Watford Grammar School for Boys Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD18 7JF. Telephone: 01923 208900 Fax: 01923 208901 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.watfordboys.org Twitter: @WBGSExcellence Fullerian 2015-16 The Fullerian 2015-16 Headmaster’s Notes 1 Drama 70 Interview with Mr Cooksey 2 Art 75 School Life 4 Sport 78 English 28 University/College Entrants 94 Trips and Exchanges 34 Staff Leavers 96 CONTENTSClubs and Societies 58 School Prizes 99 Students’ Work 60 Acknowledgements 101 Music 62 Editor: G Aitken Student Editor: Deven Voralia 10N Cover Design: Jesse Rist L6T Design: Many thanks to John Dunne. Thank you very much to all those who helped with the production of this year’s Fullerian. Watford Grammar School for Boys Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD18 7JF. Telephone: 01923 208900 Fax: 01923 208901 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.watfordboys.org Twitter: @WBGSExcellence Student Editor Front Cover by Jesse Rist L6T Many thanks again to The idea behind my design for the Fullerian cover was to have all Deven Voralia who has, parts of the school coming together to form one great structure with an almost ruthless towering up into the sky. Each section represents a different efficiency, chased up block or subject at the school, with it all working together to articles. Those teachers form the tower. The older main school building forms the base who thought they had of the tower, highlighting the school’s grounding in rich and some relief when Deven wonderful tradition, whilst the crane and construction above went off to do his GCSEs is to symbolise how the school is still growing and expanding; were unprepared for physically and academically, helping its students to reach new his ability to combine and greater heights.