Summary from 21st session

SKOPJE, 12/27/2011 – on the 21st session, the Broadcasting Council processed the information in terms of the respect of the obligation of the satellite televisions to broadcast through satellite as their primary broadcast. Because of the collection of additional facts in terms of the satellite transmission, the Broadcasting Council decided to give the four satellite broadcasters (BM Television; Nasha TV; Jungle TV and Perspektiva TV- Sky Net Plus, every one of them from Skopje) a deadline until the 15th February to regulate their working according to the Broadcasting Activity Law and with the granted license. The Broadcasting Council decided to notify the Public Enterprise Macedonian Radio Television on the conducted measures by the Broadcasting Council related to their demand to take measures against Alfa TV, related to the fact that the stated broadcasters removed the violations from article 61 from the Broadcasting Activity Law in the first following episode of the series: ‘’Life – 20 years of independence’’. The Proposal on the program of the Broadcasting Council for 2012, as well as the ‘’Report from the Second Working Meeting and Presentation of the Draft-Report of the Republic of Macedonia on the middle term universal periodic overview’’ and the ‘’Report on the Participation at the Regional Seminar ‘’Gender Equality and Media’’ were adopted. On the session, the Council’s members analyzed also the concluded violations of the Broadcasting Activity Law at the local televisions. Most frequent violations are related to disrespect of the regulations on protection of minor audience as well as on the regulations on advertising. Number of pronounced notifications and measures according to broadcaster: Kochani: TV Kochani: 4 notifications TV Kanal 8:3 notifications Sveti Nikole: TV Svet: 2 notifications and 1 written warning : TV Nova: 2 written warnings and 6 notifications TV Dalga KRT:2 written warnings with a commitment for publishing TV Festa: 3 notifications and 1 written warning with a commitment for publishing TV Hana: 5 notifications

Summary from the 20th session

Summary of the 18 th session