard Fulton, Mayor, Me tro Nashville 424 Church Street Robert Conger, Mayor, Jackson Suite 2800 Joe G. Taylor, Mayor, Brownsville Nashville 37219 John Franklin , Vice-Mayor, Chattanooga Phone 615/259-1450 Charles Rose, Commissioner, Chattanooga Richard Hackett, Mayor, Memphis


TN Association of Air Carriers/Airports (TAACA) : Hugh Davis, Chattanooga, President TN Assoc iation of Chiefs of Police (TACP) : Dav id Key, Hendersonville, President TN Assoc . of Housing/Development Officials: William H. Holman , Livingston, President TN Building Officials Association (TBOA) : Steve Mills, Hendersonville, Representative TN Chapter American Public Wks Assoc . (TCAPWA) : Peter He idenreich, Nashville , President TN City Management Association (TCMA) : Russell Treadway , Sevierville, President TN Fire Chiefs Association (TFCA) : Conner Caldwell, Kingsport , Representat ive TN Gove rnment Finance Officers Assoc . (TGFOA) : Clint Daniel, Clarksville, President TN Municipal Attorneys Association (TMAA) : Charles Peterson, Waynesboro , President Brad Chambers , Kingsport , Representative TN Recreation & Parks Association (TRPA) : TN Women in Gove rnment (TWIG) : Beverle J. Rivera, Lakeland, President TN Water Qual ity Management Association (TWQMA) : Richard Ho lland , Jackson, President

187 186 APPEND IX B


PRESIDENT : Gene Roberts , Mayor, Chattanooga

VICE PRESIDENTS : Roy Worthington, Mayor, Manchester Bill Revell, Mayor, Dyersburg Charles G. Seivers , Admin istrator, Clinton


William R. Brakebill, Mayor, Athens , President , TML Risk Management Pool A. D. Caldwell, City Manager, Shelbyville Bill Davis, Councilman , Memphis Wanda Goodman, Vice-Mayor, Germantown Jimmy Halbrook, Vice-Mayor, Brownsville Ezra McConne ll, Jr. , Councilman , Bristol Kyle Testerman , Mayor, Knoxv ille District 1: John Fleming , Councilman , Elizabethton District 2: Jeanne Wilson, Mayor, Newport District 3: Marvin Bolinger, City Manager, Athens District 4: Jack Phillips , Alderman , Monterey District 5: Robert Shannon , Alderman , Portland District 6: Daniel Speer, Alderman , Pulaski District 7: Herb Davis, Mayor, Milan District 8: George Harvell, Mayor, Millington


Stacey A. Garner, Mayor, Pulaski Third Nat ional Financ ial Center Richard Fulton, Mayor, Me tro Nashville 424 Church Street Robert Conger, Mayor, Jackson Suite 2800 Joe G. Taylor, Mayor, Brownsville Nashville 37219 John Franklin , Vice-Mayor, Chattanooga Phone 615/259-1450 Charles Rose, Commissioner, Chattanooga Richard Hackett, Mayor, Memphis


TN Association of Air Carriers/Airports (TAACA) : Hugh Davis, Chattanooga, President TN Assoc iation of Chiefs of Police (TACP) : Dav id Key, Hendersonville, President TN Assoc . of Housing/Development Officials: William H. Holman , Livingston, President TN Building Officials Association (TBOA) : Steve Mills, Hendersonville, Representative TN Chapter American Public Wks Assoc . (TCAPWA) : Peter He idenreich, Nashville , President TN City Management Association (TCMA) : Russell Treadway , Sevierville, President TN Fire Chiefs Association (TFCA) : Conner Caldwell, Kingsport , Representat ive TN Gove rnment Finance Officers Assoc . (TGFOA) : Clint Daniel, Clarksville, President TN Municipal Attorneys Association (TMAA) : Charles Peterson, Waynesboro , President Brad Chambers , Kingsport , Representative TN Recreation & Parks Association (TRPA) : TN Women in Gove rnment (TWIG) : Beverle J. Rivera, Lakeland, President TN Water Qual ity Management Association (TWQMA) : Richard Ho lland , Jackson, President

187 186 TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE STAFF 226 Capitol Boulevard , Suite 710 Nashville 37219-1894 Phone : 615/255-6416

Exe cutive Director: Joseph A. Sweat

Assistant Director: Joan 0. Pickens Leg islative Liaison: J. Nelson Biddle Editor: Beverly Bruninga Staff Wr iters : Susan Bruninga, Gael Stahl Admin . Asst to Asst Director: Katherine Duncan Audio-Visual Coordinator : Marilyn Edwards Computer Assistant : Mary J. Grant Execut ive Asst/Conf . Coord : Nancy Grant Business Manager: Nelle Greul ich Staff Assistant : Patricia Huffer John New Research & Leg islative Coord inator: Recept ionist: Regina Newson Production Manager: Sylvia Trice .APPEND IX C THE UN IVERS ITY CF TENNESSEE


Execut ive Vice President : Ed M. Young Administrative Assistant : Denise Knight

TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RISK MANAGEMENT POOL 783 Old Hickory Boulevard , Suite 351 351 We st Building Brentwood 37027 WATS : 800/624-9698 Phone : 615/371-0049

Exe cut ive Vice President : Jackson B. Floyd Claims Director : John Beasley Senior Secretary : Brenda Botts Safety Technician: Michael Fann Senior Claims Adjuster: Danya Feinstein Administrative Assistants: Lizenna George, Melody Goodwin, Gail Smith Ope rat ions Director: Barrett Jones Senior Loss Prevent ion Technician : Judy Jones General Counsel : Susan Eme ry McGannon Director, Loss Prevention: Jame s Richardson Direc:tor of Management Information and Financ ial Services/ He alth Services Coord inator : Donna Scarborough Accounts Payable Clerk: She ila Siler Accounts Receiveable Clerk: Betty Stoltz Clains Adjuster: Anne Texada Administrative Assistant for Management Informat ion and Financial Services: Marilyn Zarre ii

188 189 TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE STAFF 226 Capitol Boulevard , Suite 710 Nashville 37219-1894 Phone : 615/255-6416

Exe cutive Director: Joseph A. Sweat

Assistant Director: Joan 0. Pickens Leg islative Liaison: J. Nelson Biddle Editor: Beverly Bruninga Staff Wr iters : Susan Bruninga, Gael Stahl Admin . Asst to Asst Director: Katherine Duncan Audio-Visual Coordinator : Marilyn Edwards Computer Assistant : Mary J. Grant Execut ive Asst/Conf . Coord : Nancy Grant Business Manager: Nelle Greul ich Staff Assistant : Patricia Huffer John New Research & Leg islative Coord inator: Recept ionist: Regina Newson Production Manager: Sylvia Trice .APPEND IX C THE UN IVERS ITY CF TENNESSEE


Execut ive Vice President : Ed M. Young Administrative Assistant : Denise Knight

TENNESSEE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RISK MANAGEMENT POOL 783 Old Hickory Boulevard , Suite 351 351 We st Building Brentwood 37027 WATS : 800/624-9698 Phone : 615/371-0049

Exe cut ive Vice President : Jackson B. Floyd Claims Director : John Beasley Senior Secretary : Brenda Botts Safety Technician: Michael Fann Senior Claims Adjuster: Danya Feinstein Administrative Assistants: Lizenna George, Melody Goodwin, Gail Smith Ope rat ions Director: Barrett Jones Senior Loss Prevent ion Technician : Judy Jones General Counsel : Susan Eme ry McGannon Director, Loss Prevention: Jame s Richardson Direc:tor of Management Information and Financ ial Services/ He alth Services Coord inator : Donna Scarborough Accounts Payable Clerk: She ila Siler Accounts Receiveable Clerk: Betty Stoltz Clains Adjuster: Anne Texada Administrative Assistant for Management Informat ion and Financial Services: Marilyn Zarre ii


Founded in 1794, the University 's Knoxville campus has professional and graduate education in 300 fields and offers 106 undergraduate and 280 graduate degree programs in its 19 colleges and scho ols. In add ition, the campus ranks as one of the nation 's maj or research un iversities as well as in its offerings of public service.


The Institute for Publ ic Service and the Division of Cont inuing Educ ation extend the University of Tennessee beyond the bounds of its academic campuses. The Institute princ ipally assists local governments and small industries, wh ile Continuing Educ at ion provides both credit and non-cred it courses by correspondence and television, runs the University 's Nat ional Publ ic Radio station in Knoxville, and does video productions . Both the Instit ute for Publ ic Service and Continuing Educ ation are headquartered at Knoxville.

The princ ipal divisions of the Institute for Public Service are :

* Municipal Technical Advisory Service , which assists municipalities.

* County Technical Assistance Center, which helps county governments.

* Center for Government Training , which offers pr ofessional devel opment opportunities for government emp loyees.

* Center for Industrial Services, which helps small bus inesses and industries.

The Division of Continuing Educ ation includes:

* Center for Extended Learning , which offers independent study, educational programs on videotape , the College Level Examination Program, and other extension efforts.

* Radio Service , which operates WUOT-FM at The University of Tennessee Knoxville and provides programming for WUTC-FM at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, as we ll as producing and distribut ing educational radio programs by tape .

* Center for Educ ational Video and Photography, which provides television production facilities and still photography .


Founded in 1794, the University 's Knoxville campus has professional and graduate education in 300 fields and offers 106 undergraduate and 280 graduate degree programs in its 19 colleges and scho ols. In add ition, the campus ranks as one of the nation 's maj or research un iversities as well as in its offerings of public service.


The Institute for Publ ic Service and the Division of Cont inuing Educ ation extend the University of Tennessee beyond the bounds of its academic campuses. The Institute princ ipally assists local governments and small industries, wh ile Continuing Educ at ion provides both credit and non-cred it courses by correspondence and television, runs the University 's Nat ional Publ ic Radio station in Knoxville, and does video productions . Both the Instit ute for Publ ic Service and Continuing Educ ation are headquartered at Knoxville.

The princ ipal divisions of the Institute for Public Service are :

* Municipal Technical Advisory Service , which assists municipalities.

* County Technical Assistance Center, which helps county governments.

* Center for Government Training , which offers pr ofessional devel opment opportunities for government emp loyees.

* Center for Industrial Services, which helps small bus inesses and industries.

The Division of Continuing Educ ation includes:

* Center for Extended Learning , which offers independent study, educational programs on videotape , the College Level Examination Program, and other extension efforts.

* Radio Service , which operates WUOT-FM at The University of Tennessee Knoxville and provides programming for WUTC-FM at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, as we ll as producing and distribut ing educational radio programs by tape .

* Center for Educ ational Video and Photography, which provides television production facilities and still photography .

190 191 ------


Institute for Public Service Agr iculture Extension Service

Vice President M. Lloyd Downen , Dean Public Service and Continuing Education 126-A Morgan Hall, UTK 109 Student Services Bldg. , UTK Knoxville 37996-4500 Knoxville 37996-0212 Phone : 615/974-7114 Phone : 615/974-6621 Bureau of Public Admin istration Thomas B. Ballard , Executive Director Institute for Public Service Lenneal Henderson, Director 109 Student Services Bldg. , UTK 1001 Mcclung Towe r, UTK Knoxville 37996-0212 Department of Political Science Phone : 615/974-6621 Knoxville 37996-0410 Phone : 615/974-2261 Center For Government Training

Center for Business & Economic Research APPEND IX D STATE , FEDERAL , AND OTHER GOIEFINMENT /!GENCIES Exe cutive Director The University of Tennessee David A. Hake , Director 4th Floor, Room G2 100 Glocker Bus iness Administrat ion 10th and Charlotte Building , UTK Nashville 37203 Knoxville 37996-4170 Phone : 615/251-1401 Phone : 615/974-544

County Technical Assistance Service

Robert M. Wormsley Acting Executive Director 226 Capitol Blvd . Bldg., Suite 400 Nashville 37219-1890 Phone : 800/342-1365 or 615/242-0358

Center For Industrial Services

T. C. Parsons , Executive Director 226 Capitol Blvd . Bldg., Suite 401 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/242-2456

Ene rgy , Environment and Resources Center

E. William Colglazier, Director 329 South Stad ium Hall, UTK Knoxville 37996-0710 Phone : 615/974-4251

Transportation Center

Steve Richards, Interim Director 357 South Stadium Hall, UTK Knoxville 37996-0700 Phone : 615/974-5255

192 193 ------


Institute for Public Service Agr iculture Extension Service

Vice President M. Lloyd Downen , Dean Public Service and Continuing Education 126-A Morgan Hall, UTK 109 Student Services Bldg. , UTK Knoxville 37996-4500 Knoxville 37996-0212 Phone : 615/974-7114 Phone : 615/974-6621 Bureau of Public Admin istration Thomas B. Ballard , Executive Director Institute for Public Service Lenneal Henderson, Director 109 Student Services Bldg. , UTK 1001 Mcclung Towe r, UTK Knoxville 37996-0212 Department of Political Science Phone : 615/974-6621 Knoxville 37996-0410 Phone : 615/974-2261 Center For Government Training

Center for Business & Economic Research APPEND IX D STATE , FEDERAL , AND OTHER GOIEFINMENT /!GENCIES Exe cutive Director The University of Tennessee David A. Hake , Director 4th Floor, Room G2 100 Glocker Bus iness Administrat ion 10th and Charlotte Building , UTK Nashville 37203 Knoxville 37996-4170 Phone : 615/251-1401 Phone : 615/974-544

County Technical Assistance Service

Robert M. Wormsley Acting Executive Director 226 Capitol Blvd . Bldg., Suite 400 Nashville 37219-1890 Phone : 800/342-1365 or 615/242-0358

Center For Industrial Services

T. C. Parsons , Executive Director 226 Capitol Blvd . Bldg., Suite 401 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/242-2456

Ene rgy , Environment and Resources Center

E. William Colglazier, Director 329 South Stad ium Hall, UTK Knoxville 37996-0710 Phone : 615/974-4251

Transportation Center

Steve Richards, Interim Director 357 South Stadium Hall, UTK Knoxville 37996-0700 Phone : 615/974-5255


Municipal governments do not operate in a vacum, but rely on many out side sources for information and direction . These outside sources include federal offices, state agenc ies, and various other government entities .

Following is a section of the Directory that lists various state government agencies ,including most departments and commi ssions ; federal offices such as the Department of Labor, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and other agenc ies including TVA, Local Government Data Processing Corporat ion , to name just a few. The list also includes the name of a contact person in the agency, an address, and a phone number along with the agency name .


Municipal governments do not operate in a vacum, but rely on many out side sources for information and direction . These outside sources include federal offices, state agenc ies, and various other government entities .

Following is a section of the Directory that lists various state government agencies ,including most departments and commi ssions ; federal offices such as the Department of Labor, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and other agenc ies including TVA, Local Government Data Processing Corporat ion , to name just a few. The list also includes the name of a contact person in the agency, an address, and a phone number along with the agency name .


Department of Conservation (Con't) Department of Economic Community Office of Attorney General Office of Comptroller of Treasury (Con't' & Development (Con't) Herbert L. Harper, Executive Director W. J. Cody , Attorney General Dennis Dycus , Director Tennessee Historical Commission Mike DuBo is, Asst . Commissione r 450 James Robertson Parkway Division of Municipal Aud it 701 Broadway Industrial Development Nashville 37219 James K. Polk Bldg. , Suite 1600 Nashville 37219-5237 320 6th Avenue , North Phone : 615/741-6474 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/742-6716 Rachel Jackson Building Phone : 615/741-1871 Nashville 37219-5308 Department of Commerce Insurance & William T. Hill, Director Phone : 615/741-3282 Director Geology, Oil Gas Board Richard T. Johnson , Asst . Comm . Division of Local Government & 701 Broadway Donald G. Waller, Director Division of Fire Prevent ion James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1600 Nashville 37219-5237 Local Planning Assistance 1808 We st End Building Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/742-6691 320 6th Avenue , North 5th Floor Phone : 615/741-2761 6th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bulding Nashville 37219 Edward Luther, Asst . Director Nashville 37219-5308 Phone : 615/741-2981 William S. Carman , Director Geology, Oil Gas Board Phone : 615/741-2211 Division of Property Assessments & 701 Broadway Richard Hicks , Director James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1400 Nashville 37219-5237 State Planning Office Commission on Firefighting Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/742-6691 Personnel Standards Phone : 615/741-2837 & 307 John Sevier State Ofc . Bldg . Education Bruce We bster, Urban Forester 500 Charlotte Avenue 706 Church, Su ite 203 Wayne Williams , Director Division of Forestry Nashville, TN 37219-5082 Doctors Bui ld ing Division of Local Finance 701 Broadway Phone : 615/741-2363 Nashville 37219 James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1600 1st Floor, Cu stoms House Phone : 615/741-6780 Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219-5237 Area Offices, Local Planning Phone : 615/741-4276 Phone : 615/741-6615 Wink Brown , Chief of Jim Wagner, Director Administrative Services Kelsie Jones, Executive Secretary Department of Economic Community East Tennessee Office State Fire Marshall's Office State Board of Equalization & Developme nt P. Box 51365 1808 We st End Bldg., 5th Floor James K. Polk Bld g., Suite 1400 0. Knoxville 37919 Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219 Carl Johnson , Commissioner Phone : 615/594-6666 Phone : 615/741-2981 Phone : 615/741-4883 320 6th Avenue , North 8th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . Phillip Maples, Director Off ice of Comptroller of Treasury Department of Conservat ion Nashville 37219-5308 Middle Tennessee Office Phone : 615/741-1888 624 Grassmere Park Drive , Su ite 11 Ann Butterworth, Director Jerry Dillehay , Director Nashville 37219 Division of Bond Finance Parks and Recreat ion Technical Allen Neal, Deputy Commissioner Phone : 615/741-1534 James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1600 Advisory Service, Recreat ion Economic Development Nashville 37219 Services Division 320 6th Avenue , North Michael Spar ks , Director Phone : 615/741-4272 701 Broadway, 2nd Floor 8th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . West Tennessee Office Nashville 37203 Nashville 37219-5308 Jackson State Ofc . Bldg., Su ite 302-A Frank L. Greathouse, Director Phone : 615/742-6563 Phone : 615/741-1888 Jackson 38301 Division of State Audit Phone : 901/423-5650 James K. Polk Bldg., Su ite 1600 Dan Ea gar, Director Michael E. McGuire , Asst . Commissioner Nashville 37219 Division of Ecological Services Community Development Stanley Harrison, Director Phone : 615/741-3697 701 Broadway 320 6th Avenue , North Southeast Tennessee Office Nashville 37209-5237 1st Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . 540 Mccal lie, Suite 700 Phone : 615/742-6545 Nashville 37219-5308 Chattanooga 37402 Phone : 615/741-2373 Phone : 615/634-6446


Department of Conservation (Con't) Department of Economic Community Office of Attorney General Office of Comptroller of Treasury (Con't' & Development (Con't) Herbert L. Harper, Executive Director W. J. Cody , Attorney General Dennis Dycus , Director Tennessee Historical Commission Mike DuBo is, Asst . Commissione r 450 James Robertson Parkway Division of Municipal Aud it 701 Broadway Industrial Development Nashville 37219 James K. Polk Bldg. , Suite 1600 Nashville 37219-5237 320 6th Avenue , North Phone : 615/741-6474 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/742-6716 Rachel Jackson Building Phone : 615/741-1871 Nashville 37219-5308 Department of Commerce Insurance & William T. Hill, Director Phone : 615/741-3282 Director Geology, Oil Gas Board Richard T. Johnson , Asst . Comm . Division of Local Government & 701 Broadway Donald G. Waller, Director Division of Fire Prevent ion James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1600 Nashville 37219-5237 Local Planning Assistance 1808 We st End Building Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/742-6691 320 6th Avenue , North 5th Floor Phone : 615/741-2761 6th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bulding Nashville 37219 Edward Luther, Asst . Director Nashville 37219-5308 Phone : 615/741-2981 William S. Carman , Director Geology, Oil Gas Board Phone : 615/741-2211 Division of Property Assessments & 701 Broadway Richard Hicks , Director James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1400 Nashville 37219-5237 State Planning Office Commission on Firefighting Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/742-6691 Personnel Standards Phone : 615/741-2837 & 307 John Sevier State Ofc . Bldg . Education Bruce We bster, Urban Forester 500 Charlotte Avenue 706 Church, Su ite 203 Wayne Williams , Director Division of Forestry Nashville, TN 37219-5082 Doctors Bui ld ing Division of Local Finance 701 Broadway Phone : 615/741-2363 Nashville 37219 James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1600 1st Floor, Cu stoms House Phone : 615/741-6780 Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219-5237 Area Offices, Local Planning Phone : 615/741-4276 Phone : 615/741-6615 Wink Brown , Chief of Jim Wagner, Director Administrative Services Kelsie Jones, Executive Secretary Department of Economic Community East Tennessee Office State Fire Marshall's Office State Board of Equalization & Developme nt P. Box 51365 1808 We st End Bldg., 5th Floor James K. Polk Bld g., Suite 1400 0. Knoxville 37919 Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219 Carl Johnson , Commissioner Phone : 615/594-6666 Phone : 615/741-2981 Phone : 615/741-4883 320 6th Avenue , North 8th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . Phillip Maples, Director Off ice of Comptroller of Treasury Department of Conservat ion Nashville 37219-5308 Middle Tennessee Office Phone : 615/741-1888 624 Grassmere Park Drive , Su ite 11 Ann Butterworth, Director Jerry Dillehay , Director Nashville 37219 Division of Bond Finance Parks and Recreat ion Technical Allen Neal, Deputy Commissioner Phone : 615/741-1534 James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1600 Advisory Service, Recreat ion Economic Development Nashville 37219 Services Division 320 6th Avenue , North Michael Spar ks , Director Phone : 615/741-4272 701 Broadway, 2nd Floor 8th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . West Tennessee Office Nashville 37203 Nashville 37219-5308 Jackson State Ofc . Bldg., Su ite 302-A Frank L. Greathouse, Director Phone : 615/742-6563 Phone : 615/741-1888 Jackson 38301 Division of State Audit Phone : 901/423-5650 James K. Polk Bldg., Su ite 1600 Dan Ea gar, Director Michael E. McGuire , Asst . Commissioner Nashville 37219 Division of Ecological Services Community Development Stanley Harrison, Director Phone : 615/741-3697 701 Broadway 320 6th Avenue , North Southeast Tennessee Office Nashville 37209-5237 1st Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . 540 Mccal lie, Suite 700 Phone : 615/742-6545 Nashville 37219-5308 Chattanooga 37402 Phone : 615/741-2373 Phone : 615/634-6446

197 196 Area Offices, Local Planning Department of Health and Environment APPEND IX D (Con't) Charles C. Snapp, Director Upper East Tennessee Office D. Elmo Lunn , Director Department of Revenue (Cont) Department of Treasury (Cont ) 207 North Boone STreet Office of Water Management Johnson City 37601 150 Ninth Avenue North Bob St inson, Director State Curry, Director Phone : 615/928-8176 Nashville 37203 Accounting Division Division of Retirement Phone : 615/741-0638 403 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . 1329 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . George James, Director Nashville 37242 Nashville 37219 Upper Cumberland Office Wayne K. Scharber, Director Phone : 615/741-2505 Phone : 615/741-7063 P. 0. Box 2804 Environment Cookeville 38501 150 Ninth Avenue North Jerry Davis, Director Mary E. Smith, Director Phone : 615/528-1578 Nashville 37203-5404 Miscellaneous Tax Division Old Age & Survivors Insurance 808 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . 1300 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Energy Division J. Tom Tiesler, Director Nashville 37242 Nashville 37219 Division of Hazardous Waste Mgt . Phone : 615/741-2011 Phone : 615/741-7902 John Crothers , Asst . Commissioner 701 Broadway 320 6th Avenue , North 4th Floor, Customs House Secretary of State Department of Tourist Developme nt 6th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . Nashville 37219-5403 Nashville 37219-5308 Phone : 615/741-3424 Edwin S. Gleaves Sandra Ford Fulton , Commissioner Phone : 615/741-2994 320 6th Avenue , North State Librarian & Archivist Cynthia Tschaepe , Director 403 7th Avenue , North Rachel Jackson Bldg . Department of General Services Division of Construction Grants Nashville 37219 Library & Archives Bldg . & Loans Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/741-1904 George A. Terry, Director 150 Ninth Avenue North Phone : 615/741-2451 Division of Federal Property Nashville 37203 Tennessee Advisory Commission on Ut ilization Phone : 615/741-0636 Dav id Haynes, Coordinator Intergovernmental Relat ions 6500 Centennial Blvd . State Elections Nashville 37209 James C. Au lt, Director James K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Harry A. Green, Executive Director Phone : 615/741-1711 Superfund 5th Floor 226 Capitol Blvd., Suite 508 701 Broadway Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219 Joe F. Wiggins , Asst . Commissioner 4th Floor, Customs House Phone : 615/741-7956 Phone : 615/741-3012 Division of Purchasing 1 Systems , Nashville 37219-5403

& Records Management Phone : 615/741-3424 Department of Transportat ion Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission C2-2 11 Central Services Bldg . Nashville 37219 Publ ic Service Commission Mal Baird , Director Elyon Davis, Director Phone : 615/741-1035 Public Transportation & 226 Capitol Blvd. , Suite 300 Barry Murphy , Director Aeronautics Division Nashville 37219 Office of Governor Assessments Division James K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Phone : 615/741-1602 460 James Robertson Parkway 7th Floor Mike El lis, Director Nashville 37242 Nashville 37219 Tennessee Arts Commission Highway Safety Program Phone : 615/741-3369 Phone : 615/741-3227 600 James K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Bennett Tarleton , Executive Director Nashville 37219 Department of Revenue Department of Treasury 320 6th Avenue , North, Suite 100 Phone : 615/741-2589 Nashville 37219 Dudley W. Taylor, Commissioner Randy Graves, Director Phone : 615/741-6395

Department of Health & Environment 927 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Local Government Investment Pool Nashville 37242 P. 0. Box 2556 Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Michael T. Bruner Phone : 615/741-2461 Nashville 37219 Asst. Commissioner, Environment Phone : 615/741-2520 Lacy Suiter, Director 150 Ninth Avenue North Fred Bracy, Director 3041 Sidco Drive Nashville 37203 Sales and Use Tax Division Susan P. Clayton, Director Nashville 37204 Phone : 615/741-3657 501 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Division of Unclaimed Property Phone: 615/741-5181 Nashville 37242 1207 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Phone : 615/741-3581 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/741-6499

198 199 Area Offices, Local Planning Department of Health and Environment APPEND IX D (Con't) Charles C. Snapp, Director Upper East Tennessee Office D. Elmo Lunn , Director Department of Revenue (Cont) Department of Treasury (Cont ) 207 North Boone STreet Office of Water Management Johnson City 37601 150 Ninth Avenue North Bob St inson, Director State Curry, Director Phone : 615/928-8176 Nashville 37203 Accounting Division Division of Retirement Phone : 615/741-0638 403 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . 1329 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . George James, Director Nashville 37242 Nashville 37219 Upper Cumberland Office Wayne K. Scharber, Director Phone : 615/741-2505 Phone : 615/741-7063 P. 0. Box 2804 Environment Cookeville 38501 150 Ninth Avenue North Jerry Davis, Director Mary E. Smith, Director Phone : 615/528-1578 Nashville 37203-5404 Miscellaneous Tax Division Old Age & Survivors Insurance 808 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . 1300 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Energy Division J. Tom Tiesler, Director Nashville 37242 Nashville 37219 Division of Hazardous Waste Mgt . Phone : 615/741-2011 Phone : 615/741-7902 John Crothers , Asst . Commissioner 701 Broadway 320 6th Avenue , North 4th Floor, Customs House Secretary of State Department of Tourist Developme nt 6th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg . Nashville 37219-5403 Nashville 37219-5308 Phone : 615/741-3424 Edwin S. Gleaves Sandra Ford Fulton , Commissioner Phone : 615/741-2994 320 6th Avenue , North State Librarian & Archivist Cynthia Tschaepe , Director 403 7th Avenue , North Rachel Jackson Bldg . Department of General Services Division of Construction Grants Nashville 37219 Library & Archives Bldg . & Loans Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/741-1904 George A. Terry, Director 150 Ninth Avenue North Phone : 615/741-2451 Division of Federal Property Nashville 37203 Tennessee Advisory Commission on Ut ilization Phone : 615/741-0636 Dav id Haynes, Coordinator Intergovernmental Relat ions 6500 Centennial Blvd . State Elections Nashville 37209 James C. Au lt, Director James K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Harry A. Green, Executive Director Phone : 615/741-1711 Superfund 5th Floor 226 Capitol Blvd., Suite 508 701 Broadway Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219 Joe F. Wiggins , Asst . Commissioner 4th Floor, Customs House Phone : 615/741-7956 Phone : 615/741-3012 Division of Purchasing 1 Systems , Nashville 37219-5403

& Records Management Phone : 615/741-3424 Department of Transportat ion Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission C2-2 11 Central Services Bldg . Nashville 37219 Publ ic Service Commission Mal Baird , Director Elyon Davis, Director Phone : 615/741-1035 Public Transportation & 226 Capitol Blvd. , Suite 300 Barry Murphy , Director Aeronautics Division Nashville 37219 Office of Governor Assessments Division James K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Phone : 615/741-1602 460 James Robertson Parkway 7th Floor Mike El lis, Director Nashville 37242 Nashville 37219 Tennessee Arts Commission Highway Safety Program Phone : 615/741-3369 Phone : 615/741-3227 600 James K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Bennett Tarleton , Executive Director Nashville 37219 Department of Revenue Department of Treasury 320 6th Avenue , North, Suite 100 Phone : 615/741-2589 Nashville 37219 Dudley W. Taylor, Commissioner Randy Graves, Director Phone : 615/741-6395

Department of Health & Environment 927 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Local Government Investment Pool Nashville 37242 P. 0. Box 2556 Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Michael T. Bruner Phone : 615/741-2461 Nashville 37219 Asst. Commissioner, Environment Phone : 615/741-2520 Lacy Suiter, Director 150 Ninth Avenue North Fred Bracy, Director 3041 Sidco Drive Nashville 37203 Sales and Use Tax Division Susan P. Clayton, Director Nashville 37204 Phone : 615/741-3657 501 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Division of Unclaimed Property Phone: 615/741-5181 Nashville 37242 1207 Andrew Jackson State Ofc . Bldg . Phone : 615/741-3581 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/741-6499

198 199 Tennessee Housing Development Agency .APPEND IX D

Thomas P. Lawrence, Executive Director 700 Landmark Center FEDERAL AGENCIES 401 Church Street Nashville 37219-2202 Department of Housing Phone : 615/741-2400 & Urban Department of Labor, (Con 't) Development (HUD) Tennnessee Peace Officers Standards Tom Cambron , Field Office Training Commission/Tennessee Law Richard Barnwell, Manager Supervisor & Enforcement Training Academy 1 Northshore Bulding Wage and Hour Office 1111 Northshore Drive P. 0. Box 111300 Robert Greene , Director Knoxville 37919 Nashville 37222-1300 Phone : 615/558-1384 P. 0. Box 140229 Phone : 615/736-5452 3025 Lebanon Road Donelson 37214 Department of Labor Environmental Protection Agency Phone : 615/741-4448 Bennie L. Edwards, Area Director Dan Ahern, Chief of Compliance Section Murfreesboro Area Vocational Technical Wage and Hour Office Water Management Division School (Fire Training Service) P. 0. Box 111300 345 Courtland Street, Northeast Nashville 37222-1300 Atlanta, GA 30365 Wa llace F. Burke , Director Phone : 615/736-5452 Phone : 404/347-7428 1303 Old Fort Parkway Murfreesboro 37130 Phone : 615/893-4095

Clean Tennessee Program

Edith Beaty , State Coordinator Foge lman Exec . Center, Su ite 220 Memphis State Univers ity Memphis 38152 Phone : 901-454-2281

200 201 Tennessee Housing Development Agency .APPEND IX D

Thomas P. Lawrence, Executive Director 700 Landmark Center FEDERAL AGENCIES 401 Church Street Nashville 37219-2202 Department of Housing Phone : 615/741-2400 & Urban Department of Labor, (Con 't) Development (HUD) Tennnessee Peace Officers Standards Tom Cambron , Field Office Training Commission/Tennessee Law Richard Barnwell, Manager Supervisor & Enforcement Training Academy 1 Northshore Bulding Wage and Hour Office 1111 Northshore Drive P. 0. Box 111300 Robert Greene , Director Knoxville 37919 Nashville 37222-1300 Phone : 615/558-1384 P. 0. Box 140229 Phone : 615/736-5452 3025 Lebanon Road Donelson 37214 Department of Labor Environmental Protection Agency Phone : 615/741-4448 Bennie L. Edwards, Area Director Dan Ahern, Chief of Compliance Section Murfreesboro Area Vocational Technical Wage and Hour Office Water Management Division School (Fire Training Service) P. 0. Box 111300 345 Courtland Street, Northeast Nashville 37222-1300 Atlanta, GA 30365 Wa llace F. Burke , Director Phone : 615/736-5452 Phone : 404/347-7428 1303 Old Fort Parkway Murfreesboro 37130 Phone : 615/893-4095

Clean Tennessee Program

Edith Beaty , State Coordinator Foge lman Exec . Center, Su ite 220 Memphis State Univers ity Memphis 38152 Phone : 901-454-2281


DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Tennessee County Services Association Tennessee Local Development Authority

Ralph J. Harris, Executive Director Ann Butterworth, Assistant Secretary First Tennessee Southwest 226 Capitol Boulevard , Su ite 700 1600 Jame s K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219 Tom Moore , Executive Director George E. Boyd , Executive Director Phone : 615/741-4272 Phone : 615/242-5591 207 North Boone Street, Suite 880 416 East Lafayette Johnson City 37601 Jackson 38301 Tennessee Valley Authority Local Government Data Processing Phone : 615/928-0224 Phone : 901/422-4041 Corporation Dav id Pack, Program Manager East Tennessee William Victor Mangrum, President State Recreation Resources Program Memphis-Delta (MATCOG) 230 Natural Resources Building Operations Robert F. Freeman, Executive Director 1324 Trotwood Avenue Norris 37828 P. O. Box 19806 John Sicola, Executive Director Columbia 3840 1 Phone : 615/632-1602 Knoxville 37939-2806 157 Popular, Room Bl50 Phone : 615/381-1155 Phone : 615/584-8553 Memphis 381-3 Tennessee Association of Business Phone : 901/576-4610 Southeast Tennessee Carter Witt , President 226 Capitol Boulevard , Suite 800 Joe Guthrie , Executive Director Nashville 37219 216 We st 8th Street, Suite 300 Phone : 615/256-5141 Chattanooga 37402 Phone : 615/266-5781 Insurance Services Office, Tennessee Upper Cumberland W. C. Wilson, Regional Ofc . Manager 7101 Exe cut ive Center Drive , Suite 100 A. Edward Brooks , Executive Director Brentwood 37027 1225 Burgess Falls Road Phone : 615/377-3960 Cookeville 38501 Phone : 615/432-4111 Publ ic Risk Managers, Inc . Mid-Cumberland Robert B. Sprouse , Insurance Services Consultant Maynard Pate, Executive Director 229 Ward Circle, Su ite A-23 501 Un ion Street, Suite L-100 Brentwood 37027 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/373-3842 Phone : 615/244-1212

Tennessee Valley Public Power South Central Association Joe Max Williams , Executive Director Jerry L. Campbell, Executive Director P. 0. Box 1346 1201 Chestnut Street Columbia 38401 Chattanooga 37402 Phone : 615/381-2040 Phone : 615/736-6511 Northwest

Robert W. Brandon , Executive Director 121 We ldon Street Mart in 38237 Phone : 901/587-4215


DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Tennessee County Services Association Tennessee Local Development Authority

Ralph J. Harris, Executive Director Ann Butterworth, Assistant Secretary First Tennessee Southwest 226 Capitol Boulevard , Su ite 700 1600 Jame s K. Polk State Ofc . Bldg . Nashville 37219 Nashville 37219 Tom Moore , Executive Director George E. Boyd , Executive Director Phone : 615/741-4272 Phone : 615/242-5591 207 North Boone Street, Suite 880 416 East Lafayette Johnson City 37601 Jackson 38301 Tennessee Valley Authority Local Government Data Processing Phone : 615/928-0224 Phone : 901/422-4041 Corporation Dav id Pack, Program Manager East Tennessee William Victor Mangrum, President State Recreation Resources Program Memphis-Delta (MATCOG) 230 Natural Resources Building Operations Robert F. Freeman, Executive Director 1324 Trotwood Avenue Norris 37828 P. O. Box 19806 John Sicola, Executive Director Columbia 3840 1 Phone : 615/632-1602 Knoxville 37939-2806 157 Popular, Room Bl50 Phone : 615/381-1155 Phone : 615/584-8553 Memphis 381-3 Tennessee Association of Business Phone : 901/576-4610 Southeast Tennessee Carter Witt , President 226 Capitol Boulevard , Suite 800 Joe Guthrie , Executive Director Nashville 37219 216 We st 8th Street, Suite 300 Phone : 615/256-5141 Chattanooga 37402 Phone : 615/266-5781 Insurance Services Office, Tennessee Upper Cumberland W. C. Wilson, Regional Ofc . Manager 7101 Exe cut ive Center Drive , Suite 100 A. Edward Brooks , Executive Director Brentwood 37027 1225 Burgess Falls Road Phone : 615/377-3960 Cookeville 38501 Phone : 615/432-4111 Publ ic Risk Managers, Inc . Mid-Cumberland Robert B. Sprouse , Insurance Services Consultant Maynard Pate, Executive Director 229 Ward Circle, Su ite A-23 501 Un ion Street, Suite L-100 Brentwood 37027 Nashville 37219 Phone : 615/373-3842 Phone : 615/244-1212

Tennessee Valley Public Power South Central Association Joe Max Williams , Executive Director Jerry L. Campbell, Executive Director P. 0. Box 1346 1201 Chestnut Street Columbia 38401 Chattanooga 37402 Phone : 615/381-2040 Phone : 615/736-6511 Northwest

Robert W. Brandon , Executive Director 121 We ldon Street Mart in 38237 Phone : 901/587-4215




The following tables present Tennessee population data. These data are organized based on frequent requests that MTAS receives. Unless otherwise noted, these data have been extracted from the 1980 U. S. Census .


The following tables present Tennessee population data. These data are organized based on frequent requests that MTAS receives. Unless otherwise noted, these data have been extracted from the 1980 U. S. Census .

207 206 APPEND IX E

Table 1

Population Of Tennessee Municipalities Presented in Alphabetical Order

City Population City Population

Adams 600 Caryville 2,039 Adamsville 1,453 Cedar Hil 1 420 Alamo 2,615 Celina 1,580 Alcoa 6,882 Centertown 300 Alexandria 796 Centerville 2,824 Algood 2,406 Chapel Hill 861 Allardt 654 Charleston 756 Altamont 679 Charlotte 788 Ardmore 835 Chattanooga 169,514 Arlington 1, 778 Church Hill 4' 134 Ashland City 2,588 Clarksburg 400 Athens 12, 152 Clarksville 70, 552 'Atoka 691 Cleveland 26, 924 Atwood 1, 143 Cl if ton 773 Auburntown 204 Clinton 8,200 Baileyton 357 Coalmont 940 Baneberry 217 Collegedale 4,607 Bartlett 20,818 Collierville 11' 584 Baxter 1,416 Collinwood 1,064 Beersheba Springs 643 Columbia 27,200 Bell Buckle 563 Cookeville 21,512 Belle Meade 3' 182 Copperhill 418 Bells 1, 73 7 Cornersville 722 Benton 1, 115 Cottage Grove 117 Berry Hill 1, 113 Covington 6,197 Bethel Springs 873 Cowan 1,790 Big Sandy 650 Crab Orchard 1,065 Blaine 1,219 Cross Plains 872 Bluff City 1, 121 Crossville 6,405 Bol ivar 6' 777 Cumberland City 276 Braden 293 Cumberland Gap 263 Bradford 1, 146 Dandridge 1,383 Brentwood 13,052 Dayton 5,736 Brighton 976 Decatur l' 191 Bristol 23,986 Decaturville 1,004 Brownsville 10,430 Decherd 2,233 Bruceton 1,579 Dickson 7,040 Bulls Gap 821 Dover 1,237 Burl ison 386 Dowelltown 341 Burns 1,015 Doyle 344 Byrdstown 884 Dresden 2,519 Calhoun 590 Ducktown 583 Camden 4,023 Dunlap 3,681 Carthage 2,672 Dyer 2,442

208 209 APPEND IX E

Table 1

Population Of Tennessee Municipalities Presented in Alphabetical Order

City Population City Population

Adams 600 Caryville 2,039 Adamsville 1,453 Cedar Hil 1 420 Alamo 2,615 Celina 1,580 Alcoa 6,882 Centertown 300 Alexandria 796 Centerville 2,824 Algood 2,406 Chapel Hill 861 Allardt 654 Charleston 756 Altamont 679 Charlotte 788 Ardmore 835 Chattanooga 169,514 Arlington 1, 778 Church Hill 4' 134 Ashland City 2,588 Clarksburg 400 Athens 12, 152 Clarksville 70, 552 'Atoka 691 Cleveland 26, 924 Atwood 1, 143 Cl if ton 773 Auburntown 204 Clinton 8,200 Baileyton 357 Coalmont 940 Baneberry 217 Collegedale 4,607 Bartlett 20,818 Collierville 11' 584 Baxter 1,416 Collinwood 1,064 Beersheba Springs 643 Columbia 27,200 Bell Buckle 563 Cookeville 21,512 Belle Meade 3' 182 Copperhill 418 Bells 1, 73 7 Cornersville 722 Benton 1, 115 Cottage Grove 117 Berry Hill 1, 113 Covington 6,197 Bethel Springs 873 Cowan 1,790 Big Sandy 650 Crab Orchard 1,065 Blaine 1,219 Cross Plains 872 Bluff City 1, 121 Crossville 6,405 Bol ivar 6' 777 Cumberland City 276 Braden 293 Cumberland Gap 263 Bradford 1, 146 Dandridge 1,383 Brentwood 13,052 Dayton 5,736 Brighton 976 Decatur l' 191 Bristol 23,986 Decaturville 1,004 Brownsville 10,430 Decherd 2,233 Bruceton 1,579 Dickson 7,040 Bulls Gap 821 Dover 1,237 Burl ison 386 Dowelltown 341 Burns 1,015 Doyle 344 Byrdstown 884 Dresden 2,519 Calhoun 590 Ducktown 583 Camden 4,023 Dunlap 3,681 Carthage 2,672 Dyer 2,442

208 209 .l>PPEND IX E City Population City Populat ion Table 1

Dyersburg 15,856 Hornsby 401 Eagleville 482 Humboldt 10,209 City Population City Populat ion East Ridge 21,236 Hunt ingdon 4,513 · 924 Eastview 552 Huntland 983 Maynardv1 lle Philadelphia 507 687 Elizabethton 12,460 Huntsville 724 Medina Pigeon Forge 2,849 Elkton 540 Iron City 525 Medon 210 Pikeville 2' 100 Englewood 1,840 Jacksboro 1,729 Memphis 646 ,174 Piperton 746 Enville 287 Jackson 49,620 Michie 588 Pittman Center 528 Erin 1,614 Jamestown 2,364 Middleton 633 Pleasant Hill 379 Erwin 4,993 Jasper 2,670 Milan 8,228 Portland 4' 140 Estill Springs 1,324 Jefferson City 5, 775 Milledgeville 392 Powell 's Crossroads 918 Ethridge 548 Jellico 2, 798 Millersville 2,028 Pulaski 7,350 Etowah 3,977 Johnson City 44, 850 Millington 20, 236 Puryear 624 Fairview 3' 772 Jonesborough 2,829 Minor Hill 564 Ramer 429 Farragut 8,316 Kenton 1, 570 Mitchellville 209 Red Bank 13,129 Fayetteville 8,063 Kimball 1,220 Monteag le l' 126 Red Boiling Springs l' l 73 Finger 245 Kingsport 32,027 Monterey 2,629 Rickman 882 Forest Hills 4,516 Kingston 4,635 Morrison 587 Ridgely 1,932 Morristown Franklin 17, 111 Kingston Spri. n gs 1,387 21,768 Ridgeside 417 Moscow Friendship 786 Knoxville 175,045 499 Ridgetop 1,225 Friendsville 908 LaFayette 3,961 Mosheim 1,569 Ripley 6,395 Gadsden 683 LaFollette 8,342 Mountain City 2,284 Rives 386 Mount Carmel 4, 245 Gainesboro 1,204 LaGrange 185 Rockford 567 Mount Juliet 3,354 Gallatin 17,626 Lake City 2,378 Rockwood 5, 775 Mount Pleasant 3,375 Gallaway 804 Lakeland 1,026 Rogersv ille 4 ,368 Munford Garland 301 Lakesite 651 2,587 Rossville 379 Murfreesboro Gates 729 Lakewood 2,325 37,661 Ruthe rford 1,398 Nashville Gatlinburg 3' 577 Lavergne 6,668 344,273 Rut ledge l '058 Newbern 2,794 Germantown 31,467 Lawrenceburg 10, 184 St . Joseph 897 New Hope Gibson 458 Lebanon 14,423 839 Saltillo 434 New Johnsonville Gilt Edge 409 Lenoir City 5,443 1,824 Samburg 465 New Market Gleason 1,356 Lewisburg 8,760 1,336 Sa rd is 301 Newport Goodlettsville 9, 581 Lexington 5,934 8,031 Saulsbury 156 New Tazewell 1,677 Gordonsville 893 Liberty 365 Savannah 7,084 Niota 791 Grand Junction 437 Linden 1,087 Scotts Hill 725 Normandy 118 Graysville 1,380 Livingston 3,504 Selmer 3,979 Norris 1,443 Greenback 670 Lobelville 993 Sevierville 5,371 . Oakdale 323 Greenbrier 3,180 Lookout Mountain 1,886 Sharon 1,134 Oak Hill 4, 609 Greeneville 14,113 Loretto 1,612 Shelbyville 13,700 Oakland 517 . Greenfield 2' 109 Loudon 4' 183 Signal Mountain 5,818 Oak Ridge 27,662 Gruetli-Laager 2,021 Luttrell 962 Silerton 100 Obion 1,282 Guys 475 Lynchburg 668 Slayden 69 Oliver Springs 3,659 Halls 2,562 Lynnv ille 383 Smithville 3,839 One ida 4, 309 Harriman 8, 524 McEwen 1,352 Smyrna 11,378 Orlinda 424 Hartsville 2,674 McKenzie 5,459 Sneedville 1,254 Orme Henderson 4,632 McLemoresville 311 181 Soddy Daisy 8,505 Palmer 1,027 Hendersonville 29,434 McMinnville ll, 796 Somerville 2,264 Paris 10,834 Henning 638 Mad isonville 2,904 South Carthage 1,004 Parker's Crossroads 219 Henry 295 Manchester 7,250 South Fu lton 3,026 Parrottsville 118 Hickory Valley 252 Martin 8,985 South Pittsburg 3,723 Parsons 2,457 Hohenwald 4,008 Maryville 17,807 Sparta 5,019 Pegram 1,392 Ho llow Rock 1,030 Mason 471 Spencer 1,126 Petersburg 704 Horns beak 452 Maury City 989 Spring City 2,232

210 211 .l>PPEND IX E City Population City Populat ion Table 1

Dyersburg 15,856 Hornsby 401 Eagleville 482 Humboldt 10,209 City Population City Populat ion East Ridge 21,236 Hunt ingdon 4,513 · 924 Eastview 552 Huntland 983 Maynardv1 lle Philadelphia 507 687 Elizabethton 12,460 Huntsville 724 Medina Pigeon Forge 2,849 Elkton 540 Iron City 525 Medon 210 Pikeville 2' 100 Englewood 1,840 Jacksboro 1,729 Memphis 646 ,174 Piperton 746 Enville 287 Jackson 49,620 Michie 588 Pittman Center 528 Erin 1,614 Jamestown 2,364 Middleton 633 Pleasant Hill 379 Erwin 4,993 Jasper 2,670 Milan 8,228 Portland 4' 140 Estill Springs 1,324 Jefferson City 5, 775 Milledgeville 392 Powell 's Crossroads 918 Ethridge 548 Jellico 2, 798 Millersville 2,028 Pulaski 7,350 Etowah 3,977 Johnson City 44, 850 Millington 20, 236 Puryear 624 Fairview 3' 772 Jonesborough 2,829 Minor Hill 564 Ramer 429 Farragut 8,316 Kenton 1, 570 Mitchellville 209 Red Bank 13,129 Fayetteville 8,063 Kimball 1,220 Monteag le l' 126 Red Boiling Springs l' l 73 Finger 245 Kingsport 32,027 Monterey 2,629 Rickman 882 Forest Hills 4,516 Kingston 4,635 Morrison 587 Ridgely 1,932 Morristown Franklin 17, 111 Kingston Spri. n gs 1,387 21,768 Ridgeside 417 Moscow Friendship 786 Knoxville 175,045 499 Ridgetop 1,225 Friendsville 908 LaFayette 3,961 Mosheim 1,569 Ripley 6,395 Gadsden 683 LaFollette 8,342 Mountain City 2,284 Rives 386 Mount Carmel 4, 245 Gainesboro 1,204 LaGrange 185 Rockford 567 Mount Juliet 3,354 Gallatin 17,626 Lake City 2,378 Rockwood 5, 775 Mount Pleasant 3,375 Gallaway 804 Lakeland 1,026 Rogersv ille 4 ,368 Munford Garland 301 Lakesite 651 2,587 Rossville 379 Murfreesboro Gates 729 Lakewood 2,325 37,661 Ruthe rford 1,398 Nashville Gatlinburg 3' 577 Lavergne 6,668 344,273 Rut ledge l '058 Newbern 2,794 Germantown 31,467 Lawrenceburg 10, 184 St . Joseph 897 New Hope Gibson 458 Lebanon 14,423 839 Saltillo 434 New Johnsonville Gilt Edge 409 Lenoir City 5,443 1,824 Samburg 465 New Market Gleason 1,356 Lewisburg 8,760 1,336 Sa rd is 301 Newport Goodlettsville 9, 581 Lexington 5,934 8,031 Saulsbury 156 New Tazewell 1,677 Gordonsville 893 Liberty 365 Savannah 7,084 Niota 791 Grand Junction 437 Linden 1,087 Scotts Hill 725 Normandy 118 Graysville 1,380 Livingston 3,504 Selmer 3,979 Norris 1,443 Greenback 670 Lobelville 993 Sevierville 5,371 . Oakdale 323 Greenbrier 3,180 Lookout Mountain 1,886 Sharon 1,134 Oak Hill 4, 609 Greeneville 14,113 Loretto 1,612 Shelbyville 13,700 Oakland 517 . Greenfield 2' 109 Loudon 4' 183 Signal Mountain 5,818 Oak Ridge 27,662 Gruetli-Laager 2,021 Luttrell 962 Silerton 100 Obion 1,282 Guys 475 Lynchburg 668 Slayden 69 Oliver Springs 3,659 Halls 2,562 Lynnv ille 383 Smithville 3,839 One ida 4, 309 Harriman 8, 524 McEwen 1,352 Smyrna 11,378 Orlinda 424 Hartsville 2,674 McKenzie 5,459 Sneedville 1,254 Orme Henderson 4,632 McLemoresville 311 181 Soddy Daisy 8,505 Palmer 1,027 Hendersonville 29,434 McMinnville ll, 796 Somerville 2,264 Paris 10,834 Henning 638 Mad isonville 2,904 South Carthage 1,004 Parker's Crossroads 219 Henry 295 Manchester 7,250 South Fu lton 3,026 Parrottsville 118 Hickory Valley 252 Martin 8,985 South Pittsburg 3,723 Parsons 2,457 Hohenwald 4,008 Maryville 17,807 Sparta 5,019 Pegram 1,392 Ho llow Rock 1,030 Mason 471 Spencer 1,126 Petersburg 704 Horns beak 452 Maury City 989 Spring City 2,232

210 211 ,...-----���--· -- ..

APPEND IX E City Population

Springfield 10,950 Table 2 Spring Hill 1,094 Stanton 540 Populat ion Of Tennessee Counties Stantonville 271 Presented in Alphabetical Order* Surgoinsville 1,559 Sweetwater 5,310 Tazewell 2' 105 COUNTY POPULATION COUNTY POPULATION COUNTY POPULATION Te llico Plains 935 Tennessee Ridge 1,325 Anderson 67,346 Hardin 22,280 Putnam 47 , 690 Tiptonville 2,438 Bedford 27,916 Hawkins 43 ,751 Rhea 24,235 Toone 355 Benton 14,901 Haywood 20,318 Roane 48 ,425 Townsend 397 Bledsoe 9,478 Henderson 21,390 Robertson 37,021 Tracy City 1,536 Blount 77' 770 Henry 28,656 Rutherford 84,058 Trenton 4,601 Trezevant 921 Bradley 67 ,547 Hickman 15,151 Scott 19,259 Trimble 722 Campbell 34,923 Houston 6,871 Sequatchie 8,605 Troy 1,093 Cannon 10,234 Humphreys 15,957 Sevier 41,418 Tu llahoma 15,800 Carroll 28,285 Jackson 9,398 Shelby 777,113 Tusculum 2' 192 Carter 50' 205 Jefferson 31,284 Smith 14,935 Union City 10,662 Vanleer 401 Cheatham 21,616 Johnson 13,745 Stewart 8,665 Viola 149 · Chester 12,727 Knox 319,694 Sul l ivan 143 , 968 Vonore 528 Claiborne 24,595 Lake 7,455 Sumner 85, 790 Wa lden 1,293 Clay 7,676 Lauderdale 24, 555 Tipton 32,930 Wartburg 816 Cocke 28 , 792 Lawrence 34, 110 Trousdale 6,137 Wartrace 540 Watauga 376 Coffee 38' 311 Lewis 9,700 Un icoi 16,362 Watertown 1,300 Crockett 14,941 Lincoln 26,483 Union 11, 707 Waverly 4,405 Cumberland 28,676 Loudon 28,553 Van Buren 4,728 Waynesboro 2' 109 Dav idson 477,811 McMinn 41, 878 Warren 32,653 Westmoreland 1,754 Decatur 10,857 McNairy 22,525 Washington 88,755 White Bluff 2,785 White House 2,040 DeKalb 13,589 Macon 15' 700 Wayne 13,946 Wh ite Pine 2,038 Dickson 30,037 Mad ison 74, 546 We akley 32,896 Whiteville 1,270 Dye r 34,663 Marion 24,416 Wh ite 19,567 Wh itwell 1,783 Fayette 25,305 Marshall 19,698 Williamson 58, 108 Will iston 395 Fentress 14,826 Maury 51,095 Wilson 56,064 6' 195 Winchester 4,591, 120 Winfield 581 Franklin 31,983 Me igs 7,431 Woodbury 2,385 G.i bson 49,467 Monroe 28 , 700 Woodland Mills 526 Giles 24,625 Montgomery 83, 342 Yorkville 310 Grainger 16,751 Moore 4,510 Greene 54,422 Morgan 16,604 TOTAL 2,717,919 Grundy 13,787 Obion 32,781 TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES 336 Hamblen 49,300 Overton 17,575 Hamilton 287,643 Perry 6' 111 Hancock 6,887 Pickett 4, 358 Hardeman 23,873 Polk 13,602 *AS CERTIFIED BY : Tennessee Local Planning Assistance Office , July 1, 1987

*Source : 1987 Census of Population , Department of Economic and Commun ity Development , Nashville , TN ,...-----���--· -- ..

APPEND IX E City Population

Springfield 10,950 Table 2 Spring Hill 1,094 Stanton 540 Populat ion Of Tennessee Counties Stantonville 271 Presented in Alphabetical Order* Surgoinsville 1,559 Sweetwater 5,310 Tazewell 2' 105 COUNTY POPULATION COUNTY POPULATION COUNTY POPULATION Te llico Plains 935 Tennessee Ridge 1,325 Anderson 67,346 Hardin 22,280 Putnam 47 , 690 Tiptonville 2,438 Bedford 27,916 Hawkins 43 ,751 Rhea 24,235 Toone 355 Benton 14,901 Haywood 20,318 Roane 48 ,425 Townsend 397 Bledsoe 9,478 Henderson 21,390 Robertson 37,021 Tracy City 1,536 Blount 77' 770 Henry 28,656 Rutherford 84,058 Trenton 4,601 Trezevant 921 Bradley 67 ,547 Hickman 15,151 Scott 19,259 Trimble 722 Campbell 34,923 Houston 6,871 Sequatchie 8,605 Troy 1,093 Cannon 10,234 Humphreys 15,957 Sevier 41,418 Tu llahoma 15,800 Carroll 28,285 Jackson 9,398 Shelby 777,113 Tusculum 2' 192 Carter 50' 205 Jefferson 31,284 Smith 14,935 Union City 10,662 Vanleer 401 Cheatham 21,616 Johnson 13,745 Stewart 8,665 Viola 149 · Chester 12,727 Knox 319,694 Sul l ivan 143 , 968 Vonore 528 Claiborne 24,595 Lake 7,455 Sumner 85, 790 Wa lden 1,293 Clay 7,676 Lauderdale 24, 555 Tipton 32,930 Wartburg 816 Cocke 28 , 792 Lawrence 34, 110 Trousdale 6,137 Wartrace 540 Watauga 376 Coffee 38' 311 Lewis 9,700 Un icoi 16,362 Watertown 1,300 Crockett 14,941 Lincoln 26,483 Union 11, 707 Waverly 4,405 Cumberland 28,676 Loudon 28,553 Van Buren 4,728 Waynesboro 2' 109 Dav idson 477,811 McMinn 41, 878 Warren 32,653 Westmoreland 1,754 Decatur 10,857 McNairy 22,525 Washington 88,755 White Bluff 2,785 White House 2,040 DeKalb 13,589 Macon 15' 700 Wayne 13,946 Wh ite Pine 2,038 Dickson 30,037 Mad ison 74, 546 We akley 32,896 Whiteville 1,270 Dye r 34,663 Marion 24,416 Wh ite 19,567 Wh itwell 1,783 Fayette 25,305 Marshall 19,698 Williamson 58, 108 Will iston 395 Fentress 14,826 Maury 51,095 Wilson 56,064 6' 195 Winchester 4,591, 120 Winfield 581 Franklin 31,983 Me igs 7,431 Woodbury 2,385 G.i bson 49,467 Monroe 28 , 700 Woodland Mills 526 Giles 24,625 Montgomery 83, 342 Yorkville 310 Grainger 16,751 Moore 4,510 Greene 54,422 Morgan 16,604 TOTAL 2,717,919 Grundy 13,787 Obion 32,781 TOTAL MUNICIPALITIES 336 Hamblen 49,300 Overton 17,575 Hamilton 287,643 Perry 6' 111 Hancock 6,887 Pickett 4, 358 Hardeman 23,873 Polk 13,602 *AS CERTIFIED BY : Tennessee Local Planning Assistance Office , July 1, 1987

*Source : 1987 Census of Population , Department of Economic and Commun ity Development , Nashville , TN Table 3 Table 3 .APPEND IX E

Tennessee Municipalities by Population Rank City Population City Population

Se lmer 3,979 Caryville 2,039 City Population City Population Etowah 3,977 Millersville 2,028 LaFayette 3,961 Gruetli-Laager 2,021 Memphis 646' 174 Soddy-Daisy 8,505 Smithville 3,839 Ridgely 1,932 Nashville 344,273 LaFollette 8,342 Fairview 3, 772 Lookout Mountain 1,886 Knoxville 175,045 Farragut 8,316 South Pittsburg 3,723 Englewood 1,840 Chattanooga 169, 514 Milan 8,228 Dunlap 3,681 New Johnsonville 1,824 Clarksville 70,552 Clinton 8,200 Oliver Springs 3,659 Cowan 1,790 Jackson 49,620 Fayetteville 8,063 Gatlinburg 3, 577 Whitewell 1,783 Johnson City 44 ,850 Newport 8,031 Livingston 3,504 Arlington 1, 778 Murfreesboro 37,661 Pulaski 7,350 Mount Pleasant 3,375 Westmoreland 1,754 Kingsport 32,027 Manchester 7,250 Mount Juliet 3,354 Bells 1,739 Germantown 31,467 Savannah 7,084 Belle Meade 3,182 Jacksboro 1,729 Hendersonville 29,434 Dickson 7,040 Greenbrier 3,180 New Tazewell 1, 677 Oak Ridge 27,662 Alcoa 6,882 South Fulton 3,026 Erin 1,614 Columbia 27,200 Bol ivar 6, 777 Madisonville 2,904 Loretto 1 '612 Cleveland 26,924 LaVergne 6,668 Pigeon Forge 2,849 Ce lina 1,580 Bristol 23 , 986 Crossville 6,405 Jonesborough 2,829 Bruceton 1,579 Mo rristown 21,768 Ripley 6,395 Centerville 2,824 Kenton 1,570 Cookeville 21,512 Covington 6' 19 7 Jellico 2,798 Mosheim 1,569 East Ridge 21,236 Winchester 6,195 White House 2,795 Surgoinsville 1,559 Bartlett 20,818 Lexington 5,934 Newbern 2,794 Tracy City 1,536 Millington 20,236 Signal Mountain 5,818 Hartsville 2,674 Adamsville 1,453 Maryville 17,807 Jefferson City 5, 775 Carthage 2,672 Norris 1,443 Gallatin 17,626 Rockwood 5, 775 Jasper 2,670 Baxter 1,416 Franklin 17' 111 Dayton 5,736 Monterey 2,629 Watertown 1,415 Dyersburg 15,856 McKenzie 5,459 Alamo 2,615 Rutherford 1,398 Tullahoma 15,800 Lenoir City 5,443 Munford 2,587 Kingston Springs 1,387 Lebanon 14,423 Sevierville 5,371 Ashland City 2,588 Pegram 1,392 Greeneville 14' 113 Sweetwater 5,310 Bells 2,562 Dandridge 1,383 Shelbyville 13,700 Sparta 5,019 Dresden 2,519 Graysville 1,380 Red Bank 13,129 Erwin 4,993 Parsons 2,457 Gleason 1,356 Brentwood 13,052 Kingston 4,635 Dyers 2,442 McEwen 1,352 Elizabethton 12,460 Henderson 4,632 Tiptonville 2,438 New Market 1,326 Athens 12,152 Oak Hill 4,609 Algood 2,406 Tennessee Ridge 1,325 McMinnville 11,796 Collegedale 4,607 Woodbury 2,385 Estill Springs 1,324 Collierville 11, 584 Trenton 4,601 Lake City 2,378 Walden 1,293 Smyrna 11,378 Forest Hills 4,516 J·ame stown 2,364 Obion 1,282 Springfield 10,950 Huntingdon 4,513 Lakewood 2,325 Whiteville 1,270 Paris 10,834 Waverly 4,405 Mountain City 2,284 Sneedville 1,254 Union City 10,662 Rogersville 4,368 Somerville 2,264 Dover 1,237 Brownsville 10,430 Oneida 4, 309 Decherd 2,233 Ridgetop 1,225 Humboldt 10,209 Mount Carmel 4,245 Spring City 2,232 Kimball 1,220 Lawrenceburg 10' 184 Loudon 4' 183 Tusculum 2,192 Blaine 1,219 Goodlettsville 9,581 Portland 4' 140 Greenfield 2' 109 Gainesboro 1,204 Mart in 8,985 Church Hill 4, 134 Waynesboro 2' 109 Decatur 1' 191 Lewisburg 8,760 Camden 4,023 Tazewell 2,105 Red Boiling Springs 1, 1 73 Harriman 8,524 Hohenwald 4,008 Pikeville 2,100 Bradford 1,146 Wh ite Bluff 2,095 Atwood 1,143 Wh ite Pine 2,040 Sharon 1,134

214 215 Table 3 Table 3 .APPEND IX E

Tennessee Municipalities by Population Rank City Population City Population

Se lmer 3,979 Caryville 2,039 City Population City Population Etowah 3,977 Millersville 2,028 LaFayette 3,961 Gruetli-Laager 2,021 Memphis 646' 174 Soddy-Daisy 8,505 Smithville 3,839 Ridgely 1,932 Nashville 344,273 LaFollette 8,342 Fairview 3, 772 Lookout Mountain 1,886 Knoxville 175,045 Farragut 8,316 South Pittsburg 3,723 Englewood 1,840 Chattanooga 169, 514 Milan 8,228 Dunlap 3,681 New Johnsonville 1,824 Clarksville 70,552 Clinton 8,200 Oliver Springs 3,659 Cowan 1,790 Jackson 49,620 Fayetteville 8,063 Gatlinburg 3, 577 Whitewell 1,783 Johnson City 44 ,850 Newport 8,031 Livingston 3,504 Arlington 1, 778 Murfreesboro 37,661 Pulaski 7,350 Mount Pleasant 3,375 Westmoreland 1,754 Kingsport 32,027 Manchester 7,250 Mount Juliet 3,354 Bells 1,739 Germantown 31,467 Savannah 7,084 Belle Meade 3,182 Jacksboro 1,729 Hendersonville 29,434 Dickson 7,040 Greenbrier 3,180 New Tazewell 1, 677 Oak Ridge 27,662 Alcoa 6,882 South Fulton 3,026 Erin 1,614 Columbia 27,200 Bol ivar 6, 777 Madisonville 2,904 Loretto 1 '612 Cleveland 26,924 LaVergne 6,668 Pigeon Forge 2,849 Ce lina 1,580 Bristol 23 , 986 Crossville 6,405 Jonesborough 2,829 Bruceton 1,579 Mo rristown 21,768 Ripley 6,395 Centerville 2,824 Kenton 1,570 Cookeville 21,512 Covington 6' 19 7 Jellico 2,798 Mosheim 1,569 East Ridge 21,236 Winchester 6,195 White House 2,795 Surgoinsville 1,559 Bartlett 20,818 Lexington 5,934 Newbern 2,794 Tracy City 1,536 Millington 20,236 Signal Mountain 5,818 Hartsville 2,674 Adamsville 1,453 Maryville 17,807 Jefferson City 5, 775 Carthage 2,672 Norris 1,443 Gallatin 17,626 Rockwood 5, 775 Jasper 2,670 Baxter 1,416 Franklin 17' 111 Dayton 5,736 Monterey 2,629 Watertown 1,415 Dyersburg 15,856 McKenzie 5,459 Alamo 2,615 Rutherford 1,398 Tullahoma 15,800 Lenoir City 5,443 Munford 2,587 Kingston Springs 1,387 Lebanon 14,423 Sevierville 5,371 Ashland City 2,588 Pegram 1,392 Greeneville 14' 113 Sweetwater 5,310 Bells 2,562 Dandridge 1,383 Shelbyville 13,700 Sparta 5,019 Dresden 2,519 Graysville 1,380 Red Bank 13,129 Erwin 4,993 Parsons 2,457 Gleason 1,356 Brentwood 13,052 Kingston 4,635 Dyers 2,442 McEwen 1,352 Elizabethton 12,460 Henderson 4,632 Tiptonville 2,438 New Market 1,326 Athens 12,152 Oak Hill 4,609 Algood 2,406 Tennessee Ridge 1,325 McMinnville 11,796 Collegedale 4,607 Woodbury 2,385 Estill Springs 1,324 Collierville 11, 584 Trenton 4,601 Lake City 2,378 Walden 1,293 Smyrna 11,378 Forest Hills 4,516 J·ame stown 2,364 Obion 1,282 Springfield 10,950 Huntingdon 4,513 Lakewood 2,325 Whiteville 1,270 Paris 10,834 Waverly 4,405 Mountain City 2,284 Sneedville 1,254 Union City 10,662 Rogersville 4,368 Somerville 2,264 Dover 1,237 Brownsville 10,430 Oneida 4, 309 Decherd 2,233 Ridgetop 1,225 Humboldt 10,209 Mount Carmel 4,245 Spring City 2,232 Kimball 1,220 Lawrenceburg 10' 184 Loudon 4' 183 Tusculum 2,192 Blaine 1,219 Goodlettsville 9,581 Portland 4' 140 Greenfield 2' 109 Gainesboro 1,204 Mart in 8,985 Church Hill 4, 134 Waynesboro 2' 109 Decatur 1' 191 Lewisburg 8,760 Camden 4,023 Tazewell 2,105 Red Boiling Springs 1, 1 73 Harriman 8,524 Hohenwald 4,008 Pikeville 2,100 Bradford 1,146 Wh ite Bluff 2,095 Atwood 1,143 Wh ite Pine 2,040 Sharon 1,134

214 215 Table 3 APPEND IX E Citz Population Citz Population Spencer 1,126 Lynchburg 695 Citz Population Monteagle 1, 126 Atoka 691 Bluff City l' 121 Medina 687 Milledgeville 392 Benton 1, ll5 Gadsden 683 386 Burlison Berry Hill 1, 113 Altamont 679 386 Rives Spring Hill 1,09 4 Greenback 670 383 Lynnville Troy 1,093 Allardt 654 Pleasant Hill 379 Linden l '08 7 Lakesite 651 379 Rossville Crab Orchard 1,065 Big Sandy 650 Watauga 376 Collinwood 1,064 Beersheba Springs 643 365 Liberty Rutledge 1,058 Henning 638 Baileyton 357 Hollow Rock 1,030 Middleton 633 355 Toone Palmer 1,027 Puryear 624 Doy le 344 Lakeland 1,026 Adams 600 Dowe lltown 341 Burns 1,015 Calhoun 590 Oakdale 323 Decaturville 1,004 588 Michie McLemoresville 3 ll South Carthage 1,004 Morrison 587 Yorkville 310 Lobelville 993 Ducktown 583 Garland 301 Maury City 989 Winfield 581 Sardis 301 Huntland 983 567 Rockford Centertown 300 Brighton 976 Minor Hill 564 Henry 295 Luttrell 962 Bell Buckle 563 Braden 293 Tellico Plains 935 Eastview 552 Enville 287 Maynardville 924 548 Ethridge Cumberland City 276 Trezevant 921 540 Elkton Stantonville 271 Powell1s Crossroads 918 540 Stanton Cumberland Gap 263 Friendsville 908 540 Wartrace Hickory Valley 252 St . Joseph 897 528 Vonore Finger 245 Gordonsville 893 528 Pittman Center Parker's Crossroads 219 Byrdstown 884 526 Woodland Mills Baneberry 217 Rickman 882 525 Iron City Medon 210 Bethel Springs 873 517 Oakland Mitchellville 209 Cross Plains 872 507 Philadelphia Auburntown 204 Chapel Hill 861 489 Moscow LaGrange 185 New Hope 839 482 Eagleville Orme 181 Ardmore 835 475 Guys Cottage Grove ll7 Bul ls Gap 821 471 Mason Saulsbury 156 Wartburg 816 465 Samburg Viola 149 Gallaway 804 458 Gibson Normandy ll8 Alexandria 796 452 Hornbeak Parrottsville 118 Niota 791 437 Grand Junction Silerton 100 Charlotte 788 434 Saltillo Slayden 69 Coalmont 786 Ramer 429 Friendship 786 424 Orlinda TOTAL 2,681,537 Cl ifton 773 Cedar Hill 420 Charleston 756 Copperhil 1 418 Piperton 746 Ridgeside 417 Gates 729 Gilt Edge 409 Scotts Hills 725 Hornsby 401 Hunt sville 724 Vanleer 401 Cornersville 722 Clarksburg 400 Trimble 722 Townsend 397 Petersburg 704 Will is ton 395

217 216 Table 3 APPEND IX E Citz Population Citz Population Spencer 1,126 Lynchburg 695 Citz Population Monteagle 1, 126 Atoka 691 Bluff City l' 121 Medina 687 Milledgeville 392 Benton 1, ll5 Gadsden 683 386 Burlison Berry Hill 1, 113 Altamont 679 386 Rives Spring Hill 1,09 4 Greenback 670 383 Lynnville Troy 1,093 Allardt 654 Pleasant Hill 379 Linden l '08 7 Lakesite 651 379 Rossville Crab Orchard 1,065 Big Sandy 650 Watauga 376 Collinwood 1,064 Beersheba Springs 643 365 Liberty Rutledge 1,058 Henning 638 Baileyton 357 Hollow Rock 1,030 Middleton 633 355 Toone Palmer 1,027 Puryear 624 Doy le 344 Lakeland 1,026 Adams 600 Dowe lltown 341 Burns 1,015 Calhoun 590 Oakdale 323 Decaturville 1,004 588 Michie McLemoresville 3 ll South Carthage 1,004 Morrison 587 Yorkville 310 Lobelville 993 Ducktown 583 Garland 301 Maury City 989 Winfield 581 Sardis 301 Huntland 983 567 Rockford Centertown 300 Brighton 976 Minor Hill 564 Henry 295 Luttrell 962 Bell Buckle 563 Braden 293 Tellico Plains 935 Eastview 552 Enville 287 Maynardville 924 548 Ethridge Cumberland City 276 Trezevant 921 540 Elkton Stantonville 271 Powell1s Crossroads 918 540 Stanton Cumberland Gap 263 Friendsville 908 540 Wartrace Hickory Valley 252 St . Joseph 897 528 Vonore Finger 245 Gordonsville 893 528 Pittman Center Parker's Crossroads 219 Byrdstown 884 526 Woodland Mills Baneberry 217 Rickman 882 525 Iron City Medon 210 Bethel Springs 873 517 Oakland Mitchellville 209 Cross Plains 872 507 Philadelphia Auburntown 204 Chapel Hill 861 489 Moscow LaGrange 185 New Hope 839 482 Eagleville Orme 181 Ardmore 835 475 Guys Cottage Grove ll7 Bul ls Gap 821 471 Mason Saulsbury 156 Wartburg 816 465 Samburg Viola 149 Gallaway 804 458 Gibson Normandy ll8 Alexandria 796 452 Hornbeak Parrottsville 118 Niota 791 437 Grand Junction Silerton 100 Charlotte 788 434 Saltillo Slayden 69 Coalmont 786 Ramer 429 Friendship 786 424 Orlinda TOTAL 2,681,537 Cl ifton 773 Cedar Hill 420 Charleston 756 Copperhil 1 418 Piperton 746 Ridgeside 417 Gates 729 Gilt Edge 409 Scotts Hills 725 Hornsby 401 Hunt sville 724 Vanleer 401 Cornersville 722 Clarksburg 400 Trimble 722 Townsend 397 Petersburg 704 Will is ton 395

217 216 APPEND IX E Table 4

Table 5 Tennessee Count ies By Popul at ion Rank Populat ion of Tennessee Municipal ities and Count ies Presented by Grand Division Rank City Population Rank City Population

1 Shelby 777,113 48 Claiborne 24, 595 EAST TENNESSEE 2 Davidson 477 ,811 49 Lauderdale 24, 555 3 Knox 319,694 50 Marion 24,416 (67,346) Greene (54,422) Loudon (28,553) 4 Hamil ton 287,643 51 Rhea 24,235 Anderson (8, 200)** Baileyton (357) Greenback (546) 5 Sul l ivan 143,079 52 Hardeman 23' 873 Clinton (2,335) Greeneville (14,113)** Lenoir City (5,443) 6 Washington 88,755 53 McNairy 22,525 Lake City (1, 443 ) Mosheim (1,569) Loudon (4, 134)** 7 Sumner 85, 790 54 Hardin 22,280 Norris (25, 300)* Tusculum (2,179) Philadelphia (507) 8 Rutherford 84,058 55 Cheatham 21,616 Oak Ridge (2,525) 9 Montgomery 83 , 342 56 Henderson 21,390 Oliver Springs Hamblen (49, 300) McMinn (41 ,878) 10 Blount 77' 770 57 Harwood 20,318 (9,478) Morristown (19,849)** Athens (12, 152)** 11 Mad ison 74, 546 58 Marshall 19,698 Bledsoe (2,085)** Calhoun (590) 12 Bradley 67,547 59 White 19,567 Pikeville Hamilton (287, 740) Englewood (1,840) 13 Anderson 67 ,346 60 Scott 19,259 ( 77, 770) Chattanooga (169, 514)** Etowah (3,977) 14 Williamson 58, 108 61 Overton 17,575 Blount (6,882) Collegedale (4,607) Niota (791) 15 Wilson 56,064 62 Grainger 16, 751 Alcoa (908) East Ridge (21, 236) 16 Greene 54,422 63 Morgan 16,604 Friendsville (17,087) Lakesite (651) Marion (24,416) 17 Maury 51,095 64 Un icoi 16,362 Maryville (567) Lookout Mountain (1,886) Jasper (2,633)** 18 Carter 50,205 65 Humphreys 15,957 Rockford (395) Red Bank (13, 129) Kimball (1,220) 19 Gibson 49,467 66 Macon 15, 700 Townsend Ridgeside (417) Monteagle (1, 113)* 20 Hamblen 49, 300 67 Hickman 15,151 (67,547) Signal Mountain (5,818) New Hope (718) 21 Roane 48 ,425 68 Crockett 14,941 Bradley (756) Soddy-Daisy (8,505) Orme (181) 22 Putnam 47,690 69 Smith 14,935 Charleston (26, 924)** Walden (1,293) Powell 's Crossroads (918) 23 Hawk ins 43,751 70 Benton 14, 901 Cleveland South Pittsburg (3,636) 24 McMinn 41, 878 71 Fentress 14,826 (34,923) Hancock (6,887) Wh itwell (1,783) 25 Sevier 41 , 418 72 Wayne 13,946 Campbell (2,039) Sneedville (1,245)** 26 Coffee 38 ' 311 73 Grundy 13,787 Caryville (1,722)** Me igs (7,431) 27 Robe rtson 37,021 74 Johnson 13,745 Jacksboro (2, 798) Hawkins (43,751) Decatur (1,191)** 28 Campbe ll 34,923 75 Polk 13,602 Jellico (8,342) Bul ls Gap (821) 29 Dyer 34, 663 76 DeKalb 13,589 Lafollette Church Hill (4,134) Monroe (28, 700) 30 Lawrence 34 I 110 77 Chester 12,727 (50,205) Kingsport (1,340)* Madisonville (2,904)** 31 Tipton 32,930 78 Union 11, 707 Carter (12,460)** Mount Carmel (3,885) Sweetwater (5, 310) 32 Weakley 32 ,896 79 Decatur 10,857 Elizabethton (479)* Rogersville (4,368)** Te llico Plains (935) 33 Obion 32,781 80 Cannon 10,234 Johnson City Watauga (376) Surgoinsville (1,559) Vonore (528) 34 Warren 32,653 81 Lewis 9,700 35 Franklin 31,983 82 Bledsoe 9,478 Claiborne (24, 595) Jefferson (31,284) Morgan (16, 604) 36 Jefferson 31,284 83 Jackson 9,398 Cumberland Gap (263) Baneberry (217) Oakdale (323) 37 Dickson 30,037 84 Stewart 8,665 Mew Tazewell (1,677) Dandridge (1,383)** Oliver Springs (59)* 38 Cocke 28, 792 85 Sequatchie 8,605 Tazewell (2,105)** Jefferson City (5,747) Wartburg (761)** 39 Monroe 28' 700 86 Clay 7,676 New Market (1,336) 40 Cumbe rland 28,686 87 Lake 7,455 Cocke (28,792) White Pine (1,956) Polk (13, 602) 41 Henry 28, 656 88 Meigs 7,431 (8,031)** Benton (1,115)** 42 Loudon 28,553 89 Hancock 6,887 Newport Parrottsville (118) Johnson (13,745) Copperhill (418) 43 Carroll 28, 285 90 Houston 6,871 Mountain City (2,262)** Ducktown (583) 44 Bedford 27,916 91 Trousdale 6,137 45 Cumberland (28,676) Lincoln 26,483 92 Perry 6 I 111 Crab Orchard (l,065) Knox (319,694) Rhea (24,235) 46 Fayette 25,305 93 Van Buren 4, 728 Crossville (6,394)** Farragut (6, 260) Dayton (6,407)** 47 Giles 24,625 94 Moore 4,510 Pleasant Hill (379) Knoxville (175,045)** Graysville (1,380) 95 Pickett 4, 358 Spring City (2,029) Grainger (16, 751) Blaine (1,147) Rutledge (l,058) 218 219 APPEND IX E Table 4

Table 5 Tennessee Count ies By Popul at ion Rank Populat ion of Tennessee Municipal ities and Count ies Presented by Grand Division Rank City Population Rank City Population

1 Shelby 777,113 48 Claiborne 24, 595 EAST TENNESSEE 2 Davidson 477 ,811 49 Lauderdale 24, 555 3 Knox 319,694 50 Marion 24,416 (67,346) Greene (54,422) Loudon (28,553) 4 Hamil ton 287,643 51 Rhea 24,235 Anderson (8, 200)** Baileyton (357) Greenback (546) 5 Sul l ivan 143,079 52 Hardeman 23' 873 Clinton (2,335) Greeneville (14,113)** Lenoir City (5,443) 6 Washington 88,755 53 McNairy 22,525 Lake City (1, 443 ) Mosheim (1,569) Loudon (4, 134)** 7 Sumner 85, 790 54 Hardin 22,280 Norris (25, 300)* Tusculum (2,179) Philadelphia (507) 8 Rutherford 84,058 55 Cheatham 21,616 Oak Ridge (2,525) 9 Montgomery 83 , 342 56 Henderson 21,390 Oliver Springs Hamblen (49, 300) McMinn (41 ,878) 10 Blount 77' 770 57 Harwood 20,318 (9,478) Morristown (19,849)** Athens (12, 152)** 11 Mad ison 74, 546 58 Marshall 19,698 Bledsoe (2,085)** Calhoun (590) 12 Bradley 67,547 59 White 19,567 Pikeville Hamilton (287, 740) Englewood (1,840) 13 Anderson 67 ,346 60 Scott 19,259 ( 77, 770) Chattanooga (169, 514)** Etowah (3,977) 14 Williamson 58, 108 61 Overton 17,575 Blount (6,882) Collegedale (4,607) Niota (791) 15 Wilson 56,064 62 Grainger 16, 751 Alcoa (908) East Ridge (21, 236) 16 Greene 54,422 63 Morgan 16,604 Friendsville (17,087) Lakesite (651) Marion (24,416) 17 Maury 51,095 64 Un icoi 16,362 Maryville (567) Lookout Mountain (1,886) Jasper (2,633)** 18 Carter 50,205 65 Humphreys 15,957 Rockford (395) Red Bank (13, 129) Kimball (1,220) 19 Gibson 49,467 66 Macon 15, 700 Townsend Ridgeside (417) Monteagle (1, 113)* 20 Hamblen 49, 300 67 Hickman 15,151 (67,547) Signal Mountain (5,818) New Hope (718) 21 Roane 48 ,425 68 Crockett 14,941 Bradley (756) Soddy-Daisy (8,505) Orme (181) 22 Putnam 47,690 69 Smith 14,935 Charleston (26, 924)** Walden (1,293) Powell 's Crossroads (918) 23 Hawk ins 43,751 70 Benton 14, 901 Cleveland South Pittsburg (3,636) 24 McMinn 41, 878 71 Fentress 14,826 (34,923) Hancock (6,887) Wh itwell (1,783) 25 Sevier 41 , 418 72 Wayne 13,946 Campbell (2,039) Sneedville (1,245)** 26 Coffee 38 ' 311 73 Grundy 13,787 Caryville (1,722)** Me igs (7,431) 27 Robe rtson 37,021 74 Johnson 13,745 Jacksboro (2, 798) Hawkins (43,751) Decatur (1,191)** 28 Campbe ll 34,923 75 Polk 13,602 Jellico (8,342) Bul ls Gap (821) 29 Dyer 34, 663 76 DeKalb 13,589 Lafollette Church Hill (4,134) Monroe (28, 700) 30 Lawrence 34 I 110 77 Chester 12,727 (50,205) Kingsport (1,340)* Madisonville (2,904)** 31 Tipton 32,930 78 Union 11, 707 Carter (12,460)** Mount Carmel (3,885) Sweetwater (5, 310) 32 Weakley 32 ,896 79 Decatur 10,857 Elizabethton (479)* Rogersville (4,368)** Te llico Plains (935) 33 Obion 32,781 80 Cannon 10,234 Johnson City Watauga (376) Surgoinsville (1,559) Vonore (528) 34 Warren 32,653 81 Lewis 9,700 35 Franklin 31,983 82 Bledsoe 9,478 Claiborne (24, 595) Jefferson (31,284) Morgan (16, 604) 36 Jefferson 31,284 83 Jackson 9,398 Cumberland Gap (263) Baneberry (217) Oakdale (323) 37 Dickson 30,037 84 Stewart 8,665 Mew Tazewell (1,677) Dandridge (1,383)** Oliver Springs (59)* 38 Cocke 28, 792 85 Sequatchie 8,605 Tazewell (2,105)** Jefferson City (5,747) Wartburg (761)** 39 Monroe 28' 700 86 Clay 7,676 New Market (1,336) 40 Cumbe rland 28,686 87 Lake 7,455 Cocke (28,792) White Pine (1,956) Polk (13, 602) 41 Henry 28, 656 88 Meigs 7,431 (8,031)** Benton (1,115)** 42 Loudon 28,553 89 Hancock 6,887 Newport Parrottsville (118) Johnson (13,745) Copperhill (418) 43 Carroll 28, 285 90 Houston 6,871 Mountain City (2,262)** Ducktown (583) 44 Bedford 27,916 91 Trousdale 6,137 45 Cumberland (28,676) Lincoln 26,483 92 Perry 6 I 111 Crab Orchard (l,065) Knox (319,694) Rhea (24,235) 46 Fayette 25,305 93 Van Buren 4, 728 Crossville (6,394)** Farragut (6, 260) Dayton (6,407)** 47 Giles 24,625 94 Moore 4,510 Pleasant Hill (379) Knoxville (175,045)** Graysville (1,380) 95 Pickett 4, 358 Spring City (2,029) Grainger (16, 751) Blaine (1,147) Rutledge (l,058) 218 219 Table 5 APPEND IX E EAST TENNESSEE

(16,362) Roane (48,425) Sevier (41,418) Un icoi (4,739)** MIDDLE TENNESSEE Harriman (8,303) Gatlinburg (3,577) Erwin (4,635)** (2, 788) Kingston Pigeon Forge 095) (11,707) Maury (51, Ruthe rford (84,058) Warren (32,653) Oak Ridge (2,362)* Pittman Center (528) Un ion Columbia (26,571)** Eagleville (444) (300) (1,075)* (5,009)** Lutre ll (962) Centertown Oliver Springs Sevierville (3,375) (924) Mount Pleasant Lavergne (5,793) McMinnville (11,796)** Rockwood (5, 775) Maynardville Spring Hill (1,091)* Murfreesboro (32,845)** Morrison (587) Sullivan (143, 968) (88,755) Smyrna (9,353) Viola (149) Scott (19, 259) Bluff City (1,121) Washington Montgomery (83,342) (519)** (23,986) Johnson City (43 ,047)* Huntsville Bristol (54, 777)** (2,829)** Clarksville Sequatchie (8, 605) Wayne (13, 946) One ida (4,013) Kingsport (30,687)* Jonesborough Dunlap (3,681)** Clifton (773) Winfield (517) Moore (4,510) Coll inwood (1,064) Lynchburg (688)** Smith (14, 935) Iron City (525)* Carthage (2,672)** (2,109)** MIDDLE TENNESSEE Waynesboro Overton (17,575) Gordonsville (893) (3,504) (15, 151) Livingston South Carthage (1,004) Wh ite (19, 56 7) Bedford (27,916) Dickson (30,037) Hickman (2,824)** Rickman Doyle (344) Bell Buckle (563) Burns ( 77 7) Centerville Stewart (8,665) Sparta (4,864)** Normandy (118) Charlotte (788)** Perry (6, 111) Cumberland City (276) (13,700)** Dickson (7,040) Houston (6,871) Shelbyville Linden (1,087)** (1 , 2 3 7 ) * * (69) Erin (1, 614)** Dover Williamson (58,108) Wa rtrace (540) Slayden (993) Lobelville Tennessee Ridge (1,325) Brentwood (9,608) Vanleer (401) Tennessee Ridge (1,325) Fairview (3,648) Cannon (10,234) Wh ite Bluff (2,095) Picket (4,358) (85, 790) (13,367)** Humphreys (15,957) Sumner Franklin Auburntown (204) (884)** (1, 352) Byrdstown Gallatin (17,191)** Spring Hill (l,094)* Woodbury (2,160)** Fentress (14,826) McEwen Goodlettsville (1,942)* Allardt (654) New Johnsonville (l,824) Putnam (47 , 690) (26,805) (56,064) (2,364)** Waverly (4,405)** Hendersonville Wilson Cheatham (21,616) Jamestown (2,406) Algood Millersville (1,606) Lebanon (12,663)** Ashland City (2,329)** Baxter (1,411) (209) (3,354) (31,983) Jackson (9, 398) Mitchellville Mount Juliet Kingston Springs (1,017) Franklin (20,946)** Cookeville Portland (4,030) Watertown (1,300) Pegram (1,081) Cowan (1, 790) Gainesboro (1,125)** Monterey (2,613) Westmoreland (1,754) Decherd (2, 233) White House (1,091)* (7 ,676) Estill Springs (1,324) Lawrence (34, 110) Clay Robertson (37 021) Cel ina (1,580)** Huntland (983) Ethridge ( 548) Adams (600) Trousdale (6, 137) Tullahoma (306)* Iron City (525)* Cedar Hill (420) Hartsville (2,674)** (38,311) Winchester (6, 195)** Lawrenceburg (10, 184)** Coffee Cross Plains (872) Manchester (7,250)** Loretto (1,612) Greenbrier (3,100) Van Buren (4, 728) Tu llahoma (15,494)* Giles (24,625) St . Joseph (897) Orlinda (424) Spencer (1,126)** Ardmore (835) Ridgetop (l,195)* (477,811) Elkton (540) Lewis (9,700) Davidson Springfield (10,883)** (3,182) Lynnville (383) Hohenwald (4,008)** Belle Meade White House (1,134)* Berry Hill (1,113) Minor Hill (564) Forest Hills (4,516) Pulaski (7,184)** Lincoln (26,483) WEST TENNESSEE Goodlettsville (6,385)* Fayettev ille (8, 603)** Lakewood (2,325) Grundy (13, 787) Petersburg (240)* Benton (14,901) Chester (12,727) (10,857) (344,273)** Altamont (679)** Decatur Nashville Big Sandy (650) (15, 700) Enville (234)* Decaturville (l,004)** Oak Hill (4,609) Beersheba Springs (643) Macon (4,023)** Camden Henderson (4,632)** Parsons (2,457) Ridgetop (30)* Coalmont (940) LaFayette (3,808)** Milledgeville (118)* (261)* Gruetli-Laager (2,021) Red Boiling Springs (1, 17' Scotts Hill Carroll (28,285) Silerton (2)* DeKalb (13� Monteagle (13)* Atwood (1,143) (34,663) Alexandria (689) Palmer (1,02 7) Marshall (19,698 ) Dyer Bruceton (1,579) Crockett (14,941) (15,856)** Dowe lltown (341) Tracy City (1,536) Chapel Hill (861) Dyersburg Clarksburg (400) Alamo (2,615)** (2,794) Liberty (365) Cornersville (722) Newbern Ho llow Rock (l,030) Bells (1, 737) (719)* Smithville (3,839)** Lewisburg (8,760)** Trimble Hunt ingdon (4,513)** (786) Petersburg (464)* Friendship McKenzie (5,123)* Gadsden (683) McLemoresville (311) Maury City (989) Trezevant (921)


(16,362) Roane (48,425) Sevier (41,418) Un icoi (4,739)** MIDDLE TENNESSEE Harriman (8,303) Gatlinburg (3,577) Erwin (4,635)** (2, 788) Kingston Pigeon Forge 095) (11,707) Maury (51, Ruthe rford (84,058) Warren (32,653) Oak Ridge (2,362)* Pittman Center (528) Un ion Columbia (26,571)** Eagleville (444) (300) (1,075)* (5,009)** Lutre ll (962) Centertown Oliver Springs Sevierville (3,375) (924) Mount Pleasant Lavergne (5,793) McMinnville (11,796)** Rockwood (5, 775) Maynardville Spring Hill (1,091)* Murfreesboro (32,845)** Morrison (587) Sullivan (143, 968) (88,755) Smyrna (9,353) Viola (149) Scott (19, 259) Bluff City (1,121) Washington Montgomery (83,342) (519)** (23,986) Johnson City (43 ,047)* Huntsville Bristol (54, 777)** (2,829)** Clarksville Sequatchie (8, 605) Wayne (13, 946) One ida (4,013) Kingsport (30,687)* Jonesborough Dunlap (3,681)** Clifton (773) Winfield (517) Moore (4,510) Coll inwood (1,064) Lynchburg (688)** Smith (14, 935) Iron City (525)* Carthage (2,672)** (2,109)** MIDDLE TENNESSEE Waynesboro Overton (17,575) Gordonsville (893) (3,504) (15, 151) Livingston South Carthage (1,004) Wh ite (19, 56 7) Bedford (27,916) Dickson (30,037) Hickman (2,824)** Rickman Doyle (344) Bell Buckle (563) Burns ( 77 7) Centerville Stewart (8,665) Sparta (4,864)** Normandy (118) Charlotte (788)** Perry (6, 111) Cumberland City (276) (13,700)** Dickson (7,040) Houston (6,871) Shelbyville Linden (1,087)** (1 , 2 3 7 ) * * (69) Erin (1, 614)** Dover Williamson (58,108) Wa rtrace (540) Slayden (993) Lobelville Tennessee Ridge (1,325) Brentwood (9,608) Vanleer (401) Tennessee Ridge (1,325) Fairview (3,648) Cannon (10,234) Wh ite Bluff (2,095) Picket (4,358) (85, 790) (13,367)** Humphreys (15,957) Sumner Franklin Auburntown (204) (884)** (1, 352) Byrdstown Gallatin (17,191)** Spring Hill (l,094)* Woodbury (2,160)** Fentress (14,826) McEwen Goodlettsville (1,942)* Allardt (654) New Johnsonville (l,824) Putnam (47 , 690) (26,805) (56,064) (2,364)** Waverly (4,405)** Hendersonville Wilson Cheatham (21,616) Jamestown (2,406) Algood Millersville (1,606) Lebanon (12,663)** Ashland City (2,329)** Baxter (1,411) (209) (3,354) (31,983) Jackson (9, 398) Mitchellville Mount Juliet Kingston Springs (1,017) Franklin (20,946)** Cookeville Portland (4,030) Watertown (1,300) Pegram (1,081) Cowan (1, 790) Gainesboro (1,125)** Monterey (2,613) Westmoreland (1,754) Decherd (2, 233) White House (1,091)* (7 ,676) Estill Springs (1,324) Lawrence (34, 110) Clay Robertson (37 021) Cel ina (1,580)** Huntland (983) Ethridge ( 548) Adams (600) Trousdale (6, 137) Tullahoma (306)* Iron City (525)* Cedar Hill (420) Hartsville (2,674)** (38,311) Winchester (6, 195)** Lawrenceburg (10, 184)** Coffee Cross Plains (872) Manchester (7,250)** Loretto (1,612) Greenbrier (3,100) Van Buren (4, 728) Tu llahoma (15,494)* Giles (24,625) St . Joseph (897) Orlinda (424) Spencer (1,126)** Ardmore (835) Ridgetop (l,195)* (477,811) Elkton (540) Lewis (9,700) Davidson Springfield (10,883)** (3,182) Lynnville (383) Hohenwald (4,008)** Belle Meade White House (1,134)* Berry Hill (1,113) Minor Hill (564) Forest Hills (4,516) Pulaski (7,184)** Lincoln (26,483) WEST TENNESSEE Goodlettsville (6,385)* Fayettev ille (8, 603)** Lakewood (2,325) Grundy (13, 787) Petersburg (240)* Benton (14,901) Chester (12,727) (10,857) (344,273)** Altamont (679)** Decatur Nashville Big Sandy (650) (15, 700) Enville (234)* Decaturville (l,004)** Oak Hill (4,609) Beersheba Springs (643) Macon (4,023)** Camden Henderson (4,632)** Parsons (2,457) Ridgetop (30)* Coalmont (940) LaFayette (3,808)** Milledgeville (118)* (261)* Gruetli-Laager (2,021) Red Boiling Springs (1, 17' Scotts Hill Carroll (28,285) Silerton (2)* DeKalb (13� Monteagle (13)* Atwood (1,143) (34,663) Alexandria (689) Palmer (1,02 7) Marshall (19,698 ) Dyer Bruceton (1,579) Crockett (14,941) (15,856)** Dowe lltown (341) Tracy City (1,536) Chapel Hill (861) Dyersburg Clarksburg (400) Alamo (2,615)** (2,794) Liberty (365) Cornersville (722) Newbern Ho llow Rock (l,030) Bells (1, 737) (719)* Smithville (3,839)** Lewisburg (8,760)** Trimble Hunt ingdon (4,513)** (786) Petersburg (464)* Friendship McKenzie (5,123)* Gadsden (683) McLemoresville (311) Maury City (989) Trezevant (921)


Fayette (25,305) Lake (7,455) Tipton (32,930) Braden (293) Ridgely (1, 932) Atoka (691) Table 6 Gallaway (804) Tiptonville (2,438)** Brighton (976) LaGrange (185) Burlison (386) Moscow (499) Lauderdale (24,555) Covington (6,197)** Number Of Full-Time Municipal Employees In Tennessee Cities Oakland (472) Gates (729) Garland (301) Piperton (746) Halls (2,539) Gilt Edge (409) Rossville (379) Henning (638) Mason (471) Ripley (6,366)** Somerville (2,264)** Adams 4 Cedar Hi ll 0 Weakley (32,896) Williston (395) Adamsville 24 Ce lina 18 Dresden (2,493)** McNa iry (22, 525) Alamo 12 Centertown • Adamsv ille (1,453) Gleason (1,356) • Gibson (49,467) Alcoa Centerville 33 Bethe l Sp rings (873) Greenfield (2,109) Bedford ( 1, 146) Alexandria 6 Chapel Hill 5 Eastview (552) McKenzie (232)* Dyer (2,442) Algood * Charleston 4 Enville (53)* Mart in (8,985) • Gibson (458) Allardt Charlotte 2 Sharon (1, 134) • Humboldt (10,209) Finger (245) Altamont Chattanooga • Kenton (769)* Guys (475) Ardmore 16 Church Hill 15 Me dina (687) Michie (530) Arlington 14 Clarksburg • Milan (8, 135) Milledgeville (186)* Ashland City 18 Clarksville 507 Rutherford (1,398) Ramer (429) Athens 195 Cleve land • (3,979)** • Trenton (4,601)** Selmer Atoka Cl if ton 7 Stantonville (271) Yorkville (310) Atwood 1 Clinton 85 Auburntown * Coalmont 1 Mad ison (74,546) Baileyton • Hardeman (23,873) Collegedale 22 (49,258)** Baneberry • Bol ivar (6,777)** Jackson Collierville 130 Grand Junction (437) Medon (210) Bartlett 190 Collinwood • Baxter Hickory Valley (252) 7 Columb ia 275 Obion (32, Beersheba Springs Hornsby ( 401) 781) 1 Cookeville 252 Hornbeak (452) Be ll Buckle Middleton (596) 2 Copperhill 11 Kenton (782)* Belle Meade Saulsbury (156) 25 Cornersville 2 Obion (1,282) Bells Silerton (98)* 14 Cottage Grove 0 Rives (386) Benton Toone (355) 9 Covington 101 Samburg (465) Berry Hill Whiteville (1,270) 27 Cowan 13 South Fulton (3,026) Bethel Springs 4 Crab Orchard 3 Trimble (3)* *In more than one county Big Sandy Hard in (22, 280) 6 Cross Plains * Troy (1,093) **County seat Blaine Milledgeville (88)* 1 Crossville 105 Union City (10,662)** Bluff City Saltillo (434) 11 Cumberland City * Woodland Mills (526) Bolivar Savannah (6,992)** 99 Cumberland Gap 5 Braden * Dandridge 12 Shelby (777,113) Bradford Haywood (20,318) 10 Dayton 81 Arlington (1,778) Brentwood Brownsville (9,840)** 110 Decatur 10 Bart lett (20,818) Brighton Stanton (540) 4 Decaturville 6 Collierville (9,480) Bristol 250 Decherd 47 Henderson (21,390) Germantown (28,060) Brownsville 79 Dickson 121 Lake land (867) Bruceton Lexington (5,934)** 12 Dover 9 Memphis (646,174)** Bulls Gap Parker 's Crossroads (219) 2 Dowelltown 0 Millington (20,236) Burlison • Sardis (301) Doyle 0 Scotts Hill (451) Burns 1 Dresden 18 Byrdstown 13 Ducktown 5 Henry (28,656) Calhoun 1 Dun lap 36 Cottage Grove (171) Camden 50 Dyer 19 Henry (295) Carthage 25 Dyersburg * McKenzie (84)* Caryville 7 Eagleville 8 Paris (10,818)** Puryear (624)


Fayette (25,305) Lake (7,455) Tipton (32,930) Braden (293) Ridgely (1, 932) Atoka (691) Table 6 Gallaway (804) Tiptonville (2,438)** Brighton (976) LaGrange (185) Burlison (386) Moscow (499) Lauderdale (24,555) Covington (6,197)** Number Of Full-Time Municipal Employees In Tennessee Cities Oakland (472) Gates (729) Garland (301) Piperton (746) Halls (2,539) Gilt Edge (409) Rossville (379) Henning (638) Mason (471) Ripley (6,366)** Somerville (2,264)** Adams 4 Cedar Hi ll 0 Weakley (32,896) Williston (395) Adamsville 24 Ce lina 18 Dresden (2,493)** McNa iry (22, 525) Alamo 12 Centertown • Adamsv ille (1,453) Gleason (1,356) • Gibson (49,467) Alcoa Centerville 33 Bethe l Sp rings (873) Greenfield (2,109) Bedford ( 1, 146) Alexandria 6 Chapel Hill 5 Eastview (552) McKenzie (232)* Dyer (2,442) Algood * Charleston 4 Enville (53)* Mart in (8,985) • Gibson (458) Allardt Charlotte 2 Sharon (1, 134) • Humboldt (10,209) Finger (245) Altamont Chattanooga • Kenton (769)* Guys (475) Ardmore 16 Church Hill 15 Me dina (687) Michie (530) Arlington 14 Clarksburg • Milan (8, 135) Milledgeville (186)* Ashland City 18 Clarksville 507 Rutherford (1,398) Ramer (429) Athens 195 Cleve land • (3,979)** • Trenton (4,601)** Selmer Atoka Cl if ton 7 Stantonville (271) Yorkville (310) Atwood 1 Clinton 85 Auburntown * Coalmont 1 Mad ison (74,546) Baileyton • Hardeman (23,873) Collegedale 22 (49,258)** Baneberry • Bol ivar (6,777)** Jackson Collierville 130 Grand Junction (437) Medon (210) Bartlett 190 Collinwood • Baxter Hickory Valley (252) 7 Columb ia 275 Obion (32, Beersheba Springs Hornsby ( 401) 781) 1 Cookeville 252 Hornbeak (452) Be ll Buckle Middleton (596) 2 Copperhill 11 Kenton (782)* Belle Meade Saulsbury (156) 25 Cornersville 2 Obion (1,282) Bells Silerton (98)* 14 Cottage Grove 0 Rives (386) Benton Toone (355) 9 Covington 101 Samburg (465) Berry Hill Whiteville (1,270) 27 Cowan 13 South Fulton (3,026) Bethel Springs 4 Crab Orchard 3 Trimble (3)* *In more than one county Big Sandy Hard in (22, 280) 6 Cross Plains * Troy (1,093) **County seat Blaine Milledgeville (88)* 1 Crossville 105 Union City (10,662)** Bluff City Saltillo (434) 11 Cumberland City * Woodland Mills (526) Bolivar Savannah (6,992)** 99 Cumberland Gap 5 Braden * Dandridge 12 Shelby (777,113) Bradford Haywood (20,318) 10 Dayton 81 Arlington (1,778) Brentwood Brownsville (9,840)** 110 Decatur 10 Bart lett (20,818) Brighton Stanton (540) 4 Decaturville 6 Collierville (9,480) Bristol 250 Decherd 47 Henderson (21,390) Germantown (28,060) Brownsville 79 Dickson 121 Lake land (867) Bruceton Lexington (5,934)** 12 Dover 9 Memphis (646,174)** Bulls Gap Parker 's Crossroads (219) 2 Dowelltown 0 Millington (20,236) Burlison • Sardis (301) Doyle 0 Scotts Hill (451) Burns 1 Dresden 18 Byrdstown 13 Ducktown 5 Henry (28,656) Calhoun 1 Dun lap 36 Cottage Grove (171) Camden 50 Dyer 19 Henry (295) Carthage 25 Dyersburg * McKenzie (84)* Caryville 7 Eagleville 8 Paris (10,818)** Puryear (624)

223 222 Table 6 APPEND IX E East Ridge 96 Huntsville 3 Eastview • Iron City 3 Elizabethton 156 Jacksboro 6 Milan 75 Pulaski 140 Elkton 4 Jackson 547 • Puryear • • Jamestown 35 Milledgeville Englewood • • Millersville Ramer 2 Enville Jasper 21 Millington 100 Red Bank 55 Erin 19 Jefferson City 55 Minor Hill 7 Red Boiling Springs 12 Erwin 37 Jellico 57 Mitchellville 0 Ridgely 14 Estill Springs 9 Johnson City 600 Monteagle • Ridgeside • Ethridge 4 Jonesborough 48 Monterey 23 Ridgetop 3 Etowah 87 Kenton 12 Morrison l Ripley 96 Fairview • Kimball 11 Morristown 200 Rives 0 Farragut 8 Kingsport 575 Moscow 5 Rockford 1 Fayetteville 176 Kingston 41 Moshe im 6 Rockwood 110 Finger 0 Kingston Springs l • Mountain City 37 Rogersville 44 Forest Hills 1 Knoxville • Mount Carmel 15 Rossville 8 Frankl in 235 LaFayette Mount Juliet 15 Rutherford 10 Friendship 6 LaFollette 145 Mount Pleasant 42 Ru tledge 4 Friendsville 3 LaGrange 2 Munford 16 St . Joseph 7 Gadsden • Lake City 30 Murfreesboro 421 Saltillo • Gainesboro 17 Lake land 3 l Nashville 11, 056 Samburg 3 Gallatin 185 Lakesite • • Newbern 45 Sardis Gallaway 3 Lakewood New Hope • Saulsbury 0 Garland • LaVergne 33 • New Johnsonville 11 Savannah 87 Gates 4 Lawrenceburg New Market 0 Scotts Hill • Gatlinburg 198 Lebanon 225 Newport 104 Selmer 41 Germantown 205 Lenoir City 121 New Tazewell 12 Sevierville 0 Gibson 3 Lewisburg 86 • Niota 7 Sharon 21 Gilt Edge Lexington 109 Normandy 0 She 1byvil1e 110 Gleason 10 Liberty 0 No rris 18 Signal Mountain • Goodlettsville 89 Linden 10 Oakdale 0 Silerton • Gordonsville 4 Livingston 74 Oak Hill 2 Slayden • Grand Junction 6 Lobelville 7 Oakland 4 Smithville 35 Graysville 7 Lookout Mountain 30 Oak Ridge 264 Smyrna 75 Greenback 0 Loretto 14 • Obion 17 Sneedville 7 Greenbrier Loudon 97 Oliver Springs 44 Soddy Daisy 32 Greeneville 135 Luttrell 2 Oneida 55 Somerville 40 Greenf ield 16 Lynchburg 10 Orlinda • South Carthage 6 Gruetli-Laager 5 Lynnville 1 • • Orme South Fulton 31 Guys McEwen 6 • Palmer 180 South Pittsburg 28 Halls McKenzie 7 • Paris Sparta 70 Harriman 140 McLemoresville 3 Parker's Crossroads O Spencer 0 Hartsville 32 McMinnville 120 * Parrottsville Spring City • Henderson 48 Mad isonville 33 Parsons 33 Springfield 161 Hendersonville 130 Manchester 88 Pegram Spring Hill 15 Henning 8 Mart in 100 O Petersburg 4 Stanton 4 Henry 4 Maryville 213 Philadelphia 1 Stantonville • Hickory Valley 3 Mason 7 Pigeon Forge 76 Surgoinsville 5 Hohenwald 58 Maury City 4 Pikeville 20 Sweetwater 54 Hollow Rock 3 Maynardville 7 * • • Piperton Tazewell 11 Horns beak Medina • • Pittman Center 4 Tellico Plains 7 Hornsby Medon l • • Pleasant Hill Tennessee Ridge 4 Humboldt Memphis Portland 52 Tiptonville • Hunt ingdon 2 45 Michie * • • Powell's Crossroads Toone Huntland Middleton 6

225 224 Table 6 APPEND IX E East Ridge 96 Huntsville 3 Eastview • Iron City 3 Elizabethton 156 Jacksboro 6 Milan 75 Pulaski 140 Elkton 4 Jackson 547 • Puryear • • Jamestown 35 Milledgeville Englewood • • Millersville Ramer 2 Enville Jasper 21 Millington 100 Red Bank 55 Erin 19 Jefferson City 55 Minor Hill 7 Red Boiling Springs 12 Erwin 37 Jellico 57 Mitchellville 0 Ridgely 14 Estill Springs 9 Johnson City 600 Monteagle • Ridgeside • Ethridge 4 Jonesborough 48 Monterey 23 Ridgetop 3 Etowah 87 Kenton 12 Morrison l Ripley 96 Fairview • Kimball 11 Morristown 200 Rives 0 Farragut 8 Kingsport 575 Moscow 5 Rockford 1 Fayetteville 176 Kingston 41 Moshe im 6 Rockwood 110 Finger 0 Kingston Springs l • Mountain City 37 Rogersville 44 Forest Hills 1 Knoxville • Mount Carmel 15 Rossville 8 Frankl in 235 LaFayette Mount Juliet 15 Rutherford 10 Friendship 6 LaFollette 145 Mount Pleasant 42 Ru tledge 4 Friendsville 3 LaGrange 2 Munford 16 St . Joseph 7 Gadsden • Lake City 30 Murfreesboro 421 Saltillo • Gainesboro 17 Lake land 3 l Nashville 11, 056 Samburg 3 Gallatin 185 Lakesite • • Newbern 45 Sardis Gallaway 3 Lakewood New Hope • Saulsbury 0 Garland • LaVergne 33 • New Johnsonville 11 Savannah 87 Gates 4 Lawrenceburg New Market 0 Scotts Hill • Gatlinburg 198 Lebanon 225 Newport 104 Selmer 41 Germantown 205 Lenoir City 121 New Tazewell 12 Sevierville 0 Gibson 3 Lewisburg 86 • Niota 7 Sharon 21 Gilt Edge Lexington 109 Normandy 0 She 1byvil1e 110 Gleason 10 Liberty 0 No rris 18 Signal Mountain • Goodlettsville 89 Linden 10 Oakdale 0 Silerton • Gordonsville 4 Livingston 74 Oak Hill 2 Slayden • Grand Junction 6 Lobelville 7 Oakland 4 Smithville 35 Graysville 7 Lookout Mountain 30 Oak Ridge 264 Smyrna 75 Greenback 0 Loretto 14 • Obion 17 Sneedville 7 Greenbrier Loudon 97 Oliver Springs 44 Soddy Daisy 32 Greeneville 135 Luttrell 2 Oneida 55 Somerville 40 Greenf ield 16 Lynchburg 10 Orlinda • South Carthage 6 Gruetli-Laager 5 Lynnville 1 • • Orme South Fulton 31 Guys McEwen 6 • Palmer 180 South Pittsburg 28 Halls McKenzie 7 • Paris Sparta 70 Harriman 140 McLemoresville 3 Parker's Crossroads O Spencer 0 Hartsville 32 McMinnville 120 * Parrottsville Spring City • Henderson 48 Mad isonville 33 Parsons 33 Springfield 161 Hendersonville 130 Manchester 88 Pegram Spring Hill 15 Henning 8 Mart in 100 O Petersburg 4 Stanton 4 Henry 4 Maryville 213 Philadelphia 1 Stantonville • Hickory Valley 3 Mason 7 Pigeon Forge 76 Surgoinsville 5 Hohenwald 58 Maury City 4 Pikeville 20 Sweetwater 54 Hollow Rock 3 Maynardville 7 * • • Piperton Tazewell 11 Horns beak Medina • • Pittman Center 4 Tellico Plains 7 Hornsby Medon l • • Pleasant Hill Tennessee Ridge 4 Humboldt Memphis Portland 52 Tiptonville • Hunt ingdon 2 45 Michie * • • Powell's Crossroads Toone Huntland Middleton 6

225 224 Townsend 1 Tracy City * Trenton 74 Trezevant 7 Trimble * Troy 10 Tu llahoma 176 Tusculum 2 Union City 122 The Municipal Te chnical Advisory Service (MTAS) is a statewide Vanleer * agency of The University of Te nnessee's Institute for Public Service. * Viola MTAS operates in cooperation with the Te nnessee Municipal League in 3 Vonore providing technical assistance services to officials of Te nnessee's Walden 3 Wartburg 9 incorporated municipalities. Assistance is offered in areas such as Wartrace 7 accounting, administration, finance, public works, ordinance codifica­ Watauga 1 tion, and wastewater management. Watertown 8 Wave rly 41 Wayne sboro 23 Westmoreland * Wh ite Bluff 4 Wh ite House 19 Wh ite Pine 12 Wh iteville 7 Whitwe ll * Wil 1 iston * Winche ster * Winfield 1 The DIRECTORY,pub lished annually, is available free of charge to Woodbury 21 Te nnessee local, state,and government officials and to ot hers for Woodland Mills 0 Yorkville 0 $35.00 each.

Not reported

Municipal Te chnical Advisory Service The University of Te nnessee 891 20th Street Knoxville, TN 37996-4400 (615) 974-5301

226 The University of Tennessee does not discriminate on the basis of race , sex , color , religion , national origin, age , handicap, or veteran status in provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits .

The Univers ity does not discriminate on the basis of sex or handicap in the education programs and activities which it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Pub.L. 92-318; and Section 504 of the Rehabi litation Act of 1973, Pub.L. 93- 112; respectively. This policy extends to both employment by and admission to the University.

Inquiries concerning Title IX and Section 504 should be directed to Mr . Charles E. Shoopman , Jr ., Executive Assistant , Institute for Public Service and Statewide Division of Continuing Education , 109 Student Services and Administration Building , Knoxvi lle , Tennessee 37996- 0212, ( 615) 97 4 -6621. Charges of violation of the above policy should also be directed to Mr . Shoopman .