Grey Mackerel Information Valid As of Feb 2012

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Grey Mackerel Information Valid As of Feb 2012 A Vulnerability Assessment for the Great Barrier Reef Grey mackerel Information valid as of Feb 2012 protection via the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Summary Plan 2003 and Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Diversity Zoning Plan 2004 (Qld) (provides complementary protection of coastal and some estuarine waters); inshore Single species – Scomberomorus semifasciatus (Family conservation areas such as the Queensland Government's Scomberidae) Dugong Protection Areas and Fish Habitat Areas; other 5 Susceptibility additional tools (refer Management table, p. ). Although the species is fast growing and highly fecund Existing management actions (high production of spawn), they form aggregations which A number of management actions are in place in the are predictable enough (spatially and temporally) to be World Heritage Area that 'operationalise' legislative targeted by experienced fishers. management tools and provide additional guidance and/or Major pressures strategic direction for Marine Park mangement operations. These include: Commercial and recreational fishing, coastal development and catchment run-off (and various combinations of • The joint Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority these). (GBRMPA) and Queensland Government Field Management Program that enforces spatial protection Cumulative pressures provided by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Grey mackerel are a species primarily associated with Zoning Plan 2003 inshore habitats and are exposed to cumulative pressures • Queensland Government management arrangements resulting from commercial and recreational fishing, coastal under the East Coast Inshore Finfish Fishery and development and declining water quality. If these implementation of a total allowable commercial catch pressures are not managed effectively they are able to act (TACC) of 250 tonnes in 2009, size limits for in combination and compound over time and/or when commercial fishers (60 cm total length), size and bag applied over the same area. They are often difficult to limits for recreational fishers (60 cm total length and quantify due to the incremental nature of their effects five in possession) under the Fisheries Act 1994 (Qld) which makes targeted management difficult. Climate change is predicted to add an additional dimension to • Addressing catchment water quality through the Reef these pressures, which are likely to impact both directly on Water Quality Protection Plan 2009 the species and indirectly on their habitats and the • The Great Barrier Reef Biodiversity Conservation availability of prey species. Strategy 2012 with suggested points of action for the Management in the Great Barrier Reef and conservation of grey mackerel as identified through adjacent areas in Queensland the vulnerability assessment process. Legislative management tools for the conservation of grey Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009 mackerel that occur in the Great Barrier Reef World assessment Heritage Area (the World Heritage Area) include spatial No assessment provided for this species. Grey mackerel, Scomberomorus semifasciatus. Photo courtesy of Graham Cumming 1 A Vulnerability Assessment for the Great Barrier Reef Grey mackerel Vulnerability assessment: Medium, particularly the potential for localised depletion Suggested actions to address of spawning aggregations. vulnerabilities • Grey mackerel are sought after by commercial, • The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 20094 has recreational and Indigenous fishers. identified fishing of spawning aggregations is a • The minimum legal size (MLS) for retaining grey 'high-risk' activity. It is suggested the potential mackerel (60 cm total length (TL)) is significantly impacts of targeted fishing of grey mackerel smaller than size at sexual maturity for females aggregations be considered in any stock (65-70 cm fork length (FL)).1 For males, size at assessment for the management of the species. sexual maturity is 55-60 cm (FL), which equates to • Management must focus on those pressures that can a total length between 64 and 69.5 cm be addressed such as habitat protection, reducing the respectively.1 This means that that a MLS of 60 cm remaining pressures from fishing, and implementing TL allows for the retention of a proportion of the conservation actions for grey mackerel already at risk immature male and female population. from other cumulative factors. • Recent research indicates grey mackerel exist in • A risk assessment for inshore biodiversity to inform two discrete populations on the east coast of priority management actions aimed at reducing the Australia and there is further indication there may pressures experienced in these habitats would assist also be smaller meta-populations at the embayment management of grey mackerel. The assessment scale. The possibility of embayment-scale meta- needs to be informed by programs developed to better populations should be considered when undertaking understand the cumulative impacts affecting grey stock assessments and the potential for localised mackerel (and many other species) in inshore stock depletions. habitats, including a better understanding of the • Grey mackerel are likely to be impacted at the local remaining impacts of fishing and impacts of habitat level by coastal development and catchment run-off loss and degradation caused by coastal development, due to their dependence on coastal habitats. These climate change and declining water quality due to impacts are closely linked with habitat loss and catchment run-off. degradation associated with increasing coastal • Continue to develop management processes that population, variable and extreme weather events engage stakeholders at a local or regional scale. associated with climate change and ongoing water Regional management arrangements provide a quality issues due to catchment land-use practices. framework to address the varying pressures on • Anecdotal information indicates there may have coastal and estuarine habitats and increased fishing been localised depletions of grey mackerel in some pressure. areas which may indicate the need to consider • Consider regional management of stocks to address fishery management at the regional or local level. the separate and distinct management units of grey • There is significant year to year variability in grey mackerel that are becoming apparent. mackerel catches, which is likely to be attributed to • Support and facilitate additional research on stock fishery-dependent factors as well as seasonal and structure, catch and effort, size and age class environmental factors, particularly rainfall variability. composition of grey mackerel to inform stock This may leave grey mackerel vulnerable to assessments. Until such time, the current suite of management arrangements that are not adaptive to management arrangements for grey mackerel should seasonal or environmental variabilities. be regularly reviewed by fisheries management • Climate change is recognised as a source of stakeholders with the degree of caution appropriate for potential impacts for tropical coastal fish, which is the given level of science and information available.b likely to cause highly variable and unpredictable • Continue to use the latest information on the effects.2 Grey mackerel may be a species directly population ecology of grey mackerel to inform affected by climate change through the effects of management when conducting assessments of port ocean warming on metabolic growth and expansions and new development proposals within development rates or indirectly via impacts on the the World Heritage Area. inshore habitats and food webs they rely on (refer • Continue to support the Queensland Government in Key concerns, below). their on-going efforts to ensure commercial logbook • The Queensland Government determined the stock data for catches of grey mackerel are validated using status of grey mackerel to be 'uncertain' in 2010.3,a a fisheries-independent observer program and best practice recommendations from the Independent review - proposed management arrangements for a The Queensland Governments’s determination of species stock status Queensland's East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery.5 is updated annually and published to fulfil their annual reporting obligations. • Work with fisheries managers and commercial fishers b That is, that reflects the precautionary approach to ecosystem-based to better quantify discard rates and post-release fisheries management that is provided for within the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations' Code of Conduct for mortality of grey mackerel. Responsible Fisheries26 and as analysed by Garcia et al.(2003).27 2 Grey mackerel Background Brief description of grey mackerel Grey mackerel (Scomberomorus semifasciatus, Family Scombridae), also known as broad-barred mackerel, are one of four species of small mackerel (including school, spotted and shark mackerel) that inhabit the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (the Marine Park).6 Grey mackerel have faint broad vertical bars on their flanks when dead which are much more prominent when freshly landed. However, to an inexperienced eye, it can be difficult to discriminate between grey mackerel and other small mackerels. Grey mackerel grow rapidly, attaining a maximum size of 10 kg and 120 cm fork length (FL). Male and female fish attain sexual maturity at 55-60 cm and 65-70 cm FL respectively, at approximately two years of age.1 At present, the minimum legal size (MLS) of grey mackerel is 60 cm total length (TL) and the recreational bag limit
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