The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Sfe* -'»! ^Vjf :».'.• ^ '^i^. 1 % 9 s rr^ ^^ j^^^.ss^ T^^" Tf^^'f^^^^'' FEATURES 8 Yves Simon at Notre Dame 10 Unification Update: Procedures Unite 12 Welder on Saturday 15 The Men from U.N.D.E.R.C. VOL. 49. NO. 5 OCTOBER, 1971 DEPARTMENTS 3 ND News James D. Cooncy '59 19 Old Faces-New Places ExECtrn\-E DIRECTOR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EDITOR 20 Class Notes Timothy J. Hughes '61 MANAGING EDITOR 37 Graduate Schools Geoi^e A. Scheuer '28 CHIEF COPV Eorroa 39 Club News James Fanlo '73 EDITORIAL ASSISTA-VT 44 On Record M. Bnicc Harlan '49 CHIEF PHOTOCRAFHER 48 Alumni Ask ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS " 50 Alumni Speak Donald F. O'Brien '42 HO.NORARV RtESIDE-\T Photo credits: cover and back cover, Patrick J. Gibbs '72; p. 10, Joe Cottrell '72; Robert A. Erkins '45 pp. 12-13, Bruce Harlan '49. PRESIDENT John T. Massman '56 VICE-PRESIDENT, .^DMINISIKATIVE AFFAIRS Frank L. McGinn '52 IN LOCO PARENTIS VlCE-PhESIDENT, ALUMNI AFFAIRS Robert L. McGoldridi '55 VICE-PRESIDENT, STUDENT AFFAIRS One of the hottest issues on campus racy led to something called hall Leonard H. Tosc '37 early this fall was not who would be autonomy. Each hall made up its own ViCE-PiiEsiDENT, ACADEMIC AFFAIRS James D. Cooncy '59 the starting quarterback, but does the rules for the members to follow. This ExEcuTi\-E DIRECTOR University have the right to tell the has worked well in halls with strong Michael E.